#laughter is contagious
tiramegtoons · 1 year
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ghostnotoast · 2 months
The scene where Arthur and John start laughing GETS ME because after like 10 seconds Yorick just joins in and I just know he has no idea what they're laughing about he just wanted to join in anyway
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enidsinclair · 1 year
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ryan gosling being ryan gosling
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originalaccountname · 2 months
Akutagawa cackling in the French dub
I can't handle this why is this so funny why did he laugh like that
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chrishamae · 1 year
Dazai's laugh is living rent free in my heart ❤️
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sweetnnaivete · 2 months
laughing with other people is so fun i love it sm like yes share your joy w others !!! be happy !!! don't hide your emotions !!!
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Was gathering clips for something else but here is one of my favorite dndads moments ever in case you needed a little pick-me-up hehe
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crystalkleure · 2 years
"At least my trauma made me funny" No, it did not. I am saying this gently, not to be cruel.
You crack jokes about the terrible things that happened you to convince both other people and yourself that it wasn't so bad, and that it didn't actually hurt you that much. Laughter is a social signal that communicates a lack of danger, saying that it's safe to relax now. Feeling the urge to laugh when you are scared or otherwise stressed is an involuntary self-soothing measure as well -- laughter releases endorphins and relieves stress, it decreases your cortisol levels. That's why laughing in relief after narrowly avoiding something terrifying is so common. The entire purpose of laughter is to say, to yourself and those around you, "it will be okay."
On top of that, you are caught between the basic, pack animal desire to seek support by telling other people what happened to you, and the distrustful, self-protective desire to insist that you are fine. You say "I got hurt, but it's no big deal," in the hopes that someone kind will realize the latter part is a lie and somehow help you, and that someone cruel will believe you are very difficult to seriously harm and thus not sense weakness in you to prey upon.
Recounting your trauma is not funny, it is stressful to you.
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swaggypsyduck · 2 years
my favourite Liverpool duo robbo and trent
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redgearsmovin · 2 months
S2 E2 - It's a Mystery
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flames-tstuff · 20 days
It was a mistake to watch the Game Grumps' "giggle fits" compilation at nearly 2am
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
Hello this is for the SK boys
What is the cutest thing a kid has ever said or did to them?
Follow up, what is the funniest thing they witnessed a kid do?
I'll answer this with a little canon scenario I recently wrote:
One night, SK Sun and Moon are babysitting a set of young toddler twins. They are a goofy bunch, chaotic and energetic but very sweet and obedient kids.
They also have contagious belly laughter.
While playing pretend, Moon ends up having his hat wrapped around his neck, and he shakes his head to free it. The twins find this utterly hilarious and compared to it being like a dog, the bell sounding like a jingling collar. They ask Moon to do it again and he does.
The twins laugh, swaying the way someone would from laughing so hard. Moon kept repeating it which caused the kids to laugh more and more. Sun is infected by their contagious giggling and flops over in his own fit of laughter, which in turn makes the kids flop over. Eventually Moon is infected too and the house is just filled with giggles.
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ragnar0c · 5 months
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Taygete! Third Pleiad!
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She likes to look serious, but if you couldn’t tell she is very goofy and a little materialistic. She’s one of the only Pleiades who is a fraternal twin so she doesn’t look much like the others. People forget she is a Pleiad and it leads her into trying to repress herself.
She specializes in gathering etheric energy.
Her flair (Zodiac extra sensory ability) allows her to communicate and control animals, much like a wildling. After manifesting the power of stars to gain favor of certain animals for so long they’ve come to naturally trust and understand her. She can summon them with her will alone. As it’s merged with the stars.
She wears from a golden deer to mirror how the mythological nymph Taygete was turned into a doe with golden horns. She keeps them up by having the cornrows behind the horns done from the back of her head. Those braids hold them upright along with hidden pins.
The antlers were a gift from her father. He got each the girls something before he passed. For her it was the antlers. Something distinctly “Taygete”.
She often wears the Pleiades uniform (The cape) over her outfit to hide it since her fashion is so different from her sisters. But she loves the antlers and at least never hides that part of her.
At first glance she seems quiet like Electra, but is actually sociable vs Lec who has anxiety. The correct conversation starter and you’ll see she’s quite friendly and excitable. Tay is shy… Yet she likes to tease people, especially people she’s comfortable with. So Aurora is a frequent target.
Taygete hears Hana call her Rory once and goes “Rory 😏?” And since then it’s all the Pleiades call her.
If someone’s teased her she’d probably really like it 😭
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flamestar126 · 7 months
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bornforbvrning · 1 year
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Taken from this interview.
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ask-lts · 9 months
laugh calls player pal.. so does that mean hes from THE PALS??
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“Look what you did to Laugh! Now he won’t stop laughing.”
“Oh my gohohod.. I hahahate you..”
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