#lee seunghyun drabble
viforvictori · 6 years
Musical Snuggles
Genre: Drabble, fluff.
Warnings: May rot teeth with sweetness.
Word Count: 684
A/N: For @seungriseverything because I can and also who doesn’t love fluffy Seungri. His partner’s gender isn’t specified because I wanted to be all-inclusive.
Seungri thumped his head on the door to his apartment as it closed.
“Ow, fuck…” Rubbing his forehead, Seungri managed to toe off his shoes and traverse his rather luxurious home until he got to the bedroom. He opened the door slowly, wary of the other occupant. The love of his life, the apple of his eye, his light in the darkness. Seungri grinned when he saw a bare back facing him, seemingly undisturbed by his entrance.
Smirking, Seungri stripped down as quickly as possible while making as little sound as possible. He wanted it to be a surprise when he rugby tackled his other half into their king-sized bed. Currently, they were too occupied with some kind of moisturizer that Seungri didn’t recall owning - it looked like some high-end brand.
Now standing proudly in only his boxer briefs, Seungri crept up behind his partner, swiftly lifting them from the ground and leaping onto the bed with them. Okay, so perhaps it wasn’t really a rugby tackle, but it did the job. They let out a small shriek of surprise and Seungri giggled into their chest. He received a sharp slap on his shoulder, which just made him giggle harder.
“Get off, you ass, bed covers are for sleeping under.”
Seungri huffed and reluctantly hauled himself off of the admittedly cold person beneath him. They made a show of climbing under the covers and Seungri followed suit, fixing his infamous puppy eyes on his lover, making sure they knew exactly how he felt about the whole ordeal.
“Thank you, Ri. Now, come here.”
That was all it took for Seungri to launch himself into the waiting arms of his favourite person in the whole wide world. They began rubbing his shoulders, blessing his face with butterfly kisses and eventually stealing a soft kiss from his waiting lips. Seungri sighed into the kiss and immediately felt his entire body relax and melt into his other half, wrapping his arms loosely around them. They suddenly pulled away and snatched up Seungri’s phone. Seungri gazed at them, slightly miffed but mostly confused. He wanted kisses, damn it.
A soft piano tune flooded into the room, courtesy of the Bluetooth speaker. It was quickly accompanied by various other instruments.
“Musical snuggles~”
“How do you always know what I need?” He mumbled, resting his head on their shoulder, eyes closed and mouth barely parted in invitation. They dove in again, nudging noses. Seungri smiled wide and moved his arms up, resting them gently around their neck. “I love you.”
They chuckled lightly, “Bad day at work?”
“I don’t need to have a bad day to love you.”
“You just don’t say it often, is all.”
Seungri frowned. “I told you yesterday. And this morning. I tell you all the time!”
They outrighted snorted this time, jolting Seungri slightly in their arms. “I was kidding! I know you say it all the time. I love you too.”
“No. Don’t love you anymore. You’re mean,” Seungri pouted, turning his head. His lover leaned in and took the opportunity to lather sloppy kisses down his neck and over his collarbones where they knew Seungri was particularly ticklish. In response, Seungri could do nothing more than wiggled and laugh as they tightened their grip, nipping his ears as well now. “Okay, stop, stop! I’m sorry! I love you still!”
“I’m so sorry but I love you, it was all lies~”
“Don’t bring my work into this!”
“What, too soon? It’s only been 11 years since it came out,” They pecked his nose playfully while Seungri tried and failed to come up with a solid comeback.
“Shut up, I’m tired now. Bedtime!” And with that, Seungri flopped face down onto the pillow, lying completely still.
“You know you’ll suffocate if you-”
“Shut up and spoon me,” came the muffled reply as the man shimmed around onto his side. His partner gently came to rest behind him, throwing an arm over Seungri’s side. They fell asleep to the quiet jazz still seeping into the room, breathing matched and held close to one another.
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yg-got7scenarios · 7 years
Oh, You Again?
Seungri | First Meeting
with mentions of Hanna and another OC, Seoyeon
2,102 words
Requested by Anon
A/N:  So it was too long to be considered as a drabble haha!  I will include this one on the main masterlist once all is done :)  I will do this to every request that exceeds 2k words!
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“Is this all?” Seungri asks his executive assistant as he looks over a few resumes of applicants who wanted to work at the latest branch of Aori Ramen that he is about to open in about a few weeks.
“Yes, Si- Uhm – I mean, Seungri.  Yes, that’s everything.  Are you interested in anyone of them by any chance?”  Seoyeon gapes at her boss and Seungri pursed his lips before looking at the ceiling with his eyebrows scrunched.
“Hmm… I should say yes.  This –“ He handed about 4 CVs to the girl and placed the rest on top of his table.  “Please schedule them an interview with my sister Hanna within this week.  I will be out of the country for some events so I won’t be able to do it.”  Seoyeon nods before grabbing the papers from Seungri. “So she’ll decide whether to take them or not, alright?”  Seungri confirms and Seoyeon lets out a small laugh.
“She will be thrilled if she hears this.”  She giggles heartily and her boss just scrunched his nose at her.
“Tell her to not be too happy; this will be the last time.”  He stands up from his seat and she just giggled even further before bowing at him.
“Alright, have a safe trip, Ri.  I guess we’ll see you next week?”
Seungri is trying to get used to the loud music that almost split his head into half as well as the smell of smoke, alcohol, and sweat lingering in the air. He was invited yet again for another DJ-in event outside the country – which he gladly took because it was a good friend who requested.  Also, he enjoys DJing in huge clubs and the free drinks, it’s just the smoking part that he doesn’t like so much.
Just when he was about to wrap up his performance for the night, a girl caught his attention from one corner of the bar.  The girl is stunning; however, she looks like she wanted to step out of the place soon enough.  She wasn’t dancing as usual, just seated on a stool while sipping her beer.
Seungri is known to be very friendly and since he is a member of one of the most popular Kpop idol groups ever, he is pretty damn popular, so he doesn’t normally approach people and socialize, it is always the other way around, no matter where he goes.  So seeing a girl on his event looking bored and, well, unhappy for some reason, he cannot help but feel curious.
The crowd went wild when he played a mix of Bangbangbang, Mental Breakdown, and Song Mino’s I’m Him through the speakers and he knows that he did well – making a note to himself to approach the girl after his set.
“So, who did you select out of the four, Hanna-yah?”  He gives a call to his sister as soon as he lands at Incheon.  He needs to visit the new site since it is almost done, he just needs to take one last look before it opens tomorrow.  Also, he needs to meet the new staffs that his sister managed to hire – still not trusting Hanna to do a good job – though it’s mostly just for his entertainment (meaning, pissing his little sister off).
“Oppa, you will see them later.  I am sure you do not even remember their names anymore.” “Hanna, I remember them, why don’t you just tell me?”
“And why don’t you just wait?  Do you not trust me?”
“Yah!  How dare you yell at your older brother!”
“It’s because you’re annoying!  And I did send you their photos and profiles on your email two days ago, it’s not your fault you’re not checking them.  I will tell Dad!”  His sister hangs up even before he can argue.  He just stared at his phone before shaking his head incredulously.  He steps out of the automatic doors and he can hear the yells from fans and the shutter of cameras.  He smiles at them but quickly remembered that he is wearing a mask, so they won’t see it anyway.
On his trip to the new site of Aori Ramen, he cannot help but think about what happened a few nights before.  He was about to talk to the cute girl at the bar after his set, when he was able to throw a new, dry shirt on and sprayed some generous amount of expensive perfume, only to find the girl, well, missing.  He had searched the entire place – randomly chatting with some strangers and people – until he stopped, feeling disappointed on top of his heavy breathing and curled up fists.
Where is she?
This isn’t what Seungri was expecting when he went to the newest branch of his popular restaurant.
Standing behind the counter is the girl who had never left his mind for the last week. She is wearing the restaurant’s uniform – the stupidly cute eye smile and pink lips still didn’t fail to make him smile a bit.
“Seungri-yah, she might melt, stop staring so hard.”  Seoyeon nudged her boss/friend by the elbow and the boy was snapped out of his reverie.
“Y-yes, what’s up?”  He asks mindlessly before turning his gaze towards his friend.  The woman just shakes her head before guiding the stuttering boy deeper inside the place.
“Her name is ______, she’s one of the staffs that your sister selected from the last set of CVs you handed to her through me.”  Seoyeon said and Seungri’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Seriously? I actually selected her?”  Seungri gasped loudly and that caught the attention of everyone; including the girl she’s been eye-ing on.
“Oh, so, you’re here!”  Hanna shouted from behind the counter and gestured for her brother to come.  Seoyeon just pinched his cheek before walking him towards his sister’s side.
“Just try not to drool over her, okay?  I know she’s a good catch!”
Before Seungri can even playfully slap his friend’s shoulder, Seoyeon was already running towards the other side of the café.
She looked at the guy where the loud rambling came from, and she squinted her eyes in recognition.  He was the DJ at the bar where she got ditched by a cute guy and made her pay for all the drinks and snacks the two of them had eaten and drank– so she were forced to leave the place immediately with a few dollars left on her pocket – swearing to herself to not talk to any other guys in that bar that night.  Good thing the bar is just near the hotel where she is staying, so the cab fare will not be too high.
She also recognizes him as a member of the popular Kpop group BIGBANG – however, she is not expecting to see him here; to the place where she will have her first managerial job.
“Oh, so you’re here!”  Hanna, who claimed to be the sister of the owner, shouted at him and he immediately came over.
“Hey guys, so this is my brother, and he is the owner of this restaurant.  Oppa – introduce yourself to the new employees!” Hanna exclaimed and smiled, feeling victorious or somewhat playful; making her brother scrunched her nose at his sister.  Seungri eyed each and every one of the new staffs, and she felt her cheeks turn into a dark shade of pink when her boss stared at her a bit longer, lingering and flashing toothy smile at her before quickly shifting his gaze towards the guy next to her.
When the introductions were given, she was instructed to be with no other than her boss to look around the store – since she will be the future manager after a few months once she was able to adjust and trained properly by Seoyeon.
“So, uh, shall we?”  Seungri smiled at her shyly and she nodded, mumbling a yes quietly and they both walked around the dining area.
They’ve exchanged random comments about the table and chair arrangements, as well as the decorations and artworks painted on the walls – and the two of them had agreed on removing the large chrome painted artwork since it doesn’t blend well with the others, making Seoyeon pinch Seungri’s arm, for whatever reason, he doesn’t know.
The next hour and a half were spent like that and she and her boss are now seated adjacent to each other – waiting for their requested drinks and food to be served.
“So, how do you like the place, _____?”  Seungri asks her and she lets out a nod.
“It was perfect; and I am excited to work here – it is a great place… and… I have a great boss.”  She flashes her cute smile and Seungri sips his water to hide his blushing face.
“Oh, thank you.”  He says and damn, he is not used to being this shy infront of people – he is normally the ones who initiates the conversation whenever he meets someone new – but for this lady, it is totally different.
“So – I actually have something to ask if you don’t mind?  It is something… not work related.”  Seungri says and she looks up to him before nodding.
“Sure – Sir –“ Seungri holds his hand up and she gaped at him.
“Just call me Seungri – no need to call me boss or anything – it makes me feel old when people call me that.”  He rubs the back of his neck and she just nodded before sipping her water.  Their coffees arrived and they just silently stirred them –mostly out of nervousness.
“Hey… // Seungri?”  The two of them spoke at the same time.
“You go first –“
“No it’s OK, _____, go ahead.”  Seungri smiles and she feels her cheeks burn – his boss is just too cute not to stare at.
“A-Alright.” She brushes the strands of hair that block her face and Seungri followed the movements of her fingers which is just too graceful and cute.  What?
“I – I was at the event – last week.”  She says shyly and Seungri smiled and nods his head.
“I know.” Seungri wore his signature smirk.
“W-what? H-how?”  These are the only words that she was able to mutter – he knows she was there?  She was sure that there’re lots of people at that club that time so it is nearly impossible for this guy to see her.
“I saw you. You were the sulking, pouting but cute girl at the bar – it looks like you weren’t having that much fun and I feel curious…”  Seungri bites his lower lip and she let out a soft gasp, both of her hands flying on top of her mouth before she covers her beet-red face; too shy to face the boy in front of him.
“Oh God I am so embarrassing – I – I didn’t know that you’ll notice me there – there is a sea of people – oh gosh!”  She removes her hands from her face before looking down at the table.
“You don’t need to be shy, _____.”  He teased her and she sinks on her seat further, making the boy laugh heartily.
“You really are so cute – and now you’re pouting!”
“I don’t! And… I didn’t pout that night too!”
“You were! I saw you!”
“HEY!” She blurted a little too loud and does her face can get any darker now?  She just shouted at her boss and everyone in the restaurant is eyeing her, as well as Seoyeon who is now carrying their snacks and standing next to Seungri with a knowing smile on her face.  Seungri laughed loudly, amused by his new Restaurant Manager, finding the girl really pretty, witty, and… wait did he just think of her being pretty?
“Looks like you two are getting along well, huh?”  Seoyeon winked at Seungri before smiling dearly at the girl in front of him. Seungri let out a nervous laugh and the girl cups her face with her hands, her burning cheeks making Seoyeon giggle cutely at her before bidding her good bye, muttering that she needs to leave the two alone.
“Sorry about that… I – I was just –“
“No need, ______.  It is not necessary.  I am sorry if I teased you too.”  Seungri rubs the back of his neck before sipping on his iced latte.  The two of them grew silent – just enjoying their drinks and glancing at each other from time to time.
The girl smiled when she met the boy’s gaze – thinking secretly to herself that it has been wonderful meeting him.
What she doesn’t know is that it was equally fascinating for Seungri – if not more.
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kpop-aesthetic-20 · 7 years
𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 [ ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇ ]
Genre: fluff Word count: 336
Jiyong x reader
-I was not planning to write this because I am already at the mid of writing something else but is Jiyong so 🤷‍♀️
-My first language is not English, so PLEASE, if you see any errors tell me about it
-I'll be there in 5 minutes.
The last few weeks had been crazy, Jiyong was working so hard that the idea that he was not resting and feeding properly was hovering around your mind every moment, so receiving that call in which he had said he was coming to spend time quality, made you sigh with relief. 
Suddenly the sound of the main door closing interrupted your thoughts. -Babe! I'm home!
Hearing Jiyong's voice sent a load of electricity through your body...he always had that effect on you, no matter what.
-I'm here!
You ran just to find yourself almost face to face with a very tired Kwon Jiyong. Without saying anything he just opened his arms and, as if his wishes were orders, you hugged him tightly.
-Can we go to the room? I'm very sleepy
-Whatever you want, Jiyongie
In the blink of an eye, the two of you were in the room lying lazily in bed.
Jiyong was hugging you by the waist, while his head rested on your chest. Your fingers was tangled in his hair, causing even more sleep in the tired boy.
At that moment you couldn't help but think of the person Jiyong was. A hardworking man who after all the problems and struggles in his life, was finally where he always wanted to be and you couldn't be more proud of him.
-Why are you look at me so much?- his question took you by surprise-I have something in my face?
-No, it's not that, I'm just...proud of you, that's it.
-Proud for what?
-Just for being you
The next thing you felt was his lips tightening on yours, a short but very sweet kiss.
-I'm proud of having someone like you in my life
Soon, you saw Jiyong smile timidly while returning to his original position.
You smiled. The man right there was not the incredible G-Dragon, the king of kpop, Bigbang's leader, no...for that moment he was just Kwon Jiyong and God...you loved him so much.
thanks for read ♥️
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Love! Seungri moodboard. Requested by the lovely @justtextmeoppa, hope you enjoy! ❤ [Credits to owners, I do not own any of the pictures. Please do not use without giving credit and do not delete the caption]
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knockoutwritings · 8 years
Are the games still open? Seungri - you visit him at the studio but your sexy outfit is too distracting
A soft melody filled your ears as you peeked through the crack of the door. A loving smile spread on your lips when you saw just the man you’d hoped to see. Concentration contorted his face and you could not help but bite your lip with a knowing grin. 
It was always such an immense turn on to see him to immersed in his work. His long elegant fingers pressed various buttons. His head bobbed gently to the beat as he increased the volume on the vocals. 
Deciding it was time to make your appearance known, you pushed open the door, swinging a bag of warm food. You watched as the pleasant scent wafted in the air, dancing under his nose. His eyes snapped over to you and he matched your wide grin, the genuine happiness to see you apparent to anyone who would’ve walked by. 
“What are you doing here, baby?” He rose from the chair, pausing the melody and moving to where you stood. 
“I thought I’d stop by and bring you some food. I figured since you need to get this album done soon you’d skip out on food.”
A subtle shiver coursed through you as he placed both hands on either side of your hips, pulling you flush against him, his lips seeking yours. And just as you always did, your body reacted, knowing the rhythm of his movments and his kiss as you matched his love, sighing out when his tongue prodded your lips. You nibbled on his bottom lip, grinning against the kiss when he groaned out. 
“Well, you’re right, I’m definitely hungry,” he smirked, eyes twinkling in the way you loved. 
With a teasing hum, you took  step back and shoved the food in his hands. He scoffed, sending you a mock glare as he followed your movements with his dark eyes while you took a seat next to the one he’d been occupying. 
“Then you better hurry and eat.” 
The music poured through the speakers as a sated Seungri increased the volume a bit more than before. He sent you a lazy grin, the gesture quickly turning into a smile when you’d winked at him. Even as you turned away to look at the monitors Seungri kept his gaze on your figure. He hadn’t noticed how well the black dress clung to you, the cloth material looking soft against your skin. 
You crossed your legs and the dress creeped higher on your thighs, revealing more the that skin he always loved to explore. With a shake of his head, he drew his attention back to the monitor and continued the changes. He noticed your foot swinging in rhythm and unable to stop himself, his eyes raked up the length of your leg again until his eyes settled on your eyes. They stared back at him with the fervor he was having a hard time suppressing. 
Without so much as a word, he was on you, the force sending his chair on its back as he pulled you up to sit on the long desk. His wet kisses left trails on your neck as he nestled himself between your legs, enjoying how your own fingers dragged down his back. He gripped your thighs, pressing them against the sides of his hips as he ground up against your heat. 
Seungri groaned out in frustrated satisfaction, and you spread your legs wider to feel more of him. His teeth tugged at your swollen lips, pulling out a moan from deep within your throat. His palm pressed against the area between your shoulder blades as his other teased you clothed breast. 
“You did this on purpose,” he breathed out through ragged whispers as his fingers fondled with the zipper of your dress. You unbuckled his belt with shaky hands, not bothering to deny his accusations when you’d come with those very intentions. 
“Less talking, more touching,” you whispered back. 
He chuckled, puling down the dress to your waist, groaning when he saw the blue laced bra. His hands fondled your breasts and you chewed on your lips from the sensation. 
“Touch me, baby, please,” you begged unable to restrain your desire any longer. 
He obliged, pushing the bra up. With his thumb and index finger, he tugged and sqeezed at the taut nipple, lowering himself to wrap his lips around the other one. Your fingers tugged at his hair, chest jutting out to feel more his swirling tongue around your sensitive flesh. 
“Baby,” you rasped out, “you need to get inside me now.” 
Happy to oblige, he finished unclasping his belt, tugging his jeans and boxers down. You moaned out at the sight of his member and unable to stop yourself, you wrapped your fingers around the silky skin. Seungri gripped the desk, his hips matching the slow speed of your hand as you pumped him teasingly. 
His dark eyes ceased your movements, the underlying heat of his gaze sending another twinge of desire straight to your core. He let you align himself with your entrance and he pulled you closer to him, never giving you a chance to prepare as he pushed his length into you. 
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Masterlist of Kpop Idol/Chubby Reader Goodness!
“Finally got around to putting one together! <3
Smut = M with ___ warning
Fluff = Fluffy
Kim Seokjin/Jin
Reader reacting to BTS Outcast (Funny)
Min Yoongi/Suga
Proper Hello (Fluffy)
Comforting Yoongi (Fluffy drabble)
Yoongi loving you for you (Fluffy drabble)
Tongue Technology (smutty Ft. Jimin)
Mild Block (fluffy Ft. T.O.P)
Jung Hoseok/Jhope
Jhope’s Hope is a Badass (Fluffy)
Kim Namjoon/RM
Two can play at this (smutty)
Waking up Namjoon (smutty)
Park Jimin/Jimin
Reader messing with Jimin and Jungkook while they sleep (little smutty Feat. Jungkook)
Blood is too Delightful (M with some Horror)
Dirty Dirty Dancing (M)
Tongue Technology (smutty Ft. Yoongi)
Kim Taehyung/V
Taehyung’s Tongue (slight smutty drabble)
Jeon Jungkook/Jungkook
Reader messing with Jungkook and Jimin while they sleep (little smutty Feat. Jimin)
Baby Boy Jungkook (M Feat. Jimin)
Caramel Macchiato (BTS Barista AU / Fluffy)
Lee Hoseok/Wonho
Chae Hyung Won/Hyungwon
Hyungwon loves a confident Goddess (smutty request)
Sohn Hyun-woo/Shownu
Lee Joo-heon/Jooheon
Im Chang-kyun/I.M
Lee Minhyuk/Minhyuk
Yoo Kihyun/Kihyun
Jackson Wang/Jackson
Jealous Daddy Jackson (Smutty drabble)
Im Jaebum/JB
Such good control (smutty drabble)
Mark Tuan/Mark
Kim Yugyeom/Yugeom
Park Jin-young/Jinyoung
Choi Youngjae/Youngjae
Kunpimook Bhuwakul/Bam-Bam
Choi Seunghyun/T.O.P
Ending Valentine’s Day (Fluffy but slight NSFW)
Morning After Valentine’s day (Smutty)
T.O.P NSFW Alphabet (very smutty)
T.O.P Glasses Appreciation
T.O.P Catching you dancing to Doom Dada (slight Smutty)
Mild Block (fluffy Ft. Yoongi aka Suga)
Lee Seunghyun/Seungri
Drunk and Needy Seungri (smutty)
Kwon Jiyong/G-Dragon
Kang Daesung/Daesung
Daesung in the rain with his Goddess (Fluffy drabble)
Not as gentle as you think (smutty)
Dong Youngbae/Taeyang (will be strictly fluff)
Double Hoseok (M but tame/Monsta X & BTS - Wonho and Jhope)
Daddy Wonho, Daddy Hobi (M, very dirty/Monsta X & BTS - Wonho and Jhope)
~ Fluffy Goddess
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thelastdada · 6 years
Walk you home - Drabble gri.
"After your pretty back disappears,
I turn around and I start to miss you already"
– Walk you home, NCT Dream.
Faltaban sólo cinco minutos para el final de clases, Seungri golpeteó con su pluma de forma ansiosa, en ese instante poco le importaba el resumen de treinta páginas que tendría que hacer de un día para otro, él solo quería escuchar que la clase se había terminado. A su derecha su compañero anotaba detalles de la tarea a cumplir, se estiro un poco y comenzó a rayar la orilla de su margen intacto —Basta... —susurro el castaño.
Seungri dejó su cabeza caer sobre su escritorio y dejo la pluma caer, acción que sin duda no esperaba creara ese ruido en el salón de clases, cerró los ojos y se quedó quieto —Lee Seunghyun —mordió su labio y miro hacia la profesora.
—¿Algo que añadir?
Negó con una media sonrisa —Nada profesora.
La señorita rodó los ojos y por fin ordenó que podían irse, espero a que esta saliera y entonces guardó sus cosas a gran velocidad —Me comienza a estresar tu repentina prisa.
—Perdón Bae, pero tengo que irme pronto, me esperan en casa —cruzo su mochila sobre su torso y se despidió dando saltos hacía la puerta— te veo el lunes.
El camino entre escaleras se volvió eterno, parecía que en ese instante todos querían hablar con él, sin embargo, solo rechazó varias invitaciones y terminó saliendo por fin del edificio. Se sentía sospechoso, sabía que Jonghoon ya tenía algo en mente, pero aun esperaba que nadie lo siguiera o se diera cuenta.
Seungri lucía más feliz al salir de clases desde hacía un tiempo, y quizá hasta su propia familia lo notaba, ya que seguramente se estaba volviendo más obvio esas últimas semanas. Y es que todo era gracias a un día cualquiera, dónde Seungri se alejo unas calles de su camino solo para encontrar un libro que su hermana le pedía, en una librería más cerca de la siguiente escuela que de la suya. Mientras se perdía entre libros infantiles, otro chico lo miraba desde el pasillo de cd's, asunto que al final llamó su atención. Tomo el libro que su hermana le pidió y camino hacia la zona de música, divago un poco y termino por ignorar las miradas del chico pelinegro. Pagó y camino tranquilamente hacía la parada de autobús, movió sus pies al ritmo de la música que escuchaba del restaurante del frente, levantó la mirada y sintió que alguien se sentaba junto a él. Era el mismo chico de la tienda.
Lo miro de reojo y sus ojos casi lo atrapaban.
Al final lo habían conseguido, esos ojos ya lo tenían tan atrapado que continuaba alejándose de su propia escuela solo para encontrarlo en la misma parada de autobús. Su nombre era Kwon Jiyong. Un chico sonriente y divertido, Seungri había terminado saludándolo ese día, y ambos conversaron el resto de camino hasta sus casas. Seungri vivía a solo tres calles más lejos que él, así que varios días a la semana, corría hasta esa parada y esperaba por él para que tomaran el camino a casa juntos. Jiyong no lo sabía, pero Seungri estaba tomando más tiempo y camino al ir a esa parada, solo por él.
Y así fue durante semanas, los temas de conversación se formaban prontamente, tanto que Seungri quería que la casa del castaño estuviera más lejos de su última parada del autobús. Al inicio ambos lucían algo distantes, pero con el tiempo aprendieron a ser más cercanos, aunque esta cercanía estuviera poniendo nervioso a cada uno.
Seungri llegó a la esperada parada y se sentó ansioso, ese no era un viernes cualquiera, ese viernes irían a visitar Myeongdong, una de las calles más populares de Seúl. Los dos tenían catorce años y tenían permiso de sus padres para llegar tarde esa noche, así que mientras Seungri se deshacía de su camisa de la escuela, a lo lejos podía ver a Jiyong caminando hacía la parada.
Una sonrisa.
Dos sonrisas.
El chico más delgado se sentó a su lado y golpeó su brazo con su codo —¿Emocionado? —Seungri asintió riéndose— mira, mi amigo me hizo un mapa detallado —el mayor abrió una hoja doblada y le mostró el mapa improvisado. El destino principal era un restaurante de la zona, uno que estaba algo escondido entre callejones, pero que según los amigos de Jiyong, era el lugar más delicioso de allí.
El autobús llegó y los dos se encaminaron a su destino, Jiyong continuó con el tema del día anterior, la música favorita del mayor. El asunto los distrajo tanto que casi se perdían la estación, llegaron hasta el metro y las palabras de Jiyong seguían embelesando a Seungri, quien se quedó de pie al darle su lugar a una señora con un bebé. El pelinegro observó el detalle y se levantó junto con él, alegando que solo faltaba una estación, así que lo hizo caminar hacia la puerta, dónde ambos se recargaron en un tubo, ocupando poco espacio. En ese momento Seungri fue quien continúo hablando de sus gustos musicales, dejando que Jiyong fuera el que lo observaba atentamente conforme hablaba de lo que le apasionaba.
El seguimiento del mapa fue origen de carcajadas y de muchos roces entre los dos, Seungri perdido y Jiyong riéndose de él mientras se sostenía de su brazo en varias ocasiones. Entre risas Seungri dijo que preguntaría en algún sitio, sin embargo, un jalón lo hizo moverse hacia otro lado, era Jiyong quien lo arrastraba del brazo hacía un puesto de comida callejera —Tengo hambre, compremos algo aquí —asintió y termino pidiendo una brocheta para cada uno.
Se hicieron a un lado y comenzaron a comer, Seungri noto que los ojos de Jiyong iban a todas partes, dónde gente caminaba disfrutando de todos los puestos y tiendas, era un lugar agradable, un lugar que tenía a Jiyong sonriente. Lo miro morder su brocheta mientras miraba hacia la derecha, por lo que su mejilla se lleno de salsa. La mano de Seungri se movió ligeramente, tuvo el impulso de limpiarlo, sin embargo, estaban en publico y no sabía si aquello era algo muy invasivo. Tomo una servilleta y se la extendió —Ti-tienes una mancha —susurro.
Jiyong se giró sonriente —Gracias.
El estómago de Seungri dio varias vueltas, asintió y retiro la mirada, enfocándose en la calle una vez más —¿Deberíamos seguir buscando el restaurante? —preguntó sin mirarlo.
—Prefiero seguir paseando, podemos comprar más bocadillos así.
Cinco puestos más, Seungri dijo que el de helado sería el último, puesto que el atardecer comenzaba a caer y aun les quedaba un largo camino de vuelta a sus casas. Y si quería repetir esa salida, tenía que llegar a tiempo.
Durante su caminata de vuelta al metro, Jiyong fue quien saco un tema en particular, el que los dejo casi envueltos en una burbuja durante todo el transcurso —Estoy seguro que fueron los aliens —concluyó cuando se sentaron en la parada del autobús.
—Ok, pero los inventores no son aliens.
Jiyong asintió —Bueno, pero quizá les pasaron el conocimiento.
—Y si tu te conviertes en un genio musical, ¿serán los aliens los que te pasaron ese conocimiento?
Su expresión se volvió de sorpresa —Eso sería increíble —los dos se rieron un buen rato con esa idea.
El mayor cruzo sus pies sobre la banca y le dio una palmada al hombro de Seungri, pidiéndole que se diera la vuelta, así lo hizo algo confundido, sin embargo, cuando sintió la espalda del  pelinegro apoyarse en la suya, entonces entendió. Viendo que no había nadie, Seungri estiro sus pies en el resto de la banca. Respiro tranquilo y sintió como Jiyong lo hacía también, casi al mismo ritmo. El ruido de la ciudad fue lo único que los interrumpía, Seungri cerró los ojos y casi fue consciente de como su corazón palpitaba más rápido. Pensó en lo mucho que le sucedía eso con Jiyong, cuando lo miraba sonreír tan ampliamente que sus encías se notaban, cuando entre carcajadas su mano se cruzaba tras su brazo como aferrándose... cuando sus ojos almendra se enfocaban en los suyos de forma fija.
Y por supuesto, esas últimas semanas en que se despedía de él antes de verlo entrar a su casa.
El autobús llegó, tomaron los últimos lugares y Jiyong se recargó en su hombro —Estoy muy cansado —musito sin más. Seungri mordió su labio y murmuro una respuesta— el próximo viernes podrías venir a mi casa, podemos ver alguna película de las que te conté.
—Sería divertido —comentó.
Jiyong se incorporó de vuelta y estiro sus brazos al frente —Buscaré la que te asustara más.
Sonrió y asintió —Te dije que no me asusto fácilmente.
—Bueno, eso lo veremos.
Inevitablemente, la parada de su casa llegó, bajaron del autobús y la noche los envolvió. Dieron los primeros pasos con lentitud, cada paso los separaría de ese día y significaría el final de esa tarde, un paso más y el silencio continuo. Seungri no sabia que era lo que sentía, Jiyong estaba igual de confundido, y quizá la única forma en que se comunicaban era a través de la lentitud de sus pasos. Los dos mantenían la mirada baja, enfocándose en la sombra del contrario, mirando el suelo avanzar y la luz iluminarlos. Los pasos eran pesados, cada uno quería, de ser posible, ir más lento. El ambiente se sentía intranquilo, no había palabras, no parecía haber ruido siquiera, eran solo palabras atoradas en la garganta de cada uno. Bombas de tiempo que no tardaban en explotar.
Sin embargo, aun había tiempo en esas bombas, y la casa de Jiyong era la de la esquina, la que estaba a solo un par de pasos.
Seungri se detuvo y Jiyong continuo hasta quedar frente al portón de su casa, era el final del día.
—Jiyong... —musito sin poder detenerse.
Seungri no quería decir adiós.
Jiyong se detuvo y lo miro de vuelta.
No había más que decir, Seungri no tenía idea de lo que sentía, y no era el momento de divagar frente a él sobre sentimientos encontrados. Simplemente tenía que despedirse, por más que su corazón se acelerara y quisiera acercarse —Nos vemos el lunes.
Jiyong sonrió y asintió, relamió sus labios y el menor observo ese detalle —A las dos de la tarde —correspondió con otra sonrisa y lo miro darle la espalda.
La puerta se abrió, y la espalda cálida del pelinegro desapareció.
Seungri bajo la mirada y dio la vuelta, encaminándose a casa y odiando ya estar extrañándolo.
0 notes
ao3feed-gtop · 7 years
Read it on the AO3: http://ift.tt/2fRLYPt
by lilspydermunkey
Jiyong and Seunghyun work their issues out at a club
 Originally posted on AFF on 10/18/2014. Can be found here: http://ift.tt/2hTDcVn
Words: 388, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: K-pop, Big Bang (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Choi Seunghyun | T.O.P., Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon, Xin, Lee Hyuksoo | Lee Soohyuk
Relationships: Choi Seunghyun | T.O.P./Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon
Additional Tags: Drabble, Fluff, Light Angst, GTOP, cussing probably
Here's the link to read it on AO3 again: http://ift.tt/2fRLYPt
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kpopstarsreact · 8 years
BigBang Masterlist
Get to know BigBang!! (Guide to BigBang)
Their idol crush says that they would like to collaborate on a song with them
Their s/o wants to dress up in couples cosplay
They’re on Running Man and their crush is on the opposing team
They pretend to break up with their s/o and their s/o thinks that they’re serious
They’re going through their crush’s Instagram and they accidentally like a really old picture
Their s/o tells them that BigBang is not their favorite band
Their s/o talks about their relationship in an interview when they were keeping their relationship private
You (their crush) confess your love to him when you’re drunk
Their s/o is a motherly figure
They see a pretty girl in a cafe
Their crush is really intimidating when angry
Their idol ex cries on stage while singing a song they wrote together
"Distant Seasons” - Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon)
"Cookie Thief” - Kang Daesung
'Midnight Hot Chocolate’ - Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon)
'No Turning Back’ - Lee Seunghyun (Seungri)
'Back from Tour’ - Kang Daesung
FXXK IT - Daesung Mafia! AU [On-going Series]:
Part 1 - The Day Before The Wedding
Part 2 - The Chapel
How they would comfort their upset s/o
MTL to flirt with a stranger
Want to request? Rules for requesting found here~
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psylid · 8 years
Fandom Fic Rec Days
Thank you to all fanfic authors whose skill & creativity has floored me since middle school, and who continue to share their beautiful work with the rest of us just for the sake of sharing it. You never get as much recognition as you deserve. 
Unfortunately, I used to have a very bad habit of forgetting to bookmark fics and losing them forever. Here are the ones I managed to keep. Some fics are old enough that I’m not sure the author even uses the account anymore, but I’m going to post them anyway. Have fun with my rare pairs.
Title: boundless as the sea (11k words)
Author: ghostofgatsby
Ships: troffy, shatsome
Summary:  Trott drums his fingers on his desk, thinking hard. It had been a few days since he and Smith had talked, and something had occurred to him. He and Smith had been together a long time, but they weren’t bonded in some sort of magical way. It wasn’t until Ross and Sips came around that the idea of magical bonds had come up. The kelpie could use some closure, some grounding, especially as unhinged as they all felt. Something to bind them together would make their court stronger. To bind Smith to him and him to Smith, he’s doing it his own way. And that means selkie magic.
Notes: One of the stories that hooked me into UMY. Beautifully written. Emotionally intense in the best way. The devotion and trust between Trott & Smith rings from every word of this fic, and I adore it.  
Title: Hot Whisky Eyes (5.8K words)
Author: Roehrborn
Ships: troffy, hatsome
Summary:  Time and time again, Ross has imagined the unthinkable: his two best friends, naked and wrapped in each other’s embrace. ~IRL Hatsome AU
Notes: For all your (consensual) voyeurism needs with an angst/pining appetizer. Very good smut. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve read this. 
Title: Spring (3k words)
Author: leonandon
Ships: hatsome
Summary:  Breezes through windows, staying too long in bed, quiet intimacy and love, lazy morning sex.
Notes: I’m going to try very hard to not put the word “lovely” in every sentence here. Gently slips you into an established, comfortable relationship and it feels so, so nice. Soft and easy and intimate and everything I wanted; a go-to.
Title: Boys of Summer (31k words)
Author: threeplusfire
Ships: hatsome, shatsome
Summary:  “I’ll send the car on Wednesday morning to take you to the airport,” Sips said, in the decisive tone of someone very used to getting what he wanted. - The unexpected trip out of town seems like a perfect chance to escape the sweltering summer heat. But not everyone can relax, even in paradise.
Notes: First off, there is a lot of sex and the sex is excellent, high-quality. But, this fic is also (or mainly, rather?) a beautifully complex exploration of character dynamics: Trott’s relationship with Smith & Ross, how best to integrate Sips into their personal lives, and how best to separate all of this from their professional ones. Fantastic AU; stunning fic.
Title: Putting the D in Teamwork (5.6k words)
Author: SummerAtLast
Ships: hatsome
Summary:  “Trott.” Ross fixed Trott with his saddest puppy eyes. “Don’t leave me hanging, mate.” “Trott,” whined Smith. “Don’t leave me out.” “Really now, gents,” said Trott. “Teamwork. I can do you both at once.”
Notes: As a heads-up, this fic has the boys as their Minecraft skins, so I guess keep that in mind if you’re put off by non-human dicks. That said, I honestly thought I would be, but I ended up loving this fic a lot. It’s equal parts good smut and funny/filthy banter that feels very correct for the three of them.  
Title: Gives Me the Greatest Peace I’ve Ever Known (4.8k words)
Author: leonandon
Ships: troffy, hatsome
Summary:  Smith's way of dealing with things tends to involve running around in the middle of nowhere for a few days. Trott and Ross have never gone along, but this time Trott asks if he can join. Surprisingly, Smith agrees.
Notes: An absolutely gorgeous fic with ace!Smith, which was really exciting for me to find. I love the wilderness setting and the descriptions -- the space. The quiet, the easy affection, and being mindful of boundaries. Another one I’ve read over and over again.    
Title: what’s done in the dark will be brought to the light (8.8k words)
Author: vosiferous
Ships: troffy, hatsome
Summary: There is a rattlesnake of a man, one with a soft smile, a gaze that slices through souls, and a tongue that rattles lies like saliva. His blood is poison and his laugh are razorblades. He is a collector of fine artifacts, and he sees value in all things.If you are not careful, he will see the value in you.
Notes: This one is technically unfinished, but each of the 3 chapters are pretty much stand-alone drabbles. Dark and gorgeous UMY stories. The writing has a magic and other-worldliness to it that’s perfect for UMY and makes this a fantastic read. Heed the warnings.
Title: Layout (2.8k words)
Author: threeplusfire
Ships: alsipsy
Summary: Lots of comfort, pretty boys and sports. An AU about gymnast!Smith.
Notes: I just have a huge weakness for basically everything in this fic. Takeout, TV, massages. Toys. Sips taking care of Smith in the gym and out. A total feel-good fic. Relaxing and lovely to read. Yet another go-to.
Title: Not Such A Bad Way (5.6k words)
Author: _angelicorn_
Ships: Blue Beetle/Booster Gold (DC Comics)
Summary: (My own, since the author didn’t provide one) Ted makes some upgrades to the Bug, so he and Booster take it for a test-drive. After a disastrous engine failure, they end up stranded in space with no heat and help (in the form of Guy Gardner) hours away. 
Notes: More of my weaknesses. Huddling for warmth. Awkward sex. Best friends’ first time together -- slow & experimental. ANGST. I cry every time, but I promise it all turns out okay. I will love this fic always and forever because it’s such a perfect representation of these dumb men and their beautiful friendship. 
Title: The Policeman Officer’s Seduction (852 words)
Author: kyuuketsukirui
Ships: Nicholas Angel/Danny Butterman (Hot Fuzz)
Summary:  You ask someone back to yours after a night at the pub, that's pretty cliched, isn't it? And what could be more romantic than Point Break? But Nicholas just doesn't seem to get it.
Notes: Another best friends’ first time fic but this one is just cute and funny. Danny’s POV is perfect. If you don’t think this is exactly what happened after the movie, I don’t know what to tell you. 
Title: Happy Beginnings (2.7k words)
Author: ennui_blue_lite
Ships: Control/Tony (A Bit of Fry and Laurie)
Summary: Control has something important to tell Tony. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.
Notes: So, my friend and I were kind of in love with the ABoFaL skits featuring Control & Tony Murchison -- spies for the British Intelligence agency. We decided as a joke to look for fic, but it just so happened that one of the only people on the planet who wrote Control/Tony fic was also really, alarmingly good at it. I can’t read this without smiling. If you have no idea what I’m talking about here, you can still read this fic, but you will have many questions about it and probably also about me. (You can watch one of the skits -> here <- if it helps.)
Title: None So Blind (25k words)
Author: Brianna Falken
Ships: Mirror!Spock/Mirror!Kirk (Star Trek TOS)
Summary: Spock convinces a blinded Kirk to allow him to create a mental link between them while they are stranded on an uninhabited planet after the shuttle crashes.
Notes: This fic was originally published in a zine in 1997, which I think is very cool, and it’s my favorite Mirrorverse story ever. About learning to trust and lowering guards, even when distrust and distance were all that kept them alive before. Intimate & vulnerable. Even if you’re like me and usually avoid the Mirrorverse, this fic is a lot less dark than most (but still kind of dark, so be safe) and a really good read.
Title: Lay Down Your Burdens (8.3k words)
Author: autotunedd
Ships: Choi Seunghyun/John Lee (RPF)
Summary: Tohn vignettes
Notes: Another instance where a friend and I looked for a weird pairing as a joke, but then the fic was so good that the joke was on us. This is Korean rapper T.O.P (of Big Bang) with John Lee, the director of a movie T.O.P starred in called 71: Into the Fire. There’s no brief way to explain why this pairing exists, so I will just say that this fic ruined me. It is so striking, quiet, and achingly beautiful that I was desperate for more tohn but there really just isn’t any. Even if you have no idea who these people are, I can guarantee you will find this fic incredible. I think you have to make an account, but it’s worth it, ok? It’s worth it.  
Title: The Cusp and the Fjords We Wade Through (9.6k words)
Author: almadeamla
Ships: Rick Grimes/Shane Walsh (The Walking Dead)
Summary:  Written for the twd_kinkmeme prompt: Rick and Shane had a thing before Rick met Lori.
Notes: Such vivid imagery in this. Matter-of-fact writing style that leaves so much unsaid but clearly understood (shows; hardly ever just tells -- mirrors the natures of characters perfectly). I love the tone of this fic to death. Bittersweet. Aches. So good that I sometimes forget it didn’t happen in the show (and other times I choose to forget). My perceptions of the characters were irrevocably changed. For me, this is the story of Rick and Shane.
This is by no means a complete list; I messed up and had to put this together just today. I’ve read so many excellent fics, but some of them were awhile ago. I didn’t have enough time to read through again and do them the justice they deserve in my notes. So, these are the fics I’ve read enough times that I’ll remember them forever. 
Thank you again, fic authors -- our often unsung heroes. 
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ao3feed-nyongtory · 4 years
by Kwonxx (Hameltart)
Seungri has already gotten used to it by now. It wasn't easy to, since it came off as a surprise early on, but as Seungri got used to it, he realized how inevitable that such a kink would be manifested in Jiyong, given how obsessive he is. And in no time, he has gotten used to it - Jiyong's demanding infatuation over his member.
Words: 2518, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Big Bang (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon, Lee Seunghyun | Seungri
Relationships: Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon/Lee Seunghyun | Seungri
Additional Tags: Blow Jobs, Dom/sub, Masturbation, Obsession, Jealousy, Smut, One Shot, Drabble
0 notes
kpopstarsreact · 8 years
Masterlist of all written works
**long ass post coming your way everyone**
Distant Seasons - Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon)
Cookie Thief - Kang Daesung
Midnight Hot Chocolate - Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon)
No Turning Back - Lee Seunghyun (Seungri)
Back from tour - Kang Daesung
Block B:
The Auction - P.O Jihoon
Just say it! - Park Kyung
I’ll Take Care of You - P.O Jihoon
Sleepy Morning Kisses - Min Yoongi (Suga) slight NSFW
That’s not even eggnog - Min Yoongi (Suga)
You’re Going Straight On the Naughty List - Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster)
Icing Wars - Park Jimin
The silent voices of trees - Kim Taehyung (V)
Falling in love again - Kim Taehyung (V)
Santa Oppa - Kim Taehyung (V)
Snowed In - Jeon Jungkook
So. Much. Chocolate. - Jimin, Jungkook, and Seokjin (non-romantic)
AU / Drabbles:
Witchcraft and Wizardry - Kim Taehyung (V)
Escaping to Hogwarts - Kim Taehyung (V)
"Hey, hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.” + “How could I ever forget you?” - Kim Taehyung (V)
Between Fae and Human (I’m not sure if this is ongoing or if I’m finishing it yet)
Chapter one
Chapter two
Do you want to borrow my jacket? - D.O Kyungsoo
Christmas memories - D.O Kyungsoo
Surprise! - All the members of Got7
Who shot the couch? - Jackson Wang
I’m fall-ing for you! - Choi Youngjae
Chipmunk Cheeks - Choi Youngjae
A somewhat forced confession - Kunpimook Bhuwakul (BamBam)
The Autumn Essentials - Kunpimook Bhuwakul (BamBam)
Unexpected Visit - Kunpimook Bhuwakul (BamBam)
Monsta X:
Thank God for Misteltoe - Son Hyunwoo (Shownu)
Lee Jooheon:
Power Outage Part One
Power Outage Part Two
Power Outage Part Three (final part)
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knockoutwritings · 8 years
Please write your example that would be amazing^^
doomdadadividuh: I live for drabble games. (and I kinda wanna see your example ngl)
You squealed out in delight over a picture of Seungri in his youth. His chubby cheeks filled you with laughter, the sound managing to annoy your boyfriend. He snatched the picture away from you and shoved it back into the drawer of his childhood desk. 
“Alright, that’s enough of that. I think my ego is bruised enough,” he huffed and you only laughed again at the light blush staining his cheeks. 
“You were adorable. What happened?” 
His eyes widened with a disbeliving smile as he pulled you towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist as the two of you began to sway to music that could only be heard in your heart. 
“Smart ass, hm?” He grinned against your neck. 
Your breathing hitched as you felt his hands begin to trail down your backside, and soon you found yourself squealing out again, this time for entirely different reasons. Tumbling onto his small bed, panic filled your eyes as they snapped over to the closed door. 
“Seunghyun Lee! Your mother is going to walk in here any minute and--oh god,” you moaned out, fingers gripping his shoulders. You hadn’t noticed his fingers snaking under your skit until he pushed two fingers into you. 
He looked down at you with a glimer of mischef in his eyes, a single brow raised to question as though he expected more of a reaction from you. And you had another reason as to why this was such a terrible idea on the cusp of your lips, but you found yourself unable to create coherent scentences when brushed his thumb over your clit while scissoring his fingers inside you. 
“She went to the store, baby. You’re all mine.”
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ao3feed-nyongtory · 4 years
by Kwonxx (Hameltart)
And so, Jiyong knows he shouldn’t, but he can’t help it.
He can’t help the flare of fire coursing through his lungs when Seungri sees someone for longer than a month. He can’t help the drop in the pit of his stomach when Seungri’s smiling lips just need to be sucked raw. He can’t help wanting Seungri to be in Korea all the time; by his side, in his home, in his bed, In his arms.
Back arched and breathe stolen as Jiyong takes him over and over.
And he can’t help the power with which he surges his phone into the wall, eyes tightly shut as he tries to bury his emotions from which they continuously dig themselves out.
Words: 1896, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Big Bang (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lee Seunghyun | Seungri, Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon
Relationships: Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon/Lee Seunghyun | Seungri
Additional Tags: Internalized Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Coming Out, Making Out, Hurt/Comfort, Cute Ending, Cute, One Shot, Short One Shot, Drabble, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Love Confessions
0 notes
ao3feed-nyongtory · 4 years
by Kwonxx (Hameltart)
Seungri's heart overflows. And he thinks Jiyong has never looked more beautiful, under a burning light at a time Jiyong shouldn't be out, with a hospital gown barely covering his frail body.
 "This is.... the weirdest date we've ever been on." Jiyong chuckled biting his lips.
 "So far." Seungri whispered, hand reaching out to hold Jiyong's free one. "Nothing about us is conventional." He raises the hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on his knuckles.
Words: 686, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Big Bang (Band)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon, Lee Seunghyun | Seungri
Relationships: Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon/Lee Seunghyun | Seungri
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Drabble, One Shot, Fluff, Sick Character
0 notes
ao3feed-nyongtory · 4 years
by Hameltart
"This is.... the weirdest date we've ever been on." Jiyong chuckled biting his lips.
"So far." Seungri whispered, hand reaching out to hold Jiyong's free one. "Nothing about us is conventional."
Words: 686, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Big Bang (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon, Lee Seunghyun | Seungri
Relationships: Kwon Jiyong | G-Dragon/Lee Seunghyun | Seungri
Additional Tags: Fluff, Drabble, Alternate Universe, Nyongtory, Boys In Love, Sick Character
0 notes