#leaving cerificate
scotianostra · 2 years
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On February 25th 1888 a conference advocated the adoption of leaving certificates in Scottish schools.
Scotland has long enjoyed an international reputation as historically one of the best-educated societies in the world. The foundation for this reputation was laid in the 17th century and was the result of Calvinist emphasis on reading the Bible. Putting men and women in touch with the word of God was seen by the Scottish authorities and clergy as of paramount importance. To achieve this goal schools paid for by the Church of Scotland and local landowners were established in all rural parishes and burghs by an Act of Parliament in 1696. These educational establishments were run by the Church and were open to all boys and girls regardless of social status.
The democratic nature of the Scottish system so impressed the 18th century writer Daniel Defoe that he remarked that while England was a land ‘full of ignorance’, in Scotland the 'poorest people have their children taught and instructed’. The openness of the Scottish system ran all the way from the schoolroom to the university. A talented working class boy the 'lad o'pairts’ through intelligence and hard work and by utilising a generous system of bursaries was able to gain a university education, something largely unthinkable in England in the 18th century.
That’s not to say it was perfect on further inspection I found out that even in 1892 when all elementary and most secondary education became free, and scholarships were more widely available, few working-class children were able to take advantage of the opportunity. Only just under 5% of pupils attended a secondary school in Scotland in 1897. The real priority for children from working-class backgrounds was to find work and begin earning a wage.
For a small nation Scotland was particularly well-endowed with universities, boasting five in the 19th century - a figure which included Aberdeen’s Marischal and King’s Colleges. The universities were considered to be national, public institutions and, therefore, less elitist than Oxford or Cambridge in England. Because of this they were said to be more open to working people and, indeed, over 18% of the student population of Glasgow university in 1860 was from working-class backgrounds, quite a high number considering the low percentages of working class children who were educated.
The existence of a substantial number of workingclass students has given rise to the view that universities in Scotland were more democratic and based more on merit than the class-ridden universities of England. The wider implication was that Scotland was a less class obsessed society than England.
Again all was not as it seemed, and while we had a working class getting into University, the system was somewhat broken in a way. At Glasgow University in 1889-90, out of 225 students taking the junior Latin class 200 failed. The quality of university education in Scotland was generally poor and inferior to that offered in England. The low quality was mainly due to the fact that there was no university entrance examination and, therefore, children could enter the system as early as fourteen or fifteen, the 1888 act would possibly put this to rights.
As a result, philosophy, which had previously formed the core of the arts degree, was made optional. Students were also forced to compete for bursaries and this acted as an unofficial entrance examination. The setting up in 1901 of the Carnegie Trust Fund, set up by the great philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, provided a further source of assistance and by 1930 70% of university students in Scotland were receiving awards from the fund.
The numbers of students in higher education institutions increased from 4,400 in 1830 to 6,000 in 1900, to 10,000 in 1938. At Glasgow University, working-class students increased as a percentage of the total, from 18.6% in 1860 to 24% in 1910.
The period from 1900 to the outbreak of War in 1939 did not witness the same degree of change in the educational system as had occurred in the 19th century. However, there were important developments in the sphere of primary and secondary education. These changes did little to alter the class bias of education, but collectively they made important contributions to the
creation of an all encompassing modern educational system in Scotland. Education in Scotland has been the subject of much myth-making as regards the openness of the system and the quality of provision. In the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, the educational system catered mainly for an elite section of Scottish society. Although the door to higher education was more open than in England, workers and their families, women and Catholics in general were excluded. For these groups, education was sparse and the quality poor.
Legislation gradually improved the access of all groups to better education, but it was only after the introduction of comprehensive education in 1965 that attempts were made to provide adequate standards for all children in Scotland.
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dullahandyke · 2 years
ALSO I am so down to leak for the mocks. I have both full papers for DEB HL English, paper 1 of DEB OL Irish (will have paper 2 later), section C of HL Biology (at home, idk which company), and I've done DEB HL music and OL maths (idk which company but looking at the rest its probs DEB)
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i rewatched the godfather and listened to the entirety of honeymoon by lana del rey so here’s another mafia Miguel O’Hara drabble
Objectively, there were so many things wrong in the lifestyle that was gifted to you, but you didn’t feel any kind of way about it. You weren’t the type to fill the silence with empty words.
In this line of business, talking could get you killed.
Your husband wasn’t a good man and he often treated you well. He was the most powerful out of all the 5 families that ruled the underworld and he so happened to have a liking to you. You did love him once, that space where your love for him filled is now blank, a white space etched with a question mark. You didn’t know how to feel about all of it since you were his best kept secret, his secret weapon.
He used you to gain intel on his enemies, being a woman was one thing but being as cunning as you was another. You’d go undercover for him, he’d create an alias, a new passport, a new birth cerificate, a new drivers liscense. Your husband was nothing but thorough. And he needed to be thorough when the O’Hara brothers showed up out of nowhere.
The O'Hara brothers were very successful hitmen, but their business ventures were quiet, they moved in brooding silence in an effort to not draw public attention. Gabriel was more about the tech and was often out of town. Miguel, on the other hand, was dark, moody, he was the brawn, the muscle, the one that had to make all the hard choices all his life.
He couldn’t make heads or tales of who they were and how they so quickly got accepted into all of this and how the 5 families didn’t notice them on their radar. You had never seen your husband this anxious when it came to them, so he needed you to scope.
You were his crown jewel, he knew you could handle yourself. So he created a new alias: you were his new suit tailor. It was supposed to be a two month operation but Miguel took longer than expected to try and get close to you. Probably because you forgot to take off your wedding ring and now you had to make that part of your story. A stupid mistake on your half and now you’re reaping the consequences.
But here you were now.
Waiting for him at dinner at the most regal restraunt you have ever been in, you felt a little intimidated that there were a few security gaurds looming over you slightly as you sat and waited. Jesus, they cleared the whole floor out just for the two of you.
This is the type of intel your husband wanted. Intimate.
Miguel saw you through the window before he walked in, there you were sitting so prettily, waiting for him. Pretty silk dress, showing off your legs with those heels that he was surprised you could even walk in.
You were married. He noticed the massive rock on your finger while you pressed down on the lapels of his suit when you first started
Miguel knew you were married and it took a lot of time to prented he cared about it, but he didn’t. Not one bit. He always wanted what he couldn’t have.
He watched as your eyes shot up to see his figure walking towards you, a twinge of nervousness struck at your chest and your fingers started twitching as you felt his gaze simmer into yours. He was wearing the all black suit you made him last week. The sight made your legs buckle but you immediately dismissed the action.
“Salir.” (Leave) Miguel waved his hand and dismissed the guards so that you could both be alone together, the thing he’s wanted to do since he first saw you but you were so…unreadable. So polite and nonchalant, it was galling.
He waited long enough for you, now he wanted to see what your mind held.
“I apologize for being late. Business as usual.” He said coolly as he pulled out his chair to sit down.
Oh? Business?
“Such as? Nothing too serious I hope.” Your replied simply, expertly not giving away that you were digging.
Miguel contemplated your purpose, you were sat there so graceful and poised, so…fucking polite. He almost hated it. “An arms deal, a few of my guns went missing.” He stated huskily, trying to get past this conversation.
You let out an appreciative hum, letting a beat of silence cover you as you retained that knowledge “My husband doesn’t like me playing with guns, we argue about it.” You find yourself explaining your real life issues before your brain could even check it. “I told him men have endless distractions…while we ladies only have shopping and tailoring.” You chuckly dryly, giving him a shy crooked half smile, playing into whatever role of femininity you needed: this time, traditionalist. You wanted to roll your eyes back into your skull. “At least it keeps me at home.”
Miguel couldn’t help but squint his eyes and keep himself locked on you. He thought you were so sweet…and definitely unhappy at home with your husband. He sat quietly for a moment, the tension already laying thick into the atmosphere.
“I hope I didn’t interrupt anything when I called today.”
“Oh…my husband’s away on a trip. So his friends came over to keep me company. More like keep an eye on me. Your call was the perfect excuse to leave.” You say whistfully, not giving too much away.
Fuck, that was just your knack. You never gave anything away, you were so….puzzling. Miguel traced his fingers over his lips as his stared at you.
“Is that right?” He muttered but it definitely wasn’t a question.
“Mhm. It’s a beautiful night tonight, I didn’t want to be surrounded by men who don’t care but a glass of wine would be nice right about now.”
You and Miguel ate and talked into the night, the soft piano playing in the background only added to the tension Miguel could barely touch his food, all he could do was stare at you across the candlelit table, urging you, contemplating you. He hadn’t wanted a woman in so long, it was like you were placed in front of him by God himself.
You sipped at your wine as a slightly concerned and defeat look spread across your face. You told him that your husband is a broker with a fraying temper and you were surprised he believed you.
“He asked me about kids. A daughter. He’d always wanted a daughter.” Although you were playing into your character, you couldn’t stop yourself from telling him the issues that were plaguing you in your real life. You disguised it well but it just fell so naturally.
Miguel frowned when he heard the mention of children.
“And?” He tilted his head urging you to continue as he took a sip of his whiskey.
“Well,” You sighed. “With all due respect, she’d be his daughter. And that affords her a certain amount of protection I don’t enjoy.” You pursed your lips as the words strained heavily, seriousness etching at your features. “He’d never hurt a hair on her head. I can’t say the same thing for myself. I won’t leave her alone in the world with him.”
Now this really was getting intimate.
Miguel felt a surge of protectiveness wash over him, he really didn’t like the way you were describing the way he acts and talks to you. He would beat him bloody for the way he treats you. He shook the thought out of his head, he needed to get a grip.
“In my work, moral codes rarely exist but I have one. I don’t hurt women or children, they are absolutely off limits and my men know this and it’s one or the only rules I expect to be firmly stood by.” He said calmly, trying to calm his temper at what you just told him.
Now this is intel. The mental list was getting bigger and bigger.
You smiled shyly as you placed your elbows on the table, looking as whistful as ever. “I sometimes think I’d rather do things on my own. The things I like don’t interest him.” You hated the fact you were telling the truth.
Miguel watched you, his eyes scorching and heated yet cold and steely. A paradox of a man as he listened intently, his ears pricked up.
“What do you like?” His voice was as rich as blue velvet.
Your eyes shot up and blinked for a moment, stilling as you finally registered the words, Miguel felt you swallow thickly. “I like the movies.” You gave him a crooked smile. “He doesn’t go with me so I go by myself. He and his friends only talk business.” You chuckled lightly.
“I don’t like movies either.” Miguel replied gruffly as he downed the rest of his drink. The look on your face spread into contempt, he caught a glimpse of you under all that politeness. And then you snapped it back on like second instinct as you smiled.
“Mr O’Hara you’re too busy to go to the movies. Even this dinner took you about 3 months to schedule. Movies are for people who have far too much time on their hands.” You teased.
Miguel just kept staring.
“No its not that….It’s too dark. I’m not a fan of too much darkness.”
He doesn’t like the dark?
Your lips parted as a palpable silence settled between you, Miguel was eager to dismiss the situation.
“Would you like another drink?” He grabbed the wine bottle to top you up.
“To keep you company. Alcohol…” You tisked. “Such trivial things…” You muttered quitely.
“If you play close attention to it enough, nothing is too trivial.” Miguel was laser focused on you and all you could do was give him a blank and slightly rattled look.
It was making you feel….things. You can’t feel it, you’re not allowed to feel it.
Miguel watched you as you raised the glass to your lips and took a sip, his eyes travlled to the lipstick stain on the rim as you set it down.
Fuck. Blushed red, a little glossy.
You rotated your head around to still be surprised that no one was actually here.
“Cleared out huh?” You questioned knowingly.
“I value my privacy. And it’s a nice place to talk so no one disturbs us.” He replied back as sauve as ever and you hated the feeling swinging in your chest as they fell from his lips.
The gaze you shared felt like it could last a lifetime, you were both practically eyefucking each other, neither of you blinked until he spoke.
“Your husband works a great deal, eh?” Now he was the one that was prying.
“At what I have no idea. He won’t tell me. I’ve always said that having a man is fine as long as he’s far away from home, right?” You raised an eyebrow, a cunning look filled with hubris and quiet flirtation.
It was like you weren’t even trying to be this sensual.
Miguel’s lips parted as his mouth tugged upwards a little. “Your husband is a broker, yeah?” He wanted to know more about you, about your life.
“If you wanted to know more about him, I’ll bring him along next time. You men always have something to say to each other.”
Miguel hated the idea. Absolutely not. He stayed quiet
“But with women you just make small talk.” You breathed and it halted him in his tracks, the small smirk, the look in your eyes- he wanted what he couldn’t have.
The silences that surrounded you was beating with tension that you thought you once forgot.
You swallowed.
“Small talk like this to me….is a rare treat.”
The night went on. Talking. Slight flirting. An ache started to form between your legs and your cunning was also turning into a mix of that and attraction. Your fingers grazed your arm slowly, your lips were getting wettet and your eyelashes seemed to flutter as you watched Miguel talk.
“The men I work with are high ranking officials and lowlives. But they all have the same look in their eyes.”
Yes. This is exactly what you needed to hear.
“And what is that?” You reply simply.
“Of course.”
“But you’re different, aren’t you? You’re not afraid.” Miguel couldn’t help but comment on you, in this business a woman as polite as you should be on the chopping block but no, there was something about you.
“How about you?” You shot back and as always you disarmed him immediately but he didn’t like to give anyone that sort of power.
No one can catch him off guard.
“You’re smart but not smart enough to know how to catch me out.” Miguel smiled wickedly as he reached for his pack of smokes and pulled out a tab.
Your lips parted as you scanned his face up and down as he put it inbetween his lips. He noticed your mindless yet intent gawk and raised his eyebrows, he took another one out and extended his arm out as his fingers brushed your skin. You stilled and blinked up at him dumbly as his thumb brushed your lips and opened your mouth wider for him to put the cigarette.
His touch was like liquid fire.
You finally caught it and then he took his lighter and lit his and yours up, watching the way your lipstick stained the butt. When you fingers held it, he caught a full view of your wedding ring, it was massive diamond rock held together by golden pearls. His face grew embittered by the sight, his frustration fanned into anger and now his sentiments remained the same.
He always wanted what he couldn’t have.
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computingpostcom · 2 years
In our previous articles, we discussed the installation of OpenLDAP Server on Ubuntu and how to setup OpenLDAP client on Ubuntu. This short tutorial will cover securing LDAP Server with SSL/TLS certificate and key. You have two options of obtaining an SSL certificate used for securing LDAP Server. Using Self Signed SSL Certificate Purchasing SSL certificates from trusted CA This guide will explain use of self signed certificates. So Let’s get started. Step 1: Generate Self signed SSL cerificates Login to your LDAP server and generate SSL certificates to be used. $ mkdir ~/ldap_ssl && cd ~/ldap_ssl $ openssl genrsa -aes128 -out ldap_server.key 4096 Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus …………………………………………………………………………………..++ ………………………………….++ e is 65537 (0x010001) Enter pass phrase for ldap_server.key: Verifying - Enter pass phrase for ldap_server.key: Remove passphrase from the generated private key: $ openssl rsa -in ldap_server.key -out ldap_server.key Enter pass phrase for ldap_server.key: writing RSA key Generate csr. $ openssl req -new -days 3650 -key ldap_server.key -out ldap_server.csr You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:KE State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Nairobi Locality Name (eg, city) []:Nairobi Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Computingpost Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Computingpost Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:ldap.example.com Email Address []:[email protected] Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []: An optional company name []: Then sign your certificate: $ sudo openssl x509 -in ldap_server.csr -out ldap_server.crt -req -signkey ldap_server.key -days 3650 Signature ok subject=C = KE, ST = Nairobi, L = Nairobi, O = Computingpost, OU = Computingpost, CN = ldap.example.com, emailAddress = [email protected] Getting Private key Step 2: Configure SSL on LDAP Server Copy Certificates and Key to /etc/ldap/sasl2/ directory. sudo cp ldap_server.key,ldap_server.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ldap/sasl2/ Set ownership of the certificates to openldap user. sudo chown -R openldap. /etc/ldap/sasl2 Configure LDAP Server to use SSL certificates. Create LDAP configuration file for SSL, $ vim ldap_ssl.ldif dn: cn=config changetype: modify add: olcTLSCACertificateFile olcTLSCACertificateFile: /etc/ldap/sasl2/ca-certificates.crt - replace: olcTLSCertificateFile olcTLSCertificateFile: /etc/ldap/sasl2/ldap_server.crt - replace: olcTLSCertificateKeyFile olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: /etc/ldap/sasl2/ldap_server.key Apply configuration using the following command. $ sudo ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ldap_ssl.ldif SASL/EXTERNAL authentication started SASL username: gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth SASL SSF: 0 modifying entry "cn=config" Restart LDAP server: sudo systemctl restart slapd Step 3: Configure LDAP Client for TLS/SSL Connection Configure LDAP client to ensure connection between client and server is encrypted. Add TLS_REQCERT allow line to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf . echo "TLS_REQCERT allow" | sudo tee /etc/ldap/ldap.conf Now configure OpenLDAP SSL mechanism by uncommenting the lines below on file ldap.conf. $ sudo vim /etc/ldap.conf # Line 259 - OpenLDAP SSL mechanism ssl start_tls ssl on You can now enjoy SSL connection between LDAP client and Server.
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youthsloadedmedia · 2 years
Joe Anekhu Ohiani Has No Primary School Certificate — Senate
Joe Anekhu Ohiani Has No Primary School Certificate — Senate
Joe Anekhu Ohiani Has No Primary School Certificate — Senate THE Senate yesterday discovered that President Muhammadu Buhari’s nominee as the substantive Director-General of Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commision (ICRC), Joe Anekhu Ohiani has no primary School leaving Cerificate as he was said to have stopped in primary five. Consequently, the Senate asked him to go and supply…
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heartcfgolds · 7 years
yoyo vee here and after 397862 years ive finally done it & nameless is no longer nameless, thats right u heard me so lemme introduce you to my smollest most purest sweet summer child cordelia holloway aka cordelia fortescue aka bob. brING ME PLOTS!!1!!!
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+ growing up life wasn’t all that bad for cordelia. her mother, juliet holloway was a v well known curse-breaker & she had never met her father ( as according to her mum she didn’t know who her father was ) this would be an immense thorn in young cordy’s side but she was never one to complain, she might have wanted both parents in her life but she’d choose one over none at all. + as a child she caught a really bad case of dragonpox, nearly losing her life to it in the process. due to this cordy spent nearly 8 weeks of her life confined at st. mungo’s as she saw treatment. + cordelia isn’t afraid to show affection, in fact she’s what you could call ‘overly affectionate’ when it comes to the people she likes. having grown up with no siblings ( but always wanting them ) she pretty much just adopts her friends into siblings. nicknames will be dealt out in heaps and no fucks will be given. petal, babe, cutie, sugar, cupcake, you think it she’s probably nicknamed someone it. she loves fully and unconditionally. + shes a polymath in every sense of the word, very open to new things, always asking question, any situation could and probably is a new life lesson for her. not getting answers or denied the truth drives her up the wall & truthfully has a hard time taking no for an answer. + ever since she was a child she’d had issues with following rules, espeically if they didn’t seem right or fair to her. she will speak up when it comes to what she stands for comepletely unabashed & unapologetic. + not prone to anger at all and is a very patient babe. not to be confused with being a pushover though. its all rainbows and smiles until you push her too far and she pushes back, because in the end she will do what she needs to protect herself ( and the people she loves & cares for ) + back at hogwarts cordelia was a griffyndor. studious but did get docked a lot of houspoints for tardiness as she’d tend to get distracted easily. ( theres always something more interesting going on ) + when cordy first started at hogwarts her mother was digosed with a terminal illness and sadly a couple of months before graduation her mum died. leaving school early she went back home to bury her mother and when doing so ( aka sorting through stuff ) she stumbled upon her birth cerificate ( on which florean fortescue is named her father ) ( which was confusing as heckie to her because shes been told her entire life that her mother didnt know who her father was, which turned out to be a big bold faced lie ) + anyways so after this its sad ofc and she is filled with grief at the loss of her mum but cordelia returns to hogwarts finishing school and finally graduating. + after graduation she sets out into the world with a clear goal in mind ( aka find daddy ) but on her way to finding her father she meets the merry band of misfits that is the cahills & co. and joins the lot of them #criminalprotoge making a whole bunch of new fam and picking up a new traid or two #shelivesforthisshit + yeah she gets kinda sidetracked on her mission to finding her pops.. but in the end (aka a couple of days before the longbottom & fortescue wedding) cordy tracks down ( with the help of her ganG ) ian ( and alice since shes staying there for the time being ) and sURPRISE hi new fam betcha didn’t know i existed.
character parallels; elle woods, veronica mars, buffy summers, eliza schuyler, torrance shipman, jane villanueva.
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Thomas Kinkade Pool of Serenity (foster city) $1200
For sale is Thomas Kinkade's Pool of Serenity, the garden of prayer II. This is a limited 30"x24"impressions on S/N canvas edition with cerificate of authenticity. The frame size is 39"x33". Please leave me a number in the reply email if upu are int ... from Craigslist https://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/clt/d/thomas-kinkade-pool-of/6420299883.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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dvnmskmzcrzz-blog · 7 years
     Had to break out the magnifying glass on this one, folks! I recently decided to revisit my relatives in my Jackson/Hamn tree on Ancestry, because you kow, that’s what I do. Plus, the dead really have been quite silent these last few weeks.
Anywho, there I was excited because there were a ton of NEW LEAVES!!! I love new leaves, they make it so easy for the dead to start coversations with me- or maybe, they make my ears more in tune to their chattering. Whatever the case may be, it is safe to say I was estatic and I happily began checking out the leaves, not even caring if anyone talked to me or not.
And wouldn’t you know it? Someone started talkig to me almost immediately! Roxanne Tyler flagged me down with her death cerificate. Roxy, as she was called while living, was born in 1859 to Gabriel and Martha Tyler and she is my third great aunt. The Tyler name may sound familiar to you because, they’ve been rather chatty this year ad her brother and nephew were featured earlier in He Was The Son of a Preacher Man…
This is all mundane information and I am sure you are wondering why I was calling the mystery squad, right? Well, here is the thing… She was 51 years old when she died in 1933.
Here’s a copy of her death certificate and a copy of the 1870 Census- I’ll wait while you do the math…
  It didn’t add up for me either. At first, I was confused as how someone could just magically drop twenty-three years off with no one noticing- I mean if that’s the case, then I would like to be 25, please and thank you.
But that isn’t how life works, is it?
I started meticulously reviewing all of the information I had on Ms. Roxy, trying to identify the point in her life when she shaved all those years off. I figured this woud be done most easily in the census records, because they were notorious for errors or jotting down whatever they felt like… No such luck. Each subsequent census shows her age with only a slight variance in her age, ranging from a year to three year difference, but not the twenty plus, I was looking for. Not to mention that the final census she is found in, has her at seventy years old.
Her marriage record indicates she was twenty-three when she married Mr. James Morton on July 25, 1883. Here, her birth year is 1860. So, again, not enough of a difference to cause any alarm or concern.
This is about the time that Roxy stopped talking to me and I was really wishing the Mystery Squad would hurry up and answer the call I had put out.
While I was waiting, I began to ponder how a body would behave if it was twenty years older than what you were telling people it was… I mean mind over matter goes a long way, but is it really possible to convince a body to act and behave as a younger body- if you just convince your mind to believe it? Again, if that’s the case, then I believe with all my might that I am twenty-five… I wonder how long it will be before everything else falls into place? 😉
This was getting me absolutely no where and my brain was starting to hurt from all the work of thinking… I decided to take one more look at the death certificate. Naturally, Roxxy started whispering sweet nothings in my ear, again. I looked over and over the death certification looking for clues and I was continuously drawn to the informant; Ada Morton Mercer, aka, the daughter of Roxy Tyler Morton. How in he world does an adult child not know how old her parent is? This was difficult to fathom, because my own children, excepting the toddler, know how old I am and have known this information since they were in elementary school. Am I the lone parent that encourages her children to know things about her other than ‘I am called mom’? I hardly think I am.
Ada Mercer. Why did Roxy keep directing me to her? I could not figure it out. I guess Roxy was getting frustrated with me, because the next thing I know, she was seemingly screaming at me, “do the math dummy!” (Yeah, my dead people can be a bit harsh when you aren’t moving fast enough to their liking…)
I can imagine that Ada was very distraught over loosing her mother and may have even been a bit tired, exhausted or even depressed, which is why when the form asked for the age of the deceased, she listed her own age, 51, in response.
Yep. Roxy was getting me all worked up over her daughter. I haven’t had a chance to dig in and see what’s going on over there, but when I do, I will be sure to let you all know!
Have you come across a for or other document that contained wrong information? How did you go about finding the correct info? Once you found the right stuff, did you make any effort to get the wrong things changed? Why or why not? For me, I think I will just make a note on Roxanne in my tree and leave it at that. I don’t think it would be worth it to get the information changed anywhere else.
I can’t wait to hear about how the wrong info has affected you in your searching! And like always, please share, share, share! I’m not picky, so I won’t tur away your likes and comments, either!
There’s A Mystery Afoot      Had to break out the magnifying glass on this one, folks! I recently decided to revisit my relatives in my…
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Thomas Kinkade Pool of Serenity (foster city) $1200
For sale is Thomas Kinkade's Pool of Serenity, the garden of prayer II. This is a limited 30"x24"impressions on S/N canvas edition with cerificate of authenticity. The frame size is 39"x33". Please leave me a number in the reply email if upu are int ... from Craigslist https://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/clt/d/thomas-kinkade-pool-of/6420299883.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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Thomas Kinkade Pool of Serenity (foster city) $1500
For sale is Thomas Kinkade's Pool of Serenity, the garden of prayer II. This is a limited 30"x24"impressions on S/N canvas edition with cerificate of authenticity. The frame size is 39"x33". Please leave me a number in the reply email if upu are int ... from Craigslist https://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/clt/d/thomas-kinkade-pool-of/6420299883.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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Thomas Kinkade Pool of Serenity (foster city) $1500
For sale is Thomas Kinkade's Pool of Serenity, the garden of prayer II. This is a limited 30"x24"impressions on S/N canvas edition with cerificate of authenticity. The frame size is 39"x33". Please leave me a number in the reply email if upu are int ... from Craigslist https://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/clt/d/thomas-kinkade-pool-of/6420299883.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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