#led down lights
lightbulb-warning · 7 months
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kokichi fashion weekend- MONDAY EDITION!! day three cyberpunk
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98chao · 1 year
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i like trying new artstyles
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crispywizardtale · 6 months
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At first glance: Wes during a Limp Bizkit rehearsal. But zoom out...
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And you get...
Wes performing with Lady Gaga at the 2009 VMAs
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neige-leblanche · 2 months
guys i am licking all of you. affectionately in a social bonding way
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dongjunz · 1 year
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Nine - seoul drift (230317)
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laymen often comment that the primal forces of magic in fact seem rather underpowered; that it is only by marrying two or more of them together that one can achieve any kind of usefulness. this is the result of abandoning depth for breadth, but an understandable decision. the difficulty encountered is that in order to excel, truly excel at any one primal force, one must alter their understanding of reality fundamentally.
mages of space view the world as expanses, more easily manipulated once grasped, for good and for ill—they become impossible to disorient, but extremely dense objects feel, to their magic, like impossibly vast distances. time mages, on the other hand, eschew distance and see everything as a long line of history. a mage of time can take that line and follow it back to its source, or use it to choose the future they find most preferable.
to a mage of light, the world becomes not space or time or air or gravity, but rather: a series of laws. of facts, and extrapolations following the facts. but seeing is only the first step: the second is daring to take one's own pen and strike out the lines of the contract deemed undesirable.
it is then perhaps unsurprising that the students of light were the ones who set their sights so high. believing fully in their own right to determination, they identified the chief bottleneck in their abilities and sought to remove it. each magical force filters through a divinity—save now for one. the mages of light have killed their god.
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One of the best investments you can make is cozy mood lighting for your room
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ocdhuacheng · 10 months
Acab obviously but I’m literally such a cop when it comes to certain traffic violations like I’m always coming on here afterwards to complain like
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
no but listen im genuinely obsessed with the idea of what he's going to feel when he's unwhammied. like. can you fucking imagine having someone--and specifically THIS someone for mr benedict--rummaging around in your head and changing things, making you feel joy, and it's like. both the VIOLATION of that, the horrific violation of feeling yourself changed against your will and then coming out of it knowing how you acted and what you said and who saw you and how humiliating and violating that must feel, but also. oh, also. also the guilt of how relieving it was, how good it felt to not be weighed down by guilt and pain and loneliness and anger and depression and stress and anxiety to just be like. uncomplicatedly happy. to not feel alone. to be with his brother again. to be happy. and like. to wake up from that with the weight of the world back on your shoulders, furious and humiliated and violated and horrified and just utterly cracked open and vulnerable and scared and angry, but all of that mixed up in the guilt and shame and embarrassment, and just like. you just have to get up and keep going. you just have to endure because it's not fucking over yet. and he's got so much self-loathing and self-blame and guilt that would he even like. this feels unforgivable but he loves his brother so much and he blames himself for what he's become. it's so hard for him to get angry on his own behalf at all, even for the things nathaniel has already done, and this feels so much worse but what can he do? what can he do? maybe it breaks them just a little. maybe it breaks him just a little.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
You know what games Moon would be able to play without having to worry about switching to Sunny with?
Gameboy games.
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haarute · 1 year
Show your fightstick
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behold, the BaikenBox™
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kirexa · 9 months
I could probably get away with pulling an all nighter,, i don't rly wanna sleep :(
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infizero · 10 months
ok that final credits scene was awesome. sooooo cinematic so so cool. also can we talk about light hallucinating L right before he died
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matthewmoorwood · 10 months
One thing abt me you gotta understand is that I will NEVER have my font small, or my brightness up. I already get ENOUGH headaches I don't need to be waterboarding my retinas via 11 point Arial in my own damn home!!!
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i hate when weird shit happens to me while i have a headache bc then i have to figure out if its just coincidental or if ive unlocked a new migraine symptom
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