sowlmates · 1 year
books that leave you mentally unwell despite being about healing and overcoming trauma and allowing emotional vulnerability >>>>
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skaddy111 · 18 days
Elevate Your Outdoor Oasis with Midland Sprinklers And Maintenance, LLC
Welcome to Midland Sprinklers And Maintenance, LLC, your premier destination for all your lawn care, irrigation, and landscaping needs. With a passion for creating vibrant outdoor spaces and a commitment to excellence, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch services that exceed your expectations. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the wide range of services offered by Midland Sprinklers And Maintenance, LLC, and how we can help you achieve the lush, vibrant landscape of your dreams.
Lawn Mowing & Maintenance: Cultivating Green Spaces: A lush, healthy lawn is the cornerstone of any beautiful landscape. At Midland Sprinklers And Maintenance, LLC, we understand the importance of regular lawn mowing and maintenance in achieving and maintaining a vibrant outdoor oasis. Our skilled team of professionals is equipped with the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to keep your lawn looking its best year-round.
From precision mowing and edging to fertilization and weed control, we offer comprehensive lawn care services tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Whether you're looking to enhance curb appeal or create a safe and inviting outdoor space for your family to enjoy, you can count on Midland Sprinklers And Maintenance, LLC to deliver exceptional results.
Irrigation System Repair & Maintenance: Nurturing Your Landscape: A reliable irrigation system is essential for maintaining a healthy, thriving landscape. At Midland Sprinklers And Maintenance, LLC, we specialize in irrigation system repair and maintenance to ensure that your plants, trees, and lawn receive the water they need to flourish. Our team of experts is proficient in diagnosing and resolving a wide range of irrigation issues, from broken sprinkler heads to faulty valves and controllers.
In addition to repairs, we also offer comprehensive maintenance services to keep your irrigation system running smoothly year after year. From seasonal adjustments and inspections to system upgrades and water conservation solutions, we're committed to helping you optimize the efficiency and performance of your irrigation system for maximum results.
Landscape Design: Bringing Your Vision to Life: Your outdoor space is a blank canvas waiting to be transformed into a breathtaking masterpiece. At Midland Sprinklers And Maintenance, LLC, we specialize in landscape design that combines creativity, functionality, and sustainability to create outdoor environments that delight the senses and enhance the beauty of your property.
Whether you're looking to refresh your existing landscape or create a completely new outdoor oasis, our team of talented designers will work closely with you to bring your vision to life. From lush gardens and serene water features to inviting patios and outdoor living spaces, we'll create a custom design that reflects your lifestyle, preferences, and budget.
Lawn Sprinkler Systems: Efficiency and Reliability: A well-designed and properly maintained sprinkler system is essential for keeping your lawn and landscape healthy and vibrant. At Midland Sprinklers And Maintenance, LLC, we specialize in the installation, repair, and maintenance of high-quality lawn sprinkler systems that deliver efficient and reliable watering solutions.
Whether you're looking to upgrade your existing system or install a new one, our team of experienced technicians will work diligently to ensure that your sprinkler system meets your specific needs and exceeds your expectations. From custom design and installation to ongoing maintenance and repairs, you can trust Midland Sprinklers And Maintenance, LLC to keep your landscape looking its best year-round.
Conclusion: Transforming your outdoor space into a lush, vibrant oasis is easy with Midland Sprinklers And Maintenance, LLC. From lawn mowing and maintenance to irrigation system repair, landscape design, and sprinkler systems, we offer a comprehensive range of services to meet all your outdoor needs. Ready to elevate your outdoor oasis? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you achieve the landscape of your dreams.
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kisantools · 4 months
5 Benefits of Eco-Friendly Lawn Mowing
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Reduced Environmental Impact
Biodiversity Support
Soil Health
Water Conservation
Aesthetic Appeal
Switching to eco-friendly lawn mowing brings many benefits. Using a sustainable lawn mower in Delhi NCR, like those from Kishan Tools, not only helps the environment but also ensures a healthier lawn. With lower emissions, reduced noise, and improved air quality, these tools make lawn care a win-win. Kishan Tools, a leading supplier of garden and agricultural tools, offers eco-friendly solutions for a greener and healthier lawn in the Delhi NCR region.
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dsiddhant · 10 months
Chicago, Aug. 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Small Gas Engines Market size is projected to grow from USD 3.3 billion in 2023 to USD 4.3 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 5.4% according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™.
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justaaveragereader · 8 months
Slashtober 🔪|| Invisible Man Hongjoong
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Pairing: Hongjoong x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Choking, MeanDom!Hongjoong, Pussy Slapping, Man Handling, Degradation, Spanking, Unprotected Sex, Name Calling (Whore, Slut..), Stomach Bulge, Rough Sex, Mirror Sex, Consensual Sex, If I Missed Anything.. Let Me Know…👀!
A/N: They are all slashers so all of them are going to be boarder lining mean doms Or just mean doms🤪😁.
Slashtober Masterlist
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The first new neighbor was Kim Hongjoong, devilish eyes, sharp nose, and pristine clean man. With a huge moving truck across the street you couldn’t help but get curious as to who was moving in. You quickly made way to introduce yourself, wanting to befriend the hot, and hopefully single male. He was out on his lawn instructing the movers where to place his boxes in his home. With arms full of water bottles you stood by the curb.
“Hello! I hope I’m not disturbing you, but I saw you were new to the neighborhood. I just wanted to stop over and introduce myself, and also offer some water as I see you all are working ha-..”
He turned around to look at you and you trailed off into your sentence, mind completely blanking by his visuals. He was even hotter up close.
“Why hello!” His voice was higher than you expected yet it was still so attractive like the rest of him. From that day forward. Anytime you saw him outside you went out of your way to greet Hongjoong, you learned he had no wife, no kids, he owned the home he was living in. You never saw anyone leave in or out, so you assumed he had no girlfriend either. He did leave at odd times of the night, sometimes not returning til late a.m. you had assumed his job as an artist made him have odd hours.
As more neighbors started to pile into the neighborhood the weirder things got, you noticed no matter how many times you closed your bedroom window, it was always left open a crack. Strange white residue would be left on your mirror. Certain clothing items would be missing. Yet you never felt the need to investigate what went on. Blaming it on your lack of caffeine, along with your lack of sleep. One night you had awoken to the buttons to your night shirt popping open slowly, your eyes literally watching them undo themselves. Too stunned to move you watch the last button pop. The creaking of your mattress falls upon your deaf ears, stunned by the sight in front of you. Nothing. Absolutely nothing is there, nothing you can see, nothing you can make out. Nothing. Your heavy breathing is the only sound heard, besides the late night crickets making noise out your cracked window. The cool autumn breeze blows through, causing you to shiver.
The indentation on your bed should’ve clicked in your head but when you looked forward at the mirror all you saw was yourself panting and out of breath. Deciding it was best you lay back down, forcing yourself to go to sleep. If this was a dream you were definitely not going to entertain it any longer.
As morning came your window was still yet cracked, the room now cold with the autumn air, and your bed messily tossed around. Looking out of your window, you see him once again. Raking the leaves on his lawn, Kim Hongjoong. While you stand and gawk at him it never registers in your mind that your night shirt is completely unbuttoned, your bra just completely out for everyone to see. It’s almost like he senses you looking at him. Turning from the leaves he looks up at you, shooting you a toothy grin, waving his one nail manicured hand at you. You smile back, clearly dumbstruck at his warm smile. The breeze of air flows in, blowing your shirt back, the nipply feeling in your skin causes you to look down, embarrassment creeping up at your neck, when you look up, Hongjoong isn’t there. The pile of leaves are scattered, no signs of every being raked. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you step away from the window. Proceeding to get ready, as you walk to your bathroom you notice that weird white residue on the lower half of the mirror, letting out a huff you start your normal routine of getting items to clean the mirror, while struggling to find an outfit for the day.
It was always at night time when things got weird for you. The window always cracked open at night, your pajamas would randomly be off. You were convinced you truly were going insane. That was till everything snowballed one night. Those light touches turned into firm grasps, your airways would at times become cut off like something was blocking them. Your cunt would ache like it had just got rammed the night prior. Yet you always woke up with a chipper attitude, a small limp in your walk but a bright, relieved smile nonetheless. Tonight was no different, you heard the window crack, not even bothering to turn over, you remained still. Trying to level your breathing out as you feel the cool air invade your warm space. The small creaks of your floorboards can be heard. Suddenly a cold object touches your ankle, causing your body to flinch. Your leg shoots close to your chest, eyes open wide trying to make out whatever was in the dark. You saw absolutely nothing, were you truly losing your mind? Had you gone off the deep end?
“What are you..?” You whisper out quietly, you hear the bed creak as if something sat on it, yet you are on high alert with fear it doesn’t register in your mind. You feel an object touch your shoulder pushing you down harshly. Your body submits easily, you’ve done this same song and dance numerous times. Yet this was always the thrilling part, the part where you would try to piece together what or who was doing this. A high pitched laugh can be heard through the room, causing your body to attempt to sit up just to be pushed back down.
“I’m the best thing that’s happened to you slut.” A voice suddenly speaks out, you feel your legs shift open the bed dipping with each movement. A cool sensation runs up and down your warm fleshy thighs. You let out a small whimper, so easily submitting yourself to whatever it was that was making you walk like your legs were two over cooked noodles in the morning.
“You like this don’t you? Needy whore.” Hongjoong pushes his thumb down on your clit through your pajama pants, he’s been doing this so long with you he knows your body, and what it likes. He knows it so well, he can be deprived of all senses and he’d still know how to work your body. You let out a small moan, cocking your legs open more. Morals tossed aside for something you continuously thought was a dream. His thumb rubbing small circles amongst your clit, drawing our small noises from you. You were always so pretty when you made those sweet noises for him. Drawing his hand away from your cunt, he gets more comfortable between your legs. The lack of feeling him for a split second has you whining instantly. Bringing his hand down to your clothed pussy he gives it a slap. Causing your body to jerk up from the sudden action. If only you could see how his eyes darkened when he saw how well you responded to that action, waking up an inner demon in him.
“You want me to keep going? You’ll spread your legs for anything that crawls into this room huh.” He cackles out, mind now fueled with one thing, and one thing only. He was going to completely ruin your pretty ass, and he was going to make sure if you even had the ability to get up and walk the next day, you’d be walking with a limp. The noises that continue to leave your throat as he man handles you, pulling you to sit up so he can swiftly unbutton your shirt. He’s tossing you around like you are nothing more than a flesh light that he is lubing up getting ready to use.
Pulling you to the floor, your night shirt rides up your back, as your shirt is completely unbuttoned your bra is on display once again for whatever is pulling you down. Dragging you in front of the mirror, panting with nerves due to not being able to see what was dragging you around effortlessly. Crushing your thighs together you are wound up from all the touching on the bed. Whatever is in the room with you. You feel its warm breath on your ear, causing your nails to dig into your thigh. Gripping your face he causes you to look into the mirror, you already look fucked out. Your face is slick with what you think is saliva, shirt hanging off of your shoulders faint bruising littered across your chest. You suddenly feel cool hands on your lower half, watching with full attention in the mirror you see your pajama shorts get pulled down slowly. Revealing your embarrassingly wet panties that are clinging to your folds. A warm breath hits your ear.
“Look at you, disgusting slut. You get this wet for just anybody?” A high pitched voice with a rough undertone speaks out into your ear. Your legs are spread open more. A hand grips your scalp tightly, cocking your head back. You look up at nothing, a high pitched chuckle that sends a shiver down your spine makes your blood curdle, but your lower stomach flips.
“I should fuck you with in a inch of your life you pathetic whore. Look at you, so fucked out for me and I haven’t even stuck my cock in you.” Letting go of your scalp, he pushes you on your stomach, snatching your night shirt off you, unhooking your bra so your breast fall free. A humming noise is heard behind you, Hongjoong grips his hard cock through his suit, not that you could see any of his movements. Pushing a thumb on your clothed clit hearing the soft squelching noise of your panties being squashed between your moist lower lips. You let out a small moan, not wanting to give whatever it was the satisfaction of hearing your moans. You feel a heavy weight slap your ass, knowing you will have a welt on your cheek in the morning. Letting out a choked out moan your body shivers from the impact.
“Look in the mirror, whore. Look at yourself, pussy dripping for something you can’t even see. Are you always this easy?” He hisses out, gripping the back of your neck, bringing his lips down to your ear, the sweet scented breath engulfing your senses.
“Answer me!” He growls out into your ear, your eyes rolling back at the glimpse you catch in the mirror, your body angled in such a way yet it was just you in the mirror. You choke out a sob through your moan. His hand coming down to slap your ass, jiggling your ass cheek in his hand. Mounerving your body so when you are face first to the mirror. Hiking your hips up so your back arches, pulling you panties down behind your knees. The cool autumn air hits your hot core. Causing you to let out a small gasp. His hand wraps around your throat making you collide with his broad chest. Back curved, breast on display, panties pulled down to behind your knees.
“Pitiful slut, how many others have you had in this wet cunt of yours?” Letting his thumb roll around on your clit, you bite your lip trying your best to remain conscious as to what is going on around you. His hand swiftly comes down giving your pussy a slap. Causing your body to jerk forward, you would've fallen forward if it wasn’t for Hongjoongs tight hold on your throat. Gripping his hand tighter blocking your oxygen off, the way he’s flicking his fingers on your clit though, you could care less how your body is being deprived of oxygen. Your hands fly to try to grab the invisible figure as your vision starts getting blurry, yet the way an orgasm is coursing through your veins you should care more but the feeling of fear is what pushes you over the edge. Letting out a choked out cry, your toes curl. Taking in a big breath of air, while Hongjoong still rubs slow circles over your pulsing clit. You flounder around on the floor trying to run from the invisible hand that you cannot see. His strong hand grips your hips keeping you in place.
“There are plenty of pathetic whores I could waste my time on, yet I’m here with you. Be a good girl and give me another one.” He grits into your ear, causing you to let out a whimper, gripping the small patch of carpet in front of your mirror, you glimpse up, seeing your back perfectly arched, you can see an indentation of a hand print of your ass cheek. Causing your mouth to moisten, you were drooling. Were you truly a sight to see. Letting out a choked on sob. You start pleading.
“Please please please..” you cry out, brain completely dried of any thoughts. He wanted you to cum again, yet you were begging for it. His hand comes down to slap your cunt. Your body lurching forward. His hand wrapping around your throat again, pulling you back to his chest, his firm grip on your throat was destined to leave a mark. His grip tightening with each breath you take.
“Be a good slut and spread your lips open.” He grits into your ear, tightening his hand slightly. Brain on autopilot you spread your mouth open slightly. His hand cracking down on your ass cheek, making you jolt in his firm grasp.
“You going dumb already on me slut? Spread those pussy lips for me, otherwise I will make sure your pathetic ass doesn’t cum again.” Tone the lowest it’s been since he’s been in the room. Bringing your hand down to your sopping cunt you spread your lips open. Your fingers glistening with your slick. His hand tightens even more causing you to let out a choked on whimper.
“Look at yourself…” the hand that is wrapped around your throat jerks your head up, your body is flush with sweat, your fingers holding open your slick lips, eyes glazed over. You looked like eight days of blissful rain. His hand comes down to smack your spread open cunt. Causing your body to arch further into his grasp. Your fingers lip away from holding your lips open. His hand jerks your neck back, so you are flush against his body.
“Hold them lips open baby, if you don’t it’ll only get worse from here.” He whispers into your ear. Nibbling on your earlobe. Nodding in his tight grasp you move to open your lips back up, slick fingers making a quiet squelching noise. His hand comes back down to slap your cunt.
“Start counting slut. If you count like a good girl I will make it worth your while baby girl.” He grunts, digging his hard cock into your naked ass cheek. Bringing his hand down, slapping your cunt once more.
“O-one..” you stutter out.
“Wrong!” Bringing his hand down faster, smacking your cunt a little harder than last time.
“How many times did I smack your wet little cunt before this?” He says tilting your face up with his index finger that is tightly laced around your throat giving it a small squeeze. Shutting your eyes, your body shivers with neediness.
“Twice! Twice!” You choke out, tears streaming down your face.
“Please…plea-se.” You hiccup out.
“Please fuck me.” Your fingers still spreading your glistening cunt open, juices running down your inner thighs. Letting out a growl at your begging he lets go of your throat, shoving your head into the carpet, placing a hand onto your back, arching you even further. You feel a weight on your back, his body covers your own.
“Only because you beg so pretty.” He unzips a small section of his suit, letting his cock spring free, the way you are bent in the mirror you aren’t able to see the flesh of his cock. You still see nothing. Tapping his cock against your slick folds, he rubs his head over your puffy, red clit. Letting out a mockingly coo at you. Sliding his heavy cock in between your folds slickening himself up before sliding in, causing you to let out a loud moan. Your hands instantly gripping the plush carpet beneath you. Grabbing one of your hips, while keeping a hand on your lower back so you are perfectly arched. He lets out a hissing noise.
“Fuuuckkkk…” Hongjoong groans out, trying his best not to blow his load already. Your tight walls were strangling his cock. How was he supposed to last long? Gripping your neck he pulls you flush against him. He had to make this fast.
“Look at yourself baby, go ahead and look at yourself.” He grits into your ear, driving his hips up, you instantly let out a mewl. Picking your head up you look at yourself, stomach slightly bulged at the bottom, thick print of a cock in your stomach. Juices everywhere, drool on the side of your face, yeah, you definitely had a great night.
He slides out slightly before, placing a hand on your waist, bouncing your overly stimulated body on his cock. Your cunt grips him even tighter. His breathing getting heavier, your pussy felt like heaven. If he had to keep you locked up for his keepings best believe he would. Your loud screams can be easily heard from outside, Hongjoong did leave the window cracked open for them all to hear.
Slowing his hips down, as he pulls his cock slightly out, he pulls your body up, and slams you back down slowly. Making sure you feel every bulging vein drag through your warm wet walls. You can feel him pulsing in your cunt. You should be ashamed that you are getting off on God knows what but they way they are fucking you, you could care less. You are drooling over your breasts, you look in the mirror, seeing yourself being held up.
Shoving you to the floor, making sure when you lay face down all you get is a eye sight of your body being fucked. Sliding back in he lets out a groan. Slamming his hips back into you. Gripping the top of your ass cheeks to stabilize himself, so he can fuck you harder. He’s fucking you so good and so hard you can’t even feel the rug burn that’s beginning to set in on your knees. Your ass bounces off his suit, coating it in a shiny slick, the wet smacking noise is consistent with his thrusts.
“Fuck me! Oh my god…fuck me!” You shout your orgasm starting to creep up faster than you would like. Hunching his body over yours, he grabs a handful of your boob, his body weight on your neck feels delicious. His warm breath in your ear.
“I’m fucking you good aren’t I slut?” He grits out, cock still ramming into your squelching hole. You cry out, to what ever was fucking, warning them that you were close. Both hands come up to wrap around your throat, applying light pressure, causing your back to arch off the ground slightly, you can see your ass ricochet off of what is behind you. He’s holding you like he’s going to choke the life force out of you. Like you are nothing but dumb delicious putty in his hands. You can hear grunting filling the room over the wet skin smacking.
“You looking at yourself get fucked stupid slut?” He grits out, speeding up his hips resulting in your body to jolt forward with each thrust. Tears pour down your face, along with saliva. You truly were being fucked stupid. Biting his lip to prolong his orgasm, he tightens his hold on your throat, cutting your airways off. Your eyes roll back from the pleasure, cumming instantaneously. Your mouth drops open, drool pours out onto the plush rug beneath you. Hongjoongs hips speed up, his hands dropping from your throat, rag dolling your tightened cunt onto his heavy cock. Slamming his hips up once more he pulls out, shooting his load onto the mirror. Marking his territory, making sure you knew someone or something was there making you feel that good. Your head hits your rug immediately, passing out from your intense orgasms leaving Hongjoong to clean you up. Unzipping his suit slightly so he can let his sweaty skin breathe. He takes some of his dripping cum from the mirror and smears it across your puffy folds.
Marking you in as many ways as possible. Lifting you from the rug, he places you on your mattress. Tossing your clothes close to the side of your bed. Getting you comfortable on the bed, with no aftercare. He cracks open your window, zipping up the rest of his suit. Shimming his way back down the side of your house. Making sure to leave your window open just a crack.
The bright sun shining directly into your eye awakens you. As you crack open your eyes you are met with the sound of Hongjoong raking his leaves once more. Your body feels like it has been hit by a bus. Sitting up, limping your way to the bathroom, you don’t even care to think about why your clothes are off…last night was just a fever dream…right? Staring into your bathroom mirror, your lips perk up at the markings on your body..surely you aren’t crazy..? Whatever was here surely did a number on you, yet you couldn’t think of anything but the need for whatever it was to come back. Showering the stench of sweat off your body, you get dressed, and limp your way to where Hongjoong was raking leaves, from the corner of his eye he can see you limping. Trying to bite back his greedy smile, he turns around, acting startled at your appearance.
“Good Morning Neighbor!” He greets cheerfully.
You smile at him, rubbing your hands together, tugging your turtle neck up slightly to cover the markings on your neck.
“Good Morning Hongjoong! You are at it early this morning, aren’t you?”
He smiles at you briefly, internally he is boasting with joy, a shit eating grin being held back.
“I had a good night's rest last night, I feel really rejuvenated so I thought why not come out here and start the lawn early! How did you sleep? Restful, I hope?” He drops an octave at the last sentence, your body immediately littering with goosebumps. You smile at him telling him you slept all too well. Hopefully you will be able to sleep that well again. He tosses you a brief smile. Wrapping up the convo you bid him well, limping your way back to your house.
“Y/n! A good girl like you should always sleep well..” He calls out in a low tone. Your body immediately stops in your tracks. Turning around to look at Hongjoong who was nowhere to be seen. Looking around you see nothing, not even the pile of leaves he was raking together. Maybe the neighborhood was beginning to play tricks on you.
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GIF by @justaaveragereader
Taglist: @araknoid @atinytinaa @sanhwalvr @k-hotchoisan @darkdayelixer @abby-grace @tunaasan @jkookiejiminlvr @luckyblue98 @notevenheretbh1 @moonlightsora @raindropsondragons @park-simphwa @ro-written @hwajoongsang @certifiedmoa @pearltinyy @minniebinnie @solarstoy @frobin4ever @gvnwks @ethelia @jin-neck-shaft @nitarolls @jenthehobbityelf @gg-trini @tearfulsparks78 @10nantscompanion @moonm1st @oreoqueen @leehopehocarat @scuzmunkie @bangtan4everr @acetruepunk @s-unflowxr @rxnexxi @tenpesos @mixling-blog @sammylvr @helsnik
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plutoccult · 11 days
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pairing: levi ackerman x gender neutral reader
description: modern au headcanons of levi as your next-door neighbor.
author’s note: HEY??? it’s been a long, long time. i’m not guaranteeing a comeback to this account, but i have missed posting on here. with the way my adult life has become, i don’t have the time to write like i used to, and i find myself caught up in other things now. i wrote these headcanons a long time ago, but with some changes. maybe someday i’ll write again! but for now, i hope you all enjoy, and i’ve missed you guys!!!!
tags: @solefleurs @heavenfilm @mayariviolet @todorokiskitten @jeanboyjean @cowgirlikets @dawnthequeen @urhotgfmelz @0p1umz @lykak
taglist form here
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— next-door neighbor levi who watched from his front porch with a cup of tea in hand as a handful of movers carried countless boxes into the house next door, the change all happening so fast after the old man who once inhabited it passed away.
— next-door neighbor levi who rolled his eyes upon realizing a young woman had taken over the property, anticipating nights where he struggled to fall asleep thanks to loud music blaring.
— next-door neighbor levi who wasn’t prepared for you to knock on his door, introducing yourself as his new neighbor and explaining that you had inherited your grandfather’s home after his death.
— next-door neighbor levi who felt bad for judging before ever meeting you, welcoming you to the neighborhood and keeping an eye on you from that moment forth, but not in a creepy way. it’s not like a soft spot for you had quickly developed. definitely not that.
— next-door neighbor levi who began to find himself saying good morning to you before you both left for work, you joking that the two of you “need to stop bumping into each other like this.” shockingly enough, levi laughed at such a joke, a rarity from him.
— next-door neighbor levi who noticed your lawn was an atrocious mess and feared you’d get a fine as a result, later knocking on your door and asking if you would like him to cut your lawn for you as he had a mower of his own. when you tried to offer him cash for doing such a thing, saying you had been trying to find someone to do it for ages, he refused, insisting it’s the neighborly thing to do.
— next-door neighbor levi who hated grass, but for some reason he didn’t mind getting a little messy if it was for your sake. it was all about keeping the neighborhood as clean as possible, right?
— next-door neighbor levi who was invited over for dinner after mowing your lawn. although hesitant, he accepted and later came over after washing the smell of grass off of himself.
— next-door neighbor levi who you noticed almost always wore a button up, even now as he entered your place with a bag of tea leaves, one you didn’t ask for him to bring. you were trying to do something nice for him in return for what he’s done for you, but he always seemed to keep on sharing the wealth.
— next-door neighbor levi who was amazed by your tea collection in the kitchen, you explaining how your grandparents loved to drink tea and that you probably got your love for it and also murder mysteries from them.
— next-door neighbor levi who found himself blushing around you that night, unable to pinpoint why he was feeling this way. he wanted to blame the burning sensation in his cheeks on the steaming ramen you cooked, which tasted absolutely delicious, by the way.
— next-door neighbor levi who stayed at your place past his typical bedtime, finding himself in the midst of a murder she wrote marathon with you close to midnight, only leaving because you realized how late the two of you had stayed up, knowing you both had to work the next day.
— next-door neighbor levi who knew after that night he had become smitten by you, but refused to do a thing about it. he didn’t want to end up ruining the friendship you were starting to build and turn into your creepy neighbor instead.
— next-door neighbor levi who tried his best to not overstep any boundaries, the only way he knew how being to keep his distance. he figured it was the safest way to go.
— next-door neighbor levi who hated moments not spent with you. as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was completely head over feet.
— next-door neighbor levi who was surprised on a sunday morning when you confronted him and asked if you did something wrong. he hadn’t realized his avoidance was so cold and regretted it upon seeing the frown on your face.
— next-door neighbor levi who knew he couldn’t run from these feelings he was saddled with any longer. the least he had to do was try, and if you were to say no, then so be it.
— next-door neighbor levi who confessed his attraction towards you, although looking away in shame as his face became scalding hot.
— next-door neighbor levi who was taken aback when you cupped his face so he could look at you, his shock even more evident when you kissed him on the cheek and said you were glad he felt that way.
— next-door neighbor levi who later down the line became boyfriend levi, eventually selling his home in favor of sharing one with you, his future wife.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
Cowboy hobie request you say? How about we say yes. We both need a cowboy hobie with a new reader to the town/community and him helping them out 💳💥
Cowboy hobie also definitely has a fully black gorgeous horse
*squeals* cowboy! Hobie!!! Thank you for requesting 🫶
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader
Tags: use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), cowboy AU, Western AU, crush at first sight for the reader. FLUFF.
The sun bares down on you, The air is thicker, humid, almost choking you whenever you step outside. Heavy luggages waits for you out in your new lawn, a good twelve feet away from your front door. Maybe you should've paid extra for the movers to help you.
Wiping the sweat off your brow, you heave a bag in your arms, the contents clinking together as you lift it up. You could do with some help right about now.
“Need help?”
As if some sort of divine intervention, a deep voice asks behind you, an unmistakable whinny of a horse echoes out in the barren space. At first you thought it would be an outlaw after your stuff but the genuine concern in the stranger's voice fills you with ease.
Turning around, you're greeted by a large black stallion, its silver saddle glinting in the sun, the horse's coat shining like black pearls. Flicking your eyes upwards, you see a leather clad cowboy, his eyes hidden behind the brim of his cherry red ten-gallon hat. The smile on his face makes you want to take his offer.
“You got sand in your ears?” he continued, grimacing when his choice of wording was a bit too harsh for a stranger.
“D’you need my help?” he asks softer and kinder this time. Maybe he should go out more often, his social skills are shot like a bottle in a shooting range.
“I–” you look back at the numerous bags at your feet. “I don't know– I mean thank you but I can handle it.” Based on his accent, he's not from this side of the world, someone who wanted a fresh start, just like you.
You've got a good reason to be apprehensive, you're situated in the middle of nowhere, if this man is actually an outlaw then there's no one who would come to your rescue, with only the buffaloes as your witness. Despite his handsome smile, you see his six shooter strapped on his belt, the sight alone makes you nervous to accept his help.
“That's bare of bags.” With one swift movement, he gets off his horse, spurs clinking, boots thudding on the dusty ground. He takes off his hat to properly greet you.
Saying he's handsome is an understatement. His face is chiseled, a jaw that can cut a rock, irises as green as the grass and the finest jade. Silver piercings and studs add an edge to his handsome face. You can't believe you're ogling a stranger.
“Welcome to the neighborhood,” he gestures around the empty space with your little farm situated in the middle of nothing but grass and dirt. “Name's Hobie, Hobie Brown”
Hobie, you test his name in your mind, repeating it so you could memorize it. “Mr. Brown, I–”
“Just Hobie's fine.” He chuckles, mindlessly twirling the hat in his gloved hands.
“Hobie, what exactly did you say about the neighborhood? Or the lack of it” you look around the field.
“I live down over there.” he points to the left, you follow it with your eyes, squinting, you see a black dot in the distance. You guess that's his house.
“That's incredibly far” you turn back towards him, fixing your hold on the bag.
“Ain't that far with my old boy,” he twists around, patting the horse on his snout. “Right, Velvet?” Velvet shoves Hobie lightly.
You smile as the horse snorts, his exhale hits Hobie right on his face. He pushes Velvet’s face away, the stallion nods like he's laughing after making fun of his rider in front of you.
“I swear this horse,” Hobie shakes his head with a smile. “So now you know me ma’am, may I help you with your bags?”
The bag almost falls from your arms when he calls you ma’am. “Oh you don't need to call me that,” the warmth in your cheeks isn't from the summer sun. “Just Y/N is fine.”
“Y/N” your name rolls off his tongue smoothly. Hobie grins, “I promise I don't bite. Velvet on the other hand.” Said horse whinnies like he's offended by what Hobie said.
“Alright, good sir.” You internally cringe, Hobie laughs, the sound sending butterflies in your stomach. “Y-you can help me with my bags as long as you stay after for some lemonade?” You take your chance with the handsome cowboy.
“Lemonde? I haven't had that in a while.” you think you've made a fool of yourself. “Sure, Let me have this then.” he takes your heavy bag from you, carrying it effortlessly. With his boot, he loops it around the strap of a bag on the floor, kicking it up in the air before catching it in his arm all suave.
Hobie has no idea the effect he has on you.
You're sweating like a sinner in church, blouse sticking to your skin like glue on paper. Maybe you shouldn't have asked him to stay after because you have no idea how to survive the day without melting whenever he smiles at you.
You get a whiff of leather and sandalwood as he passes by. He looks over his shoulder, “You comin'?”
“Y-yes” oh you know you're already smitten.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Neighborhood watch
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Title: Neighborhood watch
Summary: You and your husbands retired.
Square N3 filled for @stuckybingo​​​​: Free Space - Domestic Stucky
Card Number: R4081
Creator: Holylulu
Rating: Teen
Square N2 filled for @allcapsbingo​​: established relationship
Square 11 filled for @lgbtqbingo​​: Free Space - Domestic Stucky
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Warnings: Bucky/Y/N being nosy neighbors, fun, fluff, domestic Stucky, America’s ass :), a hint of jealous Steve, reader like to check a cute ass out
Words: 1k+
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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   “Doll? Baby doll?" Bucky strolls into the living room in search of you. He releases a shuddery breath when his eyes land on you. The former winter soldier is always afraid something could happen to you. “Did you not hear me, Y/N?”
Watching your new neighbors from behind the curtains is something you enjoy doing. That’s why you don’t hear Bucky call your name. “Babe, what’s so interesting?”
He steps closer to look out the window. There is a mover team carrying furniture and boxes into the house across the street.
“We got new neighbors,” you explain. “I wanted to know if they could be trusted. I don’t know. What do you think, Babe?"
“I haven't talked to them yet. We can check their background when Steve is back from Sam’s place,” Bucky dips his head to look at you.
“You know that not every new neighbor is an assassin, right?” you sigh as Bucky gets his phone out to note the license plate and description of your new neighbors. “Bucky, I was just a nosy neighbor. Boring and normal. Stop acting like a creep.”
“Doll you are the one watching the new neighbors like a creep,” Bucky tuts. “Lemme do my job and protect you and Stevie. You never know if they are not working for Hydra.”
“Hydra?” you huff. “Let them come.”
Bucky couldn’t be prouder of you. When you tell him his training with you has paid off, he smiles.
“What are we watching today?”
You freeze as Steve steps into the room. He caught you red-handed and now, you try to find an excuse for watching your neighbors.
"Uh, we were checking the lawn. Bucky wanted to know if he had to mow it again," you lie. You don’t want to lie to Steve, but you agreed on living a simple and safe life after he decided to give the shield to Sam.
“Bucky, baby,” Steve sternly says. “Is that true?”
"We watched our new neighbors move in. It’s a pleasant neighborhood and we wanted to know who moved in across the street.”
“You spied on them,” Steve concludes. He walks to Bucky to peck his husband’s cheek. “Y/N, I’m disappointed in you. You just lied to me.”
“What? No…I just…” you whine when Steve cups Bucky’s face to kiss him fiercely. “That’s not fair! Bucky was the one taking notes. He accused them of being with Hydra.”
“Y/N. Bucky,” Steve stops you from fighting. “I already checked on our new neighbors.”
Your head snaps toward Steve as you ask, "You did? When? How? Why didn’t you tell us so?”
“Doll, we retired but this doesn’t mean our enemies got the message," Steve smirks when you step toward him to cup the back of his neck and kiss him. “Hmm…baby doll ate strawberries today.”
“We both did,” Bucky purrs. “I fed her strawberries while we prepared dinner tonight. You have missed so much, Stevie. Y/N finally peeled an onion without crying her eyes out.”
“You helped her, didn’t you?” he asks. “I know you better than you know yourself. You’d do anything for Y/N.”
“He only peeled it…and cut it and…” you giggle as Bucky covers your mouth with his flesh hand.
“Y/N just needed some help with the onions. I can’t watch her cry. Even if they are not real tears.”
“You’ve got a weak spot for our wife.”
You grin.
“She’ll do anything to help us, Stevie. Cutting the onions for her was nothing,” Bucky shrugs. “Now, back to our new neighbors. Anything we should know?”
“Hmm…” Steve looks out the window. “Fury checked on them for me.” You watch Steve get his phone out. He unlocks it to open the document Fury sent to him this morning.
“Our newly arrived neighbors are Louisa and Cherise Milton. Louisa is an elementary school teacher, Cherise is a bookkeeper. They have been married for five years and bought the house three months ago. No police record.”
“I don’t trust them,” Bucky turns back around to stare out of the window. “What if they are undercover?"
“She’s got a cute ass in those shorts,” you say. “A pretty little thing. Her wife is a lucky woman.”
“What?” Steve huffs. “Uh-aren’t we pretty enough? I thought you love my ass!”
“I love it,” Bucky looks at his husband up and down. “Yeah, I love it, baby.”
“It’s still America's ass,” you giggle. “Do you think they are trustworthy neighbors or people wanting to kill us in our sleep?”
“Great, now you made it,” Steve sighs deeply as Bucky switches to protective mode. He checks the windows and closes the curtains. “Buck, she was joking.”
Steve follows Bucky around the house. “Baby, they are harmless. Trust me.”
“Last time I trusted you the coffee maker almost killed Alpine,” Bucky stops in his tracks to point at the white cat following him and Steve. “I won’t let anyone hurt my two people or Alpine.”
“Bucky baby,” you run after Bucky. “I was joking. They won’t try to kill us. Let’s just forget about them and have dinner.”
“No! I will check the windows and doors first.”
“You remember that Edith is still running security at our house, right?” Steve sighs as his husband doesn't listen. “Baby, I swear they are harmless, and Fury made sure someone is keeping an eye on them.”
Bucky asks, "What?" and you jerk your head toward your husband. “Steve, what are you hiding from us?”
“You’re not the only ones wanting to make sure we can enjoy retirement and live a normal life. The background check didn't satisfy Fury."
“Now you got me really worried," you huff. “Bucky let’s check the house together. Stevie, follow us. We got to stay together not like people in a horror movie always walking around a creepy house alone…”
“Y/N…Bucky,” Steve groans. “I was joking… Babes? Hey…”
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Steve needed almost an hour to convince you and Bucky that your new neighbors are no threat. He regretted his joke and apologized repeatedly during dinner.
Now you are cuddling on the sofa like most nights. You are resting your back against Steve’s chest while Bucky places his head in your lap.
“Do you think they are planning to mow their lawn soon? It looks awful," you ask.
Steve and Bucky start laughing at your question.
You decide to keep a close eye on your new neighbors. No matter what Fury and Steve say... 
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sissylittlefeather · 10 months
A Very Quiet Life
A/N: this is an AU in which Elvis is your next door neighbor in the suburbs in the mid-late '60s. I have three parts completed and more in the works, so hang on for some chapters!
I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: The reader is a widow. That's about it. It's pretty fluffy, but don't worry. The smut is coming 😈
Song inspo:
Gif inspo (this is how I picture him in this one)
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The little house is perfect for your family of 3. You stand and look at it from where you've just gotten out of your car. The white siding and blue shutters are exactly what you wanted. You'll have to get a lawnmower, though, because the yard is already a little wild.
"Mama, can we get out and see?" Your 7-year-old daughter, Jane, calls from her place on the backseat. Your 5-year-old son, Michael, is knocking on the window. The sound of the kids pulls you out of your daydream about how many wonderful memories you'll make there together. You turn around and let them both out of the car. They run up to the front door and you decide to unload the car later. The movers have already gotten all the furniture and big boxes into the house. When you open the front door, you have a soft pang in your heart as you think of how your husband had carried you across the threshold at your old apartment. Now that he's gone, you'll have to carry yourself. You walk in and go to the kitchen to start unpacking. You're excited to make this into a home. This little house is your pride and joy. Between your husband's army death benefits and your part time job typing in an office, you were finally able to save up for the house. Now it's yours and you can't wait to live here and have a real future. Since your husband died, you feel like you've been in a holding pattern. However, it's been almost 4 years, and you're ready to live again.
As you unpack glasses into the cabinet, something catches your eye out the window over the sink. The window looks into your neighbor's front yard. It's beautifully manicured and you can see why. There's a man out there cutting the grass. A very attractive man, you think to yourself. His dark hair is wet with sweat and his white t-shirt sticks to his broad chest, revealing a manly and strong physique. When he pushes the mower, his muscles flex and the veins in his forearm are visible. His skin is tanned from working outside, probably on the lawn. You don't even notice you're biting your lower lip until he looks up in the direction of your window. You gasp and drop the glass you were holding in the sink.
Can he see you?
Thankfully, the glass doesn't break and you're able to pick it up quickly and go back to what you were doing. When you take a chance and look back out the window, you see that he's shaking his head and smiling, looking down at the mower. His smile almost takes your breath away. You wonder if he's smiling because he saw you or because of something else. Deciding it must be something else, you turn and go back to unpacking boxes in the kitchen. Your neighbor is a lucky woman.
You smooth Michael's hair and brush some crumbs off of his front. Then, you straighten Jane's hair ribbon.
"Now, remember to smile. We want our neighbors to like us." You coo to the children just before you knock on the front door of your neighbor's house. You've been in your new home for three days, so it seems like the right time to get to know the people around you. On your right is Mrs. Pottsboro, an older lady with several cats. She was very kind and appreciative of the cookies you brought. She also volunteered to watch the children if you need her to, which is an offer you won't forget. Directly across the street are the Walters, a family of five with kids around the same ages as yours. You enjoyed a nice conversation with them while the kids munched on cookies and ran around the yard. Now, you are at the house to your left. As you knock, you briefly remember the man you saw mowing the lawn. You've seen him a couple of times since then, getting the paper and watering the grass. You really need to meet his wife and put a stop to the things you've been thinking about him.
The door opens and it feels like a ton of bricks has landed in your stomach. It's him. After a few seconds of standing there smiling like an idiot, him trying to suppress a smirk, you clear your throat and speak.
"Hi! I'm y/f/n y/l/n and this is Jane and Michael." You touch the kids on their heads as you say their names. "We just moved in next door, so we wanted to stop by and say hello and give you these." You hold out a plate of chocolate chip cookies.
"Thank you. Why don't you all come on in?" His voice is warm and the southern accent makes it sound honey-smooth. You start to sweat a little, standing on the porch. He takes the plate of cookies and gestures for you all to come in. When you pass him, you catch a wave of his scent and it's warm and masculine, like his body seems to be. A part of you longs to smell it closer, but then reality slams into you like a freight train when his wife rounds the corner.
"Oh, hello!" She's petite and blonde, with her hair twisted into a tight bun.
"Beth, our new neighbors are here. They brought us cookies." He smiles warmly at you and holds the cookies up for her to see.
"That's so sweet! Unfortunately, we don't eat sugar." She grabs the plate and tries to hand it back to you. He intercepts it.
"She doesn't eat sugar. I do." She makes a tight-lipped smile, her eyes overly bright.
"Right. Well, thank you." She walks out of the room, leaving you and your kids with him. He bends down to be face-level with your kids.
"You guys want to help me eat these?" They both smile and nod their heads, taking a cookie from the plate that he holds out to them. He seems to be enlivened by their presence, asking them questions about the new house and their new school. They respond to him easily, comfortable with him instantly.
"Does your daddy like the new house?" He asks innocently, looking up at you.
"Oh--" you try to cut in, but Jane beats you to it.
"--our daddy is gone. He died a while back. It's just us now." His face changes to a look of deep sympathy.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, Jane." He looks up at you but keeps talking like he's talking to her. "If you or your mama ever need a man to do anything around the house, you just let me know. I'm right next door." Michael jumps in.
"Mister, I'm the man of the house now. I can take care of mama and Jane."
"Of course!" He smiles. "I bet you do a great job, too. If you ever need a bigger man, you come get me, okay?" He does a little fake punch on Michael's chin. Michael nods in agreement.
"Yes sir, Mr...?"
"Presley. Elvis Presley. Pleased to meet you." He shakes Michael's hand and kisses Jane's lightly. You have to shake yourself a bit to remember that you should leave.
"Alright, kiddos, we've bothered Mr. Presley long enough. Let's go back home." You try to usher the kids toward the door. As you walk out, he turns to you.
"It's really no problem at all, ma'am. I like kids. And I'm serious, if you need anything, let me know." He winks and you almost melt into a puddle on his front porch.
"Thank you, Mr. Presley."
"Elvis, please."
"Thank you, Elvis." It feels strange to call him by his first name, but since he insists, you oblige. He closes the door behind you and you take the hands of both kids and walk back to your own house.
You're doing dishes a few days later, looking out at your crazy yard compared to your neighbors' perfect one. For a second, you consider asking Mr. Presley to come mow it for you. But you don't want to inconvenience him. He was so kind to you and the children when you were there. His wife wasn't much to smile at, being almost cold in her refusal to talk to them. To be honest, you've thought of inviting him over several times. You've even considered breaking something just to have him come fix it, but you also know how bizarre and wrong that would be. You finish the dishes, get the kids ready for school and head to your job at the office.
After work, you drive up to the house, excited for the hour of free time you have before you have to pick up the kids. To your surprise, most of the yard is mowed. You're trying to figure out how that happened when you spot him. It's Elvis. He's out there mowing your yard without even being asked. As you walk up to the door, he turns and waves to you. You mouth "thank you" and walk inside the front door. You need to do something to show him that you're thankful for what he's doing. In the kitchen, you whip up some sweet tea and pour two glasses. By the time you get them on a tray and to the front porch, he's finished mowing the lawn. He's sweating again, T-shirt tight on his shoulders.
"Would you like some tea?" You ask shyly.
"I would, ma'am, thank you." He walks up on the porch and takes the glass from the tray.
"You don't have to call me ma'am. You can call me y/n."
"Oh, well, thank you y/n." He smiles and you feel yourself tense up. He's standing close enough to you that you catch the earthy smell of his sweat mixed with deodorant or aftershave or something manly. It's intoxicating. He's intoxicating. He takes a deep swig of his tea and then looks at you.
"Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" It seems like a strange request, since his house is so close, but you don't seem to be capable of telling him no. You lead him into the house to the small guest bath. When he comes out, he walks over to where you're standing in the kitchen, trying not to be too obvious about waiting for him.
"You didn't have to do that." You gesture to the yard.
"I know. But I wanted to. I was serious about you letting me know if you need any help." He smiles warmly.
"Kids still at school?" He looks around the house, seeming almost disappointed that they aren't there.
"Yes. I'll pick them up soon. I just come home a bit early to have an hour of quiet before I go get them." He nods and you suddenly realize that you're alone with him in your house. Your mind goes wild with daydreams of him laying you down on the couch and having his way with you.
"Well, thank you for the tea. I should be getting back." You nod and head for the door.
Before you can get there though, you feel a hand on your wrist. You look up into his face for half a second before he presses his lips against yours. You should pull away. You should stop him. But you don't. Instead you go limp and let him wrap his arms around your waist. The kiss is a sweet one, with no tongue or anything. He just holds you there with his mouth pushed into yours. When he finally pulls back, you feel like a rag doll in his arms. You desperately want him to keep kissing you, but he doesn't. Instead, he unravels his arms from around you and heads for the door. He mumbles a quick apology and disappears before you can say anything else.
You haven't felt this alive in years.
Chapter 2 coming soon!
Taglist: @itlover8000 @deniseinmn @elvisalltheway101
Want to be added to the Taglist? Let me know!
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newyorkthegoldenage · 8 months
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Spotlights illuminated the night operation of placing of a 40-foot English elm on the tiny lawn surrounding St. Patrick’s Cathedral, October 18, 1939. A dozen skilled tree movers placed the giant elm, with three more trees planted on the Fifth Avenue side of the cathedral the next day. They all matched trees that line the avenue in front of Rockefeller Center, across the street.
Photo: Anthony Camerano for the AP
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Haunting chapter 1
Note: it's spooky time! this fic is strongly inspired by the book True Haunting (a true story and a must read if you're into ghost stories!). this was supposed to be a one shot, but the fic was becoming way too long, so I had to split it up.
Warnings: angst/horror/paranormal stuff.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You and Sihtric finally bought a house, but at what cost?
wordcount: 4k
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'Something is wrong with this house!'
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'I still can't believe it,' you wiped a tear as you looked at your new home, while the movers were busy moving the furniture inside.
'I know,' Sihtric smiled proudly, and pulled you in his arms, 'we did it, babe,' he kissed your forehead, 'we finally bought a house.'
'I justl can't believe it,' you chuckled, 'I mean, the fact that a detached house was so… so cheap?'
'Yeah, it surprised me too. Apparently it's been on the market for a long time, the previous owners just really wanted to get rid of it.'
'I wonder why,' you scoffed and looked around, 'I mean, look at this place! It's a dream. It's in a quiet neighbourhood, the backyard is huge and it's located perfectly between the centre and the forest. Why on earth would anyone want to leave this place?'
'I don't know, honey,' Sihtric shrugged, 'but I'm glad they did, because it's ours now.'
Sihtric picked you up and threw you over his shoulder as you yelped, and he carried you inside, where you both started unpacking boxes right away, to make your dream home a reality.
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For years you have been trying to buy a house together, but the prices were just absurd, and even when you both worked full time you couldn't afford a house. Until Sihtric saw an ad in the local newspaper, and he called the number immediately. 
The real estate agent told Sihtric on the phone that he could pick up the keys at their office, and he was free to go and look around the house on his own. And so your husband of five years did, alone. He didn't want to give you any false hope, as previous houses you both had viewed always got sold to a couple who could afford to overbid, and Sihtric had seen the disappointment in your eyes each time. And he hated it. So, when you thought he was going to work one afternoon, he went to pick up the keys and drove to the house.
It was a huge, completely detached two story house, with a small, windowless attic on the seemingly hidden third floor. The porch looked cosy and was surrounded by an impressive front yard, and when you walked around the house you ended up in a huge backyard. The lawn was so big, Sihtric already felt tired when he thought about all the work it needed. But he didn't care about that then, you both just really wanted to buy a house and finally move out of that horrible apartment building you rented a small studio at. You both wanted to start a family and it had been on hold, all because you just couldn't get a place that would be big enough for two adults and a child. And this house was big enough for two adults and four children, which is exactly what your husband wanted, a big family eventually.
Sihtric walked up the porch and put the key in the lock, but the door wouldn't open. He frowned and worried that maybe the real estate agent had given him the wrong key. Which didn't make much sense, Sihtric thought, because the key did fit in the lock, it just wouldn't fully turn. After a few tries he decided to walk around the house and ended up in the backyard, where he saw a back porch, and went to try that door. At first he had the same issue, but after the third try the door suddenly flung open and Sihtric almost fell inside the house, in the kitchen. He chuckled and inspected the lock, but saw nothing weird. He figured maybe the front door had an extra lock, and he'd check it out later.
He walked through the large kitchen. Clearly the previous owners had moved out a while ago, as it was covered with quite the layer of dust, and thick cobwebs hung from the ceiling and lamps. To Sihtric's surprise, the kitchen had almost all the things one would need to live there. Cabinets full of plates and cups, as well as cutlery, all in good condition but a little dusty. He found a stack of towels, a bunch of pots and pans and even a drawer full of tablecloths.
'Odd,' Sihtric mumbled, and he was startled when the backdoor suddenly slammed shut. 
Sihtric cursed loudly but then laughed at the scare.
'Close the door, Sihtric!' your mother would say, he thought with a smile, which faded quickly as his sudden memory continued, 'or it will slam shut and wake up your father, and you know what he's like…'
Sihtric cleared his throat and shook the random negative childhood memory. He shivered as he started to feel a little cold, and then continued his viewing. From the kitchen, he walked straight into the living room, which was also filled with furniture, dust, and cobwebs. The couch could be replaced and the tv cabinet was a bit old, but the chairs and carpet all looked decent. Sihtric smiled, everything seemed perfect so far. Except that it was quite chilly inside, while it was the middle of summer, and outside it was incredibly hot. In the summer the temperature inside was fine, but Sihtric worried about how cold it would be inside during the winter. But that again was a worry for later, just like the work that the backyard would need. 
He walked out of the living room into the hallway, which looked almost royal with its high ceiling and large wooden stairs, which were also covered with dust and cobwebs. As Sihtric checked the locks as he passed the front door, and to his surprise he found out there was nothing wrong with the door as he opened it without trouble from the inside.
'Odd,' Sihtric said again, and closed the door, continuing his way to the second floor.
The wooden stairs creaked with each step Sihtric took, and he thought maybe he'd fall through, but that didn't happen. He noticed the second floor was even colder and he took a quick look in all the bedrooms, which were, not surprisingly, also covered with dust and cobwebs. Everything was once again complete with furniture. Each room had a bed, a closet, a drawer and some rooms even had a desk. The master bedroom came with a huge king size bed, but Sihtric shuddered at the thought of what kind of nasty things the previous owners had done on that mattress, so he would definitely replace that with the bed you owned now. Strangely enough, the master bedroom was also the coldest room in the house. Even though the sun was shining directly inside through the large windows, Sihtric could still see his own breath and he had goosebumps all over his body.
He took a quick look in the spacious bathroom, which came with an old but decent bathtub, and Sihtric decided he had seen enough already. He would check the attic once the house was sold to him, and he made an offer right away when he returned the key at the real estate office.
'You really want the place?' the agent asked, 'like… for real?'
'Yeah?' Sihtric frowned, 'sure, it needs some cleaning, but for that price? Bring it on.'
'Well,' the agent chuckled and mumbled, 'it's your life, not mine.'
And next thing he knew, Sihtric signed some papers and got to keep the key to the house. He surprised you with the news later that day, after dinner, and he drove you to see the house that same evening. 
You both agreed it needed work, but it had been a bargain, and you were simply over the moon.
It took a few weeks to get the place all cleaned up, but once done, it looked amazing. You both had a couple of weeks off when you just moved in, but now, Sihtric had to go back to work again, while you worked from home. And you simply couldn't wait to use the brand new bedroom turned home office. 
And it was only when you could finally work in silence that you realised the mark your previous apartment had left. You often thought you heard stomping footsteps and muffled voices, but it had to be your imagination, as you'd hear sounds like that the entire day and night in your old home. You simply ignored whatever you thought you heard, and continued your work.
Everything went pretty normal in the following weeks. You and Sihtric were at peace. You both slept well at night after years of being kept awake by noisy neighbours, and you figured the bad luck you two had was finally turning around, for now...
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'Have you seen my phone, hon?' Sihtric asked as he was running late for work one morning, 'I swore I put it on the cabinet in the hallway, but it's not there.'
'Oh?' you frowned and searched the kitchen alongside your husband, 'hm, no, baby,' you sighed, 'I haven't seen it anywhere. Did you leave it upstairs?'
'I already looked there.'
'Already looked,' Sihtric groaned as he emptied another drawer, without any phone appearing, 'fuck,' he hissed, 'well, no phone then. I really gotta run, love,' he said and pecked your lips, 'love you, see you tonight.'
And with those words he ran out of the kitchen and slammed the front door shut behind him. After a few minutes you felt bothered by the fact that he couldn't find his phone, so you continued the search. There was no bother trying to call his number, because his phone was always on silent. You decided to look upstairs, and as you walked through the hallway, you found his phone on the cabinet.
'Men,' you snorted, and you took a photo of your husband's phone which was in plain sight, on the cabinet in the hallway, just where he said he had left it.
You texted the photo to Finan, a friend and colleague of Sihtric, knowing he'd show the photo to him at work.
You: tell my husband he's getting old ;) 
Finan: Sihtric asked if this is a prank
You: what? No, I swear. His phone was right there when I passed the cabinet…
Finan: he doesn't believe you
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'Babe, I checked that cabinet like ten times,' Sihtric said during dinner that night.
'Siht, you don't actually think I hid your phone and let you leave the house without it?' you scoffed, 'you know how anxious I get when I can't reach you.'
Sihtric huffed, he knew you were right, but he just didn't understand how he hadn't seen his phone that morning.
'I don't know,' he said, 'I just can't explain it.'
'Well, I didn't touch it, okay?'
After a while of slight arguing, you both decided to drop the subject and cleaned up the kitchen together. And as you did the dishes, Sihtric snuck up behind you and circled his arms around your waist. He squeezed you in his arms and kissed your cheek.
'Want to take a bath together?' he asked, his smooth voice still making your legs go weak after all those years.
You nodded with a cheeky grin and your husband was quick to slap your ass, before he ran off into the hallway and up the stairs. Sihtric filled the bathtub with pleasantly hot water, and threw in a multicoloured bath bomb before he switched off the tap. As he walked past the stairs, to the bedroom to grab some towels, he yelled that the bath was ready.
You quickly switched off all the lights downstairs and sprinted up the stairs. You were eager to have some romantic time with your husband, as that's the only thing that has been lacking since you had moved. You met Sihtric as he walked back to the bathroom, and you playfully shoved him to the side to get into the bathtub first. But when you were ready to take off your clothes and stared into the bathtub, you frowned and turned to your husband.
'Is this a joke?' you clicked your tongue, 'because it's not funny. I heard the water running, so you just wasted a shit ton of water, and apparently a bath bomb too,' you said, confused. 
'What?' Sihtric asked, equally confused, and he looked in the bathtub, which was completely empty, except for the colours the bath bomb had left.
'Sihtric, we already don't have that much money left each month, don't waste water like this…'
'What the fuck?' he muttered, 'n-no, I filled it. It was completely filled up. Here!' he said and dropped the towels on the floor, 'see, you can still see the faint line of where the water was because of the bath bomb!' he pointed near the edge of the bathtub, and you couldn't disagree with him.
'Did the plug come out then?' you wondered out loud.
'I guess,' Sihtric scoffed, 'but… there's no way the water could have been drained this fast. I only left the bathroom for like twenty seconds.'
'Are you sure you plugged it?'
'Yes!' Sihtric hissed, 'I'm not an idiot!'
'Well, your phone-'
'It wasn't there when I checked!' he snarled, then sighed and raked his fingers through his curls, 'I'm sorry,' he said, 'I'm sorry, honey. It's just been a weird day, I don't mean to take it out on you. I'm sorry.'
'Yeah,' you mumbled, 'let's just… let's just go to bed, Siht,' you turned and walked out of the bathroom, 'I'm not in the mood anymore.'
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The next morning Sihtric's phone was missing again, and he searched the entire house. Once he finally found it, in the fridge with a dead battery, he cursed loudly and went on to make breakfast. He switched on the stove and sat down at the table, annoyed. As you were still asleep, he wanted to leave a note that his phone was broken, and he went into the living room to grab a pen and some paper. When Sihtric returned, he noticed the stove was off.
'This better not be broken,' he muttered and switched it on again.
He sat down to write you a note, but the pen didn't work, so he left the kitchen again to get a new one. And when he returned, the stove was once again switched off.
'What is this bullshit?' Sihtric mumbled.
He switched the stove on again and kept his eyes on it. For five minutes he stood there, arms crossed and jaw clenched, watching a perfectly fine working stove. Then he returned to writing his note, went back into the living room to put the pen back in the drawer, and when he came back the stove was again switched off. Sihtric cursed and left the kitchen, thinking he was going insane. He went upstairs and kissed you goodbye, then left for work, without breakfast, as he'd grab something on the way. If he could leave at least, because when he grabbed his car keys, he saw the key was bent.
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'What is going on with you?' you asked when you found Sihtric still at home after you had woken up.
'My phone was gone again and when I found it, it was dead, I can't make any fucking breakfast because the stove keeps switching off whenever I leave the kitchen, and my fucking car key is bent out of shape!' he spat, 'I emailed Finan to let him know I'm not coming into work today.'
'Oh, okay,' you said, 'so, you're just home because you had a bad morning?'
Sihtric didn't answer and just stared out the window from the couch.
'Honey,' you said, 'we really need the money-'
'I know!' Sihtric yelled, 'I know we need the money! But something's… something's not right!'
'What do you mean?' you asked, 'w-with us?'
'No, not us. This house! Something is wrong with this house!' he yelled.
'It's an old house,' you scoffed, 'are you surprised-'
'No, not like that, sweetheart,' he exhaled sharply, 'I just… fuck,' he jumped up, 'I'm going for a walk.'
While Sihtric was out, clearing his head, you had gone upstairs to work in your little home office. Again you were taunted by the noises stuck in your head from your previous apartment. The sounds had only seemed to intensify the past few weeks. The odd thing was that whenever you truly focused on the noise, it disappeared. But when you were working, the noise was constantly there, driving you insane because it sounded so real and you couldn't explain it.
When Sihtric came back after a few hours, you argued again. You had gotten angry about Sihtric's phone being broken, and told him he had to pay more attention to his belongings, as you simply didn't have the money to replace everything right away. Sihtric got mad because he never broke things on purpose, and he did not mess with things he needed every day, like his phone or his car keys. After the heated argument, you prepared dinner in silence. And you were both calm again when you sat at the table together.
'Sihtric?' you asked during dinner, 'have you heard any noises here?'
'What kind of noises?' he asked and stuffed his mouth with potatoes.
'Like… running,' you said cautiously, 'or voices?'
Sihtric furrowed his brow, 'What do you mean?'
'It's like… when I'm working, I keep hearing those kinds of noises,' you explained, 'it's almost like we're still living in the apartment building. That kind of noise.'
'But that kind of noise is impossible, love,' Sihtric sat back, 'we don't have any direct neighbours.'
'I know, that's why I'm asking. It just… it feels like I'm going insane or something,' you chuckled, 'because I can't explain it. I guess it's like what happened to you with the stove.'
'How do you mean?'
'When I focus on the noise, or try to figure out where it's coming from, I don't hear it anymore. The same way you told me you kept looking at the stove, and it didn't switch off. But as soon as you stop paying attention, the problem returns again.'
'Huh,' Sihtric scoffed, a little concerned, 'but how is that possible?'
'I don't know.'
'And where does it sound like the noises come from?'
'From the attic,' you said, 'but I don't want to go up there, because the light doesn't work.'
'I know, I still need to fix that,' Sihtric sighed, 'I'll have a look tomorrow, okay? The running noises could just be old pipes that rattle. Like you said earlier, it's an old house.'
'Yeah,' you agreed, 'I guess you're right,' you smiled, and Sihtric kissed your forehead as he thanked you for the dinner.
'Do you think buying this house was a mistake?' he asked after a while.
'What? No. Why? Do you?'
'No,' he said, 'well, I mean… I… we've been arguing a lot since we moved here, haven't we? We never used to be like that.'
'I guess,' you agreed, 'but we're under a lot of stress too, Sihtric. We put all our money in this house. But still, I'm glad we live here. The house is amazing, but I think we're just getting caught up over little things we can't explain. We've never lived in a place this big before. It's not uncommon to misplace things, have a faulty stove, a bath that unplugs and to hear some sounds I suppose. We still have to get used to it.'
'Maybe,' Sihtric said, 'but what about my key being bent?'
'I don't know,' you shrugged, 'maybe you sat on it with that big butt of yours?'
'Hey,' Sihtric scowled, but then chuckled, 'I don't know,' he became serious again, 'I definitely didn't sit on it, and I also did not put my phone in the fridge.'
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When you went to bed that night, it was once again incredibly cold in the bedroom. You had switched on the heating but that didn't change anything. The room was freezing cold, but if you'd touch the radiator, you'd burn your hands. You got under the sheets and not much later Sihtric joined you. He also complained about how cold it was, but you were both too tired to argue about it, and you fell asleep.
Hours later, you woke up out of nowhere. You glanced at the clock and saw it was a little over three in the morning. You yawned and pulled the sheets up again, as your shoulders were exposed to the cold room. And then moments later, the sheets suddenly got pulled off you with force.
'Sihtric, what the fuck?!' you shouted, angry, cold and tired, 'what the fuck are you doing?!'
'What?' Sihtric asked, startled, as he woke up by your yelling, 'what did I do?' he rubbed his eyes and yawned, then shivered as he realised there was no blanket covering him anymore, 'where's the-'
'Did you not pull it off me?' you interrupted in the dark.
'Did you pull the blankets off me?'
'I- what? No!' Sihtric hissed, and switched on a light, 'what are you talking about? Why would I-' he stopped talking as he looked at the floor.
You followed your husband's gaze and froze when you saw the bed sheet was on the floor, near the closet, at the opposite side of the bedroom.
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'I can't fucking believe this,' Sihtric huffed the next morning when you met in the kitchen, after a horrendous night.
'What?' you yawned.
'This!' he said and held up the charger of his new phone, which was split in two.
'What the… how?' you frowned.
'I have no idea,' Sihtric threw the cable on the table, 'I'm fucking done. What the fuck is going on here?'
'I don't know, ghosts?' you tried to make light of the situation.
Sihtric glared at you.
'Don't joke about those things!'
'Sorry, mister superstitious,' you mumbled, 'hey, will you check that attic by the way?'
'Yeah, yeah,' Sihtric sighed and grabbed a flashlight, 'I'll do it before I go to work.'
'Thank you,' you kissed his cheek, and he went on his way.
You sipped your tea in the kitchen, trying to stay awake after you had been up since three in the morning. You had been too afraid to sleep again, and had clutched onto the bed sheet until morning came. Sihtric was brave enough to grab the blanket off the floor after the weird event, and he managed to fall asleep afterwards again, but you didn't. And now you were paying the price.
Sihtric climbed up the steep attic stairs and clicked on the flashlight. He looked around the dusty place and took a closer look at the pipes, seeing if they were in need of replacement. But everything seemed fine, and he had no idea what else could cause the noise you heard while you were working. When he turned to climb down the stairs again, he suddenly saw a box in the otherwise empty attic, and he grabbed it.
As you sipped your tea you suddenly heard your husband storm down the stairs.
'Is this fucking funny to you!?' he shouted as he neared the kitchen, and you perked up.
'This!' Sihtric snarled, and threw his attic find in front of you on the table, 'did you plan this? You know I don't trust these things!'
You stared with big eyes at the old and nearly falling apart Ouija board box, which you had never seen before. And when you looked up at Sihtric, completely deprived of colour, he immediately knew that you were as spooked as he was. 
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27 @sigtryggrswifey @liandav
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sparxaf · 7 months
The Inscrutability of Alex
So I might be working on an S7 Alex fic. I mean, I'm probably not working that. But I could be. Maybe. Anyway, for mysterious reasons, I decided to replay the current episodes because I found myself confused by a couple things with Alex. And a second playthrough left me even more confused. I sent @mrsbsmooth a nearly three minute, babbling voice note, asking her if I was missing something, because I cannot figure out how to write him.
This character is described by multiple others as having "golden retriever" energy. Something he absolutely does not have. I'd say he's not even that playful. It's just bizarre for anyone to say that. Nothing about him is overly energetic. Both Raf and Bryson are much better described like that. Alex has the most whistle-whilst-mowing-the-lawn-in jorts-dad energy ever. Golden retriever he is not.
So okay, his energy doesn't match the description. That's not a huge issue on its own. But like...who is he? He says he's not cocky, just confident.
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Hmmm. Never is a strong word, innit?
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Now, a less cynical person might say that Fusebox is just writing a realistic depiction of someone who is unaware of his own cockiness, but since I am a cynical asshole, I'm saying that Fusebox is not in the business of nuance. They make the same amount of money whether they spend the extra energy to give it depth or not. So they're never gonna bother with that. This is just inconsistent writing. Now, we all know that Alex's most overtly acknowledged trait is his desire to "Take things slow." He says he's looking for the one, and he's not gonna rush that. He knows things move fast there, but he still wants to take his time. He didn't kiss Estelle on the first night. He was uncomfortable with Summer being so forward before he knew anything about her. So how does a guy who takes things slow answer a question from a virtual stranger about what he does for a living?
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A dirty joke. Yes, very much setting the tone for his lack of cockiness and his desire to take things slow 🙄 Though I do enjoy MC responding with "Very presumptive, but good to know." 😆😆😆 Not to mention, when he finds out you can snog during the icebreaker, he's not like, "Um too soon." Instead his eyes light up like he can't wait. It's so baffling. So let's say maybe he's just a slow mover who is also really flirty by nature. That feels like he's sending mixed signals at best and manipulating you at the worst. Now this one really threw me for a loop. There's a gem scene where you can ask the boys to tell you something cute about themselves. Alex tells a story about having a crush on a gym bunny and how it led him to weightlifting in order to ask her out. But he kept putting it off and by the time he finally got the nerve, she was already dating someone. So he learned not to hesitate. He learned to just go for it.
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Um... what? That's a strange perspective to have for someone whose entire ethos is "Take it slow." Now, I'm aware that he is very straight forward with MC about where his head is at, so perhaps he just meant that he doesn't waste time letting someone know he's interested, but he still wants to take the relationship slow? I don't know. Last, but not least, on night one, you couldn't even kiss Alex (unless I'm misremembering). You could only snuggle. But on night two, Alex says he still wants to take it slow, but he wants to a little something. So the game gives us some options. And the first choice was to do bits. Now, this might be my fault, but I assumed that "bits" in this case would be some kissing and making out. Heavy petting. Maybe some under the clothes touching. But, to my utter shock, no it's not just a heavy make out sesh. Nope. He finger blasts you. He straight up bypasses the face lips and tiddies, and goes straight to rubbing the bean and shoving a digit inside of your person. It's an awfully intimate act for someone like him who's only been alone with you three times, and beyond challenge smooches (if you chose to even take those), has still never really made out with, nor kissed you privately. I would like to clarify that I'm not judging how fast or slow anyone goes in their personal lives. But I am I'm judging this character's pace in relation to the things he's been saying about his pace.
I wrote most of this before the last batch of episodes so I'll only lightly touch on the fact that Alex seems nearly ready to ask you to marry him the day after bringing you to the villa. So "taking it slow" really went out the window altogether.
Long story long, there are aspects to Alex I like. I mean, I'm writing him right now (OR AM I?) so it's not all bad. But it's really hard to attempt any canon reinterpretation, when I can't even sort out what canon is.
It just doesn't make sense. Is he cocky or not? Is he a slow mover or does he believe in not wasting time? Is he an inner city gym rat bro, or is he a home-on-the-range papa who wants to build you a cottage, and make babies? Is his whole "slow burn" thing some kind of manipulation to hide that he's a fuckboy (which would be hilarious) or he's just very badly written?
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I love a good, lively conversation, so go ahead and let me know your thoughts. But for those who are rather... overly invested in Alex, feel free to yell at me about his perfection and how wrong and dumb I am. I look forward to deleting your vitriol.
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newtonsheffield · 1 month
Heyo Molly, I am so enjoying the glimpses into your life recently, you have such a witty way about you!
I'm just seeing Kanthony in a Sitcom called "Dirty and (almost) 30" or something sharing your adulting-experiences. They keep bumping into each other like comparing thread count of new-bathtowel-contenders, running with their hydration vests, buying educational storybooks for friends/siblings kids or responsibly sitting in the waiting room for their dental cleaning where they bond over lawn mover upkeep or something. Just thriving as grown-ups - just like you are!
That fact that I have managed to fool you into believing I’m thriving in adulthood is hilarious to me. I am embarrassed filling up the fuel can for my mower, Mate. I find that embarrassing for some reason.
Anyway, that’s not a problem Kate and Anthony have I don’t think. They’re 100% thriving, comparing reviews of lawn mowers and dutifully taking it in to be serviced and the blades sharpened. And you know Anthony has a thread count minimum on his bed sheets which is something Kate doesn’t think she’s supposed to find sexy, but she sort of does. She finds it really sexy that Anthony has a starch spray he uses on his collars when he irons and he wears an apron in the kitchen and she can talk to him about the nutritional content of Kale without him getting bored. Anthony B’s a catch.
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socialistmary · 11 months
Devil on my back; prologue
Pairing: Reader x Joel Miller
Warning: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI, implied smut & ✨actual✨ smut further down the line, age gap (Joel's in his 50s & Reader's in her late 20s), cheating, delicious catholic guilt, afab!reader, pet names (no use of Y/N), no outbreak!AU
Summary: Joel Miller vividly remembers the day you moved next door, a captivating vision of religious boundaries he can't wait to break
Word count: 1.6k
Author's Note: not sure yet what this series will look like, but this heathen needs to get it out before her innards explode 👁️👄👁️🌸✨
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Joel remembers the day you moved in years ago, though the exact date escapes him. By this age, memories in his mind were more like a gallery of images and sensations brought forth by triggers of varying intensities, rather than words and numbers. He remembers the sweltering heat of the day, the smell of scorching sun and dry earth, the gritty feeling of dust settling on his sweat-soaked skin, all etched into his consciousness. That and Tommy’s complaining about how everything was just sticking together too much. It was downright miserable. 
The lemonade Sarah had brought out ten minutes ago already reached body temperature, ice inside succumbing too easily to the heat. Joel took a sip, pulled a face, and almost dropped the glass back down on the table. Mouth dry and eyes wandering, he watched mildly curious as a white “Jackson’s Moving and Delivering” van pulled into the driveway right across the street, shiny blue Toyota Corolla in tow. Joel looked at his own truck, red colour darkened by time and dust, wheels muddied after a particularly inconvenient thunderstorm last week. He hadn’t bothered giving it a wash - hell, he couldn’t even remember the last time it had an intentional wash. He furrowed his eyebrows and stared ahead waiting for people to pour out of the cars, vaguely aware of Tommy doing the same and Sarah coming out to have a look herself, eyes straining against the sun. Great, now everyone was curious, everyone's looking directly at them, and Joel knew they all looked like a gaggle of gossiping housewives. 
And there you were, first one out, hair pulled back in a high ponytail – a practical choice battling the Texas heat – dark sunglasses shielding your eyes, and a bright, dazzling million-dollar smile that had Joel squinting a little harder, as if to capture every little detail from afar. The others had yet to emerge from their cars, but you were already talking and waving your hands with enthusiasm, looking surprisingly thrilled to be in that little shithole of a suburb he’d moved into all those years ago. His ex-wife had insisted on the great schools in the area before fucking off to who-knows-where. 
Everyone kept watching as you gracefully maneuvered around the cars, captivated by your confident movement. You stopped in front of the door, no doubt searching for the keys to your new little home through that cute little jute bag. Joel couldn’t help but notice how delicate you seemed underneath the confident strides, entranced by your womanly curves, round ass, and the three-inch yellow heels you were prancing around in. He inhaled a sharp breath when he became awfully aware of his age.. and yours. ‘Just what I needed,’ he thought half amused.
Joel watched as you threw the blue Corolla a triumphant smile, wiggling a pair of house keys around with one hand and making a playful come-hither motion the other, sending a thrilling shiver down his spine, followed by a hard swallow. ‘Must be getting a heatstroke,’ he joked to himself and turned his attention to the cars, trying his best to get distracted. Jackson’s movers were already out of the van and hard at work distributing furniture, plants, and boxes across the lawn with practiced efficiency. The scene unfolded like a well-choreographed dance, Tommy and Sarah watched curiously, trying to make sense of the wrapped furniture and house goods. As they cranked their necks looking for questionable couch prints or weird-looking family heirlooms, like the creepy dead-eyed cat statuettes grandma used to have around the house, Sarah thought with a shudder, Joel’s focus kept drifting back to you. He watched discreetly as you chattered away with the movers, your charm and warmth unmistakable even from a distance.
The driver seat door of the Corolla opened to reveal a man your age, hair neatly cropped and face cleanly shaven, clothes looking soft and stiff at the same time, worn but with a like-new quality. He smiled a tight smile at you, clearly not feeling as comfortable as you looked. Hand on his hip, looking a little queasy, he surveyed the house behind dark sunglasses and made a lazy hand gesture for the keys. You walked to him with the keys, throwing a knees-weakening smile that seemed to have no effect on him, much to Joel’s surprise.
That’s when you turned around and noticed the Millers watching you from a few yards away. A hint of surprise flitted across your face, quickly fading into a bashful smile, Joel noticed, when Sarah gave you an enthusiastic wave. He tried to ignore the way his pants grew slightly tighter and his mouth a little dryer when he saw you bite into your bottom lip as you returned the wave. Even more so, he could swear he felt your burning stare on him behind your sunglasses, making his skin prickle in ways it hadn’t for a long time. Get it out of your head old man, he thought. Goddamn Texas heat.
“Hi, welcome, I’m Sarah!” Sarah greeted a little louder than she meant to, making you jump slightly and clasp your hands together in front of you as your smile grew wider. Joel easily noticed the way your cheek flushed to match a stunning set of pink rosy lips that will have him thinking pure filthy things later that evening. You’re jus’ a shy little thing, aren’t ya, he thinks to himself as you approach, keeping a respectful distance. Behind the dark sunglasses and that bright smile, behind the confident strides you take in those cute yellow heels, you’re just a little bundle of nerves, writhing in place with every bit of foreign attention. Realising this, Joel went to sit up a little straighter in his chair, remembering where he left his confidence. He's suddenly feeling a lot more at peace with his age than he did a second ago. He’s a fifty-year-old man, there’s literally no reason for him to feel intimidated by you. In fact, he wonders crossing his arms in front of his chest, maybe you should feel a little intimidated by him.
And you do; from this close, he feels like you do. Despite the sunglasses framing your face and hiding your eyes from view, Joel found himself keenly attuned to your nuances just by watching you across the road. Your mouth was a complete canvas of emotion, revealing your thoughts and feelings more than you probably realised. It was as if your lips were a window into your mind, just begging Joel to decipher their sweet, subtle cues, and right now, from this distance, they were telling him everything he needed to know.
Without the luxury of sunglasses to hide his eyes behind, Joel thought it wise to just make a point of meeting your gaze whenever he felt your eyes on him, allowing his own to wander down your form, looking at you up and down, taking in every detail, appreciating the way your body responded to his presence. A slow, lazy smile spread across his face. That’s it babygirl, he thought to himself as he watched you swallow, subtly wet your lips and nibble into the side of your lower lip, all within the span of 3 seconds. It all made him shift slightly in his seat, electric charge of desire coursing through the air.
In that fleeting instant, the world seemed to shrink, leaving only the two of you trapped in a bubble of heat and unspoken yearning, skin prickling and electricity buzzing in your ears. Or maybe it’s just heatstroke.
A mixture of nerves and desire washed over you as you tried to maintain your composure. For a moment, your mind went blank, unsure of what to say or why you even approached them, when you should've just - freakin' - waved. It felt as though you’d cave in from the intensity of his gaze. You struggled to keep your focus on Sarah and ignore the way his eyes on you made you feel so deliciously exposed and vulnerable. As you spoke, your voice naturally a little deeper, raspier than he expected, sent an icy-hot thrill down his spine and a satisfied groan only he could hear escaped his chest.
“Hiya,” you managed to greet with a smile and wave, one leg going behind the other, clasped hands moving to your back, your body instinctively shifting into a slightly more timid posture. You didn't seem like you went out much, or even talked to that many people, despite your big mouth. Joel could see you more clearly now and found these nervous gestures all too endearing. Taking all of you in, Joel’s eyes roamed over your body, over the sky-blue sundress hugging your figure, your sun kissed shoulders bared in the warm breeze, and he almost lets out another groan when he notices the outline of your white, good girl panties underneath, sight only intensifying the swirling desire he feels pooling low in his body.
Joel had to shake his head to get rid of the thoughts of you writhing underneath him, skirt of your dress hiked up past your hips, mouth slack and eyes rolling back into your head with pleasure, when he noticed Corolla guy coming over, looking slightly more at ease than earlier. From the gold wedding bands on your ring fingers, Joel immediately clocks Corolla guy as your husband. He felt confusing mixture of unwarranted jealousy painting his vision green and a stupid, childish thrill stirring inside him, both at the same time.
“This is Dax, my husband,” you introduced him with a radiant smile, clasping your husband’s hand in yours and looking at him like the Sun shined out of his ass. Seeing your obvious affection for your husband and that dainty little goddamn cross around your neck should’ve made Joel back down. And usually it would’ve, but this time it only somehow intensified the complexity of his emotions, made Joel really wonder what you're made of. His stupid desire for you was a little too consuming, tempting him, pushing him into territories that would've usually felt very un-Joel-like. “We just came down from Dallas,” you continue, and Joel can’t tell if you’re talking to all of them, or only to him. "Dax gets a little car sick and you won't catch me drivin'," What kinda name is "Dax" anyway??
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agaypanic · 8 months
I loved your Malcom x male reader story! Would it be possible for another? Maybe he’s a new neighbour or an exchange student from England or something? Go wild!
The New Neighbor (Malcolm Wilkerson X Male!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: When Malcolm sees a new family moving in next door, he’s ecstatic for a clean slate. But a clean slate isn’t the only thing Malcolm’s getting from you.
A/N: im sorry but i did in fact not go wild, this feels pretty bland tbh lmk if yall would want a second part, i just cant think of a way to continue this rn :/
It wasn’t every day you got a new neighbor. Most people wouldn’t think much of it; maybe send over some kind of baked goods if they were feeling nice.
But for the Wilkerson family, new neighbors meant new chances. They didn’t exactly have the best reputation in the neighborhood, mainly because of all the boys’ crazed antics. The family just had to make sure they got to the newcomers before anyone else in the neighborhood.
“Hi, can I help you?” You sounded exhausted, probably because you kept walking back and forth, unloading heavy ass boxes. Your parents were starting their new jobs today, but you didn’t start school until next Monday. So you decided to do a bit of unpacking when a boy about your age popped up on your lawn.
“I, uh, I was just coming back from school, and I noticed you weren’t there.” He scratched the back of his head, and you set down the box you were ready to carry inside. Realizing that what he said sounded a bit stalker-like, the boy adjusted his backpack straps and stood up slightly straighter. “Sorry, I don’t mean that in a weird way. I’m Malcolm, by the way. I’m your neighbor.” He pointed to your right, to a house and lawn that definitely stood out from the rest of the block.
“Oh! Yeah, I think I saw you and your brothers yesterday.” You walked down the lawn to get close enough to hold your hand out to Malcolm. “I’m Y/n. I’m starting school on Monday.”
He shook your hand, giving you a polite but somewhat nervous smile. Why he seemed nervous, you had no clue.
“Do you need, like, any help with this?” The two of you looked around your lawn. The movers your parents hired didn’t really care about putting the boxes in the rooms they were labeled for, or the house itself, for that matter. You were lucky it didn’t rain.
“If you don’t mind.”
Having Malcolm around turned out to be a lifesaver. He may have looked like a string bean, but you got the rest of the boxes in the house and in their respective rooms faster with him than you could have by yourself. Plus, he was able to unpack some of the stuff with you, which led to multiple conversations about different things that you apparently had in common.
“So why did you have to move?” Malcolm asked, flipping through one of your comic books.
“Parents got new jobs. Better pay, better school district, hopefully better people.”
“Did everyone at your old school suck?” You laughed lightly, sitting on your bed next to him. He closed the book, thumb between the pages to save his place, and looked at you.
“You could say that. Heard California’s more liberal than where we’re from, so there’s that, I guess.” You leaned back until your back hit the mattress, and Malcolm did the same. You both looked up at the ceiling.
“Why would that matter?” He asked. You took a deep inhale, and Malcolm panicked. “You don’t have to tell me. You know, if you don’t want to.”
“It’s fine.” You said before he could go into a fast-paced tangent. “It’s cool. Um, where I’m from, people aren’t really too fond of… They don’t like gay people that much.” There were a few beats of silence, and you panicked. What was wrong with you? You just met this guy, and here you were, telling him everything about your life.
“So… you’re gay?” Malcolm asked, fiddling with his flannel.
“Enough to not like me.” 
“Well, a lot of people don’t like me or my family. They think we’re kinda crazy or something.” You laughed. From your interactions so far, Malcolm seemed pretty normal. 
“I guess that if I get outcasted again, I have at least one person to hang out with.” You turned your head to see Malcolm already looking at you. You both smiled lightly at each other, as if in agreeance.
After a bit more chatting, you realized how late it was getting. You walked Malcolm out the front door and to the sidewalk. Before you could wave each other goodbye, you decided to bite the bullet.
“Hey, Malcolm?” He raised his brows, waiting for you to continue. You kicked invisible rocks, calming your growing nerves. Why you were nervous, you had no idea. “Do you wanna hang out sometime? You’re the only person I know right now, and you seem pretty cool.” Malcolm nodded almost immediately.
“Yeah, that sounds awesome! How does tomorrow sound? I can show you around town and stuff.” 
You grinned, nervousness washed away by Malcolm’s excitement.
“Sounds good to me. I can give you my number if you want; we can work out a time or something.” He nodded, so you held up a finger, signaling for him to stay and wait, and ran back into the house. You came out a few seconds later with a sharpie. “Roll up your sleeve.” Malcolm tilted his head questioningly but did it anyway. “Couldn’t find any paper.” You elaborated as you scribbled your number on his arm. You capped the marker and started to back away towards your house. “Text me.”
Malcolm in the Middle Taglist: @rattilol
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Terzo: *walks inside* Boy, it sure is muggy out!
His Prime Mover: I swear to Satan, if I go outside and all our mugs are on the lawn, I’m going to kill you.
Terzo: *sips coffee from a cereal bowl*
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