#le boid
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@le-boid​ from X
“Per child?”
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“Show me your math.” No way he was trusting numbers crunched by this bird.
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mllenugget · 4 months
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C'est comme le challenge waca avec les chats gris aux yeux bleus mais avec des hommes blancs et bruns à bebar
Template par @earl-goupil <3
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princessesaphi · 1 year
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Les illustrations de Chloé, Fanny, Franck et les autres, chapitre 10 !
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captainseamech · 9 months
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Oh damn! A bird!
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dreamsofalifeold · 1 year
((Vampire-coded, surprisingly. The fact that his tragedy comes from being created and abandoned, unable to change who he is or what he is. Which admittedly sounds werewolfy, but I feel like vampire fits better still.))
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spottys-rathole · 2 years
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huh, j'pensais que j'en avais beaucoup plus que ça mais okay
C'est le 5 Mai baby
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littleredarcher · 2 years
❝ Boy you’re not intimidated by me at all, are you? ❞
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"Should I be? I pick my teeth with bigger critters than you."
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viendiletto · 8 months
«Erimo quei che xe andadi via…»
Ogni tanto dago un’ociada al mio Nuovissimo Palazzi del 1957. Se trata de una vecia abitudine che me gaveva inculcado la mia seconda mama, la professoressa Maria Concetta Viviano in Berti. Ala parola “Esilio” se lege: “Allontanamento volontario o forzato dalla patria”. Ala parola “Esule” corrisponde la definizion: “Chi o che è in esilio”. Un altro dizionario dise, “Esilio”: l’andare volontariamente o il vivere costretti fuori dalla patria”.
Forse tuto questo vol dir che mi non son un esule; in fin dei conti vivo in Patria! Non ve par?
Alora chi xe esule? Noi o lori? Lori, quei che xe rimasti!? Quei che xe rimasti?
Me par che se andèmo a far ‘ste ciacole dopo 70 ani finimo co’l barufarse de novo, e far saltar fora astio e malanimo.
Cossa fèmo? Dimentichemo?
Distiradi sula «rampa de lancio»
Quei dela mia età se trova oramai tuti distiradi sula “rampa de lancio”, puntadi verso l’alto, pronti a far una bela svolada e andar a trovar quei che ga avudo più premura de noi.
Qualche volta me brusa, quando torno a Fiume, e te trovo qualchedun de quei che non xe andadi via proprio perché i genitori, la familia, iera nati là e là i voleva restar. Me brusa pensar che forse un de quei che me parla e ciacola con mi poderìa esser el fio de quel sporco individuo che ga fato conosser, per la prima e l’unica volta in vita sua, la “residenza turistica” de Via Roma (deta: “nikad doma”) al mio povero papà! Un operaio! Un falegname che ga sgobà tuta la vita. Un polaco, arivado a Fiume co’i mìi noni che no’i saveva parlar altro che polaco e tedesco!
Mio padre, “italian convinto”, ga finido la prima guera mondial drento le trincee italiane e nela seconda lurida guera, ala verde età de 48 ani, el xe andà volontario, de novo a combater come un povero zurlo, per noi, per l’Italia!
Fazemo finta de gnente
Mio papà se ga stancà de viver, a Genova. Lontan dala sua Fiume. El dorme un sono eterno drento una picola nichia sula parte più alta del zimitero de Staglieno. El xe, “ossi contro ossi” in una casetiza insieme con la mia mama. Fino al ultimo giorno de vita el ga sempre parlà in fiuman. El ga vissuto una esistenza fata de ricordi. El se insognava sempre de Fiume, del Corso, del Monte Magior, dela sua bela Fiumara dove el gaveva la botega de marangon.
Adesso el dorme un sono senza sogni cussì che no’l core el ris’cio de riveder, tra i fantasmi dela note interminabile, la figura sporca de quel farabuto co’l muso gialo, che lo ga denunzià ai gianizeri de Tito, de esser stado un fervente italian!
Quel stesso mascalzon che, compena arivadi i drusi in zità, el ga cambià distintivo sula patela dela giacheta! El ga butado via el “fassio” per meter sù la “stela rossa!” Quel stesso infame che, da mediocre imbianchin, de colpo el iera diventado un prepotente dirigente in questura! Omo dela OSNA. Dimentichemo! Fazemo finta de gnente.
Una razion extra de patate boide
A mi me bastarà ricordar el forzado, misero turismo fato dal 1945 al 1947 per i campi profughi de tuta la penisola, insieme al caro indimenticado amico Agostino Sirola, nato a Fianona ma fiuman convinto. Cambiàvimo continuamente campo profughi, andando sempre più a sud. Passando per Roma, dove erimo, ogni giorno, “fissi” al Ministero dell’educazione nazionale per saper qualcosa sula apertura del Colegio de Brindisi. A Roma semo stadi diversi mesi nel Campo profughi del Quadraro. Mi ghe insegnavo qualcosa ai muleti dele elementari che era profughi dala Libia e dala Cirenaica e l’Agostino fazeva el sguatero nela cusina del campo. Una razion extra de patate boide e “saltade” non me mancava mai.
Al Collegio «Niccolò Tommaseo»
A tempo debito semo arivadi, primi assoluti, ala famosa Scola de Marina e ultima temporanea residenza bellica dela Accademia Naval de Livorno. Semo arivadi ancora prima che vegnissi zò el Professor Troili. El signor economo e el segretario, signor Cianciaruso, ne ga sistemado àla bona, in una cantina del Colegio dove, per qualche giorno, gavemo dormido su due letini, con la rede de fero ma senza stramazzi.
Spagheti co’l sugo de pomidori
Magnàvimo, in una saleta, vizin la tavola dei ex funzionari dela scola naval, solo a mesogiorno, spagheti co’l sugo de pomidori. De sera: nisba con contorno de stele in un ziel favoloso. Dopo qualche giorno xe arivà el diretor, el Professor Troili, insieme con quatro o cinque muli del “sientifico”. El resto dela ganga xe arivado a scalioni nel arco de un pèr de setimane. In quel meravilioso colegio che portava el nome de Nicolò Tomaseo (qualche nostro mulo, per far la remenàda, diseva che forse se tratava de un zerto Nikola Tomassic’, dalmato, come lo ciamava i titini…) go passado un ano per ciapar el diploma. Go fato la preziosa esperienza dela vita in coletività. E, per mia fortuna, dopo soli zinque mesi, cominziavo la mia vita de maritimo, imbarcado come “mozo”su un rimorciador nel porto de Savona. Una esperienza molto utile per quanto riguardava tuti i lavori manuali de bordo. Ogni tanto el Comandante, un “paron maritimo” meravilioso, el me fazeva far pratica al timon del rimorciador.
La prima nomina de Comandante
Ero veramente felice e contento ma, ogni volta che zurmàvimo ale varie banchine le grosse navi oceaniche, mi me sentivo el còr come una patata boida. Guadagnavo poco ma gavevo vitto e alogio asicuradi fin che, nel giro de un pàr de mesi, go trovà, con l’aiuto de una cara signorina, segretaria presso la più importante agenzia marittima de Savona, la possibilità de imbarcarme adiritura come alievo ufizial su una nave “Liberty” de diecimila tonelate. Squasi non me sentivo più adosso la scorza de profugo o de esule. Me sentivo libero e, son stado tanto fortunado, de restar imbarcado su quela nave per quasi tre ani consecutivi, senza far una licenza e sbarcar con el grado de terzo uficial. Dopo, la mia carriera xe stada limpida e veloce. A bordo gavevo studiado con grande serietà l’inglese el spagnolo e anca el francese. A 27 ani otegnivo la prima nomina de Comandante con la prestigiosa compagnia genovese “La Columbia”.
La mia famiglia, dopo pesanti peripezie e vessazioni quotidiane, ga podudo finalmente scampar de Fiume per finir in un lontan campo profughi vizin l’Aquila, su per le montagne, in un posto che se ciamava Rojo Pineta. Erimo de novo tuti profughi, esuli. Esuli in Patria.
Erimo quei che xe andadi via…
Reneo Lenski
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bluesecchymauroses · 7 months
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Bill Boid Fanart — kurtgaby
Bill Boid Fanart (07/01/24) — kurtartfactory
Participating for the 2nd consecutive year in the Secret Santa of an RPZ server, I was inspired by the themes.
So I drew for the first time the character of Bill Boid in RPZ.
And also the first time I draw a lmao cop
I loved doing it even if I admit it's a little + twink than the real character (it's not my fault I draw twink 🤌)
🔮FR Version🔮
Participant pour la 2ème année consécutive au Secret Santa d’un serveur RPZ, j’étais inspiré pour les thèmes.
Du coup j’ai dessiné pour la première fois le personnage de Bill Boid dans RPZ.
Et aussi la première fois que je dessine un flic lmao
J’ai adoré le faire même si j’avoue il est un peu + twink que le vrai perso (c’est pas ma faute je dessine des twink 🤌)
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pikmininaplane · 2 years
Du coup si tu veux varier un peu 👀
Est ce que ça te dit de répondre à l'ask game au sujet de MT et/ou Lenny ?
(attention faut pas hésiter à me mettre un stop parce que je vais demander tout le cast)
(referring to this ask game)
😭 I mean, moi je veux bien faire tout le cast, hein, suffit de demander /hj
Sexuality Headcanon : Aroace ou arogay <3 C'est pas pour rien qu'il aime le vert ce saligaud /j
Gender Headcanon : Homme cis I guess ?
A ship I have with said character : Classique mais efficace, le LT X) Mais je suis ouverte à la possibilité du Boid/MT..... wink wink, tousse tousse, oui je vais la lire cette fic je l'jure
A BROTP I have with said character : Ça sort peut-être un peu de nulle part, mais Béa ! Enfin, j'HC que Béa est très pote avec tous les Families, mais en particulier avec MT – les personnalités opposées qui pourtant s'entendent bien, tout ça...
A NOTP I have with said character : J'en ai aucun qui me vienne en tête j'avoue... ? Peut-être avec Yann, et encore...
A random headcanon : Quand il se retrouve à faire une tâche seul, parfois, il chantonne à voix basse. Mais si Thomas vous affirme qu’il l’a entendu, sachez que c’est un menteur et qu’il n’a aucune preuve >:(
General Opinion over said character : Très très cool :] Intimidant depuis les autres POVs, hilarant depuis ceux des Families, il méritait son vert pomme 🫵
Sexuality Headcanon : Gay, parfois aro, selon mon humeur :3c
Gender Headcanon : Homme cis
A ship I have with said character : Bien entendu comme ont pu le prouver nos échanges je suis extrêmement normale au sujet du Donalenny. Bien sûr.
A BROTP I have with said character : Haylie. Mlm-wlw solidarity <3
A NOTP I have with said character : Oooh, top 10 des phrases que je ne dirais pas sur le serveur, numéro 4 : je suis. Pas fan du Lenneth en vrai X) Après je les ai pas tant vus que ça, mais le peu que j’en ai vu m’a paaas spécialement donné envie. Est-ce que c’est au rang de NOTP ? Peut-être pas, mais 😔
A random headcanon : De temps en temps, il va voir Matéo et lui dit qu’ils ont une mission super importante à accomplir rien que tout les deux ; en réalité, c’est surtout une excuse pour s’éloigner du chaos qu’est être le chef des Vagos. Ils ne font rien de vraiment important, ils traînent en ville, se prennent à manger et se posent quelques part. Ils le faisaient surtout quand Matéo était plus jeune - maintenant, Lenny est plus occupé, et Matéo refuse parfois de venir parce qu’il trouve que Lenny l’infantilise trop, mais s’il a du mal à l’admettre, il apprécie quand même ces moments.
General Opinion over said character : Je veux voir sa POV en fait c’est un besoin. Un de mes persos préférés de RPZ, et pas seulement à cause de son chapeau <3 Donnez un peu de repos à ce pauvre homme enfin 😔
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@le-boid asked:
Smashes your beak in with a hammer.
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He warned you didn't he? "You turkey-brained tin-head! YOU SCRATCHED MY PAINT!!!"
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newsie-collective · 1 year
Quickfire Favorites
Food: “Tha kin ya can eat”
Color: “Blue n red lik me socks”
Season: “Winter, I lik tha snow n it givs me a excuse ta cuddl”
Weather: “Snow duh”
Hobby: “Flirtin if tha count, n pickin up trinkets fo Fin”
Animal: “crows”
Memory: “Watchin Fin sav a baby boid. Him kept it warm in him pocket, was real cute”
Comfort Item: “Ion really got one les Fin count. Him giv good cuddles, speshully wen ya uset”
He gets his nickname as a nod to Romeo from Romeo and Juliet because he gets puppy crushes. He didn’t know why he had this nickname until someone read the book to him.
Fin quotes the line from the play (Romeo Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo) to call for Romeo which makes him smile and his tummy “feel weird n warm n happy”
Romeo has had a crush on pretty much every newsie at some point (and also Darcy and Bill). His current one is on Finch and this one had lasted a lot longer. He had had a crush on Finch before, it seems he always comes back to them. He says it feels different this time, much stronger. He says it gets stronger every time he gets “pulled back” to Finch
Speaking of books, Romeo cannot read.
Romeo can’t read so he really likes movies and video games. When he does watch/play he puts the captions on. It’s his way of trying to teach himself because he’s embarrassed by it.
English is also not his first language which is part of why reading is hard for him
He likes it when people read books to him, but he doesn’t ask for it often because he’s self conscious about not being able to read himself. His favorites, of course, fantasy books with romance (think knight in shining armor and princess)
Romeo does not know his parents. If he tries hard he can sort of recall what his mother’s voice sounded like, but it is all very distant memories. He was in and out of different orphanages. He was supposed to be on the orphan train to some farmer out in the midwest, but instead ran away from the orphanage to join the newsies. New York was all he had known and he didn’t like the idea of moving away
While in the orphanages Romeo was the runt of the litter so to speak. Part of the reason he is so small is because of the overcrowding and the horrible conditions. He was in a crib for way too long and of course never had a bed to himself. He was always last to be fed and sometimes would not get food at all. He was often picked on by both kids and grownups because of the way he looked. 
Romeo has vitiligo. It’s most obvious on his skin, but he does a few sections of hair that have also lost pigment
When his vitiligo started getting worse he was often called a cow or other mean names. He’s very insecure about his vitiligo because of it. He often uses makeup or dirt to hide it. 
Romeo flip flops between thinking he’s hot shit and worrying that he’s being too annoying and that everyone secretly hates him
He tends to pick up interests from other people, especially the ones he likes, because he wants to be able to relate to them. So, for example, he got really into rocks when he first crushed on Finch. When he was hanging out with Jack he tried to learn how to paint, etc etc.
He likes blue and socks with funky patterns
He tries to seem like nothing bothers him and that he can go with the flow, but it’s a cover up for how insecure he is. Because he crushes so easily he has had his fair share in heartbreak. And while he says everything is all good each time he was rejected stung more than the last. Because of this part of him believes he’s not good enough for anyone
He would absolutely wear a dress, but he’s too shy and would never admit it
Romeo is touch starved and craves physical intimacy. Not necessarily in a sexual way, he is perfectly happy with cuddles and kisses. He just craves feeling close with someone. As his name suggests he is a romantic at heart and he really wants to be able to have something like what he sees in the movies
He has a scar on his forehead under his hair from when he got hit with the baton by the police during the strike
Finch. This boy is fuckin obsessed with him. Absolutely head over heels in love
Romeo pictures Finch as a crow because “him smat n him lik ta pick up shiny thins”
Romeo referred to Finch as his songbird once and now all the newsies tease him for it
Finch makes Romeo feel safe and Finch is the one he will go to when he feels insecure or anxious
List of Newsies Resources Masterpost: https://at.tumblr.com/what-goesaround-comesaround/list-of-newsies-resources-masterpost/7hiw94mx9ps7
Thanks guys! Hope you enjoyed
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mllenugget · 4 months
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This is exactly what it looks like
Clip : [X] 21/07/2022
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princessesaphi · 1 year
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sayonaradumbass · 1 year
le-boid asked:
"Scoot over! You're on MY side of the bed-" // For meowth because we had a mighty urge to bother--
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Meowth glowers over his fluffy shoulder, tugging the blanket hard--
"YOU move your feathery butt over! You're takin' up all my space!"
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dreamsofalifeold · 1 year
"I've known nothing but violence since I was a child."
"Oh...Digit, honey..." A protective arm goes around his wings, pulling the boid into a close embrace. It wasn't quite a mother's touch, but it was the same intent; to make him feel safe and sheltered, to be protective. "I'm sorry. You shouldn't have been made to suffer that. Not ever."
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