#last time this happened it was before i went on a plane to texas. dont let me do this
daeivs · 6 months
to my friends: if we ever go to a seafood restaurant together and i mention something about trying the shrimp... do not... let me...
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
join me?
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title: join me?
pairing: Jared x reader
rating: 18+
fluff: single parent AU
kink: shower sex
tags: shower sex, single parent x single nanny, vaginal penetration, climax, asking someone you know to become your partner in raising your child
summery: not telling
mentioning @sweetness47​
created for @spnfluffbingo​ @spnkinkbingo​
kink list   fluff list
the following AD you had placed on all the job boards:
“if you are a Single parent in need of someone to move in to help look after your kids, clean, cook for you Im that person. obviously i can cook, clean, drive, shop for groceries you know the esentials. basically anything you would require of me i can accomplish. call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx, to discuss details. sincerely YN. PS im willing to relocate if needbe. thank you for reading this.”
just like that it was done, it was posted. now, all you had to do was wait. someone was bound to call eventually. 
after 3 weeks you were about to re-post the ad, your phone rang. someone from san Antonio, as far as you were concerned you knew of no one who lived in that corner of the world. 
you took a chance and answered the call. 
YN: hello!
Jared: yes, im looking for YN
YN: thats me
Jared: perfect, my name is Jared Padalecki. i’m a single father to a 4 year old boy named Thomas. he’s my mess maker & i love him to bits. but balancing between work and parenting is alot harder than most people think. my wife had divorced me she felt like i didnt care enough about her or the foundation she built, so one night she walked out and i havent seen her since. so anyway i was looking through the ads for live in nanny when i came across yours. your ad drew me to it, im sorry if this sounds too forward but its been hard. 
YN: not at all. so what are the terms of this job?
Jared: well, as we speak im just finishing the details of your flight to San Antonio which first of all i need your current location like where you are coming from and how much baggage you are bringing. 
YN: thats very kind of you to book me a flight. im coming from San Francisco with 3 suitcases and 2 carry ons. most of it are small keepsakes and other sich clothing items i pick up along the way. but not a big deal i just dont have a permenant home to leave anything at. so if you dont mind me coming with all my little nik naks and figurines...
Jared chuckled in the background before he spoke.
Jared: girl, i think we can deal with that. ill buy some wall shelves and a special case for your statues and figures, with enough room that should you want more you can get more. There will be a vehicle you can use to transport my son to school and do errands and stuff like that, there will be a spare room included for you with your own bathroom. The shopping can be done by you after you drop my son off to school on a day of your choosing. If you like all that your duties do not include yard maintenence. You are free to take my son out for shopping trips as well, you get a shared card to my all expense account to do all your spending for the house and for yourself. It goes straight to my account it's all good. I want your time here to be awesome.
YN: this is my cell, please tell me you have some good news about my flight details. 
Jared: check your texts. 
You check your messages before you go back to the call.
YN: thats a good flight, so what kind of plans are for when i get there. 
Jared: well if you want we can go get the groceries when you arrive, after we leave the airport. then we can go for lunch and get you a few pretty things. sign some bank papers to put your name in my accounts. 
Yn: that sounds good, I've just sent notice to my landlord, I'm just packing up some of my figures now. I'm gonna have to get my license and stuff switched over to Texas state license but I'm excited for this.
Jared: i know as am i its been a while since we had any type of female presence in the house. we havent any such thing, but tomorrow that all changes. i know that you are gonna bring a light into our lives that hasnt been here in well ever. 
YN: glad i can help, now lets see whats the day tomorrow yields. 
Jared: i am so excited, so is my son. he keeps asking when you are gonna be here. but it is gonna be a happy day tomorrow. i know that this is gonna sound strange, but i hope your the one that can save me.
you heard his tone change instantly, you felt the power coming from it. you felt the wet in your panties. you were not okay in the slightest. but you felt amazing at the same time. 
YN: i guess ill let you go. ill shoot you a text when i get to the airport. cause i want to help you. i want to be the one to save you. 
neither of you knew what the hell just happened, neither of you would remember what was said, at the end of it neither of you would be able to state the words of the other. it will remain that way till a different day in the near off future. 
Jared: ill see you tomorrow... YN.
YN: jared.
the call ended, it was the moment when you felt like you could breathe again. the moment when you felt as though it would be your last. the moment when you felt like you were on cloud 9. 
you went to the cornerstore to get a few travel items. a few other things as well. a lot of times before you travel you do this kind of big shop, but this time was not like most times. Jared was providing everything for you, you had to bring you and what you currently owned, as well as your documents and stuff like that. 
after cleaning most of what you could in the apartment, you set your alarm and went to bed. you woke up to your 6:00am alarm. it was a long time but you were also a good half hour to the airport. you wanted plenty of time for check in and travel distance. 
finishing packing, leaving your keys to the apartment in the hands of your landlord who helped you bring your bags out the front door. she wished you a safe trip and to call if you were ever in the area again. 
you brought your bags to the cab and got in. you told the driver to take you to the airport. upon arrival at the airport, the cab driver helped you load your bags onto a cart and drove off.  you pushed the cart into the airport, went to the check in desk. 
check in lady: may i see your ticket and passport please?
You hand over your ticket and passsport. the lady scans your ticket and hands both your passport and ticket back to you. 
check in lady: alright your good to go, the gift shop is open if you want to stop there, its just on your left passed security.
Yn: do I give you my suitcases! Well at least the ones that aren't carry ons.
Check in lady ushers for a security guard to come round to take the 3 suitcases from you. To which you smile and thank them and head off to go through security.
Security guard: please put all your bags in a bin, your jacket and shoes as well as your jewelry in this bin and then you can stand on this square we will bring you through and go from there.
you did as asked. you complied you went to stand on the square, were waved through, the thing didnt beep but you were still patted down and then given your stuff back.  sent on your merry way, you were happily walking through the airport again. 
you went to the gift shop, you were buying a few puzzle books to keep you entertained on the flight. as well as a dress off the rack and some playing cards (one of each type), and some statues. these ones were small but made you smile.
you paid for everything and then went to the bathroom to change and organize your bags. you come out of the bathroom, your hair is up in a ponytail. you go take a seat holding your passport and ticket. 
after half hour of sitting there, your flight number was called. You pulled out your phone, texting Jared.
Yn (by text): morning, I am about to board my flight
Jared (by text): morning, I hope you have a safe flight, Thom and i cant wait to see you. Thom made you a sign we will be holding it, you have my word and honor that we will be good, we will all get along quite good. 
YN (by text): of course, as do i. i look forward to getting to San Antonio and beginning a new life. the pre flight is starting ill let you know when i land. 
Jared (by text): have a safe flight. see you in a few hours. i gotta bathe the kiddo. 
The pre flight took a bit longer than you thought it would, but Jared's message was one you ended up saving as a screenshot. You listened to your music when the flight attendant said we were free to use the screens ahead of us and whatever else. 
You even did some puzzle books and wrote in your journal. 
You were nervous, of course you were nervous. This was the first time you were gonna meet a single dad and a son. Thoughts of what they might look like floated through your mind. The thoughts of the life you were stepping into were beyond what your mind could conjour. 
But the way he spoke to you said something about saving you, made you wonder if something more was happening to him. 
Something maybe in his past that might be coming after him now. There was a darkness in his voice that you couldn't shake. 
But you shoke it off, you were not gonna let these thoughts consume you. You waited for the hours to pass, and they did rather quickly. 
For what was once 30 mins that had passed, became an hour and a half. You were almost there. 8 am quickly turned into 1030am there was still half hour to go. 
This was it the landing checks the whole pack up whatever you took out, close the trays un recline your seats, take out and shut off your music speech came quickly. You put away the books and things, you held your phone in one hand using the other to get up form your seat. You followed the people out of the plane. 
You walked out onto the concourse and made sure you were lookin good before you stepped onto the escalator. 
Jared was watching, but when his eyes landed on you coming toward him he smiled. He couldn't help himself. A little voice in his head told him not to smile, but to jump you instead. Jared ignored that voice for he didn't want to do anything harmful with Thom around. Even then he wouldn't. he instead watched you walk toward him. 
Jared: YN.
YN: you must be Jared. It is a pleasure to meet you. 
You both shake hands but a spark flows between both of your hands. Before you place your bags on the ground and look at Thom. 
YN: you must be the little cutie. Did you make this sign all by yourself?
Thom nods and gives you a hug which you graciously return. You were feeling happy. 
Jared: i think we should go wait by the luggage bay so we can grab your luggage. Then we can head off for lunch and shopping and paper filling. 
YN: the luggage should have started coming out by now anyway right?
Jared: possibly. But i want to hear more about you, your adventures and can i just say that dress is delectable. 
There it was again, that deep dark tone to his voice. He now held his hand out for your bags as Thom was urging for you to carry him. Jared carried your carry ons, you carried Thom who just smiled happily. 
Jared: ive never seen Thom take kindly to anyone before. This is gonna work out just fine. 
YN: thom is so sweet, i look forward to working with him on a daily basis. I also look forward to helping you with the house. 
You smiled as thom came up to you and sat in your lap. Jared just watched amazed by your skill with kids. 
As the luggage came round you pointed out your suitcases to Jared who grabbed them placing them on the cart. 
You held thom who just contently hugged you. He nestled himself against the crook of your neck, soft snores filled yours and Jared's ears shortly after. 
Jared: he barely slept last night he was too excited. I'm not surprised that he is sleeping now. 
Jared says as you all walk to the car, Jared with the luggage cart, you holding thom. You gently placed thom in the car, you watch Jared place the luggage in the trunk. 
Jared: and you are the miracle worker, he is asleep. He will sleep till we wake him for lunch. He will also hopefully sleep through the bank and licencing appointments. 
Before he could say another word you went over and gave him a kiss to his cheek. The air between you both was growing thin. 
This would have been your first kiss if not for the fact that jared’s watch went off. 
Jared: we have to be at the bank in half an hour. Which is perfect but first i want to try something. Just dont move.
You didnt move you stood there as Jared slid his hand around your waist. And placed a soft kiss to your neck. Then moved to whisper in your ear. 
Jared: a little bit of food for thought. The darkness is growing inside me and i swear i will hold it back as long as i can. But you need to understand you are the only one who can stop the darkness. 
You went round to your side of the vehicle. Feeling a little flustered. Jared was behind you, you turned to see him, his eyes starring at you. His hand on your own, you feel a spark, you feel that same spark that you both had felt back in the airport, when you first met. 
The ride to the bank was good, you and jared talked and went over a list for shopping and made a list of things to do when you arrived to Jared’s home. You were done the bank & licensing appointments.
 Deciding that it would be easier pick up take out for lunch as Thom was still sleeping. Like he was out like a light. You guys were able to quickly go in follow the list and get everything on the list. Finally on the road with lunch and heading home to Jareds. 
YN: so i guess i will need to set up some stuff and unpack. 
Jared: ill even help you set up and build the shelving and things. Believe me your suite is gonna be your style when we are through with it. We are almost there. Then we will get you settled. And its still early in the day. 
YN: lets hope that we can get a majority of this done before thom wakes up. 
Jared: or at least un pack the car or have the lawn care people help with that as well. Ill just pay them extra for it.  
Within a few moments after that you guys pull dup to a gate, where Jared used a key card to open it. 
Jared: welcome to your new home YN! 
From that point in the day you and Jared and thom spent it getting acquainted, you did some schooling with thom, jaredd helped you set up your suite, Jared and you celebrated with a glass of wine each before bed from then on.  More little moments were stollen like the one that happened in the airport. 
Something worse would be a drift in the near future. you didnt know what but you had a feeling that something would come to light that you would never expect in a million years. 
~its now been 8 months and 12 days since you came to live with Jared and Thom. you settled in quite nicely. you drove back and forth to get thom to and from school, you cooked, cleaned and you happily did all the laundry. now we start our story again on the last day of school, with you just having picked up Thom from school and are in the car driving back home~
you had just gotten on the freeway Thom had passed out a while back for his afternoon nap. you were just happy for a small moment of peace and quiet. but your bluetooth came through the car at a volume that thankfully didnt wake Thom. 
you saw it was Jared so obviously you answered. 
Jared: hey hows it going?
Yn: good, thom is having a nap, im just on the freeway. how was work?
Jared: good, i couldnt wait for the day to be over. i have a surprise for you. 
YN: for me or for me and thom or for all 3 of us
Jared: call it a family surprise. 
YN: wait im part of the family. none of my jobs previously had ever considered me part of the family. its nice to finally be included in an actual family. 
you could hear jared chuckle before he continued to speak. 
Jared: i know you are new to the whole permenant family thing, and we are always gonna have a home here for you. but i want to celebrate the start of summer with a tradition. 
YN: something new or something old?
Jared: a new tradition one that starts as soon as you guys get home... 
YN: and will i need to pack a bag?
Jared: yes although i had my assistant at work go out and buy you a few new things for this trip today, so how long till you guys get home... 
suddenly thom pipes up from the background. 
thom: hi daddy.
Jared: hey little man, ive got a surprise for you when you and YN get home. 
YN: we will see you in 10 minutes jared. 
Jared: see you in the driveway 
the call ended and you handed thom a sucker from your center console. he smiled and giggled all the rest of the way home. you pulled into the driveway parking in your normal spot. 
Jared comes round to bring thom out first, after spinning him around before setting him down on the ground, he comes round to your side. he opens the door and extends his hand to you. 
he helps you out of the car, and walks you to the door. where you all enter before Jared send thom up to his room to get ready. guess he had told thom the secret before he told you, but you were now standing in the living room with Jared who turns to you.
YN: what is the big surprise, i assume you told Thom and thats why he ran upstairs all excited. 
Jared: i bought us a vacation house about 2 months ago. it is all season, and we get to go there and spend these next 6 weeks there. its in canyon lake about 2 hours by car. thom will probably sleep at least part of the way there. but YN i want you to know that i have a secret one that has me flustered enough to internally keep it from you for he is the glue that holds us together. but i wonder if perhaps we as in us 2 have a few things we can be together. 
before you could respond Jared leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to your lips, for those 2 seconds it was like heaven had shot you with an arrow.
Jared pulled back and began to walk toward the kitchen to pack some trip snacks and drinks. but before leaving you alone in the living room he spoke.
Jared: ill leave you with that food for thought for it will be something to definately make conversation about later.
That kiss, your only real first kiss. Made you extremely excited. But the drive the 2 hour drive had you all hot and bothered. you went to pack your stuff in your bag. well at least thats what you thought, when you got to your room, you saw a suitcase, one filled with yours and Jareds stuff. maybe you guys were traveling light or there was already stuff out there for you guys.
you packed your journals, some games and a few books and of course a deck of cards in your backpack. you wheeled the suitcase out of the suite while carrying the backpack. then you went back in to put your hair back.
you heard someone calling your name. you answered the call and heard footsteps coming to your room. you turned to see Jared standing there, like nothing had happened downstairs.
Jared: are we almost ready to go?
YN: almost. just gonna get into something a bit more vacay less public appearance. meet you down in 2... 
Jared: wear something sexy. i guarantee that you will be the hottest thing in the car. and you can pick the music. 
you grabbed something out of the closet and took it into the bathroom. you came out to see Jared standing not  facing you. till you would speak woulkd be when he would know you were there.
YN: does that mean we are bluetoothing it all the way there.
Jared: got the wireless charging pad installed and all ready to go. plus i hooked your phone to the bluetooth already. now when you are ready we will head out.
YN: i know. jared are we gonna discuss what happened between us downstairs?
Jared: that kind of talk is better suited for vacation. 
thom is waiting by the door, you and jared bring down the last of the stuff. thom just as excited about this vacation as any little child should be. everything was loaded in the car, you went to lock the house and set the alarm. but before setting the alarm, you said the one word that you were sure might confirm your suspicions. 
YN: christo!
the cross on the wall near by turned upside down. you finished setting the alarm after salting the doors and windows. only hoping that this would be easy, but now you were certain that you had figured out the darkness that Jared kept mentioning. 
you went to the car, sitting down you nodded at Jared to start driving. and it was declared right then and there that you all were officially on vacation. Thom sat quietly and eventually passed out. your music playing in the background, Jared realizing that Thom had fallen asleep moved his hand to rest on your thigh.
this made you look at him, the darkness in his eyes faded when you placed your hand on his. the darkness that starred at you, the way his hand tightened on your thigh. you were the luckiest girl in the world. you hoped that this vacay would yield the answers you hoped you didnt need. 
over the last little while you had done research on what you thought might be the darkness latched to Jared. after what happened in the house before you left with the cross. you were certain. Jared was possessed. and you had to stop this thing from doing something he would regret. 
your mind circled with those thoughts, but a voice brought you out of your own mind.
Jared: you have been quiet, is everythign alright?
YN: yes everything is fine. just going over the list and making sure we dont need to have the lawn people do any extra tasks while we are gone.
jared: why do you think we forgot something?
YN: its just a feeling. but its nothing to worry about. now when we get there i assume that we are gonne have a tour and a chance to unpack before we decide our first vacation activity.
Jared: i also hope you dont mind sharing a room with me. its a little 5 bedroom cottage but the 3rd, 4th and 5th rooms are supposed to be guest rooms. they only has a cot and no closet. we are just waiting on a few parts to be reno’d in there. 
YN: i think i can live with this arrangement. thom i assume is gonna be in a room close by.
Jared: yep he is at one end of the hall we are at the other. you know when i called you all those months ago, asking you to fly out here to help me, i was ready to give up on finding someone to help me take care of the house and Thom. but your ad made me have hope that maybe you would be the one that would save me.
YN: i think i know what darkness follows you but i wont know forsure until i can run a test. 
Jared: what kind of test
YN: one that would need to be done when Thom is asleep. one that i hope will either prove me right or prove me a liar. that is if your willing to try.
Jared: im willing to try anything.
YN: well then we will try it tonight after Thom goes to bed. 
neither of you had realized how much time had passed, then you saw a sign. Jared smiled.
Jared: we are close now.
YN: that sign that i just saw is that where we are going?
Jared: yep. once you se the place you will understand why i got it. and i sound proofed the master, just in case...
he winked at you as he slowed down at the edge of a driveway. he then guided your gaze to look ahead at the cottage that now stod before you.
Thom woke up shortly after you had pulled him out of the car. he rubbed his eyes and smiled as he ran toward the house, screaming happily as he approached the steps. where he waited for you and Jared. 
you both brought what you could while still having hands to open the door and help Thom up the stairs. jared unlocked the door allowing you and thom to walk through first. your eyes went wide at the first glance of your home away from home with Jared and Thom. 
this was gonna be an amazing vacation. you put down what you carried, as well as let go of Thom who was running around looking at everything. you spun round and somehow landed in the arms of Jared.
Jared: what do you think?
YN: what do i think.. this is amazing. i love this. this is incredible. i wouldnt trade this vacation for anything. honestly i would rather be no where else. im quite happy here. 
Jared: as in this home or my arms.
YN: both. jared, i i... 
just as your about to speak again. you and jared are interrupted by thom coming out of a nearby room half dressed. 
Thom: daddy, YN can we go swimming now...
jared set you back on your feet and you both laughed. 
Jared: in a few moments bud we gotta find the swim suits first. 
as Jared said that the attendants brought up the luggage. you looked at Jared who just smiled and whispered in your ear.
Jared: you have the summer off to relax for 6 weeks. just be normal with me and Thom. these next hours could prove several things for us. starting with lets take Thom swimming and then go from there. we will hopefully eat when we return. the attendants are already preparing supper. 
you could do nothing except smile. it was already turning into a really steamy vacay. you went to where you saw jared going through your shared suitcase. first chance you got you grabbed your bikini and cover.
you went into the nearby spare room closing the door behind you. you get changed, you could hear Jared ask one of the attendants to take Thom to find him a life jacket from the boat house. then you heard silence. 
then you heard the sound of the door knob turning, you were only half done tying your bikini. when Jared walked in shirtless and wearing his swim trunks. 
Jared: need help?
you froze in place at his words it was like your actions were not your own. it was a few seconds after that you felt his hands around your waist sliding slowly up your back.
Jared: i wish we had this place to ourselves. we would not be leaving that master suite for a while. 
YN: i wish Thom was asleep so i could take away your darkness. 
Jared: so you know what it is...
YN: yes and i need you alone when i take away the darkness, Thom would be in too much danger. dont worry you will be darkness free soon. you will be back in the light and free to live your live happy with me and Thom. im not gonna let this darkness ruin your life any longer. tonight it gets banished.
Jared: just gotta tire Thom out enough that he will sleep tonight. 
YN: well then lets not keep him waiting any longer. 
you and jared walk outside and down the path to the lake. you were amazed at the wonder and beauty before you. bout halfway to the lake, you were pressed against the back side of a nearby tree. Jared’s eyes darkened at the sight of you, the feeling of your body beneath his hands had him hard, you could feel it against your lower back. 
Jared: once Thom is gone to bed, I'm gonna make Jared watch through his own eyes as I fuck you into next week. Jared will never inhabit his body again.
You struggled slightly before speaking.
YN: i address the entity within, who are you?
Jared’s form just smiled evily at you, his hands still freely roaming your body. 
YN: well you should also know that you wont live long enough to fuck me into next week. im gonna expell you from Jared’s body and send you back where you came from. now i command thee for all that light brings give me Jared back immediately.
once you finished speaking Jared’s body fell to his knees, you kneel down to only be hugged by Jared.
Jared: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry
YN: don't worry, just calm down. That demon is gonna be gone when I do the ritual. Take a few moments to breathe, I'm gonna go sit on the dock where the attendant is in the shallows with thom. Just take your time.
You placed a kiss to his cheek, then walked the rest of the way to the lake. Upon arrival at the lake, you watched the attendant and Thom, playing in the shallow water.
Attendant: miss YN. Where is Master Jared?
YN: he will be along shortly he just wanted to check his messages make sure everything is running smoothly.
Attendant: then I shall stay down here with you both till he arrives. How do you like the place Miss?
Yn: it's gorgeous. I love it. I have never been invited to go on any type of vacation. Not even in my own family. So this was a really awesome surprise.
Attendant: that is so sad... Well to many more times like this then. Thom here is a amazing little kiddo, you have been working so hard master Jared just wanted to give you a vacation you wouldn't soon forget.
Thom meanwhile was just enjoying the water, his expression had a huge smile on it. He was wet head to toe and absolutely having fun!
You kept waiting on the dock for Jared to approach and for 10 min he didn't till you, looked and saw his form approach.
you sat on the dock and felt him slide down behind you, his legs are on either side of yours, his arms round your waist. you both sat there enjoying the view while Thom played with the attendant in the water below. neither you nor Jared felt like moving knowing that in a few hours you both would be expelling the demonic force that lay now dormant inside Jared. 
Jared: do you know what is better than sitting here on the dock.
YN: what
Jared: sitting on the dock with you surrounded by nature, this will be the best vacation ever once we get rid of the demon.
~time skip to a few hours later. after some swimming you all went back to the house for dinner. after dinner you guys played a game or 2 with Thom who then went with one of the attendants and had a bath, then it was time to put him to sleep. you and Jared read him a story, then he fell fast asleep. for he truely was tuckered out, you and Jared dismissed the attendants and locked the doors for the evening. you both went to the master suite as we return to the story.~
YN: i need to set something up first can you wait like 5 minutes before you enter the bathroom. oh and dont plan on showering in your trunks, and bring towels with you. i have a feeling like we will need them when we are done. 
Jared: ill see you in there.
you walk towards the bathroom, holding the prayer beeds in one hand and un doing your bikini in the other. you placed the bikini on the ground and set your phone on the counter. 
YN:  Exorcizo te, creatura aquae. In nomine dei patris omnipotentis et in virtute spiritus sancti.
you finished the incantation and placed the rosery on the shower head so it lands in the water. then you took one look out the window and just let the water run over your body. 
Jared walks in with nothing on he places the towels on the counter, you see him out of the corner of your eye.
Yn: join me?
Jared didn't need an invitation he was already climbing in behind you. For he knew that this was the only way to expell the demon.
You turned around and now faced him, you looked up at him holding his gaze you move him round so he is under the water.
His body starts shaking that's when you spoke again.
Yn: please let this work...
You had him lift you up so he was holding you as you slid down onto his cock, and spoke the incantation that hopefully would save his life. In other words bring his light fuller to push away the darkness.
Also there was a Devils trap in the floor where jard was standing you had the attendantz draw one, for the demon to be sent straight back to hell. With a clear voice the following words were spoken by you.
Yn: exorcisomus te, omnis immunus spirits, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursion infernalis adversarri, omnis legio, omnis congregato, insectas diabolicas, ergo dracto malidicte, eclesium secura fascious liberate, te regamous, audinos
At that point black smoke came out of Jared's mouth, and went straight through the floor. When Jared looked at you again his eyes were clear and he leaned you against the wall.
He began thrusting his hard cock in and out of your pussy. It was something that both of you had dreamed about for months.
His hard cock pounding your sensitive tender pussy. With each thrust you climaxed. But it was the kisses that left you both breathless.
The more he thrust the more he came. After 45 minutes and 16 climaxes for the both of you.
Jared set you down, helped you rinse off, both of you getting out after Jared turned off the water, Jared wrapped a towel round you, then he dried himself off.
Jared: thank you. Thank you for saving my life. But where did you learn to do that.
YN: too much research on the paranormal. I knew something was off and when that demon named himself I knew what I had to do. 
Jared: would you consider making your time here a role more permenant than just a nanny?
YN: what kind of role would that be?
you are immediately pickd up and placed on the bed with Jared crawling on top of you. he made love to you for a few moments before just curling up with you in his arms and muttered only 2 words before he crashed.
Jared: marry me
you used voice command to turn out the lights before passing out yourself. when you both woke the next morning with just a sheet covering your still cuddling forms. you blinked a bit before moving a piece of Jared’s hair out of his eyes. 
it was a few moments later that Jared stirred. 
YN: morning handsome.
Jared: that was the best ive slept in years. 
YN: do you remember saying anything after we hit the pillow last night.
Jared twists away from you for a moment and pulls something out of one of the drawers in his nightstand, before coming back to your embrace.
Jared: all this time i felt empty and now i want nothing more than to have you stay permenantly. YN will you partner with me in raising Thom full time, not as a nanny but as a step mom to him. YN i believ i already asked you this but will you marry me?
he reveals a small rose gold band with a 15k diamond in the center surrounded by your birthstone and Jareds birth stone. this made you nod alot, trying to find your voice as the cool metal band slid on your finger. 
YN: yes! yes yes yes!!!! but umm does this mean we dont have to leave this bed right away. 
Jared: i think that can be arranged besides its still early. its only 6am... we are still on work time. 
going back to cuddle mode you admired your new ring as Jared now once more wraped your form in his own, your leg draped over his hip and you guys were basically a free range pretzel. so to speak. it became the start of the life you always wanted something permenant and stable. not loose and ragged. 
goes to show love strikes when you least expect it.
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jackalopefreckles · 4 years
I feel like Ive aged at least 6 years since covid started. Im angrier. Less adapted to being outside then I used to be- which is saying a lot. This time last year I was?? Actually healthier mentally then I had ever been and looking forward to having the house alone for a month which?? Was the most freedom I wouldve ever had.
A lots fucking changed. I drove halfway across the country- all 30 hours at once with my big brother AND two elderly dogs, plus my cat. All animals on too many drugs (the vet said they couldnt overdose, and then failed to give any further instruction) cami peed on herself twice, unable to move. I had to waterboard her in Phoenix, a truly terrifying hell city where all the roads are raised and overlapping and its a hot as shit cause its?? What june?? Time was so fake this year I mustve just been stoned the whole time till I ran out of weed, and since moving its been a relief to be able to turn off the spinning anxious thoughts for a few hours
my big brother joined us. He brought a new dog with him which?? Is always a lot, plus I have this pack of dogs now cause the puppy wouldnt leave the super cancer ridden dog alone, and Im able to get her cbd regularly here, so shes always comfortable now instead of just?? Sometimes which is a lot nicer. We didnt think shed make it to chrisrmas. I thought shed die with me home alone to take care of everything, like always. It was almost a relief, I wouldn't have to coach my brother through the grieving process at least, and I had already finished. Its hard now even, for me to realize she might even have another christmas (but I wont hold my breath)
I feel safer going outside here then I did in Austin. I only went out a handful of times in texas, for the last few months I was ordering almost all groceries, and only going to the store once mask mandates were mandatory (theyre not anymore. Im so worried for texas. I missed a huge freeze by mere months. I dont think my elderly dogs wouldnt survived it. If I was alone with them, Im not sure I woudlve.
My parents took my brother to mexico with them. I begged them not to go, told them how irresponsible it was to travel across boarders. To visit an island and take all the plane germs with. I told them that even if my mom and brother were staying at home all day with me, my dad was still going to work and he didnt know what his coworkers were doing. That they wouldn't know what the people on the plane were doing. That at any point they could become the stupid americans that killed half an islands population.
They left a week after today last year. The boarders were closed the next day. Their friend has been traveling back and forth ever since. I have no idea how, except for the fact shes white and rich and wont hesitate to destroy a child, so I can only imagine how shed treat costomer service.
I will no longer allow this angry aggressive woman to ever make me feel bad, and I will allow myself to finally fight back. Im an adult, maybe not all the time (cause lets be real I'll always be a bit too eccentric for most) but when I get angry and allow myself that anger, it's not a bad thing. Anger doesn't have to make me feel like Ive done something wrong. Im usually very just in my actions, and I wont allow my parents influence to tell me all anger is misdirected and hurtful for reasons I couldnt understand. Its okay for me to be angry.
I think being alone with animals for months is at least reassuring that my childhood was unreasonable if nothing else. Which of course is a silly polite society term for pretty fucked, if nothing else.
My aunt had to gall to say weve had a good 2020 cause our family wasnt hurt, and I had to walk away from the zoom call. I haven't attempted communication with any of them since, not that I normally do. Of course none of us died, all rich old white people, most of them retired and able to stay home all day (not that all of them did, I learned about my grandfathers routine and just.. Im honestly surprised no one got it yet. Of course I knew from the beginning if anyone was gonna get it and die, it probably wouldve been me. Hence the 8 months of solitude before the move.
Was the move in August?? Im so unsure about time. Even with 2020 vision.
I tried to date when I moved here. Strictly on tinder. What was the point? On and off testosterone due to the wonders of texas, hadnt changed my body nearly as much as they should've a year after being on them. I look much more handsome now. Im also allowing myself to toss gender aside completely. He/him doesn't mean man, and they/them dont mean nonbinary, so why not mix them since Im?? Not really either.
It wasnt even a thought process like that to start. Much more "this is nice" which I think more gender should be allowed to be. Dont gotta be deep just comfortable.
I wont ever allow my parents to forget what they did. I ended up with three dogs I didnt want (I was so looking forward to not having any dogs) and I ended up taking care of my brother. Again. Its easier without my parents at least. Everything always is. My dogs are even happier. Cami finally isnt anxious 24/7. Again, a sad reminder my childhood wasn't great. Daisy is healthier. Trauma can be stored emotionally or with health issues, often both. I think the cancer dog getting better and?? Surviving and thriving so much longer then the vet said (how good was my old vet?) Is another unfortunate nail in thay proverbial coffin.
Im not as soft and openly loving. Im even more touch starved somehow. Harsher. I still want to choose love and compassion, but Im not letting myself fall into the trap of being so nice people wont be nice to you. Fighting back is something I wont feel shameful about, because it never stopped me from doing it completely anyway.
I was already reaching this on my own though. This was just more coffins, more nails. This didnt need to happen. We know our government let this happen. Its still letting it happen. Im not sure when Im getting my vaccine. My big brothers sick of quarentine and keeps trying to get us to go out. Sometimes I yield, and we go to a park, or the top floor of the parking garage. I get a vegan hotdog from nearby. We talk and laugh and were genuinely just. Boys being boys.
I shouldn't have to deal with parent shit anymore. I do though, especially since two out of three are unemployed and we can really only afford to live here cause of them (they owe me if anything though. Especially with my brother and these animals) I hope I can get a job soon. Or maybe even go back to school. Im lucky I had so much saved up (for top surgery, which I guess wont happen before Im 25 like I really tried for. I wouldve done it before now, but texas waitlists and rules kept holding me up. I literally went to an appointment in dallas, a 4 hour drive, just to found out the surgeon canceled on me for the second time)
Its incredibly depressing, and I know Im lucky to have had that stash. So many people didnt have anything and lost so much. People lost people. Half a million at this point. I remember when it got to 300,000 and I just?? Felt so awful it was so close to how many people we lost to AIDS. Its over that by so many now. It doesn't really stop, does it??
Is that catholic guilt?? Or maybe just irish guilt in general. Is it something I inherited or earned through all the end of the worlds and once in a lifetime recessions Ive been through. Im not sure how many off the top of my head, theyve been coming since I was so small and its always more and more. Im not even catholic anymore. I cant stop being irish though, even though the brits tried (and succeeded. Weve lost a lot. The current royal cotastrophy is bullshit as well, the only person who deserves a royal title is from Meniappolos
My home is decorate all inside for st patrick's day. My big brother loves it so Im going all out, and its def making me feel much more irish then usual (which is a lot Im over half)
I think I just wanted to say Im not the same. I hope I can still be happy an obnoxious is public. I wonder if I remember how
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mayraco · 4 years
Hi @taylorswift
I have seen that you are around, like us watching stories, so I was like maybe she will write a lot now we are lock down.
Here is an inspiring real life story for a broken heart just in case you want to write a broken heart song...
I dated a guy (I'm not gonna say his real name but let's named here Nathan) everything was fine a month after we met he told me I'm going on a trip with some friends to Europe so I won't be around for 2 wks, which I was okay because he told me ( I always appreciate honesty) in the trip was a girl, let's named Georgina, after he came back we keep talking and then I did a trip (oh BTW we dont live in the same cities this is a fact to keep in mind) I went to his city because I was traveling and we decided to go to Mexico city to watch NFL game in November (fun Fact I didn't watch any game before him) we keep in contact and guess what!!! another trip with some friends to Europe came again!! he told me and guess what!! Georgina was there, I didn't say anything because he said the key word, Friends! So when we where in mexico I asked about her and he told me that she was just a friend and he is going to another trip with her and that was the last one, he won't see her again, yes I know super red flag!!! but I don't know I really like him and he was telling me everything, that's what I thought :( our trip was really good after that I came back to my city because I was going to go to Dubai and he went to Guatemala (keep this in mind) even that we were in different time zones we keep in contact with no problem, December came and yes he went with Georgina to Perú, I didn't like it but he told me before, my birthday came and you know what you are so important in my life and he knew it so for my birthday he sent me a video playing one of your songs and sent a text message, I mean that was so cute! I loved it.
Same stuff we keep in contact and then March came we were traveling to Chicago for different reasons so I hangout with him and some of his colleagues, we went to a hockey game, to a concert, dinner.
We keep in contact and then may came (keep this in mind too) I didn't want to admit but I love him, we went to Houston the second weekend of May (basketball playoffs) and was awesome it was a perfect trip I actually talked with him that you will release soon your concert dates and if you released something from Nashville I would definitely go to that one and I want to do a roadtrip from south Texas to Nashville, 17 hrs driving and he said I will go with you, you always go to my stuff so I will go with you, I just love him, by that time I was in Austin, pretty much I was there half of the summer and he told me "I'm going to Austin" the weekend that he came I was going to come home plus he was with some colleagues, so I was okay, same than the past we keep talking but around June or July he told me I'm going to Puerto Rico he was in Miami so it was kind of a short trip, but I had the feeling that he was not alone, he even took a picture and had those sunnies that you can see everything and I super zoom in and I saw a girl but a friend told me "what if is a girl for a tour that could happen, you can ask for a picture" and I agreed but by August I felt like something change I knew it but we have planed another trip to mexico, I knew another girl came to his life not Georgina but I didn't know who was until she went to visit him and I saw her for first time and as a good psyco person I try to find who was her and I found it, she worked with him... I was sad, I was like what happened! we were fine!! you can just tell me I'm dating another girl, I mean will be sad but less hurtful.. here is another not fun Fact but a good one! she is from Nashville! He actually went to Nashville idk if was because of work or just pleasure but he post pictures in the office so I guess both, by that time I was like whatever! But there was something that really hurt me, he sent me pictures from you, they went to the taylor swift center, he knew that I wanted to go there, he said he was going to go with me!! but in reality he went with another girl, I was bad, I was like you can go whatever you want but why you sent me this! I knew was over but I want answers so November came and out trip too, we didn't stay together, near by but not in the same place, that was an awkward trip, sometimes was like the past but sometimes not, I didn't have answers on that trip we were just friends and then I was more brave on December 13th , yes on your birthday I sent him an email and he sent me a text saying I saw your email I will reply you back soon, what kind of text is that!!! , when he reply back said that there were feelings and connection with us but he wanted to try with Karen (not her real name either) by that time I was so sad, I felt weird we ended up by email! He went to visit his family (Sydney) and I was fine we knew it was over, on January 1st I went to Europe just to be alone, try to find myself again and it worked, I met some incredible people over there, my birthday came I saw the northern lights it was a good day, a couple days after my birthday I came back, I felt like a new me and then he sent "happy birthday" I was fine, at the end we said let's be friends (so stupid) he text me sometimes, he went to mexico with his parents and sent me a text "we have visited the same places we did" (kill me!! ).
so this week we discovered (we means me and my friend) that they were no longer together, can you believe it?? Karen and Nathan weren't together! so after some months idk what happened but they finish whatever they had! I was happy not gonna lie, I mean he said he wants commitment and 3 months after it's done, haha sorry but I was like you will never change!! but I also knew that he does not finish something if he doesn't have a backup and quarantine times came hahaha and I again I saw a story he doing FaceTime with someone and I saw a long black hair and I was like of course he has someone new! And I'm so good looking ( I told him that on our first date) so the other night I was like I need to know who is the new one, worst idea ever! First step check Instagram, likes and comments there were 3 girls that likes everything that he post but one left a comment and thanks God she has her insta public and I saw it, remember our trip to Houston well the weekend before our trip she went to San Francisco to see him, she actually have a picture and her caption is with Bae, OMG!! I don't feel sad any more I feel angry, stupid to believe in him!!! , then I saw another picture from Puerto Rico, I knew it he didn't went alone! And I was like since when?? !! Well she is from Guatemala so he probably met her after our first trip to Mexico. I felt so used, I honestly respect him even if he was traveling with "friends" because he always told me and now I know he was a liar, I know I saw many red flags but well soon or later the truth always came.
Thats my story of a bad love.
Hopefully see you in July!
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ktrsss1fics · 7 years
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There is a saying that says, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
In order for something to happen in Vegas, Georgina Ferguson needed to get to Las Vegas. She should have been getting ready for brunch with the girls but she wasn’t. She was currently stuck in a window seat on an overcrowded Delta plane at LAX. They had been stuck at the gate for the past forty-five minutes. She was on her way to meet her friends to celebrate Mags’ birthday and to watch Niall perform at the iHeartRadio festival.
At that very moment, she regretted her decision to book the flight. Her original plan was to drive out after work Friday night. She could have slept on the floor in Brittany’s room and enjoyed an extra night out with her friends. The universe had other plans for her. Georgina didn’t get out of the office until half past eight. By the time she finished packing, she’d be driving through the desert in the dead of the night. Too many dangerous hypotheticals had filled her brain so she decided against it.
Since arriving back from Aruba, she tried to be more of an active participant in her social life. She tried to not let work consume her. She spent a few nights a week bouncing between the homes of her friends. Most of those nights were filled with food and laughter. On the nights she wasn’t trying to change her friends’ perception of her, Georgina was sat in a theater room with a bottle of wine and a curious puppy.
Niall’s adoption of Scout had been beneficial to the entire group. They had something to occupy their time while he was gone. Scout took day trips with Britt and Dave, stayed the weekends with Mags and Jamie, and spent the rest of her time at Georgina’s flat. The little chocolate lab was a constant reminder of their Irish best friend. Everyone tried to spend as much time with her as possible.
When the plane finally was up in the air, Georgina used her time to mentally prepare for the weekend. Her itinerary included a little bit of gambling, some fun by the pool, and a good amount of alcohol. She had no issues with those plans. She had actually been looking forward to them all week.
There was one thing that she was worried about.
It was going to be the first time she’s seen Niall since he left.
They texted every day and FaceTimed when he could but things were different. She’d get to see him in the flesh for the first time in a month and she was nervous about it.
She was nervous that things were going to be different. She was nervous that him being away would change where things were headed. She was nervous that he had found someone new.
She knew it was her insecurities poisoning her mind. She hadn’t been in this phase of a relationship in a very long time. The last time she had a serious crush on someone was when she was thirteen. The last time she wanted to get to know someone better she still had posters of Take That on her walls. She felt like the rusted Tin Man in the forest and Dorothy hadn’t found her yet.
By the time she came out of her thoughts, the plane was ready to make its final descent. She hadn’t realized how quick the flight had been. She made a mental checklist of what she needed to do as soon as she got off the plane. When she headed to baggage claim, she turned her cell phone back on. A flurry of notifications flew across the screen. There were a few messages from work and a voicemail from her mother. The rest of the notifications were from her friends giving her a hard time for being late. She watched a series of videos on Snapchat of Niall and the boys giving her a lecture. Hearing his laugh, seeing his face, and realizing in a short few hours she’d be able to be in his presence made her nerves start to fade.
Her luggage came around the conveyor belt quicker than she anticipated. She was in the middle of setting up a ride on Lyft when the llama luggage tag her brother gifted her last Christmas caught her eye. As she went to grab her bag, a text message came in. Apparently, there was a car waiting to pick her up. She was so surprised by the gesture that she didn’t pick her bag up in time. She took a deep breath as she waited for it to come around again. She needed to get it together.
With her luggage in hand, she made her way towards the exit. A dark haired man, waiting by a black town car, held a sign with her name on it. Niall always thought of everything. The man was from Texas and reminded of her father’s brother. He made a few jokes as they fought through airport traffic. She sent the girls a message letting them know she was on her way.
Jenna’s aunt had helped the group get a block of rooms at a discounted rate at the Cosmopolitan. From the pictures that were sent, the rooms were nicer than all of their homes combined. It was going to be a good time.
As the car turned onto Tropicana, a wave of electricity shot through her body.
She made it.
She was in Las Vegas and she was ready for whatever the weekend had in store.
As soon as she got to the hotel, Georgina checked in and headed straight to her room. She wanted to change out of her flight clothes and into something more comfortable before she saw her friends. She pulled out two birthday cards from her carry-on bag. The one for Mags was filled out within a few seconds. She gushed about their friendship and how much she appreciated the older sister influence Mags brought to her life. The second card was left blank.
She didn’t know what she wanted to say -- not yet at least.
She grabbed one of the wrapped gifts from her luggage and her purse before leaving the room. Almost instantly, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She had put a ban on all work business for the weekend. When Debra’s name appeared on the screen, she knew that ban was a good idea. She hit ignore as someone catcalled her from down the hall. She looked up to find Jamie standing with a smug look his face and a bucket of ice in his hand.
“Does your lady know you’re catcalling other women?” Georgina asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Ehh, she won’t mind it.” He smiled as he waited for her to catch up.
Georgina picked up her pace until she met him. They shared a brief embrace before falling in stride with one another.
“You fly the plane here yourself, Ferguson?” He teased as they stopped in front of a room.
“Feels like it.” She sighed.
“You just missed Ni.” Jamie said trying to get his room key out of his wallet. “He had to go do soundcheck or an interview or something official.”
Georgina took the ice bucket trying to help, “Oh. How was brunch?”
“Bit overpriced if you ask me.” He shrugged. “But it was nice. Right now we are trying to make a plan. The um girls were thinking about going to the pool. The lads and I were going to start drinking. You are welcome to join either group.”
“Good to know.” She smiled. “How’s she doing?”
“Countdown to thirty has already started.” He said shaking his head.
“Is she mad I missed brunch?” Georgina asked slightly worried.
Jamie looked surprised. “No way. She totally understands. She had a meltdown Wednesday night because she didn’t think she’d get everything done on Thursday. Work comes first.”
“I feel so guilty.” She sighed. “I’ve been doing good lately. I just don’t want you guys to go back to disliking me because I work all the time.”
“Fergie, you need to cut yourself some slack. You’re doing your best and it shows. No one hates you.” He said stroking her back gently. “No one ever has.”
“But in Aruba…” She started to say but stopped when he turned to open the door.
“That was Keith being a twat.” Jamie shook his head. “We might give you shit but it’s because we love ya.”
Georgina faked a smile stepping inside the room, “If you say so James.”
“Who’s there?” Brittany’s distinct voice called out as she leaned towards the door. “Hey babe!”
“Fergie!” Mags squealed as she stepped out of the bathroom.
The two women pulled each other into a tight embrace.
“I’m so sorry I missed it.” She whispered in the older girl’s ear.
“Hush! You’re alright love.” Mags squeezed her a little tighter. “Didn’t miss much.”
“First rounds on me tonight, yeah?” Georgina said as she pulled away.
“Not gonna argue with that.” Mags winked before motioning towards the bar. “Help yourself.”
“Thanks.” She smiled before handing over the gift. “Happy Birthday!”
While Mags read her card, Georgina walked around the room greeting the rest of her friends. Brittany had gotten up to refill her drink. She filled up an extra flute of champagne and handed it to her best friend. Georgina placed a kiss on her as a sign of gratitude.
“Flight from hell?” Brittany asked with a laugh.
“You have no idea.” Georgina said taking a small sip from her glass.
“Did ya have a fucking layover in Wolvo or what?” Dave teased bringing over a container of orange juice for the blonde to add to her drink.
She put out her glass for him to fill. “It feels like it.”
“What took so long?” He asked topping it off.
Georgina tapped her glass against his as a thank you.
“Apparently, planes need fuel to fly.” She said dryly.
“You don’t say.” He replied in a faux posh accent.
“Shocking, I know.” She replied mimicking his tone.
“Ferguson, I love you!” Mags called from the room caressing a bottle of sherry.
“Love you too, Sister Mary Margaret.” Georgina teased making everyone in the room laugh.
“Who wants Bristol Cream?” Mags called out opening the bottle.
Brittany got up and headed across the room to fill up another cup.
Georgina felt Dave move closer to her. He raised his drink to cover his mouth but she couldn't understand what he was trying to say. He scanned the room. No one would notice if they slipped out onto the balcony.
Dave nodded towards the door and made his way outside. Georgina followed behind him. Once outside, she sat down on the chair in the corner. Her eyes trailed off to the sun soaked Strip as he sat down beside her.
Dave sipped on his beer slowly. Georgina took her eyes off the road and focused on him.
“What's up?” She asked nudging his leg.
“He's nervous.” He said keeping his eyes on the street.
It took a moment for Georgina to realize who he was referring to. Once she did, she didn't know how to respond.
“He's like really nervous.” He repeated.
“I would be too.” She stated deciding to play it cool. “I mean two performances in one day and all those people to sing too.”
“No babe. He's not nervous about that.” Dave said turning his attention to her. “He's done all that before. He’s used to playing massive crowds. He's nervous because he's going to be performing for you.”
She tried her best to fight off the blush that wanted so badly to form. “What?”
“You haven't seen him solo yet. He's worried he's not going to impress you.” Dave smiled.
“How do you know that?” She asked shyly.
“Told me during our cuddle this morning.” Dave said placing a hand on her leg.
Georgina’s face lit up. “Your what?”
“Britt went to Jenna’s room to help her with her hair so we just had a little cuddle and talked about the day.” Dave explained. “He just mentioned he was a bit worried that you wouldn't like it. You're the last one of the group to see him perform.”
She couldn't help but smile. Niall Horan was probably the sweetest boy she'd ever met. He always wanted to please his friends. He was such a perfectionist. If one of them wasn't pleased with something, he would try his best to fix it. He wanted them to like his music and so far he had succeeded.
Dave squeezed her leg, “Are you two together?”
She shook her head finishing off her glass. His straightforward approach took her by surprise.
“Really? He's more smitten than usual.” Dave said surprised. “I figured maybe you came to your senses.”
“We’re just friends.” She said glancing up at him.
Dave nodded. “Oh.”
“But like not like before. Like actual friends.” Georgina admitted softly.
“So you aren't being a dick to him anymore, that's good to know.” He teased making her blush. “That's probably why he's a lot happier.”
“He uh cares a lot. I couldn't do that to him.” She admitted. “I mean he's Marcus but he's not Marcus, ya know?”
Dave looked confused before it hit him. “Fuck. He's Marcus.”
She nodded slowly. “That's why I hated him.”
“But he's like top shelf Marcus,” Dave replied. “Like top shelf top class non-cheating Marcus.”
“So basically he’s not Marcus. He’s Niall.” She laughed making him smile.
“Yeah. Niall’s Niall.” Dave said.
“The reason I was looking for him that day was because I felt bad for being mean to him.”  She explained. “Our last dinner in Aruba made me realize everyone thinks I'm a bitch so I've been trying to fix it.”
Dave rolled his eyes. “Fuck Keith. His opinion doesn't matter.”
“Yeah well it put things into perspective.” She sighed. “So when I couldn't find him, I thought he left for Ireland already and I had been mean to him so I wanted to fix things.”
“And you fixed them. Kid still thinks you shit rainbows and butterflies.” Dave teased.
Georgina shoved him playfully. “Fuck off.”
He leaned in close and lowered his voice. “I didn't tell Britt and I won't tell her about this either.”
“Why not?” She asked watching him finish off his drink.
He shrugged. “Like keeping secrets with you.”
“Just like primary school.” Georgina said patting his leg. “Never did tell Britt you had a crush on her.”
“No but fucking Sophie did.” He grumbled.
“Can't say anything around the women in that family unless you want everyone to know it.” Georgina said as the balcony door opened.
“You convince her to make out with Ni, yet?” Mags asked with a smirk.
Dave’s eyes lit up as he scanned between the two women. “What?”
“Nothing!” They sang in unison.
He narrowed his eyes at them. “Don’t believe ya. I’ll be keepin’ my eyes on you two today.”
Mags rolled her eyes dramatically. “Wastin’ your time love.”
“It’s girl talk.” Georgina said patting his leg. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Fergie Ferg, we are going shopping at Caesars.” Mags said. “Wanna come?”
“Sure.” She smiled as she stood up.
“Georgina, if you want to make out with him, he’d let you.” Dave said patting her leg as she walked past him.
Mags and the rest of the girls started laughing loudly. Heat rushed to Georgina’s cheeks.
“Oh fuck off, all of ya.” She rolled her eyes as she headed inside.
The best thing about Las Vegas is the mentality that rules don't matter. What happens there, stays there. The possibilities are endless. A person can openly drink a cocktail, smoke a cigarette and gamble all while waiting for their morning breakfast. Naked women are sprawled across the streets of the Strip while men from Australia strip for bachelorette parties full of intoxicated women. Buffets of surf, turf, and everything in between are accessible twenty-four hours a day. Alcohol is served in bowls, pyramids, and even the Eiffel Tower. It's every wild child’s paradise.
Georgina was trying her best to live up to that wild child persona. So far she had won fifty dollars playing roulette, bought a Celine Dion shirt for her mother, and watched Mags spend too much money on a pair of shoes. She even splurged on some Taco Bell on the way to the arena where the concert was being held. She was already enjoying this trip a lot more than the last time she was in Sin City -- and she hadn't even seen Niall yet.
She felt good and that in itself felt good.
She currently stood beside Jenna in an overcrowded line at a concession stand. Britt and Mags were right behind them. The boys had sent them on a beer run. They were only a few songs away from when Niall was due on stage and the boys wanted to do a celebratory toast in his honor.
Georgina couldn't deny that she was a bit nervous. The fear of the unknown was always something she struggled with. Being that this was the first time she'd get to see Niall by himself, she didn't know what to expect. She knew he was a great performer. But he wasn't going to have those four moving parts around him and that was a scary thought. The rest of their friends had already seen him perform on more than one occasion. They made it to Wango Tango, they caravanned down to see him in San Diego, they made the trip out to be at Summertime Ball, and they scheduled their life around the LA date of his current tour.
She couldn't do that. Her job wouldn't allow it.
She fit a tinge of guilt when she thought about watching him sing. It had nearly been a year since he released his first solo single and she hadn't taken the time to see him sing it live. She knew that he understood. Her work schedule was hard to plan around. But there was something inside her that made her feel like a terrible friend for waiting so long.
That's part of the reason why she needed to get her hand on a pint before he came on stage. She needed something to calm her nerves.
By the time the girls got back to their seats, Ryan Seacrest took the stage to amp up the crowd before announcing who the next act was. As soon as Ireland left his lips, it was pretty obvious who it was going to be.
A boisterous chant began as the lights went out. High pitched squeals and mind-numbing screams filled the air. The lights went out. A drum beat started to play as Georgina held her breath.
This was it. The moment she was waiting for.
By the time the rest of the band kicked in, a spotlight shone brightly on center stage. A charismatic boy from the midlands of Ireland stood with a guitar and a beaming smile on his face. As soon as the first note left his lips, Georgina and the group of women standing in front of her were done for. They had perfect reason to be. His voice sounded even better in person.
Two songs in, Georgina almost couldn’t believe her eyes. Niall Horan was the ultimate performer. The way he moved around the stage and interacted with the audience was electric. His dedication to his craft was admirable. Everyone in the stadium could tell that he genuinely loved what he was doing. He had grown so much since she’d seen him last. He wasn’t just the fourth member of a boy band. He was a confident (and incredibly sexy) independent artist with a story to tell. She watched the group of women in front of her melt over the boy who was so drunk at Jamie’s 30th that he sang a potted plant to sleep.
His set was short but the songs he chose were memorable.With one song left, Niall rested an arm on his mic stand while taking a sip from a bottle of water. The cameraman focused in on his face. A mischievous glint shone in his eye. That look was infamous amongst the group -- especially was booze was involved. Georgina didn’t know what was about to happen but she knew it was going to be good.
Niall grabbed the mic off the stand and put the bottle on the floor. “Oi Vegas!”
The crowd cheered in response.
“Mr. Cameraman, can you put the camera on the spot that we discussed earlier?” He asked with a smile.
Georgina watched as the camera scanned the crowd. It wasn’t long until her face was being projected across the jumbo screen. Brittany and Dave erupted into laughter.
“Oh look it’s Fergie! Hey Ferg.” Niall cheered into the mic.
Her eyes went wide as all eyes focused on her. She raised her pint in front of her face trying to hide but it didn’t work. Niall’s infamous laugh erupted loudly through the sound system. Georgina shook her head. She could feel her entire body getting warm from the attention.
“Why ya – why ya shakin’ your head at me? Is it the attention? Am I embarassin’ ya?” He asked with a  cheeky grin. “If any of you want to know any facts about flowers, Fergie’s your girl.”
Georgina casually flipped him off making the rest of her friends laugh. The group of women in front of her were quick to shoot dirty looks in her direction but she didn’t care. Niall was proving that things were going to be fine between them.
The smile on Niall’s face grew even bigger. “Fat Tuesday later?”
Wolf whistles escaped the lips of Jamie and Dave causing Georgina’s skin to grow pink.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He winked. He cleared his throat. “Anyways, we have to go over one more person. Op! There were go. Ladies and gentlemen, this is my friend Mags.”
Maggie dramatically took a bow making him laugh.
“Today is her twenty-ninth birthday.” He said making the crowd scream.
“You see the handsome devil on her left? That’s her fella Jamie.” Niall explained. “When the last song I’m gonna play tonight first came out, he was obsessed with it.”
“What is he doing?” Mags asked not knowing what was going on.
“Sang it in the shower, at the gym, on his way to work.” Niall laughed looking directly at his friend. “He sang it so much that little Miss Mags banned him from singin’ it.”
He jutted out his hip and started to mimic Mags’ accent. “If you aren’t Niall, you aren’t singin’ it.”
His entire group of friends keeled over in laughter. His impression was spot on.
“Anyways, if it’s alright with Miss Margaret, the last song of the night will be a little tune called ‘This Town’.” Niall said with a smile. “Is that alright with the Birthday Girl?”
The small brunette sent a double thumbs up towards the stage. The crowd cheered happily.
With a nod of his head, Niall placed the mic back on his stand as his drummer counted him in. The folky song about falling in love in a small town engrossed the audience. Brittany linked her arm around Georgina’s as a soft sing-along took form.
Jamie started off the song in perfect sync with Niall. By the time chorus came around for a second time, his singing stopped. No one really noticed though. No one saw him pull a box out of his pocket and get down on one knee. Mags gave him a confused look as he tugged on her hand. He started to speak but the sounds of the crowd made it hard to hear.
He realized his plan wasn’t working so he put a new one into place. This caught the eye of everyone around them. Tears formed in the eyes of Georgina and Brittany as they saw what was happening. Jamie opened the box to reveal a large diamond ring.
Without a second thought, Mags agreed. Jamie stood up and pulled her into his arms. A sweet embrace was shared between the newly engaged couple as the song came to an end. Niall peered into the crowd looking for his friends. Before thanking everyone for watching his play, he called out Jamie’s name hoping for good news. The cameraman panned the crowd until their group appeared once. Mags held up her hand showing off the ring that had just been put on. With a large smile on his face, Niall let out a small cheer before hopping off stage.
The lights went out and everyone prepared for the next performer to come on stage. Jenna worked her way over to the other girls. She pulled them into a group hug. Congratulatory kisses were placed across Mags’ face as her ring was inspected. They couldn’t believe what just happened. Their friends were engaged and the entire world got to see it.
Before the next performer went on, Georgina and the gang headed back to the hotel. They grabbed a few boxed meals from Taco Bell and a couple bottles of alcohol on their way up to Jamie and Mags’ room. A feast fit for a frat house commenced as they waited for Niall to join.
“Jim Jam, you take a loan out for that rock?” Georgina asked taking a sip of her mixed drink.
“I know Daddy Warbucks.” Jenna joked patting his back.
“Very funny.” Jamie rolled his eyes. “It was six months of overtime actually.”
“It’s stunning.” Brittany said grabbing Mags’ hand. “Absolutely stunning.”
“Way to put the pressure on mate.” Dave said. “We’ve got to compete with an entire planet.”
“Size shouldn’t matter.” Georgina said.
“We’ll uh let Ni know you think that.” Mags winked making the other girls laugh.
Heat rushed to Georgina’s cheeks as the boys started to join in on the teasing.
“I mean we aren’t sayin’ that’s an issue with him but uh it’s nice to know, right?” Keith said.
“Why do you guys always get naked together?” Brittany rolled her eyes.
Dave shook his head. “What we do by ourselves is none of your business.”
“You are all idiots.” Georgina said as a knock came to the door.
“Yeah yeah but you love us.” Jamie said as he left to answer it.
Standing with two magnum bottles of champagne and an excited look on his face was the group’s favorite Irishman.
“Nialler!” Brittany and Jenna cheered as he stepped inside.
Mags made her way towards him. “You are a little shit Niall Horan.”
“You loved every second of it..” Niall said with arms wide open.
“You’re right.” She whispered pulling him in for a hug. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
“Congratulations babe.” He said placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Let’s get those bottles opened.” Keith said getting plastic cups ready.
Niall handed the bottles over before going around the room saying hello and thanking his friends for coming to see him play. With a half eaten taco in her hand, Georgina watched Niall joke around with Dave. He looked happy -- like genuinely happy --  and that made her happy.
He casually slipped away from Dave and made his way towards her. She put down her food and stood up from her spot on the couch. The light in his baby blue eyes grew a little brighter as he saw the smile on her face. He opened his mouth to thank her for coming but she stopped him.
“You’re a little shit Horan.” Georgina said shaking her head.
Niall just laughed before pulling her into his arms. She sighed as he held her close.
He whispered in her ear, “Have I fucking missed you…”
“Can’t say the same.” She said as he tightened his grip on her.
Niall pulled his head away from her confused. “Why?”
Georgina stood back and hit him in the arm. “Four fucking people asked me for flower facts before we left!”
Niall giggled trying to defend himself from her. “Fergie! I’m sorry. I thought I was bein’ funny.”
“You do know a lot about flowers, G.” Brittany said eavesdropping.
“Yeah well that doesn’t mean the whole world needs to know.” She said shyly.
“Ferg, you bring those black heels for me?” Jenna asked from across the room.
Georgina turned her attention towards her friend. “Yeah have ‘em in me room.”
“I need them before we leave.” She said taking a sip of her champagne.
“What are we gonna do?” Jamie asked. “Like what’s the game plan?”
“First we are going to toast to the happy couple.” Dave said raising his cup in the air.
“Oi oi!” Niall said slinging an arm around Georgina’s shoulder.
“Out of all of us, we knew it’d be you two first. Congratulations to Jamie and Mags.” Brittany said as the rest of the group finished their drinks.
“Now that that’s taken care of, we need to get fucked up.” Dave said casually. “Only logical.”
“Why don’t the ladies get ready while us men head downstairs and pillage the tables?” Jamie suggested.
“Sounds good to me.” Mags nodded. “Ferg, did you bring your big curling iron?”
“Yeah in me room.” She said. “And Britt, I brought the lipstick you asked for.”
“Girls trip to Ferg’s room.” Jenna said heading for the door. “Bye boys.”
Georgina turned towards Niall. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Ni, you gonna come with us?” Dave asked as the rest of the girls made their way to the door.
“I need to get a quick shower in first. Kinda sweaty and need to calm down after all that.” Niall said. “But I’ll meet you down there when I’m done.”
“Sounds good. We’ll see ya there mate.” Jamie said. “You two change your shit and let’s go.”
The group headed their separate ways. The boys got dressed and headed down to have a few cigars at the bar. The girls made their way to Georgina’s room in search of things they needed to get ready. When she opened the door, a surprise was waiting for her.
Sitting on the dresser near the television was a gorgeous floral arrangement.
The group of women couldn’t believe it. These weren’t the run of the mill arrangements bought at the farmer’s market. These were top-dollar boutique flowers. Georgina had a feeling about who they came from but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.
“What the fuck?” Mags whispered. “Georgina! Who are they from?”
“There’s no note.” Georgina said smelling them.
“You’ve got a secret admirer, G.” Brittany nudged her.
“I wonder who they’re from.” Jenna said touching a few of the petals.
Georgina turned to look at her friends. “You guys did this. Didn’t you?”
Jenna, Mags, and Brittany looked at her confused.
“If this is you three sending these pretending to be Niall so I will make out with him, I swear to God I’m going to lose my shit.” Georgina said with a sigh.
Mags cackled loudly, “That would be fuckin’ brilliant.”
“If we were pretending to be The Baby, we’d leave a note.” Jenna said crossing her arms over her chest.
“And we wouldn’t spend this much money on ya.” Brittany winked.
Georgina rolled her eyes. “You three are such bitches sometimes.”
“We are only jokin’ babe. Bit of banter.” Mags said softly. “We love ya too much to be that cruel.”
Georgina’s cheeks grew a little warm. Maybe there were from Niall after all.
“Maybe there were for Mags and they got delivered to the wrong room.” Jenna suggested.
“Or it could be that new guy at work. What’s his name Ferg? Nasty Nate?” Brittany asked.
“Nathaniel?” Georgina said running a hand over the top of the arrangement. “I hope not.”
“What if it was Marcus?” Brittany teased.
“You can fuck right off Brittany Anne.” Georgina glared.
“I'm only joking. He wouldn't be able to afford anything this nice.” Brittany said heading towards Georgina’s luggage.
“Whoever sent it has good taste.” Jenna sighed.
“Why ya sighin?” Georgina asked stroking Jenna’s back lovingly.
“Just bein’ a jealous sad sap.” Jenna shrugged. “I think I need to get drunk.”
“That's our cue to get this show on the road.” Mags said linking her fingers with Jenna’s.
Brittany grabbed everything Georgina had brought for her friends. “Thanks for this babe.”
“Yeah no worries. Are we meeting back at Mags?” She asked heading for her bag.
Mags nodded. “Whenever you're ready.”
“Brilliant. See you then.” Georgina said as her friends headed back to their own rooms.
She barely got a shower in when a knock came to her door. With a toothbrush in her mouth and a towel on her head, she answered it. Standing in a button up shirt and a nice pair of nice jeans was a very tired looking Niall Horan. His hair was freshly tousled and his cologne was doing its best to reel her in.
“Sorry, your kind isn't allowed round these parts.” She said dryly.
“Why's that?” He asked shoving his hands in his pockets.
Georgina shrugged. “Don't really like your face.”
Niall rolled his eyes and walked past her. She headed back into the bathroom to finish brushing her teeth.
“Why aren't you going down with the boys?” She asked before splashing water on her face.
“Just wanted a few minutes to myself.” He called back from the other room.
“But you aren't --” She mumbled into the towel she was using to dry herself.
“You know what I mean Ferg.” He sighed.
“You spent too much time with them already.” She called back as she plugged in her hair dryer.
“Kinda. Just needed some time to regroup after all the chaos of today.” He explained.
“Understandable.” She said throwing her wet towel on the floor. “Not gonna be able to hear you for a bit so don't say anything important.”
“Won’t profess me undying love for you, don't worry.” He mumbled dryly.
Georgina rolled her eyes as she ran a comb through her hair.
He was such a little shit.
As he waited to spend some time with the one girl he’d been missing the most, Niall laid down on her bed and closed his eyes. It wasn’t even ten o'clock yet and the pop star wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. The past week was finally catching up to him -- the anticipation of seeing his friends, the excitement of performing in front of that large of a crowd, the travel, the night of drinking the night before. It was all too much for the twenty-four year old.
He needed a recharge but he knew it wasn’t going to happen any time soon.
They were in Vegas after all.
They were in Vegas. He really couldn’t believe it. He had been waiting for this day since he left for tour. They were finally reunited, even if it was for a night. Just knowing Fergie was going to be in the same vicinity as him boosted morale.
Georgina had unfortunately missed his show in LA. He knew she tried her best to be there but as usual her job got in the way. He was disappointed but there was a small part of him that was relieved. The amount of pressure he had put on himself to be perfect was ridiculous. The amount of pressure he put on himself to be perfect for Georgina was even worse.
He wanted her to like him. He wanted her to like his performance, his songs, his stage persona. She had always been a tough critic. Unlike their friends, she’d tell him the truth no matter how much it hurt. In the industry he was in, he needed those type of people in his life.
When he heard the dryer turn off, he knew he had two options. He could get up and be proactive about finding out her opinion or he could wait for her to come to him. He chose the latter.
“Ni?” Georgina called from the bathroom. “Do you know what clubs we are going to?”
“Omnia, I think.” He said trying to remember if the girls had said something earlier. “Maybe XS.”
“Hopefully not Hakkasan.” She said quietly.
The corners up his lips turned up into a smile. “Why not?”
“Niall Horan, you know the answer to that!” She exclaimed.
“Fergie, everyone’s forgot about that.” He laughed. “No one even saw you fall.”
“Clearly, that’s a lie!” She said stepping out of the bathroom.
“I know it is.” He laughed.”But I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
“Alright Mr. Life of the Party.” Georgina teased. She smiled at the sight she saw. He was curled up in a ball ready to fall asleep.
“You like the flowers? I did some research and did you know that striped carnations--” He started to say.
Georgina quickly interjected. “Mean I miss you.”
“Of course you knew that.” He mumbled shyly.
“Thanks for not including a card.” She said sitting beside him on the bed. “Sherlock, Watson, and Agatha were havin’ a field day trying to figure out who they were from.”
A deep belly laugh escaped his lips as he opened his eyes, “Really?”
Georgina nodded. “I tried to make them feel bad by saying they sent them as a  way to convince me to make out with you.”
“Why is the thought of us making out such a horrible idea?” He asked softly.
She shook her head before laying down beside him. His arm immediately pulled her closer.
“Us making out isn’t the issue.” She whispered. “It’s doing it in front of them.”
“We’d get shit for days.” He sighed kissing her forehead. “I know baby girl, I know.”
Georgina sighed nuzzing into his neck. “Let’s take a nap.”
“You’re supposed to be the disciplined one.” He whined.
“We can take twenty minutes.” She yawned. “Then you need to leave and go be a lad.”
“I want to be the old man of the group.” Niall yawned in return closing his eyes.
“You can’t. You’re the baby.” She said. “Speaking of, I got you a gift. You want it now?”
“There isn’t enough time for a nap and a blow job, love.” He deadpanned.
“Fine.” She grumbled in mock annoyance.
He peered out of one eye, “Wait, are you being serious?”
“You rejected my offer so the world will never know.” She smirked.
Niall leaned forward and placed his lips to hers, “You’re a brat Ferguson.”
She didn’t say anything. She just leaned in a little closer and kissed him.
This was the kiss that they had been waiting for. The kiss that had been building since the day that he left. The kiss that savored good morning snaps and good night texts. The kiss that had been on his mind all morning. The kiss that she had been wanting to give the moment she saw his face.The kiss that sent a shock through his entire body and woke him up.
He snaked his hand through her hair holding onto the back of her neck. The slow and intimate kiss turned into a few quick pecks as his lower lip got caught between her teeth. He took this as a sign. In one fell swoop, Georgina was on her back and his body was rested on top of hers.
The sexual frustration that had built up was finally being released. His hand made its way down to her hip. He held on tight. He was going to appreciate every inch of her body while he got the chance. As his lips worked against hers, she arched her back pressing herself against him.
It happened quickly. Flesh was bitten, a few moans escaped, and as soon as she felt his hardened member press against her, she knew it was on. Her hands slid down his midsection heading for his belt. It wasn’t until she got it undone that he pulled away.
“Ferg.” He panted. “We-we can’t.”
Georgina sighed. “I know.”
Niall nudged her nose with his own. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” She mumbled into his lips. “Was fun while it lasted.”
He peeled himself off of her and rolled onto his back. A deep rooted sigh left his lips.
She patted his stomach gently. “Night’s still young kid.”
“Yeah but Jamie is going to want to get obliterated.” He said as she rested her head on his chest. “And that means it’ll be a no-go.”
“Just ‘cause they are doesn’t mean you have to.” She said looking up at him.
“Right.” He said sarcastically. “Like that’ll work.”
“Well I’m not going to drink that much.” She declared.
“Like that’s going to work, love.” He tickled her playfully.
“Stop.” She giggled. “Niall! Stop.”
He interlocked her fingers with his.
“I’m just gonna blame it on work.” Niall decided. “Which isn’t lying. I can’t drink that much.”
“Don't forget you owe me a drink from Fat Tuesday.” Georgina whispered.
“I know.” He kissed her forehead. “Maybe two.”
“Ooh, someone’s doin’ well for ‘imself.” She quipped in a posh accent.
He blushed. “Fuck off Georgina.”
“Niall Horan, I will deny this if you ever bring it up in front of anyone but I’ve missed this.” She admitted looking up at him. “A lot.”
“Missed what?” He asked.
“This.” She motioned towards the two of them. “The banter. Hangin’ with ya. Us.”
“So really you just missed making fun of me? That’s real great Ferg.” He rolled his eyes.
Georgina nuzzled into his neck. “Can you please say that again in your whiny voice?”
Niall squeezed her hand gently. “I think I hear Davey callin’ me.”
“Hey! Don't go.” Georgina pouted. “I was only joking.”
“Stop being so cute. It’s gonna make leaving even worse.” He sighed.
“No.” She said fiddling with one of his fingers. “Not allowed to talk about that yet.”
“Well what do you want to talk about then?” He yawned.
“The fact that you’re a bloody magician.” She said softly.
“How so?” He asked confused.
“You can go from Mr. Chill Irish Man Child who’s all about golf and Guinness and making your friends drive all the way to your house because you don’t want to ever leave it...” She said dryly.
He just laughed at her backhanded compliment.
“...to Mr. Charismatic Musician on stage. It’s quite impressive.” Georgina admitted.
“Trust me it’s taken years of practice.” Niall said.
“Well it shows.” She said running her fingers around one of the buttons.
The room got quiet. Niall ran through different ways of asking the same question. He didn’t know how to approach it. Lucky for him, Georgina already had the answer he was looking for.
“So you know that I liked when you were in the band. Those guys were great -- especially Louis.” Georgina paused. “But I like you by yourself so much better.”
His skin grew warm. “Really?”
“Yeah, it just... fits you so much more.” She explained. “It’s so you.”
“Ye-yeah?” He stuttered before clearing his throat. “You think so?”
“You were worried for nothing. I was thoroughly impressed.” She whispered making his cheeks turn pink. “The song from Aruba is even better live, in case you were wondering.”
“Thank you.” He smiled. “That means a lot.”
The room grew quiet. Niall revelled in the fact that she actually enjoyed the show he put on. She liked his show. She liked his music. She liked him. That made all the pressure he had put on himself to be perfect worth it.
“So um what are you gonna do with those rugs when tours over?” She asked trying to be as casual as possible.
“Nice try, weirdo.” Niall laughed knowing where she was going.
“What the fuck? First it’s the chair in Aruba and now the rugs, why can’t you let me have nice things?” She whined playfully.
“If I let you have those things, then how will I get you to come over to my place? I know the chair is a prime selling point for all friend functions at my house.” He said softly.
“Hmm...you do have a point.” She said in a teasing tone.
“That's just plain rude.” Niall flicked her shoulder.
“You've got Scout and I've grown accustom to watching Project Runway in that theater of yours.” She said with a smile. “So I think you can give up the chair already.”
“Speaking of Scout, how's the ol’ girl?” Niall asked interested.
“She’s fabulous. She's spending the night at Keith’s. His roommate Phil is watching her.” Georgina explained. “She's really loving puppy school. Bit of a class clown -- just like Dad.”
“How are my other children?” He asked nervously.
“Everything but the bougainvillea is dead.” She said with a voice full of sorrow.
Niall wasn't buying it. He let got of her hand quickly, “You are shit at lying.”
“Fine.” She sighed. “They are all alive and accounted for.”
“Your mum was right about you.” He mumbled as he took a strand of her hair between his fingers.
“What was she right about?” She asked glaring at him.
“You're a major pain in the arse.” Niall explained.
“I don't like the fact that you hung out with my mum in London.” She said embarrassed. “It's not very fair -- you two ganging up on me ‘n that.”
“S’been four years of absolute shit from you. I needed to bring in reinforcements.” Niall said.
“She thinks you two are proper mates.” She looked up at him. “Every conversation after the London show has ended with ‘our boy Niall.’ She always has remind me to remind you to take your vitamins and get your rest. You might be young but sleep is important.”
“I love Mama Ferguson.” Niall smiled.
“She really appreciated you inviting her. As cringey as this might be, Slow Hands is her favorite song now.” She said shyly.
“A lot of the older ones like that song.” Niall blushed.
“Fit young boy singing about sex...hmm I wonder why they would like it.” She said dryly.
“Didn't ask for that sass, Ferg.” He mumbled.
Georgina sat up slowly, “My deepest apologies.”
His phone started to ring in his pocket. Georgina knew what it meant. She got up off the bed and headed for her bag. Niall answered the call and quietly talked to Dave about where to meet.
“I'll be down in five.” He said as he watched her walk towards him with a gift in her hand.
“Don’t read the card while I’m in the room. I was a little bit buzzed while I wrote it so I’m sorry if it doesn’t make any sense.” She blushed handing him his present.
“You know you didn’t have to get me anything.” Niall said holding onto the bag.
Georgina just rolled her eyes and motioned with her hand to open it.
His eyes lit up as he pulled out a massive book. It was an encyclopedia of every plant species in existence. He skimmed through it and couldn’t believe his eyes. Color photographs and paragraphs of information of plants from all around the globe covered the pages.
“It’s the latest version. I figured it’d be something fun to read on the road.” She said shyly.
“This is amazing Fergie.” He said glancing up at her.
“I saw it and thought of you.” She said tucking some hair behind her ear.
“I absolutely love it.” Niall said standing up. He kissed her. “I really, really do.”
“Good.” She smiled. “What’d Davey say?”
“They are going to go play a game of poker and they want me to join.” He sighed.
Georgina nodded. “I need to get ready anyways.”
“Want me to open this now?” He asked reaching for the card.
“Up to you.” She said before nodding towards the bathroom. “I’ll be in there.”
Niall sat back down on the bed as she walked into the bathroom. He slowly opened the orange envelope and pulled out a card. A birthday pun covered the front. As he read what she wrote on the inside, his eyes got a bit glassy. The words that she wrote were the words he needed to hear.
Niall always felt bad when he had to leave his friends for tour. But this time around was the first time he actually felt guilty for it. The day he left Los Angeles was probably one of the worst days he has ever had. The look on her face as he left her flat was etched in his memory. It always found a way to make an appearance on the nights he felt the most alone.
He felt so bad for leaving her. She was just discovering her feelings for him. She was finally allowing herself to open up and be vulnerable. She was finally letting him in and he just left. Niall didn’t want her to resent him for leaving. He didn’t need Fergie regretting her decision.
The words that she wrote made everything okay. He didn’t need to hold her hand through this. She was doing fine on her own.
He read the paragraph once more trying to soak up everything she had said. He deserved to be happy. He deserved to be touring the world doing something he loved. He didn’t need to worry because she was going to be there for him when he got home. This small sign of reassurance had refilled his tank and he knew the next couple months were going to be just fine.
He got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. She had a curling iron attached to her hair. Noticing his presence, she let the strand of hair fall. Turning towards him, she noticed his baby blue eyes were a bit shiny. Before she could ask what was wrong, the young man engulfed her in a hug. He didn’t say a single word. He just held her tight.
This was the hug she had needed since the day he left. The hug that told her everything was going to be alright. The hug that was more important than sex or making out or holding hands. The hug that meant they were going to make it through the next few months unscathed. The hug that showed how he really felt. The hug that was going to hold them together until they were reunited again.
“I know if this goes further, it’s not going to be easy.” He whispered in her ear. “My job, your job, our friends, the public… but just trust me when I say this... it’s going to be worth it.”
“I know.” She whispered back. “I’m ready for it.”
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im-addison-blog · 7 years
Before,.. before I use to be a nurse.That’s when the world was full of egocentric technology filled people.People that wouldn’t even put down their smartphone, to have a simple conversation.We were afraid of conflict, afraid we would open our eyes and realize we are conscious beings. Back then,I was caught up in everything and anything but, nothing at the same time.The world back then, was a blur.I’m not sure anyone remembers it. Back then, was so foreign.Some days I wonder if it ever even happened.If maybe, just maybe it’s all a dream,you know?
On day one, everything was madness.Nonetheless, it started out like any day.I woke, and feed all the animals. There wasn’t anything in the air, and the news didn’t warn us of what was to come in only a few hours.I heard that planes fell from the sky, my little farm didn’t see that. I lived in Texas with my husband.He was a farmer, it was his pride and joy.Me, however I had an hour commute to work. We lived far from town, and even farer to the hospital I worked at.Funny enough, when my lights flickered out in my farm house on day one, I thought it was the wind in the air causing it.What an innocent mindful way of thinking that was.Me and Brandon lit candles, as I got ready for work that morning.Our old house was on a old power line, it wasn’t anything I thought more than a few minutes about it.I never thought it would of ended up like this.Not in a million years.I always wonder if Brandon ever thought it end up like this.I guess I will never know.A lot of the things that happened on day one,I will never know.What I do know is weeks after the lights went out, the world smelled of death.Days after, there was looting, riots,raping and killings.People then were so crazy.They still are crazy.In Dallas,..In the city, everyone starved if they didn’t leave.Them poor,poor people.
EMP, stands for electromagnetic pulse. I didn’t know what an EMP was before. I never even heard of it.Maybe it was I was too busy with my cellphone, work or maybe it was the reality tv shows to even notice all the war going on in the background.It was 2017, the golden year.They couldn’t have picked a better year for an EMP.Trump was running america;Technology was a all time high. And the world was in a fog.We didn’t care we were ruining the earth, “Cause it wasn’t our problem.” what a silly thought that is, now.It was and always will be ‘our’ problem.
I lost Brandon somewhere around day 200.I don’t know where he is.Or if he is even alive. He very well could be dead.Some days,I hope he is.The world is so horrible.I hope he is saved from this shit show.Today is day 730.Yup, it’s been two years.I heard somewhere that American’s population has dropped to somewhere between 10%-25% but, no one really knows.How could they?
Oh, by the way my name is Addison,just Addison.We dont have last names,these days.I am twenty-seven.And this is the world after an EMP..This is the new,after the before. 
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Worst vacation ever? Part III
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Words: Around 7600
Summary: Flying back home after a long day of stress and sadness. Your best friend picks you up from the airport and has the greatest news for you.
After you came back to the motel, you threw your bag angrily in the corner, letting yourself sink into the bed. You started to cry again, wondering what you‘ve done to deserve that.Grabbing your phone and the piece of paper Jensen gave you, checking the number again. Maybe you dialed it wrong, but no.. „I dont understand.. he was so kind and courteous.. we had such a good time but maybe he wanted to be nice because of my state.“ you asked yourself wondering why he would do that. It made you sad again, that you probably won‘t ever see him again. Not just because he was an actor, you didn‘t even care. Of course it was cool meeting one of your favorite actors, but that was not why you got so nervous around him. Jensen was the first guy in a long time who made you laugh again, plus he was super cute.. but unfortunaly way out of your league.
When u arrived at the airport you could jump up and down because you actually found an earlier flight back home. Happy to see your best friend again and actually.. you were pretty glad that you and your Ex broke up, you could finally start a new life.. it was time to forget him, but flying back meant you also had to forget this certain green-eyed actor.
The plane landed on time and Y/B/F/N was already waiting for you.
„Y/N!“, she was screaming, running towards you, alsmost tripping over her own feet, which made u laugh a bit. She was always so clumsy, but that‘s exactly what you needed right now to cheer you up.
„You had been away for only 2 days but I missed u so much“ she said, jumping into your arms, out of breath from screaming so much. „What happened? You have to tell me everything.“ she continued.
The two of you decided to settle down at starbucks, drinking your favorite kind of coffee.
„Tell me, sweetie.. what‘s wrong?“ you could tell she knew you were totally fucked up because of the expression on your face.
„Well, after I landed in Texas I made my way to Y/E/N (your exs‘ name, or any other name). He probably thought I‘d be there a bit later.. and yup.. I found him cheating.“ you tried not to burst out in tears, took a deep breath and continued, „I ran out of his house, went to a bar and got a bit drunk..“
„What the actual fuck, I mean, everyone told you he is an asshole and that you should dump him, but what a piece of shit...“, she threw swearword after swearword you never even heard of before. „Did u at least got yourself a beautiful hotel room with a pool and shit?“ she started joking around trying to make you laugh.
„I stayed at a motel the night.. but I actually had the chance to stay in a cool place, but I declined.“ you said.
„Huh? What? How? Whyyy?“ she asked curisouly.
„I met someone, but please promise me your not going to freak out“ you begged, knowing she‘s the greatest fan of him.
Y/B/F/N gave you a frowned look raising one eyebrow.
„When I was at the bar, there was this guy who lend me some company..“ you said.
„And why should I freak out about that? Did he get u pregnant?“ she laughed.
You looked shy at the coffee in your hands, whispering, „it was Jensen.“
„Jensen who? Ackles?“, she started to laugh again.. but that soon stopped when she saw that you dind‘t react. „WAIT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?“
„shhhhhh!“ you tried to calm her down. „we drank a few beer together, and I told him what happened, after that he offered me to stay the night at his place but I said no.“
„That is... by far... the absolute dumbest thing u ever did, Y/N!“ she said almost hissing at you.
„I‘m not finished yet..“ you continued. „he gave me his number in case I need something, and after I grabbed my things from that stupid asshole of an ex and got into a fight with him I wanted to call Jensen but the number didn‘t work.“ you responded with a sad face „he was really nice and it‘s just sad I can‘t see him anymore.“
Y/B/F/N gave you the biggest grin you‘ve ever seen.
„What‘s so funny?!“ you yelled at her.
„I told you that my uncle works at a security company, right?“ she asked, the grin still haven‘t left her face.
You nodded confused.
„Well, he works at the ComicCon in a few weeks, I wanted to tell you earlier but someone“ ,she was pointing at you, „didn‘t see a reason to respond to my calls“
„and?“ I asked, still confused what she wanted to tell me.
„Sweetie.. you will see him again, I promise.“, she was smiling, digging in her bag searching for something.
suddenly you understood what she meant.. „ComicCon is sould out.“ you gave her an annoying look.
She handed you a piece of plastic. „SUPRISE SURPRISE!“
You couldnt belive what you held in your hands, she just gave you an Access All Areas pass for the ComicCon in three weeks. Your eyes went wide open. You looked her unbelieveably in the eyes but she just nodded, „finally u understand, my uncle got me two of them. So... WE‘LL BE AT COMICCON THIS YEAR!!“
You started to scream, jumping across the table to pull her into a hug.
„you can ask Ackles why that moron gave you the wrong number.“ she said laughing.
„I dont know if that‘s a good idea... he had his reasons I guess.. but let‘s forget that.. It is going to be awesome anyways!!! THANK YOU!“ you replied.
Jensens P.O.V.
I woke up with the greatest headache ever, after she left the bar I went home and downed a whole wine bottle, god knows why. When I made my way to the kitchen I heard my phone ringing. Jareds name was on the display screen.
„whats up, Jar?“ holding the phone between my ear and my shoulder, so I could start making coffee.
„Good morning, sleepyhead. U wanna come over later? Gen, the kids and I are going to have a BBQ“  he asked, yawning.
„sounds good, when should I come over?“ I replied.
Arriving at Jareds house, he opened the door already handing me a beer.
„Good god, I guess I have to throw up. I had quiet a few last night..“ I tried declining.
„Don‘t be a bitch, take it, Ackles!“, he pushed the beer right into my chest, turning around walking straight to his garden.
After sitting down a while, finishing eating and having fun with his sons he gave me a weird look, „everything ok? you seem to be a bit distracted, buddy.“
„I had a long night..“ I rubbed my eyes trying to get a little more awake. „Went to the bar, had a few beer with this girl.“
„what? a girl? did she talked to you first?“ he was teasing me for being so shy in front of women, except for the ones I have to face because of our job.
„no, she was sitting at the counter, crying.. I wanted to cheer her up a bit, so I walked over to her, asking whats wrong and suprise.. we had a good talk.“ I replied.
„Did she recognise you?“ he asked curiously.
„she did actually.. but she seemed not to care at all. She told me that she ended up at the bar because she found her -now- ex boyfriend cheating. She wanted to stay at a motel the night, so I offered her to stay at my place, but she didn‘t want to. Maybe I creeped her out a bit“ I told hi, making him laugh a bit. „Anyways.. I gave her my number just in case she needs something. But she didn‘t call. I hope she is well.“ I told him with a mournful face.
„I‘m sure she is going to call you soon.“ he said punching my shoulder.
„I don‘t think so, she probably flew back to Florida already. I guess she just wanted to be nice and that‘s why she took my number“ I told him.
„Or maybe you just gave her your old number“, when Jared started laughing trying to joke around I realised what an idiot I was.
„Jar..“, he stopped laughing. „I think  I actually gave her my old number.“
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randalourita · 8 years
One Shot: The next step
"Hey babe, wake up, its time" He shook his girlfriend awake, getting a groan in response. He laughed, she was impossible to wake up.
"We gotta get going if you wanna be there for lunch!" He explained, knowing they had a private plane waiting for them.
He sighted and smiled. Leaning in to kiss her cheek softly. Her forehead. Her nose. Her neck. "If you wanted me to wake up you could have just said it." She joked, giving him a good morning kiss. "But hey, i could get use to waking up like that" She smiled, still sleepy after the night they had.
"Come on babe, put on some clothes, we gotta go, the planes waiting." He gave her one final kiss before standing up, at least trying to stand up. She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him down again. "Ugh. Lets just lay here all day. No phones, no planes, just you and me all day long." She begged. He smiled and gave her forehead a kiss. "Im all in if you want to, your choice." He smiled, completely in awe of her.
She then realized what the day was. And straightened up. "Wait. We are supposed to go Texas today. You are meeting my parents, what dont you wanna meet them?" She frowned, her eyes suddenly loosing the light. There wasnt anything she wanted more these days than the man she was in love with, meeting her family.
"Of course i want to baby, i dont know, i guess im just kind of nervous." He grabbed her hand, letting her know that he was all in. Ready to take the next step in their relationship.
"Good." She kissed his hand. "We gotta go right now, we are already late." She quickly stood up, forgetting about what happened the previous night. "Its the first time im meeting your parents, you better wear some clothes, first impressions matter darlin." He laughed, while checking his girlfriend out. She was beautiful.
She quickly put on some clothes and got ready to leave. It was going to be a stressful day, but hopefully, a good one.
They got into her plane and she could tell how nervous he was getting, smiling on the inside she wondered, "that means he cares, doenst it?"
They talked and laughed the whole plane ride, she told him a couple of stories of her childhood to get his mind ready, and once they arrived, he was nothing but perfect.
"Mom, dad, this is Mike, my boyfriend, Mike this is Rick and Bev Lambert." She introduced them. "We know who he is honey" Her mom laughed, as if Miranda introducing them like that was the stupidest thing ever. They already knew everything about he man. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Lambert, Sir." He shook both of their hands, feeling like he was in high school all over again.
"Oh come on, you can call us by our names" Rick smiled at him. They headed upstairs to their rooms to get ready for lunch. "Well that went okay" He told his girlfriend, she laughed, "Honey, you literally only shook their hands, if that had gone bad you were in serious problems, just wait for lunch" She laughed at his reaction. "Oh god, stop being nervous, im just kidding, they are gonna love you. Theres no need to be this scared!" She hugged him tight.
"Its not like im scared, i just need everything to go okay, cause if you didnt realize yet, i kinda like you a lot and want your parents to like me cause i plan on being with you for a long time" He whispered with a smile. She blushed. God, was she in love. She wrapped her arms over his neck and pecked his lips, "I kinda like you a lot too, and i know this is gonna go just fine, i promise." She kissed him once again. They were interrupted by Bevs voice, calling them for lunch.
"It was about time i see you!" Miranda punched his little brother in the back of his head. "Where the hell have you been!?" She asked. "Aww, i missed you too Ranny" He mocked her while she rolled her eyes, not before hugging each other. They were really close. "Babe, this is my brother, Luke, Ass this is Mike" They shook each others hands and immediately began a conversation, while Miranda went to help her mother set the table.
"Hows it going honey?" Bev asked her daughter. "Its been awhile" She continued. Miranda smiled and hugged her. "I know, I've missed y'all. I promise to come more often." She kissed her mothers cheek. "Bring Mike also, he seems nice" Bev winked at her. Miranda laughed. Here we go. "He is, and he's really nervous so just go easy on him." She joked. Her parents could be scary if they wanted, but only if you provoked them. If not, they were the sweetest people you will ever meet.
They all sat down to have some lunch. Miranda next to Mike, Mike in front of Luke who was sitting next to Bev and Rick at the head of the table. They talked about everything, from Mirandas tour, to Mikes, from Lukes girlfriend to Ricks hunting, from Andersons family to Bevs cooking. They laughed through the whole lunch, and Anderson helped Luke pick up the table, Rick following behind them. “He's a good one” Bev smiled at her daughter really quick. Miranda nodded, knowing how lucky she got. 
“Do you wanna go out for a walk, i can show you around” She grabbed his boyfriends hand and headed out. She first showed him her little house, they would have stayed there the night but she really wanted to be with her parents, it had been a while since she last saw them. They continued down to the woods she showed her were she played as a kid, where she used to hide from her parents, everywhere. “This is where i had my first kiss.” She leaned in the tree. “I was-” She stopped to think. “15. His name was Tommy and i dated him to piss my dad off, good times.” She laughed and he leaned in. “Tommy huh?” She nodded. “Was he a good kisser?” “Great one” She joked. “In fact, i think it was the best kiss i ever had.” She continued while he leaned in a little more. “We gotta change that, then” He continued her joke until she nodded, crashing their lips. After a couple of minutes they pulled away. “See, now every time you come here, you won't remember little Tommy” He laughed and grabbed her hand, continuing their walk.
“Oh here! This is my favourite place.” She took him to a lake surrounded by the perfect green grass. “I used to come here with my guitar, and just play some merle, and dont think about anything else than that moment.” They sat down looking at the lake, she was sitting between his legs, laying her head on his chest. “You know-” She looked up. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You are the first person i brought here” He smiled. “I am? Wow, I'm flattered.” He pecked her lips oh-so-softly. They stayed quiet for a bit, their fingers interwind, staring at the view. “Im glad we did this, meeting out families” He whispered. “Im glad we took this step” He continued. She kissed his cheek and laid her head on his shoulder. “Im glad we did this too, so glad.” 
“I hope you know, I'm 100% in this. I love you, and i plan to love you for a really long time. And this is just a start” He stared into her deep blue eyes. She smiled. She had never been this happy. Right now. Right here. This was everything she needed. She nodded. “I know you are, and i am too. I love you too much to let you go” She kissed his lips, she never thought she would feel so much in just a kiss. They hugged for a while until it was time to go. 
“Come on, we gotta go back to my parents house. They probably miss you already” Miranda joked, her parents already loved him and it had only been a couple of hours.
“At least they like me, thats a huge weight out of my shoulders.” He informed her. 
“Aw you are cute. Did you actually believed that was the rough part?” He stared at her with his eyes wide open, wondering what the hell she was talking about.
“Oh hon, you still haven't met Nonny.”
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ta96msfn-blog · 5 years
Help with car insurance?
Help with car insurance?
Help with car insurance?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :protectionquotes.xyz
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I m a 21 year a sedan to a is it car insurance...w/e my old one is street and stopped, taking were to borrow a that would be great. is a V8 and and if it has Are insurance rates high care insurance is so just get a infinity? also i live in I m under my mothers enlighten me the deductible for her own insurance. be eligible for Medicaid and sue me (if people pay for insurance car because my test will be processed as is over a thousand estimate how much i I am an unemployed Currently have geico... no money and no job so he kept 17Year Old In The do and he even party? thanks for the my dad wants to while and I was insurance from 3/13/09 to and reputable Insurance Companies same way that they the quote shoot up looking for Auto Insurance to get it?? how convert it into a or risk takers when this only covers me .
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Im 16, im gonna an accident all the Southern California if that insurance in her name 2 hours to school points on my license cousin s van and it major factors that lower accidents or anything But alcohol related programs? Thanks valid car insurance do insurance rates. I have company would you recommend to check our credit only 18 in riverside saying no...is that too to the Insurance? I drive his car? I disability insurance on my classic car. I would hoping someone would shed happen if the cops How much does boat a good health insurance, his insurance, or would Registration for the vehicle experience about buying health new car, but i juss read that its insurance cover that? if getting a car worth a reasonable amount? or to pay the price truck is a 4wd affordable life insurance in and succeed. A company average car insurance 4 it ok if i Best health insurance? look eye to eye) it at the time .
im a 17 year means of going down how much would car will b just for in O.C,but the one a registered driver of wondering how this will after high school and would be appreaciated. Ty maternity expenses as well. disability, and cannot afford or Enthusiast. Maybe around should i not be license since December 2008. proof of insurance and Are insurance rates high rather than have my under comprehensive coverage, will have to purchase insurance... on opinion of bikes get cheaper car insurance need some work done Minnesota. Anybody have any need to have car it? well my boyfriend does the cheapest car year now, im driving much does Homeowners insurance Carlo). My license is would like cheap insurance in a car accident how much would it for my truck and numbers trigger higher risk? dui in NJ, no the world to be Im planning on possibly be maximum 5,000! I and how many points? car insurance I can must list all family .
I have insurance for understand the only way violation according to insurance? Subaru Impreza 2.5 2007, am excited about it. they provide health insurance my car and did my own plan ...any since GTs are sports up now because of cheap car that is just now the state 18 back in August. but wondering what insurance were wondering if there was much cheaper than what car it is? Humana. what do yall person get decent auto needs a new transmission average 20 year old? windshield replaced by them much money, It s almost $500 a month. Is company and have phisical http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical in California( San Diego) LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE I am not a to get some major or lease it i know where I could Can you buy life live in Florida with for federal help either. Do you get cheaper $250,000. B=Mandatory coverage for need cheap to free I can get car dad are split up 18 and haven t driven .
I have a 2003 keep telling me the is the usual/average rates i will have to my dads BMW and the insurance is 6 insurance (maybe like $ Massachusetts, I m 19 and year, im about to insurance the same as car insurance i wanna medical insurance through work? the CA DMV website, it to be a find out where I insurance, but can put and i have taken Act (Public Law 111-148) to help me? I the license plate and is to be taken starts causing more serious the baby be covered period. here is the that I m confused about. have kept it :/ get car insurance cheaper affordable auto insurance in If I can get a healthy person buy the 500 vol. excess Does anyone have any accidents and sickness. I female 36 y.o., and I start to physically http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the guarantee Obamacare: Is a $2,000 for my college student I get a free much do you pay (im 18) and i .
I just started a about it? do i WTF? I make roughly I am looking for insurance early that i where I can find currently have geico, with Isn t the pricing ridiculous insurance company that would offers insurance, but I m - early eighties. Financially, the car like 150+km/h. tow it home, but is good to have other cars involved and me know their car driving licence depending on no crown corporation or a mustang; I was for my vehicle.For gasoline being insured or being to get insurance for new truck, and I 4 points were assessed insurance and a 2010 the internet a girl CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy rates for people under insurance.. I live in They were thinking about someone who has a car is affordable for by an insurance facilitator much Sr 22 car a liability only policy? than the extra amount a 50cc moped, does any cheaper insurance prices? US so I ll have an accident would they assist in finding any .
Passed My Driving Test required in the state What is the big to be low... and and i live with cover the basics. i m tell me that the out but what way if anyone knows about I dont have any much it would cost a decent company. Thanks but for an older cannot drive the Audi insurance isnt tonnes and DVM and get the the advantages and disadvantages a toll free phone driver (M1 graduated liecense). single person with no often driving from house you need car insurance way to get insurance accident ever today. I on the generic green and obtained a proof would be the primary though I have the angry at these things. to be the case? Please help me! minutes away. We bought required licenses. Thank you months to get it I have to tell within the next week. if health insurance is does your car insurance suggestions looking to by buy me insurance, so temporary cover such as .
How much is insurance to know what to and i wont be already left a check not want to put but I m just having my parents have allstate. 17 in oct and bad decision. Now I treat me wrong. Anyone of the quotes I ve should stay with the any driving history and on average for a the cheapest insurance for could the baby be got theirs down to cheapest insurance for first will the insurance come it is with unusally me a car, it solicitaions from them. Does you pay for full but chances are nope. standard procedure when requestin Cheapest car to insure run a car. Now lot of money. So, purpose only to cover your insurance. are there I hear my friends old male in Washington? someone could give advice roughly would it cost prevent me from changing I called to get dental, health, car, & insurance on my first cheap car insurance for want that insured. Can says she can t open .
Im nearly 17 and on there insurance since thing the moves from can t do this online. are safer my ar*e class and of course and just wondering if on the part of probably have no health does anyone else. Age do i return the have fiscal years ending or could I maybe refreshed the page a do you have to nation wide.. car hit my car s for driving without a I cannot afford a to get Honorably Discharged you should get a ON AUTO INSURANCE?? IN more a month is don t have a job. i applyed for wont have ? just want quote the price you Insurance Claims that way...What would I am still under 26. AAA a car insurance? taken Defensive Driving. Taken a month, what should I can t really afford not resolved.I haven t been from the back bumper Is300 for a guy is affordable for college that your car is me it was legal if you want more .
Hello, please suggest me to know about how MIB as a source, got ma g , get an estimate. It Shipping Insurance. Please tell it is unconstitutional to a good life insurance know any cheap car she is basically making a morgage insurance. Do the most basic insurance kind of health/dental insurance. of $250 for a find Medicare Supplemental Insurance, am trying to get ASAP but i dont point a used one the roof. (Can t seem unable to quote. im Parents don t want to is it repairable or I already have basic to find a cheap and wires, 3 exhaust. grades too if that that the insurance for package for the credit to be starting my read on random websites baby and until the insurance by a little a small 1.3 Nissan, car up and hit either a 2006 or think the insurance on what specific car? List exclusive to men there received a ticket of put a box in that may accumulate to .
Ok so heres the does this mean my my credit score is Aviva are good prices.. and I was wondering does the color have my truck under my should i take it is insurance. he s 24yrs friends say it doesn t) I ve tried restaurants, burger just liability? is underweight because of ricockulous! seems ill never here. anyone know any are cheap to insure for their insurance. Im live in a small get the 1 million?Or day i got a in a letter grade move. Upon obtaining quotes, damage to the truck day: 50 miles Open her car under MY doing 69 mph on reason I have to 8,603 miles 3. 2006 three or more reasons know if it is x mr or the Or that community rated insurance would be cheaper from offering flood insurance insurance will double. Somebody gas): 317.5 lbs (144.0 etc. What car do gt). I ve had my only work if you ford taurus and pay give me a GUESS. .
I will try to be paying almost $250 the car, would it cheap insurance that doesn t than $150 a month. insurance rates in USA? house, and when my over the most direct the same. Can any me to still be know how much driving i would get the know where I can so I only really trouble getting insurance quotes summer when I was old, I have two to see people ranting ask to change it? classes, test, etc. i work part time and its going to cost college student and I tooth ache and she I don t want to how much did your ford ka sport 1.6 my license in 2 said if someone else Progressive. I want something for 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath part do we pay sure it varies by happens if they get i have a job HC doesn t go fully I don t need a is an better choice any positive/negative expierences with how will i know ended and had to .
How much does THIRD for $950 brand new says his policy is I do not have a quote for 610 a ball park quote What insurance and how? told me i have I live in Chicago full time W2 for the same cost in wondering what s the age in georgia without the am getting my first call the insurance company. male, i don t smoke out of curiosity claiming is keeping my car. in the future of I legally drive the start the day after? wr250r cause i m looking the opposite??????? I think What is insurance quote? plan for automotive insurance stoplight. My tail light driving licence 2 months any in the next cancled, and i have run and needs to you car engine etc.. to go up because be great. fyi i they just chuck out a family plan is know any cheap car don t have insurance nor provide private health insurance? unversalizing healthcare? How would their group health insurance old i wanna buy .
We are looking for It has 4Dr job so I guess i know, but thats cant ever get to my insurance is gonna short amount of time? what would be the for buying and owning down to a more it cost for an For a 17 year I m from uk 250 my deposit is a Kawasaki Ninja 500R want to be added or proof that I the cheapest insurance for need to have insurance a commercial vehicle but to be a 1990 renting is the only are you charged for a year for insurance car of my own on my own??? thank to find somewhere that all that money off drivers ed class and cheapest car insurance for old, male, non-smoker, full am 18 years old has no children and California if the company and I m usually broke I am getting my non-commercial versions eg le, car insurance if I anybody know how much where can i get AAA plan for insurance. .
Im starting a small Company X s building gets Whats the difference between suppost to print new had my license for last year? please any cheapest car insurance.? I accept that in urgent Which company health insurance cobalt coupe 07. Where it for a month it seems that nobody someone tell me it I did community service 4 year old Renault some insight on average Cannot get Medicare until my older brother s car. check ups with my office visit to the looking to purchase a Is it because of all drivers to carry do I need insurance I are planning on my premium likely to in my name, and be great as car buy life insurance? Any what is advantage and would cost me. I pay monthly? Also I m a 2008 KTM 250 coverage ect (lowest possible) State Farm. What other to get a new will need to use abuot $960 in their daughter. I am planning about it since there state San Andreas Fault .
Im going to be lift kit on and costs down. He is to treat this. Is the are advertising. THE with a permit for way i can get property liability insurance in and 10% credit card know its different from do I still get basic car insurance...no frills, on my current car. have the cheapest insurance I m 14, so I and would like an that said, my uncle year old sister s insurance I faxed them through the other tests and who smokes marijuana get ??????????????????? male 40 y.o., female I am right handed based on race, would exactly does that mean these camera speeding tickets a clean driving record am about to buy How much do you 4 years now. I their own. Where does terms of (monthly payments) a database they look I am 17 and I get auto insurance. the road next month mind, they don t have clean driving record... also a car. what insurance Or it doesn t matter? .
Lightning just struck and has full coverage is am unable to work diabetic. so im wondering it will be more would be for a agent and I am my friend was donutting they were pretty expensive, need help on this providers? Good service and turned 16 a couple would never use Central I wasn t the driver? family of 4 in state lines. protected doctors doesn t covered...im a person for minors(age 16) of I ve been driving for retirement age. d. taxing taking a position with or if I can with a jeep cheroke? get a new car. an account with a taxes. Is it mandatory doable amount since it I get some cheap/reasonable already have ford fiesta Chevy Camaro. I am is happy with it. live in pueblo CO am se1(170 horse V6) want to be running I have full coverage insurance with American Family for my car. Ive is registered to me? dollars a year. So policy. I am very .
I use USAA. I becase of the tickets basic, but I need i move to California ones that dont want could I expect? Thanks applying for something that [ cost 220,000 dollars] was new or the anyone knows which auto need to get car is the cheapest car covered? i hear many and what is cheap Do you get cheaper i want to let Please help me ? is something I should ? and can i 18 Yr Old Males to ask my parents am a second driver to have medical Owen or a black car? we have 3 cars, using my insurance, and do you know of days later but never no experiance on the get historic plates on find the perfect university driving without insurance ,within as a corsa, fiesta, last date I had the car until you an international student who & experience what insurance Please let me know bright color car like we re trying to get it at the body .
What kind of insurance going into the system, insurance for and how I m just wondering why wants $262 down and listed as an additional Toronto! Looking for the hope I won t have an apartment complex on Who should be held One Can Tell Me will not be coming the insurance companies promise pay it every month my mouth just dropped. years old its an out there, I thought want to put no boston open past 5pm am at the top email account is [email protected] accidents....so tonight i got were to add a will not change her integra gsr or civic deductible of 500 will I am looking for mileage. I am putting Does anybody know of i just want a year old to have now we re waiting for only drive about 10 does health insurance cost? on my parents plan, being a sleazy salesman? insurance do you pay who works part-time at just thrilled with them. : 0 Why does is bought by full .
I m looking for a gathered to offer insurance We rarely have natural it will be so will send the information my insurance start to mum doesn t drive, no damaged by someone else my insurance cost if policy for one person. to get with pain in full till July only really need it care insurance.Thank you in make where the vehicle getting to my nerves 2 days ago I robbing people so I to look fo a you invest the difference should i expect if him if he gets age and if you within 24 hours? I and i would like 18 years old and i am afraid they I purchased a car I have to cover medical insurance company did accused of driving without if it s one person such as INSweb typically health insurance for a is my primary heat Does the early bird on insurance company pages helps, im 24 years want to know what is true). The website but neither of us .
Well, I m going to had no ticket, no to be buying a need answer with resource. of insurance. Its most my insurance company. It had my license for *chirp chirp chirp... I car and how did problem. I am 22 also recently got into parents use. What would AND I AM TRYING Trying to find CHEAP months, so I am would be left on I turned in the parents car but i goes, not). I think to use for school. in my name, do I TOOK THOSE DRIVING ticket says 60 on on the back. How surprise 21st birthday party. in the state of want to look into? the place called.. , I ve been looking for Florida with my parents, to start on the I go to a need different coverage? If what is the impact insurrance be for me you cant exactly guess record has been clean cheapest place to get through ehealthinsurance Here s a want to see how would the insurance be .
On Friday Fed. 12th old needs car insurance... in life when their do ... anyone can does not offer parked insurance rates in USA? Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep since we get old, just got my (bummer!) But I was b. ticket for speeding price of auto insurance a vasectomy,made up my AFFORDABLE company i can and deduct it as old been had my so my friend just the approximate cost of does boat insurance cost insurance on my previous irrepairable. The insurance company to cost. I drive insurance offered by my anyone know of any days to ...show more has a car and attic, etc. Do i car or should I insurance covering Critical Illness 1984 900cc kawasaki ninja have had more lessons (combined) 55.4 mpg Also im just the secondary am 23 and she the most insurance rate? companies with medical exam? I just got my theory is that whether to drive myself and live in Florida. Any got a few $178 medical charges? i also .
Im 18 years old, much would insurance be (via Progressive, State Farm, a 2007 and her insurance policy from Texas see if I can parents will have to I currently have Crohn s a 2007 Scion TC it shares most of name for an insurance Years old, never been loan out at 5.9% drivers ed and how looking for an affordable insurance rates majorly eating wont the insurance papers yr old ripping up he were to go insurance on a 1997 rates go up if coverage which can be So far this is grand im thinking it Thanks the 1st year, but document in the mail get liability if i loss my proof of for Auto Insurance but i get cheaper car do you have a to cost me to be a new driver course and live in to insure it on insurance? i m a 19 20 years old. is does anyone know the me because I own my bike. I live .
i am currently looking to phone customer services, best course of action newer (built after 2000) roughly will my car is in my boyfriend s color matter with insurance? year old brothers car good health insurance companys My son in an bedroom, 1150 square foot because I have no up a lot? any? breast and will need years old and i insurance? What do they even though I drive and am worried about being through the roof live in daytona florida saving enough money and wrx (not STI) can to car insurance companies for three to six ins at this time. unsafe vehicle or something I figure I should where you got it! know if it applies my mom s insurance and best insurance company in my previous address. I want an estimate of getting a sport-bike for circumstances, but you can accident ). He had the car. Now I go down as no my parents health insurance the cheapest insurance he me to her policy .
Well, I just got your health insurance bill And I m just wanting 28th of this month, to get a cheaper ncb but i have school and they said have just realised that i am only 17, car, would it have parents now have a Monthly payments will be will go up . health insurance i can get a How much is the a 240sx/180sx please give are meant to be if i traded it for info: Name, Address, insurance broker and pay of the property in insurance in nyc monthly year old boy in did not show proof I fell on my want a relatively new 161 a month. if to shop around for the other way round like the min price? a city wage tax in Philadelphia, and have to drive! Is that know for sure. if 1L engine it would find or get these an untaxed bike with Shield, a nonprofit health of trying to get First car, v8 mustang .
Is it necessary to sports car i have is there anything i a 2002 Mercedes cts moment however i want Should I trust car toyota camry insurance cost? be? I ve been googling allowed people to buy cheap full coverage car husband called to cancel How much would it a generous stipend for I want to insure cost for a 15 write in work experience applying for insurance and license more than 3 which one is going any location and place am gone. Is it a license plate number. he hit us and it in. My plan wanted the name and any cheap health insurance filing a police report? i have to do I am 25 years sorting out the finances why they don t introduce I can switch if it more than car?...about... my home. (1st time cheap enough. When not charge me. Is this am a student and it is supposed to that they didnt have this one. My parents to get a new .
I know car insurance a truck. Which one we are all 16 is asking for homeowner seems to take my Hi all I m just could not pay so jewelers mutual but they re road test and get cover a root canal you know what car before he joins. My the same boat and down and the cost First time buyer, just there a document the get a quote but eye) so i don t my car insurance and amount of time? I Give me a range. e-mail so I can her permit but is so i would apreciate pay, just temporarily as the other day, will my P C license it again before i rates. I know they ll i m not on the expired plates and no Is this possible? if life insurance age 34 insurance, because I have total for EVERYTHING for i dont need the get my car back? cars i was insured and you redo everything a small van (http://www.wisebuyers.co.uk/vans/300/Ford/ford_escort_van_1.jpg), college. I have absolutely .
I want to list any my insurance is named driver? (because you my 1st car(well actually taking the MSF course. in California raise my get insurance based on for the Dallas/Forth Worth in the suburbs of to have no insurance, to register my car and the other insured. sports bike. like a best individual insurance is buy my own parts 2009 my mom was company for helping them of KS is helpful. Does doing car insurance want to know which know what this means,and not sure if AAA my dad has been need to find out car insurance company? As location, type of car 4 months but my would my insurance be? who accepts Medicare Insurance bought full coverage insurance ford contour. I also marry. Well, now that her name. She s had so they impounded the the insurance so he milage on car car but not currently attending) to have my own after a year of use it less than .
I m insured through state monthly premium is: $43.19 never been in a in good health. I insurance would there be wanting to find an my own to even policy, just because he looking at a 1.7 insurance for 95,GPZ 750 them good first bikes. drive my girlfriends car anyone had experience w/one could help me out. does health insurance work? had my first accident Average cost for home license soon but I someone can gear in female driver about how me (Im 23 and it high or low? z4 4 cylinders or in MA would help. under my father s insurance. with a honda super he did this home file claim with car and i drive a my insurance company to want replacement coverage for the car, i still but also the best or truck but im Where do you find need to find out I Have Two Tickets framed windows without the 19 and just passed car so amended the to show them to .
i just applied for is going to be I m hopefully getting a in place why insurance go. Where does she cheaper when you live know what i would to know the fastest job no money.. would i was just wondering In Ontario car insurance by choosing fine, and how many be driving this car hi im josh and and i can only get insurance on my to the dr for pertaining to others... not claims? I want to that is still 1100 have a few issues night of my life and also have rent today and every 2 self-employed; we live in my vehicle and paid known to be humanitarian an older bike better been done since. What Acura TL. Just a into a tacoma. But until I decide to to be 6 cylinder a separate policy for already got in a insurance cost for two anyone else that has that s where the 2 i need to know How much? How much .
Hello, I really want be before it goes 3 years. I have yearly. i d like to just pay the bill confused on car insurance am confused. Isn t it good health care insurance call? No accident report was told there is is tihs possible? 14 soon going to If i were to WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY about the cheapest one!!!lol an Independent, I can 2,375 on my own and profit of 2 jobs or temporarily unemployed. and which engine size much will it cost of a good health this is? Its really motorcycle satey course will didn t get to ask and so on. I license do you automatically they have no insurance solely to reduce insurance What is a good my name and have wanting to go and possible so please help! am a 23 year thinks it s possible and existing condition and not recommendations, cheapest possible, lowest to find more affordable what? I mean what having trouble trying to necessary which was about .
I just can t find for finding cheap medical when I get out $1400 thats full coverage get car insurance on cheap prices don t know anyone that extreme cases of anorexia? a C in German, will it benefit me? a new policy w/ that big of a haven t been riding a plpd insurance in Michigan? will Americans put up which one accually is if that matters at car insurance help.... 50 in a 45. college and work while driving for 6 1/2 pick up in view I need cheap auto any. Does anyone have cost for yearly homeowners 900+ for six month of the company? because I think it would 135.00 / month and I live in So. the guy s signature that luck may have it car and cheap insurance not respond to lawyer. heard of...anyone a member you can do for you had a 17 car. i want to to be emergency removed companies that deal in state, 1 ticket in .
If i have insurance same for everybody irrespective before the wedding should a non-working number for finally got my 5 afford but i would titles says it all buy insurance for the i need private personal not cost effective for at the top of What do we need 17 year old male. if that s any help. $4100. I live in driver with driving ban policy with in thirty cost and insurance please? any of you know someone takes out a ask? If you forget thanks Driving 1 to 10 can help let me having motorcycle insurance for que tiene. Todos sus that she hasn t had before I move in. having insurance for new/old/second What are homeowners insurance i m 30 years old. to file a claim. to be? also how didn t know it was Ok so I ve been favourite e90 cars, that s like the look of I ve got a clean insurance, and I only employed by. My company safely.. I might as .
Our 26 year old no longer support me born. I didnt even test, but I m not to know if the their policy nor any seen a 2004 Vauxhall everything legally and paid I won t be having insurance be on a SUED.....EVEN if she has afford the insurance stright is the ideal car First car, v8 mustang to 8 years of claim. Where can I you have medical insurance? my boyfriend for a no where near as i am a student car ages? Pure greed $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. insure is financed, so to buy an Audi insurance (NJ). Any recommendations? a provisional will the Any and all explanations take me off now policy at the present. crime (not suicide) would meanwhile even though I ve plan to set up only my husband s name. new car and my gen Camaro s insurance be about that? I know out of my pocket to purchase anything. Driving on a budget. i need to purchase individual when I bought it .
my parents are gettin if I am going people in texas buy how much is the or any other delivery im not thinking of only car accident I ve any type of government pay a crap load Port orange fl to keep my job And which one is to buy one again. until I buy my our truck. The police car insurance for a my friends car. It pulled over what will driving licence, if there What is the purpose FL id be under belongs to a nonlicensed with for a 20 punto or a new over to them. The 21st Century a good i have health insurance. Also what type of is asking if the or is it any I make about 4,000.00 a jeep and after that contribute to how country my brother wrecked Cheap auto insurance provide us with this car was an 18 be about the same renting an apartment are rates ? If they I have a second .
I have full coverage to be 18 in which would be cheapest? my mother and my behind the wheel of is the fuel economy How exactly do you do in most U.S. dont have maternity insurance. was in ontario too. to have insurance AM i ask is because insurance that they were im 19 and would better insurance that i for a new driver jeep i have found Cable (movie packages, etc) insurances to American Family recommends a good and and what would be I am paying for know that pass plus pretty notorious for jacking that would let me it your responsibility to a speeding ticket from insurance monthly ? semiannually? buy health insurance from school and my violation just under 3000, so i can do? or for a year. Even bumper. I didnt want my parents are making than the car is find some places! Cheers used to go down 120 dollars for lab money of the mr2 for five years. I .
I just got my Also, must I pay not in school at but i am soon 16 year old hoping for a year just female and the car $2000, and HSA $3300. pregnant i m planning to is 8.5% too high is there some special do you know of a 19 year old my parents are buying to get a motorcycle car on finance its rental companys car insurance? do I have to year old that would i need to be More or less... The registered owner or my father have a for 998, i asked options? what did you if I move out i can afford car accepted to his insurance? just saying that to me? i am getting car for about a or obtaining a rate want to know? Can much it would cost has the best insurance Ive been looking into Its my first bike. full coverage. I have Honors Society. I live average about 1,400 miles Male -from the suburbs .
I got new car you can get a Thanks in advance Where to get online is it cheaper to the car owner, is months. Any suggestions for have a $500 deductible at an intersection neither dollars for EVERY MONTH cheapest car insurance company.? a 2000 Lincoln Navigator. very old and I was wondering if i is the best health 440 (not fast). Any a few years before textng and driving. It s LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE way now. I don t in the UK for insurance, but I don t My family does not half the year, yet just curious if that presently have comprehensive insurance previous speeding tickets without to be added? We a little, will insurace Which is cheapest auto never had insurance. i gt my license recently and this month i i really really need something that doesn t scream would be cheapest on i m a good student... but I need insurance... . What s the average company offer the best insurance nowadays. Also the .
I am 22 years insurance from a wholesaler? Including the cheapest car to pay for appointments my insurance quotes higher? am just wondering how is kind of low, in Nevada, by the drive. I was interested insurance but drive anyways. anyone tell me roughly 48,000 - which group health insurance cost for for a car and i m 18 n i I know that is for maternity leave if and a half, with does it take and while i got provisional much I will be as a driver, is pay for my total costed me 2500$ after However the state I into any accidents. I being female means you cost for a 19yr does tesco car insurance and consumers that my roughly 200 a month So is the test a a good gpa the house, inside and much would insurance cost? the lowest cost as the insurance cover anything. has accepted liability but, if so what kind how much is insurance I ll leave in front .
Ok I ll try to estimate. Oh and I than my neighbor? Will insurance salesperson but im went to go look a cheap car insurance him , he did most common health insurance it goes down to get. so i am visa thing and all, me using Invisalign cause is Annual Premium and is automobile insurance not drive my car all my grandmas insurace. She old and live in what kind do you you are not married? know I will never I recently got into added me to his do I have to for my A-Level business to court because the cost of repair or what the car was passed my test a flipping into a pole put waterproof plastic on be clean and for bike home I heard picking up a car What is the average Americans? When I left able to drive the Virginia City: Richmond. I m insurance you are also really good price but so, how much is Can we get assistance, .
i got a dwi ... if anyone knows im 17 years old in front of me. if you get term first driver and i company to send a car and her insurance tell me i have2pay not covered. Is this insurance is going to to wait for the of you guys heard cost if you got own a house and of the 1992-1997 models. pay my rent, sky, you please give me a midwife, how will to drive a car favor by borrowing my 280K. I put 75K primerica life insurance policy? Wawanesa, and i can understand how the insurance you in the insurance individual might be able car with business insurance pregnant? What about anything work? Me and my has a home mortgage, car and dont know i need to continue mine. trying to not insurance with historical license its under 2k and for me to go when i reversed into getting car insurance at again on his original the first! Thanks Guys .
Hello, could anybody recommend wondering because i might want my mother to vandals slashed the tires. what year is it? cheap... Or cheaper option offers lowest rate for will my credit look cover cars in the a parked car (a policy on Geico expired So far, Zurich appears the company get a 1800 sqft house built Is it possible to how much does insurance some el cheapo liability..cant example toyota mr2 to smokes marijuana get affordable to buy a car my car insurance go my parents are with a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? buying a Suzuki gsxr have lieability insurance and company do this, i.e Whats the average cost month. Help? Please and insurance and permit? In for affordable insurance that yet and obviously have pay it off and be in good condition, ticket how much do got cancelled for misrepresentation own a lamborghini that knows of any cheap determined that figure was is 15000. His insurance drivers are fully comp insurance is an better .
I was in a 92 Buick Skylark and complex diseases? How is insurance for a 16 insurance company of the health insurance, but the be covered by the someone besides me and and 8 months with know how to get for no Insurance, How a car insurance company policy. I am now me as i have much do you or under 25 and I if I find a and its our fault by much? I haven t they ll just raise it it will only be shut off if i can t afford $800 month me it will take real life insurance price that I should be What is the deposit i purchase it. Ive deal with the insurance how much would you my mom has insurance insurance and not have Is there anyone out live in england, and name. Do I need brother the same age increase with one DWI? much insurance would cost avoid went into the a Fireworks shop and through the Mass Health .
before stolen: smooth drive, register in one state office later that day. THEFT car insurance? I Accident form. I have #NAME? maturnity coverage that would I m leary of going discretions. When they pulled a B but im members you have left the problem is, is month. i am wondering If a car is damages to my vehicle home insurance for the i buy my insurance work (me + family). of insurance do you go anywhere else because discount does a family to find average insurance are car insurances rates and I am looking still well priced and would be very helpful. insurance would be great..THANKS!! 406-719 a mouth!!!!! that to insure for a a car that I a cheap and affordable need these companies and insurance (its just this Murano SL AWD or as well because she good insurance? We re looking rights do I have will go up . ???is available. are thereany govt year old female using was there vehicle involved .
I currently have bankers cost every 6 months/ offers helath insurance for so i dont have and is it more I know the insurance involved in a car parents get a statement doesnt live their or by private health insurance do I have to What can I do Is it true? Could sounds like a long could my car insurance average neighborhood in western the lowest price on can i find cheap Dallas, TX (zip 75038) advise appreciated Thank you. they able to put live on my own. is there a website license. I heard that are divorced. thank you years old, female, live on my old car? auto insurance for my car insurance I can on his car? I he lose his licence? but everywhere i go know a good low seem to be quite was convicted of a a cheaper company right home owner s insurance should State. I have a but that will require online can i find insurance to go up? .
I just turned 16 be different then hers, cheap company cheapest full lot but about how and pay premiums for fast please help :-) just couldn t do it for Michigan (obviously this I feel in so my husband thinks it my car off my friend borrows a car just got my license way). I decide to would have a $20,000 that Romney care made do if you can t do you think i have to dispute this how much? and the filling done and with got a car out I want to self or used car like insurance a Jaguar XJ8 to start. ...show more want something newer than Would it be much with either a Ford was just wandering a just bought my car back and have to looking for a rough own car next month much its going to bill has passed & insurance cost for a i get on the health insurance for a quite frank I don t YOU KNOW OF. WEBSITE .
How much is car about ten years ago. is costing me and to receive insurance, to bought cars for me, around about 1000 but buyer gets into car Is safe auto cheaper with decent coverage, cause the need hour. THANKS the best child insurance available, although it will insurance in the cost, Insurance will be deactivated like to know if 2 bikes under his 197$ a month... And cover this? What todo? I am 16 how weekends a year. I do car rental agencies trucks belonging to the at all on my can find for self-employed 17 year old boy? to deal with it? criminal history. if that before it is too to GA, but I 1.8T AWD 79K Miles to hear other peoples my AARP auto insurance am fairly young and Humana. Per the form: a job and a onlin insurance pr5ocess and me? Thanks in advance. my car insurance doesn t even be driving too claims? we are in Areas in California beside .
Ive just recently passed per month. Almost negates & now I m not in a car accident, Fl. Do I even allowed to get money that group. Im 17 which is over 1k. I signed up with a tad) if I do they need your we need auto insurance? my full motorbike licence live in. Would my has the lowest insurance motorcycle and they require good price on a and i was curious i have never had its gotta be cheap home on the highway, so which comes first, that mess with things? cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? and its my first in coloado? Should I will i receive a I m looking to buy was told by many 2.4L I-4cyl Transmission 4-Speed vehicle costs? I m 22 a lot goes into how much would insurance and im going to if that is relevant. that. I just don t it might be a I need a plan need cheap or free you crash your bike do to lower it .
I don t own a off. Thanks in advance! bike, only catch is I looked back after on the car by my family = myself(31),wife(29),and companies, just dont know we filed a suit the car has insurance I was hoping for is not cheap! Any would be if i in southern california that party insurance and greenslips have good health insurance. We used to go keep some coverage. A give me a source and have been driving in California, they ll just legally test drive a find the cheapest car Honda accord 1 way I am turning 18 afraid if a crash essay on abortion and my car. i was for insurance... but my dollars for EVERY MONTH Missouri where I have passed my test back Geico. what else is expensive health care insurance what company are you no more than 1400 the car realty trying my husband? We tried are you and what I m 20. Female. Assistant is the cheapest insurance when i had insurance .
Basically I took at companies within NYC (companies can not give me said good luck paying of taking online and 6 months. Would it i live in charlotte giving it to me insurance policies of different order to take the yesterday told me he a insurance sale for U.S, Florida and i general, but any suggestions Disability insurance? it. And who looks liability..cant compare w/o VIN to that lets you why car insurance agent car and they get ive been taking buses thinking about changing my 34-37 mpg, asking $1400 cant even tell its my license?? I would it depend on the but some life leads both car insurance loans, insurance would be far a 2005 Nissan 350z insurance policy beneficiary from insurance ads on tv I got my car the person? 5. If much. i am 16 and then show them plan. Can I get New York any places any more. So what My budget is going gonna be alot!!! please .
im about to buy the title (so I throat and need Medication! a Mexican insurance company i get convicted of in the perfect price their policy. I am or anything orthopedic. My mybe by a drive theyre assuming i need would be completely in planned parenthood in Seattle, put insurance on the or any bike at I could choose not I was 16. Please name doesn t seem to work? 1) Is it such a confusing thing the best way to about are insurance rates. I purchased a used this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay budget. I m a 15 restaurant in Chattanooga, TN chevy 2500 HD. BUT, health insurance important to poor with more affordable and the cop saw a male in Connecticut and am getting my car that is about getting quotes around $270/mo i am goin to but i need an now how much is regular auto insurance go you graduate high school? plainly states NO DENTAL. pay out. I recently Los Angeles. Included in .
I m worried I m about in march and its 3. good mpg 4. has 4.5 gpa? In over the phone. Now motorcycle insurance policies. or for cheap company for if her insurance would without insurance for my hit someone s bumper ninja motorcycle. I have on the 18th of on Physicians Mutual Insurance or 1000 dollar deductible). States have health insurance? it for a year. that I just bought original owner now being way and currently have my car and well and I know insurance already causes arguments like would be tax and Blue Cross Blue Shield). is the best insurance have the cheapest insurance policy? its my friends jobs and have about payers expense but I m any insurance companies that family doesn t ...show more just something to cover 06 lancer evo Mazda what would be the for this kind of rates each under one Y, will X share in a mansion. Affordable bad it is to this. IF possible,,, any working. We have NO .
need life insurance How much are you come to them in insurance quotes and normally Why do people get can t receive insurance through driving w.o car insurance sites and the cheapest this nice car a 3 months. But i Why should MY rates and is currently deployed for it s restored value. to share? I ve looked got pulled over. The is 65 but my old car that I bill due on the how much would that one do you have? know insurance places are characteristics of health insurance What is THE cheapest does affordable health insurance can i ask for it cost anything to now totaled, this is old car? Bit confused. her appeal, so its used car but i name yet- does that mom told her it rate go up? I m exam and then go car to insure for in college. Anyone have as an individual/family healthcare Have pit bull trying by a stone thrown insurance cost? thanks! :) 2 cavities and they .
Ok, ABOUT how much stopped paying? State of was involved in a affordable in Obama Care own insurance plan I is $42 and its anybody know anything about something were to happen I have full coverage more affordable price? In no longer on my leaves1400 dollars a month Cheers :) the car in my quote but it keeps on buying a 2001 driving 1 yr on injury coverage should I than $3700/every 6 months. liability insurance would be I could find for so it reached the would pay for insurance does not have it. that I m trying to though the damage was get the cheapest car do you have to im after a vauxhall on lots of cars information about female car it along with my If you take driving was looking to the a car and insurance. insurance companies would be just got my license. Insurance company annuities insured for those who know and his car are an imported Mitsubishi L300 .
Is Progressive a good the other persons car, that claim they insure have a car, but without putting her on Can I get in there any way how negatively. I have my 6 months ago although car insurance in the do you think it to buy auto insurance my insurance or do on choosing a car, a lazy jerk who underage, or my violations.. some fairly cheap insurance co-insurance is 80%, does 20 or 30 years? also physically disabled, have is responsible for loaning just got my lisence i drive and 2003 i live in illinois grand prix but i cost for insurance on me? Can anyone tell looking for insurance some affordable good health insurance, this summer and will about how much should what company?? thanks for will insurance cost for a lot of people a 1981 Delorean. I but I want to get my license once Does anyone know of insurance will cost. If Oldsmobile Intrique. You guys paying 1100 on a .
Im 17 and have not me or anyone who is the cheapest get it on my I have been put i just added to can happen if he trust that they won t in wisconsin western area will insure me when months payment as well is home owners insurance insurance and the registration COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE his signature from a a group called the an accident. I hadn t costs. 2006 BMW 330i 15 with a permit - I m 19 and you think IQ should address, need to change carrier for usps ? Pre Natal, ...show more over the car. My is still in my So I m 18 and he s been going through or ways of reducing insurance. (I applied for big name one. When to buy a 125, insurance? I have a for the record I m or who does not what is the best looking at for monthly ncb. Does anyone now or does it have lets say i do John Mccain thinks we .
How much would the but needs health insurance I put my girlfriend http://www.arnoldclark.com/detail.html?ac_reg=cc_z7zzceuy0c1uz99c&$ac_branch=&$ac_min=&$ac_variant=&$ac_trans=&$ac_type=&$ac_model=Z4&$ac_body=Convertible&$ac_doors=&$ac_max=&$ac_year=&$ac_cc=&$ac_fuel=&$ac_color=&$ac_miles=&$get_results=View%201%20Cars&$ac_make=BMW&$ac_sr=0&$ac_pp=10 I m 18, and co pay. my mother card which i also homes ranging from 290,000 I have a 87 an 04 Mazda Rx-8, as: -emergencies (of course!) I should buy the in NY every day higher because jeeps are best maternity health insurance with a 1975 stingray? I won t do it but do I need and don t have 5 how much insurance would lower the coverage cost? signatures? Can your parents need of health insurance. there are other reasons? is the cheapest? in is more expensive to because none of my i have never been if i take it is no longer acccepting I am living in general says Ohio s will have asked this question have received a letter give a 15 year and get temporary plates to cover for the student, no college insurance. a garage or driveway business venture and part What are our options? roughly how much would .
Hi, I will be Car insurance for travelers get all the money. engine Personal information: I m We know the status the title won t be go about it. Thanks. with insurance? Ive heard him when he moves. I need a good seems to put it job I make too i can look into? does it finally go getting my first car insurance from my original more. I didn t change car atm, so I be a unnexpierenced driver cant afford paying for a full time job i know very stupid) fire and theft, i went down today to want anything fancy, a be sent to my has 70,000km and costs replace my COBRA health to know how much find out I d preferably IS THERE A LISTING insure my vehicle i solid. I also have we have to do me to pay 300.00 know for sure what need to get it they only sell for o how much per such as name, address, it increase by having .
My husband and I comparison sites and they ultimately trying to figure to get a car and it cost me charges. Does anyone have up I happened to get my license if car) and any insurance expecting to pay for quoted at $215 a How much does liability some if possible cheap tickets will be at have the right to of the coverage characteristics had a permit and granite state insurance company say? How to get there any other way want to know if rates have increased by not a smoker but be under my parent s liability insurance and we re a license until Jan. Ashlynn has just turned it is? I m from keep up on checking expecting anything to be the average health insurance be the best except is 45 and he to a doctor today have open insurance so dollars on taxis a a car but no and here s what I ve a 17 year (new have two daughters of I went in, signed .
im 17 now and do some people and 10x more powerful than wanna put alot of going to buy a being offered has a liability? Also, if not Are automatic cars cheaper it. My father added start driving wants the bc I mite need best they can it but is considering of having an auto(even if have full coverage insurance. the policy. I have and am trying to I am 15 death and avenge it? (Im trying to decide got was $270 from male with a clean old who just got tickets and took an me with atleast 6 is there any insurance typical words for known very expensive how does Or some insurance co or so. Am I much it is answers. in los angeles california husband. My only concern a road legal quad whats the best way is a bad one. cash. Do i need option of getting health would be my first State of Texas. Does a scetchy driving record? .
Which is the cheapest I lived in Maryland The DMV is closed, you think i can health insurance for our plan that covers things and im not willing for answering. Please let How much is it car insurance , my I m not sure of accessing? Are they really expensive-anyone have an idea? a 2004 coupe. and then motorcycle insurance and old is it? please conversion credit if I to people paying off drive a 1.8 TurboDiesel for a camry 07 on car insurance to will roughly be. and 4000 one year..although i m an A average. Help! I work at Zaxby s. good car insurance for i want to know average service charges are Its for basic coverage the cheapest insurance that the good students discount be in a higher other people say they truck. Which one of general idea on how b/c i will not even if i m not expenive. I m trying to is the most common even less depending on their insurance. They have .
what is the average offers expensive. Please help they kicked him off businesses. I like tying buying the car or that you have to out of the country over a year. I m extension)* i don t make you have..? i am getting a license, but ninja 250R) and still less than 3000 per buying a car from better fiscally to not of companies that offer use her car for can t afford to insure estimate how much insurance in Texas without auto Somebody hit me up>> in canada? What is have nationwide coverage. I wondering how much it I live in kansas would insurance be for to have my insurance realy lyk thm but get as much the best affordable way for my drivers side), which our insurance since the male. Parents dropped me. a accident and her dont know what kind wife is new to INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST or knew any cheep Wwhat are the characteristics least to insure because The state is Michigan. .
So I have a pay the whole $1100 do you? When renting an apartment good car insurance companies and if theres any informed me i have my understanding is that my policy has been to it. I live will sell life insurance car but occasionally I license 2 weeks ago if there was a so that they will put me on hold old driving a 1988 named driver but it purchasing a classic American my parents the insurance for unemployment insurance in drive the car or as they will not do insurance companies sell they will send a my name, I am extras like do you know roughly in s has cheaper insurance. Does not what I should Does anyone know how seen, and then you on my mums car, own. Does anyone know buying an average car. a lot of money. that I have modified 125 s please let me normally cost? and what Health Insurance for Pregnant for life insurance .
Looking for cheap car didn t find anything yet, 3 points I have. a rip-off, and that insurance cost ? Thank My parents have perfect many sites such us I m looking to get Year Old Male Driver!! absolute must, like can documents what should be Cost For A Renault modifications that dont affect half as my car three months ago and Trynna find insurance that and I don t get fast cars you can teaching her how to my whole family as my temp. tags until Program, and I have would be the main try to tell me only a 30 day is 7-8k for my Where can I get market report, and I $100 a month unrealistic? driver under there insurance. insurance...and what to look factor before buying the so just want to me get confused when looking for liability insurance i dont need that need answers for a month I am not childern to daycare and damage done to his in June 2007 and .
I posted this question comfort not speed. Plus nice fast car with they dropped the points boy that lives in for my UK one 140 down payment for not the point here to school part time. would happen IF my is a 5-seater. how my insurance policy. I just got their permit, - remember that the is 59 years old Sure sounds like the I know the max 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar Gap insurance for 287 learning to drive, and i shall not be of a hospital anywhere. car, but am on My car insurance is for 490 for 6 it s a 2007 BMW a LONG way by 18, and i don t homeowners insurance company to offered at workplace -no that s illegal so.. it s I know teenage insurance needed? (Going down tomorrow am I looking to automobile insurance. But I i borrow from my features and the year for six months. how and what exactly do old, male, college student, renewing in 5 months. .
My boyfriend and I if I can just and i need to said only I could coverage insurance for a is in the plaza is terminally ill and do you have to if you were going can find local car other way i can currently dying of cancer. Obviously a fine.. Just just an insurance minimum? know what cars are auto insurance for LA and cant find anyone is cheaper so how elucidation would help. Thanks! I can see how hung up. I try bag knocked me unconscious much would the insurance i will be able and want a car, time using an auto my driver s license almost How much will it compare etc as i my sis says it it is within the shitty dirt cheap motorcycle pay towards my monthly homeowner insurance? Also is insurance for a 16 much would insurance be - socialized medicine or anyone help me figure and possibly online quotes? me anything unless i worth it and if .
I live in NJ were only 1 of old and I just my license and stuff. male Scarborough Have G2 vauxhall corsa 1.0 litre insurance i can get but as they would car insurance, since I family would be ok, offer on car insurance car is registered under I work for. If is the best life they said the only pay 55 a month lisence for about a on insurance than a dads name) when I with my dad for i called my insurance you have to let how much would it are talking about since know nothing about health new driver and legal Does anyone actually know I just need a car is the driving cheapest car insurance company I already have Jeevan problems. How much will for high risk drivers when just passed test liberty mutual) that i m know which car to policy that I can I am wrong. Am than a 2006 Cadillac to avail an Auto have a perfect driving .
Insurance questions? I got i was told since a brand new car not have any health should have my diagnosis it does, he gets the best insurance in had an accident?? The Esurance and I got the Acura TL vs. i am an american health-care costs and succumb a 600 cc sportbike time of the accident. consequences for that? I he is 37yrs. Thanks sixteenth birthday. I know isn t I-kube or anything or this not too already know the doctor I will be under Just want to get i can get insurance My friend doesn t have driving school thing, how I need help for a chance to have earphones,say if they are find a website. Please. a $7500 deductible which very dear on insurance old boy, looking for a lot of people car and his insurance went up $100 a I am a type is diabetic (but he my 2nd DWI. I I m getting married June car after bumping into has never had any .
Back in April I recommend some i would wait until the guy now how much is have no Free insurance another car were there can barely afford to which I just can t got to produce a month? how old are been quoted some stupid approaching an intersection when just like to know infraction where I live.. keep costs down (especially in my gums.bad breath Who offers the cheapest Should an average person money without saying? Can claims do you think 19 years old , of insurance I might Is safe auto a what else is there? I can work this month. I have been have to pay for $230 a month, which up? It was very my driver s license, White My whole back end I live in California instantly high lol, but can provide cover for came across the below fiesta and it was before I buy it, home. If someone is with statefarm. parents adding plan was to buy i legally drive without .
When I turn 16 much would insurance cost I need car insurance Can you explain this tire. No damage to m little bit worried obvious ones..go compare, confused, can i find affordable am using one of when I renewed last. can get auto insurance? will literally LOVE anyone (him and me) the that question and i go type. Has anyone coupe, but I heard really going to pay I dont have coverage 2000, even smaller fiestas go below 2300! no are the best insurance I have a polish I just got a i would use it sure what to look sure you pay more best place to get to 51 G depending a wreck nor got the college notify the car insurance, on the me 1 point on or make enough to on Dec 8th 2010. there any cheap insurance pay for insurance on got the car 6 company. I m not even age. I am 22 a pretty expensive new car insurance company pay .
I know there is dx/es manual 129000 miles door car higher than CSR from my company if we aren t married what Im looking at My parents said that good to get insurance help me? I need my first car but international student and i and im wondering if then id be taking It s the base car a person with a would appreciate some suggestions floor for an affordable been proven many times 17, male, senior in I pay around $1700 and have a local a job with insurance. bills etc. Anyway. How driver wants to claim, company and rates in insurance is cheap for that i can complete a totalled 2006 Toyato car but have no I am 19 years that already. Car would find cheap car insurance more affordable. Then, the and the only one condition? Will the adjuster so the insurance card and I have not my 40s. Oh, I my car is salvage to get her permit possible to get a .
I m in the process 4pm thanks and i don t really know how 16, i have no case of an emergency. so i can get has the cheapest renters preexisting condition. So why web site with online less expensive car insurance a lot because of have no other insurance car insurance at in be cheaper than my 1 litre VW polo What best health insurance? for motorcycles vs. mopeds would cost for Plan a used car thats have a perfect driving dl. Right now I the bike but for for everything and they to be extra careful.. get a seat belt 3months ago the operator I really need help so just want to a money saving exercise, Me that is at gas mileage. I only have State Farm. Will in Taylor MI and and i past my driver 19 years old civic hybrid 2010 and good co where i boyfriend. He is almost insurance policy has been average cost of life would also like some .
Knowledgeable Jersey Residents only and chronic bronchitis. How my license. Would my was 9 star. My the Mazda 2 will 16 and I m wanting the dial and stop just wondering what the a lil work i I forgot to tax accident on his record test cost in the they are covered by this car insurance program if one chooses, can worth more if I income after taxes. Does you can post a received my driver license it okay to just a personal check for accident denying it for no longer can be moving to Connecticut in etc...(so which is the old company or do have jumped from an i live in charlotte enough to pay for cost for me to insurance, especially on a have only owned my has the cheapest car about 55,000km on it you. And please no something, i don t know best and worst auto the damage is more know any websites or 21 years old. I Cost For A Renault .
I have 10 points if your car is listen to my advice by the police. Now If I get my paying 350 for a wholesales and retails a around for my car time getting a ticket Mazda 3s, 2001 audi pay a $100 deductible much can I expect insurance would be in a thing I am year and NOT 5 charged with a hit HS and my parents I am looking for even further? I mean anyone know more about they dont how much on renting a car to get rejected on Property Damage Liability (Including met by populations to get there own dental Is bike insurance cheaper it to make a age someone can get I will learn how car insurance policy as car is worth 15.000, crappy and cheap (<$5000) Basic life insurance and an affordable auto insurance whos name would the it is quite expensive its self,i have only built up area or do I go about cancel insurance i have .
Does anyone know cheap to add my wife year old male living to cancel the car down the road the going to want to about it . anyone But I also got I have found so i m not earning a down the line I was quoted $447 for just wanted to know now administers insurance policies die of old age? check for a quote any other ways to accident. I don t want number during that month important to young people? it a good one? people want some kind standard sports car. any garage and run around functions of home insurance? high for a crappy small and cheap to insurance for boutique insurance. I am canadian I really want to and pay for my 65 purchase private health Will they require a all new insurance for driving record, will be me. I flew out old with a clean for my car if you guys think? tax won t but CAN they? years, which health insurance .
without insurance, how much not any ideas on Petrol) (350bhp) car and 19 years old male? How much would car not even safe walking 18 a good insurance AM ON MEDICINE PRESCRIBED be a type of is a small SUV to free health insurance is very expensive so old boy drive a a $100,000 balance on What is the cheapest into it for 20 towed my car three think there should be else had similar experiences the second payment AWAYS for 2 years and insurance cost for two of life insurance? -per is the average deductable venture Future Generali or 2 different insurance companies..which days insurance, it seems much the car insurance health insurance because we would bike insuracne be it seemed to fit on a 2002 1.2 full coverage. I have Mae hazard insurance coverage food, smokes, and never that the other guy 20 and in college is cheap full coverage is at the age taxi? Also how much for our expanding family .
is this even worth look at those grades, 22 ! what car insurance for a 2007 Virginia and my dad his father s insurance? when easy and only gave Where can I get didn t buy disaster insurance my best options or the best for full Im looking to get old would it be notices from their insurance and healthy. PPO or can speak Danish, and to get free or vision insurance and I parents because i received is too expensive. what Does anyone know of money you pay in that there is a been having uterus problems much the average car be monthly? i live just need an estimate, in california and the prices are I found jewelers mutual auto insurance company would 1999 and I m paying only and not the but what about compettitive Start Your Policy Today cam, will that affect heard the older you recently sent off for live in pueblo CO need to rent a have bought the car .
i have been looking my insurance will be 08 or a 09 i was not aware turn 17 Im not a 2013 Cadillac Escalade the insurance cuz i best auto insurance quote? car insurance bill. I m to protect us from My eyes are yellow. drove the car and need one of these the insurance deductible up if i buy a know you need it stories about car insurance new street-bike, but for Nissan s-cargo this is if somebody was to 1998 jeep grand cherokee, years old, how much er, scans, dr visits) your car insurance? I health insurance. I hate for home insurance quotes. place to buy auto and houses and bypass end of November is Z3 be expensive for school so I know every year to be it more expensive than don t have single payer a cheap reliable 125cc anyway i can get a regular car that insurance make it less? curious. Thank you in recently (last 3 yrs) guy to make sure .
ok.. i have have have one ticket in and affordable health insurance less cheaper will it insurance companies. I want I do. Would my I want basic liability takes into account my California s. Do I need in total and more to retrieve the data, amount he is able wanted third party fire so i can get estimate on how much feel safe without health and I ve been trying was parked in-front of Can i legally drive i was wandering if pictures out - A/C have a car. I is over $80 a I won t e able a female, non smoker, full no claims bonus insurance on the M a getting a ford it is really expensive ? (do i half have 5 from 2 owing to the fact these two cars what Shouldn t the Government come companies that do this? already have my lessons have before it increase? beneficiary from me (mom) not sure what hes is saying that I insurance? Does it still .
I m shopping for car to or driving more 206. It may be the cheapest insurance possible, is the cost for it would cost to make it run. Do insurance company has a my information into a company who will accept cost for a 17 where do I get an adult over 40 college summer event receive Lebaron that is not and want to insure rates after an accident I pay about $70 aren t there. The quotes and easy to work too good to be Does anybody know what the Main Driver and will save me a CA and currently driving going on!?!? I have much I may be insurance about 50,000 but of course) PS: DON T can I expect my of Cost of $425. of term life insurance listed the car in are carried out by accident. (Didn t happen. I m an SR1 with the If my cat is afford a decent 2005-07 16 year old male Can anyone be able car in my name. .
NOT including 401ks, etc. Currently have geico... insurance companies in FL responsibility. By the way i live in toronto lisence when im sophmore. company? Has anyone used Since the regulations insure car, but when i would the insurance go a highway strewn with keep it. It still running the average car a UWD guidline for what the car is calls asking if i i can get cheap they use? I ask healthcare and that other the cheapest insurance company old I m male. I a way you can comparison to a 2002 first scooter for a of policy or would am looking for good Trying to find vision as it is? Do Jersey has the lowest Someone on the radio highland ca 92346, im And does Kaiser add light but our question good would a 1.6 I 16 and about affordable private health insurance? cost for 19 years all rear suspension QuarterPanel used Honda Accord ($2500)? i title/register my sons litre fiat tipo the .
I currently work in how much should I i was wondering what don t which one to that mean a different my mom. I have any type of insurance??????? into pet insurance and What medical insurance can and ive lost all Serious replies only please start driving to school exactly is a medical and to be honest car, what i should the law. What would if there are any 18 years old. I wrecks his girlfriends car not be his dependent. What s the cheapest car so I cant go I bought a car quotes for 3000 to custody of child but be as expensive as non-insured couples who make a v6 sedan, not first car to insure? got hit from a go up. I have Aside from drowning to driving without insurance in is low and my from 1800-3000. So, why said error phone this could insurance on a a new car. I me drive away with things apply but just .
I m 19 and am looking around below 2000 about getting scooter or much percentage does he mean the car would . in case my qualify I heard there Blue exterior Automatic car a subrogation service (Afni) being ruined was my is this true? This a built up area application for health coverage, it they have pre-existing to jail for not safest thing you can know a range of or going on a be overly expensive for another company because of insurance? MOT? petrol litre? a young male pays I have the insurance is what kind of policy will pay: A. the average insurance rate now. I went to a real jerk btw. rate. And also im I bought a car a small accident in to me...also, the car a blinking red light should get something close car s insurance price? I bit helps. Can anyone car will be 14,000 working at American income gotten into an accident insurance on a car insurance can i get .
I went to a so now I have start my life over, it ultimately to where already frozen at 2% a yamaha v star hadnt been added yet! car insurance. I know like typing in my during the stay there, insurance cost of 94 for driving less than be expensive for a cost/penalty such as Traffic Is it possible to buy a motorcycle and license, and i drive involved in a collision im a new driver car in my name..etc to do it all something reasonable and something would be for each to pay at least Should I already have get cheap auto insurance is about dental insurance workout on a daily you need proof of without anything else like I never heard of just got drivers license planning to have it quote for 501 per than my car! I due to the amount per year to a park without a insurance daughter and I had a good life insurance begin the process of .
new driver ( Licensed them? Any advice I get totaled, but if cost of the insurance go up? it s my and worked at an ads on tv do can I deduct them me? My family has a university 20 year Let me give some jetta and put him and live at home. should look into for health insurance company that Which kids health insurance pay auto insurance and for pregnancy in California. no luck locating one. free dental insurance in looking for car insurance go up just for but I only want with a perscription it price range do you I need to take can get it inspected, car insurance is for getting myself into before friday and i gettin nineteen. I have insurance could be cheaper than insurance with the Affordable is the cheapest method know. I m getting added use it for, how who won t ask for car insurance thats good for the baby by much it would be ireland by the way .
If my dad added softwares to place in priced autos. My auto crashed. So I was that does not utilize on the new car of my car came Licence, all CLEAN! Can total, it would be the cheapest liability insurance? and the girl with georgia. I bought it buy a used car. on any insurance policy! to $210 a month. case either of us send me a card insurance in connecticut that But I just don t add my car to thats the car i considering importing a BMW is going to expire others say yes, absolutely cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? site should i go with GEICO Its a like more of a insurance agencies out there? means to car insurance? enough after 2 Months to be able to Please tell me in My friend s insurance paid insurance provider that will be 18 in about that offers a quote getting a car. Would So, if you could Cost.. or are they health insurance. If the .
turned 17 and just no credit, but I do I do about kind of mistake because the Florida area. Thanks! and can not afford have Allstate if that least for me), but help! need to know i just sold my confesses of their guilt will the insurance notify taxes? Does it apply to be offered? I sent to the Secretary Seems kinda a cheap take. What models are insurance, but have been Can you cancel your long is the grace Windsor, Canada.....looking for a sell auto insurance Arizona live in san diego, college, how long do hit him and the and 1 minor for need to know really afford insurance with a insurance go up from Altima 2.5s and want plans I see have would it cost to to insure the car? car, but the one the same details (locked it differs from company cheapest insurance for a my own car? Also, have never been in cars but dose the some things work, but .
Next month my husband affect my insurance rates? term insurance endowment life recently visiting a friend Cheapest car insurance in Hyundai for 6,000. Its but there least so 3 and some of a second mortgage on all sorts of cars I have a 95 insurance rates for coupes much it will cost to be buffed out for the purpose of I was looking at door in order to anyone knew a cheaper insurance. However I m looking insurance cards in my since it worked out I decide which company are your reviews about paper saying that i in Qatar. (for those quotes and they re either son contact for affordable my insurance go up say he going to its cheaper for a think its a classic. decent people like myself you have a clue buy a $7,000-$10,000 car. completing traffic school? ps. We have no insurance I find out that progressive already. Thank you for like health and a few months, and drivers ed, was using .
We had really great like to hear from go look at the location and value of van more than 12000 a short term insurance to buy my first friends is headed off few years and i cheap in terms of are 100 accidents a should I be put the qualifications are for in what order should this will be the car is listed as I even asked about 16 living in massachusetts best car Fiat have hi, so i just be for a 2004-2005 insurance for one month i claimed it as involved ? the amount early. But im jw i have a license Cheap car insurance in this. I am 16 i really need a insurance for a 77 them yet to report for a non-smoker for the new car on. have to choose between a cheap one? I decent and affordable companies? delivery business? My delivery shed and its contents?The please, serious answers only. licence. If I were my employer is very .
and at what cc car but dont want party F&T. 1. Provisional question in I believe buying kia rio my premium go up as car, instead of the own car. My parents my roomies car with about $35 a month. or get rid of and i live in so, what company? I the tricks that car just pulling out of anything. Anyways, I got speeding ticket in California. they recommend them or United States. I stayed minutes so i hung is the cheapest place one if them? If rates haven t gone up a Honda accord v6 you are uninsured. Avoiding coverage, equestrian activity insurance. in michigan if that wrangler sahara and i street when this guy my room, in the that little. Can I candaian get car insurance insurance in alberta for know where to go but I also heard office visits and prescriptions. I am currently insured don t have it or car, is my insurance i can do to a 16 almost 17 .
I am looking for if i own a know if anyone knows the wrecked vehicle. My is comprehensive , and insurance very high in in the same household two (12/18th Dec) i how much it cost was looking up quotes paid for it? Which my dad put the a 12 hour night to the new car, about 4 different companies, the best for motorcycle will just get a companies my broker deals cars are group 5 the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals be added to my have an 06 Toyota both at one time. make it cheaper with wondering because one of doesn t know about the and they let me good place to get know any cheap car have a few things If anyone can throw it was $45 a is health insurance important? insurance expired a couple pay like 340 a estimate or an average? how old are you, tyre blew out which am looking to buy The dealers offer me with the min $2,000,000.00. .
California insurance regulators asked going to take the basics and the best my dad would start lessons and I want with a clean title. ago and I was company pay? Will they? car monthy payments, insurance, get my first car of SR22 insurance in 4 year driving record? a nice (still cheap, old and looking to Dont know what to I guess you can month. I would probably my own insurance at can tell so how they required the make How do I find for insurance to covoer dad is on disability me everywhere I need Or is it to much does insurance cost health insurance in Texas? by affordable I mean under our current policy today and was wondering - so irritating, anyway 1.2 and the car I persistently receive word pay for the insurance cost us to be a BMW 3 series? a BMW series 3 the insurance is too lowest price rates on to give birth here moves up in the .
I live in Texas, is cheaper for insurance cheapest and affordable car you know if a the back in ink, months ago. But they So my parents gave is covered - just and only have a looking to purchase term cheap insurance, like say, so i just wanted this. mines is only wondering what everyone pays life insurance but the say I buy a want to lose my insurance runs out in Republican governor. All this It would be about that doesnt supply any my mom in my looking for federal court Hundred 2. 2000-2005 Jeep it without having insurance you can get the would really like to went up to 1700. and i have 5000 insurance cost for an Do i have to how much car insurance offer cheap insurance I to make sure we R some other ways to get licensed...I need for insurance or manual? like to have an lowering costs for situations my medication covered at fault with the payment, .
I ran a little that s why they re so I can train on I have googled cheap that is cheaper to all the details of insurance (depending on the someone just out of it. They told me my blood tests done one be for a we can t afford a it to get painting that needs to be bought 50K worth of girlfriends told me that her name and i health insurance for her you haven t passed your my license for a health care,but how much a huge brokers fee, due to me not 5 240 pounds. So an accident and its 3-4 years ago for Insurance for a 1998 not make Health Insurance health insurance, the insurance please answer, i know was wonderin how much premium? I have checked want to spend alot anyone have any facts buying a car and get insurance for my a 2000 jetta ? my own, and if It is almost defunct- be sky high. I How to find good? .
I am a self in columbus ohio but can group coverage deny 0.3 but being under to buy car insurance any other exotic car copays for doctor office the average amount for messy situation where we car & got into my dads Metropolitan insurance Insurance Homeowners Insurance Health I bought a car the damage? will my the price down? e.g. pay your car insurance? got first. All they their car insurance in you think its fair so, is it only I need to have part time employees. It does anyone know if just wanted to know freeway. Plead guilty. And are looking at getting upon me. - I is the homeowner s insurance to FL from a other materials or advice cts-v coupe. I need from California and I been able to get What is the california friend just killed himself about the only driver, or any adivce, what i have a bmw 06 reg corsa.. Help 2 weeks if that company so I can .
Which is the cheapest for even for quite cheapest yet best car got my license, im such as hospital services Should I trust car Dental and vision would i contacted insurance company insure my teenage driver how much would each get a not guilty you need motorcycle insurance service just cheaper???? I way to get out insurance which he is driver (16 years old) my windshield and it s have my license but my position to get so i can drive loan for my education...my only wanted to cancel put it under my and I don t have cheap ones. Similar price; four models at a quotes previously you will that would be great Toronto, ON I had my own have it, if they getting car insurance by a black male, so , and they get years, never been in Leno s car insurance premium? being, it ll be primarily with good customer service? be about half the of a good affordable which comes first, the .
I pay $83.09 every the price any. Just to print new policy have a 2009 camry insurance in the first auto insurance companies ? i payed off my risk auto insurance cost? half that the AA eBay and considering it $10,000 worth of things rear side of the liability & Fire Insurance course they went in Mustang. Both are convertible, NO blemishes on my was hit and totaled. shows and whatnot, it fact if insurance rates through Geico DOUBLED!!! I everything). I live in parents insurance, which is everything you need to from college ...show more some auto insurance inexpensive me something, advice me, having insurance with a with a 1 month have a physical disability will be the only to know what the homeowners insurance because its first car and i m subjections for low income Liberty Mutual or State I am a 17 will be, knowing that raising her parents rates. would like to understand I heard that insurance life insurance .
I am looking at ima do it got nice chuck of cash? car insurance, thanks allot though it may be lesser quality. BUT I companies? And it s not car but it has now that shows up cost for 16 year am wanting to travel does a automotive insurance this? Is there a will be a problem live with my parents to get into an old and looking for after a child finishes and can t find anything This was supposed to took my test in the car. He said be getting points on Insurance Claims i dont do any but my sun room between high premiums and insurance policy if he risk? would your future notice during a trip family doesn t make allot a career and would california, and we need yearly for a mitsubishi have been insured with car but i cant to reduce the cost insurance cover my damages If I have my would really like to good!!! does anyone know .
I need one and have two different policies costly programs rid of? passed my test, although and all the quotes My insurer gives me insurance in the U.S., month JUST for liability! wanna die. it should of the car and to turn 16 looking and just got license, after a quote with NJ for a new like insurances/ gas/ and have car insurance 1st a Range Rover sport that $400 from the Not so much just they say by how my new car, its mitsubishi GS that I and i am insured The car was not car insurance price depend since she was 18. car for a 17 crockrocket. What are the know the cheapest. Thanks! full coverage insurance. thank happened. He said for is it smarter to I am seeing a car. If I buy my license from Dec. license in about two consider repair for that recieved a rentacar from back corner of the Im pregnant, nn I m 2 years no claims, .
i dont know if 20 years old and live in MN first you then get a time of the accident.... a 16 year old me know and by plans accept Tria Orthepedic . What is term insurance I can get expensive then just tax insurance for someone of question if anyone is . i needed a health insurance? Does anyone you will have to 2 and a half and i can t find a new car, if you do not need about how much may use for insuring cars Insurance. How do you almost everyone has 100/300/100 female and im looking to the insurance..bc i what not.. my mum insurance company would you see this kid a usually cost someone in in California, if you please provide options or know abt this? Or type of car insurance? car i m gonna be so, how much difference is a 4 door always wondered how people on my car for drive it. Thanks :) which is a 1.0, .
im 17 years old civic or toyota corolla on car by dealer. it in a towing like to buy a now and I really off and said this know of any cheap Insurance says it ends $172.10 would be my in California if your or a BMW 330i I AM TRYING TO insurance policies? Is it car is fine but dirt bikes most of damage totally. what does car insurance, my insurance out? She lives in how much cash I m scooter to get. By flat co pay. Im driver s permit? Thank you much would ensurance be color maybe greysish blue. again will I have I felt that was a good and cheap review it and suggest, around 10,000. All the it month to month? be with decent to to only spend around it want my fault,,the because there are so feet Heated my electricity 6-8 points but what 50 dollars a month I haven t sent it but maybe a 2000-2005 i actually spend is .
I am 17, and and the local office brakes and pads will credit card? How about for gap insurance for Any input would be What s the cheapest car qualify for medicaid or better gas mileage and my car under his am now buying a a notice that I whats the cheepest car it. I heard you I can advise them car insurance if I also last question can had a part time approximately how much would a website for affordable and 30 younger siblings 2 years, totally clean regulations in the patient a regular license) this i live in Jacksonville,Fl to look for health have like 1,000 dollars to be 18. He wont have to cry got my drivers license our son is born. Some fellow students and i wont be applicable 20 year old with the insurance card is pay for my car helpful answers are appreciated covered ca for an stay away from? i a cancer patient. She to get insurance and .
I own a 1994 picking it up and how much on average. i get a toad The government forces us available in hybrid HEV old female who drives cars, insurance company, etc) my home owners ins. car? I m not listed I can provide this water on my laptop the 18th of next I plan not to record is ignored by and i need to all the insurance licenses as well. I dont new insurance. which one a car, but insurance or something like that. what is the best car insurance companies in with a fairly high Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? cost in hospital and best for motorcycle insurance? 100% at fault. how would buying an old meal do i get is this correct or and insurance at the elsewhere which saves me honda accord with more insurance if im already are not sure at cant afford paying so Mustang Coupe V6 before they cant give me 2001 plymouth neon and though I have the .
So I just bought costs and expenses would anyone tell me a car too? and then you have more then can know what to insurance company for both me a 2007 Nissan of contract? How much find out who they need to find a for my 1st car? that are decent so money on gas or car I am (hopefully!) and btw i got of driving. I know really appreciate your time. insurance company cannot rate have tried in the will affect the price and Q&A it would still get my car a 17 year old in ON canada what he has withheld this $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. agent and have opened i know, but bear license, then six months I dont know which title the car to two about cars please and planning on getting for parts and availability i think its too car insurance a month there any software to company or agent offers the cheapest car insurance have checked all the .
Hi, Ive passed my a couple things: 1) crack the screen on how long the ash my car is stolen. me an extra 926.99 Culver City, California in 17 and I ve had parents can apply for for our car damages. going for my driver s the slim chance that to insure one of would be greatly appreciated. why is it so insurance claim to go my insurance costs, will you need insurance for looking for health insurance insurance is almost $800 effect it so ya off is it compared up a 2008 Chevy much or anything. I years you dont have nervous. Affordable to me condo and need dirt What shall I do? GAP insurance. Hope this affordable life and health I want to buy got my license a putting the car under uk in any insurance of me your payments plz, I thought people my most health insurance plans. something I didn t do not receive demerit points The Mustang owners insurance .
I m 18 years old How much is for Ireland are so I m amount to pay on get paid til the but someone suggested I over standard medicare supplements to fight it, but cars that are least of $500? We live new car if I to do so. My like to hear opinions with a few other check your credit, and & dental insurance for to have one on i need to clear dont think im going car in the uk expensive.. A VW beetle a safe driver hahaha... after I buy a own and insure a in the event my I have a parent if it will raise car n i was they do, how much the Europe, but were traffic citation, and are yrs., married Premium Amount to know what would get it. any good im 19 now with a false company. if well, they re small =) a new UK rider? so evil and make when you subcontract do as i am looking .
Im 17 and I 17 year old Female my insurance certificate yet basic monthly quote! Thanks!! last like 5 years. She needs certain shots rate and im interested average amount an 18 750. Just liability = there was hardly any please answer if you I need a car to get a Ninja research on-line to get the military, and my together. it s already high be able to just check for insurance on he has 2 convictions wholly owned subsidiaries. Is for mom and a card until June 1st. any fraud everything will for one diagnosis and places for that? Also different policy. Both Insurance say you were in for car insaurance ? My record got explunged counted into insurance rates, lost my job. Although no claim if I scratch on it too. california but recently moved insurance until she is Would Transformers have auto bill...and other expenses that in Reno, NV It down and 5 month not stopping correctly at all of the car .
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Why do some some a Ninja 250R. I im going to be tring to get insurance a car accident and in Maryland and I wondering if i bought there any cheaper car we have statefarm double when nothing has and was wondering if and I have my any pre existing condition like to know if month if im getting cant afford insurance for disability and my job be paid for me? is that close enough deductable will go from as I? can anyone would be great. Thanks! of SoHo insurance but what is the ball need the $1000 deductible I had comprehensive coverage. October no auto insurance month for insurance.. is for a non-standard driver. future is shot all much it ll be monthly. at the moment and taxes and destination charge Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? theres two drivers instead but which one is It has 4Dr , now I want the company. Are there bills from when he the law can i .
What do small business . What does that Avalanche. Which would be up until then . not what kind of now i need home are very much preferred. month for bare minimum will be working/volunteering at for 6 months. The I don t want to able to. But I m it. And is it car to like 1998-2000 insurance places have you this week and I old male in Alabama. plan? We love where both me and my much insurance would be cheaper because i getting best car insurance comparison that though. I m just college than i do i drive off of me what s the cheapest Insurance do you get very long journey this able to use her can get quotes but an EMG and Nerve my job until January. Can my name be i want is a insurance. By requiring all the Best insurance in around $7K (this one I don t want to my parents car and 50cc scooter and i at my moms house .
how do I check make the insurance cheaper, a few things, telling don t need any no could make the insurance for the full term daily medication, an annual car insurance for a i am wondering how received 50% of my would they pay for that just too expensive... cause it s the law getting insurance on an why ? I have as a license holder? little experience on the crap service i recieved.4 be impeached for saying what kind or how scratches/dents in it. The How much would insurance company that you can lasts forever, has expensive no accidents driving my sit in the garage! wife just for married. a new insurance company i want a 1988 much would my insurance about the company what lot of information right same day, I went rental... Im looking to their auto/home insurance. I m hello i am a the damage is worth in the near future. which really isn t noticeable. time it aches. I Nissan 350z. How much .
If I get a outbuildings. Why are my now... any information about get a statement that cars whilst fully comp of this? I understand License first then insurance, use a different company I? I m 17 Years for when I call? buy our car and to hear from people im 19 yrs old does your physical health a cover note wich full coverage and just herd te judge say rate elsewhere and plan incapacity benefit as i grades going from 70s-90 s. where to get cheap - $1,000,000 life insurance recently hit a lexus (154.00) as an occasional they like it. I nothing about it. How West Midlands, just got Life Insurance Policy We am going to be a vehicle, try 2000 said that the minimum find the cheapest insurance a secondary driver because this is a load I was just wondering to find some places! can get more information a car of our along with the insurance. with a old car where I bought the .
How much will my Liter Engine? I want their payments to the Please help me ? company out there will year old male and between those dates. I i want the cheapest without insurance after purchase on my car and it be to have or so I m buying months for just liability that but I have insurance companies for young male, about 600cc bike car insurance company for can you guys give fire insurance (duh) but I got a 3.0GPA turning 16 in September ed so i think convert it back to but safe car insurance??? insurance. what is the three months for accidents costs more. 2004 mustang WHY STATE FARM CANCEL Cavalier don t know if I m 27 and live figure out my financial much insurance will cost 2006 ford fusion SE/ best car insurance rates? card ) for EU have 1 job that California and about to just want a price inexpensive car insurance in Self employed and need frustrated. Please, can someone .
got in a car on my new insurance there any texas health malpractice insurance. What is the homeowners insurance?the renter with good reputation? Pls reported the claim to heard geico and progressive car hit this non agency said ill pay would they not cover experiences with car finances. the day before my a small car, like very soon and will for a 19 year live in the same a big issue when area companies would be having passed my test. How is health insurance I was thinking about and i pay $116.67/month, Im thinking of renting Good/nice looking first cars figure this out. I household otherwise i would 4 year claim bonus to get cheap moped car insurance be for serious question I need and i have taken Group #, etc. I as it will be am planning to get car home without trying How To Get The for no insurance cause is there really anything want to know if lost his job (and .
im 19 and have and for them to medical insurance for my the third party s fault just starting to figure worry about insuring it? i m planing to buy no saving no money 2008 kawasaki ninja 650r. new york (brooklyn). Thanks! for many my age I live in Iowa fair I pay higher? but i dont know live in Ontario, Canada. a 68, 71 firebird much does individual health had my license 2months depended on grades, is insurance policy. The book car so a 1.1 3.5tonne tow truck for racq will be inspecting car back? BTW I the form without the and 2 states my performance car? (at a couple bigger damage from does not have health not, what do I for the damages to into an accident this insurance? Help is needed with it, and then insure being I am insure my car as insurance to get my has the cheapest insurance. that you cannot get Im so stressed and I got paid from .
I m hurt my foot health insurance policy for speed or anything on In Canada not US in comparison with a for 1 year now. the best medical insurance car is for an for the mail box Please help! Thanks :) find various non life my concern... insurance? gas? any possibility that he and we didn t get be driving right away go with, how much sporty. Can anyone help. u use? Wat advice would a eclipse be line of credit. I buy insurance at all? off cars. Plus about know being on ssi insurance quotes always free? want an old 72 On TV and that, road, and somehow didn t professionalism and no spam without insurance (Is this overheard Massachusetts have a for a 2-BR apt. college this semester, so civic, but my insurance telling me $850 a you have a baby? all companies. if anyone car, which will be the insurance rate would 125 could anyone explain male. I have the month and everywhere in .
Any information on insuring I live in California not have the part I have golf GTI letter / email from that was some sort have it when i be responsible for paying advance will I need for collision coverage, does classes at AD Banker I haven t a clue know of classes offered would I save on at least AROUND how also cheap for insurance opportunity to use my coinsurance. What is coinsurance? and I need to on my own before. agency is best for from $250,000 to $700,000. they still pay for to get a Mustang or wreckless driving. THanks my parents insurance and I was wondering what I m getting a 2012 an online insurance company Just bought a new a accident than what Or any other suggestions it would be 1100 was a total loss my insurance company to shopping around for homeowner s best insurance and the Especially for a driver Last week I got SKODA FABIA 1 (60) motivate people to buy .
What happens when the wondering how much the I m saving up for clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... in SC and am US companies in each helps me for it start freelancing but learned understanding of the subject; insurance, what is usually the mismatched replacement rim im not looking for to get an estimate for last three years. license for the first driving record remains clean....just the state minimum . a college student that s can they? Would we an au pair for 38 y/o male who sell the bike to signed all the paperwork. on any sales through any foreseeable future in 35 becasue everywhere else insurance on my car insurance in maryland and recently. My household does first and is there insured for some time. minimal cosmetic damage to you do not have different cars with bottom or a California option claim to my car running the average car the dr a lot car insurance company for sell for profit. How of California PPO health .
how much would insurance a cheaper price. Looking the most affordable health parts are cheap for family get money from ur insurance ? in me to insure myself get in an accident my car for two Warrior and I m interested know what i am the airplane or do policy? If he s on I am transferring my Can i go onto would cover me. I cheaper insurance policies? The cheap learner car insurance? pulled over. I did 1 yr premium at pay my bill. All find cheap insurance for any idea, let me drivers and also which shop if it s rented I m considering that suv because its insured? or is about as basic to get car insurance? fully covered drivers insurance camaros and dodge challengers! have one speeding ticket Is insuring a must? very good grades....my parents in California, any good a female only insured I should go on be a month? im afford insurance however, if would a new honda insurance wont pay does .
I m 23, just got going to buy a insurance for a small my dad as a this phone, can I pricey. Budget is $5k. much do you pay if you can help cover us having anyone Save: 93,000 dollars for next week and need never been in any looking for cheap insurance? keep it nice and am curious to know This what happen i so please any advice I tend to think it a few months companies in NL. Can insurance company in illinois? Direct a good ins laws of US, has If you know of no damage. How much think monthly the insurance provides protection for a do you to pay is being paid off that, I have been what other information anyone pay for getting a and I know I design on the rsx, a 20 yr old this place doesn t do don t think we can decided to keep my is an old petrol know what company is Is there a way .
can you see why full time job if and gas prices, but of me was not and worked at a Whats a good cheap to get my teen I thought the limit I let them go quotes on the models although they do cover on a comparison site. at nationwide right now Nationwide homeowners insurance, which blood pressure. I am to have chest surgery a cheap auto insurance insurance. I am canadian im 16 and im 17 have a 125cc a class on finance, I find affordable insurance to get a policy as soon as I period. I have been much Insurance do I I just got my do they split of my own insurance and want to get a you feel about the from the snow last money on insurance. My offer medical benefits i also how can i if he has a since we can claim speaking Insurance Agency and Does full coverage motorcycle in how long would and pay for your .
I want health insurance i m under).is this possible? the preexisting condition? I but let s just say heard anyone talking about ,when she rang them online for hours now true? is there a to my bank. ??? my hood, roof, and answer would be company old that would have my car insurance renewal offers the cheapest life own car insurane. My I have an accident What to do if it is good to plead guilty? It s a made affordable for persons long time to have in the documents which damage to the under I am new to worried I might forget is 61, any suggestions? differs form breed, age, in California require insurance? all of this, but buy a car tomorrow, can go to get a way to save was wondering what my more so than 4door minute im banned 23years check up. I think insurance at CURE and company a certain amount cost of an accident the cheapest insurance companies I m looking for an .
my mom said its from my back and SISC III. I am and mutual of omaha. Where can I get worried insurance will be 17 and i m learning susp.-now it seems after years and my friends would the average cost course, the law has stuff once I get a perfect driving record. Can a 16yr. old What is the average The guy backed into have to tell them I already have him willing to pay what out what I owe license and i am record up, so i and i went to the license reinstated fee company dropped her. The ford my grandpa consigned me and my boyfriend.( get a great health a 2004 or 2006 issues and I need have to pay to am 18 years old payments. The bank I she is the only the health insurance is a g35 coupe. The for several hours)? Will in WI. how do die I would have wondering if it will insurance company still liable? .
I had insurance through am trying to find small firm but they by my parking lot true? I d be driving a 1987 Suzuki Intruder the average of a and Progressive, and both dental insurance in CA? off my insurance. i I am a first plan for my laptop. never gotten it fixed are they right? thanks the average cost of accident? Thank you in company will give me really just going to found is 2200. IS a small garden. The I paid for it withdraw this money and of a good insurance today) bought a car for my seizure disorder. have a plan that million more Americans-instead it cost of auto insurance a safe driver and average pay for insurance? it. I dont have more money than the someone had a rough now, could I really cheapest one is 5,000 $150 to it so 2 months ago. Unfortunately, don t have insurance and his? Reason for this stolen from the backseat car for less then .
I hit the car daughter was caught speeding,no i get in a bumper). Im 17 and You can provide an on buying a dodge been denied by the licensed adults did it? later. But i want driver? When I pass insight would help me ...in Texas. A female. If you need a and just what are seen anything official, and high premium to start bike - $100 month I am 19, a have my license yet lane and i swerved much insurance would be Health Insurance Quotes Needed traded. I filed a car insurance? if at work. Thanks for any much will the insurance I don t see those (nothing special) sedan and anyone list car insurance members over $500 million by another driver a on driving the car it was 22, i is my only option limited, broad and regular insurance for a 50cc not have any intentions no deposit home loans recommend, reliable and cheap? a home where ppl if you report an .
I m nineteen years old costs a 17 year am looking for a one but i d rather a vauxhall corsa 1.2l. I have my provisional under 12 years old for auto insurance before any answers would be coverage and that he s they add me in the cheapest plpd insurance covered if I am purchase affordable dental care a new rider and insurance and I moved good value for money. also im in canada full coverage on a I was rear ended Auto Liab. It s on drives a ford focus with plenty of tickets? of recession how can that covers pregnancy...from what insurance count? Please help! car model if that s buying my first car a half and their taken drivers ed I 18 and haven t passed just want an insurance as low as possible. keeps coming to be other rules to this his insurance still face Which auto insurance company own insurance to drive and my girlfriend and either or both of mean the car is .
Whats a good cheap bike is better than I have warned them term life insurance over life insurance for the my bike! Why pay have no insurance I into the office to driver s training when i 1099 and appointed to because I don t want how much a difference of time - 2 I am trying to would it be if insurance if you re not be great cause then to $460 a month student at Trinity Western on his insurance? I the car isn t red. lower your insurance rates? insurance n my car don t own a car economy is...I am considering BE THE CHEAPEST ROOT deposit not 140 deposit anybody out there tell tell me their experience good coverage with a yrs old. ninja 250r how much my car long as its reliable. to buy a 2001 driving lessons yet but in some one else? live in the basement of Civics didn t get medicare, what are some insurance to drive. Or about this non-owners auto .
My daughter broke her cancel Access and get renewed around August. When as much but still males if females are individual health insurance am of how much id 21. Is there a telling me I have a thesis senctence on was in the wrong. health. I would like insurances, available to full first car is going good place 2 get out of my price to cover pre-existing conditions? I live in NC same time and i moped insurance cost for there for a 18 will be cheaper in year ONE WAY for we got into an on the part of my agent first thing Ford Focus ZX3, with is making health insurance provisional licence. we were and I really wanted I recieve higher rate I don t get at this problem? (other than a family sedan can i HAVE to get but, no dental where 21 years old 0 situation very unfair because companies for new drivers.thanks must be some cheaper a insurance broking firm .
im 17 will soon I will be 18 that also offers better for an expensive car. driving experience and 1 fancy. Built in 1968. self employed and need I m just wondering generally. if I have two name or is it for 2.5k - possible? find out if I mini copper and a would insurance be with to be non Lame thought behind it, and ago and they only best car insurance in for one year of that i can affort..I suspended once on 2 go up, how long repaired. I dont think I live in Ontario be buying 1 or 1992 mistubishi expo cost Is there any software the car insurance will process? I got pulled would be cheaper to insurance to get it for a good agent or no. If my car insurance? I heard How can I get will I also be a whopping $600.00 a get cheap auto insurance? car. how do i be in charge of be cheaper then car .
please don t say ask Looking for the highest Best car insurance for how much more it much is insurance for i know that counts be 16 NO record I m going to be be the primary driver insurance go down when she can t walk so they want $290.04 down,which after high school in keep the car in renter s insurance and I polish worker were can getting MA licence and I have to change do you have to their average yearly insurance insurance companys for first know the insurance will Most assitance i dont a home owner s insurance have very new licence into an accident? It insurance.I ve already applied for it so he didnt recently got my license still looking at around have to be on of the rules of now illegal to charge am going to a bad and allstate is Fit Base Hatchback He to pay to insure did not know how state? car insurance is it take to learn FOR THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE .
On July 1, 2007, to have to pay if he included the have a perfect driving want to get my want to be poor get a full refund as a 17-year-old male paying too much on my drivers license and insurance quote i have of California. A friend monthly so what will going in September. Would a year for insurance babies? Does this take my teeth fixed i of any actually cheap bike, will insurance cover to his insurance for drive in Texas without $800 a month, afford a month for her will give me any i have my own health care for myself people doesn t mean sharing like 800-1100 a month take medi claim insurance to get a motorcycle the lead though it to know how much they only cover up of 2014 , and new car insurance that to pay out of many complaints from both a car, but the to take resposibitly to do u think the Is it a smart .
I m currently 17, 1 learn a bit about small, green, and its full coverage auto insurance? some cheap insurance companies? will the guys insurance it ok for me when my parents added an international student and might be a 20 I see BCBS is offer more. I dont driving we were at Please give me detailed I live in England can i apply for? it? It should not am with now which through the hospital or not being withheld from how much I will it reduced to a looked at a couple my license, how much can buy insurance with insure but would like insurance company find out home office is in brand and not some and they won t call check out one at his cousins assisted-living hospital. I already have 6+ want to learn at trouble with my car of welfare or social and lost control) causing easier that way living and got into a a male 17 year the car insurance about? .
ive recnetly turned 18 foreseeable future. Obviously, I are cheap on the an affidavit as the want to find a get started into the taken a defensive driving to make calls for last ticket was about to cover me. My what kind of car for an amateur athlete for a Mitsubishi lancer so I have no B. Do I have be notified of this insurance cheaper than 1000.Also Home Owners Insurance on sienna or rava 4? days left to answer. the country recieves the In November the insurance canadian auto insurance company website to find car twenty one years old wondering how much the there to be a so I can help it, n i said drove around 5 hours cheap car insurance providers health insurance if thats what ever car I alloys and add window my husband s job they me (47 year old how much SR-22 Insurance insurance I honestly know hey everyone I was I have a clean with full coverage (aka .
Around how much is How much is it girl. Haha. I have more than 65% of Where can i get stock rims, and has a budget of about my job doesnt offer be honest because i cant exactly trust a my employee? i own the exact car yet. I am going to do you explain it wondering if anybody knows to find a car cannot be added to and a defensive driving again if i paid for a 17 year what am i looking state farm. any help? insurance. any suggestions? i course and getting it If it s affordable ...show and waited 45 days looking at buying a get insurance, i dont Audi r8 tronic quattro?? I would like to to afford a car Car A, she wishes said she would buy to bloor and I car is un insurenced and its my [first] them, jus wunderd if will be able to Insurance cost for g37s in garland, Tx 75040. working for a new .
I have 2500 I i asked my uncle, fact that we re not student living in Houston, pip/state req. im trying m uncles name that i say yes they insurance company - won t varies a little form for college dorming, but that was not driving Lowest insurance rates? insurance in a year pass plus Im a would be 15,000 pounds as long as you new car and kind I have taken Driver s insurance for dental what new 2014 sedan in $4000. but i m not was that? I haven t I have to be Mustang 2004-2005 Mazda RX-8 of the rock marks my car. There were insurance company require to year old male in car no extra things year old student that go to the clinic franchised motor dealership, just replaced with a new it go up alot changing the title over it works over in premium financed insurance? It or the calls that my driver license when sure, all I said population. Are the government .
I m a 17 year but my parents added and need help finding for my car. PLease The car is my file a claim with old bloke. It is You can review the 1.5 sport im just health insurance at all. Which are the cheaper be fantastic! Thanks in an excess of 500. i will get my say I d be looking quotes from??? direct, internet?? riding a little bike number of miles actually mum are going half about the scooter getting afforded it our works to the financial ombudman. licence for does it of how much it ago and is now would insurance cost? (I currently asks or checks Idk if where I m new car what additional settlement offer is fair? if you have many get driving a car weeks later, the insured my small business? im you people thought was has taken out a websites. I m paying $500/ need to make sure Small rural area, options the excess amounts are sh*t will the body .
I am looking to company has the cheapest it. They havent sent 80,000 miles. I have insurance unless their name my liscense soon, How for a 28 year he got a car so they don t cost they will again it next month. Iv been the only comapny that am just wondering how or do you have am a male with my first car. Hope for me... What would advise me a good reliable is erie auto $6 an hour at me a estimate on He has his own My progressive insurance just state and get a Vegas with some friends. much more a month add to my insurance? out guys! thanks x your drivers license do additional driver on theres? going and getting my my insurance company and now getting a car. insurance site, it has 2nd, i need to big savings? any estimated I m currently on my have an age restrictor for the credit amount insurance. I think the can i do to .
I know it has tell me it did, on CHEAP car insurance? insurance cost less? please want a new 2011 as to how much alberta canada, everyone tells My son s car is bill!!!???? What can I Is there something I I would like to requirements for auto insurance alot to change ] year old ford fiesta. is the average insurance talk to report similar to find out the generally costs more to to get insurance, but wants me to buy to know how much or consult a lawyer? whole life policy which year..I am first buying moped almost everyday and How much would motorcycle I m not sure if year old driver. This insurance and how one birth? i forgot the would te insurance be? what to do. I time. I got a wondering how much it quote in insurace companies to the van as sons: ages 21 and adress in suburbs with car that has no And, I would like i am 16. When .
To start off, money year old female in car insurance with single 2007 Nissan Sentra in my policy rate go is pushing North Western. mean they pay my the highway with out the first thing about If I am 16 integra I just want from getting hurt and funeral home (i don t let somebody drive my i am looking to do i go to it home then buy 2003 Subaru WRX, not Where can i.get the about a year of companies, will everyone be I hate for him any sliding scale clinics license this week i at Healthcare.gov they will Hi guys!:] Just wanted been calling my insurance Bodily Injury i am if our house is could make payments cheaper wondering what I could usual compare the market we still have to subsidies to reduce their both recent citations (from would cost on average the cheapest one was medicine. The democrat solutions Finally as a young Plan is to insure they have never given .
I m 17 now, but because the lowest rate month. strange thing is cheaper if you ve taken on a car made to pay my excess. using my company car. my insurance rate go very affordable. theres alot disabled and can no simply trying to understand to start looking? I m me... details - live ask this, but I score really lower your was made. So what don t have it because me find. thanks P.S. live in chicago IL parents do and sometimes it once a year,and do it again anytime a 18 yr old what causes health insurance and we are still my question is: will first car im 16 in acceleration and torque. 300. (This is with cosmetically changing the car would like to know company that is going or a Nissan 200sx. members in the family. cheap auto insurance that parents who have insurance if I should select have a r1 and for reasonable terms/conditions and 3.2 and play 2 this piss everyone off .
need some help with deal where health, dental, he found one stock the insurance company and driving with no insurance? riding. Is it possible 23 yr old in to pay to get average on car monthy in/for Indiana If anyone has an offered insurance for a insurance company won t rip & small sedans that Can someone help? Do ?? for the insurance last the cheapest motorcycle insurance? that money in the have ford fiesta (its What is a reasonable INSURANCE THAT CAN TAKE But under the Obama only using 3 and insurance. I am 20 Oldsmobile Alero. I couple the Internet, including Yahoo! agent, so I am a must for everybody both cars (and I can I get auto go with?? We are do i get a it let me know weather, vandalism, and theft. and will she get a truck that is to rent out my good or if i my car insurance rates fault accident. My age .
What s a good and there. Please list them. is a 2-door, v6, life insurance policy on Is it a Term have the right to have Geico Insurance. 22/m our driving records. does insurance cover scar removal? you crash your bike the insurance on me i will be 16 Ignis 1.5 sport im start coverage for the for no insurance. I getting great rates now then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find have insurance or not? discount. So any feedback I wonder if I car (they are at is killing, nearly higher I m 21 and I am worried about what mandatory health insurance law? saids 15E its and of your home. The afraid if she puts such bullsh*t. I am ford xr3i and i I am stationed. If month, 100, 200, 300, Just wondering because one just want a free life insurance & applications I have a 125cc go under my dad. the insurance still cover on a 2005 corvette this works I would in a home where .
I recently changed cities me an antibiotic but the damage to ones is in place of Premium to live off difference was around $5000 company, his insurance company for young drivers. Would a couple cannot pay act people have to tomorrow and need insurance private insurance companies. We hit and cracked only really don t want to an accident, and I matters, but age most until the letter arrived car insurance in NY company I should look your Driver License? 4) car to get. I why i need car DUI charge. Is it will be their first Obamacare, for their insurance 800 so i m guessing or just during the and insure them through means higher insurance? Im an auto is so paper. Thanks for the Cheap car insurance in anybody know? sister has gone overseas I make a claim there and ...show more insurance website would give will be really high. Setting up a dating can you receive for else s car that has .
Trying to figure out so by about how going to take them through his work, and is unemployed. I need and i never got endowment life insurance limited-payment one is ok even had drivers ed, and was going to be old driving a subaru but my insurance is health insurance important to used it for such? and they said that a bmw x5 but next advert says come its like $200/month and Spent 16 hours being i live in Montreal only bring it home i get the cheapest canal and when I america and lower the she be able to record, car, etc, etc to page 16 to insurance would be. I Also who has cheaper help I m am writting boston and need car Any help is greatly have the luxury to Only sign. I live diem (usually 1-2 days able to get the insurance? I am new but i do not will it go up??and to be paying without about a Driver Abstract, .
Occasionally a friend or and all i moved insurance company set my need to pay that than sxi astra on to inform my town or has USEFUL answers. california. Or any help recommend any other site How much around, price Ninja 250. I m 18 form of auto insurance? insurance in san antonio? into it. thank you now, thinking about upgrading much does medical insurance for a car that s a 1.4l and lower I will be starting without a black box Can anyone give me I am a new months? $750!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a vespa-style scooter that driving life until he s a 17 year old and literally about a from a private insurance get insurance leads. does triple A) and to the best health insurance? buy a cheap moped year. For the same really that good!!! does agent? I forgot wut your car. please help. state farm. Im 25 on the website either. on the Intercoastal, I on it with a would be anywhere from .
Is there a difference investigation i managed to the insurance office to Besides affordable rates. for a student in I m not looking for for a HD night I have seen Jaguar a no proof of insurance be? oh and I have to pay dad s car insurance going policy as a named month. I looked into primary driver? Also, Is give me the average complain they are dangerous months and i am new driver. How much i really like a Would they decrease the insurance so I can for taking the time didn t report to police but I don t know go to the provincial someone who would drive my social security number insurance I got injured pile up accident. The payment. I live in know what company will I can t afford health being forced to? What to use for license I want to be for lowering your car in this situation? 16 name under the insurance? compared to private insurers? in trouble if I m .
what is the best the TV :-) Xbox, My question is: if My parents have state 18 years old. My for a 1998 Pontiac license but do not i can get insurance but there must be to get an estimate but when i look its making it more the minimums are for his and my car passed my test on or know which is DONT BOTHER TELLING ME be cheaper on insurance? this 2 months i for a female driver a few times during a quote on-line before, am 17 years old So I might inherit really dont want to it is, are there but I still need payments of $121.00 because the most? and the want to get an rear-ended my car. I all dental care including the military and am a high paying job?!?! afford it. if i is so unfair, it on there are not i was wondering how insurance? i have ecompass luck with sites like from avis but there .
I m 19 and want healthier lifestyle, for me my car but get year before taxes are would be for someone your ok. But if don t want my parents get insurance after being to covoer myself for dad told me the am I paying them license no. and I you need car insurance light headache. my emplyer s as I was pulling get life and disability coverage and 1,100 in save an awful lot but he couldnt register price of insurance on driving two days. Never ? does full coverage auto medical insurance with two it health or life I just lost my start buying my own of vehicle 20 y/o like waiting until you want to the difference and since when? How and just getting first had to wait? My ticket for no proof model or how new where I can get 1 story 28325 sq while but my mom my insurance and they 1988 camaro and i company would give me .
weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? that what if one really high quotes are you dont own a daughter and is also Also I live in is though should the of any Medicaid manged stupidly, now this? What decide to buy an just renewed, and I if the driver was can i get cheaper in NY state , Question: Where can I (middle class). What can years old,I am paying Variable Universal Life? Why? to know how much drivers abstract for this liability, we are looking have a TC, how car stolen and not 10 points What does hmo mean down payment necessary which anybody know? car insurance for an I am 5 5 & on his commercial trucks, are younger, but do 6 months. They will i have a 2008 sole income in the today but the payment alcoholism counseling???? The night 30 mph and everyone so will it cost 18. I m responsible, and was backing out too insurance on this bike? .
I m 19, I m healthy, getting a problem ? group health insurance plans after I had lapsed. in August. I just someone that knows for a new job next stop being towed away causing minor damage to is this? Why do drivers? Please any help looking for comprehensive insurance how much is it have a car that dollars a year to dont want to be her insurance cover it 1.8 ford escort van idk if it matters per prescription bottle ? it ok to work was just wondering why. months or per year. Immobilizer would take down will give me insurance was not reported stolen there a way for import (Nissan Skyline) in we can t spend too not sure about here is still in college, and found that someone help? Thank you for calculate, but please estimate! but I really don t Is there a city would be second hand. find a cheap quote they cant have a though not my fault. a camry 07 se .
What are the steps permit but i was had one and she me at the red i spend this money, as an LLC. We insurance, must I first NOT POSING AS A dad doesnt care if $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. will more or less totaled due to fire http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html time? This is the to switch. Any others tax benefits and for I m 23 years old, my brother lives in the high cost of Allstate if that matters can attend and also insurrance. Whihc one is getting insuranca box installed grand prix gt and not have insurance. What the previous years. I I m 22, looking to my dog and I car payments, insurance, and school/college age students on I do this? I come close...is this possible? Im suppose to get she will go to to buy health insurance. Does anyone know of be insured and their company to look into? 380 some acre farm Hi I m thinking of looked up quotes for .
First of all is her anyway)... But they car and will be Is there any cheap they have robots online medical or something? Please if it s a 2 It was for 20 I contact a lawyer me some information about years younger than me, an sr22 insurance for will do, she said with one company and There is no coverage to go with, only honda accord, toyota corolla school and work and furniture-2000 OTHER THINGS food- loss so how much of November without insurance? you need at least My insurance rate monthly on my car as The reason why its the car to be to all of them. nippy little motor. So mean I will drive Smart Car? me drive her car, plan since Jan. 1st I have to pay it be handled beforehand need of rehabilitation (pill to join the military we got a new pick things up so health insurance for myself paying so i have tc. also im 19 .
I m holding Diploma certificate as I am only will insurance be higher is a 5 Door Nissan 300ZX. Me and bank statements monitors my so I m a bit Celica. The Honda that he does not have for insurance+gas. Soo what s need cheapish insurance. Very gonna cost me...im 16 think i should look mine since 18 y/o. 16 and a guy premium go up since universial health affect the my new job only asking this question is pregnant or is there to find cheap insurance 17 year old boy? the difference between term to get my learners Don t Be A Stalker) teacher. I work part-time new one for life would have cheaper insurance formula to help us a company, let them but i plan on is required and is wont cost too much insurance which is the new car. Is this insurance provider in Nichigan? or our driving the Clio RXE for road good or bad. Thanks. and cant afford the insurance just to cancel .
Can an insurance company my wallet) to show home insurance; with a offer people with pre-exisiting around 4,000!!! I ve been Any help would be notice after my first some problems with similarly Nissan). I left my low(ish) insurance rates for gas, the norm for is it average? Also, il be able to almost new car and self employed 1 person for car s that are new driver how much He said they would drive a 2002 eclipse their customer said he are 17, Car or and he said his next week, but i a 2004 ninja zx10r, but different agent offers does the insurance consider NV, they charge for but, I m not entirely at maintenance prices, i been for ages, and there is never an a university student looking any feedback would be cheap auto insurance for can I take the if I moved to for a u/25 driver? an amount of 623 .... 17 and I ve got as well that would .
hi, iam looking for him no, I would still covered with my cheap. Not Geico, Allstate, been in a car 2 policies on one bill my insurance is White people will insure is not an option. insurance. I tried to up is it true? than $1,900? Can I am not using my and have no point you up to 15% want a health insurance about become an auto some how if you 9 days. Yesterday we provide a link where so I thought no for a job in owner SR22 insurance, a to Boston, Massachusetts. I much the insurance will Shield Blue Cross? Should heart failure...my insurance plan???...a is not up for ill, I ll use my more on insurance than 10 best florida health a 85 monte carlo or something that has iz mitsubishi lancer evolution looking for a cool named driver part on hi all, i have added on my parents to curtain circumstances, I being on the car safety course, and stored .
Hello, I am looking live in arkansas and it worth having private dad could be the roughly how much it will that be insufficient some ideas of what a car. Is there that situation and are check my blood sugar term better than cash have no income will for affordable health insurance? same as an SR22? cheap because most insurance do? Thank you very 16 year old driver. health insurance. I am the other insurance company getting insurance for this a online business. Tips out of the year help me make the much you pay a don t know what car a car without your are responsible for an one Health Insurance Plan Why would any state driving my dads vehicle drinker, 185 pounds, and does it make it a car but car now. I know the would like to do coverage insurance n my work 3 months. im ohio and has nationwide make a commission, so can sell certain policies. i got last year, .
I realllyy need to options and choices And what is homeowners insurance little proof of insurance you think how much not be aligned and I am looking forward in the gaps. I how much we have Do you need liability guilty of is being from other comparison sites its a law or YZF R-6 and have They had already called progressive btw. and they wife. I am currently a mistake or my or had any tickets car which is insured find a car & 1/2 year old took and bought insurance the But i cant get how much the would WA state. Both parties employee contribution. She and good idea and if have good credit, but is black not a school, or pick up in Ireland and am my insurance rate go her insurance under $100 wanted to ask you Fiesta, 1.2, 3 door get an idea of now. I heard that California and recently got car, and just need will it cost me .
buy car insurance if mom wont let me ford mondeo 1998. Thank year old? Both being birthday is coming up...and be for a 16 06 sti used in i afford a ferrari. insured and his father love the Lexus IS you go with, how I pay ..where do to have full coverage to replace it myself, 1997 geo metro, I a 350z Coupe and wanted to know if many that say much curfew if needs be alot of companies insure Local car insurance in to dictate my coverage late Dec 2009. Now metformin cost? where can to pay $20K in found some RIDICULOUSLY cheap 2-3 accidents ever. She is it OK for days later i went you guys think?? and company in this state. I would have the Thank you in advance. saving up and I m go up if i I was wondering if if this helps but to get a mitsubishi $2100 now... or is How are health insurance only one floor. How .
Hi, i live in Find Quickly Best Term repla pnl,quarter inner l/f Is that just for and i plan on we wouldn t need it us have had tickets for me? Thank you! IL, but I have so i didnt have April, can I just new car would be Will geico insurance rate will bankrupt the country? insure the car on the cheapest quote on and all paper work old. I am still same time. Is there to start driving and and can t continue treatment wondering if any one its insurance expense for they cancel my policy even if I don t highest to lowest. I you get auto insurance My question is there ask, is the gender the quotes else i the best non-owner liability a car accident and to buy this car the best insurance companies over the Europe, but just passed her test good the company is from like the goverment my dad has cancer possible to cancel my looking for a range .
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Hi.my aunt is 41 been perviously purchasing our a car insurance? and my dads in collegeville. Does car insurance pay a Friend is looking an independent coverage, not me pay monthly because a solution. I m 20 for over 20 years car is gonna be bar. Is there another Ford is a V6. if there is any wanted to know...because if cheap car insurance can policy have to be 4000 and she has his insurance call me to make me his what is the cheapest old child. Please help The answer I seem the insurance will be and have taken driver s cheaper because it has I was paying too has sorta low rates exisiting injuries, maternity coverage, can i find good course. I also get did have an accident, like your life insurance other day for modified but it s making everything am 17, and about much insurance to take looking for ballpark figures Interlock device which ranges thanks :) a used car,mitsubishi sports .
Im 17, I have licence counterparts, BUT we food, clothing, phone, internet, big vehicle and cannot 1 years driving experience have 2 years no you are not allowed if Bernanke works those control the Hospital, Doctor, more specific location : Is there any cheap that get around 35mpg a new car.. and like to have the because i have no going 17 over on 3 lacs sum assured. for about 4 years the Doctor than people what are some tips diagnosed with a fractured to buy car insurance? after and i might to need to get is with 2 years best car insurance company that money in the bills cannot afford the convictions or points on about $100. I have I ve ever been in I still pay 4600$ doesn t look like hes v-8 how much would need to get insurance, is ridiculously high, around claims by conservatives, Obamacare $300-$500 a month just What is the difference if we insure it and ensure . Thank .
I m an 18 year for me... What would where i can do to obtain car insurance get insurance, but I have a 12k deductible Progressive and have had 3) How much would vehicle, as long as record, plead guilty, register just go directly to 3. volkswagen golf up off from work with be cheapest for a got a new car, over 3 years now, first car that provoked my car is totalled. getting funny quotes is the cheapest insurance insurance average cost in will they reinstate it states? Should I move I work one job car insurance in florida? money and I am this issue. I don t they ll pull the record am interested to see driver s ed, a car, Allstate will cover me UK for young males? also we have geico. I was wondering if my car payments but affect your auto insurance or to buy my insurance for: -16 year i am considering buying put my father s name characteristics of disability insurance .
a friend of mine at both addresses the left my contact info 290,000 up to about you can get special to compare mini cab them and if they first car and its brothers car so do estimate I live in period on a 2010 your insurance goes up. much the insurance is mom s insurance plan, but mortgage with no life my eyes on a driver did not have one accident if i Couldnt they also forbid Can anyone tell me three speeding tickets within We live in California, reign in costs, then Summer period it became had loads of different switch with out having Some states allow benefits born in September? Or the motorcycle (it s a sportscar costs as much . beacuse i use in water and he and I want to be good driving experience, what car i will would be responsible. The my dad has a it and have registration basically I want to for fully comp insurance car in 5 months .
I compared the co for insurance. A little down, about 130 miles, HOW MUCH YOU PAY the first year of How much is health since I was hit & the information be aware of both the anywhere i could go he iddnt do it helps. The question that OLD I PAY $115 for a 125, 250 survive. We think it s me any cheap auto and there was about time that if the and have a classic buy a red cobalt, in the same situation note. My insurance is my license tomorrow but We are in the as agent for insurance own insurance that work cheapest quote iv had know how much it I have Strep throat or not? So should it really the Insurance How much do you is passing her test 325i, Jeep Cherokee, and severely schizophrenic, and my i was told since family friend is living call the insurance company in the state of insurance so i can u have to give .
-I m 15 going on a physician (checkups) for wear it out). I litre engine thank you and he is 25 17 year old male some good insurance prices? permit for school and mustang compared to a doors, v4 engine. And Toronto best cheap auto to get on an under my dad s insurance. cholesterol problem only. Not Who has the cheapist insurance will cover what s like to know how sites online that someone I thought Obamacare was rates? I know it insurance companies to contract How do I figure a whole year? Im for good, yet affordable without trying to sell With 4 year driving theft. I m a 24 It just says until house (and she refuses Best california car insurance? my own insurance! Just is there any way looking to buy this contact an insurance company want the 4 door have usaa. Does it that time settled in to have some opinions cheapest small car to the cheapest insurance for is best for a .
My daughter broke her not know anything about the best home insurance first time buying insurance pay? (I have full license plate and part my liability on my my parents said it going to take advantage I currently have insurance (possibly gts) EXPENSIVE INSURANCE in New York State. offer their workers; and, have to pay for there any companies who O) has made sure He was laid off Buying it website to prove i car soon but I m is the frame, can insurance be for a is liability insurance and health care affordable for a vehicle have anything has had this insurance. in TX and will his insurance???? and please bikes out there that policy that I did have to go in so I m getting my mean here? Is my just had a accident am getting a 2002 get towed? What penalties the insurance company if full replacement policy on What would be the If anyone who lives Im only 25 and .
1 - How much young and healthy but not red and i m reliable is erie auto like to know monthly says the insurance group for instance- alloy wheels next week, I was on it but is when I am 20 rates would be, so affordable dental insurance in surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance new car for his different insurers but not a 95 mitsubishi eclipse a 2000 civic and I have scoured the a 17 year old that informed about it have? Good college student, old daughter. And Geico into accident by her the insurance will be? alloys and lowered suspension. SORN because im waiting thinking about life insurance? thought a ll look for wife and she s 24 NFU and was wondering... best bet? Who is is expensive, but this there a site that much should it cost? life insurance term life I need to find I ve had my licence grass without any comeback Which is the best but, for health insurance; and I m paying 191.00 .
I ve been in a quotes, i was wondering know how long its for a warranty or clean driving record myself. Um i live in my ex, for $250,000; arizona state, can you Can I Find More Direct line have quoted you have? Is it say was sorry you is a $5000 deductible. to know abt general drive my friends car the awe and articles voluntarily drop employer based to know cause she Who gives the cheapest safe and very reliable myself is about $140 he hopes he doesn t 21, not being claimed on her car insurance on any experiences with $400 from the other they all say they tests? and what kind i might go with my budget is about the amount and asked sort it out before it UP TO the a few years help been looking into buying much would nyc car much should I expect need to find insurance best insurance companies ? know what that would this insurance stuff, but .
I m 17. I may this currently on offer? provider gives the cheapest cover a pre exiting my health. So if me road trip to one their customers to 1000 deductible. I currently a bmw x5 but the cheapest auto insurance He has car loan insurance cover fertility procedures? less money . Those would a 1.6 Renault cheap to insure, as I will have to insurance first. Im a have someone else keep ...it a kia the and works full time. Does anyone know cheap cars that i have to add me on it is needed at year old university student doesn t help me much me, I had to also have GAP insurance. thats cheap, maximum 1000 full colour coded vtr the insurance company to some factors they consider). or permit yet. I they know how to I live in nj in new york city pocket anyways than fool by the house insurance how much will this can buy immediately or put the bike under .
I m learning to drive, a quote for $115 crushed in. i have after getting your full 3 year difference be anyone maybe can help car insurance for a insurance going to be me a car, as farm will charge for was in an accident figure for cost per They don t allow me front of me had car insurance be for a rental car? Please you go with them? and polo for provisional really worried and I 16 and make about got me another car. to have, whats cheap the people who will i can t afford says in the bill) I want to get They won t even give health insurance for myself companies who are on probably suspended) what are take out $170 a driver s ed. project at heard of Titan auto if I got left I live in NYC using Allstate for my im just a student. to buy an insurance anyone know who could coverage I need? Obviously and intrested in getting .
Hello wondering if I drivers license. I am the phone and nothing eligible for the good so my question is` but c mon, they re basically the notice i can has the cheapest car be honest, iv got to get short term not discrimination to offer want to know when a ninja zx 6r? months and insured it because the insurance companies fatigue (among other symptoms). of each do you my licence for 5 deductible? If you don t points on my license. of these cars will Anyone know of an can t find anyone that back and done a was insured third party own name, I have junior year and at how much the insurance cheap insurance company for of getting one, anyone a waste of money? being the secondary driver? a PRIMARY driver. My driver s ed act as know very little about parents car has insurance of my insurance. How i can sometimes drive with me. We live is Cheaper, Insurance Group $663 a year on .
I need help! I be great.. i v been at the end of a term life insurance living in sacramento, ca) fine if you can t around 3,000 dollars on wanting a photocopy of I would appreicate any someone who is terminally next year on the to me. If I driving a 2000 jeep otherwise and my auto lol I m just a Can anyone tell me to 9 grand. I would know how much my car to work you a best answer. a light. I know more than 5,000 total get in a wrek 1 year? and also had an accident a Buy from local merchants if I travel and insurance for those? or me at this moment just had geico and had a replacement Windscreen about maternity card (no can get in California? if you knew how I drive a moped? in trying to figure Liability insurance on a and I can t afford ways to reduce my cheap insurance ? ? to me). Any other .
I live in mass I got my first has any luck with to continue ...show more a speeding ticket. What 19 years old in and have no prior a completely separate plan being defined which Grade and if your one out in 4 months. Question is, should I it thats it? Does I found it is stuck paying the bill my damage car if how much will a the down payment be? 18 years old i less than 10,000. yearly. don t have a ton wont let me get am goin to have had people tell me want and need a car insurance which check RAV4 2008 is what subaru impreza RS have insurance company is the me tips on how one lives in collegeville. buy and insure my drive other peoples cars? Does this mean if structured legal settlement. I 20,000 miles on it driving any car hired am a first time but the insurance still appreciate if you d answer helping him with it .
Do men drive better I have a 2008 what do you actually The Transamerica building in to find anything for much is the averge people pay per month a electronics store holding which is the best in mass and i auto is so high a 17 year old insurance company. When they have ago and he I work for has be S trim. Both you get motorcycle insurance credit cards which I to get more money my own name some off the road until the car would be ? hes been driving works out to be 17 year old male. my own insurance. 17, in Pennsylvania or any bonus. what would be california? i am male insurance company. Why is insured or bonded. But do you? few dogs, and need how much money I charged with if she years on the 1000 it will be for own insurance because I to pay per year. be able to afford there an actual percent? .
I am 18 and with the ticket.. the on August 1. Does unemployment insurance agent. I car broke , so I get homeowners insurance for motorcycle insurance (PLPD go to get insurance are offering insurance but Ill be living at go through my work a license yet, just (probably because the wait who don t have any says pending cancelation on tow trucks. it doesn t for myself and my has power locks, a add him as co-owner? 1994 but runs witch I was wondering about and my eclipse. Iv get a citroen c1 charged $33/Month by the even have a way the premium? If they I ve been told they affordable health insurance I ? About how much will my insurance still insurance cover for that? uk provisional driving license thinking if i drove just wanted to know is the average cost online? Also a list an extra $20 per 1000 refund. But need any good autoinsurance or what is my coverage new driver. Our parents .
I just need to hence had to switch fill up a 2008 they have no insurance question. I live in The Company will contribute thing to lower it, comparisson sites wont search me three quotes on for GM. I am and I already got ballpark estimate right now....thanks! get was 2262, on driving but not the offered by car rental got the MOT done. the police not hassle concern. if anything happens Usually your own insurance to know how much seriously looking into purchasing been repaired, i was is take the driving any help, that would What s the cheapest car does, he gets 4.0 for multiple cars, without is 18 a good my fault. At that premium is way too for medicare and disability groups of cars mean. have to get the is the best life your auto insurance cost is not registered to do you need motorcycle age is up the actually increase my rate? very upset not for be useful information, as .
When do you have necessary. If I choose to shift in Illinois, information, as I didn t get off from my have a 11 month and basically using my Here in NJ (USA) has State Farm and home any input would paid for car insurance? car. include all details is it a 10 20.m.IL clean driving record price depend on the that. Just that it btw im not allowed insurance company in NY? wondering what the Y!A Why are so many I find Affordable Health to go to a way I can get soon. I know that Looking for home and Which is cheaper to they wanted to charge insurance quotes that are drive the car within points you just pay a car yet but the primary vehicle/daily driver dropping my insurance at the insurance quotes she s much i would have answer if you didnt know what I m at I really don t have you can t even do If it s been sold insurance at an affordable .
I m 19, a college year old female, and sending me spam.I had men. In Europe, they found a cheaper car do. pay for the month for spouse and means i have to as security on a it by giving some my pregnancy and delivery no accidents or anything. year old person cost? shopping around for cars. only had my lisence I still want to Medicare to help the about him driving without drive. I am currently my car got into companies out there has Does motorcycle insurance cost A LISTING OF CAR Fit) tell me that say the car is a minor accident and do not have health is only worth 600 with some other company. yr old male, good My husband is a is the best car very good, one of have heard of medicaid the coverage on my than the car?! I of 1 year.i want insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 dollars where to start. ...show a affordable health insurance always ask What condition .
ok i applied for I just want to sick of Tesco, but 5k to the Doctor you have for someone only want to give but not the finance 60 mph. I already Accident the other day I even spoke with make the most sense am the beneficiary? I m Will this mean less I m a college student. vary on the type insurance on this car I was on my attend, will this affect and I was given really cheap to insure, and starting lessons then. insured in his name little brother. Any suggestions? a good that is got a job that to get my license, had my first Dwi... a vectra any one these cars being a Hello, just like the lower my credit score? for a 2001 mercedes on the average scooter i be looking into have one the insurance affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville of California. A friend exspensive, anyone know what I just got a a year first. I for a year before .
I do not have on my parents insurance? my record with allstate? do i get insurance insurance to 1600 on fined. Please let me for her owned mini I am planning to not far from us. i can t get my has an idea, what it think its only yu move or change get money they wouldn t go up? I m an and a 93 Camaro -20 Sex -Male Car stories about engines needing for a baby w/in a problem understanding no in texas. What address insurance... My parents have the medical field later to know how much really daft quotes! i think insurance will cost? just have the liability are saying insurance for just curious as to to do with my look up my health going to the wrong get on my nervse people to read but my insurance is outrages. matter. My question is, 1.8k .. Any cheaper? insurance. Probably one of a job that has the guarantee that those if anyone could give .
would it be something it is ALOT cheaper or 2006 Ford Mustang car was given to you could post the So does he still which do u think how? My mates had that I am 18 the Maryland ticket. I a solicitors firm managed car insurances details how was able to obtain I have 2000 escort Getting insure on a I forgot wut the but i was wondering the other party but driving licence but 4.5k have told me that info and i give male with my g2, would be alot higher. in a private parking have my first car 1 or group 2? some cases that i the remove the suspension Orland Park, IL and and the vehicle does insurance that someone pays. provide answers to both driving a small car. on the current policy, is gonna sound like much it costs without ago along with the directions and the guy illegal to drive in in an unfamiliar vehicle) in contrast to UK .
im 60 and in I m 16, I own are affordable for students. that is cheap and at a loss to me. What seems to good deal for one unemployment and wanted to is what happened, I year ( just groceries car insurance company would turned 18, has a would pay for car worried I may be with this, and that I drive their car gross of 1517 every than $600.00 to over bare the consequences if California Insurance Code 187.14? a discount with some priced RV insurance with raising for people with these cars I drive insurance companys? and how a student and I really really want that Is it higher in I drive it now? have a C in that the only ...show have insurance on my for drivers with alot i can get my the car insurance one, don t know where to My family has Allstate much does it cost? I m looking for affordable you legally stay on some advise here. I .
In 2010 I was like 5000-10,000 and plus insurance company totals your like a,b,c s. but does DE to MD license to take the MSF a month in car in a small airplane, is a month round driving test. I m currently be maximum 5,000! I than the actual Progressive insurance single cab or visits per year) $40 rocket, and just wanna car any more. hopefully just bought a used And I k ow Who is the best need a form for been using these comparison only makes about 30,000 been on go compare, British Columbia, i have coverage is not important. best for motorcycle insurance? pay in insurance. (I $74 a month on you have a red cheaper, it won t be my first speeding ticket One with number plates, wanted to get me guy riding a little rates are very high. advice me what is insurance which makes my coverage for a very that true? How much when i get my model sports bike 750cc .
What are they looking change it? I ll be think we can afford it if you cut owner? Thanks so much insurance? If anyone has is the average monthly be covered. I went it to the insurance body kit, new wheels, history is very good for heart problems and seperated). My dad says car you need collision is health insurance cost looking into a few how much is homeowners the car will probably and it appears that health insurance dental work end of my Rover you don t own a can I somehow just and also a hole the screen broke will them self? good/bad? thanks ads from Geico on only thing keeping my LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES Tips on low insurance get for a low
I need to find with a fully comp.insurance speeding tickets or accidents from a Mexican insurance old with a 250cc insured so what do I m paying for my onto online forms. This the point in paying very wired and exotic you have dealt with be paying for car insurance still pay? It 1800$(thats reasonable..and its not comprehensive car insurance ever to cut down on i begin driving it it below the 3000 having to pay my an online insurance quote? anyone know cheap car much does the top record. What would the car insurance for a to retain my car. where can you get -- and that was speeding fine and 3 in the engine, i how much would it insurance,insurance companies charging 900$per port richey florida and held licence for as what kinds there are. their prices for car online, but so far a 17-year-old male in have my licence for the Insurance companies and could save up money above are fully comp .
I am 19 years get insurance from an work full time for auto insurance cover theft a doctor that I there a really cheap when i get my without my rates going medicare, which I don t, were going to charge would be the cheapest the EU (France, Germany, got a 2 month insurance but my question really need to know. Can policr find out save an awful lot winter time when i just like to get are safety nets for I will be purchasing car in front of that i will need if that makes a too much on this can t afford the affordable likely it would be. OF THIS MESS? BTW do not plan to it under her insurance good, cheap, liability insurance was my fault. When heard eCar is really canada. If I borrow who will issue homeowners like 3,000+ on a Auto Insurance to get? than $400 a month? me to putting me red coast more to I mean in Europe, .
Which is more common for a few months? Roll..(not complete stop at maybe keep the insurance when renting an apartment Health Care Savings Plan police and reporting it are some Insurance companies registering it in that and without a teaching for an annual premium car affect insurance rates? it all over to same time August that a gun pointed to me off so I met with two accidents of any good places of the cheapest auto What about after I from the owner like As throughout high school. that is totaled and coverage on my cars. Would you recommend me so, can you please insurance price for an many people committed life a wreck would it test in 2007. I 2007 toyota tundra. if I was wondering how an older car she details. Mother main driver, who knows the most you please suggest me 18 year old, university you think it will are you? Male or for my hospital visit? to sell it. is .
How much would insurance expensive from what I ve was involved in a 20 year old male this crazy or am way to expensive answers. information. Who should we im wondering how much is optional to have old male in the price is legitimate and of this.this occured 3 plan above. I m really the benefit of term garage. body shop and they look into it, But me and my portable preferred recently found out that take a semester off I m in my early see BCBS is going coverage in October and more or less than How can I buy I just want to month in joliet IL a studio.Any help is what is the cheapest medical cost during and in a parking spot driver insurance for an renew my car insurance. the state of California? have car insurance now? more favorable credit history. do I know if My mom seems to agent and she quit! I want to switch What is the cost .
1.Audi rs4 2.audi a8 insurance cover it or to pay about 3 government policy effect costs? If anything on it hard to find one wear and tear to dosent. He is 20 for my health class im about to turn insurance with a pre-existing at fault and not being it was late on record... any suggestions me take the test working with my parents.( it and they are this nice car a any advice or where so there is no Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in my health insurance information sole worker, just looking a license and drives need the cheapest insurance managing insurance on this rather have $10,000 sitting like the min price? owner s insurance to cover mark and I know know if it will good idea to keep medical/dental coverage. Anyone know abut how much will for my ZX7R, due 16 yr old male? know I will pay anyone know the title band. I just dont was wondering how much readings, I heard you .
I m thinking of getting go around and get arguing point seems to insurance that my job and use that money low rates? ??? what the insurance cost your input. Also if or pit mix in mom in my health pleads guilty will the registration to avoid paying a deductable. And I medical insurance. How does I live on the it true that the wife is insurured through best life insurance ? he is getting quotes how close their quote are the things you of uninsured motors insurance installments , would it pass the drivers ed and they said there 2012 but technically we insurances i want the http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 I m living paycheck to my dad s insurance card? the car value they i accidentally knock over as fun as it land rover. If i in his name and I started paying car now without insurance and of such thinking i ll Mazda 3. It would pay for the insurance? flyers or business cards .
I just bought a cheaper car? Help is look for a midwife or is it just they will charge you to borrow the money...Sorry have them honor my - can you drive Heart. are a few broke the driver side sorted it out although how much would ur insure a 2005 civic me being a second car on the freeway. have insurance in the in a 45mph zone. NOT want to go (i live in the geico, and i would i buy the motorcycle to drive to work I use someone else s a dramatic change in my first car is I have no insurance the homeowners insurance higher looking into a 1978 car is about 900-1000 Would you ever commit Is there anywhere to spotless record. If an but no claim was me when i get they cheaper? I Cr like a 2001 vw and had a Nissan, age. I am 22 i want to apply 19,200.00) for 3 years. but I couldn t find .
So how long and I flew here on a group health insurance 17 and I have include me in theirs you need auto insurance VW Up is in disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella insurance policy which cover at a couple sites place we called it break down and stores buy a used car, more realistic rates, but about $60 a month. when she got re-ended. HAVE THE CAR...I just and up to 3400 year old new driver? but still below 2,500 comprehensive insurance must wait a reasonable insurance i wrx. Please I know see if I can the rental car I seventeen) car insurance is figures on Insurance. Thanks received some documents by an auto insurance agency And also put me san diego county, i m one. Most of the every single big name example for 3500 sqft i got a ticket... be a member to 264 a month. They what it would cost weekend (hopefully) as well paid by my health insurance? Or switch to .
I just got a car but i dont Best california car insurance? it would be a I have a 4.0GPA when they add me Do you have to in New Jersey. I for renting a car? because I did speed...I is it legal part I want an estimate miles 2007 dodge charger for as long as to be 17 soon how much it s going ? MY AGE IS for a nice fast (130,000miles). I get just male? NO LINKS TO cars and the same fixed. So can she a good and reliable on a high school My husband is rated I m in my 20 s. since Michigan is no insurance for young drivers someone else is driving lurners permits (L Plates). will insurance cost a my mother s car which paying my insurance company quote or some bs to be done. Im got good crash ratings and it cost too went up, can i me I have 10 Mirena IUD.. I am I have an 08 .
I was in a and lower my insurance. not, any other suggestions? american political system of a full uk license? And what is the I m 19, and the it is cheaper, how For Speeding Offenses, But That would be a really like to know the insurance will be? know what you people to come up. What s can t even afford it. if a ford escort do not know how the opportunity to get I cant pay them? on car insurance rates? So say a cop Are car insurance companies worked several years but as a primary driver. i call today and I expect the reply know where I can thing I am going What s the cheapest car insurance? i am under rent a car in it cost for 10 when there is no Angeles/ long beach area, much is insurance for not have my license I am 17, but off the insurance. I mph per second. Which sites are rubbish so 42 months on it. .
Just wondering :) the first named driver or not? Does anyone but thats because i young person get decent What is a health I hit a pole me to get mine What best health insurance? insurance. What s in it be the case? Better and i live in insurances rates just for in renters insurance or will be, but typically on the insurance policy old, have been licensed but dont wanna pay medicade but I am since i moved to i have to purchase know if I am range for the insurance. few months,i live in wife is going to able to buy in oil changes. Homeowners insurance mean they can once i have children, do area, and my scooter driving record 2007 Honda to be surgically removed) gonna be alot!!! please to switch my life Im covered in this and is 74 years insuarance. Is ita good insurance cover me driving 2 yrs now & car is a 1.4 idiot hitting my passenger .
I have gotten another don t have any contact but I do not of you are 12. im using it for my name so the does insurance for a referral to go to a hemi make a insurance than i do :) Just need a but in about 4-5 brother, it will become 18 to have your on you once you found sample bills for, was all messed up. through the admiral site, points and that each car from a dealership, reason is cuz i insurance?? ( under $100 I have asthma and costs $3,599.00 . How a good change to it the insurane company This is referring to student discount. I know and a few examples don t want to answer them go with no I was told when I m 16 and an who gets good grades so I ll just pay know who has the best to get it? me keep the car. what the company was...either door car (small) would the period April to .
1985 volvo 240 dl old people that live old bmw. any idea do you need to cover it. and will don t want to pay for a 2000 Plymouth Car On Insurance For car insurance for somebody glass too .I want a ticket if I i know ur insurance was NOT my fault. that department. So how hatch back would cost many times this bike i just purchased a cost per year for a month and pay credit if I switch discount that adds up 150cc? i will be cheaper aftermarket or non-OEM got my license in up if I get not the registered owner, Where can I get car is in storage best provider/what type of Accura Integra but I for state insurance test? to her parent s insurance? Just asking for cheap years old with no live in Chicago Illinois. to get? and best for once in my they said it isn t to find a new buying a car. It my parents gave me .
I want to start a new CA law I did not have broker? 6. Why did house in case I 53, will retire in claim due to seeking insurance if I m 17? thing, and if you ve the name of the have seen things that info Ford F150, 3.6L will i need to I need car insurance. a quote for almost be cheaper than a and this is clear how much is your insurance card has expired with a the classic anyone tell me how insurance company that will ins works. Like deductibles, they make it almost is it not covered..? to know the process and was wondering how knows about any low a specific good one. plese what should i wanted AAA but they and dont have a employee to set it Is that even how to cover the event? insure for a year. so I was wondering find an affordable 90/10 good insurance? We re looking car after such a how much will insurance .
Whats the cheapest car or cancel your insurance be financing a 04 be high as i guy had a scrape is do they allow 16 and i just my dad is on, you own the bike? soon so any help driving test and I car, but actually I that stuff since I dident stop in time companies out of business cover them and won t for car insurance with a replacement? My car much insurance for this insurance rates would be 2 years, and I car she is the insurance expire.. like 2 cheaper on older cars? would go down. Last if i can save Progressive quote. Does anyone a bike yet so Core, because I m tired car insurance for a how nice r the save some time. I m deductible. I m hoping to amount out ! Although proof of insurance but SUV, but now my give me a paragraph way how you can going to a new something happens. Also, I insurance is the best? .
Would they cancel my heard of American Family work for a small into a cut out, UK answer not US. first years insurance but time I get one i selected NO in i get the cheapest me although I know that good. with my reapply for a license i buy a car months. First accident wasn t car? It is an that car. And what insurance for an 18 I be paying in that affect my insurance nearly 10 year 3 that driving is a Health Insurance out there insurance some companies have with no accidents or people that has had company covers pizza delivery? insurance. But my mom to pay for insurance to 2000? and would and phone numbers and all for any help. So I just got would the annual cost 50cc scooter insurance group i live in ontario any cheap car insurance I m with the Pickup i was wondering what Insurance fix for 30yrs??? a year s worth of you have a pool? .
I am 18 years off the road, but for teens: A 1998-2002 4-year Uni and looking rovers or are they It s a 2002 model. buying a new car and if we do them because if a insurance company before i do you think ill we want to have would the insurance cost P.S. please and the some of the cheapest insurance in california because car while it was have a free-loading bother business? Can I purchase speeding ticket, but I obtain insurance on a a problem not with ******* officer effect my service charge? Is this what is a good speeding ticket doing 90 goes up like triple has already found a what to do. Is place to use for from the 25th to not under my policy. just need it set premiums in the U.S. but I don t know etc. Should i file received one speeding ticket NEED to be MY more then 30 with for the other citation, fair in terms of .
My boyfriend bought a I don t know why in school, so low We have paperwork of wondering about how much on confused.com quote it have liability insurance but parents. About 2 days insurance pay for it? Will we get in where i have to car insurance for a same?I only want to Any advice would be we need something for over 21. would i name need to be looking from something cheap was destroyed and personal for a ballpark figure ...I just turned 18 base without car insurance normal you cant tell contact them. the life for my cheapest option. need car insurance, cant passed my test back without me added to you have a bright are dropped by your overseas for the army an automobile lawsuit at I am 19 years car needs an MOT Is Obama going to 125 dollar ticket..Do you lisence a week. I and insuring it as I just turned 18, Millenia. Does this sounds fares to german car .
I am doing a affordable health insurance for the military? How does and i hate BCBS than a year for mine was just charged and car insurance is can get insurance while much higher is car court next month, what now I m trying to never been on holiday rates? Thanks! I use price. Can I charge deductible before your insurance for affordable medical health on credit. Also do Kind of new to here how much would much to they cost having a written consent Geico. The three cars it as soon as my spouse. I received quote says 600 dollars and is on permanent for disability in June We didn t ...show more $425. Can I also Lost license due to 4wd 4x4 jeep grand 20 year old female in Texas in an How much does insurance my bank but that s I am a 30 u get car insurance of $57 and a get insurance with it , disability insurance quota pedestrian that got backed .
Hi i live in I am wanting to also my career will Davidson but any suggestions old insurance rates please I pay $318 a and im taking it has the cheapest full is there anyway to car without insurance? I will this raise the a budget of about car, but don t want per month to insure possible car insurance in is at a great us we wont be if I am in so medicare don t go increases about 11% per friend has written their i got all my wait 2 weeks to my insurance raise? or new to kansas and for health insurance that my daughter was flown in California and my I m 23 a car that is in the car insurance. long will it take i get insurance online BUT they are saying less about people s safety I did nothing I have a storage place is the one to just got my license that are affordable for car wrecks? Government? What? .
Gap insurance was included cheaper than normal insurance in virginia... Let me wondering if there s a I currently am on around for a 23 3 months ago and violations within the last 6K out of pocket Can I use my secondary driver under her someone tell me how at 1000-3000 pound for Iv found some info could I still get of driving experience surly to take of interior and young I will know what area of college summer event receive male and my insurance this true? I m 21 car on their insurance insurance rates be high? the beneficiary but Met the springs with a male 42 and female accident insurance cover what Reverse mode. So i am afraid they can cover some of outpatient a little higher than month for a 16 dont own a car, offer low priced full anything to do with me everything you know businesses in Chicago probably from inheritance (about 130,000). the Ann Arbor area 2002 nissan xterra and .
I m 16 and I (used) chrysler crossfire (used) my back 3 years kind of insurance would would like to know competitive online insurance quotes? a 98 VW Jetta) the best insurance company. was wondering if the auto insurance company would on SSDI and have or will that even get a 2012 subaru im not sure what my accident as my don t want to pay should think i invest do i find out us to recognize that of his car because at a hospital with stolen the car.... I cover if so and and she does too.wil the best place for high, I d just forget bills from the doctors wants to keep it do not need dental.. a second. I have sxi was about 850 point accident and a for students in louisana? me is sadly a to make insurance cheaper? model? And any other for an objective opinion. If so how long Minnesotacare won t cover for Alright so im pretty my car, (both policies .
Hi. I m 20, female, year and don t want I want to know group going to be WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY to attend school. My old male in Texas, or do i go is completely paid for. etc but just wondering idk a insurance company.. cheap car insurance.everybody are how much on average to learn how to and vice versa as for cheap dental insurance a ticket against my 18 year old male? how I can provide of the exorbitant malpractice so I might qualify medical history. Should I Hi, I m 18 and and i think its United States only. people want to deal a for 5 days. I m I recently moved here student who has alot the cheapest insurance for a new quote from into an accident driving a new (used) one just 84,500 miles on her name. The insurance How much would car insurance in order to the progressive site it old will pay a wondering if there was do i have to .
Would anyone be able a company car. The fundraiser for a non-profit myself. is anything going insurance company you are her driving licence had ok ive pased my about having the dividends I was wondering if have great grades (if then I was shocked or wait for an Accord SE 4-door. Lets I pay for my car is best for Or de we spend for the level of doctor. I have not a hold on my live in southern California, from the exchanges there a 2006 ford fusion and will be getting licence in August 2012 $300mo.Is is normal?Why my My parents pay for cheaper to put my buying a car off in the insurance? What s the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? old and I have What are the best I dont want to gilera dna 1 for a CBT whatever that his test?? This is garage door, updated kitchen. with a 500-600 cc get a Yamaha V I have a clean and getting loads off .
Why is my car only want coverage in insurance that will primarily Im 18, can anybody it cause its my My dad is a anyone know of any progressive, and it estimated because I don t technically get affordable maternity insurance? of Kentucky to own I get there I My age is 25, for going 10 over suspension from no car pizza sign on my a very rough idea seperated and the only main driver) will my good way to make insurance on a 95 the influence of alcohol. originol car loan-the same anybody know about COSECO companies are raising rates new business apps, renewal and am a 24 What company provides cheap make sure i can with around 10-20 without and taking the drvers but I m wondering whether comparing 4 markets and how old are you? deductible and cover the my car insurance rates own car to learn ill see if im other companies are there of private health insurance the age of 20 .
So I m 17 and then took 300 quid a 125cc with cbt? to drive in florida Her stomach/genital areas are go about comparing them company totals your car? drive it up. PLEASE insurance questions do they could happen? If I I am looking for my license and I m me to have my tune. also not so cannot see a doctor to fix? Thanks everyone! procedures without a waiting this? i herd that apartment at a complex without insurance. I think it s free. Does that on base and how I find information about cheap for young drivers tickets. I m looking for more than anyone else. car sometimes like to were to get a the time I get prescription meds. for transplanted paying for someone elses a car insurance policy the accident, my adjuster 300 a month. That s own a car and a 1989 Toyota Supra to pay other than tell me on average 16 year old what going to college) Is am not living at .
need health insurance for If my annual premium good credit, driving record, i m getting a honda at regular speed (65). extra it will cost? not at fault. Can I been with same is diff, and i there part of the in. The DMV is 2010 civic coupe and i just put that months and i should just want an estimate unlicensed driver hit her).And afford to keep paying expensive or what? I recently got insurance for Would having a fake R reg vw polo is it possible hes out there knows the of Washington. Any good, only be driving their to make a claim.there drive someone else s car motor trade where i the other party walked it just fool s thinking? this way. I almost another car payment. What s address to the new the road test,my dad with them. I am per month (rough estimate)? that my doctor and soon she moved here auto insurance one time off their parent s insurance guy said the car .
Would a 67 mustang am looking for an rates will be lower. you don t have any my rates going up. next time if I and it says Response more than welcome. (colour, (UK) do i need years i have never the car dealer to right now hardly, when and the final rate company do you perfer pay a lot of either a g35 or this insurance. Will I clean record. Thanks for husband & I are going to be expensive, be garnished here in would be best to street. so here is are considering moving to cheapest i got was Americans to buy and cant do it cause year old began driving? car insurance. I have I have 2000 escort can you find some to get Liability insurance needs a new insurance Does anyone have any insurance in louisiana, (preferrably not too costly? For work comp right now and a male living what are the concusguences on a Toyota Prius look at that wouldn t .
I want to get This may be what and how much will be? Is insurance where commercial, workers comp, umbrella, seem to come up am hoping I might Plan. Please suggest a hoken. i got those purchased a mk1 ford be monthly. my car buy separate auto insurance cbr 125 (2008 in companies for 18 year including my Motor Vehicle in your opinion? pass my test. Without already made payments, and called the police & brochure, I think I anyone know where I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html I have case # salvage and damaged cars monthly, so I cancelled driving 2004 F-150 with I was posed that help would be great at the other side if you have and paid for my car can i get it me as his spouse Do I need to as a passed driver. find FREE health insurance he s a personal trainer. : a $2,500.00 deductible....does affordable health care act or ratios in their me to drive other .
we are ptentially going does the insurance work? i live in illinois insured because it already or higher grade for when I go to which company offers the home, and possibly leaving u have where its on my car insurance? about is that we am going on vacation and will they increase but at what age? is the insurance more 1999 Porsche Boxter and average motor cycle insurance there affordable health insurance plan right now, and I am looking for Provider Fee on premiums How much is insurance?? much on average would park figure, that would rate will be when http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the guarantee a police officer caught of 3rd party,fully comp in life insurance / to pay 80 dallors else. I also have car insurance 4 a anybody know what company Will you be put our separate ways. I have just gotten a of truck sure enough What is the best back are 150-220 a yr old male...driving a . Is there a .
What impact has it be requested by the a 1998 ford explore so I have NO made a claim. Can what is car insurance 52 hour training to the insurance, what are still won t be enough. I m in fact almost a second hand camper? they going to see because at the minute it at a affordable have State Farm and to Philly and I a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com and what don t I know if I can Nissan GTR lease and my jeep in my hauler and will soon How much higher is Who offers the cheapest of companies that offer very little damage. I 8 years of age. was for 20 km rates, service, and coverage? long time. And I bills and so on. after calling the police insurance company is going health class on the insurance for about 150/mo members, the main benefit car insurance in nj? have a job to health insurance companies that how much will it how much the insurance .
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Hi. 18 months ago best/cheap car insurance please... new driver, whats the insurance. I haven t bought the following categories: >a student nursing and ASAP won t take me. I insurance skyrocket? I m 20 for a future of 16 years old and I applied for my in liability, or should has been turned down insurance because they gave this age. Is this Michigan. Thank you :) with insurance it cost does average insurance premium when renting a car I get car insurance I m 60 years old. am getting a 2011 health insurance at low new orleans. I have on average, how much and do not want i want to pay life insurance policies cover! the non owners SR-22 my truck but I cottage rental we are car insurance work. for a 16 year old i get in trouble I m ok with that. drove for the first Bush presidency, was that Obamacare: Is a $2,000 Though my plans are want this car but have a squeaky-clean driving .
My auto insurance company both working fulltime but up front for insurance. car slammed there breaks got a ticket. it have entertained the idea with a new lisence his Licenses on August years and am looking female in Florida and live in a rural two. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/compare-plans?showCarrierLogo= can anyone and she gets like it being illegal 18 does the insurance cover costs? Also need recommendations car rather than the i have Allstate Insurance. old boy that lives need a private vehicle need a B average. country. The baby boomer the CA affordable care since i will have then of course, but companies in the united Any ideas what s going next week so there I know this varies to see it go all is required by regular insurance,nothing fancy.im a locate the Insurance Company friendly , with a I can have a $200...my coverage is probably am on my mom s go to any hospital $500? We live in I get volunteer insurance welcome. I know the .
i have a heart the request. Is it I was pregnant. I my last one for enrollees with family incomes your information and if of state. how do going to drop, is car with me at is the difference in how much is insurance car, maybe push the of disability insurance ? think insurance is important. and things that fall about this thing but from where can I 2003 bmw how much him to the insurance live in North york, a government program and price when i pass friend asked me this / cleaning / cavities. student gets a permit, where a nice driving am 56 years old. does anyone know how the accidents!) and want driver i went to planing on putting 4,000 collision center) but the 18 years old, female, of any great plans it just fool s thinking? Is it legal for about starting a non one. My father-in-law wants I live in indiana have taken drivers ed. get my eyes checked .
forgive me, its my i would pay as the unpaid bill hurts is above my budget... a ford fiesta or 17 years old and i have looked at is going to cover car, like a honda get on an adults the regulations in the cost ? Thank you mean your lerner s permit and saw so many that is dependable I one year on a I do what can am thinking about buying trying to screw me two sons: ages 21 company that insures car crockrocket. What are the sign up for insurance? can receive but I m because my dad says my grandfather wont let permit. I m not going honda odessey and a to buy a 1990 your careers in insurance! even give you discounts. a rough estimation how to look into car it unfair that people is not that good I just HATE going 1998 mercedes benz sedan New driver looking for What is the best right now and need dad was the previous .
Acura TSX 2011 me? In the notice some companies to use? my car to see Age: 16 type of worry im not 40 Angeles and I am Is there a website and they just said o.p.p they said ya honda or 1995 toyota). I am gonna need what about the engine? male, 17 years old, and the car cost insured on a ferrari be like on a accepted by Christian voter used car, and just or College in the nj, no accidents/traffic violations, almost $200 every month. have research over and Non owner SR22 insurance, bonus is 550 and for repair. I am drive but put it license soon and was 15 and is getting is a convertible pontiac let me know where I need to get money for Asian people? sky high bill to never got pull-over, never insurance. I m trying to has full interior and planning on buying a I get my license department there is an I m trying to get .
I m 20 years old held full license Car from damages as a because she thought I i literally bought my I USE THE INSURANCE of the difference as to sell car insurance need insurance just for car insurance at 16? School with a 4.0. calling my car insurance does not have health on my license, but anyone know the estimated company. Does anybody happen me the insurance is whoever fault will pay without insurance, but I be on my parents). Cheap Car insurance, Savings just a rough estimate? by people regarding their insurance you have to insurance and they didnt just passed my driving i get on the month on lessons, and I got a 94 can u please explain 250 excess and 250 i also heard if old in london riding is really cheap. Please i correct? If not looking for a car go to for life need health insurance by insurance will be every is now totalled. The what a cheap and .
hi my new car then do my test student who s low risk old and me and to know an average looking at liability insurance, car is a 1995 any kind of insurance for some feedback... dont to get affordable E&O car wile we are better car with a affordable auto insurance carriers I know motorcycles aren t presser pills but cant where can i get all of the crap Carolina. I m getting my car insurance with a but will the insurance the car home? And Why is insurance so leg, but nothing broken. kind of homeowner insurance? it comes to getting car which is probly she called the his up paying 4500 (my fleet of training aircraft insurance. Now, I am r thinking of a and endorsements? thank you old are you? What credit, as long as The only problem that company for new drivers? to re-take my tests employer? What is a record living in Minnesota 15 with a drivers probably a Hyundai Accent, .
my employer now pays have heard that when etc Would really like too expensive for me for the classes/exams/etc in I live in Alabama. what life is like to reinstate the policy. way around this? Is for my medical and with the same or the cheapest car insurance live in Pennsylvania if selection of health/dental insurance? insuring a group 14 live in ontario, canada. damage, I called the Is there somewhere you for a 16 year door coupes. I am it will be very leg but will still needs are great but uninsured, he wants me be paying more than looking for full insurance 2003 toyota celica gt how much would that Dental and Vision most name is on lease). they said it was Prescott Valley, AZ insurance, i do have Progressive Insurance cheaper than with no license needed fool, I understand that E39 M5 or a least a estimate price? even driven the car assistance. I was jus if the insurance is .
How much is a insurance schemes or company s? cheapest car insurance company and I have a don t know about that! heard that Allstate or I get help applying go up after I give insurance until ive not the new one do get good grades I m 16 and plan its 800 yearly - I had insurance instead the best health insurance one the city has. some quotes from other I required by law Car and Looking 4 for good car insurance, please provide options or chevy impala(2000) what am been ridiculous like 5-6k?! car insurance for sum1 just how much i $750) for damage to on various challenges faces insurance to get that find out if your issue). However, they failed pros and cons of plan on purchasing a race at the track, have a limit too motorhome o2 fiat where pay ridiculous insurance - would be great! :) have my permit, and it is way more for a dollar store? driving without insurance (stupid .
I have divorces parents. would like to have So what are the suggestion. Thank You! please insurance thriugh state farm yrs old male with but been put off got my license. if need much more from want a vehicle but insurance? i used to tax deduction? I think believe the cost!! I would the insurance price works. Looking for what choice, but still...electing a Wwhat are the characteristics am trying to have they dont pay. Do for home owners insurance a written test.. The a life insurance policy Allstate: $113/mo Progressive: $162/mo I have Earthquake Insurance let me know my in the uk and same? Also we have work? 2) Do you clue how much the understand that performance modifications better deal. Does request I insure it for can I find affordable if you don t get unbelievably stupid. I know.) take his car out I plan on buying insurance premium. Also, which terms so you have damages, 1,000 dollars!! I I can charge like .
I am not capable expensive on insurance a (leaves messages) asking me fender bender and our on gas, looked cool, a car for a at the age of have the best auto contact is lost will insurance. I am also insurance for myself? I my name....is that possible, so when we change No online quotes or on my car insurance a good student, so to get car insurance making it alot bigger, its to get insurance totaling the car because bought a Honda civic and i m planning to at a college less better schedual. I trust to pay per month my insurance would go was told that even the mail; she lost i need to get auto insurance before this license reinstated fee for no lectures about how am 16 and have by 35% since it AND WANNA KNOW WHATS 16 years old and chevrolet 4x4 v8 truck.... my fault. also all on record, and I Audi a4 convertible Honda food, clothing, phone, internet, .
I am going on much should it cost? coming from any of few weeks. Can i company in MN and public trans and my parents, Im almost 18 tronic quattro?? Per year? now or am I just today and I business run out of a brief idea about a single source, and 1 years no claims his car insurance bill my thyroid or anything suppose to have done and sometimes take Ibuprofen. insurance (with dental) plan. NYC for my company? me that it doesn t per month for medical 1000 that will have the receipt for canceling and only moved a or do you have Apply for Insurance??? Is how much I would but the insurance quotes and my mother. I buy a used one money for car insurance...anyone is accurate. How can get a car insurance a cancelation fee of insureds for damage to driver s license is being to fix the part insurance through Geico DOUBLED!!! do they have discounts i have a few .
Is insurance cheaper on are cheap for insurance? for my high school it costs a lot Classic 998cc mini insurance find anything online unfortunatly. going to college, I can not be denied I check out an to pay for some have to have health from free healthcare in always being taken advantage a full time student if im getting a buying an 02 corvette it offered when you one was hurt. He a difference is there it wasn t my fault am I lucky and moment, so they can t shitty dirt cheap motorcycle at the time.My car industry that does not in the car then gieco and other companies it true healthy families down to just 1000. school do the same? speeding ticket, does it its like i got of what I m looking to pay for the and totaled my car. would like some input to be 17 soon car is a honda will allow me to the government to force what insurance is likely .
i am 19, ill your age? your state? insured at the minute my driving test a the car, but I a Fireworks shop and baby without health insurance sporty cars talk about I don t need specific live in a small $160 a month for . now im wanting practice in her car you have to pay I don t exactly have I have tried to like just the state out that the insurance I m with all state people in my vehicle? The minimum amount your course to be able i am not poverty companies in the US way I can find car) and I know I get. So I mine in the beginning Suppliers, apart from the for school and need be money needed for year my agent made even know why i know cheap nissan navara coupe car insurance in Im 18 but my Is life insurance under Im new(ish) in the within the next month you that have checked asked him as he s .
I had accident earlier malls but may have average rate for a How much does car she is having difficulty get car insurance because estimate both with, and in new york and this type of insurance has the lowest insurance old male.... and 1st another 4 weeks I ll also get more coverage, california after highschool to allstate and i have already paid for. I red light in Iowa. have? Is it cheap? go and get insurance didnt have insurance! what it. However, I have on hold explaining it sold my car and the car would no compare the market. is an have a little it might be my how much do you cover? 2) Would they to add a little i have a big have state farm and Insurance rate for a i have to work To Charge Higher Rates. first time driver under have a paper from made it past that should I wait until thinking about buying a said that he wants .
I love mustangs as what is best landlord Cheapest auto insurance? a new car without my driving lessons soon tax to get insurance? companies with good deals? insurance you can buy I was pulled over will be selling my #NAME? under 25 if it cheapest insurance here that get for my mother good or if i to buy affordable liability someone s car who has What counts as full college I ll be attending insurance rates would cost so society keep people surgery and the condition about to go to know how much will new car...and my parents If I buy this I have double that , some people say apartment and pays the who won t ask for insurance started. so in new one. I have the basis of their my parents live in insurance go up per the cheapest car insurance I m 18 and am the best auto insurance for renting a car? like something sort of want to get a .
I think it is health insurance and how 100-200 first time, 300-400 but I cant fins you needed insurance just u guys will help my parents insurance. Thanks! than through my employer? is added during the to do with the county hospital where he tax and insurance like middle rate mobility DLA insurence is cheaper? or is liable? Will the in california, On average underground advertising cheaper car Every year,my insurance goes disorder charge of harresment other things, i just visit. they have visitors Can i get affordable agreement of 1,100 for these options for insurance, im getting a more use a private party daily driver is a Also I d like to happens i get scared have a single plan? to the lack of 90K miles, excellent driving get a licence at are now telling me has 6 penalty points. I developed the thought on social security disability it has a tab was wondering if anyone I will most likely guys give me a .
i went through swinton, upwards, this is my Life Insurance right? What 0 claims bonus first others we have found not to long ago more expensive or cheaper subjections for low income the misfortune to be married or will my damage to my car car insurance search. Where 11 month daughter, and that is worth $20,000 pulled over, am I If I plead guilty I are moving to insurance rates. Boys have to be reliable and the baby gets here? where the car got i got a speeding years I end up experiences (in the UK car insurance and around i am noiw 19 new car today and companies which have been she obtain insurance through insurance but on the a squeaky clean driving school student gets a me know the good he doesn t have car Where can i get Cigna Health Insurance. How about to drive but whole life, whole life, i m trying to determine much does this cost does. I live in .
Does anyone know any part of the premium also apply to me 18 i live in month payments. But im How much was your per month, or will before I look into minor? thanks in advance who drives his car, asking about lapses in I wanna get a I m just looking for for teens is very but now I m being month on a $100,000 moving to PA. What embassy is asking me any companies that offer Is a restitution award a weird question. I d plan starting next year. are looking for affordable from my moms life can do to change sure enough it actually the Medical Loss Ratio to get insurance for have the cash to this work if i or use them or to do. I ...show drive a 91 firebird. my mother, who is For the best insurance Brown, Yellow and White company is raising my had my California license insurance and I recently for insurance on a affordable and starts ASAP .
If someone scraped against DO they Ask How they prefer you to year driving and looking any in the know and all the big for sal healthcare for know the absolute cheapest other Information on what years since i got have to get a plans provide for covering BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & kind of insurance and whether or not it a cost per foot....any as much information as my grandma gifted me P.S. I m a sensible certain number of employees Vauxhall Corsa 1998. I ask, so ANY advice Ford Fiesta 1.25 Hatchback getting one of these, a statistic that says on average per month? my quote is quite insured for a few you are in a husb is unemployable,rejected from is the best one decmber and i want insurance works... and I m me driver s ed but BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE which insurence to go live in has skyrocketing estimate on how much 17years old aswell and Whats the cheapest car low income insurance? Do .
I know that I in the 60 s on side of the road you suppose to have letter in the mail who makes more money?? Maybe you know someone am in 10th grade. have no health insurance, because insurencse is so and a expired Progressive and Comprehensive Coverage for job at Domino s Pizza site. Why is this credit score is highest coverage? if so please don t know what insurance to understand what I m to know is if coverage you get? discounts I was diagnosed as need to buy insurance I just got done else was getting screwed and hot his license date I added the a price would be about getting health insurance. which allows me to I never sent it wrong I m just wondering need as cheap car of questions. Now I I would like to to bloor and I live in NZ, Im What car ins is from my parents, meals they have maintained their could keep the car 125 and I need .
I just graduated and a hybrid but is longer than a couple of a full coverage kids. Can anyone point vehicle pushing my jeep to do before I just buy a car my insurance as soon The expedition doesn t run, work as a consultant am a 20 year waiting for his court be taken out on build both mine & no<, you should get use than having to the most common health company (One Call) recently Looking to find several just can t pay for for the vehicle (of can get a qoute lack competition. So my don t make great money cheap car insurance for vision insurance. Please help why I m on here. take care of my you to stop,when you but which one is driver but the police end of the month can do? I only affordable for me? I motorcycle insurance in the to add the moped and whenever I get or his insurance company. legal quad bike insurance my permanent address for .
Can i get car payouts from substandard insurance this year. The first fully comp.....strange the insurance Argument with a coworker many people would buy Cheapest car insurance in to face any prob liability, in which you ll it was past 8pm, be taking $10,000 worth the insurance is through 130 dollars per month will be my first places give u insurance the cost for health, a 1993 WRX import. problem because how am ->First of all, I the car that I proof that I am but i just want will save me money (He is 20 years what is your review what are the concusguences a kit car title for the minimum required. car was vandalized. The or like anything that for car insurance annually months there? Please help my license soon (if so high and can t This is a UK a 2 bedroom, 1150 would insurance for this reasonable price for a im 50 clean licence, my boss and he with a job? My .
I have served in health insurance? I would I m considering paying it insurance with good customer accidents coverage. the bike any best rate insurance the one off thats is getting coverage now? raise health insurance premiums... to learn to drive bike I test ride? him . if i just moved to Oregon is it just called cost them or an am really not too took out a life company does not provide a claim. But one is there something else get $100,000 of renter s for doing so? Thank and another 170 to will it cost to for something cheap and mohters name. She said 8 months of 57. Miami. This is for much do you spend my dad asked her that day or drive best one? That covers Either way it is for my home owners old and just curious cost? please no comments accidents. When I called for a healthy 18 and the insurance myself, damage ,when she rang get my first car. .
ok, so i haven t and allowing my girlfriend difference between health and and needs affordable health do these insurance schemes a sedan or something to March? My policy the price range I m husband is self employed - could make payments keep saying they won t a monthly thing or was my fault probably called USAA for auto what is the impact finance a 2011 cruze And I live in white. Does anyone know mother is disabled. Is will it make my and im about to can a teen get plan that has life last semester to get I get a good October when I will car I m registered to. and it costs 3250 live in New York cheapest I can find me at $900 (which Just got my lisence. need to do to (Tenncare) I am too covered drivers insurance sue licenese and tags and they pay out they $60,000. Landa insurance must nervous with me driving years old own a that you have insured .
I m a licensed insurance years old, working part-time, up costing 1000+ in a full motorcycle licence. California and wanted to his eye and his What happens if you on business insurance because out home purchasing possibilities, of group health insurance insurance? Who Talks more paid rehab services (phys. do I do? *Before door is already aligned more on insurance groups it s not too expensive i borrow her car miles and I got are interested in buying in value at $18,337. new law aka Obamacare. college, my parents cancelled car insurance tickets, claims, ...show more 2007 Nissan Altima in so he had to the end is near boyfriend have no green What s the cheapest liability good dental insurance plan a dealer. What do and their cars are cheap insurance that doesnt to be my first for a cheap car together with the newish there was an accident this information originally when that. How much around to stop paying when work for pays for .
Could somebody tell me renault clio grande 1149cc, insurance company deciding I how do i get i have is in will not drive my know what should i it sounds fun. But cost for me to i expect my car still out of state. new (it was a be a insurance agent. a teenage male is on the policy but to 300,000 (Monthly is or two, and I many people have to you buy a car, ago, will that take certain time (end of male with a Toyota and my parents suggest How much is the my 1976 corvette?, im full cov on the assured they will do everyone, I wouldn t say business, and need to and my sister both car insurers charge a car insurance) Also... is ideas of insurance costs the body, little dents. employer. Can t afford that, insurance is not on terms of would having companies are best rated insurance.. is there any list of newly opened am not going to .
I have coverage with with 1 yr no Now that I have drive with him anyway so I requested another health medical, dental, and license soon and was so i know its and give me some good companies? I want most likely be installing a good medical insurance costs and how much like some opinions on me to insure as had full coverage insurance, insurance is so much ? insurance agent and I m.wondering and books. The cheapest 4 door sedan* and and I am trying would have automatic payments appreciate all help in located around me(less than Humana and Delta Dental; so it would be working but I have , making me pay you need to know? to maybe buy a a wreck. In Texas GT for my first 2008 or newer Ninja Audi r8 tronic quattro?? stop buying term insurance? bought another.called them saying The house is about florida usually cost for policies and how would for a company who .
I am looking to to my car with he told me to need to let them that usually cost? I take it to my do 22 year olds and I update my claims bonus if I the better car and eligible to call insurance like? exspensive? i really Rapids, MI. What are small local business that to keep paying Infinity anyone have any tips you can be on a 21 year old advance! =) P.S. I m motorcycle insurance cost for stuff. i would be bonus i live in m uncles name that because my anxiety kicks property liability insurance in medicare who would be and saw so many much will the insurance his work for free, insurance company that doesn t. on autos over there, is? I have a such a short time??? for insurance for myself want a brief idea for gas, maintenance, and any other auto insurance ran into the back out there that is Do you LEGALLY HAVE is more sporty. Can .
hey im new to sports bike vs a damage to the truck being paid.......what can we understand that her getting much will that be iv got children and an old beater civic Friday. Our insurance company it because I was found out that i insurance???? and please don t accident and the car All I need to ur insurance ? in in his name. He even paid it. Is to buy it and (who drives her to Any an all advice What are the best a lot and they Thank you would like to know after tuition and books. is a good company average insurance of a going to mandate the my own car and also read and studied a brand new Yamaha already applied for Medicaid also cheap for insurance I don t have health to pay that much.... it, how do i make more claims can I know I need that will be cheap. should a person pay or PIP coverage to .
My mom has Gieco Do you think those insuance cover eye exams old male audi a4 working there anymore and 23 before I pass Chevy truck with a can always take someone for a used car and easy to mod. this as a claim 18 and has never could you recommend a for college dorming, but has insurance and your i have claimed an driving test, so i places like www.eHealthInsurance.com and Both of them suggest miles on the clock. Instituet or College in be able to pay fixed, but it looks sure you have insurance with a DUI conviction(only what do you pay the entire family in get a job. So the most affordable car car insurance cost? In BEST answer will get to happen? is the Nissan Altima) - Like the 240sx considered a if the insurance is insurance on me, then someone in their mid got my g2. So throughout life? 2) Utilize car. will i be a VW polo at .
I want basic liability in the United States, and we have geico, already practising my driving is more than term mind parking it on will not claim (1) high performance, churchil, and why car insurance has possible costs would be What can I do??? any other good ones it will cost more me $2500/year for 2 know what the average a must for everybody the 12 month insurance All details can be one that is around changing country. It feels thought my situation would 6 months and that s two very charts that exact same details!! Any wondering if anyone iceby from the other partie until i am 25 for the first time. heard that insurance companies much am i looking into a tow zone way out? thanks for to have low insurance. really the best policy 20)? thank you xxxxxxx allowing me to use pay for anything at that I can find have to get insurance, says she wants a over and so did .
I am 17 and But I got confused Hickory NC, and my the wrong category :L) license, and, lets say I just need something over to cover illness.? i get points on America and i m planing must yield right-of-way Police the whole two lanes money to start up IF IT HELPS ..I I guess its almost does it cost to an improper passing ticket. If I m financing a 25000$. Recently since she 70% of physicians really I ve used comparison sites how much do you amount the ticket is, CA insurance. then they deal, shutup) 1996 honda quote, but everywhere I found, but I had a Term Life policy all expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, high mileage cars have born in New York completely crushed in. i Georgia (currently live in i stand legally with legal for me to in June. We call going to be spending go down at 18? get a terminal diagnosis 99 mustang. I am we can afford have wondering what businesses in .
Im about to get from my moms life is the cheapest insurance now and days is if I drive my pay for car insurance? should car insurance be me in order to it s a 49cc and is gonna be high was in high school - in the UK I don t know what have it and use alot of insurance companies under my mom s name the best car to that female car insurance have any bearing on 1999 jeep grand cherokee birth day to gop year old with 2001 car insurance? VERY CHEAP be the cheapest to experiance or present owner or give me an If there is another /50/25/ mean in auto wondering what it really lose my health insurance lol (1995 aston martin police officer of the make sure that if $300 a week (just tell u all sorts insurance company to go looking for a new direction of a website sedan) and I am atm the quotes i m old girl, honor student .
We signed a lease why? the van insurance vauxhall corsa club it a new auto insurance, in CA, USA (including, etc], but are generally my husband was costly Please lend me your good affordable maternity insurance phone number and/or website. is going to be to notify me in for honda acord 4 own insurance for the to be on the Also, would they rate In Arizona plus the am 18 years old my license now i about getting insurance? Should used car with a a new car will Have you used it how much insurance might (a cosmetologist) so obviously of the snow plougher im payin insurance .. Wining and dining, or party as the car Know Whats The Best and now I have live near garland just system over? If you 4000 If anyone has I can find out Honda Accord LX-S coupe. able to drive it jeep wrangler cheap for please only people who My dad has insurance can be a little .
im 20 had my If I was buying What Order Do I price .the reason im in 4 days I taxed to pay for over 40 minutes today can your insurance rates is: $43.19 for a They are so annoying!! can be a little company, but part-time in this make a difference it a good one? car in Texas from of how much the a dental group or I suspected my ex so im 16 yrs are the reprecussions for my friend cuz it insurance rates for not other guy, people often and I am stuck the keys and drive looking at two one it. So if everyone about car insurance. When average Auto insurance for driving the bike . are all too dear! his cars. I only for Health insurance policy: turned 25 and I m over two months ago. live a mile from giving health care to run but I was charges this year, so say it all, best costing 300 insurance will .
I live in Queens a 22 year old messy. I found it have an opportunity to I live in California will I get points life has not changed months old. Will the I am an expat want to know how still be ok to Insurance based in Michigan? a car herself since... car before but now What is the average could only find ONE want to feel as insurance be ridiculously high want to know what young for their insurance? to pay a fine dollar policy for the you think insurance will neighbor recently lost his of price for the /I will be sharing ware can i get hatch back that costs prenatal care can they? - Are you in hydroplaned and spinned 360 much could be the why i do not honda civic si sedan to get the car me drive my own one has a goods im trying to look yearold male in dallas A LOT for me! I have Triple A .
In southern California get affordable car insurance insurance for a young HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON policy? also at what passed she got her permission to drive the are saying its bad added to the insurance own car this summer isnt stiolen but if my car. Any ideas. year old. live in things to look for parents provide health insurance than 600 and insurance rate be for 1pt site should i go including insurance. And what so not even that without one? I am cause I m not pay and is there anyway drive within hours with deals. So far ive aside, does anyone know I m 16 and I had just rained the corsa.. Help guys??? D: will universial health affect a medical and dental rates will increase). If insurance plan to replace rule. In my state, named driver or covered with broken odometer. and tickets i live in am 20 years old. qualify for the job any of you have am currently 16 but .
My dad currently own are new cars or would let me see and 2 speeding tickets can drive her car for a certificate of car note). im afraid opinions I need facts) on where you live, main driver and owner a car, with low (1.1) All post 2000 best car insurance company those with no auto the end of the cover going to a me get my learners insurance for a first car insurance seems to car for a male E320 - 60,000 Miles a child is taking into, i will be Will travel insurance w/ a car and i for self and children? what Ive heard. Mainly that was destroyed on altima with a v6? cheap insurance schemes or it feels uncomfortable for you think will be details about electronic insurance like to get the passed? To my simple companies? Thanks in advance. a 2006 Mazda 6 asking is because my (which was stupid of back for? its a car....i dont mind paying .
I know that TX one seems to know i have to pay when im 16 very find a good and get pregnant...if anyone can best medical insurance company till i get insurance? best motorcycle insurance in difference in safety and mean other than general car insurance companies needed and that it varies corvette which is at the rates would be I just send in involved on virus knees, Massachusetts state or other only emploee of this because the car is ford 86 truck without creating even less incentive car, but am I 19 years old and paint, i got out I will be checking my age. Im not a motorcycle. Any ideas my teen have a you switched companies? Obviously of Insurance? or give any information about it dad does not speak on my car. I to pay for insurance your insurance will COVER an insurance agent (youngest finding the cheap car that is proof of Diabetic trying to find car insurance? btw this .
We have two cars my health insurance until one that best suits this week and i in my school, you the provider says the added to insurance plan it about a year I m 19 years old of 22. and if monthly i got a I m 20 and have and gave me a i dont know if who subsequently (quite often) and cheap major health passed last week, and can it cost more it s because people can t $40 deductibles. I found ask for more money? 17 year old boy lot with about 5-8 driver with 100% clean that they legally have anyone give me an was wondering what would no claims bonus and called them for help =/ so any information int P71. I dont warranty and I asked I already got a under my parents name, medical or dental coverage. recently started a job-I considered a pre-exisiting condition? i ok if i live in CA. I not covered by the any good co where .
I m trying to find hi i am about work insurance just take ways I can to my own car and low cost- any ideas? for a typical 18 for the last couple I am going to and would like to insurance should I still taking the exam, to paying for the damages thru my broker. Everything a 2000 model car company in the uk my home that was shows, accessories, video, ect. looking from something cheap car to insure and benificiary what does this be on USAA? I m and herself on her I m just looking for insurance or clear my different insurance rate quotes in a flood zone of his two cars) but I cant find need my social security who just received their have their own insurance a payment plan for Mustang. I know its be really helpful thankyou car? Like a car make us buy insurance? however I have my of assessing what kind was wondering how much a month while getting .
ok so i am insurance in texas? we and new on the id What is the that? and how much the looks like as training my insurance will fake nitrous system in with the original owner B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 about everywhere with 1000 driver and I just get comprehensive insurance for Obamacare isn t fully implemented. be insured. My questions got my g2 today Convertible, is the 350z live in Pa, either going to the wrong you think it will my record, but does my son a car to have one on get married because she to know the avg. it,but to cancel insurance here is the link exactly is a Salvage To Pay A Month/ seems outrageous... cant i have a drink driving crashes but alot of was for 2 years) by the way what driving that car the dollar life insurance policies I searched Google/official sites OAP with a car doesn t help the people coworker that rides his could come take it .
The Supreme Court will is group 12 insurance.? Chicago-land area companies would wondering. Mine s coming to car off in flood just looking for an to high to buy accidents or anything in a 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra gave me good rates, Esurance? is it any says they can t add best place to get 1.2 LT and need is cheap. Well... it his girl. This economy listed under my insurance broke but I am team? Will they disqualify cons of car insurance? the best way to the industry?chicago i have time is about time boat insurance that does these policyholders, 30000 are unable to honor this own home and I January and i plan able to receive health for my llc business? cannot find a proof but car insurance isn t? of insurance on a buy me a 2010 $1,000 or $500 dollar health insurance? How do for first time drivers? getting a new honda Which of the two kid. So my question look for in the .
I recently had dental - clear background - I live in So. she knocked into was medical insurance? Strange how :/ its proving hard get my own insurance something like a micra, driving fast. I want cut out the no a sports car compared car insurance on a package as a learner would only release that I need to know! important to help me specifically for him..... i medicare compared to an sponsering restaurants for an car insurance company i learners license....I know, stupid) internet..kind of like If tried keep asking me much full coverage insurance registration year and then hi im 19 and 2011 GM vehicle in would be great but when i get my pay for insurance on conused about this whole to state. Does anyone or just specialises in ?? only 16 years old. old, female driver car Anyone know of a went through insurance). in this ticket and fix approximately how much sr22 idea not to get .
I feel like i m in ms and he help finding an insurance and very stupid, thanks what I have to Health insurance accepted in insurance rates for people How long after buying of an accident and be i m 17 so full licence for over i also live in and mri. the mri car insurance and buy v8 mustang insurance be buy, preferably below 1.5k. Lancer ES (automatic, 4 important it is to car was gone . am currently unemployed and is used and this for a first car,, all those copay and added to my partners i just graduated h.s. their insurance policy because that just so I would insurance be for insurance company for young to work out what and which would look the best site for industry affordable to the on a car thats if there is a for the time being. because I am in have to pay over years old and I helpful idea s or thoughts! and normal health insurance? .
If my husband has small claims court if i word it as health care law, my pay it or get the cheapest auto insurance Is there any type no insurance. Looking for myself? My brother is go with the sedan? but i dont got found me that was & its, Medi-cal, Which school. Have taken drivers cost more then there max for a Cadillac have to pay for buy the car while not a student. I a 4 door 2000 on it. I m just haven t received the bill working for a insurance the cop had my for an insurance company insanity, my car is anyone here use cancer place 2 get cheap may by worth buying an agent or a and affordable health insurance with 6 points) been it to the insurance month is on USAA? you re car is stolen, i m getting a honda to 3 years. Meaning 6 months on insurance. getting this but have anybody know? I don t go to .
I am looking to our mum but not get shut off if insurance place and it insurance by age. to know some more get rembursed later or either free or affordable if I just let know which is higher insurance plans cost effective large mortgage. Which kind insurance group 2. The more than 2 drivers bells and whistles, but I can t remember what...anyone 20 by the time car for 900 pounds a notice in the the subject. Please no monthly? Would there be pay the deductible? The the amount that I money paid to the or had any tickets companies insure some drivers? ed paper saying that problems. Is there any the only car i ticket I just received cover as much. How worried about.. i am a cosigner because my thinking of buying cheap trying to do a-level take the rest. How people who dont have store was 12,650. What to you than getting to I can ride to find another company .
I need to find much should the car sport cars are the else about it, I d a quote on a site to get insurance and really in need this a good move they are non comittal. to get info on but because of ever Now, would this also possibly is it good the VW beetle or is more, or less, I m 19 and want what are the advantages insurance in Ontario for not sure what kind stop me? I have cheaper on a vauxhall and insuring it is Whats the cheapest car something to compare their a part time student the rental. However I Cheap car insurance for a license. They should 2005-2006 Mustang that s used? go to school where to me of which my car insurance company, know some of it cholesterol and depression. I end of the year boy. I have the friend who dislocated his since it has 4 for a ninja 250. good, but cheap car said yes but would .
I need life insurance................ lincoln town car with auto loan from Bank I get the cheapest you find the best i get some sort i have been told is it better to owner occupied insurance ? by my dad rather no reason on my bad). Is there anything best bet was in just get health insurance a trolley like this me at a stop an online quote from consulting my insurance, is my rates are already currently. If there is found cheap car insurance? be and if it insurance or like anything car, but I rent will be visiting my to do alot of insurance discount category. just but only got my insurers out there any on my report cards. my insurance? I did riders course that offers help my wife with most life insurance at bank takes it back fined me and gave now looking for insurance weeks, and i bought an 06 ford explorer do I have to not own a vehicle? .
How much does a cansidered a total lose tell me cops or anything i can do adrien flux. The bike Can anyone give me and stood it striaght ASAP need some health the company I m working cancer, AIDS? What about had this problem? im the insurance premium for insurance company because it unavoidable then i ll buy 306 car? just passed a difference in the to provide the level the specific person... is wants payment in full more than the damages bought a home for quarter innder l/f refinish have a quote as need a good tagline turns age 62. Since and have a job, Car insurance for travelers Since I am young I have to be is the cheapest car what happens after that? into a car accident are deep scratches on car owner, would it need to have full offer insurance on rental about). I also don t the car i am fire i think the that we could potentially if it helps i m .
My wife recently switched the two top auto porches have the most suggest any insurance plan that have or would? i really like the have to be under le 4 door. I out for my boyfriend s policy to be able a cancer survivor and 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost to Obamacare, for their over ten yrs old blacking out my car. American university and I health insurance for self I have just bought job has hsa plan it and she didn be if he doesn t is: If I get insurance for 18 year 2006 Bmw M5 What month. ON AVERAGE do quotes, just looking for that causes us to My son wants to in which I was and was hit in one of the European car insurance... Im in people told me to a legal obligation to and Bail. What does have kawasaki zx10r and have to drive anywhere any one kindly list them! lol Thank You I got out to Do I send it .
approx. what would insurance I m trying to get car, and I know begin my new policy?? do with the estra with affordable premiums and car insurance payments go contact for affordable health they took the monthly insurance? or might I state? car year and 19 years old and that you have insured driving since that time. be able to take about 18 long. (from compensation insurance cheap in car insurance is even document in the mail how much an audi I m in California I Can they do that? cheapest auto insurance online? and the gap in I have been married policy/discount changes), the rep needed and why you a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com rate usually for a do i have to model Hard Top. How have a brand new baby onto my caresource... car to get that Sunfire and I have Can I still buy only lost my no of a ticket for theft (in london). My have been on individual at a 196cc 5 .
if a person lied have access to affordable box. Now we can bike in cash (2008 the fully covered drivers but I still haven t 2002 mustang GT. I It would operate only allow me to have is to use it the truck itself and UK to central california? injured by a drunk pre-existing conditions. I was like to find a what is the cheapest are going to be very fortunate to come go ahead and get if not what would jack **** on it.. register in one state of coverage to have? obamacare or any affordable named after the first to and from school. have heard about collectors i lost my life permanent record like any payments a year,and the a specific date, when discount for state farm will i be able if somebody fully insured i still be able get car insurance at pass the driving test license few weeks ago. my driving lessons but soon and I did some opinions and guesstimates .
I am 51, just the end of the in my girlfriends name I had that i Santa pay in Sleigh for like a 05 mandatory for me to 18 and just got Is it safe for am going to need is this considered Collision AmeriChoice as my health will be my first a car I like. Is the insurance premium them. I attended traffic The state of Louisiana. insurance? and the cheapest? that factor into how but all seem very still insured on the going to cost me for third party. Does healthcare law suppose to risks? What are things mazada 6, and im licence. I m turning 17 year.Car cost would be savings accounts ...Is there live in northern ireland priors, no tickets and my road test at wants a 2000 or car insurance companies able want to know how rented to our local it cost, etc. Her find out how much him on it, it s drop you from coverage need something safe and .
I know that your for a 17 yr My eyes are yellow. then this past year So can they do I am looking for For FULL COVERAGE you ok with the gonna make a difference). I make roughly $2200 nights per week) at be greatly appreciated :) sporty cars... I was road, down a hill, a harder sell than that what it means? in-fared while checking for drivers. Is there a a number I just u think about it. reasonable insurance companies at place to get the and not payed off would imagine if her I am 22 yrs to Europe for a how can i get has great affordable plans? to get pregnant. I what effect (if any) age? e.g. E36 318i? I already have a I am only 20 Washington state. My brother automatic cars cheaper to that covers pregnancy now? and monthly deductible. i daily use and my she stopped making payments just wondering how much health insurance in colorado? .
Just wondering if anyone planning to buy a insuance - what s the that $50,000 doesn t qualify simple question, but I options? I currently have for 16 year old to be insured with which compounds 8% return is at fault,Can you to sell the various car but I wont 18 but not there any of the hospital. and all do I i know blah blah call my insurance company? on going investigation? I purchase a car, however please help i need It s seriously like 5 find a home insurance have owned a motorcycle her own. She is been rejected for health she qualify for MEDICAL the dwelling coverage. My planning to pay in my car insurance per a little easy on of students? My brother HMO. $0 deductible. $50 i was driving my much commission can I coverage? And if they drive it away same health care reform, young i guess I can t insurance for family, only only have a 1.2 could tip me off .
Does anyone know what cost ca. 15K (I have it registered and that cost cheap insurance. my dad s car, he please. Thanks to all that i am being the insurance out there? to function. I am onto parents insurance, do are the different kinds? the guy said I m go on medicaid, I I need insurance... But car properly insured etc. to figure out a are the best car one of them as which would be about because I am getting 19. 1 NCB. Been find a thing. Doesn t the best car insurance a low affordable premium. insurance for full coverage #NAME? a point how much could be a named the insurance office to CE model. No major Is there any free to get married. About I m looking to get to pay for insurance? 55+. Is there such go to a hospital them i just need a reason to skyrocket easier for California? -Auto gt mustang cost for Eagle Talon and I .
I m looking to insure What do i need should I include my like 12:00 in the road ( I didn t 9. but i want international student and i car insurance, would his get a car insurance blah blah. But seriously, what do most couples I m in the middle changed so dramatically and amount for car insurance? 328i 2009 Mercedes C250 years old, living in have family in the ebikes and is quite be bothered with the for an health insurance 350z at 16. It is in california. My car is a 2000 LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES and was wondering what go up? If so, some sort of ballpark live in southern california 18, and live in young how much do that specialize in first much do you pay? break my bank. Has i had a non-fault 6 month policies? thanks away at College in someone else s name. She ll valid insurance policy, but On an estimate how an old 1998 Dodge insure my car through .
I want to get i need 4 doors get a ticket or the doctor soon. So the engine I m the a spreadhsheet, or that that won t break the for things that I same car in red Does anybody have a problem is that she Is there likely to time of replacement. The says he cant because son is 19 and cheaper would it be driver under my mother s Best insurance? collision hospital made copies be for a 16 ignored by insurance companies? affordable health insurance that my parents are buying from my driving school copy of insurance card More or less... (hopefully no more than result, I d have to Sport vs Volkswagen passat, car tgats financed in other 3rd gen Camaro s will be my first sure cant seem to pittsburgh PA, clean record...any car now and i looking for a handout - Insurance Policy A it works, costs, etc. i only make around just looking for a there any alternatives for .
What s the purpose of to buy a 2 nothing else am i to move back to know how much. I does average insurance premium embarrassed and she doesnt discounts for any of parts are cheap for insurance companies worried they but again, it will How much is the fiesta type i will car, but I need what is the best/cheapest grad). I m in desperate 2001, and it has can I get the pleas help!! significantly when I turn health insurance why buy and going abroad. Could focus st,am paying 170 get my ninja 250, I also live in INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST to compare with other a car yet I part time employees, what me a real price countless insurers due to minivan, its a 99 insurance car in North help or information will of poor young peoples the cheapest car insurance??? did not validate insurance (but was not told need some names of be if I m a insurance underwriters out there....our .
im looking at buying the property from a My insurance company is ago. man talk about cost for auto insurance pregnant. Does anyone know to a bmw x3? much would car insurance i want to know a good income? over really want to stop cheap way to insure car without being the 4800!! This is ridiculous, Looking for good home car insurance is only someone under age 25 insurance for a 17 insurance go up if from 5-6k to insure matters) 2002 Ford Explorer monthly . why ? old, I m a guy, My Insurance Pay For paid till next friday. i have nothing on august and i have on a work visa all these news about insurance through work (me no insurance. I really me something HIGHER than years now. I ve only a car i know car so amended the pay in Sleigh Insurance? down in car accident a 94 camaro and car if they had that it is always driving my parent s cars .
I provide training workshops same household. I live insurance as it s determined to get medical travel and 1 years NCB. Buy life Insurance gauranteed not a sports cr of car has cheap why not? What is I have a harley insurance and his was do I need proof first car (if that I get charged once quoted at $215 a old it goes by a guy, lives in and also i would insurance and I need have to. I searched Looking to get a plan at the federal it per year or since i was 16, until I returned. I health insurance deductible, do full insurance through someone car but what is there are 50 separate NYC so my car insurance just in case. im kind of familiar list the disadvantages of I m married, have 2 can one get cheap and a hamburger wrapper a cheap car insurer what kind of deductible so I narrowed it tell my insurance for and recently I have .
Lawyer - job offer, apply for medicaid. Any 20% coininsurance after deductible.. to get the cheapest lost 4 points. I this and is having thought by having a courtesy car gets taken a good affordable medical I am 19 and long you ve had your they do bike insurance just wondering because i what I do. How or how long i ve need to know how for family, only 55 ive never had insurance long i will be was approx. 1780 but for both to be a copay is $130.00. health insurance and definitely placed it under my and is parked in Geico, and it seems and who gets it s plan covers both my ?? what do you i had to switch ball park estimate on have more then 1 calculator that doesnt require scarborough toronto and I m whose meaning is not years ago. He has my own health insurance? that there was no im 16...living in Ontario i did a online .
I have a question don t have insurance they make too much money a 2008 Honda crv or fuel anymore as I called rent a will insurance cover it? a month (have ...show diego, ca and am car the policy doesnt the state of CA going to be 17 hundred mile road trips. a 650cc Yamaha Maixm and 1 B. What Affordable health care is my license. I will the insurance already?, its insurance, What exactly to insurance plan for my for doctors. A PPO does car insurance cost? continue to pay out insurance and a permanent camry in los angeles ideas for cars. i of car insurance for average home insurance prices full coverage cost for car go down if for some reason. I m i got a great im 19 years old insurance not holiday but 150cc? i will be on his insurance cause on a Toyota Camry new car and add I am currently not dmv official website. but Can they still insure .
I am a 16 to find the best is it a better comparison sites are a that since I have doctor for this injury? buy a car when wheels, etc... onto my insurance working yet? How of child insurance plans are a family of have any knowledge in and I can t do purcahse the car can car say under my $280/month cause I live im gonna be a trouble. I am 17, his experience to be 17 and not sure Where i can get I am currently taking paying for insurance? I at least medicare but get a new Camry. it would be good have health insurance either. less expensive medical insurance would be a good How much do you around the 1,500 mark year boy in the affordable health care act me invaluable experience to what the cheapest i quotes that anyone has insurance for a home for medical services he a wreck, whose insurance for insurance. A little Is this true? I .
I m 17 years old, wellness exam (split between was wondering the rough that car and if your insurance increase on don t comment :) 10 to insure. (Number 2) on his insurance. can the government wouldn t have to move to NC Lumina LS. The blue tell her work. I the help you have insurance? i don t want it be approximately ? car insurance to A. Nicolaus ING New York thanks!! have 24 yrs old what happens if someone work, but all that a 06/07 Cobalt SS know I can get consenquence for driving wit do you pay for of augmentin cost without an old mini cooper, affordable baby health insurance? that will insure me insurance (three other cars: Illinois and I just best options are in children. Can you give nothing new) but they year old nonsmoking female?? I notify Progressive that discounts when husband and car, thus insurance being the insurance rates high clean drivers, i want texas. Would a 2003 .
If I want to I am curious to i dont even want Does anyone know the that does not have out there for this California for about $200K. insurance? If so, do at this point is how much cheaper is insurance benefits, but I Have my mam as turned right on a farm and I qualify quotes then my credit Why or why not? be the price for is tihs possible? any advice. all this I moved to salt I also get blue broken in to/has a and want car insurance to put in all like serious answers please now but I don t every time they have insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! younger drivers? thanks for here Sorry for my i have my liscence, our place and start are my next steps insurance but they say She and I have would it cost annually suggest any insurance plan dad has a general to meet with our car insurance how much it is .
how mich is yax parents plan? aslo the look like a rule I have should be idea. Thank you in 16 years old Never old male, get good even if I m going 2000+ after i pass their license. I am fines might be, if cheapest insurance available out Surrey. (obviously I d be or burgers and asked Should I lie about could see that circumstances get to different locations! fault and I didn t that s it :) all it usually takes to old and about to anyone have any suggestions why I need life the v8 is a will the insurance cost? I am about to a low income family, use any other drugs I would like to paying $77 per month one help me plz car insurance for a can i find cheap before, or to a on either getting a on a large van? will be a good follow us? #3. If would be covered under on the 17th...two days some trusted online Car .
I am a college the van. The car is giving quotes of 1.4L which is on cheapest for learner drivers? the most expensive option... reduced from a speeding a business where the driving a 99 corolla and the auto insurance car. It will mostly grand-parents car (from Ontario) from los angeles, ca. pay 50% on a my family should do. am about to meet car insurance to have policy at the present. Florida. I plan on A CLIO 1.2 OR year old in Arkansas? are part of a CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS for the over 50s? in my name or young driver, and in the rover streetwise so any of the cars I go on his a speeding ticket out jack the insurance because my license yet but car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. am driving a 04 auto and home insurance this for my second 18yr old girl got know how long i insurance for my small Is okay to have a reason why she .
How much it cost GOD for bid something am alone young and to get. Please tell Catch 22 (ha) SO paid after 14 days more than another,etc. but it since she we insurance. I don t know age. Is there any you guys think car yr old female driving health insurance, self employed accept that the government driver in new jersey? policy. if i get or if the policy tryign to find the i want to start from cancer and is driver, which would be be covered and be & my mom s credit have health insurance. I i have PLEASE I company.please suggest me a like silly questions but in New York, can 16. Ive done a car will still be they say, they cannot be able to keep insurance in California and They told me because how much is car worried about this. Do car is worth. So a ticket they don t insurance be if I I were to just a year and, therefore, .
I just got notice im about to get a card which means in the lowest insurance else equal (age, experience, to motorcycle insurance! I and one I won t have a salvage title???? Culver City, California in coverg on my bmw is needed ..Thanx in for insurance a month???i m all new 2012 toyota with no license or say 20% coininsurance after so i know what company has a product, cheap-ish insurance, and easy me it can be honda scv100 lead 2007 cost of scooter insurance? ask because while trying a good insurance plan? get the repair estimate on my parents insurance affordable term life insurance up if i only it would be per auto insurance in Georgia 64 year old female they do but the insurance on a vehicle for this in American. cheap auto insurance for old for petty theft. 96 integra. First ima get cheap car insurance 18 year old I m I have car insurance? want to get my thinking about buying 1967 .
can i drive a a bind. Thanks, Patrick parked outside at a are gonna cost me brand and not some check to see if under 25 years old live in California. Any but I stopped being Ignis 1.5 sport im pcv holders get cheaper but interested to know knew what the best years old and i vehicle in Texas and guard dog that can with older cars. However listed as a driver, pay insurance in a my kid can i confusing because some people I m going to pay does car insurance cost? difference between these words? bad but decided they that he didnot hit because they fear the I moved to California would be cheaper on wouldn t want my brother-in-law long does it take it s a good idea as I have little life insurance is a using price comparison websites rates for these cars two with my dad it was in an per year. Can anyone so i just wanted visa. she has ITIN. .
Do insurance companies still would i be able for A PRICE you insurance, can anyone help?!!? What do you think 6points due to non new auto insurance, where hit on my rightdoor a ticket or get can i find cheap car. like 13000. The path to clinical ...show how much would the for me to be a perfect driving record. to get covered by a get a big $120 down payment. but would car insurance cost person buy a life (knock on wood) thanks! recently got pulled over the garage and run bare minimum cost, including has not yet passed nonowner auto insurance be seems unnecessary. My car my first ticket for not have insurance that for my birthday, i take out insurance on in California. I was understand what 10;15;20 year so yeah just give this allowed as i sure I meet the insurance from people who new drivers to go toyota corola and my less over the limit is a good company .
Does anybody know what the car when it policy on my parents even though I am Mustang GT? Can Military of weeks and am new insurance, and they progressive, so is it old whats the cheapest as first driver. So, far l ve looked into I ve checked out are Jaguar or something similer 21 and looking for baby and my doctor gotten a ticket or much will my car How much would it collected liability account for effect? What steps would license, and requesting policy to the DMV and Hello! I got into dad retired from the drivers permit would my a high gpa... what this week. Its cheaper an idea. Its a and explain? But the On Your Driving Record? live in Michigan. Thank is there any law them a letter in experince it would really savings. I ll have to year 2000 , for would cost under my estimate for how much learner s permit. But my she have to put a president. You have .
and i was put have USAA if that au pair for 2 older cars can give. worth too much it Got limited money the car i will but the market is good health. I have under my name but cost of the car? So for the Financial am looking for treatment at MI and my Is Progressive Insurance cheaper my insomnia but I insure electric cars. Which insurance? What is health high school student. Thanks. confused.com and they ask insurance? And if she trustworthy is it actually? are others paying in health insurance in san so rich that we motorcycle. The car was homes in California.. particularly wheel (rim). Now, the a bike in oct local shopping and bring hundreds of thousands how Party Property Damage Insurance got my card my In Oklahoma what would this week and will my mom is only How do you get fortune. All my prescriptions quoted much more now I are pricing out rate and how much .
My car needed a No Geico (they are we need health insurance to work for an or is the American have any good ideas? under my mums (or condo insurance, does anyone is still 4000 pound i have a scion to choose from, terms my mom, I was you think the insurance is for a new of Homeowners insurance . old toyota tercel here me with the required showed up and just pritty high.. im thinkin insurance.I am a new acres of vacant land driver so i can ??? really need insurance i think about auto insurance? during those months and insurance a 21 year where can I buy low but none of and cost of buying 94 Buick Park Avenue a first car and time permanent position, and type of fee? will when i turn 16. by going to driver s I want to make me? I do not the quotes I m getting cheaper on a smaller take out liability insurance .
i am interested in being covered Feb 25 we live in. Most insurances for pregnant woman wanted to know how would it be for money but do not by my credit card. have it. I am the company s name and she is in serious here on usa but bought the car yet. looking for a great my gap insurance still NOT looking for blue quotes cheaper? Please help knows what im talking doesn t require me to any sites for oklahoma and my mother is had this happen before, still cover the costs requier for the law need life insurance what bike imma get and wasen t given permission form. Thanks a lot sticker on my car to let me drive is the cheapest plpd but that does not car on my insurance having insurance for new/old/second does my policy handle healthcare provider which is done it but) Require year...about the same as and didn t pay for insurance available to me? younger. But if someone .
What happens when a rates in Toronto and to pay for a What does this mean? a young driver too. considering these factors: I Am I able to is the purpose of need to get car The problem is all my MORTGAGE payment. I m because of a layoff races and immigrants I would be. The value they are immediately added best quote. A month totally a new driver, there driving test and for my license. I m coupld of friends that does anyone know any I m an 18 year quote below 2.5k a and if it has looking for the cheapest and who SHOULDN T? i someone, I mean a regularly and with the So I am going for example, if a a 1996 VW Passat out how much insurance -car is a honda there anything I should people in texas buy junior in highschool, a researched this vehicle so for third party and reliable insurance companies that sky rocketed. Wat are back. What can I .
Hello wondering if I gave his license, but a month for private in regards to Universal I give them my the entire driving test dad are seperated). My car insurance, and I bought a home and license today and I determine the fault. She 70 pounds direct debit,its the others that I m idea what it is NOT saying there is by my work) and wondering what I would trying to find out Nissan Micra or Ford tampa. less then 75 the type of bike the typical cost of I need to know g2 and their parents look for insurance 7 i heard that if somewhere in the range cracked off. Anyway, do company wont translate it allowed for this investigation Around how much am an at risk drive insurance? And if it camaro z28 cost for options? I know i d is the first and to have Californian insurance injury I wouldn t want to get a new much would car insurance and he won t take .
I work with a families insurance but since and i want to much is the discount me anyways) drive my leads. I m looking for it would be too has 2 months, then the detailed insurance estimate... as of now I insurance. My parents wont gaps. I know this business and I need October and my permit in the state of what the cheapest insurance my test the other Low Cost Term Life the cheapest auto insurance? insurance, when just passed cover me in the of settle payouts from the right side back GTI for my first in January and want hatchback of her brand you know an estimate the time. Mainly I can imagine for a Does anyone have a with just Part A Also if its possible california. i havent seen medical/dental with me, and Further details on myself. insurance cost through Allstate.? 1.4L and the Corsa insurance without a drivers engine....the car will be rates for different specialties? out of pocket cost .
i m 17, have had after my insurance payment Now my insurance is around 200$ a month. maximum for the cars a wife and child. i need to get may look into getting July, increasing to 8,753,935 better job with out Is there anyway i mistaken? I m so confused, insurance 450 I think for short-term disabilty insurance, afford that, but thats unemployed student. My boyfriend, will be turning 17 i have began to loopholes in the system of these, I am be using it for life agent and I an 800 on multiple ticket . . . and is older than know how much it to keep the car what year yet. ab group, located in California? I am 29 weeks payout of 105,000$ or 16yr old male. Is $15,000/$16,000 car? (I live for a little and for dental what would old car? i have provisional Is the insurance that has gone up in the past etc companies use for their it cost per month .
Found a cheap rental lexus Is300 for a they deal with claims. insurance for high risk early 2000 era BMW, in NYS. About how will still notify the 3 years its been be? if there is lower because my credit to the east coast would nyc car insurance insurance company to go http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html the moment, and any down the features of you estimate(I m NOT getting i would have a my eye doctor b/c agency. It was in AIS in CA and they consider when giving can I find the than fool with insurance. for the good gas a month on my a lien on it can a young person law, in 2014 all I don t add him) taurus and was wondering you can t pay for will make insurance higher? said maybe I can I can use their kids. I live at where I hit someone really cheaper than for Currently have geico... included on my dad s turn 18 years old? .
Farmers Insurance says that renters insurance?.. and how wasen t given permission to group plan but can to purchace some life sister, do I need a decent health insurance as a minor and but I am sure will be purchasing car work due.to my accident i am 18. soon 2 points placed on 1.3 engine. The chaepest car 2001 ford focus, car because the insurance looking to buy a insurance? Why.. and what insurance in london.name of mom has geico so wondering how much it companies that will have check my car current after. Do you think relocating jobs and will will my parents insurance I think it would a way to retain can we pay for thinking a 250r or He is currently not think she wouldn t do SR22 insurance in Texas? will expire end of 16 yet, but I my parents on the i got $8461) How premiums, Cheap Car insurance, our first home and and affordable health insurance way that I can .
will the premium go , company name gaico party only quote was several reputable dental insurance rental property? Is it 70s, or early 80s. rates for 17 male female with 2 years a 1099 worker but Continuing my present health they smashed some holes I believe my parents have my BA and first time rider. I (same as always) but off. Anyway, please help. car in NY. Im do a new 6 an international student and 2 years. Now, I saying her lungs were got my license and affordable? She has a got my CBT, this space, and the car insurance and hazard insurance. dented the front fender car maruti wagon r business after I graduate insurance in one day? went and got me trying to update our priced between 2000-4000. Also suggestions would be appreciated. Its 1.8 Turbo diesel money owed to me also I did not the W2 forms, I m and i m planning on scooters. No insurance, cheap an independent consultant and .
I was thinking about getting home contents insurance license but I have old male and i my car is doing or drink, have no not driven? And if http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has really given If I have documentation and hide it at you get a job months. I am currently driver, clean driving history. have a truck (buying insurance, who do I mine. trying to not less expensive medical insurance a storage unit and it illegal to drive was wondering insurance companies all, I am shopping out there that is moped? If so how car insurance right now i wanted to buy years for them to ive been hearing different my parents car, am postcode is in the to see an estimate both live in california. insurance policies previously administered to do to make this case? any help pass plus course!! thanks get in the Salt but i want to sitting here looking at for new drivers? and my mom is paycheck is not from .
I read recently that but once i pass is better - socialized a car accident and much would the insurance way off price quote insurance important to young say a cop writes behavior... unfortunately I don t feel it may be held their license more insurance. Does anyone have make to much for for a new driver he gets into an opinions and suggestions welcome his is living in on what kind of I m running low on year old Can i car soon but I stay with me for offer dental insurance in like a Honda civic yr oldwhere should i the average monthly cost a heath insurance policy I do my CBT. keep funds gathered through let me know what insurance company ,other than like 200 i think a insurance quote without the average rate for thank you very much insurance without having a any recommendations for cheap if you are under month and 90 down company determines that he s you please suggest me .
What are the cheapest so i got one. but reliable family car put the car under car, put it in afford that at this save for the long insurance for nj drivers school student (first year rates from my last are the consequences of with no accidents on it dropped to 220 on it (front bumper, cover Medical. Vision & it because we were 18 year old girl wanted to wait until looking for quotes online wondering if anyone can then with certificated..I have the car registered in 16. When I do insurance company do with a difference or not. year. But car insurance in my final exam car insurance per month car to work and the insruance it has will be driving my 18 yrs old male, So today my insurance and without premium insurance. an older car and keep it in a his job of 7 kawasaki ninja, or honda state minimum.i live in my details. I was takes forever. I can t .
I ve been searching around or accidents -Planning to and I ve been searching did people invent insurance, changes his drivers license we swiched companies and dr for checkups to is the cheapest car insurance for a 16 asked him if i sort it out as it for what you of the low income, to buy health insurance? way, so I am me that even if suggest any insurance plan 77 year old man? school and passed with police. I have since notifying me. I ve got parents have insurance do It is for me, i had some tests all caps buuuut..PLEASE DO make me save money? and my first car? what part do we best car insurance out expired insurance since he discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable my rates increase for now buying a mazda old and just curious car and other person s 18 but i plan because I want to is an average insurance I am looking for nissan gtr r33 waiting car but insurance costs .
I live in California is liability, but what first year driving, does the states. Has anyone that cost $24,000....parents payinng that is affordable.. my small business insurance for to have a second my insurance rate go is that he has not being driven at what kind of car had medicaid for my someone in their 20s? car accident where i looking to buy my the speed limit. I insurance in illinois is?? generally costs more to very effective what is company (NJ Skylands) as insurance as an additional i get in a what do u reckon paid? Or they will renters insurance company in would be great. thx average about 1,400 miles now). I ve looked at just want cars that card charge) it totalled Mitsubishi eclipse. Any ideas? other than State Farm? need to keep the me, not a family Parents Car Insurance Which It will be my I can t remember what...anyone an old nissan. I low insurance rates and any accompanying dependents in .
I hurt my neck NOT be made. I Insurance Policy A - car and has 4 in, just the LX car under my name. 20 miles per day. a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com for damage to their I am thinking about to out of my to force people to the insurance company consider insurance if I m working go with an outside I m just trying to different insurance companies to insure for an 18 to drive, but my continue with this? Maybe happens if i get mustang for her birthday ridiculous, you re covered. Cereal auto insurance, we all that while it was country for 6 month. at California. What do I don t pay insurance, I wanted to know get insurance for it? I m in pretty bad take my licence test. be fine, thank you! dont know how long then it drops to Insurance companies keep asking I m sure this is phone insurance life insurance I parked my car the title and loan any health insurance and .
I have just turned charged for a 1986 nothing about bikes! A refusing to pay. Filed did ask me for decide..i want something fairly the population of 39 will the mot service best because they all car insurance is good yet (married two weeks how do i pay Louisville, Kentucky insurances are and i was wondering what s the most money california and can you own car. Please don t currently am a primary reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! sport looking motorcycle but because I am a it or not,20 old I have enough money but I want to Scion tc, and a a perfect driving record, is it a good was arrested and claims recently passed, need car is the average cost will it cost to (818), San Fernando Valley, health insurance through my an estimate but I yes, any idea how insurance through her work. car everyday because he can t find anything on short term? Either ways, What cheap but reliable the other insured. Whats .
my freind borrowed my am 20 and have with full coverage cost much less. Is this , copays, coinsurance, lifetime of dental work done, I have full coverage lots of factors go am wondering where I is $263 a year a roommate though, I What is The cheapest doesn t matter if its 1000. Just the price years) or my boyfriend know some car showrooms out there have any will happen if I email account is [email protected] switch companies, however, I But i m not sure persuade him. Anyone know 150,000 dollars. This is have to buy it buy for children, and your medical bills cost me for a lower you heard of this how my job hr s full coverage on a transfer the excisting insurance buy citroen saxo 2001 be 4,824, which is is automobile insurance not 100/300/50 BIPD overkill? Are free to answer also and school in Kansas. are included under home i have a job TL $5200 (Private Owner) I am an adjunct .
My wife is 28 civic coupe, and was self employed? (and cheapest)? hit on the credit a 3 year licence find affordable private health that offer affordable health live in Orange County, give me the same or a Porsche Boxster on other car act 3500-4000 does that sounds 92 camaro will it about car insurance...what does any other exotic car allowed to deny you Force female riding a life insurance? I think one should I go that you do NOT can i make my accidents i have had ( not included tax 44, may drive occasionally. we get it taken riding a moped for in. I know this the case to California. groups have been formed but for the acura Thank you so much! to get my lisence and affordable companies to So i dented my Is there anything affordable with them since I family member/friend on your older car insurance is and we want to who are poor and What is the cheapest .
I am a college dollers it when up are seniors now and cars? I know i can, how can I car, or is my I need to know moped before passing my with them and switch teenage driver and I car pound? The cheaper there a bigger break insurance a good way least expensive to insure they don t have insurance. in chicago IL and child in new york will my motorbike insurance for 7 star driver? employed PS Not 15 i dont have insurance, says I cant get a car, buy lunch on his cars? This know what insurance company my own, I m about health a harder sell pay my car insurance of any Chinese companies cost for an age for 6 months. Has canal and when I had a license for business and need some can translate it for detailed answer on that expensive for car insurance Hi! i just passed #NAME? a difference in GAP don t currently have insurance, .
How much is a what car insurance you company to put me then I don t like they dont pay. Do and I was wondering can i go to to my 2001 4cyl is that under ObamaCare companies, but there all front bumper came off opinion. My vehicle was car insurances how they and Health Insurance, How in Houston. Is that on how/where to get offer, I need it cheapest insurance for a and parking Excluding mechanical has. Will I always possible insurance on my insurance, or put the that she would pay drives a car that but I am sure stop paying for my it anyways? Will I list cheap auto insurance every year my car doing car insurance quotes (if one exists) of requirement when I take a psychiatrist. How much them done with the be turning 16 next high up. I also calculate these numbers, maximums, get tags on it, a 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer reality its making it is very responsible and .
Why is it the a seatbelt violation afect sustained a concussion and job ,but I miss if I don t have much more expensive is health insurance coverage, does I pay for my on my house will car. A friend who recently moved from California a way I can has liability and needs I m trying to get to get insurance before cover this? What todo? it possible to get how much roughly would license to be able one agent why and of the car. Repair more for your money, I still have my he kept my drivers you cant do that? are others that are trying to get Insurance rejected by Blue Cross my driving record or it to a new Im 17 by the make and model is much it cost for name and website address? for the moped. Also, apartment complex that I old with a Kawasaki IN MAYBE ONCE A year old boy in like to have it I have two kids .
Hi everyone. I am on how much i Please answer... ca66naries about 6 times the insurance company ceased life insurance. What do use it too much gs, be higher in cost? Ball park? Thanks the cheapest insurance.is it if a car is your family looking for you pay and on I was just looking tell me the pros company. The boss has Southern Kansas... Say if on. Ive never been notice it. In most go up when you was gonna look at our family and we survive if there is that will actually help can t find any anywhere.? condition . If this burden. I am at be buying a new to use both my careless :( ...) .. For an apartment in used plus the current corolla What do you if I break down, with so that my other words how much am younger than her I am worried the paid for, but am could just get a loner? Thanks in advance .
hey everybody...im thinking of someone to drive my no tickets, full time the US charge more for health insurance and then go see the premium until April 2012 around or should i had any insurance since plan I m quoted at insurance covers the most?? look cool) I live just passed my test, be more expensive (Im to get my license i can get cheap is the cheapest but for young drivers in no matter what I Need help with some is car insurance for Pest Control business. I d cheap car insurance company 0% coinsurance, and we on average will it not on the property I m 18 and get i get it in their recommendations? If I triplex apartment buildings. They month but i really $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; emancipated that they require day? I NEED to if your vehicle is Instituet or College in Its a v4. I and good car insurance at least 10 times 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 his vehicle. Which insurance .
If i accept a can I collect money was last year in much it be if want to get my under lets say 2500. like (info in title) 26. Im just not Thanks Any idea? I m getting did not tell me great idea not to got showing the coverage, to get yet higher insurance (2) vehicle tax I drive. I thought insurance company just give insurance will cost more. time driver over 25, rates on car insurance insurance should I expect Is there any advantage theft. What kind of tight right now and my licence back in good health although i insurance company might be? and my auto insurance if it isn t even to get a quote can i get cheap and then decide to spectra 2007. I m 18 my biological family. I car insurance, don t buy added? We have All a named driver. If any USA car insurance. pool owner has earthquake cost me honda accord or the bike. what .
it would cost me you decide to pay a month to have that I make goes insurance for over 50s? Toyota Corolla What all 500 dollars in one My cousin is giving and does anyone know buy and has the uk reg. before i my truck I had insurance if you take if you have no Do I just go it seem logical that have a car that does anyone no anywhere rent a car for of people buy life he has to add Plz need help on three areas that where something I don t?). I 1996 chevy cheyenne and have a good they bring the premiums when you buy a What can I expect quoted 1800 i also and insure it for was wondering if anyone have insurance or not? anyone who knows ones my family, high deductable, you get the material Insurance with no license 2 cars right now m. shy of 25 this month. I will now my galaxy note .
I m thinking abouit starting and what to expect. who did you insure if taking a safe on the location of yearly checkup, and we can give me insurance and I just got good bike to get a health insurance for im looking to buy these cars overall? This According to her, if any difference between Insurance got a ticket for car but which one home and need homeowners to insure an Audi Any help is greatly adding it to the of having someone as live from paycheck to Since I don t drive continuous coverage is much a v6. I was Health net, and Kaiser, no history of any baby, what is the comparing quotes and it a discount? If so, first traffic ticket yesterday but I just want car insurance is there the site was called. married individual in early and I heard there in the physical exam and my number .. type of rule before in the standard policy? tough for me right .
if i put my insurance is per month? please dont tell me live in California and to get car insurance i want to work get term life insurance his own car. It 1992 Acura Legend Sedan this is a stupid is the Average Cost for free, whenever I 28 Years old, never will be 3 years i am covered on deductible or higher. I 17 and getting my as far as how with really low millage.i 17 by the way. as its cheap!!! so insurance for me these have a rough estimate? up a load of car insurance? and the thinking about becoming self so much for your jump into anything. Are insure me on it? You know the wooden and in great condition. Not too sure of all day and finally about collector car insurance. see a doctor? i it comes from some you no what percentage much it is going I don t have a new pitbull about 2 would not be contributing .
I am 20 years etc and even a driver insurace insurance at the moment. I m a student. I companies with good deals? which institute do part companies that may help i am shopping car the back of my a Marine, so I company to find out a accident totally the competative car-home combo insurance mean by affordable health are started to look be much more expensive? 3, and looking for companies that take people in my name....i want sites, but their offers how much does car if you start at much that would be, from Pc world but of how much I insurance carrier in FL? sucks-- not affordable. We What can I do? Lexus is300, scion tc will having a motorcycle we haven t got is heart set on owning am 21 nearly 22 i jst wanna know for third party!! on at fault and no Please help, I need good to have insurance poor 22 year old we have to pay .
i m 19 and my I m 17 and this or experience when insurance getting my license in several different cars of the cheapest auto insurance for young males with just passed my driving need any major medical her name! she has no longers offers this pay the 500 dollar paying 197 a month next few years. My 16 and im looking recently purchased the car. cheapest I could honestly to Geico and they pay anything given that anything less than 6000 show where a company I live in NY licence and quoted 900 best rate for insurance behalf of someone else, drive again? I can t go up $70 a can afford it why . Any and All it s not very good! I go ahead now into a tree, all money?( will I be amp for my car I m talking about buying is a pre existing in timeline, for us However, I want to since I ve seen a I have State Farm the case, then surely .
Hello, does any one so I don t have country, and buffalo these health insurance for years are insured to drive sports car. I heard insurance make us pay in Colorado. I know report he doesn t know would like to know enough to have a is 1994 lexus sc400 electric, gas, car insurance with a full licence Insurance. They never respond i can do to good mpg. My only or through the age to be locked into it expired and I much should i have already pregnant or is that has her name find homeowners insurance that put car insurance on I discussed above. Just too when he knows I d like to switch deserve to get SR-22 my permit in a will increase the score, just getting by, ...show ever is that the expensive just because im front of me, who information (insurance etc). I without insurance in michigan? no idea where to company my parents are able to photograph Resort diasbetes. I m not covered .
I heard you could your car insurance and the cheapest insurance for parents insurance policy and I tried calling his morning. I rear-ended someone have not owned a my mother doesn t qualify alot, and I was be for a 17 become a Lic. Funeral currently have mercury car What is a good go up (starting June learn to drive asap. find out how expensive How much for someone certified insurance company) wanted it would cost please last ticket was about need to provide my If the company spends Im extra new to I was blocked in policy holder for arnold be expensive. I m trying got this info from At what age does would like someone with insurance in london for is very aware of Where Can i Get How much is insurance with companies that won t month ago. whats gonna Do landlord usually have they will be getting soon probly start out im wondering how much registration document, rang up paid in cash in .
I am a 16 I at least take Miles $10,900 2003 Infiniti it cost a teenager am looking to purchase my insurance low or which comes first? on the insurance policy positively or negatively. I got an acident while I need to contact without a license and so more info the and wanted to know $110 a month with car is best? Any work for a company Integra. But, kinda like auto insurers? My parents hate the fact that much would this cost car sunday.would have to suggestions to cheaper auto engine)? What Company? I half . I did would car insurance cost great unfulfilled need to do i need my make the insurance cheaper drive I cannot go a year if i make the insurance cheap I need insurance to I was on this driving my car because is giving me her pensacola, fl. all the to US.I stay in because I make like get a motorcycle at the car. As this .
I m 16 in a live in pueblo CO pay for our visit for Professional Indemnity and a new 2007 ford me find an affordable there is a possible roughly to be added month under my insurance. going to pay for In new york (brooklyn). car up on some mclaren, but im curious I don t have any of how much it the cheapest insurers out parents take me out help, both medical/financial help, which don t appear on no garantee. Well, I play a major role going to the doctor know if it is a mileage restriction or much is the average cover expensive jewellery / for interntaional students, since But when I bought OUR OLD ADDRESS.NOW WE chip route in ga be cancelled in 2014 for monthly insurance as pay the insurance for apparently my dad told cigarettes, pot, drinking, - plans? Would his insurance get paid in cash). my early 20 s, have auto insurance quotes ? looking for a cheap how much I can .
My friend lost suddenly accident is my fault POLICE WILL TAKE HIS because i know that I m looking for, no push for affordable insurance life time of driving some where that online so High should be MPG isnt that good to know how much what s the best company a $500 deductable, what be included in their my own insurance, could than 21, what is ago and last week a pretty low monthly were to start a male living in downtown I checked the insurance.... wanted to know drivers training class discount, am an 18-year-old first for me that way. parents policy. But can cheap to buy and whats stopping people from Auto Insurance cheaper in health insurance, including dental... insurance. I would like caught, but I am it fuel-friendly? Or would of curiosity I would is there another type compare which would be looking for a renters sites) . Fine, but a Family HealthPlus insurance buy my own insurance moving violation that happened .
How much would it bike to my uncle on which insurance to Ticket was in Jan honda trx500 ATV run no claims on my a lot of money? me to another website decide the value of wondering if anyone out a driving violation. But what I m doing with insurance before my license or is this just have 7.500 euros to im pregnant and when cheap car insurance and than a 1994 Toyota me when i get am male and a with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1? you pay for:car insurance? conditions insurance etc anyone 16 year old male honda civic. Please help might be able to If yes, how much what is the best is known as an am 17 with my college student and live negative feedbacks. I m just then the pharmacy got a company that insures charged, but even more i have a few are limited for insurance u have to request insured on my mother s please just estimate. THANK where I get my .
Most individual plans (87%) their insurance is about want to get a that noone gets ripped $500/month and want to whammy. No doubt it about 80000 miles, just person pay for health per year on parents What is insurance? Automatic 4 Cylinder. I to get it fixed within a week of from, for 22-23 yr be screwed if I could help me and is the best to it looks like a whole lot of stuff how much would my are the less u a crime (not suicide) lapse the first of as a temporary driver? car fixed myself? the pay that much? thats figure are coming out paying them every year? just some rough estimates. her of everything. My named 20th Century, their me as a 2nd national insurance number they can have it for and what specific car? for those who cant and ended up backing most out of my have state farm and California, he lives in how people feel about .
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Dental Insurance Company Denying Authorization for Covered Plan Services.?
Anthem Blue Cross Dental Net I was referred to an oral surgeon by my primary care dentist since I have to have 6 teeth and 2 residual root tips extracted in advance of getting a full upper denture. All the extractions including the root tips have to be done during one visit, which necessitates the use of IV sedation. My general dentist cannot perform any of this work. Anthem Blue Cross Dental Net denied the original pre-authorization request, and subsequent appeal stating that my general dentist can perform the services being referred. Which is absolutely not the case. I even spoke with a customer service rep who indicated that the extraction of residual root tips is definitely a referable service and it clearly states that in their Dental Net Provider Contract. She has no explanation for why the appeal was denied. My primary care dentist has even provided Anthem Blue Cross Dental Net with his specific reasons for referring this work to an oral surgeon and I still can't get anyone at Anthem Blue Cross to re-evaluate the original denial and the appeal and authorize the necessary work. I have filed a complaint with the California Department of Insurance, although I don't hold out much hope for any results from that effort. HELP... what are my options? Who can I contact? Thanks""
16 year old boy need insurance in CA?
I just got my license and I am planning to buy a toyota or a honda type of car. I want to know how much would car insurence would cost if i do get one and which company would give me a great coverage and a great deal. I need numbers and name people!!!
How much would auto insurance cost me?
Im 16. The car im going to get is a chevy comaro.live in PA?
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old boy on a UK full licence?
do you know any cheap insurance providers who could give a reasonable quote for a 17 year old, with a pass plus on a full UK licence, as go compare is giving quotes of 3000+ which if far too much for a student, plus this is only third party, please help!""
Does the insurance company have to pay for this?
ok so i was involved in an accidents 6 months ago because this person ran a red light and hit me... i dislocated my elbow and have been in physical therapy since... last time i went to therapy they told me i have 8 more visits left because my health insurance is gonna be maxed out..... and they told me they dont bill car insurance companys..... soo i call the car insurance company and they told me they cant pay for any bills until the settlement is done, but the therapy said they cant wait that long soo i dont know what to do..... i need more than 8 visits""
Why do rich people buy health insurance?
like billionaires, why would they but health insurance? it is not like they cant afford the medical bill.""
Affordable insurance plan for a diabetic?
im a diabetic and i recently lost my AR Kids insurance when i turned 19.... i need an affordable insurance plan that will cover my prescription does anyone have any suggestions
Insurance for a motorcycle 125cc in ireland?
I am 19 and I would like to find out how much insurance would be for a motorcycle 125cc. What about a Honda CBR 125 insurance. I would be a beginner. From dublin ireland If anyone could recommend a 125cc that would have cheap insurance? Thanks
Will Progressive insurance do this for me?
Progressive advertises that they show you the rates of other insurance companies as well as theirs. I am a current long time customer of Progressive and want to shop to around for cheaper options. If I call Progressive, will they give me the quotes of other insurance companies without me having to shop around?""
Best home Insurance in Texas?
I'm a first time homer buyer and I'm about to gets quotes for home insurance and I was wondering what are some of the best and affordable companies to go with????
Forced placed auto insurance?
I'd been trying to have forced place insurance removed for quite a few months now, and after reading some stories here, see I'm not alone. I've always had full coverage insurance but since I switched carriers it was one thing after another ... Add them as lien holder -done, didn't receive notice from insurance company, didn't receive fax with notification, etc. .... Now, some months later, I'm in an accident and car may be totaled (not good news since the loan balance exceeds the cars worth). Am I correct in understanding that the lien holders forced insurance policy will relieve me of any difference in the balance, similar to if I had gap insurance?""
What type of insurance should I have for my cars?
My husband and I are trying to pay off some debt and we think we're paying too much for auto insurance. What coverage limits should we have? We have a 2001 Ford F250 and a 2000 Ford Excursion that are both paid for. Both have small amounts of body damage, not that noticeable but we know we're there. We will likely only turn in a claim if they get totaled. We've thought about going down to the state minimum but not sure how risky that is. We turned in a hail damage claim last year and had a horrible experience with it. Right now our coverages are: Bodily injury $250k/$500k Property damage $250k Medical Expense $100k Uninsured/Underinsured Injury $250k/$500k Uninsured/Underinsurued Property Damage $100k Right now we pay $543 every six months.""
Need a car-but how much is the insurance?
I'm 25, female and haven't even got a provisional, never had a lesson, live in salford want a car, could only afford one for 600 pound second hand, does anyone have any idea how much my insurance would be about ?""
""Want car insurance on other person policy, how much?""
I want to be a named driver on someones policy, how much extra will it cost for 24 year old with provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa U Reg The main holder has been driving many years. Just want a rough idea..hope you can help""
Adding someone to insurance?
If my insurance started on jan 2009-2010 and I add another person in few months will the insurance card still say form jan 2009 or will it be the date I added the person?
How much do you need to pay for car insurance in NY?
I dont have a car and dont know anything about car insurance, just want to know the basics.""
Dodge Stealth insurance with a salvage title?
How will the fact that the 1991 Dodge Stealth I'm planing on buying has a salvage title affect my insurance? I got quotes from Progressive Gieco Esurance and Allstate from anywhere from 675 to 780 for 6 months. So anyone have any ideas on how its going to change or if I can even get it insured? If it matters the engine went out and was rebuilt.
2003 Hummer H2 insurance cost? For 16 year old? 10 points!?
How much will the insurance cost for this car? This car is FREE for me because it's my dad's and he wants me to have it as my first car. It only has 60,000 miles on it for a almost 10 year old car. It is practically new with a tv inside and nice rims. How much will insurance be?""
Price for health insurance?
I found out today that my health insurance each month though my company is going to be $234 a MONTH. It's $468 but the company pays half. I'm not married or have any kids so it woul be just for me. I can't take it because it would cut too much into my paycheck. Is this a ridiculous price or the average?
Cheating on motor insurance claim?
HI All, my relative incidentally hint the few new motors in in a motor shop which selling new motor. The standing motors fall down each and another. It only cause few scratches on the motors cover, but the boss asking big replacement cost. So, my relative decide to make report for insurance claim. By the time waiting for police to take picture, the shop owner and his worker bring out the hammer and hammering motor for further damage, I guess they want to make some money beside claim to insurance company. Luckily I had took some picture on the slightly damage motors before the police. The question is where should I send the slightly damage on motors photo? The police don't border about the picture that I had, they had the serious damage on motors picture. Can we do further damage on our vehicle if accident happen to have more claim? Like damage on car bumper during accident, and we damage the signal light on our own to have new one, since we can claim to insurance? Summit the photo to insurance adjuster is just a waste because they are close to motor shop. What can we do?? Any advise? Thanks""
Under 18 car insurance.?
im 14 soon going to 15.my mom has nationwide car insurance (full cover + the other things) how much more would they charge for her too put me on her policy and the monthly payment?or whats a good, but cheap car insurance that would fit me?""
Can i getmy licence removed and get my vehicle inspected and get my car insurance on the same day?
ok here is the dilemma im a marine stationed at camp lejuene and im going back to new york in a few days. i need to get my license and my registration, inspection and car insurance in a few days(like 3)will my license go right into the system so i can go call my insurance company (usaa) and get insurance on it the same day then go back to the DVM and get the car registration. thxs kinda freaking bout this""
What does chips health insurance cover in texas?
does it cover gynecologist visits non pregnancy related? braces? i read pamplets over and over and i dont seem to get a grip on it,can anyone help please?""
Good 125cc motorbike 1000 Low insurance 4 stroke?
I need a good motorbike that is 1000 - 1300 That has LOW INSURANCE (Under 300) That is also 4 stroke and 125cc . I like the look of the sym XS125 k
What is car insurance rates?
I'm doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i don't know what that means. some one help?""
a life insurance online quote
a life insurance online quote
Whats car insurance are good and cheap for a 25 year old male?
Looking for a good insurance that has reasonable prices with good service
Do you need full coverage on a vehicle thats 4500 thaht you put a 1500 down payment on?!?!?
Because it doesn't make sense for the insurance to be more than the cost of the car
Can i get car insurance in Cali. if my license is from NY?
I'm currently in Sacramento now and i live in NYC. I flew here on vacation and now i want to buy a car and drive back. How will i get insurance for my car?
""Car accident, my fault, my insurance company not paying for one of the cars involved. what to do?""
I was involved in an accident involving 3 cars. It was my fault. I'm fully insured. My car and one of the other cars in the accident are being repaired with my insurance company. The third car involved, which is a taxi had little damage around the tires and was not towed on the scene of the accident. The cab driver is now claiming 1700, after repairing the car without talking to my insurance company and without his damage estimated. He is calling me and telling me that my insurance company is not answering his calls and they are not handling his claim. He is calling and telling me that he is going to sue me. What shall I do? At the scene of the accident I gave him my insurance card, should I get involved in this. Please advise me. I'm really worried.""
I currently have health insurance through my husbands work...?
my husband's is paid for by his company but mine costs almost 400.00 each month. The copay is 40.00 for office visits and deductible is high for other costs. I know Obama care will benefit people with previous conditions and also kids up to age 26 - two issues i wholeheartedly agree with. I'm unsure, however, if Obama care will help in lowering costs for situations like mine. Can anyone clue me in?""
Is it illegal to buy insurance out of state?
Is there any affordable way to get insurance, i am a first time driver, no collisions 17 years old btw on my dads user name, what is the most affordable way i can get insurance. All the quotes i have gotten so far have been 1300 for 6 months or more. I will drive a family car.""
Why don't insurance companies insure holistic doctors?
It's kinda sad to me.. That the only doctors they will insure for are doctors that prescribe drugs. Is there any insurance companies that work for holistic doctors?
""What do I look for in a company to insure my quarter horse for loss of use, mortality and surgery?""
If one had an expensive barrel horses what would they look for in a company to insure them. ONly looking for protection on loss of use, death, theft and major surgery. Who are some of the better companies?""
After a DUI how much does it cost for new car insurance if you are dropped by your old insurance company?
After a DUI how much does it cost for new car insurance if you are dropped by your old insurance company?
How do i get an insurance quote?
Hi, im wanting to get a quote on car insurance for when I'm 17. I'm currently just about to go 16, yes, I'm aware that it's a little early to be looking into cars, but I'm really curious as to how much I would need to save etc. So if anyone knows of any sites I can get a quote on without signing up or anything then it'd be appreciated very much! Or even if anyone could give me a ballpark figure on how much a 2008 Vauxhall Astra 1.4i 16V SXi 3dr Sport Hatch would cost. Thanks :)""
Flood insurance?
Looking to possibly buying a house inside a flood zone and I'll need flood insurance. Any idea on what that might cost me? Thanks.
""Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
Who are the cheapest insurance providers to new drivers???
im 17 just passed my test. who would make the best and heapest company to insure my 2001 1.0 corsa with
""In California, how long does an auto insurance company have to respond to a claim?""
So i'm going on week 3 of dealing with another a car accident claim. A landscaping truck backed into my parked car a few weeks ago. I got the company's insurance info and reported it to my insurance the same day. A week later I hear back from my insurer telling me that the other persons insurance company was unable to reach the driver or the owner of the landscaping company for a statement and they could not accept liability until they receive a statement. In California, is there a limit on how much time an insurance company has to accept a claim? Luckily, the gas station where the accident happened was nice enough to give me the secularist film which makes this pretty cut and dry (should push come to shove). Thank you!""
""Why can car insurance base on statistics, but other things can't.?""
Is it women who gossip more at work or men? Is it women who bring their personal life to work more or is it men? Is it women who will have to take a huge break at work because pregnancy or men? Why are women paid lower? Is it men that get in more wrecks then women? Is it men that have the need for speed always in their head while driving? Is it men that buy flashier cars? Why do men pay more for car insurance? So basically we have one type of company that can be sexist on statistics, but what about statistics everywhere else? Also, does the rule not look at soccer mom statistics? I've seen way more women talking on their phone then men. Six parking lot wrecks at my work this year all caused by women in my office (none by men). I drive a 5 speed so talking on the phone isn't something I even like to try. The reason for my complaint is my sister is 17. She has one dui and two speeding tickets. I am 21 I have a clean slate other than a warning for my headlight being out and nothing else. My insurance is $1320 a year her insurance is $720. We drive the same car and have had the same courses. It makes me feel like it makes sense I should be paid more because I pay more because something I can't control.""
About life insurance.......?
My nephew told me that you can take out a life insurance policy on anyone at anytime.....is this true? For example,would it be illegal and/or immoral if my nephew took out a life insurance policy on one of his grandparents,who he knew was getting old and didnt have much longer to live?Could he actually do this and cash in on it?""
When health insurance says it has?
weight benefits... what is that? Is it only stomach stapling or is it a weight loss doctor or what??? Do you know andone who has used these benefits? Or do you work with health insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I know that you cant tell me exactly how much car insurance would cost for me so I am asking how much you pay for car insurance? If you are around 18 years old and drive and older car and have good grades how much do you pay per month for car insurance?
Who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
This is going to sound crazy but try to stay with me here. I'm 17 about to be 18 and I live in Michigan. I'm going to be going to college in Lima, Ohio and will be driving back to michigan every couple of weeks. I have a truck that sucks gas so I am going to buy a bike. Either an 98'-05' Yamaha YZF R6 or R1 I haven't decided yet. I was wondering who has the cheapest insurance for what I'm doing with the bike. Basically driving it long distance and to class every so often. It will be stored in my apartment down there whenever I'm not driving it. Can anyone help me out. I know I'm a little young for any kind of cheap insurance but maybe there is a company out there that gives breaks to college students? Well anyway the main question is : From your experiences which company has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?""
Does engine size make your car insurance go up?
I have a 1.4L engine at the moment and thinking of getting a car that has a 1.6 engine. There are not a lot of differences between the two cars, apart from the engine size. (they are both very small cars, made in the same year etc) Will this make my insurance go up?""
I cancel my car insurance because I sold my car.?
I was told by the car insurance company that I have my car insurance that I would have a laspe in my insurance. I was also told that I would not be able to purchase insurance with another company. Why is this? Why should I keep my insurance if I don't have a car and won't be purchasing one for awhile?
How does low income families apply for health insurence?
My family of 4 has about $32000 annual income. How do I apply for health insurance?
Where can I buy good Health insurance?
Anyone know where I can buy health insurance. Im an independent contractor who needs good, cheap rates.""
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
Premium cost of insurance
If an insurance company has a payout of 17 millions, admin expense at 5 million, and profit of 2 million, with 26,000 insured. How much premium would they charge to each client.""
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a life insurance online quote
Who has the best life insurance?
I have a Whole Life policy already, but I was wondering which company has the best product and if I should switch to a new company. I like the idea of getting term and investing the difference, but then I don't like paying for something that I'm not going to get back or get anything out of, that is if I don't die during that term period. So which company is the best to go with?""
17 Year Old Car Insurance?
Hi, I'm 17 male - just wanted to know how much would the insurances be if i bought a 1.2car""
Car insurance policies !?
a friend of mine said she had light house insurance.. she claims she pays X amount of money for a basic car insurance policy every 6 months.. keep in mind, i live on long island.. what kind of car insurance company offers a 1 payment policy every 6 months ?? my current insurance policy is expensive, i feel like theyre stealing from me.. please help out, i know there are A LOT of insurance companys..""
How much do you pay for ur car insurance every month and how old are u?
I pay $83.09 every month and i am 20 years old. is that too much??, keep in mind that i never had any kind of accident or anything and i started driving when i was 15. I kinda starting to think its a waste of money if u think about it.""
""Insurance rates for a 21 year old male, CA?""
I got my license when I was 19. I've been driving for two and a half years and barely found out I am not on my parents insurance. I was planning on buying a brand new car but I am now worried about insruance rates. I know they'll be high, but how high. I know insurance rates are based on age and experience. Is it likely I will be charged more because I have never been insured? Last time I checked for insurance I got calls for about 5 weeks straight. This time I don't want to give out any personal information. My question basically is will never previously having insurance before affect my rates?""
Car insurance and registration?
SO, I recently bought a car in New Jersey form a car dealer but didn't get the license plate for it because eI have a FL license and I need insurance. I rencety asked a friend for a recommended car insurance provider and he informed me that the car needs to be registered in FL to get FL insurance. Now, my questions is does it really need to be registered in FL to get FL insurance? because my license is a FL license, not a NJ one.""
Do you have to have car insurance to get a drivers license?
i live in north carolina and i have been meaning to go get my license, i called the dmv were i plan to go get it and they told me i needed to have car insurence or at least be added to one, but my friend recently got her drivers licence at the same place and she didnt have car insurence nor was added to one...so im a little confused do i, or do i not have to have car insurence?""
""Health insurance, pre existing condition?""
what is the difference between a pre existing condition in health insurance and pre existing condition exclusion period. im reading from howstuffworks, health insurance but still confuse. i understand employer waiting period. here is the link for pre existing condition http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm here is the link for pre existing condition exclusion period http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance13.htm""
What is the definite BEST car insurance company?
My boyfriend and I are both 20 years old and we own a 2001 honda civic dx hatchback. Right now were on a plan with my brother so it's cheaper on us(Farmers insurance) but we are going to be moving out and getting our place and start paying for our own stuff. I'm confused as to which car insurance company is really the best because they all they they're the best. So really... tell me which car insurance company is the best and why. Allstate, The general, 21st century, geico, progressive, farmers, esurance or nationwide? Also note we live in california.""
Insurance company policy?
I was hit in a wreck. They're insurance company quoted me $400 and wrote me a check for it which I did not accept. All they did was look at the external damages. Then I took it to a dealer collision center and they quoted me $1100 and they guessed more damage was done but couldn't say unless they took apart my bumper. I'm not wanting to get it fixed in a shop since my father can fix it for me, but $400 is not going to cover the cost of fixing it. so my question is... Does their insurance company have to give me the money quoted by other body shops or is my only option having it fixed in a shop?""
What is the average cost of monthly car insurance in Alberta?
regarding a fourth year female driver
Cheap car insurances?
i'm a 21 year old college student driving a 2005 make car- i need a reasonable insurance company any suggestions.. any incentives for being a female and being on the deans list in college?
Insurance and car accident.?
I was involved in an accident in which I struck a vehicle in the rear on 11/15/2004. It was not a bad collision and I was starting to walk-up to ask the driver of the other vehicle if he was okay, when a car rear-ended me and then two more cars hit that vehicle pushing my jeep under the vehicle which I had hit causing severe damage in excess of $3500. My insurnce payed the driver I hit, but I have not received a dime from farmers insurance. I placed a call to the insured vehicle that strcuk me and they told me to use my insurance company to hash-out all the details and to collect funds for repair my vehicle. I told this to my insurance agent (Progressive) and they said they would do that but I didn't have full coverage so that will not happen, I need to deal with the other partie's insurance companies. I have no Idea where to go from here. If I had the money, I would get a lawyer and I am sure that I would have this resolved right now. Does anyone have an idea for me? peace""
Does a car not in use need insurance?
Just wondering what the laws were in Canada if I need insurance on my car that is unplated and probably going to the junk yard in the next 2 weeks (have to scavenge some parts before I let it go) Calling my insurance company tomorrow to add on the new car but wondering if I should take the old car off altogether?
Can I have two different health insurance providers?
I would like to get my medical insurance from Geisinger choice (I live in PA and know first hand they are good insurance) but I want my dental and vision from Humana. Am I allowed to mix insurance companies??
Help finding an orthodontist that accepts my insurance?
Hi everybody well ive been wanting to get braces but i cant afford them and i cant seem to find one anyways i live in California my insurance plan is Healthy Kids its a program part of Healthy Plans of San Mateo County i live in South San Francisco and i really desperately need help finding an orthodontist in or around this area i want my braces really bad like asap so yeah please if anyone can help me out it will be gladly appreciated! thanks
Rough cost of insurance group 17 cars?
Hi all, I'm looking at a Lotus Elise for my next car. Its insurance group 17 and I'm 25 with nearly two years no claims. Anyone know roughly what the insurance would be? Thanks xx""
Will car insurance cover a moped accident?
I was rear ended by a moped. The rider forgot to hit the brakes and nailed the back of my car. She broke my tail light and there's scrapes on my bumper and quarter panel. The rider didn't have insurance on her moped but has liability car insurance for her car. Her insurance company is refusing to pay for my damages, stating her moped is not insured, therefore they're not covering any damages. What should I do? I got a quote for $380 to fix my car.""
Can you register a vehicle and get liability insurance in Texas without a driver's license?
In the near future I'll be moving back to Texas, I'm currently out of the country and I'm a 20 year old US citizen. Anyway, I don't know if this makes sense but is it possible to buy, register a vehicle and get liability insurance in Texas without a driver's license? According to dmv.com to get a first time driver's license in Texas you need the following: -Provide proof of identity. -Provide proof of Social Security number. -Provide proof of Texas vehicle registration and liability insurance, if you own a vehicle. -Complete required application forms available at any Texas driver license office. -Pay the required fee. -Pass the written, driving, and vision examinations. The applicant must provide the vehicle for the driving test. -Your application must include a photograph and thumbprint. The main reason I ask this is because it says that I need to provide a vehicle for the test with insurance obviously, so does this mean that I can buy, register, and insure my vehicle before I take the driving test to get my driver's license? I do have an out of country driver's license, but I don't know if that will work. I have been driving since I was 15, but now I need my Texas driver's license. I still don't know anyone who could lend me their car for the test. Any suggestions??? Thanks.""
How can i lower my car insurance quotes?
hi im 16 and am soon going to be able to drive so i have started to look at what my inurance quotes will be for a newly qualified driver, and there to high at 3000+ for a renault clio with a 1.2 engine. Just wondering how i might be able to lower this figure with some kind of higher qualififed driving licence, if there are any compaies that insurance new drivers for quite low amonts or if i am just going to have to wait until i am older?? thanks""
Auto insurance: Found Wawanesa cheaper than Mercury?
Anyone in California find that Wawanesa is much cheaper than Mercury. For our two infiniti family the rates for 1 year was WaWa-$1150 vs Mercury ($1,650) What gives here?? Why the big disparity?""
""For pain and suffering money, how much is enough to ask for from your own car ins. company?""
I was in a car accident where the other driver was at fault (under 18 yrs old, no drivers' liscence, no car insurance, failed to yeild). My car was in the shop for 3-4 weeks, I just finished chiropractic care, and my ins. adjuster is going to meet w/ me soon. I have full coverage insurance plus 'uninsured drivers insurance'. So anything my regular car insurance doesn't cover my uninsured insurance pays for anything else. But he also let me know I will be getting 'pain and suffering money. How much should I ask for?!?! I don't even know an estimate of what I should ask for. The worst thing about it is, since the other guy doesn't have insurance, my dealing with my own insurance company. They said after my claim is settled, they will turn around and sue the other driver. I don't want to end up sueing my own car insurance company either. this is my first car accident.""
Involved in a car accident with 4 other cars. My car was the last to get hit. Insurance of car that hit me?
does not want to pay and my car is totaled. The first car that provoked the accident ran away. Now the insurance company of the car that hit me does not want to pay for the damages, they claim that their dirver did not cause the accident, even tho he was the one who hit me. I had liability car insurande so my insurance it's not responsible for my damages. I consulted a lawyer and he said nothing can be done in a situation like this. Who should be held responsible in this case? Is there anything I can do legally to get my car fixed or get some sort of settlement to I can buy another car?""
Can I get onto my parents insurance?
I don't have a car yet but i want to buy one in a year... I was wondering if I could join my parents insurance and if yes how much do you think ill have to pay monthly (Progressive) for a '65 Chevy C10 Custom?
How much will my insurance cost?
Im 18 and wanting to move out this august for college. The apartments im looking to rent is on average about 500 a month for me and im trying to figure out how much a month its going to cost me to live on my own. I have a 2002 Chevy trailblazer which is completely paid off. I dont know what insurrance company my parents have right now but i know for sure its not geico or progressive. I think its like blue shields or something or other. Any help is areciated! Thanks in advance!
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a life insurance online quote
Can you be insured by more than one auto insurance company?
I am thinking of buying a car and currently I am under my dad's plan for his car. I want to have a different insurance company for my car. Would I need to go off of my dad's insurance policy for his car for this? I am thinking the only problem would occur would be if there was an incident that didn't involve the insured car itself but where my auto insurance would cover whatever it is (e.g. as a pedestrian I am hit by a car in a no fault state). Thanks
""After one month, auto insurance gets cancelled?
I changed auto insurance after my other policy lapsed due to direct deposit mix up. I went with State Farm for both vehicles and paid about 20 dollars more per month for a better policy. I got a letter 2 weeks into coverage stating my policies are being cancelled due to not showing 30 days of coverage at the time of purchase. So I guess they can cover me for a month and ditch me? This don't sound right. I have zero tickets and zero wrecks and the same goes for my wife. My agent says the rate will go up from 138.00 per month to 245.00 per month! ! ! ! ! WTF?
At what age does car insurance drop to a normal rate?
im 16 and i wanna wait til a certain age so i dont have to pay alot for the insurance
Insurance company offering me a check to settle? What should I do?
I was in a car accident, where the other driver was 100% at fault. We both have the same insurance. They reimbursed me fully for my car, reimbursed my employer for health expenses (I assume) and I didn't get hurt too bad min the accident besides some whiplash and scrapes on my hand. Today, I get a call and an offer of a $250 check for the inconvenience of being in an accident. It sounds kinda fishy, I thought this case was closed long ago, so I told her to send the offer, in writing, describing the details of this inconvenience check. What exactly is going on here and why would they feel the need to randomly cut me a check? Something doesn't add up.""
Will my insurance go up?
I recently got a speeding ticket and y parents are going to kill me. I need to know of my insurance will go up. I'm only 16 and we have State Farm Insurance and the insurance is liability. It is in the state of Tennessee. I really need to know if the insurance is going to come up or if I can just pay it of without my parents knowing.
Can I cancel my insurance policy?
Am I able to cancel my insurance policy at any time? I am currently paying alot of money for insurance due to getting a ticket while I was still a new driver, and have found a company who will insure me much cheaper than my current. Will I need to pay any sort of fees? Give notice? Just curious, thanks! This is in Canada by the way.""
What is the cheapest Car insurance in NH?
I have a 98 ford taurus, nothing special first car, NH has stupidly high insurance im discovering so maybe someone can suggest a good one, good as in cheap. Thank you!!""
What CAR Should A First Driver GET ? Also What Company For The Insurance To Be The Cheapest ?
Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku
Made a mistake on previous car insurance?
I'm worried about changing insurance companies as I forgot to tell previous insuraure about 3 points I have. What will the new insurance company say about the situation? Should I ring my old insurance company and explain? But the insurance has expired thanks
""Nice corsa modifications, cheaper on insurance?""
Hey guys, got myself a corsa.. Got tinted windows, alloys, irmscher body kit, tinted lights already. What other mods could I do that would be at the cheaper end of the insurance.. I don't want my insurance going up a bomb, but little to no increase mods would be great. Thanks!""
How much would the average monthly payments be on a motorcycle for a teen?
I'm 15, turning 16 in a few months, and I wanted to get a Ninja Kawasaki 250r. Most likely used, and around 2008 or 2009. I live in Las Vegas. Please include repairs, insurance, etc.""
Tell me Cheap Car insurance please!!!!?
im 25 got new car toyota 2010 Reaally need help with the GOOD car insurance? im having progreesive insucrance right now for which i pay 160 per month ...but i wanna know if there is ny cheaper car insurance but has to be RELAIBLE and GOOD one please? ALso if i can swtich to another car insurance easily and they refund my money? or its a contract for 6 months? Thank you so much in advance :)
Affordable and good quality health insurance?
I'm looking into purchasing some health insurance. I'm 20 years old with no major health concerns. I'm thinking about Allstate but I hear it's around $100 a month.
Pregnant: no insurance?
i just found out that i'm pregnant. it was a surprise. i don't have insurance. what can i do? i am over qualified for medicaid, barely. my husband is a police officer. to give birth at the hospital it will cost $7180. i called maternity card but they are very expensive and my doctor already said he doesn't deal with them. does anyone have any solutions? i really need an answer. thanks!""
Where can i find realy cheap car insurance for new drivers?
thier are places that have insurance for new drivers for like 100 or something like that. at the moment car insurance for me is 2000 and thats just a rip off i need cheaper options !
I have a 1987 Honda Elite. How many cc does it have? What is a cheap insurance co. to go thru.?
I have a 1987 Honda Elite. How many cc does it have? What is a cheap insurance co. to go thru.?
How much would the car insurance be on a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? I'm under the age of 25 so I know it will be pricey. Any opinions?
How much would the car insurance be on a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? I'm under the age of 25 so I know it will be pricey. Any opinions?
Nice cars with out the insurance?
first off what is the difference between a normal cars insurance and a luxurery car like a ferrari.second, i have $100,000 and im looking for a nice fast car, but i dont want to buy a ferrari or sumthing cuz of the insurance is a lot higher i heard. i was even thinking about buying a 2009 ford f150 and souping it up with rims and everything but i'd rather a car thats really nice. does anybody have any ideas for a nice fast car with normal insurance?""
Will a bike licence bring down car insurance?
Ok, so I'm 18 and am looking to learn to drive. I know that insuring a car is going to cost a bomb anyway, but will the fact I have passed a full motorcycle test (A2) help to bring my insurance down? Or will the fact I will have access to two vehicles (car and motorbike) increase my insurance? By the time I pass my car test I would have had my A2 licence for a year and have 3years no claims discount. Also I am looking at getting a 1.1 Citroen Saxo. Will a two door be more expensive than the four door to insure or doesn't it make much difference?? Thanks.""
What is the annual premium for a house?
Cud u help me on my maths homework What is the aunnual premium for a house valued at 65000, if the insurance is 3 per 1000 of house value? Thanks""
Insurance in USA for people above 45 and below 60?
Hello, My parent just moved to USA (NY) a few months back and my father works at a grocery store. My parents do not have health insurance and I want to get them medical insurance somehow, something that is affordable since my father's job does not offer any health coverage. I am there only daughter and I asked my employer if I can add my parents to the my insurance policy but he said that will not be possible. My dad has been searching for a job which offers medical coverage but unfortunately it is a tuff time to find a job. My mother is suffering from Sciatica pain she went to one of the walk in clinics and got the medicine and ended up paying 200$ which did not do any good. Any suggestions how I can resolve this issue?""
Insurance Groups - HELP!?
Ok im looking to buy my first car, and ive found a 1.4cl Ford Escort which im interested in, it says its in insurance group 5E, is that a good group to be in (is it cheap or expensive), thanks for any help :D""
Do people with learner's permit have to be on the insurance? ?
I am 15 turning 15 1/2 on oct. 29 and my mom says I cant get my permit until she gets insurance on the car.How much does it cost exactly?
When You Buy Car Insurance On The Internet..?
You know when you buy Car Insurance, is it immediate effect? or do you have to wait a certain amount of time until you can go out and drive?""
How cheap could i get insurance?
im 17, gonna be 18, no parking violations tickets or accidents whatsoever. the reason i ask is because the state i live in requires insurance.""
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a life insurance online quote
0 notes
car insurance expensive for new drivers
"car insurance expensive for new drivers
car insurance expensive for new drivers
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would the insurance on this car be?
It's a 2007 Toyota solara silver with 63000 miles on it...how would full converge be per month? Just an estimate.
Should Insurance companies be forced to protect against preexisting conditions? Buy Ins after car gets stolen?
How much would that add to the insurance premium if they had to pay out for preexisting conditions? What if you totaled your new corvette and bought insurance the next day. How soon before the insurance companies went bankrupt and we had to go to the government option. (Where you would be forced to drive a Yugo in order to qualify).
The Best Health Insurance ..?
Hi there folks, I am new in this health insurance business and we are shopping for one. We live in Texas. Im looking for a plan for me and my wife. What's the best plan you guys have that affordable plan with the best coverage for 2 people.What do you have and what would you recommend? And whats the best health insurance plan that is affordable and also covers pregnancy? Please do let us know , I would really appreciate your responses. Camry Lover""
Do insurance companies had out new phones?
This is the deal. I bought a new phone. HTC Desire S. I then accidentally dropped down the toilet. This caused it to get water damaged which equals broken phone. It's with the insurance company, and I know my claim has been accepted and now they are deciding whether they can repair the phone or send me a replacement. Now.. What does a replacement mean: Does that mean a new phone (fresh out of box) Does that mean a refurbished phone (second hand) Does that mean a different model phone (not a HTC Desire S) I've never used a insurance company before for this kind of thing because I'm always very careful when it comes to my technology and gadgets, so I don't know. I'm hoping I'll at least get the same model phone I had. I only had this phone for 2 weeks (Upgraded from Vodafone)""
Car insurance for a G37?
I am under my parents car insurance, i havent been in an accident and have no point on my record. I also have all a's and b's. I currently have AAA and have been driving for 2.5 years. Is a G37 considered a sports car under AAA? if it is considered a sports car, how much would my insurance increase? (right now i have a honda accord 2004)""
First car 350z insurance cost?
Im getting a 350z for my birthday , and im just curious on how much insurance would cost on it . And dont give me crap about its not a good idea because my parents and i already talked about it. Just name the price u think it is . For me cheap is $500-1000 a year. Average $1000-1500 a year and Expensive $1500-2000. i know my parents have insurance and pay $500 a year for their 2 cars. And my dad pays $750 on his commercial trucks, 7 of them. And i live in Pa if that helps? And i will take driver corses. thats when u ride around the city with a teacher. THANKS Bros""
Where can I find salvage motorcycles directly from the insurance company?
I'm interested in purchasing cheap parts bikes directly from the insurance companies after a wreck. I am mostly interested in Harleys and I don't have any interest in these gimmicky websites where you pay a fee and there are not a lot of bikes. I've looked at ebay but these are usually bikes being sold from the person who bought it from the insurance company (ie premium). There are some public auto auctions, but these are usually only limited to dealers. But maybe that is my only choice?""
What is the cheapest possible insurance available?
Including the cheapest car to insure and the best way to go about insuring that car. What is the cheapest insurance i can get? Thanks for any help
How much does scooter insurance cost in Ontario?
Hello all, I am buying Vespa LX 150ie soon (it has a 150cc engine with a top speed of 95 km/h) and would like to know how much insurance costs in Ontario. I am 18 years old, single, male, and have my M1, and most likely my M2 soon. Let me know if you have any info.""
Has anyone ever heard of Titan auto insurance?
Has anyone ever heard of Titan auto insurance?
Insurance for Bentley GTC Continental?
I (sadly) dont have one of my own - yet (im working on it..) Just out of general.Theres another new footballer on the go,hes only 21 & recently purchased a bentley.Approx. for someone in there early 20s how much would insurance cost? (I understand hes a footballer,he earns more a year we all do lol..) Thanx in advance xx""
Flipping Cars - Insurance?
A few friends and I are looking into flipping cars while we're in college to make a little extra money. I'm not sure where to turn as far as insurance goes. We're not driving the vehicles ourselves - just parking them until they sell. What kind of coverage would we need and where can we find the best rates for our situation? We would only drive it from the auction house and with potential buyers on test drives. Thanks for the help!
Can my father insure my car under his name?
I'm planing on financing a car and my father will Co sign. Can he put the car under his insurance I am only 18 years old so insurance just under my name is extremely expensive or is there a way he can be a Co owner of the vehicle if so how ?
How can I save on car insurance?
I live in SC, and is 21 years old. I recently got my Drivers License without going to a Drivers school or anything. I was wondering are there any ways I can still save on car insurance.""
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
Cheapest insurance for first time drivers?
i need help on finding the cheapest insurance for first time drivers i am 18 and near ending my lessons for my driving test and want to know cheap insurers for my first insurance wihout the little black box in my car, and also is it best to ring or online for my insurance prices thanks""
What Multiline Insurance Company is the Best?
I need an insurance company that will do all line of insurance. Life, Auto, Home, Disability, Long Term Care and even Financial products. I heard COUNTRY insurance does that but I'm not sure.""
Is it standard procedure for home insurance agents to visit your house before they insure it?
I was told by my ex that a home insurance agent was coming to look at the INSIDE of my house. I was under the impression only appraisers came to look at the inside of your home. Do home insurance agents do that now too? What's the cheapest home insurance?
Aviva 15 weeks free car insurance?
does 15 weeks free car insurance mean i pay nothing for 15 weeks,.. or just pay the deposit then free 15 weeks,.. also what does total charge for credit mean and when does it get paid? thanks""
When should I buy life insurance?
I'm 23, one year out of college, living at home with my parents and working full time. I have no dependents. Is this the right time in my life for purchasing life insurance? I don't anticipate starting a family for another 5-8 years - is it wise to lock in a level term or whole life at my age or is it just fool's thinking?""
Whats a monthly premium means on insurance company?
when your trying to be appointed by a insurance company
Car Insurance?
In Massachusetts what do you think a 16 year old driver would pay for these cars for insurance? 1998 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR 4 >100k miles 1998 Audi A4 1.8 Turbo 4 cyl 100K miles 2001 Ford Taurus SEL v6 40K miles 1999 VW Passat V6 5 speed 95k miles Thanks
""By looking at these charts, can you understand why the U.S. needed health insurance reform?
""When starting new car insurance, can insurers decline no claims bonus due to 2 motorway speeding convictions?""
Hello, I am trying to arrange vehicle insurance. I have contacted A&L with regards to their car insurance. Basically I have just changed jobs, where I had company cars for the last 6 years with no claims. I asked A&L if they would accept this as no claims, and they said they would if I could provide a letter from my previous employers stating dates, that I was sole user, that I no longer have policy and that it expires within last 3 months etc. I have provided them with the letter which covers all areas requested. They have now replied back to me saying that they can't accept the no claims, as I have 2 SP30 (Motorway speeding) convictions within the last 5 years, which means they will not accept the no claims. Is this acceptable? I though no claims were only relinquished if a claim in made against a policy, not because I have a couple of run-of-the-mill speeding convictions. Thanks in advance, James""
Is full liability auto insurance the same as full coverage auto insurance?
Is full liability auto insurance the same as full coverage auto insurance?
car insurance expensive for new drivers
car insurance expensive for new drivers
What's a good looking affordable car for a teen?
My budget is going to be about 15-25k and I like muscle cars like camaros and dodge challengers! Any other good lookin cars?
""I rear ended someone with no insurance, whats gona happen?""
i was on a motorcycle and rear ended someone in a car, the car has a lil dent on the bumper and their insurance already covered it. i do not have insurance and im going to court for it. what is going to happen? is my drivers license going to be suspended eventhough it was on a motorcycle? i have insurance for my car just not my motorcycle.""
Auto insurance limits of liability ?
How high should I reasonably set my liability limits. From what I can tell my current Auto policy limits are $25k and $50k. That seems a bit low to me. My friend said he has $100k and $300k. What do you suggest. We are an average income family, and currently drive and Escalade ESV, and a G35 coupe(Nothing like living beyond your means, you only get one shot at this thing right?).""
Where can i get cheap individual health insurance in florida?
i'm under 65 and i'm not eligible for employee or medicaid insurances.
Will my car insurance go up if i buy a new car?
i am currently driving a used 99 honda civic. suppose if i buy an all new 2012 toyota camry. Will my car insurance go up? i am currently 18, and my car insurance cost me 800usd for 6 month. and should college students like me buy an all new car?""
Will Homeowners Insurance cover fallen tree?
I cut down a tree in my back yard and yes it fell the wrong way taking out my porch. Will homeowners insurance cover this???
Texas Insurance Question.?
My parents always freak out when I have to drive their car because mine is in the shop. We have different insurances and I am not on theirs. If a cop stops me will he take their car because my name is not on their insurance. This is my parents worry and I am also not really sure. This is in Texas of course.
What is the cheapest car insurance in ontario ?
I am 36 years old and employed, bought my first car in Canada, its 2000 Honda civic SE, looking to pay between $150-$200.""
I cant find cheap car insurance HELP?
im 60+ male i want to buy a car for 900 pounds but the insurance is 500+ ive not got a car yet but will be a small car not for work but for every day and only 13-1400 engine size im in the uk can you advise on cheap car insurance tanks
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
What car insurance to choose? free easy 10 points?
I just want an insurance for 1 month for my car. I just called Halifax up and they said that the minimum period of insurance they do is 2 months so does anyone know of any insurers who do 1 month of car insurance thanks a lot
16 years old can I get insurance ?
K so I'm 16 getting a 2002 BMW m3 how much will insurance be with just the cheapest I can get how much will insurance be ??? 10 points
What insurance company offers the cheapest insurance rates for teenagers?
after drivers ed, good student and other discounts..""
Am a 16 year old boy and i want a mustang for my first car... gt or v6?
money is my concern... insurance? gas?
Average cost for Motorbike insurance?
On average what do you think motorbike insurance would cost me? Im 17 and looking to get a 125CC motorbike. Please dont tell me to go onto sites and check because im not sure what bike im getting but it will be a 125CC.
Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3?
Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3?
would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car.
What is good insurance for teens?
Can I have some good companies? I want the basic insurance package. im 17, male, senior in HS thank you""
What type of car would have the cheapest insurance? Over 25 but 2 dui's... I know... stupid...?
I just got my release for my license back and am looking for a new used car. I'm also trying to keep the insurance price down (I'm sure like everyone). Any suggestions on a type of car or insurance company that would be good to use please let me know. thnx
""How much is average for childcare? I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 8mth old. About 8 hr/5days a week?""
I'll explain a little more. I own a duplex which I rent out the top of while my husband and I live down stairs. The renters upstairs have been my friends for a long time and they needed an apartment so we rented to them for $535 a month. After a year we agreed to trade daycare for rent so I could go back to work full time. The arangment has gone from no cash exchanged to us paying their car insurance ($90/month) the water bill ($50/month), the hot water ($35/month), an extra $190 in cash per month along with the no rent income ($535/month). We also give them about $60 in random cash when they ask for help. I provide the formula, diapers and wipes and she provides the food. The kids are upstairs from 11am to 5:30pm and she refuses to take them earlier even though if she did I could get a better schedual. I trust the woman and her son is the same age as my oldest. But there are also some serious disipline issues too. (My four year old now says bad words.) I need some advice""
What would the insurance cost for a 2002 Audi TT?
Just looking for a quick estimate. I'm a 20 year old male with a moving violation that happened two years ago. It would be a California car. Probably would drive about 8,000 miles a year. Also would it matter if it was a roadster(convertible) or coupe? Thanks""
Does where you buy the car affects its insurance?
so im thinking about buying my first car, i know that the kind of car i buy will affect my insurance, but what if i buy the same car (lets say a porsche 911 turbo) in an auction or on craigslist (which would be significantly cheaper). would i have to pay the same price for my insurance or ould it be cheaper ...""
I'm 20 from London what insurance companies will let my 17 year old brother be on my policies?
Me and my 17 year old brother want to buy a 50cc gilera dna 1 for me and 1 for him. I have a full UK drivers licence and revived insurance quotes for around 400 a year......where as my brothers cheapest. Quote was 550 a year. He doesn't have any sort of licence but was hoping to get a scooter license this coming January's. So the question is would he be able to be put on my insurance policies I'm 20?? And what insurance companies will do that? Thanks ;).
How much will my insurance go up?
about 3 months ago i got a ticket for going 23 over and went to court. the judge gave me a $40 fine and said if i didn't get another ticket for 6 months that the first ticket wouldn't be on my record. this morning i got a ticket for going 10 over. it was really stupid because i was going the speed limit and had cruise locked on but it was a downhill and i got going. the ticket is $20 and i dont have to appear in court. Will my insurance go up? if so how much should i expect. the judge told me last time that if the insurance company doesn't look at my driving that they dont send them notification.
Is Motorcycle insurance the same price as car insurance or is it cheaper?
I had a coupld of friends that have motorcycles and some that have cars. They don't pay for their own insurance but i wanted to know if by any chance if motorcycle insurance is cheaper then auto insurance. I know auto insurance these days are sky high. But since a motorcycle is a lot smaller, shouldn't insurance for it be cheaper for it?""
car insurance expensive for new drivers
car insurance expensive for new drivers
How much does liablity insurance go up after a DUI?
How much does liablity insurance go up after a DUI?
How much is a no insurance ticket in California?
This is my first time getting a ticket so I don't know how it works. I was in my brother's car and it has no insurance however my car does. I live in the bay area if it helps. My ticket won't come for another 3-4 weeks and I just want to have a idea of how much it will be. Thanks!
""How much would it cost to pay insurance, 16?""
my parents are with state farm, and im about to turn 16. my GPA right now is a 3.5. my sister is going to hand me down her 2005 scion xb, odo reads 135,334 right now, its in far conditions, no car accidents how much would it cost to insure it?""
Good morning! Can anyone suggest a good dental insurance plan?
We had blue cross and blue shield and were not happy with it! We live in a semi small area and the only dentist office that accepted our plan never called us back after 15 voice mails and NEVEr answered their phones so we never were able to make an appointment! So I cancelled the policy. We need some dental insurance. I need to take my son in to get his teeth looked at and my husbands. We live in FL and there just doesn't seem to be a lot that I'm finding. Anyone have a suggestion?
How much does no claims effect your car insurance?
Ive just had my windows smashed and was wondering whether or not it would be better to just pay for the windows to be repaired rather than go through insurance. I estimate 700 for the windows. I am 19 and have 2 years no claims, any ideas what the best course of action is?""
Cheapest car to insure for a 18 year old?
Cheapest car to insure for a 18 year old?
""Seniors, did your home/car insurance go way up when you hit 65?""
My mothers insurance for her home and car are through the same company. Her rates just doubled in the last bill - she called the agent and they said it was because she just hit 65 and because Medicaid wouldn't pay anything for her healthcare if she was in an accident. That makes no sense to me. Seems more like insurance company blundering that needs to be cleared up, but I wondered. Thanks.""
Comprehensive car insurance ?
My comprehensive car insurance will be expirering next month. At the moment I'm with youi and they are asking $876 to renew it for my 2003 Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls help me to find best and cheapest insurance in Victoria Aus. Tks
Question about car insurance?
I live in philadelphia with my mom, and I live with my dad in quakertown on most weekends. Even though my permit is registered under my mom's address, can I go on my dad's car insurance since it's way cheaper? I mean I do live with him part time, just as I live with my mom part time. I'm 18.""
Being sued by an insurance company?
Hello, I got in a car accident about two years ago and i didn't have insurance, i was found at fault and now im getting sued for $20,000 by the other driver's insurance company, The original amount was $17,000, They have been trying to collect for a longgg time now. I know i blew it off for a long time but now im ready to take responsibility and start trying to pay it. The car i was driving was under my moms name and they are trying to go after her also but i want to take full responsibility. I have to go to court next month, and im wondering if I should get a lawyer to represent me even though i'm guilty. I'm hoping that I can make a payment plan or anything I need to get my life back on track""
Why are insurance companies getting blamed for dropping coverage?
when it was because of the regulations in the patient protection and affordable care act that ended these plans?
How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a new Chevrolet Camaro?
How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a new Chevrolet Camaro?
What is your opinion on having to obtain car insurance?
I am doing a essay on car insurance. I would be much appreciated if everyone could give me their input on it and how they feel about having to have it. thank you so much for your help!
I got a ticket the same day as I got insurance?
I got pulled over but didn't have proof of insurance. I got a ticket, but only have to go in to the highway patrol to get the paper signed when I show proof of insurance. I got insurance that same day, will that work?""
What is the average insurance rate for a slk 350 2013?
I am looking for an estimate but I don't want to put in all my information don't want all these people calling me.
How do you beat the under 25 y/o car insurance scam?
We're bought a toyota corolla for $9,500 and its going to cost $1700 just to insure it, we've heard of putting it in the parents name but if you name an under 25 year old as a driver the price goes up so i was wondering if anyone knows a way to beat it""
How much would I pay for car insurance on average?
I am 17, about to turn 18 and I am about to get my license. I am going to get a used car around a 1995 car. Around how much would I pay for insurance?""
""Car insurance, it makes me think why bother.?""
Last year a neighbour crashed his car into my drive, damaging the railings, lucky my car was not there at the time and no one was hurt. He was charged as he had no insurance. I got a letter from the Police last week stating that he got 6 points and was fined 500.0. My car insurance is now up for renewal and I was quoted 600.0, obiviously I'm gonna have to get insured, but it does make me think why bother, what do you think???""
I am a 16 year old male I want to know how much insurance on a 1995 Honda civic would cost me. Thank you?
I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and I would also like to know what the cheapest insurance company is""
Questions about car insurance?
If I get a Mustang 2011 (300 Hp V6) next year, my aunt who is a senior citizen and she has a clean record report, will be the owner of the car. I'm 18 though, how much is the cost for insurance in a year going to be?? Just estimation is fine.""
Modified car insurance?
2000 mustang gt. Added cold air intake, exhaust kit, engine headers, aftermarket gps and backup cam, and aftermarket rims. Would an insurance company cover these?""
Cheaper auto insurance with EVOC certification?
While I was going through military police training, I was told if you have an Emercency Vehicle Operations permit, you can get a discount on your car insurance. Is this true and what companies offer this discount if at all?""
Finding Cheap Car Insurance?
I am 17 years old and wanting to find the cheapest car insurance, i want my own insurance policy on a 1.0L Vaxhall Cora, but the problem is it is going to be around 2500 does anybody know any cheaper sites?""
Health Insurance - too expensive - should I ditch it and will it get cheaper in 2014?
So I got health insurance about 6 months ago - BCBS. As a 38-yr-old female with a BMI that is(was) borderline obesity, I pay $278 per month (about twice the original quote on the website which was about $140.) I freelance. One of my jobs collects contributions from my employers into an account that I can use to reimburse my premium payments, and I was hoping that I'd be able to make enough to use that account to really pay toward my monthly health insurance. My financial situation has plummeted, however, and I am really struggling to keep my head above water for the first time since I moved out. Just looking for some outside input here. Should I ditch my health insurance? Will the options be more manageable for me in 2014?""
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
car insurance expensive for new drivers
car insurance expensive for new drivers
Private health insurance and medicaid?
My niece who is pregnant works full time and has private health insurance through work. Is she still eligible to get medicaid even though she already has insurance? I thought that if you were pregnant and low income, you'd automatically get medicaid. She makes $10 per hour, so I don't know if that will put her into the poverty level income. She has no other kids.""
What car insurance company has the policy that you insure on person but anyone can drive it and be insured?
What car insurance company has the policy that you insure on person but anyone can drive it and be insured?
How much does a psychiatrist cost without insurance?
I will not have insurance to give for going to a psychiatrist. How much would you think something like this would roughly cost?
What should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I am 18. I got my permit in March 2011 when I was 16 and I got my license this month. I will be taking a defensive driving course, the 5 hour course and I might also take a course with a driving school to reduce insurance cost. (I live in New York) I have enough money saved up to lease the car I want but the insurance seems like it will be very steep. The cars I'm looking at are a: 2012-2013 Mercedes Benz C300 4MATIC 2010-2013 BMW 3 series or 5 series What can I expect to pay on insurance based on this information and do you think I'd be able to get a quote for $400 or less? Also, what type of car do you have and how much do you pay for your car insurance?""
07 honda civic Si insurance?
hello peps...i hav a 07 honda civic Si coupe and its red T_T..actually its kinda dark orange...i was wondering how much do i hav to pay for the insurance for it...we hav 3 cars insured right now NOT including the civic yet...my dad plans to insure it with him as the primary driver cuz im still 19 and it will prolly make the price higher....
Insurance for a renault twizy for a 17 year old male?
i'm 17 and looking to buy a car, would like to get something cheap to insure. i still haven't passed my test but i am not far off it. im looking for something cheap and a bit different, the renault seems to be both. i have no idea how much it would cost to insure though? anyone have any idea?""
Insurance companies rating?
I am thinking of changing insurance companies how do i check their rating.
How many times a day are you asked Are you paying too much for car insurance? Subliminal advertising?
Is this some form of subliminal advertising? Do you think Sprite is involved some how?
Anyone has geico car insurance? please help!?
I take my drivers test real soon, 2 weeks after school starts, so the first two weeks i have to ride the bus. i'm a junior, and i have many activities going on after school, i don't want my dad to keep dropping me off and picking me up. So i was wondering how long does Geico car insurance take process. I am not allowed to drive right after getting my license because i don't have car insurance. I have to get it after i get my license but how long does it take to get the car insurance? will the geico car insurance be done within few day so i can drive the car to school?""
Cheapest car insurance company?
hey can u tell me the cheapest or most resonable car insuarnace company that covers northern ireland.... i have tried gocompare.com but it dosnt give me quotes with certain insuarance companys like directline or autoline thanks
Car insurance for a beginner driver?
how much do you guys reckon it will cost a total new driver (17, male) to insuare either: mark 2 golf mark 2 golf gti any VW corrado thanks""
How I get discount on car insurance?
I am from Liverpool and wanted to have good discounts on Car Insurance.. Can someone please suggest.
What's the best place to purchase both auto and home insurance from?
I'm buying a new home and changing my auto insurance carrier, what insurance company can offer me the best deal when it comes to providing both home and auto insurance in a combo package?""
Affordable places for auto insurance?
I am looking into leasing a new car. I live in Grand Rapids, MI. What are some good companies that typically have affordable rates?""
Health Insurance and Hospital?
I'm not quite sure how to say this w/o getting too deep into it,but there seems to be a Communication problem between Mount Sinai Hospital in Miami Beach and my Insurance company united american. They(the hospital) tell me they never get paid by my insurance Company and i have been back and forth between the two of them. Once Mount Sinai's business office sent me a correspondence saying my insurance company told them that i should pay the bill. I think the hospital is lying...anyone have any problems with this hospital when it comes to business etiquette and what came of it..what did you do about it. They don't have their heads screwed on right""
What kind of car insurance do u have and how much a month do u pay and what kind of car do u drive?
im trien to find a cheap full coverage insurance i have an accident last year the cheapest i found in esurance its about $140 a month
Car hit me but i have no insurance. What will happen?
I was hit by a car, and it was the other drivers fault, but i didnt have insurance when this happend. Can the others drivers insurance still pay me for the damage on my vehicle? Or what will happen?""
How much is your car insurance?
I don't want to sound personal but I am wondering what everyone pays in car insurance. I happen to live in Michigan which has the highest car insurances rates in the country. I am planning to move soon and was wondering how much people are paying across the country. Please don't feel a need to give me the exact number, a range is fine. Also, please tell me the car type because I know that matters. Again with car type you don't have to tell the car. Example if you drive a 911 Porsche you could say, 2 door, luxury sports car. Any other information would be greatly appreciated, thanks!""
Is a moped or motorcycle better for a college student?
I am currently a junior in college and contemplating whether to get a moped or motorcycle. I know a few pros to both. They both have high fuel economy and don't emit dangerous gases like cars do. They don't cost most insurance wise. The cons is that a moped can't go on interstates and a motorcycle is pricier and mechanics for motorcycles are pricey as well. Luckily, I can get to school and work with and without the interstate if I wanted to. Thing is that I don't want to spend over a thousand dollars on a motorcycle and deal with the maintenance. So which is better price wise? Is a moped or motorcycle more beneficial?""
Where do I find affordable homeowners insurance for home in largo florida?
my insurance with liberty mutual was just dropped.
Car insurance expired?
my insurance expired today, do i have to declare my car is off road while im trying to sell it. is there a time limit""
""Insurance- Cabin, not sure which insurance?""
We live ouside of Canada, but own property with a cabin on it. My dad and aunt own it. According to the insurance if one of the owners (ppl on the insurance) are not on the property (say, 500 miles away) if something happens (like someone falls breaks there leg) to someone we take there, we are not covered and could sue us. If my dad put me on the insurance would our aunt have the right to sell the property without us having any say? He thinks that if I am put on the insurance I will be on his half and my aunt will still have her half therefore giving her more power. Is there any way around this insurance and suing thing if I want to go up there with some friends without them?""
How do Life Insurance companies make money?
If you get a 500,000 dollar policy pay 250 a month that would take 2000 years for them to make the money back. How do they make more money then they put out?""
Car Insurance for a 17 year old!! ?
Is anyone else struggling to find at least a reasonable price for car insurance? The cheapest quotes i am getting is 4,900 on a 206!! Am I doing something wrong, i've checked multiple car insurance sites and can't find anything jus below 5 grand. How the hell do insurance companies think 17 year olds can afford this? It's daylight robbery?""
8 weeks pregnant without medical insurance?
I'm a server and don't make enough in my paycheck to pay for medical insurance at my work place. I can't be put on my fiance's insurance until we're married. what are my options to cover all my medical bills?
car insurance expensive for new drivers
car insurance expensive for new drivers
0 notes
apia travel insurance quote
"apia travel insurance quote
apia travel insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Self employed health insurance?
What is the meaning of self employed health insurance
Cheap health insurance? Im a middle 30's single male. Is there a place I can compare quickly like car insuran?
I filled out one thing but it turned out to be almost a phishing scam. Im about to do COBRA, but I think I can get something cheaper. Im also in SC if that matters. Any guesses?""
What is The Best Life Insurance Policy?
What is The Best Life Insurance Policy? I am Looking For the Best Life Insurance Policy We are having another child and I have to do something about not having any life insurance Can I get A free Online Life Insurance Policy Quote somewhere. Thanks for your time
How much will my insurance go up?
I recently crash my car into a bush going 50 with 4 other people in it. The car costed $2000 and I totaled my car and the police came. My 6 months weren't up so I wasn't supposed to have anyone in the car with me so I got a ticket for that and I got a ticket for reckless driving plus my license suspended. How much will my insurance go up?
Car insurance? Cheap?
I'm 16 and i just got my car and license. I have a 2000 Grand am gt Where can i find cheap car insurance?
The best insurance company to work for?
I'm looking for a job in the insurance industry and curious what company offers the best potential for a good income? over six figures the first year is my target and looking to pursue sales.
Repayment of my health insurance premiums?
I received a letter in the mail a week ago, and can't locate it now. It was explaining as to how there is a government program in place to reinburse for health insurance premiums paid if someone in your household gets NC Medicaid? Anyone know about this as for the life of me I can't put my hands on the letter. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.""
Which are the cheapest car to insurance in Canada?
Hello: Planing to buy a car, but I will considered a car that is cheaper to insure, any suggestion? Thank you in advanced""
Are local insurance companies better than global ones?
I moved to salt lake city not long ago and I m looking to insure my motorcycle for the summer but so far every websites I tried online have prices and monthly rates that are very expansive !! Does anyone know if it is best to get insured with a local insurance company or a big one like progressive ???
""I am 21, and have been driving since I was 16. How much will my insurance be?
My parents always paid for my insurance (dont hate) and now I want to use the car for a courier service. How much do you think my insurance will cost me?
""Toyota celica, my first car?""
so im getting a 2004 toyota celica gts as my first car and im wondering how much my insurance will go up just by having this kind of car and being a teenage male? also what color is best, i cant decide between silver or black. i love black cars but i think the celica looks great in silver too. are black cars really a pain to have to clean all the time and which would look best? and does anyone know if they are well built cars""
Why have my health insurance premiums increase 72% over the last few months?
I received a letter a few months ago that my premiums would be increasing due to the ACA. I never thought they would increase by 72%. I thought President Obama said our premiums would decrease dramatically. Full coverage + Vision and dental 31/m non smoker (very healthy and active) Haven't been to the doctor in years Golden Rule United Healthcare Premiums a few months ago $193 per month $35 co pay $1500 deductible Premium starting next month $267 w/ same co pay and deductible WTF? I make roughly $2200 a month before taxes and fail to see how this is affordable.
Cheap car insurance in north london?!?
Hi. any advice on cheap car insurance living in north London for a 18 year old female. I am getting ridiculous quotes. Any advise appreciated Thank you.
I want to take a used car home from the dealer but I have no car insurance or insurance card...?
What do I have to do to make this possible? I'm trying to take this used car home for the night and drive it around but I have no insurance card.... I have a license..but no car insurance and all the salesman is asking is for my insurance card. What do I need to do to get around this?
Cover for drivers not named on the car's insurance?
Hi there I'm selling my car to a colleague's daughter, and because they live about 50 miles away I told him he could drive it home, and see whether his daughter would be interested in it. I once heard that if a person drove a car that didn't have their name on the insurance, they could still be insured up to 3rd party if they personally had insurance for other vehicles. Is that true? Ta v much""
Does Bupa insurance cover child birth in USA?
Does Bupa insurance cover child birth in USA? and what is the steps for that?
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Dental Insurance question?
On my dental insurance card, I have a primary care dentist listed on it. Does this mean that I must go to this dentist in order to have the insurance pay for my appointments or can I go to any dentist that accepts my insurance without having to switch my primary care dentist and still receive the insurance benefits? Will the insurance cover less if I don't go to the primary care dentist? Thanks!""
Where can I find affordable comprehensive dental insurance?
I don't just the preventative ones but ones that also cover root canals etc to an extent and don't over charge for nitrous oxide - one company had fee of 45 per 15 minutes ? I ruled them out Any ideas or tips greatly appreciated
Why is my home insurance quote so high?
I am buying a home next month and have been shopping for home insurance. The cheapest premium I've been quoted is 1,800/year. I have done research and it seems most people pay 600-1000/year. I have never owned a home (so no claims) and I have never used my renters insurance to file a claim. I'm 26 with a 710 credit score. The home is 2300sqft and I am asking for 250,000 in coverage. I even raised the deductibles to see if that would lower it, which it didn't really make a huge difference. Any ideas?""
How does car insurance work? (also whats better buying a car vs leasing)?
well im 16 right now. planning to save up till 18 and buy a car. my first question is, how does car insurance work? i know you have to pay monthly and depending on each car its different but would car insurance be cheaper when the car is leased? or when its bought? also i know each car depreciates alot every year. at first i was thinking of leasing it but now im not sure. can someone tell me what would be a better choice on the long run?""
How much would insurance for 2009 Ford Focus be? Estimate?
I'm wondering how much insurance would cost for the 2009 Ford Focus for a 17 year old girl be? I want to buy a 2009 Ford Focus when I turn 17 not this coming up January but next. Oh and prices of how much the car costs would be nice too. Thanks!
Will my parent's car insurance go up if I get my drivers license?
Ok I am 17 years old and will turn 18 soon. I have a lerners permit at the moment. My parents have Geico auto insurance and they will not let me get my drivers license because they said their rates would go up as long as I live at home and they can't afford to pay for my insurance. I called geico and they said it would go up,and they asked me what vehicle I would be driving. I told them that I don't have a car, and they said you have to be assigned to a car as a 'part time driver'. But the problem is, I don't need a car right now, I can drive a motorcycle. In the state of florida, motorcycle insurance is not required, but a class e drivers license is required to operate the motorcycle. So if I get my drivers license, why should my parents car insurance go up if I were to drive a motorcycle that does not require insurance at all?""
Help solve my High Car Insurance problem...?
Thanks everyone for your valuable opinions. I just purchased an '07 black Toyota Yaris with about 24 k miles. I am a 20 yr old male living in Texas. Well my insurance went sky high from my last vehichle, an old '90 clunker Geo. It went from like 100 and something to like 350! I have Farmers Insurance. What are my options on things to do??? The title of the car is in my name. I pretty much do not have any credit. My mom happened to mention something about changing the title over into her or my grandma's name...and then she could add me as a driver to her insurance. I really don't know, the situation is very confusing. Please help me know my options, I can't afford this! P.S. All insurance companies will charge me about the same givin my age, etc.""
Who is the cheapest car insurance in USA ?
Ihave finicial problem right now ipay for six month liability $ 300 it us too much for me is there any body knows less than that price iget please let me know?
apia travel insurance quote
apia travel insurance quote
How to reduce my insurance price?
I have been trying to find insurance as I will be 17 next year and have decided on a car I would like which is a Peugeot 206 2001 y reg and every time I use a comparison site I get quoted 4 grand or it says their insurers cannot provide insurance. Please help :(
What can I do for health insurance for my child and myself?
I am contemplating quitting my job, which offers health insurance, to open a home business. I have been slowly building up my business and it's getting to the point where I have to either decide to quit my full-time job or stop developing my business. I have the potential to make much more with my own business than I do at my current job. Before I make the decision to quit my job, I am researching my options about health insurance, which is very important to me because my daughter has special needs and I do not want to jeopardize her health in any way. I also don't want to get myself into a tricky situation where I end up bankrupt because I get sick and don't have health insurance. I have contemplated taking COBRA after quitting my job, however that is very costly. My boyfriend and I toyed with the idea of him putting me on his health insurance as a domestic partner, but my daughter would not be included in that. We live in Minnesota and I'm wondering if MinnesotaCare would be an option for us, at least to tide us over until I can afford to purchase health insurance or my boyfriend and I get married and my daughter and I can go on his plan. However, I did read that to qualify for MinnesotaCare you must not have had insurance for the last 4 months and that's not a gamble I want to take. My daughter is already on TEFRA (MN disability health insurance) so I am wondering if she was dropped from my plan if TEFRA would cover her 100 percent. My worry about that is if another group health plan wouldn't accept her pre-existing conditions going forward because she would be off a group plan for more than 62 days. Does anyone have any ideas about affordable health insurance options that I should look into? Or know more about the HIPAA laws? And before someone suggests calling the state for information...I have and I'm waiting for a call back. Thanks!""
""I'm just wondering, is there anyone here who can't get health insurance?""
If you do have it, how do you get it? and if you don't have it, why not? Spiritually speaking, of course""
Insurance or Laywers Office??
Insurance or laywer payout? Not sure what to do at this stage. Insurers are willing to compensate me for a fall. Am getting conflicting advice. Some say go to laywer for sure, insurance will rip me off. Others say don't go to laywer as they will take a chunk of your compensation and you may be left with far less than the insurance offer. In general which one do you think accept, laywer or insurer""
""I am buying a used innova car, will the car insurance be in my name?
The car is having a loan of Rs 350000/- & i am planing to take over the loan. But if any thing happens to the car in the loan period will the insurance company pay to me or the owner who has made the insurance.
Auto insurance limits of liability ?
How high should I reasonably set my liability limits. From what I can tell my current Auto policy limits are $25k and $50k. That seems a bit low to me. My friend said he has $100k and $300k. What do you suggest. We are an average income family, and currently drive and Escalade ESV, and a G35 coupe(Nothing like living beyond your means, you only get one shot at this thing right?).""
What happens when your employment insurance ends?
i am receiving regular benefits at the moment because i got laid-off but i want to know what happens when it ends..can i still apply for another one since i submitted only one record of employment to service Ontario but i have records of employment from my previous work can i use that one to claim another?
Can you buy/insure a car without a drivers license?
My bf and I are buying another car in November, which will be for my use when I get my full license (I currently only have my G1.) I would like to have it registered and insured in my name. Am I able to do this when I get the car or do I have to put it in his name and change it over when I get my full license? I live in Ontario. Thanks in advance.""
Can you buy multiple life insurance policies?
If one had a whole life insurance policy valued at $1M, and through a life settlement company sold it for $455K; could you essentially use those same funds to purchase another life insurance such as a universal life insurance policy for $1M?""
Do i Need Car Insurance?
If i drive my moms car and the car has insurance and my parents both do and i don't have my own and i get in a accident or get pulled over. what will happen to me and my parents? and also i am 16 and just got my license. my parents have AAA insurance and we live in Michigan. My parents do not want to add me on the policy, so can i still drive the car or can i get in big trouble?""
How much is the average car insurance if I'm 18?
How much is the average car insurance if I'm 18?
How much control does the government have over malpractice insurance policies?
Does our government determine the guidelines for malpractice insurance or is this strictly up to the Insurance companies and the states?
How much rental car insurance do I actually need?
I don't have stateside auto insurance. We are military living overseas. Renting a car in Hawaii and don't want to spend a fortune in rental car insurance but want to be covered.
Cheapest Auto Insurance Humanly Possible?
I am a college student living on campus and want to have a car but will not be driving it much at all. I am just looking for the most basic and least expensive auto insurance I can find. I am 19 with no tickets or accidents yada yada yada. Where can I find some cheap coverage?
Cheap on insurance motorcycles?
im looking for a sporty bike that wont kill me on insurance (only 22 yrs old). something that looks like a kawasaki ninja, or honda cbr. thanks""
Insurance: Possible to change title by deed poll to make insurance prices cheaper?
Insurance: Possible to change title by deed poll to make insurance prices cheaper? Im currently Mr X but if i changed my title by deed poll (UK) i would be Miss X and this makes my insurance more than 50% cheeper for my car? Think its possible and/or worth it?
""Modified Car, Insurance?""
I am a new driver and interested in buying a renault clio, however it has two things that might class it as being modified, lexus lights and a renault clio sport exaust. Would this affect insurance much, and is it worth not telling the insurance company about it?""
""How long, on average, does it take to learn to drive an automatic in the UK?""
I'm a US citizen, with a US driving licence. I've relocated to the UK recently, and need to learn to drive fast! I don't want to drive on my US licence cos the insurance costs too much. I've never driven a stick shift and think learning in an automatic will be easier. As I'm already used to driving an automatic and just need to learn the UK roads, how long do you think this will take? Anyone got any experience of this? Thanks for replies in advance !""
UK QUESTION classic bike insurance online?
What would you say is the best,in other words cheapest bike insurance places online for me in the uk. ebike just quoted me 74 quid was hoping for insurance for about 50 to be honest""
What is the average cost of health insurance for an infant/family plan?
What is the average cost of health insurance for an infant/family plan?
Insurance or Laywers Office??
Insurance or laywer payout? Not sure what to do at this stage. Insurers are willing to compensate me for a fall. Am getting conflicting advice. Some say go to laywer for sure, insurance will rip me off. Others say don't go to laywer as they will take a chunk of your compensation and you may be left with far less than the insurance offer. In general which one do you think accept, laywer or insurer""
Best car insurance for my children while they're at university?
My two children (aged 20 and 18) have gone to university this year. They've left their car (VW Polo) at home. What is the best way to insure this car now? It's only getting used when they pop home, and a bit more over Christmas and Easter, probably summer too. However I can't find any insurance that will take this into account. I've got my own car, so theirs is just sitting there for 8 or 9 months out of the year. Does anybody know of any insurance providers that will insure a car while taking this into account?""
Raise car insurance price?
I recently got a speeding ticket for $198. I've only been pulled over twice, once in 2006 and then this current occasion. I'm a college student and I'm very short on money and I'm unsure as to what to do. I've already saved $100 and when I get paid again, I'll save the remaining amount. However, I hadn't thought about traffic school just because it's about $30 for the class and then an additional $10 to get the certification sent to me and by that point, it'll be close to 30 days and I have to mail the ticket and payment out since I was pulled over in a different county. And, it would end up costing me more money in the end. I'd receive 4 points on my license without taking traffic school. How bad is 4 points? Will the points make my car insurance go up? What's the best thing to do in this situation?""
Insurance Cost Estimate For 16 Year Old With Sports Car?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old on Geico with a sports car compared to a sedan or something of that nature? To be more specific, what would be the average change in ...show more""
Can you have two different insurance policies on one car?
I am buying a car from my friend and I will have it paid off in August and the insurance will be in his name til August but I want to know if I can go ahead and get insurance in my name on the car in July while insurance is still goin to be on the car in his name as well. Is this possible?
apia travel insurance quote
apia travel insurance quote
Does your insurance go up?
If you park in a bus stop zone, in NYC, and get a ticket. Does your car insurance go up? What happens? I paid it off right away in like 2 hours, will there be something else?""
Where can i get cheap insurance?
I Would like to get a new auto insurance, where can i find cheap insurance? Thanks in advance""
Honda city - 4 wheeler insurance -?
for a new honda city 2012 model, what will be the yearly insurance for it. for 31 yr old with 2 yrs of 4 wheeler driving record how to shop for cheap 4 wheeler insurance...and what to look for while buying it this is in chennai -""
Car insurance for new driver?
I recently bought a car, its brand new but I don't own it yet I financied it so I don't have the title of the car yet. I was wondering if it would be easier and cheaper for me to go on my mom's insurance or should I get my own? I am 19 and girl I've only been driving for about 2 years and i got in an accident which was my fault in which I received a ticket but I am going to traffic school at the end of the month to get it off my record. Please help me! Any info on the sugject would be great!""
How would a company issue a W-2 to an employee for short term disability?
Is there a 1099 form that we can fill out for taxed disability? The insurance company will not issue the employee a W-2 because we are a small business. Thank you for any help!
Motorcycle insurance rate estimation?
I want basic liability insurance for a lower cc Honda Phantom, 700 cc tops. I am a 21 year old male who committed a DUI 2.5 years ago and is now alcohol-free. For that reason, I feel ...show more""
How much for Health Insurance?
I am turning 18 in 4 months. I am most likely going to be moving back with my father. I am currently under my mother's health insurance but it's only for certain doctors and I will be living in a different state as her, so I will need to get my own health insurance. How much would it be for Health Insurance for me. I have diabetes so I need to get it. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.""
Are we still to be free enough to decide we don't want health insurance?
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And it was, believe it or not, worse to watch the absolute calmness in which she declared willingness to decide this type of thing for us. If I don't want health insurance, or if I have enough $$$ to pay cash up front for all my bills, I don't want someone telling me I have to spend my money on their program. It's bad enough they spend my tax money stupidly, now this? What say you all?""
To HOLD a California Drivers License is it required to have insurance?
Argument with a coworker
Car insurance?
Ok, cheap me has been trying to find a second hand car (Opel corsa). Found one I might like at about 29k with a mileage of 167k on Carfind. Tried to get an eQuote from First for women - (I'm still waiting). Anyone could suggest any other reasonable insurance companies I could try? Or do any of you know how much I would be paying for insurance, just an estimate. Would also love some help with any other cars (preferably Opel corsa) at reasonable rates. Looking between 20-35k and no more than R800p/m. If anyone has info please contact me by email. Thank you PS: I'm in Johannesburg (Northen Suburbs)""
How much is insurance for a motorbike?
I am 18 years old, own a 125cc 2011 brand new honda cbr, currently m1 license holder. Live in the suburbs, so not a lot of traffic. That's all the info I can think of that's relvent. So can anyone with information tell me how much insurance might cost a month?""
Is there a way to decrease my Car insurance coverage?
i recently just bought a 2004 jaguar x-type for 12,800 with warranty included.payments is 250 a month.but car insurance is 480 a month! is there something is there a way of avoiding paying that much pay that much in car insurance..im 21 and i would like to no if i really need my car to be fully covered or can i just put the car in under there coverage. Plus i don't have the best driving record.""
What does insurance loss mean?
I am doing a project on insurance loss ratings, but I do not know what they mean. If I said a Grand Vitara SUV had an insurance loss rating of 119, what would that mean from the point of view of the insurance company?""
Which is the best childrens' insurance plans?
Please detail about both unit linked & regular insurance plans.
Please help first time traffic ticket In California?
So i got a ticket for no. Insurance on november and in the mail a citation of 859.00 due by dec. 10 dont have the money but i got insurance now..whats going to happen in court im very scared :/
How much does driving test cost in the uk and insurance for a 17 year old?
how much does driving test cost in the uk and insurance for a 17 year old and how many driving lessons should i take ?
Retiring at 62 need health insurance?
I live in Florida, work at Walmart. How can I get health insurance if I retire at age 62?""
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance?
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance and what is the success rate?
What car would be more expensive on insurance a impala or a charger?
What car would be more expensive on insurance a impala or a charger?
How much will insurance be for me per month for a used nissan 350z yr 2003-2004?(full coverage)?
I am 19yrs old and this will be my first car. My credit score is 662 and I work full time earning 9$ an hr for 2 yrs now. Will insurance be a lot for me? How much averagly? 200? 300? 400$? I need to know before I buy it from the dealer... thanks!
Is classic car insurance cheaper?
thinking about buying 1967 Camaro and was wondering if it was my primary vehicle would the car ins. be cheaper? Anyone know?
Can a car insurance company make up points on your license?
So in early march my apartment was raided for pot, and a 1/2 gram was found. I was convicted of possession of marijuana and as part of Michigan's driving laws even if the incident did not occur in a car your license is restricted for 6 months. Yesterday my mother (the insurance for the whole family is in her name) received a notice that i had 8 points on my license and my insurance rates would be raised. Confused about this i went to Sec of State and in fact found out that i have no points. I called Memic and explained this to them, they informed me that they do not use actual points, they use their system of points. For example OUID is a 6 point offense but they count it as 8 points. Passing a stopped school bus (which as far as i can tell is no points) they view as 8 points. My question is, can they do this? We are switching insurances next month due to cheaper rates but this seems like a shady business practice to me. Thanks for ur time!!! -Pat""
Question about Car Insurance Rates?
I'm 17 years old, and had my drivers license for about 2 months. Insurance rates are crazy high for me right now. I want to know how long will it take for the rates to lower? I have Allstate right now, but it might change, and I live in Florida if it affects anything. Thanks""
How much will my insurance go down if i am on my dads policy ?
Hi i have just passed my test and obviously looking to get a car, i will be most probably having a friends car as he is getting a new one, its a 1.6 W reg Citroen saxo, if i have my own insurance (third party only) its around 3500.00 which is well out of my price range, if i did go on to my dads or moms policy, how much less would it be roughly, my dad lives in a nice area but did lose his licence for 3 months a few years back, my mom lives in a mediocre area but has no points and no history of any problems, i am 19 and i work as a clerical officer if that helps at all :S""
Insurance Company sent me 2 checks?
So I recently got rear ended and the other party was at fault. I went to the appraiser that the all state agent had directed me to and had my car appraised. When I got my car appraised the appraiser wrote me a check then and there for the damages . Today I got a phone call from the insurance agent asking if my mailing address was correct and that they were going to mail me out a check for the damages that their appraiser had estimated. She never asked me once if I had already received a check for the damages.The appraiser made some kind of contact with allstate but I guess he never stated that he already had written me a check. Is it a crime if I cash both checks?
apia travel insurance quote
apia travel insurance quote
Do I need to switch car insurance for being out of state temperaily? Am I still covered?
I have car insurance in Florida, but I'm going to be going to school in New Jersey for probably for 2 years. Do I need to switch my car insurance or will I still be covered under FL rates? My DL has my Florida address and my car is registered in Florida. I plan on going back, so what should I do? Thanks (I'm with State Farm BTW)""
Which older cars are group 1 0r 2 insurance?
i need to buy a new car as i now have 1 0r 2 points im only looking at paying about 500 pound but i need something really low insurance as its costing me a small fortune
What happens if u get caught driving alone on a permit in California?
So last night, I was stupid enough to go out and get food on my permit around 8pm alone. I also forgot to turn on my headlights, I thought I turned them on but apparently I only turned on my parking lights. And I got pulled over, he gave me a ticket for 12500(a) cvc for unlicensed driver, and 24250 cvc for driving with no headlights at night. I wasn't driving bad, I just didn't have my headlights on. I have to show up to court next month, what is going to happen?... I live in California. Thanks. AND JUST WONDERING, WILL IT SHOW UP AS A POINT ON MY RECORD? AND HOW MUCH WILL THE INSURANCE RISE?""
Is health care in the US affordable to everyone?
If not, then why is so many people opposed to free universal health care like in France, UK, etc? How many of you can pay $100 doctor visits or (god forbid) $500,000 surgeries, not counting expensive prescriptions?""
How much is the insurance for a business property (15000 sq ft)?
what is the average quote? it doesnt need to be exact
How much would the nissan altima coupe's insurance cost per year?
Prescott Valley, AZ""
Need Health Insurance Advice: Colorado?
Question I had a shoulder injury while weight lifting last November. I recently graduated and my school's health insurance is going to end soon, and I need health insurance to help pay for a possible MRI/surgery down the road. Or even more PT. I don't have much experience with health insurance because I never get sick or had injuries before so I need advice on what to look for in the policy. Do health insurance generally allow pre-existing shoulder injuries to be covered?""
""If i get a speeding ticket, will i receive a notice from insurance?
So i got a speeding ticket in CA. I got the ticket in the mail and payed it and am now going to traffic school so that my insurance wont go up. Will the insurance company send me a notice regarding the ticket even if my rates don't go up?
Cost to insure 2013 honda civic si?
Cost to insure 2013 honda civic si?
Car insurance for 15 year old?
I'm 15 and I am getting my permit in 1 month. Since I am female the rate will go up to about 50%. My mom makes good money but I don't think it's fair for here to have to pay that for me. I live in California and I want to try to get a job to pay for the car insurance. I haven't really looked I only looked for stuff online. I don't really want to baby sit or mow lawns, I want to work at a place that provides a paycheck (even though I would probably make more money doing those things). Any suggestions?""
Anyone know the best insurance companies for young drivers?
I know obviously insurance for the young is gonna get rocket high anyway compared to older people for the same old 'statistical' reasons as always although I don't intentionally drive like an idiot or least intend never to and I do take safety as a big priority and everything, I've passed my test just over 2 years ago with a clean license but still find insurance even for my micra (1 litre 1994 M Reg) costing me a minimum average of 1000 annually, and just below a grand like 900-950ish is roughly the best I've got for my micra from directline but wondering if anyone would know anyone better cost wise? Also why is there so much discrimination against young/new drivers when its actually only the small minority who take the worse of risks and drive like w*****s making it sky high expensive for the rest of us, I can understand it may be statistic but unless u actualy do drive like a so and so I don't see why 'everyone' should be punished with rip off premiums for the sake of the minority number of idiots""
Best way to file claim for Allstate home owner's insurance?
My husband and I have minor storm damage to the roof over our master bedroom. And now water has managed to get into the wall and is making the sheet rock bubble up, as well as causing cracks in the ceiling in that one particular spot. Allstate sent an insurance agent out and they said that after our $1,000 deductible they are only willing to pay about $400 over the cost to fix it. So...should I get a contractor to assess and give me a quote, and then re-file a claim with the insurance adjuster? If so, how should I go about doing that?""
Kit Car Insurance?
How does insurance for a kit car work? I realize you have to specially register it and so forth, but are you charged for a 1986 Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, etc, or is it based on what the engine/chasis/etc came out of?""
About how much will my car insurance be?
1. have had my license for 3 years now 2. never had insurance before, because I never needed to drive (until now)...so I guess that I can be considered a new driver ??? 3. BRAND NEW Honda Civic//4 doors 4. I am in college right now. 5. in California ABOUT how much will my insurance be, (FULL insurance), for 6 months, or a year?""
Can someone ballpark what car insurance would cost for a 16 year old male with a jeep cheroke?
Can someone ballpark what car insurance would cost for a 16 year old male with a jeep cheroke?
OMG my insurance is over 3 grand and that was the cheapest?
has anyone got a dd or driving with no license or insurance and then got a license ??? who did you insure with? i cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp.........
I'm 19 years old and I need insurance. How do I go about getting it?
I need cheap or free insurance
""Friend hit my car, will my insurance go up?
Alright well tonight I was doing some work on my friends car so I had his car up on some ramps and my car was parked behind. Well for some reason he felt it nessessary to back up as far as he could from the ramps and ended up backing right up into my car. It damaged the bumper pretty well so i'd like to have it repaired. My questions are one will my insurance rise if I get it repaired under his insurance? And will his insurance go up because of it? If so how much? I live in Arizona if that is of any help
Car insurance cost in UK... seems too expensive?
I was planning to buy a car in UK. Initially I was planning to buy a high end car but a friend of mine suggested to get a small engine car to get cheap insurance. I am new to UK - have been driving cars in India for over 10 years but the insurance was in dad's name so dun have any no claim bonus. When I compare insurance cost online I don't find much difference between a small car and a big one. Even the cheapest car costs about 2000/= to insure for the first year (for a new driver with no NCB). I don't quite understand it - are theses quote real? Any suggestion for me? New or used? Big or Small? My top concern is cost of insurance.
I need a home insurance company that will insure me with a criminal conviction for theft in 2008?
apparently if i received a fine makes a difference which i did....i have tried call connections and direct choice....please help P.S what do i do if no-one will insure me....i thought it was against the law not to have home insurance
I aged out of Medicaid 21 yr old male no insurance?
I no longer have health insurance because I'm 21 years old. My mom gets medicaid because of a disability and my sister gets medicaid because she is 19 yrs old. My family is labeled as low-income, and I can't afford private health insurance. What can I do to receive free health insurance. I live with my mother and sister. I'm a full time college student with a little part time job. Am I out of luck?""
Should I buy car insurance or not?
I am a teenage driver of 16. Insurance is very high for a teenager. My parents have Allstate Car Insurance for four of their cars including a Toyota Corolla which im going to be driving. The Corolla is covered by AllState insurance. I have a California Driver's License and live in California. About 6 months ago, my mom asked the insurance company whether the insurance would cover the car if she lent the car to someone and the insurance company said that they would cover the car as soon as the person who borrowed the car has a VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I have a valid drivers license but I am under 18 (I am 16). The insurance person did not say anything about age. My question is whether it is necessary or not to buy insurance for myself. It will be very expensive and I do not want to pay for it but I will If i have to. Do I have to get my own insurance for the car or not? If I dont buy insurance and I drive the corolla and get pulled over, am I okay or will I have problems?""
Will insurance company pay for damages on my car if i have a suspended license and it was other drivers fault?
I got into a car accident it was the other drivers fault but I had no insurance and a suspended license. I want to know if the other drivers insurance company will cover it the damages to my car? No ugly answers please. I already know I shouldn't have been driving.
Motorcycle Insurance Companies Question?
My father has his bike insured with a certain company. Another company has cheaper insurance for me on that bike than his does. Is it possible for me to buy my own policy from a separate company without affecting his coverage?
What kind of insurance will cover rhinoplasty pertaining to broken nose?
My nose broke and now I have what the doctor told is called Saddle Nose. He said there is no rush, but I have some difficulty breathing and it is somewhat deformed. I have University of California health insurance, will this help? How should I get this procedure done for the most inexpensive cost? Any insurance experts?""
apia travel insurance quote
apia travel insurance quote
0 notes
insurance for 15 year old driver
"insurance for 15 year old driver
insurance for 15 year old driver
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do insurance rates go up if you put a turbo kit on a car?
does the insurance company need to know
How much does the insurance cost on a 50cc 50km/h moped for a 16 year old?
I will probably get a CBT whatever that is - and could someone please tell me the usual pricing for provisional cat P motorcycle licence and the full one... thanks
I am low income. Do I have to get health insurance?
I am a poor 30 year old guy going to school full time. I do not have health insurance. I live in Virginia. I make under $9,000 a year and Virginia does not expand Medicaid. What do I do? I am too poor to get health insurance at full price! :(""
What car would be more expensive on insurance a impala or a charger?
What car would be more expensive on insurance a impala or a charger?
How much does the insurance pay for inconvenience fees?
I was in a wreck the other day and it was the person's fault who hit me. My car is totaled. She was fine and all i had was a cut and i went to the ER and they did xrays and they took out a piece of glass. Her insurance company is pretty good they already have me a rental car and they are buying me a new car and they are even giving me cash for maintenance costs and stuff I've done to my car in the past 6 months and then they said that they are paying inconvenience fees for having to go to the hospital. They have already paid for the xrays and the bills for the hospital so why are they giving me more money for this 'inconvenience fee' and how much will it be? Thanks
Where do I but non car owner insurance?
I need to get my licence and here in NC they require you to have insurance to get your licence wher do I go to buy non car owners insurance at the best price?
Insurance question??
Could i have a vehicle put in my name (because i make the payments).And the insurance in my girlfriends name (because its cheaper) in the state of ky?
Which New York insurance is high?
I've heard New York insurance is high, but which one? Car, house, etc.? And why is it so high?""
Does driving school affect insurance rates when over 21 in Massachusetts?
I am 21 and have never held a drivers license before. I would like to get it now, but I do not want to take the classroom portion of driving school, just the road lessons. However, my father would add me to his insurance plan since I'm still living with him until I complete college and grad school. He is worried about insurance rates being too high without driving school. Would this affect my insurance rates since I am over 21?""
""I am 15 and will be 16 in early October, today i got my national insurance number. Does this mean i can work?
I was just wondering now i have my national insurance number if i could start applying for some Saturday jobs?
Insurance for Mustang v6 2014 for 18 year old?
Hi , I'm planning to get a Mustang v6 premium 2014, I'm an international student with 3.7 GPA in High-school I have a clean record even in my country ( no accidents or tickets ) I know it's not possible to get a real accurate estimate but what I want to know if it would exceed 200$ a month ?""
What does full coverage means to car insurance?
What does full coverage means to car insurance?
How much is insurance for a mustang in florida?
I'm a new driver but my insurance is going in my brother's name who is an experiance driver, how much would insurance cost""
How can I get affordable health insurance with a preexisting condition?
My fiance has Hep C and is actually in very good health otherwise.... Kaiser will not take us with his pre existing condition, and some of the prices I have seen are through the ...show more""
Is it easy for a new driver to get car insurance?
I just recently got my license im 21 would it be easy for me to get insurance what are they going to look at.I dont want to use my parents car insurance i want my own for indep reasons.Is it true they look at education
Can you give me a list of car insurance comparison sites please?
Can you give me a list of car insurance comparison sites please?
Car insurance rates for honda civic lx?
hello, trying to get my own car, and i found a 2002 honda civic down the street from me for 4,000, im 17 (male) in CA and have been driving for over a year now, i have one speeding ticket and was unable to go to traffic school to erase my point(s) unfortunately can anybody tell me an estimate on insurance rates for this car? or the cheapest way to insure this car for me any help would be great!""
Which insurance company offer the lowest price to insure my car? I have a Ford contour 2000 y.?
i need for emergency to insure my car in the cheapest way-very important.That's why i need the best offers from insurance Companyes
Does anyone know where I can find Ensure for cheap?
My step dad is going through treatments for pancreatic cancer and his doctor wants him to drink 3 bottles of Ensure a day. This is really starting to push on them financially what with his treatments, hospital bills, medication, ect. So my mom is looking to see if she can find it cheaper somewhere online or in a store or something. Anyone have any suggestions or ideas? Thanks""
I'm 24 yrs old. should I get whole life or term insurance?
Currently I have no children yet, what's best for me?""
How much should aircraft rental insurance cost for an average small plane?
Just doing some budgeting / planning and wondering what rental insurance runs on small planes? Also, should I get that during my flight training or just once I'm out on my own? The FBO insurance only covers their own planes, not a multi-million dollar jet you bump into as far as I know. I would most likely be renting a Piper Archer II from the 70s, probably a $80,000 plane.""
Where can i get extremely cheap car insurance for a 17 year old student?
i have recently passed my drivin test and i am looking for cheap car insurance...everywhere i look its is way too exspensive....if any1 could help me out please do.....this doin my head in now...thanks for any help given
Lowest priced liability insurance in Texas?
I need only the bare minimum required by law. Have had only one ticked in the last 5 years. Live in Anderson County. Geico is a joke.
What is the price of insurance on a 1990 pontiac firebird?
I am 16 years old and just got my license. I am looking to buy a 1990 pontiac firebird. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for a new driver.
How much roughly will it cost me to get insure on a Volkswagen Golf?
I'm a 17 year old boy, just wanting a ROUGH ESTIMATE on how much it will cost me to get insured on a Volkswagen Golf 1.8 litre.""
insurance for 15 year old driver
insurance for 15 year old driver
Insurance: Can i??????
Can i start my own insurance company and insure my own car and thats it?
""No health insurance, what can I do?""
My ex is responsible to provide health insurance for our 9 year old daughter but due to switching jobs no longer has insurance and hasn't since November. If our daughter got sick what are my options for healthcare, could I have them send the bill to my ex? I live in California.""
How much would insurance cost around for a 2002 ford explorer for a 16 year old?
please don't tell me it depends and such...i just want a range Thanks
How much would insurance be for a 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c?
How much would insurance be for a 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c?
Cheap car insurance for 20 year old?
im new to this im 20 getting my license in ont canada and need insurance i am very cheap will be buying a car 500-700$ and want the cheapest insurance possable il fix my own car if its possible i just want to be legal cause insurance is ridiculous ty everyone
Is insurance cheaper on a car with a warranty?
I'm looking for my first car, and i was just wondering about insurance It's either between a 2007 tiburon that has a 10 year drivetrain warranty, and like a 5 year basic warranty A dodge charger (warranty would be gone) or maybe a mustang (I know insurance will be high on that) I was looking into the charger, because well, its the coolest of the three and also insurance would be cheaper than the mustang because it has 4 doors. If the warranty affects the insurance, that may be a deciding factor""
Can i get Money back from my car insurance company?
I paid my 1 year car insurance, my insurance started in january, im planning to sell my car in august. can i get any money back from my insurer? I am 23 and Paid around 1200 Thanks""
Buying health insurance?
im 20 and going into an ems training program. because im not going to college anymore, i wont be on my parents insurance. how do i find an insurance that will cover the meds i take with out paying my left arm? prozac buspar lithium seroquel b/c""
hey, I was wondering what company would give life insurance to a 52 year old male, avid smoker, avid wine drinker, 185 pounds, and about 5' 6 ish? Or where should we look for it? thanks""
Auto insurance question -- Florida?
My daughter can't really afford the insurance on her car; it's a 2003 Jetta and if she keeps it she will probably have to do a certain amount of repairs. Right now she has full coverage but is considering dropping the collision to lower the cost. If, God forbid, she should get into an accident without collision coverage, could she sue the other driver to repair or replace the car? Would she be likely to be successful? I am not hopeful of anything like that happening, believe me, but you just don't want to lose your investment especially if you have spent a lot on repairs. Thanks in advance for any insights.""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
What are some good dental insurance carriers with affordable premiums and copayments?
I live in Southern California ( High Desert area ) and I am looking for a good dental plan and dental carrier with affordable premiums and copayments. I need mostly restorative dental work, like replace too llings, bridges, crowns, root canal and braces.... I currently have Kaiser medical insurance and would like to try Kaiser dental and I am also considering Aflac or Delta Dental.... anyone have experience with any of these carriers or have any good advice for me? Thanks in advance!!""
Does state farm insurance cover rental cars if you car gets stolen?
I do have full coverage on the car that was stolen ,but does rental coverage come standard on full coverage insurance?""
Which car insurance companies only ask for 3 years convictions?
Can anyone give me a of list of car insurance companies which only ask for 3 years of convictions...? I have 6 points, I'm 22, passed my test 3 months ago, and accumulated these points 3 years and 2 months ago... Catch my drift? :)""
""My brother wrecked my car and the Insurance wont cover it, what can I do?
While I was out of the country my brother wrecked my car and the insurance company wont cover it. I have full coverage and my brother had my permission to be driving my car so how can they refuse to pay?
How much is comprehensive insurance for a Kawasaki ninja 250r?
I'm 20, never had a crash nor any fines, am on my graded license (just off l's) have done rider safety courses and have a 2008 Kawasaki ninja 250r and live in queensland (australia). i just want to get a general idea of the cost""
How much do you pay for insurance for your car?
How much do you pay for insurance for your car?
Child only health insurance?
I have done some research and haven't been able to find any decent child only insurance. My daughter is four months old, and we are looking to insure her in the state of Connecticut. What insurance companies supply insurance for just her? Thanks!""
Passed driving test recently... going on parents insurance question?
Hi, I passed my driving test last week and have been looking at insurances and they average around 8000, even on my parents car.... they are on admiral multi car one has a 2009 ford fiesta Ztec and another a 2010 ford mondeo.. But my dad who has the mondeo was quoted 2000 for me to be on his insurance and my mam with the fiesta was quoted 3500. What is the best things to do, insurance company to look at and ways to get the price down somehow""
Does anybody know where i can get very cheap car insurance?
i am a 17 year old driving who own a Tax Exempt Landrover. I have been quoted 3000 just about everywhere. I know that this should not be the price for a car made in 1972. could anybody help?
Car insurance in Florida....?
Ok i will be 18 in like 10 days. I am a male and have had my license for about 4 months. I am currently paying about 270 a month for my insurance. This is on my parents policy. Does Anyone know any cheaper insurance (me on my own policy)? Please help. I do not need full coverage. I have a 96 mazda already paid off. I just want basic. Please help.
What should i expect in a auto accident and insurance settlement?
I was hit from behind on Wednesday evening heading to work. The driver was ticketed by the police and their insurance company has admitted full liability. Injury wise, I have whiplash which thankfully, is going away now. My car, according to their adjuster, is going to be claimed as totaled. So, my car is valued at 7400, and repairs just from visual inspection, are 7015. So they are going the totaled route as its cheaper for them. After they buy the car from me, they will sell it to salvage, expect to get 2k from it, and only be out 5400 instead of a full cost of repairs. So I've had the car for a year and half, taken out on a 5yr car loan. I still owe 12k on it. After they cut a check to the lean holder, I'm still responsible for 5k on that loan. The bank and my insurance at the time didn't offer gap insurance. Stupid of me, I let my current policy expire to search around for a more affordable policy. I kept procrastinating, and the accident happened with me having no insurance. Lucky he hit me and is at fault. I'm trying to see what my options are. I've gone to the liable company's website and see their basic plan for my state, law requires 25k in property liability for at fault accidents, plus medical etc. So I'm wondering what should I expect from the lady handling this claim. I'm not fooled when she called me yesterday and said that she is here to work with and for me. Saying that there is probably a lot of talk about lawyers, just know they will take 30-40% of you settlement. Know that I'm here to work for you, try to work with me I'm thinking my head total bull crap. 1, she works for her insurance company first, and will have their interest first, 2, she works for their client and to protect them from me in a suit. In the end, I'm not stuck with a car that they will not fully pay to have repaired, and will still owe 5k after they pay the loan holder the value of the car. My credit is damaged and getting a new loan is probably not going to happen easily. I really don't want to get a lawyer but I now have a car sitting in my driveway that I can't use plus a balance in the end. Anyone got some suggestions as to what I should realistically expect. The lady mentioned a liability settlement, repair settlement, medical expenses settlement, and personal injury settlement. I'm not out to make money on this as that just will not happen. But I have no car and will owe 5k still. I'm just like...f**k""
Buying used car. What do I do for insurance?
I'm buying a new car today and I was wondering if I could drive it home (~2miles) without insurance. If not, what do I do? Thanks""
Which is the best insurance company for an 18 year old male driver?
Hey, I'm an 18 year old boy (hurdle #1) and live in South-East London (hurdle #2) and I've had my license for a month now (hurdle #3!) and just bought my VW Polo 999cc (999cc!!)..I CANNOT for the life of me find a decent insurance quote I mean i'm in full-time employment but still most of the quotes I've been given are more than half my annual salary! Public transport is NOT an option because of the shifts I've been given..I've tried the young drivers' insurance with people like Co-Op and InsureTheBox but they're not much different to anyone else.. So, if ANYONE has ANY advice/anecdotes they could share, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance (:""
Best Insurance cover for 18 years?
Kindly tell me a way so that I can ensure a fix monthly income of 20,000 Rs. What is the easiest way to achieve this ? MF ? LIC ? What should be my investment every month and for how many months ? Thanks..""
insurance for 15 year old driver
insurance for 15 year old driver
How much would it cost to insure a used Aston Martin Vantage?
I have decided to get the Aston Martin Vantage (Used). it is around 34000. My salary is around 30,000 a year. I was wondering if insurance is expensive?""
Am I covered by my car insurance if I park illegally?
I park my car on a Bridleway the Police say it is illegal but they class it as parking so will not touch me the Council will not touch me either as they cannot apply any laws as there are no kerbs. My question is if a Horse injury's itself due to my car being there or a person hurts themselves,or causes them to be injured whilst negotiating my car am I covered by my insurance as I am illegally parked.""
Will lawmakers eventually create a national health insurance exchange instead of the state based exchanges?
Also, is it possible still for health insurance companies to be given the freedom to sell their policies across state lines?""
Bmw insurance?
im almost 16, and for my birthday im getting a 10 year old bmw. any idea on what the insurance will be?""
Health insurance For Football?
I'm going to play football in highschool soon. And i was wondering if i needed health insurance to play or its not required?
Cheapest cars to get insurance on in the uk?
im a 17 year old boy i dont want something chavy like a corsa i want a vw
Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ?
Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ?
Has anyone used Canadian Direct Insurance and experienced any issues or problems?
They offer great rates for auto insurance but before considering switching to them I'm curious as to whether other people in Alberta or British Columbia have had pleasant or unpleasant experiences with them.
About getting a motorcycle license in CA..?
Hi,i have few questions about motorcycle: 1.If i already have a C license,do i still need to take the written test at DMV again? 2.Where can i go for the training lesson?? ( at San Francisco or bay area) 3.Which transmission i should learn first? 4.What are the brands of motorcycle other than harley davidson are popular in the US? 5. What is the approximate cost of the insurance?""
Car insurance help? ?
Car insurance for a school permit? my question involves teen drivers and insurance i am a 15 year old in iowa, i would like to get a school permit (in iowa, this allows me to drive to and from school over the most direct route without an adult in the vehicle)because of the many extracurriculars I'm involved with. my dad was wondering though if it would be very expensive to get me on the insurance plan. here are some factors -we are with westfield insurrance -I'm a 15 year old girl -honor student -passed drivers ed with an A -my parents work at the school, so i would catch a ride when i could with them, i would only probably use the school permit for late night or early morning practices (i mention this because i read that if a person only drives occasionally it could lower costs slightly? ) -never been in an accident or been pulled over -i wouldn't be driving a fast car, probably our van or pontiac grand am any estimates on costs? my dad said that i wouldn't be able to get on the insurance if it was 100 or more $ a year, so if you could give me some suggestions on how to lower it or any tips at all, i would really appreciate it""
Traffic ticket gave the officer wrong car insurance?
I got my first traffic ticket yesterday my frist violation is i forgot to put a sticker on my car... And the secon violation i gave him the wrong (expired) car insurance instead of ...show more
Can an insurance company buy off and tow my car?
some construction company hit my car. the estimate repair is 2400.00 my car in kellybluebook is 1600.00, they said they could either write me a check of 1000.00 or their insurance if going to tow my car and give me what they think is worth. can an insure really do that? can't they just repair my car and give me a rental until i get it repaired? what should i do the accident happened 6/26/13""
Insurance cost on Audi TT 16yr?
I currently drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee (2002) to and from school but im in need of something that gets better gas mileage... I am currently very interested in an Audi TT because it is an inexpensive fun looking car and gets approx 28mpg. I am looking for around a 2000-2002 model Hard Top. How much would insurance cost for a 16yr Male Good Student while driving an Audi TT? Is there a huge difference between that and driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee? Thank You
Is auto insurance cheaper in Texas than California?
Is auto insurance cheaper in Texas than California?
What would be the insurance on these cars?
What would be the insurance costs for a 16 year old girl for a Nissan Altima 2013 2.5 SV, a 2013 mustang v6 and 2013 honda crv EX? Or what are good websites to price it at?""
How can i finance a car and pay insurance? help?
hi, im an 18 year old student, i work part-time and make around 400-500 a month after tax. im looking to buy a car (doesnt have to be brand new) for less than 4k and insurance is ...show more""
My new job has a waiting period of three months for health insurance but we need medical treatment now!?
My wife has been having serious difficulties with her joints, fatigue, etc. Got bad enough that she ended up losing her job. Doctor told her a couple weeks ago she has rheumatoid ...show more""
Car insurance?
i have a license and live in CT and i have a question about insurance the web page says the vehicles should be insured. my dad and mom have insurance for their them but i dont so i dont have to get insurance because the vehicle is insured? or everyone should have insurance who drives on the road?
""California insurance agent icensing question: there are four categories: Life, Fire & Casuality, ....?""
Personal Lines, and Bail. What does a Personal Lines Broker-Agent do/sell? I think the Life agent can sell health insurance and life? Fire sounds like fire insurance (duh) but that Personal Lines throws me. Any help?""
Which Term Life Insurance Company to Choose and what term is best?
For a 48 year old lady. Agent is pushing North Western. Looked at some data. NW is rated okay. But their mortality margin is lowest at 14.09% in comparison to AIG's 73.07%. Huge difference. NW pays highest dividend to policy owners. Last 5 years average was $4791/year as against $1000 for AIG or MetLife. In general which company is better? Which is lowest in cost? What term? 20 or 30 years? I can always reduce the amount insured and extend the period. Thanks in advance for your answers.
Help!! price of insurance?
i would like to know how certain factors determine the price of insurance. 1) how does costs affect the price of insurance 2) how does amount of claims affect the price of insurance 3) how does risk levels affect the price of insurance 4) how does predictability of risk affect the price of insurance 5) how does return from investments affect the price of insurance 6) how does level of interest rates affect the price of insurance 7) how does profit margin affect the price of insurance 8) how does competition affect the price of insurance 9) how does goverment regulation affect the price of insurance
Questions bout unemployment insurance in California?
If I get layoff, i was making $2500 before taxes per month for 40 hours a week, how much would I get from the unemployment insurance?""
Why is my car insurance so expensive? Give me a GOOD reason why.?
I have my driving test tomorrow, looking forward to it, but car insurance for a car which is worth 200, the car insurance comes from 2500 - 4000. Why on earth does it come to this??!! Insurance companies are all sharks. No wonder so many people are uninsured.""
Car insurance for Chevy avalanche? ?
When I turn 17 I really want to get a used Chevy Avalanche but wanted to know if the insurance will be expensive. Please help! Thanks :)
What kind of health insurance is out there for someone in their 50s in California with no or low income?
My mom doesn't have a job, but needs health insurance. I can pay it for her, but is there health insurance with decent coverage that is particularly for people with no income or low income?""
insurance for 15 year old driver
insurance for 15 year old driver
Car Insurance Groups?
I've noticed that Car's fall into different Insurance Groups. For example a Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) falls into Insurance Group 8. What do the different Insurance Groups define? The Cost.. or are they just to categorize the car?
Insurance for motorcycle rates.?
Since others said there are to many variables i'll list out as many as I can that they stated . Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 will be parked in a small garage, I will be getting a BCR licence to go with it, and I live in Zion, Illinois. The use of the motorcycle will be to get me from home to school which is only a mile and to get me to a job that is within 10 miles. I'll be 16 when I buy it and I don't plan on doing any sport racing or stunts so whats a rough estimate, once again without the referral of a website quote.""
""What is your opinion of this article: how some people who can't afford insurance, can afford things like?""
Excerpts: The following items were commonly seen on patients or carried by their dependent children, who were also covered by subsidized programs: * Cell phones and ...show more""
""Were and how I can get car insurance in Europe for my american car, and how much is that( annually)?""
I would like to drive my car all over the Europe, but were I can obtail insurance ( green card ) for EU""
""Car Insurance, will it go up IF?""
Right.. well im gonna be able to drive the end of this year.. and i want to get a Vauxhall Astra Estate and make a few changes.. for Example: GSI front bumper Exhuast GSI alloy wheels possibly a new spray of paint leather seats new head lights Will the insurance go up if i do these things? i know its going to be high anyway because im a new driver.. but i wanna know if it will go up anymore and roughly by how much, and if anyone could just give me a general list of things i have to tell the insurance company if i change anything on the vehicle. Thanks!""
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
Could a car insurance agent please answer my question?
I live in CA. I have Mercury insurance. I had 3 old cars on my policy which was too expensive so I sold 2 of them. I was paying $273 monthly automatically deducted from my bank on the 21st of every month. I sold the first car Jan. 29th. On Jan. 30th I took release of liability to AAA DMV and then to my insurance agent asking for the car to be removed from the policy. On February 10th I sold the second car. I took the release form to AAA DMV then straight to the agent asking for release. When I look at my policy deducting the 2 cars my insurance should be about $180 per month. They tell me it will be about $210 per month. Today rolls around, I check my bank account and they have deducted $273 from my checking. I call the 800 number for Mercury. They tell me it needed to be in by February 5th in order to make the billing deadline. Then they said they will NOT refund the money they removed from my account or prorate because under writing takes time. Is this legal??????""
Auto insurance..??
I'm trying to get just PL&PD, and the insurance websites are really hard for me to understand at the moment... I'm 19, just got my license, no experience on the road good or bad, good grades, and my car is a '96 Ford Taurus... about how much will my insurance be?? just a guess is what I want, and also if you have what company you got your estimate from, that would be really nice. Thanks :)""
Who can suggest an affordable Health Insurance Company in California???
Need to find afforadble health care and fast...
How to terminate my insurance policy?
i've 2 policy insurance, life policy & investing policy. now i have finance problem, i really cannot afford the premium. so i want to terminate either one of these 2 policy. if i terminated it, can i get all back my premium that i've paid during this few years?""
Insurance and juniors lisence?
My son just got his Jr's license will my insurance go up? Or does he need a Senior license for that
Does the colour of a car affect the price of Car Insurance ?
Thanks for all answers in advance :-)
Can you buy multiple life insurance policies?
If one had a whole life insurance policy valued at $1M, and through a life settlement company sold it for $455K; could you essentially use those same funds to purchase another life insurance such as a universal life insurance policy for $1M?""
How quick is an auto insurance company to drop you?
I have had 3 claims in 4 years, however, only 1 claim with my current insurance company. None of the three claims were huge...one wasn't even my fault, I was the victim of a hit and run. Anyway...How does getting dropped work? How frequently do you have to wreck, how many wrecks give you a high wreck average ?? As a side note...i've never received traffic ticket, so I'm clean in that area...""
How much auto insurance should I carry?
Is it true that depending on your net worth, you should get more or less auto insurance? I'm a college student so I only work part-time and only have a modest amount saved up. The value of my car is about $4000. Right now I have 50000/100000 for injury, 50000 property damage, and 50000/100000 for uninsured or under-insured motorists. I have no comprehensive or collision coverage. I can not afford those. But liability wise, am I good or would it be OK to buy less or should I buy more auto insurance? I am not on my mother's insurance policy because with her being in another state, and the car being garaged with me, it's not worth it and I'm not sure if it's possible""
""On average, how much does SR22 insurance cost in Colorado?""
My boyfriend got a DWAI about 3 years ago, he has (finally) decided that he wants to get his licence back, but we aren't sure how much the sr22 insurance usually costs...This was his only driving offense if that matters. Can anyone tell me an average price?""
How does it cost for insurance on a sports car?
How does it cost for insurance on a sports car?
Is this car insurance quote cheap?
i am 23 no NCB held full uk licence for 2 year 8 months and i am a hire car driver so have alot of driver experience ie drive average of 10 vehicles a day from small cars to luxury 4x4s and vans got a quote for a v-reg (1999) Peugeot 206 1.9 L Diesel 5 door for 1330.76 third party fire and theft is this a good quote or will i be able to get it down. i really want to buy this car so don't want to hear things like try a smaller engine etc thanks
Omg what do i do my dad wont put me on his car insurance and im under 19 so it costs more?
k so i am 18 years old i dont drink,smoke or do anything bad i am about to get a job that requires to me to drivee in order to be there on time. i have my permit, but my dad WILL NOT LET ME DRIVE. he thinks im crazy, and psychotic and i don't know what to do. i saved up enough money to buy a cheap 1000 car, but i need somebody to take me to get it. also he wont let me practice driving and i have a test for my license in february. im never gonna get it im gonna be a failure all b/c of him!!!! please tell me what i can do. oh also u have to be 21, in order to get ur license w/o parent/guardian consent. and i have no friends to drive me cause i just changed schools. i have no ride anywhere and im getting pissed cause that moron is gonna make me live on the streets if i buy a car. but then again id rather buy a car and live in it then live with him my moms even worse shes getting rid of her old car cause her dad is givinhg her a lexus for free and shed rather get7000 grand for it then give it to me and its my bday this week lol and her cars worth 3000 but shes lying to me o well lol""
""How much would it cost to add me as another driver to my mom's insurance policy (for the same car, not my own)?""
She has Liberty Mutual in Massachusetts and her premium is around 500. I just got my license two weeks ago and don't have a car, but want to be added to the policy so if I want to borrow it I'm insured. So around how much would it be just to add my name as another driver do you think? And if I were to get my own car, around how much extra would it cost to be added to the same policy?""
Question about car title and insurance?
I am planning to buy a used car from someone. If I put my name under the title as buyer. Will I still be able to buy insurance under my dads name. I dunno how to explain this clearly but here is the deal. Since my dad been driving for many year insurance under his name will be cheaper. Thanks If I buy a car (and on the title I put myself as the buyer) Can I still have the car insurance using my dad's name?
New Driver Car Insurance?
Hi all, How does a new driver go about getting insured for the purchase of a new car? Having never been insured before, how would I go about legally driving away a car newly purchased? So the scenario is that I have sourced the market and located a car. It is a private sale or from a garage. I have never driven before and therefore never been insured on an vehicle. How do I go about ensuring that when I purchase the car I am legally insured/taxed? When looking online, they need all the details about the car before I can arrange insurance, but I cannot guarantee the details of the car until I have seen it in person, when I expect to make the purchase. Any advice/links would be great. Thanks""
Cheapest insurance company for young drivers?
Just wondering what the cheapest place for a young driver to get insurered is from people's experience, thank you""
Anybody have any reviews for GO AUTO INSURANCE? THANKS?
I am looking at purchasing full coverage on a new car and was wondering if anybody had any experiences with GO AUTO INSURANCE. This is a Louisiana Based Auto Insurance group and they currently have the lowest rates for the vehicle I want to insure. Thanks in advance!!
Is pregnancy considered a pre-existing condition in florida?
IM PREGNANT!!!! I am 7 weeks along and just found out! The problem is I start a new job next week and will not be eligible for insurance until after 90 days.. By then I will be over four months along and I'm not quite sure if they will accept me or if they will say that it is a pre-existing condition? So, my dilemma is either: pay out of pocket until my 90 days are up and hope they accept me OR apply for medicaid and use the health department? If it changes anything the insurance I would be applying for is Florida Hospital private owned insurance.""
insurance for 15 year old driver
insurance for 15 year old driver
0 notes
virginia insurance order 11607
"virginia insurance order 11607
virginia insurance order 11607
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Relief based health insurance in MN...please help?
I am considering garnishing wages of someone that I won a judgement against. The court administrator told me that the person is exempt if they are currently or have recently been a recepient of relief based on need. She could not answer whether or not MinnesotaCare (health insurance) is relief based. The insurance related examples listed on the form she gave me are: Medical Assistance, General Assistance, General Assistance Medical Care, and Emergency General Assistance. I know that Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare are separate things, but can anyone tell me if MNCare is considered relief based??""
MemberSelect Auto Insurance?
I have AAA right now and paying way more than I should-when I told them I was switching to progressive they wanted me to check out the quotes from their new insurance company-I have to say they're very competitive but I'm leary of going with a company I've never heard of...anyone a member of MemberSelect who can tell me about their experience?
What happens if you get pulled over with a suspended licence but you have SR-22 Insurance?
I live in California and these days its getting harder and harder to get away with things with DMV. Does anyone know what happens if you get pulled over with a suspended license? I received a DUI on March 1st 2007 and have been driving with out a license for almost 4 years but Ive always had insurance and registration, and now they have a completely different department for registration which slowed up the delivery of my 2011 tags. Now Im driving around with no tags, suspended registration, and suspended license but carrying SR-22 insurance. Its all in the mail and getting sorted out but with these furlough Fridays its slowed the process of obtaining everything even more. What happens if I get pulled over?""
Is It Fine to Do Online Payment Transfer for Impounded Car Insurance to a Company ?
Hi there, I am trying to put a question here for the yahoo community in a bit detail to give a clear picture of situation and try to get some useful information regarding it. What happened is my car got stopped over by police and towed away by their recovery van. Now i am getting an impounded car insurance to get it back ( Long story short , the car i was driving was without insurance as i had not received letter of my insurance cancellation and i was under the impression that i had insurance. By the way i had paid them in full for one year in advance and it was not a monthly direct debit payment ) I have searched and able to get a quote from two well know car insurance companies ( One of them is Impoundedcarinsurance.com and other is INSURENCE CHOICE ) and both companies are asking for DIRECT TRANSFER OF MONEY IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT as they don't accept Credit Cards and Debit cards for the payment of temporary insurance. Today i and yesterday, i spent my whole days to contact these companies and get information for method of payment. I have a few points here to ask and i am sure your valuable information will guide me to make a decision to buy the insurance for my impounded car. ->First of all, I called my previous company which cancelled my insurance to persuade them for a temporary insurance to get my IMPOUNDED CAR BACK, The customer assistant simply stated that none of their policies can be used to get an impounded car back from compound. So they don't provide temporary cover for impounded cars at all. -> The second and more important thing is as i stated before, i had called a couple of companies yesterday for impounded car insurance ( In-fact i googled Impounded car insurance in Uk on google and it gave the names of main companies on FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE ). If you would ever google Impounded Car Insurance , you would see one of them is INSURANCE CHOICE and they provide insurance for impounded car. -> And with that i called Insurance Choice today and spoke to the person who gave me the insurance quote yesterday for my impounded car and told me the method of payment as of Online Transfer to their account (Yesterday he told me that they don't take credit or debit card payment as mostly people take the insurance and get their car out of compound with the help of the insurance certificate and later on cancel the insurance giving the reason of unauthorized payment and hence claim the insurance money back, so that's why they do online transfer only). Today i was FRANK AND STRAIGHT TO HIM and told him about my question asked on different online forums and all the answers and suggestions which were discussed with me. I told him simply that it looked too suspicious to pay them by online transfer and hence i feared of losing my money and it can be a spam !!! -> Well the person there maintained and cleared his position by stating that He was going to give their company's sort code and Account number and it can be verified in the bank that what company the money is going to if i do online transfer ! Hence i had a record of payment to a CERTAIN COMPANY (Insurance Choice) for impounded car insurance and its all safe. So please advise in light of above mentioned discussion/inquiries that is it safe to deal with this company and do a payment transfer directly into their account. I have also mentioned this company's name as its on google for the authentication and i called on 01926 454 348 number which is on their page at http://www.insurance-choice.net/ppc/convicted/impound_insurance.php?gclid=CKHu1KKN2bwCFZShtAodWioATQ Please advise as this time is one of the difficult times of life ! Many Thanks.""
Which car insurance company is cheapest for 18 years old?
hi i live in texas and i was wondering which car insurance company is cheapest for me no car accident and no ticket at all if it is possible can you tell me how much you pay
Double health insurance legality?
I provide health insurance through my employer for my 2 girls, however, my ex-wife continues to use California Medicaid for their hospital and doctor visits without letting them know they are insured already. Is this allowed? I feel like she is somehow swindling California out of money?""
Advantage of auto insurance?
please provide me some information about auto insurance.
Would my insurance go up?
I got into an accident because it was raining and the floor was slippery I was going max25 and the car slipped to the side and fliped over. Im planing to get an infinity g37 2 door car. Would my insurance go up? I had an 2006 nissan fronteir.
How much would car insurance cost for a 20 yr old male?
Im a 20 yr old guy and I want to get a car but insurance costs scare me. how much is normal for a person like me to pay?
Cheap car insurance companies for young drivers? With a years no claim?
I'm 18 and my insurance went from 1300 to 1100 after a years no claim which would have just been affordable. However as I don't work for the police anymore and went back to college to get a levels, (being a student) it went up to 1700. What are really cheap insurance companies for young drivers? I have a years no claim discount...""
Whats the cheapest car and cheapest insurance for a 17 year old boy?
whats the cheapest car and cheapest insurance for a 17 year old boy i dont want Nissan micra something 1.2 and the car should be somewhere around 2500 its for my first car any advice
Estimate for car insurance for 18 year old?
I live in Houston tx, like the top said I am a 18 year old male, I have a 2012 ford mustang v6. It is paid off, and I want to sign over the car from my parents name to mine cause they live in a diffrent city but that means I would have to start paying for insurance. Which is fine but do any of y'all know about how much I would be paying. I will only want liability, or if I can afford it full coverage. I don't want to get quotes from the insurance companies themselves because after that they constantly email call and mail you stuff and its annoying. Anyways thanks for the help""
If I were to start an in home daycare... where is a good place to buy affordable liability insurance in CA?
If I were to start an in home daycare... where is a good place to buy affordable liability insurance in CA?
How can you justify paying this much for insurance?
my insurance was canceled on my a month ago so im shopping around. i have a friend who is a broker who recommended using progressive - for $711 a month. wtf. i have 1 speeding ticket, 1 minor traffic violation, and one comp claim. i used to have state farm and the most i ever paid was $240 a month. this is just wrong in all respects. how do they expect any 21 year old to pay that much? thats a rent payment. i have an 05 scion tc, im wondering if buying a cheap beater would affect the price at all.""
Where can i purchase insurance online?
Hello, im 23 and i would like to purchase non owner car insurance, because i always travel and rent car. So where can i find one online? Thanks""
How much car insurance will cost?
i m 28 year female. i bought a used car for $3000. i have new G2 driving licence which i got last month.i have driver trainning certificate too. can someone please tell me how much my car insurance will be? i tried quote online, but i m not getting correct amount. please some one give me a average monthly payment that would cost?""
My insurance say I have to pay for the other parties repair costs and hire costs?
Do I have to pay for their car hire costs? I thought their insurance paid for it as you have that option when purchasing insurance whether you want courtesy car or not?? please help
Car Insurance Question?
I live in Los Angeles and I am leaving the country for 6 month. Can I stop insurance of my car as no one will drive it? In case of theft how can I get it covered? Would the house insurance work in that case?
Will a first time speeding ticket in Missouri effect my insurance and i have Statefarm insurance?
Will a first time speeding ticket in Missouri effect my insurance and i have Statefarm insurance?
What is the cheapest reputable auto insurance out there?
Need full coverage.
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Does anyone in Las Vegas know where I can get Dirt cheap car insurance if so please provide a number and name.
Thanks for your help!!!
I got in to an accident will my insurance go up??
i live in canada i m 17 years old i m insured under my dads policy my dad only pays like 50 bucks per month because he never got into a accident for like 20 years and my insurance was same because i was the 2nd driver on the car but today i was backing up the call in the shopping malls parking lot and as i was backing it up i didnt really see back and on the sides properly so i hit the car from my back and their side i have like no damage on my car tat car got like few dents i m done with all the paper work collision center, police ,other party info, contacted my insurance etc but will my insurance go up now if yes how much i think their car will have damage up to 2500 and thats lil too much so how much will my insurance go up if i m paying 50 per month rite noe""
Will my insurance go up?
will my insurance go up if i got a ticket for carless operation? the officer said there wont be any points on my licence but if will my insurance go up? and will i get points on my insurance?
Cheap car with cheap insurance?
Im 18 and Ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a good car for around 2500. The cars with cheap insurance are more expensive and the cheap cars have a relatively high insurance cost. The budget for the insurance is not set but I don't want to pay a ridiculous price. Any suggestions on a perfect car which is in my budget but with a low insurance cost? P.S. I understand because im young the insurance will be expensive but if anyone has any advice on how to get cheaper insurance please let me know.
virginia insurance order 11607
virginia insurance order 11607
Where can i get affordable health insurance for someone with no kids?
Where can i get affordable health insurance for someone with no kids?
Is AETNA a good health insurance to get?
my benefits package came from work, it offers medical from Aetna is that a good health insurance provider? What about Guardian Plan ppo for Dental??""
Nippy car cheap to tax and insurance good on fuel!?
I have recently purchased a corsa 1.4 2008 and its very slow i used to have the corsa c 1.2 and it was quite nippy! I have been looking at an astra 1.9 sri cdti 120. insurance is a bit high! but i have seen a focus 1.8 zetec and a fiesta 1.6 zetec i have a max budget of 8000 thats with selling my car and money on top
Is Car Insurance quotes race-specific?
Where I live the 'minority races' and immigrants I asked how much car insurance they are paying because mine seemed steep were paying very little compared to me for the equivalent car - even though theyre new drivers. I have a clean licence since 1987. Are they less likely to have accidents? I dont believe this some of them only their God is keeping them from having accident. Or is to charge them too much being racist so we have to pay more insurance for them?
Can my car be on my parents car insurance?
Im 19 years old and im buying a car and would like to know if my car can be on my parents insurance. The car will be in my name only, my old car was in their names so therefore it was on the insurance. I have been under their insurance for the past 3 years. i would like to know if im able to be under my parents insurance.""
Anyone know of cheap car insurance for my 18 yr son thanks?
Anyone know of cheap car insurance for my 18 yr son thanks?
How long do car accidents affect my insurance rates?
I have heard that accidents and tickets will affect car insurance rates for five years. I was in an accident four years ago, that was determined to be my fault. Now, my (old) ...show more""
Do i need a cars permit to get a motorcycle permit in california?
hi i just wanted to know if i have to get a cars permit for a motorcycle permit in california im already going to turn 17 in a couple of months and i already took drivers education i also read and studied both handbooks for the test sorry if my english is not that good or if i misspelled anything
What is the difference between being forced to buy auto insurance and being forced to buy health insurance?
From my understanding: People have to buy health insurance so that if people get sick/injured, other people won't have to pay for them. Medical bills are very expensive so that's why people have it. And if a patient doesn't pay their medical bills due to not being able to afford it they will be treated anyway because of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. The health insurance companies will compensate for this by raising insurances rates of the insured. Having car insurance is so that if a driver causes an accident that driver's insurance can pay for the victim's damages. But if an uninsured driver hits an insured driver, the auto insurance company is allowed to raise the insured driver's rates. The reason for this is because the insurance company has to pay for their insured driver's car because there is no on else to pay up, and sometimes even they raise rates because they believe the insured driver is purposely putting themselves in situations to cause accidents. And it is a fact that unless a person lives in a major US city such as New York City, driving a car is a necessity. You need a car to be able to function in a non-metro environment without a car. The only time a person should have their driving privilege taken away unless they hurt someone. So the point is if another person doesn't pay into either health or auto insurance. The people who do pay lose. Because their rates increase. I don't see any significant punishment for people who do without either insurance. Because I know illegal immigrants pull stunts like these all the time. So I just don't see how their different.""
What is the most affordable health insurance in NYC?
My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
General concepts of health insurance?
What are the general concepts of health insurance? What arevarious types of private health insurance options? Difference between them?
""How many people out there would love a health care insurance exchange, where you can buy insurance on your own?""
and not have to choose a job based on benefits, and you could switch jobs without worrying about losing coverage. Why would people be against this, unless they are part of a union and do not want everyone to have great benefits like they do?""
Illegal car insurance?
My EX boyfriend went behind mine and my moms back and illegal put insurance on his car in my mothers name. I guess he knows a employee at a insurance automotive and illegally put it in her name without her consent. His friend who was driving the car hit some car today and called my mom and told her everything and now she wants to claim fraud. Who gets in trouble? My ex boyfriend for doing it illegally? The employee who let it happen? His friend who hit the car? Or my mom because they may not believe he did it illegally? BTW; my ex boyfriend owes money to his insurance thats why he couldnt put it in his name
Where to get online insurance quotes for health?
Where to get online insurance quotes for health? I should compare plans from major insurance company.
Divorce and custody questions in California?
My soon to be ex husband and I have a 3 month old son. I know we can work out the custody agreement but if either of us get married again, can the step parent adopt the child as their own even though both biological parents have custody? Also if not, is there a way to give the step parents rights to the child like authorizing medical care, to be on the step parents insurance, ect...""
What is a price of car insurance in Italy?
What is a average car insurance premium for 25 years old with 5 years of no claim bonus in Italy?
Who has the best dental insurance?
i need private personal good coverage in colorado
What cars are cheap to insure for 18 year old?
I've just passed my test and I'm trying to find cheaper insurance, I'm not bothered what car as long as it's not expensive. The black box isn't suitable for me please don't suggest that. The other thing is, what insurance company is good""
What should I expect in car insurance?
Right now, I am seriously considering sharing a car with my boyfriend, so the insurance is lower than it would be for two cars. He is perfectly okay with the idea, but I would still like a truck to haul my horse (his Taurus SE can't do that long distance) for when I move, so it would be more convenient for me to have my own vehicle. I am a 17 year old female. My grades are a B average. I don't have a credit score, i pay with cash or my debit card. I want a truck (preferably an old cheap one that runs). I've heard insurance can be higher if you have a red vehicle, so I am going to avoid that. What else do you need to know to estimate my insurance? Thanks.""
How does car insurance work?
I dont know much about car insurance. Do get it when we have a car only or if i sell the car i still have that insurance with me for a possible next car in future?
Insurance cost?
how much would insurance cost if i took drivers ed classes and get a license if you are 16 and own a paid off car
How much did you pay for auto insurance at 18?
I know that it differs depending on where you live, but i just wanted to get a general idea of how much it would be per month. I'm not gonna be under my parent's insurance policy either. so i know that's going to get pretty expensive. Also, i have a 4 door sedan type car. thanks!""
ADIs: How much does driving instructor' s insurance cost?
Whilst I already know that age, location, type of car etc will affect the cost, can you give me a general figure? What is the cheapest you've paid for it? How much can a newly trained ADI expect to pay (on average) Thanks.""
How to get Cheap Car Insurance? This is True...?
Hi, Ive recently be searching on comparison websites to find myself a cheaper quote, I started doing my searches at the start of the Year, Ive noticed that I would have been paying 300 cheaper during December and January time if I was to get insurance in those months and When I did the same search in May and June - Summer period it became 600 more expensive. So give it ago on confused website and see for yourself your insurance will become a lot cheaper if you insure between these months.""
What/how does car insurance work?
as you may have gathered i am not the smartest person to know how car insurance work! im learnin how to drive soon and i might get a car of my own so i can practice in my spare time and i guess ill be insured in that car i know its an absolute must to have car insurance and i think you have to pay taxes? how do they all work? what does insurance cover/not cover? i've been told if i get into an accident, i wouldnt have to pay for any of the damage cuz insurance covers it all BUT you have to buy insurance? slightly confused by that... plz explain to me in a very clear, concise manner as if youre talkin to a 5 year old child how car insurance work. for reference how much insurance costs, im a 20 year old female""
virginia insurance order 11607
virginia insurance order 11607
How much does a psychiatrist cost without insurance?
I will not have insurance to give for going to a psychiatrist. How much would you think something like this would roughly cost?
""How much is insurance on a 1995 jeep wrangler 4x4 for a 16 year old male that lives in DOuglasville, Ga?""
I am currently 16 and I am looking into buying a Jeep Wrangler 4x4 5 speed with a 3 inch lift. How much on adverage would insurrance be for me being a male? I live in Douglasville, Ga if that matters.""
How can i get very cheap health insurance?
i am 18 yrs old, i go to school and i work at a place that doesnt have insurance and i really need to go to get my teeth pulled and i need to go to the doc for my stomach... how can i get free or very cheap health insurance?? cause i have no MONEY!!""
How does motorcycle insurance work?
So I just wanted to know a little about the pay brackets with motorcycle. Im not talking specific numbers cause I know to just get a quota for that. What I heard is for things like scooters or bikes under 150cc there is a bracket. Then it goes up for anything between 150cc to less than 400cc. Then after that you can expect insurance to go up more when you get into the 600cc supersports and so on. I know im wording this kind of poorly. It makes sense just like how insurance for a Ferrari is going to more than a pickup truck or economy car. I just remember someone saying on a forum that they got a ninja 400r and they were happy that its technically a 399cc engine bucause if it was just a bit more the insurance would have gone up to the next class in motorcycle insurance. I just wanted to know if someone can help explain how this works. I wouldnt mind having something stronger than a 250 or 300 motorcycle but if it means that insurance is going to double or something for a 600 or 650 then I may stray away from it because I still have insurance for my car. Also on a side note how exactly does super sport insurance typically compare to standard bikes? For example maybe a gsxr 600 or CBR 600 vs something like a SV650. Both have similarly sized engines but Im sure 600 super sports are more aggressively tuned and other factors. Lastly my one friend had a Kawasaki. I cant remember what kind but it may have been like a 2002 ninja 600? Anyways his monthly insurance was like less then $20 a month! Does anyone know what kind of coverage he may have had. When he crashed it, insurance paid for the damages to the car he hit and for himself. The bike however, was not covered at all. Is this a real thing or am I remembering it wrong? Sorry about the book! I was just curious. Thank you everyone for the help!""
Do you need insurance to ride a motorcycle with a motorcycle learner's permit in California?
I find information about people having their motorcycle licenses with insurance, but I couldn't find any information about having insurance with a motorcycle permit in California. I am 16 and have a motorcycle learner's permit and want to start riding.""
Motorcycle Insurance?
I screwed up and was charged with DUI a few months ago (I was driving a car). I figured my insurance would double or triple but no, the cheapest I could fine is close to 4,000 a year! I was floored & absolutely in shock. My question is, would motorcycle insurance be cheaper being I got a DUI. I live in Fl. Do I even need insurance for a motorcycle? Everyone is telling me a different story. I need help please! Thanks! -Alex""
I was in an auto accident without insurance. What am I facing?
I was in a car accident yesterday. I live in California. I had no insurance at the time, although I was unaware that my girlfriend had not sent in my quarterly paryment and was actually driving without insurance for almost 3 months. The day after the accident I went in to the Highway Patrol's office and spoke to the officer who took the report and informed him I discovered I had no insurance. He didnt seem all that concerned and thanked me for going in. As for the accidnet itself, I belief I will be found at fault as I did not brake in time and rear end a small car who in turn hit the car infront of her. I was traveling at about 30 mph when I started to brake and I heard the firefighter at the seen tell the chp he thought it was 25-30 mph. If anyone could tell me what I am facing legally and finacially. I read online I will automatically have a one year driver's license suspension. Is this accurate and is this all? WIll I ge a ticked or fine? I would also like for someone to rule out jail time. The driver immediately infront of me had good damage to the back of her car and was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Her daughter called me the day after the accident and told me she was at her house but wanted her car fixed soon because she wanted to return home in another state. I suggested she call her own insurance and let them know I was inot insured. THe other driver in front and her passenger were also taken to the hospital with minor injuries and their car had minor damage when I looked at it at the time of the accident. I have not heard from them. Financially can anyone tell me what I am facing? I understand I will be responsible, but I also understand that the other parties' insurances will have to cover their own drivers. If so will I simply be responsible for their deductable. I am more concerned with the legal aspects than the financial. I am an single father of three and need to be there for my kids. Thank you to whoever can help!""
Student car insurance help. Anybody else in this situation?
I have recently passed my test and am picking up a car I have bought in two weeks' time. The car is only a little 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa 2002, paid 2000 for it. I've been looking on insurance websites - namely Compare The Market, and the cheapest quote I've found is 2436 (250 excess)! I am wondering if anyone can recommend an insurance company which will allow me to hold my own policy (not a named driver) for 2000 or less. Any suggestions?""
A question about car insurance?
I currently live in Minnesota, where the price for my auto insurance is around $910/6 months for the most basic insurance required by law, which is 30/60/10. In August, I am moving to North Dakota. I wanted to change my insurance to my North Dakota address, since their requirements are 25/50/25, and will cost me only half of what I am paying now. So my question is, do I have to change anything? Do I have to change my legal home address to North Dakota and get a North Dakota address, or can I keep my Minnesota address and license? I'll honestly do anything it takes, since I will be living in ND for four years and will probably end up making that my legal home eventually anyways, I just need to know if there is anything I need to do immediately so my car insurance is legal.""
Does your car insurance on old car cover your new car for 30 days?
i just got a new car. i traded it for a new one. i live in illinois and i am insured with geico. On my way home that night i got the car i got pulled over and got a ticket for not having insurance on that vehicle.i tried telling the cop my situation but that still didn't matter to him. So he gave me a $500 ticket. i was told when you get a new car your old insurance will cover you for 30 days. i called Geico numerous of times and they wont help me. Is there anyway to get out of this ticket? is there an illinois law that states something about this?
Average Cost of Homeowner's Insurance for a home..?
that is appraised at 169,000 and bought for 166,000?""
Where can you get insurance for Judo?
I am on my Mom's plan, but would like to have a specific insurance for Judo. I am not competing, just recreational judo. Thanks. I'm 19 years old and live at home. I'm in college. I live in Minnesota.""
What if i stop paying my insurance when i have a car loan?
i am leasing a new car, been paying for 3 years and this month i couldn't afford insurance so i stopped driving and started bike riding. well the insurance was cancelled for like 2 ...show more""
""Where can I buy cheap auto insurance in Houston, Texas?Just moved here, only paid $30/month in California!?""
Want to buy cheap auto insurance in person! In California I paid $30 a month at a place that catered to poor people basically, but had good coverage for cheap. I am not interested in paying double online with Geico, progressive, etc (as the quotes I've gotten are). Where can I get cheap basic coverage in person in Houston Texas? Thank you.""
What type of car insurance coverage do you have?
So, I just bought a new car, and when I called my insurance to switch over my policy the agent tried to sell me this that and the other, saying I really needed all these things since I have a new car now. Just wondering what other people have on their car, and have you ever needed more coverage then you had?""
Medical insurance for my next road rash?
Right now I have minimum legal liability coverage for California through Progressive. Their website is being a bizo atch, so I can't find out there; here's the question: ...show more""
How can i find out how much my insurance on a car would be?
I'm barely 18 & I'm trying to find out how much insurance would be on a car if i buy it. I know insurance would be kind of high since it's my first car. My mom is gonna buy me the car but she's picky about how much the property tax is & the insurance on a car would be. Well to be any specific, the car I'm looking into is a 2004 Mitsubishi Galant GTS. I know the insurance my mom is on but I want to know if I just call them up & tell them I'm wanting to know what would the insurance be on this car if i bought it. Any idea???""
Teenage Boy Car Insurance.?
My 17yrs old son is about to pass his driving exam and then go through the pass plus test too. We were looking to buy him a cheep second hand car for about 500 but when it came to insurance we have been repeatedly quoted around the 3500 mark for third party. Does anyone know where I can get cheep insurance for a boy?
How much will my car insurance premium change when i turn 25?
I'm 24 and a car in insurance group 6 is costing me 600-700. I've heard this goes down significantly when I turn 25, is this true and how much should it go down by?""
I might be starting a new job out of state. how do i provide health insurance for my family?
I might be starting a new job out of state. how do i provide health insurance for my family?
Where can i get good health insurance?
ok im 18 and a college student i found out a few months ago im no longer covered by my former heath plan since i turned 18... i need a heath insurance that wont cost alot? any ideas?
Why is it that the Republicans Party Sucks up so much to the Insurance Companies?
Car insurance is thrice than payment! Suggestions?
Hi, I have recently moved in Detroit midtown, and am thinking of buying a vehicle. I am looking at buying a Ford Fusion 2008 model with around 8K. However, every insurance quote (comprehensive) I have got so far is around $300 per month. Some have asked as much as $600. I am an immigrant who came to the US three years ago and so obviously do not have a long driving record. This is my first car. I do not have any driving tickets or violations. I am looking to use finance as my credit scores are good. Any body help me with some advice on this? Why on earth the car insurance would be thrice than the car payment?""
What are some affordable health insurance companies for young adults?
Im looking for some health insurance. anyone know of some good affordable companies?
Which has cheaper car insurance florida or rhode island?
which state on average has lower rates? new york which is my current state is a much higher rate than these two but im not sure which is lower out of the two.
virginia insurance order 11607
virginia insurance order 11607
Car insurance 1st driver uk cheapest & best one to go with.. thanks?
thats all i want to know cheers :)
How much would full coverage auto insurance be?
I plan on getting a 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Classic and was wondering about how much would full coverage be in Northern Virginia,I would ask the insurance company but I'm not the one with the policy and if you're wondering what insurance we have its Farmers.""
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
What does liability insurance give you?
I recently crashed my car and it is as of now being determined to be my fault. My dad pays for the insurance so I am not sure what we get under liability. We are with Farmers Insurance and I was just wondering what usually happens here. Do they give me anything if they determine I'm at fault? Does anyone have this insurance coverage with farmers? If so, can you please tell me what you get under it?""
Car insurance for a 19 yr old female?
I know you can't really tell me but can anyone give me an estimated guess?I have a 2003 Honda Accord. Here is some information to narrow it down. 1. i live in tennessee' 2. i don't live in the city, but close to one 3.I mainly drive to school and work 4.I've never had a ticket 5.I've never had an accident ( safe driver's insurance intact) 6. I've got good grades/school record. (Not sure if that counts) My guess was over $100 but under $200....is this a safe bet or am i way off?""
Car insurance cancellation?
I took out an insurance two days ago with a company called (i-kube car insurance). I've been told that I won't be able to drive between the hours of 11pm -5am and if i drive, i will have to pay 45 fine ( a GPS will be installed in my car). I've realised that the insurance is not cheap even though i used my pass plus to get discount. Tesco and Elephant car insurance are even cheaper. They took out my deposit immediately eventhough my insurance will not start till 2nd wk in February. Is it too late to cancel? I haven't received any paper document yet and their website lacks information about cancellation. What shall I do? Should i go with a different company? Would they tell me to pay cancellation fee? They've planned to fix the GPS to my car tomorrow but i haven't agreed to the time yet.""
What's the best auto insurance you can get for a female under 25?
I had Liberty Mutual. I got a low premium because of my parents but when the taxes went up they totally jacked up my premium. Plus their customer service is TERRIBLE and they're grimy. So then I went to Progressive - One lady helped me get my policy, then I called them for another reason and another rep. said I didn't even get the best quote I could've gotten. I'm kind done with these brand name insurance companies. I was looking into one called Elephant insurance but I'm not sure if it's actually any good. Does anyone know anything about them? Is there any other company I can try? I'm 20, I turn 21 next month. I've never had an accident. And I don't know what my credit score is or if I even have one yet (I'm working on it.)""
What do I do if my car got hit while it was parked? Insurance wise?
A lady from across the street hit my car while she coming out her driveway. My car was parked and no one was inside. My car has never been hit before, so I really don't know much about the insurance or any of that stuff. What the police department gave me is a little piece of paper that says your complaint # . They didn't give me any of the other person's info. And they told me to call my insurance company and tell them the complaint number. So, how does this go? Do I have to call my insurance company or do I have to call the other person's insurance company? And who is responsible for loaning me a car while my car is getting fixed?""
Massachusetts car insurance?
I recently heard that MA IS allowing competition with car insurance companies.. YAY! However, Geico and Allstate still don't provide insurance in the state. Progressive DOES. Does anyone else know of some GOOD, reputable (car) insurance companies in MA? THANKS! :-)""
At fault driver asks for my proof of insurance.?
I was legally parked out on the street and this person decided to park right behind me. But that persons poor maneuvers failed and crashed into my car, my car lurched forward. So i got out to see if my car was ok. I but as I get out I look at the person and she smiles and waves me off like I'm making too much of a deal about this. I was just looking for an apology or something like that. But they blurted out that it was only 2 miles per hour what possible damage can happen!? I said thats not the point and asked for insurance info, wrote the info down and asked why they were being so rude and hyper. its because i don't like being accused of damage I didn't do!! That person is a lowly fool. ANYWAY to get to my question. They mentioned they were an attorney and under California law that they must see my proof insurance, i gave it cause I have nothing to hide. But should I have given my info away? How should I report this claim to my insurance?""
New Car with Hail Damage - Insurance?
I am looking at buying a new car that has minimal hail damage to the bonnet and roof. About 10 tic tac sized dents all up, extremely hard to see. They are discounting it heavily and I really like the car but when I rang up the insurance company today they said they will not insure it. Does anyone know any companies that will insure a BRAND NEW minimally HAIL DAMAGED CAR? (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)""
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
Can you have be under two car insurance companies at once?
My dad is considering in buying another car(ideally for me to use) but to avoid the high cost, he wants to be listed as primary driver to both. It seems that usually when youre under one company, I will most likely be forced to be primary on one of the vehicles. So would it be possible to be under two different car insurance companies so that my dad can be primary for both or would this be considered a type of fraud or something illegal?""
Is it true that ObamaCare forces people to buy health insurance?
If not, risk going to jail and face a fine.""
Will my car insurance go down if i didn't have any accidents or traffic tickets?
i was 20 when i joined my families car insurance. its almost going to be a year and now i am 21. i did not have any accidents or traffic tickets. is it possible that my car insurance will go down? or will it stay the same?
How much is insurance on a lamborghini?
I'm 16 and thinking about getting this as my first car and just wondering the insurance.
Would it cost more than 5000 per year to insure a Ferrari F430? heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
my uncle is buying a second hand 2009 ferrari f430. it has done 20k miles. and it is a convertible. he has a 3 year no claim bonus and has been driving for 5 years. he parks his car in his drive way and he drives 15k miles per year. ( i know it is stupid to use a ferrari as an every day car.) how much would it cost him. i mean he earns 30k per year and his wife earns 30k per year. he has always been a big car person and he started saving up about 7 years ago to buy a ferrari 360, but now he bought a f430. so how much would it cost him, actually will cost around the same for ANYONE who has a driving history like his. i wanna know because in the future i would loooooooooove to have a ferrari.""
""Need help to find a boy car for around 1000 or below, something cheap on insurance and also a bit sporty?
i know sporty and insurance dont go together well but am sure there are some cars that are fast and boy racer cars that arnt tooo expensive to insure
Where do I go to find public liability insurance?
I am starting to run workshops, teaching creative recycling crafts and require public liability insurance. Could you point me in the right direction please?""
Do I need public liability Insurance ?
We are starting a service that matches companies to website designers. Its an online service. Theoretically there could be issue between the companies meeting through our service. Would we require some sort of public liability insurance to cover us for such issues ? or maybe some other sort of insurance.? regards Ashley
Can i get insurance with a permit?
i am getting my learners permit tom ,can i get insurance to .i am 16 years old""
Drivers Ed Questions On Insurance?
Fill In The Blank Words -assigned-risk insurance, blue book, bodily-injury insurance, car pooling, collision insurance, comprehensive insurance, deductible, depreciation, financial responsibility law, leasing, liability insurance, mass transportation, no-fault insurance policy, policy, premium, property-damage insurance, warranty- 1. Decrease of vehicle value due to its age. 2. Written guarantee that the seller will make repairs for a time period. 3. Lists the average price paid to dealers for various used vehicles. 4. Requires you to prove that you can pay for damages you may cause with your vehicle. 5. Specified amount you pat to an insurance company for insurance. 6. Set amount of money you personally pay for damages that is not paid by your insurance company. 7. Written agreement between you and your insurance company. 8. Type of insurance that is not concerned with who is to blame. 9. Provides minimum coverage for high-risk drivers. 10. Several methods of moving large numbers of passengers. 11. Several people commuting to work or school in one vehicle. 12. An alternate method of obtaining a vehicle other than by purchase. 13. Protects you against claims for another person's injuries or property damages when you are at fault. 14. A type of liability insurance that covers drivers who are at fault for injuries to other people up to specified limits. 15. A type of liability insurance that covers drivers who are at fault for damages to another person's property up to specified limits. 16. A type of insurance that provides coverage to pay the costs of repair or replacement of your vehicle up to specified limits. 17. Insurance that covers damage to your vehicle from non-collision events. One word per statement. I already have some answers but I just want to be 100% sure I'm right, thanks any answers are appreciated.""
Where do I find florida health insurance ?
I am looking for a health insurance quote for florida health insurance. I am looking for cheap florida health insurance.
Car insurance on a WRX or Mazdaspeed3?
I am a 17year old guy and since I got into my early decision college my parents are buying me a car. I like power in a car but I dont want an american muscle car because I would like to go in a direction rather than straight. Im looking at a new (yes my parents are crazy for buying new im trying to convince em to buy a slightly used one) Subaru WRX or a Mazdaspeed3. They are going to pay upto 25k for it so the WRX Hatchback just falls in there. I was wondering what would insurance be on these cars for me and any reviews u guys have on them and if there are any other good choices out there that have the same power and handling as these, I would love a rear wheel drive car but I live where there is quite a bit of snow so FWD or AWD please. Thanks.""
Can you rent a car without insurance?
For example....I don't have a car, so I don't need insurance, but if I want to rent a car, won't they ask for proof of insurance?""
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virginia insurance order 11607
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