cuddlefl00fs · 7 months
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cuddlefl00fs · 4 months
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And here's Lazoob, my current OTP!! They may have never interacted but me and @carl-chryniszzswics came up with the ship and it's very awesome and special and cute!!
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cuddlefl00fs · 1 year
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cuddlefl00fs · 3 months
Made a whiteboard animatic of Tallulah and Laszlo, with audio from Bad Lip Reading Game of Thrones 🎨🌆
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cuddlefl00fs · 2 years
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cuddlefl00fs · 2 years
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cuddlefl00fs · 2 years
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OTP meme template by WickedJedi19 on Deviantart
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cuddlefl00fs · 2 years
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cuddlefl00fs · 2 years
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"Laszlo! You're getting all sweaty again!"
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cuddlefl00fs · 5 months
I remember reading your pinned post! So I knew I had to share it with you! Congrats on you guys btw, that’s awesome /genuine
Lazlo was scared at first until he realized Goob was pretty harmless. Then Goob felt bad so he untied him and the rest is history lol
Thank you 🫶
Cute! That certainly is different than how they met in our au, especially since ours takes place after the events of the movie lmao
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cuddlefl00fs · 7 months
(Is it ok to ask you a question? If not you can just delete this lol)
Has Goob been formally introduced to the family yet?
Of course! Our headcanon is that they helped him be able to live on his own, and at some point he starts hanging out with them. That's how he meets and eventually starts dating Laszlo!
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cuddlefl00fs · 5 months
I had a dream where Doris and BHG kidnapped Laszlo and held him for ransom, only Laszlo and BHG ended up liking each other
Did you know that I shipped that?? Or did my otp just pop into your head unannounced??
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cuddlefl00fs · 2 years
Meet the Robinsons Headcanons - Fritz, Laszlo, and Tallulah (Mostly Laszlo)
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Laszlo and Goob are a couple after the events of the movie.
Fritz, Tallulah, and Laszlo didn't move into the house until a couple years ago (Maybe 3 or 4 years).
He's not as talkative as the rest of the family (which helps explain why he only has 4 lines in the movie). The more comfortable around you he is, the more chatty he becomes. he blabbers on a lot about stuff with Goob.
He has a good relationship with Tallulah as an adult, but as a teen he was jealous of the fact she had so many friends and he didn't.
He's pretty close with Wilbur compared to other people in the family, despite the age difference. Also spends a good amount of time with Gaston, but that's not always by choice.
He used to be embarrassed about the fact he was gay, and would try to convince people he was straight since the area he was from had a lot of homophobia. His first and only kiss before Goob was with a girl, and he didn't like it, so he gave up on anything to do with relationships for a long time. He only started to become comfortable with the idea again when he moved into the Robinson household. He's pretty comfortable with his sexuality now.
He hit puberty later than other kids. It's why his voice is a bit high, and why he's short. He's 32, but people often think he's in his early to mid 20s.
His goggles double as glasses. Cornelius made them for him after he noticed Laszlo refused to wear his prescription, and kept flying into walls and stuff in the house. He didn't like how they made him look. They look like this
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Cornelius is also the one who made his paint gun. They worked together on the propeller helmet, though.
As to be expected from an artist, he tends to paint and sketch out his feelings. He shows off the paintings he makes when happy or content, but keeps others in his personal collection and doesn't show them. Lots of dark edgy paintings when he was a teen/young adult.
His hair doesn't like to cooperate with him, which is why he has his cowlick. He tried to brush it back many times but it would just spring right back up, so eventually he gave up.
He used to be really insecure about his freckles and his underbite.
The reason Tallulah sounds the way she does is because she had surgery on her thyroid in middle school, and the surgeon accidentally damaged her vocal cords in the process. Fritz sued him for damages and won. It took a while for people to get used to her new voice, but she loves to tell people the story about it because she thinks it's neat.
Laszlo and Tallulah are fraternal twins. Genetically, the chance of having two children born at separate times with red hair and blue eyes are low if one of the parents has brown hair and brown eyes. Red hair and blue eyes are recessive, brown hair and brown eyes are dominant.
His favorite band is Oingo Boingo.
After high school he decided to go to college for a degree in fine arts. However, he noticed that by doing so he was losing his motivation to create any art of his own anymore. It was stressing him out a lot, so he decided to drop out and ended up working at a local art store as a cashier instead. He did this for a few years until they decided to move in with the rest of the family.
He has a really bad sweet tooth and hides snack cakes in his room. He doesn't share them with anyone but Goob, though. Generally can put down a ton of food if he's hungry enough, but he always ends up regretting it.
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