#led string lights New Delhi
ofxbutcher · 5 months
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JACOB BUTCHER ( CORTEON MOORE ) is a TWENTY-EIGHT year-old TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHER in NEW DELHI, INDIA. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only TWENTY-EIGHT years old. They are known as THE CHARMER because they are EASY-GOING but also AVOIDANT.
Full Name: Jacob Anthony Butcher
Nickname(s): Mostly just goes by 'Butcher' but JB and J are not uncommon
Date of Birth: May 15th 1976
Age: 28
Occupation: Travel Photographer (Travel enthusiast in general and extreme sports participator/admirer)
Current Residence: He was in Australia before deciding to make a stop at New Delhi on his way back to Woodrow, however he staid in India longer than he originally planned due to fun and work colliding a little too well.
Hair: Curly, frizzy, untrimmed atm
Eyes: Light brown
Height: 5'9
Notable Features: Vitiligo over his hands, and barely noticeable by his right eye and bottom right of his chin. Scars all over his body acquired through sports and travel, a dashing smile of course...
Strengths: Determined when intrigued, loyal to a fault, charismatic
Weaknesses: Lonely, avoidant and lets his own stubbornness get in the way of things
Quirks: Rubs the back of his neck when nervous, left eyebrow raises and does a little twitch whenever he's lying (only a few of the wards are actually aware of this -- he, himself, is not)
Vices: Will try anything that seems 'exciting' to him, no matter how dangerous. Smokes cigarettes and occasionally does drugs. Rarely drinks.
Interests: Jacob has had a plethora of interests since childhood. From reading and acting out fantasy novels, to creating his own stories. From riding a bike, to quickly becoming interested in driving a helicopter. Driving, diving, surfing, parachuting, climbing, name a sport or an activity and he has likely tried it. His interests are heavy on the 'outdoors' and learning new things or polishing old skills.
Hobbies: Although he's a very physically active person, and those would certainly include most of his hobbies. Jacob finds that his 'relaxing' time is where his genuine hobbies truly flourish. He writes fantasy a lot, often inspired by his real experiences, and he is a photographer professionally, always pushing himself further to capture beautiful things on camera. He is hoping to collaborate with National Geographic in the future, but he has never told Richard about it out of fear that the old man would try and pull more strings for him. Besides those two hobbies, he also enjoys cooking and pottery a considerable amount.
Special Skills/Talents: He's actually got a lot of these due to his constant participation in weird and extreme sports. Perhaps the biggest skill/talent is staying alive.
Jacob has a very difficult time remembering much of his childhood. There are only few, very few vivid memories he held of his mother. Of a yellow closet with drawings stuck on it. And fire, smell of fire late at night as the screams echoed in the distance. Whenever he would ask Richard about his past, about his parents, about circumstances which led him to Woodrow -- he was met with a dismissive response. "They couldn't take care of you boy, you're better off here." and that was as far as he'd ever get. Over the years, he had tried to pry more information out of the old man, but he was never successful. Even when he tried to take matters into his own hands, and seek answers outside of Richards little safety bubble -- he came up with nothing. There was no records of a 'Jacob Anthony Butcher' to be found. So he assumed his name had been changed. His family was either incapable or unwilling to take care of him, and he was to take life for what it was and live on. Move on. And let the questions of his childhood vanish.
Jacob has always had a knack for people, a longing for life, for opportunities, for adventure. As a child, he would spend hours lost in fantasy worlds, imagining himself riding dragons - or slaying them. Roping other wards into playing soldiers or vampires or whatever his latest obsession would have been. He would go as far as to make his own stories, makeshift his own toys, skate and run and swim around the Woodrow grounds without a care in the world. It is his genuine nature to be easy-going about things in life, and that always made people drawn to him. Everybody likes good company, and Jacob just so happens to like everybody. There was never much others could do to put him off, because above all, Jacob truly believed, as he continues to believe, that people had their reasons. For the good things, the bad things, and everything in-between. And nothing, not a damn thing was ever personal. So he took no offence, and he adapted, he forgave, he did his best to be there for others. His loyalty was always easily acquired, but not quite as easily lost. All that said, Jacob still struggled growing up. Mostly with poor focus and hyperactivity, and he often felt 'dumb' when participating in lectures with other wards, or having to take extra classes even after school to catch up with them. It did take a toll on his confidence at a certain point in life, but he learnt to hide it behind a nice smile and a pretence of 'not caring' which worked out for him in the end. As a young ward he found most joy in simply hanging out with his peers, and even more in getting Mrs. Tristans forehead vein to pump rather visibly. As Jacob grew older, he didn't grow more serious. But he developed a dose of charm inspired by the confidence he gained through surrounding himself with others. He knew that people gravitated towards him, and he found comfort in always having company, in meeting new people, trying out new things. So when the time came to pursue further education, he instead devised a plan to travel. To see the world. To truly live. It may have taken Richard some (a lot of) convincing, but eventually he agreed to let the boy go. Ever since, he has hardly stopped. Always one foot out the door. Always looking for the next rush of adrenaline, next adventure. Although his charm gets him through a lot in life, and allows him to form deeper attachments, he is not the one to settle down. To dream of a house with a picket fence, a family, a single partner for the rest of his life. His spirit runs wild, and he's always in his happiest when he's on the go. Perhaps, a part of him wonders at times if he's truly in a state of constant movement due his deep love for it, or because he is perhaps running. One thing is certain, he is incapable of staying alone, of standing still, only what would he be trying to outrun? At the end of the day, the only thing he actually had, was himself.
Butcher is mostly dressed casual and somehow always covered in dirt. This is why he rarely invests in any expensive or formal clothes, they are certain to get ruined. Comfort is the key, whereas aesthetics are more of an after-thought. Still, he is often seen wearing a silver necklace, whose story of acquirement always changes when asked about. And he also tends to wear a braided bracelet one of his fellow wards had gifted him shortly after his arrival at Woodrow. It's the sentiment, of course, more than genuine liking for the bracelet itself. He owns two black suits, one for weddings and the other for funerals. And a few neat black shirts and tops to match a pair of his 'clean' jeans whenever he needs to dress up. Butcher's also particularly fond of his leather jacket which went through hell and back with him and somehow still holds up pretty well.
Jacob chose to attend a public school after his primary education, but Richard wouldn't allow him to go private as he needed more effort and guidance with education then other kids due to his hyperactivity and lack of focus. This was also the first and the only time Jacob and Richard had a real argument. Following this, Butcher spent the next couple of weeks moping around the house and giving an unusual dose of attitude to anyone he came to contact with, but then got over it when Mrs. Tristan properly explained why it was all for the best in the end and how he will soon be done with school and off to pursue his dreams. Of course, she was right, and his focus was soon somewhere else. But once that the school truly ended, and it was time to head off to University, he used his lack of choice on the matter to further convince Richard to let him travel instead of continuing further education. Ever the academic, it was tough to convince Richard that this was the right path for him, so they agreed on somewhat of a 'gap year' at first, which eventually became full-time travelling and working on the go.
Jacob participated in any extracurricular he could get his hands on. Even the ones he wasn't particularly interested in. He just enjoyed spending time with other wards, so if they had an interest of their own and wanted someone to tag along -- he would happily do it.
He has been travelling, mostly. The longest he ever staid in one place was a year before moving on to his next adventure. Most recently, he had climbed Mt Everest, his lifelong dream, and after that he moved on to a semi-professional surfing competitions in Australia where he did quite well. He considered staying in Australia for a while, but decided to head back to Woodrow instead as it has been months since he last visited. On the way though, he stopped in India where the Krishna Janmashtami festival was just around the corner and decided to stay for a while as well. He was still in New Delhi when he heard of Richard's passing.
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zyanu1 · 2 years
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incarnationsf · 5 years
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Date & Time: Saturday June 22, 7:30  p.m. Venue: Incarnation Episcopal Church, 1750 29th Avenue, San Francisco Tickets: $20 General, $15 Seniors/Students
Eventbrite Ticketing:     Buy tickets online
Ben Rosenblum Jazz Trio
Ben Rosenblum – piano/accordion Greg Feingold – bass Ben Zweig – drum
Award-winning jazz pianist, composer and accordionist Ben Rosenblum has been described as “mature beyond his years,” (Jon Neudorf, Sea of Tranquility), and as an “impressive talent” (C. Michael Bailey, All About Jazz), who “caresses [the music] with the reverence it merits” (Bob Doerschuk, Downbeat Magazine). Ben is based primarily in New York City, and is a graduate of the Columbia-Juilliard program (in 2016). His original music combines his extensive knowledge of the history of jazz with a free-wheeling, modern melodic sensibility and powerful narrative approach to the piano. His profound passion for jazz, swing and world music genres finds expression in his unique fusion of harmonic and rhythmic elements from a wide array of sources, and gives rise to a signature compositional sound and style at once iconoclastic and deeply rooted in such figures as Bill Evans and Wynton Kelly. Ben’s first priority in his composition and in his playing is always narrative – to tell a compelling story with his music, while reaching the hearts of his audience, connecting on an emotional, an intellectual and a spiritual level.
Reviewers of his debut album Instead – released in 2017 with bassist Curtis Lundy and drummer Billy Hart – have been impressed by his musicality and his tasteful playing in light of his immense technical skill. Bob Doerschuk of Downbeat Magazine gave the album four stars, and wrote, “He has the chops to shoot off a few fireworks, … but that doesn’t seem to be a priority when covering sacred material.” C. Michael Bailey notes approvingly: “there do emerge conservatoire aces with grit in their imagination and a facility to express such in their playing. Ben Rosenblum is one such performer/composer. The Julliard-Columbia trained pianist brings a freighter of technique to the keyboard, while still maintaining enough earthiness in his playing to satisfy even the fussiest listener.” Fred Stal of RG Magazine most recently described his experience of listening to Ben’s live CD release performance: “The music keeps you on your feet and not wanting to miss a single moment of magic. … Raindrops from heaven poured down with style and grace from Rosenblum’s piano.”
Since the release of Ben’s debut album, Ben has been touring regularly – both nationally and internationally – celebrating the album and collaborating with artists around the world. Ben’s trio made debuts in Japan and in Canada in 2018. During his two-week tour of Japan, Ben performed in eight different cities, including in Tokyo at Akasaka B-flat, and in Yokohama at Himawari-no-sato Concert Hall with famed koto player Yuko Watanabe. Highlights of his Canada tour included appearances at Upstairs Jazz in Montreal, Maelstrom and Bar Ste-Angele in Quebec City and the Southminster “Doors Open For Music” Concert Series in Ottawa. In the United States, Ben has traveled extensively throughout the Northeast, Midwest and West Coast, with trips planned for the South and Southwest. These domestic tours have featured performances at some of the most well-respected venues in the country, including Kuumbwa Jazz Center (Santa Cruz), Ravinia (Chicago), Cliff Bells (Detroit), An Die Musik (Baltimore), The Bop Stop (Cleveland), Mezzrow (New York City) and many others. As a sideman, Ben has had further opportunities to tour the world. In 2018, he traveled for three weeks through Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Serbia with Astrid Kuljanic, during which the group performed at multiple festivals, including the Ljeto na Bundeka Festival in Zagreb and the Soboško Poletje Festival in Murska Sobota. He also performed for two nights at the Blue Note in Beijing alongside famed jazz singer Deborah Davis.
Born and raised in New York City, Ben had the opportunity to study with some of the most influential figures in jazz piano, including Frank Kimbrough, Bruce Barth, Ben Waltzer and Roy Assaf. At the early age of sixteen, the originality of his work was already being recognized with numerous awards, including the ASCAP Young Jazz Composers Award (2010), the Downbeat Student Music Award for Best Original Song (2010) and the Downbeat Student Music Award for Best Arrangement (2011). As a result, even before entering Columbia, Ben was commissioned by the XIBUS World Orchestra to write a piece for performance at New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall in 2012. Ben has continued to earn numerous distinctions and honors in recent years. In 2015, he was a finalist at the American Jazz Pianist Competition in Melbourne, Florida, and in 2016, at the Jacksonville Jazz Piano Competition in Jacksonville, Florida. In 2018, he earned further recognition from the ASCAP Young Jazz Composers Award competition in the form of an honorable mention, and he was featured at the ASCAP Foundation’s 2018 “We Write The Songs” event at the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.
In addition to his own work, Ben often collaborates with other musicians. He has worked extensively with Grammy-nominated singer Ryland Angel on several compositional projects, including the project Unspoken, which premiered at the Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis, in November of 2016. His debut album Instead has received very favorable reviews from a wide range of sources throughout the world, including Downbeat Magazine, All About Jazz, Drumset Magazine (Italy) and The Jazz Writer (Germany).
Ben performed with the Bachiana Brasileira Orchestra at Lincoln Center (conducted by Joao Carlos Martins and featuring Dave Brubeck), and he was a featured soloist at Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium with the New York Harmonic Band (conducted by Reona Ito). He traveled to New Delhi, India, to perform at a Max India Benefit, and was a participant at Il Grande Veggio, in Perugia, Italy. He has played at the Masten Jazz Festival (Buffalo), the Richmond Jazz Festival (Richmond), the Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festival (Maryland), Lincoln Center Out of Doors Festival (Manhattan), the DUMBO Arts Festival (Brooklyn), Musikfest (Bethlehem, PA) and the Music Mountain Festival (Connecticut). He has also appeared at Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola, the Appel Room at Lincoln Center, Ryles Jazz Club, Webster Hall, Symphony Space, The Blue Note, Smoke, Smalls and a host of other music venues throughout the northeast.
Ben has worked extensively with such jazz luminaries as Curtis Lundy, Neal Smith, Winard Harper, Wayne Escoffery and Deborah Davis, and he has performed in bands led by Bobby Watson, TS Monk, Chris Washburne and Warren Wolf. In addition, he has shared the stage with many other jazz legends, including Wycliffe Gordon, Brian Lynch, Phil Woods, Houston Person, Jerry Dodgion, Eliot Zigmund, Clarence Penn, Craig Handy, Dave Stryker, James Cammack, Ameen Saleem, Bob Nieske, Steve Nelson, Yasushi Nakamura, Essiet Essiet, Willie Williams, Patience Higgins, Josh Evans, Kenny Davis and Rogerio Boccato.?
While at Columbia University, Ben founded the Columbia Jazz House, a student-run jazz advocacy group that promotes jazz on campus through concerts, educational workshops and jam sessions. On December 28th, 2015, the Columbia Jazz House was featured in a New York Times article titled “Melodies Night and Day in this Columbia Dorm.”
Greg Feingold started playing bass at the age of 10. He quickly realized that bass was something he would pursue for the rest of his life and was accepted to the Chicago Academy for the Arts. After graduating from the Academy, Greg was given a scholarship to attend Berklee College of Music. Greg was very active both locally and nationally while at Berklee. He began playing with the International String Trio and performing regularly with Berklee faculty such as Bill Pierce, Neal Smith, Jon Hazilla, Doug Johnson, Rebecca Cline and many others. After graduating, Greg moved to New York and began playing in Winard Harper’s Jelli Posse. Throughout his stay in New York, he worked with legendary jazz performers such as Jimmy Cobb, Eric Reed, Eric Harland, Cyrus Chestnut, Steve Turre, Jim Rotondi, Jackie Ryan, Stephen Scott as well as continuing to tour with the International String Trio and the Valinor Quartet. Greg moved to Seattle in 2015 to change his surroundings and currently performs with a variety of groups around the west coast. He can be seen performing regularly with Thomas Marriott, Julian MacDonough, Miles Black and other great local Seattle musicians. He also co-leads the 200 Trio which performs around the country as one of the up and coming jazz guitar trios.
Jazz drummer and educator, Ben Zweig, “is able to combine history with the current musical environment, making it sound fresh” (Don Sickler). After moving to NYC in 2011, the 26 year old has accompanied an impressive array of jazz luminaries, including; Randy Weston, Johnny O’Neal, Larry Ridley, David Williams, Roy Hargrove, Deborah Davis, Joe Cohn, Champian Fulton, Jerry Dodgion, and Steve Nelson. Described by downbeat as “especially crisp and articulate,” Zweig has presented his personal sound performed with tours throughout the continental US, Asia and Canada. He currently tours regularly with Ben Rosenblum’s trio and leads a bi-weekly residency hosting the Sunday late night jam sessions at Smalls Jazz Club in NYC. Zweig is an avid educator. He has taught clinics across the country with the Champian Fulton quartet and has also directed the after-school percussion program at WHEELS middle and high school. Mentored by master drummers such as Joe Farnsworth, Billy Hart, Kenny Washington, Rodney Green, Justin DiCioccio, Christopher Brown, John Riley, and Rogerio Boccato, Ben is committed to passing down the information he has received from these legends. In his formative education, Ben was classically trained by Kenneth Piascik, culminating in performances with the NAfME All-Eastern Orchestra and as principal percussionist with the MENC All-National Concert Band. He currently maintains a private drum studio in Morningside-Heights with students of all ages. Ben received his B.M. and a M.M. from the Manhattan School of Music.
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overlooked-tracks · 2 years
New Music: Blues from New Delhi, Piano Pop from Bengaluru, Prog Metal from U.A.E. and More
The following article has been posted on July 26, 2022 at 09:40PM:
An Overlooked Tracks News Finding: Here’s an article you might have overlooked. Having a partnership with NewsAPI, we try to catch music entertainment news for you to view, read and possibly enjoy. We will continue to find what’s available in the world of music entertainment, concert information and music releases. But obviously you – the listener and reader are the biggest source for news in your area, so if you can share with us. For right now, look at what we found for you:
“From The Rolling Stone – India Magazine Website – New Music: Blues from New Delhi, Piano Pop from Bengaluru, Prog Metal from U.A.E. and More”
Check out the latest releases by New Delhi singer-songwriter Swati Bhatt and Arunachali artist Takar Nabam, U.K. veteran producer-DJ Zed Bias’ collab with Indian producer Stain, and others
(From left) Rishaad, Ruhee Ahamed, Big Bang Blues and Oxygen. Photos: Courtesy of the artist, Nikhil R. (Ahamed)
“Dhuan Lipa” by Akx, Agaahi Raahi, Adam Bo & Circle Tone
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Beyond the witty title that references pop star Dua Lipa, there are very real experiences of addiction and the love-hate relationship artists share with smoking on “Dhuan Lipa.” Rappers Akx, Agaahi Raahi and Adam Bo take on an aptly airy production by Lucknow’s Circle Tone to have a conversation about fighting their urges, but also finding themselves helpless.  
Salud Sessions Vol. 5 by Various Artists  
Bringing in the Eighties soundscape of disco, synthwave and synth-pop, the new volume of electronic music compilation Salud Sessions Vol. 5 calls in five artists for a whirlwind trip that can get any dancefloor in action. It features songs by Sahil Madaan, Knique, Synths Back, Himay and Mannequin Disorder. DJ, producer and saxophonist Madaan adds grandiosity with the vocoder-infused “Back To Disco,” while seasoned  artist Nikshith Shetty aka Knique taps into house grooves on “Conformity.” Synths Back provides escapism on “This Wave,” while Himay’s “Time” is exuberant. Duo Mannequin Disorder offer late-night synth-rock/pop on “Healdrome.”
“Hold On To Me” by Ruhee Ahamed 
On the second single off her upcoming debut EP Things I Have To Say, Bengaluru singer-songwriter Ruhee Ahamed focuses on the present and takes stock of all the storms she’s weathered along the way for love and family on “Hold On To Me.” Playing out over a five-minute plaintive piano tune, Ahamed – who is part of fusion ensemble Bryden & Parth – sings emphatically about staying grounded in the here and now rather than worrying about the future, in a pop ballad style that’s rarely heard. The song follows her 2020 single “Maybe I’m Foolish.”
“Northern Lights” by Oxygen 
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Formed in 2003, Oxygen is the genre-hopping ensemble led by composer and keyboardist C. Girinandh, who has now launched the group’s latest project, Metagen. The collaborative album, which traverses jazz, funk, Tamil and Bihu folk, has had two singles being released so far – “Saraswathi” in June and more recently, “Northern Lights.” The latter offers euphoric brass sections and the able melodies of Chennai-based 20-member orchestra Tenor Strings. Part of a total of 36 compositions, Metagen will be mixed and mastered by Dolby Atmos and Spatial Audio.  
“Project 1948” by Callous Minds 
U.A.E. progressive metallers Callous Minds return with a stomping new single “Project 1948,” produced by New Delhi’s Yatin Srivastava. Bearing a few fusion flourishes that seem to take inspiration from Indian classical and Arabic music, there are beatdowns aplenty on their third single this year, which takes aim at injustices, pain and suffering.
“Delhi Birds” by Zed Bias and Stain 
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Manchester-bred garage producer Zed Bias and New Delhi-based DJ-producer Stain aka Sourodeep Guha teamed up in the midst of the former’s India tour and created the intriguing electronic song “Delhi Birds.” Released via Boxout.fm Recordings, the riddim-infused sonic trip through the capital arrives just after Stain’s U.K. tour, performing in Derry at the Celtronic Festival, in London and Brighton.  
“Scarlet Skies” by Swati Bhatt and Takar Nabam
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The slow, calming lilt of singer-songwriters Swati Bhatt and Takar Nabam on “Scarlet Skies” reminds us to celebrate “the present and beauty of the undivided.” The soul-searching song features Bhatt on vocals, while Nabam also helms vocals, guitars, keys/synths, bass and production duties. The duo is joined by drummer Teji Toko and trumpeter Tiziano Bianchi, with drummer Suyash Gabriel completing the lineup by helming cheery percussions.  
“Tu” by Rishaad 
Gurugram-based melodic rap artist Rishaad turns on the charm and affection of a sweet-natured lover on his latest single “Tu.” The Hindi song takes a page right out of the books of Drake and other hip-hop/pop purveyors with a hint of desi-rap influence. Rishaad’s commanding cadence takes us through the ups and downs in his love life, anchored in buoyant beats with the occasional nod to guitar melodies.
“Love of a Mother” by Big Bang Blues
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New Delhi blues-rock band Big Bang Blues tug at the heartstrings with a gentle and straightforward ballad for those who bring life into the world. On “Love of a Mother,” guitarist Sushant Thakur takes over vocal and composing duties, while also ripping out ace lead sections. The first of five more songs releasing over the next few months, Big Bang Blues recently wrapped up a tour in June and have more shows planned later this year in the Northeast and South India.
“Step Into My Mind” by Ankur Das ft Soyam Dean, Foxy Rahul and Anand Murali
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Following the release of his debut solo EP The Annoying Dasaralibeans in 2021, Bengaluru artist Ankur Das has teamed up once again with vocalist Soyam Dean, bassist Rahul Chidambaran aka Foxy Rahul and keyboardist Anand Murali for “Step Into My Mind.” With a sparkling sense of songwriting, the track has slinky jazz/funk and neo-soul guitar hooks that expand and turn atmospheric with help from Dean’s chill vocals through the course of seven minutes.  
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and can be found on the Overlooked Tracks website: https://ift.tt/VeoOFgS. Check out more music news from Overlooked Tracks! Blues Music, Music Headline News, Blues, India, Music Video
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decorexlighting · 3 years
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marketinfo · 3 years
LED String Lights Market 2028 In-Depth Coverage, Various Important Aspects such as Challenges, Industry Revenue and Forecast 2028
Market research should involve scientific and systematic research procedures to obtain the correct market statistics and industry analysis for overall business success. Learning about the market from a small level, where we implement statistics that help verify data with accuracy greatly helps to promote the business. The methodology of research is mainly done with two research approaches i.e. primary and secondary. Primary research is conducted to determine segmentation type, price range, key players, raw material supply, industry status, and other indexes. Data screening, Data synthesis, and integration are other LED String Lights processes in primary research. The secondary research approach focuses primarily on important information about the top players, market classification and segmentation according to industry trends to the bottom-most level, and key developments related to market and technology perspectives. It also helps a lot to understand the product financials, geographic revenue, total company revenue. Extensive qualitative and further quantitative analysis is also done along with a complete market LED String Lights engineering process to list key information throughout the report.
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architectnews · 3 years
Grimshaw models Shenzhen airport transport hub on mangrove trees
Mangrove trees informed the design of the Shenzhen Airport East Integrated Transport Hub, which architecture firm Grimshaw has won a competition to build at an airport in China.
The large transport interchange will form part of the Shenzhen Bao'an Airport and is hoped to become a landmark and gateway for the wider Greater Bay Area, which is home to nine cities.
Grimshaw has designed the Shenzhen Airport East Integrated Transport Hub
Grimshaw's design, characterised by sweeping columns and an undulating roofscape, was modelled on mangrove trees in honour of their symbolic significance in Shenzhen.
According to the studio, it is also an attempt to replicate the highly efficient, natural forms of the tree species, which it describes as "one of the planet's most effective carbon absorbers".
It will be built at Shenzhen Bao'an Airport
"We are often inspired by the transfer of geometries and forms from nature into architecture," explained Jolyon Brewis, partner at Grimshaw.
"We have applied this approach to the master plan and interchange design at Shenzhen Bao'an Airport which is directly inspired by the mangrove tree. Not only does this have symbolic value as an important tree to Shenzhen, but it has led us to a solution for the building that is highly efficient."
Mangrove trees informed the design
Grimshaw's design was the winning entry of an international competition for the Shenzhen Airport East Integrated Transport Hub, chosen over entries by the likes of Zaha Hadid Architects, Foster + Partners and BIG.
It was developed with a wider competition team consisting of Mott MacDonald, China Aviation Planning and Design Institute, Beijing Urban Construction Design and Development Group, Schlaich Bergermann Partner, Atelier Ten and Gross Max.
Once complete, the interchange hub is expected to accommodate thousands of daily commuters moving between high-speed rail and other means of public transport.
It will also connect with Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport's terminals, which the studio claims will make it "one of the most integrated transport interchanges in the world".
The columns evoke tree roots
Inside, visitors to Shenzhen Airport East Integrated Transport Hub will be guided through arrival and departure spaces that are naturally lit and filled with sweeping columns that evoke tree roots.
There will be spaces both above and below ground in a nod to mangrove trees, which have roots that weave between air and water.
The interiors will be lit by natural light
The transport hub will be developed by Grimshaw to achieve LEED Platinum and Chinese 3 Star ratings, which are the highest certifications awarded in terms of energy performance by the two green building standards.
According to the studio, this will be achieved in part through the efficient use of materials – such as the repetition of components.
An undulating roof will cover the hub
Shenzhen Airport East Integrated Transport Hub is the latest in a string of buildings being developed in Shenzhen by a list of illustrious architects.
This includes 10 cultural buildings that are being created for the major Shenzhen Ten Cultural Facilities of New Era masterplan. Among them are a music conservatory wrapped in decorative louvres, a pebble-shaped science museum by Zaha Hadid Architects and a giant opera house on the waterfront Jean Nouvel.
Elsewhere, Grimshaw is currently developing a carbon-neutral terminal for Delhi Noida International Airport in India, alongside Nordic Office of Architecture, Haptic and STUP.
Its plans to expand London's Heathrow airport have also been given the go-ahead once more, after an argument that the expansion would undermine the UK's commitment to the Paris Agreement was overturned.
Visuals are courtesy of Grimshaw.
The post Grimshaw models Shenzhen airport transport hub on mangrove trees appeared first on Dezeen.
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Tennis Equipment Market - Anticipated To Witness High Growth In The Near Future
Tennis is a widely popular sport across the globe. A wide range of tennis equipment is available for players as per their age and skill level. Tennis equipment include tennis racquets, balls, equipment bags, apparels, footwear, and other accessories. History of tennis dates back to 11th century, when players in France used to play tennis with their hands. It was called ‘Jeu de Paume’. As the popularity of tennis increased worldwide, importance of tennis equipment increased over the period of time. Prominent manufacturers of tennis equipment include YONEX Co., Ltd., Wilson Sporting Goods, Nike, Inc., and Adidas AG. These companies produce racquets, balls, and strings as well as accessories such as apparels, equipment bags, headbands, wristbands, and shoes.
The tennis equipment market is primarily driven by rise in the popularity of tennis worldwide. Increase in the number of tennis events and promotional events has led to worldwide adoption of this sport. Australia, the U.S, France, Germany, Russia, and Spain are some of the countries wherein tennis is highly popular. Moreover, in the Asia Pacific region, tennis has gained wide popularity. The Commonwealth Games held in New Delhi (India) in 2008 have contributed to this popularity. Another driver for the tennis equipment market is increasing awareness about tennis as a fitness sport. This has resulted in increase in the popularity of tennis among kids, young millennials, and elderly people. According to the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, more than 30 million tennis players in the U.S. are benefitted from tennis in terms of aerobic fitness, reduced cholesterol level, and improved bone health. Factors such as high requirement for replacement of tennis balls and racquets is likely to help in promoting growth of the tennis equipment market in the near future. On the other hand, certain associations specify the global standards for manufacturing of tennis equipment. For example, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) defines specifications for tennis racquets. As a result, it becomes difficult for local manufacturers to produce tennis racquets as per their choice.
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One of the key trends observed in the tennis equipment market is use of information technology for direct promotion or marketing. Promotion of tennis as a fitness sport is another major trend observed in the market. For example, cardio tennis is a high-energy fitness activity that combines the best features of tennis with cardiovascular exercise. It delivers full-body, calorie-burning, aerobic workout. Tennis racquet manufacturers are adopting new technologies such as woofer, bending zone, and aero modular to make tennis racquets more durable and comfortable.
The tennis equipment market can be segmented based on type, distribution channel, and geography. In terms of type, the tennis equipment market has been segmented into tennis racquets, tennis balls, tennis strings, equipment bags, apparels, headbands & wristbands, shoes, and others (sunglasses, caps, hats & visors, etc.). Based on distribution channel, the market can be divided into online channel and offline channel. The online channel segment can be sub-segmented into direct selling and third-party selling, whereas the offline channel segment can be sub-segmented into supermarket and hypermarket. Geographically, the global tennis equipment market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and South America.
Some of the prominent players operating in the tennis equipment market are YONEX Co., Ltd. (Japan), Wilson Sporting Goods (the U.S.), Nike, Inc. (the U.S.), Adidas AG (Germany), BABOLAT VS S.A. (France), Solinco Inc. (the U.S.), Amer Sports (Finland), Head N.V. (Netherlands), Dunlop Sports (U.K.), and Technifibre (France). In order to gain a competitive advantage in the market, these players are constantly involved in collaborations, partnerships, agreements, and launch of new products.
This study by TMR is all-encompassing framework of the dynamics of the market. It mainly comprises critical assessment of consumers' or customers' journeys, current and emerging avenues, and strategic framework to enable CXOs take effective decisions.
Our key underpinning is the 4-Quadrant Framework EIRS that offers detailed visualization of four elements:
Customer Experience Maps
Insights and Tools based on data-driven research
Actionable Results to meet all the business priorities
Strategic Frameworks to boost the growth journey
The study strives to evaluate the current and future growth prospects, untapped avenues, factors shaping their revenue potential, and demand and consumption patterns in the global market by breaking it into region-wise assessment.
The following regional segments are covered comprehensively:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
The Middle East and Africa
The EIRS quadrant framework in the report sums up our wide spectrum of data-driven research and advisory for CXOs to help them make better decisions for their businesses and stay as leaders.
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Below is a snapshot of these quadrants.
1. Customer Experience Map
The study offers an in-depth assessment of various customers’ journeys pertinent to the market and its segments. It offers various customer impressions about the products and service use. The analysis takes a closer look at their pain points and fears across various customer touchpoints. The consultation and business intelligence solutions will help interested stakeholders, including CXOs, define customer experience maps tailored to their needs. This will help them aim at boosting customer engagement with their brands.
2. Insights and Tools
The various insights in the study are based on elaborate cycles of primary and secondary research the analysts engage with during the course of research. The analysts and expert advisors at TMR adopt industry-wide, quantitative customer insights tools and market projection methodologies to arrive at results, which makes them reliable. The study not just offers estimations and projections, but also an uncluttered evaluation of these figures on the market dynamics. These insights merge data-driven research framework with qualitative consultations for business owners, CXOs, policy makers, and investors. The insights will also help their customers overcome their fears.
3. Actionable Results
The findings presented in this study by TMR are an indispensable guide for meeting all business priorities, including mission-critical ones. The results when implemented have shown tangible benefits to business stakeholders and industry entities to boost their performance. The results are tailored to fit the individual strategic framework. The study also illustrates some of the recent case studies on solving various problems by companies they faced in their consolidation journey.
4. Strategic Frameworks
The study equips businesses and anyone interested in the market to frame broad strategic frameworks. This has become more important than ever, given the current uncertainty due to COVID-19. The study deliberates on consultations to overcome various such past disruptions and foresees new ones to boost the preparedness. The frameworks help businesses plan their strategic alignments for recovery from such disruptive trends. Further, analysts at TMR helps you break down the complex scenario and bring resiliency in uncertain times.
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The report sheds light on various aspects and answers pertinent questions on the market. Some of the important ones are:
1. What can be the best investment choices for venturing into new product and service lines?
2. What value propositions should businesses aim at while making new research and development funding?
3. Which regulations will be most helpful for stakeholders to boost their supply chain network?
4. Which regions might see the demand maturing in certain segments in near future?
5. What are the some of the best cost optimization strategies with vendors that some well-entrenched players have gained success with?
6. Which are the key perspectives that the C-suite are leveraging to move businesses to new growth trajectory?
7. Which government regulations might challenge the status of key regional markets?
8. How will the emerging political and economic scenario affect opportunities in key growth areas?
9. What are some of the value-grab opportunities in various segments?
10. What will be the barrier to entry for new players in the market?
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When Convenience becomes Compliance - Uber’s London Ban
As a millennial, (she says, shuddering at the implications), I have grown up riding the wave of tech innovation. My first classroom had a big, boxy computer in it. My maths classes were punctuated by sessions in the ‘IT Lab’, where I learned how to make Powerpoint text appear letter by letter on a background so psychedelic it probably should have come with an epilepsy warning. My first mobile phone was only the size of a small brick and now, in 2017, much of my life is logged on the 3x5 inches of microchip and glass a network loan me for two years at a go, at a price that very briefly seems reasonable.
Which is all a long way of saying that I have used Uber. This is the story of why I kept using it, even after I suspected they were operating unethically, why I eventually stopped and why I hope the London Ban forces many others, like me, to acknowledge that their cheap rides maybe subsidising rape culture and unethical working conditions.
During my five year stint in publishing there were periods of time where my monthly post-expense budget was in the tens of pounds. This, as you may imagine, was limiting, especially in an industry where progression involved a fair few evenings spent networking at launches etc. This meant drinking warm wine and eating crisps in pubs, libraries and quirky “novelty” venues all over London. While the wine was free (yay!), the ride home was not, and with Black Cabs out of the question, Uber promised a heated, safe delivery from the back streets of Brixton. I loved it, nursed my rating like the first born I will never have, called friendships into question over unpaid split fares and rowdy backseat behaviour.
Uber quickly became part of my landscape. And I never questioned it, because in my experience, once tech grabs hold like that, it’s here to stay. I never questioned it, because it lived quietly on my phone until I needed it, and damn was it convenient.
And then, in the post 2016 Presidential Election landslide of horror I read an aside that mentioned Uber’s C.E.O. was joining the Trump cabinet. And that made a tiny warning light in my head light up. I wish I could say I dug in then, but I didn’t. Life got busy and I got more Ubers and there were bigger crises to deal with. But with that light on, I started to catch sight of Uber in places that I didn’t expect to see it. In February, I didn’t read Susan Fowler’s post about endemic sexism at Uber, because I wasn’t “sure” it was unbiased. I ignored this article from May about how sexual assaults in Ubers accounted for 1/5 of the total assaults reported in cabs and car hires. I ignored that one because Uber’s statement seemed reasonable. Then in June I ignored a NYT article about the toxic environment and a string of sexual harassment firings at the company’s California HQ, because that was a whole ocean away.
What I didn’t ignore was the second lawsuit brought against Uber by a New Delhi rape victim, the same rape that led to Uber being suspended in the city. Having won her initial case, it was discovered that executives at Uber had illegally obtained and shared the victim’s medical file within the company during the course of her first case. Publicly, they played ball, and behind the scenes they invaded her privacy, broke the law and made her a victim in their crime, as well as her rapist’s.
This line in particular stuck with me and caused me to stop using Uber.
“Rape denial is just another form of the toxic gender discrimination that is endemic at Uber and ingrained in its culture. Hopefully, this lawsuit coupled with the changes recommended by the independent counsel will create real change and reform.”
Except it didn’t.
September 2017 and TFL revoke Uber’s license to operate in London citing a “lack of corporate responsibility”, both towards the reporting of sexual assaults and in treatment and protection of it’s drivers. This isn’t just TFL being petty, this is a a shot across the bows which demands the company update its lousy business practice in order to continue to operate. And what is Uber’s response?Compliance?
Instead, it asks its users, me included, to sign a petition, protesting the removal of their convenient service.
And here’s the rub.
Unsurprisingly, they don’t give you all the facts in that email. They use their access to your details, which TFL does not have, to contact you directly and make a case for how they are being unfairly stigmatised, based on… well nothing. They take advantage of their access, your clicktivism and your prior experience of them as a convenient and useful company to get around the nitty gritty of what they’re being asked to do. They appropriate our right to petition and try and turn it into a get out of jail free card for their corporate screw up.By asking for an impulse response, they appeal to our desire for convenience, ‘quick sign this and keep your easy fix’, inflame outrage at the loss of what many of us have come to see as a form of transport we have a right to and bury the facts in a flurry of confusion. And that is SO problematic.
Because if you go along with it, you’re transitioning from accessing a convenient consumer service, to complying with an unethical company in their attempt to subvert a governing body. Your cheap ride is subsidising Uber’s culture of misuse, low employee standards sexual harassment, and to an extent, rape. And it’s not under the surface any more. The truth is out there, if you take half a second to look, and so far 500k people have signed a petition to deny it.
The sad thing is that the same technology that brought an Uber to your door is capable of giving you all the information as to why the move by TFL is the right one. Enabling Uber in it’s flouting of the standards of not just good business practice but common decency sets a dangerous standard, for apps, our transit services and beyond. It implies that where tech moves faster than law and legislature, we should allow the popularity of the innovation to dictate whether or not we hold it to the same standards we do pre-existing businesses. And that’s just not workable. Innovation shouldn’t be a get out of jail free card for unethical start ups; just because something is new doesn’t mean it can break the rules, and just because something is convenient doesn’t mean it is right.
And that’s what this really comes down to.
Instead of spending time posting to social media about how long you have to wait for a cab or how unfair it is that you have to walk to a bus stop, use that time to research why TFL is doing what it is, start with this article and dig as deep as you can stomach.
Then look up alternate modes of transit, because trust me they exist, and until Uber can pull its socks up and bring a better deal to the table (and I have no doubt it is capable, if not willing), travel elsewhere.
Your refusal to buy into Uber’s remorseless irresponsibility is worth much more than a few cheap rides. 
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nicolamalfi · 8 years
“The Long Road Home: A Survival Story”
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// After three years, here is the thorough 3,889 word summary of my magnum opus story. Parts I - III are completed and can be found here: I, II, III. I feel that this definitely isn’t the same quality as the actual story, but at least it conveys everything! There is a TL;DR at the very bottom.
Part I: Survival
After throwing himself between a dear friend and the blade of an enemy, Nicol is presumed dead and the broken Blitz is left half-submerged off an island near Orb, fodder for scavengers. Three brothers under the guise of a fishing crew find the mobile suit a few days later. They eagerly cut into the cockpit—the Blue Cosmos chapter in the Equatorial Union capital of New Delhi offers a fine reward for any ranking ZAFT soldiers taken alive—and attempt to strip the mobile suit of whatever materials they can.
They cut open the hatch and find Nicol alive but barely conscious. He's up to his waist in water and pinned in where the cockpit has crushed inward around his right leg. They're not sure what a red suit means but it's out of the ordinary, so after a brief moment’s consideration they use the same power saw to cut through his leg, just above the knee, and pull him free.
Nicol survives the journey west and is taken to the brothers’ home in the Equatorial Union. There he is allowed to begin recovering under the pretence that the brothers had rescued him from the goodness of their hearts. The eldest, Bayani, is the only one who ever speaks to him. Nicol doesn’t remember their first encounter, but he still doesn’t trust these strangers.
His suspicions are confirmed one afternoon when the brothers take him to a beach to supposedly practice walking with a new crutch. Their behavior becomes increasingly erratic until, at the sound of an approaching boat, they admit their true motives. Nicol manages to escape before the boat arrives to take him away, killing Bayani and wounding the other two in the process. He retreats into a jungle and begins walking south, towards the PLANT-aligned Oceania Union.
Nicol stows away aboard ships heading south. He lives on produce swiped from markets and the donations of curious children who see him as a poor young vagabond. Despite keeping the hood of a stolen jacket drawn up at almost all times, Nicol decides that it’s best to cut his obvious Coordinator hair short.
A captain named Isko spots Nicol in Luwuk and offers him a small cabin and passage as far south as Dili, in the state of East Timor. Nicol is suspicious, but he accepts the offer. He later realises that the captain and his wife are simply good-hearted people and regrets his initial wariness.
Alone in his cabin, Nicol faces a mirror and feels disconnected from the unfamiliar reflection. Gaunt, deeply tanned, hair cut short…When he looks down to inspect his healing leg, the physical and emotional toll of the past few weeks causes him to black out and fall into the shower. He strikes the shower lever on the way down, and the water that hits his unconscious body inspires dreams of dark waves and dead faces.
Eventually he wakes and finds that he is still on the ship.
Part II: The Twins
Captain Isko drops Nicol off in Dili with a few kind words and a bag of food. It has been roughly one month since the battle, and Nicol feels almost peaceful as he eats his warm lunch in a shady spot across from a beach dotted with happy families. The war doesn’t seem to exist in this place.
A group of locals walk past, but a young man a few years older than Nicol pauses and catches his gaze. Nicol quickly prepares to leave, but the stranger has already hopped into the street and offered assistance. The cheerful man takes Nicol’s silence as an invitation to keep talking. His ready smile and memories of Captain Isko’s kindness convince Nicol to go against his instinct to run.
The stranger introduces himself as Alan. He leads Nicol to a dirt car park where his twin sister Ain is waiting in an old truck. The twins banter for a bit before they set off for their house. The radio is broken, so they talk to pass the time. About the island, the earth, themselves.
Nicol tells his story for the first time. The twins are surprisingly unbothered by his past as a soldier, and a ZAFT one at that. They’re mostly curious about life in space, and as Equatorial Union citizens they provide additional context for the actions of Bayani and his brothers.
They arrive at a white house set between two green hills. There are signs of disrepair and neglect; Ain later reveals that their mother has passed away and their father is away caring for family on another island. The twins insist that Nicol should receive some medical attention, but because the local clinic has already closed for the day they make do with what they have at the house.
Ain takes care of checking on Nicol’s leg and gives him some of Alan’s clothes to wear. She then starts preparing some chicken soup, but Alan keeps making innocent jokes about Coordinators so she throws a chunk of raw chicken that hits him square in the mouth. Nicol retreats to the back yard as they begin to fight, though he soon hears the tension dissolve into laughter.
After a while, Ain pokes her head out the back door and announces that dinner is ready. The table is set, the food is hot. Nicol is struck by how ordinary it all looks, and how deprived he has felt of such simple things. Alan misinterprets Nicol’s expression as one of judgement, because surely someone from space is used to fancier displays. Suddenly embarrassed by their home, Alan quietly asks if it isn’t too bad. Nicol smiles and tells him that it’s perfect.
Part III: Firelight
Four months have now passed since the battle. The trio spends an afternoon at the beach, and as the sun sets they build a fire to cook some dinner. Ain has to return to the truck for supplies, leaving the boys alone for a while. Alan is a bit unnerved when he sees Nicol looking up at the sky, as he fears that Nicol is unhappy or wants to leave them. Over the past three months the twins—and their community—have come to see the erstwhile soldier as part of the family.
Nicol says that he's not sure why he looks up anymore, since the PLANTs (he doesn't say “home”) feel farther away each day.
Ain returns with a plate stacked with foil-wrapped sweet potatoes. She asks if everything is alright, to which Alan responds with a snort and a string of Portuguese. This doesn’t fool Nicol anymore. After three months in Dili he is nearly fluent in Portuguese and has working knowledge of Tetun-Prasa. There are other languages on the island as well, especially after the creation of the Equatorial Union, so he also knows a word of Tetun-Terik here and Indonesian there, and enough Galoli to order breakfast.
They talk a bit more, but Alan is soon distracted by a seagull that alights nearby. He scrambles up and chases it down the beach. With Alan gone, Ain gives Nicol a stern yet maternal glare until he admits what’s really bothering him. He reveals his fear of no longer hurting enough at the separation, of becoming complacent and losing touch with his past self.
“I can’t give up on everyone, but short of rowing myself to Carpentaria, which is impossible, I can’t think of what to do. And I think about it every day.” He paused. “Or at least I used to. It’s so easy to live like the war doesn’t even exist here. And that’s what scares me. Am I…” He looked back up to Ain as his voice tightened. “Am I giving up on everyone?” 
“You can’t live torn in two,” she tells him. Maybe what he feels is a sense of closure, growing slowly and tenderly like scar tissue across a wound. If his life has led him to Dili, then maybe he should accept that. “And if the people in our pasts truly loved us, they would want us to be happy and continue on. Even if it’s without them.”
He can’t help but feel that she’s right. Everyone he knew must be coming to terms with his absence, so maybe he should accept theirs and continue along his new path. For so long it felt more like a dark river, pushing him along and under until he suddenly found solid ground on a small island. That was when Alan appeared, there under the blazing blue sky, hand outstretched.
Ain gives Nicol’s hands a squeeze to draw him back from his thoughts as Alan returns. The sky has fallen into night by now, and their small campfire is the only light between them and the constellations. The three friends laugh and eat and talk long into the night. The waves come and go in the darkness, eroding and rebuilding.
Part IV: Event Horizon
The trio spends one Saturday morning working for a local farm by making deliveries to restaurants and an outdoor market. When they reach the market square Ain runs ahead to get them breakfast, leaving the boys to do the heavy lifting. By now Nicol has a 3D printed prosthesis (with custom decorations by Alan) and putting it on is beginning to feel as normal as dressing in his ZAFT uniform once did. They pass familiar faces in the crowded market, though the appearance of an old friend of the twins throws the day into disarray. Alan is ecstatic; Ain is furious.
Later that evening, the twins’ friend Yasir appears at the door bearing a peace offering: brownies, Ain’s favourite dessert. It doesn’t go over well, but he is eventually allowed in the door. Alan properly introduces him to Nicol while Ain putters around angrily in the next room. Yasir is the tallest of them, with a gentle demeanour and a habit of gesturing as he speaks. Nicol learns that he used to live nearby, but he left at the start of the war to join a water rescue group called the Cormorants.
The group originally saved fishermen and boaters, but with the onset of war they began plucking soldiers from ships, planes, and mobile suits downed in the waters around the Equatorial Union. They are non-aligned, with Coordinators working alongside Naturals to save lives. Yasir reveals that he himself is a Coordinator.
Nicol retells his story, which comes more easily now. After a moment of silence Yasir offhandedly states that the Cormorants would have been able to get him into the Oceania Union with little difficulty. The conversation quickly moves on to other topics, but Nicol remains silent, confused at how deeply Yasir’s words struck him. He’s happy here. These are his friends—truer than the members of the Le Creuset Team ever were. This place feels like home. So what is the painful flicker of hope in his chest?
As Yasir leaves, Nicol catches him at the door and quietly asks what he meant about getting into the Oceania Union. Unfortunately, that is no longer an option, as the Cormorant leadership recently underwent a shakeup and their contacts are gone. The revelation that crossing into the Oceania Union was once possible eats at Nicol for days, and his mind once again turns to thoughts of reaching Carpentaria.
Alan and Ain notice that he has become distracted and seems burdened, despite the cheerful face he wears for them. They confront Yasir to find out what he told Nicol that night.
On September 20, Nicol comes home from his part-time job at a restaurant and finds Alan, Ain, and Yasir sitting at the kitchen table waiting for him. As he sits, Ain confidently says that they’re going to get him home. They can tell that he’s in pain, and as his adopted earth family it’s their duty to do what’s best for him, even if it means that their paths will diverge.
Yasir explains how he was able to re-establish contact with one of their contacts in the Oceania Union—a member of the Junk Guild. But there’s a catch: their window of opportunity is in four days. He also shares news that the ZAFT base of Carpentaria fell to the Earth Alliance more than a month earlier.
The plan is for them to travel on a boat operated by Yasir’s Cormorant team and meet up with their contact at the border. From there Nicol will be taken into the Oceania Union and dropped off at a PLANT embassy.
Nicol immediately refuses.
The twins ignore him. They will stick together and see the mission through. The fact that they casually call it a ‘mission’ makes Nicol stand and leave the table. It could be dangerous. They aren’t soldiers. But Alan insists that they’re family, and there’s nothing he can do to stop them. Yasir says that he’s against it, but the crossing is calm at the moment so it shouldn’t be too dangerous.
Yasir gives them one day to decide. After many tears and hours spent sitting on the bench where Nicol and Alan first met months before, they agree to attempt it. The next two days are spent preparing and saying goodbye to the island. As the morning of the fourth day arrives, Nicol feels ill as they hurry out the door. His life is still neatly organised in the spare bedroom, as if he’ll return to it that afternoon.
Part V: Dark Water
The boat is manned by two additional Cormorant members who cheerfully greet the trio and assure them that the route is calm. It’s just another day of work for them. One attempts to make conversation by asking Nicol if he’s heard about what happened at Boaz the day before. The ZAFT base was destroyed, and the prevailing rumour is that the attack was nuclear.
After a few uneventful hours, one of the Cormorants spots an EA plane coming from the east. Its presence is troubling; the crew talk amongst themselves while their passengers stare up at the sky. It’s decided that they should stop at an uninhabited atoll known as Bedwell Island until the scout returns to the captured Carpentaria base. The Cormorants are generally allowed to travel unmolested, but they don’t want to risk being caught in anything.  
They wait on the island for an hour then set out again. Words are lost and nerves are taut as their destination takes shape on the horizon. Then from the west, with the sunset spilling red behind it, appears an Oceania Union flotilla accompanied by at least one Vosgulov-class submarine that slips below the water before Nicol can be sure he truly saw it.
OMNI ships begin to take shape off to the east.
There is nowhere to go but forward. The Cormorants’ small boat speeds across water limned in vivid sunset orange, racing towards the coastline and out of the line of fire. Suddenly the ocean in front of them erupts as the Vosgulov-class launches an aerial mobile suit with a roar that sends everyone to their knees. Stinging sea spray rains down and agitated waves push the boat back towards the impending conflict.
The Cormorants fight for control, but they are caught in the battle and capsized by the wake of an Oceania Union warship. As the last light fades, Nicol sees Alan go under. Ain is clinging to hull and shouting something. Yasir is swimming towards her. Where are the other Cormorants—they don’t matter, he has to find Alan. The deafening cannonade continues. Another DINN swoops low overhead and the gale drags Nicol farther away. He swims. He swims. The wake of another warship sends more dark water crashing down, and from beneath its surface he can see the flash of violent lights in the sky.
A lifetime ago dark water crept into the Blitz’s cockpit, cold and inescapable, and from there it swept into his dreams. But his friends burned that darkness away. Now they are gone and the waves are back. Nicol can’t move, can’t fight the ocean.
Part VI: Gravity
He’s moving, but no longer weightless in the water. Before he can think, the sensation of being dragged triggers some deeply guarded memory and he panics, flailing at the hands that grip his shoulders. The stranger, a woman, drops him roughly and delivers a hard slap to his face. Nicol goes still and attempts to gather his wits. While hurrying him to a nearby car, she impatiently confirms that her name is Ellis and she’s a friend of Yasir’s from the Junk Guild.
As she begins to drive away from the shore Nicol demands that they go back and look for everyone else. Ellis nonchalantly says that the Cormorants will take care of them, and that everything they did was to get him there, so to go back and miss his opportunity would make it all in vain. They had a deadline. It was a small miracle that he had drifted somewhat close to their meeting point. Nicol stares out the window as it begins to rain.
Ellis explains that they first thought of going to the PLANT embassy, but after recent events in Carpentaria they decided to take him to the Giga-Float mass driver, which is only nearby for another day. She passes him off to another contact in the town of Carnarvon, but before she leaves she softens for a moment to say that she’ll contact Yasir to make sure that they’re alright, though she can’t guarantee anything. In a moment of desperation Nicol gives her his aunt’s contact information in Quintilis Two. Hopefully she won’t connect Ciana Amalfi to his father on the Supreme Council.
The new Junk Guild member is much friendlier and buys them both sandwiches  before they grab a quick RIB to the Giga Float. He escorts Nicol onto the mass driver, introducing him to staff as a nephew going to visit family in Copernicus.
Nicol has never been on a mass driver before. There are rows of sturdy seats with seven-point harnesses and small windows; it’s thoroughly utilitarian, more reminiscent of something military than civilian. He takes a seat and stares out a window, feeling hollow and beyond tired.
He seems to hallucinate a journey back to the house in Dili, where he finds Ain alone. He follows her as she walks to a room that he never saw opened—it belonged to her parents. Alan is nowhere to be seen, and it slowly dawns upon Nicol that Alan didn’t make it back from the crossing. Ain can’t hear Nicol as he calls out to her, can’t feel him as he tries to grab her arm when she lifts a canister of gasoline. She lights a match and Nicol is thrown back into his body as the vehicle hurtles along the length of the electromagnetic catapult.
Copernicus is neutral, so he seeks out a representative office and frankly states who he is and how he came to be there. They don’t believe him at first, but his biometric identifiers match their records. This earns him a quick shuttle to Aprilius One, which is cancelled due to the outbreak of the Second Battle of Jachin Due on September 26th. He’s stranded in Copernicus as the war reaches its climax. He attempts to contact his parents but no one answers and he fears the worst. Eventually the messages are checked by his mother, who immediately goes to where Yuri is at the Supreme Council and tells him.
Part VII: Endings and Beginnings
Due to the recent cessation of hostilities, it takes a few days before they can arrange a shuttle. He doesn’t know how to feel—space no longer feels like home in his heart. He betrayed his friends to get there. What if they died for his selfish wish? His parents usher him into a car and go straight to their home, though after a few days it’s decided that their estate on Maius Three would be a more restorative setting.
Doctors come and go. They diagnose him with PTSD and quickly get to work using biological 3D printing technology to generate a new limb without even asking if he wants the procedure. Nicol goes through with it, more to make his parents happy than for himself. Days pass slowly until he gets a call from his aunt on Quintilis Two about a message. He’s suddenly full of energy and begs to be allowed on a shuttle to visit his aunt. His parents agree hesitantly, though they contact his aunt Ciana to let her know their interpretations of what he’s been through.
After he arrives, Ciana leaves him alone in her living room to watch the video message from earth. Already aware of the video’s content, she returns a short while later with a pair of mugs filled with hot chocolate and finds Nicol kneeling on the floor, bent close to his legs with his arms drawn in, trying to disappear and shaking softly.
She sets the tray down on the floor and sits down a safe distance away. After a period of silence, she begins to talk wistfully about what she misses most about earth: the sky. You never see the same clouds, the same colours. Does he remember when she taught him about the different types of clouds? There is a faint nod. Does he remember her favourite kind? He clears his throat and answers, “the night ones,” his voice tight.
She nods and shifts closer. “That’s right,” she says while gently stroking his shoulders. “Noctilucent clouds, some of the rarest and highest there are, and also the most beautiful. But they’re brief, and you can only see them after the sun sets. Sometimes that’s how life is—when things turn dark, something bright and beautiful appears. But they’re fleeting and not meant for us to hold on to. I don’t know where you went, what you experienced, but you found your light in the dark and now that it’s gone-”
Nicol interrupts her to miserably point out that his friends weren’t clouds. His aunt chuckles softly and pats his head; at least he was talking now. He ends up staying with her for several weeks. At one point he is finally required to submit a statement to ZAFT officials about his whereabouts for the six months between his presumed death and sudden return. The story feels like a physical thing unfurling from his chest, too large for the room.
He returns home in December, emotionally sore but well on his way to healing. The light given by his friends had never disappeared, it was there glowing warmly in his heart, illuminating a new path.
He re-establishes contact with remaining members of the Le Creuset Team, though he carries himself with more confidence than before. In CE 73 he works as a liaison between the Equatorial Union and the PLANT Supreme Council and promotes an improved relationship between the two.
One suggested therapy method was to compose music inspired by his experiences, and after two years he finally feels that it’s complete.
He finally has a proper concert.
Epilogue: Destiny
After the fall of Junius Seven, Nicol returns to earth as a member of the humanitarian envoy to the Equatorial Union. He remains there for the duration of the war. 
Nicol is literally cut from the Blitz by human traffickers but he escapes and makes his way to East Timor, where he befriends two siblings and starts a new life. Five months later a new way home appears and the twins insist that he go for it. They try to help but they’re caught in a battle and separated. One twin is killed and the other is so distraught that she commits suicide. The Junk Guild helps Nicol get on a mass driver and return to space. Long emotional recovery. Gets better, has a proper concert, returns to earth to help after Junius Seven falls.
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likesumit · 4 years
kia seltos,Kia Seltos 2020,Kia SELTOS features,kia seltos mileage
The luxury five-seat Kia Seltos SUV was launched and is the first product from the Korean automaker in India. The new Seltos are available in 5 trim levels: HTE, HTK, HTX, GTK, and GTX for a total of 16 variants. The new model is priced at Rs. 9.69 for both the base model and Rs. 15.99 for the advanced option (all prices are previous gallery, Delhi). Official car reservations started on July 16 and have received over 32,000 pre-orders so far. SUVs will be sold through 265 agencies in 160 cities. First seen as a concept of SP at the 2018 Auto Show, Kia Seltos competes directly against multiple offerings: Hyundai Creta, Renault Captur, Nissan Kicks and the newly released lower and mid variants of the Tata Harrier and MG. Hector.
Kia's first SUV is based on a new front-wheel drive monster that also supports 7-seat design. This engineering will also be used for the new generation of Hyundai Crete. The Kia Seltos line is available in 6 gearbox options. Engine lineup includes: 140 hp, 1.4 GDI turbo petrol, 115PS, 1.5 liter petrol, 115 hp, 1.5 liter CRDi diesel. All engines meet the upcoming BS6 emission standards. There are four transmissions that include a 6-speed manual, a 6-speed automatic torque converter, a CVT automatic, and a 7-speed DSG automatic
HT-Line is available in five formats: HTE, HTK, HTK +, HTX, and HTX +.
• Seltos GT-Line is available in three types: GTK, GTX and GTX +.
• GT-Line is only available with 1.4-liter turbo petrol at this time; Diesel reserves for cars are currently open.
The technology line can be purchased with a range of 1.5-liter petrol and diesel engines.
Prices range from 9.69 lakh to 15.99 rupees (India's previous showroom).
Kia recently launched Seltos in India at an introductory price ranging from Rs 9.69 to Rs 15.99 (India's previous showroom). It is available in two split lines: Tech-Line and GT-Line, and they are available in five and three sub-variables respectively. Here's a sneak peek at what new compact SUVs offer to suit your budget and need the best. Given the variety of 18 options to choose from, it can be difficult to recommend a single value-for-money variable from Seltos.
Safety: rear view camera with guide, rear view driving screen, and front fog lights for the projector
Exterior: Roof rails, electrically adjustable ORVMs with LED turn signals, front and rear fenders.
Convenience and convenience: Front USB charger, luggage light, one-touch auto power off
Entertainment and Information System: An 8-inch infotainment system with six speakers tuned by Arkamys, Android Auto, and Apple Carplay.
This medium variant of
Kai Seltos
Tech-Line is a great value proposition for gasoline buyers. You'll get a lot of additional equipment for a small portion of the premium that diesel buyers will have to pay. For the diesel variant, the premium version may look a little steep, but it will help improve the ownership experience in the long run. So, for the sake of freshness without loosening the strings on your bag a lot, you can get the Seltos HTK. But for the loaded Seltos that also offer value, you'll need to stretch a little more.
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iasshikshalove · 5 years
C.A Dated On 22-07-2019
C.A Dated On 22-07-2019 GS-2 RTI Act Amendments: On Friday, the government introduced in Lok Sabha the Right to Information (Amendment) Bill, 2019, which proposes to give the Centre the powers to set the salaries and service conditions of Information Commissioners at central as well as state levels. The government’s move triggered protests from the Opposition. What has changed?  The Bill amends Sections 13 and 16 of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005. Section 13 of the original Act sets the term of the central Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners at five years (or until the age of 65, whichever is earlier).  The amendment proposes that the appointment will be “for such term as may be prescribed by the Central Government”.  Again, Section 13 states that salaries, allowances and other terms of service of “the Chief Information Commissioner shall be the same as that of the Chief Election Commissioner”, and those of an Information Commissioner “shall be the same as that of an Election Commissioner”.  The amendment proposes that the salaries, allowances and other terms of service of the Chief Information Commissioner and the Information Commissioners “shall be such as may be prescribed by the Central Government”. Why are Opposition parties protesting?  The original Act had quantified the tenures, and defined the salaries in terms of existing benchmarks.  The amendments are being viewed as implying that, in effect, the terms of appointment, salaries and tenures of the Chief Information Commissioners and Information Commissioners can be decided on a case-to-case basis by the government.  The Opposition has argued that this will take away the independence of the RTI authorities. What are the government’s stated grounds for bringing the amendments? C.A Dated On 22-07-2019  The statement of objects says “the mandate of Election Commission of India and Central and State Information Commissions are different.  Hence, their status and service conditions need to be rationalised accordingly”.  The Central Information Commissioner has been given the status of a Supreme Court judge but his judgments can be challenged in the High Courts. How can that exist? Besides, the RTI Act did not give the government rule-making powers. Over the last 14 years, how far has the RTI Act served the purposes for which it was introduced?  The RTI Act is regarded as one of the most successful laws of independent India. It has given ordinary citizens the confidence and the right to ask questions of government authorities.  According to estimates, nearly 60 lakh applications are being filed every year. It is used by citizens as well as the media.  The law is seen as having acted as a deterrent for government servants against taking arbitrary decisions. Juvenile Justice act Why in news? The Act defines a child as someone who is under age 18. For a CCL, age on the date of the offence is the basis for determining whether he or she was a child or an adult. In 2016, a 17-year-old was booked for the murder of his three-year-old neighbour in Mumbai. The Mumbai city Juvenile Justice Board as well as a children’s court directed that he be tried as an adult under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act, 2015. Last week, the Bombay High Court set aside these orders and directed that the accused be tried as a minor, saying the Act is reformative and not retributive. C.A Dated On 22-07-2019 When is a child tried as an adult?  The Juvenile Justice Act of 2000 was amended in 2015 with a provision allowing for Children in Conflict with Law (CCL) to be tried as adults under certain circumstances. The Act defines a child as someone who is under age 18. For a CCL, age on the date of the offence is the basis for determining whether he or she was a child or an adult.  The amended Act distinguishes children in the age group 16-18 as a category which can be tried as adults if they are alleged to have committed a heinous offence — one that attracts a minimum punishment of seven years.  The Act does not, however, make it mandatory for all children in this age group to be tried as adults. Why was this distinction made?  The amendment was proposed by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2014. This was in the backdrop of the gang-rape of a woman inside a bus in Delhi in 2012, leading to her death. One of the offenders was a 17-year-old, which led to the Ministry proposing the amendment (although it could not have retrospectively applied to him).  The J S Verma Committee constituted to recommend amendments also stated that it was not inclined to reduce the age of a juvenile from 18 to 16. The amendment was made in 2015. Criterion for trying as an adult  As per Section 15 of the JJ Act, there are three criteria that the Juvenile Justice Board in the concerned district should consider while conducting a preliminary assessment to determine whether the child should be tried as an adult or under the juvenile justice system, which prescribes a maximum term of three years in a special home. C.A Dated On 22-07-2019  The criteria are whether the child has the mental and physical capacity to commit such an offence; whether the child has the ability to understand its consequences; and the circumstances in which the offence was committed.  If the Board finds that the child can be tried as an adult, the case is transferred to a designated children’s court, which again decides whether the Board’s decision is correct. One of the court’s key observations was that “essentially, the trial in the regular court is offenceoriented; in the juvenile court, it is offender-oriented. In other words, in the children’s court, societal safety and the child’s future are balanced. For an adult offender, prison is the default opinion; for a juvenile it is the last resort”. GS-3 Artemis programme Why in news? NASA marked the 50th anniversary of the historic first Moon landing, the U.S. space agency is preparing to take its next giant leap with the ambitious Artemis programme that could see the “first woman and the next man” walk on the lunar surface. About the mission  Artemis is named after the twin sister of Apollo who is also the Goddess of the Moon and the hunt.  NASA said the mission “encompasses all of our efforts to return humans to the Moon -- which will prepare us and propel us on to Mars.”  The programme to return astronauts to the lunar surface is planned to launch by 2024, according to the U.S. space agency. C.A Dated On 22-07-2019  “Through the Artemis programme, we will see the first woman and the next man walk on the surface of the Moon.  As the ‘torch bringer,’ literally and figuratively, “Artemis will light our way to Mars,” NASA said in a statement. Objective With the mission, NASA plans to explore regions of the Moon never visited before, unlock mysteries of the universe and test the technology that will extend the bounds of humanity farther into the Solar System. Blockchain and crypto currency Context What is the potential of this foundational technology and how much can be tapped? What are the hurdles? The story so far: For a little over a decade, the term blockchain has been flitting in and out of news cycles, especially in connection with bitcoin, the digital cryptocurrency. The Reserve Bank of India has banned speculation and investment in cryptocurrencies. Of late, however, blockchain is seeing a revival, and companies are looking at how to use the tremendous potential of the technology that underpins the cryptocurrency. What is blockchain?  It is a foundational technology or a platform that allows designing a secure way to record transactions and circulate it among signatories, or any kind of target group with an Internet connection. At its core it is an extremely democratic ledger that cannot be arbitarily manipulated and easily shareable.  Blockchain’s appeal is that it achieves this without a central authority. C.A Dated On 22-07-2019  While cryptocurrencies have a bad reputation, Silicon Valley tech giants and investment banks are trying to salvage the underlying promise of blockchain and use it for other collaborations. How does blockchain work?  Every block in a blockchain is a record of transactions and the more of the latter, the longer the chain.  Just as worthless paper transforms into valuable currency with the signature of the RBI governor, blocks are great because they provide an unalterable document of the history of every transaction.  In the context of currency, it stores the place, time, value (rupee, for example) and location of a purchase. There is minimal identifying information and every block is linked to a unique ‘digital signature’ of the transacting participants.  Every block is distinguished from another through a unique code which is a string of numbers.  In the case of bitcoin, the computers are rewarded with bitcoin.  This is stored in digital wallets and may be used like money provided there are sellers of real world goods who would accept bitcoins. Nowdays, they are frequently traded as another speculative, volatile asset. What real world problem does blockchain solve?  As of today nothing, but blockchain backers say it solves the problem of ‘trust’.  Because the major cost of any transaction or exchange of services or goods is the act of verification — VISA charges fees to ensure that your card swipe is connected to your account or a property charges you for the effort of ensuring that you are entering into a genuine transaction — blockchain asks you to trust the energy-intensive nature of mathematical problems and have them masquerade them as ‘locks’ to secure your money, confidential documents or any kind of information. Where can it be used? C.A Dated On 22-07-2019  Facebook this year announced Libra, a kind of blockchain-backed digital currency. According to report in a 2017 issue of the Harvard Business Review (HBR), “Bank of America, JPMorgan, the New York Stock Exchange, Fidelity Investments, and Standard Chartered are testing blockchain technology as a replacement for paper-based and manual transaction processing in such areas as trade finance, foreign exchange, cross-border settlement, and securities settlement” . LIGO detector Why is it important for the country to join the global network studying gravitational waves? What will it achieve? The story so far: On September 14, 2015, the two LIGO detectors in the U.S., at Livingston in Louisiana, and Hanford in Washington, registered a disturbance that was not unlike the chirp of a bird. It was due to gravitational waves travelling outwards from a point 1.3 billion light years away from the earth. At this point, two massive black holes with masses 29 and 36 times that of the sun had merged to give off gravitational wave disturbances. What is black holes?  Black holes are exotic objects that we know little about, but their immense gravitational pull which traps even the fastest object in the world, which is light, is legendary.  When objects with such an immense gravity merge, the disturbance is felt by the very fabric of space time and travels outward from the merger, not unlike ripples on a pond surface.  Thus, gravitational waves have been described as “ripples in the fabric of space time”. Following the 2015 detection, which later won the Physics Nobel (2017), the two LIGO detectors detected seven such binary black hole merger events before they were joined by the European Virgo detector in 2017.  LIGO India project is expected to join the international network in a first science run in 2025. C.A Dated On 22-07-2019 What are the LIGO detectors?  The acronym LIGO stands for Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory.  LIGO consists of a pair of huge interferometers, each having two arms which are 4 km long. Remarkable precision is needed to detect a signal as faint as a gravitational wave, and the two LIGO detectors work as one unit to ensure this.  Naturally, this requires weeding out noise very carefully, for when such a faint signal is being detected, even a slight human presence near the detector could derail the experiment by drowning out the signal.  A single LIGO detector cannot confidently detect this disturbance on its own. At least two detectors are needed.  This is because the signal is so weak that even a random noise could give out a signal that can mislead one into thinking a genuine gravitational wave has been detected.  It is because two detectors have detected the faint signal in coincidence that the observer is convinced it is a genuine reading and not noise. What is the need to have another detector in India?  Right now, with just three detectors, there is huge uncertainty in determining where in the sky the disturbance came from.  Observations from a new detector in a far-off position will help locate the source of the gravitational waves more accurately. What are the possible sources of gravitational waves?  Mergers of black holes or neutron stars, rapidly rotating neutron stars, supernova explosions and the remnants of the disturbance caused by the formation of the universe, the Big Bang itself, are the strongest sources.  There can be many other sources, but these are likely to be too weak to detect. C.A Dated On 22-07-2019 Why does one study gravitational waves?  As a largely unknown and fundamental phenomenon, gravitational waves are interesting to scientists.  But once many more detectors are in place, the study also offers a new way to map out the universe, using gravitational-wave astronomy.  Perhaps one day we will have such accurate detection facilities that signatures of gravitational waves bouncing off celestial objects can help us detect and map them. What do we know about LIGO India?  LIGO India will come up in Maharashtra, near Aundha in Hingoli district.  Most of the land has been acquired, and the small balance is going through a slightly longer acquisition procedure.  The project is formally in the construction phase, with the building design conceptualised. Will LIGO India be different from LIGO itself?  Like the LIGO detectors, the one at LIGO India will also have two arms of 4 km length. But while there are similarities there will be differences too.  Being an ultra-high precision large-scale apparatus, LIGO India is expected to show a unique “temperament” determined by the local site characteristics.  LIGO India and its complex feedback control loops to high sensitivity will follow a fairly independent track and poses an exciting full-scale challenge.  Under a memorandum of understanding, the National Geophysical Research Institute is carrying out a year-long, multiple-station seismic survey campaign at the LIGO India site to characterise the local properties.  This is in addition to the elaborate geotechnical and geophysical survey completed earlier this year.” What is the technology being developed in India for LIGO India?  Some of it includes design and fabrication of ultra stable laser, quantum measurement techniques, handling of complex control system for enforcing precision control, large-scale ultrahigh vacuum technology, data analysis and machine learning. C.A Dated On 22-07-2019  This is not a complete list and the development of such indigenous technology is likely to result in many spin-offs for industry and research.
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incarnationsf · 5 years
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Ben Rosenblum Jazz Trio
Date & Time: Saturday June 22, 7:30  p.m. Venue: Incarnation Episcopal Church, 1750 29th Avenue, San Francisco Tickets: $20 General, $15 Seniors/Students
Brown Paper Ticketing: Buy tickets online Eventbrite Ticketing:     Buy tickets online
Ben Rosenblum Jazz Trio
Ben Rosenblum – piano/accordion Greg Feingold – bass Ben Zweig – drum
Award-winning jazz pianist, composer and accordionist Ben Rosenblum has been described as “mature beyond his years,” (Jon Neudorf, Sea of Tranquility), and as an “impressive talent” (C. Michael Bailey, All About Jazz), who “caresses [the music] with the reverence it merits” (Bob Doerschuk, Downbeat Magazine). Ben is based primarily in New York City, and is a graduate of the Columbia-Juilliard program (in 2016). His original music combines his extensive knowledge of the history of jazz with a free-wheeling, modern melodic sensibility and powerful narrative approach to the piano. His profound passion for jazz, swing and world music genres finds expression in his unique fusion of harmonic and rhythmic elements from a wide array of sources, and gives rise to a signature compositional sound and style at once iconoclastic and deeply rooted in such figures as Bill Evans and Wynton Kelly. Ben’s first priority in his composition and in his playing is always narrative – to tell a compelling story with his music, while reaching the hearts of his audience, connecting on an emotional, an intellectual and a spiritual level.
Reviewers of his debut album Instead – released in 2017 with bassist Curtis Lundy and drummer Billy Hart – have been impressed by his musicality and his tasteful playing in light of his immense technical skill. Bob Doerschuk of Downbeat Magazine gave the album four stars, and wrote, “He has the chops to shoot off a few fireworks, … but that doesn’t seem to be a priority when covering sacred material.” C. Michael Bailey notes approvingly: “there do emerge conservatoire aces with grit in their imagination and a facility to express such in their playing. Ben Rosenblum is one such performer/composer. The Julliard-Columbia trained pianist brings a freighter of technique to the keyboard, while still maintaining enough earthiness in his playing to satisfy even the fussiest listener.” Fred Stal of RG Magazine most recently described his experience of listening to Ben’s live CD release performance: “The music keeps you on your feet and not wanting to miss a single moment of magic. … Raindrops from heaven poured down with style and grace from Rosenblum’s piano.”
Since the release of Ben’s debut album, Ben has been touring regularly – both nationally and internationally – celebrating the album and collaborating with artists around the world. Ben’s trio made debuts in Japan and in Canada in 2018. During his two-week tour of Japan, Ben performed in eight different cities, including in Tokyo at Akasaka B-flat, and in Yokohama at Himawari-no-sato Concert Hall with famed koto player Yuko Watanabe. Highlights of his Canada tour included appearances at Upstairs Jazz in Montreal, Maelstrom and Bar Ste-Angele in Quebec City and the Southminster “Doors Open For Music” Concert Series in Ottawa. In the United States, Ben has traveled extensively throughout the Northeast, Midwest and West Coast, with trips planned for the South and Southwest. These domestic tours have featured performances at some of the most well-respected venues in the country, including Kuumbwa Jazz Center (Santa Cruz), Ravinia (Chicago), Cliff Bells (Detroit), An Die Musik (Baltimore), The Bop Stop (Cleveland), Mezzrow (New York City) and many others. As a sideman, Ben has had further opportunities to tour the world. In 2018, he traveled for three weeks through Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Serbia with Astrid Kuljanic, during which the group performed at multiple festivals, including the Ljeto na Bundeka Festival in Zagreb and the Soboško Poletje Festival in Murska Sobota. He also performed for two nights at the Blue Note in Beijing alongside famed jazz singer Deborah Davis.
Born and raised in New York City, Ben had the opportunity to study with some of the most influential figures in jazz piano, including Frank Kimbrough, Bruce Barth, Ben Waltzer and Roy Assaf. At the early age of sixteen, the originality of his work was already being recognized with numerous awards, including the ASCAP Young Jazz Composers Award (2010), the Downbeat Student Music Award for Best Original Song (2010) and the Downbeat Student Music Award for Best Arrangement (2011). As a result, even before entering Columbia, Ben was commissioned by the XIBUS World Orchestra to write a piece for performance at New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall in 2012. Ben has continued to earn numerous distinctions and honors in recent years. In 2015, he was a finalist at the American Jazz Pianist Competition in Melbourne, Florida, and in 2016, at the Jacksonville Jazz Piano Competition in Jacksonville, Florida. In 2018, he earned further recognition from the ASCAP Young Jazz Composers Award competition in the form of an honorable mention, and he was featured at the ASCAP Foundation’s 2018 “We Write The Songs” event at the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.
In addition to his own work, Ben often collaborates with other musicians. He has worked extensively with Grammy-nominated singer Ryland Angel on several compositional projects, including the project Unspoken, which premiered at the Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis, in November of 2016. His debut album Instead has received very favorable reviews from a wide range of sources throughout the world, including Downbeat Magazine, All About Jazz, Drumset Magazine (Italy) and The Jazz Writer (Germany).
Ben performed with the Bachiana Brasileira Orchestra at Lincoln Center (conducted by Joao Carlos Martins and featuring Dave Brubeck), and he was a featured soloist at Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium with the New York Harmonic Band (conducted by Reona Ito). He traveled to New Delhi, India, to perform at a Max India Benefit, and was a participant at Il Grande Veggio, in Perugia, Italy. He has played at the Masten Jazz Festival (Buffalo), the Richmond Jazz Festival (Richmond), the Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festival (Maryland), Lincoln Center Out of Doors Festival (Manhattan), the DUMBO Arts Festival (Brooklyn), Musikfest (Bethlehem, PA) and the Music Mountain Festival (Connecticut). He has also appeared at Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola, the Appel Room at Lincoln Center, Ryles Jazz Club, Webster Hall, Symphony Space, The Blue Note, Smoke, Smalls and a host of other music venues throughout the northeast.
Ben has worked extensively with such jazz luminaries as Curtis Lundy, Neal Smith, Winard Harper, Wayne Escoffery and Deborah Davis, and he has performed in bands led by Bobby Watson, TS Monk, Chris Washburne and Warren Wolf. In addition, he has shared the stage with many other jazz legends, including Wycliffe Gordon, Brian Lynch, Phil Woods, Houston Person, Jerry Dodgion, Eliot Zigmund, Clarence Penn, Craig Handy, Dave Stryker, James Cammack, Ameen Saleem, Bob Nieske, Steve Nelson, Yasushi Nakamura, Essiet Essiet, Willie Williams, Patience Higgins, Josh Evans, Kenny Davis and Rogerio Boccato.?
While at Columbia University, Ben founded the Columbia Jazz House, a student-run jazz advocacy group that promotes jazz on campus through concerts, educational workshops and jam sessions. On December 28th, 2015, the Columbia Jazz House was featured in a New York Times article titled “Melodies Night and Day in this Columbia Dorm.”
Greg Feingold started playing bass at the age of 10. He quickly realized that bass was something he would pursue for the rest of his life and was accepted to the Chicago Academy for the Arts. After graduating from the Academy, Greg was given a scholarship to attend Berklee College of Music. Greg was very active both locally and nationally while at Berklee. He began playing with the International String Trio and performing regularly with Berklee faculty such as Bill Pierce, Neal Smith, Jon Hazilla, Doug Johnson, Rebecca Cline and many others. After graduating, Greg moved to New York and began playing in Winard Harper’s Jelli Posse. Throughout his stay in New York, he worked with legendary jazz performers such as Jimmy Cobb, Eric Reed, Eric Harland, Cyrus Chestnut, Steve Turre, Jim Rotondi, Jackie Ryan, Stephen Scott as well as continuing to tour with the International String Trio and the Valinor Quartet. Greg moved to Seattle in 2015 to change his surroundings and currently performs with a variety of groups around the west coast. He can be seen performing regularly with Thomas Marriott, Julian MacDonough, Miles Black and other great local Seattle musicians. He also co-leads the 200 Trio which performs around the country as one of the up and coming jazz guitar trios.
Jazz drummer and educator, Ben Zweig, “is able to combine history with the current musical environment, making it sound fresh” (Don Sickler). After moving to NYC in 2011, the 26 year old has accompanied an impressive array of jazz luminaries, including; Randy Weston, Johnny O’Neal, Larry Ridley, David Williams, Roy Hargrove, Deborah Davis, Joe Cohn, Champian Fulton, Jerry Dodgion, and Steve Nelson. Described by downbeat as “especially crisp and articulate,” Zweig has presented his personal sound performed with tours throughout the continental US, Asia and Canada. He currently tours regularly with Ben Rosenblum’s trio and leads a bi-weekly residency hosting the Sunday late night jam sessions at Smalls Jazz Club in NYC. Zweig is an avid educator. He has taught clinics across the country with the Champian Fulton quartet and has also directed the after-school percussion program at WHEELS middle and high school. Mentored by master drummers such as Joe Farnsworth, Billy Hart, Kenny Washington, Rodney Green, Justin DiCioccio, Christopher Brown, John Riley, and Rogerio Boccato, Ben is committed to passing down the information he has received from these legends. In his formative education, Ben was classically trained by Kenneth Piascik, culminating in performances with the NAfME All-Eastern Orchestra and as principal percussionist with the MENC All-National Concert Band. He currently maintains a private drum studio in Morningside-Heights with students of all ages. Ben received his B.M. and a M.M. from the Manhattan School of Music.
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silagroup · 5 years
10 ways to improve Electricity Efficiency
10 ways to improve Electricity Efficiency
Lowering your energy bill can be accomplished easily by improving the home's electricity efficiency. Here are a few ways to do the same:
1. Install Timers -
Timers can be used to turn on and off outdoor and indoor lights at specific times. Manual timers can be used for controlling objects such as lamps or light strings whereas in-wall programmable digital timers can be used to automate indoor or outdoor lighting.
2. Rewire Circuits -
Electrical rewiring is the process whereby old, hazardous or non-compliant electrical equipment such as cables, distribution boards, fittings, are replaced for better performance. This will enable you to install smaller, more sensitive fuses for even heavy electronic devices like refrigerators. This way you can ensure that your refrigerator (or other appliance) does not draw too much current.
3. Insulate your homes –
Insulating your home is the best way to make your home comfortable and safe and it is also the most cost-effective one. Insulation acts as a barrier to heat flow and is essential for keeping your home warm in winter and cool in summer. A sealed home also improves the indoor air quality and reduces the utility bills.
4. Switch to LEDs from CFLs –
LEDs are far more energy efficient than incandescent or fluorescent lights, which emit light in a much wider band of wavelengths. LEDs come to full brightness without the need for a warm-up time. LEDs even last longer than CFLs and consume less energy.
5. Appliances -
Unplug your appliances when they're not in use. Your TV, computer, microwave and even some washing machines have a 'standby' mode, which means they're still using energy even when they're not in use. You should unplug those appliances when not in use as this will save energy and at the same time reduce your electricity bill by up to 20%.
6. Energy Efficient Appliances –
While buying new appliances, please ensure that they are energy efficient. These appliances may cost you extra in the beginning, but in the long run they are a big investment as they would save costs when in use.
7. Managing the coolers and heaters -
Half of the energy in homes, offices and hotels is used towards heating and cooling of the room. Periodic replacement of air filters in air conditioners and heaters should be done. Installation of a programmable thermostat saves money by allowing heating and cooling appliances to be automatically turned down during times when no one is home and at night.
8. Conduct a Thermography Inspection –
High resistance in circuits causes an increase in current flow. When current flow is increased, the resulting power consumption will increase. A thermography inspection will help you reduce power consumption besides also detecting faulty wiring to help avoid mishaps.
9. Energy Audit -
Energy auditors and raters use specialized tools and skills to evaluate your home and recommend the most cost-effective measures to improve its comfort and efficiency. This can also provide independent verification of the electric system’s quality.
10. Solar Panels -
One of the best ways to conserve and to have cleaner utilisation of energy is by installing solar panels for overall energy grid or even just for the water heater.
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titoslondon-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Titos London
#Blog New Post has been published on http://www.titoslondon.in/sonakshi-sinha-looks-like-a-hip-hop-star-in-this-latest-look/
Sonakshi Sinha looks like a hip-hop star in this latest look
By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Updated: October 4, 2017 6:16 pm Sonakshi Sinha looked funky and cool. (Source: Instagram/aslisona) Related News
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After a string of ethnic style statements, Sonakshi Sinha has finally broken the monotony and opted for a rather edgy outfit this time. For her appearance on the music reality show, ‘Lip Sing Battle’ along with Baadshah yesterday, the actor gave out major New York street style grunge vibes. This street style-inspired look is usually seen on celebs like Rihanna and supermodel Gigi Hadid.
Styled by celebrity stylist Mohit Rai, she opted for a high-waist ripped jeans from the house of Deme by Gabriella. One of the coolest denim trends, the oversized jeans had metallic embellishments on it. She rolled up one side of the jeans, and kept the other side as it is.
She smartly teamed it with a sports bra from Reebok India and a patch sequinned sleeve bomber jacket from SR Store. Totally in sync with the occasion, Sinha looked as if she was herself going to perform to a hip hop song. Although it was her shoes, which stole away the limelight. She paired her outfit with white sneakers that had LED lights on it.
The idea of styling herself like a hip hop diva was way too good as it was just the right event to do so but we feel the execution could have been better. Sinha rounded up her look with geometric earrings from Anomaly by Anam and got her hair tied into double dutch braids by hairstylist Madhuri Nakhale. Her beauty look hit all the right notes with make-up artist Vardaan Nayak giving her dramatic eyes and nude pink lips.
What do you think of her style? Let us know in the comments below.
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How To Solve The Biggest Problems With New Project In Mumbai
Parinee Essence, Kandivali Parinee Essence Mumbai corporations are investing their huge amount of cash in their Mumbai projects to deliver individuals gorgeous flats with top class services. Talking on the sidelines of the launch of its e-commerce platform for residence shopping for, ,  New Project In Mumbai  he said the plan was to additionally add some worldwide tasks on the portal in this fiscal. Having totally fathomed this required need, the true property company in Thane have incorporated a blend of traditional and innovate ideas that contribute to the optimization of this room. We need to concentrate on giant areas and in the suburbs where the motion is,” he says. Offers international-life-style central AC residences with opulent lobbies, concierge providers and grand terrace balconies in two 23-storey towers. One of many Lokhandwala Infrastructure's new tasks is Concord in Worli, Mumbai affords 108 units of 2 and three BHK apartments with sizes ranging from 1,210 sq. ft. to 1,seven hundred sq. ft.
  In both these locations, we are going to create integrated townships with leisure as the central theme. A household of theatrical LED projects had been used to cross-light the strings of crystals. Lodha Fiorenza is without doubt one of the new real property residential projects by Lodha Group very near Western Express Highway, Goregaon East, Mumbai. This line starts from Thane across Kalwa Creek, and joins at Vashi the first station in Navi Mumbai across Thane Creek on Harbour line. Around 60 hectares of this land lies in Dronagiri and the remaining in Karanjade and Kamothe,  New Flat In Mumbai  all in shut proximity of the proposed Navi Mumbai International Airport making it a plum property in the present day.Improve in FAR along the Metro route, moreover the hall's good connectivity and proximity to the Central Enterprise District (CBD) places, and airport, will accentuate both business and residential growth within the location. Connectivity to main business areas of Mumbai like Bandra-Kurla Complex, Andheri and Ghatkopar.
    Actual estate firms in Mumbai and Thane have slowly recognizedthe prospective value of this location and have meticulously deliberate its development and development. Chembur provides easy connectivity to major industrial areas of Mumbai like Bandra-Kurla Advanced, Andheri and Ghatkopar.  Residential Flat In Mumbai  As per this plan, the Kanjur automobile shed can have round 25 stabling lines and the smaller shed at Aarey could have sixteen. These two automobile sheds have been proposed to cater to all of the metro vehicles beneath the Mumbai metro challenge and so are critical to the entire plan. All the pieces from the amenities to the club house amenities can be a first for Mumbai.His initiatives in Horticulture and conserving the atmosphere has contributed to the afforestation of the Powai Hills and his conservation measures have constantly improved the standard of life in his tasks. New enterprises, workplace areas and the extremely-educated, upwardly cellular, 'purple- blooded' rich demanded world-class living areas within the rising areas of Mumbai.
  Reasonably priced housing all the time has real takers whereas super-luxurious tasks are purely hype created in the course of the growth period,” said Ashok Narang, real estate advisor dealing in premium South Mumbai properties. The mining market of Latin America has witnessed increased focus of the mining companies on mineral exploration, development of new projects and on expansion tasks with a purpose to increase the production of minerals. Mumbai (and satellite cities like Navi Mumbai)  Mumbai Residential Property  shall be central to the corporate's future. Situated in Thane West, this project is planned to envelop 127 acres of land with an built-in township that shall be house to about 5000 households, enterprise tackle for greater than 20000 individuals and a retail vacation spot beneath one roof.
  This project too is estimated to impression the sale of 3.5 bhk flats in Thane hugely. Nonetheless the conventional Indian buyer, specifically the center revenue group, are receiving a taste of high quality luxurious by posh commercial initiatives which are developed in and around Delhi and are constructed as per international requirements, a lot on the lines of Western nations. Now it's proposed for use anyplace in the suburbs by charging a premium primarily based on the prepared reckoner fee.In an effort to improve the mineral reserves and resources and to satisfy the demand for metals by varied sectors reminiscent of vehicle, electronics and development, the mining firms in Latin America are engaged in new mining and enlargement projects. Mumbai New Projects  On Saturday, the Maharashtra government had signed a memorandum of understanding with the federal government of Netherlands for technical support to develop the Mumbai coastal street and Metro rail tasks.
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