#leafs blinded blade naruto
roaringxthunder · 4 months
Meeting the Uchiha Princess (closed rp)
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He panted as he sheaths his blade, feeling a bit disappointed. Several years before this would have been little more than a warm up. Either he'd gotten out of practice or the bandits near Kohonagakure were better trained than he was used to. All that mattered was that he had saved those children from seeing the monster he had been during the last great war. His vision may have been gone, but it forced him to create a newer sword style. He could smell and feel the blood on his clothes and skin. The entirety of his dragon tattoo shown on his left arm, something that he and his sister had gotten once graduating from the sword school.
"Hello there, are you here to collect your friends or to help a blind man?" He said as he looked over his should to the people coming closer. He may not have been able to see, but he could sense the taller figure flanked by two shorter ones. "Unless it's the two children who left to find help. If so, My apologies for the threat."
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BORUTO ALTER: Last Shinobi by SongofVedas
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, Naruto U., Sasuke U., Boruto U., Sarada U., Words: 112k+, Favs: 48, Follows: 49, Published: Dec 2, 2020 Updated: Jul 19
21Chapter 20: RAGE OF THE MIST
KAKASHI felt the heat first. Seconds later, blinding light followed behind low impact booms.
An attack? Moegi's team didn't alert us-
White alabaster ceiling above shattered, orange and black flame swimming between growing cracks as the building shook.
The other Kage- Tsunade, Chōjūrō, and Mei, leapt to action beside Kakashi.
"We knew this was coming." Tsunade said coolly.
Mei flashed her eyes over to Tsunade.
"The other Konoha Jonin-" She started.
Tsunade's brown eyes shadowed.
"They're above us, on the roof.. no doubt under attack as well." Tsunade said sharply.
Kakashi remained silent as he came to a grim realization.
Those strange explosions.. Mugino and Moegi are no doubt fighting the enemy as we speak!
"We can handle things here. You should go help them." Kakashi said.
Tsunade nodded.
"You're right. Don't make Leaf Hokage look bad, Kakashi!" Tsunade said- before leaping above into and through the flames.
At the same moment, a kiri nin lieutenant rushed into their midst between falling debris. It was a young woman, blonde, with sharp teeth and a bloodied forehead.
"Lord Mizukage! Multiple attacks across all of our fortified positions! I've already rallied our remaining men.. bu-"
In the confusion, no one, not even the gathered Kage, noticed a shadow that leapt between exploding flames and crumbling rock.
This shadow pounced upon flying stone, masking its presence.
Kakashi's eyes widened.
"Watch out!" He bellowed.
The kiri lieutenant's head was cleaved in half, lengthwise. The air seemed to growl around an impossibly long blade shrieking with darkened blood. It was a butcher's weapon, wide almost as if it were made for cutting trees, not bodies.
Yes.. Kakashi knew that sword quite well.
Kakashi shadowed his brows as the killer rose just ahead of the lieutenant's falling body, twirling Kubikiribōchō across his bare shoulders.
The killer looked at the gathered Kage, backed by the sound of furthering explosions that seemed to travel through the building itself.
His eyes were a pale violet, skin similarly colored. He bore braided black hair that fell down to a painted nose.
Both sides of his mouth were scarred with gill-like markings, while fine lips parted to reveal a shark toothed frown.
He was dressed in bandages from lower shoulder to toe. The only other clothing he bore was a blue cloth belt that wrapped around a thin waist. He was tall- slightly taller than even the massive broadsword he wielded.
"Shih Kango..!" Chōjūrō shouted, drawing his own hallowed weapon.
The rest of the ceiling fell then, basking the Kage in billowing smoke.
Kakashi leapt in the air, hopping backwards as the others followed suit beside him.
"Who is he?" Kakashi asked, forming a jutsu sign.
"Shih Kango.. one of the New Swordsmen.." Mei answered.
They stood closely against a nearby wall as smoke and fire clawed for their skin. It slowly dwindled, however.
A haze hung within the ruined room.
Above, the moon mocked amongst a sea of stars. In the distance, orange splashes seemed to break against the blackness, followed by
thudding, muffled blasts.
They'll be fine. Right now...we have to focus on this so called "New Swordsman".
Kakashi swallowed, wishing his muscles didn't ache quite as much as they did now.
He chuckled underneath his mask.
I'm getting far too old for this.
Ahead and within diminishing fog, Shih's silhouette marched forth. Zabuza's blade swung across the ball of his right shoulder.
"He's using-" Kakashi began.
Chōjūrō nodded.
"Only three of the original Seven blades are in the possession of the New Swordsmen. Save for Samehada.. that is wielded by Nagayasu."
Shih's frown deepened.
"Chōjūrō..." Shih's eyes widened. Kakashi wasn't sure if it was anger.. or bloodlust.
"Be careful." Mei warned. She folded her fingers together. Kakashi immediately felt chakra well from within the former mizukage.
"Shih Kango- he possesses a rare and powerful kekkei genkai."
Kakashi felt Mei's gaze turn sideways to catch his eye.
"One you may be familiar with, Kakashi Hatake. Ice Release." Mei spoke as Shih stepped closer, flipping his butcher's blade upwards.
Ice Release? So he's like Haku-
Shih's eyes snapped to Mei.
"Nagayasu still entertains the idea that you'll join us. But you are not of the Mist. Not anymore."
Shih's glare then turned onto Kakashi.
"And you.. a Kage of Konoha.. your presence here does nothing but validate Nagayasu's conviction." Shih whispered.
His voice was soft, feminine. But behind it Kakashi could tell a deep rage broiled underneath his serene tone.
"We're here because Nagayasu instigated not only a coup, but an attack on a peace operation. His conviction is nothing but an excuse to grab more power." Kakashi replied.
Shih's frown turned into a sharp toothed grin.
"Better a warmonger than a Konoha dog..!"
Kakashi felt a shift in the air-
Shih's afterimage fell from reality as a shadow flew over to him.
Kakashi felt Chōjūrō move to his left-
Chōjūrō roared, his dualhandled claymore catching Shih's decapitating strike.
Kakashi hopped backwards-
He formed jutsu signs, gloved fingers flashing before him.
"Earth Release: Double Suicide Technique!" Kakashi vanished into the ground while Shih and Chōjūrō exchanged blows.
Shih Kango laughed silently. Chōjūrō stabbed his sword for Shih's stomach, then slashed it upwards for his chin. Shih easily sidestepped the attacks, switching the butcher's blade to his right hand.
Shih raised his blade-
Kakashi's hands broke free from the earth, grabbing Shih's ankles and then pulling the man down with him.
"Nice, Kakashi!" Chōjūrō complimented. The bandages on Chōjūrō's blade unfurled as chakra exploded from it with an ethereal howl.
Chōjūrō's sword conjured a massive mallet, crashing down at Shih's head just as Mei danced from Chōjūrō's shadow.
"Water Release: Dragon Bullet!" A screaming dragon of water formed before Mei, coiling itself around the Mizukage, then shooting for Shih's sinking body.
Chakra swirled from Shih.
"Ice Release: Singing Reflection!" Just as Shih spoke, ice particles seemed to sparkle in the air. Then, three mirrors spun into existence around him.
Both Mei and Chōjūrō's attacks crashed against Shih's conjured defenses-
Kakashi relinquished his grip, exploding into reality above ground behind Shih, who easily freed himself.
Kakashi twirled his kunai into a waiting palm-
Shih swung Zabuza's sword underhand and backwards, cutting up flooring as its blade bit through wood and stone.
Kakashi evaded the strike, ducking while forming jutsu signs with his free hand.
Shih, now fully turned, frowned- violet pupils followed Kakashi's movements.
His mirrors still floated around bandaged shoulders, moving while they defended from continuous attacks dealt by both Mizukage.
Shih suddenly rushed to meet Kakashi. In seconds he was inches away, sword bending into a horizontal arc swinging for Kakashi's waist.
Kakashi expected it.
He leapt over the attack, throwing his kunai at Shih's head. Shih shifted weight to his right leg, kunai harmlessly passing his cheeks.
That reaction.. it was almost as if he had a Byakugan! Kakashi thought. The former Hokage dismissed this notion as purple chakra screamed within his hand, crackling with lethal energy.
Kakashi fell at Shih, Chōjūrō leaping to Shih's center.
The chakra of the Mizukage's sword was now fashioned into that of a chain and ball- Chōjūrō spun the ball into a dizzying fan above his head- hopping backwards and releasing the ball for Shih.
Shih lifted Zabuza's sword, the flat of it bouncing Chōjūrō's conjured weapon back at him. Kakashi stabbed his lighting jutsu from above-
A bandaged hand caught Kakashi's wrist from somewhere even higher than he was-
Kakashi glanced upwards to see Shih's arm jutting from a mirror of floating ice.
Kakashi spun, pulling himself free and landing back onto the ground.
His eyes immediately flexed ahead, instincts instructing him to cross his arms.
Shih's foot caught Kakashi's defenses in the very next second.
The Swordsman chuckled, launching from Kakashi and into the air. Shih hung midair for a moment-
A shadow passed across Kakashi's forehead protector.
This speed! It's not jutsu.. is this just his physical strength? It almost rivals Guy's!
Kakashi swung around just in time to see Shih reappear behind Chōjūrō.
"Behind you, Mizukage!" Kakashi dipped into his chakra, fueling his muscles.
The battle with Shizuma reminded me that I've grown rather complacent.. I shouldn't hold back!
Kakashi tapped into the first gate, physical form blistering through the air.
Just as Shih was about to fell Chōjūrō with a killing blow, Kakashi shattered before the swordsman. He kicked his foot upwards into Shih's startled expression. The swordsman's head knifed backward as he was thrown upwards.
Kakashi continued his assault, meeting Shih middair.
Kakashi rocketed a fist across Shih's face, then grabbed him by his own bandages.
Kakashi twisted Shih underneath him-
He summoned chakra into his fingers, before curling them into a resolute fist-
"Falling Gate Technique!" Kakashi yelled as he planted his knuckles into Shih's chest. Sound exploded- a ring of air formed around them, before Shih crashed back down to the floor.
Smoke filled the room, Kakashi landing some ways away from where Shih had been cratered.
"Despite losing your Sharingan.. you seem to be as strong as ever, Kakashi." Mei said.
Kakashi heard Chōjūrō ready his blade.
"It's not over yet." Kakashi said, narrowing his eyes. Between a veil of parting smoke, Shih rose.
A fine trail of blood painted the corner of dark lips and ran down a square chin. Shih bore a horrid bruise that was the color of purple and red, exposed underneath now torn bandages.
Zabuza's sword was still in Shih's grip, but now it rested halfways on the ruined flooring. Shih's fingers curled around the long hilt before tightening as the man's chakra rose.
That definitely hurt him.. but it wasn't enough.
"Your strength is apparent, Hokage." Shih straightened himself, finally raising Zabuza's sword from the ground.
Shih lifted the butcher's blade close to his face, before placing his palm on the flat of it.
"Let's see the true extent of your skill!" Shih's voice grew louder than it ever had been. Ice began to spread across his broadsword.
"Ice Release: Demon Crane Mirror!" Shih shouted as the room shook.
On either side of Shih a mirror cut from the ground, dripping with quickly cooling water before hardening under a coat of ice. Then, the mirrors shattered in a deadly explosion of lethal daggers.
The Kage leapt into the air, narrowly avoiding Shih's ice.
It was then Chōjūrō screamed.
Kakashi and Mei landed, watching as blood spilled from Chōjūrō's arm. He fell beside them, wincing and lifting himself to one knee.
"How!" Mei started-
Kakashi felt Shih between them.
He kicked Mei out of the way of a slashing, downward cut. He then jumped upon Zabuza's sword, running atop it as he moved for Shih.
Shih vanished along with his sword.
Kakashi no longer wielded the Sharingan. However, his eyes were naturally attuned to the precognitive abilities of it- his body in a similar state. While he could no longer trace movement, his eyes were able to discern it with much more precision than normal.
It was this passive skill that allowed Kakashi to see Shih travel between shards of his broken mirrors.
A mirror fragment closest to Kakashi seemed to sparkle-
Shih pounced from the shard, body curling into its full height as Zabuza's sword stabbed for Kakashi.
Kakashi spun counter clockwise, around Shih, tapping into his chakra to fuel his muscles.
He swung both hands for Shih's head.
The swordsman ducked underneath the blow, holding the butcher's blade with both hands at his side. Shih rolled into a rising strike-
Mei suddenly flashed beside him.
"Lava Release: Melting Apparition technique!"
Steaming and acidic mud belched from Mei's mouth. It hissed as it made contact with a figure of ice.. Shih himself climbing out of one of his fallen mirrors some paces away.
"Tch.. what a troublesome technique." Mei hissed. Kakashi turned to see Chōjūrō rise to his feet, a bandage wrapped around his arm.
Eyes aware of their own weakness met Kakashi's.
"You both need to go." Chōjūrō said harshly.
"Go? You can't handle Shih alone-" Mei replied, her brows drawn together in confused anger.
Chōjūrō offered her, then Kakashi, a slack grin.
"I know. But.. you both can feel it can't you? Whatever destroyed the roof.. whatever Tsunade went to fight.. it has much stronger chakra than Shih!" Chōjūrō flourished a shrieking blade to his side.
"Besides, we can't have three Kage fighting one Swordsman.. What does that say about our strength?" Chōjūrō offered a sharp toothed smile.
"Mei will stay with you, Chōjūrō. I'll go and help Tsunade. Naruto sent us both for a reason." Kakashi nodded.
Mei and Chōjūrō returned the nod, stepping forward and past Kakashi as the man leapt above them.
Shih didn't move to stop him.
Kakashi was greeted by the sound and sight of war.. a world all too familiar to him. Kiri nin loyal to Chōjūrō fell as throngs of Nagayasu's forces pushed around them.
Kakashi zipped from building to building, following the slight ebb of Tsunade's chakra between showering images of chaos.
Kakashi tightened his fists.
It feels almost as if...
We're losing.
QIRŪI swung blindly in the darkness, whips of steel cutting from his arms and palms. Disembodied laughter wafted around him.
It was growing darker as well.
Qirūi heard footsteps clack about the shadowed walls.
He channeled electricity through steel tendrils, before surrounding himself in a shield of electrified metal and water.
I don't know what sort of technique this is.. some sort of sealing jutsu- a physical barrier that restricts air and sight! But.. it seems as if the boy is trapped in here within his own jutsu as well! What's more.. if he could've, he would've used his puppet to run me through.. or use his shadow jutsu.
Qirūi threw his arms outwards, spreading his water across Shikadai's shadow chamber.
This jutsu is the extent of your power right now isn't it, boy?! Qirūi thought wickedly.
He heard sloshing in the water-
Qirūi directed metal spears to where the sound came from.
Qirūi gasped- he felt as if his eyes were being pushed from their sockets. His lungs burned as they begged for air.
There's no way that he can maintain a jutsu of this degree for long.. all I have to do is outlast him- keep attacking randomly, deprive him of air as well!
Qirūi began slashing his steel wildly, before electrifying even the water he stood upon. Sparks of lighting harmlessly traveled through him, illuminating a skeletal grin underneath pale skin.
A crack struck against Qirūi's ears.
Suddenly light, dim light but far brighter than Shikadai's prison, shone from above.
Cracks of shadow began falling away, revealing once again peeks of the old library.
Qirūi turned, rushing for the light-
He opened his mouth wide, inhaling the new, fresh air that rushed into the boy's barrier.
But then-
Qirūi gasped, gagging as something was suddenly shoved between his teeth from above.
He turned, bewildered- the taste of paper filled a constricting throat.
The boy rose from the inky floor. His arms black right up to his elbow.
Just as Qirūi stepped for Shikadai, the boy formed a jutsu sign with a dark grin.
Qirūi's throat ruptured-
Explosive.. tags..?! Qirūi's last thoughts fled him- flying along with the explosion that popped the Swordsman's head in a plume of smoking blood intermixed with chunks of charred brain.
SHIKADAI DISMISSED his jutsu. He fell over onto his back, gasping haggardly while the shadow theater melted away. Qirūi's body smoked nearby, the smell of his corpse filling the library.
Ningyō Jōruri.. was an incomplete technique.
Somehow, Shikadai was able to manifest Eiyūnogi's time space ninjutsu between shadows- and cover an area with it instead. However, Shikadai was only able to sink himself directly into the shadow's curving walls- other than that, he wasn't able to use any other ability within the dark, airless crypt.
He was lucky that Qirūi was so easily distracted.
Shikadai coughed violently. He caught his mouth with a shaking hand.
He felt blood on his palm.
I can't even move.
He knew that there were more enemies outside- but it seemed as if, for now, he was undetected.
The genin's heart beat heavily out of exhaustion.. he had overextended his chakra.
Sorry.. Chocho.. Inojin..
Shikadai's eyes closed.
She breathed heavily, arms raised in a defensive position before her body. Somewhere, Mugino and Moegi laid in defeat- and possibly dying.
Before her, the man responsible for the explosions stood. He was tall, with blonde hair tied into a knot at the crown of his head.
He wore ornate bamboo armor.. and in his hand, Tsunade recognized the sword of Jinpachi Munashi.
The Shibuki.
However, he was the lesser of Tsunade's problems now.
Beside the man a woman also stood, far shorter- with blonde hair and dark chestnut skin. She had wide eyes that sat underneath a swirl tattoo carved upon her forehead. Chakra.. it seemed to sing about her, but it was an unholy and corrupted chorus.. heavy in the air with unnatural power.
The man hadn't attacked once. The woman however.. brought down both Mugino and Moegi with terrifying capability.
She crouched forward, hands flexing.
"I'm told.. her name is Botashirin Zhenjin.. though even I was unaware of the extent of her power." The man spoke over the sound of distant fighting.
Botashirin pounced then, almost as if she was spurred by the sound of her name.
Too fast-
Tsunade buckled shaking knees, catching Botashirin's punch with both hands as smoke exploded from behind them.
Her physical strength.. is beyond mine!
Despite this, Tsunade threw Botashirin's hand away. She unleashed a rattling blow for Botashirin's head-
Only for Botashirin to block the strike with her forearm. The woman dug into the ground slightly, bare feet cutting upon jagged rock.
Botashirin grinned at Tsunade.
"So.. heavy!" She exclaimed happily.
Tsunade ducked, shifting backwards only seconds away from a punch that would've pierced through her skull.
Botashirin unleashed a volley of blows- Tsunade blocking only the most lethal ones. Tsunade gritted her teeth as Botashirin pushed her backwards, gradually overpowering Tsunade as each descending strike shook the Hokage's insides.
Finally, Botashirin broke through.
She caught Tsunade's fist, then gifted the Hokage with her own. Tsunade had only seconds to rush chakra to her head in a last ditch effort of defense-
Botashirin's punch connected with Tsunade's jaw, a sickening crack reverberating through Tsunade's body. Botashirin released Tsunade's hand, allowing the Hokage to fall to the ashen ground as she gasped.
This.. strength.. it's..!
Tsunade dribbled blood from between dry lips.
"You could consider her my rage, perhaps. The rage of the Mist." The man said, voice now barely a whisper within Tsunade's dazed mind.
Botashirin kicked Tsunade in the stomach. The fifth Hokage grunted in almost suppressed pain, rolling over to her back.
Botashirin giggled, straddling Tsunade. She cupped Tsunade's head within her hands, before smashing her own forehead against Tsunade's nose-
Once, twice, four times-
Tsunade coughed up blood, more of it flying from her face than her mouth.
Botashirin then raised both hands free-
Before crashing her fists down with terrifying force and speed.
Dust rose in the resulting blast, before revealing Botashirin's furrowed brows. She lifted hands from the ruined earth. A small smile grew across Botashirin's lips. Her eyes rose to meet Tsunade's, who was now standing a short distance away.
Tsunade wiped the blood that painted her face. She channeled chakra within her, reinvigorating tired muscles.
"You're.. stronger? You can get stronger?" Botashirin cooed.
Tsunade stomped forward, rocks rising in the air.
I won't let Shizune's death be in vain. No, I'll avenge her.. here, and when I cross her killer!
Tsunade erupted in movement then, appearing above Botashirin. She threw a punch downwards at the woman-
Botashirin met the attack, bracing her fist against Tsunade's.
Chakra roared from their contact, almost detonating the wind that howled amongst a dying city.
0 notes
kibakun02 · 4 years
Naruto Retsuden Epilog
“Mom, is hokage-sama going to coming out soon?”
The small palm of a hand gripped tightly to the hem of the skirt fluttering by
his face.
“Yeah that’s right, you’ll see him soon”
Quietly, the mother looks up to the shrine dedicated to the gods on the hill.
Among the modest crowd on the piled sandstone was a meeting happening between
the 7th hokage and the Daimyo of the Land of Stairs.
Tons of people had gathered at the foot of the hill just to catch a glimpse of
the “hero” on his first visit since he had taken office.
The air around the slope of the hill gently sways, making the thin smoke of an
orange flame rise.
No one understood why it burned.
For the 4,000 years of recorded history, the flame at the top of the hill
continued to burn even through the rainy days. The indelible flame is regarded
as a blessing from the gods and a curse from the devil, since ancient times
it’s been worshiped and been the subject of awe.
Eventually, as the fourth shinobi world war ended with the five great
countries in agreement of social peace, and once the rumors of the mysterious
flame that burned in the corner of a small country reached the ear of Kakashi
Hatake, the hokage at this time, had a team of investigators dispatched.
Their research, consisting of both science and ninjutsu, resulted in the
reveal of a large deposit of natural gas that sat beneath the hill. Natural
gas erupted from underground while the geothermal heat ignited the flame.
The heat from the never-ending bonfire caused a gentle breeze, shaking the
petals of the dull wild violets that bloomed.
The 7th hokage and daimyo of the Land of Stairs came out of the temple exactly
at their scheduled time. Seems like the meeting went off without a hitch.
“Seventh! Over here!”
“Do a rasengan!!”
Cheers rose from the crowd gathered by the staircase.
In response to seeing the cheering crowd, the 7th hokage lifted his arm to
form a rasengan just as from behind, his escort from Konoha rushed to push
down his arm in restraint.
“Hokage-sama, please don’t show off your rasengan so carelessly! It could
affect national security!”
“Whaaat? It’s fine. Just a little-…“
The seventh hokage sourly frowned, reluctantly lowering his arm.
Naruto Uzumaki.
The Village Hidden in the Leaves’ top shinobi, the protector of the Land of
Fire, the young leader holds the position of 7th hokage. His hair a bright
blonde, his eyes reminiscent of ramune soda in the summertime
He’s reaching his mid-thirties, but from his juvenile innocence, you’d never
It’s no secret that he’s the jinchuriki to the nine-tailed fox, but his face
looks closer to that of a racoon than a fox. His big eyes, nose, mouth, in
addition all moved well, making his expressions rich. It wasn’t just his
expressions that were flashy, it was every slight move he made, catching the
eye of the people all around you. He’s your average “smooth talker” type of
leader that pulls you in, but in his case, the love he gives breaks through.
Naruto stopped his feet suddenly in the middle of the staircase, narrowing his
eyes as he threw his gaze far off in the distance. He was sure that he’d be
able to see visible skyscrapers that were lined in the distance behind the
clouds from his view. The dull field connected to the foot of the hill
abruptly ended at the border of the capital and switched completely to a
cosmopolitan view interwoven with inorganic material.
Since the natural gas underground could be easily obtained in the area, it
became widely used as a source of fuel for in the five great nations for
large-scale transportation, causing the Land of Stairs to rapidly develop.
Their Gross Domestic Product increased seventeen times over a decade ago,
their infrastructure improved, welfare enhanced excessively, and life
expectancy increased by 20 years.
There is so much money. What’s missing is tradition, and the story of a hero.
“Hokage-sama, how was your visit to the Land of Stairs?”
Waiting at the bottom of the staircase for the 7th Hokage were interviewers,
surrounding and pointing a microphone at him.
“I was happy to experience the development of the Land of Stairs first-hand.
I had also accompanied the investigators dispatched by the previous hokage. To
be able to get a feel for the Land of Stairs development like this, I’m glad
I came.”
After the hokage gave his comment, a shrill voice rose with “please come
“haha… well we’ll look for another opportunity”
As the hokage answered softly laughing, applause erupted from all over the
The long-established hidden village leaders, everyone in the Land of Stairs’
aspiration. In particular, they had great confidence in the hokage, the leader
of the hidden leaf village. Over 10 years ago, this country, whose livelihood
still depended on their blacksmith industry, received a grant for development assistance by the Land of Fire’s daimyo Madoka Ikkyu and the sixth hokage.
After passing laws for refining the natural gas underground, the country’s
total production per capita grew three times bigger than that of the Land of
Fire, and aid was discontinued. Though they never forget the support they
received in poor times.
The more people like you, and the greater influence you have, the more enemies
you’ll inevitably have. At this time, the person who’d been asked to
assassinate Naruto Uzumaki was surely one of them. Looking at Naruto’s
profile as he continued with the media correspondence, Aze Yanaru narrowed his
sharp eyes. He was an assassination specialist shinobi, changing his
appearance with a transformation jutsu as he approached Naruto.
While the usual strategy to assassination is aiming at your target while
they’re alone, Yanaru often picked places conspicuous and visible to the
public. Unexpected attacks in places with an unknown number of witnesses. What
makes this possible is the use of shadow clones enclosing in a four-man cell.
With his kekkei genkai, Yanaru can share his stored accumulated memories when
his clone disappears, not only with his original body but with the rest of his
clones. It’s a great advantage to have the ability to exchange information
closely should there be any unexpected situations at the site of
His shadow clones, A, B, and C, all 3 of them placed and already aiming at the
hokage’s life. On the other hand, only three escorts were guarding the
The bounty presented was enormous. If one were to succeed in this job, you’d
have enough to live comfortably for 3 generations.
Yanaru looked at the crowd gathered at the foothill, taking a deep breath to
release his nervousness. The life of the seventh hokage for money. Something
much more than natural gas.
One of Yanaru’s clones, A, hid himself in the thick leaves, aiming at the
seventh hokage from atop a tree.
On the path the hokage walked, there was a luxurious rug, dyed a luxurious red
from sappanwood dye. The root was clear, there was almost no open space
anywhere or blind spots in the perimeter, so aiming from there was a good
location. No doubt that Shikamaru Nara, one of the hokage’s right hand men,
would complain, but he persisted on by the side of the stairs, since this hill
was the most sacred site in the country.
“A” gripped a small firearm in one hand, reciting and confirming his plan.
A state-of-the-art photon gun, issued by his employer, a weapon that emits a
400,000-watt high power (maxima laser) to attack enemies from a distance. The
intense heat from the laser instantly transmits from cell to cell, even if it were to hit the tip of your hair, your whole body will heat itself in a few
minutes, causing you to burst from the inside out.
He raised his face again, readjusting his grip. The questions from the media
are pouring in with rapid succession and without hesitation towards the
seventh hokage.
“Does the Land of Fire import gas not only from us but also from the Land of
Wind? I know that the Land of Wind has been closely tied to the Land of Fire
for a long time, but what do you think about the rumors that both countries
are trying to exclude natural gas from the market by favoring each other?”
“eeeeeeh? Who says that? The kazekage is an old friend, but negotiations
between countries are another story.”
“Then, there’s no favoritism?”
“No, no. We do import a lot of your gas, but we wouldn’t suddenly switch
over if Gaara gave us a friend discount.”
Laughter erupted from the reporters. Whether it was natural or calculated, the
seventh hokage cleverly dodged presumptuous questions from the press.
“A” checked his watch. It was decided that there’d been enough time to
cover the area. Soon, the hokage was to walk on that carpet made just for him
then head out a boat seaplane. Plenty of chances.
Aim there.
Licking his dry lips, “A” clutched the photon gun even tighter.
The wind of the shot grazed his cheek.
The moment he looked off to the side,
As it shook the air, the shot pierced the body of a tree. “A” was stunned,
shrinking himself back into the branches of the tree.
The hokage should’ve been safe from any distance but for some reason he was
under attack.
When and why did they find out about this place? Who shot the beam? Where was
he? His thoughts still confused, he rammed his hand in his pocket ready to
fight back.
The leaves overhead sway as they fall down. The gloved palm of “A” held his
grip on the photon gun.
A man looked up, eyes sleepy, like the gaze like a goat. The face of a man who
hid his face with a cloth mask.
He didn’t recognize him. This man...
“Kakashi Hatake-” A kunai sank into A’s throat before he could finish saying the name. The tip
of the blade cut through bone and flesh, blood splattered onto the fresh
leaves around him.
A puff of smoke.
“A” disappeared without a trace.
As “A” disappeared, the memory of what happened right before he died flowed
into Yanaru’s body and the body of the others, “B” & “C”.
The last view of “A” was the worst imaginable.
Kakashi Hatake. The man with listless eyes, at first glance he seems
ambitionless and naiive, shinobi are still deceived by this appearance even
while part of the five great nations. His face, the former hokage, is well
known, too.
Being the man who first sent a research team for the natural gas, he was no
less popular than the seventh hokage in the Land of Stairs. Despite this, none
of the people in the crowd noticed him, a sign that Kakashi is completely out
of sight.
After retiring from the 6th hokage title, he spent his days reading the news
from the paper and enjoys visiting hot springs as his hobby. However true,
he’s still on the scene, participating in security for the 7th hokage.
“B” slowly kicked at the dirt beneath his straw sandals.
Kakashi Hatake removed his first blade, deliberately letting the clone see
himself. Intimidation was the purpose. Since the opponent had no chance of
winning against Kakashi Hatake, the third-rate assassinate reluctantly
withdrew. Celebrities had to be self-aware of such disgusting guys. That’s
the reason why he let his head fall, to show the difference in strength, that
there was no room for resistance. “B” pulled his sweaty hand out from his
Easy does it. Stop shaking and looking upset. He got rid of his disturbing
behavior as not to be found out. He sucked in a deep breath of air. Moments
later as he went to exhale, something covered his mouth.
It continued on, he put his hands up to his neck as he were being strangled,
tiny gasps leaking out. “B” instantly clutched at the wrist of the unknown
person who covered his mouth.
Thin. A woman’s wrist.
“B” tried to kick back his left foot to somehow escape, but he missed. His
toes kicked up and ended up in the air, causing him to lose his balance. His
hunched body held in a firm one-legged hold by the woman, finally stopping
“B” from stirring about.
When the brain becomes deficient in oxygen, it ceases to function. Within the light-headesness and the daze of fading consciousness he could
faintly feel something soft touching his back. She was a woman, after all.
The female ninja with Kakashi Hatake who was guarding the 7th Hokage. She had
the excellent skill of getting rid of someone without anyone in a crowd
noticing, with little room for them to resist her powerful strength.
……Sakura Haruno。
He was convinced she was the one who had gotten him (B),but couldn’t confirm
if his guess was correct or not. Without even a glance at her face, she
tightened her strangle around his neck.
“B” vanished into smoke.
What was going on? Security wasn’t insufficient?
“C” was impatient.
For Kakashi Hatake, he didn’t know a person who didn’t know Sakura Haruno’s
reputation as being a go-getter with brilliant technique in endurance, the two
of them being a part of the 7th hokage’s security. In a face to face fight
with 10-1, you wouldn’t even be considered a challenge.
The 7th hokage walks toward the boat seaplane.
“Calm down”, “C” told himself.
I’m a clone. Even if I were to be attack, I’d just disappear, I won’t
Five seconds passed since “B” vanished. Even if he no longer had his
comrades, he was safe. They haven’t noticed he was the assassin.
“C” touched the photon gun hidden within his jacket.
It’s ok. I can do it.
He takes a deep breath and waits for the hokage to step in front of him.
A little more……
Just a few more steps……
Then, across the red carpet’s pathway, he noticed a black-haired man
standing. He stood out as the tallest man in the perimeter.
While everyone’s eyes were all on the hokage, he only gave his attention to
the masses of people, rather than to the other heroes of the Land of Fire.
His handsome features were too famous among other shinobi.
Sasuke Uchiha――
Are you participating in security to this monster?
It’d be impossible to go with a front facing attack. In a moment of
judgement, “C” pulled a woman within arms reach towards him.
“Don’t move! I’ll kill this woman!”
He shouted with the gun’s barrel to the woman’s temple as the crowd screamed
and scattered.
Sasuke stopped the hokage in his tracks, stepping in front of him in defense.
How convenient. The photon gun had the power to shoot through seven men lined
up in a row.
I’ll shoot them both!
The man went to lift his arm and point the barrel to Sasuke’s chest.
Somehow as he went to move his arm, his fingers moved.
His lightly bent middle finger moved, pulling the trigger.
A laser emitted from the barrel pressed against her head, shooting through
the woman’s temple.
Countless crows flew from within the ruptured head.
Ebony feathers flutter around.
“C” fell to his knees as he suddenly became lethargic, unable to stand up.
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bunny-hoodlum · 5 years
Don't Leave Her(e)
Sasuke follows an Otsutsuki into a world very much like our own.
It lead him farther than he’s ever gone.
A new dimension opened up to him.
He would like to get used to this by now, but no. His Space-Time dojutsu still left him winded.
He stepped out of the side of a building into a narrow alley, the abyssal portal closing behind him.
An assortment of unknown sounds bombarded his senses, so loud they seemed in competition.
Chugging, whirring, whooshing. Blaring horns not unlike the those on the freight ships back home. There were beeps that stuttered and others that dragged on.
Amongst the din was a constant shuffling like a herd in the distance. There too played music with instruments he’d never heard before.
It was rather… chirpy.
A noisy creak alerted him. A door a few feet to Sasuke’s left opened outwards and a man in a white apron and white hat stepped out, trash bag in hand.
Sasuke hadn’t sensed him.
The man took no notice of Sasuke as he headed for the dumpster. Soon as he tossed the bag in and headed for the door, he halted to a stop.
The cook scrutinized him for a good minute.
“Ain’t never seen anyone wear a cape so casually, ‘cept the cosplayers on the bridge. You lost?”
Sasuke shook his head. “Just passing through.”
The cook craned his head back, looking down his nose. “Uh-huh. From where?”
Sasuke looked to his right, taking note that the alley lead to a brick wall. The building ahead appeared to be five storeys tall, its fire escape evidently unused.
Having no answer, Sasuke strode for the exit.
“Wait. Wait now, hold-” The cook grasped at Sasuke’s left arm, only to come up empty. “-up?” His grip slackened enough for Sasuke to slip through.
Leaving the alleyway had been like emerging from a tunnel of ignorance.
The world opened up to him, blinding at first, then overwhelming with the sheer activity of life all around him.
Thousands of people filled these streets. Phones to their heads and bags in their arms. Vehicles he’d never dreamed before sped along what seemed like a concrete river. Monitors which hung off of the faces of sky-reaching buildings flashed obnoxiously with gleaming faces and polished products.
A monstrous scream accompanied by an enormous shadow swept overhead, spiking his heart rate.
A giant bird?
No. It had a long, conical body with a tail like a shark and blades for wings. It was evidently metal, shining white as it hummed fiercely towards its descent.
An old anecdote from Naruto’s teen years came to mind, the only one where he rode upon a giant flying island turtle. But he doubted Naruto could help him understand this UFO any better, even if he was here.
Upon closer inspection, Sasuke noticed something: It had a bright red emblem on its tail.
A red leaf.
The trail was gone.
Sasuke cursed his luck.
Perhaps they had merely passed through this realm.
But now Sasuke was stranded until his chakra replenished enough for another crossing. At this point, he was more inclined to return home than follow a cold trail.
Sasuke tugged at the collar of his cape, sweat slicking down his skin. The gesture brought more attention to himself, based on the passive stares he was receiving.
Just like back in his world, it was the height of summer.
He was missing the summer solstice festival. He couldn’t promise to go with them. Didn’t mean he wouldn’t like to.
Sakura said she’d send him pictures. She already showed him the yukata Sarada would be wearing. He wouldn’t be able to see the pictures until he got back, though.
The season was the same, but somehow it was much more stifling than he was used to.
Actually, it was a lot more of many things he was used to.
For starters, the roads back in his world are never this crowded. He feels like a minnow swimming against a current of impatient salmon, ready to be tossed out.
How is it that there are this many people existing in a single mile radius, and yet they have no perceivable life force?
He just couldn’t get his head around it.
Sasuke needs to get his bearings.
He needs to prevent the Otsutsuki from feeding off any more God Trees.
What if there was one here?
It was worth to check.
Finding relief away from the crowds, Sasuke stepped into a wide side street. Square stone seats and benches lined the center, offset by a series of shrubs encased in stone boxes.
Shops lined either side, and overhead were diamond-shaped awnings that spanned the entire arcade.
As Sasuke strode past an eatery of sorts, cool mist struck his eyes and mouth.
He jumped back slightly, ignoring the looks from the customers seated in the patio dining area. From the awning of the restaurant was a system of black devices attached by a black wire. From the mouth of these devices spewed a constant production of mist that shrouded much of the patio from the summer heat.
Sasuke reminded himself to move on. And to stop getting surprised by the little things.
He was only bound to run into more.
This was the first time he’s seen Sarada since she was born.
She was two now.
Sakura held their toddler, her expression warm and a little exasperated as Sarada grabbed onto his forefinger.
Quite the grip.
Sarada began nomming on his finger.
Oh. That’s what she wanted it for.
“She’s been teething,” Sakura said. “I’ve tried frozen mochi, a homemade anesthetic gel, my parents stopped by with a kokeshi, all with limited success…”
Sasuke smiled at his adorable daughter. The hard bumps of her budding front teeth not unlike a dog’s play-bites, and he felt strangely proud of her. Proud of her health, her growth.
“I’m sorry to leave you with everything, Sakura.”
Deep down, he’d love to trade places with his wife, to experience the same joys and stresses as her.
She waved him off. “We’ve already discussed this. You’re fighting for peace of mind. Someday Sarada-chan will understand.”
Sasuke’s jaw shifted.
Because on his worst days, he hardly understood himself at all.
It’s when Sasuke finally takes a moment to purchase food at a nearby grill stand that he realizes his currency is unrecognizable.
He’s concerned he’ll have to make multiple trips back to this world. In which case, he better make the most of his time gathering intelligence.
His phone doesn’t work.
Of course. Why would it?
He has access to Konoha’s main databank; what Shiho and her ever expanding department of coders call 'the Intranet’. But here, nothing.
He thinks his technology may not be up to date, let alone remotely compatible. Another thing to look into, for sure.
Sasuke folds the phone closed and rests his mouth against the flat of his fingers.
His hard stare into the distance gains focus as he registers something. There on the television screen appears to be a familiar face.
But that had to be a mistake.
Sasuke got up from the stone bench and approached the store window displaying various TVs.
One had a drama, not unlike the new form of scripted entertainment cropping up in his world. Another showed a man at a desk and two other men were seated off to the side. There was a martial arts tourney held in an octogonal ring there, horses racing along a dirt oblong on this screen, and six people in brightly colored jumpsuits struggling up a flight of white stairs over on this screen. Why they kept falling down and getting back up, he didn’t understand.
But he imagined Naruto wanting to give it a try.
Ignoring these distractions, the one thing that really pulled at his gaze was the news coverage.
PM Sarutobi Extends Visit to Kumo no Kuni
That was him.
That was really him.
Liver spots and all.
Sarutobi Hiruzen.
He looked so different out of the robes and hat. The dark gray suit was tailored to fit, emphasizing his diminutive stature. He wasn’t that old yet, but he was getting there, and he would likely only continue to shrink.
Just when Sasuke’s imperfect reasoning had begun to toy with the possibility of reincarnation, Hiruzen was shown seated at a conference desk beside none other than A himself.
And the old hard-ass still had both arms.
Sasuke rubbed at forehead, shutting his eyes as he tried to process everything.
His forehead rubbing soon upgraded to firmly knocking against his skull.
No. He didn’t understand it all.
He pressed his mouth to his wife’s small, round shoulder, earning a low, drawn-out moan.
A sharp wail disrupted this evening of stolen kisses and Sakura pulled away, suppressing her groan.
“Let me soothe her. It may be nightmares again.” She said, getting up.
Again, huh? Sasuke wondered what a three year old had to be afraid of.
His hand was on her shoulder in no time. He dipped in for a quick peck. “Get yourself ready for me. I’ll be back in a minute.”
His wife’s blush stirred the want more as she nodded obediently and reclined into bed.
Slipping out into the hallway, he made it to Sarada’s room.
She was standing and clutching at the rails of her crib. Her hiccups were frequent, almost violent and her sobs frantic.
She spotted him in the doorway, and it was like an instant switch. “Papa.” She chirped matter-of-factly.
He always wondered if it had been Sakura’s idea to teach her 'papa’ over anything else.
His father had always been 'Chichi-ue’ to him.
But Sasuke had demurred from taking the mantle of clan head. He had far too much to do. He had been the final Uchiha, the last true heir and he ran their name into the ground with his so-called 'wilding’ as Kakashi-sensei liked to tease. He needed to clean the slate. He needed to earn back his place.
Sasuke lifted Sarada up, inspecting her face for any trace of fear or sadness.
“Papa.” She reached for him, arms waving. She was perfectly fine now. He did say he would only need a minute.
As soon as Sasuke put her down, the pained screams started again. And in a panic, he scooped her up again.
Her big black eyes stared at him expectantly.
What was he supposed to do during this part?
There was a curious amount of disquiet in a world so peaceful that Sasuke had to wonder what prevented it from falling apart at all.
Jashinist Slain after Tokonoha Commissioner General Indicates Group’s hand in The Nines Incident
“… There’s a lot of misconceptions going around about what we worship and the nature of our rituals. But it’s all purely symbolic. We invite people to see for their own eyes that we are not dangerous…”
Sasuke heavily doubted there were any misconceptions.
Former PM Senju Hashirama’s Legacy Brought Into Question
Sasuke wasn’t ready to go down that rabbit hole again.
Uzushio-Hi no Kuni Relations Worsen as the Fifth Anniversary of the Nines Incident Draws Near
“… They refuse to release the full list of the victims names. My daughter was nine months pregnant at the time. I just want to take her home. I just want to bury my daughter…”
Sasuke had the vaguest dread as to what this 'Nines Incident’ meant in this world.
But if there was no monster here like Kurama, then to what scale had been this destruction?
Momochi Zabuza Evades Arrest for Botched Attempt Against LDP’s Oppositional Leader
Apparently some things never change.
Whatever the current climate of unrest seemed to be, he sense no threat of war.
Perhaps this world was too big to suffer as a whole.
Some people may get scratched off, but that’s all it is: A scratch.
Had the massacre never happened and his grandparents passed away of old age, he likely wouldn’t have been able to muster a misty eye. He barely knew them enough at the time to be fond of them.
Sasuke’s world is vast, but the lines between territory and loyalties are clear.
A single domino can topple an entire nation.
Was a single domino enough for this world to fall too?
Night had fallen and the streets had emptied.
The alleys and roadsides took up bedraggled, bearded men resting on their cardboard beds.
But then Sasuke came upon a man in a nice suit, face down in the street. He wasn’t injured, Sasuke soon found. Just black-out drunk.
Sasuke shifted him upright and leaned him against a nearby wooden bench. Sasuke paused to observe his breathing.
It was going to take some getting used to, not being able to sense life in the way that was so innate to him.
A place like this would be absolute hell for Karin.
Sasuke had noticed the CCTVs for some time.
It was better he didn’t perform any strange acrobatics for the time being.
Sasuke toyed with the idea of creating an assumed identity.
He didn’t know how long it would take him to be sure this world wasn’t cultivating a God Tree. He wouldn’t be able to stay anonymous for long.
He would need to adapt to this world’s level of technology, as well. Seeing the wires pulled away from the sides of buildings, suspended instead upon metal spires that looked tadpole tails, he knew there was a difference in the logic of their engineering. If it wasn’t simply ahead of theirs, it was surely done out of necessity and perhaps tradition.
Back home, the wires were visible, running alongside buildings, homes and roofs like arteries.
Shinobi, who often travelled above the ground, had no fear of snagging their ankles or neck. The design, therefore, was their tradition, their necessity.
One final thing he became aware of the sheer amount of individual businesses packed in a single mile radius. Cafes, clothing stores, electronics, furniture, groceries, these things seemed to have fused at the hip, forcing new businesses to build atop them like bricks.
Perhaps commerce was the blood of society in this world.
Perhaps this was what the so-called End of History was to look like.
When all wars are settled, there is nothing else to do but play with money.
An unassuming stone staircase caught his attention, for it lead three flights down into a darkened, verdant park.
The walking path wove like a snake between the trees.
Black metal trash cans stood along the trail here and there. Green dispensers carried rolls of black bags. They sported a sign, showing a stick figure stooping over behind a dog.
Huh. He wondered what that Inuzuka boy would think of this.
Sasuke took a seat on a lone wooden bench. He craned his head back to rest.
But when he closed his eyes, he became unsettled.
Even if he relied on his ears, or that subconscious instinct that told him when he was being watched (an ability he decided that had to be vestigial from being an indirect descendant of Kaguya), his senses still sought out the flickering warmth of chakra.
Closing his eyes felt like he was sinking into a place he could never wake up from.
Something scurried in the distance. Through the bushes. Too big to be a squirrel or stray mutt.
Sasuke lurched upright and there peeking out from behind a tree was a little girl.
She had straight, dark hair in a cropped princess cut style. Her skin was white, her eyes blue, and she couldn’t be older than four or five.
Unsure what to do, Sasuke waved at her.
And she waved back.
Sasuke reached into his vest pocket, digging out four pieces of hard candy in paper wrappers.
Sarada snuck them in when he wasn’t looking.
Black tea flavor. Sakura said they were her favorite.
Sasuke leaned forward, elbow propped on his knee and he held the candy out towards.
In the back of his mind, this gesture felt a little shady to him. If some strange man happened to offer his daughter her favorite candy, he would be inclined to reveal the hilt of his sword.
The little girl stepped out from behind the tree.
She took one little step. Hesitated. Then another little step. She repeated this pattern, when halfway her eyes brightened and she ran up to him.
She reached for the candy, her hand hovering short of grabbing one while her big eyes implored him for his approval.
“They’re for you, from my daughter. She told me sweets should be shared amongst friends.” A total fabrication, but how else was she going to trust him?
The little girl plucked a single candy from his palm and fished it out of its paper wrapper, then popped it in her mouth.
She then grabbed another one and held it out towards him.
Oh yeah. He did say sweets should be shared amongst friends.
Pocketing the other two pieces, he accepted the candy from her. He gazed at it reluctantly. He’s had these in his pocket for over a week. A gift from Sarada, perhaps even a bribe in her mind to get him to stay. For him, they were precious keepsakes.
Well, it wasn’t like he was never going to see her again.
Sasuke worked the candy from its wrapper with his thumb, popped it into his mouth and let the flavor meld onto his saliva. It was pleasant and smooth, not too sweet at all. An unassuming treat.
The little girl’s face began to scrunch and droop, as if she were working on a cough drop instead.
“Don’t like it?”
She shrugged. Through a mouthful of darkened saliva, she said. “Not sweet enough.”
“Hn. What’s your name?” Sasuke began to cautiously eye the toddler. Her lavender pants were soaked with muddied water from the knees down. Her white shoes were caked in mud as well. Her elbows were scuffed, giving him the impression that she must have fallen. Her skin and her hair were otherwise clean, showing that she was not like those downtrodden men from earlier.
It must be that she was only gone recently enough that her family wasn’t looking for her yet. But that would change soon if he didn’t act.
She looked at him funny for asking. “Hinata.”
In this world full of coincidences, time seemed to slow to a halt.
And in the brief seconds when her eyes would close, a round, timid face from his childhood replaced hers with perfect sameness.
“How old are you?”
She thrusted four fingers towards him.
He hoped this wasn’t somehow her.
“Is your birthday soon?”
She shook her head. “Too hot. Us'lly snow comes out to celebrate with me.”
No. This was just a coincidence. She couldn’t possibly be who he thought she was.
She scooted towards him, hands clutching the edges of his cape. He stiffened, hoping she wouldn’t see the scabbard angled against his back.
“Aniki, you taking me back to daddy now?”
Sasuke clasped his hand over hers and nodded.
Sasuke stood in the hallway, holding Sarada against him as Sakura slipped her shoes on in the genkan.
“I’m not going to be gone long, but you sure you’re going to be okay with her?”
“She’s sleeping.” What was there to worry about?
Sakura brushed her bangs aside, looking torn between leaving him or staying.
They were short on groceries. Sakura’s director duties at the children’s clinic had cut into the little free time she had, and his appearance today had been spontaneous to say the least.
“Okay.” She finally said. “I’m leaving now.”
“Take care.”
This was all he could do really.
Sakura knew what they needed, what they usually stocked up on when he wasn’t around. She most likely felt compelled to pick up extra things now that he was here. And with his self-imposed penance, he wasn’t going to be much help carrying all of that back from the marketplace had he gone instead.
This was all that he could do.
Hinata’s resting against him just like Sarada was that day. She seems to have taken to him quite easily.
It’s calming, going for a walk like this. He thinks of doing with this Sarada some day, before she got too big of course, with Sakura’s hand curled around his bicep.
Their village was beautiful, and there’s so much to try and explore. He keeps hearing about it. It’s Naruto’s pride and joy to share how it was evolving, expanding. Rokudaime must be proud, too. He tries to say he’s just a holdover Hokage until Naruto is ready, but no one was going to let Kakashi talk himself down like that.
Every day something new sprouted up to the point that an official newsletter had begun to circulate through the village. Naruto told him the first time he, Hinata and Boruto had waited in the longest line ever for the new bakery that had debuted right across Dango-ya.
Sasuke understood right away: Competition is good for growth.
The city lights greeted them as he drew closer to the shops he had ventured passed during his first hours. Their windows were darkened however, and he believed it was well past business hours.
But in a place this developed, he was banking on one thing: Finding a convenience store.
Konoha was beginning to have shops like these.
Naruto wrote him once, (back at a time when neither of them were quite accustomed to their phones just yet), and he had gone on and on about the selection of instant ramen he had discovered on their shelves.
He sounded just like his twelve-year-old self. As excitable and single-minded as ever.
Hinata started to squirm against his shoulder. She was getting antsy.
“You hungry?” He asked.
She hadn’t been able to tell him much about her home or where it was, but taking her sullied state into account, he felt he could narrow it down. This place was like a paved island. His search would have to begin outside of its limits.
“How come you weren’t scared of me?”
She shrugs. “I have a lotta big brothers. You look like them.”
Interesting. Sasuke tried to picture Hiashi with a whole brood of boys. In that picture, Neji stormed in, fending off anyone who would dare replace him as her most beloved brother.
Sasuke had heard from Naruto how the reformed branch member had become so fiercely protective of his younger cousin. To think the key to Neji’s freedom from hate had been one withheld letter penned to him by his father. Why it had been revealed so late, Sasuke failed to understand. But for all the pain Sasuke had caused, he kind of envied Neji for being able to make it back home so easily.
“So what do you mean I look like them?”
Bright white lights beamed out of a squat building, their white and blue sign shining just as brightly.
“They wear dark clothes, their hair is dark, the faces they make are dark.”
“They scowl at you?”
They crossed the parking out and entered inside. A synthetic bell tone welcomed them.
“Not at me. I seen them look mean at someone else’s brothers.”
They began to peruse the shelves. Sasuke considered finding something that Sarada would enjoy.
Royal Milk Tea Biscuits? Matcha Chews?
Hinata pointed at a row of packaged cinnamon rolls, and Sasuke frowned.
He picked it up in a hurry and the moment the cashier stepped outside the back door, Sasuke slipped out the front.
Just a pile of coincidences, he reminded himself.
There was a booth up ahead, lonely and a little out of place.
A man in uniform idled inside on a chair, his legs pointed out towards the street. His clothes were shades of blue, dark pants and dark vest, pale dress shirt and a dark, brimmed hat with a golden emblem on the center.
Hinata stirred and pointed towards the man. “He knows my daddy!”
Sasuke slowed, wary of catching the man’s suspicion. “Does he?”
Hinata nodded vigorously. “They’re in my house all the time.”
What the hell does that mean?
The closer Sasuke neared, the more his gut told him what kind of person this was: Law Enforcement.
“Aniki, he can help us.”
“Yeah, I know…”
It would be the quickest, most sane thing to do. But it wasn’t in the cards right now.
They’d want ID, a home address…
“Sorry Hinata-chan, but we can’t trust him.”
She peered up at him for a beat before settling back down. “Okay. My daddy says that, too.”
Sasuke kept his head down, forcing himself to make it past detection.
Naruto had come to him one day on behalf of Rokudaime. They wanted to reinvigorate the police force, build it up to its former glory. Sandaime had long relied on ANBU to keep the order, and Godaime after him, but that was no longer viable.
Because the police force was no longer being placed upon a single clan, they were working on the interviewing process, as well as reviewing the previous standard of regulations. A copy of the citizen registry, alongside an old compilation of past arrest records found in his father’s preserved study had given him significant insight for updating those regulations.
The last thing Sasuke needed was to get detained. Kamui wasn’t even an option, not unless the situation were truly dire.
“Where’s your daughter?” Hinata asked out of the blue.
“She’s at home.”
“And what are you doing here?”
“I’m working.”
In his attempts to have more presence in Sarada’s life, this too has been occurring just as frequently.
The first time he heads for the genkan, his sandals are missing.
He finds them in the storage room.
The next time they’re missing, Sakura screeches.
They’re in the toilet.
The next time they’re in the trash, soaked in melon juice and forcibly hidden beneath discarded egg shells, bok choy stalks, and styrofoam meat trays.
Sakura gets mad.
He doesn’t.
Sarada stops hiding his shoes.
So when he slips them on, a tiny crawling sensation lances up his spine. He stares down at the mess. He’s just pushed pudding everywhere, and it’s oozing between his bare toes.
When Sakura holds up Sarada towards him with an expectant glare, he pokes his wife’s forehead then Sarada’s, and takes his leave.
He didn’t know that was the wrong thing to do until the most recent incident.
His shoes are missing again.
They find Sarada in the backyard. She’s shoving large rocks down the high-tops of his right sandal. She’s thought this through. They’re too large to slide out of the cutouts on their own.
“SARADA!” Sakura scolds, marching towards their daughter.
Sarada whirls around on them in a panic. She grabs the left sandal, which has not been stuffed with rocks, and chucks it across the backyard with a bitter shout.
Sasuke grasps his wife’s wrist before she reaches their daughter, and it was the wrong thing to do.
“Are you going to do something this time?!” She wrenches her wrist free. His lack of response, his obvious lack of awareness earns his wife’s full ire. “Stop trying to be her friend. You are her father.”
“She’s little.”
“She’s being a brat. And you know why this keeps happening?!” Sakura grips his hand and hard. “Every time you’re here, you undermine me. She thinks its okay because you act the same no matter what she does. Is that fair? Is it fair that I have to be the bad guy all the time?”
His chest constricts. Any rebuttals he had were void as soon as he felt them on his tongue.
It startled him, the feeling that layers of happy illusions were peeling down all around him.
Sakura’s changed. Motherhood’s changed her. Of course it would. Of course she would know these things that he doesn’t know anything about. Of course.
But they became a mother and father at the same time. He thought… He thought that was it. Like he’d just been moved into a new squad with a higher promotion.
“I’m sorry-”
“Sasuke, I know. You’re always sorry. I know.”
Yeah. He was sorry his wife was still married to a teenager. He was sorry that he’s been disrupting the space she’s created for their daughter to grow in. Sorry he has nothing to contribute.
“Sasuke.” She urged. But she wasn’t giving up on him. She was trying to put him on the right path.
But he was still scared.
He didn’t want to be the bad guy, either.
“What should I do?”
Her grip softened. “Just be firm with her. She knows better than to disrespect someone else’ property.”
“Does she?”
“Yes. She plays with Choji’s girl. I’ve talked with you about this.”
“Yeah.” He doesn’t remember this at all.
'Firm’ she says. Right, his mother had been firm with him before. His father, instead, withheld praised Sasuke knew he deserved. They loved him, he knows. He isn’t mad. But when he recalls how he felt back then, he had doubts towards them. He felt like he wasn’t good enough for his father, that he was a needy nuisance towards his brother, that mom didn’t need to rely on him nearly as much as she did on Itachi’s successes.
In a single instance, he could cause his daughter as much pain as those moments had for him.
And he would carry that knowledge with him forever.
Sasuke stepped off the engawa and approached his little girl. He crouched down before her, holding her gaze like he was staring down ten thousand poison-tipped senbon.
“Sarada-chan, no matter what you do, you can’t stop me from leaving.” Straight facts. A three-foot tall four year couldn’t stop a shinobi of his caliber.
But that wasn’t what Sarada wanted to hear.
And that’s not how she heard it at all.
Her eyes widened, trembling. They were glassy with tears.
He moved forward to course correct, to hug her, to love her, but she stomped off for the discarded sandal.
Picking it up, she gives a running start and throws it even farther away, right into Sakura’s rose bushes.
Sarada ran off.
“SARADA! Sasuke, hold on, I’ll get her! Sarada!” Sakura sprinted off their property. It didn’t take long for her to scoop up their screaming toddler.
He watched his wife in a daze as she scolded Sarada so expertly, and in that moment he thinks that his and Naruto’s childhood roles have truly reversed.
No longer was Sasuke a natural at whatever he set out to do.
He was the useless one.
“Are we going to walk there?”
Sasuke’s brows furrowed. “Is it too far?” Walking is the only way I get around. He wasn’t sure how Kamui would work on a powerless human, either.
“Yuh-huh. I was home with mommy. Then I was on a plane with mommy. Now I’m here… without mommy.”
Sasuke was about to ask what was a plane, until the last part.
“I thought we were looking for your dad.”
“Yes. Look only for dad.”
“But what about your mom? You were with her last, you shouldn’t run away.” He recalled the last time he saw Sarada bolting out the backyard. He wondered if he was causing not just resentment towards him, but towards Sakura as well. She didn’t deserve what was happening to her. He really hoped Sarada would understand some day.
A little fist came down on his shoulder and she began to kick. “She did it first! I want my daddy!” She flopped face-first against his shoulder, her frustration palpable.
“Okay, okay.” Sasuke awkwardly bounced her in his arm, something he happened to recall Sakura doing back when Sarada was much smaller.
“You don’t know where we are.” Hinata said.
“I don’t know where we are.” She said.
“It’s okay. We’ll figure this out.”
“Nobody knows where we are.”
Sasuke bit down his tongue.
If he wasn’t careful, that part may not be true for very long.
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cityofblurbs · 5 years
Favorite Sakura Fics
Gaara x Sakura
Best Present Ever by paws-bells
GaaSaku. The cliched method of locking two quarrelsome lovers together in a room works after all, as Sakura and Gaara are about to discover. How could it not, when one is covered in only a towel and the other is not as apathetic as he appears to be?
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Walking Togetherby Zelha
Following the same themes as the other collections, it’s now up to Gaara to figure out how to handle an arranged marriage with a pink-haired medic that somehow, he doesn’t mind to have around, bad temper and all. His siblings are all too amused by this.
Rated: M - Chapters: 15 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Kakashi x Sakura
25 KakaSaku Moments by hikomokushi
25 drabble prompts, written using the prompts from the kakasakudrabble community on livejournal. Various themes, ratings and situations. KakashixSakura Disclaimer: Written strictly for entertainment. I do not own Naruto, nor the characters.
Rated: M - Chapters: 25 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
A Series of Firsts by leafygirl
A series of moments that happen between Sakura and Kakashi on a rotation at an ANBU camp as they discover their dynamic has changed over the years. One Shot. Mature content.
Rated: M - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Chidori no Jutsu by Lucibell
Kakashi Hatake had never known that coming home could feel so good. KakaSaku. Oneshot.
Rated: K+ - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Closest Thing to Family by Silberias
As Hatake Kakashi, General of the 3rd Division, looks around the battlefield after their victory he only wants to see the faces of his family. Crossposted on Ao3.
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Double Edged by nimblnymph
Seduction is like a double edged sword. You never know when you'll go from being the seducer to being the seduced. KakaSaku.
Rated: M - Chapters: 27 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Even a Blind Pig by rabid behemoth
It can be tough to keep secrets from a village full of ninjas. Particularly when Ino's on the prowl. [Set post-4th Shinobi War] [KakaSaku]
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Fated by leafygirl
Sakura runs from her past as Kakashi wants to run from life. Naruto and Genma witness the painful trials their friends must go through. Kakasaku Sasusaku - Please be aware there are multiple serious main character deaths. You will probably cry. This story has angst/tragedy/romance and maybe not in that order.
Rated: M - Chapters: 23 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Fated – Alternate Ending by leafygirl
This is an alternate ending to the story "Fated". Read the original first. These three chapters are an alternative ending to the last three chapters of the original story.
Rated: T - Chapters: 3 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Feeling Youby cutecrazyice
It started with a kiss...a touch...a stroke. Now the lines are blurred, and the borders are being crossed - and nothing has ever been more delicious. KakaSaku
Rated: M - Chapters: 23 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Flaming Heart by Creidhe
An unexpected incident, sends Sakura into the past. She has a chance at saving everything, but as the wise say 'Playing with the hands of times brings you the most deadly consequences,' However, Sakura was not one to be intimidated ...
Rated: T - Chapters: 26 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Flow of Life by Ebil Chameleon
He didn't love her. He couldn't love her. He couldn't get attached. But his heart was betraying him. Building bonds that were irreversible. It was love. SasuSaku Chapter 46: Our Finale.
Rated: M - Chapters: 46 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
To Grow a Garden by Wolfy Tales
"So what do you think about having a kid with me, Sakura?" - A family focused one-shot [KakaSaku]
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Heart of Patience by alifestylechoice
Kurenai grinned, a small laugh escaping. "Hatake Kakashi, in love. Who'd've thought." Kakasaku, Kakashi x Sakura
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
House Calls by Spoiled Sweet
Always the Team Mom, Sakura opens up her home as a clinic for the hospital-phobic ninja of Konoha. At the same time, her relationship with Kakashi begins to evolve in a way she never expected. M for swearing and later content.
Rated: M - Chapters: 40 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
I Found You Missing by Wolfy Tales
'They're asking us because these soldiers have absolutely no one left to write home to,' Sakura thought with a frown. So she signs up for the Shinobi Letter Exchange, not realizing how large the consequences would be. - AUish one-shot [KakaSaku]
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
In Case of Blue Scroll by Leola Majora
In Case of Blue Scroll the Hokage must lock himself in his office and pull his hair out as what he thought were memories of a long lost love turn out to be the memories of a mission he was about to assign his former student, Sakura Haruno.
Rated: M - Chapters: 12 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Just Try by Erika Hearken
The struggles we all face are sometimes almost too much to bear. In those times, everyone needs someone to lean on. Sakura finds that someone wasn't quite to far away after all. In fact, he's been right there all along. And he's ever ready to be that someone she can lean on. Warning: there is a character death.
Rated: M - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Left Behind by Trinnerti
They first stopped training with her, then slowly she was pushed out of the missions before she vanished from their lives. Now seeing her stronger than ever they couldn't stop but feeling guilty. Will their friendship blow up again or will this be the end?
Rated: T - Chapters: 28 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Life Informs Life by Silberias
When Kakashi was 5 years old his father defended him, and when Kakashi was 20 years old he defended his father. And then a fiery woman named Sakura bashed her way into his life and when Kakashi was 50 years old he was glad of it. Parallel views of a life. Crossposted to Ao3
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Packmate by Aria Illusine
Pakkun finally gets tired of Kakashi doing nothing about his attraction to Sakura, and takes matters into his own hands...er...paws. With the rest of Kakashi's summons pack to help! KakaSaku Complete
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Paths by Spoiled Sweet
No one said it would be easy to be a Hatake. One-shots centering on Sakura, Kakashi, and their offspring.
Rated: T - Chapters: 11 - Complete or Incomplete: Incomplete
Point of Grace by Shadow.of.Illusion
“Why can’t you just leave me be?” A muffled sigh answered her question, and she found her gaze suddenly riveted to Kakashi’s cloth-covered mouth. “That’s a very good question, Sakura.” KakaSaku
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Puppies and Babies by Gentlewatersoul
A holiday one shot. Happy Holidays.
Rated: K - Chapters: 1- Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Respect and Understanding by ronny-of-yore
[Complete] 24yr. old Sakura tries to join Anbu. She must seek the help of two old teammates to do so. Will she find love while in the ranks of the elite? A story on how respect can slowly change to love. Kakasaku
Rated: M - Chapters: 17 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Samadhi by Zelha
As the New Year is around the corner, our favorite kunoichi wonders what to do with a suddenly elusive lover of hers. And, of course, she has all the answers she needs ... in some well-known books. KakaSaku, of course!
Rated: M - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Sequential by Winter Ashby
Sometimes, the only way to understand how everything went wrong is to go back to the beginning. [Kakashi & Sakura]
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Seven Flowers by bluefurcape
Love doesn’t need words.
Rated: K+ - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Sinch in Time by Blade Redwind
Six years pass. Jiraiya & Naruto left Leaf. Sasuke & Kakashi left too. Sakura's been working with Tsunade. Paths cross as the men return. And somehow the three ninja find themselves hurled twenty years in the past. Summary inside.
Rated: M - Chapters: 68 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Some Light Reading by J-Pop Princess
Sakura's curiosity gets the best of her and she finds herself reading one of Kakashi's Icha Icha books. Little does she know that reading it will result in a world of experimentation on both their parts.
Rated: M - Chapters: 6 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Something Worth fighting For by Spindelhona
Homage to Wolfy Tales I found you missing. This is my version of Kakashi Hatakes' side of the story: War's ugly. But so is Life. You have to remind yourself there's still things worth fighting for. Assuming there is. Unless they're all dead and you're practically homeless. And yet, you have to carry on. You're needed. Is that enough?
Rated: M - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Star of Silver, Heart of Tinby J-Pop Princess
Written for the Kaka/Saku Fairytale contest! Kakashi had never seen the pink haired nurse before that day, but the fact that she wore an eye patch just like him gave them something in common. Or at least that's what he thought.
Rated: T - Chapters: 3 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
The Window by SilverShine
Kakasaku Sakura always wanted to see Kakashi unmasked. This was a bit much though...
Rated: M - Chapters: 21 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Three Blossoms by SilverShine
[KakaSaku] Two and a half years is a long time. Time enough for a blossom tree to bloom three times. Time enough for a child to become a girl, but not enough to become an adult. Time for a heart to crack in loneliness, but not enough time for it to heal.
Rated: M - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Torn by Blade Redwind
Kakashi's past comes back to haunt him when he finds himself facing the prospect of sponsoring Sakura for ANBU where seduction missions are not optional, but required. Now... Complete summary inside.
Rated: M - Chapters: 24 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Unbroken by princezsupastr
When Sakura finds herself facing a rogue ninja, she never dreamed that she would end up fourteen years in the past. Trapped in a Konoha where she must hide her true identity, she runs into a familiar face, except he doesn't seem familiar at all.
Rated: M - Chapters: 26 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Welcome Home by Wonderfoal
[KakaSaku] [oneshot] Sakura is having his baby. Too bad he doesn’t know it.
Rated: K+ - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Will of Fireby Cynchick
Forced to flee their village and the new regime, the loyal shinobi of Konoha must find a way to preserve their way of life and take back their home. As they fight for their future, Team Seven struggles to overcome the past. KakaSaku
Rated: M - Chapters: 26 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Winner Takes All by Clearheart
Heartbroken for the last time, Sakura swears off all relationships. But even as she makes this vow her team-mates take notice of her exceptional skill and beauty. It's not long before there's a fierce competition for her heart. Team 7, KakaSaku.
Rated: M - Chapters: 11 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Neji x Sakura
A Last Request by Mikami
NejiSaku. Uchiha Sasuke’s death, though unforeseen, was not in vain after the final mission of his life. His last words were taken in by the most unexpected comrade, Hyuga Neji.“ Don’t let her be unhappy, Hyuga...”
Rated: M - Chapters: 12 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Affaire de Coeur by Lady Silvamord
Affaire de Coeur: affair of the heart. Not here, exactly, nor anywhere too far away, instances in the lives of two very different people. Drabble series. [30: the last chapter.]
Rated: T - Chapters: 30 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Brought Together by purple-peach
At war with Sound, Neji and Sakura unexpectedly begin to discover common ground and comfort within each other. COMPLETE. NejiSaku
Rated: M - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Cages by Winter Ashby
Neji examines the new cage he's managed to twist his wounded soul into and the pink and green that haunt him at every turn. He wonders what she would taste like. [Neji & Sakura]
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Midnight Snack by Zelha
In which Sakura has a craving, Neji is pretty much uptight, and the rest of the Hyuuga Clan is holding back their laughter at their resident tensai. AU NejiSaku crackish smut.
Rated: M - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Promises by Winter Ashby
Neji and Sakura return from the resque Gaara arc, but it looks like they've been hiding something. [Neji & Sakura]
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Revelation by paws-bells
NejiSaku Revelations are dangerous things, as Sakura was just starting to find out. They could turn turn your peaceful life upside down and inside out, even if it wasn't your revelation in the first place. Damn Neji.
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Secrets by Winter Ashby
Rough hands and green eyes meet in the dead of night. It was a mistake she never should have let happen, but now she dreams of him and all the dark secrets he holds for her. Someday this will all end, but not tonight… [Neji & Sakura]
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Silver and Emerald Days by Zelha
Silver and Emerald Days is a drabble collection by Celtic Oak and Zelha. Neji now lives with Sakura, as their partnership has escalated to another level. Companionship and brilliant love among the two genii. Various ratings.
Rated: M - Chapters: 15 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Three Days Till Home by Winter Ashby
Three days can be a very long time to get home and out of the sun, especially now that Sakura holds a precious piece of information. But, in the presence of the right person, perhaps three days isn't quite long enough… [Neji & Sakura]
Rated: K+ - Chapters: 3 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Tis the Season by Zelha
Set after Silver and Emerald Days. Neji and Sakura, a bit of Christmas loving and some major fluff for this joyful season. Smut alert.
Rated: M - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Sasuke x Sakura
A Full Circle by Lady Momo
Years after his desertion, Haruno Sakura realizes that she and Uchiha Sasuke never did have an ending. But on a stormy, rainy night, as she hangs on the verge of death, she realizes that they never had a beginning either.
Rated: M - Chapters: 12 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
A Highly Contested Topic by Annie Sparklecakes
SasuSaku. He's not lonely, he says, Because he has her. In which Sakura desperately tries to form a bond, and Sasuke grows more and more attached by the day. He won't admit it, but the truth doesn't lie.
Rated: T - Chapters: 3 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
A Twist in Time by wolf08
With Konoha on the verge of destruction, Sakura is sent on a last-resort mission to save her world by traveling to the past. Join her in coping with her old body's shortcomings, testing the natural laws of time, falling in love all over again, and rediscovering who she is. Time-travel. SasuSaku. REAL publication date: Jan 2015
Rated: M - Chapters: 12 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
An Uchiha Christmas Carol by Blade Redwind
Visited by three Ghosts in a Narutoverse version of Dicken's classic tale, Sasuke must endure a front seat view of his life, past, present and future to ultimately decide if his actions, his goals, are really worth pursuing. 4 part one-shot.
Rated: T - Chapters: 4 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Contradicted by HauntedAngel
I was nineteen. I had just passed my Jonin exam. And then I met him..."You conceited, stuck-up, selfish, pathetic excuse of a man!" Unfortunately it took four years and a war for us to fall in love. SasuSaku. EDIT: First chapter now available in Vietnamese! Check out my profile for the link.
Rated: T - Chapters: 24 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Devotion by Annie Sparklecakes
No one ever expected their story to be perfect, because they were Sasuke and Sakura, and things could never be easy for them. But still Sakura hoped, Naruto lied, and Sasuke was sorry. [SasuSaku]
Rated: T - Chapters: 4 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Flow of Life by Ebil Cahmeleon
He didn't love her. He couldn't love her. He couldn't get attached. But his heart was betraying him. Building bonds that were irreversible. It was love. SasuSaku Chapter 46: Our Finale.
Rated: M - Chapters: 46 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Incomplete by letmeannoyyoutoday
AU. Sasu/Saku. When her father told her she would have to marry a guy she knew nothing about, just because that was the best for their family, she knew she couldn't say no, just like she knew she wouldn't be happy. She just never imagined it to be that bad.
Rated: M - Chapters: 39 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Next Contestant by Annie Sparklecakes
When she was 12, Sakura was always protected by her team. Now she's older and stronger, but they're still protective. [Team Seven oneshot][Implied SasuSaku]
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Shades of Grey by Lady Hanaka
Sakura knew that Sasuke would hate her when she brought him back to Konoha, but she was willing to let him do so, as long as he came back. She hoped she could save him from his darkness...but more than that, she hoped he could save her from her own.
Rated: M - Chapters: 26 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Sleepwalking Past Hope by dezmari
"I came back." He managed to speak. "Years too late. I stopped caring, I stopped trying, and by now I just don't care. You, Sasuke Uchiha, don't mean a thing to me anymore." -R&R-
Rated: T - Chapters: 11 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Stay by SouthSideStory
Sakura begs him not to go, so Sasuke stays. And year by year he falls a little more in love with the girl he couldn't leave behind. (AU in which Sasuke never abandons Konoha.)
Rated: M - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
The Perfect Dream by elle6778
When the dream to reunite Team 7 ends, it is surprisingly easy to bury the pain and carry on. But how long can one pretend? SasuSaku.
Rated: T - Chapters: 4 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Two Seconds Away from Home by rawrchelle
Sasuke/Sakura. Non-massacre. You don't need to be extraordinary to have an extraordinary story.
Rated: T - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Variance by dances.with.sunflowers
Life. Sasuke is back, her team is always gone, and the hospital is a grave. Sakuracentric. Updated weekly. COMPLETE!
Rated: T - Chapters: 25 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Shikamaru x Sakura
Hero by Winter Ashbury
Shikamaru reminds Sakura of someone she's tried to forget, because he's an avenger now. But he's also different, because he turns to Sakura in a moment of weakness and she sees him for the first time for what he really is. A Hero. [Shikamaru & Sakura]
Rated: K - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Shisui x Sakura
Training Grounds ThirtySevenby KatMaxKu
Oneshot. AU. Nonmass. Haruno Sakura would have done anything to get her favorite training spot back, but she didn't realize the gravity of her determination...The outtake "The Black Hawk" is up!
Rated: M - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Itachi x Sakura
Mendoususei by Naz-G
Sakura, an S Class Jounin and medic, one of the most powerful Konoha has ever had. Her legendary Team 7 are all part of ANBU. Life's good. Only 1 problem: she's steadily falling for her stoic, gorgeous sex god of a captain. *Sigh*, mendoukusei, ne?
Rated: M - Chapters: 35 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Mango Sorbet by Itaweasel-hime
She needed someone to lean on, and he really did not know what he wanted. All he knew was that they had been brought together by a carton of mango sorbet. Non-mass AU.
Rated: T  - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
A Continuous Circle by JUCHKO
Sakura accidentally stumbles upon the Akatsuki hideout and is forced to use a scroll that was for 'last resorts only'. The scroll takes her to the past, back before the massacre. Rated T just in case. ItachiXSakura Time travel. Sequel up: And the Circle Comes Round. Sister story to Kindred Spirits.
Rated: T  - Chapters: 41 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
And the Circle Comes Round by JUCHKO
Sakura returns, only to find that the old woman was telling the truth. Now she's been captured by the Akatsuki for reasons unknown. Her heart is torn between love, hate, and the mass confusion that comes of finding out things she never wanted to be true.
Rated: T  - Chapters: 60 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Crimson Genii by Zelha
Crimson Genii is a oneshot collection that follows the same themes as Silver and Emerald Days. This time, Itachi and Sakura show how they try to cope with life, duty... and their hidden relationship. Various ratings, Non-Massacre, AU.
Rated: M  - Chapters:15 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
This is my way as a ninja by paws-bells
ItaSaku Prequel to heart strings. To protect her most precious person, Sakura would willingly give her life. Itachi wasn't about to let her die, though.
Rated: T  - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Heart Strings by paws-bells
ItaSaku. Follow up to This is my way as a ninja. When all seems lost, hope comes in the most unexpected of ways. She was never going to be free of him, and for that he was never going to let her go.
Rated: T  - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Curtain call the final act by paws-bells
ItaSaku Sequel to heart strings. They were never meant to be together. Fate was doing everything possible to tear them apart, but one thing binds them closer than never before. As long as hope never dies, life continues to blossom.
Rated: M  - Chapters: 19 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
The Chance by elle6778
Sakura discovers just how different it is to go on a mission led by Uchiha Itachi. Non-massacre AU.
Rated: T  - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
The Course of True Love by Annie Sparklecakes
It never did run smooth, and it holds true for Itachi and Sakura. But maybe they'll get their happily-ever-after... eventually. Non-massacre AU. ItaSaku. Oneshot.
Rated: T  - Chapters: 1 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
The Way of the Wind by just enough
ANBU Captain Uchiha Itachi had things well planned out, until a medic-nin with ridiculous hair went and made herself interesting. Sakura insisted she was just doing her job, but Itachi didn't quite see it that way. Non-massacre. Sakura/Itachi.
Rated: M  - Chapters: 25 - Complete or Incomplete: Complete
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lutelyre · 5 years
Whumptober 2019: KakaGenma Drabble
Prompt: Written for “Delirium” with a few others thrown in for kicks! Fandom: Naruto (First drabble posted on tumblr, whoo!)
Tell ‘em that God’s gonna cut you down
Genma has put the knife in the fire, heating it carefully on the embers to a dark cherry-red.
Kakashi watches him skittishly, eyes darting to the whirling snow outside the makeshift tent, icy flakes spattering through a gap in the heavy canvas flap, and back again to the flames glowing against the slick metal sheen of the blade.
How did they get here?
His head is foggy, dark spots over his vision starting to blur Genma into a blotched smear in front of him. Genma’s face is grim, avoiding his gaze. Kakashi breathes in tight, shallow pants, chest straining with the effort it takes to keep his eyelids open, keep his teeth clenched against the pain streaking horridly down his spine where the flesh is torn like a frayed rope, pain heavy like a gluey mass on his face where a gaping wound spreads from the now shredded sharingan eye to his jaw, blood dripping in wormy ribbons down his neck.
A small spiked hammer, a delicate little thing really, deceptively sharp and  quite well crafted, comes down on his bloody eye, comes down on his face. And again, and again. He screams, chokes on blood that clogs his throat, his nose. He should count himself lucky he’s alive, right? A stinging lash on his back, after the hammer. And again. So lucky. He shouldn’t think about it.
Why are his hands still bound? Why is he still gagged?
Genma got him out, Genma definitely got him out, right? He remembers Genma’s hands on his own in the pitch darkness of the room he was kept in, fingers stumbling as they tapped a shaky ANBU code against his wrist. Genma pulling him up and forward roughly, Genma shoving Kakashi over his shoulder when he collapsed, jogging hard down an endless corridor—he could smell Genma’s scent thick in the air, the smell of fear laced with salt and sweat and seething with a tightly leashed rage. Kakashi spasms reflexively at the memory on the cot, pulling fruitlessly against the ties binding his feet to the edges of the thin metal frame and scrabbling at this tightly roped wrists. A muffled groan splits his lips around the heavy bar-gag still pressing insistently against his tongue.
Genma is by his side in a moment, and his mouth twists. He grips Kakashi’s bound hands and shakes them slightly—brings his face in very close. “Shut up Kakashi. We can’t make a fucking sound, okay?”
He sounds angry, on a high-alert, mission-sharp focus, but underneath that there’s still the sour curl of fear, the scent of it harsh in Kakashi’s nose, so up-close and personal. “I know it hurts bad, I know, I swear I’m trying to fix it, but you’ve got to be quiet.”
It would be easier if Kakashi could hear him clearly, then maybe this would make more sense, maybe he could piece it together, but every noise comes to him from very far away— the howl of wind outside, the hiss and snap of the fire, Genma’s frantic words. He’s at the bottom of a deep pit, each sound echoing wildly, and every word mixes with all the other voices in his head, jabbering and wailing in a steadily growing cacophony he can barely focus through. Kakashi struggles against Genma’s grip like a child.
“Wha—Gen—aghh!“ around the toughened gag his tongue struggles to form half-audible words.
“Shush, shuush,” Genma murmurs, and his palm is tight over Kakashi’s mouth. His thumb presses the ridge of Kakashi’s bobbing adam’s apple briefly, a firm, almost uncomfortable pressure that feels like a warning. Where the fuck is his mask?
Genma should have known to give him a mask immediately, as soon as possible. Genma knows he would want, no he would need one, Genma knows him. He feels newly naked again. The hands are cold on his skin.
When they took his mask at the beginning, the very beginning, he’d lifted his chin defiantly and didn’t tremble, because he’d known it would be the first to go. Then they’d laughed at him, and taken everything else too—don’t fucking think about it.
What is happening? The blood on his face is still wet and fresh, his head still throbbing in fat, heady pulses. His whole body is screaming so loudly Kakashi isn’t sure how on earth he’s supposed to shut it up and stay quiet.
Genma got them out, right? Didn’t Genma get him out? Is he not out? He jerks and then stills quite suddenly, like waking from a nightmare.
He hasn’t seen any other agents wearing bone and black. There’s only Genma. Genma is skittish and weary and alone, and why the fuck didn’t Kakashi notice it before? The ANBU code Genma had given him, fingers almost too quick to decipher against Kakashi’s palm in that dank cell—was it the wrong code?
Fuck, he can’t remember, he can’t think— wasn’t it?
Because a wrong code has started this, hadn’t it? A slick tap of fingers on his arm noting ‘all clear’ and he’d walked right into the ambush, been taken alive and kicking, and you don’t ever leave your teammates behind but sometimes they leave you, don’t they, huh? Sometimes they leave you for the wolves. Stop thinking about it.
His heart pounds like a drum, adrenaline streaking up his limbs but fading like a dying match before he can rally any chakra to throw off his binds, to snap Genma’s neck, to shove his face into the snow and wait for the pain to end.
The tiny tent is barely warmed by the flickering flame at its edge, and Genma’s full, soft lips look chapped raw. Dread settling like ice in his veins, Kakashi makes a high keening noise as his vision blotches and smudges again, Genma’s face smearing in front of him like a bad painting. Why can’t he focus?
Focus was challenging in the cells too, never knowing if it was day or night or somewhere in between, never knowing how much time had passed or not passed or stood still for hours. It seemed like they came for him with no schedule, and waiting made him half-mad. What did time matter, when they had all the time in the world? But he doesn’t have time to go back to that—
“Okay, come on, look at me.” Genma is too close again.
“Are you with me? Look, Kakashi, this is going to be nasty, okay? Are you listening?” Genmas voice is suddenly too low, too soothing, too soft. “This is going to hurt. I need to you to brace yourself.”
Kakashi forces his eyes open.
The knife is in Genma’s hand.
The knife from the fire, the knife that’s glowing bright like a song—a pure, high note in the air—so hot Kakashi can fucking smell the heat curling from its burnished edge, and—no, don’t, why, stop—
A yell throttles his throat, because he’d never considered it before but hot tongs are really quite ideal to use if you want to be slow when melting bits off of someone, didn’t you know? Eyelids will slough away in a matter of minutes, smaller bones typically tend to sizzle and then crack.
In a pinch, a hot knife will probably work just as well.
Don’t think about it, don’t fucking think about it, rip the blade from Genma’s grip and slit his traitorous throat but stop thinking, stop everything now—
Kakashi flails, back arching from the cot, seizing and twitching, tied hands coming up to block Genma bearing down on him as the knife spits sparks, but he knows he’s weaker than he’s ever been before, and Genma is an ANBU agent too and a good one, always quick and always deadly.
Genma grips Kakashi’s wrists with one hand and pushes his head roughly to the side, pinning him down to the cot. Without pause, he presses the steaming flat of the blade against the mangled ruins of Kakashi’s sharingan eye.
Kakashi screams around the gag, the sound breaking over his raw throat and turning soundless, desperate.
“I —Shit, I know Kakashi—fuck me, It’s okay—” Genma’s voice stays level and low, a rasp scraping across his muttered curse the only sign of acknowledgment as Kakashi struggles uselessly against him. “I’ve got you, but we’ve got to be quiet. You’ve got to be fucking quiet, please.”
Kakashi bucks and twists helplessly, glares up with a blinding, delirious rage through his one good eye, snarling half-formed curses and panting hard and fast.
“Fff—uck y-you—!”
Genma grabs a length of bandage that’s within arms reach and shoves it roughly into Kakashi’s mouth around the gag. He keeps his fingers hooked over Kakashi’s lower jaw, holding his face in place like an afterthought.
Kakashi shudders, tries to snap his teeth, lips curling like a dog. His moaning is more muffled now but constant, his one good eye rolling back in his head.
“I’ve got you, just hold on, I’ve got you—” Genma’s voice is distant, dark. He works quickly, cauterizing the flesh of Kakashi’s eye and cheekbone, down of the side of his neck and jaw. He ignores the charred smoke and singed hiss of the knife as Kakashi convulses violently, the corded muscles in his neck and veins of his forehead stark and pulsing.
By the end, Kakashi passes out, only the white of his remaining eye visible under stormy grey eyelashes. His hands grip and clutch at nothing, twitching.
Genma staggers back, the knife falling from his hand with a clatter. He sits heavily, one shaking hand over his face.
In a moment, he’ll have to somehow get them both out of the hideaway and to the Leaf ANBU rendezvous point, a full ten miles away. In a moment, he’ll have to finish bandaging Kakashi’s wounds and check to make sure the prison guards patrolling only mere steps away from their chakra-shielded tent are distracted enough by the blizzard to flee undetected. In a moment, he’ll have to face himself.
Genma feels empty, emptier than he’s felt in a long time.
“God—Fucking hell.”
Don’t think about it ,don’t think about it, don’t think—
End! Did you like? Should I post on Ao3?
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dimancheetoile · 7 years
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Naruto Couples Week Day Two: Role swap (except I got lazy and didn’t draw Sakura, because only drawing on top of this screenshot took four hours)
Naruto Couples Week Day Four: In another world
Read on AO3 - show me the leaves (autumn gold)
The Haruno is a Samurai clan verse
Konoha is... not what Sakura expected. From a village that sends its men into the bed of strangers just to get intel, she had thought to find another Sanrōgakure. What awaits her is kilometres of forest, shadows brought by the woods going on for days and a peaceful calm she only remembers from the contracts she took as a samurai.
The village proper smells like macha and sweets, vibrates with children laughing and shinobi enjoying a few days of leave. It fills her with emotions she did not anticipate, and she finds herself stumbling as they get to the doors. She lets Shikamaru handle the guards, who look at her funny but without an ounce of aggressivity. How anyone can be so accepting of the unknown baffles her.
Shikamaru gestures her to follow and she complies, a weird urge to scratch her short hair itching her fingers. She's in her samurai armour, massive ceramic plates building a fortress around her body, and she feels strongly out of place compared to the simple uniform of the shinobi force. There is a part of her that want to scream “this is not acceptable protection, you idiots!”
People are staring. She knows it, like hands crawling on her back, and she has to force herself not to shiver. It wouldn't do to show weakness in a village she just entered, where she's a stranger and a possible threat. It doesn't stop her from feeling like an intruder in her own skin.
"Come on, the Hokage wants to see us. Just- brace yourself, okay?"
Sakura doesn't have time to ask why before his hand grabs her wrist and she's pulled through slime, breathless, a nauseating feeling taking over her throat. She's falling before she can realize what happened and only Shikamaru's grip allows her to stay upright.
She looks around and the sunny street is now a large office with open windows facing the village below. The urge to throw up is back in full force.
"What the hell?!"
"Sorry," Shikamaru says with an embarassed shrug.
Her senses tingle and she hears the brush of clothes against skin. It's enough for her to take back her hand and settle in a standard guard position. There is a woman facing her, smiling softly in the shadow of her Kage hat.
"Welcome to Konoha, Haruno-sama. I am Hyūga Hinata, Nanadaime Hokage."
It's enought for Sakura. She breaks her stance and bows low, her short hair brushing her forehead in an annoying manner.
"It is an honor, Hokage-sama."
"Shikamaru-kun has informed me of the circumstances of your alliance. You'll excuse my cautiouness, but I am obliged to ask you to surrender yourself."
Sakura stops herself from tensing, knowing that woman has no other choice. It still makes her queasy to imagine being defenseless in the hands of those people when the only one she trusts is standing besides her, motionless.
"I won't resist."
"That is a relief. Falcon-kun, Boar-kun, please escort Haruno-sama to T&I. Shikamaru-kun, I believe you have a report for me."
He doesn't look at her as the two masked guards take her away, and Sakura is having a hard time not regretting her decision. She was too quick to trust, it seems.
The guards barely restrain her because she's complying, and they take her to this T&I the same way Shikamaru transported her to the Hokage's office. The nausea is still there, but this time she doesn't know if it's because of the teleportation, or the betrayal poisoning her heart.
Sakura doesn't have to wonder what T&I stands for very long. It's written in broad strokes and bold kanji on the wall of the first room they enter. She can only hope they'll settle for the I and forego the T entirely. If they so much as approach her with the intent to hurt, she'll show them what a samurai can do and she'll never set foot in a village again. The rōnin lifestyle is getting more appealing by the minute.
The masked guards disappear and leave her in an empty room, with blank walls staring at her, and only a table and two chairs to keep her company. She snorts, unimpressed. She won't be intimidated by solitude; she's spent more hours training alone, naked in the snow, than they can possibly imagine.
At last, someone enters and Sakura is faced with a carbon copy of her companion of the last few days. The ponytail and tanned skin would be a dead giveaway, if the slouch wasn't enough.
“Haruno-sama, we have a couple of questions for you.”
“I imagine.”
“Please sit down.”
She complies and watches as the stranger does the same.
“State your name, rank and loyalties.”
“Haruno Sakura, samurai. As for my loyalties... well, they have shifted a lot recently.”
The Nara raises an eyebrow. “Were they, at any point, for Nara Shikamaru?”
“Is he your relative?”
“My cousin, yes.”
“My loyalties haven't laid with him. My assistance, yes. But not my loyalties.”
Shikamaru's cousin nods, before writing down a few things.
“Why did you come back to Konoha with him?”
“I promised information against protection. He assured me I would have that. I admit to some... disappointment.”
“This is a hidden village, what did you expect?”
“Well, certainly not a bunch of back-stabbing lying pieces of shit trying to extort intel out of me.”
Sakura only receives a blink in response. It doesn't matter. She's feeling particularly petty.
“Listen, if you're not offering asylum, I'm leaving. You have no reason for detaining me and no right to do so. I'll gladly take out anyone who stands in the way of me getting out of here. So you tell me; am I welcome in Konoha?”
Still no answer and no Shikamaru in sight. Sakura shrugs. Maybe Suna will be more receptive to the wealth of information she can give. In any case, she's done with the Leaf.
“In that case...”
Sakura gets up, headbutts the Nara when they make to grab her hand, and kicks the door on her way out. Her katana, laying on the desk of one of the Interrogators, finds its way back into her hand. She swinging it in a precise motion, barely a breath from opening this approaching man's torso, when a cloud of smoke blinds her.
A body she's intimately familiar with presses against her back and slender fingers wrap around her blade, bleeding steadily where the steel eats into the flesh.
“I will cut through your hand if you try to interfere.”
“I don't doubt that,” the raspy voice says in her ear.
“I'm giving you two seconds.”
The body disappears. The fingers don't. Shikamaru is now facing her, his usually bored eyes now firmly intent on her, his whole body tensing under the pressure she's applying to her blade.
“I apologize for letting them take you without interfering. I had to explain everything to the Hokage first.”
“I don't care.”
He closes his eyes, his expression pained as she slices into the meet of his fingers. “Konoha is offering you asylum, and if you want it, citizenship.”
She stops, a hair away from severing his fingers. He opens his eyes to look at her, an ocean of feelings in the darkness of his iris.
“I'm sorry for not being there for you, Sakura. It won't happen again.”
She hopes so.
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nikkigrand · 6 years
While You Were Mine
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] 
She was dancing the jitterbug with her friends: a tall, beautiful blonde and a stunning busty brunette. But I, for some reason, only had eyes for her. I had never been so captivated by a woman before and something thudded in my chest so loudly for I could not tear my eyes away.
The blonde woman twirled her once, twice, and she spun with a squeal as the third time lifted her flowing skirt almost to the point of indecency. The blonde laughed, the brunette covering her own chuckles with a dainty hand, and grabbed her again. This time, she spun and spun and spun her until I was afraid I might have to catch her when she let go. Her coiffed hair—so strawberry blonde it was almost the pink of cherry blossoms—flowed around her shoulders and bounced as she came to a stop directly in front of me with a breathless laugh.
This is when it happens.
With wide eyes, I could not help but be struck as she opened her eyes from where she must have unknowingly closed them. They were the greenest eyes I had ever seen and were dancing with such joy I’d swear she defined it. They glittered like gems in the low light of the dance floor and my eyes were riveted as they brightened impossibly at the sight of me. She opened her mouth to speak and my heart was pounding so loudly in my chest I was worried I would not hear her words.
But then the song ended and the blonde quickly grabbed her by the hand to pull her back to the other side of the dance floor and I must have cursed every god in existence at that moment. She gave me an apologetic look from over her shoulder, as if saying, ‘what can you do?’ and I sighed.
I turned back to look at Naruto but he was enraptured by the brunette who was walking past after a trip to what I assumed was the rest room. Her perfume was sweet and lovely, but not to my tastes. Though, Naruto looked like he might start salivating at any moment.
In a way I hoped was unassuming and not too eager, I turned back to see if I could catch a glimpse of the woman who had unknowingly unraveled me with only her eyes, and there she was.
Staring at me, unabashed and bold—yet the quirk of her lips was shy and the curl of her fingers uncertain—with those green, green eyes that bleached every blade of grass and every leaf in the world.
Feeling brave, I waved back at her and was rewarded with a toothy grin.  My blood roared in my ears and I quickly spun around, unbelieving of the fact that I was a man of thirty-five years who was behaving like a teenage boy who’d never spoken to a woman before.
The band began to play a song meant for swinging and Naruto and the other men hoot and hollered as liquid courage made them approach the giggling women. Naruto made a beeline for the brunette he had his eye on earlier and, after draining the rest of my whiskey, I made my way over to the girl this whole tale is about.
The closer I came to her, the lovelier she became. Her blonde friend—who was just as beautiful up close—smiled at me encouragingly even as a pale black-haired man named Sai (another Japanese-American who I’d been on a few fire missions with) pulled her away by the hand to dance. The girl looked up at me and it was only then that I realized how small and petite she was.
Still, I saw no fault in her.
“May I have this dance, Ma’am?” I asked as I offered her my hand, politely because I may be a grunt, but I was a grunt with manners.
She giggled and I’d like to say the sound was that of tinkling bells, but it was not and yet I was still entranced. She placed her gloved hand in mine, the fabric catching on callouses, and then I swung her onto the dance floor.
Every time I dipped, spun, twirled, and sometimes even lifted her, I caught hints of large smiles and silent laughs and I want to say that they were meaningless little things—but they were the beginning of everything.
We must have danced for what felt like hours, but were really only minutes, and the band smoothly transitioned into a soft, slow song. We were breathless, carefree and smiling at each other and the war was the farthest thing from my mind in that moment.
If not for the uniform, I could have almost forgotten that there was a war happening at all. I could almost forget that out of all of us in this room, in 7 days, only 8 of us might come out alive.
Swaying to the music, I remained silent as she caught her breath.
“Thank you for the dance, Sergeant…?” She started imploringly, looking up at me from beneath her lashes and the light hit her just so that I was able to see a faint dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose.
“Hatake,” I said, voice smooth as water even though nerves were turning my stomach to gravel. “You can call me Kakashi if you’d like.”
Her brow furrowed and for a moment I was afraid she’d look at me with disgust and pull away, but then she giggled and said, “Scarecrow?!”
Shock made me breathless when I asked, “How’d you know?!”
Her smile was secretive as she pressed herself closer. Not too close to be inappropriate, but enough to show what she thought of me.
I hoped I wasn’t taking it the wrong way.
“My parents are obsessed with Japan,” she said, as if imparting some great secret. “My name is Sakura.”
“Sakura?” I repeated, incredulous, and she nodded.
“I know! When I was in school my teachers would call me Sarah!” She said, shaking her head. “It used to make me so angry because that’s not my name!”
I could sympathize. All throughout my educational career as a child I’d been called many different names. The one they settled on was Karl and I hated it because it wasn’t my name. I am Kakashi and despite the strife my name and heritage have caused me, I would never change it.
Soon, our topic of conversation turned to that of our childhood, then our favorite foods, pets, siblings, what have you. She seemed to me, at that moment, a song on the radio I would never tire of hearing. She was so open with her thoughts and her feelings, so unwilling to hide her true self—even from a virtual stranger such as myself—that it was all incredibly endearing.
Somehow, without us noticing, we had danced to song after song and only registered the passing of time when the band announced that they’d be playing their last for the night. I glanced around me for the first time in what seemed like forever and noticed that most of the men were in the company of women. If they were not, they were passed out at their tables. I saw Naruto in the corner speaking softly to the woman from before, her hand in his and she listening attentively.
My own hand was clammy from holding Sakura’s for so long, and I distantly worried that she was uncomfortable; but as soon as the first note rang from the strings on stage, she turned to me with such an excited grin my worries were blown away.
“Oh, I love this song!” She exclaimed, shuffling closer as she began to hum along.
I couldn’t help but smile down at her. I’d heard the song before as it was quite popular and it was a shame the band had not had a singer to accompany them. I was brought out of my thoughts by a weight pressing against me and on impulse my arms wrapped around Sakura’s tiny waist as she lay her head on my chest.
I could not speak, would not even dare to breathe, as she wrapped her arms around my frame to hold me close. I felt, more than heard, the vibrations of her sweet voice against my chest as she began to sing softly.
“We’ll meet again,
Don’t know where.
Don’t know when.
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day.”
I could have lived in that moment—where it was just us two, alone in space, gently swaying to a song she sang as the world and all its wars faded away—forever.
At that moment, she became more than just a girl with whom to spend the night. Sakura became my salvation, someone to keep me alive. And I know you’ll just say, that’s the war speaking, but there was something about her I wanted to come home to—would always want to come home to.  
It hit me with a desperation, the desire to make her mine, and I knew that—in some way—it was the war urging me to make the best of what could very well be my last days on this god given Earth. But, for the first time in years, I was suddenly afraid to die. For the first time, I didn’t want to follow orders with the blind sort of loyalty and obligation I’ve felt all my life. For the first time, I didn’t want to go back. I didn’t want to fight anymore.
I wanted to stay there—with her.
I was suddenly afraid of this weakness, for I was never weak, and I will admit that it would take me many days to realize that this budding love was a strength I’d foster until my last breath.
The song ended all too soon and I was reluctant to let her go, my hand lingering on her waist as she stepped away with a soft smile.
“Well, I suppose this is it,” Sakura said, hands smoothing down the fabric of her skirt. “I had a wonderful evening, Kakashi. I wish you luck and safety overseas.”
She began to turn away and, at once, I knew that if I let her go, I would regret it for the rest of my life. I would think of her every night—imagining the smell of her perfume, remembering the weight of her palm pressing against mine—and grieve all of the memories I would never have or make with her.
I had lived with too many regrets, I could not—would not—let her become another.
And so I reached out, caught her gently by the hand, and asked, “Can I see you again?”
And, oh, I could write poetry about her answering smile. It awoke something dormant in me, stole my breath and breathed life into me all at once.
She, without trying or knowing, had looped a red string around my thudding heart and tied it around her little finger.
And all of the reasons why wars were fought in the name of love made sense when she said: “Yes.”
But we only had 6 days before D-Day, I only had six days to make the most of my life with her. In that moment as she and I made arrangements to see each other I could not help but curse time and fate and the war. It all seemed so cruel that the moment I’d find something to live for, I would be at the brink of losing it all.
I watched her leave with her friends, her address clutched tightly in my hand, with a certain type of anxiousness. There was so much to do—there was so much to learn about each other. However, distantly, I knew that it would be cruel to have her love me and then leave her. After all, every man in that room on that night was a dead man walking.
None of us knew if we’d see June 7th, or any other day after that. It would be inherently cruel to make someone love you, worry for you, and then possibly grieve you.
But I will admit that I was selfish. I had no one to do those things for me and I desperately needed a reason to not recklessly lay down my life. In my mind, I thought I could see Sakura and foster a type of vapid affection for her that would keep me going. You know the type: the one where the soldier marries the girl so that it gives him a reason to live and come home.
So, I’ll tell you that I had no intention of loving her.
Even when Naruto walked out the facility with me and asked about Sakura, I had no intentions of loving her when I jokingly said: “I think I just met my wife.”
But, listen.
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bouncyirwin · 7 years
Recent Great Naruto Fics I’ve Read List
Seeing as the actual series now suck... here’s a list of the fics/one shots I’ve recently read (past year) that you might enjoy, have fun xx
Warning: List contains all kinds of pairings. Some stories have no pairings at all (those are labelled as General). 
Directions: story name - author - summary - status - pairing/gen - rating
Pulling My Weight by Invisible Shadow - During the mission to Wave, Sakura realises that she has to become a better ninja for her teammates' sake and be someone they can depend on. She vows to take her training seriously, and receives help from the most unlikely of sources; Genma Shiranui. The two form an unlikely bond and stick together through thick and thin, while Sakura improves and meets other people along the way. Ongoing | General so far | T | This story is fucking amazing
A Wrinkle in Time by rightforlife - The Fourth Shinobi War ended in disaster. They won, but at a price too great to bear. Given a second chance, what exactly can Konoha's three most powerful men do? Time travel, old enemies, and old friends that all leads to a new future. Ongoing | General | T
The Colder Water by Quillslinger - The devil is in the details. Shisui. Itachi. A sorta love story. Novella. Complete (52,784) | ShiIta | T 
Uneasy Coexistence by DeGlace - One grinning shark–man. One pink–haired medic. Ankles. Teeth. Kisame x Sakura. Yes, you read that right. Complete (70,111) | KisaSaku | M
Blind Stars of Fortune by 100demons - Thirty year old Kakashi was supposed to have been killed by Pein during the Invasion. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his twenty year old self. (It gets a lot more complicated.) Time travel. Complete (78,591) | General | T
To Promise Forever by Hellsig Otoupeim - The war's over, Kaguya has been defeated and the five great Shinobi Nations have gone back to their homelands to nurse the wounds left behind. In an attempt to preserve peace, the five Kage have agreed to implement in a new measure; war veterans between villages are encouraged to take part in the Five Nation Letter Exchange Program. Or how a girl from Kiri ends up in Konoha. Sly AU. Complete (14,442) | ShikakuOC | M
Heart Under a Blade by fineillsignup - Sitting on a bench after being told by Sasuke-kun that she's annoying, Sakura thinks that it's the worst day of her life. Lying in the hospital wanting to hurl from heat suppressants later that day and grappling with the revelation that she's an omega, Sakura knows that it's the worst day of her life. (ABO, extremely slow build). Ongoing | KakaSaku | M
Phantom Pains by mapplepie - There is something going on with Kakashi, but Minato can't figure out what. All he has are distressing deductions, each one progressively worse than the last. It's no wonder Minato can't help but fear and fear and fear. (To be fair though, it really wasn't his fault he never considered the possibility of time-travel). Complete (22,153) | General | T
A Twist in Time by Wolf08 - With Konoha on the verge of destruction, Sakura is sent on a last-resort mission to save her world by travelling to the past. Join her in coping with her old body's shortcomings, testing the natural laws of time, falling in love all over again, exploring the depths of her mind and rediscovering who she is. Time-travel.  Ongoing | SasuSaku | T | I don’t even like SS anymore (I almost hate them) but this is my favourite fic ever.
Deadly Decisions by Alrissa - Haruno Sakura that actually caught a glimpse of the real world and woke up to smell the blood. Basically a 'what if' preview of what could have happened if Sakura didn't revert after the Chuunin exams. No princess to be rescued here. Complete (17,819) | General | M
Contagious by rabid behemoth - Konoha's citizens are being controlled by a virus, and it falls on Sakura's shoulders to save them. A double agent among the most hostile, unrepentant criminals in the world, she finds herself navigating between competing loyalties in a sea of moral uncertainty. But that's impossible for a faithful Leaf nin like Sakura. Loyalties aren't contagious...right? Complete (119,552) | ItaSaku | T
The Lives Worth Saving by cywsaphyre - Naruto, at 26, has lived through 10 years of war. At the end, with nothing left to call home, he sends himself back to the beginning, to the day of his younger self's graduation, in an attempt to change it all. Time travel AU. Discontinued | General | T | best time travel fic I’ve ever read
Kill Your Heroes by Evil Is A Relative Term - Because, sometimes, we are what our adversaries make of us. Because Gatō only needed Zabuza to neutralize Kakashi. He isn't afraid of one little pink-haired genin. But even mice will bite when cornered. A story of where fear drives the most vulnerable member of Team Seven, from Wave and beyond. Ongoing | General | T
I Found You Missing by Wolfy Tales - 'They're asking us because these soldiers have absolutely no one left to write home to,' Sakura thought with a frown. So she signs up for the Shinobi Letter Exchange, not realizing how large the consequences would be. Complete (18,586) | KakaSaku | T
Teach Your Children Well by AvocadoLove - After Madara final attack on the village, Rokudaime Kakashi uncovers a time-travel scroll. Now he's Team Seven's sensei again. And this time, he's going to do things differently. A time travel fic. Complete (37,849) | KakaIru | K+
The Arrangement by Yuugiri - "We're already getting along bad enough. Why don't we just get married?" Complete (111,453) | GaaIno | T
Sabotage by therealesther - When her fifth date got food poisoning, and her sixth date cancelled in over the phone in a tone bordering on hysteria, Sakura decided things were getting out of hand. Complete (1,637) | KakaSaku | K+
To Love and to Love Again by animequeen100 - Love blooms even in the strangest of places, and darkest of hours. Sasuke has a daughter who needs a mother. Sakura has a son, who needs a father. When the shadows that follow her threaten to take her away from him, his dark secrets resurface to keep her in his arms. They were fated to love and destined to love again. Complete (401,061) | SasuSaku | M
The Good Wife by ReiraKurenai - Sixteen-year-old Ino is stuck in the body of her older self. Now she must embark on the journey of an adult, a wife and a mother while deep down she's still just a child herself. What does the future have in store for her? NarutoxIno and various pairings. Ongoing | NaruIno | T
Ripples by Yellow Mask - AU from 309 onwards. Following a botched mission, Sakura is made a slave by Sound, a position that could very well alter the future…especially concerning a certain familiar missing-nin. Complete (143,883) | SasuSaku | T
Set in Ink by TappityTap - "From then on, it became their own private ritual: She'd arrive at his place, they'd talk, she'd undress, he'd draw her, she'd look at his work and compliment it, he'd touch her until she quivered and cried out his name in a sweet burst of release. This ritual was always the same but somehow different and exciting every time. " Pure SaiIno smut. Some canon pairings mentioned. Complete (7,422) | SaiIno | M
The Cursed Geisha by wingedmercury - He's beautiful, in the same way that predatory animals are beautiful—dark, mysterious. Dangerous. Only this time, instead of being the predator, Sasuke will learn what it means to be prey. AU. Complete (43,612) | SasuHina | M
Will of Fire by Cynchick - Forced to flee their village and the new regime, the loyal shinobi of Konoha must find a way to preserve their way of life and take back their home. As they fight for their future, Team Seven struggles to overcome the past. Complete (223,234) | KakaSaku | M
The Secret Life of Teachers by tabine - Romance is a bit difficult to do when you spend a majority of your time within fifty feet of the object of your affections and somehow still don't quite understand that you're falling in love with them, if only because being a full-time high school teacher while taking graduate school courses takes precedence over everything else. A Nejiten high school teachers AU. Ongoing | NejiTen | T
The Line by livezinshadowz - When a young Ino tries to use the Shintenshin for the first time on Naruto, something goes wrong and the two find themselves temporarily stuck in the other's body. A series of moments depicting the evolution of their relationship, from acquaintances to friends to something more, all by crossing that metaphorical line created when a boy and a girl forge a bond. Complete (46,692) | NaruIno | T
In Another Life by CelestialCircumference - Kakashi never believed in soul mates until that fateful day. Written for HatakeFran for the KakaSaku Secret Santa 2016 on tumblr. Complete (18,350) | KakaSaku | T
House of Crows by SilverShine -  War is coming to Konoha and Sakura is far from home, uncertain of her future. But one thing is for sure, Sakura will protect her unborn child at all costs, whether it be from Konoha's enemies... or from its own father. Complete (400,508) | KakaSaku | M
Better Off Dead by wingedmercury - When Hinata leaves Konoha, heartbroken but resolute, the last person she expects to see over the rim of her tea cup is him. "You look like you've just seen a ghost," he smirks, and Hinata thinks that some people are just better off dead. Complete (68,768) | SasuHina | T
The Song Of Kakashi by ZatannaZatara06 - If you want forever, you are going to have to suffer for it. For the KakaSaku Week 2016 Day 2 Theme: Fairy tales / Legends Myth: The story of Achilles and Patroclus. Complete (2,472) | KakaSaku | T
Kunoichi's Burden: Village First by lilac haze - She was dying. She should have died. She was supposed to die but the Gods had other plans. Sakura is thrown back in the past, where a dangerously attractive blonde and a loud mouthed redhead have taken it upon themselves to make her life even more difficult. If Naruto's parents didn't get together, kami, she would be in a lot of trouble. MinatoXSakura. Time travel-fic. Complete (378,854) | MinaSaku | T
On a Leash by thekatthatbarks - Kakashi's new puppy ends up being his best wingman. Complete (1,082) | KakaSaku | T
House Calls by Spoiled Sweet - Always the Team Mom, Sakura opens up her home as a clinic for the hospital-phobic ninja of Konoha. At the same time, her relationship with Kakashi begins to evolve in a way she never expected. Complete (262,803) | KakaSaku | M
Things You Just Don’t Talk About by Enodia - "Do you enjoy sex?" Shikamaru asked bluntly. I just can't believe I'm talking about this, and with Shikamaru, of all people, Sakura thought." Sakura is in for a surprise. Or, rather, a series of surprises. Complete (118,175) | ShikaSaku | M
Players by Kukaburraxxii - Ino joins the league of players. Discontinued | GenIno | M
Heatwave by Yahboobeh - When she found her breath again it was ragged. Only one thought tore through her mind: Consume me. The Suna sun wasn't the only reason their faces burned. Ongoing | NejiTen | M
The Art of War by leafygirl - Entry for the LJ Kakasaku AU contest. Sakura gets stuck following her teacher after a bet with her friends. But his mysterious life is nothing she ever expected. Complete (20,591) | KakaSaku | T
The Shinobi Princess by Winged Lady Colette - At the end of the Fourth Great Ninja War, Sakura takes an unexpected trip into the time of Konoha's Founding. Ongoing | HashiSaku | M
Dawning by deleria - After years of silence the Akatsuki are active again. Her allies uncertain, the Godaime sends two teams - one for a potential offensive strike and another for covert surveillance. Who would have guessed that Shikamaru and Sakura could fake it as newlyweds so well? ShikaSaku with early (one-sided) hints of SasuSaku. Complete (101,994) | ShikaSaku | M
Genius Sensei by AlexDnD - What if Kakashi had recovered from his deep depression? What if he turned out to be a true genius as a sensei? Watch as team 7 develops into a truly capable shinobi team! Complete | NaruSaku-ish | T | A fun read
We Are Never (ever getting back together) by natanije - In which Sakura waited, got tired of waiting, and decided to never wait ever again. (Or, in which Sakura never chased after Sasuke when she got pregnant). Complete (2,592) | General | T
A Poor Imitation by leafygirl - Sakura is injured on a mission, forgetting everything she knew of life in Konoha. Complete (88,913) | KakaSaku | M
The Girl From Whirlpool by SilverShine - When Naruto's father met his mother, his only impression was that a village out there must have been missing its idiot. Complete (248,299) | MinaKushi | T
The Way of the Wind by just enough - ANBU Captain Uchiha Itachi had things well planned out, until a medic-nin with ridiculous hair went and made herself interesting. Sakura insisted she was just doing her job, but Itachi didn't quite see it that way. Non-massacre. Complete (158,542) | ItaSaku | M
Cause for Conversation by firefly - Hinata has always been intimidated by Sasuke, but when she serves as a substitute for Sakura on a mission, she comes to learn that the stoic Uchiha is not so bad after all. Complete (4,858) | SasuHina | K+
The Price by Nenagh24 - This would have almost been hilarious, the renowned copy ANBU almost petrified of a small unarmed girl, had it not been happening to him. The price of this tiny bride was going to break him. Hello, fiery flames of eternal doom. Complete (19,067) | KakaSaku | T
Better Having Met You by KakashiSauce - Tenzou is wide-eyed, bright faced and unprepared for the ANBU life ahead of him. MOSTLY because of the unorthodox team he's placed into. However, it was done in his best interest, and Hiruzen is smart enough to know what is best for most young shinobi. Kakashi disagrees, but he is one of those young shinobi who doesn't know whats best for him. Ongoing | KakaYama | M
Icha Icha Gambit by TheSilverScarecrow - It was a risk; one that could potentially ruin their team, however, who was Hatake Kakashi to argue with the Hokage? But when a never to be finished Icha Icha draft falls into his possesion things start getting wildly out of hand as Sakura does whatever it takes to protect their village from a devastating weapon. Ongoing | KakaSaku | M
Nutrire by Wolfy Tales - As Ino traverses the world with Yamato after the war to neutralize potential threats, she finds out that they share more in common than just an interest in plants. Complete (32,251) | YamaIno | T
Let's Get Married by luvtoshi - It was supposed to be a simple solution to their immediate problems. But maybe they took more than they can chew? Complete (59,760) | NaruSaku | M
Hot Medicine by Saphri - Kakasaku one-shot. AU. Fighting fires was a tough job by all accounts. But when the job requires getting treated by beautiful pink haired paramedics it was worth the hardship. Complete (26,05) | KakaSaku | M
A Noble in Secret by WhiteMint - Side story to the Imperial Princess. C originally hated the people of Konoha, often referring to them as "Konoha dogs". But as he got to know the small pink haired girl who followed him around like a puppy, he no longer considered the term as maliciously as before. After all, he found his own little Konoha dog, and he planned on keeping her. Ancient Chinese AU. Complete (4,420) | CSaku | K+
Cherry Blossom Flames by Winged Lady Colette - A seven year old amnesiac awoke in a stream, being rescued by two brothers.  Ongoing | MadaSaku | M
Adaline by Nikki1212 - I would choose you in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I would find you and I would choose you. AU. Ongoing | KakaSaku | T
Tempest by cywsaphyre - Back in time and armed with years of future knowledge, Sakura is ready to take the world by storm. Except... she's four again, not twelve. Ah well, nobody said she couldn't start a little early. Gen, time travel, AU, Sakuracentric. Discontinued | General | T
All This Time by thekatthatbarks - "I may not have fell like you did. I didn't fall gradually and slow over the span of twenty years. It was fast and sudden. It had me stumbling looking around trying to figure out where I was. I didn't even know it had happened." Complete (2,472) | ShikaSaku | K+
Team 8 by S’TarKan - What if Naruto had been selected for a different team? What if he'd had a different mentor? Who would guess the consequences would be so large? Ongoing | NaruHina | T | I don’t even like NaruHina anymore but this story is amazing (plot-oriented)
Better Man by Kakashisgf - Sakura and Sasuke have been married for over a decade, but things are far from perfect, and Sakura's beginning to realize that maybe she deserves better. Complete (179,759) | KakaSaku | M
Dirty Laundry by Slinkymilinky - Sakura had never been a fan of airing her dirty laundry in public…but Kakashi was often the exception to the rule. Lemony Oneshot. Complete (6,593) | KakaSaku | M
Time and Again by KyLewin - Time Travel fic. In a war torn future, in the burning ruins of Konohagakure, Naruto fights Orochimaru and loses as the world collapses around him. From that ending comes a new beginning and a new chance to set things right, if only he can figure out how.. Complete (456,787) | General | T
The Samurai and the Oni Girl by Silberias - AU KakaSaku set in Edo-period Japan. Sakura is the descendant of a red-haired foreigner as well as a merchant's daughter. Kakashi is a local samurai who has fallen on hard times, a man whose pride has been broken down to this point. Love comes after. Complete (131,644) | KakaSaku | T
Chippendales by Voyna - [AU] Sometimes, a girl needs a lap-dance to put life into perspective. Complete (15,645) | SasuHina | M
Once More, With Feeling by JinnySkeans - Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. Complete (127,462) | SasuSaku | M
In Case of Blue Scroll by Leola Majora - In Case of Blue Scroll the Hokage must lock himself in his office and pull his hair out as what he thought were memories of a long lost love turn out to be the memories of a mission he was about to assign his former student, Sakura Haruno. Complete (48,635) | KakaSaku | M
[I’ll update this again soon!]
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roaringxthunder · 5 months
continued from here
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He bowed as he looked towards the younger woman. "Ah, the rest might be the issue. We both know how hard it is to get her to rest." He joked as he looked to her. He gave her a soft bow as he thought about the fact he needed to introduce himself. "I'm Keitaro Yoko. It is a pleasure to meet the princess of the Hyuuga clan."
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inanotherworld5599 · 7 years
Because We Have You
Summary: Set during Boruto ep 23 after Sasuke enters the fight with Shin.(Anime compliant)
Sasuke hears Sakura before he can see her.
She cries out in pain, a contrast to the earth shattering display of power that had lead him here. Rage, blind rage, something he's not felt for quite some boils to the surface and his Susanoo crashes through the cavern walls pining the Shin's father roughly to the pillar.
He barely manages to dodge and in the process a good portion of his leg is sliced off. Sasuke takes a step forward to decapacitate him once and for all but when he hears Sarada exclaim his attention is quickly diverted to his wife who is breathing heavily and clearly wounded.
He brushes past his daughter bending down to assess his wife. His Sharingan analyses her wound immediately and his eyes focus on the blades that have embedded into her arm so deeply that they've severed almost all of her nerves leaving her arm unusable.
He hesitates for a moment before he pulls the blades out and his expression falters as Sakura who despite her best efforts to keep her face neutral winces.
He quickly pulls away, burning the blades away with his Amaterasu. He glances back at his wife, his Mangekyo spinning worriedly but he won't insult Sakura, not in front of their daughter by fretting over her and making her seem any less stronger than she was.
Sakura had gotten over far worse than this and treating her like he'd done when they were genin by purposely shoving her out of every fight for the sake of her safety was highly demeaning for the talented and strong kunoichi she'd evolved into now.
He still needs reassurance though and he asks anyway,"You'll be able to heal your self now, right?"
Sakura's gaze softens and she smiles. While to their daughter it sounds cold and apathetic from Sasuke's part Sakura is well aware of the restraint Sasuke is exercising. He's trying to respect her best he can, to believe in her strength as a kunoichi and put it over his obvious concern.
"Thank you Anata." She says softly focusing her healing jutsu to repair the damaged nerves and muscles.
Sarada looks at the entire exchange puzzled. Whilst there is nothing outwardly romantic about how her father stands a feet away from her mother as she heals herself there is something strangely personal about the whole thing.
Sasuke does his best not to let his concern show and when he hears Shin dragging himself across the cavern he instantly turns around tearing his gaze from his wife to the bastard that started the whole thing.
"You shouldn't be able to move with your leg like that." Sasuke comments unsheathing Kusanagi and walking towards Shin.
He probably would have cut the bastard into half, not just a small portion of his leg had he not been preoccupied about Sakura.
While Sasuke is no longer the cruel and hateful man he once was, hell bent on revenge, Sasuke has no love lost for the pretend Uchiha who has gone after all the people he cares about the most, starting by disgracing Itachi's memory, impaling Naruto, attacking his daughter. The final straw was having the audacity to kidnap and injure his wife.
It doesn't help that with the multiple Sharingans embedded him he looks distastefully similar to Danzo.
"We will interrogate you once we bring you back to the Leaf."
If you're alive till then.
In a flash one of the Shin clones, a son, puts himself inbetween Sasuke and his father.
"Move." Sasuke says coldly,"I have no qualms with you."
"No." The boy says vehemently,"I shall protect my father."
Dark anger and black rage once again surfaces within Sasuke. He was not going to let this go so easily and he raises the sword to remove the obstruction from his face.
Sarada's desperate voice stops him short and he returns to himself as his blade stops inches from the sons throat.
For a brief moment he's reminded of Sakura, a much younger version of her wrapping his arms around begging him to come back to himself.
Sasuke-kun, please stop it.
And then the pain hits him.
He doubles over as The father Shin withdraws the blade he'd used to impale Sasuke by passing it through his son.
"Sasuke-kun!" The anguish in Sakura's voice is clear and he can hear her move forward towards him. She's stopped short though by the multiple blades that angle towards her and Sarada eying them cautiously.
"The tables have turned." Shin announces,"As expected you're all weak."
Sasuke winces bending down and Sakura's eyes catch the movement as she worriedly calls out,"Anata!"
She steps forward but the blades impale the ground a few inches ahead of her blocking her path.
What do I Do? How do I save you? How do I save our daughter?
She conveys all of it through one word.
Sasuke straightens his back and while he doesn't say anything or even look at her it's enough for Sakura to understand his message.
Trust me.
Sakura instantly relaxes letting a small smile grace her lips.
She turns to Sarada who stares at the whole scene horror and hopelessness written on every inch of her face.
"This isn't enough to bring down your father Sarada." Sakura says confidently,"Trust us Sarada. We'll protect you."
While Sakura means every word she says Sasuke can hear the underlying message relayed to him through his wife's words.
I'll always trust you darling. I've got your message. Now tell me what to do.
He turns slightly, his Rinnegan flashing.
Understanding courses through Sakura and she immediately turns and runs away from Sarada. The blades all focus on her rushing towards her but she doesn't falter and picks up speed trusting in her husband completely.
Wind rushes past her and the world blurs around her and suddenly she's face to face with Shin her chakra laden fist finding it's mark perfectly sending the bastard flying back.
Sakura falls to her knees her legs not being able to support her any longer but she none less the she raises her head and glares at Shin.
"Do not underestimate the power of a parent." She manages to bite out venomously. The world tilts and Sakura collapses, the teleportation from the Rinnegan had taken it's toll on her.
Sarada rushes to her mother's side and Sasuke jerks up but is forced back down as his wound knocks the air out of him.
Sarada manages to help Sakura back up but she's still too weak to stand while Sasuke finally manages to regain his balance instantly putting himself in between his family and the multiple army of Shin that arrives.
A revolt takes place in front of his eyes as Naruto finally makes his entrance. The Father shin is discarded without a care whilst the younger start their attack, overwhelming due to sheer number.
But the father isn't to be forgotten about and the small creature with the teleportation jutsu appears starting to suck both the father  and Sakura along with it.
"Sarada!" He calls out. His voice cracks and this time he does nothing to hide his desperation. His wife is still weak and injured and he's too far away to do anything.
He can't, no, he won't let her slip away again.
For a second he's afraid that his daughter doesn't understand but she's already moving before he can contemplate further.
"I know." She yells, I'll protect Mama!
Her Sharingan activates and she dodges the attacks sent her way easily before sending chakra to her fist.
"SHANNARO!" She yells smashing the creature and cracking the ground around her.
And Sasuke can't help but beam proudly.
All this while he'd been tip toeing around her afraid that she'd inevitibly turned out like him.The bitterness, the hate it was all to reminiscent about how he was a child and he was afraid that Sarada had grown up to become everything he'd tried so hard to leave behind him.
Whilst Sasuke's hate had been directed towards his brother in Sarada's case he was the perpetrator. He had his reasons for not contacting them of course, he didn't trust himself enough to not come back abandoning his mission.
And because of his weakness, his inability to stay away from them unless he'd cut off all contact Sarada had grown up to become like him in the worst ways.
Or at least that's what he'd thought.
Because now as Sarada stands with the Sharingan activated, the ground destroyed around her he can't help but proudly think that while she's his daughter she's also undoubtedly her mother's daughter, fierce, kind and unbelievably strong.
He couldn't be prouder.
Sarada stares at her fist, there is no doubt in her mind who her mother is now that she'd displayed her Mama's signature super strength but she's surprised with how little the information means to her.
When Sakura comes and hugs her tightly, Sarada realises that her Mama would always be her Mama regardless of who gave birth to her.
But there was still one thing that nagged her. How could her father and mother who barely saw each other be so sure about how they felt about each other. How could they understand each other without a word and despite being apart for so long love each other unquestionably?
"How are you so sure that your feelings are connected with Mama?" Sarada asks Sasuke her eyes gazing at him searchingly.
Sasuke stares at his daughter a million answers racing through his head.
Sakura was his teammate, wife and the person he unconditionally trusted. While Naruto may have been his reason to come back to village Sakura had been his motivation to stay, to call it home again.
She'd given him hope and unconditonally loved him, something he had to spend several life times deserving but most of all Sakura had given him Sarada, a family again, something that he never thought he'd deserve to have again.
Looking at his daughter with her Sharingan reflecting the strong unbreabale resolve that could have only been her mothers Sasuke sees so much of himself in her as well his wife that the answer becomes all to clear to him.
"Because we have you, Sarada."
I will be posting another part with how I imagine Sasuke's stay in Konoha to be like in a while! I hope you like it please tell me what you think!
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syao · 7 years
Read Time: 5 Mins / Prompt: Alternate Universe 
Hyuuga Neji slowly opened his eyes and found himself welcomed by the sound of chirps and various wild critters. A steady stream of sunlight shone down on his face, even sending up a bit of dust on the grassy spot where he sat by his lonesome.
Hazily, he recalled last night’s dream of making his way through the dark, forbidding forest. For some reason, even his Byakugan couldn’t break through the velvety darkness. His only guide was a solitary soft glow of light radiating from beyond. Out of fatigue, he decided to retire for the evening under the large Japanese red-cedar tree.
His reverie was cut short when a couple of males wearing bright orange clothing and clutching long black metal barrels strode past him. Discreetly, his pale eyes roved around their bodies to find their forehead protector and ascertain which village they were from.
“Too bad we only managed to wound the boar.”
“All thanks to your terrible aim! Even a toddler can aim his rattle at it far better than you can!”
“Oh yeah, you think that kid’s gone home by now?”
“Probably. Who does she think she’s trying to scam? Lost in the woods, my ass!”
He patiently waited until the men had disappeared into the clearing. Then dusting his knees, Neji got up and scanned the forest. His Byakugan was still useless, but he had honed his other senses keenly enough to detect what he was looking for.
Another chakra signature. It was smaller and less apparent than the usual forces he found during his missions, so he was sure that it belonged to the little girl that the men were talking about.
He started to head for the area when he detected another presence. It was running furiously, aiming for the small chakra.
Damn it! Instinctively, he dashed towards the scene. Mentally computing the distance, he knew he could probably reach the little girl in time, but he’d rather not risk it.
 Instead, he took out a couple of kunai and hurled it towards the quickly approaching presence. He watched as his weapons accurately traveled the trajectory path he had worked out and cleanly hit the leaping form.
The wild boar’s momentum, coupled with the powerful attack, propelled the animal to slam heavily against the tree where the little girl sat, brown eyes paralyzed at his blood-smeared weapon that was still stuck in the carcass.
Ah. The poor thing must have been terrified beyond words. 
Not that he could blame the child. She was so small that the span of the boar’s corpse dwarfed her by more than a few inches. Had he not come, she would have been easily the one bleeding on the ground right now.
“It’s okay now.” He knelt down and carefully positioned himself between the boar and the brown-haired girl so the latter did not have to look at the frightening scene anymore. “You should go home.” He reached for his weapon.
To his utter surprise, her small hands suddenly snaked past his and pulled out the kunai. Her eyes grew big as she inspected the weapon up close— from its pointed leaf-shaped blade down to its small ring attached to the pommel.
“Whoa.” Her tiny, awestruck voice registered everything he needed to know. She was not scared at all— she was impressed! Despite himself, the corner of his mouth twitched at the small swell of pride he had for earning a little girl’s admiration.
Just like…  A perplexing thought filled him as he looked more closely at the child. The circumstances were too odd, but the semblance was also too uncanny to disregard.
“How did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Take down that boar with one kunai?” Her coffee brown eyes met his own pale ones. And despite her age, she held his gaze firmly, as if she was conversing with a playmate rather than a grown adult. More importantly, it was a set of eyes he had known all his life.
“Onii-chan?” He heard her prompt with curiosity.
I see now. So that’s what happened. With a rueful smile on his face, he spoke, “It’s because the kunai was made by a weapon goddess.”
“A weapon goddess?!” Her eyes grew wide in excitement. “Ne, ne, can I have this?” She embraced the kunai close to her heart, cheeks flushed with excitement.
Neji shook his head gently. “I’m sorry, but this is something very important to me and I can’t part with it.”
Her face turned crestfallen, but her young eyes reflected empathy beyond her years. “Okay.” She reached out and grabbed his right hand so she could deposit the weapon back to it.
She then felt his left hand fall on top of her head. A slight smile played on his lips as he patted her hair.
“Don’t look so down. If it’s you, I know you can craft a weapon like this someday.”
“But that weapon was made by a goddess!” she cried. “And I’m not… I’m not…”
“Who’s to say you can’t be a weapon goddess?” he challenged quietly. “Deities can be both born and made. And even if you were fated to be nothing but a mortal, won’t it be fun to try and defy the stars anyway?”
“Defy the stars, huh?” She seemed to earnestly consider his words, committing them to memory.
“When that day comes, I’ll find you again.” He leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes. “I want to see whatever you’d end up making.”
She let out a delighted peal of laughter. “You’d be an old man then, onii-chan! You’d be too frail to hold a kunai properly.”
“No,” he murmured, strands of hair blowing across his forehead where his cursed seal was once placed. When we meet again, I will know better. I will not be afraid to hold things that matter to me. I will live with fewer regrets.
“Onii-chan?” He heard her ask uncertainly. “Don’t sleep here. You’ll get cold. I’ll call Lee and our sensei, okay? I’ll ask if you can stay with us. Wait here.” In a second, light footsteps scampered away from him.
Ah, the time has come. The bright, sunny morning was giving way to dusk. Darkness was returning to him like an old friend, along with his memories.
Father… I finally understand the freedom you felt. Choosing to die in order to protect your comrades.
His world started to fade into black as Naruto, Hinata, Lee and the others’ voices grew farther and farther away.
But the last voice he heard seemed to reverberate loudly, as if it spoke from within him
“I’ll never forgive you, Neji!”
Ah. She was furious at him. Quite understandable, given how she labored to protect his blind spot all these years. This was not the way she expected him to end her duty.
How he wanted to apologize. He didn’t want to part ways with her this way. Not like this...
If only I can open my eyes one more time… I really want to see her face.
Then amidst the darkness, he suddenly saw it. A glow of light reminiscent of a firefly that seemed to beckon him. Instinctively, he chased after it, letting it lead him into an invisible maze that gradually gave way to a forest.
His father once said that fireflies give off light in order to find their partner. The one that casts the light is always the woman, and a man only needed to follow so he could return home to her embrace.
And that’s how he ended up meeting Tenten again, against all odds.
The gods of the many universes were smiling kindly at him, perhaps.
He clutched the kunai holster closer to his side.
Relieved of his final regret, Neji suddenly felt so light that he felt he was floating.
Perhaps he, too, was floating away like a firefly; not unlike the soldiers before him that ascended to the heavens to finally take their honored place in the zodiac night skies.
When little Tenten returned with her adoptive father, Maito Gai, and Rock Lee, the mysterious onii-chan was nowhere to be found.
“He must have gone back home,” said Gai reassuringly to his ward. “I’m sure his parents were waiting for him.”
“Maybe you’re right,” she nodded smilingly.
“OF COURSE GAI-SENSEI IS RIGHT!” Lee patted her shoulder warmly. “Let’s go home, too!”
“Alright!” She threw a final glance at the cedar tree, and then marched away happily. “Oh, by the way, I just decided on what I want to be when I grow up.”
“A spitting mirror image of Gai-sensei?” Lee crossed his arms, scowling. “Nuh-uh, got first dibs on that one!”
“NOPE!” Tenten’s eyes twinkled happily. “I’m gonna be… a weapon goddess!”
Note: Side story to Everett’s Web. 
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ultiman73 · 7 years
The Saiyan and the Whiner
@thefandomimagine I hope I'm not too late for the oneshot contest!
This oneshot is based on the imagine "Imagine Goku accidentally teleporting into the Hidden Leaf Village on the day Pain attacks"
Cold wind swept across the clear sky. Birds chirped as they glided on unseen air currents high above the Hidden Leaf Village. In the streets below, countless civilians laughed and walked and traded and carried on with their lives as usual. From his hidden position, Deva Pain narrowed his eyes.
                Deep within their makeshift base outside the village, Konan looked up from her notes. “Is everything ready?”
                “Almost.” Only the faintest outline of the gaunt figure in the tall metal frame could be seen from the light of Konan’s glowstick, its head bowed in concentration over a pair of white-knuckled hands. “In moments, the final connection layer will be complete, and as we tear the Nine-Tails from their grasp, the Hidden Leaf will at last know Pain.” A trace of satisfaction crept into Nagato’s voice.
                Konan glanced over to the corner, where the dossiers of all Hidden Leaf shinobi had been neatly stacked. “I’ve been over the intel more times than I can count, but I can’t help wondering if we’ve overlooked something.”
                “I appreciate your concern, but there is nothing to fear,” Nagato reassured her, not raising his head or opening his eyes. “With the power of the Rinnegan at my disposal, I am as a god to those below, and no shinobi in the Hidden Leaf can stop us.”
                “Bye, honey! I’m gonna go train now!” Goku called cheerfully, waving as he strode out of the front door.
                “Did you get all your plowing done for today?” Chi-Chi asked from within the house.
                “Plowing? Uh…” Goku flew off toward a field to the east, flying back an instant later. “Sure did, sweetie!”
                “Okay, have fun in training! And could you please pick a better spot? I appreciate all the diamonds, but I’m getting tired of picking up all the debris from those mountains. And that horizon is starting to look really bare.”
                Goku glanced toward the horizon and noticed the newly-empty spaces. “Uh, right. Sorry,” he grinned as he scratched the back of his head.
“Oh yeah, Bulma called and said to tell you the new Gravity Chamber is ready for you.”
“Okay, I’ll head over to Bulma’s place. See you later!” Goku placed two fingers on his forehead and bowed his head in concentration. As he did so, a sudden wind picked up, carrying with it the dust of the crumbled mountains. Goku gathered his energy. As he prepared to teleport, some of the dust entered his nose. Before he could stop himself, a sneeze exploded within his chest and out his nose and mouth right as he vanished.
“Huh?” Goku raised his head. Before him lay a busy street clogged with people going about their business, seemingly not caring about the gigantic Saiyan that had appeared in their midst.
“Where am I?” Goku looked around. “I don’t remember coming here before. Well, I guess now we know what happens when you sneeze during Instant Transmission.” He glanced up, noticing a pair of men in animal masks jumping across the rooftops. “Huh, guess they must be into martial arts around here.” He set off up the street, following the direction the men had taken.
Goku wandered the streets, trying to take in everything around him. Briefly he glanced up at the cliff above and the five stone faces it held. “Huh. Wonder who they are and what they’re so angry about.” He moved on, eventually passing a building bearing a sign reading “Academy”. “This must be where they learn to fight. Looks kind of nice. I bet I would have liked it there if I hadn’t had Master Roshi.”
A boy brushed by Goku. “Oops, sorry,” Goku said.
“Don’t worry about it,” the boy said shortly.
Goku stopped dead in his tracks. The boy’s eyes were completely pale, with no iris at all.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize you were blind!” Goku said quickly, feeling through his pockets.
“What?” the boy asked, frowning.
“Hang on, I bet I have a senzu bean in here somewhere,” Goku said, checking another pocket. “We’ll fix you right up!”
“I don’t know what you’re babbling about, but I’m not blind,” the boy informed him. “Haven’t you ever seen a Hyuuga before?”
Goku stopped searching. “A what?”
“Oh, nevermind,” the boy said irritably. “I don’t have time for this.” He turned and jumped away.
“Hey, wait!” Goku called, following him. “If you’re not blind, how do you see without pupils?” Before he could take off, a delicious scent wafted over Goku’s nose, halting him. “Hey, what’s that?” He inhaled, his mouth beginning to water. “Mmmmm. I guess I could use a bite before I go train.”
Goku followed the scent, eventually finding himself outside a small restaurant. Unable to stop himself, he ducked down and entered under the hanging cloths in front.
Behind a counter stood an older, heavyset man. Looking up, he smiled as Goku entered. “Hi, stranger. What can I get for you?”
“A bowl of whatever smells so good, please!”Goku said cheerfully, taking a seat.
“One bowl of ramen, coming up!” The man announced, turning around. “Say, you’re not from around here, are you?”
“How did you know?”
“You’ve just got a look about you.”
“Yeah, I was looking for a place to train and ended up here instead,” Goku admittedly sheepishly.
“Well in that case, this one’s on the house.” The man turned again, bearing a generous bowl of the finest ramen Goku had ever seen. He set it on the counter as Goku tried not to drown in his own saliva. “Consider this a Ramen Ichiraku  welcome to the Hidden Leaf Village.”
“‘Hidden Leaf Village’? Goku asked, picking up a pair of chopsticks.
“Oh, yes. Crown jewel of the Land of Fire.”
“No kidding.” Goku put a noodle in his mouth. “Oh, wow! This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted!” He finished the bowl in one second flat and reached into his pocket. “Can I have some more?” He tossed a large diamond on the counter.
The old man’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “Uh, sure…” He served up another bowl, which disappeared almost as soon as it hit the counter. “Woah! Never thought I’d meet anyone who likes my noodles more than Naruto.” He served up another bowl.
Soon a stack of empty bowls piled up next to Goku’s elbow. Other customers gawked at the pointy-hair giant inhaling bowl after bowl of noodles. One woman motioned to a passing man who joined the crowd. “Where does he put it all?” someone whispered.
The old man stood speechless. “Could I get a picture when you’re done?” he asked, unsure of what else to say.
“Oh yeah, sure.” Goku set down another bowl. More, please!”
Suddenly a gigantic blast rocked the earth. The old man was thrown back against the wall as debris and kitchen supplies crashed around him. Outside, screams erupted as dust clouds engulfed the street.
Goku nearly choked on the last noodle in his bowl. “What the-? What’s going on? Hey, old guy! You okay?” The appeared at the old man’s side. “Talk to me!” Despite his efforts, the old man did not open his eyes.
Lady Tsunade strode into the ANBU combat center. “Report!”
“Massive security breach, ma’am!” One of them shouted. “Reports are coming in from all over the village! Unknown number of hostiles, but they appear to be extremely powerful!”
“Noble Squad was found dead outside the walls, ma’am!” Another shouted. “No signs of a struggle. Whoever they are, they overpowered an entire ANBU squadron in an instant.”
Tusande swore under her breath. “All available units, with me!” She ordered. “We’re stopping this now!”
Goku rushed outside, frantically looking in all directions. The world had exploded. Buildings had been vaporized. Bleeding people lay in the dirt. A never ending chorus of screams filled the air, broken only by more explosions. Gigantic creatures thundered above, raining death down on the helpless innocents below.
A piercing scream rose up to Goku’s right. He whirled around, teeth and fists clenched.
Further up the street, a small child lay pinned under a fallen slab of concrete, trying in vain to pull her bleeding leg free as tears streamed down her face. In front of her stood a girl bearing the same pale eyes Goku had seen on the boy earlier. The girl’s faced twisted in determination, hands raised toward an unseen enemy.
Further away, a lone figure approached them. Six arms hung from the figure’s shirtless body. Metal studs protruded out of its skin. It’s lips tightened into a cruel smile as it approached the girl.
The girl gritted her teeth, her eyes darted back and forth across the thing’s body. As Goku watched, the thing began to twist and transform, its body exposing metal weapons beneath its flesh. The girl stood her ground. The thing raised a hand, blade gleaming. “Now die.”
The girl gasped. The thing’s eyes widened.
Goku stood between them, holding up one finger, glaring duriously. The blade struggled against him, but to no avail. “Are you okay?” He asked the girl.
“Yes, I think so,” she replied, her wide eyes staring up at him, her voice seeming oddly quiet.
“Take her and get out of here.” With his free hand, Goku made a sweeping motion. The concrete slab rose into the air and crashed a few meters away. “Go!” The girl scooped up the child and ran.
“Since when does the Hidden Leaf have a shinobi like you?” The thing asked, it’s mechanical-sounding voice high with shock.
Goku glared into its purple eyes. “I don’t know what a shinobi is, but I’m not one. I’m a Saiyan.” Twisting on one foot, he hurled the thing into the sky. The thing tumbled helplessly through the air for a second, then crashed into the middle stone face in the cliff.
All across the village, the Pains stopped and stared in Goku’s direction. Tsunade halted, momentarily forgetting the gigantic boulder she was holding above her head. “What? What are they doing?” Before she could strike, the Pains took off toward Goku.
Back in the cave, Nagato barked at Konan. “Find out what a Saiyan is! NOW!”
Konan scrambled through her notes. “I’m not finding any reference to anything called a Saiyan anywhere!”
“Nothing?” Nagato squeezed his eyes shut tighter. “No matter. Whoever or whatever this Saiyan is, I will show him the meaning of Pain.”
Goku turned as the five remaining Pains exploded into the sky above him. “Looks like I’ll be getting that workout after all!” Goku took off.
Goku rolled to the left, sending the first Pain flying with a kick. Spinning, he punched away a second and flew up into the third. Grabbing it by the throat, he flew straight down and slammed it into the ground. Explosions rocked the ground around him. He looked up. The puppet thing soared toward him with the others, firing a swarm of rockets at him. Goku raised a hand. The rockets shuddered, turning in midair toward the Pains. A massive pressure wave shot out in all directions from a dense cloud of smoke. Goku dashed in, fists raised.
Lights flashed. Blasts flew. Booms echoed. Seven streaks tore across the Sky as Goku and the Pains battled. Below, Tsunade stood with her ANBU, gazing up in confusion. “Who is that?” She asked no one in particular. “Is that a shinobi?”
“He’s sure not one of ours, ma’am,” an ANBU agent replied. “None of us can fly.”
“Hatzuki! Get a read on him!” Tsunade ordered, pointing.
“Understood.” The ANCU known as Hatzuki raised her head. “Byakugan!” She was silent for a moment. “Ma’am… I don’t know how this is possible, but he’s not using any chakra at all!”
“Not a single joule. I don’t a chakra network anywhere in his body!”
Tsunade turned her gaze skyward once more. “What kind of monsters are up there?”
Goku raced through the sky, punching and kicking and biting and chopping and blazing with unearthly power. All six Pains flew around him, blasting him with their strongest attacks. One of them held out his hand in a pushing motion, as if he expected the move to level the whole village, but Goku felt nothing more than a slight breeze. “You guys are determined, I’ll give you that much!” He called. “But this is a little slow for me, so how about we kick things up a little! HYAAAAAAHHH!!!!” Goku exploded with energy, his hair becoming golden.
As one, the Pains stopped in shock. His power is already astronomical and it's still climbing!
Tsunade’s jaw dropped. “WHAT JUST HAPPENED?” she demanded of everyone around her. No one could tear their eyes away long enough to reply.
More explosions filed the air, almost seeming as one as Goku fought. No eyes could follow the yellow streak as it tore across the heavens. With one punch, he shattered a Pain bearing the power of resurrection, sending it’s debris crashing to the ground. Sensing their loss, the other Pains retreated to a safe distance. “You are not of this village,” the lead Pain declared.
“Let’s just say I’m passing through,” Goku smirked.
“How are you able to transform your body?”
“Oh, this? It’s a little trick I picked up on Planet Namek. There was another guy who wanted to murder everything there too. Bet you guys would have gotten along just fine.”
“You are not from this world?” The lead Pain asked, shock carrying through his voice.
“Nope. I’m a Saiyan from the Planet Vegeta, but Earth is my home.”
Pure terror swept across the faces of all the Pains. “What kind of man are you?” the lead one almost whispered.
Goku lost his smirk. “What kind of man am I? I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness! I am truth! Ally to good! Nightmare to you! MY NAME IS SON GOKU, AND I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO HAVE… THIS… VILLAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!!!!” Goku’s aura exploded, becoming brighter, more intense, seemingly ready to destroy the world should its master lose control for even an instant.
Goku dashed forward, crushing two more Pains with his bare heads. With a flick of his wrists, he sent them flying to the sky, already burning up from friction.
The lead Pain retreated, scattering with the other two. Goku blazed after them, blasting them with punches from all sides as they tried in vain to escape. More thunder rolled across the landscape, and those watching below covered their ears.
Amid the chaos, the lead Pain managed to gather his words as each blow brought him closer to oblivion. “You can’t do this… my Pain is greater than yours…”
                Before the eyes of the onlookers, Goku’s body exploded three more times, first bearing a head of enormous golden hair, then red hair, and finally brilliant blue hair.
The jaws of all remaining Pains dropped. Without a moment of hesitation, they all turned and flew away as fast as they could.
Goku flew under them and drew back his fist. “SERIOUS PUNCH!!!!!!”
The remaining Pains shot into the sky, no longer able to move. Goku moved his hands together. “KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!”
“AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”Nagato howled in agony back in the hideout, the machine overloading from Goku’s power. Konan turned to run. But before she could take more than two steps, the explosion engulfed her, reducing her body to ash as well.
Goku touched down on the ground, his hair returning to its usual black. “That was too easy.”
Instantly, a cheer went up from nowhere and everywhere at once, growing louder every second.”Huh?” Goku looked around.
Out of the wreckage appeared the citizens of the Hidden Leaf, battered but alive. They converged on Goku as one.
“Thank you for saving us, Goku!”
“You’re the best!”
“We owe you our lives!”
“I’ll name my firstborn after you!”
“Goku, will you marry me?”
“Aw, stop guys, you’re making me blush!” Goku grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head as blood rushed to his face.
Tsunade shouldered aside some of the crowd and approached Goku. “Son Goku, I am Lady Tsunade, Hokage of the Hidden Leaf. On behalf of the village, I’d like to formally extend our gratitude to you for saving us.”
“Hey, no problem! I’m just glad I got here when I did!” Goku replied, shaking Tsunade’s hand.
Off to the side, the pale-eyed girl from before stood next to a pink-haired girl, a blond girl, and a brown-haired girl with buns.
“Well, look at that,” Sakura said, smiling. “We got a new member today.”
“Think he could teach us some moves?” Ten-Ten asked.
“I just hope he’s single,”  Ino said dreamily.
Hinata looked at the others. “Um… do you think he’ll get along with Naruto?”
Sakura shrugged. “Probably. He looks like the kind of guy who gets along with everybody.”
Ten-Ten snapped out of it. “Oh yeah, we’ve got to tell Naruto about this! Go see about a summoning jutsu!” She jogged off.
`                                                                       #
A short time later, Naruto arrived. “Huh? What happened to this place?” He asked, seeing the damage. Ten-Ten opened her mouth.
“Big Brother Naruto!” Konohamuru ran up. “You missed it! There was this evil guy and he was destroying everything, but then Goku showed up and he was all ‘No, you don’t!’, and then he went ‘Boom!’ and ‘Punch!’ and ‘Boom!’, and the bad guy was all ‘AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”
Naruto tuned him out as his friend led him toward the group of people huddled around Goku. “Big Brother Goku!” Konohamaru called. “I want you to meet Big Brother Naruto!”
Goku and Naruto’s eyes met. “Well, hi!” Goku said cheerfully.
“Hi there!” Naruto replied. “I heard you saved the village!”
“Well, I couldn’t let all that delicious ramen go to waste, now could I?” Goku laughed.
Naruto laughed as well. “Glad somebody loves Ichiraku’s as much as I do.” He held out his hand. “I’m Naruto, by the way. Naruto Uzumaki.”
"Naruto, huh?” Goku smiled, shaking his hand. “I’m Goku. Good to meet you.”
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keimanzero · 7 years
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Anyone know where I can find this series on VHS or DVD? All I can find are manga books. Thanks.
Greetings fellow Toonami anime fans! I am now keeping those of ya who cannot get CN's Adult Swim Toonami on TV informed and up to date on Toonami's eppys each week. From now on, I am going to be posting updates weekly (Usually on Sundays) here at FB and Twitter as well as at Gaia's Chatterbox.
First off here's the new ASToonami schedule (All times Eastern):
11 PM: Dragon Ball Super
11:30 PM: Dragon Ball Z Kai
12:00 M: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
12:30 AM: Gundam:Iron-Blooded Orphans)(NEW)(Season 2)
1:00 AM: Hunter x Hunter
1:30 AM: Lupin III Part IV
2:00 AM: Naruto Shippuden
2:30 AM: Outlaw Star
3:00 AM: Cowboy Bebop
3:30 AM: Ghost/Shell:2nd Gig
Samurai Jack has been terminated but this coming 28-29 October Hall-o-we'en weekend, Toonami is airing a marathon of the final season of this long anime series.
Updates for 21-22 Oct 2017:
DBSuper: Tournament continues w/ Earth the property of Universe 6 if Beerus's team loses to Champa's team.  Vegeta then takes on Hit, the strongest team member from Universe 6. Using time travel, Hit easily defeats the Saiyaan prince. Goku now faces this unusual assassin warrior who is a millenium old! Goku feels him out before going to Super Saiyaan first like vegeta did. Goku soon discovers Hit's secret time travel trick and is using it against the big blowhard. Who will win? Find out 5-6 Novenber weekend.
DBZ Kai: While Gohan struggles to master the Z Sword on Kai World and the kids (Trunks & GoTen) try to master 'fusion' on the Lookout, Babidi & Buu continue their reign of terror on Earth. At long last, Goku returns to  Otherworld w/ Baba where king Yema informs him that Gohan is not dead yet. Videl tells the gang that she senses that Gohan is still alive- somewhere. Buu builds himself a house out of people turned into clay and continues his rampage. In a rare show of kindness, Buu restores a blind boy's sight and then creates a carton of milk for the lad from a poor delivery guy. Goku meets his son Gohan on the Kai World and Gohan manages to break the Z Sword thus proving that it is the sword's wielder (Goku also handled the Z blade w/ ease) who will have the ability to defeat Buu. The old mustachioed Supreme Kai (From 15 regenerations ago) appears to Kibita, Shin, Goku and Gohan with a revelation for them.
Jojo's BA: Joseph's 'bugbite' on his arm is revealed as a Stand who almost kills him after killing a doctor in India. The cops think Joseph's the killer. Finally, Joseph's Hamon Stand defeats The Empress (Enya) who was the young harem girl. As she dies, the sorceress reverts to her true old crone form. On towards Egypt for the 4 friends.
Gundam:Iron-Blooded Orphans: Orca now leads Tekkaman's kids as advisors to the now allies Gallahorn but all is not so peaceful. More battles and the Boss engineer tells a Tekkadan 17 year old boy that he is too old for the surgery he needs to undergo to pilot a mobile suit Gundam. Kudelia chats w/ her boyfriend who is the best pilot in Tekkadan. Tekkadan & Gjallahorn forces ally to defeat the Dawn Horizon pirates who are forced to retreat.
Hunter x Hunter: Several teams band together to defeat the Bomber team by hoarding catds. HxH seems to be turning into a cross vetween Yu-Gi-Oh and Sword Art Online. With the combined tactics of Hisoka, Gon and Killua, Razor is at last defeated. He gives Gon news of Jin, Gon's father and the gang heads into battle against the Bomber. Well, almost. The big guy with the team that has defeated the pirates agrees (For a 75 card) to draw Bomber's fire while Killua's injuries heal- 3 more weeks. Bisky, Killua and Gon leave the area and hope to avoid Bomber. Hisoka leaves the groups in search of the Phantom Troupe.
Lupin III: Lupin takes a day off with Zenigata hot on his heels. Lupin, Goemon and Jigen are on their way to a sushi restaurant when Lupin drops a bimbshell. Seems he's agreed to help out Fujiko by delivering Josephine, a doggie belonging to a rich fat lady to Fujiko when the cruise ship she's aboard makes landfall at port. Lupin avoids Pops persistent pursuits and does a Duke Boys' number with his car when he jumps from the Cape to the ship's deck. The dog bites his mistress (She refuses to pay the reward to Fujiko) and swims back to shore where he is befriended by 3 co-eds.
Naruto S: The tale of Iruka Sensei and Naruto concludes and we are back to Sasuke and his new gang who are on their way back to the Leaf Village while the Okatsuke rethink their plans. Now they are after the 8 tailed Beast.
Outlaw Star: Arriving at a faroff outpost, Gene, jimbo, Melvina and Twilight part ways for awhile. Twilight has 'business' to attend to but promises to meet them back at the Star. Gene and Jimbo go after a notorious outlaw (10K Wongs reward) and manage to defeat an Android version of the bad guy for a 2K Wongs reward. Mel is left to her own devices and expores the shops. Twilight arrives back with the gang, having defeated the real culprit and collected her 10K Wongs reward. Gene cannot wait to split this world!
Cowboy Bebop: Heavy Metal Queen is 'VT', a space rig 'trucker' who joins forces w/ Faye and Spike to bring down a bounty head named Decker who has stolen a shipment of unstable explosives. We learn how to make a hangover cure called a 'Prairie Oyster'- Yuck! VT has an ongoing bet with a fat stack of Woolongs to the winner. Just guess what VT stands for and win! Spike wins by guessing Victoria Terpsichore, the widow of the famed bounty hunter Terpsichore. However, he takes only a hundred Woolong note for his share and tells VT to buy her hubby a Prairie Oyster with the rest. This eppy inspired me to create 'Trucks In Space' which has become an ongoing part of my fanfictions.
Ghost/Shell: 2nd Gig: In the first eppy from this 2nd season of GITS, the Section Nine gang, headed by Najor Makoto Kucinagi rescues hostages from a group known as the Individual Eleven. They take out all of the 11 members of this hostile refugee group despite the red tape and slow paperwork from the Home Secretary and the new Prime Minister who looks a lot like Chief Aramaki's wine cellar friend in the London eppy 'Angel's Share' from the first season. Who can name all 8 members of Section Nine? Who knows who the 9th member(s) is/are? Hint- They ain't human!
No video games this week.
See ya next time, gang. Tell your friends about my updates.- The Keiman.
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roaringxthunder · 5 months
Continued from here @hana-akari
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"Are you sure? I don't mind getting the test done." He said with a soft smile as he sat beside her on the bed. He gently stroked her hair, a habit he often had when she wasn't feeling the best. He was surprised at how quickly this had come, though the decided to try for a child of their own. "If you want me to take you to the store or the hospital, I can."
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roaringxthunder · 4 months
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continued from here
"No I'm not from here originally from here." He said with a soft smile as he 'looked' to her. He could tell that she was a little more than just a singer. He relaxed his posture slightly as he gave her a slight bow, trying to be as respectful as he could. "I'm Keitaro Yoko, traveler from the Ryukyu Clan's territory. It's a pleasure to listen to such a talented singer." He said as he stood back up.
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