#lee hoseok fics
daebakinc · 2 years
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Pairing: Wonho x Reader (G) Prompt: Firefighter Word Count: 927
~Admin V
This was beyond embarrassing. You’d always thought the fire department getting called because of a cat in a tree was just some weird television plot. That was before your cat spent the night howling in the tree out front and the neighbors decided to call them. You wanted to hide in the house and pretend it wasn’t your cat, especially as all your neighbors stood on their porches and watched as a fire engine pulled up to your house.
You cursed inwardly as the firefighter got out and walked to your doorway. The damn cat climbed up the tree, surely it could get down on its own. You had your apology all worked out until you opened the door and got a look at the man. He wasn’t in full uniform since there wasn’t a fire. He wore a navy fire department t-shirt, jeans, and work boots. Yet, you were more focused on the ridiculous amounts of muscles these clothes did absolutely nothing to hide.
Every thought in your mind left as you were trying to remember to breathe like a normal person.
“Hi,” he beamed.
“Hi,” it was barely audible.
“We got a call about a cat stuck in a tree. Your address was given, is that correct?”
“No,” coherent thought still wasn’t with you.
“No?” his smile fell.
You shook your head. “I mean, I wasn’t the one who called. One of my neighbors must have. But yes, it’s my cat in the tree.”
“Ah,” his smile was back.
“What I mean is, I’m sorry you were called for this. I’m sure there’s more important things for you to be doing right now.”
You again needed to remind yourself to breathe as he smiled. “It’s no problem. You’d be surprised how often I am helping animals out of strange places. Can you show me which tree?”
Honestly, he could’ve asked you to punch yourself in the face and you would’ve done it. You pushed open the screen door and walked to the tree in the center of your yard. On cue your cat howled again.
His smile never faltered as he looked at the black mass in the tree. “Looks like it chickened out in coming down after getting itself up there. What’s its name?”
“Uh . . .” more embarrassment. His name was a joke between you and your sister. Saying it out loud in front of this handsome stranger . . . maybe you could still punch yourself in the face.
“No name?”
You blushed and wiped sweat from your forehead. “It’s Captain Buttercrust.”
His smile grew bigger and he looked up the tree again. “Don’t worry Captain B. I’ll have you down in no time.” He looked back to you. “I think just the ladder for this one.”
“You can do that? Carry him in one arm and go down the ladder?”
He smirked, looked at his arm muscles, which made you look at his arm muscles, then he looked back to you. “Easy peasy.”
He grabbed a ladder off the truck. He made it look like it weighed nothing.
Your neighbors got braver and made their way into your yard to watch as the fireman climbed up the ladder towards the cat. They all commented on how attractive and brave he was.
Captain Buttercrust backed away as far as he could on the branch from the man, then dug his claws in the tree when the man grabbed for him. The cat was no match for those muscles.
The fireman lifted him easily with one hand, brought the cat closer to his chest so it wouldn’t flail and scratch, then climbed down the ladder one handed.
The small gathering of neighbors clapped and cheered for him. The man gave a shy smile then walked towards you, cat in tow. The crowd departed then, and he offered the cat to you. Seeing the distress in Buttercrust’s face, you opted to plop him on the ground. The feline then swiftly ran around to the back of your house, likely to the cat door.
“Thank you,” you smiled at the fireman. “How much do I owe you.”
“We’re public servants, you don’t owe anything.”
“Oh.” You were embarrassed for even thinking it, but again, it was hard to focus with such a stunning man before you. You blurted out, “Maybe I can buy you dinner as a thank you.”
His smile was genuine, and just as breathtaking as the rest of him. “Really, you don’t owe me anything. All in a day’s work. I’m just happy Captain Buttercrust is safe.”
“Oh,” you didn’t do a good job of hiding the disappointment from your voice. He picked up on it.
His cheeks were a bit pink as he spoke. “I am curious about how Captain Buttercrust got his name. Maybe you’d be interested in discussing it over a . . .”
“Yes!” you burst before he even finished asking. Both of you were blushing and giggling now.
He offered his hand for you to shake. “I’m Hoseok, by the way.”
You shook his hand and gave your name in return.
“So, pick you up at 8?”
“Sure,” you nodded.
“Tell the Captain to be more careful when climbing trees.” He gave a small salute and headed back to the fire engine.
You nearly collapsed on the couch once you were back in your house. Your legs were jello just from a 2-minute conversation. How were you going to make it through drinks tonight? Then again, if you didn’t make it, what a way to go.
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cookiegirlsstuff · 3 months
The Hobi cheer up (pt. 1)
AN: This is part 1 of a series that will consist of 7 parts.I hope you like it!
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Lee: Jungkook
Ler: J-hope
The door slammed shut with a loud bang and an angry-looking Jungkook stormed into the house.
He didn't even give his hyungs a glance before settling down on the couch.
"Jungkookie are you alright?" Jin asked worriedly as he watched the youngest drink a glass of water in a hurry.
"Yes, of course. I'm completely fine," Jungkook mumbled, although everyone could see that the opposite was the case.
"Bad day?" Yoongi asked, but Jungkook decided to just ignore him.
"Jungkook, if you're not feeling well, you can talk to us," Taehyung assured him.
"I'm fine, why don't you understand that? The training was just a bit exhausting, that's all and now leave me alone!" Jungkook shouted before getting up and disappearing into his own room.
"Yup… he definitely isn't well," Jimin commented.
"But what can we do to help him? He's not really going to let anyone get close to him right now," Namjoon said.
"I think I have a plan," J-hope smirked before quietly whispering his idea to the others.
In the meantime, Jungkook had practically fled to his room and was now lying exhausted on his bed. Lately, everything had become more and more exhausting and he felt like he was letting down everyone else.
Suddenly there was a knock on his locked door and he heard a familiar voice: "Jungkook, it's J-hope. Can you please open the door?"
Sighing, the younger boy shuffled to the door and pushed down the handle. He wasn't really in the mood to talk to the others, but he didn't want to upset his hyung either.
"What do you want?" he asked, his voice sounding more annoyed than intended.
"Jungkookie, that's not very nice. How do you talk to your lovely hyung?" the older one asked playfully.
Slowly, Jungkook was really fed up with Hoseoks childish behaviour and started to get really irritated.
"Shut up," he mumbled. He actually thought that his hyung hadn't heard him, but he was wrong.
"Did you just tell me to shut up?" shouted J-hope in fake disbelief.
Jungkook swallowed.
"I understand that you're in a bad mood today, but with this mood you really need a Hobi cheer up," said his bandmate smiling.
"What's that?" Jungkook asked in confusion, but he didn't have time to think about it because a few seconds later, J-hope was on his hip and had pinned Jungkook's hands above his head.
"Where do I start here?" Hoseok chuckled before lifting up Jungkook's hoodie and running his finger over Jungkook's tummy.
"No hobi hyung…pleahahase don't," Jungkook giggled and tried to free himself.
"Aww such a little baby. And you were just about to tell me to shut up?" J-hope laughed teasingly.
Meanwhile, he had started to trace all his fingers up and down Jungkook's sides and Jungkook was a just a cute and laughing mess.
"I'm sahaharry…..reahally," Jungkook laughed desperately while still trying to get free.
"That won't help you now. And apart from that, you really needed a cheer up my dear Mr Grumpy cat," said Hobi.
"Nahaha", Jungkook yelled or more....he tried.
“Oh but I strongly feel like you needed this,” Hoseok countered, now moving his hands under the younger’s arms. The maknae let out an undignified shriek and burst into even more loud laughter.
“You really are ticklish, Kookie,” he hums. “I didn’t think it was possible to be so ticklish.”
Jungkook immediately turned a pretty shade of pink, darkening every time his hyung teased him like that.
But then came the worst part: J-hope started to move his fingers along Jungkook's tummy in a spinning motion again. But he kept moving it near to Jungkook's belly button…his absolute worst spot!
Until he finally dipped it in. Jungkook's laughter went up another octave, if that was even possible. It was really embarassing but at the same time he could really feel how his stress melted away more and more with every touch of pure affection.
"And…cheerful again?" he asked after a while and finally finished his "cheer up".
"Yes, thank you hyung. I didn't realise how much I needed that myself.
"You are welcome", Hoseok replied before they both set off to the others in the living room.
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What do you think? I know it's a little bit short but I tried my best! Which member should get a "hobi cheer up" next? .💜✌
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dollystuartwrites · 2 years
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STRAY GODS (StraykidsFF)
Pairing: Gods!OT8 x !F!Reader
Genre: romance, mystery, supernatural, angst, fluff, smut
Chapters: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] - [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20] - [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [26] - [27] - [28] - [29] - [30] - [31] - [32] - [33] - [34] - [35] - [36] - [37] - [38] - [39] - [40] - [41] - [42] - [43] - [44] - [45] - [46] - [47] - [48] - [49] - [?]
Summary:  With no memory of who you were, you wake up in the woods, only to be found by eight unusually handsome men. With no information of the past, the guys decide to take you in and take care of you for the time being. But that time becomes years, and as time passes, you start to notice that there is something different about them... and something different about you...
Warnings: angst, thigh riding, kissing, fingering, overstimulation, lovebites, bad/miscommunication, low self-esteem, swearing, name-calling, degrading, dry humping, college, degradation, gods, special powers, vaginal sex, oral (f&m), mentions of contraception (condoms&thepill), injuries, mentions of death (but no character deaths), virgin!reader, teasing, orgasms,  poly relationship, semi-public sex. I've probably forgotten some so let me know if I did and I will add more as the story progresses.
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Not Holding Back (JacksonWangFF)
Pairing: Boss!JacksonWang x PersonalAssistant!F!Reader
Genre: smut, fluff, angst, obsessive behavior, Jackson-is-a-fashion-designerAU
Chapters: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] - [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20] - [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [?] For early access > visit my wattpad and read for free
Summary: When Y/N starts working as a personal assistant for the director of TEAM WANG DESIGN: Jackson Wang himself, she finds it hard to hide her secret. After all, she used to be a massive stan of her boss! But she's not the only one holding back...
Warnings: ITS A LOT OKAY, Swearing, angst, degradation, slight sir kink?, namecalling, masturbation, obsessive!Jackson, dirty talk, corruption kink?, praising, slight dumbnification?, sexual fantasies, fingering, posessive!Jackson, grinding/humping by both parties, multiple orgasms, little bit of spit play, slight dacryphilia ,overstimulation, use of sex toys, corruption kink? oral (m receiving), nipple play, lots of teasing, orgasm denial, slight choking, semi-public sex? breeding/impreg kink, WILL ADD MORE AS STORY ADVANCES, PLEASE LMK IF I MISSED ANY
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Needy (Alpha!BangChan)
Pairing: Alpha!Werewolf!Chan x Human!F!Reader
Genre: fluff, smut (like hard), childhood friends to lovers, werewolf AU
Wordcount: 7252 [ONESHOT]
Summary: You found Chan as a young werewolf pup and, being the good girl you are, you took him in. But lately, he's been acting weird around you and you're not quite sure what is up with him...
Warnings: OMG so many where do I start??? Swearing, degradation, daddy kink, namecalling, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, creampie, knotting, breeding kink, virgin reader, multiple orgasms, overstimulation,  dom!Chan, sub!reader, fingering, size kink, oral (f receiving), SO MUCH DIRTY TALK OMG, corruption kink?, inflation if u squint?, possessive!Chan, praising, rough sex, confessions, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED ANY CUZ I PROBS DID.
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The Bangtan Alpha (Alpha!KimNamjoon)
Pairing: Alpha!KimNamjoon x Omega!F!Reader
Genre: fluff, smut (like mostly), strangers to lovers, werewolf AU, soulmate AU, Omegaverse
Wordcount: 9215 [ONESHOT]
Summary: Desperate for a mate you beg your parents to attend the Bangtan Gathering in hopes of finding one. Never did you expect to run into the Alpha of Alpha’s: Kim Namjoon of the Bangtan Clan…
Warnings: God there are so many I will probably forget some sorry - swearing, daddy kink, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, creampie, knotting, breeding kink, virgin reader, dom!Namjoon, sub!reader, fingering, size kink, oral (f receiving), a LOT of dirty talk, pregnancy/impregnation kink, possessive!Namjoon, praising, mating, marking
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7 & me (BTS)
Pairing: OT7 x F!Reader
Genre: fluff, smut, idol AU, straight, bisexual, gay, threesome
Chapters: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20]   [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [26] - [27] - [28] - [29] - [30] This story is completed! Thank you for reading and supporting me! <3
Summary: Miracles do happen! Somehow you've finally managed to secure a job at a big company! Even though it'll be a 24/7 job, they promised you a fat paycheck, so you don't care what the job is... But what if the job is managing 7 grown men? Seven men who all have needs...
Warnings: swearing, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, fingering, size kink, oral (f&m receiving), dirty talk, gay sex, threesome sex, bisexual sex, implied masturbation, this is super vanilla compared to most of my stories, many more but I don’t remember.
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Daisy’s Blossoming (LeeDongWookFF)
Pairing: Professor!LeeDongWook x Original Character
Genre: University AU, Proffessor AU, Lee Dong Wook is named Lee Haneul, student x teacher
Summary: Daisy Little is your average girl. She likes to sit and blend into the background, but deciding she wants to become a teacher, she knows she has to change her ways. Luckily there is professor Haneul Lee (Lee Dong-Wook) who can help her grow, help her blossom. In more ways than she intended...
Warnings: toxic friend, inappropiate relations (teacher x student), swearing, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, fingering, size kink, dirty talk and more but I don’t recall.
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MR. LEE (LeeDongWookFF)
Pairing: MobsterBoss!LeeDongWook x DaughterOfMobster!Reader
Genre: maffia AU, fluff, smut, strangers to lovers, stockholm syndrome?, owner and owned to lovers
Summary: When your father's mob clan makes a mistake by breaking the treaty with Mr. Lee, all hell breaks loose. But instead of the expected eliminations, Mr. Lee decides to take a hostage...You.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of knifes, mentions of guns, mentions of blood, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, fingering, size kink, dirty talk, masturbation, sex toys, slight bdsm, pool sex, semi-public sex, and more but I forgot
If you enjoyed any of my stories I would really appreciated it if you were to comment, like and most importantly: reblog my story (with tags).
If you wanna show even more lovin’ you can do so by tipping me via kofi.
Any type of interaction with my work is always very much appreciated :)
Lots of Love,
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taichoushadow · 8 months
Quiet love
A/N: a short drabble about basking in the quiet moments of love.
Genre: Fluff, pure fluff.
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The soft tunes of low gentle music sweep through the dimly lit room. The night made it's entrance some time ago and you quietly listen to the music while laying on bed.
Burying your face in the crook of his neck, you rest your palm on his stomach and pull his body closer, smiling at the sound of his satisfied sigh, which is followed by a low hum. You can feel the warmth of his body seeping through your clothes, placing a soft kiss on the back of his neck when he grips onto your hand.
"Comfortable?" You ask, basking in the feeling of his fingers playing with yours. He once again hums while brushing his lips feathery light on your palm. "More than." His voice drifts off into a whisper and you lace your fingers with his. "Good." You mumble against his skin, pulling his leg over yours in the meantime.
No words are spoken after that, two souls basking in the safe space of eachothers hearts.
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a89x54vs · 1 year
No Better Place to Be
This is a tickle fic, feedback is accepted as long as it’s done in a respectful way.
“Do you remember back when we were younger? It was such a different time”
Yoongi smiled at the words of his fellow member.
“I know, who would have thought we would come this far? Sometimes I can’t help but think this is a dream” The rapper admitted as he looked at the sky, which was covered with the most beautiful of stars.
Hoseok let out a light cackle as he reached out to touch Yoongi’s cheek.
“But this is reality jagi, one that no dream is able to surpass”
Yoongi huffed at the cheeky talk while his face slightly blushed, it had been months ever since he and Hoseok began dating after even more months of pinning for each other until the rest of the group, tired of the hesitance both rappers showed despite their obvious feelings, crafted a plan to finally make Yoongi confess, albeit with a bit of an unusual push.
“You know, I really have to thank the guys for lending me a hand, even if it was an unconventional one” The older rapper admitted “I mean, it’s not like without them I wouldn’t have eventually confessed but their support truly helped with me deciding to do it”
“*chuckle* Ah yes, I remember Joon mentioning how they grew tired of you just waiting around for something to happen and stepped in else they feared you would say it when we’re already 50” Hoseok remarked with a grin “But I’m curious though, what did they do to finally convince you to say you love me?”
“Um…” Yoongi looked away while his face heated even more at the mention of the incident “Well, they came into my room and…”
“Tickled me until I promised to tell you”
Though that last part was a whisper, Hoseok managed to hear it quite well, and after a few moments of surprise he couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
“Oho I can’t belihieve you confessed behecause of tickling”
Yoongi grumbled as his face got even redder, he knew his partner wasn’t speaking in a mocking way but it was still so embarrassing!
“Oh jagi, you only get more and more adorable” Hobi complimented while hugging the older rapper.
“Don’t call me adorable…” Yoongi whined, why was his partner so focused on making him blush?
“But you are!” Hoseok insisted and, with the intention of providing his point, began to gently squeeze his partner’s side.
“Ahahahahahahaha Hobi wahahahahahait” Yoongi couldn’t even attempt to hold in his giggles before they were already spilling from his lips.
“Why wait hyung? Clearly you need a push to admit your cuteness” Hoseok declared with his sunshine smile as his nimble fingers skittered up and down the older’s skin.
“Nohohohohohohoho come ohohohohohohon you cahahahahahahan’t” The older rapper didn’t even attempt to push the younger’s hands away, instead covering his face as he kept giggling.
“Aww but your laugh is so nice, you won’t deny me from hearing more will you?” Hobi asked with the biggest pout while he changed spots, opting to spider Yoongi’s tummy.
It was probably a good thing that they were out on an open field, else someone may have heard the high pitched laughter that emanated from Yoongi’s mouth, that would be even more embarrassing.
How many times had he thought something was embarrassing?
“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA JAGI DOHOHOHON’T” He cackled when his thoughts were interrupted by Hoseok’s hands focusing on his hipbones, expertly using his thumbs to rub the bones.
“Sweet talking dear? That’s cute, you’ve always had your way with words” The dancer mumbled with a soft smile as he nuzzled the older’s face, seemingly unbothered by his shrieks and howls.
“LOHOHOHOHOHOHOVE JUST LEHEHEHET ME GOHOHOHOHOHO” Yoongi begged, his sanity was kind of slipping away, not necessarily a bad thing, it was actually pleasant to let go after such a long week, but the tickles were overwhelming and despite the kicking of his legs and the squirming of his body, he just couldn’t get away.
But what he received as a response was a “tsk” and Hobi’s voice saying:
“If you want me to stop then you know what to do Jagi” Hoseok reminded, chuckling at Yoongi’s whining accompanied by giggles by the feeling of kisses lovingly attacking his neck.
“Ihihihihihit’s embarrassing you knohohohohow?”
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, you are really cute Yoongi” Hoseok assured, continuing with his kisses while tracing his belly with a finger, causing Yoongi to giggle louder.
The older rapper felt a nice warmth on his chest at his partner’s words, they were covered in sincerity just like all the other compliments that Hoseok had told him, one of the multiple reasons he loved the dancer so dearly.
“Yes jagi?” Hoseok innocently asked while one hand clawed Yoongi’s rib cage and the other scratched his spine.
“I’m all ears” Hobi assured before suddenly blowing a raspberry on the older’s belly.
Seeing as Yoongi did his part of the deal alongside his wheezing, Hoseok stopped his tickling, instead opting to cuddle his partner while gently kissing his cheek.
“You did so well my jagi”
“*huff* You’re so mean” Yoongi complained, but returned the hug to show his true feelings.
“Sorry, but I really like your laugh, it’s been a while since you let go like this” Hoseok explained, making Yoongi realize that yes, it had been a while since he last laughed so freely.
“You’re right…thank you, I love you”
“I love you too jagi”
Both rappers stayed silent as they stared at the starry sky, sure, maybe tomorrow they would have to go back to their busy lives, but in the end, it was all worth it.
Because now, there was no better place to be.
Hey there, it’s me Ax, I hope you all enjoyed this fic, sorry it took so long to publish something but I promise to try and be more active.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 10 months
If Only
Summary: Maybe if you told him about your feelings at the venue the last time you were here, you’d be together now. But now you’re here again, and you wonder if you turn to find him, will he even be looking for you? 
Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Flashbacks, Slight College au, Possibly Suggestive at the end?
Word Count: 3,674
Hoseok (Wonho) X Reader
[Song Inspiration: If Only, From Zero, Don’t Regret]
Preface: "Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I wish I told you what I really felt. If I go back to where we last were, will you be looking for me too? Will you still love me as I love you? Can we start again? But differently? Can we be together in ways we always wished?"
You remember the last time you and Hoseok were together as if it were yesterday. It was a week before you both graduated. And you had bought tickets to see your favorite band and invited him along. He hyped your outfit up and told you how excited he was to hear some songs live. He knew their songs because you had listened to their music together, just as you had listened to his favorite band’s music. He made you giggle until the venue started letting people in, and he held your hand and helped ease your nerves. After all, it would be the first time you'd seen them live. You showed them your tickets, and they let you in. Hoseok put them into his coat pocket for safekeeping and held you close so you didn't lose track of each other as you looked for your seats. 
You guys excitedly waited for the concert to begin. And when the openers came out, you got up and cheered. They played a few cover songs, and you both sang along. It was wonderful. But the real excitement came after they exited the stage. You turned to Hoseok, and he grabbed your hands as you excitedly shook them. He giggled, and your heart felt like it was about to leap out of your chest, not just from the excitement of seeing your group. But from him and all the feelings you had bottled up for him. When they came out, you both screamed, cheered, and danced the night away to the songs. 
When your favorite song came on, you gasped and shook him as he laughed. You twirled and sang along loudly, enjoying every moment of it. It felt like a dream come true. At the end of the song, you looked at him to see if he was enjoying it too. And he was smiling big and bright over at you, with his camera pointed towards you and not the stage. You shook your head at him, and he laughed, “You looked so happy. I couldn’t film anything but you.” You blushed and shook your head at him again before continuing to jam with him to the rest of the songs.
You both loudly screamed for an encore, wanting to hear them perform more of their music. And they came back out and played a fan favorite. Everyone was jumping, and the two of you were jumping right along with them. As the last note rang through the crowd, you were both sweaty and laughing. He presses his forehead to yours, "I wish tonight would never have to end." You held your forehead to his, "I wish it never had to either." But then you moved away and gathered your things to leave. He walked you home, and all you two talked about was the performance and not your shared feelings. At the time, you knew he loved you back. You don't know why you never told him. It never made sense, but he never said anything, either. And that was the last time you two ever saw each other, and you never stopped thinking about it. 
Graduation came and flew by in a flash. Friends you knew were now married, traveling the world, or having babies. Did time really move that fast? Or was it just your own perception? It always seemed like when you left college. You would know exactly what you wanted to do next with your life. But now, as you sit in your bedroom apartment, you really start to wonder if you knew anything back then. You had tried everything from moving from place to place to seeing new faces and having different careers. But your mind still lingered on the same person. You could be doing something completely unrelated and still, find ways to connect it back to him.
Even now, as you throw your head back against your pillow, you can’t help but think how his smile would make everything better. But that was something you had to lay to rest the day you both graduated. You were attracted to him the second you laid eyes on him, and when you got to know him, you fell deeply in love with him. You tried dating various people after falling for him, but by the fourth date, you’d realize you didn’t want anyone else but him. He was everything you wanted and more. 
And maybe that’s why you were buying concert tickets to see his favorite band perform. One that you didn’t care for until you listened to them in his dorm. You remember staying up that whole night listening to each other's favorite artists and getting to know each other more. Or maybe it was because it was the last place you were with him. What if he was there? Would you have the courage, then? Your friend, Lyd, texts you that she wants to go and sends you the money. And you smile as you purchase the tickets. Maybe you needed a new memory in that place to move on. But could you truly move on from someone you loved so deeply? You shook your head. You decided to enjoy the experience and have a fun time with your friend, regardless of past events that took place there.
You sat beside him after a long day of midterms in your first year. And you both stayed up the whole night, showing each other song after song. He showed you his sketchbook and told you about his dream of playing in a band. You gushed over how beautiful his sketches were and how you believed he could create a band larger than life. He shook his head, thanking you, and asked you about your aspirations. You showed him the writings you wrote but told him that you weren’t positive you wanted to turn your hobby into your career. And he told you how elaborate and beautiful he thought your words were and how not all art had to be for profit. Because as long as it made you happy, it didn’t have to make you money. He held you against his chest as you listened to another song he liked by them. He made you feel safe in ways you didn’t know you needed safety. And with that, you guys fell asleep on his bed listening to music together. 
You haven’t seen him since before you graduated because you had to move back in with your family for a few months to take care of some things. You could have kept in contact, but neither of you ever reached out. You were always two distant stars watching and liking each other’s stories. He was out living his best life, and so were you. He was touring with his band, and you were working part-time and writing little stories while hanging out with your friends. Every photo or video that contained him always had your heart stuttering. You couldn’t believe that you let him slip through your fingers. It was something you majorly regretted. Even as you stand in line with one of your friends, you can’t help but think about what it’d be like to attend this concert with him. 
The venue was two cities outside of your old university. You used to grab a bus and head here all the time, whether you were attending the concert by yourself, with your friends, or with him. Interrupting your thoughts for a second, your friend asks, “I’ve never been to this venue before. What’s it like?” And you smile, “It’s beautiful. It’s got golden decals and a very high ceiling. And the stage, no matter where you’re sitting, feels like you’re sitting right in front of the performers. And the acoustics in the room? Are magnificent.” She grins, “Oh wow! I can’t wait to get inside!” You smile and ask, “I know you saw them last month. Did they perform any hidden tracks?” She grins and tells you about how they performed a bonus track off of their older album and how it was her favorite song, and to hear it felt magical. You grin, “I hope they perform it tonight, then!” You weren’t that close, but you connected over your shared music taste. She knew bits and pieces of your past and why you liked this group. She was sure that he had a crush on you back then too. “Oh! My girl is calling!” She cheerily tells you and answers, and you smile. You knew Claire about as well as you had known Lyd. And you listen to them talk until the line starts moving. She hangs up and promises to get her some merch before leaving. 
You get in, and they scan your tickets, you locate your seats, and you’re off to get soft drinks while she’s off to buy merch. You give her twenty for a shirt, knowing the other five would cover her pop. It takes a while before you both can return to your seats. You sit down and drink your pop as she shows you the hoodie she got herself. The cute beanie she got her girlfriend, and the shirt she got you. Originally you were going to wear it as a sleep shirt, but it was just the right color and style for you to wear everywhere. You thank her and put it on your chair so you don’t lose it.
The venue continues to fill up, and as the lights turn on, you take a moment to look around. And that’s when you see him... The man you’ve been internally searching for since you left him. You gulp, and he catches your stare before you can look away. You give him a small smile, and he does the same, and you both turn from each other, “Um, Lyd… I uh…” She raises her eyebrow at you, “What?” You whisper, “He’s here…” She gasps, “No way!” She whips her head in the direction you were looking in before. She claps her hands and looks at you, “This could be it!” You blink at her and ask, “This could be... What?” She grins, “You guys can finally rekindle and fall in love!” You gulp but can’t help but sneak glances at him, “But… How? He’s probably married by now. And has like five kids, if not grandkids.” She hits your arm, “Honey. He is way too young to have grandkids. And the last time you were here, it was with him! It’s like fate brought you back together!” You shake your head, “That’s impossible.” But you can’t help but look towards him again to see him staring back. 
And before you can say anything more, the opener comes out, and the lights turn on, “Give it up for The Starches!” Everyone stands up, and she gasps, “You weren’t kidding. It feels like we’re right against the stage even though we’re at least fifteen rows back!” You laugh, “Yeah.” And while you haven’t heard of this group before, you certainly enjoyed them! You filmed a few of their songs, planning to check them out later. And the two of you jumped to the songs as the guitar wailed and the drums pounded beats through your souls. 
Several songs later, they exit the stage. And people scatter to the restroom and to get refills. But you turn to look at Lyd, and she smiles, “Go to him.” You gulp, “You sure?” She nods, “You love him. I could tell from the way you talked about him and even now. You love him deeply. So, go to him.” She shoos you, and without second guessing yourself, you get up and head to him to see him getting out of his chair and coming over to you. You laugh, and he smiles, “I uh…” His hand rubs the back of his neck as he goes, “I didn’t expect to see you here.” You nod, “I thought you were touring?” He nods, “I am… I just saw they were performing here. And well, I had to see them.” You smile, “Me too…” 
You guys move into his aisle as people start returning from the concessions. “Where’s your next performance?” He smiles, “Several cities over.” You nod, “Living the big rockstar life you always wanted?” He grins, “Yeah, what have you been doing?” You shrug, “This, that, and the other. Nothing special.” He shakes his head, “You're living your life, and that’s special.” You smile, “I guess so.” He nods, “Who’s your friend over there?” “Oh, that’s Lyd!” He waits for you to continue, so you do, “She’s my friend. We’ve recently gotten to know each other because of our similar music tastes. We saw they were performing close, and we decided to go.” He lets out a sigh and says like he’s relieved, “That’s nice! I hope your friendship continues to grow!” You smile and nod, “Did you bring anyone?” He shrugs, “Kind of? My bodyguard comes with me no matter what.” You blink, “Oh?” And look over a few seats to see him intently watching the two of you. Being caught, he gives a friendly wave. You both wave back, and he goes, “Yeah, that’s Bo. He’s a great guy. He takes care of me and my members.” 
You didn’t expect your first conversation to be so awkward. You stand and stare at each other. With so many things you wanted to say to each other but no words to convey your thoughts. You sigh as you gesture that you should head back to your seat. But before you can leave, Lyd comes up behind you both, “Hey, I was just talking to Bo, and he said he’d be better at watching over you if you sat in front of him.” You both blink at her and out of Hoseok’s sight and into yours. She winks. You ask softly, “Would you like to sit with me?” He smiles, “I would love to.” When Hoseok turns to walk towards your seats first, both Bo & Lyd give you a thumbs up. You shake your head, Lyd wasn’t about to let you pass up this opportunity, and it seems neither was Bo. 
You sit beside him, your heart thumping in your chest as the background music plays. You speak up, “You know, the last time we were here together was to see my favorite band…” He nods, “Yeah, now we’re seeing my favorite band here together…” “It makes a kind of karmic sense, doesn’t it?” He smiles, “I think so. I’m glad I get to see them with you.” 
Senior year, he was lying in your bed playing on his laptop as you wrote a few more notes in your notebook. He told you excitedly, “They came out with a new album!” You grinned, “Really?” And you both listened to it. And you added your favorites to your playlists. He goes, “That was amazing! Did you enjoy it?” You nodded, and he continued, “This next song was a pre-release, but it became my favorite. I hope it becomes dear to you because I’m dedicating it to you.” You held back your tears at that as you whispered, “Ho-ho, you don’t have to.” He shook his head, “I want to. Now listen.” And you can tell why he fell for it the second it started playing. It had all the right notes, the correct key, and perfect melodies. You bobbed your head along and fell in love with it just like you had with him. He put it on repeat and pulled you into his chest, and the two of you basked in the moment. Maybe someday you’d get the courage to tell him. 
They finally come out, and you both cheer, and he smiles as you sing along to the songs together. It felt right to sing with him again. You wished you never lost connection. But as you look at him in the corner of your eye, if this is where you ended up all over again. Then you don’t regret it. Getting to spend another moment with him had your heart singing louder than your voice to the music. It made all the difference in not seeing for two years. You turned around as they played Lyd's favorite and high-fived her as she loudly screamed. As that song ended, you heard the first notes of the song, his favorite and the one he dedicated to you. And your heart feels full as he starts dancing and singing his heart out to it. You can't help but giggle and capture it all on your camera. You couldn’t be more in love if only he loved you back. 
He catches you just like you had caught him filming you that night at the very end of the song. He shakes his head at you, and the first act ends, and the band walks back to change. You both sit down and tell him, “I thought you deserved to see yourself dancing and having a good time to your favorite song like you did for me all those years ago.” He laughs, and you ask, “Did you ever change your number?” He tells you he didn’t, and you scroll down in your texts and send him the video. “You never deleted my texts?��� You shake your head, “Never had the heart to.” He nods, pulls out his phone, and scrolls down to show you he didn't either. 
It could be the simplest thing that would remind you of him. From bunnies to the color blue, you saw him in everything. And in the two years, you were apart. You certainly couldn’t get rid of anything he sent or gave you. You were sentimental over it all. It may have been as simple as a ‘Hi!’ post-it note to the stuffed bunny he got you. You had kept all of it in a tin on top of your bedside table, wanting to access it whenever you missed him. After all, you were still in love with him, even though you had no contact with him.
You ask, “Do you still have Mew-Mew?” He smiles and nods, “Do you still have Bun-Bun?” You shake your head 'yes'. And that’s when the band returns. You jump around and sing with him again. Although, this time, you were in each other’s bubbles, much more comfortable beside each other. You looked over at him as the drummer did his solo perfectly and grinned, and he smiled right back. 
When the concert ended, he grabbed your hand, and you both yelled, “Encore! Encore!” Pumping your intertwined hands into the air, hooting and hollering until they returned. Even as you sing along to their last song, you don’t let go of each other’s hands. With the confidence you have left, you squeeze his hand, and he looks over you, and you become entranced. And he sings the line to you, “I don’t want to be your past. I think we'll both regret…” You hold back your tears as you bring him into your arms. He holds you as you both sway to the melody. And you sing the words right back to him. As you both pull back with tears in your eyes, you grasp his other hand in yours. 
The band exits the stage, and people start clearing out. You tell him, “You know, I never stopped thinking about you.” He gives you a small smile, “I never stopped loving you.” You both start crying, and he goes, “Please, don’t let me be your past.” You shake your head, “You’ve always been my present. You’re with me even when you’re not. I’m still deeply in love with you.” He smiles, “You're like that for me too…” You sigh, wiping your tears away with your shoulder, “Will you do me the honor of being mine officially?” He grins with wet cheeks, “It would be an honor to be yours.” 
That’s when you hear an ‘ahem!’ You both look over, and Bo goes, “I’d hate to interrupt, but it looks like this place is almost cleared out. We should probably get going.” The two of them are both grinning at the two of you, “We heard everything.” You laugh and let go of one of his hands to pick up your concert tee. So, he can lead you out of your seats. As you walk to the doors, Lyd says, “Oh, Clarie said she could pick me up. So don’t worry about me! I’ll be seeing you next week!” Bo clears his throat, “I uh have some business at this thing to like be at... And, yeah, so…” He trails off and goes, “But, I’ll walk you to their car.” Hoseok laughs and teases, “Okay. If you’re sure you don’t want to come along~” Bo shakes his head adamantly, “No, um, I think you two have some things to catch up on, and I don’t want to hear that.” The four of you laugh as Lyd leaves for her girlfriend’s car. 
After the two of you are all settled in, Bo wishes you both well and for you to have him home at a reasonable time. And he’s off, and you turn to look at him, “I regret not telling you I was in love with you sooner.” He shakes his head, “I regret it too, but now we have each other. So, there is no need to regret it anymore. We just have a lot to catch up on…” You smile, “Let’s not waste another moment, huh?” He nods, and you’re off to spend the rest of the evening and forever together. 
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oddinary4bts · 2 years
Hiii everyone (no one really cause I have no followers lmao)
I've created a whole new blog for my bts and stray kids fanfiction, I'm gonna start posting soon, just wanted to put something out there so the blog wouldn't be empty...
Might start with a hyunjin fanfic.... ;)
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lieblingspulli · 2 years
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Sooooo, here's my update LOL. I know I'm not the most frequent updater or fastest writer but I am like a 20 year old in college so I try my best <3 I've got about 2 pieces *planned* to be written, one has an actual document but it's empty🥸. Here is my plan (and also accountability for myself by telling the void a.k.a anyone who happens to read my content): I'm going to write at least 2 fics by the end of next week. And I will post both ASAP. This is my immediate plan. My longterm goal for this (for you) is I'm going to attempt to write all my planned pieces by the end of August!! This is really big for me bc I have so many ideas, but as a writer I get really discouraged and don't write as much as I probably should. With me being a month and a half into my summer break, I promised I'd write more so here I am being a responsible adult and actually attempting to do it. Pray for me and hopefully I make Namjoon proud by all this creative work I'm about to do😮‍💨. Stay tuned!! <3
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mono-moonchilds · 11 months
For Glory │KNJ
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⤑ pairing: underground boxer!namjoon x fem!reader
⤑ genre: angst!!, smut, some fluff ig but also not really but yes??
⤑ rating:explicit (18+)
⤑ word count: 3.2k
⤑ summary: A fight to the death. No rules, no refs, and nowhere to run.
⤑ warnings: descriptive depiction of boxing, illusions of death, mentions of a stabbing, ig just violence in general fr, arguments, anyways on to the smut part of these warnings, fingering, emotional sex, missionary, riding, namjoon has a buzz cut, feel free to let me know if I missed anything but I think that's all folks
⤑ A/N: I watched Bloodhounds a few weeks then just had to make a boxing fic because I loved that show so much. hot men + fighting = sign me up.
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The room was full to capacity, nothing but sweaty drunks that were hollering over each other while letting out rowdy cheers filling the place. Despite it all, it felt like you could hear everything. Every punch, every kick- each blow that landed on his bruised skin rang a thousand times in your ears. The fight had only been going on for fifteen minutes —probably less— but it felt like much longer. Both of their bodies already so badly beaten —bright red blood spewing from their wounds and covering the once pristine mat.
This was your first fight and it showed. Your hands clenching the worn wooden benches, breath hitching at every movement. You usually didn’t come to these events, and you didn’t see how anyone could. They were barbaric and rough -no gloves, no rules, and definitely no safety measures. They couldn’t use weapons but that was about it. Everything else was free game and however the match ended was how it ended.
Whether it was in a K.O. or stone-cold murder was all up to the victor.
‘Fight To The Death’ was what they called it. A sixteen-by-sixteen ring, surrounded by wired, ceiling-high fences, and absolutely no referees. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and nowhere to escape. Neither party could call a time-out either. Once they were in the ring they were stuck there until the horn blew signaling the match was over.
“Fuck!” You jumped up from your seat. That was a mean one. The punch knocked Namjoon straight on his back allowing the other to climb on top. Luckily Namjoon was able to bring his arms up and get into a protective huddle, but it was still barely any help. Lee Do Yoon was evil, and his hits were ruthless. Even in the regular matches, he had a reputation for playing dirty.
This wasn’t even supposed to be his fight. For two years Namjoon had been out —he owned a gym and had a regular life that didn’t involve the underground fighting scene. For two beautiful years, you were able to see your boyfriend come home the way he left. No bruises, no busted lips. Just a clean face and a happy smile.
All of you had told Jungkook to lie low. That bragging and arguing with The Vipers was something he did not want to do. Despite your efforts to keep out this scene and the business that went along with it even you knew that Do Yoon and his little gang were nothing to mess with. Of course, Jungkook didn’t listen. When did he ever?
The night of your anniversary was when you got the call. You and Namjoon were on your way home from dinner when his phone rang.
Jungkook had been stabbed. They did him over three different times before leaving him for dead in the middle of an alley. Thankfully Jungkook had been relatively fine, but he was in absolutely no shape to fight. He could’ve pulled out but all of them had way too much vengeance to let the incident go unchecked, letting The Vipers have another by default victory. The other man had done this before and the only reason none of them ever got him back was they were all too consumed with their grief.
Hoseok had offered to fight in Jungkook’s place and so had Taehyung but either of them getting in that ring with Lee Do Yoon would’ve been like signing their death note. It’d been years since their last fight. And even though both of them were still in amazing shape they also had way too many injuries to even stand a chance of winning.
Of course, Namjoon never told you his plan though. He kept quiet, carefully dodging your suspicious questions until tonight.
“It’s okay- he’s okay. Namjoon’s got this,” Jungkook tried to comfort wrapping his arm around you, but you shook him off sending a mean glare.
You knew it was unfair to still be angry with him, but you couldn’t help. Sometimes you just wanted Jungkook to grow up —for him to mature and think with his head. Yeah, he knew how to step but he also needed to know when to fall the fuck back. He was twenty-five and everyone was still cleaning up his messes as if he were a kid.
“Joon!” You screamed out your hands banging against the gate. Instead of grabbing your boyfriend’s attention, you grabbed Do Yoon’s. A bloody grin filling his snake-like features as he turned towards you.
“Come on Joon—” he cooed mockingly, “you gone let your girl stand there and just watch you get put down like an animal? I thought you were supposed to be something. That’s what they told me.” Do Yoon got up from on top of him swinging his leg back hard before pushing it forward kicking Namjoon straight in the side. It sent all the air out of his body making Namjoon curl into a ball as he let out a loud cry. “Your nothing,” Do Yoon hacked a bloody lob right onto his face. “Just a washed-up piece of shit.”
Do Yoon yanked his head back. Namjoon had no time to react before the other man's hard fist clocked him dead in the face six times before dropping him back on the mat. Even though the match wasn’t over Do Yoon jumped around the ring as if he’d already won the crowd hyping him up like the depraved monster he was.
“Please,” You begged. Namjoon was still down. He kept trying to get up, but his body was wobbly and failing him.
Do Yoon crouched down in front of you. His tongue dragged against the nasty wire fence as he licked it. “Once I’m done imma have a nice time with you—” he reached down groping his flaccid dick in his shorts. “me and my boys. We’re going to-”
Before he can finish the sentence Do Yoon’s face is smashed against the fence before being dragged back. Namjoon is the one on top now. His punches unrelenting as he attacks every part of the man underneath his body. For once you understood how everyone else in the arena felt. A loud cheer came from the depths of your soul as you threw your arms up. Do Yoon was able to get a few good punches in, but it wasn’t enough, newfound energy filling Namjoon’s entire being.
It should have terrified you. The way Namjoon looked -his eyes cold and distant but it didn’t.
With one last heavy punch the match was over, Do Yoon’s arms falling flat to his side. For once the audience was quiet. Everyone was waiting with bated breath to see if he would get up. Strings of swearing erupted from his goons, their hands shaking the cage wall as they yelled at him. It was too late though.
The loud countdown over the speaker started.
The horn blared.
“The winner of this year's Fight to The Death: Kiiim NaaamJOON!”
As soon as the gate rolled open you were gone. Jumping up you wrap your legs around Namjoon’s waist, his strong arms lifting you into the air. The crowd fickle as ever rang out in cheers, shouting and chanting Namjoon’s praises. Your boyfriend took it all in, a loud roar erupting from his throat as he bounced up and down.
It was over.
It was all finally over.
Namjoon walked out of the venue with a limp and somewhat clean face. Though he was still marred with bruises and cuts, Seokjin had managed to patch him up well. Before the two of you got into the car, he called over Jungkook handing him one of the leather briefcases. With a shake of his head, the younger immediately declined, pushing it away.
“Take it,” Namjoon pressed shoving it into his chest. “Pay your debts and stay out of trouble.”
“I’m sorry Hyung,” Jungkook broke down into tears. “I’m so sorry,” He repeated looking at you this time. “I will. I promise I will.”
“I know,” Namjoon said pulling Jungkook into a hug. “It’s over. don’t think about it too much.”
Throughout all his goodbyes Namjoon kept a stoic face. It was only when the two of you crawled into the backseat of Hoseok’s car that he let out a loud sob. Hoseok looked back at him through the rear-view mirror but didn’t say anything. There wasn’t anything to say. Reaching over you grabbed his hand and leaned over resting your head on his shoulder.
“I did it. I fucking did.” Namjoon whispered but you knew he wasn’t talking to you. He wasn’t talking to either of you. Instead, his focus was on the golden boxing glove chain that was around his neck.
Yoongi’s old necklace.
When the two of you entered your shared apartment the story of what had gone down just hours before was all over the place. The space is messy littered with broken objects that you’d thrown around in a fit. Before you could finish making your way over to the kitchen to grab the broom Namjoon grabbed your wrist stopping you.
“We’ll clean it up tomorrow. Come on,”
Sitting down on the bed Namjoon pulled you a top of him. Your legs spread on either side of his body. “Didn’t think you would come,” 
“Called Jimin last minute. He rushed me over.”
“How come?”
You shrugged sucking in a sniffle. “I just couldn’t bear the thought of you being in that ring thinking all that shit I said was true. I didn’t mean it Joon. I didn’t mean any of it.”
Namjoon, as understanding as ever nodded his head. “Baby I know you didn’t. I know you were just angry and you had every right to be.” That made you cry. You never would understand what you’d done in life to be able to call someone like Namjoon yours.
Gingerly grabbing your brown cheeks between his palms, Namjoon pulled you in for a kiss. The remnants of dried metallic blood danced on your tongue. It reminded you of your first kiss. How the scars made his lips rough and how swollen they felt against yours. You should’ve been used to this but for some reason, it all felt so foreign. Haven got so used to your new normal you’d completely pushed down the old one.
The staying up to the wee hours of the morning wondering if he was going to be okay, sometimes having to patch him up or force him to go to the hospital when things looked too bad.
“Come on,” Namjoon hushed pulling you back in. “Stay with me,”
Flipping the two of you over he laid you down on your back. His hands instantly falling to the hem of your leggings as he pulled the tight fabric off of you. Namjoon’s lips found yours once again, a soft gasp-like breath leaving your mouth as you felt the outline of his hardening cock pressing against your lower belly. Freeing you from the confines of his hoodie Namjoon latched onto your neck, his mouth sucking hard at the exposed skin as his fingers slowly trailed down your stomach and to the place you needed him most.
It was crazy. How with just a mere touch from him you were soaked. Panties clinging desperately to your sodden pussy. Letting out a low chuckle Namjoon pulled his fingers from your panties showing you the slick digits. “Thought you said you hated me?”
Letting out a whine you rolled your eyes. “Please,” You quietly begged. You knew Namjoon was just trying to make light- show you in his own little way that he wasn’t mad at you, but you couldn’t do it tonight. You didn’t want to relive any of the shit you’d said to him.
Sliding from off of you Namjoon laid down on his side while pulling your thigh up onto his hip so that now the two of you were laying down on the bed facing each other. Pushing his hand back between your bodies his fingers made their way back into your panties- the calloused tips rubbing against your sensitive clit.
One by one he pushed his middle and ring finger into your needy hole. Forcing another low gasp from your mouth as you leaned forward burying your face into the crook of his neck. Namjoon kept a slow pace. Dragging his fingers in and out, ever so slightly curving the digits to rub them against that little spot that always made you lose it.
“You know I love you,” Namjoon breathed against your neck. You nodded. “I was always gonna come back to you. Nothing could keep me away from you.”
Your body writhes, your right hand flying up wanting to tangle into Namjoon’s dark locks but there was nothing there. Just like it was when you’d first met him his hair was once again completely buzzed leaving him with practically little to nothing. So instead, you settle for grasping at the back of his neck, practically fucking yourself onto the digits, your hips having a mind of their own as they rolled and jerked.
You wanted nothing more than to say something back, tell Namjoon how much you loved him too but you couldn’t. The pleasure over taking your body so much that the only thing you could do was let out low swears followed by the call of his name. It always embarrassed you how just with a few touches Namjoon could have you speechless and clinging to his body in desperation.
You could hear the wetness. Your slick undoubtedly leaving the bed sheets along with your inner thighs a mess. “Look at me,” Namjoon mumbled a faint smile filling his lips as you followed his command. “You know I like looking at you when you cum.”
Namjoon’s fingers sped up. The squelches from your pussy fill the quiet room. “Shit,” You swore. That familiar feeling rising up in your lower belly. You could feel your legs tightening up, the heel of your foot pressing into the back of Namjoon's calf.
“That’s right. Let go for me baby,” You don’t need to be told twice. Your vision crossing a little as your body shudders against his. “There we go. Always so pretty. My pretty baby,” Namjoon encourages his fingers not letting up even for a moment as he fucks you through your orgasm. It feels like forever before he finally pulls away, shoving the slick digits into his mouth.
Pulling away for just a moment Namjoon sits up and pulls his own hoodie off. Even though you know it's against your better interest you can’t help but look. His bare chest was exposed showing all of the bruises that littered his once clear skin. They were everywhere. There wasn’t a bare piece of skin that didn’t have Do Yoon’s dirty prints on it. “nuh uh—” Namjoon murmurs tilting your chin up. “Don’t look at that. Look at me. Just stay here with me,” Kissing your tears away Namjoon rolled the two of you over so that he was back on top of you. In one swift movement, he pulled down his gym shorts and boxers allowing his thick cock to spring free from its previous confinements.
Grabbing the length, Namjoon began to pump it, smearing the creamy white beads that’d spurted from the tip into the rest of the skin. “Joon,” You breathed needily, your cunt throbbing desperately in your panties. Even though your boyfriend just shushed you he didn’t tease much longer, the head of his cock pressing into your pussy slowly splitting you open.
Despite Namjoon’s thrusts being slow they were hard. Each push knocking the wind out of you as you begged for more. Dipping his head down Namjoon wrapped his full lips around your brown nipple suckling the pebble into his mouth.
“Right there,” You moaned, eyes fluttering closed at the overwhelming sensations that racked through your body. Letting go of your nipple Namjoon’s face falls onto your shoulder, low grunts and groans falling from his lips with every thrust.
“Fucking love you,” Namjoon whispers so low that you weren’t even sure he’d meant to say it out loud. Wrapping your legs around his lower back, you pull him deeper into you, making a low hiss fall from Namjoon’s mouth as you accidentally press into a bruise.
“’m sorry,” you slur out.
“S’okay,” He grumbles kissing your collar blade, his wet tongue dragging across the skin. Pulling away Namjoon looked down at you, a small smile filling his face as he stared. Even though he didn’t say anything you knew exactly what he was feeling because you felt the same. The happiness. The relief. Although Namjoon had given promises of winning before he left the two of you both knew very well the fight could’ve gone either way.
Gradually his eyes drifted downward, first falling on your bouncing breast but then inevitably ending on your belly causing tears to fill his eyes. This time you pull him out of it, your hands cupping his cheeks as you pull him down for a kiss. “Lemme ride you,” you say.
With a nod of his head, Namjoon changed positions causing you to let out a lower whimper. He always felt so fucking deep in this position, like his cock was right in your stomach. “Shit—” Namjoon’s eyes got wide. “do you think we’re gonna—”
“Joon—” You cut him off with a laugh already knowing what he was about to ask. “You’re big but you're not that damn big. Just give me a minute.” You finish a moan tumbling for your lips as you roll your hips just a bit to help get used to the stretch.
Instead of placing your hands on his chest you lean back grasping his thighs, eyes fluttering close as you rock back and forth. Namjoon’s hands found purchase on your waist helping you grind a little bit faster, his hips rising a little to match your movements. Lifting yourself up you drop back down, the loud sound of skin slapping together filling the room as you repeat the movements.
“Don’t think I gonna last—” Namjoon chokes out. “feel too fucking good.”
You nod your head in agreement, already feeling the sensation building. “Just a lil faster baby.” Namjoon whimpers. “I need a little more,”
As you follow his directions, Namjoon’s head falls back. His lips forming into a ‘o’ as his eyebrows furrow together. He was almost there and so were you. Reaching down you rub fast circles onto your clit, your body shaking as your orgasm hits you hard. It doesn’t take long for Namjoon to follow, a loud groan escaping him as his cum paints your inner walls white.
The two of you pant, barely allowing the other to catch a breath before you find your lips on each other once again. Carefully you slide off him and fall to the side. Wrapping his arms back around you Namjoon pulls you in once more. His hand finds rest on your belly rubbing at the barely there bump as his eyes flutter close.
“Don’t know what I would do without you,” You whisper.
“And I don’t want to find out.”
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⤑ A/N: I really loved writing this couple and I kinda wanna write the prequel to how they met and also Jungkook and Yoongi's story. I hope you guys enjoyed it!
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urlocalyodastan · 5 months
Jeon Jungkook | Min Yoongi | Lee Minho | Lee Felix | Kim Mingyu | Bang Chan | Kim Namjoon | Jung Hoseok | Choi Seungcheol
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-constantly being updated- <- (that’s a lie)
updated 6/9/2024 [Choi Seungcheol added, IWYTS completed, new chapter of chasing cars]
!!authors!! if u want ur work removed plz dm me:)
Helloooo! its been a while hasn’t it? School is dying down so I finally had a chance to update this master list! I have updated the counts and info on fics that were already there and added a bunch more (new idols get hype). another fun new thing is that im going to open my taglist, so whenever i update a new chapter or add a new fic or whatever, whoever wants to will get a notification. all you have to do is just add a note to the post that says “taglist” and ill add u, im trusting that youre over 16. anyways! enjoy the new library of fics!!!
peace 🫶🏻
fluff -> 🤍 | smut -> 🍋 | angst -> 🌧️ | major tw -> ‼️
Jeon Jungkook
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♡ I Want You to Stay | @ahundredtimesover
series | wc: 261.3k | 🌧️🤍‼️
boss!jungkook x assistant!reader
idiot strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers if you squint, k-drama feels, angst, drama, fluff, smut, sexual themes, power dynamics, anxiety, depictions of assault and aggression [chapter 8] (specific warnings on post)
♡ strong enough | @hyukaslvr
series *ongoing* | current wc: 32k | 🌧️
idol!jungkook x idol!reader
idiot exes to lovers, slow burn, kdrama feels (kind of like our beloved summer minus the salt and water if yk loll), angst, drama, fluff, smut
♡ guilty pleasures | @kookslastbutton
series *ongoing* | current wc: 13.1k | 🌧️🍋
ceo!jungkook x reader (?) idol!tae x reader
!!!okay so the fate of the story has not yet been decided, you’ll get it once you read!!! (not poly!!)
angst, smut, fluff, loverstoexesto (?), coworkersto (?), unrequited love, smut, sexism, morally grey-ness, swearing, alcohol consumption, sexism in media and business, toxic relationships, abandonment issues, explicit sexual content
♡ things you don’t know | @btsgotjams27
oneshot | wc: 4.3k | 🌧️🤍
jungkook x f!reader
angst, ex best friends au, language, light kisses, miscommunication, reader jokes about unaliving her other best friend, mentions of throwing up
“i thought i’d never see you again”
♡ the farmhouse | @solecize
series | wc: 52.3k | 🌧️🤍
jungkook x reader
estranged friends to lovers, small town au, childhood best friends, slice of life, cowboy-ish jungkook, grief, mentions of death, death, fear, drinking and substance use, mutually pining, explicit language, jk as a parental figure (you’ll see), angst, fluff, growing up
♡ Chasing Cars | @oddinary4bts
series *ongoing* | current wc: 58.9k | 🌧️🍋
brothers best friend!jungkook x younger sister!reader
18+ mdni!, forbidden love? au, college!au, slice of life, smut, angst, fluff
♡ The Boy with Galaxies in His Eyes | @oddinary4bts
oneshot | wc: 52.9k | 🌧️🍋
idol!jungkook x tattoo-artist!reader
fwb to lovers, idol!au, angst (a lot), smut (a whole lot too), fluff, oc’s ex-boyfriend died and it takes an important place in the story, swearing, fuckboy Jungkook, fuckgirl oc, a whole bunch of red flags, miscommunication (they learn how to communicate don’t worry), exes that can’t stay out of your life, alcohol, they be a little toxic but they get better, explicit content: fingering, pussy slapping, squirting, oral sex (male and female receiving), mouth fucking, dirty talking, jungkook has a slight begging kink and an exhibitionism kink (not that present in the fic), dom!jk, switch!reader, car sex, sex in a tent, hair pulling (I think), tits/nipple play, unprotected sex, a little bit of ass slapping, mentions of choking
♡ For the Birds | @yoonieper
series *ongoing* | current wc: 0 | 🌧️🤍🍋‼️
not started yet but it looks incredible -> teasers coming soon
jungkook x reader
slow burn, lots of smut (not always healthy), cheating, discussions of depression, this series includes Jk in a pretty toxic environment, degradation (not the sexy kind), manipulation, and overall Jk being in an emotionally abusive situation! please read with caution!!
Min Yoongi
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♡ Countermelody | @bonvoyagenoona
series | wc: ~100k | 🍋🌧️🤍
yoongi x reader
small town enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, smut, humor, producers!yoongi, hobi, namjoon, songwriters!yoongi, hobi, namjoon, musician!reader
♡ Oh! Darling | @yoongiofmine
series | wc: 108k | 🤍🍋🌧️
professor!yoongi x student!reader
fluff, angst, smut, non idol au, university au, mild age gap (emphasis on mild, yn in grad school and yoongi in his early 30s), forbidden romance
♡ Kitsungi | @moni-logues
series | wc: 105k | 🤍🍋🌧️‼️
yoongi x reader
strangers-to-friends-to-lovers, non idol!au, angst, smut, eventual fluff ‼️alchohol consumption, yoongi and reader are both depressed, depressive episodes, attempted suicide, toxic relationships (readers ex), jokes about death, death, vomit, self harm, self deprecation, language (specific warnings posted for each chapter)
NOTE: please read the warnings carefully, there is a lot of heavy topics in this read
♡ Grey Area | @blushoseoks
series *ongoing* | current wc: 98,832 | 🌧️🍋
min yoongi x reader
heavy angst, language, alcohol consumption, university au, soulmate au, eventual smut, weed consumption, slow burn, death
♡ Illicit Favors | @yoongiofmine
oneshot | wc: 29k | 🍋🍋🍋
producer!yoongi x author!reader
smut with plot, friends to lovers, smut, more smut, even MORE smut, mutual pining, virgin reader, teaching sex au, this oneshot is amazing plz read it
Kim Mingyu
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♡ Today was (not) a fairytale | @babyleostuff
oneshot | wc: 1.6k | 🌧️🤍
idol!mingyu x fem!reader
established relationship, mingyu forgets your anniversary…
♡ Snowbound | @papermatisse
series *ongoing* | current wc: 17.6k | 🌧️🌧️🌧️
kim mingyu x f!reader
death mentioned/near death experiences, depression, unresolved mourning, cursing, emotional neglect, slight age gap (mingyu is slightly aged up), reader implied to be smaller than mingyu, stranger danger (?), extreme weather (?)
♡ How to Win Hearts for Dummies (the answer is lattes and banana bread) | @gyuswhore
oneshot | wc: 12.4k | 🌧️🤍
idol!mingyu x makeup-artist!reader
one sided pining, slow burn, swearing, shitty bosses, some descriptions of anxiety and breakdowns, reader has issues opening up
♡ Hits Different (…’cause it’s you) | @gyuswhore
2-part series | wc: 40k | 🌧️🤍🍋
kim mingyu x reader
based off ‘hits different’ by taylor swift, brothers best friend!au, brother!seokmin, smut (part 2), friends(?) to lovers, university!au, slowburn, mingyus a bit of an airhead and an ass, reader has a hard time managing her feelings, lots of frustrated tears, one sided pining, user toruro x minghao make an appearance, swearing, theres another woman (gasp…..but shes cool so), nayeon is a darling, seungchol is kind of annoying but we love him, smut tags in part 2
♡ Backburner | @spamgyu
series | wc: im not counting loll | 🌧️🤍
seungcheol x reader | mingyu x reader
she had grown tired of being on his backburner, the person that he had kept warm until he gotten the girl he had his eyes set on for years… and with a little help from her friend, maybe… just maybe shell finally be the first choice
Lee Minho
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♡ Invisible Thread | @astraystayyh
series | wc: 37k | 🤍🌧️
minho x reader
university au, academic rivals to lovers (rivals not enemies cuz they respect each other), slow burn, fluff, angst, poor relationships with parents, insecurities, she/her reader, mention of alcohol
♡ Lost in Translation | @moonjxsung
one-shot | wc: 26.5k | 🤍🌧️🍋
minho x reader
university au, babysitter!reader, older brother!minho, smut, angst, fluff, mention of pregnancy, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it), pet names, (see other warnings)
Lee Felix
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♡ forgive me for what i haven’t done | @rachalixie
one-shot | wc: 17.5k | 🤍🌧️
prince!felix x princess!reader
kingdom au, angst, betrayal, strangers to lovers, hurt/comfort, she/her reader, emotional manipulation and physical violence from readers father, mentions of violence
Bang Chan
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♡ Dispatch | @baby-yongbok
oneshot | wc: 1.3k | 🌧️‼️
husband! 911 operator!bang chan x afab!reader
themes of home invasion, mentions of guns, please read responsibly!!!
Chan has heard a lot of calls being a 911 operator but this is never one he wanted to experience.
Kim Namjoon
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♡ My Feet to Follow, and My Heart to Hold | @daechwitatamic
series | wc: 76.3k | 🌧️🍋
KNJ x f!reader, unrequited KTH x reader
college!au, roomie!au, angst, s2l, slow burn, eventual smut, pov changes, convos revolving around the past loss of immediate family members, language, drinking, angst, a LOT of poetry, eventual smut - sections will have individual warnings
Jung Hoseok
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♡ Flower | @readyplayerhobi
series | wc: 177k | 🤍🌧️🍋‼️
hoseok x reader
depression, anxiety, self-loathing, lack of self-esteem, oral sex (receiving and giving) penetrative sex, fingering, kink exploration, anal, panic attack, discussion of car accidents, mentions of character death, body issues, sex toys, stress, drinking [smut isnt till later in the series btw]
Choi Seungcheol
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♡ Always Only You | @honeyhotteoks
oneshot | wc: 14.2k | 🌧️🍋
s.coups x reader
non idol!seungcheol x fem!reader, older brother mingyu, seungcheol is mingyus bff, childhood friends to lovers, brothers best friend, reader is called a sl*t in a mean way by her shitty date, v protective cheol, reckless driving, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it), reader is curvy and descriptors like full, thick, etc are used, makeouts, grinding, cheol is obsessed with pussy, oral sex (f receiving), hand stuff, smut
144 notes · View notes
cookiegirlsstuff · 3 months
The Hobi cheer up pt. 4
AN: This is part 4 of a series that will consist of 7 parts. I hope you like it!
(⬆ This video of J-hope tickling Jimin is just the cutest 💜)
Lee: Jimin
Ler: J-hope
Jimin woke up trembling. Once again he had a nightmare. He often had the feeling that he wasn't good enough for Bangtan and these thoughts kept him awake at night, if he even managed to sleep at all.
The others were much better than him at dance training, even at singing, and the others were more beautiful and more popular anyway.
Objectively speaking, he knew himself that it was nonsense to even have these thoughts, after all, he always did his best….but still he couldn't stop thinking about it.
Quietly, so as not to wake his roomate hoseok, he tried to make himself comfortable again and continue sleeping. But it didn't work.
So he did the only other thing he could think of. He tiptoed over to Hoseok's bed and tapped him gently on the shoulder.
Of course, his hyung woke up immediately and looked at Jimin with worried but sleepy eyes.
"Jimin? Have you had another nightmare?" he asked gently.
"Yes," Jimin stammered.
"Aww come here," J-hope said gently and pulled the smaller one into his lap.
Jimin told him about his thoughts a long time ago and Hoseok could understand the younger one's worries and wanted to help him. He thought Jimin was very talented and he wanted Jimin to see it that way too.
Neither of them had said a word during the whole time. Instead, Hobi had simply stroked Jimin's back reassuringly and cuddled him a little.
But now he wanted to make sure that Jimin's sad face looked cheerful again.
So he slowly stroked his finger along the Jimin's neck and watched with amusement as he scrunched up.
He repeated this a few times until Jimin turned around and stared at his hyung, looking slightly bewildered.
"We can't have a sad Jiminie here, can we?" he asked, before beginning to nuzzle and nibble Jimin's neck in turn.
Of course, he didn't want to overwhelm Jimin or wake up the other members, so he kept to the soft tickles, which also got quite a good reaction out of the younger one.
"Why are you giggling? Did something funny happen? Or are you laughing at me?" asked J-hope in fake disbelievement.
"Nohahaha I'm nahahat," Jimin replied, still giggling.
"Then why are you laughing?" J-hope asked again.
"Because…" Jimin began his sentence, but was interrupted by his own laughter as Hoseok began to spider his tummy.
He quickly freed one of his hands and covered his mouth to avoid waking the others up.
"You're such a cute baby," Hobi teased Jimin as he ran his hand up and down Jimin's side.
"Nahaha please!" the blond haired boy plead as he tried to wiggle out of Hoseok's lap.
"Why? Does that tickle my cute Jiminie?" Hoseok teased, moving to his ribs.
Jimin had to admit that he really liked this kind of attention and care, and it was good to be able to laugh. Genuine and without having to look perfect for the camera.
Hoseok also tried to attack jimin's armpits a few times, but jimin wouldn't let him, so he gave up. He was also able to wreck the younger one properly another time.
"Hobi please.....I cahahan't", he giggled cutely while wriggling and squirming in the dancers lap.
“I’m almost done.” Hobi chuckled before blowing a few small raspberrys into Jimin's neck. Although loving the sensation, he also hated it. The vibration felt so ticklish and he felt so vulnerable but it distracted him and Jimin was very grateful to his hyung for that.
"Thanks Hobi hyung", Jimin smiled before falling asleep in the dancers arms.
"Good night my little mochi" Hobi said before pulling a blanket over the two of them.
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I know it's short I'm sorry Hope you guys like it. By the way I think Jimin is just the type for soft tickles...like it's really hard for me to imagine him getting absolutely wrecked. I think cute and playful soft tickles are the perfect thing for Minnie but just my opinion !🤚
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star-suh · 9 months
★ here is the list of the groups/idols i write for and my fics:
GROUPS I WRITE FOR (until now):
NCT 127
(i'm not gonna write fics for all the members of a group, so here's gonna be the list of those idols)
Christopher Bang Chan
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too strong to handle
Lee Minho
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one jerk off a day do not keep the doctor away
cops and robbers a short story
Jay Park (EN-)
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welcum day!
good friends share
Park Sunghoon
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enemies to fuckers
good friends share
Kim Mingyu
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welcum day!
the phone call
y/n's sexual adventures a short story
a new "friendship" has born
do your (blow)job
gym bros
wet dreams
Wong Yukhei
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happy anniversary!!!
not a birthday cake
ménàge a troi
Na Jaemin
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not-so-opposites attract
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cruisin' for a fuckin'
Kim Jiwoong
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the masseur
Seok Matthew
Choi Minho
Jung Sungchan
Jackson wang
Jeon Wonwoo
Lee Hoseok
Lee Minhyuk
Lee Jeno
Park Jisung
Park Jinyoung
Hong Seunghan
Lee Juyeon
Lee Sangyeon
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a89x54vs · 2 years
Rest and Giggles
This is a tickle fic, feedback is accepted as long as it’s done in a respectful way.
It was no surprise that Namjoon and Hoseok were incredibly hardworking, whether it was composing, practicing, performing or something else, both rappers gave their all in what they did.
Which is why it was quite surprising that they both decided to take a day off to actually rest.
It was during the afternoon when Namjoon and Hoseok were both cuddled in the couch as they slept, the room warm and in silence, perfect for a day off.
However, the dancer slowly woke up and gave a stretch, slightly rubbing his eyes before noticing how the leader was still asleep.
Hoseok smiled as he saw Namjoon sleeping, looking so calm and peaceful, the dancer gently leaning down to nuzzle the younger.
Namjoon seemed to unconsciously return the nuzzle, and Hoseok continued with the affection.
However, Namjoon wasn’t waking up, so the dancer got an idea, gently slipping his hand under the leader’s shirt and slowly began moving his fingers.
“Hahahaha” Namjoon began gently giggling, though he still wasn’t moving.
“Wake up Namjoonie” Hoseok whispered as his fingers increased in speed.
“Gahahahaha whahahat?” The leader’s giggles were louder and he began squirming just to notice that Hoseok was hugging him.
“Hello Joon, slept well?” Hobi cheerily asked as his hand moved to spider the younger’s side.
“Nahahahahaha whihihihihy?” Namjoon questioned, trying to escape but the tiredness wasn’t exactly helping.
“Why? Do I need a reason to hear your wonderful laughter?” The dancer asked, a fond smile on his face.
Namjoon blushed at the compliment, not really sure how to reply, but he didn’t have to since-
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA HOBIHIHIHIHIHI” The leader cackled when he felt the older’s hand sneak up to poke his ribs.
“Hmm? Please? You want to say something?” Hoseok asked, leaning against the rapper as he continued with his tickling.
“No way! I had no idea it did” Hobi said with a fake excitement “Then you must ticklish in more places”
Namjoon tried to protest but couldn’t, after all, it’s hard to speak coherently when there are ten digits clawing your tummy.
“You can’t? Then why aren’t you fighting Joon? Are you enjoying it?” The sunshine teased, smiling at how Namjoon’s face was becoming bright red.
“NOHOHOHOHO I’M NOHOHOHOHOHOT BWAHAHAHAHAHA” The leader tried to argue, but his pitchy laughter and red face did anything but make him sound serious.
“I think someone is lying Joonie, and you do know what happens to liars right?”
Namjoon’s eyes widened at Hoseok’s words and attempted to escape, remembering all the times he had used them with the maknaes, but luck wasn’t on his side since his hips were being pinned down.
“HOBIHIHIHIHIHI PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE DOHOHOHOHON’T” The leader tried to beg but it was too late.
“Lies make the tickle monster very hungry” Hoseok announced and as soon as he did, took a mouthful of air and blew a raspberry on the younger’s tummy.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAHAHA HYUHUHUHUHUHUHUNG” Namjoon threw his head back as he loudly cackled, his hands shooting to the older’s hair.
“Yes Joonie?” Hoseok asked before blowing another raspberry.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE IHIHIHIT’S TOO MUHUHUHUHUCH *squeak*” Namjoon tried to cover his mouth in embarrassment, but the dancer was persistent.
“Oh I know, but it was you who called the tickle monster” Hobi assured “So you must have definitely wanted this”
Any kind of reply Namjoon could have was immediately cut out by a raspberry being placed on his side.
Hoseok didn’t reply, instead moving his head to attack the leader’s other side, his arms around Namjoon’s hips to ensure he wasn’t going anywhere.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HYUNG I BEHEHEHEHEHEHEG YOU” The leader was going insane with every raspberry blown, how could a blow of air tickle so much?
“If you want me to stop, you know what to say” Hoseok replied, and then, he took the biggest breath of air and targeted the younger’s belly button, his hands also squeezing his hips.
Namjoon was done, the addition of the hip tickles destroyed any bits of resistance he may still have, and instead it was all replaced by loud, unstoppable laughter.
With his confession, Hoseok stopped his tickling, and felt his heart melting at the pure happiness on the leader’s face.
“Yohohohou’re mehehehean” Namjoon giggled out, completely sprawled over the couch.
Hoseok let out a laugh and leaned against the younger as he replied:
“Maybe I am, but it’s fun to spend time with you”
Namjoon smiled and hugged the sunshine, he couldn’t agree more, it was fun to be together.
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sugary-sweet-anon · 4 months
In your last post, you wrote to a user, "I can do it if you want, send me a plan." Ah, I'm not that person and I can give you another example of fiction. I don't know if you can do it, but I still want you to try!
My fic is about Lee Namjoon.
Namjoon is generally a person who constantly tickles the members. So, judging by the moments, it is.
Namjoon loves to tease and tickle them, but now all the members want to take revenge on him and catch him.
and they realize that this man tickling them is very ticklish and they tickle torture him
Can you make a Lee Namjoon and ler Bts story like this? Please🥹💗
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This is my first fanfic! I don't know how well this will be received, but I hope you enjoy it! As I was writing it, it turned into something a bit different. Thank you very much for requesting, and I'm sorry it's taken so long.
Leader's Plight
Lee!Namjoon, Ler!BTS
It was a calm day for the Bangtan boys. A day where they had a light schedule. These days were few and far between, so all seven of them took advantage of it.
Most of them were resting. Others were watching TV. Overall, just a calm and peaceful day.
Well, it WAS anyway. Five of the guys met outside their rooms, confused looks on all of their faces.
"What in the world was that?" Jimin was the first to speak up.
"I dunno, but it woke me up," Yoongi mumbled, clearly agitated.
"It sounded like it came from Jin hyung's room."
Taehyung was right. With his room being closest to Seokjin's, he could easily tell. (A/N I don't know how their rooms are set up so just work with me on this). They all agreed and followed the laughter to the eldest's room. What awaited them on the other side, however, was not what they expected.
Directly in front of them, in the middle of the floor, was Namjoon, their leader. In a writhing mass of laughter. And who was causing all of this? Seokjin, the eldest of the seven.
The other five boys stood in awe of what was happening. They never thought that their strong leader would be this ticklish!
"Whoa! How did this start?" Hoseok asked with a grin on his face.
Jin paused his attack on Namjoon, leaving the younger to gasp for air on the floor.
"This brat thought he could get away with forgetting to use 'hyung' after my name!" He exclaimed dramatically. He wasn't really angry or upset at Namjoon. He just felt like teasing him for it.
The others knew this too, but they decided to play along with their oldest hyung. After all, it wasn't often that Namjoon was the victim of a tickle attack. 99% of the time, he was the one who started them. And, well, this seemed like the perfect opportunity for revenge~.
"Ooooo hyungie is in trouble!" Jungkook couldn't resist approaching his favorite member and wiggling his fingers at him.
"You little brat!" Namjoon felt his face heat up as he reached out and squeezed the youngest's side.
"EHEHEY!" Jungkook quickly pinned Namjoon's hands down. "I'm not the one who forgot to be respectful to our wonderful Jin-hyung"
"Ahhh Joonie you should know better~!" Hobi mischievously smirked.
"So disrespectful!" Jimin shook his head, slowly kneeling down beside Jungkook.
"I think you've earned yourself this punishment, Namjoon-ah," Yoongi said.
Namjoon tried wriggling away, but unfortunately Jin had too strong of a hold on him still. "Wahahahait guys we can talk about thihihis!"
Taehyung, who had been quiet this whole time, suddenly spoke up. "Hey, you know what I just realized?"
The others looked at him expectantly. "What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked, his big eyes wide with curiosity.
"Namjoonie hyung tickles us all the time! We never get to see him like this!" Tae couldn't help but smile in glee.
Everyone gasped happily. Except the young man in question. "TAEHYUNG-AH!" Namjoon yelled in disbelief. If his face wasn't red before, it definitely was now.
Jin, meanwhile, was growing impatient. "Ya, are you all going to stand there or help me with him?" He said, his eyes glinting with mischief.
The others didn't say another word before they all pounced on their leader. Jungkook near his head, tickling his neck, Jimin and Taehyung going after his feet, Hoseok and Yoongi at his armpits, and Jin still at his original spot at his sides and stomach.
The response was immediate. "GAHAHAHAHA GUHUHUHUYS NOHOHOHOHO!!" Namjoon's hyena-like laughter exploded into the air. He couldn't focus on anything except the ticklish sensations. Try as hard as he might, there was no way he could escape!
"This is your punishment Joonie! Take it like a man!" Jin said playfully, digging into the poor boy's sides.
"I'm just happy to finally be tickling him instead of the other way around!" Tae exclaimed happily. He was currently scratching the leader's left sole with his long nails, eliciting screams of laughter from him. The other maknaes nodded in agreement.
"Tickle tickle tickle Namjoonie!" Hobi teased in a high-pitched voice while scribbling away at Namjoon's left armpit.
"DOHOHOHON'T TEHEHEHEHEASE MEHEHEHEHE!!" Dang it, why did Hobi have to be so good at teasing? Probably practiced on the maknaes. He attempted to hide his face by turning his head away from Hobi, but was met with Jungkook's wriggling fingers in his neck.
"Awwww hyungie is shy!" Jungkook cooed. He leaned down close to Namjoon's ear. "Coochie coo hyung~"
This caused Namjoon to squeal loudly. "JUNGKOHOHOHOHOOK YOU BRAHAHAHAT!" His thrashing intensified.
Yoongi could see that he was getting close to his limit, so he motioned for everyone to slow down, but not completely stop. "Hang on everyone," he said. "There's something I want to do before we kill him."
The others watched to see the show Yoongi was gonna pull. Namjoon, on the other hand, looked at him in terror.
"Hyuhuhung noho dohohon't! I know that lohohohook!" Anticipatory giggles flowed out of his mouth.
"What look?" Oh, that liar. Anyone could recognize that sly evil look on his face. And he knew it too. It wasn't often, but nearly every one of the members had experienced this at one point. And they all feared it.
"Hyuhuhung dohohon't you dahahaHAHAHAHAHAHARE NAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Namjoon screamed in laughter as Yoongi had lifted his shirt and blown a massive raspberry right on his navel. The other members couldn't help but smile in awe as their beloved leader was reduced to a laughing writhing mess on the floor. Taehyung was right, it was a happy sight to see him being tickled to happy tears for a change.
Eventually, Namjoon couldn't take it anymore. "HYUHUHUHUNG *snort* ENOHOHOHOUGH STOHOHO*hic*HOHOP!!"
Yoongi stopped immediately and rubbed Namjoon's stomach. Everyone else crowded around him to make sure he was okay.
"Are you alright Namjoonie hyung?" Jimin asked with concern.
Jungkook sat him up and started rubbing his back to help him breathe better. "Did we go too far?"
Namjoon breathed heavily while stroking Taehyung's head. The younger boy had made his way into Namjoon's lap, hugging him. "I'm okay guys. You didn't go too far." Though he sounded tired, and he was, deep down he felt really happy. He didn't realize how much he need that.
Everyone crowded in for a big group hug. They were really lucky to have each other. Even if they could be annoying at times. Namjoon took a moment to consider this and welcomed the embrace. He really was the luckiest guy on the planet.
It was a calm and peaceful day once again.
"Did anyone notice that Joonie didn't say stop until the very end?"
Well, it was anyway.
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blueberrykenn · 6 months
Kennie's Top 10 Yearly Fic Recommendations
Okay so this is the 2nd year of me doing this (but this year I wont delete) butttt I show my top 10 fic and authors for each member/group( some members of bts repeat due to the amount of poly fics I read and its what I mainly read) (A handful of these have smut so heres your warning)
(I would also love to be your guys friends as every single one of you seems absolutely amazing)
10. @guqwrvte Make it Three (Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung)
Oh where do I start with this fic I found it in the spring looking for a Soulmate fic and oh boy I was in for a ride THREE SOULMATES?! ummm YES and the arcade chapter was ABSOULELY AMAZING! I hope you're doing well Author!! as this fic hasn't been updated in a while
9. @yonkimint Without You (Yoongi with a side of Hoseok or "Jay")
OHHHH BOY When I wanted a love triangle I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED I found this fic in April looking for angst and ANGST I GOT without spoiling it its a Pregnancy/ Single Mom AU and one of the best ones Ive read in a longgggg time
8. @guksthighs Bloom (Yoongi)
OH BOY This is a recent one actually. This one shot was made SIX YEARS AGO?! OMG Hanahaki AUs are one of my favorites angst type of fics so when I read this I literally sobbed like a baby I cant say much else without spoiling it
7. @kimnjss cyberslut (Yoongi), less of you/VINTAGE (Jimin), Strawberry Kisses(Jungkook)
MISS HAS ALWAYS BEEN ONE OF MY FAVES SINCE 2019 like when I first read beside you YESS I reread Cyberslut and HAD to include it but reading less of you in June as I was dealing with my own breakup it was a tear jerker towards the end of less of you, for me I wont spoil it but there a plot twist that I was not expecting towards the end of the sequel, Vintage. BUT STRAWBERRY KISSES OH MY GAHD I read that on my way home in August even though its a SMUTTY I enjoyed it a lot and the FLUFF I think some people looked at me crazy when I took the bus home that day
6. @skazoo if you tell me about yourself( Stray Kids' Felix)
Okay here me out! Demon Slayer. Its one of my favorite manga and anime series and with CHANBIN as a hashira UMMM YES ynand chanbin are literally Genya and Sanemi if Genya was a girl and not YK (demon slayer spoiler!!) eating demons, but this 2 parter was ABSOULTELY AMAZING
5. @ugh-yoongi a word from our sponsors (Namjoon)
How do you get a idoit podcasters to not realize they have feelings but read smut YOU GET THESE TWO MFERS This one shot was sooooooo good!! like I read a lot of smut but this? TOP TEIR OF ONESHOTS OF 2023
4. @sopebubbles Bulletproof Heart (2Seok)
THIS ROLLERCOASTER If I had to describe my childhood in fanfictions this one would be one (check #1 for the other) I wont say why because spoilers but this angst was OMG THE YOONGI HATE WAS UNREAL NOT MY YOONGLES but I loved it soooooooo much
3.@jihoonotes Yearning(SVT's Woozi)
Lee Jihoon is literally my ult bias. Do I need to say more? ITS WORTH THE READ
2. @solemnreads Way Back Home(Jungkook)
THIS FIC HAD ME FUCKING EVERYWHERE with the twins to CEO Kook THE JEALOUSLY I LOVE IT by far the best exes to lovers fic I read this year
before I tell yall #1 I wanna give an honorable mention to @purpleyoonn they would be on the main list if I was done reading you complete us BUTTTT RED STRING is amazing even though there only 2 parts so far
Okay Okay this should be expected if you been here for a bit
1.@theharrowing Literally anything they write but mainly Rose Tinted Obsessions and Collateral
Boy Blue and Collateral Taehyungs literally Remained me of In between Taehyung so much that I got inspired to write in between again everything I read from them is Absolutely Amazing, Top Tier just Yes DARK FICS are literally my go to so reading them had me sooooo happy and wanting more
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kpop masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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back to main masterlist
Memory | 🍓❄️🦕 Kim Byeongkwan x Reader + Park Junhee x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
Only One | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🦕 CEO!Choi San x Reader
It’s An Act [WBU I] | ❄️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Smoke | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Runaway | 🍓❄️🏩 Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader (Mafia AU) Preview 1 2 3 4 x
Mah Boyfriend | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🦕 Jung Jungkook x Idol!Reader
Hidden Heart | 🍓🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🍳 Lee Minhyuk (HUTA) x Idol!Reader [Headcanon]
A University Dilemma | 🤸‍♀️ Kang Younghyun (Young-K) x Reader (Univeristy AU)
What A Joke | ❄️ Kang Younghyun (Young K) x Reader + Park Jaehyung x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
So... Haha... I Like You | 🍓🦕 Park Jaehyung x Reader (Fake Dating AU)
Wheel Of Fortune | 🍓🍳🚀 Park Chanyeol x Reader [Headcanon]
Welcome To The Jungle | 🚀🚀🚀🏩 Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun (Jungle AU)
Maybe We Still Have A Shot [WBU III] | 🍓🍓🏩 CatHybid!Oh Sehun x Reader (University AU)
Unrequited Attraction | 🚧🏩🍳🦕 Mafia!Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Retail Worker!Reader
Color Palette | 🍓 Byun Baekhyun x Reader [Blurb]
Brown Leaves | 🍓 Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (University AU)
One Million In One Day | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🍳 Sugar Daddy!Jackson Wang x Reader Preview ~ Alternate Moodboard ~ Moodboard Teaser  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Car Rides | 🍓 Jackson Wang x Reader [Blurb]
Juice Box | 🍓🚀🏩🦕 Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam x Reader [Blurb] (Pre-Schooler AU)
Somewhere In Between | ❄️❄️Civil Engineer!Park Jinyoung x Reader + Architect!Henry Lau x Reader
Trading Secrets | 🍓🍓 Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Winning Losses | ❄️ Kim Jaejoong x Idol!Reader
Monsta X
Introspect | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Jooheon x Reader [Blurb]
Letting Off Steam | 🤸‍♀️ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) x ArtStudent!Reader (University AU)
December Dates | 🍓🚀 bf!Seventeen x Reader [Headcanon]
The Stroke Of Midnight | 🍓❄️🏩🦕 Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader
Here's My Problem: I Can't Get You Out Of My Head | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🎩🎩🏩🍳🦕 Detective!Jeon Wonwoo x Actress!Reader
10 Ways To Get Over Gyu | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🍳🦕 Kim Mingyu x Reader + others (Childhood AU)
Half Of My Heart | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳 Kim Mingyu x Reader + Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (CEO AU)
On A Thread | ❄️❄️ CEO!Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) x Nurse!Reader
A Final Offering | 🍓🍓❄️🏩🦕 Deity!Kim Inseong & Child!Reader + Baek Juho (Zuho) x Mom  
What Does It Mean? | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️ Kim Inseong x Reader + Lee Jaeyoon x Reader (University AU) 
16th Floor | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) x Reader (Office AU)
Understand This |❄️ Choi Minho x Reader I Don’t Understand [Understand This II] | ❄️ Choi Minho x Reader
It’s All A Big Joke [WBU II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Th-that’s Not | ❄️❄️🚧🦕 Lee Taemin x Reader Regrets [Th-that’s Not II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Angel Bride | ❄️🚧🏩🦕 Pirate!Lee Taemin x Reader
Noona, You're So Pretty | 🍓 Lee Taemin x Noona!Reader
Stray Kids
Professional Boundaries | 🍓❄️🚧🦕 CEO!Bang Chan x Pre-School Teacher!Reader + CEO!Hwang Hyunjin x Pre-School Teacher!Reader 1 2 3 4 
Bootylicious | 🍓🚀 Bang Chan x Idol!Reader
Super Junior
The Soup | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 SuJu x SuJu Maknae!Reader [Headcanon]
Secrets Of A Maknae | 🍓🚀🚀 Kim Heechul x SuJuMaknae!Reader
The Boyz
Gentle With Me | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Pitter-Patter | 🍓 Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU)
The Art Of Deception | ❄️🎩🏩 Shim Changmin x Reader (Secret Agent/Spy AU)
Forget About It | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳🦕 Choi Soobin x Reader (University AU)  
I’m Not Playing | 🍓❄️❄️ Gangster!Song Minho (Mino) x Reader 1 2 3 
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