#leading man fic
frankiebirds · 3 months
genuinely struggling to read emily's expression here as anything other than jealousy
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ummick · 4 months
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mick schumacher during scrutineering for the 24 hours of le mans - june 7, 2024 📷 javier jimenez / alamy
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Someone said Hokage Tora and now I'm thinking about what would need to happen to make that a reality.
Ok so we're gonna shuffle the Hokage's and their timelines around.
(Also note: at this point, Tora very sympathetic to the Uchiha bc of his relationships w Shisui Itachi and Sasuke)
So Sarutobi dies and people are going "oh noooo someone go and get Tsunade back"
And Tora gets PISSED.
They want another Senju to have the hat?? Are you fucking kidding him??? 2 in a row was bad enough but 3 sets a standard. Choose literally anyone else! Anyone!! Fucking Kakashi would make a better Hokage!!!
And then he stops.
Hmmm. Kakashi as Hokage.
That... wouldn't be too bad, actually?
Long story short: Tora starts to campaign for Kakashi as Hokage.
Kakashi does not appreciate this. Stop immediatley.
Tora is on the civilian council at this point (at the terrifyingly young age of like 17) and lowkey has them under his thumb. So he's able to get them all aboard, meaning Kakashi is officially civilian approved.
The Uchiha are into it to, with him lowkey being the closest they've been able to get to the seat since fucking Madara. He has one of their eyes, he's lead/taught both of the clan head kids, and hes visibly, publicly close to multiple Uchiha/Uchiha sympathizers (Itachi, Shisui, Tora)
He's the yodaime's student which gives him major points in the politics department, + he actually knows what it is like to be in the life of a Hokage, he has seen and been involved in that life firsthand
Hes also on good, personal terms with a few clan heads and solidly neutral terms w the other clans
His clan is innofensivley small (read: fucking wiped out) so there's no concern with biases of a guy coming from a specific clan, working w a bias for that clan
Perfect candidate!!
(Something something Kakashi quietly touching his eyelid and mumbling to Obito that he guesses he'll be able to show him even more of his dream than even he'd expected)
Danzo tries to intimidate him into not accepting it and while Kakashi does agree that he would be one of the worst options, the conversation kinda... leaves him a little less sure he'd really be the worst option.
Anyways, Kakashi as the godaime hokage!!
He hates it.
Tora Shisui and Itchi have to hunt him down the day of his ascension and fuckin wrestle him on stage (he's gonna go home and scream into his pillow later)
How would Naruto canon change with Kakashi as the Hokage so early?? Until this point, the au has mostly been sticking to the script (minus the Uchiha massacre) but this is a HUGE status quo change for a character decently central in the cast list, and it's a change that'd impact just about everything going forward! Don't ask me how exactly because I know very very little about the actual specifics and events of canon but holy shit it'd sure change the course of history, huh? If you wanna get really down to the nitty gritty technicalities, we could take serious liberties and kill off and or save several characters with the simple explanation of "different Hokage, different people assigned to different missions"
Team Ro gets to be his personal guards,, they need a replacement for the team since Kakashi left, maybe we can throw in someone else to join them and add some more chemistry in there
I don't think it'd be anyone on team 7 (I don't live in a world where I can see Kakashi tossing specifically THEM in ANBU that young, no matter how more powerful or better taught than cannon, sorry) also conflicting interests w THREE uchiha on a team or the Haruno siblings. Also, Naruto is Naruto, so. *political noises*
Actually the slot is a very valuable one since they're basically Kakashi's special little guys (anbu eddition) so it's really hard to think of a character that'd even conceivably be put on it. (Part of me wants to add Neji for literally no reason other than I suddenly want him in the AU but that'd bring a whole mountain of implications with him if Kakashi chose HIM specifically to join his personal guard + he's suddenly in ANBU, what??)
Wait would Kakashi even choose the replacement personally.
Wait wait ok. Record scratch. Rewind. Let's try this again.
So. With Kakashi's promotion, Tora gets to he team leader. One of the first things he's told is to find a new replacement for the team
"Shouldn't you do that yourself?" Says Tora
"You've got me to take the hat I refuse to move so much as a single fucking finger more at your request." Says Kakashi, who then delights in bodily removing Tora from the room via the window.
I don't know Neji's actual age but for the sake of this fic he's suddenly Tora's age or only a year younger (Tora is like 17 at this point)
Him and Neji do not get along!! At all!!!! Actually it was kind of hate on sight.
Uhh insert montage where they become grudgingly almost friends but still mostly frenemies
Neji is very talented and Tora is frustrated by how he seems to be being "held back" in some way. Like, he doesn't like the guy! But damn if he doesn't know how it feels to have the system itself fighting you, no matter how good you prove you are and how hard you work.
Anyways, Tora finding out Neji was skipped over and denied for different promotions or smthn bc hyuuga second class or whatever.
And him going "hmmmmmmmmm...."
He hands Kakashi a form with Neji's name on it and Kakashi signs without even looking.
When he scowls and asks if he's even going to look, Kakashi just gives him a dry look.
"Like I dont know whoever you've picked won't be for whatever plot you're cooking up next. Just don't set anything on fire where I can see it and I don't care."
A very, very confused Neji is suddenly told he's not only going to join ANBU but also the Hokage's private guard.
Hey Tora !! What the fuck !!!
They have one of those "You don't even like me??" "I don't have to like you to want to see how far you can go." moments
Queue Neji angrily revealing that it doesn't matter "how far he can go" or how many opportunities are afforded to him bc his limits are fuckin branded on him, and shows Tora his seal mark
Hey Neji !! What the fuck !!!
Hyuuga reformation arc,,,
Ok so not sympathetic Hiashi Hyuuga but like,, rational (deeply fucking flawed) person Hiashi who is able to leverage the "Neji has been ordered to work directly the Hokage" @ the Hyuuga clan elders to at least slightly loosen the seal on him.
TONNS of political drama in the Hyuuga house w Neji being chosen for such a huge position, but w the complications of "they can't fucking voice it outloud" bc ANBU identities are supposed to be super top secret, so it's kept to the really high ranks only
(There's an AU of an AU out there where instead of stopping the Uchiha coup, Tora went "ok but are they wrong tho", decided to help instead, and got the Hyuuga lower cast to join them)
(Look he wants to reform the government, right? Ok so why SHOULDNT he support an attempt to rip it up by the roots?? The Uchiha want equality but Tora wants reformation. They do not know what they just let into their homes.)
What the fuck did I come here to talk about again?
Right, sorry, Hokage Tora
Uhhhh pivoting again here we go ->
So Kakashi is Hokage!!! And he !! Wants !! Out !!!
Tora is a very very clear contender for "the next Hokage", even early on in Kakashi's career. He's basically the guy who MADE Kakashi Hokage (both arranging it and forcing him to accept) and most important people know it.
I'm ngl I kind of don't know how exactly we'd get to hokage Tora.
Maybe Kakashi is temporarily taken out of commission and he's just the obvious replacement. Maybe we do a proper Hokage switch and promote him when Kakashi got the job in the original. Dunno! But Tora for Rokudaime all the way !!
If not Tora I think Rokudaime Neji could be suitably dramatic and fun. Also has similar themes of "rising from the lower ranks against the odds" and just in general tons of interesting implications both politically and like,, character interaction wise.
Everyone expects Tora for the next hokage but Tora decides he likes being the powerful guy in the shadows to a Hokage who knows both how to listen to him and how to lead with a strength and surety he can trust. And decides Neji is apparently that guy who has the leadership and wisdom he can trust.
Callback to the earlier moment where Neiji, voice cracking, goes "you don't even like me."
And Tora gives him a smirk and goes "I don't have to like you to want to see see how far you can go."
Mmmm actually I think I like that ending best, it has the most weight to me. Like, yeah Tora as Rokudaime is cool and a kind of ironic "full circle" moment, but Neji as Rokudaime has that gut punch energy that will leave your skin buzzing and your eyes tearing up with written right
Have to get going but I might try to draw that scene tommorow if I find the energy in me after work (doubtful tbh)
I love a good call back through dialogue in different character defining moments that leave you pointing at the screen shrieking "HE SAID THE THING!!"
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language-of-love · 3 months
Am I really writing fic again? Not sure...but I guess maybe...cause I wrote a thing. Colin and Penelope have me in a vice, y'all.
No idea which of my blogs to use since this is a new fandom for me, so I chose this one. (*waves hello*) Do I even remember how to make a post? LOL
Anyway...here's a tiny little kiss fic, cause that's what I do.
never been kissed...
His first was an embarrassment. Fumbling fingers mixed with overwhelmed breaths, the memory built up in his estimation as more revelatory than it was in actuality. There were feelings, undefinable, but new and full and far from perfunctory. The stirring he’d imagined to feel in his belly he’d felt, but not for the nameless partner, but more for the act itself. He’d been left wondering if there was more, something beyond the fluttering like moths wings and mild nausea he’s still unsure was from the touch of another's lips or his nerves alone.
His second was rushed, drunken and hazy, the remnants of it only tickling at the edges of brown liquor-poisoned flashes of dimly lit sights and muffled sounds. His pockets were left lighter from too many coins spent for something so unmemorable. 
His third was better. Confidence and less alcohol proved to be improved bedfellows than his previous encounter, experienced lips matching his eagerness and hands finding purchase on areas before unexplored by soft fingers. He’d flushed at the intimacy of the act, thought back on it fondly, but remembered her hands far more than her mouth. Perhaps that is to be expected.
The few more that followed brought pleasure and exploration, but each one leaving him searching for that elusive something…something life-altering, something poetic, something… more . Looking back at his diary from that time, his confusion over his own feelings, or lack thereof, is etched into the pages with long dry ink. How could he have known something so seemingly unknowable to a man of two and twenty.
The next was his last, the last of the life he’d known before and first of the life irrevocably reshaped after.
Every millisecond of it is etched on his heart, forever being retraced with each minute that passes spent by her side. The warmth from the blush blooming beneath the impossibly soft skin of her cheek, it still causes his fingertips to flex at the slightest reminder. Her eyes, two swirling oceans of impossible blue, wide and questioning, slowly fluttering closed as he'd drawn her closer. He’d never felt so exposed, so uncertain, yet confusingly certain at the same time. That slight pull in his gut he’d felt before, it was nothing contrasted to the plummet his stomach had taken as the plump fullness of her bottom lip made contact with his own. If he’d known what electricity to feel like, he’d have been able to describe it with perfect accuracy. It was quick and searing, warmth being drug to the surface of his skin at the speed of a herd of wild horses tearing across a meadow. And then it was gone, over far too soon and leaving him near panicked and needy in ways when he looks back on he can’t help but feel foolish. He can’t give himself the credit of courageousness or strength for drawing her back in, for it had been born out of necessity, an inability to not have his lips back where they belonged. With each soft slide of her mouth against his own and the warmth of her breath igniting the space between them from the sighs escaping her throat...the formula, the construction, the intricacies of how a kiss was supposed to feel came crashing through the haze he’d been wandering through much too far away.
Entirely too far away from her .
How was he to know that this thing he’d been searching for had been here all along? 
Not this thing, this person . This singular being who made it all make sense.
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rabbitsonthemoon · 2 months
MHA fic plot bunny (eraserdust-ish??? but not really???)
remember when I said I didn't /think/ I'd put any mature content on this blog? hahaha. same vibes as me thinking I'd 'just' write 20k words of a story. I mean, does it count if they don't actually do anything smutty? just that the subject is mature and has sexual themes??? Anyway I'll put it below the cut just in case, advert your eyes if it's not your cuppa.
tw: sex pollen (but not in the way you think), dubcon (in the sense that this Would Not Be Happening At All if not for the sex pollen), sexual themes, fear of noncon (due to misunderstandings), kidnapping, no smut, no romance, no feelings, kind of fuck or die but not really, Tomura is asexual in this one.
got bitten on the ankle by a plot bunny. mature rated MHA fic, partly crack treated seriously, about Shigaraki getting hit with a sex pollen-esque quirk in an attempt to weaken the LOV, except it does take asexuality into account so instead of being overwhelmed by lust and falling apart he's just. so fucking annoyed. so miserable. so done. his cock is not allowed to take that tone with him. the only relief that works for him is physical contact. cuddling and touching. except he doesn't want to touch anyone because of his quirk. he doesn't want to risk dusting one of his party members and the list of people allowed in his personal space is very. sad.
this is after Kurogiri got yoinked and before they found gigantomachia (canon who?), which might help explain why there were only one brain cell left in the LOV. They want to help Tomura, of course. He's miserable and the quirk lasts as long as a common cold if it's left to its own devices. They're also broke as hell. They really wish Kurogiri was there. He would know what to do. As far as a sabotage plot goes, quirking up Shigaraki to weaken the league is unfortunately working, just not in the intented way. he's miserable and it's everyone's problem. the itching is worse than ever and there's only so many spare shirts they're willing to rip up for bandages. point is, they're getting desperate.
and never underestimate the desperation of idiots.
they turn from looking at villains to looking at heroes. obviously it has to be an adult. which removes a hilariously sad amount of people from the pool because most of their heroic beef has been with a class of teenagers.
hey, how about their teacher? the one who erases quirks? tomura is still in absolute misery and completely misses the Signs That Something Is Amiss when he gets asked for his opinion on Eraserhead (he's still cool, wish he was a recruitable party member, his quirk would be useful).
fortunately for them, there's a feral cat hanging around their latest hideout that the whole league has been feeding, like the most poorly-kept secret. the cat is plump and trusting. heroes do things like rescue innocent animals, right?
perfect pro hero bait.
(the amount of heroes who would actually fall for this is a statistical error. Aizawa Shouta, who follows stray cats during his time off, is an anomaly and should not be counted)
cool. pro hero successfully captured. they have until he doesn't show up for his next class before the entire wrath of Yuuei and most of the underground heroics network comes down on their heads. Compress caught him in a marble. Cat was a paid actor and compensated with tuna. Cat is fatter and happier. unfortunately they have to. you know. let him out. It's a bit like trying to prepare and hype up the team to release a pissed-off lion.
cannot emphasise enough what a Terrible No Good Day this is for Aizawa. His evening plans consisted of changing into the comfiest pink sweatpants he has, finishing some grading, and falling asleep on top of the papers. This was not what he signed up for when he followed a weird little girl (disguised Toga) into an alleyway because he heard a cat and was told it needed rescuing. Now he's surrounded by the villains who attacked Class 1-A.
For the LOV, trying to explain themselves while trying to avoid getting their throats ripped out by a underground pro hero with a grudge is a WHOLE different kind of problem. they are. a lot more scared of him than he realizes. and that was before he pulled out the big knife!
In the League's defense, it never crossed their minds that getting into a four-way brawl with Eraser (Toga took a long hike with the cat) while explaining that they kidnapped him because Shigaraki's been hit with a sex pollen quirk and they ran out of options really wasn't A+ communication.
Shigaraki gets drawn to the fuss (read: they're being so fucking noisy while he's trying to sleep through the quirk) and it sure is a moment. misunderstanding cleared very fast, but Dabi is not getting those torn staples back, Twice is very grateful that his mask protected his eyes, and Spinner is Googling if mutant quirk-types can get rabies.
Eraser is suspicious as hell of the whole thing, but the ordeal sounds so stupid that he kind of believes it on principle. he's very glad that the cat is fine. the cat honestly wins more trust than any reassurance that he isn't under any obligation to stay, they just need help and couldn't think of any better way to make him hear them out than kidnapping him. still not allowed to know where he is, though, because it's a nice hideout. (Shigaraki has never come closer to dusting his own teammates.).
Because he's terrifyingly logical and efficient, Eraser is actually hearing them out + he's an absolute demon to bargain with. They get their human hot water bottle that doesn't mind being the recipient of a quirked-up Tomura's clinginess, he gets a free nap and valuable intel about the LOV's future plans and members. Probably nothing the police wouldn't have found eventually, but very neatly packaged instead of taking months to piece together. Sexual intimacy is off the table. He'll Erase Tomura's quirk if he feels threatened. The eye drops stay close by. Either of them can back out at any time. Eraser keeps his mouth shut for privacy's sake. They owe him a bottle of whiskey for the inconvenience and a fucking week of going radio silent on villain work. He wants regular updates on the cat. They keep their end of the bargain, he'll keep his.
Shigaraki would die from embarrassment if he didn't already feel like he was dying from touch starvation. Good thing Eraser is very warm and pliable (caterpillar man), and has seen far too much to be fazed by this. probably knows a thing or two about ways to alleviate the suffering caused by the quirk, like heaping on any pillows and blankets from around the hideout. It's still awkward, of course. Sleepover from hell for both of them basically. There's an inherent sort of trust you need for this that is. not fucking there. but Eraser is trustworthy. even when Tomura's body is reacting with arousal dialed up to eleven, much to his dismay. It's like a sick day. But kinky. Except communication and understanding skips the kinky. Probably the most healthy interaction he's had. (yikes).
ofccourse you can't be cuddling the enemy through a sex pollen buzz without some kind of angst! Tomura isn't going to lie around all day, and his new Erasure hero blanket is portable. You bet he's still being a restless, scratchy bastard, playing his video games, trying to pretend the league isn't hovering like flies. And sure, Eraser's job here is just to laze around for Shigaraki to cling onto, but his trauma??? adoptable??? senses are tingling. Tomura says the most fucked up little things, nestled in those long rants about enemy hitboxes and the plague of heroic society and That Ending Was Bullshit, Actually.
The LOV are running out of nails to bite. doesn't help that Eraser is observant as hell and clocking them whether they like it or not. Kidnapping a pro hero with the keenest fucking sight was A Mistake, Actually, but by now Tomura is satisfied with the arrangement and it's too late for regrets. Eraser's phone might ring, might be Mic because he had a weird feeling today was a prime day for his friend to get kidnapped by villains while looking for a cat under suspicious circumstances, or something. well. his gut wasn't wrong, but Eraser's got it handled, and he wins more trust tokens by rolling a nat 20 on deception, all good here, see you tomorrow, grab me a coffee.
I think in the end the real winner here is the cat. Nothing but a good time for that spoiled little bastard. If Eraser accidentally slightly tames the LOV like a pack of feral cats by proxy, that's entirely covered by their NDA. The quirk breaks by the next day. It's a struggle to get Eraser to leave, because he's having a very comfortable sleep for once + staying in the captivity of the LOV is marginally nicer than being the homeroom teacher of the hell class. Perils of opening your secret villain hideout to the prince of sleep.
They tempt him out with the cat.
I'm gonna write this one into a full fic. ❤️ I'm craving sweets that the bakery (Ao3) does not have!!! I'll make my own then. >:3
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No witchy Wednesday this week. Life decided NO.
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anonymouszephyrus · 8 months
Okay.. here me out. Klance fic, right? YEAH BUT MAKE THAT LIKE MAIN SCRIPT WRITER X LEAD ACTOR WITH WITH KEITH WRITING A CONFESSION IN THE SCRIPT BUT ITS ACTUALLY THE WORDS HE WANTS TO TELL LANCE BUT HE CANT SO HE JUST PUTS IT IN AND ITS LIKE THE PRETTIEST CONFESSION EVER??? AND ITS LANCE NEEDING TO SAY THOSE WORDS TO THE OTHER LEAD AND HE SLOWLY STARTS TO UNDERSTAND WHILE HE READS THE SCRIPT (he ain't dumb. He smart boi) BECAUSE THERES LIKE STUFF IN THE CONFESSION THAT ONLY HE AND KEITH KNOW LIKE THEIR WHOLE RIVAL-FRIENDS SITUATION BEING REFERENCE WITH LIKE: “Annoying as you were, I was drawn to you. Like a sailor to a siren, like a moth to the flame” HEHEHEH FIRE-WATER YOU KNOW??? No one steal this please, IM MAKING IT. I just need to know if y'all would.. you know, consider it as a possible oneshot or series idea? :D (Is this an excuse to give Keith my writer-poet-bookworm headcanon? YOU CANT TELL ME THE BITCH ISN'T INTO DRAMATIC SHIT LIKE THE SONG OF ACHILLES AND SHAKESPEARE- JUST 'CAUSE HE'S EMO DOESN'T MEAN HE CAN'T ENJOY LITERATURE! He had so much time in that cabin, you can't tell me he wasn't curious about books)
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adhd-merlin · 3 months
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cinnaminsvga · 8 months
alright i opened my google doc! time to write something good and be productive!
me: opens a fic draft from last night that i wrote drunk
the fic:
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starlooove · 15 days
“Ekkos the most psychologically mature character in the show” yes but also imagine how you’d treat a black character behaving the way jinx does
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benevolentcannibal · 2 years
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A scene from their engagement party. The beginning of the whippening .💞
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ummick · 4 months
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mick schumacher is interviewed during scrutineering for the 24 hours of le mans - june 7, 2024 📷 julien delfosse / alamy
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do love how many of us bill cipher flatland truthers heard "when bill destroyed his home dimension, he killed everyone he'd ever known" and all simultaneously decided "well except kryptos. he knew kryptos. he kept kryptos :)"
#the circles trying to arrest bill for Dimension Crimes or w/e: can you explain your relationship to bill cipher#kryptos: i am bill's right hand arm. man. i'm bill cipher everything. his best friend. his confidant. his silly rabbit#the circles: his what#kryptos: his silly rabbit#the circles: ... his silly rabbit#kryptos: yes :)#the circles: is that what he calls you?#kryptos: no <3#i see so many interpretations of their dynamic but i think it's funny how it always basically boils down to well of COURSE he kept kryptos#even the people who are like 'he finds kryptos annoying as shit and rags on him whenever he can and hates him' are like#'but yeah no obviously he kept kryptos around!'#also while i have my own thoughts on their dynamic to the point it is the main point of my fic and kryptos is now the secondary lead#i do love that however you interpret him (friend acquaintance partner court appointed attorney family member WHATEVER) we're all just like#'he was there too :)'#i also think it's funny that someone felt so strongly about their own kryptos idea that they went hogwild on the wiki unsourced and was#just like 'ummmm they're related now! it was confirmed. source-- my divine knowledge :)' and then caused everyone to go HUH#until it was taken down#bill and kryptos are very much NOT related in my hcs like very very very much not#but i gotta hand it to you. as much as i disagree with the take#it takes guts to go on the fandom wiki with your random hc and go 'this is real trust me :)' and then dip
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smidgen-of-hotboy · 1 year
"I may have said things to you that I invented Pete, but I have never lied to you."
relistening to junoverse, specifically nureyev lore heavy eps, and thinking about how honesty is the biggest thing Nureyev values. thinking about how he doesn't want to lie to Juno, he'd rather not say anything or run away. thinking about how he flits between aliases and how he comes back to being Peter Ransom.
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kittykatninja321 · 1 year
Speaking as a personal autonomy enjoyer I hate the way the fanon conception of “lazerus pit rage” not only treats Jason’s actions as not his own but also his feelings as not his own. To me personally even if there was no evil green Jacuzzi and no Talia, the question of “why is that clown not a funny ass corpse” would still come up and there’d still be some hard feelings about Tim. Just probably with less killing and maiming
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alwaysxlarrie · 1 year
i never thought i’d say it’s been a while since i’ve posted a snippet but i also never thought i’d write a cult leader louis fic, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but here it is !!
“The moment he’d heard about the event, he signed up. Harry loved his college, but unfortunately they didn’t prioritize the music department the way he wished they would, which made being a music major a slightly more lonely experience than he would’ve liked. So, while he’d never heard of Louis Tomlinson or his organization before this, that was okay. Those were just mere details. What mattered was that there was an event. For music. In all his nineteen years, he’s never been so excited for a school event.
“Harmonic Haven is my most important life mission. Bringing people in, instilling confidence in them, encouraging them to be their best, always readily available lessons, improving your skills — all of it is essential to the heart of this organization.” Louis saunters around the stage, confident and raspy voice booming smoothly from his microphone.
Harry watches raptly as Louis makes eye contact with people in the crowd and sends an alluring grin their way, enticing them to continue listening. His eyes are hypnotizingly sparkly; a unique blue that Harry could spend days writing songs about. They draw you in and make you constantly want their undivided attention; Harry has had them on him twice now and has been actively fighting the urge to do something ridiculous to get his attention again. He can tell that even just having a single conversation with Louis about their passion for music would reignite the spark in him.
His fingers are itching to take notes, but he doesn’t dare to look away for too long — it’s too much of an risk to miss anything Louis' saying, let alone miss the chance of Louis' eyes on him again.
But Harry knows he needs to do something memorable before Louis' presentation is over, needs Louis to recognize him when Harry goes down to talk to him afterward. There will be tens — likely hundreds, really — of students lined up to talk to Louis and Harry can’t risk not getting a chance. He needs to do something now that will make Louis remember him. And quickly.”
i am nothing if not consistent with long-ish snippets, no matter how long it's been lol. anyway i've edited this to absolute smithereens so hopefully it's decent!! not entirely sure who’s working on a fic at the moment so i’ll just tag a few people lol @loveislarryislove @allwaswell16 @lululawrence @londonfoginacup @jacaranda-bloom @kingonafiftymetreroad @crinkle-eyed-boo @greenblueish @beelou @disgruntledkittenface
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