#lead to a straight JK
kanmom51 · 2 years
JK ain’t gay
*Disclaimer:  If you don’t have a sense of humour don’t bother reading this post.
Part 3 of my 2 part expose into JK being straight as an arrow.  
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Cause I know people.
I’ve already proven it to you time and time again.
In part 1
part 2
Go read them now goddamn it !!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I need the likes people !!!!!!!!!!
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Clearing throat and moving on.
Our man, our ladies man fuckboy, our manliest of all men, a one Mr. Jeon Jungkook is not gay nor queer in no way, shape or form.  
So what if he sucks on another mans’ ear?  
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So what if he allows said other man  give him a hickey?
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So what if he publicly posts said other man an outright invitation to come over and devour him?  
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As our pierced and tattooed manly man told us himself:  SO WHAT???
And now all of you can see it.
In your faces suckers.
It’s proven.  
That’s it.  
Our holey (typo intentional) mission done.  
We have irrefutable evidence.
JK has been photographed with his girlfriend on a super romantic very secretive vacay on Jeju.  
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Wait, wrong pic.
This one has our straight manliest man, man of all men, sitting together with his girlfriend at a restaurant having a super romantic dinner together, of which at the end he proposed to her, cause that’s what you do when the love of your life is about to become the mother of your child, oh and before he goes to the army.  Yeah, that too.
Well, ok, we don’t really know if he proposed to her of if she’s even pregnant, but she’s his girlfriend for sure.
Well, ok, we don’t really know if it’s a romantic dinner or even if she’s his girlfriend, but there’s a pic which contains JK seen with A WOMAN.
Well, ok, so not exactly seen WITH a woman.  More like sitting somewhere and a woman in his proximity.
Well, ok. not exactly a full pic, more like a cropped pic where we see maybe JK sitting opposite someone, he is looking in that direction, and we don’t get to see who that is.
But there is a pic.  With JK (well, maybe JK?) from Jeju.  
Yes, Jeju is a sure thing.
So we have a pic with someone, maybe JK, with a woman sitting near by from a restaurant in Jeju.
Oh, and he is going to the army.  We do have that too.
And obviously that’s more than enough to prove that JK is our beloved straight fuckboy.  
Got there finally.  That was exhausting.
End of part 1 of part 3 of our JK ain’t gay expose.
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To be continued with part 2 of part 3 of our JK ain’t gay expose in which we will divulge mind blowing transcripts we don’t have from recordings never made of a private conversations between our manly man JK and his bro JM.  
This will be it.  The conclusive and irrefutable piece of evidence we’ve been waiting for.  
Or have we?
109 notes · View notes
wintaerbaer · 7 months
bottle up old love (jjk) (m)
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summary: Jungkook may have broken up with you a year ago, but that's not going to stop him from coming to your rescue when he sees you being cornered by a creep.
pairing: Jungkook x Reader
rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
genre: exes to lovers, the holy trinity of angst/smut/fluff
word count: 4.6k (this was supposed to be a drabble 💀)
prompt: JK + exes to lovers + "I'm sorry" + "I hate you" + "Don't fucking touch me" + "Leave" (for @btsborahaee <3)
warnings: language, a short harassment scene at the beginning (nothing too intense), explicit content including: unprotected sex (DO NOT), fingering, praise kink, biting, marking, spanking, cum eating (sort of?), big cawk soft dom jk, cowgirl (yeehaw), creampie, cockwarming, i think that's all but this also wasn't supposed to be too smutty so clearly idk what's going on lol
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“Don’t fucking touch me!”
You spit the words at the man in front of you, pushing him back as he tries to make another grab at your arm.
“Why do you gotta be like that?” Seungcheol whines. “I thought we were having fun.”
“You and I have very different ideas of fun.” You take a step backwards towards your building. Somewhere down the sidewalk, footsteps clatter against the pavement.
“C’mon.” He matches your movement, reaches for you again. “Invite me up. You enjoyed the last time, didn’t you? I told you that was just a warm-up.”
The building’s brick wall is closer than you thought, and you bang your shoulder against it as you try to sidestep him. “Last time you didn’t follow me to a bar I didn’t even invite you to. How did you know where I was anyway?”
“Let me come up, and I’ll tell you,” he rumbles with a flicker of his eyebrows. He has you fully backed up against the wall now, and you press against the muscle of his chest to no avail.
“Stop!” you shout before he’s ripped away from you so suddenly that you’re left blinking in confusion, huddled against the brick.
There’s a thud–the sound of a fist hitting flesh–and a yelp before Seungcheol is reeling back with his hands clutching his nose. Blood seeps out from beneath his fingers, black even under the glow of the streetlamps.
“What the fuck?” he shrieks, and it’s only then that you take a proper look at your savior, looking every bit like he’s stepped straight out of the shadows with his dark hair, ebony clothes, and deep brown eyes.
And a lead weight drops into your stomach as you recognize him.
Jungkook sets himself between you and Seungcheol, looming over the latter as he continues to cover his face, whining. “I’m giving you ten seconds to get out of here.”
“Who the fuck are you?!”
“Ten,” Jungkook growls, taking a step in Seungcheol’s direction. “Nine.”
Seungcheol straightens–clearly a last-ditch attempt to look intimidating. Spitting blood onto the concrete, he peers at you over Jungkook’s shoulder. “This isn’t over, bitch.”
Then he spins and takes off running down the street.
Your hands grip your elbows. It may be a balmy summer night, but you’re shivering where you stand, unsure whether you’re more affected by Seungcheol’s behavior or the ghost who’s unexpectedly in front of you.
“Are you okay?” he quietly asks, gaze fixed on your face. You stare at your shoes and give him a brisk nod as a response before turning away, punching in your building code, and walking through the front door.
He follows closely, slipping in behind you and trailing a few feet. You let him for a little while, guiding him through the modest lobby and up the first flight of stairs. But when you’re halfway up the second stairwell–almost to your floor–you pause on the landing, spinning his way.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
His eyes are gentle, sincere. “Making sure you get in safely.”
“There’s no need for that,” you assert. “I’m already in my building. There’s a keypad. I’m good.”
“The keypad does almost nothing. I followed you in no problem.”
“So I should be worried about you then?”
He flushes, the tips of his ears going pink. “Please just let me see you inside.”
You want to argue back, want to shout at him and make a scene, but you know it’s no use. Know that he’s stubborn as a bull and will get what he wants one way or another.
It’s how he broke up with you after all.
You say nothing, only hustle up the last set of steps and down the dimly-lit hallway until you’re in front of your door, Jungkook tailing you the whole time with his hands in his pockets. You practically fumble your key in your haste to get it into the lock, letting out a satisfied sigh as the latch finally clicks open.
“There. I’m in,” you say as you step over the threshold, waving a dismissive hand at your unwanted companion. “Leave.”
But he hesitates just outside the doorway, teeth chewing at the corner of his lip. “What are you going to do if he comes back?”
“That’s my problem, isn’t it? I stopped being your concern when you dropped me out of nowhere a year ago.”
Your eyes sting at the memory, tears threatening to spill over. You don’t want him here. Don’t want to see him or have him anywhere in your vicinity. Not when it still hurts like this.
Though, truth be told, you don’t expect to ever be fully over him.
“We’re done, Jungkook,” you murmur. “You made sure of that.”
And you close the door in his face.
The distress subsides quickly once he’s out of sight–like he was never there to begin with–and you don’t linger, dropping your bag on the sofa and heading straight for the bathroom. This is how you’ve made it a year without him; it was weeks of crying before you realized that wallowing was doing you no good, only fueling your misery instead of providing any kind of catharsis. So you’ve done your best to simply push past it and cast away the anguish that bubbles up every time you think of him. Not allow it to linger like the shadows at the edges of the room.
You shed your clothes and turn the shower to a temperature that you’ll probably regret later. But for now, you savor the way the water sears your skin as you wash away the day with all of its unpleasant surprises. Taking your time, you scrub every inch of your body and carefully shampoo your hair (trying not to fall back into the fantasy that’s plagued you on occasion where it’s his hands and not yours spreading the bubbles over your form).
The self-care continues as you step out of the shower and leisurely work through your skin care routine, even taking the time to blow dry your hair. By the time you exit the bathroom, the fog on the mirror has dissipated, and you’ve once again successfully tamped down the memory of Jungkook and his hands and eyes and everything you ever felt for him.
Or so you think.
After popping into your bedroom to pull on some pajamas, you pad back into the living room for a glass of water, and your eyes are immediately drawn to the front door. Regret attempts to push its way into your consciousness against your better judgment. The man broke your heart, yes. But you do feel a little guilty slamming the door in his face after he just fought off a creep for you.
And speaking of Seungcheol, what if he does come back? You’re pretty sure he saw you punch in the building code the night you brought him home with you, and given his behavior, you wouldn’t be surprised if he filed it away in his head.
Anxiety winning out, you creep to the door and peer through the peephole. The hallway looks empty, drab beige walls taking up most of your field of view, but you jump as you spot a hulking shadow to the right. Your heartbeat races then slows, a closer look revealing hunched, unmoving shoulders wrapped in a familiar black t-shirt.
Jungkook swings his head to look at you as you open the door and glare down at him. His legs are pulled up, arms resting on his knees, and it might be endearing if not for the fact that he absolutely, positively should not be here.
“What are you doing?” you ask him for the second time tonight.
“He might come back.”
“And you’re going to what? Fight him?”
He shrugs. “If I have to.”
“Yeah?” You raise an eyebrow, challenging. “You’re going to sit out here all night?”
He shifts where he sits, wiggling his hips like he’s firmly planting his butt into his chosen spot. “Yes.”
You roll your eyes at him but don’t doubt that he would. Again, if there is anything you know this man to be, it’s stubborn. “You’re going to scare the neighbors.”
“Who, Mrs. Kwon?” A tiny smile plays on his lips as he glances in the direction of your elderly neighbor’s apartment. “I think she’d be delighted to see me.”
If you’re being honest, she probably would be. She’s always adored Jungkook and praised him as the “kind, handsome young man” who helped her put away groceries and fixed her leaky faucet one time. In the months following your breakup, she’d asked about him once or twice, patting your arm reassuringly when you awkwardly told her she wouldn’t be seeing him anymore.
“Don’t worry, dear,” she said. “He’ll come around.”
Well she’s turned out to be right in that he’s certainly back here again, still watching you from his spot on the floor. And you don’t know whether it’s his big doe eyes or the fact that he really would guard your apartment all night if you let him or the genuine fear that one of the other neighbors will make a fuss at his presence, but you feel yourself softening.
Turning abruptly, you stride into the kitchen for your glass of water, walking out of sight of the door, which is still wide open.
“You coming?” you call, pulling two glasses down from the cupboard.
There’s a rustle as Jungkook stands and shuffles into your apartment, closing the door behind him with a soft thud. For someone who was so determined to defend you tonight, he seems uncertain now that he’s actually inside. His hands are once again stuffed in his pockets, and his eyes flicker around like he hasn’t been here a thousand times. Hasn’t cooked you breakfast in this kitchen in nothing but his boxers. Hasn’t watched The Notebook with you on this TV and held you as you both cried.
Hasn’t made love to you on the couch.
You slide a water his way, and he murmurs his thanks, sipping at it lightly. It’s strange–seeing him here again–and you can’t help but think about the last time he stood in this room. It’d been a maelstrom of accusations and hurt feelings that culminated in him storming out, the slam of the door echoing in your ears.
“You never cleaned that?” He gestures at the rug that covers most of the sitting area in your living room, eyes on the dark purple stain roughly the size of your hand.
You gulp down your water and try not to follow his line of sight. Try not to remember how you’d knocked over a glass of wine in your haste to get his clothes off during another movie night less than a month before your breakup.
“I kind of forgot about it,” you say. “Stopped noticing it after a while.” 
It’s a lie. There was never a time when you didn’t notice it, the memory of him haunting you every time you sit down on the couch and stare at the garish stain. And still, you haven’t been able to bring yourself to try and erase it.
Silence worms its way between you again. With only the soft light from the tabletop lamp glowing next to the couch, Jungkook’s face is cloaked in shadow. And so you barely see his lips move when he speaks. Barely hear it with how quietly his whisper slips into the room.
“I’m sorry.”
Your glass almost drops from your fingers, droplets splashing across your knuckles as you catch it at the last moment and steady it on the countertop. Turning to face him, you find his gaze already on you, melancholy tinting his expression.
He tongues his lip ring, shoulders dropping a fraction. “For how things ended. I’m sorry.”
You can see the sincerity in his posture, can see the sadness in his form. And yet, his words only fill you with a hot anger that bubbles out of you before you can swallow it down.
“I don’t know why you would be,” you challenge, “being that you didn’t even respect me enough to give me a proper reason.”
Jungkook huffs at that; you think he’s resisting the urge to roll his eyes. “Did it really matter?”
He gnaws at his lip again, no longer looking at you, and his lack of an answer only riles you up further.
“Was there someone else?” you demand, causing him to flinch. It was the same thing you asked him when he told you he thought you should break up, standing in almost this exact same spot.
“No,” he murmurs after a moment. “There wasn’t anyone else.” He pushes a hand through his dark, silky hair. “There hasn’t been anyone else since either.”
This surprises you. Jungkook is, in your eyes, the handsomest man you have ever come face-to-face with, but even from an objective standpoint, he is exceedingly attractive. There is no doubt in your mind that he would easily be able to land a woman if he so desired.
“So then why?”
He sets his jaw, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows and fixes his stare out the window. And it’s this final refusal, this steadfast dedication to not explaining himself, that finally has tears tracking down your cheeks.
The sight of you crying has his attention snapping back your way, hands reaching out as if to hold you.
“Don’t touch me,” you gasp, recoiling until you’re out of reach. “I…I hate you.”
It almost seems as if your voice lands physically, and Jungkook staggers back like you’ve slapped him, remorse immediately wiggling its way between your ribs. You know you don’t mean the words even as they fall from your mouth, but it feels pointless to take them back now, the sentiment already thrown out there and hovering in the hollow space between you.
Jungkook muddles towards the couch–more of a defeated slump dragging his steps than anger–and you think he’s going to sit down before he whirls back towards you at the last second.
“The gala,” he mutters. “That’s when I decided.”
You know which one he’s talking about. Hosted by your medical school to celebrate the end of the academic year, it had been a night of food, dancing, and socializing. You had, of course, brought him as your date and introduced him to your friends and classmates, excited to finally allow him to put faces to names. As you comb through your memories of the night, you can’t pinpoint any warning signs, only remembering the way he’d smiled at you throughout. The way he’d pulled you close and danced you around the room.
“I don’t…I don’t understand.”
He rakes his fingers through his hair again, tossing strands of night over his forehead. A sad chuckle looses itself into the thick air of the room, and the final dregs of his resolve flicker away. “I realized that I didn’t deserve to stand next to you. That you could do much better than me.”
Whatever you thought his reason had been–whatever theories or thoughts had kept you up night after night for the past year–this is not even close to what you expected. And while you always thought finally receiving an answer would be freeing, would offer you some semblance of understanding, you’re surprised at the rage that boils in the pit of your stomach, bile rising in your throat.
“Are you fucking serious right now?” you growl, taking an angered step towards him. “You were feeling insecure, and you made the decision to break up with me without even thinking to, I don’t know, discuss it with me first?”
His hand goes to the back of his neck now, embarrassment showing its face as he peers at you from under his lashes. “I was stupid–”
“No, shit.”
“But can you blame me?” he presses. “There we were: you, about to be this incredible doctor with all of your doctor friends…” His voice falters, sorrow lacing his tone. “And I’m just a tattoo artist.”
The defeatist way he says it helps to dampen your ire some, even if a heap of frustration remains–the sad shape of his doe eyes softening your edges.
“Just a tattoo artist,” you repeat. “Jungkook, I have always been so, so proud of you. I was never anything but proud to have you as my partner. You must’ve known that.”
His teeth worry his lip, and though he nods, he doesn’t seem fully convinced.
So you continue on, closing the distance between you a fraction more. “You started your own business from nothing. And I saw how hard you worked: to get the building, to hire other artists, train your apprentices.” You shake your head–half in irritation, half in awe. “And look at you now! You’re thriving. The last I heard, if you want an appointment at Golden Tattoo, you need to book months in advance.”
His eyes are alight now, some hidden emotion glimmering under the surface, but he stays quiet as he soaks in your words.
“So how can you possibly act like you weren’t enough?” you push. “You are amazing, Jungkook. And I never gave a shit about any job comparisons people may have made.” One more step, and suddenly you’re almost chest-to-chest. As always, you’re unable to resist the pull of his gravity. Yanked right back into his orbit. “I only wanted you. I’ve only ever wanted y–”
He cuts you off with his mouth, strong hands snagging your hips to pull you against him, and your own fingers reflexively tangle in his black hoodie as your subconscious gives itself over to him. Like it’s been waiting for this.
“I’m not. Not thriving,” he mumbles against your lips. “Not without you. Been miserable without you.”
And in spite of your anger, in spite of the fact that you were ready to kick him out a mere hour ago, you find yourself kissing him back, relishing the slick glide of his tongue as he licks into your mouth.
You startle as the backs of your knees suddenly bump against the couch, and then Jungkook is spinning as he settles onto the plush seat, pulling you along to straddle him. He sucks at your neck until you can feel the blood blooming under your skin, painting you like the pretty ink on his arm.
Speaking of.
The fabric of his hoodie whispers as you pull it up and over his back and head, tossing it over his shoulder and into a corner. His arms now bare to you, you gloss over his tattoos with your eyes and fingers until you find the one you’d picked out for him; the lovely orange of the flower petals seem to glow even in the dim light of the room.
“Beautiful,” you whisper.
“Just like you.”
You look at him then, the twinkle of tiny galaxies in his eyes betraying his hope. And before you can go any further, you need confirmation.
“You left.”
“I did.” Fingertips press lightly against your waist like he’s afraid you might be the one to disappear now. “I’m sorry.”
“Jungkook, if…” You lick your lips. Can almost taste his regret. “If we do this and you leave again–”
“If we do this, I'm not going anywhere,” he insists, tugging your hips down to grind against him and ghosting a kiss at your jaw. “Just wanna be here with you. Just want you.”
And it’s all you need to hear.
You shed the cotton shirt you had thrown on after your shower and move to yank his own off, tossing it in the same corner as his hoodie. The muscles of his pecs and abs shift under your hands, burning hot where your fingers trace the contours of his torso. 
“God, I missed this,” he groans as he buries his face between your breasts, nipping at the skin there before laving the spot with his tongue.
You’d agree–echo the sentiment that your body has been aching for this–if not for the fact that you’re too busy trying to get the two of you naked, thumbs hooking into the waistband of your shorts.
But a tattooed hand covers yours, eases it away to take its place. “No,” he rumbles. “Let me.”
Wide palms and long fingers span your hips and thighs, grasping as much skin as possible even as he drags your shorts and panties down your legs and helps to steady you as you kick them off. They join the tangle of his own clothes
“Fucking gorgeous,” he growls at the sight of you finally naked in front of him. And with such speed that it almost seems like it’s involuntary, an impulse outside of his control, he’s immediately stroking at the apex of your thighs.
“Baby, this wet for me already?” A breathy sigh passes from his mouth to yours, almost laughing at the ease with which he glides through your folds. “Hell, I could just–”
A finger slips in and you gasp, Jungkook smiling wickedly at you as he quickly adds a second and curls them against your walls. You force your eyes closed as they roll back in your head, and you keel forward, babbling incoherently against the line of his collarbone.
“Use your words, love; you can do it.” He says it as if his fingers aren’t currently buried in you down to the knuckle. As if he’s not making you see stars behind your eyelids right now.
You choke down a breath, desperate for the oxygen. “Insane,” you pant. “I said you’re fucking insane.”
“Only for you,” he says before sliding his digits out of you and dipping them into his mouth. He moans at the taste, and even with his lips closed tightly, you can see the way he’s working his tongue around each finger, unwilling to waste a single drop of your essence.
Like you said. Insane.
He gives you a moment to catch your breath until you’re the one who’s getting impatient, hastily undoing his belt and tearing it from his pants with a hiss. But as you shift off of him so he can slither out of his pants and boxers–his length springing free to slap against his smooth stomach–you’re hit with an untimely realization.
“Jungkook, I don’t have condoms.”
He freezes, the color draining from his face (though admittedly, that may be because all of his blood has clearly gone south). The two of you stare at each other for a long second before he suddenly leans over, rummaging back through his pants pockets. He pulls out his wallet, rifles through it, then tosses it across the room in frustration, head tilting back against the couch as he groans at the ceiling.
“Fuck, me neither.”
You chew at your lip, a loaded quiet settling over the room as Jungkook wipes a hand over his face.
“I’m still on birth control,” you whisper, and Jungkook whips his head around, eyes wide and questioning like he’s not sure he heard you right. But you don’t repeat yourself, only hold his stare until he’s tentatively reaching out to graze his fingertips along your thigh.
“I told you. There’s been no one else.” His expression is earnest, eager. You trust that he’s telling the truth, and yet you also know that if you refused him, if you said you weren’t comfortable, he wouldn’t push.
So you swing a leg back over his lap, drag your wet folds against his cock. He moans, gripping your thighs hard, but he leans in to bite at your lower lip with a growl before pulling back to search your face.
It hurts that he even feels the need to ask. Because how could you even want someone else? Who could possibly measure up?
You brush a reassuring, barely-there kiss against his already swollen lips. “No one else for me either.”
This seems to please him, but you still see hesitation behind his eyes as he asks, “What about the guy downstairs?”
A drunken mistake was what that was. All sloppy lips and fumbling hands that had left you feeling more empty than anything, and which resulted in you sending Cheol away before he had even gotten a peek at your bedroom.
“We made out once,” you admit, hating that you’re even having to think about another man when Jungkook is here in front of you. “But nothing else happened.”
“Good,” he grunts, but his fingers dig into your backside like he’s trying to reclaim you. And just a fraction of a second later, he’s devilishly tonguing his lip ring as he winds his palm back to bring it down harshly against the meat of your ass, the smack echoing between the walls almost endlessly.
“Ride me, baby.”
You’re quick to line him up–desperate, at this point, to have him inside of you–and begin to ease yourself down slowly, trying to give your body the space and time to adjust to the burning stretch of his girth. He’s always filled you to your absolute limit, tested the furthest boundaries of how much your body can take with his size.
“Yesss,” he hisses, nipping at your neck once again. “You’re doing great, love. Always take me so fucking well.”
You gasp as he bottoms out, struggling to catch your breath with the relentless push of him. If you were a betting woman, you’d put money on your intestines being somewhere in the area of your throat right now.
He wraps his inked arm around your waist, continuing to whisper his praises against the shell of your ear as he starts to guide your body up and down. Intoxicated by the smooth slide of his length, you soon find your pace, and your shared moans fill the room–the whole city probably able to hear you right now.
You move that way until the pressure building becomes too much and your legs start to tremble, quivering against Jungkook’s own muscled thighs.
“It’s okay; I’ve got you.” He bands his arms around you and presses you to his chest, holding you in place so he can thrust upwards.
You’re practically screaming now, burying your teeth into his shoulder so as to muffle your sounds and not scare the neighbors. It’s all you can do to hold on for dear life as he rapidly pistons his cock inside of you, the slap of your hips like a metronome.
It builds and builds until it breaks and you’re falling apart in his arms, the spasms of your inner walls pulling him over the edge with you as he empties his seed deep inside.
The silence that follows in unlike the others you previously shared this evening–tension traded for serenity as you sit on the couch holding each other, you still contentedly stuffed full of him. He traces the ridges of your spine in a soothing pattern that has your eyelids drooping, your cheek resting against the warm skin of his neck.
“I missed this,” you whisper once your brain has finally remembered how to construct human speech.
“I missed you.”
You pull back so you can rest your forehead against his and gently run a finger over the lines of his face. “Where do we go from here?”
He hums. Tucks a stray hair behind your ear. “Take it day by day?” he suggests. “We don’t need to rush into anything if you don’t want to.”
“Mm, that does seem like a problem for tomorrow.”
A dark eyebrow quirks, teasing. “And what about right now?”
“Now?” you ask. “Do you remember the way to the bedroom? Or…” You shift your hips, already feeling him twitching inside of you.
“Or.” He jolts forward to capture your mouth in a hot kiss, and you smile into it, whole again. “Or sounds good.”
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a/n: pls like, reblog, reply, and/or send an ask if you enjoyed! <3
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5K notes · View notes
chunghasweetie · 4 months
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— part 2
— pairing | dom!oc x nerdy sub!jjk
— summary | loser nerd jk has crushed on her for years and is assigned to be her college tutor for her calculus class. studying doesn’t go exactly as planned and he ends up losing his virginity in the best way possible.
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
virginity loss, cussing, corruption kink, female dom, light dirty talk, belittling, dick sucking, unprotected sex, etc
— word count | 3.5k words
— song suggestion | rush — william singe
His nerves were tingling with anxiety. He had imagined a day like this since he laid eyes on her.
His crush first stemmed from middle school. Then it followed him through high school, and now his college career.
Y/n had always been the typical token super pretty and popular girl. She was funny too, he couldn’t help but giggle to himself when she was making jokes with her friends across the room.
Jungkook was beyond nervous. He’s had a crush on her forever, and now he was standing in front of her home for their very first tutoring session.
Jungkook had arrived at Y/n’s home, exhaling to himself. “I can do this.” He mumbled before knocking on her door.
The door opened and there she was. A short denim mini skirt and a matching top.
He was already done for.
“Oh hey Jungkook.” She smiled, “You’re here already. I didn’t think you’d be early. Come in.”
He feels his heart skip a beat as Y/n opens the door, a genuine smile spreading across his face.
“H-hi! Yes, it's me” He clears his throat. “Thank you for inviting me inside.” He steps inside, taking in the sight of her apartment.
“Of course.” She led him to the dining room table her hips swaying in her mini skirt that showed off her figure beautifully.
His eyes widen and follow her every move, watching as she leads him to the dining room table.
He can't help but feel a rush of excitement as he takes in the sight of her hips swaying in her skirt.
He had never imagined they’d be in such a small space. Alone with her. His heart could almost explode with excitement.
Her home didn’t look much like the google maps photos like he seen online.
“Is right here okay?” She asked him, her table with the notebooks and studying material she needed already set up.
He swallows hard and nods, feeling his cheeks heat up. “I-It’s fine.”
The two sat at her table studying, Jungkook using more complex language than she was used to.
She could grasp some of it, but Y/n wasn’t necessarily the strongest in the subject.
“I’ve always sucked at math. Let alone calculus.” She laughed. “It must be nice to know everything.”
He chuckles nervously, shaking his head. “No, not everything. Just... some things. Math is definitely my strong suit.” He takes a deep breath, gathering his composure before turning his attention to her math homework “Okay, let's continue.”
She simply nodded. She leaned closer to him, reading the book that was further in his direction.
Her breasts were huge. He wondered how her posture managed to stay so straight with those jugs weighing her down.
Her right breast was pressed against his shoulder, driving him crazy.
He tries to focus on the homework, but finds himself distracted by her low cut top and her large breasts on view.
He can't help but glance, feeling his face flush with embarrassment as he realizes she might notice. “Uh, so... uh...”
“Are you okay?” Y/n asked him.
“Yes.” He cleared his throat.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, yes I'm fine. It's just... uh... hot in here.” He tries to refocus on her homework assignment, but his mind keeps drifting to her body and how close she's standing next to him.
“I’ll go turn the ac on” She got up, hips swaying as she went to turn on the AC. She eventually came back. “Better?” She sat back down.
‘Someone kill me.’ Jungkook thought to himself.
He tries to focus on the books and studying material, but his gaze keeps drifting back to her exposed thighs and the way her skirt rides up
He nods, grateful for the cooler air. He watches as she sits back down next to him, hips swaying in a way that makes his heart race.
“This is so hard” She groaned. “Calculus is so difficult.”
He nods in agreement, trying to stifle a smile at her cute groan. “Yeah, uh... It can be tough sometimes.”
He starts going over the problem with her, letting his hand rest on hers gently as he points out what she did wrong.
“I think it’s the table.” She tells him. “I focus more on my bed, it’s where I’m most comfortable. Jungkook, would you be okay studying there with me?” Y/n suggested.
His heart races at the thought of having her in a more private setting, but he knows he shouldn't let his crush get the best of him.
He nods and starts gathering the homework assignments and books. “Yeah— sure, let's move to the couch.”
She smirked to herself on the way to her bedroom. Her plan was working perfectly, and working quicker than she expected.
His eyes widened at her room. He was finally inside. He always seen a few corners when he was stalking her Instagram late at night, but now being there in person sent him over the edge.
It was so her. The decorations, the layout, the scent. It was perfectly her.
“Much better” She sat down on her bed, starting to write in her notes with him.
He watches as she writes, trying not to get too distracted by the way her hair falls over her shoulders and the way she bites her lip in concentration.
He clears his throat and starts going over the problems again, trying to focus on the homework instead of his crush.
About an hour had passed of them studying, and she was beyond bored. Y/n was over hearing about stupid questions she had no interest in finding the solution for.
“Like I said, when you plug in the formula—“
“Don’t you have a girlfriend waiting on you?” Y/n interrupted him. “You’ve been here for a while.”
“I-I don’t have one.” He swallowed. “And I told the professor I’d spend as much time as needed for you to pass.”
He was still talking about school, making her boredom increase. “Do you do anything outside of school?” She changed the topic.
He blinks at her, surprised by the sudden question. He fidgets with his glasses and stammers a bit before answering. “I...I go to the internet cafe with my friends and do coding and stuff.. I help code games and such. It's...it's not very exciting, but it keeps me busy.”
“Cute.” She chuckled. “So you’re like a full time nerd?”
He blushes at her teasing and nods, looking down at his hands. “Y-yes, I suppose you could say that. I do enjoy learning and electronics...and working on computers gives me a chance to use my skills to help others. It's...it's important to me.“
“Is that why you’re single?” She asked him. “Too busy studying and programming?”
He nodded.
Wasn’t necessarily the entire truth. Some of the other girls at the cafe definitely took an interest but he was all about you.
He was a quiet guy but he always spoke up about you. All of his friends at the internet cafe knew about his crush on you. He would be teased daily because well, look at him and you.
He didn’t care. He knew from the start it wasn’t realistic considering the crowds you stuck around with.
Jungkook would rather be at home with his computer while you’d be parting with sororities and frat boys.
“You’re a busy guy hm? Well when was the last time you’ve had a girlfriend?” Y/n asked him, moving the text books as she inched closer.
“I-I— Well.” He swallowed, “I’ve never had one before..” He itched the back of his neck.
Her eyes widened. “You can’t be serious.”
“It just— never happened.” He told her.
“That’s just so hard to believe.” She analyzed him with her feline like eyes.. “I think you’re really handsome and cute.”
“Really?” His voice came out a lot louder than he meant to, clearing his throat. “Y-You do?”
She nodded, “I always have.” She suddenly climbed on his lap, making Jungkook let out a slight gasp in surprise.
He looks up at her in surprise, his heart beating faster at her words. He stammers out a thank you, feeling his face heat up again. “I...I'm...I'm glad you think so...”
“It’s okay if I sit here right?” She asked, making him nod rather quickly.
“Good.” She giggled. “So you’ve never had a girlfriend… you at least have lost your virginity right?”
Jungkook looked away shyly. “N-No..”
She had always had the reputation of being the popular pretty girl. Her entire friend group and social circle was like that. So naturally it was expected for her to end up with a frat guy.
Y/n had been with a few, and was absolutely bored out of her mind. They were cocky and disgusting, seeming to like their bros more than actual women.
She had no interest in anyone like that.
She always had a thing for nerdy and loser men who looked like they had never had a chance with losing their virginity.
Her friends were always teasing her about her type. No one could understand how she could really be attracted to a guy like that.
Y/n noticed Jungkook towards her sophomore year of high school. He had always been attractive to her but she really took a notice to him at that time.
He was tall, handsome, and quiet. Super shy. The only time she had seen him really talk was during a history presentation when he had to read off some slides.
Her horny teenage brain definitely took notice towards the bulge in his pants whenever she looked his way.
Y/n was always with her friend group and Jungkook was always in way better and smarter classes than her. He never had any social media either, so she never had the chance to really make a move on him.
It was now their junior year in college and once she heard he was assigned to be her tutor, she had to do something.
Jungkook had hardly ever kissed a girl. A girl pecked his lips in his junior year of high school and he absolutely hated it.
Hated it because it wasn’t her.
She shifts on his lap. “That’s so cute. Are you waiting for someone to take it?”
He nodded quickly. He was hard as a rock. Her skirt was practically all the way lifted as she sat on his lap, driving him insane.
“Mm I’d be honored to volunteer.” She suggested.
“T-Take it— P-please.” He was practically whimpering out to her.
She didn’t waste her time, leaning forward to kiss his lips. She wasn’t too rough on him, but she definitely was working her lips on his.
“Gonna make you feel real good.” She smacked her lips against his, grabbing his hands, placing them over her ass cheeks. “Grab it okay?”
Jungkook bent his fingers, now holding her ass in his hands.
She traveled her lips down to the crook of his neck, creating a trail of dark hickeys.
Y/n was grinding on his lap with her skirt on as she marked up his neck. “No hickeys before either?”
There was no way this was really happening. Jungkook could go into shock. This was even better than he had ever imagined.
His breathing becomes heavier and heavier as she grinds on his lap, feeling the friction between their bodies.
He moans as she marks up his neck, his mind clouded with pleasure. He whimpers as she asks about hickeys, shaking his head slightly. “N-no...”
“You’re so much more vocal than I imagined. and I’m just kissing you.” She giggled.
He blushes profusely as she speaks about his vocalness, feeling embarrassed at how turned on he is by her touch.
He looks up at her as she pulls away from his neck, seeing the marks she left on his skin.
“So cute..” She pulled away from his neck. “All marked up, it looks intense.” She grabbed her handheld mirror, showing him what she did to him.
He gulps, reaching up to touch them gently. seeing the marks she left on his skin. He gulps, reaching up to touch them gently.
“You’re comfy right baby?” She asked him, making sure he was at ease while she tainted him.
“I-I’m fine.” He shakes his head, leaning into her touch as she runs her fingers through his hair. “N-no... it just... makes me want more... of you...” He confesses, feeling vulnerable and honest in front of her.
“You’re more than ready to lose your virginity huh baby?” She baby talked him. “Poor baby wants to be touched so bad.”
He blushes deeply at her words, nodding slowly. He's been a virgin for so long and he wants nothing more than to experience it with her.
“Y-yes...” He stammers, his voice barely above a whisper. I want to... be with you...”
“I’m almost there sweetheart. You’re doing so good being patient for me.” She comforted, seeing how whiny and desperate he was. It didn’t help that he was incredibly hard under her.
Her praises were driving him insane and she hadn’t even took his pants off yet. “Wha— What now?” He asks softly, hoping he doesn't sound too desperate.
She was practically drooling over the sight of him. His dick had been teasing her for centuries through his jeans, and she finally had it at her disposal.
He lets out a involuntary gasp as she unzips his pants and pulls out his dick. He blushes as she compliments him on his size. He never thought anyone would say that about him. “I-it's not that big...”
“You’re so humble.” She smirked. “I don’t even think I’ll be able to fit it inside me or my mouth.” She chuckled. “Let me know if it’s too much. Mm gonna sit on it first okay? Don’t have a condom so you’re going to have to pull out when you feel it okay?”
He nodded eagerly. “I-I’ll try my best.”
“That’s all I can ask of you.” She latched her lips onto his lips once more before sliding herself onto him, making their lips disconnect from their moans.
He was a mess from the start. Her pussy was so tight and wet, driving him insane.
He had always imagined what it would feel like but this was even better.
“O-Oh wow.” He whined, “F-Feels so t-tight”
Y/n bounced on him slowly, allowing him to feel all of her.
“It’s good huh baby?” Y/n cooed. “You’re so big baby”
“Mmph— it’s so wet—“ He whimpered.
He lets out a gasp, his hands instinctively reaching out to grab onto her hips for support. "F-fuck!"
She was moving her hips in a rhythmic motion that sent waves of pleasure coursing through his entire body. He moans softly, biting his lip to keep from making too much noise.
Y/n took a notice of his actions. “Don’t want you being quiet. I’ve waited so long to have you like this.” She stopped moving on top of him.
Jungkook's eyes snap open as Y/n stops moving, his cock throbbing with need and frustration at the sudden lack of stimulation.
He looks up at her with a desperate expression, pleading for her to continue with his actions. "P-please..."
She grabbed his neck subtly, not enough to really hurt him. She turned his chin to the side, “Covered you in so many hickeys, all for you to be quiet now?”
Jungkook's heart races as Y/n grabs his neck, a small whimper escaping his lips at the touch. He looks at her with a mixture of surprise and arousal, his mind racing at the sudden change in her demeanor. "I-I'm sorry...”
“What’re you going to do differently if I keep moving?” She growled into his ear. “Tell me. Use that pretty mouth.”
Jungkook's breath hitches as Y/n growls in his ear, his heart pounding in his chest. He swallows hard, trying to find the words to answer her question. "I-I'll... I'll make more noise...”
“Good boy…” She began moving again, “Mm— feels so good” Y/n moaned into his ear.
Jungkook's eyes roll back in pleasure as Y/n begins moving again, her moans in his ear sending chills down his spine.
He grips the sheets beneath him tightly, his body trembling with need as she bouncing on him. "F-fuck...I— never imagined p-pussy would be this good”
His desperate pleas sent her over the edge. She loved how he was so whiny and desperate all for her.
“Never baby?” She hummed, her voice sensually whispering against his ear.
Jungkook lets out a low groan as Y/n’s words register in his head, his mind filled with filthy thoughts. He nods his head, unable to find the words to speak. "N-no... I never thought... f-fuck..."
He was absolutely pussydrunk, the feeling of his cock being sunk into her pussy made him go insane.
If he was already obsessed with her before, he knew he was absolutely fucked now. “I-I m-might… mmgh…”
She knew how lost he was in her pussy, knowing he was close to cumming at any second.
She quickly got up off his cock, making him whimper at the sudden separation.
“Can’t have you cum inside baby.” She hushed him, knowing he was about to complain.
“I-I want to cum so bad— Please let me” He whined.
“You’re gonna cum baby. I wouldn’t do that to you.” She made her way off his lap.
She got in between his legs and on her knees. “Gonna suck you off pretty boy.”
She had no problem sucking him off after he was just inside of her. She opened her mouth, licking his tip to test the waters.
He can't help but moan as she licks his tip. He doesn't know what came over him, he bites his lip as she starts bobbing her head up and down on him.
He lets out a deep moan as she takes him all in. He's never felt anything like this before. He tries to hold back, but he can feel himself already getting close. He whined, warning her that he's about to cum.
She let him cum all in her mouth, not dare wasting a single drop as she swallowed.
He couldn’t believe what just happened. He's cumming in her mouth and she's swallowing every drop. He's never felt so satisfied in his life. He pulls out and pants. “Thank you... that was amazing.”
He was so infatuated with her. He had been beating his dick for years, whining and whimpering in his bedroom at merely the idea of his dick being sucked by her.
He blushes and stutters, trying to find the words. He can't believe what just happened.
“Y-you.. it was... amazing. I don't know what to say. Thank you.” He turns to face her, his eyes filled with gratitude as he repeated his thanks.
The two hung out for a bit longer, actually getting her tutoring done. She giggled. “i’ll see you at school tomorrow.” She waved as they bid their goodbyes.
He smiles and nods, still in shock about what happened. “Y-yeah, see you then.” He watches her shut the door, his heart racing with excitement. He can't believe she just sucked his dick, took his virginity, and then he was back to tutoring her.
His dreams finally came true.
The next day she was walking with her friends, and seemed to pass Jungkook’s friends group. She could hear Jungkook’s friends teasing him.
“Bro you have a hickey?!” They stared at his neck in amazement, adjusting their glasses to look closely.
Like stated, they were nobodies. All of them. Never had any interactions with women in their lives.
Jungkook covers his neck with his hand, trying to hide the hickey. He didn't realize it was so obvious, but he's glad he got it. He can't stop thinking about last night and her. “Sh-shut up gu-guys!”
His face turns bright red, shushing them and trying to avoid any more attention. “F-Fuck this is embarrassing.” He can't help but think about her again and the amazing time they had last night. He's already looking forward to seeing her again and continuing their tutoring sessions.
Y/n’s friends looked over at the boys. “What do you think that’s all about?” They asked amongst themselves.
“Why does it matter? Probably just some boring video game release. Or maybe a new textbook was added to the library!” One of the girls laughed.
Y/n couldn’t help but chuckle to herself, knowing damn well there would be more where that came from.
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redcherrykook · 1 month
── .˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ TENSION DEGREE 03
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College roomate!Jungkook x college roomate!reader- fwb 2 Lovers
You find yourself having to share your room with a very sexually active medical science major who so happens to fancy you. Good thing he´s as charming and spontaneous as you, leading to many crazy parties and places you probably should not be hooking up at. When Jungkook started ignoring all his booty calls after accidentally calling someone by your name, unable to fuck away the thought of you, he knew he was cooked. Would he really leave his playboy antics for that sweet company of yours?
series- three!
content: mild slow burn- fwb2l, roomates, mutual pining, player jungkook that falls devoted to reader, cocky!JK, Confident!reader, psychology major reader, banter, parties, lots of smut (duh), only one bed trope, skinny dipping, roadtrip vibes
episode- warnings: alcohol, sexual content (praise kink, oral fem. rec., brief grinding, penetrative sex, making out), feelings of shame around sex
Taglist: @khadeeeeej @ot7stansthings @whoa-jo @smoljjks @stvrlighytt @nono13bnd @jungshaking @junniesoleilkth @deepikhaprakash @rockstryoon @tatamicc @jjeonjjk7 @kookieandjoonberries @jcrl99 @httpjeonlicious @wnteraezz @aphrodyteeth @miniesjams32 @emojkoo @katie-tibo @user-190811 @massivebearharmony @hoseokteardrop @hoseoksluv89 @hoseoksluv90
Day two of summer vacay in chae's wonderful beach house rolls around with the morning sun enlightening your eyes,
Jungkook ran back yesterday night after encountering that yes, the air is much colder after having been in the water
With a shower you were to tired to take, he had gone to sleep after you,
As planned, waking up with your backs turned to each other
You wish, at least
"Shit" you curse under your breath, rubbing your tired eyes once meeting with that tired face of his,
Still shirtless, in grey shorts,
Thick, morning boner full on display,
His soft sleeping sounds reminding you not to be creepy, however, you couldn't help but analyze the features on his pretty face,
Round, big nose, straight dark eyebrows, beautiful brown doe eyes that are kissed closed by sleep, tiny moles and to crown it, plump little lips with the most sexiest of Piercings,
"Done now?" He smirks, opening his eyes afterwards
You scoff, immediately getting up from the bed,
"Wasn't looking" you mumble, walking into the bathroom,
"At least admit it. I also admitted to staring at your tits yesterday" he groans playfully, tossing around once more
"Creep" you Laugh, throwing a towel from the bathroom on his face,
The laughter gets echoed right back to you, alongside the words
"They look great, what can a man do"
The beach is one of the most peaceful places on earth,
At least it used to be,
Not anymore for Jungkook, who had watched his best friends back get massaged and coated in sunscreen by no other than Hoseok,
The guy who's been talking about how hot she is,
The one constantly looking at your body like its on display for purchase,
It had especially become a place of Chaos when he felt his hands itch to replace his, to feel your body under his hands and be the one making you moan out of satisfaction
It was a place of peace,
Before you and Hoseok watched your best friend , Jungkook, go and make out with some girl you played volleyball with mere hours ago
Shamelessly, he walked over as she sat there alone, whispering sweet nothings into her ear while she giggled, stroking his arm and tugging on it
The look he gave her, licking at his lips while staring down her very exposed chest,
The little black swimsuit doing nothing to cover her full breasts,
And when he kissed her, pulling her in by the neck before crashing their lips together,
You just looked at Hoseok who's mouth was hung wide open,
"Oh don't mind him that's normal" you stroke his shoulder, laughing softly as his wide eyes shift from the show to your own, neutral ones
Jungkook wasn't one to stop because of a new location,
If anything, he likes the thrill of a new type of girl
"Is it though? Does he even know her name?" Hoseok exclaims, pointing at them
"His hand oh my god jungkook what the fuck" he says again, slapping his hand over his mouth dramatically
You giggle again, laying back down to resume your tanning sesh, this time, ass facing upwards,
"She probably told him but i bet he forgot. Ignore it really"
So he listens, ripping his eyes away from the scene to get back to his book
Jungkook continues to seduce the girl in his arms, while trying his best not to remain eye contact with your ass so perfectly in line of sight
Later that night, after Hoseoks fifth drink, the situation gets brought up again,
And again, and again
A rather quiet yoongi even joining in to praise Jungkook of his womanizer charms,
It doesn't bother you,
Does it?
"Why did you go up here so early?" He asks when shutting the door of your shared room,
You shrug, unable to explain it yourself
Now standing in front of each other, a couple meters away, he chuckles,
one simple word,
You shake your head, "why would i be? If you wanna bang someone you dont even know that's on you kook"
Admittedly that came out a lot more bitter than intented,
"Oh come on like you don't wanna sleep with Hobi?" sternly, he scoffs, stepping closer to you, 
"No? And if i did what's that to do with you?" replying a bit harsher in tone than anticipated once more, he grins clearly amused at your growing frustration
The air gets heavy with his silence, sounds of his steps approaching you making up for the loss of conversation,
"Because it makes me mad, bunny" he begins, assertively looking into your wake eyes,
Followed by sighs as he´s looking down briefly, 
"That he meets you for two days and gets to have a chance with you, while I've been lusting after you like a bitch in heat" 
The words get stolen out of your head and tongue, unable to register a reply that's thought out,
"I didn't sleep with her. I didn't want to either" his voice is moving your thoughts around into incoherent messages, syllable by syllable
"Every time we play this little back and forth, god i just want to take you then and there" you swear his tone dropped a lot lower, gentleness remaining in the way he speaks his truth,
spilling out like a curse
It´s too late to hold back, too much has been said for him to chicken out now,
Trying to hide his sweating palms beneath the mask of cockiness, a smug smile making up for the roraring noise inside his mind,
Why did I say that?
You're smiling too at this point, whether out of shock or liking, 
You have to admit, it feels good, being wanted 
Wanted by someone you want just as much
"I'm sorry for being so pushy, just, tell me to stop" he whispers, hands finding your waist as he pulls you in, 
Closeness isn't enough to describe the position, your chest pressed against his upper stomach, your hands around his back while his grip stays on your waist,
His hot breath faning over the skin on your face, tingling along the flowers of desirs he left to bloom with the passion in his eyes,
The spell breaks once your eyes meet his,
"Stop this- this is stupid" you groan, pushing his warm body away from yours,
He scrambles, surprised, his hands still resting on your waist, caressing up and down slowly, 
There´s a decent amount of distance between your bodies, his touch shifting from possessive sexuality to warmth and security
Feeling your smooth skin under the roughness of his hands makes him feel calmer, knowing that it also makes you feel comfortable
"Why stupid?" He breathes out, nervously biting at his lip while his kind eyes scan over your features, landing on the look in your wide, shining eyes
You sigh, combing through the strands of your own hair,
How are you supposed to tell him that you want him,
Want him for more than once,
To be more than a checkmark on his list
"Just- look" you stop, placing your hands on his shoulder, his own ones stroking your waist reassuringly,
almost as in saying to keep talking to him
You're safe with him, he'll always catch you,
Like a best friend should 
A storm of worry anxiety and all sorts of horny feelings engulf you, racing through the corridors of your open mind,
He listens patiently,
"I don't want to be a quick fuck and then we never speak of it again" 
Visibly, he cringes, nose scrunching up while he shakes his head,
"What the fuck? Did you think that's what this is?" 
Slender fingers grip the curve of your waist tighter, his face leaning closer to yours, tilted in confusion
He isn´t angry however, the sound of his voice being coated by gentleness and worry, maybe even frustration that lingers,
Contrasting the harshness of the spoken words on their own
"Well, that´s what you do isn´t it jeon? You- you sleep with them once. just, one time"
Struck by your words his face softens, his eyes grow wider at the realisation of the uncertain boundaries,
It´s true, that is what he does, but it isn´t what he wants with you, it hasn´t even crossed his mind
Instead, Jungkook's mind has become a place of hustle, a melting pot of desire and desperation,
For one, to hold you close, feel, touch, kiss every inch of your vanilla scented skin, 
For two, to explain just how much more you are than a simple number,
A hookup,
"That's.. different. You're my best friend" he breathes out, looking over your delicate features, 
"That is why we can't kook" you say, furrowing your brows,
"But i want you, look no i- bunny i really really need you, i know you want me too" 
Silence, not the response he expected,
"Right?" he asks again, hoping for reciprocation
You bite back a small smile, 
"I want you kook" 
A faint blush spreads across his cheeks, nonetheless, he couldn't care less about how whiny or desperate he sounds, 
Letting your thumb graze his cheek, your eyes wander to his lips, 
"Just kiss me y/n, please bunny" he whispers,
"But what after? " you whisper back, anxiously recieving the butterflies in your stomach that flutter down your thighs
Your chest borderline bursting from the pounding of your heart, barely able to confine to the restrains of your body, threatening to break out 
He senses it, moving his fingers up and down your waist once again, 
"Friends with benefits? I want you, in every way possible physically and as my best friend. But god i can't stand another second pretending to just be joking when all i want is to make you feel good" he rambles, the moonlight slipping beneath the curtains to illuminate his already angelic face, painting his sincere expression in the most vulnerable of lights
"I'm scared" small, faint traces of sincerity hold together the half truth,
You're not just scared, you're petrified, horrified at what the future of this new version, this "us" could possibly hold,
Which doors will close,
He nods, cupping your face in both his hands, 
"Me too, but we won't change. I promise bunny" 
It doesn't take any more words to make yourself surrender, 
Leaning into your own desires, into his trust,
He kisses you, kisses you like he's been waiting to for an eternal time,
Jungkook feels like home,
Like a cinnamon scented candle in a cold November night, 
Like the stars that make your night brighten when you spend it crying, 
He kisses with feeling that reminds you of your favorite tunes,
There's so much to him, so much to savor, 
So you do, you do just that as you return the kiss with the same passion, intensity lingering between your lips,
His large palm wandering to the back of your head, pulling you in deeper while soft groans escape his lips muffled,
Your tongue licks at his lips, begging for more, he grins,
"kiss so good bunny, can't get enough" his praise going straight to your underwear, soaking the white lace in your fluids, 
It's new to him aswell, although acurring naturally to him, like a habit, it's strange to hear himself sweet talk someone during sex,
To feel the urge to praise them, worship them,
He figures the intimate connection of being best friends is what refrains him from sticking to his usual antics, to consumed by your positive reaction to waste another thought on what may be the reason 
You moan into the kiss, sweet, soft sounds filling his ears with excitment
Like a perfect storm his hand wanders down to your hip, 
"Jump sweetheart" mumbling the words into the kiss didn´t change your response, immediately jumping to be caught by the thighs, automatically wrapping them around his defined waistline, snaking him close
His hands move to cup your ass under the flowy dress, squeezing while expressing about how good it feels to have your warmth spread on his,
He's intertwined with you, sewn together by the curse of greed and lust, eagerly growing as he feeds into it, pushing your body back on the bed,
His kisses haven´t stopped until now, your hand sneaking up into his shirt, small fingers delicately tracing the hardness of his abs,
"You're so fucking Hot kook" you smile into the kiss, pulling away shortly to take a peak at his swollen lips
He giggles, taking his fingers to trace the skin on your neck "oh really bunny? Like you haven't been torturing me with your skimpy lounge shorts at home?"
"Was waiting for you to man up and fuck me like one too"
Your boldness doesn't faze him, used to your confidence and the way you would deliciously drive him crazy,
Like a siren, luring him to break all his codes, only for a taste of your sweetness
Things move quickly, first his shirt gets long forgotten, discarded and abandoned somewhere in the room where your dress meets him in a matter of seconds, 
"Let see how long you can keep up this bratiness" he winks, latching back on to your lips
His lips, his hands, his groans and moans reaching everywhere, they suck, lick, kiss, squeeze and caress wherever they can,
Tugging your nipples with his teeth, groping the other one up in the meantime, 
You're a mess, whining and moaning, it's becoming harder not to beg and cry out for him
Abandoning your pride somwhere along the way, your fingers tug at his hair once his lips have kissed down your stomach,
"Kook please" you whine, meeting his proud eyes with your pathetic, needy one
"Such a mess, no trace of that brat left in you is there?" he says, taking your chin into his hand while showing off his satisfied smirk,
"A good little slut hm?"
The humiliation doesn't feel good, it's making you shiver with guilt and shame,
Having heard it so often from his mouth doesn't take away the sting of it,
Being grouped in as just another slut, just another girl that he got inside his bed
Sex like this, casual and nasty as it is, has never been easy for a woman as it is for a man,
While kook gets called a sexy Player for sleeping with the entire college, the girls who engage are the ones labled sluts
Determined not to ruin the moment, you blink away the feeling of disgust that rises from a pit somewhere inside,
Betrayed by the small, really, barely noticable crack of your voice when you speak,
"Yeah" is all you say, swallowing a ragged breath afterwards,
His eyes glance to yours apologetically, immediately removing his hand from your chin and using it to stroke your cheek while pulling himself up to you,
His open mouthed, warm kisses flutter all the way from your shoulder up your neck,
Low, husky vocals reaching your ears,
" m'Sorry bunny.. should have checked first" he pauses, placing a kiss to your lips carefully
"Want to stop?" he whispers, making you shake your head in return
With a last kiss to the forhead, he moves himself back to be eye Level with your hip
"S'okay bunny.. doing so good for me, can i touch you here baby?" While encouraging you, the dominance never leaves his hold,
his fingertips and kisses dance across your thighs to the waistband of the soaked panties
You nod frantically, loosing yourself in the feeling of your fingertips wrapping around his locks repeatedly,
He smiles, pulling your drenched underwear down to your ankles where he places a kiss before coming back up, tapping your knees to spread for him
He bites his lip at the sight of your glistening heat,
placing his hands under your thighs while begining to softly lick across your cunt, moving slow and torturous with each lick of his tongue between your folds, 
Teasing your entrance, pushing in ever so slightly before lapping back up to suck on your clit,
"Taste so good , so sweet" he grunts on your skin, listening intently to each and every little whimper and moan, every tug on his strands pushing him to keep pleasing you,
"Gonna cum soon jungkook" thighs trembling, hands tightening he can feel you clench up,
His skilled tongue pushes you over the edge once he begins focusing on your clit,
With a groan from his side, he kisses your cunt, embracing you while you moan, enticed with your high seconds earlier,
His arms wrap around your waist, a hand finding its way to push strands of hair away from your face
When you eyes open, you're a blushing mess, kissing his lips swiftly to pull him in again,
More, you want him more,
He grins into the kiss, guiding your smaller hands to his waistband,
"Want you to take this off bunny" he mumbles,
In compliance, your hands slide the sweatpants off his body, pulling his black boxers down with,
You're practically drooling at the sight of his thick length, fully erect and blessed with a pretty pink tip,
He hums, guiding your hand to wrap around it, your thumb swiping across the tip, making him moan in return
" so big.. n you sound so good" you say, eyes locked on his body, your hand wrapped around him, abs glazed with sweat and his tattoos full on display on the muscles of his arms,
He moans softly, pulling you to straddle him, his big eyes focused on you, every part bare to him, every trace of your soft skin sticking to his,
He groans louder, head falling back once he feels the warmth of your slippery cunt coat his dick
A scene he had masturbated to more time he can recall,
nothing could compare to feeling your slick run along his shaft, to see your perky tits squeezed up in front of him,
You're long gone with all sanity, kissing and licking up his neck to elicit his pretty sounds, now from inside the room instead from outside the walls,
He massages the flesh on your hips, softly grinding you on him while you busy yourself with his neck,
The tip of his stiff cock perfectly hitting your clit with every roll of your hips
"Please kook, i need you" you whine, arms swung behind his neck, your wet, needy heat pressed firm against his hard cock,
He bites his lips, taking your cheek in his hand with a look so alluring you can't stand another second longer without him inside you
"So eager bunny, so so needy aren't we?" He smiles before pulling your face up to his, chasing after your soft lips
You moan, nodding slightly in response
While his lips kiss away at yours, his palms wander down your waist, holding your smaller form pressed onto his,
Without so much as an effort, you're lifted softly, laid on your back while he towers over you,
"Gonna take me well won't you?" He teases, running his finger down your needy pussy, begging to be filled with him,
The tip of his dick twitches, precum already dripping out from the sight of your aching heat, 
He humms, reaching for a condom
"Gonna take it well kook promise" your reply is close to a whisper, laid sprawled out on your back while he's in front of you, wrapping the condom over his desperate cock,
Aching as much as you, he slaps his dick against your clit a few times,
"Be good, yeah?" he says, running his tip along your folds, 
It's impossible to muster up any reply, only pathetic pleas and whines leave your lips, quivering, eyes half lidded
That doesn´t satisfy him enough, needing to hear you
"Words baby, come on, you can do it pretty" he repeats, stroking your bottom lip with his thumb,
you take his thumb into to your mouth briefly as a way to make space for time,
"Gonna be good" you whimper, stroking his stomach with your fingers
"That´s right bunny, good girl" he cooes, running his hand down your body until it rests on your inner thigh, his cock lining up with your entrance
"so tight oh god" he says, pushing his length into you inch by inch,
Filling you to him, molding you to his form,
"So deep- nhh" you're pleading, whining, almost involuntary your back is arching, craving for him to reach every crevice of your body,
As if it had been wating for him to enter, to be welcomed
"Mhmmm bunny, look at you, taking me so well" he mutters, slowly thrusting into you, with each push of his hips, 
Of his strong from meeting your fragile, equally vulnerable state,
A loud whimper escapes your lips,
 "Sound so pretty, prettiest girl look at you baby" he hums, one of his veiny hands reaching to squeeze your breasts, he tugs at your nipple, earning a loud moan from you
His tongue darts out to swipe across his lips, grunting, eyebrows furrowed in concentration,
then, hips angle, hands pushing into your own soft ones, pulling him in deeper,
"You feel so good kook! So mh- so full" you stutter out, eyes rolling into the back of your head
He's on top of you, but he's everywhere,
His scent lingering on your skin, in your senses, his voice and the way he groans engraved into your memory, addicting you to him,
His hands and lips claiming each and every spot as his, you belong to him now,
"You're so pretty, fuck so tight" he moans lowly, kissing you shortly after, 
You know it now, the final part of him
Once his small moans pick up in sync with the pace of his powerful thrusts, 
You can't help but sing along,
Singing his name like it was the most beautifully composed melody known to you, the only thing on your mind
His kisses
His cock
His fucking face
Over and over the melody leaves your lips, 
"Kook! Kook!Kook!"
A song familiar to you, one you heard countless of times slipping through your paper thin walls,
Only now you are the one singing it.
"Thats it bunny, sound so good" he groans into your shoulder, savoring every inch of your skin he can kiss while thrusting his hips into you,
You tighten around him, feeling the knot in your stomach close to snapping,
"Mhh fuck baby gonna come for me?" He asks, licking along your ear, his hands still secured on your hips to hold you still as he pounds,
The flesh of your full hips turning white under his tight grip, but you don´t care,
It feels too good
"Yes kook gonna come" you gasp, the sensation of his finger rubbing small circles along your puffy, swollen clit overwhelming you,
"Come for me, pretty, doing so fucking good" 
The knot in your stomach snaps, shaking through your system loudly, wrecking beneath him with a loud moan that seems so strange coming from your voice,
Uterlly submitted to him, your hands digging into the skin of his shoulder, leaving a trace of evidence that you painted him,
Stained him with your body,
With your wholeness.
He knew too, that he'd be addicted now 
"Good girl that's it baby, came so well- fuck" his voice rings softly in your ear,
His head lifting from your shoulder,
Once his drained eyes meet your face,
So flushed out, pink and sweaty, pleasure coating your skin in the most darling ways,
He's never seen someone so flawlessly beautiful,
Hard, slow thrusts follow your orgasm, allowing you to enjoy it to the very last drop of your essence that has dripped on to him,
Also allowing him to reach his own high, overtaken by your beauty, by the way you feel colliding with his body,
"Gonna come bunny, feel so perfect ´round my cock" he grunts, leaning his face down to press a hasty kiss on your swollen lips,
Eyes closing, the time stops for him,
Stops for the feel of his lips moving against yours,
For the sounds that are trapped below the kiss, 
And that's when he releases too,
Moaning a loud, deep moan into your lips, his hips halting inside you as he´s practically collapsing on top of your frame
The sounds of your breath panting onto each others face comforting you from the intensity
"Did you.. feel good too?" you pant, moving your nails along his back,
He places a small kiss on your cheek, "You´re perfect bunny, don´t worry" he says with averted eyes, barely able to be kept open well into the night
Shielding you from his smile, from the one placed on your face as well,
So close to yours,
Beneath the tilt of his head, creeping closer while focused on your lips,
There lies something much deeper, bubbling inside your entirety
Once his soft lips lock on yours, his smile slight but you feel it, feel it through the soft motions, 
Once you realize he's stroking your hair, fingers tangling through your messy strands,
Even the pounding of your heart doesn't seem to matter anymore.
"Let me get you cleaned bunny" he mumbles against your lips before getting up for a warm towel.
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runariya · 16 days
Merman JK who placed a courting offer on a rock for a potential mate and human reader takes it. She also goes willingly to the mating cove not knowing JK prepared it for their mating. JK's yandere show at the end when the reader tries to leave him after 🤫
Note: JK wasn't really yandere for reader unti the end. He really just want a mate but because reader took his courting offer, she's it for him.
Thank u soo much for accepting reqs! And u write so fast how do u do that? Your writing is also marvelous!
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(yandere+fantasy+smut) part of the prompt game pairing: merman!Jungkook x human!female reader genre: fantasy!AU, S2"L", yandere, merman!AU, dark romance warnings: oblivious reader, fluff, language barrier (merman-language is italic and blue), smut, a little bit of fingering, big cock JK similar to the shape of a whale idk man..., unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, panic, realisation, yandere, lmk if I forgot smth (still hate writing warnings) word count: 3.375
a/n: aaaah thanks a lot for your lovely words anony! I hope it turned out just as you imagined it 💕
The ocean is beautiful. 
You remember a film once, where the male lead whispered that the moon is beautiful as a stand-in for "I love you," but for you, it's always been the ocean. The sea is your love. The scent of briny air, the soothing rhythm of waves unfurling endlessly against the shore, the gentle nibbling of curious fish as they dart around you in the cool, embracing water—all of it anchors you, providing solace in moments of sadness or joy alike. It's what love feels like, or at least what love should feel like, wrapping itself around your soul, calming yet oh so profound.
You always marvel at the depths of the sea that stretch out before you, boundless and mysterious, and yet infinitely captivating. Sometimes, in those quiet moments when the world recedes and you find yourself alone, you long not just to stand as an admirer of its splendour, but to be one with this vast and enigmatic force of nature. 
And so, as you walk along the shoreline, as you do almost every day, your bare feet sinking into the warmth of the sand, you're taken aback when you stumble upon a bracelet resting on the stone where you so often sit to gaze at the waves. It appears pristine, otherworldly, with pearls and shells glistening in violet hues beneath the afternoon sun, a beauty far too rare to be discarded by chance on a lonely shore like this.
Your fingers trace its entchanting form, marvelling at the craftsmanship—the smoothness, the intricacy, though curiously lacking any engraving. You glance around, noting the empty expanse of the beach, and let your eyes wander across the vast waters; there is no one else here. The bracelet appears to be yours now by some strange serendipity, still, you hesitate for a moment, torn between leaving it behind and taking it with you, a part of you reluctant at the thought of it being swept away by the tide or snatched by a passing gull. In the end, you slip it over your wrist. But it doesn’t fit—too loose, and as you allow your hand to tilt, it falls away.
You frown, perhaps the universe is nudging you to let it go. But then, as you glance at the bracelet, now nestled near your foot, it occurs to you that perhaps it's meant to be worn as an anklet instead. That makes sense, and so, convinced by this thought, you sit down upon your stone and fasten the jewellery around your ankle. It fits perfectly now, shimmering with a quiet elegance in the sunlight. And as you lean back, stretching your arms behind you, allowing the coolness of the water to caress the tips of your toes, you know that it is, without a doubt, a beautiful day, and this small discovery seems to elevate it to something extraordinary.
It’s not long after when, suddenly, something stirs the stillness of the moment. You sit up straight, eyes wide, as not far from you, without so much as a splash or ripple, a human head breaks the surface of the water. Instinctively, you pull your feet close, nerves bristling slightly from the scare. “C-can I help you?”
But the man remains silent, drifting in the water, and as you squint against the sunlight to study him more closely, you spot what seem to be scales glistening on the back of his neck. Your mouth falls open in an instant—this can't be real. Yet here he is, a creature from tales of mermaids and mermen you once dismissed as fanciful myths. And here you are, unable to tear your gaze from his face, dark wet hair framing features both familiar and otherworldly, his violet-tinted eyes locking onto yours that sends a strange thrill through your veins. His smile, too, is not quite human but not wholly alien either, a delicate balance of sharpness and charm you think. 
“Wow,” you breathe, unable to conceal your awe, the astonishment spreading across your face in a grin of its own. He moves then, slowly, swimming a little farther away, and you feel a pang of disappointment, a pout forming unbidden on your lips. But just as quickly, he beckons you to follow, his gesture smooth and inviting as he stays near the shore.
Without a second thought, excitement bubbles up within you and you spring to your feet, hastily dusting the sand from your dress as you jog alongside him, eyes transfixed by the way his body moves through the water with such fluid grace. His tail—large, powerful—propels him effortlessly, and you're left torn between admiring his handsome face and the hypnotic sway of his tail. He makes it look so easy, this gliding through water, while you're struggling to keep pace, panting and stumbling to catch up with him. 
Soon, you find yourself before the entrance of a vast cave, its shadowy maw framed by a path of few smooth, small stones that allows you to cross where he has already vanished beneath the surface. Nothing would have prepared you of what you’re met inside. The cave is nothing short of paradise—sunbeams slanting through narrow crevices, casting a thousand reflections on the water’s surface, turning the space into a living kaleidoscope, while droplets of condensation plop gently from the stone ceiling, adding their own melody to the serene ambiance.
The merman is there, resting near a platform, still smiling that beguiling smile, making you approach slowly, leaving a respectful distance between you as you settle yourself against the cool stone wall. “It’s so beautiful,” you whisper, your voice hushed in the face of such breathtaking beauty.
He regards you warmly, then speaks in a language that dances on your ears like music, though you can’t understand it. Still, there’s an unmistakable sense of warmth in his tone. “I hoped you would accept my courting offer.”
You smile, pointing to yourself. “I’m ___,” you say simply, hoping the meaning translates through gesture. 
He nods, understanding the basics of this exchange, replying, “Mate.”
Thinking he’s simply stating that you’re human, you enthusiastically reply, “Yes! ___ mate. And you?” You point towards him right after.
His expression brightens once more. “Jungkook mate,” he responds, nodding firmly. 
It takes you a moment, puzzling over his words, and then the realisation dawns on you—he doesn’t mean ‘human’. He means ‘friend’. Of course! A wave of happiness washes over you at this revelation, more than happy to be friends with him. “Yes! ___ mate, Jungkook mate,” you repeat, beaming.
His eyes glisten even more at your response, and you can’t help but smile back, the sheer magnetism of his presence holding you in its thrall. It’s as if he’s cast a spell over you, drawing you into his world, his realm. But the moment is soon broken by the buzz of your phone, vibrating in the pocket of your dress, reminding you of your upcoming dentist appointment. Regretfully, you rise to your feet, an apologetic smile on your lips as you back towards the cave’s entrance.
Jungkook looks visibly disappointed, or so you think, as his brows are furrowing ever so slightly, though his expression is still one you're learning to decipher. 
“I have to go,” you say softly, “but I promise I’ll be back tomorrow.” You gesture as you speak, hoping he might understand. “___ mate, Jungkook mate. Tomorrow, sun down, sun up, I here.” You gesture dramatically to emphasise your words, and to your relief, his features soften, his nod of understanding clear.
With one last glance at him, you turn and make your way back out into the light, already counting down the hours until you return.
And so, seven days drift by, each one seeing you return to the cave, where Jungkook awaits with that silent patience of his, the two of you growing ever closer, your understanding of him deepening with each shared glance, each exchange of words. With every moment together, the awkwardness ebbs away, replaced by a gentle ease, as if you’re learning to interpret the language of his quiet gestures, his lilting voice that carries meanings beyond the reach of words.
It’s on the eighth day, after you’ve spent enough time together to almost convince yourself that you can read the currents of his mind, that something shifts between you. The anklet around your ankle, the one you now realise must have been crafted by Jungkook’s own hands, seems to have inspired you to gift him something as well.
“Kook?” you call softly as you step into the cool shade of the cave once more, a bracelet for Jungkook clutched in your palm, something you’ve carefully chosen, a small token of gratitude for all he has given you. You shouldn’t have called out, though, for there he is, as always, waiting by the platform, his strong arms draped languidly over the stone, his face splitting into a wide smile the moment he sees you.
“Mate!” he calls in return, the word making your heart twist in a way you shouldn’t feel. He means friend—but the taste of it is bittersweet now, the small seed of longing inside you growing with each encounter, but you push it aside.
“I’ve got something for you,” you announce quietly, lowering yourself to sit before him, close enough to feel the cool mist of water from his skin as his hand instinctively reaches out, resting lightly on your legs, as if needing to sate his curiosity for your strange, warm softness. You take his hand in yours—his skin wet, cold beneath your touch—and fasten the bracelet around his wrist. It’s titanium, chosen for its strength, its resilience against the sea, knowing it will last, just as you hope this tenuous connection between you will endure. “A courtship gift,” you murmur, the words familiar now—he used them himself every time he pointed at your anklet.
Jungkook stares at the bracelet, turning his arm this way and that, admiring it from every angle, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. He whispers the word that has become his tether to you: “Mate.” His voice is soft, reverent, as if the gift means far more to him than you had imagined, and his gaze, filled with such raw affection, causes a flush to rise to your cheeks, a smile tugging at your lips at his sentimental reaction. 
But then, before you can make sense of it, his hands cup your face with a suddenness that takes your breath away, and his lips press forcefully against yours. The kiss is so unexpected, his pull so swift and sure that you lose your balance, your arms flailing before they instinctively loop around his neck as you tumble into the water.
He holds you effortlessly, keeping you afloat as his lips claim yours again and again, his cold mouth moving over yours with an intensity that blinds you to the cold water. You had wondered, more times than you’d care to admit, what he might taste like—whether the salt of the sea would be a part of him—but reality is sweeter than fantasy. There is a hint of salt, yes, but beneath it lies something sweet, something intoxicating, that makes you crave more as his tongue slides against yours.
His hands roam your body, sliding over the wet fabric of your dress, exploring with a curiosity that borders on obsession. His fingers press into your skin, kneading the softness of your breasts as his breath grows heavier, more laboured. You can’t help but let your hands wander in turn, feeling the smoothness of his scales beneath your fingertips, the hard muscles that ripple beneath his skin, as solid as the stone walls of the cave.
When you finally pull away, gasping for much needed air, your eyes meet his, and up close, they are even more mesmerising—violet speckled with flecks of black and blue, like galaxies swirling in the depths of his irises, and you reach up to touch his face, tracing the lines of his cheekbones, his lips slightly swollen from the intensity of the kiss, and you imagine your own must look much the same.
Your peaceful moment is shattered when something thick and solid brushes against your thigh beneath the water, and with a startled shriek, you push away from Jungkook, not sure if your heart starts racing or stops altogether. But his arms tighten around you, keeping you from sinking beneath the surface, his expression shifting to one of sadness as he realises he’s frightened you. The panic ebbs as quickly as it came, replaced by a curious calm as you peer down into the water, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever had startled you.
“Oh,” you exclaim softly, your surprise evident as you realise it wasn’t some sea creature that had brushed against you, but rather, something that extends from Jungkook’s tail. And again, you’re not sure if your heart starts racing or stops, when you realise what it is. “Oh!”
His arousal is unmistakable—large, thick, and utterly unlike anything you’ve ever seen, more like that of a whale than a man, and you swallow dryly as you force your gaze back to Jungkook’s face. He watches you intently, waiting for your reaction, his expression unreadable but his eyes filled with an intensity that sets your skin aflame despite the chill of the water and his skin.
A deep heat begins to pool within you, your body responding to the sight of him, the proof of his desire for you undeniable. It would be a lie to say you aren’t tempted—to say he doesn’t stir something similar within you, something that makes your skin prickle and lungs work overtime. The wetness gathering between your thighs is evidence enough of that.
“Are you sure?” you murmur, your voice still echoing in the cave, your gaze searching his as if hoping he’ll understand the question without needing words. And perhaps he does, for his eyes darken with something unmistakable—an answer, a promise—before he nods, pulling you closer once more.
His lips find yours again, kissing you with a hunger that speaks of deep, aching need, his teeth grazing your skin, his rough tongue lapping at your lips, your neck, as though he can never get enough of your taste. You lose yourself to it, the world melting to nothing but the feel of his mouth on yours, his hands on your body, the heat of his desire coursing through you like a you imagined devotion would feel like.
You help him rid yourself of the soaked fabric of your underwear, Jungkook’s hands exploring your thighs with barely concealed curiosity before his fingers find the sensitive skin of your cunt, teasing your clit until soft moans escape your lips, your grip on his shoulders tightening without much thought.
But you pull his hand away, knowing the water will only wash away your arousal, leaving you wanting. Instead, you reach for him, your small hand wrapping around the thickness of his cock, marvelling at its size, the way it seems to pulse beneath your touch. Jungkook groans silently, his eyes never leaving yours as you guide him towards your entrance, the size of him daunting but the ache of desire overpowering any trepidation.
You take him slowly, gasping as he stretches you wide, the burn too much at first but quickly giving way to a deep, overwhelming pleasure as he begins to move inside you with the little bit of his cock that fits, each thrust sending sparks flying behind your pupils. He holds your legs tight, forcing your thighs together around the remaining part, the friction equally becoming almost unbearable for you, his cock filling you to the brim, and before you even realise it, you’re crying out his name, your body trembling as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over you.
Jungkook doesn’t stop, doesn’t slow, his movements relentless as he fucks you with abandon, whispering words in his strange tongue, words you don’t understand but that seem to echo with a raw, untamed passion that makes your heart race all the faster, imagining he’s praising you, thinking that you’re such a good girl for him. 
You lose track of time, of the number of times he makes you cum on his cock, your mind a haze of bliss, his name the only thing you can remember to say. Each time you think you’ve reached your limit, he pulls another climax from you, his cock hitting every sensitive spot inside you with devastating accuracy, his low groans and moans clouding your mind even more.
Finally, you feel him tense, his body shuddering against yours as he buries himself as deep inside you as your physique allows, his release coming in thick, powerful pulses that fill you to the point of bursting. The sensation sends you spiralling into yet another orgasm, your body trembling uncontrollably, your mouth parting without a sound, as pleasure consumes you yet again.
When at last Jungkook pulls back, placing you gently on the platform, you collapse against the cool stone, utterly spent. It takes all your effort for the world to slowly come back into focus—the soft hues of the cave ceiling, the gentle lapping of the waves, the quiet drip of water from the ceiling above. 
You lie there, breathless, your mind racing with a thousand thoughts, like the restless waves outside the cave, wondering what you’ve just done, what it means, and whether you’ll ever be able to return to the life you knew before.
But your mind can’t settle.
The realisation of your stupidity and naivety crashes over you in waves—the impossible reality of sharing yourself with a creature of myth, the deep-seated regret that gnaws at you like a tide pulling at the shore, whispering that this was a mistake, that you should have known better, should have resisted. 
You find yourself wondering absurdities—whether a morning-after pill could possibly work against the seed of a merman, or if his essence would simply fade away inside you like mist, dissolving with the salt water, leaving no trace behind. Your body feels foreign, strange now, as if you've been altered by his touch, by the unearthly pleasure that coursed through you, and an instinctive panic rises, setting your nerves alight, urging you to flee. 
Your limbs still tremble from all the orgasms as you push yourself upright, hands unsteady as you try to find your balance, desperate to extricate yourself from the surreal haze that envelops you. Jungkook is still there, watching you with those mesmerising eyes, his fingers gently tracing aimless patterns along your exposed thigh, as if nothing in the world could be more captivating than the feel of your skin beneath his touch. His gaze is so tender, so filled with awe, that it only deepens the ache of guilt growing in your chest, highlighting the dangerous ground you’ve ventured onto. 
You attempt to pull away, to create some distance between yourself and the fantasy you’ve allowed to take root, knowing full well that this is a world you cannot inhabit, a dream too fragile to hold in the blinding light of reality. But Jungkook’s hand is faster, catching your ankle in an instant, right above the anklet he gifted you—an innocent token that now feels like a binding chain, keeping you bound to something far beyond your understanding. 
You struggle, trying to shake him off, beginning to feel more panicked than you ever been in your life, but his strength is undeniable, your efforts feeble against the power of his hold, of the very being he is. 
And then, he speaks—softly, with that strange lilt of his voice, but this time, not in his tongue. The word that falls from his lips is yours. The sound of it stops your breath, chills not only the air around you but you too. And in that moment, you realise what you should have known from the beginning, what you should have seen the moment you clasped that anklet around your leg—you’ve crossed a threshold that cannot be uncrossed, a line that cannot be erased. 
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yzashaven · 6 months
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꒰ 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ꒱ soft dom!scaramouche x fem!reader
꒰ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 ꒱ nsfw themes. mind break (sorta). overstimulation. fingering. cum eating. praise. "sweet girl" n "good girl". dacryphilia if you squint. cumming n squirting (mentioned). multiple orgasms. clit stimulation. no actual penetration (maybe if i do pt 2).
꒰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ꒱ "you don't need to think, you just need to feel." —♡
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄— hi yes i couldn't think of a title and yes this is what i'm suddenly coming back with because i suck at angst... i had the plot n everything but eh whatever 😭 i randomly got this brick of motivation dropped on my head so yeah have this for now and i'll be leaving for another month (jk) so this wasn't proofread... again. nevertheless, hope you all enjoy 🤍
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it's been 3 hours...
"let go once more, sweet girl." the way scaramouche whispers to you causes the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy. his fingers continuing to work their magic on your soaked pussy, rubbing on your clit as he drives you closer to another orgasm.
he's sitting right beside you on the bed as you laid there, obediently taking the pleasure he offers—every single bit of it. "cum for me," your legs shaking even more than before as the euphoric feeling envelopes you for the nth time already. "good girl." his free hand strokes your head gently.
you can vividly see that he's hard; you reach a hand out to touch him. before your mere fingertip could even get to his clothes, he had already grabbed onto your wrist, "i told you no touching." the sharp tone of his words cause you to retreat your hand back to simply hold onto the bedsheets beneath you.
"why can't i touch you?" your voice was slightly breathy as you asked. it's a risky question, honestly. he lets out a gentle sigh as he feels up your body again. a light squeeze to your breast once he thought about his answer.
"i don't need you to do anything to me, my sweet girl." he starts, "seeing you break for me is more than enough. to see you cry, beg, and cum is like eye candy that's all for me to devour." his thumb grazes your tear stained cheek, "so delicate, aren't you?"
at this point, your brain was already mush from the hours of continuous, endless pleasure. "scara..." the sweet whisper of your voice calling out to him, it's his favorite, "...can't think straight." he shows a soft smile as his hand is moving on its own, rubbing your cunt and spreading the sticky mess everywhere. the sheets underneath practically drenched from your arousal and the few times you squirted earlier.
"i don't need you to think," scaramouche's fingers slip back inside you, a moan coming from your lips in response, "all i need is for you to feel." your head is spinning as you feel yourself succumbing to the gentle pleasure of his sweet loving. "feels so good, yeah?" you nod as you let out yet another symphony of moans and whimpers all for him.
"do you wanna feel me? you want my cock inside you, hm?" your orgasm soon comes again as you coat his fingers with your cum, "yes, please." the way you begged him in such a desperate voice easily sent his mind in a spiral.
"you've been a good girl all this time." he pulls his fingers out of your cunt and gives it a short taste, licking his fingers clean before slowly moving to position himself between your legs. "give me your hand." scaramouche then leads your hand down to the obvious bulge in his pants, "feel that? i'm so hard for you, my sweet girl." your face flushes red as he finally pulls the waistband down.
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breathinlove · 9 months
band!ellie 2 headcanons and smau
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read this
sinopse: ellie williams is the lead singer in a band (+some texts with her).
cw: nsfw after the texts with warning! swearing, explicit, reader works in a record store and ellie's a simp, not explicit if reader is fem or masc.
part 1
band!ellie who made it unbelievable for dina and jesse to believe she found her girl, but then they met you.
“this shit's cringe as fuck, but you two are sweet…” jesse starts and dina immediately agrees. “yeah, she's perfect for you, el.” “i knowwwww, i need her.” jumping like a teenage girl fr...
band!ellie who sometimes thinks her bandmates like you way too much.
“invite y/n to the next rehearsal too for real.” jesse says after you leave a rehearsal you went to. “okay man i get it, she's amazing.” with an annoyed expression. “so… invite her.” dina chuckles. “no, i don't want any of you jumping on my girl.” but she does invite you anyway.
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band!ellie who's so stupid tbh, she's gonna sign girls’ tits after concerts and act all oblivious when you swerve her kisses.
and swerving her is so fun istg, she's gonna try like 4 times before she's upset. UPSET! (she will go non verbal).
band!ellie who's the type to perform and glance at you like you're about to have sex right that instant (u will, after the concert tho!).
band!ellie who's a singer herself but turns on the tv and pretends to be the weeknd for you.
band!ellie who wishes she could rap… actually, no. she thinks she can.
"that was... something." you smirk and she scoffs, throwing herself on the couch she was standing on, mic in hand. "i'm literally in my rapper era but whatever, you'll see." and you're full on laughing. "don't laugh." and you come hug her and say she's so so special.
band!ellie who makes it so you can't open x (twitter) without seeing girls mourning your girlfriend… she's alive not single tho!
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band!ellie who's always late for everything, but she tries her best istg. you and the band are TIREDDD.
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band!ellie who's nervous about pda… but she likes it, showing everyone you're hers and she's yours.
band!ellie who made a slideshow about how you should move into her apartment… that was kinda like:
we're literally soulmates so we gotta be roommates too???
countless sleepovers omg i'm crying!
i'll never be late again (kinda😬)
we can get a pet tg 😯
i'll get to listen to u sing in the shower more and you know i like hearing you and singing with you while im in the toilet or even outside the bathroom
passionate lesbian sex before sleeping, after eating, doing the dishes, the laundry ALL THE TIME
i love you the most and i want you close all the time
you love me back (i hope) so you gotta want me close too
i want you as my wife asap
think about it, thanks and please my love ❤️”
you moved in… weak mf but can anyone blame you??
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band!ellie who loves cooking with you for friends and family when they come over. just loves being with you in general but even house chores are better with you??
band!ellie who comes to disturb see you at your job, your bosses hate her and said they were gonna stop selling their album 😒 (they actually love her).
band!ellie who switches from your serious cool rockstar girlfriend to your silly baby girlfriend in a second.
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band!ellie who reposts them and comments under edits fans make of you, even more than her own edits.
“that's my baby so stop gawking.(jk)” “whats her @” “id repost but my gf would be jealous, shes hot asf 🤤🤤” “THAT'S MY GIRL” “creamed💔” "straight to the y/n folder" someone said “ellie cant handle allat” and she replied fr “true, she the one handling me 💯💢” SHE HAS NO CHILL...
band!ellie who pays the same attention to potential hate you'd get, she will block them… don't talk about her girl.
nsfw (cw: cunnilingus [e and r!receiving], fingering [e and r!receiving]. switch!ellie!!!!).
band!ellie who treats you like a star
you were supposed to be in the shower but ellie saw you stripping out of your clothes and she has to ask to kiss your clit, dropping to her knees. her fingers bruising your thighs and shes eating you out as if she'd been starving. you cum but she's not satisfied yet, she pulls you down on the bedroom carpet with her "give me another one, please." hands roaming your skin ever so softly, sending shivers down your body. she asks what you want, the position, how many fingers, she just needs to please you. and now she's on top of you, pounding you with her fingers and pressing down your lower stomach because she just wants you to cum again.
band!ellie who loves sleepy sex
she's gonna be in bed with you, almost asleep asking you for kisses, then for some touches... and you end up between her legs, sloppy nasty head and some slow fingering. your lips around her clit and kissing her pussy lips and slit and your fingers in and out her pussy. she's whining and squealing, playing with her own tits and caressing ur face. you're humming against her pussy and she's clenches "let go for me, ellie..." you coo and she squirts on your mouth and fingers. soft pants leaving her lips, soon stopping with her caresses on your face as you lick her cum. you look up, hair messy against the pillow and eyes closed. "i love you..." she mutters after you clean her and lay next to her "i love you." you spoon her.
a/n: this is kinda shitty but it's for who asked for more! @kyleeservopoulos @sameenatruther @harrysslutsstuff
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reikook · 5 months
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summary: y/n finds herself caught in a web of as she develops unexpected feelings for her brother's best friend once she comes back from uni for summer break. initial hesitation, the undeniable connection between them pulls her closer, leading to a forbidden romance that tests loyalties and boundaries.
parring: fuckboy!jk x richgirloc
warnings: jk has some anger issues.., they play tennis alott brother best friend trope, y/n brother is taehyung, situationship, secret relationship kinda?, jungkook used to fw y/ns bestie OOP, thier all rich asf smut. angst drug use. and many more to come in other chapters
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“Y/n! Taehyung!” their mother said hugging them both. “it’s been so long i miss my kiddos!”
They unloaded the car quickly, and as soon as they were done, y/n picked up her suitcase and book bag and headed straight for her old bedroom.
It had calico wallpaper and a white bedroom set and not to mention it was huge. she went over to her night stand and saw a white framed picture of her as a middle schooler and she quickly put it in the drawer “ew”
Y/ns mom knocks on her door “get dressed Taehyung is inviting his friends over for dinner
Y/n groans knowing his douche friends are coming over.
“Wear something nice!” Y/n mother said leaving her be in her room. Y/n flops on her bed and sighs heavily falling to sleep from the long airplane trip.
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Y/n decided to wear a black crop top and light washed blue baggy jeans with black and white converse. She went downstairs of her almost mansion and saw his friends. She already knew them but there was a new member?
He had fluffy black hair, black shirt and jorts with black sambas and tattoos going down his arm with sliver chrome hearts bracelet and a lip piercing. Holy fuck.
Y/n sneaked up back upstairs to her room and added mascara and concealer. Then went back downstairs and sat down at the neatly seat dinner table
“You have a nice home Mrs. L/n” jimin said stuffing his face with the salad. “Aw thank you sweetheart!” Her mom responded, Y/n almost cringed by her mom acting fake and nice
“Y/n can you hand me the bread please?” Taehyung butted in. She reached over and handed it to him
“So.. jungkook? Is that your name?” Jungkook nodded knowing he’s about to be questioned
“You have a lot of tattoos wow.. what did your parents say?” Y/n mom says
“Mom stop” Taehyung whispers to her
“It’s fine my parents didn’t really care about them and I like them a lot so”
Y/ns mom hummed
“And what about you y/n how’s school going? I mean they’ve been calling me alot so”
She shrugged playing with her food. This is the worst thing ever for y/n
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After dinner y/n took a shower and changed into a hoodie and shorts and laid on her bed watching tiktok trying to keep her mind off that hottie. She went quickly to Instagram to find him but was quickly interrupted.
Taehyung barged in her room “yo wanna play tennis”
Y/n got up and put her phone on the charger and put on her tennis shoes and grabbed her racket from her closet .They both walked to the tennis court and grabbed the tennis ball
“Ready?” Taehyung yelled out
Y/n hit the ball.
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“I’m gonna get a drink of water” y/n called out dropping her racket and walking out of the court and went to the clubhouse and there he was standing there with a blunt in his hand
“Oh shit” jungkook said throwing it away quickly
“I don’t care about that” y/n said filling up her water bottle”
“Wait I think i remember you” jungkook said looking at her intensely “oh shit it’s you! Weren’t you friends with what’s her name.. oh yea Elise. God she was a bitch, no offense”
“What?” Y/n said confused totally of what he just said
“Elise your friend? We dated for like a month or some shit senior year in high school
“I don’t know. I mean she’s my friend but she never told me about you
“Such a bitch..” he said looking up and getting flashbacks
“Shes coming to see me this week I think”
“Eh I don’t care I have no feelings for her anymore as long if I don’t see her dumb face”
Y/n laughed at that “when did u become friends with taehyung?”
“Like this year I was his plug then we just became friends I guess
“Taehyung smokes?”
“No edibles big baby”
Y/ns mouth formed a “o”
“Do you smoke?
“Um.. no I play tennis for my school”
“Boring. Anyway it was nice talking to you.. are u gonna get that”
Y/n looked to see her water bottle was overfilling “Oh thanks”
He walked past her and walked out of her sight. Y/n smiled to herself walking back to the court. “The fuck were you doing?” Taehyung called out
“Nothing? I said I was filling up my water bottle”
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a/n: hope yall enjoyed this one pls give me feedback this is like my first story ever and this is inspired by euphoria and challengers the movie!
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cybsoo2 · 6 months
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a bleeding bruise
╰┈➤ synopsis — Two failures have unfolded tonight. A failed escape attempt on your part, and a punishment that leaves more lasting damage then the boys had expected. 
╰┈➤ pairing — yandere!vminkook x reader
╰┈➤ word count — 4.2k
╰┈➤ content warning — yandere behavior, violence, assault, verbal abuse, injury, strong language, angst, jk’s a bit of a jerk :(
ੈ♡₊˚。 over to ⇢ pt.2
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“NO! NO! PLEASE STOP! I’M SORRY, I’M SORRY!” Shrill screams suffocate the silence. Your useless pleas are ignored as three men carry you back to where you belong. “I WON’T DO IT AGAIN, PLE-”
“BE QUIET!” Jungkook muffles your crying with the palm of his hand. He masks his words with anger to hide his anguish. Your tears create a hole in his heart.
Three sets of hands grasp you tightly. Their rough grip leaves raw imprints onto your wrists and waist. You try to squirm under their hold, and it works for a second when you free your legs to try and kick at them. In the end the struggling creates more problems when Taehyung tears you apart from the others and throws you over his shoulder.
You pound your fists against his back and continue begging to be let go. Pathetic pleas of ‘Please let me go,’ ‘I’ll be good now,’ or ‘I’m sorry, I love you,’ fall down to the forest floor. Your punches grow more panicked and as you fight through your fury, Jimin grabs your wrists to stop you.
“Stop hurting him.” He pleads with you in a gentle tone. He’s two seconds away from bursting into tears, but he chokes his cries back by begging. “I love you, I love you, why can’t you make this easy.” His hushes are spoken as they continue to walk. 
Small crystals begin to fall from the sky. Your own crying is muted by Taehyung’s sweater. Your sadness leaves stains that he’ll have to worry about later.
While Jungkook leads the way back to the house, Jimin mutters pretty prayers that you won’t hate them after this punishment. He strokes your hanging head and says, “This is for the better, you’ll understand once it’s over.”
Jungkook successfully navigates your way through the forest and the backyard of your home peeks out of the treeline. Once you step out under the protection of the bristles and branches, the rain begins to leave you drenched. It’s an uncomfortably cold wetness that makes you shift atop Taehyung’s shoulder. Jimin and Taehyung lead you to the middle of the backyard and you’re lifted off Tae’s shoulder to stand on two feet.
You shiver against Taehyung’s chest. He holds you tightly to him with his gentle hands holding your hips. His touch doesn’t hurt, but it’s strong enough to let you know you won’t be able to get away again. He stares straight ahead to where Jungkook walks away back into the house. An anxious feeling buries its way into your bones once you pick up on his nervous ticks. He shifts his weight and tugs you tighter against him. His jaw is clenched, keeping secrets stored about what sort of punishment you’ll be subject to. Despite being so close, he keeps his distance. Usually so affectionate, now he doesn’t make a move to melt into you. He keeps his head up against the rain and doesn’t spare you a single look.
Jimin can barely contain the nervous jitters that jostle him. His uneasy eyes switch between you and Jungkook’s figure now emerging from the house. He carries cold chains that hang over his shoulders and wrap around his wrists. They’re so long that the excess drags down behind him. 
The sight of the chains instills an instant panic. You tremble against Taehyung’s touch and forget how to breathe when Jungkook’s footsteps get closer. Shocked by a sudden rush of adrenaline, you strike Taehyung in the gut and turn to run. You only make it a few steps before you’re forced to the ground. Jimin slams into you and you fall face-first into the cement. He catches your arms as they thrash about and holds them in a vice-grip. Taking your wrists with one hand, he reaches down to your waist and flips you over. 
The next thing you see is Taehyung in front of your face. He straddles over you with his knees restraining your legs. His hands slide up to your shoulders, staring at you with dead eyes. 
You’re forced away from Taehyung’s gaze when Jungkook tugs at your hair, turning your eyes up to focus on him. 
“If you want to act like an ungrateful bitch, then we’ll treat you like one.” The venom he spits strikes your heart. It stings to be subject to his twisted tongue. Cruel words collide with their punches. The cold chain wrapped around your leg is the only thing keeping you connected with the world. You’re so sure that if you didn’t have this steel tether, you’d be beaten down to hell by the heat of their attacks. 
You’re struck with kicks and punches from one while another assaults you with rotten words. Someone else is settled at your side, holding down your body despite your stillness. 
You blocked out most of their beating. Seeing those loveless eyes sent you into isolation. The bleeding and bruising so overwhelming that you ended up running away from your mind. Yet, you remember the rain. It cried alongside you, relentless and cruel. Your focus found the sky and stayed there until they were done. 
A semi-silence wraps itself around the four of you. Only small pants for breathe and soft sobbing are audible. The rain blends into the background as you focus on the three men that now stand above you. It’s so dark out you can hardly see their faces. Black borders surround your shaking body and stare. You now realize that this midnight madness has come to an end. 
You now sit as a sobbing mess under the crying sky. The rain ricochets off your beaten body. Rain and tears fall forever; all sorrow is soaked back into the earth. The cold air kisses all the skin you have to spare. The metal chain wrapped around your leg clanks together due to your violent shaking. 
No matter how much the cold bites at your back, your heart feels more frostbitten. You can barely even feel the phantom kicks and punches anymore. Your mind only replays the memories of them turning their backs as you beg.
Did you really go too far? Did you fuck up so badly that life will be even more tortuous than before? Even if you hated them for stealing your freedom and feelings away, at least they loved you. They showed you kindness and empathy. Such curious killers that haven’t shown you any animosity since they stole you away. 
Each raindrop that falls rips into your heart even further. This punishment is proof of your wrongdoing. You don’t even care about the beating at this point, you only yearn to be loved. To be caressed and cradled with care. Do they still love you? Can you prove to them that you can be better than this, that you will be better. Even a hopeless situation can feel the opposite when love turns your attention the other way.
You hadn’t even felt scared when they began to cut and kick you. You deserved it didn’t you? How selfish of you to keep denying these soulmates your love. They’ve given everything they have to make you happy and you went and threw it in the trash. 
You don’t want to suffer any more. Maybe making the best out of this broken life will bring better days.
As you lay lifeless on the pavement, scarlet sorrows spill out of you. It covers the concrete and coats every inch of your existence. As you fall under sleeps spell, you dream of three men. You imagine a man with black hair holding you close. The second fights off the rain with an air of annoyance. And the final illusion soothes away your sadness.
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Taehyung finds himself trying to fight off the darkness that suffocates him. The house is too silent and still. It makes him anxious. He wants to peek out the window to check the damage they’ve done, but Jimin grabs his shoulder and guides him upstairs. A dark despair stains the cream carpet as he slowly makes his way upstairs. Jimin and Jungkook drag themselves ahead of him. A heavy weight holds them down. Their shoulders slump and their smiles sag. 
So slowly, they remove their shoes as they continue their steps and throw them every which way. Soaked shirts and wet pants are quickly taken off.
“We’ll just leave her like that for a little bit.” Jungkook mumbles with an exhausted expression. “Once we warm up and clean off we can go back and get her.”
“Isn’t that too long?” Jimin holds hesitance between two lips. His eyebrows frown and he purses his lips in pain. Everything about Jimin shows he’s doubting his decisions. He already began to regret his actions once the rain relapsed. 
“She has to realize there’s consequences for her dumb decisions.” Jungkook stares into Jimin and his tired teary eyes give away everything. “I love her too and I don’t like hurting her. But we can’t let her think she can try running away whenever she wants.”
“But what if she just ends up hating us even more.” Jimins words tremble with terror. Shining streaks start to fall off his face as he fails to hold back his tears.
Taehyung turns Jimin towards him and rubs his shoulder as an attempt to soothe him. “She just has to learn her lesson. Then we’ll rush right back out and fix everything. We’ll clean her cuts and warm her up,” Taehyung tilts his head to look Jimin in the eyes. “It’ll be okay.” 
No one says anything about the lie that leaves Taehyung’s lips. Hopeless words slide down a throat better when they’re coated in honey. Three men tell each other little lies to keep themselves from collapsing. However, they can only float in a fool’s paradise for so long before they come crashing down. 
As the three men take turns in the shower, a sick sense of guilt begins to smother them. A cold chill creeps into their bones that not even a sweltering shower can wash away. 
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An hour has passed by before they decide your punishment has reached its end. The clock strikes 2 and three sets of feet stumble over each other. Everyone trying to be the first to erase their terrible torment. The boys scramble down the stairs, only tripping two times in the restless race. 
They pick you up off the pavement and you welcome their warmth in the rain. 
You cling to Jimin like an extra layer of clothes; he holds you in his arms with a warm welcome. He tugs you closer to his chest, small squeezes and sniffles fill in the silence. In an awkward position, Jimin shuffles the both of you into the house and upstairs with Taehyung leading the way. Jungkook trails closely behind, shushing your cries and smoothing down your hair. 
They don’t speak about the pain and punishment other than the consistent mumbles of ‘I’m sorry.’ 
Your silence scares them. Somehow, it feels easier to be faced with your hatred and indifference than nothing at all. Although, they still hang on to a small sliver of hope that they haven’t lost you yet. They can see the subtle way you grasp onto Jimin’s jacket; holding on with white knuckles as if it’s a lifeline. There’s a shimmer of sadness in your eyes, bordering on bittersweet emotions. They can tell you’re hanging onto the same fated string as them. The four of you have nothing but hope. 
These three men don’t know how to be gentle. They’re love is rough and full of risks. And you don’t know how to be docile. You’d weren’t made to shrink down smaller just so they can control you. But when you reach the bathroom and they tell you to sit, you obey so easily. This change is for the better. The first step to an easier life. Four fated fools that all long for love. Stripping away the pieces of singularity to forcibly fit the puzzle. 
You’re sitting on the edge of the bathroom counter. Taehyung sat at your side to keep you company. Jungkook and Jimin have wandered off to wherever they went. Most likely getting stacks of medical supplies. Taehyung takes your hand and rests his head on your shoulder. You lean back against the mirror, screwing your eyes closed when another sharp sting of pain presses into your side. Taehyung gives a squeeze to the hand he’s holding, silently begging the boys to hurry up. As if they heard his prayers, Jungkook and Jimin reach the bathroom in record time. Jimin takes a seat on the toilet while Jungkook rummages through the first aid kit. 
The small boy at your side lays his head down on your leg. His tears sink into your soaked blue jeans. Anxieties taste like acid on his tongue. And when he leaves lingering kisses to the cuts that litter your legs, that tainted taste is now blurred with blood. He wears your crimson carnage like lipstick. The blood smeared all across his face. Attempting to drown out your pain with passion. His kisses then crawl upwards. Coming close to the cuts on your stomach that Jungkook is stitching up. Every time you wince from the needle stabbing into your skin, Tae and Jimin take turns trying to distract you. 
While Jungkook cleans up your cuts, he asks the others to tend to your bruises. Taehyung takes the ointment from Jungkook’s open hands. He takes a generous amount and mixes it around, efficiently warming it up. Heartbroken bruises burn against his tender touch. The tiniest of touches burns through your bones. A small gasp that stumbles out of your lips causes him to still. He stares at you with wide eyes, waiting for you to tell him to continue. 
Through clenched teeth you mumble a weak, “Keep going.” He hesitates but abides by your words. He traces your bruises with the tips of his fingers, leaving behind hearts that beg for forgiveness. He stares at your scarlet stained features while he trails shapes up your hips and along your arms. A look of pain is plastered on your face. He shares your sadness, taking each tear that escapes your eyes as another stab of torment. 
Jungkook stands between your legs. He works with a deep set determination. Diligent and dangerous with how he handles the needle. He’s quick with every stitch, cursing under his breath every time you pull back in pain. And every so often, when a scarce cry escapes you, he lets his hand slip. Stabbing his skin ever so slightly to feel even an inkling of the pain he’s caused you. Putting pressure on the cut and combining your blood with his. 
Jungkook tries to keep you as steady as possible while he puts together the pieces of their destruction. He lets you lean into Taehyung’s chest and be tainted with touches by Jimin. He doesn’t have time to envy their affections. So, he keeps on stitching, doing the dirty work when the others can’t bear the burden. 
Taehyung and Jimin wrap you in white bandages. You lay limply against Jungkook. Breathing shallow breaths and whispering into his ear, “Do you still love me?”
Jungkook could cry right there. Break down in the bathroom under the weight of his wrongdoing. He can’t hide his emotions when it comes to you. He struggles to stay strong. Hot tears trail down his face and he squeezes his eyes shut, hoping the teardrops will come to a stop. 
“How could you ever think that?” His voice shakes under ultimate sadness. “I love you more than you can imagine. So much so that it makes me sick, and I can’t stand the thought of you ever leaving me. Leaving us.” He raises his hand to run through your hair. Gently pushing your face down to sit on his shoulder. Away from his face and naive to the sobs he tries to stifle. 
When they finish fixing you up, you’re held together by silver string and rotten, red kisses. Taehyung pulls you off the counter and cradles you close to his heart. He carries you to the bedroom and doesn’t let go even when you’ve already reached the bed. He sits you on his lap and watches as the other two rush around him. In a frantic frenzy, they rush to turn off the lights (leaving on the bedside lamp), bundle you in blankets, and grab a dry change of clothes. 
When Jungkook can’t seem to find your clothes fast enough, Taehyung takes matters into his own hands. Sliding off his shirt and slipping it over your shoulders. He then works to slide off your drenched jeans. He leaves your legs bare but covers you in a burden of blankets. Tucking in the corners and tying you up tight. 
Jimin enters the room with water and what seems to be small pills. He kneels down in front of you, his hand resting on your knee and holding out a remedy.
“Take these,” he drops the pills into your empty palm, “and drink some water to wash them down.” You pop the pills into your mouth one by one, washing them down with the water. 
Once everything starts to settle, silence shushes the room and darkness bleeds in through the blinds. You all begin to feel the remnants of your adrenaline-rush. An uneasy exhaustion sticks to your skin. You crawl under the covers and seek solace in their embrace. 
Taehyung drags his fingertips over the skin of your spine. A gentle touch that attempts to settle your shivers and sooth your sadness. The movements are slow, and he distracts himself by counting each indent his fingers reach. He’s cautious to avoid the cuts and bruises, still fresh and fragile. He repeats this motion for many minutes as a way to take both your minds off everything. 
Taehyung doesn’t like to think back on the events that unfolded only hours ago. Your betrayal and beating are tucked away behind blinds in the darkest parts of him. Taehyung tucks away his turmoil and sinks into the sheets. He shimmies down deeper into the mass of blankets and bodies. He hopes tomorrow won’t turn out as terrible as today; wishing on a star that you’ll begin to settle into your new life with new lovers. If you never love them like they want, then you’ll just have to learn how. Playing pretend in a dollhouse made for demons. 
The silence is split by Jungkook’s concern, “Baby? Are you sure you’re okay?” After the damage they’re done he feels the need to double check everything. 
Your mouth is sealed shut. The words you want to speak stick to your insides. You settle for a small nod against Taehyung’s shoulder. The youngest man outstretches his hand to stroke your hair. With such softness, he presses your head into the pillow. He then makes himself more comfortable, sliding into the sheets and slotting himself in between Taehyung’s touch, and the wall. He does so without lifting the hand that holds your head. 
“You’re tired aren’t you? Just try to fall asleep. We’ll be watching over you, don’t worry.” You give a grunt in response. Taehyung’s silent strokes are sending you to sleep, and Jungkook’s fingers running through your hair finally set your heart at ease. Your tiredness takes over and dizzy dreams dance in the distance. 
Before you fall asleep, Taehyung tells you one last thing, “I’m sorry we hurt you… I’m sorry we’re so selfish… But we can’t let you go.”
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You wake during a wilted sunrise. Pink clouds are beaten bloody leaving bloodstains to soak the sky. The red tint of the light lingers above you. The blinds allow just the slightest sliver of sunshine into the room.
Your tired eyes struggle to see in the dark. Fighting off the fatigue only takes a minute or two before clarity can calm you. You drag your head up higher on Taehyung's chest, trying to catch a glimpse of his face. He sleeps soundly under the scarlet sunrise. Short puffs of air tickle your nose whenever he takes a breath.
You look over to your left and see that Jungkook is also a slave to slumber. His youthful features appear worn and weary even in his sleep.
Even if you can’t check behind you to see, you can only assume that Jimin hasn’t woken up from your movement. As his body had sunken into soft slumber, his weight seemed to have doubled. Heavy limbs are draped over you with a possessive person that lags behind. This burden begins to grow painful as your fresh bruises blossom in irritation. You shift closer to Tae, trying to escape the pressure that piles on top of you. When you move only a millimeter to the left, you’re stuck with a sudden pain that leaves you paralyzed. Shot with an icy wave of shock, you struggle to suck in a single breath. A crippling pain swarms in your stomach. It stirs up a sickness that threatens to spill out of you. You slap a hand to your mouth, forcing the feeling back down. 
Once the nausea wanes away, the ache in your abdomen appears to triple. You attempt to stifle a sob, but you should have known that any slight discomfort from you is bound to be discovered. Jungkook begins to stir from the subtle noise. 
He can feel you trembling under his touch. Your name falls from his lips in pure panic. His eyes search your body for any signs of harm. His hands ghost over the bruises that are turning blue. A frown forms when looking at the white bandages that cover the cuts he caused. When he can’t find anything out of the ordinary, he switches his sight to stare right into your eyes. “Is it hurting again? Is it the bruises or the cuts?” Concern chokes him. Sin and shame sting like a venom in his veins. 
You’re still struggling to take control of your tears. Hiding them with your hands and biting back your cries. Jungkook grows more anxious with each second that wastes away. “What do you need? Anything, anything at all. How can I help?” He reaches out to remove your hands in front of your face. 
A fit of coughing chokes you. Jungkook acts fast, sitting up to steady you. His hands almost hover, afraid to cause you anymore harm. But when a second round of coughing and crying starts up, he takes you in his arms. The rapid movements rouse Taehyung from his slumber. His words are slurred with sleep when he asks “Are you okay?” and “What’s happening?” Neither you nor Jungkook answer him. 
Your agony is over spilt and you start coughing all over again. A silver taste mixes with your saliva. “Jungkook,” A tremor takes over your tone. “Jungkook, it hurts.” 
“I know, baby. I know. But where does it hurt?” He runs his rough hands along your back. Settling the shivers that trail up your spine. He shushes your cries and tilts your head up to him. He stares into the saddest sight he’s ever seen. Red-rimmed eyes, pathetic whimpers of pain, and a bottom lip so bitten it’s bleeding. He feels an ache in his chest at your pitiful appearance. He uses his thumb to pull your lip from in between your teeth. 
It’s at this time when Taehyung starts to shake off the effects of a deep sleep. He sits up and leans against your back. One arm is used to steady himself while the other wraps around your waist. His fingers are tied up with the bottom of your (his) shirt. He fidgets with the fabric, trying to focus his mind on anything other than the sounds of your sobbing. He tucks his head over your shoulder and squeezes you a little tighter. 
“It’s my stomach that hurts. I think I might throw up.” At your words, Taehyung loosens up his grip. Instead, he sticks his hand under your shirt to soothe your stomach. He draws circles with his thumb and follows Jungkook’s lead. 
“Come on, let’s get you to the bathroom then.” Jungkook pulls you up, letting you lean on him as he prepares to take you to the bathroom. Taehyung trails behind, struggling with the sheets tied around his legs.
“Jimin,” Tae shakes the man rather roughly. “Wake up. Sweethearts not feeling well.” He doesn’t wait for his friend to wake, too restless at the thought of you injured and too far for comfort. He rushes out of the room and stumbles upon a sight he wishes he didn’t have to see. 
Blood burns through your throat and the next thing you know scarlet is being spilt onto the tile. You share a shaky look with both boys, tears lining all your eyes. Red runs down your lips and stains your shirt. As you stare at Taehyung, scared out of your skin, he can’t help but think that his selfish, lovesick soul will be the cause of your demise.
© cybsoo2 2024, all rights reserved
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c0llisiion · 9 months
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♡pairing : jjk + fem!reader
♡: not proof read, exs, idol!jungkook x idol!reader , fwb kinda? , smut , mutual masturbation - lmk if i missed any!
W/C : 1,162
Pt.2 , Pt.3
A/N : SORRY 4 DISAPPEARING AGAINNNNN! i js got too busy guys 😣😣😣😣 rqs are open! Send in your rqs and prompts ily <33 anyways here is a jk fic i wrote instead of finishing my other jk fic :3
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ MDNI. Please refrain from reading if the topics make you uncomfortable. ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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2 months. Its been 2 months since you broke it off with jungkook. It was all over the news, a hot topic for the k media. ‘BTS’s Jungkook and Y/G/N’s y/n ends 4 year relationship’, was still trending on naver. It happened so quickly. Knets are already placing the blame on you for the breakup, as they view you as a mean rebel idol who breaks hearts and messes around. A face of disgust was plastered on your face as you scroll through the endless amounts of hate comments knets put under the articles.
“Wow I always knew she was a bitch”
“She definitely cheated on him with another idol lol”
“What do you expect when you date a wh*re? Jungkook should have never dated her”
“She ruined his image”
Back and forth, people were calling you degrading names and putting Jungkook in a good light. They said all of this while not knowing a single thing about how your breakup unfolded. It was mutual. You both started getting busy with schedules. That simple. Maybe a few disagreements here and there. Maybe a few trust issues but the main point was it was mutual and you both broke up because of schedules. You got tired of the same comments and decided to turn off your phone but you got a new notification.
baby star candy 🤍
Tf is he doing at this hour?
baby star candy 🤍
Is it okay if i come over?
Classic jungkook. Getting straight to the point. You stared at the text for a while not realising that you were leaving him on seen.
My baby star candy 🤍
Its fine if you dont want me to
Yes. Quick.
You sent your reply before his second text got to properly load. And there you were. Your phone turned off, biting your nails as you waited for jungkook.
It didn't take him a lot of time. Reaching your place in under 7 minutes and 13 seconds. You heard your doorbell and you immediately rushed to the door. You stood at the door for some time, avoiding the impression that you were eagerly anticipating his arrival.
You opened the door and see the tall bulky black haired man with his calvin klein hoodie and grey shorts. You stared at him before he brought you back to reality by snapping his fingers. You let him in before locking the door. You grabbed him by his wrists and took him upstairs to your room.
He quickly settled in your bed letting out a deep sigh, Relaxing and stretching his limbs out onto the bed. His arm was tucked behind his head as he patted the empty space next to him with half lidded eyes. You rolled your eyes before snuggling with him. Your tv was on and playing a random tv show you put almost an hour ago, forgetting to it turn off. You sighed and relaxed into his arm. The silence was comfortable. Jungkook was playing with the hems of shorts and you with the drawstrings of his shorts. You knew where this would lead to.
His hands started slowly massaging your thighs and ass in a comforting way. Its like he knew you were sad. And he did. “Im sorry” he spoke up. You looked up at him. His eyes were focused on the tv infront. “Im sorry about those comments. I should have said somethin’.” He said finally looking down at you. You shook your head and nuzzled into him closer “dont be. Its not your fault. Tbh i really dont gaf.” He chuckled at your attitude. He always liked your idgaf attitude. That’s what made him ask you out. “So you are not sad?” He asked his hands trailing up your shirt, cold fingers resting under your tits. “Hmm i was but then there is no reason for me to be. Maybe we should upload one of our sextapes to show those bitchy knets and completely appall them..” you giggled thinking about their reaction. Jungkook sighed and chuckled. “Yeah? Which one? Our old ones or the one we are gonna make rn?” His cold fingers squeezed your bare tits and tugged on your hard nipples. You hissed at the feeling. He grabbed your hand using his other hand and started using yours to rub himself through his shorts. He let out a soft groan throwing his head back. You bit your lip as you felt his hand lower into your shorts, quickly taking your sensitive bud in between his fingers, tugging it gently. You gasped and held onto his wrists as he continued abusing your bud. He was growing harder and harder because of your hands and the unholy sounds you let out every time he flicked your clit. You put your hands into his shorts and wrapped your fingers around his dick. Your movements were restricted by his shorts which opted you to pull his dick completely out. You stared at it. Oh how much you missed that monster. “Quit staring baby..” you felt yourself melt as he inserts two fingers into your sopping hole. A loud squelch was heard when he started fingering you. Your hands lazily worked up and down his shaft. Small spurts of precum already leaking out of his red tip. You picked up your pace and so did he. You twisted your wrists around his tip. You knew how sensitive he was there and continued. His eyes were squeezed shut as soft moans left his mouth. He started choking on them as he felt your hands squeeze around his length. God the way you had this man under your control with Just your hands was insane. He was quick to return the favour as two more fingers were added. His thumb rested on your clit rubbing it in circles furiously as he fucked your cunt with his long fingers. Loud noises accompanied by yours and his moans were the only sounds heard in the room. Your vision went white as you finally reached your end. Squirting all over his hands and wetting your shorts as well as your sheets. You let out choked out moans and your back arched off of the bed.
“Attagirl…” jungkook said with furrowed eyebrows as he kept finger fucking you. Your hand movements got sloppy which prompted jungkook to thrust into your hands. You picked up pace which made jungkook stiffen. You knew his orgasm was close from the his facial expressions and his voice. You stared at his face as you watch your ex boyfriend come undone under your grasp. He let out a final gasp before cumming all over your hands. You slowed down your movements finally letting go of his softening cock before bringing your fingers to your mouth, licking all his salty cum clean, staring deeply into his brown eyes.
Only you had him like this. No other woman will never come to your level ever.
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Love's Remedy, On Fire ༓ jjk (m) l ch. I
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✑ Summary: Jungkook is a romantic. He comes from a highly intelligent family who wants him to carry out the lineage. Being this way, he goes to college to be a pharmacist but his friends say college isn't just about studying! With a little persuasion, he goes to his first frat party thinking his hat will help him pick up a girl-or woman he means.
Pairing: STEM major!virgin!jungkook x STEM major!hot girl!reader
AU/genre: angst, smut, fluff, s2l, college au, mini-series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 3,027
Warnings: jk is very cute and determined, jk a romantic, oc has philophobia (fear of relationships), oc is not mean here but she teases jk, feat Jackson and Jae-beom, if i missed warning lmk!
Now Playing: seven, summertime sadness, she’s kerosene, angels like you+
A/N: um ok I swear this was supposed to be a pwp crack fic about jk wanting to get laid with a hat on. This turned into a very angsty but fluffy series and I'm sorry 😬 lmk what you think and tysm for reading! 💞 I know title is sucky
ch. lI >> | series masterlist
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Over the entirety of his nineteen years, Jungkook was pushed to prepare for one thing—college entrance exams.
It was a huge deal and getting into one of the leading universities in South Korea was a must for him. You see, the Jeons were nobody to laugh at with the bulk of them being high-ranking medical doctors, engineers, and lawyers. Continuing this legacy, therefore, was far from a choice, Jungkook had to follow suit.
When the results of the exams came back Jungkook passed with flying colors. It wasn't a surprise though since he spent all his time studying his ass off until the dawn. Jungkook indeed got accepted into one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul and his parents, teachers, and friends were quick to give their congratulations. He felt good too...no, he felt damn good.
Now he was here he was, standing in the middle of campus with his bag slung over one shoulder and a few orientation papers in his hand. It was still the first week of classes and he desperately needed to get to the science building. (He had chosen to follow his father's footsteps and go into biochem).
"Excuse me," he asks with nervous eyes and a wobbling lip. "Do you happen to know where the science building is? I'm late for class but I can't seem to find it."
The student he walks up to for directions looks about his age. He isn't sure if she's in her first year like him but she looks competent with the way she's standing, feet spread apart and a hand on her hip. The skirt she's sporting is incredibly short but the top is full length. She's smacking on hot pink gum as well, popping bubbles every now and then.
"Keep walking straight until you see the statue of President Kim, then take a right. The science building will be right there." You hardly spare him a glance but you make the mental note that he's cute with his fluffy black hair and big lost eyes. You consider asking his name but you shrug the feeling. He was cute yes, but he was too cute which isn't your type.
Jungkook gives a small thank you and walks off. Your directions are vague, but hopefully finding the statue will help him. After a few steps, he looks over his shoulder to see you laughing with your friend.
You have a gorgeous smile.
Probably the last time he'll see you though, he thinks. Jungkook isn't sure how he'd be with a woman given the fact he's never been with one. Surely he'd do better than half the dumbasses out there but guys like him don't stand a chance with a woman like you.
You look like you go for the experienced type and that wasn't him. He goes back to what he was doing, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
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"Hey man, what's your name?" A young guy with bleached blonde hair slides into the seat next to him. Apparently, he wasn't the only one late. "I'm Jackson." The man goes in for a fist bump but stops when it's very obvious it won't be reciprocated.
"I'm Jungkook," he says, more concentrated on what his professor is saying than anything else. Jackson continues talking, however, despite his focused state.
"So, I'm assuming this is your first year?" Jungkook nods. "Me too. Where you from?"
"Cool cool, I'm from Hong Kong." Hearing this makes Jungkook shift his eyes over immediately. The last thing he expected was to meet someone from China. Was this Jackson dude just pulling his leg or was he being serious? Nevertheless, it intrigues him.
"I'm an exchange student." Jackson clarifies. "Always wanted to see what South Korea was like and I know Seoul's got a pretty thriving economy so..." He shrugs. "Figured I'd give it a go and my parents support it. As long as I stay on my doctor's track of course."
Well damn. A doctor was not what Jungkook assumed a guy like Jackson would be going for. This was a prestigious school but it's still a gen ed class they're in right now. Anyone from most majors could be taking it. If he had to guess, Jackson would be a businessman.
"Well enough about me though," Jackson quips. "What do you study?"
"Biochem. My dad works as a physician and my mom's a chemical engineer. I'm going for pharmacology."
"Shit bro," Jackson cusses freely. Jungkook doesn't mean to jump in response but he does. Being all formal talk at home, it's unventured territory. "You guys must be a family of geniuses. Wait...what's your last name?"
Jackson nearly falls back in his chair when he hears the name fall from Jungkook's lips. He covers his mouth with both hands to keep himself under wraps. "Are you serious? You're from the Jeon family? Fuck, man, I've been hearing about your family since I was a kid that's how influential your family has been in the medical industry."
Jungkook finds himself intertwining his hands. His family is well-established in what they do but it never occurred to him that they were that well-known. Sure his dad's been featured in a couple of magazines for his work and his mom's been given several awards for her research. But he didn't think they'd gone that publicly beyond their own town.
"Oh shit I'm sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable talking about this? Promise you I'm not a creep or anything!" The urgency in Jackson's tone stirs up the classroom, peers looking over at the two of them in annoyance.
"Do you mind shutting up?" A chestnut-haired boy is the first to speak up. He looks thoroughly pissed, to say the least with his cat-like eyes narrowing at the both of them. "Some of us actually want to graduate here."
"Chill out man. We're sorry." Jackson gives Jungkook a small tight-lipped smile. "We'll talk later."
"We will?"
Jackson gives him a slap on the back. "Yeah it's a given. You and I," he gestures between the two of them. "We should stick together. Being that we're both new around here and we both studying med. Also, was going to wait to tell you but I wanna go to this awesome party that goes on that kicks off the year. You'd think I'd be confident to go by myself but if you're free, I could use a buddy."
A party. Some blonde-haired boy who could very likely become the center of attention wants him, Jeon Jungkook, to go to a party? Jungkook spends most of his time playing video games, studying chem tables, and watching p—well he shouldn't say that part out loud.
"If you don't want to then I get it." Jackson scratches his head. "I don't wanna pressure you or anything. We did just meet and I just thought you looked cool so...."
"Okay." Jungkook accepts before giving it much thought. Besides studying, he was told college was a time to also let loose and have fun. Freedom and all that. That's what his friends back home told him at least. They also mentioned getting laid but...who would give him that fat chance?
If anything, maybe he'll get a friend by going to this little party. Jungkook shoots a small smile in return.
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"Okay listen," Jackson says, opening the door to his black Lexus. "I heard this party gets crazy so just be smart and don't get into too much punch."
Jungkook hops in the passenger seat. "But I love punch." He straps his seatbelt in, totally unaware of the punch Jackson"s referring to.
"It's spiked Kook. And I'm guessing your alcohol tolerance is pretty low?" Jackson twists the key and pulls out of the campus parking lot. He doesn't mean to be insulting or anything but his new buddy doesn't look like the party-hardy kinda guy.
In fact, Jungkook decided to....well, wear a hat to this gig. It's not a baseball cap, beanie, or even a greasy cowboy hat.
It's a sunhat. Black at least.
"By the way Jungkook. I don't wanna sound like a dick or anything but can you explain the thing on your head? Because the rest of you looks great, black dress shirt and jeans."
"Oh um." Jungkook rubs his hands on his thighs. He's embarrassed to tell Jackson the truth but he's his buddy now, right? Maybe this can be a bonding thing for them. "I thought it was cute? I mean I wanna...ah." Jungkook lets out a nervous chuckle.
"What is it, man? I promise I won't judge."
"I wanna," he starts again. "Uhm you see I heard that if you wear something out of the ordinary that people will like you more or something. Like they'll be interested..."
"Mhm, cute and out of the ordinary things huh? What kind of people are you trying to impress Jungkook?" Jackson gives a knowing smirk. Who knew his buddy schemes these kinds of stuff.
Jungkook speeds through the answer. "Grs."
"Say it properly and slower."
"Wanna get a girl....woman! I mean...a woman." Jungkook sheepishly grins at Jackson. Please don't laugh at me, he begs silently.
"You dog!" Jackson pushes Jungkook's shoulder. "My little buddy is a man, well well well. So are you looking for a girlfriend or something else?"
"Wife!" Jungkook bugs out his eyes, no hesitation at all. Jackson struggles not to give even the slightest snort. Didn't Jungkook know what kind of party this is?
"That's very sweet but this isn't the place you're going to find a wife, Jungkook. That's more like if we were going to a speed dating thing....this, this is a frat party, little bro."
Jackson pulls up to the front of the giant, lit-up house. They could hear electronic music blasting outside and all over the lawn were shirtless guys and scantily-dressed women. Some were off making out while others were drinking in groups.
Jungkook tenses at the sight. He used to fancy black tie parties where everyone is dressed to the hill and drinking is moderate. Jackson is right, he is not finding a wife here. Dammit. But he really doesn't want to give up his hat.
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"Yo Jackson," a guy with pitch-black hair greets the man with a fist bump. So that's how it's done, Jungkook observes. "Glad you could make it!"
"Jae-beom, what's good man?! I wouldn't miss this party for the world. I brought a friend." He ushers Jungkook to come forward. "This is Jungkook. He's in my class."
"Nice to meet you Jungkook!" Jae-beom moves in for a fist bump which ends up making contact with Jungkook's fist. It's not as sharp as with Jackson but it's a fist bump. "I used to work with Jackson over the summer. Always stealing my tips this man!"
"Hey, I did not do that!" Jackson gives a hearty laugh and shoves Jae-beom hard enough for him to lose his balance a little. "You kept leaving for a smoke. I had to wait your tables half the time!"
"I wasn't going for a smoke Jack—woah hey baby. What's your name?" The man shifts his focus to the girl walking past them. She has bright red lipstick, a black crop top, and jean shorts.
"Fuck off." She snaps before looking at Jungkook. "Cute hat by the way."
Everyone looks at Jungkook at that moment who's motionless. They hope to god he says something back but he only stares. The girl smirks at him and quirks her head to the side. "What's your name? I gotta friend who'd be all over you in a heartbeat, though she'd never admit it."
Jackson throws a mouth over his hand, eyes wide in amusement. This girl did not just propose Jungkook, his buddy who's looking for a wife, to get off with her friend.
"Um...yeah no. No, it's okay but thanks." Jungkook can barely sound the words. This girl in front of him was really, really hot but intimidating. "Yes thank you but I'm looking for a..."
"Don't-" Jackson lunges forward.
"Wife." Jungkook smiles at the girl a little too angelically. "I'm Jungkook though. What's your name?"
The girl bites her lip. "Well, it's too bad then Jungkook. Because you're so fucking cute and I know you'd like each other. Why don't you meet her? Even if it's just to say hi?"
Jungkook looks at Jackson who only shrugs. "Up to you man."
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Jungkook makes his way through the heavy crowd. He bumps into a few people on the way but thankfully he's able to still see the girl, apparently who goes by Crystal.
Jungkook isn't convinced it's her real name but if that's what she wants to be called who is he to dispute?
Once they get to the other side of the room, Jungkook spots a woman with a tight black dress on. It falls mid-thigh and has laced-up sides. When they near the woman Jungkook feels himself sweating bullets.
"__!" Crystal taps on your shoulder. "I brought you, someone, to meet. This is Jungkook!"
You turn around, drink in hand. You look fucking stunning. Jungkook can't believe it's you. He's seeing you again and he wishes he didn't wear this damn hat now! He goes to yank it off but Crystal stops him.
"Hey, the hat's cute. Keep it on!"
"I-but," he looks at you. "But it's making me hot." You're making me hot.
You give a shrug. "Do what you want Jungkook. It's your head at stake." You take a sip of your drink. You really did not expect to see the shy guy from this morning be at a frat party. "Good to see you again."
"Oh, you know each other?"
"We had a slight run in this morning. Baby had to get to the science building." You take a scan at what he's wearing. Black shirt that cuts at the elbows, denim jeans, and sneakers. Not bad compared to the sweater he was wearing this morning.
"I'm—I'm not a baby." Jungkook can't stop himself from feeling offended. Whether you meant it to be condescending or not, he doesn't want to be seen as a baby! Especially not to you. "I'm a man, okay? I go to the gym and stuff."
"Okay I'm sorry," you say. "I just call everyone baby. I didn't mean anything."
That doesn't seem to relax Jungkook. "I can lift a fuck ton of weights too." He stops once he hears himself cuss out loud. Usually, he does that in his head....goddamn it.
"Mmm," you step towards him, careful not to touch him. Usually by now you'd already be in the bathroom getting railed by some punk but not tonight. Jungkook has your attention. "Can you now? I'm not sure if I believe you. You're kind of a twig, not to be rude or anything."
Jungkook's face turns to a darker shade, eyes piercing into yours. "I can show you I'm not lying."
"Go ahead, do what you will." You fake a yawn until you find yourself suddenly in his arms. They're a lot stronger and more muscular than you thought. "Jungkook! Put me down!"
Everyone at the party starts staring over, giggling at each other. Jungkook gives a satisfied grin. "I have you in my arms, what are you gonna do now? Not believe me again?"
"I-" You're certain your face glowing with embarrassment. "Um no, I believe you Jungkook. Please, set me down."
"Not til you say it --." He challenges-brat. "Say I'm not a baby."
"Jungkook I told you I call everyone baby. It wasn't-okay you're not a baby. Obviously, you lift a lot now please put me down."
Finally, he does what you ask, a proud face on. His hat is a little crooked so you reach out and fix it. It's a reflexive response, you don't even know what you're doing let alone Jungkook.
"Oh, sorry your hat was just-"
"Please go out with me. On a date I mean?" He's so terribly timid but he can't help himself now. He had you in his arms and you're just so beautiful and charming. He needs to know more about you. It's a must.
"Well, I-" Everyone waits for your answer, very nosy clearly. You look at Jungkook with his big eyes and pouty lips. You don't wanna say no but relationships aren't your thing. And it seems that is defiantly all he's in for.
Jungkook's shoulders sulk. He isn't expecting a yes but he was hoping that maybe you'd give him a tiny chance.
"Come on __," Crystal whispers. "Look at him. Don't you think he's cute? Like really cute?"
You look at your best friend with weary eyes. He's so cute but, there's that but. That relationship but. He's going to be the type to want to do all the couple things and snuggle and everything. Jungkook needs someone who is willing to do all the stuff and you? You're not good at any of it.
"I'm sorry Jungkook," you start. "I don't know if-"
"One date __. If it's a no I won't bother you again. I just....I just think you're really gorgeous and I wanna get to know you. That's all." He takes the hat off his head, letting his fluffy hair run free. You kinda wanna touch it if it didn't makes things weird.
His words, however, make your heart thump the tiniest amount. The only time you've ever been called gorgeous is when guys try to get in your bed. It's all you've known other than maybe from a relative. Gorgeous is used pretty regularly, you know that, but this time it's used in an entirely different context.
"I'll tell you what," he says, pulling out his phone. "I'll give you my number and if you change your mind text me or call. I won't bug you and you can delete it right after this if you want, I promise."
You end up taking his number and Jungkook leaves to go back to his buddies. "You should go out with him __," Crystal says.
"I don't know." You watch him stride away. "I'll think about it."
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A/N: what am i doing? Idk im running away now bye! lmk what you think and tysm for reading! Comment/ask to be on taglist 💞
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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kanmom51 · 2 years
JK ain’t gay expose
*Disclaimer:  If you don’t have a sense of humour don’t bother reading this post.
Part 2 of part 3 of our JK ain’t gay expose.
In which we’ll disclose super secret transcripts of secret recordings that don’t exist that have come our way from our super secret agent who’s true identity we canine (typo intended) divulge at this point in time (wham BAM thank you mam).  
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Just a random pic.  Nothing to do with our secret agent.  Not at all.  Ignore it. 
The recordings were made sometime before JM’s birthday, early October 2022, exact date unknown to us, as we are still experiencing difficulties with our translator from and to doggie (god, get your minds out of the gutter - doggie language not style).
These recordings we don’t have, god, they are damning.
A conversation that never ever happened between our manliest macho macho man JK and his buddy and protector of his secret relationship with his long term girlfriend, now turned fiancé and mother of his future child (you know - the one from the restaurant).
This transcript which is not at all a figment of my imagination (or is it?) will finally prove to what lengths these two would go to hide JK’s gf from us, their most trustworthy fandom, those who love them oh so much, those who know them the most in the world, those who listen to what they say.  My god, the violation of our trust in them.
I tell you, after reading this transcript I AM SHOOK.
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Here we go people, get ready to have your minds blown:
JK:  Jyaman, my man, how did your recording go today?
JM:  Yeah, not too bad.  Been working round the clock.  
JK:   So, dude, you know I don’t do small talk, I’ll get right to it.  I need a HUGE favour from you Jyaman, my Jyaman, my mate, my everything, but you know, ew, not EVERYTHING.
JM:  What is it Jungkookie?  What do you need me to do?  You know I’ll always be there for you.  You are my everything too, well not EVERYTHING, you know not EVERYTHING, although you do remember that time with the purple ribbon...ahm, yeah...
JK: (Throat clearing) Things with yyyy are getting serious, but you already know that, right?  You literally helped me choose the engagement ring together, dah.  Anyways, ma man, things are getting tricky for me.  Too many people are saying you and I are not a thing anymore.  
You know, our fanservice thing we used to do to protect Tae and my loving relationship.  
Wait, no, I’m getting muddled up, I’ve been reading too much TKK content.  Man, those fanfics are something else.  Actually, you don’t even need to go to the fanfics, read the posts they are a whole fanfic of their own. Got me believing them too, shit.  
JM:  My macho macho man JK, well, not MINE per say, but someone’s...
I digress...how could you even JK?  We were doing it to protect our girlfriends, man.  Maybe you should take a break from SM, eh?   
JK:  Bro, good idea.  I think I need to delete my whole IG account.  Wait, I’ve already done that.  
JM:  Babe, oops, I mean manly man JK, don’t worry about it.  What was it you wanted from me?
JK:  I’m planning a trip to Jeju and going to propose to yyyy.  But you know how we don’t have any kind of privacy now days.  I’m worried we’ll be seen and everyone will find out we’re together.  
You know the lengths we went to with the hickey, right?  We can’t let this fall apart now!!!
JM: Look man, I helped you with the hickey, just like you helped me during RB.  God forbid someone would have seen that lipstick mark on my ear.  That was such a good catch dude.  I have to thank you again for sucking it off my ear.  Phew.  
JK: So, my close but not too close friend, I need your help once again.  A pre-emptive strike this time, if you wish.
JM:  Whatever you need you sexy but clearly heterosexual man of all men...(gulp clearly heard).
JK:  So, I was thinking... your birthday is coming up followed by our Busan concert. And I want to get the tongues wagging again, about us, you know, like maybe we’re doing IT?  
Better they think I’m queer than in a relationship with a woman, right?
JM:  Yeah, for sure.  
JK:  Three steps to my plan:  I’m going to post for your birthday this year.  Yeah.  And I’m going to make it all sexy and stuff, get them all riled up, the fans, you know, but it’s for you...
JM:  A-ha, ok.  So step one thirst trap.  Got it.  Yeah, that’s ok, xxxx won’t mind, she’s already used to it...
JK: Great.  We’re so lucky we have such understanding girlfriends.  Although yyyy did tell me she once sent and ask to Reddit about us.  Seems she was a little unsure about what was going on between us.  Lol, as if... (clearing throat again).
JM:  A-ha.  Yes yes.  Right.
JK:  Next step will be in the live after the concert.  I’ll make a comment about a fan asking me to marry them, and you’ll act all jealous and stuff.  
JM:  Yeah, whatever.  Probably won’t take much acting on my part, wait what? Did I say that out loud?
JK: Ahm...yeah?
...and maybe something else, I haven’t decided yet, I’ll surprise you during the live, but something to get their tongues wagging about us.  I have to protect my heterosexual relationship you know.  
What would people say if they found out I have a girlfriend.  Better they think we’re a couple, right?
JM:  Oh JK, my most masculine of masculine men that I know and want.
Did I just say that out loud again?  Fuck.  Anyways bro, yeah, no probs. We need to protect you.  Poor Tae.  If only we would have helped him before those photos leaked...  
JK:  Yeah, a couple of selfies with him would have overshadowed those pics in a second.  
Oh the shame he has to live with now.  
People knowing he’s with one of the prettiest gals in our industry.  He’s absolutely devastated by it.  
JM:  Ma man, Ma JK, I gotta go now, but no worries, I’ll ride your plan, and anything else you want me to..(giggling heard)
...your bike...god, get out of that dirty mind of yours.  
Anyways, I guess I’ll see you in Busan, yeah?  As we are now not really on speaking terms anymore and are clearly distant.  
SM says it, so it must be true...
JK:  True that.  
So here’s to not seeing you like ever again, unless we need to work together, ugh.  
Have to listen to our fans, they know best.
JM:  Bye Bammie, guess I won’t be seeing you, like ever again... 
Wait, I’m not seeing you now either, cause fans say I’m never at JK’s, so...is this in my imagination?
Narrator:  probably.  It’s definitely in mine.
And there you have it people.
Cut and dry evidence.
Court is out.
Clearly you now KNOW that JK WAS  on Jeju with yyyy, his gf and by now fiancé (our non existent secret agent has notified us that yyyy, the bitch, accepted, fuck her).
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haedalkoo · 1 month
Do you have a favorite thing about the way the boys speak as individuals (can be about their general type of speech, words/phrases they use, etc.)? Can be jimin and jungkook or any of bts!
For example, I don't speak korean, but jimin's speech always sounds so soft and comforting. Even when he's not trying to be cute, he still sounds so sweet. Armys joke about kindergarten teacher jimin, but I really do feel like even his voice and speech give that gentle vibe.
This is the cutest thing you could've asked me! Let's go in order:
Namjoon: I love the way he mixes Korean and English so seamlessly. I think he has two modes, Serious-Leader-Speech, very eloquent and straight to the point, carefully chosen words; and Regular Kim Namjoon, still all of those things but super cute, he rambles a lot and mixes languages and tends to use a lot of slang? He def lurks online. But guys, he's also so poetic. He sounds like he's reading a beautiful novel. He always sounds super polite too (when he's calm I guess!! he can get super hyped up lol) but he doesn't slur his words, it's so easy to understand him even though sometimes his vocab is really precise and advanced. OMG AND he doesn't have an accent!! BUT he imitates the members satoori and it's super goofy bc he's not great at it, so it's like his own made-up satoori.
Seokjin: Jin is an amazing speaker. I think the actor training has a lot to do with this, but he has such a good voice for narration and when he speaks in korean interviews he sounds super gentle and eloquent. IDK how to describe it, but he has a v specific tone and pauses in a very unique way, making his tone very melodic and almost like a news anchor hahaha. But when he's talking to the guys he loses that formality and he stresses random words that give him a kind of goofy tone? And he uses a lot of expressions like “야” (yah) or “으아” (euah) as sentence fillers. Again, like Joon, no satoori!
Yoongi: oh he's by far the member I have the most trouble understanding. He slurs his words a lot, starting off somewhat strong but almost losing the entire ending of the sentence. I'm sure you know what I mean even if you don't understand him. A friend once mentioned to me that his pronounciation of the letter ㅆ is not as strong as it should be, tending to sound more like a regular 's' sound like in the letter ㅅ. This is apparently due to his accent! Also, like Joon, to me he tends to sound really poetic, maybe more unconciously than Joon bc I feel like he's really deliberate with his words and Yoongi is more spontaneous. As a sentence filler, he clicks his tongue a lot and sucks in air (something I think JK has also taken from him)
Hoseok: Hobi always brings a smile to my face. I think his accent is the most notable (or maybe I just catch it better than the other's, especially since it's different from the rest of the members' given he's from Jeolla.) His entonation varies a lot, it's very melodic but in an energetic way because of this accent. He also ends sentences with 잉, ing, a lot, which leads to those "said cutely" translations. HE LOOVES onomatopoeias and adding random noises when he's doing things or describing smth. He's just a really fun guy to listen to. I noticed he uses 되게 (dwege) as a filler.
Jimin: you were right, anon. Jimin is incredibly soft-spoken and extremely careful about his words, that's why he tends to mutter or start sentences over and over again to convey the feelings he tries to express. This leads into very long sentences, with a lot of what I call 'pleasing' expressions. This is, Korean (like other Asian languages such as Japanese) is a very indirect language. When you want to express your disagreement with something, you don't straight out say 'I don't like this' or if you're telling someone to do smth differently, you don't say 'be careful next time, don't do that'. You say things like 'in the future, i believe that if you are able to do so it might be benefitial if this issue were handled in a different way' (this is a random example). Your sentences get endless bc you add words and politeness that softens the blow of your different opinion. Jimin does that more than other members who tend to be more blunt, like YG, TH or JK. I think this has changed over the years with the growing international fandom, but he used to sound really informal in his vlives to sound like an old friend with armys. now I think he expresses his outmost respect for us by speaking really formally and in ways that are easy to automatically translate. I also read he has some "feminine" speech patterns, since Kr is a very gendered language in the sense that girls and boys have diff sentence endings or words they use. I think this kinda contributes to how softspoken he is.
Taehyung: Tae's speech is all over the place, but he's extremely sensible and I think he offers the most unique metaphors when he's being sentimental. He's very heartwarming, but sometimes it's hard to understand him because he changes the subject, grammatical order or point of his sentences a lot to adjust to the speed in which things are coming out of his mind. This has gotten better over the years, though. I think age has offered him a sense of calm that allows words to flow better than in the early years of bangtan, where he was an excited puppy. He pauses a lot between sentences, saying "ohh" quite often, and he has a bunch of characteristic filler words like 약간 (yakhan, a bit) or 이제 (ije, now). If you watch the run bts ep where they forbid words for each member, I think ije was one of those for Tae.
Jungkook: guys he's so cute. I'm so grateful that he started doing lives more often, bc I always got the impression he struggled to put his thoughts into words more than other members and that's why he shied away from giving speeches. He still has a lot in his mind, but when he's not in a rush, he pauses a lot and stumbles over his words without shame until he gets the thought out. He speaks really really fast when animated, mumbling and slurring his syllables (that's why it's so hard for me to translate the travel show without proper subs.) We all know he has a lisp, I believe it might be a characteristic of his Busan accent, which is quite present on the regular (in contrast with Jimin, who sometimes forces it out, often around JK. He even joked that he was losing it a little). When he's directing his words to army, he tends to be really soft-spoken and formal, speaking in a way that you know comes from a place in his heart. He also uses a lot of onomatopoeias when describing things, and he adds cute endings to his words just like Hobi (my aegyo kings.)
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
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NCT Dream getting rejected by you.
Mark Lee
He's going to be so understanding about it! He understands that you're not looking for a commitment at the moment so he thinks that your reason is valid turning him down. Would probably give you a smile and will apologize for taking up some of your time just to meet up with him! You'll feel bad but you don't want to hurt Mark, so you end up apologizing to him too, but he's okay with it! You two assured that you two still can be friends. 
Huang Renjun
Renjun is also very understanding that you rejected him. You told him that you're not looking for a relationship at the moment that's why you rejected him. He'll probably nods and tells you that he's thankful that you straight-up rejected him instead of just leading him onto nothing. You promises Renjun that he's such a nice guy and everything but it's just a you problem. Renjun understands your situation but deep inside he's probably still devastated that he got rejected. 
Lee Jeno
ICB YOU'RE REJECTING JENO. JK. But imagine him smiling at you as he ask you to be his girlfriend and when you turned him down his smile never left! >:( He'll only nod as he listens to you explaining to him that you still have issues from your past relationships that's why you couldn't commit at the moment. His smile never left and he even comforted you during the process! You just rejected him and he's still there comforting you, you'll feel bad because of what you did but you know deep inside that you'll hurt him more if you said yes to him. 
Lee Donghyuck
I feel like Haechan's confident with himself, I mean why would you even reject Haechan? OKAY so you rejected him and you immediately apologized to him. It won't probably sink into him that he got rejected, "what did you say?" he asked, and even though the guilt is swallowing you, you have to repeat your no and your apology to him. "you're rejecting me?" he asks. You only nod and said sorry once again. "Oh. It's okay, I understand." no really, he wanted to ask you why you said no but he's afraid it'll just hurt him more. 
Na Jaemin
Oh I feel like Jaemin's an all-out suitor, he's very sweet and caring to you. But you just couldn't commit at the moment because your priority is your study, you don't want to burden yourself with a relationship that you have to exert effort to. That's why you rejected Jaemin, even explaining to him that you like him too but it's just you're focused on your studies. Jaemin understands it, he knows you! But it'll hurt him that he got rejected, he only nods and wishes you goodluck to your future. 
Zhong Chenle
Chenle would probably nod the moment you said no. His smile fading into a flat line on his lips. He nods then crosses his arms as he listens to your explanation. You told him that you're not looking for a relationship at the moment and you apologized to him for rejecting him. He'll understand why you did it! You offer him that you two can still be friends and he'll just accept it. It doesn't hurt him at all, probably disappointed but he'll brush it off because if he keeps on holding to his rejected feelings, he thinks it's not worth it. 
Park Jisung
BABY COME HERE WHY WOULD YOU REJECT HIM >:( Oh you hurt him! He'll be shocked when you said no and would try to be as understanding as possible but it hurts him when you said that you just see him as a friend because it took him courage to confess to you and to ask you to be his girlfriend only for him to be put into the friendzone. He'll give you a smile and will tell you that he's thankful that you're honest with him. You'll feel guilty but that's what you truly feel about Jisung. :(
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redcherrykook · 1 month
── .˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ TENSION DEGREE 04
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College roomate!Jungkook x college roomate!reader- fwb 2 Lovers
Text messages of this chapter!
You find yourself having to share your room with a very sexually active medical science major who so happens to fancy you. Good thing he´s as charming and spontaneous as you, leading to many crazy parties and places you probably should not be hooking up at. When Jungkook started ignoring all his booty calls after accidentally calling someone by your name, unable to fuck away the thought of you, he knew he was cooked. Would he really leave his playboy antics for that sweet company of yours?
series- four!
content: mild slow burn- fwb2l, roomates, mutual pining, player jungkook that falls devoted to reader, cocky!JK, Confident!reader, psychology major reader, banter, parties, lots of smut (duh), only one bed trope, skinny dipping, roadtrip vibes
episode- warnings: sexual content (blowjob, making out, grabbing/groping, dirty talk), weed
Taglist: @khadeeeeej @ot7stansthings @whoa-jo @smoljjks @stvrlighytt @nono13bnd @jungshaking @junniesoleilkth @deepikhaprakash @rockstryoon @tatamicc @jjeonjjk7 @kookieandjoonberries @jcrl99 @httpjeonlicious @wnteraezz @aphrodyteeth @miniesjams32 @emojkoo @katie-tibo @user-190811 @massivebearharmony @hoseokteardrop @hoseoksluv89 @hoseoksluv90 @kooksdreamer
"you sure you don´t wanna come?" Jungkook begs for the millionth time today,
He most definitely has a thing for pursuading you into his adventures,
Not that you mind anyways
Three days after the trip, 11:45 o'clock at night.
It felt like a delicious secret, knowing that you had him all to you,
.. you and his other girls.
To be fair, in these three days, there had only been the two of you
Not even chae knew, not yet
You'd tell her, tonight, for sure tonight.
Finally admitting that yes, the sexy roomate you wanna fuck maybe is worth it
To rewind, the last day spent at the beach house was fairly normal, that is, according to your standards
Packing, BBQing and acting like you haven't fucked your best friend and roomie which had been, surprisingly, easy.
No awkward waking up, no weird looks or air,
Just sexual tension that was easily resolved by quick make outs in the kitchen, right around the corner of your friends,
After the whole group had to hear yoongi getting his soul sucked out, even hoseok dropped trying to get in your pants.
Eunwoo was the only one that noticed something going on,
Giving you his number, for what ?
"Incase you wanna talk about that sexcapade you got going on, he can be annoying"
You accepted it, confused.
Right now, you're back in your little dorm, already having removed the smudged day make up and changed into comfy pjamas,
Hello kitty, obviously
"God you're lame" he sighs, rolling up a second blunt,
You join him by scoffing, pinching his cheek while walking by.
"Fine fine, okay"
He slips it into his cigarette case once he's done, grabbing a lighter from the microwave while you jiggle the car keys in your hands,
"Where is it exactly?" a simple question leaves your lips, still, it makes him chuckle.
His brilliant idea of the day was to go stargazing, then getting faded while talking about everything that came to mind.
You'd have to stay a long time, just to make the drive back.
He didn't mind, he said.
"I think its like a 25 min drive? Wanna get a snack too?"
Your head shakes, already stepping out the door with one foot,
"Would loveeee to be in the passenger seat though" you shout back, knowing that this battle has been your win from the start
"I should be studying the attachment theories of bowlby right now" you laugh, rolling down the warm grass,
Another gentle push finds your shoulder, Jungkook's firm body crashing right next to you,
"Nerd" he chuckles
The scenery above is something straight out of a movie, thumping noises of the bustling city, far, far removed
So faint, even the car engines are being overshadowed by rustling branches of huge trees,
Stood tall around the patches of grass, like the one you're resting on.
The sky is clear, deep ocean blue with hundreds of smaller and bigger, shining stars illuminating the atmosphere, making up for the suns absence
Jungkook's head turns sideways, his eyes scanning over your sharp side profile, wide eyes twinkling from the beautiful sight
He smiles, reaching into his cigarette case to take out the two blunts, along with his lighter
Once the smoke clouds your vision so does the herby smell,
"Give me a puff kook" you say, scooting closer to him
He takes another drag, exhaling the smoke into the air,
You rest your under arm propped up on the grass, head and lower body now sat up, while your legs still lay close,
Sticking out the blunt qnd lifting it to your lips, you lean in, placing them around the calming sensation of finally smoking weed again
"Feels good huh? Better than bowlby?" his slender fingers stretch to tuck a strand behind your ear,
"Mhm" you hum, puffing the smoke out once more, making him grin with yet another idea
"C'mere baby"
You scoff, leaning in nonetheless
He takes a long, deep drag, swallowing the thickened smoke to be locked in his throat,
His hands pulling your face by your jaw, making you lean over him
Getting the message, your lips collide with his, opening your plump lips slightly to recieve the smoke from his mouth into yours
You accept it, gladly inhaling the sweet herby calmness
"Good girl" he winks, smiling cockily while rubbing his thumb on your bottom lip
You push him by his chest, pressing him deeper into the grass
He pushes back, making you lay down next to him with a small groan
"You're so annoying" you grin anyways, unable to hide how you truly feel
It always feels like the world is a little quieter when you're with him,
Calmer, while also being a whole lot more exciting
"Want me to light the second one?"
Your head tilts to his, now it being your turn to watch his side profile while he gazes up to the hopeful stars,
"Nah, one is enough"
His head turns too, leaving a couple centimeteres between your heads,
Almost crashing when he does so,
The softness of his face is so evident up close, erasing him from the shackles of his obnoxious personality
In the best way imaginable, of course
"Hmm you're right, im already high and really horny" he says, a proud look going down your body, even in your hello kitty pyjama pants and the white tank top you're wearing,
Jungkook is going crazy, the burning desire under his skin to run his hands all over you is becoming harder and harder to ignore
Finding it entertaining, you climb on his hips, which makes his hands immediately occupy the softness of your comfy pants, feeling the impact of his palms on your hips through them
You'd never pass up an oppurtunity to touch him
"hm, you are? really?" you say innocently, the sound of your voice so alluring, so inviting
He sucks in a breath when your hands find their way creeping under his shirt, slowly tracing up his hardend ab muscles
"Fuck yeah i am" he mutters under his breath, increasingly getting worked up by your little teases, gesturing down his body with your eyes
Hands following suit by playing with his belt, his palms press inward on your hips, firmly caressing them while his growing bulge pushes into your hips from below,
The pressure feels so good, having him grow thick and heavy below your touches
All he can look at is you, your tits in perfect, squished view, your face all concentrated,
The mesmerizing scenery you drove for is getting outshined by two horny college students
"Wanna get your dick sucked jeon?"
the groan he lets out combined with the way his hand moves to wrap around your throat, pulling you down, should be answer enough,
However, the sparks only increase when his deep, teasing tone of voice turns slightly whiny,
"If you talk like that i'll cum baby, please" he says, biting the corner of his lip,
You moan, capturing him in a deep, messy kiss that leaves a string of saliva connecting you, tongues poking out slightly
"Sit up then, knees apart"
He follows suit immediately, barely regsitering what's going on around him
The throbbing of is hard cock is enough to do anything for a sweet release,
Besides, you could always make him forget where the two of you are, none of that mattered
"You look so sexy like this bunny" he mumbles, keeping the whiny desperation laced within his voice,
Eyes wandering over the way your back arches, how your forearms are pressed into the ground, that sweet look of anticipation making him lose his mind
One of your small, delicate hands wrapping around the base of his dick
You can't help but slap it against your lips and cheek a couple times, the reaction of his,
The way his eyes tense and his jaw clenches,
It's too good to pass up
A gobble of spit lands on his cock, you let it run down slowly, pumping him firmly until your thumb hits his tip,
"Mmh fuck" he moans, head already threatening to fall back, he's so enticed with the way you move, the way you look so innocent peering up at him though your lashes,
His moans intensify, turning into lower pitched groans once your tongue and lips wrap around his tip, focusing on building up the pressure,
"Please bunny, take it like the pretty girl you are, i need to feel you so bad" he mutters, reaching to stroke your cheek with one of his tattooed fingers,
You hum against his skin, letting yourself down on him,
He's big, so big you struggle to take him in with an open throat, gagging once all of him is stuffed inside your sweet mouth,
He moans loudly, gathering some of your hair in order to support the movements of your head, bumping up and down on his cock,
"That's it, good girl, you feel so good"
By now you're begining to notice his head had fallen back, eyes squeezed shut tightly from the overwhelming pleasure,
Feeling your tongue swirl around his dick, the way you gag and moan when his pushes become rougher,
He's never been like this before, so into it and lost in the feeling of being on the recieving end,
"Fuck - oh my god, that's it, mhmm, gag on my dick pretty, doin' so well"
The way his praises keep flowing out has your own slick running down your folds, complentary to the way drool is leaking from the corner of your mouth
From the way he twitches in your mouth, the rapidly approaching orgasm was undeniable,
"Gonna cum baby, want you to swallow every drop, understood?" he pants, opening his eyes to gaze down at your pretty face, fully occupied with his cock
You moan, letting him know you will
And when he does, with a couple last curses and pushes of your tangled hair in between his fingers,
Your eyes meet his, watching his face fall beautifully while simultaneously feeling hot ropes of cum spurting down your throat
You swallow, of course, showing him your empty mouth afterwards
"Mhm.. god.." he's still trying to catch his breath, "c'mere bunny"
You're on top of his thigh, practically in his lap, his hand having found the comfortability on your face once again,
Pecking your lips a few times, which makes you smile in return
"You give the best head, no joke"
You can´t help but laugh, thinking that his casual comment made you swell with pride, it´s comofrting, knowing that from the many girls,
maybe you are different,
maybe you could be?
A soft kiss is placed on his nose, you ruffle his hair too, almost as in taking revenge for how messed up you look because of him
"Well i sure hope so now that i have a birds nest in my hair" you giggle,
He rolls his eyes, hands tightening around the soft skin of your waist, sneakily having found their way under your clothes
"You're beautiful, shut up" he says, capturing you in a kiss once more,
It's becoming increasingly more difficult to pretend the heartbeat in your chest is regular, like the blush on your cheeks is as well
He doesn't make it any easier, not in the slightest
"Wanna know what im craving so bad right now"
"What?" You ask, playing with a few strands of his hair,
"Fast food, like a crazy bacon burger or somethin' " he replies, licking his lips to portray the severity of the situation,
a slight look of disappointment hitting your face,
he coos,
"Awhh what? wanted me to say your name?"
his exaggerated pout stirrs up annoyance in you,
"Well I gave you the best blowjob and get met with a burger craving"
Jungkook kisses you swiftly, lacing his fingers in your hair,
"I´ll make it up to you at home, i promise"
your lips curve into a small smile, now that you think about it, a burger does sound really good,
maybe that´s the weed in your system talking
"Let's go get it then, i'd kill for a burger"
He seems happy with your agreement, hoisting you up bridal style while talking,
"On it pretty" his hand moves down, quickly squeezing your ass, which makes you hit his back with another airy gasp,
The thought of being uncomfortable never crossing your mind,
Even if some other, pressing thoughts are developing far too loudly for your liking.
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bts-princess7 · 4 months
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No more - JJK x Reader
Summary: Jungkook wakes up with a lil surprise and you help him.
Warnings: overstimulation, smut, fluff, whiny jk, teasing, oral (m receiving). Lmk if I missed something!!
A/N: I didn’t proofread this and I gave up on the word count but it’s not too long, just a one shot 🤗🫶
“Are the reports done, sir?” Jungkooks assistant held an open folder, scanning his desk for the papers she requested. He let out a huff, digging through a pile of documents and handing them off to her reluctantly. Jungkook stood and stretched, back and neck cracking after sitting at a desk all day. “Any fun plans tonight, sir?”
His assistant looked up at him, batting her eyelashes. She’d been trying this since the day he took over, the old boss was kicking the bucket and everyone in the office was excited at the idea of a new young boss. Most of them gave up the minute they realized he was engaged, obviously disappointed. Not her though, she kept trying. “Just spending the night with my fiancé,” he answered her dully. She huffed and stormed out of his office.
He shrugged, glad to finally be left alone. He gathered up his phone and his gym bag, which he sued during his break, and locked up his office. He made his way to the car, sighing as soon as he closed the door. Finally, another end to a horrible day.
Jungkooks minds were filled with thoughts of you as he drove home, his body was completely at ease by the time he pulled into the driveway. His lips were pulled into a smiled when you came out of the front door to greet him, “Kook!” You exclaimed, running into his arms.
He stumbled back at your force and lifted you off the ground, “Hi baby,” he cooed, nuzzling his face into your neck. You smelt like fruit and flowers, it was your favourite perfume and knew he liked it.
“You smell like leather and sad coffee,” you giggled when he put you down, frowning a bit because the scent was sure to be stuck in his suit.
“This new office job is horribly depressing,” he yawned, forgetting to let go of you and keeping his arms around your waist until you pushed him off of you.
“Oh you poor thing,” you pouted, cupping his face in one hand gently. He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch, he got this job for you, to help support the both of you.
You were just as hard working, doing double shifts at the diner whenever you could to save up for your wedding. “It’s worth it,” he reassured you. You nodded and pulled your hand back.
“Come on inside, kookie. I made mac and cheese,” you lead him inside and grab two bowls. After you were done eating, you cleaned up while he was in the shower, putting the time at 10:30.
You were already in bed by the time Jungkook was done in the shower, his eyes were barely open as he made his way back into your room. He observed you sitting in one of his shirts, nothing but a black thong covering your lower half.
Your hair was straight and fell as perfectly as ever, he didn’t know how you always made your hair look good without doing anything. Everytime he looked at you he remembered why he’d accepted the gruelling work hours, because he wanted to tie the knot with you. He needed to.
“Come to bed, baby.” You told him, he pulled the drawstring of his sweats tighter, flipping off the light switch and hopping into the bed. You laughed at the impact and had to scoot back onto the mattress, Jungkook was already under the covers and had his arms open. You snuggled into him, his big arms coming down are pins you and holding you against his chest. “Goodnight, Koo.”
“Goodnight y/n,” he nuzzled his face into your neck, taking a deep breath before finally closing his eyes. Your scent flooding through his veins, it was the only thing on his mind. All the time, it was only you.
Your eyes, your smile, your lips, your body, the way you treated him and put up with his clingy behaviour. You were his whole world, everything he cared about, his main priority.
You shifted against him, throwing your leg over his and squeezing his waist, pushing a little groan out of him. Finally, he drifted off to sleep with thoughts of you. He slumped down in his sleep, cheek pressed against your breast, using it as a pillow.
Something was hurting, he didn’t know what but he knew that it was keeping him up. He opened his eyes, squinting at the clock, it was only 3:20. As he became more aware, he realized that the pain was coming from between his legs.
Jungkook let out a frustrated sigh, his hand made its way down his bare chest to his crotch. He let out a groan as he rubbed himself through his pants, biting his lip and looking in your direction. To his horror, he noticed that you were awake. “Need some help, kookie?”
“Yes, yes please.” He was desperate, you shifted to he was propped up on the pillows and you were between his legs. You were so beautiful, smiling up at him coyly, it was his favourite sight.
You leaned down and placed small pecks on his cock through his pants, feeling it twitch against your lips. He let out a moan, rolling his hips up towards you.
You continued to move your lips along the outline of his cock through his sweatpants, your saliva dampening the fabric and making him easier to see.
“Oh Koo, you’re so worked up.” You chided, squeezing him through his pants. His hips twitched, eyes wet and desperate at the sight of you.
“Y/n, baby please,” he groaned. You rolled your eyes, giving in and hooking your fingers in his sweats. He lifted his hips and you pulled them down, discarding them over the side of the bed.
His thick cock sprang out of his pants and slapped his toned stomach, making him let out a low moan. You gripped the base of his cock, thumb reaching up to rub under the mushroom head. “Yea baby, get your mouth on there,” his hand snaked around your head and pulled your hair back in a ponytail.
You licked a stripe up the bottom of his cock, tongue stopping to run the tip of it along his slit. “Oh fuck,” he moaned.
You made sure to look into his eyes when you opened your mouth and sank down on him, you knew he was vocal in bed and it was one of your favourite details. His hand gripped your hair tighter, forcing you down without much thought.
Your hands rested on his thighs, you let him control your movements. He was so lost in you, when his eyes weren’t closed they were on you. “You’re gorgeous,” he murmured. “So pretty, so pretty with my cock in your mouth. You like that don’t you? Does it taste good, baby?” He coaxed, you pulled off his cock, crawling up to him and pushing your tongue in his mouth.
His tongue rolled around yours, tasting himself on your tongue. “Taste so good,” you giggled, biting your lip. You planted kisses along his neck, making sure to suck in his skin and leave marks.
“That’s it baby, let that bitch know who I belong to,” he growled. His voice had gotten deeper, both from the sleep and the pleasure you provided for him. You made your way back down to his cock, a bead of pre cum gathering at his tip.
You licked it off before sinking your mouth down all the way, going as long as you could before having to come up for air.
His hand forced your head back down, you let out a moan around his cock, you loved it when he was rough. He worked you lower every so often until finally, he pushed you down so your nose was against his pelvis. “Holy fuck, baby.” He moaned, breath shaky and tongue toying with his lip wring. “Choke on my cock, baby, fuck!”
Each moan he let out was closer together, you could tell he was close. Every so often his cock would twitch in your mouth, the pitch of his moans getting higher each time one was let out. “So close baby, so fucking close.” He whined, feeling you hollow your cheeks around him. “Yes, yes!” His whines were so high pitched, like music to your ears.
His hand tightened around your hair as he came, his whines long and repetitive. You felt his cum filling up your mouth, the hot liquid shooting down your throat. “Fuck, baby.. your mouth is so good,” he moaned, taking deep breaths.
Jungkook let go of your hair, but you didn’t take your mouth away. He was confused as he felt you swallow, some of his release spilling out the sides of your mouth. “Y/n, what are you, oh-“ he moaned, unable to finish his sentence.
Slowly, he caught on to what you were trying. You were so skilled with your mouth and it was overstimulating him quickly. “So good, too god ughhh,” he whimpered. You pinned his hands at his side, his toes curling when you teased his head.
“Hmm,” you moaned around him. His hips bucked up into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat and triggering your gag reflex, which only made him more sensitive.
“I can’t, y/n please I can’t take it.” His moans turned to whimpers as you moved your head faster. You had to hold his hips down with your hands, but they still squirmed underneath you.
He was much stronger than you, there was no doubt that he could overpower you if he really wanted to. It could be because of the pleasure you caused him, or because he liked it. “Oh, oh fuck!”
His arms reached behind him and latched onto the headboard, his knees bent, and his thighs twitched on either side of your head.
You sank down all the way, his cock almost halfway down your throat. You looked up at his face, his fluffy brown hair was sweaty and stuck to his forehead, his eyes were either squinting down at you or completely pressed closed. His lips hung open slightly, sometimes his teeth would pull his bottom lips into his mouth, but now he was more focused on your movements.
“Baby please,” he begged, absolutely losing it when your hands came up to squeeze his balls. “You’re gonna make me cum, oh my god, so sensitive.”
This was exactly the reaction you wanted from him, your fiancé had been so uptight lately, so stressed. All you wanted to do was help him relax, help him feel good. Besides, it was empowering to see this big dominant man shiver under your touch.
Jungkook let out a lewd moan, his cock twitching furiously in your mouth. Without a word, he came in your mouth for the second time, his eyes wet and tears streaming down his cheeks. He was so beautiful, so ethereal.
You swallowed everything, coaxing him through his climax and took your mouth away from his cock with a pop. You crawled back up to him, taking him in your arms and letting him wrap his around your waist. “You’re so mean,” he breathed, looking at you with beautiful brown eyes that were illuminated by the moonlight.
“Sh, you know you liked it,” you tease. With a smirk, Jungkook mustered up any strength he had left and rolled over so he was laying on top of you, completely crushing you with his weight. “Jungkook!” You exclaimed, he moved off of you just a bit, majority of his body still on you.
“I did enjoy it, thanks honey.” He gave you a sweet kiss, the faint taste of him on your lips. You have him a small smile and nodded before finally going back to sleep.
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