#laxus oneshot
dragneelshmagneel · 2 years
Can I please get protective Laxus with reader? maybe she gets hurt and he panics or she has to go on a mission and he argues with her to stay?
i’m a sucker for protection tropes, especially with Laxus cuz I feel like he’s the type to not let anyone know his feelings. So ta daaaa enjoy the lil fic!
Ship: Laxus x fem!reader
Warning: some swearing, mentions of injuries and blood, fluffy
One Shot - Why didn’t you listen?
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(Not my gif)
The guild hall was busy, as per usual for FairyTail. Everyone was either drinking or trying to bite each other’s heads off. But today, today was different because you had accepted a job that had everyone questioning your sanity.
“Are you insane?!”
Laxus’s voice boomed over the guild hall causing heads to turn in your direction. It wasn’t the first time Laxus had apposed to you going on a dangerous job, but this time he seemed adamant on you staying. 
“What’s the big deal, Y/n’s a dragon slayer like us she’ll be fine,” Natsu voiced, offering you a cheeky grin. But Laxus only stared him down before saying, 
“No one asked you fire head, now get lost. This discussion has nothing to do with you.” 
“And it has nothing to do with you either, Laxus.” 
You finally spoke, irritated that everyone suddenly had an opinion on what jobs you could take. Even Cana was a bit unsure on whether you should take it, but a quick look at her cards kept her quiet. For now. Natsu laughed, his head shaking as he took a few steps back and headed back down towards the ground floor of the guild hall. Leaving you and Laxus a moment to talk. You could already tell where this was going, Laxus would talk about how you wouldn’t know what you were up against until it was too late or that there are much stronger people out there. Though he never called you weak, the words he used always left you assuming that's how he viewed you.
Both of you stayed quiet, letting the air between you grow thick. You wanted to ask him why he cared, why he bothered to argue against you all the time and why it bothered him so much but every time the question came to your lips, you brushed it away. Laxus clenched his jaw before breaking his silence.
"Did you lose a bet or something? is that the reason why you're taking the job?"
"No I didn't lose a bet," you spat back, annoyed that he would even suggest something so childish.
"Then why are you taking it? it's probably the closest thing to an S-Class quest on the board how did the old man even approve of this."
You could feel it, the surge of power in your body as you fisted your hands. Every time, Laxus was like this every time and it started to get on your nerves. Just let me do what I need to you wanted to tell him. But Laxus wouldn't understand, he was an S-Class Wizard already, considered one of the strongest of Fairytail. You were just the weird shadow dragon slayer who felt like she had to constantly prove herself.
"I don't get why you're getting yourself worked up over this, it was an available job and I took it. Master Makarov approved it this morning with no hesitation.”
“That old man has no sense.”
“He—you know what,” you huffed, annoyed that you felt like you had to explain yourself to him. Time and time again, it was like you had to prove your worth but not this time. This time you were going into that job with a clear head. You didn’t have time to waste.
“Forget it Laxus, I don’t have the energy for this.”
You turned your back to him, your hair swishing with the action but before you could take your first step towards the stairs, a light touch gripped your wrist and stopped you from walking away. You half turned, looking at the hand that felt so warm on your skin, then up to the man who held you in place.
"Don't go," Laxus said softly, his green eyes meeting yours. All you could do was hold you breath, not sure on what to say. You couldn't stay, not when you already accepted the job but most importantly, there was no reason to not go. You pulled your arm back and to your surprise, Laxus let go.
"I leave in an hour."
That was all you said before you made your way downstairs, this time Laxus didn't stop you. As you left him behind, you swore you felt electricity in the air. I could do this job you kept telling yourself, but you couldn't lie. You were nervous, because what if this went wrong? what if you failed and proved Laxus right? Would he hold this over you?
After you left, Laxus sat by the bar drinking away by himself. He didn't speak a word to anyone, only to Mira who he ordered from. Not even Natsu's provoking could get him to turn around.
"I don't get it, don't you believe y/n's strong enough to handle it?"
Natsu wasn't giving up so easily. He knew your strength, had fought along side you plenty of times he had seen what you were capable of. Even Laxus had, though you didn't know it. Laxus had always been aware of the power that you had, he just never had to guts to say anything to you. Laxus sipped at his drink, the frothy ale tickling his lips as tried to ignore the horrible images of you getting hurt that his mind kept imagining for him.
"Well, whatever your deal is, she's gunna prove just how powerful she is you just watch. She'll come back in a few days with her reward, a few scraps and bruises sure but she'll be back."
I should've gone with her Laxus thought to himself. Why didn't I go with her?
The first day went by, then the second then the third. With each day that passed Laxus grew more irritable, more so than his usual self. And he seemed to blame one person for his anger.
"This is all your fault old man."
Makarov stirred the spoon in his cup of tea, choosing not to reply at Laxus's outburst. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong, it had been five days you should've been back by now.
"How could you let her take the job?"
"Y/n is more than capable of handling it. I have no doubt she's succeed in her mission and is returning already."
As if by some sick coincidence, Erza came bursting through the doors of the guild hall, Gray and Natsu just behind her. What the? any curiosity Laxus had turned to panic when he saw who Natsu and Gray were carrying.
"Wendy! where's Wendy?" Erza called out, everyone from the guild seemed to freeze but Laxus... Laxus rushed past the crowd, pushing away Freed, Elfman and even Gray and Natsu.
"Y/n..." he breathed out your name, taking you into his arms. You made no sound, and you breaths were raged. Bruises and cuts covered your body. No. No. No.
"What happened?" He barked at the fellow dragon slayer.
"I have no idea, she was down when we found her. Look like whatever she had to fight really took it out of her, I barely sensed any magical energy from her."
Stay with me. Please y/n, stay with me. That was all Laxus could think of as he held you close, carrying you all the way to the infirmary. he looked down at you, how you appeared to be so fragile and small.
"Why didn't you listen," he said under his breath, wishing he could go back in time to stop whatever it was you were up against.
Laxus stayed by your side for two days, and it took a lot of Wendy's healing magic to get you breathing properly again. The job was a suicide mission, but you gave it your all. Even if it almost cost you your life. With struggle, you turned your head and ever so slowly opened your eyes. Immediately you saw the head of blonde hair across from you, noted the closed eyes and the soft snores that came from his lips.
"Laxus," you croaked, your voice raw from screaming. His eyes fluttered open, confused by the voice he had heard until he saw you. A weak smile on your face, head bandaged. Laxus shot up from his seat, almost falling to the floor to get to your bedside.
"You're awake."
He seemed dumbfounded, and just when you wanted to reply Laxus did something you never thought he'd ever do. He dropped to his knee's, took hold of one of your hands and placed it to his cheek.
"I'm so glad you're awake."
There was a strange swell in your heart, one you never thought would be created by Laxus of all people. You continued to smile softly, letting your fingers stroke his cheek.
"I'm sorry I—I'm sorry I failed."
You could barely get the words out from your mouth before humiliation filled your chest. You had fought so hard, but in the end you came away with nothing. You were sent to deal with a dark guild after all, alone. And you had failed.
Laxus couldn't believe what you had said to him, and as his green eyes took you in he felt ashamed that he might have caused that doubt in you.
"Y/n, you haven't failed. You're alive—"
"You were right, I couldn't handle it. I should've—I should've listened to you"
Laxus laughed to himself. No matter how badly he'd wanted to hear you say it, it felt wrong. He sighed, placing a kiss on top your hand that send a wave of butterflies into your stomach.
"No y/n, you shouldn't listen to me. I was wrong, I've always been wrong to think you'd be anything but capable of handling things on your own. I just wish I could've been there to protect you."
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starlightingsss · 1 year
thundercloud (oneshot / drabble for laxus?!)
the way i lit cant keep up w my own series n drop it after one part..
anyways so like stuff fr right!
sensitive reader x laxus BEFORE the battle of fairy tail but he has a soft spot for her
pls u guys its only like 350 words BUT I COULD WRITE MORE JS COMMENT FR 🙏🙏
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"you don't like it?" she mumbled, her wide eyes filling with tears.
"gorgeous, that's not what-" laxus snapped, a little shocked at how quickly tears filled her eyes.
"i-i b-bought it because of you and i thought of you and i thought it was cute.." she sniffled, as she wiped her tears and hugged the thundercloud stuffed animal to her chest, the gift she had gotten laxus out of the blue. "and you've been in such a bad mood lately and-"
"yea?" he mumbled, staring at her, unsure of what to do. if it was anyone else, he wouldve belittled them - but it wasn't just anyone, it was her. and no matter how annoying she got at times or how sensitive she was, she was still always there for him, unflinching during his fits of rage, willing to take the lightning he sent at her in order to make him calm down. she wasn't necessarily strong but she was kind and she was sweet and she was loyal, and even if he didn't want to admit it - he loved her more than he could ever acknowledge, even if they were just 'friends'. "come here."
he gestured for her to come over, before instructing her to hand him the plushie and sit with him, letting her cuddle up to his chest, as he had his left arm around her and his right holding the plushie and examining it.
he scowled, before telling her that she was right, and the plushie was cute.
she smiled as they both adjusted their positioning, so that he was laying with his head propped on the arm of the sofa and she was laying on him, resting her head on his chest.
she soon fell asleep, with his hand resting on her back and her face in his chest. her soft snoring could be heard as laxus drifted into his own thoughts, content with his current position.
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aurora567 · 10 months
When Sparks Fly
Warnings: graphic smut, cream pie, NSFW, minors do not interact.
Summary: Just a completely filthy Laxus Dreyar one-shot with an OC. NSFW so minors beware this story contains heavy 18 content. If you do not like OC or third person stories then you may not like this one.
Word count: 6,477
Seven years, that was how long it had been since they got the dreaded news, the news that Tenrou Island and all that had gone there were gone. The guild had nearly fallen apart, with the master gone and all the s-class wizards with it jobs became rare, new members stopped coming and many even left unable to survive in the dying guild. But still it was hanging on by the slightest slivers of effort by those who remained. Twilight Ogre came in and took over being the top guild. Yet those who remained never gave up a slight sliver of hope that their missing guild mates would one day return.
The brunette was standing among the old guild hall helping Romeo and Kinana along with a few others who remained while others went looking for something that Blue Pegasus had mentioned. It was a slim hope, one that left a heavy weight on the shoulders of the guild members who stayed behind and waited. Romeo was reading some story, while the few others laundered around the small hall. Kinana was walking a plate of food over for the brunette when the door of the guild burst open and the small group of Twilight Ogre thugs walked in, only having been over the day before to trash the place and demand payment on the interest the guild owed them. It really should not have surprised anyone when the thugs showed back up but still Macao was quick to tell them that they had promised the guild another month to come up with the money.
Bullies the lot of them, that's all they were. And Romeo seemed in an extra sour mood as the young boy stood his ground appearing ready to try and take on the thugs. But the kid was still learning his magic untrained and against an adult stood no chance. And apparently the leader of the group saw no issues with beating up a kid. The man was raising the large spiked club in his hands prepared to bring it down on the boy before anyone could intervene.
Before he could swing it down, the man's body was suddenly being propelled up into the air, a strong kick from behind him sending him flying forwards into the guild hall where he hit the wall.
And in the blink of an eye the rest of the little gang were laid out on the floor, as the dust settled a large group of all too familiar faces was revealed. It was a sight no one would have truly believed even as an all too familiar voice range out.
"Look who's back," It was like hearing the voice of a ghost.
"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long," Happy called out standing beside the guild's fire dragon slayer.
To say the current guild members were shocked was probably an understatement. While seven years had passed every face that had been gone for that long had remained unchanged, everyone seemed the exact same as the day they parted from the guild to go hold the s-class trials. The same could not be said for those who had not been stuck on Tenrou Island.
Riza stood back staring wide eyed at the group, people who were once older than her still held their youthful looks. Natsu still looked like a teen rather than a man who should have been pushing his mid twenties. The same could be said for most of the younger members of Fairy Tail who had left. It almost felt odd looking at Erza and Mirajane who had once been a good few years older than her now looked younger. It was odd to remember that the last time she saw the group the young woman had only been fifteen was now at twenty two making her older than some of her friends. It was an odd concept to wrap one's head around. And she was not the only one surprised as she could hear her guild mates all questioning one another about what had happened before the story of Acnologia and how the guild had been able to use one of the three Fairy Law spells to keep themselves safe but the spell took seven years to wear off.
As people recalled the story of what happened, some branched out friends quickly got back together, Jet and Troy were all over poor Levy. Friends rejoiced to see each other and were quick to fall to tears before food and drink was quickly being passed around. And before long the guild felt like it had before. Noise filled the quiet hall, and once again life seemed to flow within the building's old walls.
The brunette's honey coloured eyes moved over the large filled room taking in all the warm faces. Though she was surprised to spot a face she did not expect to see among the group. Laxus had stood back a little watching the guild, one he had been kicked out of for his bad behavior all those years ago. It was hard to forget how he had nearly blown up Foire in an attempt to hold a coup d'etat and for Makarov to hand over his guild master title to Laxus. She had been a part of the Battle of Fairy Tale while trying to find Laxus. But the woman had never been the biggest fighter, she had always been too passive or she had been as a kid. But life has gotten hard over the last few years. She still was not exactly as brash as Erza and she did not go looking for a fight like Natsu always did, but she still stood back unable to help that shy past of herself. Even now as everyone mingled and chatted catching up she sat at a table along the edge of the rowdy crowd content to listen rather than engage. Natsu and Romeo were happily chatting off to one side with Panther Lily and Gajeel. It was easy to hear that loud mouth from across the small guild hall.
At some point a few of Lamia Scale members had stopped in to visit, seeing how the gossip about the return of the missing Fairy Tail members seemed to have quickly spread. It was nice to see the old comrades come to pay a visit but it held no interest to the young woman. Having ditched her seat she was standing up originally planning to go say hello to the members of Lamia Scale before a lanky arm draped over her shoulders.
"Well what do we have here? Is this little Riza?" The voice in her ear was one she knew well and hated.
"Bixlow. Can't say I have missed your tormenting," She growled as she looked over to glare at the man who was bending over her a little, his tall frame still towering over her even though she was taller since the last time he saw her.
"Awe don't say that. I was not that bad," The man said, that oddly long tongue of his rolling out of his mouth as he gave her a sheepish grin before his attention turned to his friends. "Freed, Laxus, look who's all grown up now?"
Oh great the last thing she wanted was the man who was now the same age as her to be calling attention to her. But the arm around her shoulders made it hard to just walk away from him. Even as she tried to pull away from him she could feel the arm locking her in place. So instead she was glaring at the man who prevented her from being allowed to run off.
"Bixlow I think you are making her uncomfortable," Freed said softly which earned him a thankful look from the woman. But still that did not let her get away from Bixlow.
"Awe I'm sure she's okay. Our little Riza is all grown up now. I am sure she can handle herself," It was hard to tell if Bixlow was teasing or taunting her.
"I see you're the same pain in my ass as always Bixlow," She growled at the man.
"Awe come on baby," The man said pouting as his puppets floating around him repeated the words baby. She could feel an eye twitch at the man's use of the nickname he always seemed to call woman.
"Don't call me that. Sounds weird from a guy that should be almost thirty," she said, batting his arm off of her shoulder finally. Though a seven year age gap was large it wasn't like it was exactly horrible. Still it felt odd somehow looking at a man who she knew was older than he looked but then again did those seven years truly count? For those on Tenrou Island life had paused. So in a sense she was roughly the same age as Bixlow, Freed, Laxus and Evergreen were. That also now made her older than Natus, Lucy, Grey and Erza. People who used to be older than her.
"To be fair nothing about us has aged. We are still physically the same age as the day we left for Tenrou," Freed was the one to remind her of that.
"And mentally," she mumbled, adding it on to Freed's comment. Though what may have surprised her the most was the fact that Laxus was being rather quiet during the entire ordeal just standing back watching and listening. Golden honey-colored eyes could not help but glance over at him and it felt like that was a great mistake as her eyes met his. He was staring at her with his lips firmly pressed together. He was not down right glaring or scowling but still with his arms pressed over his broad chest it still made him look intimidating. Yet she could not just force her eyes away. It wasn't till she noticed Bixlow laughing at her comment that she had finally forced her eyes away from the lightning dragon slayer.
"It's not that funny Bixlow," she mumbled simply as she watched the man laughing as Freed glared at him softly.
"I think that sharp tongue of yours is entertaining. You used to be such a meek kid. It's hard to believe you're that same kid," the taller man said once his laughter had died down some.
"A lot has changed in seven years. I am no longer a child so stop treating me like one," She scolded the taller man who quickly tossed his hands up into the air as if surrendering as he mumbled a simple half hearted apology.
"Whatever. I'm out of here. Some of us still have work to do tomorrow," Really it was just an excuse for her to run off. She wished to return to her dorm room and hide from the group. She had more than enough of people, and the need to get some fresh air drove her to quickly walk away from the men who had felt the need to torment her. The second she was out the front doors of the guild she could not help but take a deep breath. She always did struggle with crowds and that had not changed.
"I see you're still only a hair away from a panic attack," the voice that filled her ears had her suddenly jump physically into the air and turn on the man who had followed her out of the guild.
"Fuck Laxus," she hissed at the man as she tried to calm her racing heart. She watched the corner of his lips twitch before he simply crossed his arms over his chest and just stood there looking at her.
"What the hell do you want?" She asked him with as hard of a glare as she could master under his hard gaze.
"Chasing after you to make sure you were okay gave me a good reason to get away myself," the blonde said with a shrug of his shoulders as if he did not have any real cares.
Honestly she wasn't even sure why the man was sticking around. He had been kicked from the guild, there was nothing stopping him from leaving if he wanted to.
"Well I am fine so you can leave now," she snapped at him, not entirely sure where that bravery to speak to him like that came from. She watched his lips curl up slowly into a grin as he unfolded his arms and proceeded to take a few steps towards her. Which in turn had her backing away from him trying to maintain the distance between them. She backed away till she hit a tree trunk stopping her from being able to put any more distance between them.
"Well aren't we getting brave," he hummed teasingly as he loomed over her barely a foot of space between them. She was pretty sure she noticed his nostrils flare when he took a deep breath now that there was little space between them. She still had to tilt her head up to meet his eyes even after having the last seven years to grow more. But she had not really gained much more height since she was a young teen.
She may not have grown much in height but she had gained some new curves in the years he had been gone. She no longer had the body of a child. Sure she was not as lucky as say Lucy or Cana. But still her breasts were not tiny, her stomach flat as her hips seemed wider than he remembered. A fair bit of her had changed from what Laxus could remember of the shy and quiet girl. Then again she used to hide behind overly large and baggy clothes. Maybe she always had such a nice body. But still the last few years seemed to do her good.
She felt the bark of the tree digging into her arms as she pressed back against it. She did not like the way those grey eyes of his were roaming over her. Why did it suddenly feel like he could see through her clothes? She could not help as her left arm moved up to try and cover her chest as if she was standing there naked in front of him. That action seemed to entertain him as she watched the corner of his mouth twitch up.
"Yeah well you are not all that scary. Even if you're the lightning dragon slayer. I will not stand back and let you throw your weight around," she said, trying to keep her knees from growing weak under his hard gaze.
"Oh? So are you saying you're not scared of me?" He asked with an arch of a blonde eyebrow at her. If she said no she would be lying. But fear alone was not the only feeling coursing through her making her heart race in her chest. She did not recall the blonde being as attractive as he was now as he stood over her.
"No," she tried to make her voice sound strong but really it had barely been more than a squeak as she looked up at him looking more like a deer stuck in headlights. It was all she could do just to force the single word from her lips as she stood there pinned between the tree and him.
With that she felt his body lean in towards her. She could feel the heat from his body against hers. She tried desperately to glare at the man but the lump in her throat and the shaking of her knees made it hard to stand her ground. The sound of her racing heartbeat was filling her ears, nearly washing out all other noise. She did not even have to guess that he could hear her heart racing just as easily as she could. Dragon slayers all seemed to share heightened senses, she could remember Natsu being able to identify people based on their scent. It would not be hard to imagine that Laxus could hold similar abilities even if he was not a first generation dragon slayer.
"Do you want to try and say that again?" He asked, his voice dropping an octave as he looked down at her. She could not even bring herself to say a word scared about what other noise may be made as she looked up at the blonde man who was leaning into her body. Laxus had always been a good looking guy, hard not to be when he was tall, strong and well she always had a soft spot for blondes. The age gap before had always been enough for her to keep such thoughts mild and subdued. But now that they appeared the same age those thoughts reared its head and were very quick to have her cheeks growing warm.
All she could do was shake her head simply at the man's question. Unable to force herself to try and say anything. Her hands were digging into the bark of the tree as if she could somehow hold herself up with just the strength in her hands. Whether it was the setting sun or something else in his eyes but he almost looked entertained as he loomed over her. It was in a way exciting and terrifying knowing she did not have the power to compete with the man if he so much as wanted to harm her in some way. All she could do was stand as tall as her shaking legs would allow as she looked up at him even as a large hand raised up and she could do nothing more but watch as some of her long brown hair was pushed back behind her ear. The feeling of his skin against her cheek sent a shock through her body.
Was that his doing with his magic or just her body's own sudden reaction to the strange touch. Either way she could not help but jerk away and take a sharp inhale through her teeth as she watched him softly start to chuckle to himself. Whether it was his laughter or the little shock he gave her but she was finally able to snap out of her little shocked panic stricken pose. She moved to smack his hand away from her face only for his hand to grip her wrist with ease.
"Don't you have someone else you can go and torment?" She hissed softly at him as he smirked down at her as she glared up at him.
"Oh but you're so fun to torment," He said, smirking down at her as she glared up at him. She struggled not to shiver under his gaze. Her lips parted but she could not force her brain to work properly and so instead of looking like a fish out of water she quickly darted her tongue out to run it over her bottom lip before sticking the plump lip between her teeth. That quickly drew Laxus' gaze down to watch her chew at her own bottom lip.
The action seemed to almost hypnotize the blonde as she felt his eyes seem to be locked on her lips. Even once she had quickly let go of her lip his eyes still seemed enticed not to leave her lips. She felt like a bunny staring up at the mouth of a hungry dragon, his gaze seemed almost hungry. She contemplated running, her body struggling between the basic survival instincts on if she should run or fight, but she was not stupid enough to fight. No, she was stuck between being frozen in place and wanting to flee. Her body was tense, she was a bunny tense and ready to run for it. She felt wound up tighter than a spring and yet her body refused to move.
Then again it looked like it may be a good thing her body would not move as Laxus looked ready to strike if she was to move at all. Still she felt her left hand twitch her fingers digging harder into the bark of the tree behind her and that seemed to be more than enough to snap the blonde from his own stupor. He moved quickly almost like a striking snake. A large hand entangled among the hair at the nape of her neck as another grabbed a hip. She was pinned between the large body and the tree. His lips crashed against hers as he swallowed the squeak of surprise by the sudden action from her. Her hands shot out from their grip at the tree to grab at the shirt he was wearing, unsure if she wanted to try and push him away from her or pull him in closer towards her. Her hands held at his shirt as if she may crash to the ground if she were to let go.
Her brain seemed to just short circuit as she found herself returning the kiss. She knew better or should have. Kissing him was a bad idea, she should have pushed him away. But instead she found herself pulling him towards her as she melted into his wide chest. His tongue ran across her bottom lip and she did not even hesitate to let him in as her lips parted and his tongue wasted no time in exploring her mouth.
It felt far too fast that her body was screaming for more air than she was taking in thanks to her brain not working and her completely forgetting that she could have been breathing in through her nose. She gasped for air as their lips parted ever so slightly though that did not stop the blonde man from taking her bottom lip between his teeth tugging at her lip slightly before letting go.
She should have taken that moment to push him back, to tell him to stop, to do something other than allow this to continue. But she did not want to stop, she did not even care if they were simply just outside the guild hall where anyone could see them. She did not care one bit. No instead she was reaching up stretching up onto the tips of her toes to make herself tall enough so she could be the one to start the kiss this time.
This drew a low growl from deep within Laxus' chest. It was an almost animalistic sound and damn did it do things to her. Instantly her body reacted as her thighs clenched together as if that would suddenly help the near ache of her body. She had never felt so needy all of a sudden. She was ready to start stripping them both down when suddenly it was Laxus that pulled away, breaking the kiss this time. And she did not even try to stop or hide her whine and protest.
"So impatient. But not here," he said, taking a step back from her, putting a small bit of space between them.
"You're still in the dorms right?" He asked, waiting for her to nod before he suddenly scooped her up as if she weighed nothing and tossed her over his shoulders like some cave man taking his conquest back to his cave.
"Laxus," she cried out in surprise at the sudden movement that she had not been prepared for as she laid over his wide shoulder as he wasted no time in walking around the guild hall to head towards the dorm building where members could choose to live. His wide and fast stride made it quick for him to reach the dorms as she just let herself hang off of his shoulder with a slight pout and a little grumbling to himself about being handled like a bag of potatoes.
Which in term had earned her a sudden hand against her ass. The sudden assault on one of her clothed ass cheeks was a surprise. She could not help the strangled yelp that escaped her as she jerked on his shoulder.
"Laxus!" She hissed at him which just earned her a low chuckle from the man.
"Oh don't get your panties in a twist. You like it just admit it princess," he said as he walked through the dorm building before reaching the room number she had told him to head to. Though he didn't really need her to tell him the number if he had just followed his nose. It was easy to tell which room was giving off her scent of fresh air after a spring shower.
He did not even hesitate to just open the door and stroll on into the small single room barely even pausing in his step to kick his shoes off as his long legs carried him across the room before he was rather literally throwing her onto her bed. She had cried out in protest at the rough treatment but before she could say anything about his treatment she found his large body quickly crawling up her bed and across her.
"Laxus," she had cried out when tossed onto the bed as she started her protest. She was quickly pinned between the large blonde and her bed as her protest died quickly in her throat. His pupils were blown wide, nearly taking over the grey of his eyes. He looked almost more like a predator looming over his prey as he crawled across her pinning her to the bed. She watched the corner of his lips curling up as he looked down at her watching as she was stuck wordless as she looked up at him with her big wide eyes before his lips were on hers.
The kiss was a bit sloppy this time as there were a bit too many teeth and tongue but it seemed never cared enough to slow down and steady out the kiss more. Hands were now roaming one another. She could feel his large hands on her hips but they did not stay there long. Her own hands had started on his shoulders and had run down his chest to find the edge of his shirt and she was quick to start tugging the shirt up his chest. Not wasting any time in attempting to get the shirt off of him. Once his shirt was hitting her bedroom floor his own hands were now pulling at her own t-shirt as she lifted her hands up and let him pull the shirt up and over her head.
His lips found the edge of her jaw before leaving light kisses over her skin as he started to kiss along her neck. Feeling his lips against her neck had her moaning softly as her head rolled back as if to give him more skin to kiss. She could feel his teeth nibble playfully at the skin from time to time which only pulled louder moans from her. His fingers effortlessly unclipped her bra with what she could only assume was a practiced ease. But she did not think about that as she felt the material on her chest falling away from her to join their shirts on the floor.
Laxus had let go of her neck to lean back just far enough to take in the sight of her upper half exposed. Laxus had not recalled the woman beneath him being so well endowed when she was younger. But seven years had given her lots of time to mature and mature she had. Sure she may not have been as shapely as Lucy or Mirajane but the woman's body still had a lovely shape to it. His hands were already working to remove the jeans she had been wearing wanting to feel her soft thighs under his hands.
In a matter of seconds she was down to just her basic black panties. She watched his eyes rack over her body taking in the sight as her chest heaved trying to take the moment to catch her breath as if she had just run through Fiore. She had watched his eyes linger for a moment on her chest before they quickly started to take in the rest of her. The look in his eyes hungry as he seemed to almost be eating up the sight of her beneath him.
Feeling oddly brave, her right hand reached out and she smirked softly as she lightly slipped her hand between them to run her hand along the tent in his pants. She watched his eyes dart up to look into hers as she ran her hand along his hardened cock. She tried to keep the surprise hidden as she realized he felt bigger than she expected. Though it seemed she had not kept her surprise to herself as well as she thought as she heard him chuckle.
"Surprised are you?" He had nearly purred at her which just had her melting into her bed. A blush sprinkled her cheeks as she looked away not meeting his gaze even though her hand had not stopped palming him through his pants.
"Not at all," she said, simply struggling to not squeak out the words. But that only seemed to please him more. She watched him lean in towards her, his lips brushing her ear before he spoke again.
"You're a horrible liar," he said, giving his hips a buck into her hand as his teeth nipped at her ear gently.
She could not even help the little whimper that escaped her lips. She didn't even know what to say to that. It was true for one, and for two she did not want to argue with him about it. Though she was not going to admit it either. Her fingers moved as she pulled her palm off of him and started to work at undoing his pants, wanting the blonde man as naked as she was. Though surely the view could not get much better than that wide, broad chest of his bare for her to admire. Gods she wanted to run her tongue along every muscle and ridge. But maybe another time. She was growing too impatient as she started to push his pants down.
Though she was pleasantly surprised to be greeted with the sight of the man going commando. Seemed someone did not enjoy wearing boxers or anything. Watching him push his pants off of the bed like every other article of clothing it was now her turn to hungrily take in the view before her. And she could not even help it as her eyes lingered and paused on the sight of his cock sitting hard and tall. Well she never would have imagined that Laxus was hung like a horse. It was a very pleasant surprise.
But the moment did not last long as Laxus leaned down to engulf her body with his as his lips latched onto her left nipple. This brought a number of moans from her lips as her back arched off of the bed in pleasure as her fingers started to slip through his quickly growing wild blonde hair. His lips attacked one nipple, while his fingers of one hand started to tease the other. His spare hand had wasted no time in traveling down her stomach to slip under her pants.
She squirmed and wiggled her hips as she felt a rough finger run along her damp folds. He was teasing her and it had an audible whine escape her as her hips tried to move against the finger to get it where she wanted it. But all that earned her was a deep chuckle from the man above her.
"So impatient," was the hum that accompanied the chuckle from the blonde. Which just had her whine again as he teased her with both his body and words.
"Ass," She growled at him but still he only looked entertained as he smirked down at her as he slipped a finger into her body. The action had her back arch off of the bed as her head rolled back into the bed and she let out a loud moan. That was what she had wanted, though still his finger was not nearly as good as what she knew she could have. But voicing her desire at that exact moment was not possible as her mind seemed to just focus on the feeling of his finger slipping in and out of her. Her hips moved in time with his fingers as her hands gripped at the bedsheets that were beneath her. But just as the knot in her stomach started to form her pleasure was ripped from her as the finger pulled out of her. She did not even try to stop the audible whine that escaped her.
She felt her panties being nearly ripped off of her. She could hear the material stretching and protesting the rough treatment. But this time she did not complain. She had felt about ready to rip them off herself. She quickly moved her legs once the panties were off her angles as she wrapped her legs around Laxus' waist pulling their bodies closer together. Her hands had let go of the bed sheets she had not even noticed she had grabbed to grab a large bicep in her left hand and grip at the back of his neck with her right as she dragged him down to meet her as she smashed her lips against him. Laxus let her do as she pleased, allowing him to be pulled down as he just as happy met her eager and impatient kiss. Seemed he was not the only one feeling a little pent up and impatient.
His hands had moved to grab at the flesh of her hips as he teasingly shifted to run the length of his cock against her damp folds as he swallowed the mixture of whines and moans that came from the woman at his teasing action. She was already whining into the kiss almost inaudible words though he was pretty sure she was now begging him for more. Although he wanted to drag out this fun a little longer she was not the only one growing desperate as he felt her hips try to struggle against his grip so they could move.
Shifting his own hips ever so slightly was all it took to allow himself to slip past her folds as he slowly entered her. Her head ripped away from the sloppy kiss so that she could throw her head back and let out a completely sinful sounding cry of pleasure. Her nails digging into his skin as she felt Laxus slowly working his hips till finally his hips met hers as he was fully buried within her. Pausing for a second they both took the moment to try and catch their breaths. By the time Riza moved to look up at the blonde he was already moving again. His hips were fast to find their pace and rhythm as his hands held her hips exactly where he wanted them. She could do nothing but moan happily as her back arched off the bed and she clung to him.
The ball of her feet digging into the back of his wide upper thighs as if she could somehow force him closer to her with the action. They both knew he was by far much stronger than she was but still that did not stop her body from moving on its own as it clung to him. She tried to move her hips in time with his but his large hands seemed reluctant to allow her to move her own body. He had complete control over her body that laid beneath him. And a part of her loved it as she let him not even going to complain that she could not move her hips on her own.
In that moment nothing mattered any more other than the complete pleasure she felt with each thrust. She felt so pleasantly full and stretched as his cock worked along her tight walls. She could hear him hiss any time she tightened around him. His lips had started trailing kisses along her neck but she almost did not notice them. Not till the sudden feeling of his teeth digging into the flesh of one breast did she yelp softly more so out of surprise than pain. She tried to glare at him but she was pretty sure her face was too busy to show off the pleasure she felt rather than the mild annoyance.
The teeth did not last long before his lips were wrapped around a perky nipple instead. His tongue flicked at the little bud in his mouth and she could do nothing but cry out as the sensation. It was all so much. She could quickly feel that growing sensation, a knot starting to form in her stomach. Her body was quickly growing tense beneath him and Laxus did not need to be told why. His own pace was becoming quicker, chasing his own pleasure as she did hers.
She could not last much longer as she could not contain the loud moans, she was almost happy everyone was out in the guild hall and could not hear the noises that were coming from her at that moment. She could feel the vibration against her skin as Laxus groaned and moaned against her skin as he trailed kisses from one breast to the other trying to show them both some love before his brain no longer found the ability to be able to focus on anything but his own pleasure.
It felt like she had suddenly fallen off a cliff. Her body shook softly, her eyes seemed to roll into the back of her head. Her body felt weightless and numb as her pleasure pulsed through her as she cried out. Laxus let go of the skin of her breast he had been softly sucking on to lean back and watch Riza's reaction as her climax washed over her. His pace had never slowed, if anything it became more erratic as Laxus was now free to chase his own finish. A few more thrusts was all the blonde needed before his own body tenses and stilled and he let out a deep low moan of his before he nearly collapsed on top of her. His right arm moved to rest beside Riza as the two bodies tried to catch their breath before Laxus slowly rolled off of her to take up the rest of her small bed. Which in turn earned him a slap to the chest with the back of her hand.
"Move over you big lug you're pushing me off of the bed," She growled at him which just earned her a chuckle from the man as he told her to just deal with it.
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Fairy Tail; Laxus x F!Tattoo artist reader
(key: e/c = eye color. H/c = hair color. Y/n = your name)
(this is an old one shot)
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You were a tattoo artist in the town of Magnolia, and a pretty popular one at that. Alot of people would travel just to get a tattoo from you, or to see the art you have on the walls, also being a painter. You favorite client, was a member of the Fairy Tail guild in town. Laxus. When you did his tattoo, he didn't cringe or move or even really react, besides checking out out as you worked on his tattoo on his upper body.
He couldn't help it! You were leaning over him, and all he could do was stare at your face..and your chest. Regardless of size, your shirt kept showing a bit more than you'd like, and when you'd move he'd turn his gaze away so fast you would think he was embarrassed. Finally, you smiled as he looked to your face and turned your gaze to his
"Staring is rude." You say calmly, sitting up and turning off the tattoo gun. He scoffed, but you could see that hint of a blush on his face, hating that he was caught red handed.
"I wasnt-" he started, but you gave a small laugh, and he stopped and squinted at you
"Don't worry, I'm not going to have you leave without finishing your tattoo." You say, smiling at him. He stared at you for a moment, then gave a grunt and turned his gaze away.
You finished his tattoo, but chatted with him while working. He didn't say much..really it was a one sided conversation, but you didn't mind. It was often like this with tattooing someone, but usually they were in too much pain to be able to contribute to the conversation properly. Little did you know, he was just enjoying your voice as you spoke. It was the perfect pitch to him, and was nice to listen to. Relaxing even.
Right now, you were inside the shop, sitting in the front and manning the front desk since the guy that usually did was out getting lunch for everyone at the shop. As the bell above the door jingled, you said a greeting and lifted your pencil off the sketch book you were drawing in, then raised your gaze to meet the person.
You couldn't help but smile seeing Laxus. You hadn't seen him in about a week, the last time you did being when you tattooed him. You felt a small amount of worry wash over you though. Was the skin infected? Did the color lift? Was something else wrong?
Seeing your concern, he spoke before you could
"The tattoo is fine, I came to see you for another reason." He says, walking over to you. His jacket hung over his shoulders, his arms not in it as he gazed at you. You wouldn't admit it, but you kinda missed seeing him shirtless.. he did have a very nice body after all.
He glanced to your sketch book in the desk, then looked to meet your (e/c) eyes which unknowingly made his heart skip a beat. He loved your eyes. He thought they were a lovely shade, and felt like he could stare into them all day; would he admit that? Hell. No.
"What did you need then?" You ask, giving a small hum as you stood up from behind the desk and moved around the desk to stand in front of him, crossing your arms over as you gave a small head tilt. He rubbed the back of his head and tore his eyes away for a moment, then he gave a sigh
"Nothin. Just wanted to invite you on a date with me, if you're interested." He says, quietly, like he didn't want to say it, or maybe he just didn't want anyone in the shop to hear? Hard to tell.
You couldn't help but smile at him, he almost seemed shy right now, and you loved it. Looking up at the taller male, who had to be atleast 6'3, you stepped towards him, dropping your arms and clasping your hands behind your back
"I would love to, Laxus." You tell him, and he looked back to you and gave a small smirk. You felt your heart skip a beat at that little smirk of his, and he seemed to notice, his smirk growing
"Is that so? Well, then I'll see you tonight at 7." He says, amused by your now slightly flustered state. All you could do was nod, afraid of what words would come out of your mouth if you tried to speak. This only boosted his ego further, and made the guy cockier.
He stepped towards you again, raising your chin with his finger
"What's wrong, (y/n)?" He says in a low, husky voice, leaning close to your face, his breath hitting you face..mint. he had chewed some mints before coming in, it seemed.
You felt your heart do some kind of strange beat, and your breath catch in your throat as he gazed at you, a mischievous look on his face. That is, until the bell jingled again and both your eyes darted over to your co-worker, who was holding a bag filled with sandwiches, and looked very awkward with what he just walked in on. This only increased your embarrassment, but Laxus didn't seem to mind.
Laxus turned his gaze back to you and dropped your chin, standing up straight..he still had that damn smirk on his face
"I'll meet you here tonight at 7, (y/n). See you then." He says calmly before walking out.
"What was that about??" Asked your co-worker, only to see you smile and put your hands on your cheeks, which were warm. Your co-worker chuckled quietly and shook his head, handing you a sandwich before going to hand them out to the others at the shop.
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pencilofawesomeness · 7 months
#this arc just straight up doesn't happen in my au lmao oh I was about to ask if that arc of the battle of fairy tail would happen. Since in your AU Laxus actually got proper guidance and his father was out of question early enough. Now I'm more curious about how it's going to be
Haha yep! Laxus isn't having unchecked dragon hormonal rage on top of daddy issues on top of power fantasies born of listlessness and expectations soooooo no Battle of Fairy Tail arc lol. He and the Thunder Legion befriended each other earlier on too so they got a more normal experience and not the toxic tryhard one. Yay! Positive butterfly effects!
In htryds it's just gonna be a oneshot (as of now at least) of a normal Fantasia celebration. Now, just because Laxus isn't a problem child doesn't mean he wants to participate in the social activities. Good thing he's not the only anti-social mfer in Fairy Tail, though, as few as there are. And therein lies the synopsis of what I plan to be a very comedic take on the parade ;)
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emowithoddsocks · 11 months
Elfman has full intentions to propose to Evergreen but wants to seek out the blessings of her teammates before he does so.
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6ix-dragons · 2 years
Behind Closed Doors
Series: Fairy Tail Pairing: Laxus/Mirajane Rating: 18+ Word Count: ~4,800 words
EXPLICIT CONTENT ADVISORY: The following story contains graphic sexual descriptions, and strong language. Reader’s discretion is strongly advised!
It was a quiet night at the guild hall…remarkably quieter than what Laxus had thought, as he peered behind him, while holding a large, frothy mug of beer off the wooden counter.
There were very few of Fairy Tail's members that occupied the tables, around the entire hall—let alone, standing elsewhere. In his personal thoughts, the blond Dreyar could only surmise that the most prominent members of said guild had either gone out on their quests, or they were busy with other plans, instead. His usual teammates of the Thunder God Tribe were also factored in, too, as they were nowhere to be seen, there. Regardless of the reasons he thought of this, it was certainly an unusually-quiet night for him, when he entered the guild's building.
The only other member of the guild—as prominent as he was—who also happened to be inside the building, was the young, snowy-haired female working behind the bar counter.
As Laxus took a sip from the mug, placing it back down on the wooden surface, he turned his sights towards the elder Strauss sister. She was wiping an empty glass mug with a small towel cloth, facing away from him.
A thin, but genuine smile had stretched across his lips, upon watching her. While they were in the public eye, it was rather rare for the both of them to be seen together—especially, with his entourage of the Thunder God Tribe around him. However, little did all the other guild members know that both were in a romantic relationship with each other, for quite some time. Albeit, it was more of a secret one.
The burly blond shifted his glance aside, reflecting upon the multiple times they went out on dates…and, the few times in the past, where they had made passionate love to each other. He gave a quiet hum to himself, lowering his head, maintaining his thin smile.
His train of thought was cut short, when the clear of her throat immediately diverted his attention away. Looking up, his eyes met her large, cerulean irises, as she stood closer to him, from the other side of the counter.
Her sweet, bright demeanour greeted the short-haired blond. "Enjoying your drink, Laxus?"
His thin smile faded into a seemingly-stoic expression. "You'd know how I enjoy it, Mira," he grumbled under his breath. "I enjoy it, as it is."
The white-haired barkeep stifled a giggle to her own, narrowing her eyes endearingly at him. Mirajane then leaned in further, surveying the surroundings behind him, and around.
"My, my…it's a really quiet night in here, huh?" She noted the remaining members all over the hall, few, and far between. "Not many around here, don't you think?"
Laxus simply gave a deep grunt in agreement, his eyes closed.
Her body still leaned in towards the blond, Mira's eyes shifted back to him. "Hey, Laxus," she began, feigning a coy smile. "Now that we're here, together, and all the others are away…"
The Lightning Dragon Slayer was somewhat caught off-guard, upon opening his eyes, when his sights first met the deepening cleavage of her large bosom. A slight tinge of red formed across his face, as he lifted his stare to her face.
Keeping his composure, Laxus inquired in his cool and collected manner, crossing his arms. "What do you want to do, devil-woman?"
"Oh, nothing much," she replied in a more playful tone, before narrowing her eyes sultrily, with a cheeky smile. "Maybe we can…meet together in the back of the guild, and…you know…"
Mira then gave him a wink, with a teasing giggle. Laxus blinked at her, for a second, before narrowing his eyes, the rose blush across his face deepening slightly. He turned his head away from her, not wanting to attract any attention from the few guild members around them.
The Satan Soul mage smiled softly at him, before she slowly moved away from the counter, where she returned to clean the other glass mugs behind her.
Returning his focus back to her, Laxus carried on, drinking, as if nothing had ever happened between them. He kept his eyes closely on the white-haired barkeep, taking a good sip of his drink, while she began wiping another mug with the cloth.
It was only until then, when he saw Mira turn her head around to face him. She gave him another teasing wink, before turning her head back. Placing the cleaned mug on the shelf, along with the towel cloth, the female Strauss started to make her way out of the bar station. Laxus observed her, as she passed through the open gate, sauntering towards the doors leading to the back of the guild. She maintained her usual, sweet smile, while walking towards them.
Watching her open those doors, and passing through them, Laxus followed her signal. Taking one last sip from his mug, the blond Dreyar left it on the counter, before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Glancing around behind him, he made sure that no one else was looking his way. The coast being clear for him, Laxus calmly got up from the bar stool, and made his way towards those doors.
Pushing past them, he paced down the corridor lined with doors on both sides. As he closed in on the doors leading into the unoccupied guest rooms, Laxus noticed a door further to his right being completely open, with faint light glowing out of it.
Approaching slowly, he rounded the corner, stepping into the open room. "Mira—"
Blindsided surprise overtook him, when he felt her lips suddenly seize his own, along with her hand on his shoulder. He could hear the door quickly close behind him, as she pressed her lips passionately, against his. Laxus then felt her hands grip the fur-trim edges of his large coat, pushing them apart. His coat fell quickly to the floor.
Bringing his arms around her hips, Laxus pulled the white-haired Strauss closer to him, as he returned her kiss by aggressively slanting his lips over hers. Their lip-lock intensified, when they snaked their tongues into the mouths of one another. As their tongues swirled around, and clashed against each other, Mira sneaked her hands onto his purple dress shirt. Her fingers made quick work of undoing the buttons of his shirt, exposing his entire, bare torso to her.
Pulling their mouths away from each other, the two of them panted heavily, catching their breaths for air. Laxus could feel her heart beat wildly against his chest, as she pressed her breasts against them. It was likewise for Mirajane, who felt the same coming from him.
Said snowy-haired female giggled teasingly at him. "My, my…well, things escalated quickly, didn't they?"
Laxus held back his smirk, responding in his nonchalant tone. "You know you don't have to go through with this."
The blond stepped out of his sneakers, setting them aside with his foot. Mira hummed lightly, having already stepped out of her high-heels, right as she turned around, so that her back was facing him.
"If I wanted to stop," she remarked under partly-lidded eyes, with a teasing smile, "I would've said otherwise."
A low, amused hum rumbled from Laxus, while he began to undo the knots at the back of her sleeveless, maroon dress. With the dress loosened, the blond Dragon Slayer slid both straps of her dress away from her shoulders, pushing them down her arms. Mira assisted him, shrugging off the single piece of clothing, until it descended graciously to the floor.
Laxus kept his full view on her, as she stepped out of the discarded dress, before turning around to face him. With the dress out of the way, she was now clad in a two-piece lingerie set. His eyes focused on her lacy, fuchsia bra, with black trim, which barely held her enormous breasts that threatened to spill out. They travelled down to her high-cut briefs that were of the same colours, in which it hugged her curves well.
He could only whisper, under awestruck eyes. "Mira…"
Said Take-Over mage held back a giggle, when she saw the tinge of red spread across his face. Closing in towards him, Mira ran her hands up and down his chest, through his purple dress shirt. "What are you waiting for, Laxus?"
Without a word, his lips hungrily seized against hers—as fast as she was, when he first stepped into the room. Breathy sighs, and low groans escaped the two, while Laxus shrugged the shirt off of him, letting its sleeves slip away from his arms.
With his discarded shirt cast to the floor below, the burly blond pulled her flush against him, with his hands. His fingers snuck around the back of her bra, where they skilfully located its clasp, unravelling it with a tug.
Feeling him unclasp it, Mira quickly turned around, so that she faced away from him. Shrugging off the straps that slipped past her shoulders, the snowy-haired Strauss let her lingerie top fall to the wooden planks, with a clatter. She turned her head around to face him, with a cheeky smile, while she brought her arms over her chest.
Laxus chuckled quietly, as he brought his hands over the curves of her waist. He nuzzled into the crook of her neck, hearing her breaths of delight, and feeling her body relax more against him. A gasp then left her lips, when she felt a familiar hardness pressing right up against her lower back, grinding back and forth against it.
A naughty smile crept upon her lips, under half-lidded eyes. "Getting eager now, aren't we?"
"You know you've gotten me going, She-Devil," he rumbled lowly, with a small grin, rubbing his hands up and down the curves of her sides. "I just can't wait."
His hands suddenly stopped at the sides of her panties, where his fingers hooked around the rim of them. As he began to push them down, only her hands had instantly stopped his hands from pushing them further below, catching him off-guard. Stifling a mischievous hum, Mira kept her focus on him, feeling his large hands release from her sides. She slipped the briefs past her wide hips, allowing her last remaining piece of clothing to freely drop to the floor.
Stepping out of them, Mira quickly spun around to face her lover again, and leaned in to aggressively slant her lips over his.
Laxus groaned right away, when he felt her lithe hand cup around his groin, palming against the hardened bulge through his pants. "Mira—"
Satisfied lilts left her breath, as she ran her palm up and down over his bulge.
Much like what she did with his shirt, her fingers made deft work on unbuckling his belt, before moving down to release the top button of his trousers. Sliding the zipper down, her fingers then hooked around the rim of his pants, and boxer briefs, before they pulled both of them down. His final remaining clothes had altogether cascaded to the floor, with a dull rumple.
The two of them continued their passionate lip-lock, as Mira led her blond lover towards the bed.
Laxus grunted into the kiss, when he felt his back land onto the mattress, before he felt the full weight of her body on top of him. Sensing her lips pulling back from his, Laxus opened his eyes, only to find her large, ocean-blue ones staring at them. They shone brightly from the candlelight reflecting off of them.
Astonishment befell upon him, when he noticed that the front fringes of her hair—which were usually tied up with an elastic band—had fallen down straight, the exact-level fringes trimmed above her upper eyelids having perfectly framed her face, along with her lengthy side-locks.
Mira giggled quietly at his flustered expression, as she placed said band on top of the nightstand by the side of the bed. Her eyebrows then arched upward, when she noticed the look of concern that quickly transpired in his eyes.
The white-haired Strauss blinked at him. "What's wrong, Laxus?"
His eyes casted away from her own, rather shortly, before returning to them. "I just realized that neither of us brought any protection, before coming here."
She continued blinking at him, realizing what he meant. The expression on her face softened, as her lips stretched to a reassuring smile. "That's alright."
Reaching her arm towards the nightstand, Mira pulled its top drawer outward. From there, she took out a round, glass bottle filled with liquid that shone a bright pink. Bewilderment fell upon his eyes, as they focused onto the printed labels of this bottle that clearly told him it was a contraceptive potion of some sort.
Laxus maintained the amazed look on his face, while he kept his focus on the slightly-thick fluid that swished around within the bottle. "I didn't know we had those, here."
Mira returned with a teasing smile, under partly-lidded eyes, as she continued stirring the bottle around. "Well…you haven't been keeping up with what this guild's been doing, haven't you?"
Having spent most of his life as a member of this guild, he wasn't surprised about the things that have been happening around their main quarters. He'd heard of the occasional rumor here, and there, about some of the guild members using the guest bedrooms for their own…'personal' uses.
Never did he even think, however, that there was actual truth to these rumors—as evidenced by the bottle now held in the hand of his lover.
His attention was diverted back to her, when he heard her small giggle.
Mira boldly raised an eyebrow at him, straddling his hips, smiling wickedly. "Shall we continue, my Dragon?"
Laxus could only flash a dirty grin of his own, in his response.
With a 'pop', she pulled off the cork from the bottle, and poured out the once-pinkish liquid—now a shade of magenta—onto her palm; it fell with a runny consistency. Rubbing both her palms together to spread it evenly all over them, the lust-stricken Strauss glanced over at her blond lover's face, as she moved her hands down to his most intimate areas.
Right away, Laxus gasped out, and groaned deeply, having felt her coated hands run up and down his hardening phallus. He could sense the gel-like liquid all around his shaft having a bit of a cooling effect, at first. However, as her fingers continued to slide in a back and forth motion on him, the slightly-cool sensation was quickly replaced with surrounding warmth that intensified further with time.
The blond clenched his jaw at such warmth that spread all over his most sensitive region. At the same time, he could barely notice the much stiffer feeling he experienced in his phallus, having become quite hardened than he usually was.
"U-ugh," Laxus drawled out his groan, struggling to keep his eyes open. His hold on her waist trembled, while she continued her magic touches around him. "Mira…please…"
His lover was in awe at how incredibly rock-solid he felt, having pumped her fingers around his twitching shaft. "My, my," she teased in a whisper, observing its fully-erect state, and eyeing the drop of pre-cum beading down from its slit. "Your 'little dragon' down there is a lot…harder, than I thought." Holding back a teasing hum, the buxom Strauss raised her hips over his. "I'll be the one to take care of it…"
Laxus watched with partly-narrowed eyes, as Mira guided the head of his cock towards her entrance, with a hand, while she lowered her hips onto it. Subdued gasps escaped the two, when the tip of it pressed against the outer folds of her nether-lips.
At once, Mira nearly cried out, having felt the solidness of his length begin stretching apart her inner folds widely. She only did so, once she felt him reach deeper into her, as a powerful jolt of energy surged up her spine.
The sensations were likewise for her lover underneath, who held back a growl at the wet and velvety warmth of her inner walls that welcomed him in. He could feel them coiling around him, the instant he fully sheathed inside her.
With her head dropped back slightly, chest heaving, Mira caught her breath as much as she could. "Oh, my," she finally breathed out. "It feels so big…so good…"
Laxus could only grumble out a groan, in agreement with her. Lifting his head slightly, the blond Dreyar focused his narrowed gaze at his lover mounting him. In recent past, whenever he spoke to his guild-mates of her—or, whenever she was around him, the only aliases he used for her, were 'She-Devil', and 'Demon'. In this exact moment between them, however, both those names didn't apply for such a beautiful, white-haired female that he saw, in his eyes.
Aside from her pure-white hair, and ocean-blue eyes, he was also enamoured of her ivory, porcelain-like skin, and the curves of her voluptuous body. His sights settled on her heaving chest, where her round, melon-sized mounds bobbled about, and those rosy-pink buds that erected outward in the open air.
Keeping the pace of his breaths, as steady as possible, Laxus maintained his gaze upon her. "Mira…"
The blond suddenly grunted, and hissed out a curse, when he felt her roll her hips against him, without warning. Nearly at the same time, the posterior of his head dropped back down onto the pillow below.
His white-haired lover mewled at the friction made between them, as she ground her hips against his. "Ahh," she breathed out delightfully, letting her head drop back again. "Yes…"
A harmony of moans and grunts escaped the two of them, while Mira began to establish the rhythm of her thrusts, gently rocking her hips onto him, at first.
"Mira," he groaned out, his fingers gripping the sheets underneath. "F—fuck…"
Said buxom Strauss giggled softly at him, while she started to pick up the pace. "A-ah…what's the matter, Laxus?" Looking down at her lover, Mira relished at the expression of his face scrunching up in such pleasure. "No 'She-Devil', or 'Demon', from you? Only my name?"
The blond growled quietly, in response, clenching his jaw at her inner walls tightening around him, with every thrust she made. A heightened squeal was forced out from her gape, when she felt him suddenly thrust his hips against hers, as they dropped onto his. It sent a jolt of energy up her spine.
"Laxus!" Her gasping cries escaped in the midst of her panting. "Yes! That's it!"
Sounds of skin slapping against skin mingled in with their noises of carnal delight, as both lovers buckled their hips against one another. The blond Dreyar, of his own volition, swiftly lifted his upper-body upright, bringing his arms around her. Soft mewls left her gape, as she felt him lean in to leave deep kisses around her upper chest, his teeth nicking against her skin. It added further to her pleasure, along with the sensation of his phallus inside her.
With her arms around his neck, Mira held on against him, while he pressed his lips against the pulse on her neck. His lips quickly met with hers, yet again, capturing them. She found herself lost in their passionate lip-lock, before she felt him roll their bodies around, without warning. A muffled squeak left her lips, having felt her back land roughly against the mattress.
Their mouths pulled away from each other, before Laxus began thrusting his hips fervently against her.
"Oh, God!" The white-haired female noisily exclaimed, feeling him plunge deeply into her depths. With her fingers gripping against his upper back, Mira raked her nails down the skin of it, leaving lines of red welts over there. "Yes! Laxus…please!"
Her lover above had growled gutturally, as he kept the same frenetic and aggressive pace of his thrusts, which earned him more of her heightened cries of delight. Leaning in, again, the blond closed his mouth over one of her erect nipples, lavishing it with the swirl of his tongue. It made her cry out loudly, especially when he moved his mouth over to do the same with her other nipple.
"A-ah! Laxus!" Her throaty moans came out as gasps and squeaks, as she felt his lips brush over the curve of her burgeoned chest—before making their way to the side of her neck, underneath her chin. A rush of air left her open mouth, upon feeling his lips press deeply against her pulse. She arched her upper back, in response, with the back of her head pushed well against the pillow under it.
Her breathy moans were then swallowed up by those same lips of his, as they immediately slanted over hers. Mira brought her arms firmly around his rigid upper back, feeling every flex of his muscles. She hung on for dear life, while her legs wrapped around his lower body, as firmly as her arms were, riding them over his hips.
Both lovers pulled their mouths away from each other, releasing their moans at roughly the same time.
"Mira!" Her blond lover growled deeply, his jaw clenched beneath his tightly-shut eyes. His eyebrows twitched, as he could sense the heat in his core rising out of control, ready to burst at any moment. He groaned out her name, again, while he drove his hips in more aggressively.
His white-haired lover underneath him writhed against the bed, with her moans coming out in squeal-like cries of delight. She could also feel that ball of energy building up in her core, only mere moments away from breaking apart. "Laxus! Ah…a-ah—"
With a rough snap of their hips, both lovers froze in place, as the sheer force of their shared climax overcame them.
A lengthy, strained cry of delight tore through Mira's widened gape, with her back well-arched high, and the back of her head buried more into the pillow below it. Her body trembled mightily from the surges of energy that rode throughout, with waves of warmth from her pleasure engulfing her senses. In the midst of this, she could barely feel the heat bursting away in her lower core, where it pooled around and emanated outward.
The experience was likewise for Laxus, as he felt the burn of his muscles that were being held in place. He expressed his utter pleasure in its most primal form, drawing out guttural groans and growls from under his tightly-clenched jaw. Throughout it all, he could barely feel the liquescent warmth coming right out of his tip, in multiple spurts.
As the last waves of their climax gradually subsided, Mira's pleasured cry trailed off into raspy moans and gasps. Her blond lover began slowing his thrusts, only rocking his hips against hers to a grinding halt. Their chests heaving, both lovers panted heavily, trying to catch their breaths. Beads of sweat dripped down the bare skins of their bodies—clear proof of how intense their love-making was.
There was a slight blur in his vision, as Laxus pried his eyes open. It quickly faded away, with him taking sight of his lover underneath him. Her unbound fringes clung to her forehead, amid her pale, snow-like tresses that fanned out messily all over the bed. The whole sight of it made his heart swell, and beat a little faster.
Her eyelids then parted open to make way for her bright-blue irises that shone alike, as they gazed into his pair of orange ones. They greatly softened at the sight of him, with her lips underneath having creased to a more doting smile. She brought her hands over the sides of his face that leaned closer towards her, before she whispered out his name in a rasp.
Laxus then closed the gap between their faces, as he seized her lips, once more. It was a more simmering, tender kiss that they shared, unlike all the previous ones that came before. Their kiss concluded with a slow and sloppy clashing of their tongues, before they pulled away from one another. Mira could only hum and murmur happily, with Laxus returning the same.
The blond then buried his face into the crook of her neck, with his lover smoothing over the hair at the back of his head, her fingers gently running through its strands.
He could feel himself unsheathe from the wet warmth of her love canal, as he rolled out to her left, and rested out beside her. Wiping the damp layer of sweat away from his forehead with the back of his hand, Laxus finished catching his breath, before his ears picked up something from his lover right next to him.
He turned his head enough to face toward her direction, along with his eyes, hitching an eyebrow at her. "Yeah?"
There was a slight sternness in her eyes, as she turned her head towards him. "You were the one worried about us not having any protection, right?"
"Yeah," the blond murmured, raising his curved brows. "What about it?"
Her eyes shifted away from his, momentarily. "Well," she began, "I just want to know what you think, if we end up having a child, together." Mira then brought her hand underneath her head, as she measured her pauses slowly. "Is…is it…something that you would really want, or…?"
His eyes widened within his astonished face that froze at such a question from her. It came up unexpectedly to him, at first—but, the more he thought about it, he knew how he was going to answer that question.
Mira's eyebrows shot up in surprise, when she heard him break the silence, with a scoff. "What kind of a question is that?"
Her concerned eyes remained for an instance, before they relaxed, when she heard him give a light, subdued chuckle.
"Of course, I do," Laxus answered with a slight smile. He then brought his closest hand over to her flat, smooth abdomen, softly running his palm against it, in a round motion. "I wouldn't mind having a kid with you," he continued. "It would be something that Gramps would be proud of—to carry on with his legacy."
Mira quietly gasped at the warmth of his large hand that skimmed all over her belly, before she smiled warmly, and brought her hand over his. "Laxus…"
The blond then directed an eyebrow curiously at her. "Well, what about you, Mira? How would you feel about that?"
His lover took a brief pause, looking away from him for a bit, before she breathed out a thoughtful sigh. "Being honest with you," she expressed with that same smile, having turned her eyes towards him. "I wouldn't mind having one with you, either." Her smile quickly turned to a slight frown of concern. "But, with the way things are, right now…I don't think we're at that point, just yet."
Laxus stared at her, for a brief moment. He kept a quiet sigh to himself, but nodded his head shortly in agreement, with a low hum. "I understand."
The smile returned on her face. "But, for now," she directed her eyes teasingly at him, "let's just keep this little hook-up between the two of us, alright?"
His lips creased to a suave smile. "…Yeah."
The two of them took their time to lay right beside one another, and cuddle each other, on that bed. It was only afterward that they decided to clear the guest room of all evidence of their little rendezvous, together.
Moments passed, before Mira had returned from those pair of doors, first. She was completely dressed as she was, well before she even left her workplace. She made her way nonchalantly towards the bar area, closing the gate behind her, as she resumed her work behind the counter.
Another moment passed by, before Laxus passed through those same set of doors, also dressed the way he usually was. He made his way towards the bar stool that he once sat atop of, in a similar, nonchalant demeanor.
From there, he took a sip from the mug that he left behind on the counter, like he usually took. He peered around discreetly, checking to see if anyone else had noticed. None of them did, in his eyes. Taking another sip, the blond directed his gaze towards the snowy-haired female behind the counter, who was busy wiping another glass.
Sensing his gaze, somehow, Mira turned her head towards him, and gave him a small, mischievous giggle, before she turned back towards the glass she was cleaning.
Laxus could only hum lightly, in response, as he carried out his night, finishing his drink.
While it may have been a quiet night at the guild, it didn't matter all that much for the both of them—as long as they had each other.
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theguildawards · 5 months
Term 1 2024 Winners!
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Thank you to everyone who participated in the first term 2024 hosted by The Guild Awards! The mod-team is excited to see so much amazing fanwork and their creators recognized, as well as the love shown for this fandom!
Without further delay, here we are!
Winners of The Guild Awards for Term 1 2024
Best Action/Adventure Fiction: "Molten Steel" by @mavikiu (tumblr/AO3) Best Alternate Universe/Reality Fiction: "Bull In a Crystal Shop" by Buniibebe (FFN) Best Canon Fiction: "Taming the Beast: Living Nightmare" by @dawnwynters (tumblr/AO3) Best Angst Fiction: "Finding Hope" by @creaticare / ChaoticKori (AO3) Best Dark Fiction: "Power of the Underworld" by @genavere (tumblr/AO3) Best Drama Fiction: "Even the Dragon King Has Feelings" by Don_Cheadle (AO3) Best Humor/Parody Fiction: "Fairy Tail Textfics" by @multi-verse-mania (tumblr) / Multiverse_Mania (AO3) Best Oneshot (tie): "what does it all come down to? (love? love)" by @forwantofacalling (tumblr) / Fireflower34 (AO3) and "once upon a time, five" by Ostensibly_Functional (AO3) Best Character Portrayal: "Making Friends" (Gajeel) by FairyDell (AO3) Best Romance Fiction: "All Treats, No Tricks" by Be_dazzled06 (AO3) Best LGBTQ+ Romance Fiction: "Every Good Thing in Life (Leads Back to You)" by allayrose (AO3) Best Serial Fiction: "Heart Shaped World" by Myahud (AO3) Best Ficlet: "untitled" by @caissa-scribbles Best Friendship Portrayal: "once upon a time, five" (Team Shadowgear + Gajeel) by Ostensibly_Functional (AO3) Best Completed Fiction: "The Era of Shadows and Sunshine" by RomanticHawthorn (AO3) Best Action/Adventure Artwork: "Super Late But Happy Gruvia Day!" by @hollie-artz (tumblr) Best Alternate Universe/Reality Artwork: "It's Lisanna's turn to be badass" by @pencilofawesomeness (tumblr) Best Canon Artwork: "dan lucy your bobbies" by @boxonarock (tumblr) Best Angst Artwork: "manga redraw🫣" by @azriaann (tumblr) Best Dark Artwork: "rogue on the battlefield" by @celestialrayna (tumblr) Best Humor/Parody Artwork: "Happy Valentine's Day!" by @riveluart (tumblr) Best Kiss Artwork: "happy february to them" by @lav3nder-bees (tumblr) Best Romance Artwork: "Untitled" by @bakutenshi (tumblr) Best LGBTQ+ Romance Artwork: "untitled Fraxus Week prompt" by @bluessom1 (tumblr) Best Character Artwork: "Levy bout to fuck shit up" by @phoenix-before-the-flame (tumblr) Best Duo/Pairing Artwork: "Gajeel + juvia = besties" by @anniechuuu (tumblr) Best Group Depiction Artwork: "Levy and her boys" by @riveluart (tumblr) Best Manga Coloring: "Fire & Lightning" by @fairy-edits (tumblr) Best Redraw Artwork: "Screenshot Redraw of the Raijinshuu + Laxus" by @sheltered-uno (tumblr) Best Overall Artwork: "Levy all soft and glowy" by @mavikiu (tumblr)
Congratulations to all the winners! Your awards are ready! Please send one of the mods or our ask box your preferred email address so we can send them to you!
And thank you to those who voted for the Roulette Category for next term! The Roulette fanfiction category for next term will be: Best NSFW Fiction. This will be defined as: Sexual Content/Smut with plot. Both one-shots and specific chapters from multi-chapter fics are accepted in this category. If coming from a multi-chapter fic, a link for that specific chapter is required and must include content depicting an act of sexual nature. (i.e.: intercourse, masturbation, heavy petting - etc.
As this term comes to a close, The Guild Awards will be taking a short hiatus. This time is always spent reviewing the process and seeing what can be revamped for the next term. We also love hearing from the fandom (ie: YOU!) for suggestions regarding any changes or additions.
We will officially be back in full swing on October 1st! We will still be around in case you have questions or concerns, but please take this time to read new fanfiction and find new fanart.
Want to stay immersed in all things Fairy Tail? Join our Discord! It's open to everyone!
You can also keep up-to-date with all current fandom events by checking out the @ftguildevents page!
As the day gets closer to the start of the next term, we will be keeping everyone in the loop when it comes to changes and updates. We hope everyone has a lovely summer! Thank you again for making this such a fun experience! See you soon!
~ The Guild Awards
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justauthoring · 5 months
fairy tail masterlist.
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* personal favourites
nothing yet…
*late night cuddle.
nothing yet…
nothing yet…
your hand feels nice in mine.
yours, always.
nothing yet…
nothing yet…
*all too easy.
nothing yet…
nothing yet…
nothing yet…
nothing yet…
nothing yet…
nothing yet…
nothing yet…
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aster-ih · 1 year
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I recently started to rewatch Fairy Tail. Man, I love all the nakama power but I do wish Lucy was a bit more independent. I LOVE Happy!! he is so hilarious!! I lovelovelove the couples as well. I did some sketches of natsuxlucy and levyxgajeel and maybe -just maybe- I might write a oneshot about miraxlaxus because the ones I read portray Laxus in a way that just does not feel like him and I like him very very much as a character.
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creampie-capital · 2 years
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「ᴀꜰʟ」 𝟏𝟖+ 「ᴘᴡᴘ」 ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ꜰ*ᴄᴋɪɴɢ ʟᴇᴍᴏɴꜱ 「ᴘ*ʀɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴘʟᴏᴛ」
𝘝𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Warning! This is explicit content 18+, so you must refrain from mentioning your age, especially if you are underage. 
I originally started this series back in 2017, so most of these are old. However, I've moved all of the Punani-moistening, tear-jerking good stories to the front. They will have ✦ by their names to indicate my best works. 
If you want some really good refreshing stories that are memorable, check out my book about f*cking monsters, The Devil May Lick me, and or the other one-shot books and yandere books.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
🍋Current Completed Oneshots🍋
↳✦「Katsuki Bakugo x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║17,325
↳✦「A Christmas GangBang (JJK)」✦  ━━━➤ Word Count║12,259
↳✦「Connor (RK800) x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║13,323
↳✦「Husband! Illumi Zoldck x Chubby! Wife! Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║19,867
↳✦「Kiba Inuzuka x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║11,815
↳✦「Jealous! Shikamaru Nara x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║7,317
↳✦「Killer x Marine! Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║18,011
↳✦「Raihan x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║14,040
↳✦「Joker x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║21,730
↳✦「Asmodeus x Demon! Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║7,694
↳✦「Dabi x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║27,345
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
🍋Older, Unedited Cringey Oneshots🍋
↳「Hisoka Morrow x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║12,538
↳「Hisoka Morrow x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║9,692
↳「Kisame Hoshigaki x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║10,237
↳「Kisame Hoshigaki x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║4,280
↳「Adult! Death The Kid x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║11,417
↳「Adult! Death The Kid x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║8,848
↳「Adult! Ciel Phantomhive x Demon! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║4,890
↳「Adult! Ciel Phantomhive x Demon! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║7,818
↳「Katsuki Bakugo x Tattoo Artist! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║5,492
↳「Katsuki Bakugo x Tattoo Artist! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║6,444
↳「Reiji Sakamaki x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║5,577
↳「Reiji Sakamaki x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║8,286
↳「Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║8,522
↳「Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║6,717
↳「Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader Pt.3」━━━➤ Word Count║12,003
↳「Zenitsu Agatsuma x Demon! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║5,756
↳「Zenitsu Agatsuma x Demon! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║6,902
↳「Hidan x Reader x Deidara」━━━➤ Word Count║8,300
↳「Zabuza Momochi x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║20,294
↳「Yandere! Yukio Okumura x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,511
↳「Rin Okumura x Demon! Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,063
↳「Laxus Dreyar x Chubby! Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,297
↳「Sting Eucliffe x Reader Rogue Cheney」━━━➤ Word Count║7,548
↳「Leviathan x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║4,242
↳「Beelzebub x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,123
↳「Diavolo x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,000
↳「Tobio Kageyama x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,340
↳「Shouta Aizawa x Nurse! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║6,234
↳「Karma Akabane x reader」━━━➤ Word Count║2,432
↳「Sunna no Gaara x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║2,493
↳「Jay Jo x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║3,200
↳「Vinny Hong x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║3,506
↳「Yu Takeyama x GN! Hero! Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║3,366
↳「Yandere! Madara Uchiha x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,396
↳「Illumi Zoldyck x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║4,240
↳「Illumi Zoldyck x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║5,206
↳「Illumi Zoldyck x Reader Pt.3」━━━➤ Word Count║9,042
↳「Yujiro Hanma x Shy! Innocent Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,522
↳「Zero Kiriyu x Reader x Kaname Kuran Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║3,354
↳「Zero Kiriyu x Reader x Kaname Kuran Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║3, 867
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║4,950
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Powerful! Boss! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║3,542
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Powerful! Boss! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║2,705
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Powerful! Boss! Reader Pt.3」━━━➤ Word Count║3,804
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
🍋𝐋𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬🍋
↳「Akitaru Obi x Reader」
↳「Shouta Aizawa x Nurse! Reader Pt.2」
↳「The Ships Sl*t (One Piece)」
↳「Estarossa x Reader」
↳「Raihan x Reader Pt.2」
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
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sweetsugarcakes · 2 months
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⚡︎ Laxus Masterlist ⚡︎
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༺ laxus x gn! reader
recommend what you want me to write for the character :)
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starlightingsss · 1 year
forever and always?
laxus x reader drabble AGAIN, might write more parts!
help idk why i wrote angst BUT HES SO UGHHH?? sobbing btw.
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he wasn't sure why he did it - why he left her. of course, he had to leave magnolia, but her?
he remembered it like it had just been yesterday, her eyes widening as tears filled them, her mouth opening ot say something but no words coming out, how he saw her heart shatter in his fact, how she collapsed, how she cried. he remember how he sobbed for the first time in a long time the moment he exited their house, how he told himself it was for the best, how despite that he couldn't stop his tears, the unbearable pain he lived with for a year that never stopped - until tenrou, until time itself stopped.
walking back into their old house seemed to awaken everything, the ache in his heart. there was no trace of her. 8 years had passed, since he walked out on the love of his life - 8 years to her, 1 to him.
everything was in its place, exactly as he liked it. the fridge was ridded of perishables, the living room cushions were in the right order, the dining table was uncluttered, the bathroom counter was empty except for his singular toohtbrush and toothpaste, the cabinets were empty except the ones that had help his own personal hygiene products, the closet was empty, their bed was made, his belongings were untouched. the sheets smelled of his cologne, the shower was stocked with his body wash. even the shiny engagement ring in the velvet box resting deep in one of the drawers of his nightstand was still there, undistured and resting on its soft cushioning.
naybe he liked it, so many years ago, but today - at that day and at that time - he hated it. his house was nothing but his house.
he hated mess, he never complained to her about it but she knew he hated it, but god, how he would kill to see a mess. her mess, the clutter of makeup products, her clothing, her skincare, the lingering scent of her perfume, the smell of her cooking. the elements of her that made his house his home, the things that warmed his bed and comforted his heart were gone - and as was she.
he didn't blame her, he ended their relationship with 2 words, never reached out and walked out on the teary eyed girl as if it meant nothing.
she didn't know he was on the island, she probably thought he left her in radio silence for years, it was too late to try again, it was too late to love her.
he couldn't stand it, his house haunted him with memories of her, he couldn't stay there any longer.
and so, he made his way to freed's house, grabbing his coat, and walking across town, to where its always been. he knew freed would ask no questions, and jsut be happy to have him there, but still, he knew his sleep would be haunted by his memories of her, the undying hope that maybe she still missed him, that maybe they were really meant to be, that the universe was on their side. maybe the gods were rooting for him and his soulmate, the love of his life. maybe, by pure luck, he didn't screw up as bad as he thought he did, maybe she had it in him to forgive her, and maybe she was just as hopeful as him.
maybe she would forgive him, maybe - even though it might seem so silly -, maybe, she still loved him as she did all those years ago, and maybe she still trusted him, and maybe the odds were in their favor and they had a chance. just maybe. but that maybe was the only thing that let him sleep at night, that maybe was the only thing that had kept him going, that 'maybe' seemed to be the only thing that kept his heart beating.
maybe he still had a chance, to be with her, to have their kids, and to have the life that they dared to dream of.
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as-nodt-ghostwriter · 4 months
This blog is dedicated to RWBY and occasionally anime like Naruto or Fairy Tail.
Open to writing all kinds sfw related request. nsfw or taboo works can be written only when characters are adults or young adults (college age/at least 18 etc.)
So here’s a list
Accepted ✅
Male or gender neutral reader only
M/F, M/M, GN/F, GN/M
Character x Reader Only. Polyships w/reader are ok
sfw (fluff head canons, oneshots or drabble) — awkward situations, cute crushes, hijinks, cuddling and hugging, cute dating, kisses, flirting, marriage and domestication
nsfw (headcannons, oneshots, or drabble) — missionary, doggy style, oral sex, boobjobs, creampie, one night stands, bedroom eyes, dirty talk, sexting, wet dreams, porn without plot
dark fantasies — daddy/mommy kink, praise kink, cam girl au, dirty roleplaying
drinking/smoking/drug use
yandere trope™️ (obsessive love, stalking and kidnapping)
Denied ❌
Not familiar with alpha/omega
No character x character shipping requests
No female reader requests.
No gun play
No fetish play (feet, body fluids, blood, bdsm)
No dubcon or rape
No incest or stepcest
Characters I can write —
Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team CYVF, Penny, Ciel Soleli, Cinder Falls, Emerald Sustrai, Neopolitan, Sienna Khan, Winter Schnee, Glynda Goodwitch
Team SSSN, Mercury Black, Roman Torchwick, Adam Taurus, James Ironwood, Qrow Braunwen
Grey Fullbuster, Laxus Dreyar, Sting Eucliffe, Rouge Cheney, Leo, Totomaru, MacBeth
Lucy Heartfila, Erza Scarlet, Juvia Lockster, Lisanna Strauss, Marianna Strauss, Cana Alberona, Yukino Agria, Minerva, Kagura Mikazuchi, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra, Sorano Agria, Meredy, Flare Corona
Rock Lee, Kakashi Hatake, Gaara, Kankuro, Hidan, Utakata
Tenten, Konan, Hanabi Hyuga, Fuu, Mei Terumi, Anko
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 months
I have emerged from my slumber to contribute to @ft-platonicweek with a fun little Dragon Family oneshot.
Fairy Tail Platonic Week: Day 1 [Prompt: Competition]
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen Fandom: Fairy Tail Words: 3,642 Relationships: Sting Eucliffe & Dragonslayers, Dragonslayers - relationship, Laxus Dreyar & Sting Eucliffe, Bickslow & Laxus Dreyar, Rogue Cheney & Sting Eucliffe & Wendy Marvell, Natsu Dragneel & Gajeel Redfox & Lisanna Strauss Characters: Sting Eucliffe, Gajeel Redfox, Natsu Dragneel, Lisanna Strauss, Wendy Marvell, Rogue Cheney, Happy (Fairy Tail), Charle | Carla, Laxus Dreyar, Bickslow (Fairy Tail) Summary: It’s Sting’s first real snow day in Magnolia, and he is thrilled. The day gets even better when it devolves into a snowball fight with the family.
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strawhatkia · 11 months
✧ fairytail masterlist !
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SHORT SUMMARY ! in a world of magic exists guilds where magical people called mages gather together for jobs and family. one of those guilds is called fairytail, the most popular one, known for it's kind-hearted mages and strong bonds...also for going overboard and destroying most of, if not all, whatever area they are in the meantime....they mean well i swear-
✧ CHARACTERS INCLUDED ! natsu, gray, ezra, lucy, laxus, mirajane, loke/leo, gajeel, jellal, subject to change !
✧ KEY ! fluff - f | mature - m | angst - a | crack - c
✧ LAST UPDATED ! xx/xx/xxxx |
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timestamps !
coming soon !
headcanons / scenarios !
coming soon !
drabbles !
coming soon !
oneshots !
coming soon !
series !
coming soon !
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
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