#and constance. psychic. can just. see this.
bi-demon-ium · 2 years
no but listen im genuinely obsessed with the idea of what he's going to feel when he's unwhammied. like. can you fucking imagine having someone--and specifically THIS someone for mr benedict--rummaging around in your head and changing things, making you feel joy, and it's like. both the VIOLATION of that, the horrific violation of feeling yourself changed against your will and then coming out of it knowing how you acted and what you said and who saw you and how humiliating and violating that must feel, but also. oh, also. also the guilt of how relieving it was, how good it felt to not be weighed down by guilt and pain and loneliness and anger and depression and stress and anxiety to just be like. uncomplicatedly happy. to not feel alone. to be with his brother again. to be happy. and like. to wake up from that with the weight of the world back on your shoulders, furious and humiliated and violated and horrified and just utterly cracked open and vulnerable and scared and angry, but all of that mixed up in the guilt and shame and embarrassment, and just like. you just have to get up and keep going. you just have to endure because it's not fucking over yet. and he's got so much self-loathing and self-blame and guilt that would he even like. this feels unforgivable but he loves his brother so much and he blames himself for what he's become. it's so hard for him to get angry on his own behalf at all, even for the things nathaniel has already done, and this feels so much worse but what can he do? what can he do? maybe it breaks them just a little. maybe it breaks him just a little.
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mvshortcut · 1 year
You know what I find fascinating? In the books, the *instant* Curtain learns about Constance's psychic powers, he immediately begins plotting how he can use her. He reacts with delight, exclaiming, "Oh, what a useful little girl you are! I had no idea!" On multiple occasions, he demonstrates his intent and capability to use Constance's powers for his own gain by making her "verify" that his threats are truthful (and that he intends to follow through on them).
When the Ten Men are chasing after the children, there is a higher value placed on Constance's head than the other three children: "She's the greatest catch, at any rate," in TPD, as well as McCracken in Riddle of Ages asking, "Does that frighten you, ducky? To know that you're important to us?" So important that he attempts to trade the safety of the rest of the children for Constance. (Whether he intended to follow through on that promise is another matter.) Point is - her powers make her useful, her powers make her valuable, and Book Curtain and the Ten Men do not hesitate to exploit this.
What's fascinating to me is that we see none of this in the show. The reveal that Constance is psychic is met not with a sick delight, but more with, "Ah, dammit, I should've *known* the tiny girl was psychic. Rats." And then the conversation moves on! Even though Curtain had more pressing issues to deal with at the moment - namely, the return of his long-lost brother - Curtain doesn't even follow this up in Season 2. At no point does he show intent to use Constance's powers to further his own aims somehow. He never instructs Jeffers to give Constance "special attention" in any way.
In fact, the only person we see kidnap Constance for her powers is Garrison - and I would argue that Garrison was less fascinated with Constance's abilities and more so tormented by the dilemma of repairing and perfecting the Whisperer. Constance was the one to destroy the Whisperer; therefore, she needed Constance to take the new and improved Whisperer for a test run, make sure it was failproof. Not necessarily because she wanted Constance's psychic powers to improve the Whisperer somehow. Her improvements were all her own, all science; she just needed a bear to test out the newest prototype of bear-proof packaging.
And I wonder what caused this change between the worlds in the way Constance is treated. Is it the changes made to Curtain's personality? Is it the fact that he has a child in this universe somehow? Is it because Constance was already under his Happiness control when he comes face to face with her in Season 2? (Although you'd think that he'd mention her powers on the phone to Jeffers if this was solely the reason.) Is it the fact that he's too focused on his brother? This seems unlikely to me, as Show Curtain seems to treat the children with a sort of respect as enemies in Season 2, despite the fact that they're eleven. He constantly glosses over the involvement of the adults to insist that Jeffers apprehend the children, so clearly they're important to him. But they're all equally important and threatening to him for their ability to somehow, inexplicably outwit him - not the fact that one of them has psychic powers.
Anyways, I'm not sure where I'm going with this, or if there's even a reason we can pinpoint for this difference. I just think it's a really interesting change and really serves to differentiate Show Curtain's character from the books.
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phtalogreenpoison · 1 year
Constance my beloved
So to start this post off, I have been having brainworms over Constance's internal monologue where she feels like she is annoying as a person. And how she remembers one time when she accidentally saw in Reynie's thoughts that he was annoyed with her when she didn't mean to be, she was devastated. Because as a little sibling myself, yes you want to pester your friends/family, especially if you need/want attention, but you don't want to come across as annoying unless you're TRYING to be. But then how it helped her whole world view and self esteem once she realized over time that Reynie treated her the exact same way. Because he cared about her. Because that's one of his best friends. Because that's his baby sister. Because yes, she's annoying, and he still loves her.
And that's not even getting into how she she is so insecure in the Prisoner's Dilemma about not being officially adopted because she doesn't legally EXIST,,, so in her head, maybe the Benedicts don't want her FOREVER ya know? And how Mr. Benedict eases that fear by doing everything in his power to provide this traumatized lonely child a safe, loving home. I imagine Rhonda being a consistently soothing presence, and Number Two probably also gets through to her in a way maybe the others can't because they share a similar fiery temper. And so by the time that the Riddle of Ages takes place, Constance calls Mr. Benedict "Dad" in a way that maybe Rhonda and Number Two felt too old to do by the time they were adopted, providing both of them this strong sense of found family. Maybe Constance dyes her hair red because it reminds her of Number Two, and she misses the fact that Rhonda moved out because she got married.
Also I definitely her as neurodivergent but specifically autistic. She has a love of words and pattern recognition (so much so that she is literally psychic lol), but this can result in her getting overstimulated and burnt out. She feels like she can be a difficult person, but she is literally constantly dealing with sensory overload because she is bombarded by everyone's thoughts and feelings all the time. And they learn how to accomodate her! Constance's poems are a way she expresses both her loves and her frustrations, and in Riddle of Ages, Sticky and Reynie understand why she's in her room so much of the time (besides obvious psychic reasons). They are also just glad that she is eating, and sweet foods seem to be a safe food for her. I imagine Moocho's apple pie is especially so, and I bet Kate makes sure she has some on had when Constance has had a particularly rough day.
Anyways I probably will rant about her again, but I loved seeing this grumpy, brilliant child so loved and cared for as she was, without having to change those aspects of herself. Yes, she does grow up and learns things about herself, but she is still fundamentally so Constance.
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nobodysdaydreams · 6 months
My Last Minute and Probably Wrong Guesses for @tmbswhodunit (and my undoubtedly flawed logic to go along with it)
Drumroll please...
Petrichor - @mashpotatoequeen
The title is lowercase and most of her recent titles are also lowercase
Many of her fics have titles like this (fancy words like eucatastrophe or bellis perennis)
This fic is very beautiful, amazing word choice, gorgeous visuals (which is what I really love about her writing 💖). I also enjoyed Constance and Sticky's sibling dynamic very much!
We'll Both Be Completely Home in Midair - @oflightningandstars
The title of this fic on AO3 ends in a period, which Moth has done on occasion
The AO3 version also lists where the title is from, which is a Moth staple
The fic is locked. Moth is one of the only people who consistently locks his fics
Even when you ignore the first three points that make me look overly analytic (sorry), the fic is about aliens, which is very similar to the "Cirque des Etoiles" concept which involves stars and spaces AND the Dr. Who AUs, which at some point involved Moth.
The writing, characterization, and concepts are also absolutely beautiful, so they match Moth's style perfectly!
Steady On - @mvshortcut
Milk always double spaces between their paragraphs and also this feels a lot like Milk's writing (and had me on the edge of my seat the whole time! seriously the part where Martina doesn't take Mr. Benedict's hand...why do you do this to me... /lh /I loved this fic!)
Milk's titles are all capital letters, so this fits that (sadly so do many of these fics, but that at least narrows it down)
Milk consistently tags both the books and shows for their fics. There are only two fics in this that fit that requirement. It was for this specific reason that I only tagged the TV show for my own fic (at least for now. I'll probably edit my tags now that the exchange is over).
The Interview - @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
Summary is a longer sentence, other authors usually use shorter ones.
The way the paragraphs are spaced is very similar to her other fics
The angst is AMAZING and very similar to that one snippet I saw on her tumblr during whumptor with her OC's (which was also very well written, but also hurts??? And what happens to Sticky??? The public (me) needs to know! /lh /great writing).
The Alpaca -@lizardwoman-from-earths-core-2
Has used *** to separate lines in fics before
The fic is unrated, and some of her fics on AO3 are also unrated, which is generally rare.
I really enjoyed this fic. The line "some has Godfathered my daughter" made me laugh. 😂
Art: A Psychic Among Us - @heyitsthatonesmolgay
Has made fan art for me before (which I love😍) however, that was a pencil sketch, so it's hard to compare the styles.
You can make gifs and animations for free with fire alpaca (according to google) which I know Nick uses
The way Nick titled the fan art was to put "art" or "fan art" before the title of the art in all caps, which matches this style.
This art is fantastic, I love the animation, I love the concept, just...all of it. 10/10. Anyone in the fandom who makes art is officially a wizard in my book because I don't know how they do it.
Fairytale- @fandom-queen-13
This one gave me the most trouble out of all of them by far. At first I was 100% sure fandom-queen-13 was the one who made some of the fanart, because I have art drawn by her for my SOS fic (if you haven't see it, it's amazing!) BUT! The art submitted to the exchange didn't match the style. Also, I know Crow does a lot of fairytale AUs, and I know Sophie and I have talked about them too, so that really threw me off. HOWEVER, there were three key things about this fic that tipped me off:
1) The bold alternating text in the fic and use of ~ matches other works of hers on AO3
2) The fact that it says in the description that this fic was inspired by "@sergentsporks". There is no one with that URL on AO3 or tumblr, HOWEVER, there IS someone named "@/sergeantsporks" and I found this post: https://www.tumblr.com/sergeantsporks/695958143301255168?source=share. Only one person in our fandom liked the post. Once I figured that out, it cracked the case wide open (unless of course someone else liked and unliked the post in which case this entire guess post is completely wrong. If that is the case then um...my bad? 🤷🏻‍♀️)
3) The writing is amazing and completely blew me away, not unlike the art style I'm more familiar with. Seriously, this was a FANTASTIC concept and I loved it so much! Werewolf Kate and Milligan my beloveds!
Card Games - @ae-jurumi
This one was difficult. Once I determined that fandom-queen-13 was in fact likely NOT an artist, I was down to Amphibian and surprisingly, realized at the last minute that I forgot to consider Sophie as an artist. I've seen some art from Amphibian in the past, but it can be hard to track down because they have two blogs, and as for Sophie, she writes such great fic that I find myself forgetting "oh yeah, she's also an amazing artist, like really good???" however, I had to go with amphibious entity for this. Why? The art seemed slightly more their style, and most of Sophie's recent fics have titles where all words were capitalized.
Most seem to agree with me, as the tmbswhodunit poll had them winning for this
Has only written one fic that I know of (which was INCREDIBLE everyone read it) but the odds of them doing art for the exchange seemed higher
This art was amazing. It's so beautiful, I can't even tell if you drew it or use software to do it, but either way, it's incredible and proves my earlier point that all fandom artists are wizards.
I Have Spent My Entire Life Clamoring Towards It - @mysteriouseggsbenedict
All words of title are lowercase which Frances sometimes does
Posted to an anon collection as well as WhoDunIt and I know from the discord that Frances was worried about the fic being posted properly
Mary Oliver is a poet, and we know Frances studies library science
A wonderful and sweet fic, and we know that Frances is a wonderful and sweet person. Suspicious. /lh /affectionate
Seriously a very wonderful fic. I love anything where Nicholas Benedict is a good dad and a good mentor.
Cat Fic - @crow-in-springtime
Second word of title is lowercase, which is consistent with how recent fics on AO3 are titled
Author took finals according to the tags, and Crow is in the right age range for this
Has tagged fics "I wrote this instead of sleeping" before
Usually writes fairytale focused content (which I LOVE), however, this fic also seems very much in the wonderful adorable whimsical style of Crow
Crow also tags both the TV show and Book on AO3 (as does this fic)
I love this fic. But the cliffhanger though: what is the cat's name??? 👀
Don't Grow Up Too Fast - @sophieswundergarten
It is to my great shame that this took me the longest to guess and it might not even be correct
But it matches the technicalities of Sophie's writing: the use of long dashes, each word of the title is capitalized.
The biggest give away is that it’s one of the only works Sophie DIDN’T give kudos to, and you can’t leave kudos on your own work.
Also, the writing really does feel like Sophie. I know she loves nicknames, and the "Pen/Penny" thing is a nickname. So. There's a clue right there.
She also loves sibling dynamics, so focusing on Rhonda and Number Two's relationship fits that too.
Sophie already commented on two other fics and she doesn’t seem like the type to comment on her own fic and throw everyone off (would be impressed if she did though)
The writing leaves me with a warm feeling that I get whenever I read fluff by Sophie. So the more I think about it, there more confident I am about this guess. I think I just had to eliminate a few other choices first.
Amazing fic btw. They are such a family 🥰
And...finally...as many were quick to guess both on tumblr and in the discord:
Sirens of the Sea and Sky - @nobodysdaydreams
The Crangst (Crack + Angst) style is my bread and butter (though I usually emphasize the angst more).
It’s the longest fic in the bunch, because in classic Bods fashion, I never know when to quit. The whole paragraph of backstory was completely unnecessary.
Also in classic Bods fashion, the fic has a glaring typo (I wrote that Mermaid Curtain drove into the water instead of dove into the water. I fixed it on AO3 but not before everyone read it on tumblr. Oh well. At least this way we can imagine mermaid Curtain driving his golf cart into the sea).
Genuinely curious to know the exact moment in the fic that made @sophieswundergarten and @myfairkatiecat go "oh gosh dang it Bods" and all but @ me and/or private message me about it (as I suspected they might).
Don't judge me. This is finals did to my brain. They melted my mind. I swear, if this is the first fic of mine you've read, literally any of the other 7 works on my AO3 are so much better than this, I promise.
Really, who else could it be? Who else would do this? The silliness and absurdity haunts me like a plague. I will never be free. Never. I didn't even try to make this funny, this is just what my brain is like 24/7. I've never seen one episode of Sailor Moon and have barely watched any H2O and that was years ago. So why write that into a fic? I don't have the answer. I know not what I do. But I hope that at least some of you enjoyed it, because despite everything, I really enjoyed writing it!
Thank you @mahpotatoequeen for putting this together and thank you to everyone for your wonderful fics! When I have more time, I will be leaving comments on them all because you all are extremely talented deserve them! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 💕💕💕💕
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
So I have a head cold at the moment, I’m immunocompromised, may we get some sick chaos choir headcannons pretty please with a few sprinkles on top?
of course! hope you feel better, anon! 💕
Okay, so we all know Ocean basically has no immune system and Always Gets Sick
But Penny has an immune system of pure IRON
Homegirl NEVER gets sick
Nobody knows what the hell kind of vitamins and CBD oils she was being given at Elysium Farm, but she’s like a Barbarian that chose Totem Warrior as its sub-class. Immune to basically EVERYTHING (except Psychic damage lol)
Also, Ricky has a weak immune system
He and Ocean are sick buddies!
Noel is the overdramatic sick person
Noel: I’m dying!
Constance: You have a cold
Ocean 🤝 Noel - Not wanting to ever blow their nose because it’s embarrassing
Meanwhile, Mischa will, no fear. And he sounds like a goddamn TRUMPET
“And this is why I refuse to blow my nose in front of you people” -Noel (with Ocean nodding at his side)
Constance will make soup for people who get sick!!
And that soup is like it’s made by ANGELS
If God is real, some of his holy essence is in that soup
That soup will make Noel religious
It’s just really good okay
Once when Constance got sick, the others decided that they would make HER soup!
It, uh
It certainly was a liquid-based food that they made
So none of them knew the recipe (it’s a secret), so they tried to wing it
That didn’t work
They used Way Too Much chicken broth, so it tasted kinda chemically for some reason (based on when I attempted to make egg drop soup, used too much chicken broth, and it tasted like a chicken marinated in cleaning chemicals…with eggs)
They didn’t have the noodles Constance usually used, so they used spaghetti noodles 😭
Halfway through, they were like “this isn’t gonna work,” ditched the soup (didn’t throw it away, though, because that would be a waste), and decided to make something else
Mischa suggested porridge!
Easy peasy!
Except it was not easy, and it was not, in fact, peasy
Constance can hear the choir’s shouts of dismay from her bedroom
Noel and Penny had to rush to interfere with her when she came out of her room to see what’s going on
“No, no, everything is fine!” “Yeah, everything is fine! Go back to bed! We got it all under control!” “OW, I JUST BURNED MY FREAKING HAND!!”
It was a mess (literally)
Okay, okay, away from that!
Other various headcanons for the choir while sick!
So we all know that Ocean will REFUSE to rest when she’s sick until she’s either forced to rest or passes out
Mischa is kinda the same way, but not as severe
He just doesn’t like being seen as “weak” because of his whole Tough Guy persona
He doesn’t mind the other kids taking care of him, though! However, he WILL roll his eyes and act like he doesn’t care (he cares immensely)
Meanwhile, Noel will tuck himself in bed like a sickly Victorian child when he just has a little fever
Ocean will do the choir’s work if they’re too sick to do it themselves (she doesn’t mind, it gives her something to do)
Constance encourages everyone to get a lot of rest when they’re sick!
On the other hand, Penny will message the sick person wanting to play Pool on Game Pigeon to keep them busy
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ragecndybars · 1 year
top 5 mbs characters, bc im predictable, and then top 5 persona ...ships? if you don't do a lot of shipping than characters works.
unfortunately i don't actually follow persona all of my knowledge of it is just me voting for whatever you say to in the various polls you reblog (i gotchu homie).
and then just for the sprinkles on top, top 5 favorite birds. they can be specific birds (ie steve the magpie, a local magpie in your area, or big bird) or bird breeds (parrots, a titmouse, lilac breasted roller, etc) up to you. 🎉
or only do one, or two, or all of these! no offense will be taken. im giving OPTIONS
aaaaa thank you!!! for the ask, for the options, and also for supporting my little blorbos in those silly polls 😭
Top 5 MBS Characters:
Kate Wetherall. I. Was. OBSESSED with Kate as a kid. I do prefer her in the books but I love her show incarnation as well!! The weird girl energy, the autism, the ADHD, it's all off the charts. Fav line from book Kate is still "Well of course it's not funny, but what do you want me to do? Cry?" List of sentences that changed my brain chemistry as a child.
Not to be a basic bitch, but Nicholas Benedict. Oh my god, I loved him in the books already -- we love to see a "wise, all-knowing mentor" character with actual personality and limitations -- but the direction the show took his character in was truly inspired. His discussion with Reynie about the white knight in the books is PEAK.
Reynie Muldoon. Understandably, since he's the POV character, he was the one I actually related to most as a kid. I love the "always trying to stay calm" thing he has going on, and how the narrative never punishes him for trying to be kind and genuine and earnest even though so many books and shows nowadays feel the need to equate niceness with naivete.
My funky little Milligan. Yet another character who I loved in the books already and adored seeing more of in the show. I especially love how much more autistic they made this man. "Geez, how 'bout a hello?" "........Hello." / "I'll be back." [vanishes] [reappears] ".......I'm back." King shit. And no matter what incarnation it is, his reunion with Kate will always reduce me to tears. The memory that was so deeply ingrained into his brain that even Curtain couldn't take it from him... was just that memory of his little girl asking him to go to the mill again... AUGH.... 😭
Constance Contraire. Like Kate, I prefer Book!Constance, but I adore the way the show portrayed her as well. First of all, she's hilarious. Second of all, while she's often being irrational, she also can be a voice of reason in some ways, and we love that. Funky little psychic child. And I just ADORE how kindly the book treats her. Even when she's getting on the other characters' nerves in a big way, the book never suggests that she's a detriment to them, that she needs to sit down and shut up, that they would be better off if they ditched her, or any number of other things that a less understanding narrative would be claiming.
Top 5 Persona Ships
Hamugis. Ohhh my god. MFW the overwhelming guilt I feel for having potentially ruined someone's life by sealing Death inside of her as a child slowly transforms into admiration as I meet her again and begin to see her as a strong leader and then love as I begin to discover my own humanity through her. MFW "I don't want you to love someone else... I don't want that, even if that's what would make you happy!!" MFW I touch my robot GF's literal heart and leave an indelible mark on her very being. Also uhh that one post. "I do not understand hookup culture!!! Die in my arms!!!" yeah. Aigis and Kotone for number one love story of all time.
Akimina. Much less canon interaction to go off of with these two but stay with me here. T4T autism4autism. I love Akihiko's earnestness and Minato's bluntness and how they combine to make a relationship that lacks miscommunication while also leaving a lot unsaid because neither is much one for conversation. I like the idea of Akihiko's intense desire to be strong to protect someone playing off of Minato's much more reserved, almost lackadaisical attitude, despite Minato's strength, and I think it would be so interesting to watch them move in opposite directions -- Akihiko learning to cut himself some slack and trust others rather than thinking he has to protect everyone alone, while Minato learns to break out of his shell and actually care about those around him and want to protect them -- while they also, at the same time, are learning almost identical lessons about relying on other people.
Ulamaya. The two girlies of all time. I adore how Ulala's combined jealousy and affection for Maya play off each other and how Ulala is one of the only characters in the game who feels like she's fully seeing Maya as she is -- a human like any other, even if she presents herself as eternally optimistic and strong so that others can lean on her. Their relationship feels so... equal. If that makes sense. Which, as much as I appreciate KatsuMaya, can feel a little lacking in other Maya ships imo, bc it always feels like other characters (ESPECIALLY the masked circle) tend to idolize Maya. And Maya's forgiveness of Ulala's betrayal... what's that one Hozier line... "I'd be the immediate forgiveness in Eurydice." Yeah.
Pegoryu. God I just love how ride-or-die Ryuji is right off the bat. You meet him, have a near-death experience with him, and ten minutes later he's shoveling more food onto your plate insisting that you need to eat more. Even before then, it may be Akira who saves Ryuji from Kamoshida, but it's Ryuji who tackles him away, yells at him to run and save himself, who gives Akira the faith in humanity that the rest of the world had eroded away at that point.
Tie between Saoriham and Kannao. Saori's social link is one of the best parts of Persona 3 straight up, and Kanji and Naoto are just so goddamn cute together.
Honorable mentions: TatsuJun ("I... have nothing to give you in return..."), YukiChie ("Yes, Chie is my prince..."), ShinjiMina ("If the burden of command gets to be too much, just let me know."), KatsuBao ("Idiot... What were you going to do if I pulled the trigger?" "I knew you wouldn't.")
Top 5 Favorite Birds
Orioles!!! I have such fond memories of helping my grandma skewer orange halves and fill jars with grape jelly as a kid to attract the orioles (though I thought they were called oreos for the longest time, lmao)
Robins. We get a ton of them around here and I love seeing them hop around on the sidewalk.
Magpies. Haven't seen one meself but they're such cool birds. If I could have wings I'd want them to be magpie-style.
Crows. Another bird we get a lot of around here, their calls are so Autumncore.
Falcons. They're just cool and I like them. (insert Madge joke here)
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sylvieeee5 · 2 years
HI!!! Don’t know if you know me, but I’m Sylv! I do liveblogs of MBS (I’ve been a fan since fifth grade haha) that are QUESTIONABLY readable and cat-picture heavy!! Speaking of… a little kitty update!!
If you’ve been reading my LBs for a while, you may remember this adorable bean:
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Well, I’m delighted to announce that Sonic has found his forever home- with my grandparents! Congrats on winning them over, little man- can’t wait to see how much you’ve grown when they come to visit next week!
okay i actually have to watch it now hhhhh
fear. and excitement
MBS Season 2, Episode 1: A Perilous Journey.
Let’s go.
!Warning!! Book/show spoilers ahead!
Welp, she said it! Roll credits on the whole production, boys. (actually no don’t habsgshdhssh)
okay we haven’t even made it past the RECAP yet, come on sylv-
rip mouse 😭😭😭
hey king cmoN IT WAS COOL
baby!!! also we have her name said for the first time!!!
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yes.... yes you are 4:12
NEW INTRO?????????????
4:20 (ayy)
THE A L PA C A HUH??????
also “not identical”  👀
dog man...?
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i amn... intrigued
smug... fishing for compliments... yep this is the loser we all know and... love?
Ah Connie girl- trying to use your newly-discovered psychic abilities to kill him through the screen?  I don’t blame you tbh
who’s he blaming for this one???
Heavily used in the trailers... might I be detecting a bit of double meaning?
“I can”- make anyone happy... and control what they’re saying.
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the only sane one-
rhonda: completely unbothered
...how many times has constance tried to do this sshkj
🙄 babies.
okay, i know they’re not legally sisters in this ‘verse, but... sisters
mission failed. we’ll get ‘em next time
very reassuring.
girl what????
are you forgetting the tried-to-take-over-the-world part???
well crap
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It’s been a year, but Kate’s still struggling with healthy independence vs. shutting people out,,,
And their relationship... It’s still new, to both of them. It’s a struggle to go back to... being father and daughter.
parents expressing interest in your fandoms be like-
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“We know each other.”
such a good ammaaaaaaaa i’m going to cry
ms perumal i love you
excellent icebreaker queen
a firm no
okay i know that was a trick but...
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girl what
fyueawkiWHQdiquhlJHSDKKADSUKI hey. don’t diss the sweater vest.
the well.
Everyone’s a critic
she really said  👀
also WHAT
o-hoh no
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constance he IS your father and you CARE him
they play chess
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sibling behavior
constance behavior
“A book in a book... Bookception.”
that was. remarkably stupid
the journal that... isn’t a journal and is just a nonsense book.
what’s that got to do with it constance
Everybody knows that, Kate.
brave boy arc :)
That’s not a verb, sir
kate i adore you
local fish population decimated. sugar prices skyrocketing. great job guys
oh my god
what have i just witnessed.
his stupid gOLF CART
they’re coming right on THROUGH with the curtain loser energy
this ain’t a pyramid scheme king(derogatory)
I’m so stoked for this season!!!!! So far, apart from the Curtain stuff (which I, still have not fully processed,,) it seems pretty 1-1 with the book... but as we know, things will certainly diverge...
I give 201: A Perilous Journey a 9/10! A lovely little bite of what’s to come- only prevented from a perfect score by the laCK OF A TITLE DROPPPPPPPP
I am. so upset about that.
See you later today for episode 2!
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marvelousfangirl01 · 1 year
RATING: M for Graphic Depictions of Violence
Please pop over to Ao3 where this fic is also available! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43721379/chapters/109942566 :)
The black widow bride was back, dead but alive, able to think and feel for herself. What had George done to deserve this? Had his mental state gone so far south that he couldn’t hold the curse any longer?
George didn’t foresee himself returning to Leota’s seance chamber at any point in his afterlife, yet here he was.
“Georgie!” Leota’s gravelly voice was an endless echo in the chamber. The odd glow of the room, the bizarrely textured and colorful rugs, and Leota’s bright-green face… It all made George feel a bit woozy. “Good to see you again!”
George waved feebly to the enchantress. “I need your help, Leota,” George stated. “I made a terrible mistake. I… let her out.” George knelt next to Leota’s crystal ball. His knees felt like they were about to buckle. Leota was an averagely beautiful woman with sweet eyes and flowing hair—though nowhere near as beautiful as Constance. George was ashamed that he was even objectively looking at Leota.
No. Constance was evil. He should not be looking objectively at Constance either – he had no loyalty to her. She was his killer…
Just let it go already! George scolded himself. His hatbox was filled with his head again. He was not happy with Constance at this moment. If he were, he wouldn’t be here in Madame Leota’s chamber asking for revenge once again!
“It was all an accident,” George sighed. “I was afraid and it got out of control… I felt my hands shaking and then it was like the whole house was shaking…”
He was entirely out of breath.
“Mmm,” Leota hummed, eyes glowing. “Sounds like you want revenge.”
“What?” George denied it, but the psychic was correct. “You’re jumping right to the point…”
“I know you, Hightower. You are a hardworking man who won’t give up his successes for anything.” Leota’s crystal ball began to levitate higher. George craned his skull to see her. Developing in her eyes was a crazed look, one that would put Constance’s large blue eyes to shame. And maybe it wasn’t totally wrong to look at pretty Leota, the one who had saved his life for many years and kept Constance at bay.
Leota had her affairs going, though. She’d dabbled in relationships with ghosts and ghouls alike. Besides, the crystal ball situation was… inconvenient, for physical touch.
If anything, George just wanted Constance back. For himself.
“But you won’t escape your past if you keep fighting for those same successes you once had,” Leota continued.
George reeled. “How can I let it go when it’s been part of my life for so long? When I wake up I only think of her, Leota. I want to keep her enslaved but also set her free. I want to escape her, yet I don’t. I hate her yet I love her.”
The panic would never subside. Months of dancing in the empty foyer of Hightower Mansion, years of clinking glasses flowing with ruby red wine, a lifetime of kisses that George just wanted to get back, a death by hatchet… the memories would always assault him.
Unless, in fact, he could get Constance back.
“I have an idea.”
George hadn’t realized he spoke at the same time as Leota, but the green crystal ball was already emitting an unusually bright color.
“Does this excite you?” Leota’s voice echoed once again, but not due to the seance chamber’s open space; no, this was a work of her magic.
Constance’s precious face, gold with radiance and youthful beauty, appeared as a blockade in front of him. She clasped her hands innocently over her heart, just as she always did, but the hatchet didn’t appear. A few more seconds and she would’ve started murmuring sweet nothings to George.
“Leota, you think… we could bring her back?”
“Yes. With the amount of care you still harbor for her, it would be easy to materialize a past version of Constance and use that to trap her instead of using the attic.”
It was sick; it was horrible.
And yet, all of it was perfect.
“So if this goes according to plan, she won’t remember our argument just now, nor will she remember her act of murder?”
“It will all cease to exist for her because she will be trapped in her past.”
“Will she still be plotting for the best time to kill me?” George’s head shuddered again. The thought and precision put into her killing were pure evil. “She thought about it for our entire marriage, I am sure.”
Leota dropped back to her position on the table, no longer floating like an angel. She went silent.
“I cannot be sure. That thought would be associated with the past version of Constance.” The enchantress clicked her tongue. “I suppose it would just exemplify your past life, if she were to remain obsessed with killing you. Besides, you can’t die again. You’re already dead.”
“I’m already dead.”
George was entranced. Women, visions, surrounded him. Supple breasts pressed against his naked chest. Soft red lips kissing his collarbone. The silver hatchet, ruby blood spilling on the carriage cushions. And perhaps there was something to be said about the way George liked Constance’s obsessive mind, her crazed eyes when she got the slightest bit mad.
We’re all a little crazed here, George reasoned. There was no reason to be so attracted to Constance. Leota wore floating curly hair that glowed when she was excited; Constance, a murderess with a disappearing hatchet; even George’s own head had a habit of its own, one that embarrassed him very frequently.
But now Constance’s instability was Hightower’s once again, and he would never have to remember the result of it. The axe would never actually strike him. And if she did attack him, he would not feel the pain, and could quickly ask Leota to reverse the memories so that Constance could perform the entire marriage again. A sickening dance, a staged performance.
He—and she—would be dancing in their memories, forever into the depths of their afterlife.
And Constance would have no escape from George’s perfect life.
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shiningsagittarius · 3 years
Why The Shilo Scene Is The Most Emotionally Evocative Scene In TMBS (In My Humble Opinion) And Why It Resonated With Me So Damn Much
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While watching episode 5 of TMBS (The Art of Conveyance and Round-Trippery), the scene involving Constance solving the riddle given to the group by Mr. Benedict (25:37-27:41) became my favorite scene in the book-to-screen adaptation, and continued to resonate with me after the first season was over. It took me a while to piece together exactly why this scene moved me more than any other, but I think I finally have a few thoughts put together, which I will now attempt to sort through here.
Expectations For The Show
I think the first and most vital thought I have regarding this scene involves how my overall expectations and hopes for this adaptation have shifted. If you had asked me a few years ago what my perfect book-to-screen adaptation would look like (for any book), I would have said “a beat-for-beat adaptation with no changes to the source material” bar none. As the years have passed, however, I became interested in following how a book-to-screen adaptation is made. From this, I have actually come to appreciate some of the changes made to tighten the script, portray the worldbuilding, and develop the characters in a new and exciting way which stem from creating a television or movie script. (Some. Not all. But that’s another essay for another day.) If my interest no longer lies in seeing a 100% faithful adaptation, then, what exactly am I expecting to experience when watching The Mysterious Benedict Society? I asked myself this question, and the answer ended up being “I want this show to make me feel nostalgic.” As much as I wanted the show to make me feel nostalgic towards the book in general, I also wanted this show to bring me back to when I was reading the books for the first time. How did I experience the world? What did I think and feel? Evidently, seeing Constance solving the puzzle made me think about that time in my life and the endless imagination I had:
I used to play in my yard with my sister and kids from my neighborhood for HOURS. I happen to live in a rather woodsy suburb near a lake, so the environment Constance is in immediately started ringing bells in my mind
A lot of my pretend play was based on espionage and adventure and puzzle solving, which is partially why I adored these books so much in the first place
Seeing Constance alone, alongside the song celebrating an imaginary friend, brought back the bittersweet feeling of playing by myself sometimes, but learning how to enjoy it and even becoming a fan of occasional solitude
As I said in my review of the episode, these are life or death stakes for Constance, but this scene ironically brought me back to the happier, more carefree moments of my childhood. Of course, this scene is poignant beyond the personal connections I found. It is also a turning point for the audience’s perception of Constance.
Constance’s Character Development
Before this scene, I don’t believe there were any moments where Constance is entirely alone (at least, none that the audience gets to see). Throughout the show, Constance struggles with being taken seriously by her friends. She knows she is strong and more than capable of aiding the mission, but time and time again, she is passed over entirely or given menial tasks as her contributions to the team. Of course, she doesn’t help her case by insulting her friends or acting obstinate. It’s quite… contrary- she wants to prove herself to the society and help stop the Emergency, but she also puts a wall between herself and the rest of the team. This is why having her first scene alone be her reaction to the copper waves is so emotionally powerful. There she is, completely dwarfed by the statue, all alone. She looks up in awe, murmurs “It’s beautiful”, and wipes away a tear. In my opinion, there’s two ways to interpret this reaction:
She truly thought the statue was ugly earlier, and needed some time to appreciate it, artist-to-artist
She was putting up a front earlier to avoid being perceived as “weak” by Kate
There’s certainly enough evidence for either conclusion, but I tend to lean towards the latter myself. This scene takes place about halfway through the first season, so it would make sense for a shift in how the audience perceives Constance’s characterization to occur at the midway point. We see her open up to her friends more in the last episode, but this moment sets the precedent for those bits of emotional honesty to occur. In fact, this scene also sets a nice precent for her solo mission in the next episode, where she once again proves herself to the society. However, this scene has something that her solo mission does not.
Shilo (by Neil Diamond)
The lyrics to this song are placed perfectly with each part of the scene, and I wouldn’t expect anything less. Let’s break it down a little bit:
Dreaming each dream on your own / When children play / Seems like you end up alone
Once again, this is the first scene where the audience has had a chance to see what Constance is like on her own. It highlights her sense of isolation from the rest of the team, and implies that this might not be as voluntary as she lets on. She even has to finish solving this puzzle alone, as the other society members seem to never truly consider her capabilities when deciding how to approach a problem (except Reynie on occasion)
So you turn to the only friend you can find / There in your mind
This lyric further displays Constance’s solitary nature, but also gives some subtle foreshadowing of her psychic powers
Got to go and I know that you’ll understand / I understand
She has come this close to solving the puzzle, and now effectively “understands” it. (I mean, just look at her face when the song says “I understand”) However, the song doesn’t stop here, as she continues to try and figure out how to activate the panel. So, she doesn’t understand as much as she thinks she does.
Overall, it’s a perfect song to drive this scene forward (and it’s very catchy, too).
This scene is emotionally impactful to me personally because I was able to make connections between this scene and my childhood. It is also emotionally impactful to a wider audience, as this is the first peek into Constance’s psyche. The music and environmental storytelling used to craft this moment is masterful. It fulfilled my desire for the show to make me feel nostalgic. Also, it’s a turning point for the show to start revealing more of Constance’s emotional vulnerability. (And it makes me tear up each time I watch it, so there.)
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deantransgressions2 · 3 years
a masterlist of misogynistic slurs used by dean winchester
a comprehensive list of every single time dean winchester used a misogynistic slur from s1-15
(i did not include the usages of the phrase ‘son of a bitch’ because if i did this list would have been far too long.)
“That Constance chick, what a bitch!” (1x01)
“Bitch” (1x01)
“Hey, you want some white meat, bitch! I'm right here!” (1x02)
“Oh, I'm gonna hunt that little bitch down.“ (1x12)
“Oh, these locks look like they’re gonna be a bitch.“ (1x15)
“What, were you bitchin’ about me to some chick?” (1x16)
“Hey, Sam? Don’t take this the wrong way, but your girlfriend...is a bitch.” (1x16)
“It's just a basement full of skank-filled jars in some crap farmhouse.“ (1x17)
“Where’s our father, bitch?” (1x21)
“I'm not that into prude chicks anyway.” (2x01)
“Shut your mouth, bitch.” (2x08)
“Bitch” (2x10)
“See, whatever bitch-boy master plan you demons are cooking up? You're not getting Sam.” (2x14)
“How could it get any worse? Some alien made you his bitch.” (2x15)
“Bitch” (2x20)
“Oh come on already. Show your face, you bitch!” (2x22)
“What are you smiling at, you little bitch?” (2x22)
“What are you laughing at, bitch? You're still trapped.” (3x04)
“It's better than rotting in some skank's basement.” (3x04)
“I knew you were an immoral thieving con artist bitch” (3x06)
“That bitch.” (3x07)
“You bitch!” (3x08)
“Blair bitch in the woods.” (3x09)
“And I'm telling you to shut up, bitch.” (3x09)
“You wanna kill me? Get in line bitch.” (3x09)
“Oh, I don't know maybe because he's my brother, you black-eyed skank!” (3x09)
“We're gonna go hunt the bitch down.” (3x10)
“That bitch!” (3x12)
“Well, I really don't care what that bitch thinks and neither should you, so…” (3x14)
“You know, this immortality thing is a bitch.” (3x15)
“But you know what the bitch of the bunch is?” (3x15)
“We're going off of Bela's intel? Now when that bitch breathes, the air comes out crooked.” (3x16)
“Drag me to hell. Kill Sam. And then what? Become queen bitch?” (3x16)
“So that's you, huh? Our slutty little Yoda.” (3x16)
“Come on man, she is the Miss Universe of lying skanks, okay.” (3x16)
“You're some demon's bitch-boy?” (4x01)
“Well, aren't you an obedient little bitch?” (4x04)
“There is no reason for a wicked bitch payback.” (4x07)
“Her friends don’t know where she is. It’s like the bitch popped a broomstick.” (4x07)
“Right. 'Cause as far as you're concerned, the hell-bitch is practically family.” (4x09)
“So far, all you've told me about is a manipulative bitch” (4x09)
“Bitch is a klepto.” (4x11)
“Evil bitches just keep piling out of the Volkswagen.” (4x12)
“One sip of Jesus juice, this evil bitch is gonna be in a world of hurt.” (4x19)
“I am on call. In my car, on my way to murder the bitch.” (4x21)
“Demon bitch is a dealbreaker. You kiss her goodbye, we can go right now.” (4x21)
“It's a lot better than being some stepford bitch in paradise.” (4x22)
“Are you jonesing for another hit of bitch blood or what?” (5x01)
“He turned it right before he made everybody hallucinate and go hellbitch.” (5x02)
“Oh, you're somebody's bitch.” (5x08)
“Oh that's it, I'm gonna deep fry this bitch extra crispy.” (5x09)
“No, or where the bitch is buried” (5x12)
“Adios, bitch!” (5x12)
“No one, just this psycho bitch who likes to boil rabbits.” (5x13)
“So, then, how do we go Pimp of Babylon all over this bitch?” (5x17)
“On a good day, you get to kill a whore.” (5x17)
“We can either take on the devil together, or you lame-ass bitches can eat me.” (5x19)
“God gives you a brand-new, shiny set of wings, and suddenly you're his bitch again.” (5x22)
“A car should drive, not be a little bitch.” (6x02)
“An attention whore.” (6x06)
“BITCH!” (6x09)
“Traffic was a bitch.” (6x10)
“Evil bitch.” (6x10)
“That little bitch is gonna screw us over so fast” (6x10)
“Karma’s a bitch, bitch.” (6x10)
“I'm just trying to make you feel better. Don't be a bitch.” (6x13)
“Oh, crap! I'm a painted whore!” (6x14)
“I mean, we better get some real info on this bitch before we do run into her.” (6x16)
“Who is she, this Eve bitch?” (6x16)
“I'd go so far as ‘bitch.’” (6x17)
“We'll "Star Trek IV" this bitch.” (6x18)
“fat lot of good it does us 'til we find the bitch.” (6x19)
“Oh, you bitch.” (6x19)
“We're not about to sign up for an evil bitch.” (6x19)
“You can go to hell, you black-eyed bitch.” (6x21)
“Death is our bitch.” (7x01)
“you can be pissed all you want, but quit being a bitch.” (7x07)
“ Oh, and it turns out that Kate was just trying to warn people about her evil bitch sister.” (7x07)
“Psychic ghost bitch on a leash.” (7x07)
“That's as far as you go, bitch.” (7x07)
“I think the bitchy mom” (7x14)
“What a bitch.” (7x18)
“I'd have bitch-slapped the hell out of Dick.” (7x20)
“We ganked those bitches once before.” (8x02)
“Or at least some sort of a heart-sucking, possessed, satanic, crack-whore bat.” (8x03)
“you're sulking around like a eunuch in a whorehouse” (8x06)
“Well, you camp here, figure out who whored their soul.” (8x14)
the claws and the teeth and the whole invisibility thing, those bitches can be... real bitches.” (8x14)
“Oh, so you’re Crowley's bitch.” (8x14)
“we get some red-eyed bitch in a trap” (8x14)
“That drive was a bitch.” (8x15)
“whatever shredded your friend and every other black-eyed bitch out there” (8x22)
“so you sit there like a good little bitch.” (8x22)
“Which pretty much means that you're our bitch.” (8x23)
“I would've loved nothing better than to ice that limey bitch.” (9x02)
“You're our bitch.” (9x02)
“Dennis DeYoung's not a punk. He's Mr. Roboto, bitch.” (9x05)
“Can I use it to kill that bitch?” (9x11)
“You had me at kill the bitch.” (9x11)
“Looks like it's a whore's bath for me.“ (9x13)
“I will shoot you... Bitches.” (9x15)
“Okay, this all sounds like sad times at Bitchmont High.” (9x15)
“'Cause I see a couple of fame whores who are pointing their camera at a mom who just lost her kid.” (9x15)
“You loan us that Blade, and we will stop the bitch.” (9x16)
“You bitch about the Men of Letters.” (9x16)
“Can I use it to kill that bitch?” (9x17)
“Look at me. Look at me, bitch!” (9x19)
“Are you ready to gut this bitch?” (9x23)
“Ain't that a bitch?” (9x23)
“The kind of guy who sleeps with every skank in every small-town dive that he passes through?” (10x01)
“Bitch” (10x01)
“Bitch” (10x03)
“Bitch” (10x05)
“Well, this Princess Elsa’s a bitch.” (10x13)
“Did I say ‘nice girl’? I meant ‘evil skank’" (10x17)
“Well, they let her leave the house looking like a whore.” (10x23)
“No wonder she put on that skank outfit and went out there looking for validation” (10x23)
“Night, bitch.“ (11x04)
“We’ve been hunting that bitch for weeks.” (11x05)
“Listen, bitch. I don't care who you are, I don't care what you want. You have my brother.” (12x01)
“Well, family drama's a bitch, ain't it?” (12x05)
“Straight Shawshank this bitch.“ (12x22)
“Bitch” (12x22)
“Ooh. Ouch. Breakups can be a bitch.” (13x06)
“That bitch set us up“ (15x13)
 “Oh, wow. Somebody’s shopping at Abercrombie and Bitch.” (15x14)
“Alright, well, you guys go "Highway to Heaven" that bitch.“ (15x15)
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mask131 · 3 years
AHS look back: Home Invasion
Second episode of the first season. 
As usual, SPOILERS AHEAD and I am rewatching the episode as I make my notes.
# 1968. The infamous nurse murders. This story actually begins introducing another idea linked to the Murder House (and haunted grounds in general in the AHS world) - the murder house attracts bad people. It is probably no chance that the murderer targeted this specific house. 
# The mention of Jesus and the Christianity of Maria makes much more sense when you realize that this season turns out to be mostly around the devil.
# Ah yes, a nice Psycho reference.
# I just realized now that Hayden’s character is a reference to Fatal Attraction. How could I have missed that?
# Ah yes one of the first clues that Tate is a conduct for whatever devilish power resides in the house. “I believe in the devil, I looked into his eyes”.
# Remember when I said I loved how they played with the guessing game of who is alive and who is dead? Making Larry seem like a ghost and then not? Well it is the same here with Tate - while him lurking over Violet’s bed could be a clue to him being a ghost, it also could be simply him entering the house as Adelaide does (especially since so far we have no solid clue he might be dead) ; and of course it fits with the breaking in. 
# You can already feel Ben’s downfall. Of course him being sexually frustrated to the point of cheating and influenced by the ghosts until he sleepwalks has been already established - but here his obsession with “second chance” and “salvation” shows up. When you look closely you realize he first put it all on the house itself (pilot) and now he displaced this desire on the baby, and this is the first clues that he will get desperate at being “forgiven” or having a “normal” life back, to the point of turning onto his wife later.
# One of the first glimpses of Constance’s psychic abilities. It is something often overlooked, but Constance has some sort of unnatural senses. Not only did she paint the murals (I’ll talk about later), but she also knows Vivien is pregnant the moment she sees her. 
# I hope Violet didn’t left the cupcake for the dog cause she ought to know chocolate is poisonous for dogs.
# The copycats of Franklin actually are another double-play. On the first level they are a play on the home invasion horror subgenre, and a denunciation of the loony serial killer fans and dangerous murderer copycats On the second level they are actually another illustration of how history in the house keeps repeating itself over and over again. There is also a very dramatic irony in how they started AHS denouncing serial killer fans and then ended up doing exactly what these same fans are doing (I am looking at you 1984 Ramirez).
# If Vivien is covering up the mural paintings, it is because of a decision of the creative team. The heads of the show believed that having the murals be always present, all the times, would have been too much and forced too aggresively the creepiness. They decided to be more subtle and discreet than that, and so they decided to have Vivien cover them up again. 
# Something I like with Constance as a character is that they perfectly illustrated the type of abusive person that still loves the one they abuse. Yes she is psychologicaly and verbaly abusive as well as terribly neglectful towards her children, and a very bad mother... but she is also shown as being extremely possessive and protective of them, and we see it in this scene. She locks Addie in the “bad girl closet”, but she also is seen almost crying and having a painful expression as she does so. She is not a purely evil character, she is not a sadistic brute - she has a moral complexity because she acts mostly out of vanity, possessiveness, selfishness and arrogance. She is still able to love and care, and she still has a moral code and moral limits, no matter how warped or twisted they are, but she cannot help putting herself before others, relishing in the suffering of those she dislikes, and disdaining everything she does not deem perfect, beautiful or hers. Many point out that Tate’s sociopathy probably comes from her mother, since she also shows the same traits - lack of empathy, an habit of manipulating others and lying about herself, a love for preying on those she sees as weak or inferior... 
# Once again we see Tate acting as one of the “master ghosts” of the house and one of the “manipulators” among the spirits - this time by teaming up/controlling the ghost of the nurse students instead of the Infantata. It is something very overlooked by fans nowadays, but the creators and writers explicitely stated Tate was one of the “strong spirits” with a form of control over the others. 
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
the fact that constance knows something is wrong with mr. benedict ("we need to find mr. benedict. something is very wrong") like. on one hand it's possible she's just getting a like. premonition, like an alarm bell, that something Plot-Relevant is wrong (lol not that she has meta powers but like. Relevant To Her And Her Situation) but also consider she's attuned to people she loves she's close to and she's like known he's been worried and scared and frustrated and trying to be strong and he's just been like. a warm, gentle glow in some back corner of her mind, one of the connections she's formed and hesitantly let stay because she cares, and it's--it's nice. (it's not all badly-hidden fear and distress, although she can tell he's. well. 'a glass house held together by desperate optimism'. but it's said with some affection, even if bluntly and with ruthless honesty, because she can also feel that affection he has for her, the love, the curiosity and kindness) and then like. then she feels it. she feels the insidious influence, feels the involuntary elation, false and sugar-thin and so unlike him, feels it pressing down on him. and she knows something is horribly wrong
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floressr · 3 years
I remember seeing a similar post but I can’t seem to find it :( If you know which post I am referring to, please let me know!
Pokémon MBS AU
The Society that desperately needs sleep and therapy:
Kate: Flying and Fighting type. Definitely has a Talonflame (Madge, my beloved)
Reynie: Normal type (lol). This is our favorite basic boy; what can I say?
Constance: Psychic type! I feel like she would have an Abra or a Mew. Maybe both. She and her pokemon definitely get into shenanigans and 100% sure she gives Pokémon very imaginative nicknames.
Sticky: Poison, Grass type. Idk just feels right.
Adults who just want everyone to calm down:
Number Two: Electric type. I feel like she would have an Ampharos or something to match her ✨ aesthetic ✨ Accidently became a gym leader once.
Milligan: Dark and Flying type. Look at this man and tell me he doesn’t have a Houndoom. Also, he always seems to be jumping from outrageously high places every chance he gets so now he can have a lil buddy :)
Rhonda: Fairy and poison type. Aromatisse has Rhonda energy.
Mr. Benedict: I feel like he’d be fond of all pokemon to ever choose a specific type to specialize in, but if he had to choose, Normal and Psychic maybe. He mainly likes his pokemon to keep him company.
S.Q!!… and some random extras from the Institute I guess
S.Q: Bug and grass type. Very wholesome. 1000/10. Yes S.Q, I would totally trade in my Lugia for your Caterpie. (Mr. ShowerCurtain would consider all his pokemon weak but please let this little guy be happy for once.)
Mr. Curtain: Dark and Psychic type. I hate this man. That is all.
McCracken and other Ten Men: McCracken specializes in dark type, but the other ten men have different styles and such. All together, they'd have highly trained packs of scary looking pokekon to go with all of their gadgets. It would funnier if they’d have like one (1) Ratata that they'd all had to share though.
Jackson and Jillson: They'd be like those twin trainers with the matching pokemon. I'm talking Nidorans / Plusle and Minun type cheesy. They'd probably make an effort to catch the same pokemon and evolve them at the same time. (I’m not really sure what type they would be but I’m always happy to hear any opinions.)
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nobodysdaydreams · 11 months
11, 17, 20, 21, 33, and/or 74 for the WIP Ask Game!! Whichever you're most comfortable answering :)
I hope you are doing well, and no pressure in getting this answered!!! (Also remember to drink water!)
Thank you so much Sophie! I have drank water, but I appreciate the reminder. 🥰
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Well, well, well. If it isn't another mutual fishing for compliments when you know how much I love your Sticky OCD fic (/j /lh). Seriously though, it is amazing. But, in the interest of giving recommendations, I'm going to tag and recommend three fics by authors that I didn't mention in my response to Katie's ask about favorite authors so I can spread the love around a bit. I don't know if I have a set "top three" but one good SQ centered fic I like is @kneeslapworthy's "someone only you could want". Criminally underrated, great interactions between SQ and a redeemed but struggling Nathaniel that I wish the show could have given us. Another fic I really like is @mvshortcut's "Lifeline" , another fic that I think deserves more attention. It blends book and show elements in a really great way, which I love to do in my own writing, and it gives us a Constance and Curtain sort-of-team-up that would have been great to see in the show. The fic also does a lot of really cool stuff with Constance's powers and provides some great mental visuals of what Curtain is going through. Speaking of psychics, @acollectionofcuriousreblogs's "The Psychic File", which, no, I have not finished, but what I've read so far is really good. It expands on an AU plotline of the book that I'm not as familiar with because I haven't read ROA, so I've really enjoyed it and there's some great OCs in there as well.
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
What I'm doing right now. Procrastinating on writing fic by doing stuff on tumblr, even though I was already procrastinating on irl responsibilities by writing fic in the first place. Honestly, the problem is less writer's block and more "I have a point in the plot I'm excited to write about, but I gotta write other stuff first" and that's where I'm at right now in my fic writing process. It's not that this stuff isn't interesting and that you as the reader won't enjoy it, it's just not the part I want to write right now. But I've been getting some more motivation and I will get to it. Eventually.
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Words and expressions? Oh yes. I include stuff like "I mean," "Um," and "Well," waaayyyy too often, and I need to stop. And for some reason, whenever I needed Garrison to exit a scene in the first half of SOS, the only thing I could come up with was having her go back to her apartment to go to bed. I'm shocked no one has left a playfully passive-aggressive comment calling me out on that yet. I think I did that at least three or four times. I guess it is rather in character, the poor woman just wants somewhere to cry in peace. I've also gotten a bit braver on expanding my neurodivergent head canons and writing them into my fic. I say "braver" because even though I'm neurodivergent, no one person can be neurodivergent in every way (at least...I don't think so. Some disorders in the DSM directly contradict each other so I'd be fascinated if someone can claim literally everything and so would a good many medical professionals), and I want to make sure I'm doing it accurately and well. I mostly stick to writing (or hinting at, or allowing for) neurodivergencies that either I have, or irl friends and family members of mine have, which works really well in MBS, because the disorders the characters are hinted at having are the ones I'm the most familiar with, and it allows me to "write what I know" so to speak.
As for common themes, I'm a sucker for redemption stories (if that wasn't clear between my Martina Redemption fic, my redeemed Nathaniel Benedict was once a semi-good person fic, the one where Curtain has some regrets, the one where the Benedict siblings believe they're monsters who don't deserve love). I just love the idea that no matter who you are, or what you think you've done, or what you have done, destroying yourself or trying to erase yourself because you think what you've done is too terrible and the world would be better without you, is wrong, because you, today, can chose to be better and do better, and you shouldn't deprive the world of that goodness because someone out there might really need it, and it's never too late in the game to decide to start putting that goodness back out into the world. I'm sorry that I overdo it, but I just love that theme. It gives me so much hope not just for myself, but for humanity, and it reminds me to be kind to and forgiving and understanding of others and patient with myself (though I'm still working on the "myself" part). I also just wanna say that since writing these fics, especially SOS, I've gotten a lot of messages that say things like: "as someone who has done really bad things and is ashamed of who I once was and is trying to make up for what I did and become a better person, this was a message I needed to hear so thank you for writing this". And I want you all to know that that means so much to me, because me too guys, me too 💕 you're definitely not alone in that. It's a message I think we all need to hear sometimes. (Although I will add that based on your ask game responses, some of you all are pretty young, and as someone in their 20s who has made her fair share of mistakes, I will say that you guys are way too young to be thinking you're beyond hope at this point. I don't care what test you got caught cheating on, I don't care if your entire school hates you because of something you said without thinking, and I don't care what personal friend group drama you were involved in. You are still a loved and wonderful kind person, and you still have plenty of opportunities to be a good person going forward).
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
I would love too! I’m not sure how that normally happens, but you all have great ideas and if you ever were like “can you write this part for me?” or “I don’t know how to get from this point of the story to this point, do you have ideas or can you come up with something?” I would try my best to help and would love to write a story with you (time permitting). DMs are always open!
33. Do you want to be published some day?
Technically, I’m already published. It’s nonfiction I’ve written for my job, and I don’t make money off it, but it has my name on it (my real name so sadly I can’t share it with you sorry). As for my fiction, yes, I would like to be published someday, though right now it’s more of an impossible dream. Unfortunately, while I seem to be able to generate a surplus of ideas based off of books and television shows, (especially when I get hyper fixated on it) I have quite a bit of trouble applying what I've come up with to a 100% original idea. I would like to someday, I'm just not sure how. It would certainly help me out financially to have writing I could make any amount of money on, but again, I'm not sure how, and for right now, I'm content enjoying the hobby.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
For fic, I’d say you could tell pretty easily based on themes and tropes. I love redemption fics, I love neurodivergent head canons, I love found families. Really, any fic that goes to really really dark angsty places, but ultimately has a happy (or hopeful) ending. I tend to gravitate towards that "no situation is too hopeless, no one is beyond redemption" theme. I know I just talked about it, and yes, it's overdone in my writing, I know, but you guys seem to enjoy it, and if it's not broke, why bother fixing it?
Thank you again for the asks and please have a lovely evening! 🥰🥰🥰
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portbayrp · 4 years
what types of characters or fcs would you like to see more of?
First & foremost, I would like to see the character’s that you’re passionate about. The characters that you’re excited to bring and so hyped to explore that you just love because that’s the only way people stick around rps long term is if they have characters that make them excited and happy and I want to see that and interact with that and help you grow that. 
Secondly as far as cool character ideas, maybe it’s because I’ve watched Palm Springs one too many times, but if someone brought a nihilist, I think that would be interesting. If someone brought a survivalist or a conspiracy theorist, that could be interesting. Someone pretending to be or actually is psychic or a medium or spiritual could be fun to explore that kind of eccentric vibe. Characters who are religious and are open about it in non-toxic ways, because it’s apart of how they grew up and who they are and what they believe in and their culture. 
Thirdly I think not being afraid to explore the more obscure careers for characters would be dope to see. I answered this question a while back about careers and some of my favorites on this list are: Color expert, Hippotherapist, Flavorist, Art Therapist, Bed Warmer, Sommelier, Master Marijuana Extractor. Bonus points if you have a POC with any of these jobs because that would just be dope. --sidenote, speaking of a Sommelier please go check out the movie Uncorked. It’s on Netflix. It’s so good and so interesting. 
Fourthly - fcs: There’s a whole tag of wanted fcs you can find here personally I would die for Nicole Byer, Hailie Sahar, Sterling K. Brown, Brenton Thwaites, and Daniel Sharman our members have also in the past suggested:
MJ Rodriguez. Melissa Fumero. Stephanie Beatriz. Meagan Tandy. Gina Torres. Alexa PenaVega. Simone Missick. Nicole Beharie. Michaela Coel.  Roberta Colindrez. Sandra Oh. Emily Osment. Aimee Carrero. Tatiana Maslany. Kylie Bunbury.  Dominique Provost-Chalkley. Ashley Park. Malese Jow. Alisha Wainwright. Allison Williams. Antonia Thomas. Sophia Bush. Constance Wu. Gemma Chan. Gugu Mbatha-raw. Danielle Brooks. Janel Parrish. Julia Jones. Naomi Scott. Tika Sumpter. Kiersey Clemons. Jessica Henwick. Aiysha Hart. Indira Varma. Maggie Q. Ming Na Wen.  Rashida Jones. Karla Souza. Cristin Milioti.
So yeah that is the whole shebang that I got for ya and I hope you apply for the rp and that you’re having a good day and spreading them good vibes and doing things for others while keeping yourself safe and loving yourself! Thanks for the question feel free to send more.
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Do you have any headcannons about the Mysterious Benedict Society kids?
Reynie Muldoon
HIIIIIGHKEY AUTISTIC. Pretty much everything he does in the books screams autism. He probably does a lot of stereotypical stimming- flapping hands, jumping- and Ms Perumal definitely gets him fidget cubes and sequin pillows to play with. 
Has stayed up all night more than once to make a conspiracy board for a book he read. 
Has no memory of his birth parents; they died in a fire when he was a baby, and none of their relatives appeared to claim him. He doesn’t really care, though; he has Ms Perumal, and that’s all he needs. 
His first Mother’s Day with Ms Perumal, he spent like a week trying to make her an amazing gift and then he passed out from exhaustion while trying (and failing) to write a card. She found him like that in the morning and was just like “oh my god how did I adopt the most perfect boy” 
also he’s Demi but also oblivious as hell and it took him YEARS to realize he had a crush on Sticky. 
Sticky Washington 
Has to take anxiety medication as he gets older. His friends are really good at reminding him to take it when he forgets. 
Gets way more into fiction than nonfiction as he gets older, mainly because there’s no pressure on him to memorize facts. He spends a lot of time hiding in Mr Benedict’s library, curled up with some classic novel. His current favorite is Pride and Prejudice. 
Surprisingly good singer. Kate and Reynie make him sing while they practice piano, and Constance claims she hates it, but also sometimes has him recite her poems to see what they sound like. 
Kate dared him to memorize Les Mis. He did not back down, but did rant at her and Reynie for three hours about how Victor Hugo could not keep focus. 
He’s gay and had a crush on Reynie since they met. He’s useless and I love him 
Kate Wetherall 
ADHD as hell. She has at least ten fidget spinners in her bucket at all times. 
She immediately became super comfortable with Milligan, and sometimes would just run up and hug him whenever she felt like it. This took a while for him to get used to, as he was a spy and expected sudden attacks, but thankfully her acrobatic skills helped her dodge in case he instinctively tried to defend himself. They both found this very funny. 
Sometimes she’ll just be chatting with someone and then just. Does a handstand or a cartwheel. She cannot stand still for any amount of time and nobody will ever forget it. 
Milligan eventually homeschools her, and she’ll study and do work from the loft of the barn, or while watching Madge fly overhead. 
Either a lesbian or ace/aro, I haven’t decided yet. 
Constance Contraire
When she hits her teenage growth spurt, she actually ends up taller than the other kids. She is thrilled, and Kate is enraged. 
Ends up getting really into sports as she gets older, and ends up joining a soccer team, and occasionally impressing the girls in the locker room by telling them about her superpowers. 
As soon as Kate accidentally teaches her swear words, nothing can stop her. 
She has, multiple times, fallen asleep on Mr Benedict, Rhonda or Number Two while they were reading to/with her. She always denies it when she wakes up. 
Reynie: Now, Constance, you know you shouldn’t use your psychic abilities for personal gain. Constance: sureReynie:Reynie: Reynie: you just did didn’t you Constance: I can win all the arcade games Sticky: that’s not how it works- Constance: shut up nerd
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