skinbeautystore · 11 months
The Ultimate Guide to Hair Leave-In Treatment
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Do‌ you find yourself always battling‍ frizz and split ends? Tired of applying your conditioner after every shampoo? If ⁢so, the ultimate guide ⁢to ⁤hair leave-in treatment is here to the rescue!⁣ This guide will show you everything you need to ⁢know about leave in treatments, ​ranging from their benefits to how to use them best.​ Read on to find out how you can get silky smooth and healthy hair in just a few steps!
Table of Contents
- 1. Unveiling the Wonders of Hair Leave-In Treatment - 2. The Basics of Hair Leave-In Treatment - 3. Maximizing the Benefits of Leave-In Hair Treatment - 4. Craft Your Own Hair-Care Routine with Leave-In Treatment - Q&A
1. Unveiling the Wonders of Hair Leave-In Treatment
Want to transform⁣ your ⁣ordinary hair into something extraordinary? Look no further than the⁣ wonders of a hair leave-in treatment! Not ‌only is it an effective way to bring ⁤out‌ the best in your hair, but it​ also improves its condition overall.⁣ Here are some‍ elements to consider when ⁤choosing the right leave-in treatment for your ⁤locks. - Hair type: You will first want to consider your hair type and the desired results. Is your hair thick or thin? Curly or straight? When looking for the right leave-in treatment, make ⁣sure you read the labels and find a product suitable for your hair type. - Ingredients: Before ‌using your chosen product,‍ make sure‍ you take note of ⁣the ingredients, so you can ensure that the ones present​ won't irritate or damage your hair. Be sure to include only natural ingredients with​ lots of ⁤oils‍ and minerals for maximum hydration. - Application: This step‌ is essential to achieving your desired look. You should start by applying the⁤ leave-in treatment ​from the middle ‌of your⁤ locks and‌ working outwards towards the ends. ⁣Apply in small sections and don't overdo it – just⁣ a small ​amount ⁢is enough. So don't be scared to give hair ‍leave-in⁢ treatment a try! This simple routine can help ⁢to ⁤revitalize your ⁢hair and allow for maximum hydration, resulting in a polished and healthy look.
2. The Basics of⁣ Hair Leave-In⁢ Treatment
Leave-in Hair⁢ Treatments: Subduing ​Frizz and Dryness A ​mild leave-in treatment is essential ⁢for keeping your ⁤hair vibrant, hydrated, and⁣ frizz-free. ⁣Not sure how to ‌choose the right product and⁤ apply it? Read​ on. Begin by finding a conditioner or treatment that is ‌formulated ‌for your particular hair type, be it curly, straight⁣ , or wavy. Before applying, wet your hair and comb any tangles away. When your locks are ready, simply squirt the product in the palm ​of your ⁢hand and distribute it evenly​ through your hair. Now you​ are⁢ ready to: - Use a deep-penetrating⁣ protein-rich ‍elixir for coarse, thick‌ hair. - Condition very dry hair with a light cream. - Smooth a serum through wavy or curly locks. - Apply a light detangler to ‍fine, thin hair. To ensure maximum benefit, use ⁢just enough product‌ and ​be sure to spread⁤ it from tips to roots. Lastly, when ​your hair is still damp, ​manipulate it into your desired look. With a solid leave-in treatment, you’ll be able to hit the ⁢ground running with soft, shiny hair each‍ and every day!
3. Maximizing the⁤ Benefits​ of Leave-In ​Hair Treatment
Leave-in hair treatments are an excellent way‌ to keep your locks ‌looking and feeling great. Since it ⁢starts ⁣working immediately, it‍ can provide a ‍quick and convenient solution for those with unruly tresses. ‌To maximize the benefits of a leave-in ⁢treatment, here are a few tips: - Shampoo and Condition Your Hair: Before applying ‌your leave-in treatment, cleanse and condition your hair. This will help to ensure that your scalp and locks are free from ‌debris and pollutants that may interfere with the effectiveness⁢ of your treatment. - Choose the Right ‌Product: There are many different leave-in treatments available depending on your ⁤hair type and desired result. Be⁤ sure to ⁢select a product with natural ⁣ingredients that will⁤ nourish ⁤and protect your strands without damaging them. - Apply the Right Amount: Too much leave-in product can result in a greasy, weighed-down appearance. Apply a small amount ⁢evenly from mid-length to ends⁣ for best results. - Comb Your Hair: After ​applying the product, use a ‍wide-tooth comb to evenly distribute the product through your hair and to remove tangles. By⁢ following these simple tips, you​ can ensure ‌that ⁢your hair looks and feels its best. When ⁣applied correctly, leave-in ​treatments not​ only provide excellent protection ⁢for styled‍ hair but also provide nourishment and moisture for healthy hair⁤ growth.
4. Craft Your Own Hair-Care Routine with Leave-In ​Treatment
Leave-in treatments are essential for⁢ managing and protecting your hair against environmental damage and‌ everyday styling. Creating your own hair-care routine⁣ with ⁤a leave-in treatment helps make sure you⁣ are⁢ nourishing‍ and hydrating your hair from the inside out.⁢ Here are some tips on crafting the perfect hair-care routine ⁤with a leave-in treatment: - Know Your Hair ⁣Type: Knowing your hair type is the ‍first step to finding ​the ‌right leave-in treatment. Different hair types need ⁢different kinds of​ products, so be sure to do ⁤your research before finding the one that works best⁢ for you. - Pick The Right Product: ⁣ Once you know your hair type, it's ⁣time to pick the right leave-in treatment. Look ‍for one that contains ⁢natural ⁣ingredients that can provide nourishment, hydration, and protection for your ‌hair. - Make It A Habit: Consistency is the key to any successful hair-care routine, ‍so ‌make it a​ part of your regular routine. Try to use it at least ⁢once a ⁢week and add ⁢it in⁣ after you wash your hair and before ⁣you style it. - Be ⁢Gentle: When applying leave-in treatment, be sure to be gentle with your hair.‍ Too much product can weigh your hair down,⁢ so ‍only use what you need and avoid applying too much. By following these steps, you can craft a⁤ personalized hair-care routine with a leave-in treatment that will help you ‌keep ⁤your hair healthy‌ and looking its best.
Q: What is leave-in treatment? A: Leave-in treatment is a hair product that is applied directly to damp or dry hair and left in without being rinsed out. It is designed to moisturize and nourish the scalp and hair, creating a protective barrier ⁢against damage and split ends. Q: What ‍types of leave-in treatments ​are available? A: ‍There are a wide variety of leave-in treatments available, including sprays, gels, creams, and‍ oils. Each type⁤ has different benefits and should be chosen based on⁤ the type ⁣of‌ hair and desired‍ outcome. Q: How often ⁤should ⁣leave-in‍ treatments⁣ be applied? A: Most experts suggest applying a leave-in treatment once or twice ​per​ week. However, depending on the type of product used, ​application ​can be done more or less frequently depending on what ‍works best for your ⁣hair. ⁤ Q: Are leave-in treatments suitable for all hair types? A: Leave-in⁣ treatments are generally‌ suitable⁣ for all types of hair,⁤ as they can be tailored to each individual's needs. It's important ​to choose ⁢a product based ⁣on⁣ the type ‌of hair you have and your‍ desired outcome. This ultimate guide ⁢to leave-in treatment for hair is‌ guaranteed to ⁣help ⁤lock​ in moisture, ⁤reduce frizz, and leave your hair feeling healthy and ‍hydrated. When it⁤ comes to hair ​care, leave-in treatments are a‍ must. Embrace ⁢your luscious locks and thank us later! Read the full article
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What if Bucky didn't fall in the Alps? What if Steve managed to get him back into the train?
What if Bucky ended up on the plane with Steve?
Steve knowing he has to take the plane down. Trying to pull rank and ordering Bucky to take a parachute and try to evacuate. So one of them is able to go home to Brooklyn.
Bucky getting royally pissed off at the order. Fuck you, Rogers. It's not 'With you until the stop before the end of the line,' you overgrown, hardheaded jackass.
Steve trying to convince Bucky to go, before Bucky starts talking over him. Yelling over him. Quoting the Book of Ruth. "Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go... Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried."
Throw in a badly timed love confession, because when else will there be.
70 years later, when the plane is found in ice, Captain America isn't alone. Neither is he alone when he wakes up.
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avengers-21 · 5 months
today’s verse ✨
“And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:”
‭‭Ruth‬ ‭1‬:‭16‬ ‭KJV‬‬
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
*Finishing my last question cause I typed enter accidentally*
Do you think Jane Austen married Edmund and Fanny out of neccessity? Like she wouldn't have been able to get the book published if she didn't, or because she feared it would get backlash for breaking convention? Because when I read this bit —
"I purposely abstain from dates on this occasion, that every one may be at liberty to fix their own, aware that the cure of unconquerable passions, and the transfer of unchanging attachments, must vary much as to time in different people. — I only intreat everybody to believe that exactly at the time when it was quite natural that it should be so, and not a week earlier, Edmund did cease to care about Miss Crawford, and became as anxious to marry Fanny, as Fanny herself could desire."
— I remember thinking it was a copout. Like, if she'd known how to get them together in a way that was nice and made sense, she would have written it. Cause I think a more natural ending to the story would have been Fanny getting over her feelings for him after seeing his many weaknesses, and Edmund looking at Fanny with actual respect after seeing her strengths, and them ending up friends in more equal grounds. A tables turned kind of thing. Like, I like thinking of Edmund going to Fanny for vibe checks when he's courting women. So I wonder if that's the ending she would have written if she'd been able to, or if that's just my modern perception interfeering with the text.
I mostly agree with you but I don't think it was exactly about getting published but more that we needed to be assured that Fanny Price was safe.
I wrote a long post about Fanny's vulnerability, but to summarize, she is a poor dependant in the Bertram family, her family cannot provide for her, she can't work as a governess because she's not well educated enough, and if Sir Thomas dies, her fate would be in the hands of a very irresponsible Tom. While I think the point of Austen's novel is that a good woman's love can't reform a rake, but after accomplishing that, she can't just leave Fanny as is without the reader being worried. So she moves mountains to fix Mansfield instead.
Tom is reformed so the future is no longer in peril, Sir Thomas completely changes his attitude towards his sons marrying Fanny, Mrs. Norris is permanently banished, and Susan is installed as a new companion to Lady Bertram, all so Fanny can have her happy ending. It's a lot to be dumped on the reader at the end! But I feel like it's not the point at all, the story Austen was interested in telling already finished.
Also, she straight up admits that Edmund doesn't deserve Fanny, so there's that.
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yumieio · 6 days
ok so I wanna make some garp and sengoku angst so here it is
garp always had trouble controlling his angry just like all his other emotion it was very strong usual sengoku would help be holding him back but what if the person he got mad was the person that calmed him down that happen like usual garp did something stupid and sengoku lectured but this sengoku seemed quite angry more than usual so this soon turned into an argument and garp acts without think especially when hes angry so before he could stop himself he punched sengoku and it was a hard one to to the left of sengoku body garp heard a crack and the punched slightly sent sengoku back stumbling to the floor.
garp was horrified he knew that punch was hard it was harder than any punch he had ever given sengoku when they had arguments like these sengoku looked at him with shock and garp felt like he couldn't move he saw sengoku stumble up garp went to reach out to help but sengoku quickly and forcefully shooed him away and garp went back to standby like a statue not quite breathing right he saw sengoku stumble away when he was out of garps view garp heard a couple of rough coughs yet he couldn't move. All of a sudden he felt an emotion what was not very common for his shame and guilt.For some reason for the nest few day he could find it in himself to even see sengoku. Which was very strange all around cause they were seen together quite often. He when he pass sengoku office only when he had to still heard the rough raspy coughs.
It stay that way until one day tsuru rushes in and in a panicked voice which was unusual for her says something that shook garp to his core "sengoku has collapsed" apparently he was found in his office with a small pool of blood beneath his head the blood dripping from his mouth so now garp was in the waiting room of the infirmary cursing himself and hitting himself for being the cause which confused tsuru cause of course she didn't know what had happened. When the doctor stood up garp basically launched out of his seat but the doctor look solemn oh god had he killed him garp thought no their no way sengokus stronger than that when the doctor delivered the new it was bad but least he was alive sengoku had intreat bleeding and a couple broken ribs their was a couple bruises on the left of his body as well and doctor said he couldn't figure out from what had these thing came from sengoku hadn't been in any fight recently the feeling of guilty and shame grew inside of garp.
Sengoku was in the hospital for a couple week and like coward after the first visit when sengoku was unconscious he couldn't bring himself to visit him only when tsuru gave a very serious scolding did he visit. When he walked to sengokus hospital room with a basket with all sengoku favorite thing from flower to rice cracker he hand slight shook as he reached for the door sengoku seemed to be asleep and it took everything in garp not to just leave the basket and leave the room he sat on one of the seat in the room he hated how peaceful sengoku looked while unconscious he hated that he was here. he hated that he was the cause of why sengoku was here.The man surely hated him right. Soon for some reason even he couldn't explain he cried and cried and cried and cried till he couldn't anymore he slight stammered apologies to the sleep buddha. After he cried his eyes out he felt and hand on his head he quickly looked up it was sengoku he was awake. HE WAS AWAKE!! garp jumped up blubbering to many thing at once. calm down garp im ok you dummy sengoku said weakly his voice was raspy.garp couldn't very form coherent sentences. your awak im sorry I shouldnt. Sengoku assured him and forgave him and garp cried again hard he hugged sengoku tight then loosened it when he remembered that they were in the hospital for a reason the screamed like a banshee for a doctor. After a couple day sengoku was allowed to go home and he wasn't allowed to work even if he tried garp and tsuru would stop him immediately
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urfavouritegirlie · 1 year
Chapter 2
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(part 2)
Now millions of questions where going off in Miles' head. He wanted to know more about 'aunt' Maya. Mainly to jog his memory
"Can you tell me more about her. How did you meet?"
This peaked his uncles intreats. It was long road down memory lane.
"We went to the same high school. Manhattan high school in the 90s. She was a sophomore and I was in senior year. She had moved from a different school from a different state."
YEAR 1995
It was senior year for Aaron Davis. The final year of high school. Here we have an 18 year old Aaron with a short fade with a line cut on the side. He walks through the hallways of school to his locker with his bag drapped over one shoulder. He looked really tired that morning. Why? Must of been the petty crimes he was committing at night. It's not like he had much of a choice. He did it to survive. Living in the projects of Manhattan with a brother who was now working and a single mom who works the entire day was hard. Even harder if the place is constantly running with crime.
He and his brother Jeff were recently involved in this life of crime in order to put food on the table, heat in apartment and to prevent their mother from worrying about bills too much. Maybe it wouldn't have been so hard if their good for nothin father didn't bail on them at a young age. They mainly took part in stealing and scamming. They would steal and sell things to people or dealers. Their mother didn't know that because she would work long hours during the day or night
"Yoo Aaron man where was you last night? You missed a heck of party man. There were some of those chicks form the other school."
"Oh for real?" He answered back completely sounding uninterested. This is his friend, Dion. He's very loud and enthusiastic. He calls himself a ladies man. He's just goofy as hell.
The bell rung and it was time to go to class. The two guys went to class in different classes. Aaron had Maths class first and sat at the back next to the window. He could just sit there and daydream whilst the teacher was talking.
"Ladies and gentlemen, make sure you revise this weekend for the maths exam. This is just a test until the real exam. Remember this is your final year. See you next week."
And with that class was dismissed. Aaron collects his stuff and walks out last. He walks back to his locker. He is literally on the verge of falling asleep. That is until he hears a sweet voice behind him. He turns and sees a girl. This wasn't just some girl. He was pretty sure this kind of girl was every guys dream. She was just so damn beautiful.
"Excuse me could you help me find my next class room. I have a business class."
He was completely mesmerised by her beauty. She had silk pressed hair that looked wavy with a side parting. She wore a plain white t-shirt with a baseball jacket on top. She wore skinny jeans and some white high top sneakers. To top it off she had gold hoop earrings. He finally snapped out it. It was time to pull out his best side. He takes a deep breath. He swiftly raises his hand and puts it on Her shoulder.
"Hey. Yeah sure I'll show you, if you give me your name." He said with a smirk. She gave a shy smile and looked away. It was so cute Aaron could melt.
"I'm Maya."
"Names Aaron. You got a cute name Maya."
She giggles and has a faint blush on her cheeks. He takes his arm back and walks her to business class but takes the longer route so he could talk to her longer. At one point Dion calls him from down the hall. He looks back and waves him off. He smoothly puts his arm around her shoulder. Dion takes the hint and leaves him be. They arrive to the class on time.
"Thanks for showing me my class Aaron."
"I guess I'll see you later. After school maybe?"
"I'll meet you by the entrance."
And with that he walks away to meet up with Dion for gym class. As he entered the boys locker room it went quiet. He looks up and all the guys a looking at him. That doesn't stop him from moving to his locker.
"What are y'all looking at?"
"What's her name?" Somebody asks.
"That ain't your business."
"Aww come on man. I'm tryna tap that. She look fine as hell. I could put a ring on it too. Damn she can have my children." Dion makes his way through the crowd. Aaron turns and gives him a disgusted look. Dion puts his hands up as defence.
"Look man she ain't just some piece of meat to be passed around. I'm sure she's to good for that. Beside I'm meeting with her after school."
This had the guys all hollering about how lucky he was, how he was the man. Of course I am.
Now Aaron was waiting at the entrance for Maya. A bunch of student walk past him then he sees her come out and down the short stairs.
He raises his arm and places it around her shoulder. She smiles up at him.
To be honest Maya liked it. She had a sense of protection around him. They take a walk around and he takes her to a pizza place where most of the students hang out after.
"Let me buy you a slice."
"Are you sure."
To say she was flustered was an understatement. She was in the clouds. From that moment, it was him and her. They stared dating after a few months. He was happy and she was happy. Aaron had money so he brought her gifts. At one point he gifted her a necklace with his name on it. It was gold and in cursive writing. She never questioned it and just accepted the gifts.
Few months after that Aaron introduced her to his mom and older brother. She liked her from the start. She called her the daughter she wanted but never had. Aaron was happy with the interaction between the two ladies. Jeff said you the sibling he wanted teasing Aaron. You all laughed and Aaron shrugged it off. When she went back home his mom talked to Aaron.
"She's a nice girl Aaron. Better than those exes of yours. You better not mess this up."
He looked at his mom with a smile. "Yes ma'am."
He was about to walk away to his room when his mom says "And wear a condom for goodness sake. I don't want another pregnancy scare."
He hangs his head low and leaves with a quiet "Yes ma'am."
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nordleuchten · 1 year
24 Days of La Fayette: December 23rd – Presley Neville
Presley Neville (1756-1818) came from a wealthy and prominent Virginian family that had senior members serving with George Washington during the French and Indian War.
Presley was born on September 6, 1756 in Winchester, Virginia. He was the only surviving son and oldest child of General John Neville and Winifred (Oldham) Neville. The two had married on August 24, 1754. The family moved from Frederick County in Virginia to the outskirts of Pittsburgh in about 1775. Despite this, the men fought in the Virginia line of the Continental Army and not in the Pennsylvania line.
Neville was one of La Fayette’s earliest aide-de-camps when he joined the Marquis’ staff in December of 1777. The early months of his service were unremarkably but we have a number of letters that he copied for La Fayette. But things soon became rather more exciting.
In October of 1778, La Fayette desired promotions for his aide-de-camps, but out of the four men he recommended, only his two American aide-de-camps, Edmund Brice (day 1) and Neville received promotions. George Washington wrote in a letter to Henry Laurens on October 30, 1778:
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“To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 30 October 1778,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series, vol. 17, 15 September–31 October 1778, ed. Philander D. Chase. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2008, pp. 647–649.] (06/07/2023)
When La Fayette planned to return to France for the first time since joining the army, he requested that Neville would be permitted to accompany him. He wrote to Washington on January 1, 1779:
This letter will be delivered to your excellency by Mr. Nevill may aid de Camp whom I beg you to favor with a leave of absence for joining me in France. Besides the affection I have for that gentleman, I also think this voyage may forward the public good as he will be intrusted with those dispatches Congress is going to send. (…) I also intreat your friendship not to forget writing to me, and if you grant the leave I solicit for Mr. Nevill his arrival with letters from you will make me extremely happy.
Gottschalk, Bill, editors, The Letters of Lafayette to Washington,1777-1779, The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 1976, p. 73.
Washington granted La Fayette’s request and he then told friends like Hamilton that Neville was joining him in France. He even wrote the Comte de Vergennes on May 23, that he was expecting three American and one French officer. The only problem; Neville never did leave America, and La Fayette was not aware of this fact.
Washington wrote to La Fayette on March 8-10, 1779:
(…) I have not had the Letters returned to me by Majr Neville, who I am told (but this is no excuse) is indisposed at Fish-kill (…)
“From George Washington to Major General Lafayette, 8–10 March 1779,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series, vol. 19, 15 January–7 April 1779, ed. Philander D. Chase and William M. Ferraro. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2009, pp. 401–405.] (06/07/2023)
The postscript of the same letter reads:
I have this moment receivd the letters which were in the hands of Majr Neville; accompanied by yr favors of the 7th & 11th of Jany. the Majr himself is not yet arrived at head Qrs; being, as I am told, very sick (…)
This is quite the peculiar statement since La Fayette himself was severely indisposed in Fishkill prior to leaving America – and Neville’s luck was far from improving over the coming months.
La Fayette wrote on June 12, 1779 to Washington:
I don’t know what is Become of Cle. Nevill and the Cher. de La Colombe. I beg you would make some inquiries for them, and do any thing in your power for theyr speedy exchange in case they have been taken.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 2, April 10, 1778–March 20, 1780, Cornell University Press, 1978, p. 278.
Washington replied on September 30, 1779:
Colo. Neville called upon me about a month since and was to have dined with us the next day but did not come, since which I have not seen him nor do I know at this time where he is. He had then but just returned from his own home & it was the first time I had seen him since he parted with you at Boston. It is probable he may be with the Virginia Troops which lye at the mouth of Smith’s Cloves abt. 30 mile from hence.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 2, April 10, 1778–March 20, 1780, Cornell University Press, 1978, p. 315.
Neville served for a time as lieutenant-colonel in the 8th Virginia Regiment. He became a prisoner of War on May 12, 1780 after the Fall of Charlestown together with John Laurens. He was quickly paroled and finally exchanged in May of 1781. La Fayette instructed the Chevalier de La Luzerne on June 20, 1780:
May I presume to ask you to convey a million compliments to Monsieur de Marbois and to find out if the son of Colonel Neville, called Lieutenant Colonel Presley Neville, my former aide-de-camp, is among the prisoners?
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 3, April 27, 1780–March 29, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1980, p. 57.
La Fayette also wrote to Nathanael Greene on November 10, 1780:
I have a Request to Make, My dear Sir, Which is extremely interesting to me. Young Nevile, My aid de camp, a Captain By Commission, and a Lieutenant Colonel By Brevet was taken as a Volonteer at Charlestown. The General has told me that you was invested with full Powers to treat for the Southern Prisoners. Nothing, May Give me a Greater pleasure than to have My poor Nevile out of the Scrape which his zeal and Bravery have thrown him into. I was thinking of writing to him, But upon Recollection Believe it More advantageous to his exchange that No Notice Be taken of him till he has obtain’d his freedom.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 3, April 27, 1780–March 29, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1980, p. 224.
Neville was not permitted to leave the city of Philadelphia as part of his parole. But when La Fayette was himself in Philadelphia, the two men met and the Marquis was more determined than ever to get his “favourite” back. He consulted Washington on this matter on December 9, 1780:
I have found here Lt. Clel. Nevill my old aid de camp. He came with Gal. Woodfort to Newyork. It is said that Gal. Lincoln’s aids have been exchang’d and that it is generally the case with aids de camp to Gal. officers actually in our service. I warmly desire to have him. I am told Cornwallis has no powers to treat those matters. Can you, my dear general, think of some method to get him out which it is proper for me to take? I am more than ever puzzled, my dear general, to know what to do.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 3, April 27, 1780–March 29, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1980, p. 254-255.
Washington replied to La Fayette on December 14, 1780:
It would add to my pleasure if I could encourage your hope of Colo. Nevilles exchange. I refused to interest myself in the exchange of my own aid. Genl. Lincoln’s were exchanged with himself, and upon that occasion (for I know of no other) Congress passed a resolve prohibiting exchanges out of the order of captivity.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 3, April 27, 1780–March 29, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1980, p. 259.
After his exchange in May of 1781, Nevill returned to serve as La Fayette’s aide-de-camp during July of 1781 – until he was captured again. La Fayette wrote on August 12, 1781 to Nathanael Greene:
I May add that Clel. Nevill and Mr. Langhorne Being prisoners, I Have No aid de Camp But McHenry and Washington, But I am willing to give up My interest to your wishes, and McHenry's Remaining Some time with me is owing to an other Circumstance.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 4, April 1, 1781–December 23, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1981, p. 319.
The details of Neville’s second capture are unknown. He was released sometimes in 1782 and as far as I can tell never returned to serve under La Fayette. Instead, he married Nancy Morgan, the daughter of General Daniel Morgan in 1782 and they moved with their family to a house known as Woodville about six miles west of Pittsburgh. Their home was situated on the banks of the Chartiers Creek and Neville’s father lived on the opposite site of the creek. Around 1794 he served as inspector for the Allegheny County militia. His county also saw a great opposition to the Act repealing, after the last day of June next, the duties heretofore laid upon Distilled Spirits imported from abroad, and laying others in their stead; and also upon Spirits distilled within the United States, and for appropriating the same, better known as the act that raised taxes on alcohol distilled within the United States. Both Presley Neville as well as his father General John Neville found themselves the victims of attacks and threats during the Whisky Rebellion. It did not help much that Neville was the agent for procuring whiskey for the army.
On December 10, 1819, shortly after his father’s death, Neville’s son Morgan Neville addressed himself to Thomas Jefferson with a particular interest:
The Motive for my present communication, must plead my Excuse for intruding upon you, & the history of your Life, is a pledge to every American, that the humblest request will be attended to.
I am the Representative of the late General D. Morgan of Virginia, to whom Congress presented a gold Medal for the battle of the Cowpens. This descended to me as the eldest male Grandchild of this officer. Unfortunately, a Bank, in which the Medal was deposited, was last year robbed, & this with many other valuable articles belonging to me, was taken. I have lost all hopes of recovering it, as I have reason to believe that one of the Robbers threw it into the St Lawrence: I leave it to you, sir, to judge of my mortification since this event.
I have determined to petition Congress, through my friend, the honorable Henry Baldwin, to pass a Resolution authorizing me to have one struck at my Expense; as my situation however, at present would not permit me to take advantage of such a resolution, without having the original Die, I have written on the subject to Mr Gallatin, & to the Marquis de la Fayette, whose Aid de Camp, my father the late General Presley Neville was, in “77. Since writing to these gentlemen it has occurred to me that, as the Medals voted by Congress were executed under your direction, you might be able to assist me with your advice; if I be not mistaken you employed on that occasion three artists; Duvivier, Dupré, & Cateau. My Grandfather’s was executed by Dupré. Any information which you may have the goodness to give me as to where these dies were deposited; whose property you consider them; the possibility of my procuring the one I want, & what course I ought to pursue, will be most gratefully acknowledged by me. By gratifying me with a reply to this communication, you will lay me under a most serious obligation.
“Morgan Neville to Thomas Jefferson, 10 December 1819,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, vol. 15, 1 September 1819 to 31 May 1820, ed. J. Jefferson Looney. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018, pp. 276–278.] (06/07/2023)
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aeide-thea · 1 year
WOMAN! when I behold thee flippant, vain, Inconstant, childish, proud, and full of fancies; Without that modest softening that enhances The downcast eye, repentant of the pain That its mild light creates to heal again: E’en then, elate, my spirit leaps, and prances, E’en then my soul with exultation dances For that to love, so long, I’ve dormant lain: But when I see thee meek, and kind, and tender, Heavens! how desperately do I adore Thy winning graces;—to be thy defender I hotly burn—to be a Calidore— A very Red Cross Knight—a stout Leander— Might I be loved by thee like these of yore. Light feet, dark violet eyes, and parted hair; Soft dimpled hands, white neck, and creamy breast, Are things on which the dazzled senses rest Till the fond, fixed eyes, forget they stare. From such fine pictures, heavens! I cannot dare To turn my admiration, though unpossess’d They be of what is worthy,—though not drest In lovely modesty, and virtues rare. Yet these I leave as thoughtless as a lark; These lures I straight forget—e’en ere I dine, Or thrice my palate moisten: but when I mark Such charms with mild intelligences shine, My ear is open like a greedy shark, To catch the tunings of a voice divine. Ah! who can e’er forget so fair a being? Who can forget her half retiring sweets? God! she is like a milk-white lamb that bleats For man’s protection. Surely the All-seeing, Who joys to see us with his gifts agreeing, Will never give him pinions, who intreats Such innocence to ruin,—who vilely cheats A dove-like bosom. In truth there is no freeing One’s thoughts from such a beauty; when I hear A lay that once I saw her hand awake, Her form seems floating palpable, and near; Had I e’er seen her from an arbour take A dewy flower, oft would that hand appear, And o’er my eyes the trembling moisture shake.
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bluiex · 2 years
Yes! Yes All, I love that!
Mumbo was laying back as he was messing with a small stress ball. “Well that meeting was tedious huh?” He asked Grian with a small chuckle. “Sorry I kept you here so long.”
Grian shrugged “It’s fine.” He told him finishing up the notes, he couldn’t wait to get home.
Tossing the ball up in the air a few times Mumbo sighed. “I’ve been growing stressed lately. Bdubs takes most of the planning now for me, but I still have a lot to shoulder with this resistance.” He tells Grian.
“Really? Stressed? Well you’re good at hiding it.” Grian commented looking at Mumbo, and that was something he didn’t expect at all.
“Well thanks.” Mumbo chuckled his eyes crinkling a bit. “But seriously, I didn’t actually want this job, it was meant to be a joke really. But people actually voted for me, a guy who used to farm mushrooms and vegetables near the river.” He laughed a bit at the absurdity.
Grian perked up “You used to be a farmer?” He asked curiously, as he put down the pen. He could feel Scar’s intreats peak as well.
“Yeah, made a humble living. Sold to cooks around here and at the farmers market. Guess people trusted me as they knew my face.” Mumbo gave a bitter chuckle. His eyes looked at the ceiling, as he messed with the arms of the stress ball. “I wish I had never went through with it. Wish I could go back home, leave this mess for someone else.”
A silence rang between them as Grian stared at Mumbo. He didn’t expect this honesty from the mayor who seemed to be lost in memories. “Can I ask something?” He looked at Mumbo who hummed. “What are your real thoughts on Father Spore and this resistance?”
Scar hummed I’m his head curiously Mumbo’s brows furrowed, he was silent for a long moment. “Huh…” he finally said. “I’ve actually not given it much thought, most is filtered through a political drivel of threats and people being turned. And I’ve not thought beyond that.”
Mumbo laid his hands on his chest staring at the ceiling again “I suppose he’s interesting. Whatever he is. But beyond that, I don’t know we’ll enough to make an assumption that isn’t through Bdubs rants.”
A pause, the words lingering. “Like his hat though. Cottage core aesthetic and all.” Mumbled chuckled earning a laugh from Grian. “Not that we can tell Bdubs that, he’s scold me.” He laughed again along with Grian.
“My lips are sealed.” Grian promised earning a snorting chuckle from the mayor.
He was… much more complex than Grian though. And Scar seemed to agree with that.
Mumbo just endearing himself without knowing it lol.
ADFDLSDK ough please- these are so good. I love Mumbo in this, all yall are so amazing WAAAH this is amazing Jade
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my-deer-history · 2 years
"Romantic schemes"
On 5 July 1775, John Laurens writes a letter to his father Henry that kicks off a flurry of anxious paternal correspondence. John's letter is not extant (to the best of my knowledge), but we can infer that John proposed a new plan that deviated from his agreement to complete three years of law school in London - it's likely that he suggested curtailing his studies for the time being, and included a plea to return to Carolina to assist in the growing hostilities between the American colonies and Great Britain.
Henry, in the midst of political and military upheaval that was keeping him busy day and night, manages to write a short but sharp reply on 18 September 1775:
I have now before me your Letter of the 5th July which I have perused with much concern_ I intreat you to persevere diligently in your present course of Study, & as diligently attend to the great charge committed to you, & do not even think of a new plan until you hear fully from me_
John receives the response in a packet that also contains a letter to his uncle James, which he accidentally (on purpose?) opens and reads. In it, he discovers a less varnished version of Henry's thoughts on his proposal. He writes to his uncle on 16 November to explain why the letter was opened, and states in an incredulous tone:
My Letter of 5th July is spoken rather more plainly of in yours_ and in such a manner as if I could think the Thing possible would incline me to believe that my Words had been intercepted and changed_
Henry's letter to James reads:
Ask your Nephew John to shew you the Letter [and] Candidly inform you of the Romantic schemes which he had in contemplation the 5 July for altering the course of his Studies, admonish him on that head & if it be needful call in the aid of Mr Corbett Mr Manning & every other friend_
It is fortunate that John did not see Henry's 22 September follow-up to James, where he states his dismay at John's proposal in even harsher and more adamant terms:
intreat him, enjoin command him to continue Steady & diligent in his Studies, Surely he must have undergone an amazing change Since last October, if he is become So hardy as to disregard the advice of a Father & an Uncle who have ever been his friends [...] if he enters upon the plan of Life which he Seemed to pant for when he wrote the 5th. July, I Shall give him up for lost & he will very Soon reproach himSelf for his want of Duty & affection towards me, for abandoning his Brothers & Sisters, for disregarding the Council of his Uncle, & for his deficiency of common understanding, in making Such a choice_ if these reflections prevail not over him, nothing will_ he must have his own way & I must be content wIth the remembrance, that I had a Son_
And Henry does not leave it there. He writes to John again on 24 September. He starts off with a pointed "My Dear Child" (instead of his usual "Son") to set the tone of the message, and then continues:
I mean particularly to press my intreaty that you will diligently persevere in your Studies & let nothing be wanting on your part to render your self a good Member of Society, qualified to do your Country real service_ that you will also diligently attend to your Brothers & Sisters, I am sure you will never forgive your self, if through your neglect or if from a want of your fraternal aid, either of those branches should suffer_
Henry closes his admonishment with a final nod to his authoritative role as John's father (echoing the "child" from his salute) by reminding him that he has not yet turned 21:
Consider the 28th of October is not yet arrived_ receive, & do not snatch, your priviledge which is meant to be acknowledged & confirmed in terms of propriety & honour_
In other words, this is not how a grown man should behave.
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my favorite devil fruits in one piece
Horo Horo no Mi
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user: perona
meaning: hollow
type: paramecia
• the creation and the control of ghosts
• these ghosts can drain the morale, self-esteem and will to live out of anybody
• creation of a ghost network for surveillance
• this allows the user to spy on enemies
• the ghosts can also duplicate themselves into more ghosts
• the user can also make her ghost leave her body which makes her intangible
• her ghost can also levitate and change the size of her body
• she can‘t attack her opponents while her ghost leaves her body
• while she levitates or changes her bodysize, her true body remains unconscious and vulnerable
Unnamed Fruit
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user: jewelry bonney
type: paramecia
• the manipulation of the aging process
• the user can freely make themselvs or other people older or younger
• the user can use this power to disguise her/himself as well as cripple opponents by rapidly aging their intended targets into their senior years or regressing them into little children
• this ability also works on animals
• any of the targets still retain all of their memories and cognitive abilities
Ope Ope no Mi
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user: trafalgar law
meaning: operation
type: paramecia
• to manifest a spherical space in which the user can manipulate the orientation, movements, and physical configuration of anything and anyone (themselvs included)
• the fruit allows the user to perform miraculous surgeries, cure intreatable diseases and circumvent physical disabilities
• the fruit can also grant another person eternal youth
• in order to grant eternal youth to a person, the user has to exchange their own life
Hana Hana no Mi
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user: nico robin
meaning: flower;bloom
type: paramecia
• the fruit allows the user to replicate and sprout pieces of their body from the surface of any object or living thing
• the fruit's powers are capable of affecting many opponents simultaneously
• For defense, the user can conjure traps, shields or barriers to capture or repel incoming dangers with a multitude of her limbs
• sprouting eyes or ears in strategic places, the fruit's powers can also be used for gathering intelligence
• the fruit has the weaknesses of having any damage to their sprouted body parts transferred to their real body
Buki Buki no Mi
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user: baby 5
meaning: weapon
type: paramecia
• this fruit gives the user the ability to change their body parts into weapons, which lets the user become a Full-Body Weapon Human
• While transformed into a weapon, the user does not take any damage inflicted as a result of the weapon's impact, such as detonating while in the state of an explosive
• the user remains vulnerable to the generated weapons if they are aimed at oneself, voluntarily or otherwise
Ito Ito no Mi
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user: donquixote doflamingo
meaning: string;thread
type: paramecia
• the fruit allows the user to create and manipulate strings, making the user a String Human
• the user creates thin, razor-sharp strings to manipulate people’s movements by connecting the strings to their spines
• this fruit also allows the user to practically heal themselvs. example : emergency stitching their heavily injured internal organs which rescues them from an eventual death
• the user can‘t travel mid-air when there are no clouds in the sky
• the strings disappear into thin air if the user loses consciousness
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stranded-star · 2 years
like the flowers grow
fandom: warrior nun
pairing: ava silva x sister beatrice
‘Ruth 1:16
"Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.”
For Beatrice, faith is starting to look like the shimmer of light on her face in the morning, the sweet smell of her hair, a surrender to her insistence for touch.’
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urbeautifulwife · 11 days
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terrytiger · 5 months
"And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me." Ruth 1:16-
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gfmason57 · 5 months
‭Ruth 1:16 KJV‬
[16] And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:
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paullellis · 5 months
‭Ruth 1:16 KJV‬
[16] And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:
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