#lautski mentioned
duckinsuspenders · 11 months
I WROTE A FIC ABOUT TED AND PETER SPANKOFFSKI (idk why in the GIF it looks like they're fighting, I promise you they're not)
“Pete! We’re having pizza, whattda want?” Ted sighed loudly as he pulled out his phone, squinting at the menu on the fridge, trying to find the number to the damned pizza place. When there was no reply, he called up the stairs again, “Dude! What- Oh, for fucks sake.” He’s not shouting out to him like he’s the nerd's parents. He was just about to dial the number and order them both pepperoni when the muffled sound of guitar and harmonizing came from upstairs.
[Or; Pete tries to wallow in his room while listening to sad music and Ted is having none of it. Ft Baby I'm Yours - Cass Elliot]
Words: 1'192
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I did a poll a couple days ago on which unfinished fic I should finish/post and most of you wanted the Spankoffski Bro's so I tried my best! This is my first ever fic so fingers crossed it isn't a shitshow haha.
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idizzle22 · 2 years
It's the way that Steph's teacher called her out, saying that she hoped she studied in front of the whole class. It's the way that Steph's father said that he wanted to have an intelligent conversation with her, so she should shut up. It's the way that Steph herself says, "I'm actually the smart one in my friend group, if you can believe it."
It's the way that Pete says, "She's smarter than she thinks she is" and "You're as smart as I know you are" (could be paraphrased, idk my digital ticket is gone) and got excited over a C+ with her.
Something something everyone telling Steph she's not smart so much that she believes it herself something something Pete seeing that she actually is smart
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amorhedera6 · 10 months
thinking about lautski again bc always. and while they both call each other babe in if i loved you, idk it doesn’t feel right. peters the type of bitch who wanted one of those cheesy ass relationships but never expressed it bc his friends would bully him. ruth wanted any intamacy and richie i hc on the aspec, but neither of them showed desire for that truly corny cringy relationship where the two were obsessed with each other and treated each other like they were the world
so ofc when he gets with steph, he’s the biggest simp. think the tiktok relationships that are disgustingly close but you can’t stop watching bc ur chronically alone? (or is that just me)
he calls her tons of nicknames, like darling, sweetheart, honey, angel, polish ones like kochana, whatever comes to his mind bc he loves her. and she calls him the stupidest shit she can think of in return. pookie bear, baby cakes, snuggle bunny, and ofc she makes up her own that aren’t even terms of endearment.
ted heard her call him a potato duckie and nearly pissed himself laughing so hard.
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dust-of-embers · 10 months
Starkid are quite possibly the only people I know who can write healthy and fun to watch straight people… and they almost always do it with no kiss, the staple of typical romance!
I know a few straight relationships in media that are on par, but they are slim as fuck.
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ihavenoideamanokay · 11 months
spoilers for Nerdy Prudes Must Die
my thoughts and stuff like a day later
also rip to people who wanna watch but haven't seen nightmare time hahaha
I'm so excited that the lords in black have like costumes now!!!!
singing and talking
like the acting was top tier but ESPECIALLY HIM
riiiiiiiiiichieee riiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICHIEEEEEE
also the makeup when he was dead was insane
this musical was so so so well made oh my god
I wonder what happened to the mayor with the book (or maybe that was in nightmare time and I forgot?)
obsessed with how lautski and paulkins get together ever universe because it feels so cute and meant to be
(the part of my brain reserved for hyperfixations is currently obsessed with wiggly)
and I was thinking I should get a wig and The Voices go DYE YOUR HAIR GREEN
on the note of the lords I'm glad they kept blinky creepy and made nibbly more creepy
I wish I had more to say on the lords bc I love them but idk why
but like the makeup and acting was all insane and the music was great and I loved the horror and yeah
I'm obsessed with all the songs actually but especially the summoning (AND IF I LOVED YOU OMG I LOVE LOVE SONGS LIKE THAT)
THE RELIGION JOKES WITH GRACE LIKE THE "are you religious?" "I'm Catholic" "alright, so no." AND ALL THAT ARE SO FUNNY I CAN'T
I was totally right Grace was a serial killer (at least if she wasn't already she absolutely is now)
I'll probably add more things eventually this is just like immediate stuff sticking in my head after the first watch
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starpirateee · 6 months
Drabble request:
somehow, some way, Tinky manages to smush Abstinence Camp Lautski and NPMD Lautski into the same realtit
this idea has been ROTATING in my brain forever thank you goodnight
Anon you can't just give me an idea like that and then duck out!!! And with no way to find out who you are either???
Anyway, that's cool as hell, let's get this show on the road!
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Steph didn't know when she started seeing double, but at some point, she started swearing she could see... Another of her. Exactly the same in appearance... Mannerisms...
The other her was perfectly fine with everything until the moment the two of them locked eyes across the way. Then she just stared, stock still, unable to believe what she was seeing, or what the hell was going on. Out of an instinct she didn't know, Steph had beckoned her over, trying to pretend like any of this was normal.
It took a while, but the two of them managed to air things out. Stephanie- which the stranger decided upon because it was slightly easier- said she thought something was off earlier that morning, but given that Hatchetfield was notorious for never changing, she couldn't place anything wrong.
Steph had to agree. Nothing ever changed in Hatchetfield, and frankly, she wouldn't notice if anything was wrong either.
Neither of them could make sense of it. Stephanie said she'd not come alone, and after that the two of them came to an arrangement. She was going to find the friend she'd mentioned, and Steph was going to meet her again with the one person she thought might be able to make ends of any of this catastrophic mess. If he couldn't by himself, then the four of them likely could, in any case...
Pete was smart. Logical. He probably knew all sorts that she couldn't even comprehend. That's why she decided to call him first. In her head, even if he couldn't sort this out, he would at least make an effort to get things to make more sense.
"... Hey, Steph!"
He picked up quickly. He always did. And he always seemed so happy to hear from her. The very thought of it brought a smile to her face. "Hey, Pete." Before she could set them off into one of their long conversations, she needed to get to the point. Otherwise they would never get to it. "Uh, I've got a bit of a problem here..."
"A problem? What kinda problem?" She heard the creaking of his bedframe as he sat down. Damnit, now she had to make it make sense to herself, too! She seriously tried to think, to break it down, but nothing was working. There was no sensible way of explaining that she had seen and spoken to another version of herself. Eventually, she just sighed.
"I don't think that I can explain it well enough..."
Another creak. "Take your time, I'm not going anywhere."
"No, uh- I really don't think I can explain... I think you gotta come see this for yourself." Yeah, that was a good way around it. He could make his own judgements if he just saw it plain. Better than her trying to work it out in a few words.
"Sure... Okay. If that's- uh- if that works better?"
She nodded, knowing full well that he couldn't see her. "Yeah, maybe it will. How fast can you get to the park?"
He hummed. "The park? From here? I can be there in maybe ten minutes? How's that?"
"That's perfect. Thanks so much..."
Steph left him alone, and immediately, he sunk back, his brow furrowed in thought. There was a lot to think about, after all. She had left him with a fair deal for consideration. For someone who was normally so good with words, it was strange to have her so inarticulate. He needed to see something, and apparently, that was the only way she could properly explain it. Sure, it seemed a little weird, and Steph seemed a little apprehensive, but he hoped that she was right, that it would make sense when he got there.
No, of course it could. Steph knew what she was talking about, it would totally make more sense when he saw... Whatever it was she wanted him to see. He pulled on his shoes and left without much of a second thought.
In no more than a quarter of an hour, he'd reached the park. Steph was waiting for him on a bench, and waved him over as soon as she saw him. He quickened his pace until he'd reached the bench, and then they started to walk together.
"So, what's the problem?" He asked, glancing behind him.
"This is weird as hell... But, this morning, I swore to god that I was seeing double, but I was wrong..."
"Seeing double? In what way?"
They'd made their way across the park, and instead of an explanation, Steph pointed over at one of the larger trees in the grove, to a girl, who was leaning against it, talking to a boy on the floor.
Pete stared, adjusted his glasses, and stared again. They were far enough away that it wasn't obvious, which was lucky on his behalf, because he was able to do little else. He didn't have to ask for an explanation; it was right there in front of him. "Holy shit, is that _you_?"
"Yeah, it's super weird. When I saw her, I felt this kinda... Connection? Like, I knew straight away that she and I were the same... If you know what I mean."
He didn't. But he nodded anyway, making a note to himself that _this was just another thing he had to get an answer for, if he could._ "Not to mention you look... Pretty much exactly the same."
"Creepy, right?" The two of them approached the pair by the tree, and Steph raised a hand in greeting. "Stephanie, hey! This is the guy I was talking about, the one who might be able to make sense of what's going on here?"
"Well, maybe... No promises," Pete smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. He held out his free hand in the direction of the familiar stranger. "I'm Peter."
He watched Stephanie's eyes widen. She looked at the boy on the ground, then took Pete's hand with a soft smile that still somehow managed to portray all of that warmth and brightness that he knew so well. "This can't be a coincidence..."
Pete also glanced down to the boy on the ground. He was around his age, with large glasses and a head of curly brown hair. When their eyes locked, Pete saw something flash and dance between them. Something yellow, like a crackle of lightning.
It felt familiar, and something in Pete's brain clicked. The pieces started to fit together; the coincidence, the surprise etched on Stephanie's face, even the way that boy was looking at him... 
He nodded slowly. "Let me guess... You're Peter, too? Peter... Spankoffski, by any chance?"
"Yeah. Steph filled me in," Peter nodded towards Stephanie, who raised her eyebrows. "I think I might know what's going on?"
"Really?" Steph asked, impressed.
"Well, not exactly, but it does kinda make sense... In a way. I could probably work it out."
Pete looked to Stephanie. "We'll make this easier. Call me Pete, then."
The situation as far as the four of them could work out was as follows. Steph and Pete hadn't felt any kind of displacement or anything wrong with the world. Both would've been fully content to take it at the same level as any other Saturday. Maybe they would've hung out together anyway. Maybe they would've taken advantage of Solomon being so busy with preparations for the Honey Festival...
Neither of them had noticed anything was wrong at all until Stephanie came into the picture. Stephanie did. Peter was convinced he'd mistaken the feeling for something else. Now there was two of both of them. What was weirder still was the fact that the two Stephs looked near enough identical to one another, while the two Petes couldn't be more different.
The crackles of familiarity were mutual. Pete knew to recognise his double through nothing more than that spark.
"While we figure out how the hell you got here, and maybe how the hell to get you back..." Pete sat down on the ground near to his double, and glanced between he and Stephanie. "How about you guys tell us what we're missing out on?"
"What you're missing out on?" Stephanie asked, folding her arms over her chest.
"i'm just assuming we don't have identical lives, but who knows, huh?"
"What about you two?" Peter asked curiously. "You seem... Close, right? How'd that happen?" There was a smile playing on his lips, one that suggested his seemingly genuine interest at finding out how Pete and Steph managed to find each other.
"Close?" Steph echoed, amused. "I guess you could say that... Well, we got close after he let me cheat off him for a bilogy pop quiz."
Peter's eyes widened. Pete laughed. "Don't look at me like that! I was sitting in earshot, what else was I gonna do?"
Peter realised a little too quickly that he'd have done exactly the same thing if he was in earshot of someone like Stephanie Lauter too, there was absolutely no argument about it. He sat back against his hands with a resigning shrug, and let Steph try to continue her story.
"After that, it was like everything happened at once. Max Jägerman- uh, you know him, right?"
Stephanie nodded. "Yeah, sure, I know him. The backup QB. Everyone in school knows Jägerman."
"Backup? Wait, who's the quarterback for you guys?"
"Brad Callaghan."
"Asshole," Peter muttered under his breath, and Stephanie hummed in agreement. "Jägerman too, while we're on that. Anyway, uh- what about him?"
"He... Went missing." Steph was trying to cover her ass and Pete's at the same time. She was going to admit that Max turned up dead, but for the sake of both of them, she was going to deter as far as possible from the fact that they were technically the ones who killed him. "Things started to go downhill fast after that. He turned up dead, So did a couple other kids in our grade."
"Then the mayor, too. And a couple others," Pete added all too hesitantly. He was also trying to avoid thinking about what has happened in the Waylon Place that night, evem though the memory of it wasn't so much haunting as a major guilt trip. He knew he shouldn't feel bad about Max; he made their lives a living hell, and he still didn't feel bad about what happened, so to speak. Especially since it was an accident and the three of them had the memories to prove it. "But this is where it gets less believeable. See, all of those killings... Were done by Max. He came back, y'know? Back from the dead..."
"Woah..." Stephanie whispered, straightening up from against the tree.
"No shit?" Peter, however, leaned forwards, his intent gaze fixed on Pete. He lifted a hand to adjust his glasses, and saw his double nod. "Jeez..."
"We're the lucky ones," Pete hummed. "We're still here... Can't say that about the others, mind. Once we got rid of Max... That was it. They were as dead as he was..." He sighed heavily. Ruth and Richie were never not on his mind, not as things stood. He'd allowed himself to geel guilty about that over everything else, but he didn't have a reason to feel bad about Max. Those two were a different story entirely...
Steph sensed his discomfort at the topic, and for good reason too. He was still far from being able to think about anything else that wasn't his friends, now that the whole thing had blown over and everything had settled in. So she tried to change the subject quickly, turning towards Peter. "So what's your story then? How'd you two meet?"
"This is the stupidest story ever." Steph defended quickly, rolling her eyes. "Both of us got shipped off to fucking idonwannabang."
This seemed to resonate somewhere in Pete's mind, and he blinked. "Damn, wait, really? Peter, was that Ted's idea?"
Peter nodded, seemingly more drawn back than he was moments ago.
"You got scammed, man. D'you really think he of all people woulda survived that place?"
"It wasn't one of his best ideas, that's for sure..."
The tense change sunk in. Pete didn't want to think that as the immediate possibility, but what else made sense with the way Peter phrased it? He held his breath, hoping it was just another case of his overactive mind jumping to conclusions again. "... Wasn't?"
Peter frowned, exhaling a sigh that was probably a lot deeper than he expected it to be. "Yeah. Wasn't. You say you're the lucky ones? Heh, yeah... Me too."
"What... What happened to him?"
"I don't know. Never will. He was the one who dropped me off, but by the time summer was over, he was- he was fucking gone. I... don't want to ask."
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rhondafromhr · 9 months
Nerds corruption au chapter 4!!
Took me awhile before I was happy with this one but it’s finally done!
Previous chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
“We’re Gonna Become the Bullies” - Chapter 4: I’m The One To Wrong What’s Right
Grace starts her day the same way she always does: waking up to the shrill buzzing sound of her alarm far too early in the morning. She hates to admit it (sloth is a sin, after all), but every once in a while it would be nice to hit snooze a couple times. There’s no time for that, though. She has to do her sweep of the school bathrooms to check for graffiti. She has to make sure the side exit to the gym is safely locked so nobody can sneak out to “smoke up” during class. As hall monitor, it’s her sworn duty to keep Hatchetfield High safe from all the troublemakers trying to normalize sin and drag everyone down to hell with them. She figures it’s the least she can do to atone for the perverse thoughts she was having about Max Jägerman up until the Waylon place incident. Among other, more recent developments.
Then there’s the whole thing where she’s kind of friends with Maxwell now, along with everyone else who was involved in that prank. She brought that hatchet and the other supplies that night expecting a very different outcome (the specifics of which are between her and God now, since it never came to be. Only He can judge her), but this is intriguing, too. Being the “school snitch” only gives her so much power. Sure, she can issue a detention slip or run and tell a teacher, but she knows in the end all it does is get people to be sneakier about whatever they were doing wrong next time. Being in Max’s inner circle opens up a world of possibilities. People are scared of him and there’s not a lot they won’t do to avoid his wrath. It’s been a week and by now, everyone knows Max will absolutely fly off the handle at anyone who dares mess with the rest of the group. They’re also starting to realize that said group can be pretty intimidating in their own right and becoming more scared of them. Grace would be lying if she said the thought didn’t excite her.
She thinks back to that first Monday after the Waylon place, when Max first heard about Brad calling Peter that crass nickname. The righteous anger he exuded briefly brought that tickle back again. The next day at lunch, Max proudly recounted to the rest of the group the awesome punch Pete landed and how Brad ran away like a little bitch after and how Steph gave Brad the hardest slap with one hand while holding Pete’s in the other and wasn’t that the sweetest, most romantic thing ever. By the time he got to their stint in the principal’s office, she stopped listening, just imagining Peter and the crushing impact of his fist on Brad’s face. She thought about the slap over and over again, too: Steph raising her hand, staring down at Brad with rage burning in her eyes and bringing it down hard, leaving a red mark on his cheek. Her face, she realized with horror, was red, too, but for an entirely different reason. Oh, heck. Oh, no. Not again. But this was even more shameful than even the worst thoughts she ever had about Max. This was about two people at once, one of whom was another girl.
She tries to push away those thoughts for now and joins her parents at the breakfast table, where her usual cup of hot water is waiting for her. If they had any idea what’s really been going on with her, they’d probably send her away to live at Camp Idontwannabang with the Jerries permanently and the first time in her life, that doesn’t sound too appealing. So she’ll just have to continue acting like nothing’s wrong - essentially lying to them. Another sin to pile on top of all her others. As they say in that video game Richie likes: “gotta catch ‘em all.” Her whole life, all she’s ever wanted is to be a good, chaste, godly girl. It’s what her parents and her church friends have all come to expect from her. Not to mention God Himself. There must be something deeply wrong with her if she tries so, so hard to live up to this standard and still falls short. The feeling of being a failure is so crushing she can almost physically feel it bearing down on her.
“Gracie?” Her mother says gently, “Gracie, are you alright?” Grace realizes tears are stinging at her eyes. She strains to hold them back.
“Oh, yes, Mommy, I’m okay! It’s just allergies. I, um, stopped taking Benadryl. Even if it’s over-the-counter antihistamines, drugs are drugs! Might as well be smoking the devil’s lettuce. Oh, I should get going or I won’t be early for school!” She leaves hastily, not stopping for her usual kiss not the cheek.
“Wait!” her Mother calls after her “it’s raining cats and dogs today, you’ll catch a cold, let us drive you!” All she gets in response is the sound of the door closing.
As Grace rides her beloved pink Schwinn bike to school, she can’t hold back the tears any longer. It’s early enough that not too many people are out and about, so hopefully nobody sees. She supposes she could always use that Benadryl excuse again, it’s believable enough for her. When she pulls up in front of the school, she notices two familiar figures standing in front of the main entryway. Shoot, it’s Max and Richie! She hastily wipes her eyes and stops to park and lock up her bike before approaching them. She composes herself and goes into hall monitor mode, even if her heart isn’t in it. They’d better not be hanging out here waiting to buy reefer off of the smoke club.
“Hi, Max! Hi, Richie! What are you two doing here so early?” She says, trying to keep her tone as chipper as possible.
“Oh, we have an appointment we couldn’t possibly miss,” Max tells her. Great, so they are here to buy drugs! She can’t even save her own friends from the dark, dangerous path that starts with weed and eventually leads to them smoking much worse substances under a bridge somewhere. Maybe even in Clivesdale!
“Uh, yeah,” Richie says nervously. He rubs his fingertips together. “Chad Thompson called me a cringe-ass weeb back in seventh grade, so I guess we’re going to catch him on his way in and issue an ‘outdoor swirly’, whatever that is.”
“Oh, you’re gonna love it, Richie, it’s the best! Really subverts expectations. No one would ever think they’re about to get a swirly outside.”
“Yeah, I see your vision, but I feel like I’m really not grasping the logistics. Like, there are no toilets out here, how is it even possible?”
Grace is vaguely familiar with the term (“weeb”, that is. She’s just as confused as Richie about the outdoor swirly thing). She’s pretty sure it refers to people who are into those Japanese cartoons that Richie likes so much. She’s actually heard him refer to himself that way a few times and sometimes Ruth calls him that, too. It never feels mean when she does it - it’s obvious she loves that Richie’s a “cringe-ass weeb” and she wouldn’t have him any other way. They might be two of the most lewd, crass people she’s ever met, but she has to admit their friendship is something special.
“I don’t get it,” she says “you call yourself a ‘cringe weeb’ all the time.”
“Well, he said it like it’s a bad thing! It’s not just the words we say, but the way we say them that can have a long-lasting impact. I learned that at the anti-bullying assembly!” Oh, Max and his anti-bullying quotes. Grace would never tell him this, but she thinks flipping them to be pro-bullying is quite creative of him. Entertaining, too. Sometimes, she just has to giggle at the absurdity of it. Her mood finally starts to lift. She’s glad she ran into her friends. Her friends. She can call them that now.
“Well,” she says “I’d better go do my morning perimeter sweep. See you later, boys!”
“Later, Grace!”
“Bye, Grace, see you at lunch!” Poor Richie still looks a little terrified.
The downpour lets up and becomes a light drizzle as she starts towards the gym, fully intending to go take care of that pesky side entrance so the smoke club can’t ruin class today. Then, on an impulse, she makes a u-turn. What can she say? She’s a little curious about the logistics of Max’s new trick, too. She watches as they accost Chad. Oh, an outdoor swirly just means shoving his face into the huge rain puddle that’s formed on the ground. Max does it first. He moves slowly and intentionally, giving Richie instructions to accompany the demonstration. Appropriating the very forces of nature to enforce his rule over Hatchetfield High. It’s actually kind of poetic. She wonders what his backup plan was if it didn’t rain.
Max hands Chad off to Richie. Chad struggles, but can’t seem to get free. Richie must be stronger than he looks. His hesitation disappears and he moves with more confidence, seeming to delight in the torment just a little. He pushes Chad’s face down into the puddle, holds it there for a second, then yanks him out so they’re face to face, leaning over him menacingly.
“Who’s the cringe-ass weeb now, bitch? Trick question, it’s still me! But I bet you’ll think twice before talking shit about it next time,” he says as he shoves Chad to the ground.
“You guys are un-fuckin’-hinged! I don’t care what anyone says, I’m reporting this. You basically just tried to drown me!”
Maybe Grace can be of some assistance. “I’m the hall monitor and that’s not what I saw,” she says.
“Oh, hi Grace! I thought you left to go do your rounds,” says Max, as upbeat as ever.
“What did you see, Grace?” There’s a mischievous glint in Richie’s eyes.
“Well, Richie, I saw him shove you into that puddle. Completely unprovoked, no less. You were just standing here minding your own business. He held you down for a solid thirty seconds. I was scared he was going to drown you! I was about to go get a teacher, but then you finally broke free.”
“Fuck off, chastity belt! Who would believe that? He’s not even wet.” If Ruth were here, she’d have something to say about that phrasing.
“Well, for one, the principal would, because I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but I’m the hall monitor and I’ve never given him a reason not to trust me. Who’s he going to believe between the two of us?” As childish as she knows it is, she can’t help but stick her tongue out at him. “How could you attack poor Richie like that? What’s he ever done to you?”
“Yeah! Oh my god, Richie, are you okay? That must have been traumatic for you,” Max says dramatically. It seems like he’s having fun with this.
“I’ll- I’ll live,” replies Richie, trying to sound meek and pathetic. It’s not too much of a reach for him.
“Your life is so hard and yet you’re so brave,” Max says with feigned solemnity. Richie pauses for a second, as if he’s debating what he should do next, then theatrically throws his arms around Max and buries his face in his chest. He adds a couple fake sobs for good measure.
“It’s okay, bro. It’s okay. We’ve got you.” Max smirks as he pats his back. Richie stays in position, but raises one of his arms in order to flip Chad off.
“God, fine, whatever!” Chad storms off.
“Grace,” Max says excitedly “that was awesome! You know, I always forget you’re the hall monitor.”
“Yeah,” Richie adds “We’ve really been sleeping on the potential for abuse of power!”
There’s a thought. She’s had real power this whole time, she wasn’t leveraging it to its full potential. It’s a shame - if she’d realized this sooner, she would’ve been much more effective at keeping the hallways free of debauchery. She’ll just have to make up for lost time.
“Just doing my job,” she says, now sporting her own mischievous grin.
And if she actually had fun hamming it up with Max and Richie and she’s a little proud that she was able to help them pull off their stunt, then that’s her business.
Before Grace knows it, it’s the end of the school day and she doesn’t feel like going home and being interrogated about this morning just yet. She sends her parents a quick text claiming that there’s an “emergency abstinence club meeting” and begins to wander the hallways aimlessly until she reaches the auditorium. She knows they’re currently doing rehearsals for The Barbecue Monologues. Ruth is always complaining about the actors flubbing their lines and messing up her lighting cues. Up until now, she hasn’t had much of an interest in the show. Apparently, it contains some foul language and references to sex (in a high school production! What is this world coming to?), but she has to pick her battles and her effort to get homecoming canceled has been time-consuming enough. Curiosity gets the better of her and she slips into the auditorium. She’s not sure what she expects to see, but it certainly isn’t Ruth standing center stage absolutely belting her heart out. Her voice is angelic and she puts so much passion and raw emotion into her performance. Beholding it is an almost religious experience. Grace would know.
The number draws to a close and Grace can’t help but applaud.
“Oh, no, my anxiety! Who’s there?” Ruth cries.
“Ruth, that was beautiful! If you’re that good, why aren’t you in the show? You should be the lead!”
“What, no! I’m way too nervous to do that! Plus it’s too late, rehearsals have already started and Trevor’s the lead.”
“Well, what if he wasn’t?” Grace says with a conspiratorial grin.
“But he is,” Ruth replies, not quite sure what she’s getting at.
“Have a little faith, Ruth! Things can change.”
Oh, no, she’s snapping again.
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jupiters-galaxy · 11 months
I'm just going to say it, I think a lot of people misunderstand Steph's motivations!
It's true that she's sweet and protective of the people she loves, but this girl is also fueled by SPITE. She likes proving people wrong, she likes to get reactions from people with her snarky comments, and she really, really likes getting reactions from people who have irritated her.
Going back to Abstinence Camp, there's several of examples of this. Upon arriving to the camp she doesn't want to be at, she asks for a blue shirt instead of a pink one, trying to stir up problems. Wearing a blue shirt, as a girl, at an EXTREMELY Christian camp? That was 100% spiteful, and I love it. She was snarky towards Boy Jerry when he was leading a craft, because she was unhappy about being there. Not to mention, she intentionally broke the rules at camp, smuggling in sweets because she wasn't supposed to. A lot of that was her way of quietly rebelling: sure, she couldn't control if she was there or not, but she could control her experience there.
The biggest example from Abstinence Camp, though, is her scene with Pete in the shower-house. Of course, she did actively like him, she genuinely did want to be with him, but that's not the only reason she wanted to hook up with him. She's mad off of her recent interaction with Grace, and she went into the shower-house in the first place specifically to get to Grace. Once she's in there, she sees Pete, and it's kind of the perfect circumstance. She's at Abstinence Camp. She wants to defy the rules by not abstaining! And here's this guy she likes. The idea of doing that probably felt really good at the time.
That being said I do think her relationship with Peter is very sweet in that episode...like, idk, they get along in such a cute way, and you can tell they're mutually attracted to each other. She's doing it spitefully but she also wants him, I love it, I love their dynamic so much. This is in no way related to my point I just really believe in Abstinence Camp Lautski supremacy.
Going into NPMD, the other big example also has to do with Pete! We know she wanted to defend Pete after he got beat up, and of course part of that was because she cares about him and is angry that he's hurt. But I want to point out that Max's motivation to beat Pete up was that Max didn't think that Steph should be hanging out with Pete. That was what pushed her from feeling sorry for Pete to being angry and wanting to get back at Max. One of her big motivators for pranking him was absolutely spite. Who is he to hurt Peter? Who is he to control her? As Steph said, "Who does he think he is?"
Also when I think about it, when she told Pete about her C+ she said "My dad couldn't believe it," and that could be seen as her bragging about doing something her dad didn't believe she could do!
I hope this makes sense to ya'll, I literally love Stephanie Lauter so much and I think this is a really interesting facet of her
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lautski-week · 5 months
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Lautski Nation, we are so back!
(Q&A + general info under cut!)
Welcome to the third semiannual Lautski week. This event occurs twice a year, once in the summer and once in the winter, to commemorate the shared love so many of us have for Hatchetfield High's most unlikely it couple! Mod is @peterstankoffski and uses they/them pronouns, and you've probably seen me lurking around the lautski tag since it was created. It's been a lovely little 2.5 years getting to enjoy this ship with everyone.
This year the summer event will be in July instead of May so everyone who is interested has plenty of time to prepare. I understand now through June is fairly bust for many people due to finals, so moving it later into the summer was definitely for the best (thank you to everyone who voted in the dates tiebreaker poll the other day!)
And with that, some FAQ!
Q: What are alternates?
A: Alternates are two extra prompts in case one of them leaves you stumped! They can be used any day, or they can not be used at all! It’s up to each individual participant!
Q: Do I have to do all seven days?
A: You’re free to do as many as you want! You can do all seven, you can do just a few, hell, you could do all nine in you wanted! This isn’t a challenge, it’s an event. The main goal is to make some posts about this ship we’re all brainrotting for and having fun.
Q: What can I make?
A: Anything you want! Art, fics, edits, memes, etc. Nothing’s off the table.
Q: How do I post?
A: I’ll reblog anything made for the event to this blog and my main. If you’d like to be featured, please @ THIS blog. Additionally, I’d recommend tagging works with #lautski week so everyone’s works can all be found in the same place.
Q: I was late! Can I still post?
A: Of course! I’ll keep reblogging new posts tagged #lautski week and/or mention this blog through July 17!
Q: Can I post to AO3, then link it back here?
A: Feel free! This year I will also be setting up a Lautski Week collection, which I will link on the blog closer to time. Feel free to use it!
Q: Can I post to (insert any other fanfic site here) then link it back here?
A: Same as AO3. Go ahead!
Q: One of my wips fits *insert prompt here!* Can I post it for that day?
A: You can, but please don’t post before the event begins!
Q: Am I allowed to write smut?
A: Yes, but please have it properly tagged on both tumblr and AO3. On this blog, I will use the additional tag "smut warning"
That's it for now! I'll reblog this occasionally between now and July, plus advertising and answering any additional questions, but other than that, enjoy the rest of your spring (if you're in the Northern Hemisphere anyway)! See you all again soon 💜
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webbelzebub · 5 months
thinking about postcanon grace once again. people have mentioned that she doesn't really have friends that we're aware of- she talks to some people in ab camp I guess but they're never mentioned again. she was never really close with any of the nerds other than sort of rudimentarily being on their side. lautski have each other and neither of them particularly liked her- after the end of the show she's most likely totally alone.
even in the community she presumably has in regards to her faith- she based her entire worth on her chastity and now that's gone. does she ever tell her parents about all the shit that happened? do they support her anyway? do they make her beg forgiveness?
all of this is to say who does grace have in the end... other than the 5 eldritch deities using her as a puppet
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the-spaced-out-ace · 3 months
Lautski Week! Day 2 - party
If it were really up to Steph, it would be completely illegal to make your kids do something they didn’t want to, especially if it wouldn’t benefit them in the slightest. For a nonspecific example she would use in this untargeted idea, the daughter of the mayor being forced to attend her dad’s parties. Should Steph make a list ranking her least favorite kinds of parties to attend, political rallies and fancy rich people galas would both be pretty much at the top, possibly even tied for first. 
What made it so much worse is that this time around, it was known around town by now that Stephanie Lauter had found herself a boyfriend, and to prove that she was being responsible about it, she asked him to come as her escort. 
(Admittedly, Pete was also there as moral support, because she didn’t want to be around judgey older people that almost always fed into her being a reflection of her dad. She didn’t want to deal with the feedback loop when her dad held her reputation over her head because he’d claim it would hurt him in the polls. She just wanted to be a normal teenager and build an online social life and go to real parties and sneak around with her boyfriend. So she’d take what she could get. Even if she did apologize to Pete repeatedly for getting him stuck at a stuffy political rally for a night. 
He’d assured her she was okay and he was happy to come support her, though part of her still felt bad, because even if these events weren’t straight up boring, she still couldn’t stop thinking about Pete’s preference for anonymity and privacy. Something he definitely wouldn’t get being around the richest, bitchiest, and nosiest people on the island for a whole night.)
“I really appreciate you’re here tonight,” she said about an hour into the night, tightly clutching a glass of shitty sparkling water. “I know parties aren’t really your thing.”
“It’s really no problem,” he said, “I hope it’s more bearable for you.” He took a sip of his normal, not-vaguely-fruit-flavored water. “I really like your dress.”
Steph rolled her eyes. “Miss Tessburger picked it for me. I made some adjustments.” Her original dress had been a stuffy pink thing that could have swallowed her whole if she hadn’t bothered to try to fix something, so channeling the few things about sewing she could remember learning from her mom (she’d made her own gown for the Honey Queen competition, so she had certainly known a thing or two) so the dress would have been less miserable. She moved the hemline way up and removed the sleeves completely, and though it wasn’t a clean alteration, she’d give herself some credit for being an amateur and having done it last minute. She looked Pete up and down. “You’re not so bad yourself, Spankoffski.”
Pete was wearing the same vest and dress pants he’d worn to homecoming, though he exchanged the red tie he wore in October for a blue one instead—school colors, after all, and he guessed if there was a dress code at an event like this, trying to show support for the public school might’ve been a good move. Not that the people who attended this event seemed to even care he was there. He was just a Spankoffski, after all.
He shrugged. “It’s the nicest thing I own,” he said. He looked around. Most of the attendees were drinking or already drunk, and the chatter he could make out seemed overtly catty and subtextually fully condescending. He couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to get into conversation where both parties were just going to be miserable.
(Not to mention it was noisy in here. Too loud loud loud so sometimes he actually couldn’t hear himself think. But he kept telling himself to brave himself through it so Steph wouldn’t have to brave it alone.)
“It looks nice anyway,” she assured him, then she scanned the room herself. 
She really didn’t get why she always had to be at these parties. Sure, sometimes Miss Tessburger would breath down her neck, but Steph would still estimate that her father’s assistant still spent around 50% of her time at events doing her actual job and assisting the mayor. Even less so this time around since she had her boyfriend to watch out for her instead (even though like, what kind of trouble could she actually get into when in the same room with Tessburger anyway?) The vast majority of the guests quit paying attention to her after they got enough alcohol and elitism in their system, so she doubted that she was on anyone’s radars. There just wasn’t any fun or gain to this. And one extra look at Pete told her he felt about the same. 
“You doing okay?” she asked. “You look really spacey. Like you could shut down at any moment.”
“I...I just think it’s kinda loud,” he admitted, “and that maybe if I do even one thing wrong everyone is gonna judge me?” He paused for a second. “But it’s fine,” he backtracked. “I’m here to help you, not the other way around.”
“It’s okay if you’re not enjoying it,” she said. “I never do.”
“I could already imagine, but I really see why now…” 
Steph nodded and began looking around the room again. Still seemed there was no one paying attention, and she didn’t see any point in torturing Pete too much longer. Knowing him, he’d probably keep letting himself stew in misery and social anxiety of it made her night any more easy, but Steph didn’t see any point in keeping the both of them so miserable. 
“Don’t you and your brother typically have movie nights on Saturdays?” Steph asked, knowing damn well they did. 
Of course, Pete nodded. “Horror Movie Saturdays. I haven’t missed a Saturday in seven years. Except for tonight, I guess.”
Steph checked her phone. “Well, it’s only eight right now. Think if we snuck out now we could convince your brother to let me join in?”
It seemed to Steph from the way Pete’s eyes lit up ever so slightly then that he was picking up what she was trying to imply. They could just leave, tonight could be for themselves instead. 
“He’s probably gonna pick something really weird,” he warned. 
“Fuck it, the weirder the better. It’ll take our minds off of how soul crushing this is.”
Pete considered it for a second more, then nodded. “Let’s go.”
“Fuck yeah, Spankoffski. The night belongs to us.”
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paulkins-week · 4 months
hello and welcome! this account is going to host an event much like @lautski-week @holloweaneweek and @lexthan-week for paulkins (hopefully) this fall/winter season! before then, i'd like to do an interest survey; please fill out the attached form if youve got any, wel... interest. an qna section will be under the cut to clear up most confusions sooner rather than later, but my inbox is open if you need any clarification!
Q: what is this event?
A: paulkins week will be an event dedicated to celebrating paul and emma's relationship!
Q: is participating in the interest check required for participation in the event itself?
A: absolutely not! the interest check is just to get an idea of when exactly to hold the event and what i can expect to see during it
Q: will there be formal sign-ups later?
A: nope! this event is just for fun, anyone can participate whenever
Q: what can i make?
A: anything you want! draw something, write a fic, make a moodboard or a stimboard or an edit, make something physical, genuinely whatever you can think of for any prompt is welcome
Q: do i have to do all seven days?
A: definitely not! do only one, do every other day, pick a few specific ones that speak to you, do the whole week AND the alternatives -- however you want to participate is perfectly fine
Q: what are alternatives?
A: alternate prompts that can be done in place of any given prompt for a day. for example, if you dont like the prompt for day two, you can do something for one of the alternates instead!
Q: how do i post?
A: however you normally would! just make sure you add the tag "#paulkins week" and i'll most likely see it; i'll be watching the tag all week! if you want to be absolutely sure i see it, feel free to tag me too!
Q: can i post to other places?
A: absolutely! if you want anything posted off-site to be featured on the blog, though, you'll have to at least post a link here on tumblr
Q: can i post an already existing piece/wip if it fits a prompt?
A: as long as it hasn't been posted anywhere before, go for it!
Q: can i still post if i'm late?
A: definitely! i'll stop reblogging anything three days after the event ends, but whatever is posted in that window will be featured under "#honorable mentions"
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thewickedblackcat · 3 months
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Lautski Howl's Moving Castle AU!
I have had this idea for a while now and I know someone else had mention this idea as well a couple weeks back. (I forget who it was exactly though, sorry.) While this would mostly be close to the movie, this AU would not be a detail for detail as the movie. Somethings would be change in an attempt to fit with the characters. (Whether or not it's a good attempt is another story.)
Peter as Sophie Steph as Howl
(I don’t own anything.) Sources: 1 2 or 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(Click on the "Keep Reading" to hear the main details about this AU)
Pete works in town as a hatmaker. He often tries to keep to himself in an attempt to keep from not getting bullied but that doesn't work. It doesn't help that he's not originally from here as he and his parents moved into town a few years back after his older brother, Ted, disappeared. It was supposedly to have a fresh start (but may had also been to keep Pete safe from whatever or who happened to Ted.) Between the bullying and not having many friends in a place that doesn’t feel like home, Pete has low self confidence.
Pete is saved from his bullies one day by a mystery girl with magic. Pete has never seen her before but she seemed to match the description of Stephanie Lauter, a witch with a reputation of mischief and trouble. After getting rid of Pete's bullies, the two have a run-in with a colorful bunch who seem to be after Steph. Pete and Steph are able to escape and Steph seems to drop Pete off at a safe area.
When Pete returns to the shop at night, he is approached by a strange man dressed all in yellow. (Man may not be the right word as he seemed to have goat horns and eyes.) At first, Pete tries to politely escort the man out of the shop. Until the man drops out how Pete may appear as a behaved boy, he's just a b*stard like his brother. As Pete realize who this man is, he tries to move away but the man quickly pulls out a small yellow box that instantly flashes a bright yellow light. Pete is immediately hit with the light and falls to the ground. When he opens his eyes again, the man is gone and the shop is back to what it was before. However, as Pete starts to get up, he notices he feels soar and slower. It isn't until he looks in to a nearby mirror that he realize why. He has been transformed into an old man. As he is horrified by this realization, he can hear the man's voice in his head. Say hi to Step-an-ie for me. Tick-tock, Petey, Tick-tock.
The next morning, after realizing it's not a dream, Pete travels out of town to find a cure for his curse. On his journey, he runs into a middle age homeless man. The homeless man seems to stare him, almost like he has seen Pete before. While first frightened by the homeless man, Pete does give him some change as he feels pity for him, being in a similar situation. In appreciation, the homeless man tells Pete to look for "the moving steel beast" in the hills for help with magic. Even though he is confused by this, Pete does head for the hills as it's his only lead so far. When he reaches the hills, he finds Steph's moving castle. He goes in as night falls even though he is unsure if he should see Steph again.
When he goes into the castle, he meets a small white spider by the fire place, who introduces herself as Webby. She seems to know that Pete is under a powerful curse and offers to break his curse under one condition: he helps Steph. After some debating, Pete agrees to the deal and starts to work at the castle as a cleaner.
Stephanie Lauter has never been strong with magic, despite come from a strong line of witches and wizards. She is often viewed as a disappointment by her father, the Head Sorcerer of the Kingdom, Solomon. Things changes when she is twelve. She overhears her father making a deal with the Lords in Black to heighten tensions between the fellow kingdom of Clivesdale to the point of a war. For Solomon, it’s to remain in power and to have the reputation of taking down Clivesdale. However, the Lords in Black to suck all of the magic out of both sides (soldier and civilian alike) so that they regain power and take over both kingdoms. After hearing this, Steph runs away.
After she escaped, Steph meets Webby in the woods. Webby, being low on power right now, offers to connect with Steph so that they both could stop Solomon and the Lords. However, she warns that since Steph isn’t a full magic user, Webby’s magic would over power and corrupt her. Steph, wanting to stop her father, takes the deal.
At first, Steph is able to slow down Solomon’s plan. But as the years go by, the Lords become more powerful and Steph is finding it harder to control her power. As Steph is starting to lose hope in herself, she runs away more. It doesn’t help at all that more damage from Solomon and the Lords, the more helpless she feels.
Fearing that Steph will lose herself to the magic soon, Webby decides that they need to find help to stop the Lords and free Steph from the magic.
Other Details to Know (In No Order)
Richie and Ruth would both be in at the castle as Steph’s apprentices/assistants. Richie always had an interest for magic and had asked (more like begged) Steph to be her apprentice. After seeing what his life was like, Steph decided to him up on his request. Webby questioned with Steph related to Richie’s life, while Steph said it was just stop his begging. Ruth was a different story though. Ruth was once a witch but Solomon had her magic drained out of her. He would claim it was because she selfishly used her magic. All she wanted to do was be an actress. Steph took her in out of guilt.
Steph would transform into a large spider, not a raven like in the movie.
Like in the movie, Pete can’t say anything about the curse.
As it’s pretty easy to tell, Ted/the Homeless Man is Turnip Head, popping in every so often. Spoilers: after the Lords are taken down in the end, Ted does somewhat get better. (A kind of happy ending for Ted!? What’s that?)
The rumors about Steph would mostly be Solomon’s creation to make people trust Steph less. Though, some of them were created by Steph because why not.
Steph wouldn't have a tantrum like in the movie. Instead, it would be a panic attack. Pete, being there before, helps her out of it. As Pete hold Steph to comfort her, Richie and Ruth swear for a brief moment, they see a young man holding Steph.
A running gag in the story is the group would state that they’re stopping the war to just save their kingdom, but not for Clivesdale. Because f-Clivesdale.
(Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.)
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geodetojoy · 2 months
Saw a few of these and decided I wanted to make one as well
Honorable mentions to Odysseus/Penelope, Lumity, Holloweane, and many more they didn’t fit in the poll
I forgot polls had a limit :(
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lexthan-week · 6 months
hello lexthan enjoyers! this account is going to host an event much like @lautski-week and @holloweaneweek in the very near future, but until then, i'd like to first do a bit of an interest survey. an FAQ section will be under the cut, the questions mostly taken from lautski-week, to hopefully clear up any confusions right away.
Q: what is this event?
A: lexthan week will be a week of celebration for, well... lex and ethan!
Q: is participating in the interest check required for participation in the event itself?
A: absolutely not! the interest check is just so i can get an idea of when specifically to hold the event, and what i can expect to see during it
Q: will there be formal sign-ups later?
A: nope! this event is entirely just for fun. if you have any interest at all, jump in whenever!
Q: what can i make?
A: anything! write fic, draw something, make an edit or a moodboard or something else entirely. whatever calls to you for any given prompt is welcome!
Q: do i have to do all seven days?
A: not at all! you can do only one, pick a few that speak to you and only do those, do the whole week and the alternatives, or any other way you can think of
Q: what are alternatives?
A: alternative prompts that can be done in place of any given prompt for a day. for instance, if you dont like the prompt for day three, you can replace it with one of the alternatives
Q: how do i post?
A: however you normally would! just make sure you use the tag "#lexthan week" and i'll most likely see it; i'll be watching that tag all week! if you want to be extra sure i'll see it, feel free to tag me as well!
Q: can i post to other places?
A: yes! however, if you want something to be featured on the blog, you'll have to make sure you at the very least post a link here on tumblr
Q: can i post an already existing piece if it fits a prompt?
A: yes, as long as it hasn't been posted anywhere before
Q: can i still post if i'm late?
A: absolutely! i will stop checking the tag three days after the end of the week, but anything posted in that window will be featured on the blog under "#honorable mentions" ^-^
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justarandombrit · 5 months
I did the thing again. If you missed the livestream but want to know what happened, I wrote down some notes again. (Spoiler warning, obviously, as I will mention who won the death match)
. The Nightmare Time theme is so fucking good
. Xander murdered Grace last death match and won
. James and Matt like wrestling (not each other - the sport)
. BOTTLE IMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!
. Lmao the backing music is Jane's A Car
. We are the Lords In Black
. Ted and Hidgens are a duo lmaoooooo
. Melissa and w o m a n
. Mariah really loved w o m a n
. CCRP set up a water filtration system that pissed people off
. Harmony and Barry are just so annoying that Paul and Emma want to fight them
. Paul is the first to die
. Coffee makes Barry stronger
. Jon is the only one who thought Paulkins would win
. Rip Harmony :(
. Paul throws spare change at Harmony and Barry, summoning the Homeless Man, who wins the fight for them
. Bill and Alice get an easybake oven stolen from them by Sherman
. Love Vs Crazy
. Frank and Bill get mistaken for eachother mid-fight
. Sherman is vicious
. Frank wants Sherman to die
. Alice eats Sherman's soul and becomes a little kid again
. Ruth has a crush on Hidgens
. Ted and Hidgens have a dead body???????
. The dead body is a Frankenstein amalgamation of all the Workin Boys
. Frankenruth?????????
. Ted and Hidgens win with help from the Workin Boy
. “w o m a n is here!”
“I'm fucking here, bitches”
. Shapiro + Bailey are looking for Roman
. Dog…
. Oh no
. Roman is the dog.
. Melissa and w o m a n die
. Bottle Imps was supposed to be between Forever and Always and Time Bastard
. Bill meets the founder of CCRP
. HOWIE?!?!?!?!?!?
. Bill's been at CCRP 13 years
. Coven’s Communication Research and Power
. Charles wants… ALL the money
. If it's actually Billted oh my god…
. Jane didn't die, but their dog did so she divorced him
. Everyone is cheating on each other
. Ethan used to bully Pete
. Pete and Steph don't tip
. Lex flips out
. Lex suddenly develops a gluten intolerance????
. Jason and Kyle save Steph and Pete
. Max breaks into Camp Idontwannabang, Grace reads him Bible stories, they're about to kiss, then Boy Jerry and Girl Jeri burst in to kill them
. Grace is so Jesus loving that Lumberaxe kills the Jerries
. Excorcism???
. “Christ’s in hell with your mother”
. Miss Holloway has a witch hat!!!!!
. Evil mask??
. Riley's in hell smh
. “You basic bitch”
. Joey is Ted again
. Alice and Bill get pissed about Paulkins trash talking Mamma Mia
. Joey: “This is the future the libs want”
. General MacNamara drops in from a helicopter and shoots Bill and Alice in the head
. James will murder Paul and Emma himself if they survive again
. Ted accidentally confesses to murdering Ruth and Richie
. Joey: “Here's the thing, ACAB”
. Thrash murders Shapiro for being a cop lmaooooooo
. Sam’s a dick to Tim at Pizza Pete’s
. Hannah straight up murders Charlotte and Sam
. I have to go to bed :( (Stopped right before Holyghost v Lautity)
. I'm baaaa-aaaaaack! It's the next day, I have pancakes, and I'm just realising I accidentally wrote Lautity instead of Lautski… I just love them too much
. I haven't checked Tumblr cause I don't want to be spoiled for who wins
. I'm back on the livestream, I'll check that out later
. They're at Perky's Buds, Grace has dragged Max there for a protest, Steph dragged Pete there for weed
. Grace wants Steph to go to heaven
. Five minutes for A THOUSAND DOLLARS?!?!?!?
. Joey: “You horny little fucks”
. Max just murders Steph and Pete
. Max wouldn't want to hit a girl, Ziggs comes out, fails to land a single shot on them, but attracts the nighthawks which peck out Steph and Pete’s eyes
. Nicole Rodriguez is so fucking talented damnnnnnnnn, also I love Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise)
. This song will always destroy me emotionally :(
. Why is Joey doing a British accent lmaoooo
. This isn't the next scene, but is after it chronologically
. BRENDA!!!!!!!!!!
. If only it was a real werewolf… Wayward Guide, anyone?
. “Shit-eating grin” is my favourite Americanism. It's so funny I love it
. I kinda love Tucker
. More skidoos???
. Kyle's in college?????????????? Damn
. Even Stacy's in college
. Miss Holloway: “Cause the 80’s were bitchin’ ”
. Oh nooooo :(
. Miss Holloway: “The intranet”
. Oh god
. Oh shit
. Oh fuck
. Even though I knew this was going to happen I'm still devastated
. Oh god :((((((((
. God we need NMT3
. Joey: “Is this a bad time to announce Curt and Kim are getting divorced?”
. VIRGINITY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. Tedgens are stealing from CCRP, Paulkins are about to go on a date, they find them, and Hidgens goes all murder-crazy
. Corey: “Some of us are wrong and many of us are right”
. Joey: “Jon, Ted is gooning all over this office”
. Jon: “Great job everybody, all the food is gonna be poisoned next week”
. Goddamnit I just got spoiled for it :(
. Tedgens manage to find the Bastard's Box and trap Paul and Emma in it
. Hidgens hears Workin Boys coming from the box, but Ted stops him from touching it
. Tom and Becky want to buy the Waylon Place, and find Grace and Max burying Pete and Steph
. Tom coaches the Hatchetfield Nighthawks??????????
. Gen Z Vs Millennials
. Someone pulled $800 from the Kickstarter :(
. Will arrived literally as soon as Max died
. Grace and Max are ghosts now
. Meg Lloyd is also insanely talented
. Will loves Tom and Becky
. Sauce Saturday
. They're in the Starlight theatre, Wilbur is there for some reason
. “He was driving the car that killed your dog”
. LAUREN!!!!!
. Wilbur just straight up cheats so Tedgens win
. Ted always dies though :/
. A girl Miss Holloway saved has died
. Lore….
. Miss Holloway chops off her toes?????
. That's what that tune is called?
. Why do the Lords eat toes
. Blinky has a mouth???????
. Nibbly lmao
. Mariah: “Lauren, you're muted, baby”
Lauren (muted): “FUCK”
. Blinky, my love
. This is so fanfiction coded I love it
. Tinky likes Miss Holloway????? Duke really was right about everyone being in love with her
. Lmao Tinky
. Double calculators, and an abacus????
. Blinky (covering his ears): That's a bad word!
. Ted wins!!!
. Well.
. Nightmare Time Cover!!!!!!!! Needy Beast, my love
. Oh god that was amazing
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