#lassy I love
jester-ray-fizz · 1 year
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she is real 😭
a couple facts for this design
she’s looks kinda young but she’s actually pretty old around 35-40
In her glory days she was considered a top level fighter and almost made grand master status but couldn’t because the life style she wanted didn’t fit with the requirements for being a grand master.
she used to be in a team of other apprentice eucarians who also fought along side her to get stronger.
it was after their training was finished that they all went their separate ways to live out their own lives for the first time in over two decades.
she lives with her family in a pretty rural area not many people know about, she enjoys spending her time grazing the fields at night.
She still has some contact with her old friends but it’s pretty sparse, only her two closest friends really get to see her often.
she’s always been really mischievous and kinda mean but she’s fun mean :)
she’ll playfully tease anyone she likes as a form of endearment.
she used to have big wings she could fly with but after one particular fight they were ripped off almost completely leaving them completely useless, she remedies this by wearing a big cape she uses to glide around since flying is no longer an option.
Her kids love to steal and play in it when she’s not looking.
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mytardisisparked · 10 months
The reason Psych is the Important Show of All Time is because it said "friendship is the MOST important thing." Like, yes, the romances were good but the show spends even more time emphasizing and developing the friendships and that's why it rocks. Lassiter and Juliet love and support each other unconditionally without even the slightest whiff of romance and it is SO. REFRESHING. When Juliet almost dies, Lassie sacrifices his favorite gun to save her without any hesitation. He's the one there to hold her while she cries. She's his confidant. She leaves everything she knows behind so he can chase his dream of being chief without reprocussion. That's a deep, wholesome kind of platonic love. They also never had Shawn be jealous of how close Jules and Lassie are - instead, in the final episode, we see Shawn thanking Lassie for loving and supporting Juliet. We simply don't do that jealousy crap here. Lassie and Jules are best friends and that's an excellent thing. And then there's Shawn and Gus. Those characters are narratively and physically inseperable. The show makes it VERY clear that, without the other, neither one is complete. They balance each other and exacerbate each other's hijinks at the same time. They're closer than close and everyone around them just accepts it. It's just the way those two dumb boys are and no one is going to try to get between that. And then, of course, SO many friendships develop over the course of the show. Lassie and Shawn form a begrudging friendship eventually. Juliet and Karen end up bonding more than I think either expected. Friendship is the beating heart of this series and it's presented in a way that is unique and fun and I just don't see a lot of other shows that do it like Psych did.
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junebugdunes · 3 months
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watch me bring nothing new to the table of a 17 y/o show fandom
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Juliet definitely deserves more love. She's not only sweet and funny, but also exceptionally intelligent and successful in her job. Her charming personality shines through in everything she does. Moreover, her remarkable qualities extend beyond her professional life as she proves to be a loyal friend and partner.
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Shawn Spencer, the man you are, I wish he rolled up in a dinosaur costume more often, I think that would’ve helped your psychic abilities soar
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starfish-spencer · 3 months
Jules and Lassie's friendship has me feeling soft y'all. Shawn and Gus have their own traditions and inside jokes and I bet that Jules and Lassie start to develop the same things. They go out to eat together and have movie nights at each other's places every week. Jules lets Lassie infodump about US history and guns as long as he wants and Lassie (begrudgingly) lets Jules paint his nails. They chat about all the latest gossip in the SBPD and gush over their crushes together. They tell each other (almost) all their secrets. Lassie stays with Jules 24/7 after the clock tower and comforts her when she and Shawn temporarily break up. Jules is one of the only people to see Lassie truly break down and cry and she holds him for as long as he needs and tells him that they're going to be okay. They have their own jokes that nobody else gets that they whisper to each other and giggle at. They laugh until neither of them can breathe. They hug each other every morning when they arrive at the station and when they leave, and casually hold hands. They started out as just coworkers but by the last few seasons they are basically platonic soulmates, parallel to Shawn and Gus. And I love that. I love them.
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starzknight · 18 days
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Studies cause i AM LEARNING how to draw my man
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assiraphales · 7 months
man I wish I could ship tension filled enemies to lovers // love and hate blur relationships because i see the appeal i do……..but I just cant. I just can’t! I will be choosing the soft friends first duo who’ll stay by the others side for as long as they can every time. there’s nothing I can do about it
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queercodedcowboy · 3 months
say what you will about television but i truly dont think there will ever be a better show than psych
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maddiehanmybeloved · 10 days
You know who this mf look like, low key?
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marigoldforking · 2 months
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Is this sliglty old tv show? Yes. Do I absolutely love him and would do anything for him? Yes
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mayatuks-catastrophe · 2 months
this is both hilarious and kind of sad
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idyllphile · 6 months
he's middle-aged. he's divorced. he has three friends max and he met them all at work. he calls his gun his baby. he's socially awkward and chronically grumpy. he's pansexual and his mother is a lesbian. his surrogate father-figure was a cowboy. as a child he wrote a letter to President Gerald Ford saying he loved him and wanted to protect him. he participates in Civil War re-enactments. he deliberately built up a tolerance to chloroform. he's autistic. he owns a sword. there's nothing he can't do (besides solve crime faster than the man with unmedicated ADHD who's pretending to be psychic)
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junebugdunes · 3 months
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woah check it out I do backgrounds??? this is really messy but this shot was too fun not to redraw
grungy reference photo under the read more
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ari-or-art · 18 days
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Character art of Lassie from Psych
I reserve the right to make Lassiter a dorito man.
I truly believe in my heart of hearts that Lassie would dream of throwing books at Spencer. And dream of his downfall. Normal rival things.
Also, I can’t draw guns and unfortunately, I can’t remember what he named his (I’m fairly certain he mentions naming his gun(s)?? But I’m still on season one of my rewatch and i think that’s mentioned in a later season) so I can’t tag it.
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creepyscritches · 4 months
The way I am a bottomless pit for the paneer butter masala the restaurant down the street makes... I put myself in a food coma last night from it (no survivors) and I'm already like "Man I could go for some butter masala and garlic naan"
Maybe this means I should learn to cook this dish next 🤔
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