#laurence netto
my-chaos-radio · 7 months
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Release: October 1, 1978
Doing alright
A little jiving on a Saturday night
And come what may
Gonna dance the day away
Jenny was sweet
She always smiled for the people she'd meet
On trouble and strife
She had another way of looking at life
The news is blue (the news is blue)
Has its own way to get to you (ooh)
What can I do (what can I do?)
I'll not remember my time with you
Pick up your feet
You've got to move to the trick of the beat
There is no elite
Just take your place in the driver's seat
Driver's seat, ooh
Driver's seat, yeah
We're doing alright (ooh)
A little jiving on a Saturday night (yeah)
And come what may (ooh)
Gonna dance the day away (yeah)
Driver's seat, ooh
Driver's seat, yeah
Jenny was sweet (ooh)
There is no elite (yeah)
Pick up your feet (ooh)
Pick up, pick up (yeah)
Pick up your feet (ooh)
Gonna dance the day away (yeah)
Driver's seat, ooh
Driver's seat, yeah
Driver's seat, ooh
Driver's seat, yeah
Songwriter: Paul Roberts
Driver's seat
"Driver's Seat" is a 1978 song by British band Sniff 'n' the Tears, appearing on their debut album Fickle Heart. The band is considered a one-hit wonder, as "Driver's Seat" was their only hit, except in the Netherlands, where they had a second top 40 single.
The song's genesis dates back to 1973, when Sniff 'n' The Tears recorded a demo tape for a French record label with singer/guitarist Paul Roberts, guitarists Laurence "Loz" Netto and Mick Dyche, and bassist Chris Birkin. The drummer Luigi Salvoni was a new addition after the breakup of Moon, the band he had been in. They bought the demo tape and signed to the small Chiswick label in 1977. Keith Miller played the Moog solo and also toured America with the band. Noel McCalla sang backing vocals.
According to Paul Roberts, "Driver's Seat" is not about driving, but rather about "fragmented, conflicting thoughts and feelings that might follow the breakdown of a relationship." One of the key decisions when arranging the song was to start with the drums and gradually introduce other instruments.
"Driver's Seat" reached number 15 on the US Billboard Pop Singles Chart[4] in the fall of 1979 and reached the top 10 in the Netherlands in November 1980.
In Canada, the song peaked at number 17 and was in the RPM Top 100 for 21 weeks.
A 12-inch version was released on A Best of Sniff 'n' the Tears in 1991. The song appeared at number one on the Dutch Top 40 charts that same year because it was used in a Pioneer commercial.
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rainingmusic · 5 years
Sniff 'n' The Tears - "Driver's Seat"
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retropopcult · 4 years
"Driver's Seat" is a 1978 song by the British band Sniff 'n' the Tears that appears on their debut album, Fickle Heart. 
The genesis of the song dates back to 1973 and a demo tape recorded for a French record label by singer/guitarist Paul Roberts for the band Ashes of Moon. However, that band broke up and, at the suggestion of drummer Luigi Salvoni, Roberts re-formed it as Sniff 'n' the Tears with guitarists Laurence "Loz" Netto and Mick Dyche and bassist Chris Birkin. They shopped the demo tape and signed with the small Chiswick label in 1977. Keith Miller played the Moog solo and also toured America with the band.
According to Paul Roberts, "Driver's Seat" isn't about driving, but rather "fragmented, conflicting thoughts and emotions that might follow the break-up of a relationship". One of the key decisions in arranging the song was to start with drums and progressively introduce other instruments.
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dzonefan-blog · 5 years
Mein neues Geschäftskonto bei Kontist
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jeremystrele · 5 years
A Jaw-Dropping Apartment In One Of Australia’s First Warehouse Conversions
A Jaw-Dropping Apartment In One Of Australia’s First Warehouse Conversions
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
The entry area to Mardi Ola’s spectacular converted warehouse in South Yarra. Antique cabinet filled with various art pieces: David Bromley ‘Noah’s Ark Bronze Animals’, Gemma Smith acrylic sculpture from Sarah Cottier Gallery, and Vanilla Netto neon from Arc One Gallery. Vintage Soriana sofas purchased on 1st Dibs. Painting by Gemma Smith from Sarah Cottier Gallery. Painting in hallway by Vanilla Netto from Arc One Gallery. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
View into the kitchen. Lacanche range, custom brass rangehood surround. Solid European oak joinery with stone masonry by Hendersons (‘seriously the best laughs ever working with those guys!’ Mardi says), vintage plaster from Geoffrey Hatty. Swing placement by Louella Tuckey – who insisted Mardi needed it in the kitchen. Cappellini ‘Hi-Pad’ stools from Dedece. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
‘This is actually the girls’ homework table – it’s never looked neater!’ Mardi says. Solid oak tripod table by Louella Tuckey. Vintage Japanese glass vessels on table from Made In Japan. Industrial steel doors and windows by Skyrange. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
The library. Joe Colombo ‘Elda’ chair and Curtis Jere ‘Brad’ table lamp from 1st Dibs. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Vintage mushroom collection in the library from Moss Green Galleries. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
View of the library. Vintage pendant from 1st Dibs. Jardan ‘Sunny’ sofa. Behruz Studio rug. Joe Columbo ‘Elda’ chair. Curtis Jére ‘Brads’ table lamp. Maria Fernando Cardoso feathered hanging totem from Arc One Gallery. ‘Blow Up’ chair from 2st Dibs. Gemma Smith paintings from Sarah Cottier gallery. Vintage leather dining chairs from 1st Dibs. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Mardi in the library, in front of her impressive vintage mushroom collection (!) from Moss Green Galleries. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
‘Blow Up’ chair from 1st Dibs. Gemma Smith paintings from Sarah Cottier Gallery. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Dining room through to the garden room. Dining table made of an industrial vintage base and custom-made top. Vintage Cassina ‘Cab’ chairs from Shapiro Gallery. ‘Art Tree’ created by years of Mardi’s kids’ artwork being ‘plonked on it’. Vintage pendant light over dining table from 1st Dibs. Sisal rug by International Floor Coverings. Minotti sofa from Dedece. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
The sitting room. Snoopy lamp from Euroluce. Vintage Platner armchair from 1st Dibs reupholstered in Kvadrat by Martel Upholstery. Serge Mouille standing lamp. Behruz rug. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Vintage chrome light from Rewire LA (one of Mardi’s all-time favourite lighting go-to’s). Marian Drew artwork. Vintage Paul Evans sideboard, used as a bar. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Robert Owen painting and 3D sculpture. Janet Laurence paneling from Arc One Gallery. Jason Hartcup 3D Wall piece. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Main bathroom. Vintage tub from Geoffrey Hatty. Curtis Jere brass safety pin. Vintage brass pendant from 1st Dibs. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Corner of the master bedroom. ‘The wall panelling is, in fact, my sneaky shoe storage’, Mardi reveals! Rug from Tibet Sydney. Warren Platner armchair from 1st Dibs. Joshua Yeldham owl sculpture from Scott Livesy gallery. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Master bedroom. Artwork above bed by Gregory Hodge from Sullivan Strumpf gallery. Bedlinen by Society Limonta. Articulated wall lights from Angelucci. Mirrored bedside tables by Don McQualter. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
The playroom. Vintage bed and painted linen wall paneling by David Bromley. Curtis Jere vintage brass pendant from 1st Dibs. Maison de Vacances pouf. Rug from Behruz Studio.  Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Ava’s room. Vintage desk. Hemptech sheer linen curtains. Windows by Skyrange. Birdcage pendants from Paris. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Ava’s room. Bed designed by Mardi. David Bromley embroidery above bed. Bedlinen by LAB and Hale Mercantile. Big lamb picture is one Mardi had blown up and printed on canvas. Brass chest from 1st Dibs. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Olivia’s bedroom. Vintage artwork from 1st Dibs. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
Olivia’s room. Vintage artwork from 1st Dibs. Vintage French bed linen from Ici et la Sydney. Rug from Behruz Studio. Pendant light by Anna Charlesworth. Mirrored lightning bolts from Bride and Wolfe. Cushions by Megan Park. Desk designed by Mardi. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
The plant room, featuring a majestic Fiddle Leaf Fig that Mardi jokes she  ‘just can’t kill’. Photo – Caitlin Mills. Styling – Annie Portelli.
When designer Mardi Ola purchased this property just two years ago, the 1982 fit out was still standing strong. She explains ‘it was awash with grey laminate!’ The site was originally the home of a Maples Stores (the yesteryear version of Myer, or Harvey Norman), and in 1978 was purchased by a group of Melbourne architects and developers. In 1980, the team converted the site into a group of apartments – in one of Australia’s first warehouse conversions (i.e the original hipsters!)
When Mardi moved in, she immediately stripped the space of internal walls, to bring her own identity to the spatial layout. She explains ‘as none of the internal walls are structural, it was relatively easy to reconfigure.’ Less easy,  was sawing through four layers of brickwork to drop the height of all of the windows… but it was worth the work!
Mardi came across the building almost twenty years ago when walking around the area with her eldest daughter Mia (now 20) in her stroller. ‘I was enamoured with it at the time, and knew that I definitely wanted to live here someday.’  The stars aligned as the apartment became available at just the moment Mardi was looking.
The home is adorned with an incredible collection of furniture, antiques, art and other treasured items Mardi has collected, and her ethos is to ‘make things as friendly and relaxed as possible, and as far away from the showroom aesthetic as possible.’ The Paul Evans cabinets, Platner armchairs and Columbo ‘Elda’ chair are particular favourites, in a mix-and-match of Mardi’s most adored possessions.
What strikes us most about this amazing home is its incredible use of texture and COLOUR!  Mardi has been so brave with her choices, layering rich gold curtains with lux silk carpets and moroccan rugs underfoot, and introducing teal wall panelling, alongside a palette of mustard, apricots, and even icy mint green, with cabinetry in emerald greens and grey… I could go on! The result is a home that is enviably refined, yet full of personality – a space with its own truly unique character.
Mardi is a self-proclaimed lighting obsessive, although she admits that ‘almost half of the lights are decorative here, as I quite like moving around in the semi-dark at night.’ Luckily, she knows the layout of the space like the back of her hand, so is unlikely to bump her toes or knock over an irreplaceable antique in the dark! She explains how the scale and volume of the space was both a gift and a challenge in configuring a liveable home. ‘I divided up areas with the use of Skyrange steel and glass walls, which give a sense of division, creating separate rooms without being closed off or blocking light.’ Warehouse conversion at its very best!
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lovacedon · 6 years
Gilmar vê juíza e procuradores como 'bons parceiros de imaginação'
Ao votar pela soltura do ex-diretor da Desenvolvimento Rodoviário S.A (Dersa), Pedro da Silva - alvo da Operação Pedra no Caminho, braço da Lava Jato em São Paulo que investiga desvios de R$ 480 milhões nas obras do Rodoanel Norte -, o ministro Gilmar Mendes, do Supremo, definiu a juíza do caso e procuradores da República como "bons parceiros de imaginação". Pedro da Silva estava preso desde 21 de junho. A sessão na Segunda Turma do Supremo foi realizada nesta terça (28). Gilmar não citou nomes, nem da juíza, nem de nenhum procurador da República. Mas claramente se referiu à Maria Isabel do Prado, da 5.ª Vara Criminal Federal de São Paulo, a juíza da Operação Pedra no Caminho e aos procuradores que atuam no caso. A pedido dos procuradores do Ministério Público Federal, Maria Isabel decretou a prisão de Pedro da Silva e de outro ex-mandatário da Dersa, Laurence Casagrande, que presidiu a empresa pública e foi secretário de Logística e Transportes do Governo Alckmin (PSDB). Pedro e Laurence negam taxativamente ligação com fraudes nas obras do Rodoanel Norte, apontadas pela Polícia Federal, pelo Tribunal de Contas da União e pela Procuradoria. Na sessão desta terça, os ministros da Segunda Turma, por maioria, mandaram soltar Pedro da Silva - um relatório de análise bancária da Polícia Federal aponta que ele teria movimentado R$ 50 milhões em cinco anos. Em seu voto, Gilmar, relator do pedido de liberdade, destacou que o ex-diretor não está mais ocupando o cargo na Dersa e que, por isso, "não oferece perigos para a investigação".  "O fato é que Pedro da Silva não fez ameaça a testemunha, não há qualquer iniciativa que diga respeito à destruição de documentos", observou o ministro. Ele questionou a plausibilidade dos fatos investigados. "Os fatos investigados são graves se tiverem plausibilidade. Embora eu tenha ficado preocupado com a plausibilidade, com o quadro inventivo." "Certamente a juíza tem bons parceiros de imaginação no Ministério Público", disse Gilmar, que foi acompanhado pelos ministros Dias Toffoli e Ricardo Lewandowski. A prisão preventiva de Pedro da Silva foi substituída por outras medidas, como proibição de deixar o País, de fazer contato com outros investigados no caso, e de entrar no prédio da Dersa. Ficaram vencidos, os ministros Edson Fachin e Celso de Mello. Para os ministros, há motivos explicitados na ordem de prisão que mostram a necessidade de Pedro da Silva permanecer na cadeia, entendendo que a soltura pode atrapalhar as investigações. Outro lado O advogado Alamiro Velludo Salvador Netto, que defende Pedro da Silva disse que a concessão do habeas corpus no âmbito do STF "restaura a Justiça no caso concreto". "Não havia, desde o início, motivo algum para a manutenção da prisão de Pedro da Silva. A partir de agora sua defesa poderá concentrar-se integralmente na demonstração plena de sua inocência."
Gilmar vê juíza e procuradores como 'bons parceiros de imaginação'
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