Good Omens Fic Rec: Dream A Little Dream Of Me (series)
The reality of Aziraphale parting ways with Crowley was a difficult reality to grasp, and so the demon decided he’d rather escape it through picking up an old habit he had long since abandoned; sleeping. The trouble is, the angel is just as present in his unconscious mind than his conscious one. Meanwhile, Aziraphale, with the angelic ability to visit people in their dreams, has decided to abuse that privilege despite direct orders from Heaven.
Length: 22,927 words
AO3 Rating: Teen and Up
Best for: Safe in Public, Slight Angst
Triggers: Temporary Character Death (ish)
Read it here, fic by lavender_mo0n
*Minor Spoilers* This one broke my heart and put the pieces back together so very softly. In this series, we are post-S2, and Crowley is hiding from the world, asleep, and as usual, he dreams of his Angel. They travel through their history together, and Crowley is honest and open with the Angel in his dreams. But soon, the lines between dream and reality start to blur. I don't want to spoil any more of the plot for you, so I'll stop the summary here. I really didn't know how things were going to play out, which made it all the better, so I want the same for you.
There are some really excellent insights and ideas here. I was particularly interested in this version of Saraqael, who is a complex ally. I know there has to be a ton of interesting things happening with her that happen "off-screen" in this story. I find myself wondering what her deal is and what her plans are. There's also this line from Crowley that stuck with me, “You lot think that you’re so pure and good,” he sneered, “but the reality is that when you cause pain to someone trying so hard to live their life in your image, it hurts just as much as if a demon had done it.” And oh boy, does that sum up my feelings on religion. There are also some musings on guilt and forgiveness that really spoke to me. I love that they force each other to slow down and work out negative feelings together. They both try to hide and repress their feelings and are both prone to thinking they don't deserve good things. Thankfully, they can now teach each other that they do deserve to be safe and happy.
Safe in public, but it's a perfectly mellow and dreamy read so I suggest being somewhere comfy with a big blanket. Some slight angst, but this isn't a heavy story really. I love how it ends, they still have some healing to do before they're settled. But now they can relax, and find peace. Even though this is a series, it's really one work. Make sure to read every part and in order!
Read it here, fic by lavender_mo0n
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aziraphales-library · 3 months
Hi! Your account is so great and I really appreciate what you guys do here.
Im not sure if there are many of these out yet, but I’m looking for good fics of what season 3 could look like. Like the events of 1 and 2 are the same but then we get to see them dealing with that ending.
Thanks so much!
Hello! Here are some series three speculation fics...
Armageddon Part 2: The Second Coming by Halfling (M)
Takes place immediately following the end of season 2 of the show. Crowley just wants to be left alone but he keeps getting interrupted. Heaven is MIA, Hell is up in arms, and no one can get a moment's peace.
what we could have been (and what we one day shall be) by meetmeatthecoda (E)
The next time Crowley sees Aziraphale after the day he broke his heart, entered a blinding white lift, and left him behind, it’s in almost the exact same place. Three interminable months later. That awful day, driving aimless and slow in a silent Bentley, Crowley wasn’t sure if he would ever see Aziraphale again, let alone so soon, considering the way they left things. He tried to tell himself that he didn’t care if he ever clapped eyes on his white blonde curls, steel gray eyes, and ridiculous tartan bow tie ever again, but the tears threatening to spill out from behind his sunglasses betrayed his true feelings. (Not to mention the random but persistent spots of bright yellow paint on his car’s otherwise pure black sheen, ruthlessly rubbed out with an index finger the temperature of an open flame.)
Bad Omen by lavender_mo0n (T)
There is a common misconception that owls are a bad omen, a warning sign for death and destruction that is to come. On the contrary, a better way to describe it is to say that they are a symbol of change. That change may come in the form of death, but perhaps that is more in reference to the death of life as we know it. And perhaps a certain angel is about to experience a ~very~ big change.
On the Side of the World by profdanglais (M)
The demon Crowley has gone rogue. Precisely what “rogue” looks like on a demon who was never anyone’s idea of “manageable” is something neither Heaven nor Hell is currently equipped to deal with. Hell is rebuilding and Heaven, under the auspices of the Supreme Archangel Aziraphale, is focused on spreading the Word of their prophet, known as the Second Coming--of what, exactly, remains unspecified. Neither side seems to remember who Crowley used to be, nor have they bothered to change the passwords. The Metatron has no interest in demons, rogue or otherwise. His Plan is going swimmingly and he couldn't be more pleased. Now if only he could figure out who’s responsible for all these unauthorised miracles that just keep happening, far and wide, on planet Earth.
Of Gardens and the Second Coming by Serenity_Black (E)
Starting moments after S2E6... The new Supreme Archangel Aziraphale is in Heaven, juggling the Second Coming at The Metatron's behest. Crowley is wrestling with his romantic realizations, and losing. What is it going to take to get our lovestruck beings back on track so that they can save our favorite Libra and all its inhabitants? And where are God and Satan in all of this? There’s a lot of ground to cover before this ends, as it was always going to, in a garden.
The Better Book: A Brand New Testament for the End of Days by HollyGhostLightly (T)
The Second Coming is underway and it turns out there are competing plans to determine the fate of the world! An unofficial/unauthorized Season 3 of Good Omens… to stop the bleeding. 💔 Excerpt: Aziraphale frowned as his intelligence was insulted once again, “How can you expect us to put our faith in something that lacks any detail whatsoever?!” “Let’s try to remember the plan is still technically ineffable. I’m doing my best to make it effable for you guys but some things are obviously outside of my abilities.” The angel growled, “Oh, the plan is effable alright! If you ask me, it’s completely fucked!!” “Real nice language, coming from an angel! You’re putting money in that thwart jar!”
- Mod D
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lavendermoonlitskies · 3 months
Sooo I posted the final part of my fic series the other day, here are some of my favorite parts + a link if it piques your interest :)
These are all from part 4, “Le Chant du Rossignol (Song of the Nightingale)”
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
Hello, lovely admins! I've gotten the itch for fics where Aziraphale becomes a fallen angel, I don't know why, but I do. Any recommendations? Pls and thank you 💙💙
We have a #fallen angel aziraphale tag you can check out. Here are some post-series two fics in which Aziraphale falls to add to the collection...
Aziraphale Come Down by TheNapoleonOfCrime (T)
Crowley stared at the television with wide eyes, dropping the drink he held right on the floor and causing it to shatter. He watched the video that had been captured of the angel, his angel, Aziraphale, walk through the busy roads like nothing. Aziraphale, his friend who he always knew to be cautious, to be perfect, walking around as if he was drunk. And his wings, what had happened to them? What had they done to him? Without another thought, Crowley ran out of the bar he had been so comfortably situated in. “Angel-!”
If You Don't Recognize Yourself (That Means You Did It Right) by Lem00nOak (T)
Aziraphale is Supreme Archangel, he's where he is meant to be, where he can make a difference, a change. Or is he? A story about betrayal, falling, self-hatred and acceptance with a sprinkle of love +*+*+* Or my prediction for Season 3
when my time comes around (lay me gently in the cold, dark earth) by fluffy_miracle (E)
After a millennium of service to Heaven as the Supreme Archangel, in the midst of a troubled time for Heaven, the most unexpected occurrence happens to Aziraphale. He Falls. And Hell is somehow there to pick up the pieces with a lot of familiar faces and an unusually kind Ruler of Darkness at the helm. Hell is transformed from the terrible place Aziraphale had known it to be-- and so it becomes the place where he gets one more chance to start over and finally let himself be just Aziraphale-- nobody with no allegiance to anything-- except maybe Crowley. But Crowley isn't available, not like he used to be, and the new fallen angel has to learn to deal with himself, and heal, before they can meet again properly. Even if he has missed him desperately after all this time. Especially since he no longer has to be God's strongest soldier anymore...
Bad Omen by lavender_mo0n (T)
There is a common misconception that owls are a bad omen, a warning sign for death and destruction that is to come. On the contrary, a better way to describe it is to say that they are a symbol of change. That change may come in the form of death, but perhaps that is more in reference to the death of life as we know it.
No Light, No Light by PolarisVega (T)
Aziraphale left his life on Earth behind to take the job as the new Supreme Archangel of Heaven. Delighted to be welcomed back and to have finally earned the respect of Heaven, Aziraphale is doing as much Good as he can from the inside. But when Heaven's plans for the second coming of the Apocalypse are revealed. The consequences of his choices, past and present, are greater than he ever imagined.
Grip Me Tight and Raise Me From Perdition by LyricalKris (M)
It was a trap. Of course, it was a trap. The Metatron had been counting Aziraphale’s sins since that first lie in Eden. If ever an angel deserved to be a demon, it was this one. Trouble was, the only one who knew how to turn an angel into a demon was God, and She hadn’t been around lately. But that wouldn’t stop Hell from trying, now would it? Not every day they got their hands on a powerless, fallen angel. And bonus, nobody knew where he was, so there would be no interruptions from filthy, red-haired and yet overprotective traitors. Trapped in a pitch-black, super-heated room in a deep pit of Hell, a tormented, abandoned angel prayed to a demon who was too angry and heartbroken to listen.
- Mod D
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lavendermoonlitskies · 4 months
Hey, I just replied to you in the comments of a post. You said you had a fic where Crowley calls Aziraphale darling and I said “thank you for my weekend plans”. Would you be able to link it, please? I keep getting distracted by your amazing blog and forgetting what I came here to look for!
No worried if you can’t, I am determined to find it no matter how long it takes
p.s. me @ your blog:
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hi there! Thank you so much for your kind words :) here is the link to the fic I was talking about:
Now the moment I was talking about isn’t until I think the 11th chapter, and it’s also the first fic I’ve written since my days as a 14 year old Wattpad user (lol). That being said, when I wrote it I also didn’t know that beta readers were a thing so it’s definitely not my best work but conceptually I’m still proud of it hehe
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lavendermoonlitskies · 6 months
Hello! So I’ve only veeery recently returned to this platform and basically turned it into a Good Omens fan page because that’s just what I happen to be obsessed with atm for like several months at this point… anyways I’ve been absolutely loving seeing y’all’s gorgeous fan art and lovely fics so I figure it’s time to get out of my own head/over my crippling anxiety and share some of my writing maybe??? I’m working on a longer Good Omens fic (which I will share here when it’s a completed work) but I’ve also written some random little one-shots, and I particularly liked this one so might as well share it :)
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