jazzismus · 1 year
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" Lavreotiki "...
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hieromonkcharbel · 2 years
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Now is such a time that we know many prayers but we barely pray. We eat fasting food but we don’t fast. We amass information about the spiritual life but have no experience with it. We confess our sins but don’t repent. We go to church and stand throughout the services but our soul is not humbled before the Trinity. This is all because the heart is closed. It must open up to allow Christ in.
Metropolitan Nicholas of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki
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traveltourismnews · 2 months
Άμεση η κινητοποίηση του Δήμου Λαυρεωτικής για τους πληγέντες από την πυρκαγιά της 30ης Ιουνίου 2024
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piouscatholic · 1 year
Now is such a time that we know many prayers but we barely pray.
We eat fasting food but we don’t fast.
We amass information about the spiritual life but have no experience with it.
We confess our sins but don’t repent.
We go to church and stand throughout the services but our soul is not humbled before the Trinity.
This is all because the heart is closed.
It must open up to allow Christ in.
Metropolitan Nicholas of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com - Keren banget, guys! Sidang Dewan Eksekutif Ke-216 UNESCO di Paris, Prancis, pada Rabu 24 Mei 2023 lalu memutuskan  Ijen Geopark resmi jadi anggota UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG) baru, loh! Wah, bikin hepi banget deh! Sampai-sampai Bupati Banyuwangi, Ipuk Fiestiandani, langsung ngumumin kabar bahagia ini di Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, hari ini, Kamis 25 Mei 2023. Sekarang, Geopark Ijen jadi bagian dari 195 situs UGG yang ada di 48 negara. Keren, kan? Ada juga 18 situs geologi lain yang baru aja ditambahin tahun ini. Seperti Caçapava di Brazil, Lavreotiki di Yunani, Aras di Iran, Hakusan Tedorigawa di Jepang, dan masih banyak lagi. Kita harap dengan Ijen jadi UGG, bakal banyak turis mancanegara yang dateng ke Banyuwangi. Pastinya bakal bikin masyarakat Banyuwangi tambah sejahtera dan budayanya makin kuat, deh. Kita doain semoga gitu, ya! BACA JUGA: Mengurai Pesona Kawah Ijen, Destinasi Wisata Banyuwangi yang Mendunia Ijen Geopark tuh punya banyak situs keren di Kabupaten Banyuwangi dan Bondowoso. Keunikan wisata ini  terletak di Gunung Ijen yang meliputi  tiga hal. Yaitu geologi, biologi, dan budaya. Wah, seru banget, kan? Abdillah Baraas, dari Pengurus Harian Ijen Geopark (PHIG) Banyuwangi, cerita juga kalo Ijen Geopark dapet nilai tinggi banget pas penilaian, skornya 872! Mantap, deh! Tapi tentunya kita tetap harus kerja keras biar status UGG ini bisa dipertahankan pas revalidasi tahun 2026 nanti. Kolaborasi bareng semua pihak penting banget, ya! Nah, buat ngembangin dan ngelindungin Ijen Unesco Global Geopark ini, Abdillah bilang harus melibatkan banyak pihak. Ga boleh cuman beberapa orang aja. BACA JUGA: Blue Fire Kawah Ijen, Pertunjukan Alam yang Menakjubkan Pelatihan Geowisata Khususnya di Banyuwangi, program-program yang udah jalan bakal tetep berlanjut, kayak edukasi di sekolah, pemberdayaan masyarakat, pelatihan geowisata, geo-produk, dan yang paling penting, aspek konservasi. Kedepannya, bakal ada beberapa hal yang bakal ditingkatin, misalnya transportasi publik yang lebih nyambung ke tempat wisata dan situs geopark buat para wisatawan. Terus, jaringan juga bakal dikembangin, nih! Indonesia juga bangga banget, karena ada tiga tempat lainnya yang masuk UGG, loh! Ada Geopark Maros di Pangkep, Geopark Merangin di Jambi, dan Geopark Raja Ampat di Papua. Keren banget, kan? Sertifikat UGG dari UNESCO bakal diserahkan bulan September nanti di Maroko. Asik, deh! BACA JUGA: Gorontalo Rancang Pola Perjalanan Wisata Geopark, Apa Saja? Jadi, semoga kawasan ini makin hits dan bikin semangat liburan kita semakin membara, guys! Dengan keanggotaan UGG yang baru, bakal banyak wisatawan lokal dan internasional yang penasaran dan mau mampir ke Banyuwangi. Wah, pasti seru banget! Buat kita semua, ini juga peluang emas buat ikut serta dalam mempertahankan dan mengembangkan daerah ini. Kita bisa berkontribusi dengan ikutan program-program seru yang udah berjalan, kayak edukasi di sekolah-sekolah. Kita juga  bisa jadi agen pariwisata yang ngasih tau keunikan geologi, biologi, dan budaya Ijen Geopark ke teman-teman kita. Seru, kan? Oh iya, jangan lupa juga untuk mendukung transportasi publik yang lebih lancar dan nyaman ke destinasi wisata di Ijen Geopark. BACA JUGA: Jambi Siapkan Badan Pengelola Wisata untuk Geopark Nasional Merangin Rute Ke Kawah Ijen Kita bisa ikutan ngembangin jaringan komunikasi dan aksesibilitas supaya semua orang bisa lebih mudah akses ke tempat-tempat keren di sana. Pokoknya, harus bangga punya Ijen Geopark dan tempat-tempat geopark lainnya di Indonesia. Kemudian, harus peduli dan menjaga kelestarian alam serta keanekaragaman budaya yang ada di sekitarnya. Jadi, ayo kita dukung terus dan jangan sampai lelah berkontribusi untuk keberhasilan Ijen Geopark! Nah, buat kamu yang mau ke Ijen Geopark, jangan khawatir! Turisian  punya info rute dan alat transportasi yang bisa kamu gunakan, nih! BACA JUGA: Sendratari Meras Gandrung Jadi Andalan Atraksi Wisata Banyuwangi
Rute yang paling umum untuk menuju Ijen Geopark adalah sebagai berikut: Dari Surabaya: Kamu bisa naik pesawat terbang ke Bandara Internasional Juanda di Surabaya. Setelah itu, kamu bisa naik bus atau travel menuju Banyuwangi. Perjalanan darat ini memakan waktu sekitar 7-8 jam, tergantung kondisi lalu lintas. Sesampainya di Banyuwangi, kamu bisa melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Ijen Geopark dengan menggunakan angkutan umum seperti ojek atau taksi. Pastikan untuk menanyakan kepada pengemudi mengenai tujuanmu agar mereka bisa membawamu langsung ke Geopark Ijen. Pelabuhan Gilimanuk BACA JUGA: 5 Spot Menarik di Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi yang Wajib Kalian Kunjungi  Dari Bali: Kamu bisa naik feri dari Pelabuhan Gilimanuk di Bali ke Pelabuhan Ketapang di Banyuwangi. Perjalanan dengan feri ini memakan waktu sekitar 30-45 menit. Setelah tiba di Pelabuhan Ketapang, kamu bisa naik angkutan umum atau taksi menuju Ijen Geopark. Perjalanan darat ini memakan waktu sekitar 1-2 jam. BACA JUGA: Punya Potensi Besar, Menparekraf Dukung Geowisata Batu Angus Ternate jadi Geopark Nasional Selain itu, ada juga beberapa opsi transportasi lain yang bisa kamu gunakan: Ojek atau taksi: Setelah kamu tiba di Banyuwangi atau Pelabuhan Ketapang, kamu bisa menggunakan ojek atau taksi untuk mencapai Ijen Geopark. Pastikan untuk menawar harga yang wajar sebelum berangkat. Kendaraan pribadi: Jika kamu memiliki kendaraan pribadi, kamu bisa mengendarai mobil atau sepeda motor menuju Ijen Geopark. Pastikan untuk menggunakan aplikasi navigasi atau meminta petunjuk agar tidak tersesat di perjalanan. Saran aku, sebaiknya kamu juga mempersiapkan perjalanan dengan baik, termasuk mencari tahu jadwal transportasi, mempersiapkan peta, dan menghubungi penyedia jasa transportasi untuk memastikan ketersediaan dan kenyamanan perjalananmu. Nah, semoga info ini membantu kamu dalam merencanakan perjalanan ke Ijen Geopark, ya! Selamat bersenang-senang dan nikmati keindahan alamnya!
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orthodoxiaonline · 1 year
Ιερά Μητρόπολη Μεσογαίας & Λαυρεωτικής ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ Εκδημία Γεροντίσσης Θεονύμφης (Αλεξοπούλου) 13.5.2023 Σήμερα, 13 Μαΐου ε.ε., εκοιμήθη εν Κυρίω, κατόπιν πολυετών προβλημάτων υγείας, η Γερόντισσα Θεονύμφη (Αλεξοπούλου), Κτιτόρισσα και πρώτη Καθηγουμένη του Ιερού Ησυχαστηρίου Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτ... https://orthodoxia.online/ekklisia/i-iera-mitropoli-mesogaias-lavreotikis-gia-tin-ekdimia-tis-gerontissis-theonymfis/?feed_id=31995&_unique_id=646080d48e288
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euralmanac-blog · 4 years
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The moon rises behind the columns of the ancient marble Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion, Greece
Credit: AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris
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ofotis · 2 years
Γιατί μένει αναξιοποίητος τέτοιος θησαυρός ; (& μάλιστα εν μέσω οικονομικής εξαθλίωσης ;) #Silver #Mining #Gallery #Lavreotiki https://photos.app.goo.gl/p5ky3dAxZHV6hMCc6 (στην τοποθεσία Δήμος Λαυρεωτικής) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgtn3HuKuyR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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emeraldcityminerals · 2 years
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Neon green annabergite (Ni3(AsO4)2·8H2O) in matrix vugs with purple fluorite (CaF2). From Lavrion Mining District, Lavreotiki, East Attica, Attica, Greece.  Specimen size (in mm): 70 x 40 x 40.  
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athena431bc · 4 years
Reconstrução de monumentos da Grécia Clássica em 431 aC e suas ruínas hoje em dia
Nas fotos:
1: Templo de Poseidon, em Lavreotiki. Das suas 38 colunas, só 16 restam hoje.
2: Templo de Afrodite, a protetora da cidade de Corinto
3: Santuário ateniense, em Delfos
4: Templo de Erecteion, consagrado a Atena e a Poseidon
5: Teatro de Delfos
6: Ágora de Atenas, com o Pártenon no fundo
7: Estádio de Olímpia, onde ocorriam os jogos olímpicos do século 8aC ao 4 dC
8: Templo de Apolo, em Delfos
9: Templo de Atena, em Atenas
10: Propileu, em Atenas
O período entre 500 - 323 aC é conhecido como a "Época Dourada" da Grécia, influenciando diretamente o que tornaria-se o Império Romano (na época República Romana). Grande parte da política ocidental moderna, o pensamento científico e artístico, como a arquitetura, escultura, teatro, literatura e filosofia derivam desse período grego. Durante a época, surgiram figuras marcantes como Platão, Sócrates, Péricles, Pitágoras, Aristóteles, Demócrito, Alexandre o Grande e outros.
Em Atenas, a democracia foi organizada pela primeira vez no século 5 aC tornando-se um elemento cívico. Tinham o direito de participar homens com terras, maiores de 19 anos e filhos de pai e mãe atenienses, excluindo escravizados, mulheres e estrangeiros. Estima-se que apenas 20% da população de Atenas participava do processo eleitoral.
O período é politicamente dominado por Esparta e Atenas, cada uma com seu modelo político próprio, com a oligarquia militarista em Esparta e a democracia aristocrata em Atenas. Com a derrota do Império Persa (que habitava a atual Turquia) em 480 aC pelos espartanos, em 431 aC o conflito entre ambas as cidades-estado gregas escalariam na Guerra do Peloponeso, um conflito de 27 anos cujos custos econômicos foram sentidos por toda a Grécia.
No nível das relações internacionais, Atenas, a cidade-estado mais forte da Grécia foi reduzida a um estado de sujeição, nunca se recuperando como antes da guerra, enquanto Esparta se estabeleceu como a principal potência da Grécia. A pobreza tornou-se generalizada no Peloponeso, encerrando a era de ouro grega.
Fotos tiradas do jogo Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Fontes: https://bit.ly/3eQKH7K, https://bit.ly/3719JOT e https://bit.ly/374fGKW
Se curte nosso conteúdo, considere em auxiliar o Geo a manter seu trabalho diário no ar através do https://bit.ly/2KGn84g 🎉
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Serpieri Mine, Kamariza Mines (Kamareza Mines), Agios Konstantinos [St Constantine] (Kamariza), Lavrion District Mines, Lavreotiki, East Attica, Attica, Greece
Field of View: 1.50 mm
Yannick Vessely’s Photo         
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hieromonkcharbel · 4 years
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Now is such a time that we know many prayers but we barely pray. We eat fasting food but we don’t fast. We amass information about the spiritual life but have no experience with it. We confess our sins but don’t repent. We go to church and stand throughout the services but our soul is not humbled before the Trinity. This is all because the heart is closed. It must open up to allow Christ in.
Metropolitan Nicholas of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki
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wigmund · 6 years
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From Mindat.Org Photo Of The Day; August 29, 2018:
Zincowoodwardite: Zn1-xAlx(OH)2[SO4]x/2·nH2O; Serpierite: Ca(Cu,Zn)4(SO4)2(OH)6·3H2O
Locality: Christiana Mine, Kamariza Mines (Kamareza Mines), Agios Konstantinos [St Constantine] (Kamariza), Lavrion District Mines, Lavrion District (Laurion; Laurium; Lavreotiki Municipality), Attikí Prefecture (Attica; Attika), Greece
“White or just light blue spheres of zincowoodwardite. On them, a radial aggregate of white to blue acicular crystals of serpierite has grown. Material of the authors, received by Mr. Renato Pagano. Collection and photo by Gianfranco Ciccolini.”
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justforbooks · 6 years
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Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion
Cape Sounion (Modern Greek: Aκρωτήριο Σούνιο Akrotírio Soúnio Ancient Greek: Ἄκρον Σούνιον Άkron Soúnion, latinized Sunium; Venetian: Capo Colonne "Cape of Columns") is the promontory at the southernmost tip of the Attic peninsula, 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) south of the town of Lavrio (ancient Thoricus), and 70 kilometres (43 mi) southeast of Athens. It is part of Lavreotiki municipality, East Attica, Greece.
Cape Sounion is noted for its Temple of Poseidon, one of the major monuments of the Golden Age of Athens. Its remains are perched on the headland, surrounded on three sides by the sea.
The name Capo Colonne (graecicized Καβοκολώνες Kavokolones) is reported from the 17th century, for the reason that unusually, several columns of the temple of Poseidon had remained standing since antiquity. Early modern descriptions in travelogues include those by G. Wheler (1676), J.-D. Le Roy (1754), R. Chandler (1765) and E. Dodwell (1805). Scottish poet William Falconer (1732-1769) was shipwrecked off off Cape Colonna, as Sounion was then known, in 1750, an event depicted in the central scene of his The Shipwreck (1762).
The inscribed name of George Lord Byron, carved into the base of one of the columns of the Temple of Poseidon, possibly dates from his first visit to Greece, on his Grand Tour of Europe before he acquired fame. Byron spent several months in 1810–11 in Athens, including two documented visits to Sounion. There is, however, no direct evidence that the inscription was made by Byron himself. Byron mentions Sounion in his poem Isles of Greece:
Place me on Sunium's marbled steep,
Where nothing, save the waves and I,
May hear our mutual murmurs sweep...
Martin Heidegger visited Sounion during his journey to Greece in 1962, as described in his book Sojourns. He refers to the "gleaming-white ruins of the temple". In the strong sea breeze "these few standing columns were the strings of an invisible lyre, the song of which the far-seeing Delian god let resonate over the Cycladic world of islands". He marvels at "the way that this single gesture of the land suggests the invisible nearness of the divine and dedicates to it every growth and every human work". He goes on to reflect "the people of this country knew how to inhabit and demarcate the world against the barbarous in honour of the seat of the gods. ...they knew how to praise what is great and by acknowledging it, to bring themselves in front of the sublime, founding, in this way, a world".
Cape Sounino a popular day-excursion for tourists from Athens, with the sunset over the Aegean Sea, as viewed from the ruins, a sought-after sight since the first development of modern tourism in the early 19th century.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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bike-rentals-europe · 5 years
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Cape Sounion is the promontory at the southern most tip of the Attic peninsula, 70 Km (43 mi) southeast of Athens. It is part of Lavreotiki municipality, East Attica, Greece. Cape Sounion is noted for its Temple of Poseidon, one of the major monuments of the Golden Age of Athens. Its remains are perched on the headland, surrounded on three sides by the sea. Cape Sounion is a popular day-excursion for tourists from Athens, with the sunset over the Aegean Sea, as viewed from the ruins. Since 2014 our company extended bike rental services with delivery and collection at accommodations to the whole Greek country where can enjoy self or guided excursions and cycling activities. Discover more about on velocerental.com Information and bike rental quote requests to [email protected] 🇬🇷🚴🏾‍♂️🇬🇷 #cycling #athens #greece #cyclinggreece #cyclinglife #cyclingphotos #cyclingpassion #ironmantraining #triathlontraining #places #europe #veloce #bike #bicycle #rental #travel #traveladvisor (presso Cape Sounion - Temple of Poseidon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7blqW5IC0S/?igshid=1csgai51x4tz9
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ofotis · 6 years
Μόλις έφτασαν τα απογευματινά φρεσκότατα ψάρια (& με 5€), τα προτελευταία του 2018. #planetearth #europe #greece #athens #attica #lavreotiki #Lavrio #LavrionitisApartment #apartments #lavrionitis #Rooms #enikiazomena #epiplomena #diamerismata #Квартиры #virtual #googlemaps #airbnb #booking #TripAdvisor #trivago #hotels #panoramic #streetview #FishEye #travel #tourism #tourists #photooftheday #2018❤️ #2019 https://maps.app.goo.gl/CCfBL https://www.instagram.com/p/BsAuI9Xlo98/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1om2neyqv178q
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