#layton theories
toy-pigeon · 2 months
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every so often i give physical art another shot. it’s kind of relaxing
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lutiaslayton · 10 months
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Hey everyone! Just thought I'd make a quick post to let you know that...
The complete, definite, will-not-be-edited-again-in-the-future, FINAL translation of London Holiday, is finally here for your enjoyment!
AND it comes this time with an in-character fan-translation that DOESN'T read like Google Translate!
For those who didn't know, Professor Layton and the London Holiday is an official prologue to Diabolical Box; it's a short slice-of-life story in which Luke and Layton are just having some good time solving puzzles, and at the end, they receive the letter from Schrader which starts the events of DB. This game is not really lost content per se, but it's still part of the more obscure Layton media, since we non-Japanese fans have no legal way of playing it ourselves unless we buy the Japanese version of DB.
This isn't really some breaking news or anything, but I still thought it was worth warning you that this is it -- if you wanted a fancy in-character translation, you finally have it!
I will make a small shoutout to @call-me-rucy who helped every now and then with the more accurate translation when I had doubts on how a few idioms here and there were meant to be interpreted. Thanks again for your help, and sorry for using you like this xD I do wish I could send you DMs for reasons other than just asking for your Japanese knowledge hahaha
When I say that this won't be edited again, I mean that the only way this web page will ever be further edited in the future is if someone else shows up at some point and asks me to change something. Perhaps I took too many liberties in the fancy fan-translation compared to the original text in one or two specific occurrences, or perhaps someone will want to translate this transcript into another language that isn't English, in which case I would absolutely accept to add it! (and you would be credited for that additional translation, obviously)
I heavily suggest you take a look at it if you haven't already, because it provides quite a bit of lore and funny/wholesome moments! We notably get the full story of how Schrader heard about, and then tried to acquire the Elysian box (...story which contradicts the fact that he would already own it in Eternal Diva, by the way), but it's not the only fun lore crumbs this prologue to DB gives us :)
Also, for the fans of the puzzle theory -- I suggest you take a look in particular at what Luke says when he solved puzzle 09. It sure is intriguing that he would mention walking from island to island on foot as if he were... Physically doing it?? Or at least had the impression that he could experience it somehow???
Heh, puzzles and hint coins have mind powers anyway, for all we know perhaps some of them can trap you inside your own mind for a bit while you're solving them. Deliciously horrifying, so much potential for fanfics/comics and lore analysis. So shameful that nobody would have thought of taking advantage of this by throwing puzzles at someone with the specific intent of slowing them down by trapping them in a trance for a bit. smh, Level 5. smh.
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dysfunctionalnerd · 2 years
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local dad gets scared shitless when his son leans over the steampunk airship just a little too excitedly
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pinkpabli · 3 months
Big fan of the Laytons have got Hershel Bronev birth certificate so Layton's actual birthday and age are different from the ones we canonically know about. Anyway.
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aquamarineglow · 11 months
Things I'd love to see in the Future of the Layton Series:
Some of these are unlikely, borderline impossible. But here's hoping Apollo may grant me the gift of prophesy on just one thing:
1. The rest of the Layton Games get a HD release on mobile.
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This just makes sense! The original trilogy got a HD release, time for the prequels! And what if we get new cutscenes and content like Curious Village did? That would be amazing!
2. The entire series gets released on Switch.
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This also makes sense. Since NWOS is releasing on the Switch, it makes sense to add the original games so new fans can play all of them! Especially since the Nintendo DS is dead. Rest in Peace. 💕
3. London Life gets a sequel/reboot and is available for all regions.
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I've been playing London Life on an Emulator and it is so fun! It's a shame my region never got it!
My hope for the future is that if Spectre's Call gets a HD release, it will include London Life for everyone! But this version will include characters from Miracle Mask and Azran Legacy!
And here's a fun idea: what if befriending Dimitri Allen unlocks the ability to use his time machine! Unfortunately, it doesn't work perfectly; it can only take you twenty years into the future. So you can meet and befriend characters from Mystery Journey and Mystery Room!
4. Layton Brothers Mystery Room Sequel
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It's been ten years since the mobile game was released and it's been largely ignored by Level 5. Until recently, with Alfendi's cameo in the anime, and then the manga series. It's clear that there's still love for this game. I think it's perfect time for Alfendi and Lucy to get the sequel they deserve! I'd love to see how they are doing!
5. Layton's Mystery Room Sequel/ Layton Mystery Detective Agency Season 2
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I know Katrielle's game and anime wasn't the best received, but I think the series has a lot to offer! With the return of Layton and possibly an appearance from Alfendi, I believe the best is yet to come! Also, we still don't know the backstory of Sherl.
6. Lost Media gets found:
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What is Professor Layton and the Phantom Thieves? What is Professor Layton Battle Royale? What is Professor Layton and the Deathly Mirror? I have no idea. But I'd like to know.
7. Roid Artwork
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I don't know much about it, but I believe Level 5 had some kind of mobile app where, amongst other things, you received really cute artwork of various characters. Most of if the ones I've seen are poor quality, so I think it would be great if the Level 5 Twitter said, "check these out" and released HD images, including ones we've never seen before.
8. More Games
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So, the original series was a trilogy. And the prequels were a trilogy. So what if NWOS is the first entry in a new trilogy, starring Luke in America! The Detective Triton Trilogy!
Also, it's been a while since Professor Layton's first and only crossover game. What about another? I don't know much about the Phoenix Wright series, but a crossover between Apollo Justice and Alfendi/Katrielle could be fun?
9. Rook and Bishop
This message is for Akihiro Hino's eyes only. If you are not Akihiro Hino, please skip.
Hey, Akihiro Hino. I know you read my blog. I will give you £29 and my ham sandwich if you put Rook and Bishop in the new game. They don't even have to do anything, just stand awkwardly in the background. It would be hilarious because nobody would care. Everyone wants to see characters like Flora, Emmy and Descole. You put Benny in LMJ and nobody cared about him. Do this for me.🥺
10. Flora
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Just.... Acknowledge her existence in some way. Let her appear in NWOS. Give her something to do.
11. Mangas Series
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I was so happy when it was revealed that Level 5 was making a manga series about Mystery Room. I can't read Japanese, but I just love the artwork. So expressive and fun! Completely different from the original 2d sprites.
So I was thinking, what if they made a manga about each of the original games? I don't mean like the Cheerful Mystery Manga, but with beautiful artwork that followed the original stories, maybe with new scenes? I'd like that.
Feel free to add what you'd love to see for the Layton Series! No matter how impossible it sounds! If the list is long enough, at least one thing has to come true, right?
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brambletakato · 1 year
i saw a des doodle where hes a rabbit and like. yeah. yeah im sorry
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trixterdark · 2 years
The Professor Layton Fandom after receiving a 20 sec. trailer and two wallpapers
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pentacle-artist · 4 months
Okay, spoilers for the Mystery Journey anime and Azran Legacy, I think. Technically.
Anyway, I was rewatching Relics episodes 3+4 with my sister today, which has what the Relics are, and it looks like this
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And, for me, this is a rewatch, and this time I was actively thinking about how, yeah, the stones that led here came from space, but this thing *has* to be man made. The first thought is the technologically advanced ancient civilization we're already familiar with: The Azran.
BUT that doesn't make sense for a couple of reasons.
Outside of the story, the writers wouldn't include them in this context because a viewer really would need knowledge of the main games for it to work, and the Azran stuff was already resolved in AL.
*In* story, however, it doesn't *look* like an Azran thing or *feel* like something they'd make.
*Major* spoilers for both previously things ahead.
The relics freeze someone in time so they can see the future. Since the Azran thought of themselves as gods, they terraformmed multiple areas across the world, and they built the golems to do menial stuff. I think they're more likely to invent immortality instead of these chryo chambers. I mean, similar stuff is used for Aurora, but that leads me to the look of it.
The relics are very angular, more stereotypically futuristic. This is what Azran stuff looks like:
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It's generally more round and ornate. There is a little overlap, but Azran feels more classical. Also, they did have a thing for flying, but, as far as I know, not full-on *space.*
WHICH MEANS that there's probably some other ancient, forgotten civilization in the Laytonverse that loved space and potentially could've had a small bit of overlap with the Azran. It'd probably be very early on because it's implied that after the whole golem thing, advanced technology went down, and the Relics is pretty dang advanced.
It would also explain why Aurora's stasis was similar because the tech already existed, and the Azran could've improved it to not need specific frequencies to safely release whoever's frozen. Or maybe the fact that she's a golem would make her immune. Who knows!
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ovent0 · 8 months
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I finished the Layton Mystery Journey game and I had the urge to make those two a child.
Here is a little of the process I did to reach the final result (and the ideas I had for its design).
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1. The first ideas I had for the eyes. I also took a theory of the possible connection with the Herzen family (For the animals of both families being a ram/sheep).
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2. Here it was a pure combination of parents' and grandparents' hair (And I added a little bit of Randal with the last design).
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3. And lastly, it was choosing the hair tone, as well as the clothing design (I figured the green tone would be a little lighter because of Katrielle's brown tone, although I was tempted to make it darker because of Katrielle's biological mother's genes).
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transaltava · 2 months
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fruityassumptions · 2 months
Just getting into Tgaa and holy fuck holy shit what the fuck
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curiiousviillage · 1 year
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i feel like i cant draw emmy how she canonically looks anymore i HAVE to make her hair triangular i HAVE to i MUST
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lutiaslayton · 9 months
So. um.
Evan Barde. Know that guy? The man who died one year prior to Last Specter under very suspicious circumstances, falling off a cliff with Clark being the sole witness and him not seeing anyone else around at the time? The one whose death was quickly ruled out as a suicide by the same guy who then proceeded to alter his will?
The one who, prior to his death, was simultaneously:
- A friend of the Tritons and presumably a good loving dad (yay!)
- AND a very highly hated guy who charged people with insane rent for no known good reason (huh???), among other suspicious decision-making regarding the town that he also made, such as shutting down the factory and depriving many inhabitants of their jobs, making living in Misthallery more and more difficult for many?
Yes. Well.
What if every piece of info we had been given was entirely true, and we were simply missing the big picture?
What if, before Clark... Descole had successfully been manipulating Evan Barde and forcing him to charge insane rent and intentionally make people lose their jobs in order to get them to leave the town entirely before the excavation machines would then start showing up and leveling it?
What if, after an undefined period of time being under Descole and Jakes' manipulating scheme... Evan Barde could no longer take it anymore, and for one reason or another decided one night to leave the manor, making sure that nobody, let alone the men controlling him, saw him leave, and... made the jump all by himself?
Could it have been the guilt? the shame? the will or desperation to stop or at least hinder Descole's plan in some way, no matter the cost? Was he hoping that his sacrifice would, somehow, save his children or the town...? That one shall alas remain a mystery.
What if Evan Barde's death was indeed a major hindrance to Descole's plan, rather than a catalyst allowing it to start unfolding? What if Clark was never meant to be the puppet in the first place, but was taken as a replacement because their old one was no longer an option?
What if, with Clark not being as easy to work with as Evan once was, and with the townspeople evidently not leaving, Descole had to start excavating anyway... and decided to use an old legend about a specter in order to cover it up?
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probablygayattorneys · 7 months
I finally remade the camera in Diabolical Box but now trying to do these spot the differences has got me feeling like
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theminiartblog · 2 years
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Be good. For the love of God, be good...
Keeping an eye on Kat in her high school days while the Professor is away can either be a good time, or a chaotic time, but always entertaining. Clive makes sure to give his two cents on the matter via his usual sweet notes.
Special comm for @honey-0tu, thank you for the support~!
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squeeze-the-lemon · 1 year
SPOILERS - Azran Legacy, Miracle Mask
I know its a massive part of Descole's character that he gave his name to Layton and took revenge on Targent and what not but WHAT IF HE DIDN'T
It's so strange how the life with the Layton's was practically tailor-made for Descole. He would have been able to explore the ruins and accomplish his goals, or maybe he would learn how to let go of his rage and instead take down Targent another way.
But what would have happened to Layton (our Layton)? Would he become as twisted as his brother? Could he? Perhaps twisted is the wrong word. Imagine Layton's single focus in life being revenge. I can't. I guess all this all comes back to nature vs nurture.
And yet Layton thrived with his family. Sure he suffered, he experienced loss but he also experienced love. Without these life altering events he never could have become the professor that we know
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