#leandro trossard x you
pedrilcvr · 15 days
Softly — Leandro Trossard.
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Pairing: Leandro Trossard x Fem!Reader
Summary: You wake to the smell of your best friend making you breakfast, a normal routine when he visits. If only you knew it would take one tiny accident for the two of you to get out what you’ve been trying to do for years.
Disclaimer/s: none, just pure fluff!
A/N: This one’s for all my babygirls(angie)… i see you ladies(angie).. i’m lurkin(freaking).. and im stalking(ur reposts).. when you least expect it(its very evident i tell u every time)…
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The smell of freshly cooking bacon wafted throughout your small apartment on the outskirts of Brussels. You’d lived in the city since you were a fresh adult, while starting Uni and hadn’t moved since.
The only difficult part, was the distance it put between you and your best friend, Leo. When he’d moved away for career purposes, you were stuck in Belgium. Although, he did try to visit as much as possible.
Today was during one of those visits. In which, he had always stayed at your place. And every morning, you would wake up to the smell of him cooking breakfast.
Exiting your bedroom with a smile on your face, you shuffle your way into the kitchen. The smell hitting your nostrils in the most heavenly way.
“Leoooo.” You sighed out, accidentally startling him in the process.
“Christ!” He grumbles, “you scared me.”
You laugh, waving away his still wide-eyed state. “Sorry to interrupt, just cannot fathom how good this smells.” Walking toward the stove, your eyes flutter shut. “Maybe I do need to move to the UK.”
Leandro, admiring the way you looked in the morning light, hums softly. “Please do.”
Taking a few steps back so the man could take the pieces of bacon off the pan, you nod thoughtfully. “Unfortunately, moving to a whole ‘nother country for a friend wouldn’t make a very good reason on my resignation letter.”
Rolling his eyes, Leandro moves to open the waffle maker, diligently taking them out one by one. “Just say you’re getting married or something.” He kids, turning to you with a teasing look.
You loved moments like this, when he was more playful than serious. It was a moment just like this, all those years ago, that made you realize you were deeply in love with him.
“Yeah? And who would I be marrying?” You quirk an eyebrow, taking a plate from the newly cleaned stack before handing it to him.
Leandro begins his process of making you a traditional Belgian waffle as he speaks, “well, me of course?”
It was a joke, of course it was. But that didn’t stop your stomach from flipping. Before you know it, you’re speaking again. “Ah, my childhood dreams of our marriage, finally fulfilled?”
You’d mean’t that to come out as a joke, but the way his gaze landed on you, his lips tugged into a lopsided grin, eyes twinkling in the light, oh you’d really meant it.
“You dreamt about that?” He asks, his voice still laced with humor, but with a little bit of something you couldn’t quite place. Something a little more.. wishful.
Cheeks burning a light shade of red, you shrug, trying to find a way to play it off. “Don’t let that get to your head.”
He finishes the waffle, adding a few extra strawberries on the side just the way you liked. “It already has, sorry.” Leandro hands you the plate, his face amused as he watches your eyes roll.
Taking the plate, you tense at the sudden flesh to flesh contact, your hands then failing to grip the plate once his pull away.
A loud shattering sound making the both of you jump back, “shit!” You grumble, slouching down to pick up some of the pieces, only for them to be swatted away.
“Don’t!” Leandro snaps, “don’t touch them, you might get cut.” He softens his voice, concern etched across his face as he swiftly moved to grab a broom from the pantry.
While he sweeps it up, you watch with a from. “Sorry, all that hard word and I drop it.”
“It’s okay,” he sighs, eyes flickering up at you. “Are you okay?”
“Hm? Yeah, why?” Your eyebrows furrow.
“You just seemed a little tense thats all,” he shrugs it off, dumping the contents into the garbage before putting the broom away.
You—still upset— hadn’t noticed he’d made his way over to you. “Don’t worry about it… i’ll make you more. It’s no trouble.” He reassures, his hands holding your biceps with a comforting squeeze.
“I know, I just feel bad.” You pout, eyes meeting his.
His eyes. His dark raccoon-eque dark circles, which only seemed to lighten when during his bi-monthly visits.
Leandro chuckles, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I’d make you a dozen waffles, don’t worry about one. It probably wasn’t that good anyways.”
You pull away from his touch for a second, examining his face. You were certain in that moment, you had never loved him so much.
“I love you.” You blurt out, eyebrows scrunching together.
“I know.” Leandro lets out a breathy laugh, “I love you too.” His hands drop from your arms to his side, already walking back toward the ingredients to make more waffles.
You purse your lips. “No, Leo.” You huff, “I love you.”
He pauses, turning around. “I know, and I said—“
“No, i’m in love with you.”
You said it. After nearly ten years of loving him, so silently, so passionately, you’d finally just said it. And he was quiet. Probably stunned, probably in disbelief.
“And, I said I love you too.” He finally speaks, taking painfully slow strides back toward you.
“Yeah, but I—“
“But nothing.” Leandro tilts his head to the side, his hand coming to rest on your cheek, a feeling you welcome. “I love you, too.”
“Oh.” You blink, subconsciously leaning into his touch, “oh..?”
You two stand like that for a moment, reveling in the moment. An unspoken understanding passing between you in that moment, with you simply reveling in the fact that you’d spent ten long years loving him in silence when the whole time, he’d loved you right back.
You don’t comprehend it when his lips touch yours for the first time, it’s a soft peck. A small, tender act of affection that made your heart do summersaults. Smiling, you press your lips back into his.
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DTS , @halfwayhearted & @ar4ujos . Please no comment on how ?? this is i wrote it at 4 in the morning and i have been awake for like 28 hours straight now so…
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julianalvarez9 · 2 years
can't sleep (without you) / leandro trossard
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request: bestie 🙏🏻🙏🏻 i’m on my knees for a trossard fic/sm!au. honestly, whatever you’re okay with doing. if it’s possible, all i ask is that it’s fluff <3
author's note: bestie this man needs to have more things written about him like 😭😭 he's my little baby. hope this does the trick!!! had the idea for pedri initially but after receiving the request i remembered the wip and said yeah this is for my little sleep deprived boyfriend 🤭🫶🏻
warnings: not really a warning but i use lean as a nickname. i knowww it's generally leo instead, but sometimes lean is used where i live and i thought it was cuter. if you've got any problems with it, you're free to use leo instead :)
summary: the four times you notice leandro's not sleeping well, and the one time he finally does.
wc: 1.400 words
the first time you notice that leandro's not getting enough sleep, it's during practice. your job is to keep them healthy, not only on the physical aspect and thus, on the pitch, but off the green grass too. you've noticed he's been a little off lately, not really focused on the task given and rather looking zoned out. so when practice's over, you approach him carefully.
"hey, leandro, are you okay?" you softly said, grabbing lightly his bicep to stop him from getting onto the changing rooms. he stops when he feels your touch, and turns to face you, concerned look showing on your features which transmitted onto his own. "yeah, why do you ask?" he frowned, while tilting his head in confusion.
"you look... tired?".
the affirmation you said isn't quite what he expected to hear from you. leandro doesn't get mad at you, but he doesn't look happy either. "oh" he mutters, assuming that you're implying that he looks bad. "no no, you look good" you rush to justify, cheeks getting profusely warmer at the confession that slipped from your lips. "just that you could use a nap, you know?".
"yeah, i could," leandro smiled, showing his pearly white teeth. "i'll take your advice. thank you, y/n."
"how was your weekend?" the belgian asks, lightly leaning into the coffee vending machine situated on the end of the corridor. you were supposed to be watching the players, supervising them, but the air on london colney was too cold right now, and you needed a hot beverage to warm you up. leandro, on the other hand, should be warming up already, but instead was too distracted making small talk with you. "catching up on sleep, really needed it. you?".
"i did that too," he commented nonchalantly, rushing to get to your side once you started making your way towards the pitch again, leaving him behind. "sleeping for four hours isn't catching up on sleep, trossard," you deadpanned. it isn't the first time that you reprimanded him about how many hours he rested through the night, but leandro always pushed it off. "five hours is enough for you?".
"that's three hours less than the minimum required".
"are you asleep?".
leandro's voice brings you back to consciousness, even if it was through a soft whisper. you're quite annoyed at being woken up so suddenly, and it shows in your response to his question. "clearly," you mutter, but remain still as you were before, giving the impression that you could fall asleep again any second. "c'mon, liefje, don't be mean," he whispers, while gently tapping your shoulder to catch your attention. you begrudgingly take the mask that was covering your eyes to sleep off, and look at him through tired eyes. "what is it, lean?".
things had started to get more personal lately, hence the utilization of the dutch pet name the arsenal player had given you a couple of weeks ago. in return, you adopted the nickname lean -short for leandro- for him, and you were marveled at how easy it seemed with him suddenly. calling him lean felt right, just as him calling you little treasure in his mother tongue felt.
"should have told you before you agreed to sit with me, but i'm kinda scared of airplanes".
you didn't want to laugh at him, but the giggle left your mouth without warning you. part of his job involved him travelling around to places, so it seemed kinda funny to you that he would be scared of planes. leo faked getting angry at your impromptu reaction, but it was quickly swapped to a pout that made your heart swell. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to laugh at you", you apologized, before continuing "what do you need me to do? do you need some sleeping pills? for me to sing you a song? hold your hand?".
the artificial light on the plane lets you see just barely how his cheeks turn into a slightly reddish color. "t-that's actually a good idea. i think. if you're up for it."
you don't know if it's your need to reassure him, or that you want to go back to sleep as soon as possible, but you extend your arm quickly, searching for his left hand that's resting awkwardly on his lap. the armrest separating both of you isn't the most practical thing, making his arm fall weirdly into your seat and, for sure, causing him discomfort. you drop his hand before trying to raise the armrest, and at first, he doesn't quite understand why you dropped his palm. until you grab it again without him having to tell you twice, and he smiles when he feels you mindlessly drawing circles onto the back of his hand.
"goodnight, my pretty little sleep deprived boy".
the entire team has just arrived at the stadium where arsenal is supposed to play in a few hours. you're all waiting for the call to actually enter the facility, and meanwhile, you're keeping conversation with martin, -seated by your side now-, leandro and kiernan.
you're not paying attention to what they're saying, though, because you're keeping an eye on the belgian. when he yawns, again, you can't help but call him out for it. "leandro, that’s the third time in the last two minutes that you’ve yawned", you chastised, and martin at your side whips is head just in time to catch his teammate yawning a fourth time.
"i promise i'm not tired. i slept well last night", he assures, and you frown, not quite believing it due to the dark circles under his eyes, just a shade darker than they were the day before. "i'll make sure he takes a nap after this game, y/n", the boy seated at his side promises, patting his back lovingly. soon enough, martin joins too. "you'll need to stay with him, kiernan. he told me once he needs to have someone by his side to sleep well".
tonight, you were at his house for the first time. like friends. leandro had set up a movie for you to watch, and some snacks on the little table nearby for you two to eat from. your sense of time isn't the best, but you can guess that it's been almost halfway through the movie. but at this point, you're not sure if the man at your side is even paying attention right now. it's been about 20 minutes since he retorted to rest his head on your lap, and you didn't oppose it, instead starting to caress his long locks mindlessly.
the soft snores catched your attention right away, but you didn't have the heart to wake him up. not when he looks so cute while sleeping, and certainly not when you know he's not the best at sleeping through the night.
eventually, the movie ends, and even if you try not to move too much, you're sure your left leg has gone numb by now. leandro seems to be a light sleeper, because at the littlest movement from you, he's already awake.
"did i fall asleep?" he ask, voice hoarse from sleep. he normally has soft, puppy eyes, but now that they're filled with sleepiness, the sight is even cuter to you. "yeah, you did," you giggle, and he drives his hands to his face, hiding away, embarrassed. he doesn't get to catch onto your lovesick stare, and you're kinda grateful for it.
"ey, no. don't feel bad about it. i actually thought it was pretty cute," you reassure, although, just like the first time you complimented him, it's something that slips past your lips. you get to see the little wrinkles near his eyes, where his hands don't quite cover, before he turns, giving his back to the television. leandro continues hiding his face, but now on your tummy, your sweatshirt muffling the plea that he slowly mutters. "can you stay with me tonight? i can't seem to fall asleep on my own these days".
your cheeks go warm at the implication that you might be what he needs to have a well rested night of sleep. during the little nap he took, he barely moved, and even if it wasn't the most comfortable position -his legs were cramped up together- his sleep seemed to be peaceful. "y-yeah, if it's what you need to sleep well".
"almost sure you're what i need, liefje".
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If you are comfty with it, can I get Leandro Trossard with reader who has pcos and has very painful periods?
I am going thru this rn and it hurts like hell
Oh no, hoping you are okay! I hope this makes you smile x Suffering from the worst period pain, sighing and shuffling in the duvet as you couldn't get in a comfy position at all. Leandro was at training and wasn't here to come support you. All of a sudden you heard a bang, which was the front door barely raising your head from the pillow as you heard the footsteps up the stairs. "Hey amor" you whispered as he kissed the side of your head. "Hi" you whispered as you winced as you were still in so much pain. "I got you a bottle of water, do you need anything else? a hot water bottle" you nodded as he left and went downstairs again. "Thank you" you replied as he handed it down to you. "This hurts so bad, just stay with me" you whispered as he kicked off his shoes and laid down beside you as he cuddled you gently.
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trossards · 2 years
Leandro Trossard’s interview (in Dutch) after Arsenal’s 1-0 victory against Leicester | 25-02-2023 (x)
Pundit: Leandro Torssard, a victory against Leicester that must feel great for Arsenal and yourself.
Leandro: Yes, absolutely. I think the most important thing for us was to keep the clean sheet. One goal was enough for us to win the game, we're very happy about this.
Pundit: Well, you also scored an amazing goal today. However, it was rightfully disallowed in our opinion. How frustrating was that for you?
Leandro: Yeah that always sucks, especially when you score a very nice goal. But I think it was really good that me and the boys kept going and continued trying to create chances, and that they [Leicester] didn't create many chances. So this win feels very good for us.
Pundit: You also had a remarkable role today in the team, Leandro. Can we say that? You didn't play on the wings, but you had a more free role in midfield. It looked like it suited you well.
Leandro: Yeah, it was something else today. I've played in this position at Brighton more often as well. I felt really good today. I was able to play between the lines and I had the ball a lot. So I could play my game well. It went really well today.
Pundit: You've been in the sarting XI twice at Arsenal now and you won those two games. I'm sure this is something you'd want to happen more often.
Leandro: (laughs) Yes of course, I always want to play. But we have a lot of games coming, so it will be necessary to rotate more. It's good I was able to prove myself again. We can go from there.
Interviewer: Congratulations with your performance and the victory. I wish you good luck next Wednesday against Everton.
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leosgreyfringe · 2 months
you tagging the kt x martin pics with 'leandro trossard'...even when he's not there. he's there
LMAO I think my brain shorted out and was like…you know who would love this pic??? leandro trossard
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4 with Leandro Trossard? If you write for him? If you don't, Mykhailo is my go to>
this is my first time writing for him, posted x
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