ssreeder · 4 months
am I up to date with itf?? ABSOLUTELY not. it feels like a worse betrayal than the divorce but alas, such is life. I just wanted to update you that I went to spain for a week and my pasty ass didn’t get sunburnt Once and I need you to be proud of me :D
anyway love you to bits and pieces (like your lightbulbs after I’ve smashed them all ;3)
but also pissed because like where the fuck was my invite?? I wanna spain too. Also idc that you’re not caught up on liab,,, some of my very best mutual don’t read liab right now and I still lub them (just to be clear I love the people who are reading more but that’s ok you’re fine)
in the most cabbage man way possible:
my lightbulbsssssss!!!!
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parison · 6 months
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Reread John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids last year. I'd sit in my garden and read, overlooked by potentially the largest Scottish thistle I've ever seen. It'd nod in the breeze, towering over me, as I read about the Triffids lurching from their planted beds to wander the English countryside. Spooky stuff. Triffids are a design challenge I revisit a lot - this was a stab at them from about a year ago.
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alecmagnuslwb · 1 year
If there is one show I wish I could scrub entirely from my brain and watch for the first time again it’s absolutely Orphan Black
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healerelowen · 3 months
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Artfight has begun!
And my first attack of the year goes to @leeky-studios with the return of cat-ified Bob! Just a fun piece all around :)
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ironpour · 4 months
do you think american internet chefs over salt their food?
who are any of us to say when we aren't tasting the food? i know what you are referring to but so many american chefs are using lower sodium/ less salty salt crystals - diamond kosher whatever. and i also really think a lot of them have a point about when to season and how to do it properly so you don't have to put salt on at then end.
anyway. beany leeky greens with greeky rampy beans. period
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no-nic · 4 months
já: jed (2x), antisérum, Driving to Mad; nic (2x), všecko, těpic, Colourfull Beads; trůn (2x), propadliště, záchranný člun, Leeky Spoon; vir (2x), AVG, knír, Jaromír, Ir / valach / bohatýr, Happy New Year; ráj (2x), peklo, bye bye, Ostravian Pie
ty: moje hloupé kotě
tento příspěvek byl vytvořen z potřeby oslovit někoho "moje hloupé kotě" & mizerně jim zahrát Nohavicu na ukulele ≽^•⩊•^≼ 🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ♬♪
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spindrifters · 10 months
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A Rachel simp too why am I even surprised
Going to assume this is about Rachel Duncan. Anyone who's been around when I go to bat for Merula knows what's coming next. To the uninitiated, brace yourselves. Unabashed Rachel defense incoming.
Now I admit, she's done horrible things. Like when she stole Beth's identity. Or when she stood by and watched her friend suffocate as punishment for a crime she did not commit. Like when she shot Helena in the chest. Like when she murdered a ton of her own sisters on the orders of the Prolethians. Or even the time she put a pencil in Rachel's brain.
...Do you see my point?
The Sisters pretty much all do terrible things at some point during the show. (Except Cosima, she is a cinnamon roll and Delphine does not deserve her. I said what I said.) You can argue that Rachel's crimes are more numerous than the other clones, but that's probably because she's on the other side of the conflict, and we're seeing things from the perspective of the main heroes. I know, I know, Neolution is evil, and after all, it was Rachel's choice to join them. Oh wait, no it wasn't. Not at all. She was raised by them. They are a cult, and Season 5 spells this out about directly. Rachel frequently shows the same tendency as most Neolutionists to put their loyalty to "science" (read: eugenics) above human life. But that's because, again, she was indoctrinated as a child and brainwashed. Which resulted in her dealing with her situation in the worst way possible.
From a young age, she was taught to see herself as a string of numbers. As a subject. As property. The older she got, the clearer that was made to her. Rachel may be power-hungry, but her lust for power is nothing more than a desire for autonomy. In her mind, it's the only way forward. Despite being "Pro-Clone" she has not been raised without knowing human compassion. It's worse than that. She was given a taste of it with her parents (who are both terrible people but I could make a full post about each of them so let's stay on topic) before being taken by Neolution where she was forced to adapt if she wanted to survive. But everyone she knew or cared about, or was even allied with, betrayed her at some point.
Ethan Duncan, her father, took his own life and made her watch. His last words? "You don't deserve me anymore." Yeah, all kinds of fuck him. Aldous Leekie, who she once trusted enough that she considered him a father figure, constantly went behind her back and it was during one of his examinations that he refused to share her results and told her "You're not exempt from the experiment." Susan abandoned her when she was little, gave her to Neolution, and even when they were reunited, the way she treated her was despicable. It was textbook emotional abuse. I know I'm supposed to think of Rachel as the villain when she stabs Susan, but this act immediately followed the line "I regret creating you." She also stabbed Sarah in the leg in the same scene but...again, Sarah put a pencil in her brain. I'd say they're even. Oh, then there was Delphine, who tortured Rachel for information when she could barely speak. (This is unrelated but. Fuck Delphine. She is such a creep.) Let's not forget Westmoreland, who took advantage of her, lied to her, all while still objectifying her as property and spying on her through the eye-cam. The only person Rachel cared about who didn't stab her in the back? Kira. Because of this, I refuse to believe Rachel ever wanted Kira hurt or would have let it happen on her watch.
I still don't see how the word "simp" applies here but...y'know what, screw it. I'd have coffee with her. She'd probably stab me in the neck with an icepick in the middle of the night, but I'd still have coffee with her. Just consider me a full Rachel Duncan simp. Hey, as long as we're talking about her dating life, Ferdinand is a fucking creep who does not love her at all, he's just got some disturbing obsession with her that is possessive and violent. ("Who's a dirty clone" made me want to hurl, and I only wish Delphine hadn't stopped Sarah from finishing him off.) His obsession includes strangling Rachel, and pretending that Mika is Rachel while he's murdering her, in some sick, twisted form of venting his aggression at Rachel. It is messed up and I despise Ferdinand. But Rachel genuinely thinks that he is the only person who ever loved her and I just want to scream. No. No no no.
I'm still mad that Rachel was barred from Clone Club when all was said and done. It goes against the entire spirit of what Clone Club was supposed to be about, especially since they still let Helena be a part of it back in Season 2, despite her crimes. The gang would never have defeated Neolution without Rachel's help. She rescued Kira, betrayed Westmoreland and put a huge target on her back in the process. For crying out loud, she cut out her own eye to stop him from monitoring her. She betrayed Ferdinand (The "only person who ever loved her," don't forget) and warned Siobhan when he survived. She provided information on all of the other clones. And excuse me, after all that, Felix just gets to unilaterally decide that she can't come in? Screw that, why aren't the actual Sisters consulted? Or Kira? I feel like this should be put to a vote at the very least. I know Sarah will never forgive Rachel, but Rachel seems to have put the whole pencil incident behind her, so...that kind of makes her the bigger person here, just saying. Even if the writers wanted Rachel to go her own way, they didn't have to Felix slam the door in her face before she'd even knocked.
Rachel may be a villain, but that's because she's a victim of her circumstances. She didn't ask to be a clone, she didn't ask to be raised by her creators and groomed to suppress any empathetic urges. Her upbringing turned her into some strange, contradictory blend of slave and slave master, and it probably gave her a boatload of identity issues and self esteem issues. It took time for her to figure all of that out, and considering that she was constantly under the surveillance of Neolution, that's totally understandable. She didn't have any counter-examples apart from Sarah's gang, who were framed as enemies from the moment they met. Just consider for a moment, that Rachel was subjected to the fate that Sarah fought tooth and nail to protect Kira from. But no, Rachel had to live that life. But above all...she suffered for her crimes. She suffered so much. She spent two entire seasons learning to speak and walk again. She had to watch her father kill himself. Sarah and the others were willing to open their hearts to Helena, so why not Rachel?
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kingsmedley · 1 year
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@abstractreign asked: 💘 + How does Joshua feel about how romance is portrayed in media— whether it's in books or shows or film?
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"I think it's fun, but ultimately the portrayals of romance found in media are rather unrealistic and oversaturated, exaggerated for the sake of entertainment. Real romances are mundane, but that doesn't make for good storytelling, so writers either make it overly perfect or dysfunctional. That said, it is good entertainment, so I suppose my main gripe is that it's everywhere, shoehorned in whenever possible simply because people can't conceive of a story without romance."
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ssreeder · 11 months
look at my hubby, always cheering me up right when I need it most :3
(I’m choosing to believe the universe made your “let’s-save-this-marriage” sense tingle and that this is not pure coincidence shhh)
ANYWAYS I’m off to read the chappie now <333
My spider senses were tingly I knew you needed 25k of random interactions that don’t make much sense until they make so much sense? Does that make sense?
MWAHHhhhh *smashes my lightbulbs before you can*
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abstractreign · 2 years
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📃 ( → @kingsmedley )
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( → send in a 📃 and i will discuss one scenario that had been living in my head rent free !! still accepting )
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{ i've actually thought about my josh somehow having a more meaningful conversation with highness? potentially giving the latter advice, even if he's likely going to be pretty blunt about it. i think it could be good for both of them, in good part because i feel like it'd be pretty difficult for highness to know what kinds of remarks would actually throw off mine.
of course, they'd need to get in a situation that warrants that — or become close enough for it, whichever comes first — which is also why i'm interested in them interacting some more~
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mundanemiseries · 2 years
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[ @kingsmedley ]
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healerelowen · 3 months
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Another attack on @leeky-studios! Phil has been hit with cat-ification beam.
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johnthestitcher · 2 years
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Robert Burns’ Night Supper!
In honor of Robert Burns' birthday, Scots and non-Scots alike are celebrating his birth with a special supper. We started with Haggis puffs and a Kilted Cocktail (Irish whiskey, scotch, lemon juice, simple syrup). The main course was a haggis-stuffed pork roast wrapped in bacon (Strictly Kosher!), served with a cold leek salad and tatties (mashed potatoes), served with whiskey gravy (turkey gravy with thyme, bay leaf, and scotch mixed it). Stop turning up your noses - the tastes are FABULOUS! We saved half the pork to celebrate with a friend on Friday night, where we will also have my rendition of Cock-a-Leekie soup - another Scot specialty!
Stop complaining about haggis - your mouths are watering!
"Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot ..."
 (hey- I married a Scot!)
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aerial-ace97 · 1 year
Aldous Leekie Reframing?
So I’m watching Orphan Black for the third time right now cause it’s amazing and one of my favorite TV shows of all time.  Anyway, I’m becoming convinced that Leekie might have been the best of the Dyad Institute and maybe the best bad guy of the show besides those who clearly or even just effectively swapped sides (AKA Helena and Paul).  Spoilers though so I’ll put my reasoning under the cut.
To start off, I am by no means calling Leekie a good guy.  He was known to kill in order to keep the experiments safe, as in the case of Olivier (to be fair he was a sex offender so I don’t feel too broken up about it and you could argue Leekie hired him but with how many heads Dyad has there simply is no way to know that).  He also supposedly killed Rachel, but oh it turns out no he didn’t, so did he just... burn documents or something.  He did have grandiose ideas about eugenics but that’s... everyone in Dyad and he honestly was mostly just a figurehead while others did the real work.  He also had a creepy relationship with Delphine.  Maybe?  We never got the full picture on how that worked though.  Certainly his status was above her and so you could make a point for work place exploitation but besides that... I’m not really sure what’s creepy about their relationship.  Is it just ageism?  Rachel and Ira are creepy because Rachel LITERALLY raised Ira from four years old.  We know nothing of the history of Aldous and Delphine.  Aldous was... also vaguely an asshole and superior around most people.  Not exactly a crime akin to the monumental violations we see from others on the show.
On the other hand, Aldous was deeply committed to maintaining as little intervention with the subjects as possible, or at the least, the most that we saw (I guess besides Marion Bowles but she was hardly even a character and MK’s revenge list with her named crossed off suggests she was involved with Helsinki so... not a great look for her).  He didn’t try to kill any clones we know of and forwarded the greatest impetus for curing the clones of anyone in the Institute.  When Rachel went out of her way to have one of her sisters murdered and autopsied he was disgusted.  Not to the extent anyone should have been but with more genuine frustration than anyone I can recall in the Institute.
When we compare him to other members of the group there really is no contest with most of them.  Virginia Coady advocated for genocide and rape.  Her cadre of clones, while arguably manipulated, were also rapists.  PT Westmoreland experimented on a child and eventually killed him in cold blood, manipulated everyone around him to do his eugenic dirty work, stole blood from dozens of youth and let them die thinking they had a cure, you name it.  Evie Cho had dozens of babies euthanized when they were ‘defective’.  Ferdinand massacred clones.  And Rachel, for all people try to argue for her redemption and as manipulated as she was, went a long with both Westmoreland and Ferdinand, held back Cosima’s cure, tried to kill her mother and Sarah, did have one clone murdered, manipulated and abused Kira, and was perfectly fine with however many clones had to die.  Sorry Rachel fans but her being manipulated doesn’t absolve her.  Everyone is a product of others.  No upbringing makes Rachel vindicated.
Of course Prolethians fair no better with all of them abusing faith in order to manipulate the murders of clones.  Tomas was abusive, Henrik a rapist, Bonnie a murderer and abusive.  Probably way more crimes for all of them.
There are only two members of Dyad who may have had any chance of being better.  Susan Duncan being one.  But... Susan Duncan was still ok for a while with experimenting on Yanis in the horrible tests he went through.  Speaking up isn’t really stopping it and she should’ve cut and run then and there.  Also had that above creepy relationship with Ira.  I don’t know that she couldn’t have been aware of some of the Helsinki stuff and other things that Dyad got up to as essentially the head of Dyad for a time.
Ethan Duncan is the other contender and yeah for all intents and purposes we’re left to believe he was better than Leekie but he was also... only very briefly ever a member of Dyad.  Certainly not the Dyad we see in the current age.  So I find it difficult to count him.
This is all worthless info of course.  They’re all scheming and cruel eugenicists more interested in profit and science than actual human lives.  But in retrospect of watching through the seasons I feel like Leekie shines as not so bad when we stop and think about it.  Course he might have been.  In an alternate story where the Club sides with him over Rachel in season 2, maybe he becomes the worst of the worst.  But I can only judge by what actually happened.
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
🥚 Tag Drop! Feel free to like this if you want a tag for your muse as well.
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