#lawrence in her turner series
seven-saffodils · 2 years
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Co-Stars pt.7
Callum Turner X Actress! Reader
Summary: Emmy Awards... Y/n is nominated, Callum too...
Warning: Pure joy/ Swearing/ use of Y/n/
Y/n's dress:
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She made her way on the red carpet with her cast and directors. Photographers were shouting at them. ‘’Y/n, Callum, a kiss!’’ one of them yelled. The couple looked at each other before bringing their face close to each other, only to pull away before their lips could touch, they laughed and kissed rapidly. ‘’Do you guys think Y/n is going to win?’’ another photograph asked. ‘’We hope so!’’ Austin replied, making the woman smile. There they were, the Emmy Awards, Master of the Air as been nominated for a lot of things, one of them being the best supporting actress in a drama show, Y/n was nominated. When the nomination was announced, she couldn’t believe it. Callum was so proud of his girlfriend. ‘’Mr. Hanks, what do you think about Y/n’s nomination?’’ The woman looked at the men she admired when she was younger, he inspired her so much. ‘’I think it’s fully deserved, she worked hard, and I hope her hard work is rewarded’’ He replies. Y/n’s eyes filled with tears; she was touched by his words.
Master of The Air already won 5 awards tonight, it was amazing; but now, it was the time for the best supporting actress in a drama series. Y/n was nervous, she felt like throwing up. ‘’The nominees are Y/n Y/l/n in Master of the Air’’ Y/n blew a kiss to the camera as she watched a little piece of her work on the screen. ‘’You don’t think I care? Every time you go up in the air, I’m terrified that you won’t come back! So, no I don’t understand what it’s like up there, but you don’t know what’s it like here!’’ she yelled. That scene was when she yelled at Bucky. It was an amazing scene. ‘’And the Emmy goes too…’’ Helena Bonham Carter was announcing the winner. Y/n took a deep breath as she, and all her co-stars waited for the results. ‘’Y/n Y/l/n in Master of the Air!’’ She couldn’t believe it, she put a hand in front of her mouth as she looked around her. ‘’You did it, baby!’’ Callum said, hugging her, the rest of the cast joined in the hug. Her first reflex was to take off her shoes, she didn’t want to do a Jennifer Lawrence at the Oscars. She quickly kissed Callum before making her way on the stage, barefoot. She got up, hugged Helena, took her trophy and got closer to the microphone. ‘’Oh my god, uh, hi everyone!’’ she said, tears falling from her eyes. The crowd cheered on her. ‘’Where do I start? Thank you to everyone that voted for me. Uh, I’m losing my words. I want to thank Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg and Gary Goetzman for creating this amazing T.V show. Tom, you’ve always been an inspiration for me, I’m honoured to have had the opportunity to work with you. To all the girls out there, keep going, hard works pays off.’’ She had to stop and take a breath; she was speaking fast. ‘’Uh, to my co-stars; I love you guys so much, thank you for making me feel welcomed and making this experience so fun. To my mum and dad, thank you for always believing in me. Lastly, I want to thank my other half, Callum Turner. You’ve always been there for me, since the beginning of all this, I love you so much, baby, I couldn’t have done this without you, being your love interest has been really fun, and you made me comfortable with the exploration I did with the character, with certain emotions. Thank you for being my rock, I love you. Thank you so much everyone’’ she said, blowing a kiss to Callum, before lifting her trophy into the air. Her co-stars were cheering for her at the top of their lungs, Y/n laughed when she heard them.
‘’The Emmy for the best supporting actor in a drama show goes to… Callum Turner, Master of the Air!’’ Callum was smiling so much. He and his girl both won the same award. Y/n jumped in his arms to hug him. He made his way to the stage, hugged Johnny Depp, took his trophy and got closer to the mic. ‘’Wow! Thank you so much, it’s amazing! First of all, I want to thank Tom, Steven and Gary, thank you, God I’m saying the same thing as my girlfriend. Uh, to my co-stars, it’s been a crazy journey, from boot-camp, except for you Barry’’ his comment made the hole cast laugh. ‘’Thank you for supporting me during the process. To my beautiful girlfriend, you’ve been with me since my first movie, we were together ever since. Just like you, I couldn’t have done it without you. Y/n, quit smiling like this, I’m trying to do this without stuttering, you’re making it difficult’’ he said to his girlfriend who had the proudest smile on her lips. ‘’I love you so much. Thank you everyone! Have a goodnight!’’ Callum smiled as he left the stage.
‘’8 wins tonight, congratulations, if we can get back to Y/n, how are you doing, dear?’’ the journalist asked. The ceremony was over, tonight felt like they were ascending to Nirvana. Y/n and Callum were floating on a euphoric cloud. ‘’I’m still overwhelmed at the moment, it just feels really good, having my hard work being rewarded, mine and my boyfriend’s. I try to soak it all in’’ she smiles. Her cheeks were hurting from smiling so much. ‘’ And you, Callum?’’ he stopped looking at his girlfriend to answer the question. ‘’It doesn’t feel real, it’s an amazing night and yeah, I can’t wait to celebrate with them’’ he laughed. They got asked other questions, but when they got in the limousine, everyone was looking around. ‘’8 fucking wins!!!!’’ they all yelled at the same time. ‘’I just won an Emmy!!!’’ Y/n said, showing her statue around. The guys started to laugh; it was euphoria. ‘’You both won an Emmy!’’ Barry said, looking at Callum. He took his girl and kissed her passionately, all the joy and the relief were transmitted in that kiss. It was the greatest day of their life!
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medialog july 2k24
the seven samurai - classic that holds up IMO!! like lawrence of arabia, one where you can see why basically every person to make a movie since cites it as a formative influence. lots of really beautiful shots but what really stood out to me was how human it felt - small scale but not in a way that means "minor," in a way that emphasizes that even the smallest of scales is everything to the people living it. every character feels so real and carries such a sense of a life lived, thanks to both the writing and the absolutely wonderful performances. it feels so empathetic and compassionate and warm even though it's ultimately a war movie - one of those movies where you get the sense a fundamental love for humanity is one of the animating creative impulses. also toshiro mifune, one of the hottest people ever to live, spends the back half of this movie, to quote nick, dressed like hercules with his ass hanging out and it's incredible.
tank girl - every single Look and Aesthetic in this movie is an absolute 100/10 and lori petty is a foul-mouthed delight, but wow was I not prepared for how much of this movie is about the discovery of a secret underground society of kangaroo people
megan whalen turner, the thief - a pair of friends of mine basically shoved this into my hands when i was at their apartment with the promise of great craft & an ending that goes crazy. the first in the series of six, this one is more or less a sturdy and fairly straightforward middle-grade adventure story, and while it was at times a little heavy on descriptions of the characters making their way across various types of terrain, overall my interest was sustained by a few things: a clean, deliberate writing style that washed me in nostalgia for the middle-grade classics of my own youth (which this could have been - it came out in 1996 - but somehow i never came across it); a setting deliberately out of any real historical time but clearly influenced in Vibes by (among other places) ancient greece, which contributed to the nostalgia; glimpses of a convincingly rendered mythology (and the fascinating choice, which continues throughout the series, to render the characters' occasional glimpses of the actual divine as more unsettling than anything else); and a wonderfully compelling set of characters, above all gen, the book's narrator and the series' central character (although not most of the books'), who as i said a while ago is a classic blend of clever, brave, and incredibly annoying to everyone he meets.
monique wittig, the straight mind - collection of essays by a french lesbian feminist/theorist i first heard of, to be very honest, because adele haenel was one of the panelists at an event at the local french bookstore and i wanted to see her in person, lmao. the first essay in the collection opens with a call to abolish the concept of sex, which is one of those claims i'm not sure i actually endorse or even fully understand but find really invigorating to read, all of which more or less applies to my experience of the collection as a whole (including the part where i was not sure i was always following it). i did particularly appreciate her interest as a writer (she was a novelist as well as a theorist) in language and the role it plays in upholding gender/the work of imagining a way to play a role in dismantling it. and i found her general rejection of "the myth of woman" quite bracing.
rick emerson, unmask alice: LSD, satanic panic, and the imposter behind the world's most notorious diaries - i heard about this book on an episode of you're wrong about before i stopped listening and it was in fact an incredibly entertaining and fascinating bit of light nonfiction about a truly bonkers episode in american publishing history. go ask alice is the obvious draw here, but a large chunk of the book is devoted to "editor" and professional liar beatrice sparks's follow-up, jay's journal, which emerson reveals to have, in fact, started as the actual diary of a suicidal teenager whose family entrusted it to her in the hopes that their dead son's pain might somehow be able to help other families prevent similarly tragic outcomes... only to have sparks expand his few dozen entries into a story of the absolute most insane satanic panic ground zero nonsense (this book predates michelle remembers!), but somehow leave in enough identifying details that everyone in the family's small mormon town knew exactly who it was about. truly truly monstrous and if emerson sometimes veers a little close painting sparks as a cartoon villain, it's honestly hard to blame him given how much time he spent contemplating this unbelievably heinous act.
courtney summers, i'm the girl - the simplest way to describe this book is to paraphrase the author in some interview i can't remember as a story about a girl who confuses beauty for power because that's what the world has told her is true; it's emotionally rough but highly readable, and as always i just so admire summers' lack of interest in morality tales or lessons learned, her keen understanding that having a sixteen-year-old being groomed come suddenly and fully into a perfect feminist analysis of what's happened to her would make the book more palatable to some but ultimately be a betrayal of the character she'd created. summers has alluded in her newsletter to this book, loosely based on research about the epstein/maxwell case & the testimony of their victims, closing the chapter on the first arc of her career as a writer - eight thorny, painful novels about interior lives of teenage girls struggling with themselves and the world they live in - and it feels like a fitting capstone, one that both calls on the skills she's developed over the years and feels like it digs even more deeply than the project into an area of interest that feels fitting for an author who started writing YA in her early 20s and is now in her late 30s, namely, how to write a book that makes space for real empathy with a young person naive enough - some might say, and indeed some have said, stupid enough - to be well and truly taken in? (and i think one of the smartest things the book does is foreground early on how badly its protagonist doesn't want to be thought of as stupid, which is part of what makes her vulnerable and part of what makes processing the reality of what's happening to her so difficult.) also, despite the fact that romance has never been a huge or simple part of summers's novels, she's always had a knack for crafting a YA dreamboat love interest, and as someone who it turns out was figuring out her sexuality in her 30s around the same time summers was - it was great to see her do it again but this time with a girl :)
ted chiang, exhalation - my friend recommended me this because i was looking to read more sci-fi short stories but running into my perennial problem with sci-fi which is that frequently the writing is bad. ted chiang is pretty good! i liked how much he clearly conceives of or intuits that form & story are one and the same - almost all the stories in this collection take the form of a document that has some in-world reason to exist, which keeps the style feeling fresh and which he often uses to merge character work & sci-fi concepts in a cool way (as in a story with the fascinating premise that creationism is real but earth is not god's favored planet). it was unfortunate that the longest story in the collection was by far my least favorite, being both the most subject to sci-fi bland prose disease and focused on a concept it is impossible for me to muster interest in (the ethics of digital sentience... they're pictures on a screen...). the last story, the only other one written in the third person, suffered a little stylistically as well, but made up for it with an INSANELY good premise, which is that it's a multiverse story focused on a variety of psychological challenges people might have in response to learning for sure parallel universes are real - there's a support group for people addicted to checking in on their parallel selves! that's the most awesome multiverse concept i have ever come across.
evelline adams, astrology for everyone - astrology got less fun when the ratio started shifting of people viewing it as A Fun Pretend Thing to people taking it very seriously, but i do retain the same aesthetic appreciation for the particular kitsch of vintage astrology writing that i did when i borrowed this from my friend several years ago.
patrick radden keefe, rogues: true stories of grifters, killers, rebels and crooks - a collection of 12 of keefe's new yorker #longreads that i read because (a) i liked empire of pain, his book on the sackler family, a lot (b) i'm trying to get back into my library ebook habit to keep me away from Scrolling and hopefully learn some things and substantive-but-still-easy-to-read journalistic nonfiction is my favorite genre for this purpose because i don't feel i lose anything by reading it in 5 minute snatches while waiting for the train, and (c) his other books had all the licenses checked out. anyway this gave me what i wanted! i think my favorite was the one about wine fraud just because i think wine fraud is funny because anyone shelling out crazy money on wine deserves to be scammed so it's basically a victimless crime. the book closes with his profile of anthony bourdain, which is a really lovely read although incredibly sad in retrospect because bourdain comes across as so full of life and would die the year after it was published.
megan whalen turner, the queen of attolia - book two in the series, and everything is growing up a bit, as we shift from an adventure story to a war story, from gen's narration to an expertly deployed omniscient/shifting third, and from an irrepressible protagonist to one Truly Going Through It. this book kicks off strong by opening with a set of circumstances that permanently and painfully changes gen's circumstances, and the question of how he's going to process this and move forward drives a lot of the emotional suspense of the book. it also upends our understanding of a character introduced in the first book en route to an absolutely insane romance that shouldn't work but in its quasi-mythical context absolutely does. i tend to prefer hard copies for fiction, but starting here and for every book after i got to the end and went straight to the library app so i could keep going.
megan whalen turner, the king of attolia - THIS BOOK SLAPS SO HARD IT'S UNBELIEVABLE!!!! at first you're like, WHY is the narration primarily focused on some random no-name member of the royal guard we have never met before? but then you realize it's so that the entire book can be propelled by the dramatic irony wherein we, readers of the series, know gen well at this point and also know exactly how and why things went down the way they did at the end of the last book, but almost no one else does and (partly because of the ways he is annoying) many assumptions are being made... so a lot of the "suspense" in this book comes from, like, when is this new guy's understanding of gen going to start aligning with ours? it's soooo cool and something i don't remember reading in a series before (although i don't read a ton of series), and this book is, like, relentlessly entertaining on its way to its insanely satisfying conclusion, and also contains two of the most romantic paragraphs i have read in my LIFE despite the fact that the couple they center on barely appears together in the book.
megan whalen turner, conspiracy of kings - we catch up with a character from the first book who's been having a rough go of it and now needs to toughen up a bit in response to his circumstances. i think as a novel this is maybe the weakest of the set but as a character i love my sweet baby sophos so much i would have read 500 more pages. also contains one of the DUDES ROCK scenes of all time.
megan whalen turner, thick as thieves - this one picks up with a minor character from book two that i was happy to see again, because he really punched above his weight in terms of interest. it kind of combines the adventure-story of the first book with the dramatic irony as suspense of the third, and both the narrator and the central dynamic between the two main characters are delightful. this book has the least gen of all the books and i did miss him but it was funny how intensely his whole Deal hung over the circumstances regardless, and also despite the fact that the ending of literally all of these books so far has involved the reveal of some five-dimensional chess magic trick, so to speak, and thus i knew logically it was coming, i once again found myself so swept up that i was fully :O when it all went down.
megan whalen turner, return of the thief - an incredibly satisfying ending to the series, even if it left me sad that it was over! as was often the case with these books, it was, like, so satisfying that part of me almost felt like it should feel like cheating... but it didn't and i was just so happy to be there rooting for all my close personal friends. also the narrator of this one is a new character who is both physically disabled and nonverbal, and a) i thought that was generally pretty cool and the way the text engaged with people underestimating him was interesting and b) the descriptions of him as a kid being fascinated by triangles & numerical patterns was THEE most endearing thing i have read in my life.
willow, empathogen - i don't know why willow decided to put out the best tori amos record since scarlet's walk? but i'm glad she did, because this album rocks! (and, like, seriously, if you're a tori person, you owe it to yourself to check this out - the influence is strong and undeniable, IMO, and on its own merits the album sounds gorgeous and takes you on a rich and textured sonic journey, even if you do maybe get the sense that being the very rich daughter of two incredibly famous millionaires in the entertainment industry is an impediment towards having all that much to say as a lyricist.)
anna di resburgo - my friend had an extra ticket to a short-lived production of this, the only surviving bel canto opera by a woman (recently assembled for performance from its discovery in some archive). it was only her second aria and as per the program notes kind of flopped, possibly partly due to its thematic similarity with another opera first produced around the same time by donizetti, by then an acknowledged master of the form while di resburgo was a novice (she had previously composed one opera, which has since been lost, and none after, although iirc she did some other composition) (also disclaimer that i know very little about opera, like just barely enough for all that to kind of make sense to me lol). anyway the work is uneven and (as my friend pointed out) oftentimes the music, while pretty and sometimes interesting, is at odds tonally with the plot - the plot is in theory quite dramatic with life-or-death stakes but for much of the runtime the music feels more suited to a farce - and the libretto is... not a piece of well constructed drama overall or scene to scene or line by line (there are some, like, accidentally comical exposition dumps along the lines of "father, do you remember that mysterious orphan that showed up on our doorstep all those years ago?"). but it was not without its highlights, and we agreed that as a second outing it showed promise we wish the composer had received support for the way men with similarly Just Alright second operas did.
inwood shorts - we went with some friends (actually the same friend as above) to see some shorts by local filmmakers at a place in inwood with an incredible view of the river featuring on that day an unbelievably gorgeous sunset and while nothing really wowed me a nice time was had by all & there was a big laugh in the crowd when the guy in a short giving a little "tour of my neighborhood" schtick said "for a while i lived in this place upstate called yonkers." :)
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petervintonjr · 1 year
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Meet the unsung contributor to revolutionary breakthroughs in treating polio, cancer, HPV, and even COVID-19: Henrietta Lacks. Born in 1920 Roanoke, Virginia, Henrietta's mother Eliza died when she was only four, and she was ultimately raised by her maternal grandfather in Clover, Virginia. Henrietta worked as a tobacco farmer and attended a segregated school until the age of 14, when she gave birth to a son, Lawrence. A daughter, Elsie, was born three years later --to compound the family's difficulties, Elsie had cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Henrietta and her now-husband David Lacks moved to Turner Station (now Dundalk), Maryland where David had landed a job with a nearby steel plant. At the time Turner Station was one of the oldest African-American communities in Baltimore County and there was sufficient community support for the family to buy a house and produce three more children.
In 1951 at the age of 31, Henrietta died at Johns Hopkins Hospital of cervical cancer, mere months after the birth of the family's youngest son. But before her death --and without her or her family's consent-- during a biopsy two tumour cell samples were taken from Henrietta's cervix and sent to Johns Hopkins researchers. Hernietta's cells carried a unique trait: an ability to rapidly multiply, producing a new generation every 24 hours; a breakthrough that no other human cell had achieved. Prior to this discovery, only cells that had been transformed by viruses or genetic mutations carried such a characteristic. With the prospect of now being able to work with what amounted to the first-ever naturally-occurring immortal human cells, researchers created a patent on the HeLa cell line but hid the donor's true identity under a fake name: Helen Lane.
It is no exaggeration to state that in the 70 years since her death, Henrietta's cells have been bought, sold, packaged, and shipped by thousands of laboratories; with her cells being used as a baseline in as many as 74,000 different studies (including some Nobel Prize winners). Her cells have even been sent into space to study the effects of microgravity, and were instrumental in the Human Genome Project. While no actual law (or even a code of ethics) necessarily required doctors to ask permission before taking tissue from a terminal patient, there was a very clear Maryland state law on the books that forbade tissue removal from the dead without permission, throwing the situation into something of a legal grey area. However because Henrietta was poor, minimally educated, and Black, this standard was quietly (and easily) circumvented and she was never recognized for her monumental contributions to science and medicine ...and her family was never compensated. The family remained unaware of Henrietta's contribution until 1975, when the HeLa line's provenance finally became public. Henrietta had been buried in an unmarked grave in the family cemetery in Clover, Virginia but in 2010 a new headstone was donated and dedicated, acknowledging her phenomenal contribution. That same year the John Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translational Research established a new Henrietta Lacks Memorial lecture series. A statue of Lacks was commissioned in 2022, to be erected in Lacks's birthplace of Roanoke, Virginia --pointedly replacing a previous statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, which had been removed following nationwide protests over the murder of George Floyd.
Dive into The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot, originally published in 2011 and subsequently adapted into an HBO movie in 2017, starring Oprah Winfrey as Henrietta's daughter Deborah and Renee Elise Goldberry as Henrietta. (And yes, this book has been challenged and banned in more than one school district.)
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All fics are 18+ ONLY unless otherwise noted
*at least three parts or chapters
28 Days - AU Dean Winchester x several AU SPN characters
Summary: Dean Winchester is an addict and an alcoholic, a USMC veteran, a father, and an older brother. As Battalion Chief with Lawrence Fire & Medical, Dean comes under investigation when he makes a dangerous and impulsive decision, defying his superiors and abandoning the team he is supposed to lead. He is given the choice to go to rehab for 28 days, or jail. His lawyer insists on rehab, and Dean begrudgingly abides.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Emma Winchester, Jack Kline, Victor Henriksen, Jo Harvelle, Gordon Walker, Bille, Crowley, Rowena, Missouri, Meg, Pamela, Gabriel, Lydia, Casey, Jamie, Carmen, Tessa 
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, emergency action, fire, drug use, thoughts of death and dying, teen endangerment, references to underage drug addiction and prostitution, partially told through flashbacks 
Words: 33K
Author’s notes: Inspired by the film 28 Days and following canon themes from SPN, this is a fic about Dean, a firefighter who goes to rehab, not about Dean as a firefighter.
And Then There Were Three - Winchester brothers x original female character
Summary: Natalie and Dean are in a “not serious” relationship until one night, she and Sam take a step that will change things forever.
Warnings/tags: 18+ONLY, rough sex, squirting, anal sex, butt plug, bondage, dirty talk, orgasm control, double penetration, polyamory, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 13,500
Black Tie Optional: sequel to Plus One - Dean Winchester x Vanessa (OFC)
Summary: The last time we saw Vanessa, she was swooning over Dean’s lasting impression. Now, we fast-forward a year to see what she’s up to.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x OFC Vanessa Martinelli, (eventual) Sam Winchester x OFC Emma Olsen
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, HBO RomCom bullshit
Words: 17K
Combat Baby - Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: canon divergent - Dean’s sweet, but Jo likes him nasty
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, rough sex, biting, dirty talk, brief name-calling, exhibitionism, role play, squirting
God Only Knows - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: One weekend, years ago, lives rent-free in both of their minds. Three-part mini-series.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, pining, clothed sex, couch sex, hungover sex, fluff, roomies to lovers, idiots in love
Words: 5,500
If We Make It Through December - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Summary: Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Donna Hanscum, Sam Winchester, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves, Patience Turner, Alex Jones
Warnings/tags: there was no rebar, 18+ ONLY, fluff, light angst, domesticity, holiday celebrations
Words: 12K
The Kinda Girl You Like - Winchester brothers x original female character
Summary: After Sam reveals to Sofie his sub that he likes to watch, she decides that they should act on it. Then he tells her what exactly it is that he likes to watch…
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sub-sharing, bondage, rimming, the jockey is my favorite sex position, dirty talk, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 6,500
Leaving Heaven - Dean Winchester x Taziana Smith (OFC)
Summary: Tazi is a bounty hunter of mostly human things. She isn’t firmly seated in the supernatural world, but she’s familiar enough that she’s recruited by an old friend of John Winchester’s to capture and deliver a brief acquaintance of her own.
Characters: MOC/Knight of Hell/Demon Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Crowley, Lee Webb, original characters
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, brief dub-con, mentions of the foster system, references to past rape, commiserating over childhood trauma, threats of sexual violence
Words: 16,500 WORK IN PROGRESS
The Mud On Your Boots - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum 
Summary: Dean and Donna finally give in.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, fluff, consent is sexy, period sex, fisting, blood as lube, shower sex
Words: 8k (permanent hiatus)
Plus One - Dean Winchester x Vanessa (OFC)
Summary: Vanessa hates weddings until she meets a handsome stranger who agrees to help her mix things up for the night.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, fingery things, squirting, and Dean has no refractory period bc this is fic
Words: 9,600
Pretty Reckless - MOC Dean Winchester x pre-slayer Faith Lehane
Summary: AU where s10 Dean stumbles upon another hunter so much like himself. When their connection grows inexplicably stronger, they find an answer they never thought existed.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Faith Lehane, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley, Cain
Warnings/tags: 19+, rough sex, prostate massage, magical bond
Words: 15K
Run Me Like A River - AU Dean Winchester x AU Jessica Jones
Summary: AU wherein Jessica Jones is super-powered by gov’t experiments to create elite soldiers, the Winchesters are military officers in humanity’s War Against Evil, and they have all gone AWOL from their assigned roles. Dean and Jess embark on a relationship that ends abruptly and explosively until Dean calls her for help on a very personal case.
Characters: Jessica Jones, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Arthur Ketch, Malcolm is Jess’s cat 
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, major character death, unhealthy relationship dynamics, bondage, rough sex, anal sex, ptsd
Words: 14K
Seasons - Dean Winchester x unnamed female character
Summary: She is his safe haven, untouched by anything else or anyone. 
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, canon divergent - no Cassie or Lisa, non-linear storytelling, four seasons, angst, hurt/comfort, references non-con unprotected sex, loss of a pregnancy
Words: 12K
Temporary Scars - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum x Benny Lafitte
Warnings/tags: 18+, Angst, Donna has intimacy issues, Dean’s the sweetest, self-sabotage, sort of established relationship, Benny’s swoony as fuck, Dean’s in love, polyamory, pregnancy kink
Words: 4,500 (permanent hiatus)
Unopened At Your Feet - AU Sam Winchester x female narrator, AU Dean Winchester x female narrator
Summary: This is the story of how I broke my own heart.
Characters: Female Narrator, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Becky Rosen, Meg Masters, Benny Lafitte
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, weed-smoking, canon-compliant date-rape/roofie (Becky), love triangle
Words: 12,470 WORK IN PROGRESS
Where Is My Shiny Gun? -  Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum (voyeur Sam Winchester)
Summary: canon divergent - Sam finds himself in a quandary when he realizes he has feelings for Donna by way of the obvious mutual attraction between her and Dean.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Sam is kinky, Dean is adorable, so is Donna, Dean likes to give Donna massages, Sam directing while masturbating, brief spanking + breast slapping, brief knife play - no blood, W*ncest adjacent
Word Count: 7,800
A Fight For Love & Glory - Winchesters x you (female)
Summary: You’re struck by sex pollen, so Sam and Dean agree to help you out.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sex pollen, feelings of guilt, ass play, dirty talk, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 2K
Bad Girls Underneath -  Ruby 2.0 x Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: Ruby and Jojo get hit by a sex curse again; this time, they need Dean’s help.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, magical-dick/male-gaze bullshit, probably too much commentary and emotional complication, why am I like this, I’m sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself, fisting, brief choking
Words: 2,600
Cactus - Dean Winchester x Meg Masters x Castiel
Summary: Post-battle, exhausted and wanting, Dean and Meg and Cas take care of each other.
Warnings/Tags: 18+ ONLY, dreamlike sex, a little choking, Dean’s always hungry
Words: 3,200
Caveat Emptor - Dean Winchester x original female character
Summary: Gabriela Cruz invests in a Victorian mansion in the middle of America where the rule of Buyer Beware is absolute. When her twin sister goes missing, a couple of federal agents show up. Lucky for Gabi, Dean and Sam Winchester are on the case.
Characters: Gabriela Cruz, Camila Cruz, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spangler
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, language, mentions death of family members, cursed object, mentions of blood + gore, sarcasm, twin dynamics, explicit sex
Words: 4,600
Crazy On You – Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: You’ve had a shitty day, but this beautiful, unfamiliar boy will make it all better.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Impala Sex, there’s a knife but not in a bloody way
Words: 4K
Crossroads and Bound - Dean Winchester x female demon reader
Summary: He agreed to this.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, femdom, Dean’s tied to a chair, wearing a cock ring, face sitting, things might get a little rough, but it’s all in good fun, squirting
Words: 2,250
The Curve Of Your Pretty Gown - Dean Winchester x female reader
Request: Hey hon! Ok, so it’s my birthday today, so maybe a story about Dean surprising me/ the reader by turning up unannounced to wish me/the reader a ‘happy birthday’ and there’s lots of smut ❤️
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, a little angst
Words: 2,200
Deep - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean shows you more about pleasure than ‘deep’.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Dean being perfect, sensual massage, Dean being the best lay ever, biting, Dean being a fairytale prince, the jockey is my favorite sexual position, try it, it’s amazing, talking during sex, gratuitous use of terms of endearment bc it’s Dean
Words: 3K
Discord and Rhyme - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x female reader
Summary: He’s on the prowl.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, rough anal sex, crying during sex, blood during sex, there’s a lot of purple prose and excessive descriptions of taste and smell here, sexual coercion, dirty talk
Words: 1,750
Ennui - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x unnamed female character
Anonymous Prompt: “I really want demon dean stalking someone but I don’t know how to do that with consent? But guh just the thought of him.
Characters: Knight of Hell/Demon Dean Winchester x unnamed female character
Tags/warnings: 18+ only; this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester; stalking; exhibitionism; voyeurism; dirty talk; horny on aisle 3; fuck it, we ball
Words: 2,400
Equilibrium - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: They have balance.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, established relationship, cock warming
Words: 1,400
Get Down, Make Love - Winchester brothers x original female character
Summary: Steph decides to cut loose and push the envelope with her favorite fellow hunters.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, hot tubbing, drunk sex (consensual), dirty talk, mfm spitroast, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 3,200
Hark and Hush - Purgatory Dean x wolf spirit in a female body
Summary: This is the story of how Dean Winchester hunted, became enamored with, and slew the ancient spirit of the Big Bad Wolf.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, stalking, blood, gore, rough sex, character death
Words: 2,200
Hide Your Love Away – Dean Winchester x female hunter reader
Summary: Mutual hunters seek comfort for a night and a lifetime of memories.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, ass play
Words: 3,600
His Sword - Michael/Dean x female prostitute
Summary: Michael takes some time to remind Dean who’s in control.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, edge play, bondage, knife play, blood play, choking, rough sex, name-calling, character death
Words: 2,300
Just My Imagination - Dean Winchester x female Zanna
Summary: After Mary leaves the boys a second time, Dean needs a reset, or to blow off some steam – something. He heads out on a snowy evening the night before Christmas and finds just the right thing.
Warnings/tags: mature, Hallmark channel fuckery
Words: 2,800
One Night Only (23 in 1) - Dean Winchester x Mila (original female character)
Summary: While on a job in the middle of America, Dean enjoys a rigorous night of mutual gratification with a local art student.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, ass play, shower sex, dirty talk
Words: 5,500
River - Dean Winchester x Ty (Original male character), Dean x Benny implied
Summary: It’s Dean’s first winter after sending Benny back to Purgatory.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, implied underage prostitution, semi-public sex
Words: 1,600
Rules Are Rules - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean hasn’t been himself lately. The Mark has seen to that.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, hand around the throat, rough sex, squirting
Words: 2,400
Shattered Like A Stone - Demon Dean Winchester x original female character
Summary: The Mark is demanding, and the demon in Dean can’t deny it any more than he can deny her; it just might get everything it wants tonight.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, rough sex, bondage, multiple object insertion, suicidal ideation, darkfic, self-destruction, bloody sex, sadism and masochism, anal sex, Jameson as lube, spit as lube, face fucking, Daddy as title, misogynist language, choking, strangulation, assisted suicide
Words: 6,800
Some Stranger’s Hand - 2009 Dean Winchester x 2014 Risa (The End)
Summary: He lost everything.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, plush pink pillow lips for my Eloise
Words: 1,700
Spark, Flicker, Blaze - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Somewhere along the line, her life became something she didn’t like. On her 35th birthday, she makes a decision to change all of that.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, overly descriptive orgasms, Dean’s the best birthday present ever
Words: 2,200
Stuff & Thangs That Are Awesome… And Not Awesome - Dean Winchester x female character (1st person POV)
*TWD Crossover
Prompt(s): 1) Dean has been arrested twice for indecent exposure – once was in a grocery store. 2) Jensen or Dean x Reader, a small public place, he pins you to the wall, covers your mouth and fucks you. 
Characters: Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Rick Grimes eye-fucking, Shane Walsh having a pissing contest with a young, cocky Dean Winchester
Words: 1,300
Supernova - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Since Dean’s had the Mark and the Blade, he’s pulled away from you, afraid of hurting you. You miss him, and you’ve had it. One night you push him to the edge.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, bondage, blood play, biting, bruising, knifeplay, rough sex, dubcon/mindfuck
Words: 2,500
Triptych - Dean Winchester x bisexual female couple
Summary: Dean’s on a case and meets two beautiful women. One of them is recently divorced, and the new couple invites Dean to help them kick off their new life together.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sex toy, Dean’s real good at sex
Words: 4,700
Wait Till My Brother Gets Home - Winchester brothers x female reader
Summary: She wants to lose control.
Warnings/tags: 18+ Only, rough sex, hair pulling, mfm spit roast, bruising and chafing during sex, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 2,450
When We Fall Then We’ll Know Each Other - Dean Winchester x Benny Lafitte (voyeur Castiel)
Prompt: “There’s nothing wrong with women, but a woman can’t hold you down and fuck you like I can.” 
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, cum and spit as lube, anal sex, voyeurism
Words: 1,400
*1K words or less
Barbed Wire Carnival - Choose your own Winchester
Summary: Absence of feeling.
Warnings/tags: mature, angst, dark descriptions
Words: 300
Brimstone - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s exactly what she wants.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY surprise, bitch
Words: 450
Bring It On Home - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Let’s pretend Dean wouldn’t be terrified to welcome love into his life.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, established relationship, comfort, fluff, handsy Dean
Words: 1K
Communion - Dean Winchester x female reader
prompt: Fluffy dean or Jensen smoking weed plz, ty
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, marijuana use
Words: 1K
Crash Through The Surface - Dean Winchester x Jasen (original male character)
Summary: Dean remembers his First.
Warnings/tags: mature, bi-sexual Dean, references to prostitution
Words: 800
Custard Pie - Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: Dean/OFC based on Led Zeppelin’s ‘Custard Pie.’
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY oral sex
Words: 800
Drag You To The Shore - Dean Winchester x GN reader
Prompt: Dean Winchester settled in between someone’s legs on the bed. Like his back to their chest, their legs wrapped around him, heels keeping his thighs open while they jerk him off, explicit but soft vibes.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY
Words: 800
Fall Away Into - Dean Winchester x Ruby 2.0 x female reader (voyeur Sam Winchester)
Prompt: “Dean x reader x Ruby 2.0 with Sam watching from the corner.”
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY drug-induced sex, OOC Dean, mff spit roast, use of the word bitch during sex, rough sex, hate sex, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 530
Foxholes - Annie Hawkins x Bobby Singer/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Summary: Annie recalls time spent with each man and what their facial hair told her about them.
Warnings/tags: mature language and references to sexual activity
Words: 349
The Gazelle - AU Dean Winchester x AU Benny Lafitte x female reader
Summary: They aim to please.
Warnings/tags: mature, power exchange, Denny apparent
Words: 1K
The Good Slayer - Dean Winchester x Faith Lehane
Prompt: Dean and our girl Faith. (This is a sequel of sorts for Pretty Reckless.)
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, talking during sex
Words: 800
Hollow - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
prompt: Would anyone be willing to write something with Dean [or Jensen] x reader to the song Love on the Brain by Rihanna
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, rough sex, angst
Words: 1K
I’ll Keep Them Still - Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: Dean remembers promises and pictures in his mind. And he remembers her.
Warnings/tags: mature, songfic, angst, dream/afterlife sequences, purple prose, I’m sorry
Words: 1K
Just One More Peaceful Day - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: angsty Dean with the line “I can still remember just the way you taste” from the song “It’s been a while” by Staind
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, blood play, knife play, mentions of addiction
Words: 700
Laissez Les Bons Temp Rouler -  Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s got a dirty mouth when he’s drunk. 
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, a dirty public bathroom during Mardi Gras
Words: 600
Lifting the Veil - Choose Your Own Winchester
Summary: You’ve been missing something of paramount importance - until now.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, infidelity, squirting
Words: 1K
Mind Blown - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Mind-blowing orgasms can sometimes be literal.
Warnings/tags: mature, transient global amnesia after sex, dirty talk
Words: 560
Nihilism - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x female reader
Prompt: Can you tell me about the morning after going several rounds with Dean he rolls over in bed and adjusts the covers, causing you to forget your shift to be his good girl a couple more times?
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother's Dean Winchester, name-calling, rough sex, nihilistic themes, Knight of Hell Dean, fantasies of being fucked to death? Idk it’s one of mine, might as well be yours, you’re female AFAB in this scenario
Words: 800
One For Tomorrow, One Just For Today - Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: before leaving on a hunt, Dean sings “Love Me Two Times” to his lady.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLT, Dean can actually sing, and he does it during sex
Words: 660
The Prerogative To Have A Little Fun - Donna Hanscum x Jody Mills x Winchester brothers (kinda)
Prompt: Donna’s visiting Jody for the weekend and the boys swing by on their way home from a hunt. Dean mows the lawn, Sam fixes a leaky shower head, Dean makes dinner, and they both do the dishes. Meanwhile, the ladies sit back and enjoy the domestic display.
Warnings/tags: mature, men doing manly things, inspired by Shania Twain’s song “Man! I Feel Like A Woman”, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 1K
Recompense - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean is sorry for hurting the ones he loves.
Warnings/tags: mature, angst, Dean saying hurtful things then trying to make up for it
Words: 500
Scream - Dean Winchester x past-female reader
Summary: Dean tells us the real reason he loves “All Saint’s Day” as much as he does.
Warnings/tags: mature, references to coming untouched, getting turned on by scary movies
Words: 320
Soft Cell - Dean Winchester + teenage female
Prompt: Dean + reader dancing in the bunker
Warnings/tags: one F-bomb bc Dean
Words: 720
Through The White Night - AU Dean Winchester x original female character
Summary: 18th Century matrimony isn’t as simple as it is today.
Warnings/tags: mentions of wall sex and finger-y things
Words: 560
Wish - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: You want it to be love – but it isn’t. You want him – but you can’t have him. 
Warnings/tags: mature, sepia-toned angst ™ @boondoctorwho
Words: 765
With Pleasured Hands - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s got secrets she has yet to uncover
Warnings/tags: mature
Words: 500
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Pat Steir (born 1940) is an American painter and printmaker. Her early work was loosely associated with Conceptual Art and Minimalism, however, she is best known for her abstract dripped, splashed and poured “Waterfall” paintings, which she started in the 1980s, and for her later site-specific wall drawings.
"Over the course of her education at the Pratt Institute and then the Boston University College of Fine Arts, Pat Steir studied under Philip Guston and Richard Lindner. She first worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, and became friends with well-known conceptual artists such as Sol LeWitt, Lawrence Weiner, and others. Her meeting with Agnes Martin (1912-2004) left a deep impression on her, and as a result she turned to a brand of abstraction that did not exclude reality. Apart from her pictorial practice, she also worked in publishing: from very early on, she was hired by feminist magazines, including Heresies and Semiotext(e).
Her paintings act as an inquiry into the nature of painting itself. She creates series focused on landscapes and self-portraits that she periodically revisits. For example, Waves and Waterfalls (1982-1992), Summer Moon (2005), Gold and Silver Moon Beam (2006), Water & Stone (2010), are nods to the landscapes of Courbet, Turner, and Hokusai. Their numerous vertical lines, produced by as many evenly-spaced drips, echo Jackson Pollock’s dripping technique. In the famous Waterfalls series, the artist dilutes the oil paint, which streams down from the top of the painting to the ground. About Steir’s self-portraits, Denys Zacharopoulos wrote: “Self-Portrait is not a painting and does not depict a face, her face in any kind of way. This plural expression, reversible, equivocal, changing, at one with time, proliferates into an infinity of others in space, her shape-shifting and mercurial being, both enveloping and enveloped, is the “self-portrait (Pat Steir, 1990)”.
Marion Daniel
Translated from French by Toby Cayouette.
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anotherwaytosay · 2 years
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I am so excited to be presenting the readers for our next event at Molasses Books at 8 PM on Friday March 24th. 
Greg Nissan, a poet and translator and former poetry editor of SAND: Berlin's English Literary Journal, will be reading from their NEA Grant translation project: Ann Cotten's Banned! An Epic Poem, a plot-line with "[...] gryphon-like creatures and women who take over the island from men to run utopian small presses." Sara Khalili, whose body of translation/articles for Words Without Borders is something I highly recommend perusing, will be reading from selections from Iranian author and journalist Shahriar Mandanipour's Seasons of Purgatory. And you will certainly know Sam Bett, one of the best co-hosts of Us&Them, who has translated and co-translated several shimmery/dark modern/contemporary voices from Japanese: Yukio Mishima, Fuminori Nakamura, Osamu Dazai, Mieko Kawakami, more still, reading selections from Izumi Suzuki's Hit Parade of Tears forthcoming from Verso Press. 
(Also highly recommended: This lovely reflection on bathhouses as a yearnful third place by Tatsushi Fujihara for Circumference.) 
Read on for translator bios, and on and on for a list of local translation events happening elsewhere throughout March and early April. You can also find us on Instagram @anotherwaytosay
Greg Nissan is a poet and translator living in New York. They are the author of The City Is Lush With / Obstructed Views (DoubleCross Press) and the translator of War Diary by Yevgenia Belorusets (New Directions) and kochanie, today i bought bread by Uljana Wolf (World Poetry Books, forthcoming September 2023). They are the recipient of Fulbright and NEA fellowships for translation.   Sara Khalili is an editor and translator of contemporary Iranian literature. Her translations include Seasons of Purgatory, Moon Brow, and Censoring an Iranian Love Story by Shahriar Mandanipour, The Pomegranate Lady and Her Sons by Goli Taraghi, The Book of Fate by Parinoush Saniee, Kissing the Sword by Shahrnush Parsipur, and Rituals of Restlessness by Yaghoub Yadali. She has also translated several volumes of poetry by Simin Behbahani, Siavash Kasraii, and Fereydoon Moshiri. Her short story translations have appeared in AGNI, The Kenyon Review, The Virginia Quarterly Review, EPOCH, GRANTA, Words Without Borders, The Literary Review, and PEN America, among others. 
Sam Bett is a fiction writer and Japanese translator. A graduate of the Bennington Writing Seminars, he has worked on translations shortlisted for the International Booker Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction. His versions of Izumi Suzuki include the short story "Night Picnic" published in Terminal Boredom and the stories "My Guy" and "Trial Witch," both collected in Hit Parade of Tears. This coming May, Soho Crime will publish his translation of The Rope Artist by Fuminori Nakamura, a torqued detective novel that looks into the underworld of Japanese shibari bondage. ELSEWHERE:
Saturday March 25th at Poetry Society of America, Nightboat Books presents Stéphane Bouquet's Common Life with the translator Lindsey Turner and Peter Gizzi 
March 30th at Book Culture 112th, the Hellenic Studies Program in the Classics Department at Columbia University celebrates the bilingual publication of ΑΛΛΩΝΩΝ/LIFTED with Karen Van Dyck and Eleni Bourou. Also joining in conversation: Maureen Freely, Toby Lee, Mark Mazower, Jennifer Van Dyck, and Lawrence Venuti
As part of McNally Jackson's Translation Conversation Series, Brazillian author Stênio Gardel and the translator Bruna Dantas Lobato will discuss his debut novel The Words That Remain on Friday March 31st at McNally Jackson's Seaport location
Jennifer Croft and Argentinian author Sebastián Martínez Daniell will be presenting Croft's translation of his novel Two Sherpas, a book that tackles themes of "mountaineering, colonialism, obligation" at Community Bookstore on April 19th ***xxoo. poetry.
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shanalitv · 2 years
Top 10 Most Beautiful Actresses in Hollywood 2023
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The top 10 most beautiful actresses in Hollywood 2023 are a diverse group of talented and captivating performers who have captured the hearts of audiences with their beauty and talent. From the captivating blue eyes of Jennifer Lawrence and Gal Gadot to the unique beauty of Sophie Turner, these actresses have a certain something that sets them apart from the rest. Whether they are starring in blockbuster films or critically acclaimed television shows, these actresses have proven themselves as some of the most talented and beautiful performers in the Hollywood film industry. They have charmed audiences with their performances and have become some of the most sought-after actresses in Hollywood.
Top 10 Most Beautiful Actresses in Hollywood 2023
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10. Jennifer Lawrence Jennifer Lawrence is an American actress and one of Hollywood's most successful, beautiful, and highly-paid actresses. She rose to fame with her role as Katniss Everdeen in the "Hunger Games" film series and has since starred in a number of critically acclaimed and commercially successful movies, including "Silver Linings Playbook," for which she won an Academy Award for Best Actress, and "American Hustle." Lawrence was born on August 15, 1990, in Louisville, Kentucky. She began her acting career in the early 2000s and quickly gained recognition for her talent and versatility. She is one of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Actresses in Hollywood 2023. In addition to her successful film career, Jennifer Lawrence is also known for her philanthropic efforts and has been an advocate for various causes, including gender equality and animal rights.
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9. Gal Gadot Gal Gadot is an Israeli actress and model who is best known for her portrayal of Wonder Woman in the DC Universe film "Wonder Woman" and its sequels, "Wonder Woman 1984" and "Justice League." She has also appeared in a number of other films, including "Triple 9," "The Fast and the Furious" franchise, and "Criminal." Gadot was born on April 30, 1985, in Petah Tikva, Israel. She began her acting career in the late 2000s and gained recognition for her roles in Israeli films and television shows. She is one of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Actresses in Hollywood 2023. In addition to her acting work, Gadot is also known for her philanthropic efforts and has been an advocate for various causes, including gender equality and animal welfare.
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8. Margot Robbie Margot Robbie is an Australian actress who has gained international recognition for her roles in both film and television. She is best known for her performances in the films "The Wolf of Wall Street," "I, Tonya," and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood," as well as her portrayal of Harley Quinn in the DC Universe film "Suicide Squad." Robbie was born on July 2, 1990, in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. She began her acting career in Australian film and television before making the move to Hollywood in the late 2000s. In addition to her acting work, Robbie is also known for her philanthropic efforts and has been an advocate for various causes, including gender equality and animal welfare. She is one of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Actresses in Hollywood 2023.
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7. Dakota Johnson Dakota Johnson is an American actress who is best known for her role as Anastasia Steele in the "Fifty Shades" film series. She has also appeared in a number of other films, including "A Bigger Splash," "Suspiria," and "The Social Network." Johnson was born on October 4, 1989, in Austin, Texas. She is the daughter of actors Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith and began her acting career in the late 2000s. In addition to her film work, Johnson has also appeared on television and has modeled for various brands. She is known for her philanthropic efforts and has been an advocate for various causes, including animal welfare and environmental protection. She is one of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Actresses in Hollywood 2023.
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6. Elizabeth Olsen Elizabeth Olsen is an American actress who is best known for her roles in the films "Martha Marcy May Marlene," "Avengers: Endgame," and "Wind River." She has also appeared in a number of other films, including "Oldboy," "I Saw the Light," and "Sorry for Your Loss." Olsen was born on February 16, 1989, in Sherman Oaks, California. She is the younger sister of actresses and fashion designers Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen and began her acting career in the early 2000s. In addition to her film work, Olsen has also appeared on television and has performed on stage. She is one of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Actresses in Hollywood 2023. She is known for her philanthropic efforts and has been an advocate for various causes, including mental health awareness and animal welfare.
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5. Ariel Winter Workman Ariel Winter Workman, also known simply as Ariel Winter, is an American actress and voice actress. She is best known for her role as Alex Dunphy on the ABC sitcom "Modern Family," which she has played since 2009. Winter has also appeared in a number of other television shows and films, including "The Chaperone," "Sofia the First," and "The Last Movie Star." In addition to her acting work, Winter is also known for her philanthropic efforts and has been an advocate for various causes, including body positivity and mental health awareness. Winter was born on January 28, 1998, in Los Angeles, California. She is one of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Actresses in Hollywood 2023. Read the full article
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sh-kira · 5 years
Black Folklore Resource.
I’ve been thinking and researching a lot about the (Black) Southern Gothic style/aesthetic and African American folklore, so I put together a list of books for myself and thought it might be helpful to someone else. 
The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales by Virginia Hamilton | Thrift Books Amazon
Her Stories: African American Folktales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales by Virginia Hamilton | Amazon
Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston | Amazon Thrift Books
Every Tongue Got to Confess : Negro Folk-Tales from the Gulf States by Zora Neale Hurston | Thrift Books Amazon
Go Gator and Muddy the Water : Writings by Zora Neale Hurston from the Federal Writers Project by Zora Neale Hurston | Thrift Books Amazon
Lies and Other Tall Tales by Zora Neale Hurston and Joyce Carol Thomas | Thrift Books Amazon
Black Culture and Black Consciousness: Afro-American Folk Thought from Slavery to Freedom by Lawrence W. Levine | Thrift Books
Shuckin’ and Jivin’: Folklore from Contemporary Black Americans | Thrift Books Amazon
A Treasury of Afro-American Folklore: The Oral Literature, Traditions, Recollections, Legends, Tales, Songs, Religious Beliefs, Customs, Sayings and Humor of Peoples of African American Descent in the Americas by Harold Courlander | Amazon
The Grey Album: On the Blackness of Blackness by Kevin Young | Amazon
Talk That Talk: An Anthology on African-American Storytelling by Linda Goss | Amazon
African American Folktales: Stories from Black Traditions in the New World by Roger Abrahams | Amazon
Deep Down in the Jungle: Black American Folklore from the Streets of Philadelphia by Roger Abrahams | Amazon
Singing the Master : The Emergence of African-American Culture in the Plantation South by Roger D. Abrahams | Thrift Books Amazon
From Trickster to Badman: The Black Folk Hero in Slavery and Freedom by John W. Roberts | Amazon
Black Folklore and the Politics of Racial Representation by Shirley Moody-Turner | Amazon
Black Folktales by Julius Lester | Amazon
Folk beliefs of the southern Negro (1926) by Newbell Niles Pucket | Amazon
Black Folklore and the Politics of Racial Representation by Shirley Moody-Turner | Amazon
African American Humor: The Best Black Comedy from Slavery to Today (The Library of Black America series) by Mel Watkins, Dick Gregory | Amazon
Honey, Hush!: An Anthology of African American Women's Humor by Daryl Cumber Dance, Nikki Giovanni | Amazon
The Birth of Cool: Style Narratives of the African Diaspora by Carol Tulloch | Amazon
 Black Cool: One Thousand Streams of Blackness by Rebecca Walker, Henry Louis Gates Jr. | Amazon
African American Female Mysticism: Nineteenth-Century Religious Activism by Joy R. Bostic | Amazon
Working Conjure: A Guide to Hoodoo Folk Magic by Hoodoo Sen Moise | Amazon
Black Magic: Religion and the African American Conjuring Tradition by Ifalaye Books | Amazon
Working the Roots: Over 400 Years of Traditional African American Healing by Michele Elizabeth Lee | Amazon
African American Slave Medicine: Herbal and nonHerbal Treatments by Herbert C. Cove | Amazon
African American Folk Healing by Stephanie Mitchem | Amazon
ADDITIONS: 7/27/2019 (NOTE: As I continue to add books, some of these may deviate from folklore and focus on Black history and/or Black experiences)
Fiction and Folklore: The Novels of Toni Morrison by Trudier Harris | Thriftbooks Amazon
The Skull Talks Back: And Other Haunting Tales by Joyce Carol Thomas & Zora Neale Hurston | Thriftbooks Amazon
Passed On: African-American Mourning Stories by Karla FC Holloway | Thriftbooks Amazon
Black Bodies and the Black Church: A Blues Slant by Kelly Brown Douglas | Amazon
This is absolutely not a definitive list and if you have more information or recommendations please feel free to add it! 
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justforbooks · 4 years
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Lawrence Ferlinghetti, poet, artist, activist and founder of San Francisco’s famous City Lights Bookstore, who has died aged 101 of interstitial lung disease, was the least “beat” of the Beat Generation. In addition to a political commitment that blended anarchism and ecology – he loathed the motor car, calling it “the infernal combustion engine” – he had an instinctive business sense, founded on the philosophy of small is beautiful. City Lights, which he started in partnership with the magazine editor Peter Martin in the early 1950s, is still among the most welcoming of shops, with its tables and chairs, sheaves of magazines, and signs saying: “Pick a book, sit down, and read.”
Ferlinghetti discouraged interviewers and seekers of personal information. “If I had some biographical questionnaire to answer, I would always make something up,” he once said. Different reference books give different dates of birth, and one published story had it that he wrote his doctoral dissertation on the place of the pissoir in French literature. For many years, he listed his dog, Homer, as City Lights’ publicity and public relations officer. The poet recalled that Homer Ferlinghetti received regular mail, but that his public relations career stalled when he peed against a policeman’s leg. For this act of citizenship, he was immortalised by his master in the poem Dog.
Perhaps the facts made Ferlinghetti uncomfortable. He was born Lawrence Monsanto Ferling in Yonkers, New York, to a French mother, Albertine Mendes-Monsanto, and an Italian father, Carlo Ferlinghetti, an auctioneer, who had shortened the family name to Ferling. His parents were unable to care for him, however (sometimes Ferlinghetti said his father had died before his birth, sometimes after), and he was rescued by an aunt, Emily Monsanto. She took him to France, where they lived for his first six years. Returning to the US, Emily was employed as a governess by a family called Lawrence, a branch of the one that founded Sarah Lawrence College. “Then she left me there,” Ferlinghetti told an interviewer in 1978. “She just disappeared one day, and that family brought me up.”
His education was extensive. In the early 1940s, he attended the University of North Carolina, where a professor introduced him to the vernacular voice in poetry. This was a revelation: you didn’t have to sound like TS Eliot to write a poem. After wartime naval service had taken him back to Europe, Ferlinghetti enrolled at the Sorbonne, studying French literature while translating poets and novelists in his spare time. One day in a restaurant, he noticed that the paper tablecloth had a poem written on it, and that it was signed “Jacques Prévert”. He took the tablecloth with him as he left the restaurant, and some years later translated the poems in Prévert’s Paroles, eventually published, under the original title, by his own City Lights Books.
Back in New York again in 1946, Ferlinghetti went to Columbia University, preparing a thesis on Ruskin and Turner. He just missed meeting Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, who by then had either been banned from (Ginsberg) or had dropped out of (Kerouac) the university. Ferlinghetti did not team up with the Beats until eight years later, in San Francisco.
Drawn to Paris once more at the end of the 1940s, he met George Whitman, proprietor of the English-language bookshop opposite Notre Dame, which was first known as Le Mistral and is now Shakespeare and Company. Ferlinghetti looked to Whitman as an example when he opened City Lights Bookstore in 1953. It was the first all-paperback bookshop in the US, and, as Ferlinghetti said, “Once we opened, we just couldn’t get the doors closed.” He ran the place more in the spirit of public service than for profit, and by the 70s was content to live on his book royalties and plough the takings at the counter back into the shop.
Two years after starting City Lights, Ferlinghetti published his own collection of poems, Pictures of the Gone World, as No 1 in the Pocket Poets series, little four by five-inch, black-and-white paperbacks, which continue to appear today – one of the most popular literary lists of modern times. It was at this stage that he reverted to the original family name, Ferlinghetti. The next two Pocket Poets after Ferlinghetti were Kenneth Rexroth and Kenneth Patchen – as a result, both were drafted as “fathers of the Beat Generation”, somewhat to their displeasure – but it was the fourth in the series that ensured the list’s success. And for that, as Ferlinghetti was quick to point out, they had to thank the San Francisco police department.
The book was Howl and Other Poems, by Allen Ginsberg. Ferlinghetti had heard Ginsberg read the title poem at an event at the Six Gallery, San Francisco, in October 1955. On returning home, he sent the poet a message that consciously echoed the famous letter from Ralph Waldo Emerson to Walt Whitman after Emerson had read Whitman’s Leaves of Grass: “I greet you at the beginning of a great career.” The proprietor of City Lights added: “When do I get the manuscript?”
The book was published the following year, in an edition of 1,000 copies. However, after a failed attempt by the police to prosecute the bookseller for peddling obscene material, the reprints could not come fast enough. Ferlinghetti joked that the police “took over the advertising account and did a much better job”. Howl remains the bedrock of City Lights’ success as a publishing concern. It has now gone through well over 50 reprints, often more than one a year.
Ferlinghetti’s own poetry is irreverent, cajoling, casual and loose-limbed, sometimes excessively so. His models were Whitman and William Carlos Williams. In partnership with Rexroth, he took part in many poetry and jazz events on the West Coast, and the two made a record together. Ferlinghetti later became disillusioned with the poetry and jazz combination – “The poet ended up sounding like he was hawking fish from a street corner,” he said.
His verse on the page, though, suggests a spoken origin, as in his poem Underwear:
Underwear controls everything in the end Take foundation garments for instance They are really fascist forms of underground government ….
In addition to his many collections of verse, including A Coney Island of the Mind (1958), The Secret Meaning of Things (1969) and Endless Life (1981), Ferlinghetti wrote two novels: Love in the Days of Rage (1988), which is set during the student revolt of 1968 in Paris, and Her (1960), a more experimental work, a classic “poet’s novel”.
On one of his transatlantic voyages, Ferlinghetti met Selden Kirby-Smith (known as Kirby), whom he had had a passing acquaintance with at Columbia. They married in 1951 and had two children, Julie and Lorenzo, but were divorced in 1976.
In 1971, Nancy Peters, a former librarian at the Library of Congress, joined the company, and as time went on played a larger part in running the business, leaving Ferlinghetti to his creative work. She served as executive director from 1984 until 2007, and then continued to be involved as a co-owner of the business.
Ferlinghetti also had a serious interest in painting, and in 1990 the University of California mounted a retrospective. Many poems feature the names of painters, or employ a self-consciously “painterly” style, such as Short Story in a Painting of Gustav Klimt or Returning to Paris with Pissarro.
Ferlinghetti disliked being associated with the Beats, though he benefited from it, and, despite his love of Ginsberg, was apt to lament the commercialisation of the Beat Generation. Ginsberg, he said, “fabricated the whole thing out of his imagination”. But, happily contradicting himself, he could add, as late as 1996, “It’s still the only rebellion around.”
A collection of the correspondence between Ferlinghetti and Ginsberg was published in 2015, under the title I Greet You at the Beginning of a Great Career. At the same time, a selection of his travel journals appeared, Writing Across Landscapes.
Ferlinghetti expressed disappointment in other Beat writers for their unstructured approach to politics. He decided to travel to Cuba to see the Castro regime for himself and later wrote One Thousand Words for Fidel Castro, which ends, “Fidel … I give you my sprig of laurel.” Another political poem evoked a surrealistic scene by Goya, showing “freeways 50 lanes wide”, with “fewer tumbrils / but more maimed citizens / in painted cars”. In 2012 he declined to accept an award from the Hungarian Pen club, in protest at the policies of prime minister Viktor Orbán.
City Lights, open till midnight seven days a week, was Ferlinghetti’s way of infusing the spirit of resistance peacefully into the streets of San Francisco.
With Peters, he wrote a Literary Guide to San Francisco (1980), and in 1988 was responsible for the renaming of 10 streets after writers associated with the city, including Jack Kerouac Alley, partly composed of City Lights’ back wall. In 1994, he himself was similarly honoured by Via Ferlinghetti, the first time a street has been named after a living writer in the history of the city.
He is survived by his children and three grandchildren.
• Lawrence Monsanto Ferlinghetti, poet, artist and bookseller, born 24 March 1919; died 22 February 2021
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
February 2021 Reading Roundup
jan 2021 here
21 brief descriptions/feelings under the cut because i talk a lot
Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn: light romance novel with lots of miscommunication, cute not-a-date-dates, and whistleblowing on a giant corporation
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey: buckle up because you didn’t know you wanted future semi-post-apocalyptic horse-riding queer librarian spies but you definitely do. especially when its less than 200 pages and you can read it in the morning and make your friends read it the same afternoon (warnings for violence with guns and authoritarian governments)
Across the Dark Water by Richard Kadrey: tor.com short story, plague has left the city in ruins and perpetual quarantine, thief hrires a guide to lead him safely through the city to the person who can five him the travel papers he needs to escape, warnings for violence, feral dogs attacking humans, plague
The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett: there are infinite parallel universes and some people can naturally “step” between them, but society is changed forever when someone posts the plans for a “stepper device” for free on the internet and suddenly (almost) everyone can travel between worlds
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin: part of the Hainish cycle but can absolutely be read out of order, genderfuckery abounding, basically everything that happens is a political machination
The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin: reread because my copies of the other two books in the trilogy came in the mail, first in the Broken Earth trilogy, where to start, umm, theres a group of people called orogones who can control rock/earth and there is lots of prejudice against them for that. triple POV that alternates, including one in second person, which is cool, explores all levels of this society from very poor to very rich, “fifth season” refers to a geological event where everything changes and usually a lot of the population dies (the seasons vary from acid rain to earth quakes to volcanoes etc); warning for harm to children, power imbalance, violence, murder, extreme coersion; not exactly a cliffhanger ending, but its not NOT an ending that makes you want the next book pretty quickly after
Empire of Ivory by Naomi Novik: book 4 in the temeraire series, please please please read these in order, alternate history of napoleonic wars with talking dragons that are part of the military and form really close bonds with their captains/riders/crews
Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot by Mikki Kendall: relatively short, non-fiction, what it says on the tin
Just My Type: A Book About Fonts by Simon Garfield: non-fiction, extremely nerdy because that’s how i roll, history of the actual fonts, printing/writing, and a brief look at the most famous designers of fonts, the chapter on comic sans was particularly good
The Soldier’s Scoundrel by Cat Sebastian: book 1 in The Turners romance series, can be read out of order, sex on the page, m/m
Return of the Thief by Megan Whalen Turner: last book (sad) in the Queen’s Thief series, absolutely must read these in order, political machinations abounding, gods meddling a bit, Gen is terrifying as per usual (complementary)
The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennet: novella? short story? featuring the queen of england discovering reading for pleasure and freaking out her staff, her family, various government officials, and the members of the public who get to meet her
The Book Charmer by Karen Hawkins: technically book 1 in a series but can be read alone, some light magical realism (there’s a family with ~powers~ but small ones like being good at plants or being able to talk to books), a woman moves to a small town with her niece (who she has guardianship over as her sister has just died) and her foster mom who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the town is struggling financially and she thinks she’ll only be there for one year while they get their feet under them. she is wrong. alternating POV between three characters, light romance
Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn: book 4 in the bridgerton series, focuses on the third oldest brother, Colin; romance, sex on the page, reveal of Lady Whistledown
Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire: book 3 in the wayward children series, novella length, lots of world hopping in this one, some characters from previous books, Confection world, you probably should read these in order
The Obelisk Gate by NK Jemisin: book 2 in the broken earth trilogy; picks up almost immediately after the first one ends, still a three-narrator structure, although the narrators have changed, definitely read in order or nothing will make sense, the worldbuilding in this series is amazing
Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis: buddy read with my mom, one of those books where the situations are hilarious and the banter is witty but i hated every single character because they are awful, set in an English university outside of london post WW2, warning for alcoholism and smoking
The Tyger by Tegan Moore: tor.com short story, Jules’ favorite exhibit in the museum brings the past to life, from present to prehistoric, tonight at his aunt’s wedding reception as jules walks along the path, it comes alive like never before; horror, but not gory, also it was short enough that i wasn’t too creeped out while reading it
Hockey Bois: A Beer League Romance by AL Heard: romance novel about two guys on the same beer league (adult rec league) hockey team who fall for each other, little to no knowledge of hockey is required, lots of emotions and an amount of not using their words, super cute, their teammates are awesome, their families are fun, plus I love a recurring local dive bar. plus the author is @jhoomwrites on here and there is more written in the universe if you’re interested (there’s smut on AO3 here)
In an Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire: book 4 in the wayward children series, novella length, backstory for a character introduced in book 1; read in order for your own sanity, many emotions were had
The Lawrence Browne Affair by Cat Sebastian: book 2 in the turners series, romance novel, don’t need to read in order, sex on the page
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Star, December 28
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: The Kardashians in ruins 
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Page 1: Fans jumped to conclusions when Taylor Swift who is known to drop hints about her personal life in her music videos posted a teaser shot for her new clip for Willow of herself in a lacy dress and floral headpiece looking very much like a blushing bride -- Taylor and boyfriend Joe Alwyn have been talking weddings and they initially discussed throwing a big bash in Joe’s native England but they’ve reconsidered since holing up in Taylor’s farm outside Nashville so now they’re just going to go ahead and get married in a small romantic ceremony and forgo the church wedding and elaborate reception since they are super private and prefer to do things out of the spotlight 
Page 2: Contents, Heather Rae Young scoped out wedding dresses with Chrishell Stause by her side 
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Page 4: Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio are heating up the Boston set of their movie Don’t Look Up where their chemistry is off the charts even though both are seriously taken: Jennifer is wed to Cooke Maroney and Leo’s been dating Camila Marrone since 2017 but Jennifer and Leo have always had a flirty rapport whenever they bumped into each other at awards shows and other industry events -- Jennifer’s husband Cooke could be annoyed with all the flirting even if the actors are keeping things professional and as for Camila she finds his connection with Jennifer pretty intimidating 
Page 5: There’s plenty of tension on the set of The Morning Show now that Julianna Margulies has joined Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston on the series -- Jen wasn’t in on the decision to add Julianna to the cast and is miffed she wasn’t consulted and doesn’t understand why Reese insisted bringing Julianna on board and she’s just plain hurt that the new arrival has been getting so chummy with her BFF and Julianna and Reese are whispering behind everybody’s backs and barking orders like they own the place and they’re not even inviting Jen to lunch 
* Olivia Jade Giannulli addressed her part in the $500,000 bribe that ensured her entrance into USC and sent her parents Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli to prison and reactions to her appearance were harsh with a typical commenter calling her smug but she thinks she did well and figures this will be good for her career as a social-media influencer 
* Martha Stewart has been flourishing during lockdown and a new photo shows her looking beyond refreshed leaving some to wonder if she’s doing more than nibbling her new CBD gummies to look so good
Page 6: Kelly Clarkson’s divorce from Brandon Blackstock may be getting ugly but her ex-mother-in-law Reba McEntire is standing by her side even though it can get a little awkward at time but nothing is going to get in the way of Kelly and Reba’s relationship 
* A slew of A-listers are about to be dragged into Johnny Depp’s defamation case against his ex-wife Amber Heard as shocking new court papers allege that Johnny had affairs with a bevvy of his costars including Angelina Jolie and Keira Knightley and Marion Cotillard and must submit all responsive communications with them -- the women are mortified and embarrassed they’re being pulled into Johnny and Amber’s tawdry split while for his part Johnny flipped out when he learned he needed to produce his communications with these women and he’s calling the tactics lowdown and disgusting 
* Star Spots the Stars -- David Beckham, Chrissy Teigen, Carrie Underwood, Gal Gadot, Floyd Mayweather, Nick Offerman, Hilaria Baldwin 
Page 8: Star Shots -- Audrina Patridge and her daughter Kirra out in Beverly Hills, Pete Wentz let his bleached hair down during a tennis game in L.A., Joe Jonas and wife Sophie Turner walking with their daughter in a stroller in L.A. 
Page 10: Steve Martin took his meal to go during a break from filming Only Murders in the Building in Central Park, Josh Duhamel and his son Axl enjoyed a playful romp in the grass, Paris Hilton and Carter Reum celebrated their one-year anniversary in Bora Bora 
Page 11: Diane Keaton jokingly flirted with the men watching on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in Burbank, Sir Michael Palin brought the laughs during his appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show in London 
Page 12: ‘Tis the Season -- Kristen Taekman left a nursery in Encino, a decked out Lil Nas X and Ellen DeGeneres opted for a safe season’s greetings by bumping elbows on the talk show 
Page 13: Brooke Burke was all smiles shooting content for her fitness app in Malibu, Niecy Nash and wife Jessica Betts kicked off their first holiday season as a married couple in plaid pajamas 
Page 14: Kylie Minogue performing on The Jonathan Ross show in London, Irina Shayk out and about with daughter Lea in NYC, Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld and a canine costar filmed scenes for Hawkeye in NYC
Page 15: Selling Sunset star Christine Quinn showing some major skin during a photoshoot in L.A., Antonio Banderas and journalist Maria Casado posed for photos at a presentation for their new Spanish television series Escena en Blanco y Negro in Malaga, Spain 
Page 16: Beach Babes -- Chantal Jeffries and boyfriend Drew Taggart in Miami, Mark Zuckerberg showed off his gliding skills on his $12,000 eFoil electric surfboard in Hawaii 
Page 17: Chris Pratt used his hoverboard as a weight after hitting the sand with his son, Julia Roberts enjoyed a solo stroll in Hawaii 
Page 18: Normal or Not? Vanilla Ice headlining the drive-in Winterfest concert in West Palm Beach -- normal, Demi Moore wearing big boxing gloves -- not normal, James Franco couldn’t go without his phone during a getaway in Mexico -- not normal 
Page 20: Fashion -- stars look timeless in black -- Sofia Carson, Nicole Richie 
Page 21: Taylor Hill, Vanessa Kirby 
Page 24: Like so many Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are putting their future on hold amid the global health pandemic and Gwen revealed that the two won’t even set a date for their nuptials in order to avoid a COVID situation that would require restrictions -- they have already nailed down a few details like the location which is Blake’s Ten Point Ranch in Oklahoma where he proposed inside a chapel Blake built for Gwen on the 1300-acre property
Page 25: Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox are embroiled in a bitter custody war over their sons Noah and Bodhi and Journey -- Brian responded to Megan’s divorce filing by requesting joint custody and spousal support and he’s in a non-negotiating mood and if she tries to take his kids it’s going to get ugly really fast 
* James Franco is ready to pop the question to girlfriend Isabel Pakzad and he’s been looking at rings -- dating since 2017 the two overcame a difficult time in 2018 after James was accused by multiple women of misconduct -- surviving that scandal and enjoying their time in lockdown has convinced James he’s found The One 
* Kristin Cavallari and comedian Jeff Dye who were first linked in October jetted off to Mexico for a fun getaway with friends where the couple smooched and danced and enjoyed cocktails and had a wonderful time in Cabo but Kristin isn’t looking for anything serious following her divorce from Jay Cutler 
Page 26: Cover Story -- the Kardashian empire crumbles -- with their show leaving the air early next year the Kardashian-Jenner crew could stand to lose it all -- ratings for Keeping Up With the Kardashians reached a new low before they pulled the plug and it’s obvious fans are losing interest and they spend money like it’s going out of fashion 
Page 30: A Spy at the Palace -- after a staff member steals more than $200,000 worth of her personal keepsakes Queen Elizabeth no longer feels safe in her home 
Page 33: Gone Too Soon -- a look back at the celebrities we lost in 2020 and the legacies they leave behind -- Naya Rivera, Kelly Preston, Regis Philbin 
Page 34: Kobe Bryant, Chadwick Boseman, Alex Trebek 
Page 40: Beauty -- pretty pout -- sparkly, shiny and matte lipsticks to rock this New Year’s Eve -- Rihanna 
Page 42: Entertainment 
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Vanessa Hudgens as host of the first MTV Movie & TV Awards: Greatest of All Time 
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im genuinely curious as to why older people are able to be casted as teenagers, i mean.. is it people making the illusion that these are what teenagers are like so they could sexualize them easier cause 'they dont look like it' or am i reaching.
I think it’s a multitude of different things, honestly.
Things to take into consideration: Child Labor Laws and what is ‘socially’ acceptable in media.
For the US, Federal law states that 14-15 year olds cannot work over 8 hours a day, with no more than 3 hours on a school day, and over 40 hours a week, with no more than 18 hours per week while in school. Minors are also not allowed to work before 7am or after 7pm respectively. No federal laws restrict how many hours a 16-18 year old can work. However, most states have their own laws regarding the number of hours a child can work. As stated before, the stricter law always protects the child. As for world wide, children between 15 and 18 years of age may work no more than 7 hours a day and 35 hours per week (including time learning - if they learn). There must they stay at work after hours or work at night. It is also prohibited to employ minors under conditions which may threaten their health, safety and morals.
With Child Labor Laws out of the way, we can dive into what is deemed socially acceptable.
In case of Game of Thrones, they had to really age up most if not all of the characters in the series who were originally depicted as minors.
Rickon Stark - 3 years old in the books, aged up to 6 in the show, played by Art Parkinson who was 11 years old in the first season.
Bran Stark - 7 in the books, aged up to 10 in the show, played by Isaac Hempstead Wright who was 11 in the first season.
Arya Stark - 9 in the books, aged up to 11 in the show, played by Maisie Williams who was 12 in the first season.
Sansa Stark - 11 in the books, aged up to 13 in the show, played by Sophie Turner who was 15 in the first season.
Robb Stark - 14 in the books, aged up to 16 in the show, played by Richard Madden who was 24 in the first season.
Jon Snow - 14 in the books, aged up to 16 in the show, played by Kit Harington who was 24 in the first season.
Daenerys Targaryen - 13 in the books, aged up to be 16/17 in the show, played by Emilia Clarke who was 23 in the first season.
Now, it could be said off that the reason these kids were aged up in the show is the nature of the show itself. They all go through tings that no real children should ever go through or have to deal with. So I would say I agree with them being aged up, fine, whatever. You have to factor in the situation the characters are in as well. It’s not socially acceptable to sexualize children, and thankfully as of yet in the books, Rickon, Bran, Arya, and Sansa do not have any sexual intercourse in their chapters.
Robb, Jon and Theon all have sexual scenes later on, so while they were cast as 16 year olds on the first season, the actors themselves had to be over the age of 18 in order to film and show those sex scenes. With Daenerys, she’s 13 and her first chapter ends with her being stripped bare and molested by her older brother, by her second chapter we learn that she’s being sold to a man twice her age to be his child bride. By her third chapter she’s at her wedding feast and by the end of the chapter she’s being forced into marital sex. By her next chapter, we learn that every night Drogo rapes her to the point where she considers suicide. They could not have cast a 13 year old for this, they could not have cast a 16/17 year old for this. They had to cast an actress at least 18 or older due to the nature of what happens to her.
What disgusts me for Arya and Sansa is that quite literally the second that Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams turned 18 the show gave them sex scenes. If Sansa was 11 in season one that means that she was at least 15 or maybe 16 by season five when she married Ramsay and was raped. They would not have written that in had Sophie Turner not been 18. If Arya was 9 in season one, then she was at least 18 by season eight when she has sex with Gendry. They would not have written that in had Maisie Williams not been 18.
The Hunger Games:
Karina Everdeen - 16 in the books, same age in the movies, played by Jennifer Lawrence who was 22 at the time of the first movie.
Peeta Mellark - 16 in the books, same age in the movies, played by Josh Hutcherson who was 20 at the time of the first movie.
While this series didn’t have much if not at all sexual scenes / sexual violence, but like A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones, these children go through things that no children should have to go through. They have to kill one another in order to survive.
As for other ones like Riverdale or Gossip Girl, I think the Child Labor Laws of course play into it, but also just the fetishization of children and what soceity / Hollywood wants children to look like. I mean, if you think about the affect this has on actual children and teenagers, it’s quite an effective way to force them to grow up. Young girls and boys see these mid 20 year old actors playing teenagers and think they should look like them, dress like them, behave like them, ect. It’s due to fetishization of children and how media can force them to grow up.
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negotiumperambulans · 4 years
Redressed by Cat Sebastian
What if I was a middle-aged seamstress and you were a selkie vigilante and we kissed? Haha...... just kidding! 
                                                           ... unless?
Never thought I’d be talking about short stories here, but it’s monster loving o’clock and here I am. I’ll keep it short.
Redressed is a little treat for fans of Sebastian’s Turner Series* (The Soldier’s Scoundrel, The Lawrence-Browne Affair, The Ruin of a Rake, A Little Light Mischief), but it works just fine as a standalone. 
The main character, Sarah Turner, spent most of her life looking after herself and her siblings in less than ideal conditions and now, when she can afford to slow down, she finds out she doesn’t know how to do that. In order to get her family off her back over this, she decides to visit her younger brother and his partner (the main couple in The Lawrence-Browne Affair), determined to fail at relaxing so hard nobody will ever ask her to try that ever again. And anyway, there are news of a grisly murder in the neighbourhood, and Sarah is a little curious about what went down there.
Shit gets real when she meets a woman who is as beautiful as she is mysterious. She seems to know something about the murder and Sarah finds herself tagging along to help dish out some vengeance. Oops. 
The overall tone is light, with lots of banter and just the right amount of yearning. There is less character development than in other books in the series, but that’s perfectly fine in a short story and the characters are lovable enough as they are. 
Content warnings: I don’t think there is anything you need to worry about too much. There are allusions to past domestic violence, some minor non-graphic violence and of course mentions of the murder. (Oh, and a conversation about decapitation, but again, not particularly graphic.)  As far as sexual content goes, some shenanigans of that kind are heavily implied.
*Regency LGBT+ stories that I can highly recommend
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smacsporrancap · 4 years
Chris Ofili is a British Turner Prize-winning painter, born in 1968. He is famously known for incorporating elephant dung into his paintings, which is very un-conventional and exciting for the UK and painting in general. He combines this with a wide variety of other materials such as, resin, beads, oils, glitter and cut outs from porno magazines. In 2005 Ofili moved his working life to Trinidad for a fresh perspective in order to keep his art and life moving along and stay inspired by his surroundings. 
He paints with a range of vibrant colours and textures to explore the contemporary and historical black experience. Ofili takes inspiration from many different topics, sometimes conflicting ones. He references the betrayal of Jesus by Judas in the bible whilst also painting Pimps and Prostitutes as well as including cut outs of sex scenes. He’s heavily inspired by 90’s culture, specifically hip-hop and musicians such as Snoop Dogg. It’s clear that he likes to make a statement with his work whilst also having a lot of fun with all the possible directions It could lead in. 
Ofili caused massive controversy in the late 90s with a painting titled ‘The Holy Virgin Mary’ which depicts the black mother of Christ, created with a mixture of elephant dung and cut outs from porno mags (as well as the usual paint, glitter and resin). Many members of the Catholic church were very offended by this piece, one man attempted to deface it - however gallery staff were able to restore the painting in full. A series of critics described it as ‘blasphemous’ and ‘emblematic of everything that is ridiculous about contemporary art’, Ofili said that she is the ‘Hip-Hop’ version of the Virgin Mary. Either way, the painting toured the world and sold for millions. 
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The Holy Virgin Mary - 1996
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The raising of Lazarus - 2007
This piece is a combination of oils and charcoal, taking its name from a biblical painting. By breaking down into more simplistic shapes, bold colours, themes of nature and female figure he is able to reach a wider audience with this piece. This shows his diversity and ability to adapt as a painter as well as his willingness to do so. 
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Double Captain Shit and the Legend of the Black Stars - 1997
Here we’ve got ‘Captain shit’ the superhero -from Ofilis time going through comic books- with elephant dung above him and on his belt. Ofili began including elephant dung in his work after a research trip to Zimbabwe in 1992 where he was interested in how it’s used as a way of tracking the wild animals. He said it’s ‘a way of raising the paintings up from the ground and giving them a feeling that they’ve come from the earth rather than simply being hung on a wall’. He often props his paintings up piles of dung. On that same trip Ofili took inspiration from the Matobo hills’ San Cave paintings where they would build up hundreds of small dots. He began using this technique on captain shit’s suit and continued using from then on. The black stars in the background are said to represent the stories of black people and black culture that go untold, he’s giving them a platform here. 
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No Woman No Cry - 1998
This is a tribute to Doreen Lawrence, the mother of Steven Lawrence who was brutally murdered in a un-provoked racial attack in 1993. The painting is of his mother crying tears with small collaged pictures of Stevens face within them. The background is built up with a range of abstract patterns, her skin and hair are made from a series of dark brown dots. Her chest is bright orange and red with what look like flames. It was fully Ofili’s intention to make this a picture of heartbreak in order to respect the tragedy of what happened to her son. Throughout the investigation into his death it was found that the police efforts were in fact tainted with institutional racism. 
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a---z · 4 years
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TRANSMISSIONS returns for Season 2 comprising eight episodes with contributions from BBZ TV, Juliet Jacques, Ignota Books, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Kat Anderson, Plastique Fantastique, and many others!
All forms of community are now more important than ever, and it is vital that we find mechanisms to support each other through this precarious time. In the landscape that we have found ourselves in, many artists, writers and thinkers have had exhibitions, opportunities and subsequent fees postponed or cancelled. In response to this, we have established TRANSMISSIONS an online platform that commissions artists to share their work within a classic DIY TV show format. Episode 1 | 9 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 11 September | 9AM GMT Kat Anderson: Bad Man Nuh Flee Episode 2 | 16 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 18 September | 9AM GMT Plastique Fantastique Communiqué: Beware Mars with Earth in Ascendance W/ Plastique Fantastique / Arianne Churchman & Benedict Drew / Christopher Kirubi /   Gentle Stranger Episode 3 | 23 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 25 September | 9AM GMT Juliet Jacques: Spectres of Socialism W/ Bill Morrison / Colin Newman / Deimantas Narkevičius / The Duvet Brothers /   Erica Scourti  / Igor & Gleb Aleinikov  / Jasmina Cibic / John Smith  / Kerry Tribe / Octavio Cortázar / Oleksiy Radynski  / R W Paul / Santiago Álvarez Episode 4 | 30 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  2 October May | 9AM GMT Lawrence Abu Hamdan W/ Maryam Jafri / Maan Abu Taleb & Others Episode 5 | 7 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  9 October | 9AM GMT BBZ TV: Past, Present and Future Episode 6 | 14 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  16 October | 9AM GMT Ignota Books: Deep Deep Dream Episode 7 | 21 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  23 October | 9AM GMT Curated by Anne Duffau, Hana Noorali and Tai Shani W/ Adam Christensen / Carolyn Lazard  / Hardeep Pandhal / Imran Perretta / Jordan Lord / Sung Tieu / Tabita Rezaire / Lloyd Corporation / Rehana Zaman & Others Episode 8 | 28 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  30 October | 9AM GMT w/ TBC
Season 2 of TRANSMISSIONS will run as eight weekly episodes screening every Wednesday at 9 pm BST and repeated on Friday at 9 am BST on Twitch. The 1st episode will air on 9th of September 2020. Each artist included in TRANSMISSIONS is paid a fee in return for their contribution. In some instances, artists have waived their fees in order to donate the money to a charity of their choice. With a sense of community, all the money used to pay artists in season 2 has been kindly donated by established art institutions and commercially stable artists.
Season 2 is funded and supported by BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Chisenhale Gallery, DACS, Grazer Kunstverein, Matt's Gallery, Studio Oscar Murillo, Netwerk Aalst, Somerset House Studios and Wysing Arts Centre.    
Episode 1 | 9 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 11 September | 9AM GMT Kat Anderson: Bad Man Nuh Flee
Kat Anderson will show a collection of audio/visual notes on oppression, Black liberation and the white imagination.
Kat Anderson is a visual artist and filmmaker, working under an artistic and research framework called ‘Episodes of Horror’, which uses the genre of horror to discuss representations of mental illness and trauma as experienced by or projected upon Black bodies in media.
Episode 2 | 16 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 18 September | 9AM GMT Plastique Fantastique Communiqué: Beware Mars with Earth in Ascendance W/ Plastique Fantastique / Arianne Churchman & Benedict Drew / Christopher Kirubi / Gentle Stranger 
On 30 May 2020, at 3:52 pm EDT, Plastique Fantastique watched the Spacex Falcon 9 rocket carry NASA personal (for a fee) to the International Space Station and thought, as below, so above (next stop the moon, then Mars)… there is much today, down here, that needs our urgent attention… and there is much in the future, up there, to worry about too (including one million people living on Mars by 2050 as the first stage of planetary colonisation)… Earth views Mars as a planetary symbol for the cocksure warrior, and for violence, passion, assertion, and the weaponization of skill and sex… above all, Mars is the sign of competition (and Mars is a goal for commerce)… Mars is not this Mars though... That land is not that land… We know a different Mars (we have been there)… It is the hominids of Earth that have projected this image (of themselves) onto Mars… all other animals know this… Mars as ruling planet is not to be feared… it is Earth as ruling planet (Earth in Mars and the Mars in Earth) that we need to worry about… For episode two of the second series of Transmission2020, Plastique Fantastique offer moving images, stories and songs about planetary problems, below and above, with help from our friends Gentle Stranger, Christopher Kirubi and the collaboration of Arianne Churchman & Benedict Drew. The broadcast will feature clips from a film by Plastique Fantastique commissioned by Southwark Park Galleries. Plastique Fantastique is a collaboration between David Burrows, Simon O’Sullivan, Alex Marzeta and Vanessa Page and others, including Mark Jackson, Motsonian, Benedict Drew, Frankie Roberts, Harriet Skully, Ana Benlloch, Stuart Tait, Tom Clark, Simon Davenport, Joe Murray, Lawrence Leaman, Samudradaka and Aryapala. The collaboration is a performance fiction produced through comics, performances, text, music, film and assemblages, and investigates the relation of aesthetics and politics and sacred, popular and mass cultures. Recent exhibitions include Shonky: Aesthetics of Awkwardness, Hayward Touring Show 2017-18, and Mars Year Zero at Southwark Park Galleries 2019.
Episode 3 | 23 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 25 September | 9AM GMT Juliet Jacques: Spectres of Socialism W/ Bill Morrison / Colin Newman / Deimantas Narkevičius / The Duvet Brothers / Erica Scourti  / Igor & Gleb Aleinikov / Jasmina Cibic / John Smith / Kerry Tribe / Octavio Cortázar / Oleksiy Radynski  / R W Paul / Santiago Álvarez
Less than a year after the UK's traumatic General Election, after a pandemic that would surely have been far better handled if the principles of communality and solidarity had been at the heart of government, Juliet Jacques presents a selection of films that mostly look back at socialist politics and culture. Starting with comrade John Smith's film made in response to the Covid-19 crisis, and the government's chaotic communications, these films - by Jasmina Cibic, Octavia Cortázar, the Duvet Brothers, Deimantas Narkevičius, Oleksiy Radynski, Kerry Tribe and others - engage creatively with ideology and art in Yugoslavia, the USSR, Cuba, the UK and beyond.
Juliet Jacques (b. 1981) is a writer and filmmaker, based in London. She has published two books, most recently Trans: A Memoir (Verso, 2015). Her short fiction, journalism and essays have appeared in numerous publications including The Guardian, Granta, Frieze, Sight & Sound, Wire, New York Times, 3:AM, The New Inquiry, Arts of the Working Class, London Review of Books and elsewhere. Her short films have screened in galleries and festivals worldwide. She has taught art and creative writing at the Royal College of Art and other institutions, and hosts the political arts podcast Suite (212).
Episode 4 | 30 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  2 October May | 9AM GMT Lawrence Abu Hamdan W/ Maryam Jafri / Maan Abu Taleb & Others
Lawrence Abu Hamdan is a “Private Ear”. His interest with sound and its intersection with politics originate from his background as a touring musician and facilitator of DIY music. The artists audio investigations has been used as evidence at the UK Asylum and Immigration Tribunal and as advocacy for organisations such as Amnesty International and Defence for Children International together with fellow researchers from Forensic Architecture.
Abu Hamdan completed his PhD in 2017 from Goldmsiths College University of London and is currently a fellow at the Gray Centre for Arts and Inquiry at the University of Chicago
Abu Hamdan has exhibited his work at the 58th Venice Biennale, the 11th Gwanju Biennale, the 22nd Sydney Biennial and the 13th and 14th Sharjah Biennial, Witte De With, Rotterdam, Tate Modern Tanks,  Chisenhale Gallery,  Hammer Museum L.A, Portikus Frankfurt, The Showroom, London and Casco, Utrecht. His works are part of collections at MoMA, Guggenheim, Van AbbeMuseum, Centre Pompidou and Tate Modern. Abu Hamdan’s work has been awarded the 2019  Edvard Munch Art Award, the 2016 Nam June Paik Award for new media and in 2017 his film Rubber Coated Steel won the Tiger short film award at the Rotterdam International Film festival.  For the 2019 Turner Prize Abu Hamdan, together with nominated artists Helen Cammock, Oscar Murillo and Tai Shani, formed a temporary collective in order to be jointly granted the award.
Episode 5 | 7 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  9 October | 9AM GMT BBZ TV: Past, Present and Future
BBZ present a snapshot into queer Black British archives, memes that shaped us and a re- imagined queertopia. BBZ is a Black Queer Art & DJ collective raised in London with roots in nightlife and clubbing culture, working to challenge institutionalised and post colonial behaviours. We prioritise the experiences of Black queer womxn, femmes, trans folk and non binary people in all aspects of our work, providing physical and online spaces for this specific community.
Episode 6 | 14 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  16 October | 9AM GMT Ignota Books: Deep Deep Dream
Deep Deep Dream is a journey through the techniques of awakening taking the hallucinogenic form of a palindrome. Unfolding through a series of experimental rituals, this encounter is an invitation to touch the dreamworld — a place where no matter how far you walk, you arrive back at your point of departure — and a meditation on these questions: What kind of world do you want to live in? What is a world? 
Ignota Books is an invitation to awaken, and at the same time, dream. Founded in the last days of 2017 in the Peruvian mountains by Sarah Shin and Ben Vickers, Ignota publishes at the intersection of technology, myth-making and magic. Deriving our name from Hildegard of Bingen’s mystical Lingua Ignota, we seek to develop a language that makes possible the reimagining and reenchantment of the world around us.
Episode 7 | 21 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  23 October | 9AM GMT Curated by Anne Duffau, Hana Noorali and Tai Shani W/ Adam Christensen / Carolyn Lazard  / Hardeep Pandhal / Imran Perretta / Jordan Lord / Sung Tieu / Tabita Rezaire / Lloyd Corporation / Rehana Zaman & Others
Episode 8
| 28 October | 9PM GMTREPLAY |  30 October | 9AM GMT
w/ TBC
Thank you to:
All contributing artists, writers, composers and thinkers; Adam Sinclair; Donald Smith; Hen Page; Lori E. Allen; Maxwell Sterling;  Mika Lapid;  
BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art
Chisenhale Gallery
Grazer Kunstverein
Matt's Gallery 
Studio Oscar Murillo
Netwerk Aalst
Somerset House Studios
Wysing Arts Centre
TRANSMISSIONS collective is composed of:
Anne Duffau
is a cultural producer, researcher, and founder of A---Z, an exploratory/nomadic curatorial platform exploring artistic practices and knowledge exchange through collaborations, presentations, soundscapes, screenings and discussions. She has collaborated with a range of projects and organisations including ArtLicks, Southwark Park Galleries, Mimosa House and Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London Please Stand By, or-bits .com, PAF Olomouc Czech Republic & Tenderflix. Anne has previously run the StudioRCA Riverlight, London programme (2016-2018) and is currently the interim curator at Wysing Arts Center, a Tutor at the School of Arts and Humanities, and is the acting Lead in Critical Practice, within the Royal College of Art’s Contemporary Art Practice Programme. She has performed live music under Alpha through a number of projects and collaborations.
Hana Noorali
is an independent curator and writer based in London. In 2019 she was selected (together with Lynton Talbot) to realise an exhibition at The David Roberts Foundation as part of their annual curator’s series. She curated Lisson Presents at Lisson Gallery, London from 2017-2018 and from 2017 -2019, produced and presented the podcast series Lisson ON AIR. In 2018 Hana edited a monograph on the work of artist and Benedictine Monk, Dom Sylvester Houédard. Its release coincided with an exhibition of his work at Lisson Gallery, New York that she co-curated with Matt O’Dell. In 2007, she co-founded a non-profit project space and curatorial collective called RUN active until 2011. In 2020 Hana and her curatorial partner Lynton Talbot will be publishing an anthology that examines the intersection of poetry and film with (p) (prototype).
Tai Shani
is an artist living and working in London. She is the joint 2019 Turner Prize winner together with Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Helen Cammock and Oscar Murillo. In 2019 Tai was a Max Mara prize nominee. Her work has been shown at Turner Contemporary, UK (2019); Grazer Kunst Verein, Austria (2019); Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Italy (2019); Glasgow International, UK (2018); Wysing Arts Centre, UK (2017); Serpentine Galleries, London (2016); Tate, London (2016); Yvonne Lambert Gallery, Berlin (2016) and Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (2016).
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