#the shrimp at home is just fine. it was so yummy.
daeivs · 6 months
to my friends: if we ever go to a seafood restaurant together and i mention something about trying the shrimp... do not... let me...
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onepiece-asl-lover · 2 months
Reader my au x ASL Trio
Part 11 "Running away"
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Everyone sat at the table that had bunch of food like shrimps , rice, spaghetti, heaven for what you usually eat with the Bandits. Little sparkles of lights surrounded all of you as you guys started eating the food, Makino brought.
“Yummy!” Luffy exclaims.
"Meals should be this good on the ship. Im going to get the best cook first thing when I become a pirate!" Sabo muffled voice as he kept eating.
"Im going to be a pirate first, so don't forget it"Ace adds.
"Thats not true! I'm going to be the best pirate and im going first!" Luffy added.
Everyone infront of you of you which included Dadan, Dogra , and some Mountain Bandits spited out whatever they were drinking.
You heard somone behind of you guys at the door clear their throat as you eatch Luffy and Ace face go purple. You turn around to see a old man around 68 maybe?
"Your still saying that pirate crap! You'll grow up to be Navy men!" The man said as he hit both Luffy and Ace head as hugs bumps grew onto their heads.
"Yes Garp-san!" Dadan says as she also gets his by the man called Garp.
"Why should I get hit too!" Dadan groaned.
"You're not educating the brats well!"
"Thats Garp-San, Luffy and Ace grandpa!" Sabo said.
"There is more of you brats, I heard you were talking that pirate crap aswell you squirt!" Garp said as he turned to look at Sabo.
"Sabo is not a squirt, he's Sabo! We all shared a cup of sake and promised to be pirates!" Luffy shouted as he stepped infront of Sabo.
"Such a big mouth" you mumbled.
"Well it looks I have to educate you three then!"Garp exclaims as he chases the three boys out the house as you heard their screams for help.
You stood outside just watching Garp "discipline" them well really, throwing, punching, flipping them over but you know they were okay, they are really strong!
After Garp finished beating them up he walked over to you. You looked up at him wanting to see his intentions towards you. Surprisingly he ruffled your hair and gave a teddy bear in a Marine outfit.
"I know i can trust in you to become a great Marine someday, don't listen to their pirate crap" Garp said as he walked away.
Now you have the job of waking up the passed out boys up. You walked towards Ace first and now you could see clearly Garp really did give a punishment bumps all over his head.
You boop Ace nose to wake him up. He didn’t really wake up just move a bit. So you had to use another method of yours, pecking his forehead.
You never did it alot as this was a big affectionate gesture for a person like you and Ace was someone he liked and you like back, but he might just forget it when he wakes up. You let out a breath as you quickly peck Ace forehead and move away quickly to see his reaction.
To your least of surprise Ace immediately wakes up but to your surprise when he woke up he slammed his head ,and accidentally slammed his head into a tree. He rubbed it out, he turned around to beat the asshole whoever just touched him. When he saw you he stopped and just blinked at you as you blinked back.
“I wanted to wake you up but you weren’t waking up, im sorry” You apologised.
“No, No it’s fine. Thought it was some one else” Ace mumbled the last part as he got onto his feet to help you out to wake up Sabo,Luffy. Sabo was easy to wake up, juts a “little” shake according to Ace ,and Luffy was just the smell of meat.
You all went back into your room dodging all of the sleeping Bandits and Garp on the floor. You all entered your guys room, peeking through the door gap to look around.
"If nothing is done, the old man will kill us!" Ace said as he turns to look at all of you.
"Even if we survive, he'll won't stop until we give up our dream!" Sabo adds.
"I don't wanna die"Luffy crys.
"Shhh" You put your finger on your lip in a shush motion to quiet Luffy down.
"We only have one choice. It times to make up our minds, together!" Ace exclaims.
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You guys ran away from Dadan home leaving a note on a wooden pillar. You guys packed your blankets and futons to bring with you.
"We got away successfully!" Luffy happily says as you all stop running.
"They're not coming- Dadan and the others" Sabo confirmed.
You saw Ace thinking about something as you tugged a bit on his hand to bring him out of his thought.
"I can tell she's happy now because her troubles have gone away!" Ace stated.
You felt a drop water on your cheek as you went to wipe it away. More and more droplets of water fell as you realized it was raining.
"Its raining!" Luffy screamed.
You all started running to find some shelter. After a while you guys find a big hole in a tree as you all hid in there to keep dry.
"Let's stay here and hide from the rain." Sabo said as he bordly looks outside.
"This is exciting!" Luffy giggled.
After a while you guys fell asleep leaning on eachother for support. It wasn't comfortable and it was pouring outside, humidity, sweaty and wet which was horrible but you crawled into the back of the tree to restrain from the rain the most.
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Sabo slowly wakes up first. The rain stopped after a long while, everything so green and fresh. Sabo walked out the hole in the tree to look outside seeing the tree you guys were in. It was HUGE.
Sabo wakes up you, Ace and Luffy.
Sabo pulls out a piece of paper that has a couple of drawings on it.
"Look at this!" Sabo exclaims showing off his work.
"What is it?" Luffy asks.
"I designed our hideout we can't just stay outside forever. So we gotta build a hide out on this tree!" Sabo answered.
"A hideout...that's so cool!" Luffy laughed.
"What about the materials?" Ace asks.
"Grey terminal is great for materials" You answered.
"Excatly!" Sabo adds. You smile, Sabo gave you a high-five.
You guys went into Grey terminal to get some supplies, wood,nails,ect.. You had just carried an entire pile easy with your trusty devil fruit that sucks the things up and spits it out wherever you want it.
You all put your materials in this stroller, Ace pulling it back to the exact tree for the building of the treehouse.
You all started working in your assigned places you chosen. Luffy accidently hit his hand with a hammer while building the wall of the treehouse. It certainly gave you and Sabo a scare but Luffy is made of rubber so it was really no biggie.
You all had to make a big ladder to climb up the hight branch to make a crow nest. You made a big flag with your first initial "(first intial)ASL"
It flew proudly in the wind. All of you finished the treehouse after a long day leaving all of you exhausted.
"Yeah! You can see Grey terminal, Windmill village and the water of the East blue!"
"But we see those everyday." You say as you climb up to the crow nest.
"Yeah but it's diffrent!" Luffy shouts.
You,Ace and Sabo climb up the crow nest to look at the view. And indeed it was beautiful. You could see everything! The clouds, birds, the water!
All of you started playing pirates, everyone was a captain, and your treehouse was a BIG ship! Bluejam pirates pulled up next to you, you guys started to fight. You imagined your opponents as boxes or pumpkins.Then going back on the ground to look up at your guys work.
“Wow! It looks just like the drawing!” Luffy exclaims.
“Im glad. Now we have our own personal treehouse.” Sabo happily says.
You saw Ace had his thinking face on a you poked his shoulder.
“Is something wrong Ace?” You asked.
“If we want to be safe then we should make some traps.” Ace said as he turns to look at all of you guys.
“Makes sense, alright” Sabo says.
You guys all went to sleep after building the huge trap. You were always a light sleeper for safety percussion you called it but you heard someone climbing up into the treehouse.
You opened one of your eyes to see who is this intruder to your surprise it was Dadan. “What was she doing here?” You thought.
Dadan seemed happy to see all four of you so relaxed and asleep. She stepped forward a bit when she saw Luffy move his blanket uncovering him.
You saw that when she stepped forward she triggered the trap. You watched as the trap started to work. You sat up to warn Dadan to move out the way but it was too late you ducked your head as the 100ton hammer flung over you hitting Dadan in the stomach.
She got flunged out the treehouse hitting the ground with a big thud which woke up Ace and Sabo. You three ran to the window to see what happened.
“I don’t see anyone, it might have been a glitch, I did build this in a hurry” Sabo says as he goes back to bed.
You were about to go to bed, but Ace kept looking outside. You tugged on his shirt to get his attention.
“You saw Dadan, right” You asked worried if she hurt herself too much.
“Ya, she’s alright.” Ace confirmed. He went back to lay down on his futon.
You go back and lay down to go to sleep but something feels off. Like something bad is about to happen to you. You brush it off barely as you just lay down staring into the night the feeling starting to haunt you.
“Somethings going to happen”
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isaysorryverysoftly · 1 month
my good experience
even though everything seems bad right now, that's not true. I dont really think that intentionality works in such a way that really affirms the concreteness of moods...
No matter how sad you are you can still think of something good that is happening/has happened and watch as the focus on that 'happening' produces the joy demonstrably inhering within it.
Last night I got upset because I came across some porn on this website. It just really gave me the idea that people were sort of treating other actual people like instruments for their sexual fantasizing. It kind of made me freak out so i went to my housemate and knocked on their door and they let me in. They talked about it with me, we both described the heterosexual-male-gazey thing (Idk whatever you call that weird zheitgheist of like, everyone just being randomly ok with taking photos and videos of real people and sexually pleasuring themselves to a person who did not give consent for them to do that) as being like the eye of Sauron that can like see you from any location and just make you feel shit and like self-conscious and scared of your own body being percieved. That was funny/good because Lord of the rings metaphors are like my main source of comfort ab initio.
Anyway, then they suggested we go to the shops and get some yummy food. We began walking out into the rain and to the shops confidently without realizing that it was already past midnight and the shops would be closed. We then resolved to go to the service station. We got there, and it was closed but there was this burger truck there instead. Now usually this wouldn't present much fanfare as it wasn't a vegan burger truck but then i remembered chips existed and then i rememebred that the other night i had rediscovered my love for mustard. So then i got like a bunch of chips and i asked for them with mustard. And then there wasnt enough mustard, so then i asked for some more, and then there still wasnt enough. So i worked up the courage and asked for even more mustard after awhile and it was only really enough to supply me for the walk home, while we ate our chips as we walked. There is a photo my friend took of the 'not enough mustard' that exists but there is no photo of the 'idk... i guess good enough amount of mustard'. I was really stumped as how i was supposed to explain to the guy serving me how much mustard i needed, like he basically doubled my initial amount when i asked for more but like, what i meant was like 'the most mustard you've ever given to anyone else in your life is a joke compared to how much i need.' I think he got it by the end cause i just sort of kept saying 'i need like, so much mustard, like you dont even know how much mustard i need, its like ridiculous how much mustard i need.' And he was like alright, and he went to the other guy and it was weird, like they needed two people to do it, cause one had to hold the container and one had to do the pouring, and you could like, hear the bottle going empty as this dude squeezed. It still wasnt enough but that was fine i planned to get more when i returned to the house, to steal some from a housemate. I couldn't find any though so i had to use someone's mustard base salad dressing and some tomato sauce.
Then we hung out some more but my friend said that 'they had to go to bed soon, not that i had to leave or anything but just that they wouldn't be as energetic really.' Then they went to their computer and started searching up a live gig by a band. I asked them why they were doing this and then they said that they always put the live performances of this band on as they sleep, because the music is not too hyper and the visuals are nice. I was like ok sure...
it was like really hard to comprehend and it sort of was the best feeling ever. To just be like, in this room with someone trying to sleep while i was upright further down in the bed, like watching these shrimp people, and their like hype-person and their like army of different instruments and their amazingly excited dancing. AND ITS PART OF SOMEONES BEDTIME RITUAL EVERY NIGHT!!!
I was completely transfixed for like a good 30 minutes, I just couldnt stop laughing or trying to explain what i was feeling into the words, both the band and hte fact my friend actually sleeps to this band every night and thats how i was being introduced to this band. Eventually i got it, its kinda like if ur fish bowl had a party while you were falling asleep. It's hyper but in an adorable and small and irrelevant and non threatening way that just sort of seems sleep worthy and dream like. Anyway
That's my story i guess.
This is tagged car seat headrest cause im listening to joe goes to school right now
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 year
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大家好! Usually, a flu/cold takes me only a day to recover, but a pesky cold bothered me for 2 days, so I walked to the nearby coffee shop for mutton, pork or chicken. Meat is fine and has its nutritional purpose if we eat it in moderation and I have some from time to time. What I take into consideration are: how often, how much and how the meat is cooked. Whilst oil is used in stirfried and braised dishes, I generally don't finish the gravy or sauces when I eat qing dan (less oil and salt), so a lot of the oil is left behind.
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What I had: braised sesame oil chicken, tomato and shredded carrot scrambled eggs as well as stirfried bitter gourd and zhou (porridge). Iced local coffee completed the satisfying meal. The black stuff in some veggie dishes is hei mu er, which I eat to keep my blood pressure normal (due to its believed blood-thinning properties, it generally isn't recommended for those on blood-thinning medications here). Hei mu er is similar to mushrooms texture-wise; because it's tasteless, it takes on the flavour of whatever else it's cooked with. Bitter gourd helps prevent diabetes and in less severe cases, some claimed to have been cured naturally after eating it for prolonged periods.
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Another day, another variation of fish soup, this time with yam (taro) rice. Chunks of yam, dried shrimp, cabbage and finely diced mushrooms are some of the ingredients used to make this delicious dish. At home, we sometimes swap the yam for pumpkin, which is just as yummy and nutritious. If you think about it, wholegrain bread and pasta are still made from flour, which is even more processed than white rice. Not to mention shortening is needed to bind the flour to make some of these breads and pastas so... 🤔
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This week, 5 of us - MS, XT, JA, JL and me - had a stroll after our meal (our group is getting bigger!); on some days there was only enough time to circle the office building twice, but that was better than nothing. I hadn't expected this tbh; it was just a way of helping JL to break out of her largely sedentary lifestyle. On the way to eat, I casually suggested to JL that we might consider catching up on a weekend, grab a bite then go for a walk together since her home isn't that far away from mine. Hearing this, JA asked if we would head to her neighbourhood, on the opposite side of the country, so we can do this together. We'll see how it works out since all of us have time constraints.
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The pesky cold is gone and I'm back to feeling normal, just tired from the heavier workload. In the last few days, a coupla gym bro friends have pivoted away from diets promoting 'healthy oils' to Asian qing meals and that's a good sign. To me, it signals that they're weighing the pros of 'gains' against the risks of hypertension and heart attacks in their later years. Sure, we may have harmed our health following 'experts' from countries with lousy health statistics but there's still time to change before it's too late. 下次见!
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alexracheltravel · 2 months
Day Seven: A Chill-y Day
It's been a week since we have left New York and every day has been quite an adventure. And at this point we've been tired! After a slow start, we got up and out and hit the city streets. By now, we had our bearings, and walked towards the City Center. We wandered around a few other food halls, many of which were devoted towards delicious fresh ingredients. Stalls had fresh, daily catches, with ruby-colored salmon and glistening shrimp. Hanging not too far from the counter was dry-aged steaks with rings of fat as wide as African ivory. Yum.
But we passed and simply got some banh mi (aka Vietnamese sandwiches, for those who haven't read our blog before) and took the subway up North to a neighborhood we hadn't been before. Up here, the weather was chilly but we were in the "U-District" of Stockholm, yes right by Stockholm University! And the campus was GORGEOUS. Old-style buildings rested on hills, surrounded by lush greenery. The natural history museum was also here, and although we decided not to go, the building was a piece of architectural beauty itself. Instead, we wandered along parks and flowers and ate our lunch in the nearby botanical gardens.
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The first photo here was simply a long the side of the road. The second was where we sat. Yes, it was a cold, dreary day, but it was simply nice to be outside, especially when we became aware that NYC was in the midst of a terrible heat wave. "Coolcation" might be added to the dictionary in a few years but you heard it here first, folks!
We only popped our head inside once at the gardens but absolutely LOVED these lily pads! The flora was gorgeous.
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That was really all we did this morning! Just hung out and ate and read by the water. Alex finished the book "Stolen," which was set in Sweden. This was the third book he's read in the week, however, the last two books were each under 180 pages.
Rachel went into what became a hectic work day, and meanwhile Alex had...
Alex Fika Time
I hadn't made any progress on my novel today. But that's fine. Sweden is a relaxing place. If there's anything Strindberg taught me, it's trust your genius and just write. So I did just that. The other day, we saw a sign that said "coffee and sneakers." That sounds like me, right? But when I went, it was closed! Damn. So I went to a very mediocre cafe, bought a Cortado (my new espresso drink of choice. Not as lame as an Americano, and not as milky and sweet as a latte) and a cinnamon bun. I'm getting tired of these now. And I wrote. I didn't write my novel. Instead, I began a Kafkaesque short story, and perhaps it'll be good. Or perhaps none of you will read it and I'll burn the whole thing just as Franz intended for his whole suitcase of writing. Of course, it will all be okay. I wrote and I wrote and then it was almost 5:00 and I rushed back home to make dinner.
For dinner, Alex made schnitzel, asparagus, and potatoes. It was yummy, albeit a little dry (Alex's words. Rachel loved it.) Rachel was in meeting after meeting. Alex had a meeting as well, with his therapist, who is part-Norwegian. After dinner, Alex stepped back out to grab some beers at the local brewpub and that's all we did today!
Alex: so Rach, one week in, how you feeling?
Rachel: I honestly feel really good about our visit [laughs]. Is work really stressful? Yeah. But knowing that I am prioritizing a full life outside of work is one of the many reasons why I wanted to take this trip. Work has been stressful for many reasons and if I had waited for work to slow down to take trips and have this quality time with you, we may have waited a long time. Can you tell I just finished my work day?
Alex: I don't quite know how to respond to that. But I will also say I am having a great time with you. I don't know who else I would take this trip with. I am glad I got some alone time here and there, some writing time, and some time together. It feels like a really nice balance that I haven't gotten on our other trips. I mean, in Cambodia I had one Anthony Bourdain night and ate bugs but every day this week I went to cafes and wrote, which was great.
Rachel: I think that one of the things about this trip that I am enjoying so much is that we are not running around and instead taking time to explore the city and rest and take care of ourselves in the process. I loved going to a new part of the city and enjoying pretty views and just reading together.
Alex: tell me more about how you felt about those lily pads.
Rachel: Alex. I loved those lily pads so much. They were so big. And they had rims. And all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and curl up on those lily pads. But i respect nature too much. Tell me how you much you like BrewDog!
Alex: it's definitely an American inspired bar in some ways, especially since their signature beers are all IPAs, which at this point are distinctly American. But it's like my favorite beer bars back at home, and all of the drinks just taste unique. I feel like a good amount of them are beers I've never tasted anything like before. My favorite tonight was a sour that had a hint of vanilla in it. Tasted like a fruity milkshake, which is one of my faves. I'd go back once more. Is there anything you want to try again? Eat or drink.
Rachel: I want another sausage on a baguette.
Alex: good news is we can get that almost anywhere. And I could go for one too. And I haven't had a straight halloumi burger yet (which I think is a fried cheese sandwich). On that note we should go to bed before we get too hungry!
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Perfect (Happy Birthday Bree!!)
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Pairing: Ethan x MC (Leah Garcia)
Word count: 1500 words
Warning: None, this is just a load of fluff 
Author’s note: Happy birthday @jamespotterthefirst​, the most talented and amazing writer🎂🎂 Hope you have a great day and keep rocking babe❤
I have taken part in @wackydrabbles so the prompt will be in bold 
Title inspiration: Perfect by Ed Sheeran 
Forgive me if i make any mistakes 🥺
"Happy birthday, doctor!" A cheerful nurse greeted as Ethan stood at the nurses' station, signing charts at a break-neck speed.
"Hrm." He answered absent-mindedly, not even bothering to look up from the file and continued to look down at it as of it were the most interesting case but the fact is that Ethan did not care to celebrate his birthday.
But if Leah were to hear that, she would have him by his balls.
And Ethan wasn't one to go against a woman with a mission. She had said that they would do something in the evening and Ethan was low key looking forward to it, which is quite the growth from a year ago.
According to Ethan, birthdays were irrational. He couldn't figure out the entire hype to celebrate the day which is just a marker that you are one year closer to death. Sure it's a pessimistic way to see it but Ethan never promised to have a positive outlook on life.
No wonder Leah calls me the human equivalent of a robot.
The thought just whispered into his head which had him halting what he was doing and a small smile made its way on his lips.
Just her very name has his face splitting into a wide grin. Her very presence has this flux of endorphins in his system that he feels as if his heart is going to burst or a blush would sear through his cheeks.
She was his Kryptonite. Yes, Leah had taught him that reference when they watched that Super-boy movie.
Coming back to his birthday, Leah had wished him in the morning itself which comprises of affectionate kisses with a side of old man jokes.
Or you could say it was the other way around.
She then proceeded to give him a hand-knitted scarf which she made along with this gold plated bar set which he had been eyeing for a couple of months but never had the chance to buy it.
"I hope you like it?" She had asked in a tiny voice, watching his every expression.
"Leah, you are the best gift I could ever have. You didn't have to go all the way out for me."
And it was true. Leah just wishing him was the only thing that mattered to him. Nothing could compare to it. Just like the shine of glitters can't compare to the radiance of the sun. But Leah just pressed her lips in a soft kiss and said that he deserved the best of everything.
I am so lucky to have a partner like her.
He shut the file and submitted the last chart to the nurse. He lifted his left wrist to check the time and he noticed that there was only an hour of work left before he could head back to their home.
With a sudden burst of motivation, he turned down the hallway to visit his next patient.
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It would be an understatement to say that Leah was nervous.
The pressure of this entire evening being perfect weighed down on her like a pile of bricks. She paced in the living room, digging tracks from her walking back and forth so that she could work off the nervous energy settling into the pit of her stomach. The posh, classical music did nothing to calm her racing heart down.
Will he like it? The doubt filtered through her head which had her gulping and smoothening the little black dress which Ethan liked a lot.
Jenner whined, sensing her distress. She trotted towards the stressed intern and nuzzled against her leg, stopping Leah in her tracks.
"Hey, girl... Guess I'm just overthinking huh?" Leah ran her fingers through Jenner's silky ears and scratched behind her ears which earned her a happy bark.
The sound of the door unlocking had the duo looking up. Jenner cocked her head before running to greet her dad. His familiar baritone voice echoed through the hallway leading to the living room. Leah ran her eyes around the apartment, just running a final check to see if anything was out of sight.
She had lit candles all around the house and turned the lights down low, to set the relaxed ambience of the place.
But that wasn't the main event.
She had come home early so that she could cook an entire extravagant meal for him. From butter garlic shrimps and stir fry vegetables as appetizers to Pastelon which is Puerto Rican version of traditional Italian lasagna as the entrée. She had used her grandma's recipe which has been passed down for generations on her Father's side of the family. Last but not the least, she had baked him a coffee cake which was the only flavour he liked.
She had set the table out on the balcony because it was a wonderful weather and nothing beats a candlelit dinner under a starry night.
"Leah?" His voice called out and she turned to face him with an incandescent smile which beautifully complimented against the dancing shadows of the lit candles. She walked towards his open arms and embraced him.
Hugging Ethan was something she thoroughly enjoyed, The way this man was all hard and soft at the same time often blew her mind away. The way his arms would tighten around her waist and the way he would tuck her head under his chin was her personal heaven. His cologne mixed with his manly essence was intoxicating, which blanketed her senses, making her feel safe and at peace.
Placing a soft affectionate kiss on her forehead, they pulled back just enough to see each other's face.
"Hey yourself, E."
"So what is this surprise you have planned for me?"
Leah chuckled, her hands looping around his neck. Her fingers played with the short hairs on his nape as she looked at him adoringly. "Eager are we?"
"If it comes to you? Always." He pecked her lips.
"Good. Go get fresh and meet me at the balcony."
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Ethan and Leah were having fun.
They had popped open the champagne bottle which Ethan had stored for a special occasion and poured copious amounts into the sparkly glasses. And the food was amazing.
The way Ethan devoured the food and gave compliments every now and then made Leah smile with pride.
"Sunshine, you have to feed me more Puerto Rican dishes because this is delicious," Ethan said as he sipped on his champagne.
"I am not as good as my dad. He can make so many more yummy dishes than me. He actually hosts a cookout Sunday for the boys working at his security firm. I have only been to a few but they are super fun."
"You have already met my dad so I think it is about time I have to meet yours."
A rosiness settled on her cheeks as she smiled back at him. "Of course. I know he will like you."
Giving a smile which has his eyes glimmering like the stars, they went back to their meal. After a while, with their stomachs full and plates wiped clean, Leah rose from her seat. Ethan shot her a questioning look but she just kissed his cheek.
"I baked a cake for you. Just getting it out so that we can cut it, old man."
Ethan groaned as Leah chuckled. "I am not that old, okay? I'm a millennial!"
"Whatever you say, gramps."
She went indoors to take the cake out of the fridge, where she had placed it after icing it. A sudden thunder resounded throughout the penthouse, which had her raising her eyebrow.
Rain? But the weather forecast said it won't...
She placed the cake on the counter and headed out only to find Ethan standing there, with his eyes closed and enjoying the raindrops washing his face. The water seeped through his black shirt, making it cling to the hard planes of his chest. A small smile played on his lips.
"Ethan? Come in, you will fall sick." She said as she stood at the threshold. To be honest, there was a reservation in her voice because it had been so long since she has seen him so peaceful.
"No, I will be fine. Come, join me." His eyes smoldered as they fell on Leah and it felt as if she was hypnotized by his brilliant blue eyes.
She walked towards him and instantly Ethan settled his hands on her waist. Placing her hands on his chest they just swayed to a rhythm of their own.
"Are we really dancing without music?" She whispered as she looked up at him.
"What can I say sunshine... you make me want to dance even when the music stops."
The cool raindrops fell on her flushed face while Ethan smiled down at her gently.
"I hope you liked your birthday, Ethan."
She wrapped her arms around him and placed her face on his chest, this heartbeat lulling her into her own safe haven.
"I won't forget this. Ever. This was by far the best so thank you, Leah. I love you so much."
"I love you too."
I would have attached pictures but a bitch is lazy 😔✊
Taglist: Tagging separately because that seems so effective
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likeaverginpodcast · 3 years
Day 2 - Epcot
Another morning I did not set an alarm! We woke up around 9am, got ready, packed our backpacks, headed to the bus, and got to Epcot before they opened! We accidentally rope-dropped! It worked out great because we entered the park and Mickey and Minnie were there greeting everyone(at a distance)!!! What a phenomenal surprise!!! We RAN to Soarin’, because I heard that the ride gets really busy. We walked right on it! Soarin’ was a totally awesome ride! Pay attention when you’re riding, they pump different scents out when you are in different areas of the world! You can still smell them through your mask, and it just goes to show how much detail goes into everything Disney does!
Pretty much the rest of the day was eating around the world! We got to experience the Food and Wine Festival, so they had booths from many countries all over the park! We got samples of some things which are smaller portions, at a lower price. This isn’t offered at all the stands, but I asked at most of the stands and they did offer this! So if you’re wanting to taste more things, ask for a sample!
Here’s what we got to try from the Food and Wine Fest-
Tofu Pho from The Noodle Exchange - I loved it! It was spicy and savory and the mushrooms were my favorite part of the dish! The noodles were thick and delicious and the tofu was good too!
Shimmering Strawberry Soft-serve and the Mimosa Flight from Shimmering Sips - I got the kids each the strawberry cone and we all tried it and loved it! Such a perfect treat on a hot day! I very much enjoyed the mimosa flight! The blood orange was my favorite, even though I wanted it to be the Key Lime! All were great, but I could not drink much of the Tropical mimosa (passion fruit makes my mouth itch).
Canadian Cheddar and Bacon soup and Wild Mushroom Beef Filet Mignon from Canada - These were our family’s favorites! My daughter still talks about the soup. It was her single most favorite meal at Disney! All 4 of us were obsessed with the Filet. If I wasn’t determined to try other things, I would have gone back for more of that!
Apple Chips, Cinnamon Apple Cider, and Sin Hard Cider from Appleseed Orchard - The apple chips were a little disappointing, I wasn’t really expecting them in a bag, I thought they’d be fresh. The kids loved their cinnamon apple cider, it was cold and refreshing and I felt the same about the hard cider.
Creme Brulee au Grand Marnier and Strawberry Rose Mimosa from France - The kids couldn’t eat the creme brulee because the alcohol wasn’t cooked out. We enjoyed it very much! My husband’s favorite dessert! The strawberry rose mimosa was really good, sweet, and refreshing!
Spanakopita and Griddled Cheese from Greece - The spanakopita was fine, nothing to write home about. The Griddled cheese was good too! It didn’t stand out for me.
Teriyaki Chicken Bao, Tempura Shrimp Sando, and Spicy Hako Sushi from Japan - I couldn’t eat the sando or sushi, but my husband and son loved it! My son said this was his favorite things! The Bao was given to my daughter by one of the kind staff and she was SO excited and aside from the 2 bites I took, she ate the whole thing and loved it!
Beer flight from Germany - My husband got this, and he said they were all good but the cherry flavored beer was his favorite.
New England Lobster Roll from Hops & Barley - This was one of my husbands picks that he really wanted to try so we hunted down Hops & Barley. He loved this sandwich! Certainly his top food that day!
Wild Mushroom and Truffle Tart from Rotunda Bistro - I got this one because I saw it on a food blog and had to try it! I thought it was good! Needed more sauce and mushrooms in my opinion.
Charcuterie from Spain - I got this one because I have family in Spain and I had to get something from there! When I texted them they laughed and said “yea you’ll never find that here” so although it wasn’t authentic, it was decent.
After trying lots of yummy foods, we had to save room for our dinner reservation at Biergarten. We headed over there, were seated and were told a German band would begin playing soon. What a sweet show!! The food wasn’t grand, I didn’t enjoy it an incredible amount but the staff and the entertainment was great and it was a request from my hubby who is German, that we ate there. The kids and hubby enjoyed it!
The kids found a passport scavenger hunt (something I should have found out before we went to the park so we weren’t scrambling at the end of the night to find the last ones!). Each Epcot country had one and it was fun to find them around the park! At the end, if you show the last country that you had all your passport papers (not doing stamps at the moment), you received a postcard souvenir! They got theirs and thought it was so cool!
After dinner and finishing up the passports, we went over to Spaceship Earth to hitch a ride to space! The wait was 5 minutes so we got that finished pretty quickly. We wanted to see the fireworks show at Epcot, so we started heading to that area. On our way, we handed out some glow sticks to kids in the park. I packed some fun things to “pixie dust” others with at the parks. We handed a couple glow sticks to a dad pushing his 2 kids in their stroller, and we went on our way handing them to other kiddos. The dad came running up beside me and said “hey I see you’re pixie dusting, I actually work for Disney and I want to get your kids something! Follow me!” So he brought us to the closest ice cream stand and got the kids each a Mickey ice cream! It was so nice! We chatted for a couple minutes and went our separate ways. It was so kind of him and his wife!
We finished our day out by watching the fireworks on the water. It was such a beautiful show and a great way to close out our awesome day! Epcot is certainly a park I would like to return to, especially during the food and wine fest! I think I would need 2 days here so that I could try everything, ride the rides we missed, and see the new areas they opened!
Breakfast - in the room, oatmeal, fruit, coffee, tea and water
Lunch - we did lots of different foods from the Food and Wine Fest. We knew today would be our big spending on food day since we wanted to try so many things! You can request sample portions at certain booths for a discount. Just have to ask!
Dinner - reservations at Biergarten. Buffet style German cuisine. It was just okay. Wouldn’t go back because the food wasn’t my style. The atmosphere was fun, there was a band playing, and the staff was wonderful. Very clean!
Snacks - packed lots of snacks, even though I knew we’d be eating all day!
Rides - Soarin, Spaceship Earth.
Extras - Nothing major here, each kid got a pin and one thing they really wanted. There was also a passport program. Each area had a passport, you could collect the passport for each area, and if you collect all of them ( I believe there were 12) you let a station know and they give each kid a postcard, which you can write a letter to yourself then send it, and it’s another cool souvenir. Every hotel sells stamps and has an outgoing mailbox!
Transportation - Bus to the park, and a bus back to the hotel. Easy! Coming back was busy since we stayed to watch the fireworks show, but the bus to the park was empty, likely because we got there pretty early.
Funds - this day costed us about $400, and it was mostly food.
Weather - it was hot and rainy! We were prepared with ponchos, and this was the only day we really used them. Epcot doesn’t have much shade or coverage but it wasn’t bad at all.
Things we packed - Magic bands, masks, extra masks, spare clothes, ponchos, sunscreens, snacks, water bottles, Gatorade, cooling towels, fans (kids had the option of bringing them), cash, IDs, sanitizer wipes, hand sanitizer, pins and lanyards (for pin trading, this was also an option for each of us every day we were in the parks), portable chargers, charging cables.
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kat-feinated · 4 years
My favorite Denver restaurants
How was your week?
My week included being invited to have a threesome with two of my work clients, who are both meth addicts and lost custody of their child due to said meth addiction.
My boss asked me to send the text to her and just replied “FOR GOD SAKE” and I feel like that’s the perfect summary of my year.
Speaking of meth, we finally finished watching “Tiger King” this week. I know I know, that show is so one month ago. But I have a lot of thoughts that I need to share with the world.
1. Did anyone else find Joe really sympathetic and felt bad for him? Yes, I know he’s unstable and probably killed animals and stuff but I found him...endearing!? 
2. Doc Antle is the creepiest ever ever ever. 
3. Jeff Lowe sucks. And his wife is way too young for him. And THE WHOLE THING WITH THE NANNY I JUST CAN’T.
4. The guy with no legs whose name I can’t remember was my favorite character. And just seems so normal. How did he end up there!?
5. I’m proud of Saff for standing up for Joe in the aftershow...everyone else just sold him down the river!
6. Howard Baskin. Howard Baskin singing. Howard Baskin’s wedding photos with Carole Baskin. The show is worth watching just for Howard Baskin.
7. Do I think Carole murdered her husband and fed him to a tiger? Yes. Would I still hang out with her in a heartbeat? ABSOLUTELY.
8. I’m extremely mad that I didn’t come up with “hey all you cool cats and kittens”. And now it’s already over-used.
Do you miss eating at restaurants as much as I do? (Probably not because you’re probably a normal person who has friends and other hobbies). I miss restaurants so much it HURTS. I miss looking up menus and deciding what I’m going to order days before I go. I miss people-watching and commenting on everyone else’s food. I miss kind servers bringing me baskets of bread and drinks that I didn’t make. I MISS RESTAURANTS YOU GUYS.
So, while I’m eagerly waiting for restaurants to start re-opening, I thought it would be fun to share my very favorite places to eat in Denver. Share this list with your favorite Denver local! Or better yet, come visit Denver and try these spots out (and invite me!!). 
Cuba Cuba: This was the first restaurant I tried in Denver, because it’s across the street from our old apartment. It’s located in an adorable blue bungalow but is surprisingly spacious on the inside. For drinks, order their house made mojitos or a pina colada. For appetizers, order the plantain chips with guacamole and garlic sauce (YUM) or the empanadas. Everything I’ve eaten there for dinner has been delicious, but I especially love the coconut shrimp and the chimichurri steak.
Perfect for: a date night or girls’ night where you feel like getting a little dressed up (but you’d be fine going there dressed more casually).
Rioja: This is my mom’s favorite Denver restaurant, and she insists we go every single time she’s in town. It’s located in Larimer Square, the cutest and most charming street in downtown Denver. It’s a bunch of old Victorian buildings that have been converted into restaurants and shops, and the street is decorated with twinkly lights and Colorado state flags so it’s a great spot to get a touristy picture when you visit.
The menu changes constantly, so it’s hard to recommend exactly what to order, but you can’t go wrong with the pasta dishes. They are known for their artichoke tortelloni and it’s honestly the best pasta I’ve ever eaten in my life. Last time we also ordered the tagliatelle and clams which was fantastic. For starters, order the smoked pear and raclette if it’s available-so yummy.
Also, Rioja makes all their bread in house, and it’s probably our favorite part of the restaurant. Waiters literally come around with a giant tray of bread and I always try every single type. The lavender sourdough and rosemary biscuit are life-changing.
Perfect for: when your parents come visit (and pay!) or a special occasion like an anniversary or birthday dinner. It is on the pricey side.
Work & Class: This is probably the Denver restaurant I’ve eaten at the most. Located in the very hip Five Points neighborhood, Work & Class is always busy and does not take reservations, so I would recommend going on a random weeknight vs. a Friday or Saturday. If you do go on the weekend, plan on an hour plus wait-the good news is you’re surrounded by bars and breweries to help pass the time.
Work & Class is a South American/American fusion restaurant, and everything is served tapas (small plates) style, so go with someone you are cool sharing with. They have fabulous in-house cocktails which change seasonally, so definitely order one while you peruse the menu. It’s hard to make food recommendations since I’ve probably tried everything on the menu and have never been disappointed, but some of my favorites include: the lamb, the empanadas, the mac & cheese, and any of their vegetable side dishes.
Perfect for: your group of friends who you’re comfortable sharing with (eating off of each other’s plates!).
Mercantile Dining & Provisions: This is another spot that my mom insists on visiting every time she comes to Denver. It’s located in Union Station in downtown Denver, which is itself a great spot to visit. It’s an old train station (that is still a working train station) but also home to a hotel, an ice cream parlor, a bookshop, a florist, and every other small adorable business you can imagine.
Mercantile serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner (I’ve had all 3 there), but my mom and I have created what we believe is the perfect system for dining there. We always go on the day she is leaving town, since she can take the train from Union Station to the Denver Airport after our meal. We try to go around 11am, and we order a raspberry muffin. My mom doesn’t even like muffins, but these are no ordinary muffins-not too sweet, perfectly fluffy, moist (I’M SORRY) -just sheer perfection. After sitting and people watching for about an hour, we then order a short rib sandwich around noon, as soon as they start serving their lunch menu (it gets quite busy at this time). SO GOOD. SO TASTY. Plus, the restaurant itself is so cute-it looks like Joanna Gaines designed the perfect black-and-white chic modern farmhouse.
Perfect for: brunch/lunch after a morning exploring downtown Denver, or a quick bite before catching the train to the airport.
Lowdown Brewery: Is it cheating that this is actually a brewery and not a restaurant? I say it counts because they make all their food in house. I don’t always love going to the popular breweries around Denver because they’re usually packed. I’ve never seen Lowdown packed and in my opinion it’s the best brewery in Denver in terms of food and ambience-and the beer is good too!
Not only do they make and sell their own beers, but their menu always features a seasonally rotating list of Colorado beers as well. They have a lot of IPA’s (which I despise but everyone else seems to love). I’ve tried their blood orange wheat, selfish (pale ale), and their blackberry sour and have enjoyed all three. In terms of food, you can’t go wrong with any of their pizzas, salads, or sandwiches, but I personally can’t get enough of their beer cheese dip (served with broccoli, apple slices, and soft pretzel bites-I’M DROOLING).
Perfect for: sitting out on their patio with friends in the warm weather. Bring your dog!
El Five: El Five has one of the coolest views of downtown Denver, not to mention delicious food and drinks and great service. Their sangria is the best I’ve ever tasted, but they have tons of great cocktail, beer and wine choices if that’s not your thing (but also what is wrong with you). For appetizers, try the spreads of the med-a platter of house made pita, hummus, and veggies. For their traditional tapas, I’ve tried and enjoyed the patatas bravas, the shrimp & calamari, and the goat cheese croquettes. Then, of course, you must try their paella. I’ve tried both the Valencian (made with rabbit confit!) and the seafood and would recommend either. Be prepared to log roll out of the restaurant when you’re finished because you will have gained 100 pounds.
Perfect for: a festive date night, dinner with your parents, drinks with your girlfriends-just be prepared for an expensive bill.
Stowaway: I’ve only been to Stowaway once, right before the shelter in place order started, but I’ve been dreaming about it ever since. First of all, it is tucked into the cutest former warehouse-turned-hipster-coffee shop/brunch spot, complete with exposed pipes and red brick walls. I AM HERE FOR IT.
We went on a Sunday morning with some friends who warned us to expect a bit of a wait. Fortunately, the Denver Central Market is just a few blocks away so we were able to enjoy some cocktails and/or coffee while we waited.
When we finally got in, I ordered the Colorful Colorado (an egg dish) because of the 8 million reviews I’d read ahead of time that told me I must order this dish or live a life of unending misery and regret (ok, that might be a slight exaggeration but it was something along those lines). I also split the fruit toast with Joshua because I have to order something sweet and something savory when I go to brunch (I know I have a problem, just leave me alone). Both were so freaking good. I can’t wait to go back soon and try everything on their menu (or more likely, order the same two dishes over and over again).
Perfect for: brunch with your favorite hipster friend.
Linger: This is the one restaurant on my list that I love more for the location/ambience than for the food, though the food is certainly tasty. Linger is located in my favorite neighborhood in Denver (LoHi or Lower Highlands) and the building it’s in USED TO BE A MORTUARY. Like, WHERE DEAD PEOPLE WOULD BE SENT AFTER THEY DIED. I personally find this so cool, and if this freaks you out, you would never know except that I just told you (sorry). It’s very airy inside with cozy mood lighting and exposed brick walls. This is another place that does small plates and they’re all globally-inspired street food dishes-the menu is literally divided by continent (i.e. Asia, Africa). For drinks, order the turmeric mule. For eating, you really can’t go wrong, but some dishes I’ve enjoyed include: the bao buns, the impossible burger persian sliders, the tuna tostadas, and the potato masala dosa. Skip dessert because right around the corner you’ll find Little Man Ice Cream-one of my favorite ice cream spots in the city.
Perfect for: a first date/date night, a girls’ night, or a summer brunch on their rooftop bar.
Snooze: Full disclosure-Snooze is a chain and is not just located in Denver; they have locations across Colorado and in a few other states including Texas and California. That being said, I just have to include it on my list because I believe it is completely worth the hype.
Because there is always a long wait (I’m talking 2 hours sometimes), we always go on a Monday morning when there’s a federal holiday that other people don’t get off, such as Columbus Day. Don’t kid yourself-there will still be a wait, but it will hopefully be closer to one hour. Plus, they give out free coffee while you wait!
I don’t even like pancakes, but I always order the pancakes here. ORDER THE DAMN PANCAKES PEOPLE. You can even get a pancake flight where you can sample three different types of pancakes (I highly recommend the blueberry danish pancakes and the sweet potato pancakes). If I’m in a savory mood, I’ll order the breakfast tacos with a side of one pancake.
Perfect for: brunch with your friend, brunch with family or anyone with kids, brunch with your arch nemesis, brunch with anyone.
Hopefully this list made you excited to go back to restaurants again in the future, instead of depressed! And please send me your best restaurant recommendations! These conversations are what I live for.
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resthefuture · 5 years
I was tagged by @forbiddenfantasies1 Thank you! It was nice distraction during these days :)
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you would like to get to know better!
Nickname? I really don’t have any.
Real name? Lucie. Very common name from where I’m from.
Zodiac? Pisces (All hail to the drama queens)
Favorite musicians or groups? I just opened my spotify to be able to answear this. So it seems I go mostly wiht electro - Stromae, Hurts, Disclosure, Robin Schulz...But I’m really not picky.
Favorite sports team? FC St. Pauli -thanks to its openness and anti-sexism policy they have large female fanbase :)
Other blogs? Nope
Do I get asks? Just time to time
How many blogs do I follow? 105
Tumblr crushes? Of course, yes, several!
Lucky number? 12
What am I wearing? My comfy gray pyjama pants and worn black t-shirt.
Dream vacation?  Patagonia, it’s on my “travel list” (an abstract one, existing only in my head) since I was 14. I just love nature and this is a place I’d love to explore. Do some hiking, kayaking, biking and taking pictures of all the beautiful places.
Dream car? I don’t really have one? If it works then it’s fine for me.
Favorite food? Hmm, I’m sucker for Thai cuisine, so I guess hot curry with shrimps and some vegetables. Yummy.
Drink of choice? Gin tonic. And I never say no to a beer (Czech heritage huh)
Instruments? Hah, not at all. I’m hopeless. 
Languages? Czech, English, Slovak, a bit of French and Finnish. Can order a meal in German and swear in Spanish.
Celebrity crushes? I mean, huh, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, the danish pastry. Bring it on.
Random facts? Plural? Oh, okay. So, I really love to shop in drugstores which means I have plenty of shampoos, shower gels and toothpastes at home. I never wait til I’m running out of it, I just go to the store once a week and buy something that smells nice :D
I hate wearing socks under a blanket. It’s just uggh.
21? Oh I’m tagging @ddagent  @sarahoftarth @pola95 @dunderklumpen If you feel like doing it, of course :))
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rin-unnie · 5 years
Mistletoe- A Fairy Tail Fanfic
Rating: K+
Words: 2000+
Genre: Humor/Romance
Pairings: NaLu, a little bit of Gruvia, Gajevy, Albis, Fraxis and Gratsu??
Summary: Lucy thinks it's a fun idea to share a new tradition with her Fairy Tail family but it doesn't go how she thought it would.
"What's that you're hanging there, Lu?" Levy asked, walking up to the blonde who was on a step ladder in the front door of the guildhall. The blonde had one eye shut and her mouth in a grimace with a nail sticking out of it. She was busy nailing something on the top of the door frame. Luckily, she had on black tights under her brown skirt or she’d flash the entire guildhall. She had on a black long sleeve flannel and brown boots. It was winter in Magnolia and all the townspeople were covered head to toe in their warmest clothes.
"Wait!" She removed the nail and stopped Levy, making the bluenette stop in her tracks. She gave her a bemused look.
"Sorry! It's a mistletoe! I thought it would be festive!" she smiled proudly. She stepped down from the ladder and admired her (half-assed) handyman work, "ya know, if two people stand under it then they have to kiss! It's tradition!"
"I've never heard of that." she looked at it from afar and a few of the Fairy Tail patrons had heard the two girls talking and they stared at it in confusion.
"I read it in a book. It’s a western tradition. If you don't kiss the other person, people believe it gives you bad luck." she looked up at the cute little shrub with white buds sticking out, it was tied together with a bright red bow as it dangled from Lucy’s bent and slanted nail.
"What's with the hanged spinach?" Natsu scratched his head as he looked up at the thing in front of Lucy.
"N-Natsu?" Lucy stuttered with a blush on the apples of her cheeks.
"Well, would you look at that, Lu. Now we get to see the tradition in action!" Levy cheered.
"Aahh!" the blonde squealed and Lucykicked Natsu in the face sending him off a few feet, landing face flat in a snowy floor in front of the guild hall, making Levy laugh.
"Dang, Lucy. What the hell was that for?" the pinkette was rubbing his face as he was walking towards her.
"Don't come any closer!" she waved her arms in front of him frantically as she backed away. But, was met with a hard surface behind her. Lucy turned around wide-eyed at what she bumped into.
"You totally ate dirt and snow, flame brain!" Gray laughed, ignoring Lucy stumble.
"Aahh!" Lucy squealed again and made Gray suffer the same fate as his fiery companion.
"Ha! Serves you right for talkin', droopy eyes!" he stood in the doorway and laughed.
"You wanna start something, hot breath?" Gray went up the pinkette and bumped his forehead against his.
"I'm all fired up!" he smirked.
"Wait!" Levy stopped their fight that was about to ensue with a sly grin, "you two have to kiss."
"Say what?!" both boys said in unison as they let go of their clothes and hair they had gathered in fists. Their arms fell to their sides in disbelief at what they just heard.
"It's a tradition." Lucy managed to overcome her heated cheeks at her close encounters and explained the mistletoe again.
"Hell no! I'd rather kiss Juvia than this knucklehead." the ice-mage crossed his arms across his chest. Sure, he did.
"Gray, my darling, you called?" the rain woman appeared with puckered lips, making Gray flinch.
"And I'd rather kiss Happy than this ice freak!" Natsu muttered.
"Aye, you already did that, Natsu. Don't remind me." the exceed sighed and flew to Lucy's side. Remembering the time that Asca tried to make Natsu and Lucy kiss but the shy blonde made him kiss his exceed instead.
"Well, we can't go against tradition. So, you two better make with the lips! Unless you want bad luck." Erza appeared from behind Lucy and Levy who giggled at the absurdity. There was a huge smug on the redhead's face.
"No. I'm not doing that!" Gray yelled.
"You gotta be kidding me, Erza." Natsu grumbled. 
"Either that or I'd have to beat the two of you to a bloody pulp." the requip mage sneered.
"Ugh! Fine, then let's fight!" Natsu challenged as he ran towards Erza but she was faster and more agile than him and drop kicked him easily, making him land on his face again.
"My darling!" Juvia took it as an opportunity as she tried to get near Gray who was still in the doorway. The ice mage kept his arm out as he made the girl stop midway, his palm on her forehead, as she walked in place and flailed her arms in front of her.
The rest of the day had been pretty funny as the guild members tried their best to avoid having two people in the doorway at once. Bisca and Alzack had shared a kiss under the hanged tiding. While others tried to avoid the door altogether. 
"Laxus, I think there's a threat outside the guild." Freed snickered from the doorway as he talked to his friend who was at the bar.
"What're you going on about now?" the blond man walked towards him, perplexed.
"No! Wait!" Bixlow yelled and stopped him. 
"What?! What's going on?" Laxus grumbled.
"Laxus, if there were a threat; I don't think Freed would be so calm about it." Evergreen glared at the green-haired man whose mischievous grin faltered at his failed attempt.
The lightening mage had been completely oblivious to the whole ordeal as he took another swig of his beer.
"Carla! I caught us fresh yummy fishies!" Happy cheered arriving to the guild, a fish in each paw, he stood abruptly in the doorway, "but you have to come get it!"
"No, thank you. You can eat them both yourself, tomcat." the white exceed crossed her arms and stayed seated next to Wendy. Defeated, Happy flew to Natsu's side as he stuffed both fish in his mouth.
Levy who had been sitting in a table chatting with Lucy stood up, "well, Lu. I think I'm going to head out for the day. Team Shadow Gear has a job to go to early in the morning and I have to prepare!" the bluenette waved to her blonde friend.
"Okay, good luck! See ya, Levy." Lucy replied with a smile. 
The bluenette walked towards the front not looking where she was walking, still waving at her friend and walked straight into a hard surface. 
"Oi, pay attention, shrimp!" the taller man smirked down at the shorter girl.
"G-Gajeel-" she looked up at him and her eyes drifted to the dreaded piece of lettuce that she swore she'd take down with such force if only she could reach. Her cheeks flushed red as she stood there aghast.
"Yo, you ok?" the pierced man raised an eyebrow.
Mira giggled as she walked towards the duo, "you're under the mistletoe. You two have to kiss now!" she sounded too giddy for her own good, she was pointing at it.
"Muscle toes? Kiss what?!" the larger man flustered at her comment as he looked up at the apparatus.
"It's a new tradition in Fairy Tail. You gotta do it or you'll get cursed and have bad luck for a whole year!" Cana laughed drunkenly, her cheeks were bright pink, she was clearly exaggerating the legend.
Cana's laugh managed to get Levy out of her trance, "Oh my! Would you look at the time! I have to, uh, go-" she stuttered and walked away hurriedly. Leaving a dumbfounded Gajeel and the she-devil and card mage laughing.
With the sun setting. The members were beginning to get restless. It was astonishing how a shrub of leaves had the entire guild in a turmoil. 
"Alright, I need to get out of here!” a wizard spoke from a nearby table. There were still a few members who couldn’t get past the hanging menacing weed.
“Great job, Lucy. You’ve officially terrified an entire guild.” Erza laughed. The redhead was sitting in a table with her, Natsu, Wendy and their exceeds.
“It was just for fun!” the blonde fretted, “I just wanted to brighten everyone's day, it seems I caused the opposite effect.” she toyed with edges of her notebook.
“I think it was a cute idea, Lucy!” Wendy tried to cheer up her friend.
"Thank you, Wendy." she smiled halfheartedly.
“If only they wouldn’t take it so seriously.” Carla added. Making a few others who were within range of hearing, marvel at the idea.
"You know, Carla is right!" Someone said aloud and gave several members courage as they walked out ignoring the newfound tradition.
“What has you all quiet, Natsu?” Erza asked the pinkette who had been fairly quiet since he arrived.
“Just thinkin’” he grumbled.
“You can think?” Gray teased his friend as he appeared from the other table.
“Don’t start your bickering you two.” the redhead scolded.
'Something must be bothering him if he didn’t even respond to Gray’s insult.' Lucy thought to herself. She had been pretty quiet too as she had been engrossed in her story, not minding the pinkette. She felt bad now as she looked at him with his “thinking” face, the frown evident on his face.
The conversation topic changed to something else and before long Wendy and Gray had gone for the day. Lucy occasionally glanced at Natsu who was playing cards with Happy and Erza. His frown, however, never faltered.
Eventually, the guild hall grew quiet as night fell. Erza dropped her cards on the table and spoke first, "It's getting late. I'll be taking my leave. We should look for a job tomorrow." she suggested as she stood up. 
"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! Rent is coming up soon actually." Lucy responded.
"Sure." Natsu said, he was still concentrated on his cards in his hands.
"I'm going to head out too! I want a long hot bath!" the blonde said dreamily, she stood up and draped her coat on. "Walk me home?" she asked Natsu.
"Sure." he stuffed his cards in his pants as he and Happy stood up.
"Hey, Natsu is everything okay?" the blonde finally got the courage to ask.
The pinkette ignored her question and kept walking alongside her.
"You should know by now that you can talk to me, you know." Lucy rubbed her arms, her brown eyes filled with worry. 
"Lucy?" Natsu was walking behind her.
"Hmm?" Lucy stopped walking and turned around.
"Is it true?" he grunted, staring intently at her.
"What is?" she asked perplexed.
"The muscle toes or whatever." he kicked the floor.
"Mistletoe! It's a legend. It's really just for fun. To bring friends together and spread love and cheer." she smiled sweetly at her explanation and then frowned, "but I don't think the guild understood the concept."
"I understand." he grinned now and looked up, making Lucy look up too but before she could react, Natsu held her shoulders and with a swift move planted a quick kiss on the blonde's cold cheek. It had been quick but his warmth lingered in her now flushed cheeks. Lucy stood there bewildered and her body couldn't move. 'What the heck just happened?' She thought to herself still in her trance. 
"Youuu like him!" the exceed giggled. Making Lucy react.
"What?! He kissed me!" she was flustered, "Natsu, you can't just do that without warning someone!" she slapped his chest and walked alongside him.
"Just in case."
"In case what?" she said with heated cheeks. She could still feel his warmth.
"The bad luck." he grumbled, looking away from the blonde.
"So, you were worried about the legend?" she asked and then it dawned on her, "is that why you were grumpy all day?" she couldn't believe it.
"No, what made you think that!" He chuckled and ran away, "I'll beat you to your place and take a bath first! C'mon Happy!" the blue exceed carried him.
Just like that he was back to his old self again and Lucy couldn't even be upset. Her cold hand reached her heated cheek. She still couldn't come to terms what had just happened but a smile crept up her cheeks despite her attempts to hide it.
"No fair! You have happy helping you! Natsu, wait!" Lucy ran after her laughing pink-haired friend with a smile on her face.
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vacationsoup · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/where-to-buy-fresh-fish-north-shore-kauai-hawaii/
Where To buy Fresh Fish To Cook On The North Shore Of Kauai - Hawaii
You have arrived on Kauai and, if you are like most people, you can not wait to barbecue some fresh island fish. Depending on the time of year, you will have a choice of Pacific Blue Marlin, Ahi (yellow fin tuna), Aku (skip jack tuna), Ono (Wahoo), Opah, Sea Bass or, my favorite, Mahi Mahi (dolphin fish or dorado). Most restaurants will offer two, generally Ahi and Mahi Mahi or Ono. But, if you want to buy some to bring home to cook, here are your best options to buy fresh fish between Lihue and Hanalei.
Where to buy fresh fish on Kauai:
Start with Costco. Just about every day you will have a selection of several kinds of raw fish at the best price on the island. As with most things at Costco, however, the fish is packaged in fairly large quantities. If you are looking to feed four or more - no problem. For two people, you might consider buying a slab of fish, cutting it in half, and freezing one half for another night later in your trip. It will be just as tasty the second night you cook it. Or, cook up the whole piece and use the leftovers for fish tacos or wraps the next night.
Just recently, our Costco set up a sushi chef preparation area where you may also purchase fresh sushi daily.
Address: 4300 Nuhou St, Lihue, HI 96766
Phone: (808) 241-4000
The Fish Express
While still in Lihue, check out The Fish Express. Located right across the street from Walmart, this busy place has a small variety of raw fish, as well as a large variety of poke, shrimp and other items from the sea. In addition to seafood, they offer cuts of meat. Daily prepared specials are listed on a placard.
Address: 3-3343 Kuhio Hwy, Lihue, Hawaii 96766
Phone: (808) 245-9918
Hours: Monday through Saturday: 10:00 to 5:00, Sundays, starting March 1, 2020: 10:00 to 2:30 but grill will be closed.
Most grocery stores on the island will also carry fresh fish. Foodland, in Princeville, generally has quite a good selection (depending on how well the fish are biting). When I am not going to be in Lihue, this is where I buy my fish. They almost always have ahi and marlin. I prefer white fish so I am always on the lookout for Mahi Mahi, Ono, or occasionally Sea Bass. Here one can buy smaller portions to barbecue, fry, or bake. Try coating each serving of fish with olive oil and a combination of panko flakes and finely chopped up macadamia nuts. Then bake at 450 degrees until brown on top. It does not take long to bake and it is so delicious (ono)!
Foodland also features sushi chefs making a variety of fresh sushi for take-out.
The Kilauea Fish Market
Although most people go to this small fish market for prepared food (their fish tacos are the BEST), they do offer a few pieces of high quality fish for you to take home and cook. Located behind the stone building on the left side of Kilauea Road (road to the lighthouse), this popular spot can be quite crowded around lunch time with long wait times. There are a few tables on the covered patio and a couple of picnic tables on the grass where you may "dine in" or wait for your order.
Address: 4270 Kilauea Rd, Kilauea, HI 96754
Phone: (808) 828-6244
Hours: Monday through Saturday 11:00 - 8:00, closed on Sunday.
Best Fish Tacos on Kauai
The Dolphin Fish Market
Just down the hill from Princeville, on the way to Hanalei Town, you will first see the Dophin Restaurant on your right, next to the Hanalei River. Around back is the small Dolphin Fish Market where you will find one of the best selections of raw fish on the north shore.
From their website:
"If ‘Take out’ or ‘cook-your-own’ is where you’re at tonight, then there is no better place to start your meal preparation than the Dolphin Fish Market in Hanalei. Cleaned and cut by master fish cutters you are guaranteed to receive the finest cuts in fish or beef, not to mention specialties like Teriyaki Shrimp, Beef Stix, sushi rolls and fresh sashimi, poke salad, ceviche, seafood chowder, organic salad mixes, squaw bread garlic croutons (a delicious snack themselves) and The Dolphin’s homemade salad dressings."
They are proud of their offerings as is suggested by their prices, but some people swear you will not find a better piece of fish.
Addriess: Hanalei Dolphin Center, 5-5016 Kuhio Highway, Hanalei
Phone: (808) 826-6113
Of course, the best way to ensure that you have fresh fish is to catch it yourself. Check out two fishing charters in the "Sports" category of my blog list. If you happen to see someone along the side of the road selling fresh fish, that is a great way to get yummy fish at a more reasonable price. Wherever you buy your fish and however you cook it, a trip to Kauai is not complete until you have tasted our local fish. Enjoy!
For more of my blogs, or to subscribe, go to the right-hand side of this page (not phones). For more information about our luxury vacation rental on the north shore, go to any other page of this website. Mahalo!
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kembungsusu · 3 years
Italian Temari Sushi.
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Hello everybody, it's Brad, welcome to our recipe page. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, italian temari sushi. It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I'm gonna make it a bit unique. This will be really delicious.
Italian Temari Sushi is one of the most well liked of current trending foods in the world. It's easy, it's quick, it tastes yummy. It's appreciated by millions daily. Italian Temari Sushi is something that I've loved my whole life. They are fine and they look wonderful.
To begin with this particular recipe, we have to prepare a few components. You can have italian temari sushi using 27 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that.
The ingredients needed to make Italian Temari Sushi:
{Make ready of White rice.
{Make ready of ♦ White wine vinegar.
{Take of ♦ Sugar.
{Make ready of ♦ Salt.
{Get of ♧.
{Prepare of Smoked salmon.
{Prepare of Salmon roe.
{Take of Shiso leaves (or fresh basil).
{Take of ♢.
{Prepare of Prosciutto.
{Get of Cream cheese.
{Make ready of Leafy vegetables (like fresh Italian parsley).
{Make ready of ♤.
{Prepare of Roast beef.
{Prepare of Onion.
{Prepare of Ginger.
{Take of ♡.
{Get of Shrimp.
{Take of Avocado.
{Take of Lemon juice.
{Take of Wasabi.
{Prepare of For the ⦿ sauce:.
{Make ready of Genovese.
{Get of Olive oil.
{Make ready of For the ◎ sauce:.
{Take of Soy sauce.
{Make ready of Olive oil.
Instructions to make Italian Temari Sushi:
Combine all ingredients marked with a ♦ and mix in the sushi vinegar. Pour over cooked rice (should be a little hard) to make Western-flavored sushi rice..
♧: On a sheet of plastic wrap, place the smoked salmon, shiso leaf, and 1 heaping tablespoon of sushi rice. Wrap up and squeeze gently to form balls like a kinchaku pouch. Top with salmon roe..
♢: Wrap up the prosciutto, cream cheese, (black pepper if you'd like), and sushi rice with plastic wrap just like Step 2. Top with the leafy vegetable..
♢: Follow the same procedures with roast beef, grated ginger, and sushi rice and wrap them up. Top with minced onion..
♡: Wrap up the shrimp, avocado coated with a small amount of sliced lemon, and sushi rice with plastic wrap. Top with wasabi..
⦿ Sauce (optional): Mix genovese and olive oil to make basil sauce..
Sauce (optional): Mix soy sauce and olive oil for a soy-based sauce..
Dish it up, and decorate nicely with the sauce. Serve with black pepper and coarse salt if you'd like..
Also great to pack in bentos without removing them from the plastic wrap..
So that's going to wrap it up for this exceptional food italian temari sushi recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I'm confident you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 year
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大家好! CL, SC and I enjoyed a yummy buffet lunch. The spring roll in sweet chilli sauce, tamago with sakura shrimp and ebiko, pandan coconut rice, sweet and sour seabass as well as vegetarian dumplings were especially tasty. For beverage, I chose warm low-fat milk over coffee and tea although, if they had pu er cha (Pu Erh tea), I would've alternated between that and low-fat milk. Overall, it was a nice meal and we enjoyed ourselves.
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Pa and I returned to the vegetarian diner we ate at a few weeks back. Instead of bento, Pa had herbal soup noodles and I chose angelica herb soup noodles with added vegetable dumplings. My dish came with vegetarian 'mutton', konjac 'prawns', tau pok (tofu skin puffs), carrot, lettuce and Chinese tea mushrooms, which are much like tea eggs. Also, I'm avoiding Mike Chen's videos for awhile; he makes noodles look even more delicious than they already are and the craving he triggered this time is insatiable! To be fair, he's great and I have nothing against him; he's just too good at promoting food 😅
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Besides rotating plant and animal proteins for meals at home, I have vegetarian food weekly when dining out, sometimes twice a week. Colourful vegetable dishes look so attractive, I wanna order them all! I've come to appreciate how our unpretentious, homely hawker fare relies purely on the freshness of ingredients to create their vibrant - and, very importantly, incredibly delicious - offerings. The end result: equally aesthetic and tasty meals as 'artistically plated' ones for those of us who eat moderately healthy AND, it's proudly ours. Contrasting textures, at once complementary and complex flavours, and food that embraces diners with familiarity like a warm cuddle at home, hawker food embodies all of it.
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Whether it's moderately healthy or plant-based meals, our vibrant local scene has risen to the challenge. Brown rice is boring, dry and hard to people like me, but our hawkers offer fluffy and moist unpolished rice congee that is so yummy, as a hardcore white rice enthusiast (for now, add noodle enthusiast), I willingly eat it once or twice a week. If we want fish or veggie variety, all we have to do is visit different food stalls. This can be fun, like a mini adventure, when we ditch the car on weekends and hop on public transport! Delicious nourishing food plus a fun mini adventure - sounds like a recipe for good health to me!
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Like people living in other Blue Zones, many of us here in Blue Zone 2.0 don't buy into the hype surrounding 'superfoods'. To us, it's done to drive up prices so that we all pay premiums for something that might just be marginally more nutritious (or maybe not at all) and make a few people very rich. What we have is equally good, very nourishing foods, such as pomfret, which has the highest level of Omega 3 amongst all fish (see the article in my previous post), as well as a variety of veggies that offer a wide range of benefits. As long as we make the effort to eat moderately healthy with what we have, we'll continue to do just fine. 下次见!
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juilojio753 · 3 years
Vegetable broth Chinese hot pot. Chinese hot pot is one of the ultimate communal dining experiences: Diners sit around a table, dipping prepared meats, seafood, and vegetables into simmering broths to quickly cook before eating. All that's required are a few key pieces of equipment and all the ingredients, prepped right. Hot pots are also available as the pot only that can be warmed at the table on a butane heater or an I chose two different broths for our hot pot time machine.
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Just think about veggies that go with. It's pretty chilly outside which means a simmering pot of broth will hit just For the broth fry the ginger, garlic and chilli in a generous drizzle of vegetable oil in a big pot for a few minutes until very fragrant. Hot pot broth - buy or make your own?
Hello everybody, it is me, Dave, welcome to my recipe site. Today, I will show you a way to make a distinctive dish, vegetable broth chinese hot pot. One of my favorites. For mine, I'm gonna make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Chinese hot pot is one of the ultimate communal dining experiences: Diners sit around a table, dipping prepared meats, seafood, and vegetables into simmering broths to quickly cook before eating. All that's required are a few key pieces of equipment and all the ingredients, prepped right. Hot pots are also available as the pot only that can be warmed at the table on a butane heater or an I chose two different broths for our hot pot time machine.
Vegetable broth Chinese hot pot is one of the most favored of recent trending meals in the world. It's simple, it's fast, it tastes yummy. It's enjoyed by millions every day. Vegetable broth Chinese hot pot is something that I have loved my whole life. They're fine and they look wonderful.
To get started with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few ingredients. You can have vegetable broth chinese hot pot using 9 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.
The ingredients needed to make Vegetable broth Chinese hot pot:
{Prepare 4 cup of Vegetable broth.
{Prepare 4 cup of Water.
{Get 4 tbsp of Minced garlic.
{Make ready 1/4 cup of Housin sauce.
{Prepare 1/4 cup of Teriyaki sauce.
{Get 1/4 cup of soy sauce.
{Take 1/4 cup of Chives.
{Make ready 10 slice of Thinly sliced ginger root.
{Get 1/4 cup of Cilantro.
Despite the fact that I enjoy making most of my Chinese food at home, I highly Sichuan spicy hot pot base Red chili oil (made with vegetable oil) based spicy broth is balanced with spiciness, numbness (from Sichuan peppercorns) and various herbs. Hot pot or hotpot (simplified Chinese: 火锅; traditional Chinese: 火鍋; pinyin: huǒguō; lit. 'fire pot'), also While a hot pot full of flavored broth is kept simmering, raw ingredients are placed into the pot and Typical hot pot ingredients include thinly sliced meat, leaf vegetables, mushrooms, vermicelli. Chinese hot pot is a broth set on a table meant for sharing, and is a social dining experience where people huddle around a simmering pot of broth with a variety of proteins, veggies, spices and a string of incredibly diverse dipping sauces. In short, you make a personalized dipping sauce.
Steps to make Vegetable broth Chinese hot pot:
Mix all ingredients into hot pot, and put on burner..
Bring to boil and then reduce heat to simmer..
Generally there are two types of broth for hot pot, one is spicy version (红汤 in Chinese ) and the other is clear (清汤 in Chinese)version. Please note this is a very basic version of homemade mala hot pot soup base. I have already simplified the ingredients and using only key ingredients. Chinese-Style Hot Pot With Rich Broth, Shrimp Balls, and Dipping SaucesSerious Eats. When it's cold out, it's time to throw down some Chinese hot pot!
So that's going to wrap this up for this special food vegetable broth chinese hot pot recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I'm confident that you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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ssportlive4 · 3 years
Malaysian Nyonya Curry Laksa At Home.
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Hello everybody, it's John, welcome to my recipe page. Today, we're going to prepare a special dish, malaysian nyonya curry laksa at home. It is one of my favorites. This time, I will make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Malaysian Nyonya Curry Laksa At Home is one of the most well liked of current trending foods on earth. It's simple, it's fast, it tastes yummy. It's appreciated by millions every day. They are nice and they look wonderful. Malaysian Nyonya Curry Laksa At Home is something that I've loved my whole life.
To get started with this recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can have malaysian nyonya curry laksa at home using 32 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook it.
The ingredients needed to make Malaysian Nyonya Curry Laksa At Home:
{Prepare of A Curry Laksa Noodles and the extras.
{Make ready of Yellow noodles + Vermicelli Noodle.
{Make ready 3 of Chicken thighs - cut and then boil with 2 crushed garlic - Chicken Broth reserved.
{Get 1 packet of fishballs.
{Prepare 8 sprigs of vietnamese mints/vietnamese coriander.
{Get of B Curry Laksa Paste (blended).
{Prepare 2 tsp of turmeric powder.
{Get 1/2 of big yellow onion (roughly chopped).
{Take 1/2 of big red onion (roughly chopped).
{Make ready 4 of shallots.
{Make ready 4 of garlic.
{Prepare 5 stalks of chopped lemon grass (use only white part).
{Take 3 Cup of - cut, seeded & soaked Dried Chillies (less if you like it less spicy).
{Take 3 inches of galangal (roughly chopped - use extra ginger if no galangal).
{Take 1 inch of ginger (roughly chopped).
{Take 1 tsp of shrimp paste/belacan/terasi.
{Take 7 of candlenuts or macadamia.
{Get of C Curry Laksa Broth.
{Prepare of Chicken broth from A.
{Make ready 4 tbsp of Meat Curry (use BABAS) - mix with water to make paste.
{Get 1 of big can of coconut cream.
{Make ready 1 of big can of light coconut milk.
{Get of To taste - Chicken stock granules/powder.
{Prepare of To taste - salt.
{Make ready of Note: I used ONLY coconut cream for this recipe (2 tins) - Pure Coconut Cream (Ayam Brand).
{Take of D The Accompaniments.
{Take of Bean sprouts.
{Get of Hard boil eggs.
{Take of Fish cakes.
{Get of Julienned cucumber.
{Prepare of Sambal Paste **.
{Take of Lemon/lime - wedged (optional).
Instructions to make Malaysian Nyonya Curry Laksa At Home:
A - Soaked noodle in boiling water for few seconds and drain. Use both vermicelli and yellow noodles or use only one. Boil chicken thighs with garlic and enough water to cover the flesh. Once boil, take out the chicken from the broth. Keep this chicken broth for later. Put aside. Blanch fish cakes. Keep aside..
B. CURRY LAKSA PASTE - Blend all ingredients in B with 1/4 C of water (or just enough water) to make laksa paste. Keep aside. Prepare chicken broth from A by removing garlic used to boil the chicken. Keep aside..
C. CURRY LAKSA BROTH - combine and mix meat curry powder with enough water to get a thick curry paste..
D. THE ACCOMPANIMENTS - prep all the accompaniments..
COOKING THE LAKSA - Heat the wok. Add 7 tbsp of oil. Add ingredient B (laksa paste) Sauté until fragrant for few minutes. Next, Add meat curry paste, stir again until oil is separated from the paste..
Add chicken stock. Note/tip: if, at all, you have prawn heads, use them to make laksa broth by boiling them. 1 bowl of prawn head + 1 bowl of water. Once boiled, blend the whole thing, then strain to get enough broth. Use this in place of chicken stock or use both. Prawn head stock is optional but it surely the secret ingredient that most restaurants use to have a very rich taste of their broth and soups. I sometimes use both stocks to make my laksa broth. Leave this broth to simmer..
Next, Add cut chicken, simmer to cook the chicken. Pour thin or light coconut milk. Bring to boil. Add vietnamese mint/vietnamese coriander/laksa leaves. Add fish balls. Leave to boil over medium heat..
Note: Sambal Paste is served with laksa but its totally optional as some find it a bit spicy. It’s prepared by blending until fine 2 cups of soaked and softened dried chillies, few fresh chilies, 1 shallots, 1 medium brown onion, 2 thumb size of shrimp paste or belacan, pinch of salt and 1/2 tsp of sugar. Next, it is then fried in enough oil until fragrant and almost dried. The sambal is done. Serve a teaspon or a tablespoon with a bowl of curry laksa noodle..
Season broth with chicken stock granules/powder. Taste and add salt if necessary. Now add coconut cream. Stir and simmer before switching off the heat. Once coconut cream is added, simmering only take a very short time. Once broth starts to near boil, turn the heat off immediately..
Assemble everything in a big soup bowl in this order- noodles, curry laksa soup/broth, then add in D. Anyway, dont forget to Slice the fish cake. Serve with slice of lime/lemon and CURRY LAKSA SAMBAL (NOTE: the one pictured in the spoon).
So that's going to wrap this up with this exceptional food malaysian nyonya curry laksa at home recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I am confident you will make this at home. There's gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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gelasssoek · 3 years
Tofu Shrimp Bokchoy Stir Fry in Ginger Sauce.
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Hey everyone, I hope you are having an incredible day today. Today, I will show you a way to make a distinctive dish, tofu shrimp bokchoy stir fry in ginger sauce. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I am going to make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Tofu Shrimp Bokchoy Stir Fry in Ginger Sauce is one of the most favored of current trending meals on earth. It is enjoyed by millions daily. It's easy, it's fast, it tastes yummy. They're nice and they look wonderful. Tofu Shrimp Bokchoy Stir Fry in Ginger Sauce is something that I've loved my entire life.
To get started with this recipe, we must prepare a few components. You can have tofu shrimp bokchoy stir fry in ginger sauce using 16 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.
The ingredients needed to make Tofu Shrimp Bokchoy Stir Fry in Ginger Sauce:
{Prepare 4 oz of shrimp, peeled and deveined.
{Take 1/2 lb of baby bokchoy, separate the stem and leaves then cut them.
{Prepare 1 of medium size carrot, cut into matchsticks.
{Prepare 1/2 lb of firm tofu, cut about 1/2 inch cubes.
{Take 1 teaspoon of soy sauce.
{Take 2 cloves of garlic, smashed then finely chopped.
{Prepare 1/2 inch of ginger, smashed then finely chopped.
{Prepare 2 of green onion, separate the white and green parts, then cut them off.
{Get of For Ginger Sauce:.
{Make ready 3 tablespoons of soy sauce.
{Take 3 tablespoons of water.
{Make ready 1 tablespoon of Chinese cooking wine / Shao Xing Wine (optional).
{Prepare 1/2 tablespoons of sugar.
{Get 1 teaspoon of cornstarch.
{Make ready 1/2 inch of ginger, grated.
{Get 1 teaspoon of sesame oil.
Instructions to make Tofu Shrimp Bokchoy Stir Fry in Ginger Sauce:
Toss the tofu with soy sauce. Set aside..
For Ginger Sauce: Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and set aside..
Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a 12-inch nonstick skillet over high heat until just smoking. Add the tofu and cook, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned, 4 to 6 minutes. Transfer the tofu to a clean bowl..
Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in the same pan. Saute the bokchoy stems and carrot. Stir for about 1-2 minutes. Add the green onion (the white part), garlic and chopped ginger. Stir until fragrant..
Add shrimp and tofu. Stir until the shrimp changes color. Add the bokchoy leaves and green onions (green part). Stir for a while..
Whisk the ginger sauce to recombine, then pour it to the pan and bring to a simmer and get thickened. Remove the pan from the heat and toss until all the ingredients are well coated with sauce and sizzling hot. Serve immediately..
So that's going to wrap this up with this special food tofu shrimp bokchoy stir fry in ginger sauce recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am confident you can make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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