#latin was the easiest but french
greaserink · 11 months
love that I've taken 3 different language classes accumulating to 7 years of learning and yet I don't remember a single word from each peace 'n love
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divinesorciere · 1 year
misc things!
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Steve is Robins beard/no upside down AU where Robin and Steve run away and get married after Robin graduates because she gets outed in the last few weeks of highschool and its the only way to stop her parents from sending her to a christan all girls college.
Originally the cover up plan is for Robin and Steve to tell her parents that they just recently started dating and a girl in band started the rumor about Robin being a lesbian because she was jealous and hoped it would make Steve and Robin break up. They can fake date and then "break up" after Robin goes off to college in Chicago, claiming the distance was too much.
Robins mom is fully ready to accept this as fact, after all it will do so much for their status in town if her daughter marries into the Harrington family
Robins dad, on the other hand, hates the idea of his only daughter being with the son of Richard Harrington. He watched the bastard play with his sisters heart in highschool before running off to marry some rich girl and will be damned if he sees the same happen to his daughter. No it will be better if he put an end to all of this and ships her off to Mount Saint Marys so she never has to see the Harrington boy again.
Cue Robin and Steve aided by Joyce and Hopper making a plan for them to run away because Steve will be damned if all of Robins dreams are crushed because her father wants to be an over protective asshole. They decide the easiest way to stop her dad from tracking them down and forcing Robin to come home is if they get married.
So the night after graduation, Robin sneaks out of her house and steals away into the night with Steve. They drive all night until they make it to chicago as the sun is rising. Joyce has a cousin who lives in the city and is willing to let Robin and Steve stay in her spare room until they get settled.
Carina has the same motherly warmth as Joyce, though she never married or had kids instead choosing to live with her " Capital R Roomate" Marjorie. Of course, the two women know the truth of Robin and Steves situation and as soon as the court house opens, they bear witness as Steve and Robin sign the marriage papers and offically become Steve and Robin Buckley-Harrington
They actually fought quite a bit on last names Steve insisting that he should take the last name Buckley because fuck his parents, while Robin still angry at her father wanted to become a Harrington just to spite him. Carina is the one who convinces them to hyphenate after, to her horror and amusement they suggest combining their lastnames and becoming the Buckington's (Steves idea) or the Harringley's (Robins idea)
Steve and Robin find jobs together at a local coffee shop and after Robins first semester at school working towards a degree in linguistics, Steve decides to apply for community college eventually deciding he wants to become a school councilor, he loves working with kids and hey if he can help atleast one kid all the schooling will be worth it.
Steve and Robin love the city and once they both graduate -Robin ending up adding a teaching degree in with her linguitics- they get jobs teaching at a local middle school Steve as the guidance counciler and Robin teaching French and Latin. They talk briefly about getting divorced after a few years but after almost dying in a fire together when starcourt burned down they're trauma bonded for life, honestly steve doesnt know who he was kidding thinking he'd be fine staying in Hawkins until the kids graduated while Robin went off to Chicago.
Carina and Marjorie introduce Robin and Steve to the queer scene in Chicago and Steve has his bisexual awakening. Robin becomes Steves beard just as much as he is hers. They both date around a bit, but nothing serious ever comes of it theres not many people who can handle the combined force that is "Steve And Robin Platonic With A Capital P Soulmates"
Enter professional substitute teacher/drama club advisor Eddie Munson and brand new lead journalist of the Chicago Tribune Nancy Wheeler, who are both confused, gay and unwilling to be homewreckers but cant help but to be sucked into Robin and Steves orbit all the same
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Hi um ask I ask for Nobel as a father. Like what would he name his kids/ how many kids and just how he would be as a father. If it’s not to much to ask please and thank you. Ps I love your work
I know that this is a very recent ask, but I was in the mood for some soft family/dad vibes (maybe or maybe not because of a Tumblr mutual and their fave), so this just inspired me.
Contains: Papa!Nozel, he's being protective, caring, and protective. Includes 3 small snippets at the end after a general description of Nozel as a father Snippets: Nozel x reader (implied f!reader) Other warnings: none
Nozel as a father would be a combination of stern, highly protective, and somewhat easily guilt-tripped by his kids.
He wouldn't exactly coddle his kids, but they would be short of anything. He has certain expectations and wants his kids to try and become strong and capable, and he is a very solution oriented father, because he is still unsure of how to express a lot of his feelings. Despite having grown better at it over the years.
If his kids have a problem with something, he'd try to find a solution and very concretely fix a problem. For him questions that have to do with mana are the easiest, because his affinity is very difficult to control, and he had to hone it a lot, since he was, in terms of affinities, the underdog as well. As long as it is a problem involving an information topic, he most likely has a solution, or knows from where to look. It is a way for him to show love, since he didn't receive that kind of support himself after Acier's passing, and he knows how it feels to have to do such things by oneself.
He would have zero tolerance against someone insulting or hurting his children or spouse, which stem from his past and his former wrongdoings. These cause him to jump to rescue perhaps too early, and this time his anger and harsh words would be directed towards the perpetrator, because he doesn't want to be the person he was anymore and is trying to desperately to shake it off. Or push it away. Even if it was long in the past, it does tend to surface when he feels strongly. He would stand between whatever it is and his kids, rather than let them be hurt in any shape or form. He has lost too much, caused too much, and while he meant well in the past, he doesn't want to repeat his former actions. So, he does the opposite.
And because of that, he can also be guilt-tripped easily by his kids. If one of them even insinuates that "dad is mean!" he would stop in his tracks and do any damage control he can in that moment. Essentially, his kids would pretty easily be able to wrap him around their finger.
He is also a very present father. From the very beginning of the children's lives.
The names he would give his children would be soft, renowned and prestigious. And they'd be of french or latin origin, starting with the letters L, N or M.
He'd like to have a few kids. Maybe 3 or 4 ideally. But that would be negotiable.
You make your way to the nursery, yawning, your steps wobbling ever so slightly.
The room is just behind the door to your grand bedroom, to keep the baby close, and yet, sometimes, it feels so far. Which makes you think about just having the crib next to your bed, but people say that the baby has their own room. The magical device, telling your if the baby is crying, should suffice.
But still... as you wrap your arms around your body, as if hugging yourself, trying to comfort yourself, you can't help but think about how much you'd like to just keep them close. Next to your bed. Even if it meant going against recommendations.
Your hand lands onto the cool metal handle of the door, and you enter into the room, expecting it to be empty.
But... it isn't.
You stop. And look at the figure standing next to the crib.
Moonlight makes his silver hair glimmer, and his head turns ever so slightly at the sound of you entering, but not enough to turn his eyes away from the crib.
"Was the baby crying?" You ask, as if a whisper. Not sure why, but it seems to make sense in the moment. Why else would he be there, as if comforting, guarding, being ... present.
"No," he replies with a whisper of his own as his hand rests on the edge of the crib. "I just... needed to be sure."
"Sure of what?" You ask with a slight frown as you start making your way closer to him.
"That... everything is okay..." he admits with a hushed tone. But in that tone there is something mixed into it that you've... heard maybe once or twice before.
It is something that doesn't quite fit into his mouth. Something that seems so out of place when it comes from him.
And that something was fear.
He sounded like he was afraid. Afraid of walking in and finding... that he wasn't there when he was needed, by his family, by those for whom he'd gladly give his life. Those that meant the world to him.
"No, we're not getting a cat," he said before taking a sip of his coffee at the breakfast table.
"But daaa-aaad!" The little girl with silver hair whined, looking imploringly at her father.
"No buts," he stated. "Pets are a distraction. And furthermore felines are more in accordance with the House of Vermillion. Which we are not. Once you grow older, we can discuss falconry."
"You're so mean!" She shouted with a pout and crossed her arms as traces of tears rose into her eyes.
A few quiet sobs broke through the air as the only sound.
The little girl, no older than five, was looking straight ahead of herself, not seeing the breakfast on her plate.
Until the silence was broken by a different kind of a sound. "What kind of a cat were you thinking about?" He asked with a small sigh, as a barely audible giggle escaped from you.
"No one disrespects my family," his tone like ice and daggers combined as he peered down his nose in a manner that only royalty can. "Not even you," he said, words laced with disgust as Damnatio simply sat there.
"I am only telling you what I hear," he stated blankly. "She could use more tutoring with her writing."
"Her penmanship is perfectly satisfactory," Nozel stated as the little girl stood behind her father's back.
"It is fitting for her age group," Damnatio agreed. "But it isn't remarkable either," he added.
"If you were not the legislative representative of the royal houses, I would sue you."
Damnatio's expression stayed the same. "Unfortunately I am," he sighed.
casually tagging: @kalolasfantasyworld @koneko-pi
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jinn-mori · 6 months
NNT Language Headcanons
You give a world languages major an interest in Seven Deadly Sins and what do you get? You get linguistic headcanons! Or what languages I think the Sins speak. English is our 'No duh' since this is in fantasy Britain, so that's out of the way.
Merlin and Meliodas are in the 'I speak a fuckton of dead languages' club bc of how long they've been around. Merlin knows Welsh bc her real world counterpart is Welsh in origin I believe. Meli knows Latin bc haha the demon knows Latin. This would extend to Tristan knowing bits and pieces of dead languages that he picked up from Meliodas... mainly the swears.
So, Escanor's home kingdom may be based off of an old kingdom in Spain so he'd speak Spanish. He'd also try to pick up Welsh to impress Merlin and you can bet his main way of practicing would be writing Welsh poetry. He'd also tend to default to using the formal version of you most of the time.
I could see Diane speaking German. Like, she stubs her toe or something and you just hear the most guttural shout of 'Scheiße!'. And the rough sound German can have at times could make her attacks sound badass.
Ban knows French. There are several reasons I have this headcanon. For one, there's a scene in the abridged where he speaks French. Secondly, if my memory is correct, the first instance of Lancelot appearing in Arthurian literature was written by a Frenchman. Thirdly, he's my comfort character and if headcanoning him speaking French is what it takes to get me to practice my French then let the autism KICK MY ASS. Finally, French can sound cocky/condescending and this bastard of a man would get a kick out of that. Like, just imagine him babytalking Lancelot in French when the kid is refusing to go to bed. And yes, Lancelot would pick up French from Ban. Also, whenever Ban needed to bitch about something or swear but Lancelot was around, he'd switch to French so that his kid doesn't get a foul mouth.
King picked up German bc Diane reasons. I feel he'd speak a Celtic language of some kind, not sure which one.
Gowther is also in the 'I know dead languages' club but mainly uses it to read stories in dead languages. Just imagine Gowther reading Gilgamesh in cuneiform. That bitch would! He also tries picking up the different languages that the other Sins speak. He finds Spanish and French the easiest to pick up due to their similarities and him already knowing Latin.
Ban and Escanor actually try learning from each other due to French and Spanish being in the same language family.
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rayclubs · 1 year
have you talked about which of the mercs you think are most likely to know another language, and which? (some are. more obvious than others but lol)
Ooh, haven't talked about this, let's go!
We do know from the comics that he is either dyslexis or illiterate and has trouble reading, and I don't think he would be particularly interested in learning another language.
I do know people headcanon him speaking French but I just don't see it. "Whaddya mean words have gendah? No the fuck they don't" - Scout, probably.
Learned Spanish at school, can say "Hello, my name is Jeremy, my Spanish is very bad!" but that's it.
Very likely knows a moderate amount of Polish. Taught Medic to say "kurwa".
Not interested in learning languages but I think foreign words just stick to him, he has tge easiest time picking them up
Definitely knows ASL like a champ. Tries to teach the mercs, too, with varying degrees of success.
Doesn't learn any new languages but constantly asks people what things are called in their native languages. Remembers about a third of the words he's given. Still worth it.
He could MASTER Russian phonetics but instead he's learning Klingon like the fucking nerd he is. I love him so much.
Probably speaks Gaelic also. I dunno, I don't know enough about Scotland unfortunately, even his speech patterns are hard for me
Fluent in French.
Starts out with zero knowledge of German but is very persistent and goes to great extents to learn it.
His English is piss but he probably had like. A two-week long express course before they shipped him to America. Jeebus Crust.
Picked up some Russian from Heavy, some German from Medic, some ASL from Pyro, some French from Spy. At some point even started saying "kurwa" in that Texan accent of his.
Probably decent in Spanish, too, cause why not.
Fluent in Latin.
Knows like a dozen Russian words and none of them are PG-13.
I dunno. He reads upside down. He knows bird calls and stuff. Does that count? Morse code also.
Oh, I'm gonna musspell this but. Here goes. Quebecois.
Says he can lip-read but actually can't.
Overpronounces every foreign dish name in restaurants like the pretentious bastard he is.
"Qruasön" I dunno.
Probably forgot something. Cheers!
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rockingrobin69 · 11 months
It takes time, just like Draco promised, and it’s not easy, as he’s warned. Harry takes a course in the local community centre, classes every Tuesday and Thursday, six o’clock. The teacher is at least a head taller than him, and language seems to flow from her hands like magic, like the easiest thing in the world. Harry can’t wait to have a conversation with Draco like that. He’s aware he may never get this good, but it’s nice to imagine.
Learning BSL is nothing like learning French or Latin. Harry kind of likes that. He likes the signs that seem obvious, the ones that paint a picture of what they mean. He likes stating the topic in the beginning, likes the order of things being different. And he likes the way Draco looks when Harry shows him what he’s learned, the way his eyes open all big when Harry uses it to ask him what he wants for tea. Likes that he’s doing something, that it feels like he’s trying. Turns out it’s good to try.  
Level one is nice, but level two is better. One of his classmates is a lady named Rhiannon (“Fleetwood Mac, honey, what can you do”), who’s got a deaf son. She’s also got this laughter that rolls, all the way from her Adam’s apple to her shoulders to her belly, and it’s the best when he makes her laugh. They go for coffee every Tuesday after class (decaf for her, it’s past eight, baby!), and Draco sometimes joins if he gets out of work on time. Rhiannon adores him. She keeps badgering Harry every time they partner up for practice. Tell him already, sweet idiot.
Sometimes a few of the others come too. Brian, who teaches p1, and Moe, who makes the best petticoat shortbread, and Nikki, who signs in a Cardiff dialect, and Heather and Lucas and Tanya. They’re a good group. Harry’s sort of forgot you can do that, make friends simply by being at the same place at the same time. It starts awkward, but in a nice sort of way, and then in level three it’s just nice. They all stay, which is a bit unusual, they’re told. Harry likes it.
They have a Christmas night out early December. It’s at this tiny pub Rhiannon’s managed to drag them to, where all the cocktails have the funniest names and the beers are all Czech. It’s fucking fantastic. He even manages to convince Draco to stop by after his shift. Lucas and Moe dance, Tanya keeps getting shots for everybody, Nikki and Brian demolish Harry’s crisps so he buys them five more packets. Their teacher comes too, halfway through the night, and she’s written cards for everyone and shyly distributes them one at a time. His says You’re doing so well, Harry, and it makes him tear up a little bit, unreasonably so. Makes him feel—small and also, warm. In the dim pub, Draco’s smile is the most brilliant thing he’s ever seen.
It’s a lovely night. Everyone gets smashed and Draco says they’re all slurring with their hands and it makes them laugh so hard, so so hard, like it’s the funniest thing in the world, like they’re all so alive it’s electric and everything and anything is possible.
Draco takes him home. Helps him change into his pyjamas. Maybe he even strokes Harry’s hair once or twice before putting him to bed, with that smile, and the way his eyes sometimes sparkle. Spark.
Good night? He signs, eyebrows raised. 
The best. Because you were there, he doesn’t seem to be able to say. Not with his words and not with his hands.
Sleep. You’re tired.
But he doesn’t want to close his eyes. Stay?
Draco gives him a questioning look, like Harry’s missigned, said the wrong thing.
Stay with me tonight?
He tilts his head to the side. His hair’s loose, falling into his eyes, has to be brushed back by insistent fingers. Harry wants to kiss them. He must really be quite drunk, because he thinks he’s leaning forward to try it.
Draco sucks in his lower lip, but then he’s nodding, and this writhing thing in the pit of Harry’s stomach settles. He climbs into bed with Harry, fully dressed. Not smiling anymore. Harry’s a bit too drunk and too excited to make much sense of anything. All he can concentrate on is Draco, here, warm and in his bed and warm and wonderful. He tosses and turns until he finds a comfortable way to lie, with his hand brushing Draco’s, and then he’s asleep before he knows it.
Sometimes he thinks he’s dreaming in sign.
He wakes up with a headache and completely parched, slightly stricken to see Draco lying next to him. Has to think really hard before he remembers, and the way his whole brain’s thumping inside his skull isn’t helpful. The sight makes his heart flutter, bird against its cage bars: Draco’s on his back, arms at his sides, and his face is… entirely, completely soft.
Harry’s stomach gives a frightening lurch. He slides out of the covers as quietly as possible, grabs the miraculous glass of water someone’s left on the bedside table. Takes careful, measured sips, until his vision isn’t swimming, until his heart climbs back down from his throat. He feels like shit.
He can’t stop smiling.
(Flufftober day 13. Find the soft AO3 collection here).
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niniralin · 4 months
Hi!! thank you for offering to help.
So as you read i am the last person on this wonderful green ball who should make a conlag, i know nothing but alas the story and imersion demand it.
I dont realy need full conlag since there are only two nations and they have the same language, had at least they have been apart for a couple thousand years and i foolishly thought that since they are not building civilization but rather rebuilding and they would have words for everything already,most of them preserved in writing i can get away with no conlag maybe mentioning they have different writing sistems since they would have different matterials availibel to them, and would need to preserve their writing in different enviroments. Maybe different accents. In other words nothing i would need to bother in world building. Sweet denial on my part, i full well knew that was not realistic i was just hoping to be lazy.
Well that was not to be, I got it pointed out to me that even if they could understand eachother they would still have a noticabel difference in dialects at least. Thats sounds more doabel than writing half my dialog in two different conlags. But i have no idea how to start building dialects, to what degree their speech would be different, how would their enviroment influence it if at all, how much one of the groups having magic that can be influenced by speech would impact their speech in general. how to implement it in writing (if i figure it out) in a way that doesn't completely derail the story or requers an unholy amount of autors notes to be understandabel since the story happens in the first place because two groups from diferent nations finaly find eachother and acces to their old writings is difficult for one of them and imposible to the other since they are in the middel of snow covered nothingness and the group that could realisticly make the run for some books has a job to do that has a deadline and they are already behind, one of them goes to their capital at one point for resources but thats 2/3 in and at that point i don't think an old dictionary would be much help.
Sorry for the wall of text, i am just in over my head and i have no idea what information is relevant. Thank you so much again for offering to help, you are an angel. i couldn't do this alone.
If they spoke the same language a couple thousand years ago, there are a few factors that decide how similar their languages are now. The biggest one is: how close are the two nations to each other? Think of the romance languages. A couple thousand years ago they were all one language: Latin. Now they have diverged into Romanian, French, Spanish, and much more. A couple thousand years is a long time, but in lots of fantasy we tend to forget or ignore that, so if you want the two language to be very similar even if the two nations don't communicate a lot, that's fine!
Now, to build dialects, the easiest way is to start with one language, called a proto-language, which was spoken back when they weren't apart. Then, have a list of changes from the proto-language to the language of one nation, and a separate list of changes from the proto-language to the language of the other nation. The most important kind of change (for projects like this, at least) is sound change, in which the sounds of a word changes.
Let's say the proto-language had a word like "kata", meaning "house". Maybe in the language of one nation, this changed to "gata", but in the other, it changed to "kat". Now you have a word for "house" in two dialects, and it's similar but not the same in the both of them. If you don't want to bother creating an entire proto-language and a history from it, you can write the differences between the moder dialects only. For the words "gata" and "kat", it would be enough to say:
1. Words that start with g in dialect #1 start with k in dialect #2.
2. Words that end with a vowel in dialect #2 end with a consonant in dialect #3.
The more such differences you write down, the more different the two dialects will be. It's up to you how different you want them to be.
It's also useful to have a bit of differnce in the meaning of certain words. Perhaps the word for "house" in dialect #1 means "log cabin" specifically in langauge #2. Again, how many differences you want is up to you. The words should mostly have pretty similar meaning in the two langauges, but for some words the meaning may be completely different.
The influence of environment on the language is minimal at best. You can ignore it.
Having magic that can be influenced by speech might change the language a bit, it depends on what kind of magic you have. If you want to, you can completely ignore it.
As for implementing conlangs into writing, this is up to you how much you want to do it. You should probably write the dialogue in the language you write the story in. Maybe there are certain words they have in the story that we don't have in real life, these words could be written in your conlangs. Maybe the words relating to the magic system, for example. Or place names. Or personal names. Really, you can choose what to write in your conlangs and what to not write in your conlangs, but it's usually best to not have a lot. Even Tolkien, whose story only exists because he wanted to conlang, keeps his conlangs very sparse outside of place names, only writing a few bits of poetry and a couple of phrases in his Elvish langauges.
That's the gist of it! If I left you still wondering some things, you can always ask for clarification. I'm happy to help! Now, good luck with your story and your conlanging!
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esteemed-excellency · 6 months
Tumblr media
@hurdygurdywizard I just noticed this was in my main inbox and I couldn't post the answer here so I'm sharing the screenshot
44. What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
I never thought about this but fortunately Hiram already knows some languages for backstory reasons: he learned Latin and Greek in his youth, and German, Italian and French while travelling around Europe. So, considering the similarities between the Romance languages, I think Spanish would be the easiest one for him to learn at this point.
55. What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
He hates the Foreign Office's diplomatic meetings. Nothing ever happens because everyone has their own hidden agendas and they're all stuck talking about inconsequential politics for hours on end. No drama, no fun.
He also dislikes most of the events organised by high society, he can't stand the the overly formal etiquette and the bland topics of conversation. He's very good at faking his mannerism and interpreting social cues (he had many year of experience) so he always interacts "correctly", but he often twists his words on purpose just to cause discomfort to his interlocutors and liven up the conversation. He doesn't like to always feel so bored.
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J2 Gold Panel ATLCon 2023
The boys are looking handsome wearing blue, and red 🥰
Jared brings up the Saturday night concert and asks the crowd if it was thumbs up or thumbs down, then he shares a quick story about how when he was in High School the movie, Gladiator, came out and his Latin teacher was pissed off because in the movie the Emperor gives a thumbs up to mean mercy and thumbs down to mean death but according to Jared's teacher realistically it would be the opposite thumbs up for death and thumbs down for mercy because it's supposed to be a representation of the sword.
Out of curiosity, I did look this up and while some kind of hand gesture involving the thumb was used scholars can't say definitively what this looked like because writers at the time didn't really describe it, and if they did we seemingly have yet to find their writings. So there's a lot of scholarly debate as to what these gestures actually looked like and meant in Roman times. The popular idea that thumbs down was involved and meant death is attributed to an 1872 painting by French artist, Jean-Léon Gérôme, called Pollice Verso which depicts a gladiator asking for his life while the crowd gives a thumbs down. And that's your history lesson for today now back to our scheduled programming! 😅
Getting back to the panel, Jared mentions that there were times that were never printed where Dean would do an exorcism and Jensen would fumble on purpose, and Jared knew he did this on purpose and he would tell Jensen so and Jensen's reply would basically be 'yeah, but if I do it good they'll make me do it more, if i make it look like I can't do it they'll have Sam do it'.
And Jensen mentions what he called "his senior moment" which is that during the Saturday night concert he was singing Simple Man, and it's been so long since he sang it that he forgot the lyrics to the last verse. Backstage, prior to singing, he had the feeling this might happen because, again, it's been so long since he's sang it so the lyrics were printed out for him and placed in front of him on the floor but the font was too small for him to see them so when Jason Mann went over to him, he took his glasses and he said it was like the Matrix 😂
Getting into the questions, not gonna lie the first one is a weird one, but does Jensen remember the color of the belt and shoes he was wearing with the blue suit in his Man About Town UK photoshoot? He answers that he doesn’t think he had a belt on which gives us fangirl!Jared saying "easy access"...sir!
Anyways, Jensen thinks they were brown dress shoes. He says that in those photoshoots you walk in and there’s racks of clothing and generally a stylist and an assistant who will ask what you like, and he'll tell them that he doesn't know that they're the professionals so they just had him try stuff on and he wasn't really paying attention also he had like 12 outfit changes that afternoon which makes Jared mutter 'Jesus'. Jensen says that yeah, it was a lot that photoshoots are not their (his and Jared's) favorite thing to do, they're a necessary thing for their industry but he did have fun on that shoot. x
Out of all the famous horror movie villains which would be the hardest for Sam and Dean to face? Jared says it’s a name he can’t say aka Voldemort. Jensen says the easiest would be Michael cause he just stands there, that he's never understood how he catches people like does he get on like a segway. Jared mentions any villain Walking Dead, I wouldn't be too confident in that answer cause Negan but also I don't watch that show but I do know they've made some changes to the Walkers and they can open doors and climb shit now.
Jensen is still trying to figure out who would be the toughest, Jared tells him he'd go Star Wars or Harry Potter but those aren't horror movies. Someone in the crowd yells out Jason to which Jared replies he already beat Jason. The crowd also yells out Freddy Krueger but Jensen thinks Sam and Dean would have figured it out although he would be a tough one. x
Can they share any aspects of strain that their characters experienced that might have thought them something? Jared says that in his 15 and a half years on SPN he learned a lot, that it's hard for him to parse out what he learned with the help of Sam and what he learned with the help of Dean, and what he learned from the help of whomever. What he learned is that he went from being 22 to being 38 but he certainly learned that we are more capable than we understand, than we believe. That he loves stories of ultra marathon runners, or the one he was listening to recently on a podcast of a guy who trecked across Antartica. That those stories really inspire him cause sometimes when you're stressed about something and you go 'there's no way I'll figure this out' there's a little reminder in him to keep at it, and that as much as it is a cliche every thousand mile journey began with a single step. He felt that with Sam, and with Dean, and with the show so no matter how tired he is, no matter how emotionally or physically beat down he feels he just tries to keep on going forward.
Jensen says he'll echo what Jared said just slightly different view point. That both Dean and Sam, as his grandfather would say, when the good Lord made them he forgot to put the quit in them. They don't quit. And he can 100% be sure that Jared also has that in him as well and he feels confident he has some of that as well but it's because now they represent these characters that don't have quit in them that that he thinks drives them in their personal lives a little more than it would have had they never played these characters. x
How are the kids? Jared answers that theirs are good, that they finish school in May. That Shep just did a PSIA which is similar to the mathletes Jared did and he got like 4th on the district so he's a chip of the block, that Odette is still queen of the world as far as she knows, and Tom is kicking ass he's in sports and is doing well, that they're all safe and sound. Jensen says his are currently gallivanting around Europe with D, that they were at a museum today and she told him it was a total disaster. JJ is great, the twins however are 6 and very opinionated and if they don't like something- it reminds him of a story Ryan Gosling told about his little girl about how he took her to the Louvre and his little girl gave the museum a thumbs down that Arrow is like that, and that makes Jared share a story about when they were all in the Austin airport together last week on their way to Rome. They were supposed to have a 2hr layover in Atlanta but it ended up being around 5hrs so Jensen and D were trying to keep the kids awake and trying to think positive that maybe this is good cause they'll be more tired - at which point Jensen says that it was nice to have Uncle Jared stuck there with them (💕) - and when they were set to board Jared is standing with his rolling carry on and his backpack and he feels something push his carry on forward, when he looks behind him there's Arrow with her roller bag giggling evilly at him cause she wanted to play so he started to play with her. And then, at another point, he and Jensen had a little race with Arrow and Zep sitting on their carry on's, so Jensen has one of those aluminum rolling carry on's, the ones that you can sit on, and he was walking Arrow up and down on it but Zeppelin started complaining that it wasn't fair even though Jensen had spend a couple minutes already walking him up and down on the carry on too so Jensen looked at Jared and started signaling towards the kid, and Jared was like 'come here buddy' and put him on his bag and they had a little race through the airport. This is so cuuuute!!! I need y'all to go watch this moment for yourself cause it's an adorable story but also so you can see what the look was that Jensen gave Jared when he was asking for help with Zeppelin because it's such a help me with our kids look. x
Jensen had mentioned Lonesome Dove a while back but who would be Woodrow and who would be Augustus? Jensen feels like it's obvious, he would be Augustus and Jared would be Woodrow. Also, Jared mentions that the key makeup artist on Walker won the Emmy for makeup on Lonesome Dove! x
If they got a 60 sec ad in the Super Bowl what would it be about? Jensen goes "ha! you know how much money I just lost buying a 60 second ad?" Jared says that it would just be them crying, and Jensen says it would be an ad about how to stupidly spend your money 😂
Jared jokes his would be herpexia 🤣
The next fan read an article a couple years about how people think, some think in full sentences like a running monologue while others think in pictures and concepts, how do the boys think? Jared says he is absolutely the former. That he's either thinking solving the problems of the world in his head, or meow mix jingle, which he does part of, Jensen asks him if he sees things in text to which Jared replies yes, that he's thinking of the description of the visual more than the visual. Jensen also asks him what the recall looks like in his head when it comes to scripts, Jared replies that it flips in that case that when he's doing a scene he can see the script where the page turns, he doesn't have a photographic memory but he has a visual memory but that's for memorization if he's thinking about what he's gonna do later that day when he gets home he's not thinking about how it looks necessarily he's like making lists in his head.
Jensen says he would probably lean the other way, that when he memorizes a script at first he literally sees the page in his head and is reading lines which is largely why he can memorize lines that he's not even saying like he'll know what Jared's lines are he's basically reading the text in his head. And when talking about daily life if he's thinking about what he has to do when he gets home, he's visualising so if he's thinking about opening the door he sees that door and the dog going out, or thinking about getting the groceries he visualizes the grocery store and the aisle he has to go down.
Jared adds that a big day on Walker or SPN, a one hour episodic tv show, is like 8 pages, if you have an 8 page day you have a full day he thinks the most they've ever had was an 11 page day and that's kind of undoable unless you absolutely trust your director or is a lot of dialogue. He asks Jensen what's the most pages he's done in one day, Jensen answers 24 when he was on Days Of Our Lives that they usually shoot 60 pages a day. x
When the boys had a home ie the bunker was there anything they had to take with them from home or that they kept as a comfort thing when they had to go back on the road? Jared quips a flask. He also says he thinks they probably still had the cooler, he asks Jensen if he got legos or army men Jensen says he got all the weapons in the back. Jared says that when the show ended they had said the things they would love to have so their props department send them some things like motel cards, samulet, an army man and some legos so those are in safe keeping in his house.
The fan asks if Sam and Dean have any favorite driving games, someone in the crowd mentions punch buggies which Jensen says he calls slug bug which is when you slug someone when you see a bug car, and that that's probably what they played Jared says probably while the other one was asleep. Jensen also adds that there a couple of other things that they got from the set which they're not at liberty to talk about but the one thing he really wanted was Dean's two weapons of choice: his pistol and his sawed off shotgun. And that's a little trickier of a prop to take home and across the border because it's not a prop it's a firearm so instead what he did was he got a 1911 Colt .45, and he comissioned the craftsman in Van who had done the filigree engraving in Dean's gun to come out of retirement to do that filigree on the firearm that he bought, and he actually ended up using it in an episode just so he could say it was on tv. Then he did all the paperwork and sent it back home but the shotgun is ilegal if it's sawed off so he didn't think he'd be able to get it until he talked to his dad who told him that he tought his uncle had one and he did, he left it to Jensen when he passed so now his collection is complete. x
J2 Gold Panel Atlanta 2023
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industrial-horror · 7 months
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“How are people still falling for this?”
You’d expect reasonable adults to move past their beliefs in ridiculous things like bigfoot, flat Earth, and the AMPTP negotiating in good faith. But the easiest person to fool is yourself, and plenty of us have been taken in by our own ever so slightly twitchy muscles.
This Week's Moment of Science… Ouija Boards & The Ideomotor Effect
Centuries before Hasbro marketed it as a toy, spirit boards of all sorts were used to commune with the dead. The versions most of us have seen this century typically display all the letters of the Latin alphabet and the numbers 0-9 along with the words ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ and an irreverent little ‘goodbye’ to let you know the afterlife is fed up with your shit. The spirit-board-pointer-thingy is called a planchette, French for ‘little plank.’
There are a few rumors about how it came by the modern name ‘Ouija.’ It seems the most likely story is that the group looking to patent and sell the toy in the late 1800s decided to ask the board to breathe life into its name. With hands upon the planchette, it spelled out, “ouija.” Well they just had to know what that meant. Cheeky board that it was, Ouija answered “good luck.”
It was marketed as an Egyptian spirit board with a name meaning ‘good luck.’ Eventually, that story changed to it being a combination of the French and German words for “yes.”
The cool thing about asking a Ouija board which boy in school likes you? Those tricksy spirits from the next realm are gonna tell you it’s the boy you’re thinking of. Which might be the scientific explanation for how this mundane board at the center of so many junior high sleepovers got its name.
So the legend goes, the person who suggested compelling the board to talk was wearing a locket with a picture of someone named ‘Ouida’ in it. Accounts vary on if the name was written in the locket as Ouida, Ouija, or even written at all. But it calls into question the idea that the name was perfectly random when it was already on the mind and, curiously, the fingertips.
(Allegedly or whatever, because everyone’s got a story to sell and maybe it was the French and German thing).
So, the ideomotor effect.
Humans are giant fuck-up machines and even when we’re not scheming up some shit on purpose, our minds and bodies are getting into shenanigans without us. Somewhat literally meaning 'a motion from an idea,' we make these minuscule movements unconsciously. Even if it’s not on purpose, this kind of motion can be motivated by our thoughts, for better or worse. Tell yourself not to move all you want, but put that ‘little plank’ underneath your hands? The back of your mind may have secrets to spill.
Everyone at the table thinks they’re definitely the only one not moving it, and everyone is almost certainly moving it. Scientists and modern skeptics alike have gone to great lengths to show that this isn’t the work of ghosts or humans who play coy with their handiwork when the board comes to life; it’s just our minds doing the talking- er, spelling for us.
This effect on a Ouija board if someone is taking the results for what they are– a reflection of their own desires– is perfectly harmless entertainment. But if you have a tendency to get spooked into believing in these things and subsequently paying money to a psychic based on some bullshit a planchette spelled out on a toy made by the same company that produces Lite Brite, Jenga, and My Little fucking Pony? Maybe board game based communication with dearly departed Uncle Greg isn’t for you.
That said, there are other fields in which the ideomotor effect is employed that harm practically everyone involved. But we’ll talk about facilitated communication another day.
This has been your Moment of Science, just saying… I didn’t move it. No, I didn’t. I seriously didn’t you guys.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 9 months
Personal Headcanons About Connor Stoll
Connor is NB! AFAB, Connor first came out as a trans boy pretty young (think four or so), after the Battle of the Labyrinth they came out as NB-- at 14.
Connor is not dyslexic. Part of the whole Hermes being a travel god means that his kids tend to be pretty good at picking up languages, including written english.
In the same vein, Connor knows A LOT of languages. Obviously english and ancient greek, Connor also learnt Latin (before HoO), French, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, Swahili, and was brought up knowing basic gaelic terms.
Connor's main friend group is Drew Tanaka and Malcolm Pace, because they're all around the same age. Connor and Drew knew each other for years before Malcolm, getting to know each other at four/five from camp, and Malcolm came when they were ten.
Of course, all three being year rounders, they're also close to Will, Lou Ellen, Cecil, and Ellis, being in their age group.
Connor insists on only using green mechanical pencils. That's it. They won't write if they don't have a green mechanical pencil.
When Sherman and Connor were twelve or so, Sherman went through a brief phase of homophobia, and called Connor gay as an insult. As a result, Connor wore a rainbow pride flag for a month straight.
Connor's birthday is April Fool's day! (Their deadname was April).
Connor didn't actually choose their name-- when they first arrived at camp, they just got called Connor and rolled with it. In their words, "I like conning people, so I just went with it".
Connor owns no clothing of their own. At all. Like sure, camp clothes are sort of communal and reshuffled around but Connor refuses to pick any clothing. They just steal other people's. Even Clarisse has learned to accept it. (After a lot of fist fights).
Connor is really sensitive to noise-- easiest way to overstimulate them.
Connor needs glasses but if you ever catch them actually wearing glasses it's an imposter.
Connor is a sex-repulsed asexual!
They're also biromantic.
Connor constantly carries around this blue notebook. It's one of the only complete records of the titan war.
Connor (and Malcolm) have found complete tunnel systems and rooms around camp halfblood. Closer to the surface than the labyrinth, you can frequently find Connor there.
Ability wise: Connor can teleport (instant travel), pick up languages quicker than average. Connor is a Chthonic demigod!! Some Hermes kids are chthonic (of the underworld) and Connor is one of them. Hermes sometimes leads souls to the underworld, so Connor can see some ghosts who wander the earth.
Connor is constantly cold.
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francisversion2 · 4 months
I speak many languages:
Serbian (mother tongue)
(I was very bored when I was younger, but still currently my biggest flex)
So ofc everyone has an accent and I always try to make every language I speak sound like it should and I am good at it but HOLY SHIT English fucking English.... My Slavic accent is killing it... I sound like those stereotypical russian people trying to speak English.... like none of other languages give me shit even FRENCH doesn't give to me... BUT ENGLISH AGH... Expect Latin and Greek makes me sound more manly when I speak it .... BUT GOD DAMN IT English is the easiest and and it always fucks me up... Also when I was younger I had beef with German... Like I could learn it but something deep in me makes me refuse
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survivingpierce · 7 months
tell us more about the languages katherine learned! why did she decide to learn those languages specifically? did she have any trouble with any of them? which ones did she find easy and which ones did she find harder to learn? did she have any help when she was learning them? how did she deal with shedding her accent?
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(sent in probably in addition to this headcanon)
first of all, i want to thank you for your questions (your interest means a lot). i also want to apologize for the late response. ♥
i portray my katherine as someone who is descended from a wealthy and noble family (see headcanon here) which means she already had received an appropriate education. by 1490, she could already read and write bulgarian (and they have the cyrillic alphabet). since noble children usually learn more than one language, she was capable of speaking bits of other languages as well (probably english / french / russian?). the show tells us that she quickly became 'english' once she was banished & lived in england which is why i think she already knew a few basics of this language but perfected it during her stay. i think perfecting an entirely new language (and alphabet) in less than two years is a peak output, especially considering her (emotional) stressful situation. when she talked to the mikaelsons, there was no audible accent and she was capable of communicating with them in perfect english.
there’s also a cut scene in 3x15 of the originals in which katherine sent a letter to elijah asking him if he allowed her to read him the poem 'farai chansoneta nueva' which is in french. which means that katherine spoke and was able to read at least three languages by 1492.
katherine is incredibly smart but she's not really a patient learner. she could never visit a language school or use a vocabulary book. i think she picks up a lot by listening to others whereby she will memorize the usual phrases beforehand to not stand out if she visits a new country with a new language. i can also imagine her having a compelled 'teacher' (or more like a tutor) that helps her translate and learn things.
katherine speaks bulgarian, english, french, german, russian, spanish, italian, and a little bit of czech & latin. while i think she already had (at least) a basic education in bulgarian, english, french, and russian while growing up, she learned the other languages during her flight as soon as it was necessary for her to learn them (mostly whenever she traveled to a new country). she had long stays in france, italy, russia, spain, switzerland, and germany/austria and during this time she either completely learned these languages or perfected her existing knowledge. to her (and her safety) it is necessary to learn the language of the country you hide in. and simply learning is not good enough, one needs to master it, otherwise, you'll stand out and won't be able to blend in. she didn't learn swedish or finnish, for example, because she's not interested in staying in these countries (as they are too cold for her liking).
of all the languages she learned completely new, german was the hardest and this language is still an issue if she has to use it again after a longer time has passed because german has a tricky grammar. the easiest foreign language was russian because it's similar to bulgarian.
she understands bits of czech but didn't bother to master it because she doesn't really like the language (and it also has tricky grammar). she knows a few bits because of her traveler heritage (and traveler spells are in czech which is also the reason why she doesn't like the language). she also only knows a bit of latin because she wants to understand spells in case she requires one (because she doesn't want to be tricked by witches). she doesn't bother to master latin because it's difficult for her to learn as it is a 'dead' language (and therefore she cannot pick it up by listening to others), it's also not really useful to her (apart from understanding certain spells).
shedding her accent is an interesting topic because she had a bulgarian accent in the beginning. but the longer she stayed in countries with another language (and the more she mastered different languages), the unrecognizable became her accent simply because she has so many 'base'-languages. if she would learn swedish now, for example, she wouldn't have a bulgarian accent. i think she definitely would have some kind of accent but i don't think one could pin it down to a certain region. nonetheless, she does recognize if she has an accent (and she will ask her teacher/tutor) and she will train the pronunciation as long as it's gone. again, she is a perfectionist and it's also not safe (as she would stand out and not blend in) if she's on the run and hides in an area where one would easily detect that she is foreign.
another thing that is interesting when it comes to languages is that while katherine might be able to speak the language perfectly, she isn't necessarily capable of also writing it perfectly (reading is usually no problem). for example, she cannot perfectly write in spanish but she can perfectly write in french because there was a time in which a lot of correspondences were in french (especially because she spent a lot of time among the aristocrats).
thank you so much for the interesting questions and i hope i have answered them all ♥
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woednesdayaddams · 1 year
i'm torn between switching blogs bc i have a lot of things here ???? from headcanons to character study stuff to threads in which my wednesday evolved . but at the same time my blog's clogged and i never seem to go through my dash without feeling overwhelmed ? which is why it makes me iffy sometimes to send memes , bc there's so much with so many muns that my tiny brain forgets . there are only a few people that i talk to on a regular , with whom i talked about lil hc and stuff and believe it or not , i can get it mixed up .
and trust me when i say i want to interact with everyone i follow back , but there are some that despite being mutuals , don't respond to memes i've sent ( which to me is the easiest way for interacting ) and idk it just makes my experience here kinda meh . i don't wanna pester my writing partners even if it takes months for them to reply , but it's a difference to see the dash full of responses , just excluding you & another to see someone excited about these couple fantastic threads with others that's a joy for everyone to read tbh .
i also wanna delve in wednesday's polyglot era ( using french , spanish , italian , latin etc. ) and basically try to make my wednesday an original character , while also allowing other wednesday's to interact with mine in whatever universe .
truth is , i can go through my following list and softblock / hardblock a few individuals & do what i mentioned in the previous paragraphs , but i'm torn between these 2 options bc i never switched blogs and having no experience kinda makes me wonder what if i'll stop writing wednesday altogether ???? which is why i ask you , if you have ever switched blogs , was it a better experience for you ?
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What is a(European) language that Hannah ironically has trouble keeping up with ?
Another good question.
Hannah has lived in a lot of European countries since the time she was very young, and has picked up a few phrases from each. However, she’s most fluent in French, German, Spanish, English (obv.), Latin, and of course Japanese.
Ironically, the languages she struggles most with are the Romance languages. While she’s fluent in both Spanish and actual Latin (gurl, sheesh😂), languages like Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, and Romanian sound confusedly similar, especially Portuguese and Spanish. It’s only until she hears longer sentences that she can pinpoint the subtle variation in verb placement and pronunciation. Italian is somewhat easier for her because it’s the closest to Latin, but there are differences. French is the easiest because it’s the most unique sounding of the others.
She also isn’t familiar with the Slavic languages or any of the Nordic languages, except Danish. ❤️Although she does know how to pray the entire Rosary in Polish, so there’s that random fact.
Oh, to be European.
Thanks again for the fun question.
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