#layton rants
laytonlover3 · 11 months
Happy Halloween, all! I bring some exciting news for my fellow League of Legends fandomers:
As of today, the ezko ship (Ezreal x Ekko) has over 100 fanfics posted on AO3!
Ik this is a silly thing to get excited over, but I couldn’t be happier about the attention that my favorite ship is getting. I thought I’d take this chance to shoutout/recommend some of my favorite fics (I tried to pick just one favorite, but was tied between these 5):
First Fic I Ever Read with Ezko in It: The Years Nearly Forgotten by albawrites (Rated M for violence, but imo this one fic - not the rest of its series - could safely be rated T.)
This fic is part of a longer series called On the Way to Piltover which is a canon-compliant Twisted Fate x Graves story with a friends(?)-with-benefits to lovers arc. Ezko makes a notable, if short appearance, but their dynamic is adorable - this fic, accompanied by Michael Yichao’s “Out of Time” (the Riot-sponsored Pulsefire ezko short story) was what first got me interested in what has since become my OTP.
First Ezko-Centric Fic I Really Loved: Paradox Rebound: First Paradox by ArinieKat (rated M for sexual content)
If you read any ezko fanfic, you’re definitely familiar with ArinieKat because they’ve single-handedly written like 10% of all the ezko content on the site. This fic of theirs really stood out to me because of its beautiful angst - it follows Pulsefire Ezreal as he ends up in a timeline where he married Ekko, then died, leaving Pulsefire Ekko widowed until he shows up. A few months ago I outlined a Pulsefire ezko angst fic idea that I had on here, and a lot of the inspiration for it came from this particular fic. It’s funny, it’s emotional, and while Years Nearly Forgotten and Out of Time made me think “huh, that ship’s kinda cute”, it was reading this fic that truly got me hooked on ezko.
Favorite AU Ezko Fic/Favorite Fic with Artwork: Underneath Your Silver Screen by VeryNoodleMan aka @satans--waifu (rated E)
1960’s Hollywood AU Ezko? Let’s just say I’m obsessed. Not to mention the absolutely gorgeous movie-poster-style artwork on the author’s tumblr. Even though this fic is on indefinite hiatus, it’s definitely worth checking out the first few chapters: the research and worldbuilding that went into them is really impressive. Being able to read your favorite ship in an entirely new context is like rediscovering and falling in love with their dynamic all over again <3
Current Most-Kudosed Ezko Fic: Blondie and the Beat by Mechanical_Hanz (rated T)
As someone who typically filters by kudos, I’ve grown used to seeing this fic at the top, and with good reason: for a highschool AU where Ezreal, Ekko, Lux and Jinx struggle to pursue queer relationships in a homophobic society, this fic is surprisingly funny and upbeat. While updates have not been super consistent, it has been a cute fic to follow over the past year or so, and it’s done a great job of balancing ezko with lightcannon without shoving either ship into the background for too long (a complaint I have with lots of other fics tagged with both lc and ezko).
Favorite Ezko One-Shot: (Loosely) Holding You by Mechanical_Hanz (rated T)
If I’m ever looking to reread something short and sweet for ezko, this is my go-to fic. It’s set in the Arcane universe, where Ezreal and Ekko are… acquaintances? Friends? Until one day Ezreal ends up spending the night with Ekko (not sexually) and the two end up together. The banter is really on-point, and Ekko’s followers from LoR make cameos, so needless to say I’m a big fan.
So those are my recs! I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who has made or supported ezko content over the past few years, and here’s to having 100 more fics written soon (maybe if Ezreal gets added to Arcane, lol)!
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mangledscrimp · 1 year
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darklight-owl · 1 year
Sometimes when I talk about a thing I'm mentally ill about irl I forget that not everyone has read the source material, spinoffs and remakes, seen the stageplay recordings and movies, analyzed every single aspect of the soundtrack, or dissected the characters by painstakingly combing every scene they're in.
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hey-its-danny · 3 months
Alright you finished Azran Legacy? Okay. Answer this question: what are our thoughts on Emmy Altava?
alright listen and listen close. she had a fantastically strong introduction in spectre’s call, i LOVED her in the movie, he was serviceable in miracle mask (though i blame that completely on the narrative not compensating for her so she got sidelined) and also she was so cute in the door to st mystere and monte dor content. i actually have a google doc describing my deeply intricate reading of her character, and i hold her dear to my heart.
sadly, her treatment in azran legacy was the narrative equivalent of a pile of dookie ass farts, and i’m so sorry for her.
1. her playful banter with luke was almost completely missing despite it being the highlight of her dynamics in the previous two games. and like, as far as dynamics, there was so much potential for her relationship with sycamore!!! god they wouldve fucked it up crazy style!!! they even implied it, but refused to back up the notion with meaningful interactions between the two. even after the end game reveals. its almost like the game wasnt paced to compensate for that, crazy.
2. her character was stunted until the last cutscenes of azran legacy (like the rest of the cast, though it was obviously most egregious for her, hershel and sycamore). for my thoughts on that, i’d need a whole post, but i do just wanna say luke was great in the final moments of the game up until the final cutscenes. even with emmy, who like. i could feel the desperation as she had to abandon luke without answers, i again wish we could explore that but okay. whatever. im not mad
3. everything in hoogland. i might dedicate another post to that alone but for now just know i thought her behaviour was childish and ignorant, as well as somewhat out of character. i would’ve been more fine with it if hershel stepped in to stop her, but he didnt, so i can only assume level 5 wanted me to agree with her actions which 🤷‍♂️ nah i dont.
TLDR; emmy rocks, i love her, hoogland never happened
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justkillingthyme · 5 months
Happy Emmy Wemmysday!
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ask-clive-dove · 8 months
Hey Clive, whatcha planning?
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"Karma has waited long enough for its just due. I will simply be the one to finish what he started all those years ago."
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smalllone · 1 month
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Why Layton
She's lonely give her friends :(
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dinosaurqueenmab · 8 months
It's always a love-hate relationship with newer fandoms. Allow me to explain.
I love joining new fandoms. Who doesn't? You increase your knowledge and join new communities. That's why I'm in a number of them (some I can't even say because I will get bullied for it 😅). It's a wonderful and amazing feeling, especially meeting new characters. In the latest one I've joined, I've had the opportunity to meet the lovely professor Layton and his apprentice, Luke, and other characters, but those 2 are, of course, special to me. The professor has become a comfort character for me. But anyway, I won't linger on that topic as I don't want to leave spoilers. It's always an amazing and warm feeling because you've lived through everything along with them. Your mind connects to it as if you were there and you form an attachment.
At least, that's how it's going for me.
But there's always a plot that happens during almost every Fandom. There are exceptions, but for the most part, in video games, books, TV, and some other places, there's a plot that impacts some of the characters. However, it also impacts you as you experience the characters' feelings and grief/anger/sadness/happiness/emotions secondhand.
Disappointingly, and I don't know if it's just me, I know I wrote this weirdly from the third person, but... it's sad. I have collected all the trauma from these characters and the sad endings, and the cliffhangers, and I've held onto them as if they were my own memories. And I can't get rid of them. They were a gift.
It's making me feel sad every time I experience a depressing point in a series, and I can't do anything about it because these are real feelings, but they are all for something, not in this world.
How am I supposed to accept that?
Wings of Fire, Lost Light, Mtmte, Tnmnt, Professor Layton, and even Camp Cretaceous (WHICH I HAVENT EVEN FINISHED BECAUSE IM LAZY).
How am I supposed to accept that these things don't exist and that I shouldn't be feeling this way about them?
It makes me think about how infinite this universe is and how there's infinitive possibilities for the universe. One of the reasons I latch onto new fandoms is because I recognize it as real. Somehow. Somewhere.
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flwrcrxwnlyon · 8 months
if i wanted to get into heaven and god said bill hawks waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down
if I had to deal with Bill Hakws saying a word in cutscenes or text dialogue I would not only close the console but delete the save out of spite and have to replay the whole series all over again for the experience of being able to skip all the parts where he is mentioned or alive
i dont even know why i hate him so much. he's the Prime Minister but i am just mad because i am angy
he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just a rich dickhead who just wanted to get richer ill go ham
BETTER have had an invention make him kill someone cuz if he didnt Im going to make him
Chapter in the games not even about him. vaguely mentioned what happened and I lost it
where the fuck is bill hawks if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasnt
crusty old man
ill punch hawks and his sad frail old man twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will disintegrate until all that's left is one last chapter with Clive and his fucking fortress destroying him simply titled "Now You Fucked Up" in british.
im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when bill died or will die so i can make it a reminder on my phone
everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the man who destroyed a lot of people's lives
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another-clive-blog · 10 months
it’s all okay! flora is just hiding on the airship layton rode to the states. she’s just trying to get out of the suitcase she’s in!! (source: i’m lying to myself)
Well that is one well-known source so I shall trust you !!! So glad Flora is on her way =) She's going to have so much fun and so much chara-development !!
Nah I'm joking. She is using Don Paolo's flying machine and she is going to burn that town to the ground when she finds out Layton left her behind again
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authoroftwwm · 1 year
tl;dr is that Professor layton helped w trauma, listed is the journey through the games and future hype for PLWoS
So, I recently got into professor layton (a year ago, to be specific) and I must say, It has helped me SO FUCKIN MUCH WITH SO MUCH TRAUMA--
I have schizoeffective disorder. I have severe PTSD from years of mental and physical abuse from my parents. I have ADHD and may also be autistic, getting tested at 25 years is difficult.
When I started Professor Layton, I decided to play in release order--"I want to experience what long time fans experienced." I felt it would be more genuine. So, I downloaded an emulator (yeah i know, bad Vero) and started to play. I wrote down my reactions to each game after i beat them:
PLCB: THIS MAN GOT CHASED BY A FERRIS WHEEL!!!! THATS COOL AF! It was a really fun game, cool story with neat puzzles tHaT wErE hArD aF (i was kind of nonchalant about the games, just getting into them)
PLPB: ayo he got a box OH WAIT HE DED--i enjoyed the gameplay and watching the bad guy be the bad guy. interesting sequel, hopefully luke stays with the professor a long time lol (I jinxed it lol, also felt a bit more connected to Luke as a character and his admiration for Hershel)
(I took a long break after this one due to college lol but now i just play after my homework is done)
PLLF: I didnt write anything after this one. i just sat in silence for about a week, and I didnt eat for a few days. This was when my foster dad died, and i felt strangely as if i had healed a lot. After that week. I guess I just kinda took the time to process the loss of someone who i consider my true father. It was at this point I realized that playing the games had helped. I also didnt mentally process that luke left the professor lol until i watched someones playthrough of the last part of the game again
PLSC: BRO ITS LUKE AGAIN BUT HES YOUNGER AND HAS TRUST ISSUES WTF ITS MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE except luke didnt go through massive trauma (unless you count the ghost stuff and the witch stuff and the house stuff as trauma) yeah i like it very good
I am currently playing through Azran Legacy, and I must say it lives up to the hype. Havent reached the ending tho so im trying to not run into spoilers. also I know descole is sycamore im not dumb THEY LITERALLY LOOK ALIKE AND THE BUTLER IS THE SAME WTF if theyre not the same person im gonna spazzzzzzzz
All in all, I plan on figuring out how to a b s o r b all the content from the spin offs (in order to do this i also want to play all the phoenix wright games, wish me luck lol) and will eventually get the Katrielle game.
I have a lot to do in preparation for New World of Steam! I hope im able to do it in time, and also that its just as good as the previous games. I know Quizknock will do a good job, its just whether i will enjoy it or not.
Thank you for reading, sorry for the long post; i have no potatoes to offer but nevertheless have a good day~!
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coro-sg · 3 months
Funky headcanon to add to Flora (for the PB AU at least) is that she’s probably decent with mechanics and machinery
Like her living in a village full of robotic people, there was probably a moment where Bruno couldn’t fix someone (be it him unavailable or some other cause) so Flora would want to fix them. plus he’s like the only other human there so she probably would get curious?? And be like “hey I wanna learn something new plz” to pass time??
please let her have some cool add ons other than being swept to the side 😭
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mangledscrimp · 3 months
I know not everyone will like them, but I like them and that’s really all that matters tbh. !!
First with Hershel!
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Writing out the bullet points so it’s easier to read!
•She isn’t that interested in archeology but her dad encourages it since he has a fond for it as well! Roland loved to adventure in his prime and he wants Hershel to experience something like that as well.
•She has pcos. Ok guys, listen to me okay…she’s..she’s literally me..okay..?,,,I gave her pcos because I wanna feel a better about myself okay..okay…and that I think it would add more to her character okay bye
•Fond of puzzles because of her father and friends. Randall is quite the encourager when it comes to puzzles, especially with Hershel. Hershel has grown to like solving puzzles the more she bonds with her dad and Randall.
•Going to the library with Randall. Hershel enjoys when Randall brings her along for library trips and shows her the cool archeological text books. Though she still finds it a bit strange since Angela and Alphonse tend to find it weird how Randall usually just wants to hang out more with her instead of them. But, she tends to overlook that and continue to have fun with Randall! Even when it’s just reading a book or two!
•Going by the Sapphic label. She has the need to feel like she should be attracted to men as well at her age, but she doesn’t really have that wired very well in her brain. Her mother suggests she should allow herself to be open to roughly anything that comes her way.
not in the picture but, Hershel’s nationality is Barbadian/Bajan and puerto rican lolllll bc I felt like it tehe (though, Hershel would call herself Barbadian because she doesn’t live in Barbados)
,, Also not in the picture but she is 17years old!!
-Her design changed a lot through development, at first I wanted her hair to be how it is normally, a small but long poofy hair, but I think the hair as a small fro is a good call back to Hersh teen original design
-Another example would be me trying to figure out what color her vest should be, eventually I got it down to be blue vest with a red tie, but in the beginning I was debating on keeping the original color pallet
Now with Randall!!
I feel like u guys might hate me for this one but..ehhhhh,,,i don’t really give a fart…
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yeahg this ref is like. huge huge. okay. be nice…
As always, writing out bullet points and explaining some,
•Her glass lenses are fake, she tries to look like her dad most of the time since he’s a very known archeologist in this au. Though he was lost very long ago, when Randall was about 5 years old. He was also with Angela’s brother but, that’s another story!
•The two “mom makes her shave” bullets. Rosa, Randall’s mother, is quite the horrible woman. Randall started to develop facial hair that looked similar to her father when puberty hit, so she made her shave so Randall wouldn’t look like the man that left their family for his archeological studies. Even though that wasn’t his choice. Randall quite likes her facial hair but when her mom nags her about it, she’ll feel self conscious. This is why she wears her bandana! Though, as it says in the photo, Her mom lets her keep her hair sometimes if it’s not as noticeable.
•Randall is Mexican!! I really like the mexican hispanic randall headcanon, it’s my favorite, so I wanted to give it to Randyyy in this au!!
•Purses archeology to be more like her dad. Randall does this mostly in secret with Hershel in the library. Her mother wouldn’t want her taking the same path as her father so she does it with Hershel because she know Hershel wouldn’t disclose that to her mother.
•Randall is a closeted lesbian. Ohhhh she’s like. Deep in a glass closet, all of her friends know but they don’t want to tell her that they know. Her mom doesn’t know since Randall is so afraid to tell her mom about what she and Hershel do and she’s afraid to invite Hershel over to her home because she fears that Hershel would tell her mother the things that they do together (archeology reading time in the library)
•She’s quite awkward since Hershel arrived in stansbury and started attending school. Angela and Alphonse noticed it pretty quickly. Randall would usually have her jacket on with the buttons up, with only two left off of course, but that really started to change the more she got comfortable with Hershel around.
•She also has. pcos. OKAY HEAR ME OUT IN THIS ONE OKAY GUYS :< ,, she has pcos and a condition that can come with pcos called Hirsutism !! Hirsutism is excessive hair growth in certain areas like the chest, arms, legs and face! Randall has hair a lot in those places, she doesn’t shave anywhere but her face. She just doesn’t find the appeal to it!
•Yes..Jade Harley is an inspiration to..her..don’t ask me why..I don’t even homestuck, it’s just for hair anyways lolsss
not in the picture,, Randall is 17 years old tehe
Here’s some outfit stuff for toggles and other things lallaaaaaa, also! The stripe on her shirt would go around fully, not just the front.
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ALSO!! Oh my god when making Randy ref and finishing someone,,, definitely not any spherical wizard of sorts,, said that it looked like Randall’s wall that he put all his ideas and stuff on with all the doodles on Randall’s ref page and I was just. Wow. entirely correct. So I did this;
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i’m going to DIEEEE after posting this oh my god
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i was laughibggghhh my ass off making that. I’m fully convinced that Randall would draw in that yuri art style and still not think she’s a lesbian.
Angela so real for that honestly like how are they not. Also alphonse shirt..happy puppy…Henry don’t gaf.
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I think everyone tends to forget that Descole/Desmond actually hates the Azrans and only studied them for his revenge
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cloudsrust · 1 year
Currently trying to rewire my current main fixation with one of the lesser ones since I need tame and relaxing thoughts atm,,
It's hard.
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whumblr · 2 years
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