earsplittingtrumpet · 10 months
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from Hinako Sugiura's Oreillers de Laque (Futatsu Makura)
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uss-sonder · 5 months
Crew of the USS Sonder [updated once again]:
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From left to right: Exlar, Pollux, Tav, Niph, Teshan, Zohar, Raen, LB, Thompson, M'Row, Darha
Laqus T. Raen (they/any) is explained here. Thank you @whirligig-girl for helping me name them!
Exlar, Tav, Thompson, M'Row and Pollux are explained here.
Teshan, Darha and Zohar are explained here.
LB is explained here and Niph is explained here.
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anon-e-has-a-tmblr · 7 months
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Ya boi is making a shelf
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weaselchild · 8 months
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Some Palia OC dump
His name is Laque and he shares a house and plot with some of his friends and spends most of his time at home doing the cooking and furniture mending. On the off chance he goes out other than for his daily walk to chat to the Kilima villagers, he goes mining to hang out and flirt with the townsfolk a little
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saigon-song · 1 year
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Beauté suprême de la laque de Nguyễn Gia Trí (1908 - 1993) au musée des beaux-arts de Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville
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conflictedrider · 8 months
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Been doing up Laque's room and little art station/ideas area in there
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sketchonista · 11 months
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Awake MOde FW23 shot at Paris Fashionweek
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bearbench-img · 16 days
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会津塗は、福島県会津地方に伝わる伝統工芸品で、漆器の一種です。その歴史は 500 年以上前に遡り、会津地方の豊かな漆器製作の歴史の一部となっています。その美しいデザインと優れた職人技で知られています。伝統的なデザインは、しばしば自然からインスピレーションを得ており、花、葉、鳥などのモチーフが含まれています。会津塗の特徴は、漆塗りの層の下に金箔や銀箔を使用することが多く、豪華で華やかな外観を作り出しています。
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freakova · 6 months
Why has this been sitting in my inbox for 4 months and I'm only now seeing this hello?
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earsplittingtrumpet · 10 months
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from Hinako Sugiura's Oreillers de Laque (Futatsu Makura)
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uss-sonder · 2 months
The Crew of the USS Sonder [yet another update]
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Top row, from left to right: Saharin W. Exlar. Tenfold Pollux, At'Han Tav, Avyn Niph, Voyager Teshan, Zohar, Laqus T. Raen, Lovebug, August Thompson, M'Row, Darha-evh-te-Anmon-te-Atersu, Solak.
Bottom row, from left to right: Ren Makhat [designed by @justsomeskullkid], Sovanid [designed by @vaguely-wormlike], {no name yet} [designed by @thatfoxdog], {no name yet} [designed by @the-vulcan].
This is my Star Trek OC side blog, main is @headphones-lifeform!
Refsheets and lore beneath the cut. [I use the rainbow flag to mean queer but unlabeled]
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Saharin Exlar is the commanding officer of the USS Sonder, a small starship with a crew of circa 200. Exlar likes the idea of having a found-family dynamic with their crew and is hoping to achieve that kind of relationship with them. Due to their telepathy/empathy being somewhat overwhelming, they struggle with differentiating between their own emotions and those of others. Because of this they struggle with recognising their personal identity.
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At'Han Tav is the first officer of the USS Sonder. More about her species here. Tav is trying her best to learn the customs and social norms of the other crewmembers, but is still feeling a bit out of place. Despite the initial awkwardness, Tav means well and tries her best to be as kind as possible to the others- occasionally too much so. She likes bizarre humour and art, but is somewhat embarrassed by it.
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Tenfold Pollux is a helmsman on the USS Sonder. Having been taken from her pre-warp home planet by space pirates, Pollux has been secretly planning to try and contact it- defying the Prime Directive. She is very expressive, often blinking her bioluminescent forehead marking for emphasis. She has a sarcastic sense of humour and an easy time making friends.
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Avyn Niph is a navigator on the USS Sonder. Niph originally joined Starfleet on impulse as an act of rebellion against xeir parents, but has since settled into xeir role. Xe is trying to think things through more often, but is having a difficult time. Niph is good friends with LB, and they enjoy running holodeck simulations together.
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Voyager Teshan is the chief science officer of the USS Sonder. Teshan was, in fact, named after the starship, and used to find her name rather embarrassing [at the academy she went by Inkmouth, as she has a tattoo on her tongue]. She tends to act cold and snappy and naturally favours plants over fellow humanoids. However, she is friends with Tav, who helps her out with the botany labs. She has some romantic feelings towards Tav, but falsely believes them to be unrequited. Exlar has to silently suffer because the constant mutual pining on the bridge is giving them migraines.
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Laqus Raen is a scientist specialising in astrophysics on the USS Sonder. Raen is very intelligent and has a great sense of aesthetics, often decorating themselves with model planets and stars. They tend to avoid conflict but love social situations, meaning they often go to the ship's recreational areas only to leave minutes later. They enjoy water and have a shallow pool in their quarters.
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Zohar is a scientist specialising in astronomy on the USS Sonder. Zohar is my self-insert character, who recently underwent a retcon to make them more Vulcan and more mentally healthy [and more blue-haired]. They are recovering from depression and are rather unsure of who they want to be now. Other than the sciences, they also appreciate the arts and make electronic songs on the side. An alternate-universe Q Zohar also exists, but prime-universe Zohar is unaware of this.
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LB is a scientist specialising in xenobiology/exobiology on the USS Sonder. As seen by their chosen form, LB has a special interest in sloths. They appreciate all creatures, but tend to favour ones they find cute. They sometimes space out during away missions, a fact that embarresses them greatly. They have a good eye for detail and give excellent hugs.
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August Thompson is the chief medical officer of the USS Sonder. During what would be the first season of this story, Thompson is suspected by many to be a Q. At the season finale, the Q continuum investigates and finds out that Thompson's telekinetic abilities have a different source- a wormhole he and his friend Solak were exposed to as children. It is revealed later that two energy beings escaped the wormhole and merged with Thompson and Solak. Thompson has rather low self-esteem and is often anxious [Solak is trying to help him with that].
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Solak is the chief security officer of the USS Sonder. Solak transferred to the Sonder after what would be the season 1 finale, reuniting with her childhood friend Thompson. She is more confident than her counterpart, as well as cunning and strategic. She likes to experiment with her abilities, often making random objects float.
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M'Row is the chief engineer of the USS Sonder. M'Row left his former assignment at a starbase in order to look for his partner R'Tess, whos ship mysteriously went missing [I wrote this before I watched Prodigy, Paramount please don't sue me]. He feels a sense of responsibility for the other crewmembers, and sometimes they keep him up at night. He enjoys cooking and often makes snacks for the others. He laments the fact that he cannot drink coffee.
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Darha-evh-te-Anmon-te-Atersu is an operations officer on the USS Sonder. Darha comes from a planet divided into factions, each devoted to a different science. She comes from a group of Atersu- the astronomy faction- who teamed up with other factions in order to develop warp speed. She is exceedingly loyal, quick-thinking and often wild with her ideas. A good person to have on any away mission.
I hope you enjoyed! Going to learn animation in September so I can make their show real. If it works out it will be released here and maybe on YT.
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xjongin · 1 year
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Midcentury Family Room Large 1960s open concept marble floor family room library photo with green walls
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weaselchild · 8 months
Tw: Glitching and unsettling creatures
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Sometimes you just gotta ignore the horrors only you can see and get some work done at 3am
It's getting worse
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serialthrill · 1 year
Enclosed - Contemporary Family Room
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Inspiration for a contemporary enclosed medium tone wood floor and brown floor family room library remodel with white walls and a concealed tv
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conflictedrider · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @sirius-bus1ness
Three ships: usually wind up doing OCxOC KALDSFHLKH but uhhhh Tsukkishima/Yamaguchi (Haikyuu!!) Azrael/Abbadon (Darksiders) I ship other ppl’s ocs does that count ????
Last Song: Monastery in Disguise. It’s a fucking banger i LOVE it
Last movie: probably like... uh,,, Avatar (the blue people)
Currently reading: Rereading Dracula aksdfhlk
Currently Watching: Nothin. I dont tend to watch stuff alksdf.
Currently Consuming: Ice cream with frozen mango pieces
Currently Craving: see above lmao
uhhh i dont interact with ppl lkasdhf
@eeriefeelingsat3amuwu @ohmygillygoshoppler @danikoshi uhhh.... well i guess do it if you want kasdhfl
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