#*face flops on my couch*
ssreeder · 1 month
am I up to date with itf?? ABSOLUTELY not. it feels like a worse betrayal than the divorce but alas, such is life. I just wanted to update you that I went to spain for a week and my pasty ass didn’t get sunburnt Once and I need you to be proud of me :D
anyway love you to bits and pieces (like your lightbulbs after I’ve smashed them all ;3)
but also pissed because like where the fuck was my invite?? I wanna spain too. Also idc that you’re not caught up on liab,,, some of my very best mutual don’t read liab right now and I still lub them (just to be clear I love the people who are reading more but that’s ok you’re fine)
in the most cabbage man way possible:
my lightbulbsssssss!!!!
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eights-world · 4 months
me: ffuuccckkkk i need to catch up on the trolls drama on ao3 >:[[[
friend: what the fuck are yiu talking about
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yuichiroswife · 1 year
Hello Speka. I hope you know I appreciate you a lot. We don't talk a lot anymore but it doesn't matter. You were there for me during a lot of tough times and I'm unbelievably grateful for that. And I know you'd still be there for me if I ever needed someone during a bad time and I love ya for that immensely. You're an incredible writer and I've been grateful as well whenever we get to write together. Once I stop being a weenie I'll bother you again, maybe I can send my obey me muses at you again let's see haha. ANYWAY... know you're loved and appreciated. I hope we can still be friends for a very very long time. Forever actually.
Merry Christmas and have an amazing New Year
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{ AAAAAAAH! Dia! I totally wasn’t expecting to get something like this in my ask box! /)///(\ You’re so unbelievably sweet and I can’t tell you enough of how much I appreciate you sending me this! I’ve been is a pretty meh mood for a while (which is normal for me in the winter) so getting this just totally improved my mood and made me feel a whole lot better!
Please know and remember that you, too, are also a fantastic writer and an even more fantastic friend! You are literally one of the sweetest people I know on here and that’s saying a lot since a lot of the people I used to know and affiliate with became major assholes. XP But you’re still one of the lovable ones so that makes me so so sooo happy! Obviously I’m not gonna turn down the chance of being friends forever, cause uh... that’d be real stupid of me, haha. You can’t get rid of me anyway, I’m like that piece of gum you stepped on and can’t get off no matter what you do. XD I love you so so much! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too~! }
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sturnsheart · 26 days
Grumpy Pants
SUMMARY: Matt can't stand not being close to Y/N, even for a minute.
AUTHORS NOTE: short little blurb <3
Y/N, Matt, Chris, Nick
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“Can I help you, grumpy pants?” I say as Matt pins his arms across his chest with a pout on his face while he sits on the couch across from me.
“I’m not a grumpy pants.” he grumbles.
“You’re being a grumpy pants.”
“Obviously I’m being a grumpy pants!” He flails a hand through the air. “Every time we’re here you ditch me for those two.” he points to Me, Nick, and Chris taking up the whole couch while he's on the other side of the room.
“Sharing is caring, Matt” Nick mumbles from beside me, his eyes looking up from his phone. “We haven't seen y/n in forever since you never bring her here. We just wanna cuddle” Chris says as he wraps his arms around me playfully.
Matt runs a hand over his face. “How about you guys find a friend that isn't my girlfriend.” He pouts. “She was our friend first Matt” Nick slings an arm around my shoulders so Nick Chris and I are in a group hug. “It doesn't matter. She's my girlfriend.” Matt pats his lap and raises his brows at me, trying to get me over there. He rolls his eyes when I don’t respond.
“Y/N, baby, come here” He whines .“Don't "baby" me I'm trying to spend time with my friends” I say playfully. "Fine be like that" He grumbles. “I can't take his complaining anymore,” Nick says as he gets up to go into the kitchen as Chris follows.
Laughing, I look over at Matt and open up my arms “Come here you big baby.” To say Matt doesn’t run over to me would be a lie. He flops on top of me and runs his arms under my shirt, wrapping them around me. My fingers run through his hair as he lets out a deep sigh, seeming content with the outcome. His lips touch my shoulder, whispering I love you into my skin followed by a light kiss to my jaw. Almost a year together and he hates it when he isn't near me.
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cosmicbucky · 8 months
summary: bucky finds out how to change the wallpaper on your phone, and takes every opportunity he can to do so. until one day he doesn't have the heart to
pairing: bucky barnes x female reader
word count: 1000
warnings: fluff, nonspecific friends to lovers, this was just a dumb idea i had
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The first time Bucky changed the wallpaper on your phone, it was an accident - kind of. He sat on your couch, lazily scrolling through the photos of Alpine you insisted he looked at, because you simply couldn’t resist having a Halloween photoshoot with her while he was off on yet another mission, leaving her in your trusting hands. He was happy you were in the kitchen, because he would never let you see the smile he wore as he browsed the album, chuckling silently to himself over how elaborate these photos were. His mood swiftly changed when he swiped incorrectly, an array of different options suddenly presenting themselves to him. He swore under his breath as he tried to make them go away, but he only made it worse as the option to change your wallpaper came up. With an annoyed huff, he just kept tapping, figuring that eventually he would get it back to how it was. After a few more grueling seconds, he sighed in relief as he was once more face to face with Alpine sitting inside a jack-o-lantern candy bucket - how was he supposed to know that photo was now both your lockscreen and homescreen?
“Did you change my lockscreen?” you curiously asked when you finally sat back down beside him, taking your phone and checking it for any new messages.
“Did I what?” he asked in confusion, his head snapping up from his own phone to look at you with a scrunched brow. 
You could only laugh lightly, turning your phone to display the new photo brandishing your screen. The second Bucky saw it, his eyes widened almost imperceptibly as his face flushed ever so slightly. 
“I, uh- sorry,” he muttered, scratching the back of his neck. “I didn’t mean to, your phone is just - it’s different than mine.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle fondly, your chuckles growing into more laughter as you realized it was also your homescreen. “It’s okay, Buck,” you assured softly, laughing quietly as you changed the photos back to their precursors. “It could have been worse, at least it’s not an embarrassing photo or something.” 
You were too busy fixing his mistake to notice the glint that sparkled in his eyes, a smirk growing on his face as your words gave him the most incredible idea he’s had in a while. 
The second time Bucky changed your wallpaper, it was very much not an accident. You left him your phone so he could look at the photos you took on your latest trip, unpacking your bags as he split his attention between listening to your stories and scrolling through a seemingly endless array of new pictures - which he truthfully enjoyed, but he was on a secret mission for the perfect, nondescript one to choose. 
“Again, Buck?” you giggled, flopping on the bed beside him as you took your phone back. 
“What?” he asked, just innocent and clueless enough to not raise any flags. 
“You and your fat thumbs, I swear,” you mumbled under your breath, changing the photos back once more, completely oblivious to his proud little smirk.
It took three more times for you to suspect that Bucky had started doing it on purpose, but your suspicions weren’t proven correct until he took a photo of you to display.
“Did you- when- really?” you stammered as you looked between him and your phone, half annoyed and half impressed because when did he even take this photo? 
He only grinned in response, laughing about how long he was able to do it under the pretense of it being an accident before running away in a fit of giggles, dodging the pillow you threw after him.
From that moment on, it became a game for him. 
Any opportunity that presented itself, Bucky snatched your phone and changed your displays to the most embarrassing and ridiculous photos of yourself.
A sunset was changed to you mid-sneeze. Alpine was changed to you post-nap. You partying with the gang was changed to an extreme close up of your face in that very photo. Louisiana docks were changed to you mid rant as you yelled at him to give you your phone back. A cherry blossom was changed to you passed out on the couch, wrapped up in a hoodie you stole from him and drooling all over the sleeve of it. 
As time went on, you stopped being surprised whenever it happened, and you grew to enjoy it. It was a silly thing, but it was a silly thing that only you and Bucky shared. It was a special thing, a cherished thing. It was your favourite thing.
Neither of you realized how the dynamic between the two of you started morphing into something else right in front of your very eyes. It was slow. It was gradual and complex and delicate and went unnoticed for almost a whole year. 
It was only noticed now, as Bucky took the opportunity to grab your phone as you slept soundly against his chest. It had been a while since he was able to get a chance to do this, and so he eagerly unlocked your phone, already running through different ideas of what picture to use. 
He was caught off guard when the picture staring back at him was from a few weeks ago. It was the day you finally convinced him to let you drive his bike after months of endless asking. It was a photo neither of you knew Sam took until later that night, when he sent it to both of you. 
It was you, sat in front of him on the bike and wrapped up in his arms, one securely planted on either side of you as his hands rested on yours, guiding you through everything as you both gleefully laughed at the fact that you actually managed to convince him to do this. 
For once, Bucky didn’t have the heart to change it. 
He couldn’t. 
It was his wallpaper, too. 
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hairmetal666 · 20 days
They're sitting in Eddie's bedroom, Steve propped up in the bed, flipping through some sports magazine, Eddie curled on the floor using his knee as a table as he scrawls notes for Hellfire's next campaign. Metallica spins on the record player, volume low. They're doing this more and more, being together and doing their own thing, music a soft backdrop to it all.
Eddie's deep into his planning, enough so that he manages to forget that Steve Harrington is in his bed. He keeps hearing something, though. It just manages to catch at the edge of his awareness, but when he fully tunes in the only sounds are Steve flipping a page, Ride the Lightning, the shift of blankets as Harrington taps his fingers. It happens a few more times, but when he tries to catch it, it's gone. Steve hasn't reacted at all, to the point Eddie wonders if it's all in his own head.
The next time, he's interrupted before he even gets back into it, that noise again, but this time, now, he's aware enough to see that it's Steve. And he's not, like, reading the magazine out loud to himself. No. He's singing along.
To Metallica.
And he wasn't idly tapping his fingers before. He was tapping along to the beat.
"You're singing along?" He asks before he can stop himself.
Steve looks up, a faint smile on his handsome face. "It's not too bad."
"Not too--Not too bad." Eddie's nearly screeching. Can't wrap his mind around Steve--"You've been listening to Metallica on your own? You've been--you--" He jumps to his feet, notebook spilling onto the floor. Steve's just looking up at him with big eyes and a gentle grin.
"Sure, Munson. You like it, yeah?"
He nods, mutely, unsure how he so thoroughly lost the plot that Steve's been listening to Metallica just because Eddie likes it.
"Got a taste for any other metal bands I should know about, Harrington?" He flops down on the bed, making Steve bounce a little.
"Well, Dio's pretty okay."
This time Eddie does really, actually shriek.
Eddie swans into the kitchen to greet Steve, who's already lounging on the couch with a beer. There's another one on the coffee table, waiting for Eddie.
"Just helped yourself, Harrington?" He teases.
Steve shoots him a look. "Wayne grabbed them before he left. What the hell took you so long?"
He can't say it's because he wanted to look nice with Steve coming over, even if they are just getting high and watching movies. Of course taming his hair took so long that he didn't have time to find a shirt, and Steve's knock at the door had him grabbing the first thing he could and jamming it over his head.
"You want chips?" He asks.
"Wait--Eddie--" Steve stands, pointing at Eddie's chest.
"That's my--oh my god, I've been looking for that."
And, well, he had thought it was a little strange that the t-shirt he grabbed was gray. He pulls at the fabric, stares at the upside down Hawkins Tiger with a basketball in its mouth.
"It's my favorite sleep shirt. I thought Robin took it and you--"
Eddie's face heats. Steve's shirt. Of course. Steve stayed over one movie night, forgot the shirt, and Eddie. Well. He was going to give it back, but--
"Here, man, my bad." He goes to pull the hem over his head. "I didn't know it was your favorite."
"Nah," Steve says. He's sitting back on the couch. "You should keep it. You look really--" he pauses and takes a sip of beer. "It's nice on you, Munson."
He's sure his blush is a horrendous thing to witness, has to fight the urge to hide in his hands. "Right. Uh. Chips!" He whirls towards the cabinets, refusing to think about the matching pink stripes across Steve's cheeks.
"C'mon, Munson, you're hogging the covers." Steve's sleepy mumble cuts through the dawn quiet.
"Mmph," Eddie groans. Rubs the soles of his feet against Steve's shins.
"You're a dick," Steve grumbles. He shimmies closer, which is what finally does the job at fully waking Eddie.
"Wha--huh?" He blinks.
"You stole the blankets, man. If you're not going to share, the least you can do is cuddle."
"Uhh." Eddie is sure he's dreaming, but Steve's warm, strong arm slips around his waist, pulls them together.
Eddie doesn't know what to do. Where he should put his body. Does he relax into it? What do his arms do? They're not usually this rigid, right? But what do they do when he's sleeping? Somewhere in his gay panic, he has the presence of mind to grab the edge of the blanket and throw it over his friend.
"Better?" He asks. His voice is all wrong but maybe Steve will attribute it to tiredness.
"Mmm." Steve's grip tightens around his waist, his nose nuzzling against the nape of Eddie's neck. His breathing is already slow and deep.
Eddie can't imagine sleep finding him anytime soon. Not when Steve, his crush, his best friend, is holding him like this. Not when he now knows what the real thing would be like. Not when it's so impossibly out of his grasp.
Steve and Wayne are watching a Cub's game. Eddie's curled up on the couch between them, trying to work on a sketch, but his brain keeps skipping to a song he's writing. The lyrics have been easy, coming to him like nothing, but the melody...he wants it to be heavy, loud, wanting, but it won't fit.
He glances up at Steve, chatting with Wayne about some baseball thing called a ribee. His hair's not done, flopping softly around his forehead, and he's wearing his result-of-too-many-concussions glasses, the yellow sweater from that horrific boat ride, retrieved by one of the kids and painstakingly washed by Karen Wheeler.
Steve looks sweet, soft, relaxed. He laughs at something Wayne says, and Eddie's a lost cause. He's just fucking smiling at the pretty boy on his couch, hanging out with his uncle, too far gone to be able to fight it.
A melody forms in his head, and it's soft. Not sweet, no, but gentle. Almost tender. Nothing like he imagined.
It's early, early enough that Wayne's not home yet, but he got tired of trying to sleep. Didn't want to bother Steve, who still softly snored in Eddie's bedroom. So, he grabs his acoustic and his notebook, goes out to the couch to work on the song. It's coming along, really good, one of his best. He hasn't shared it with the guys yet. It's--he's not ready, lays him too bare.
There's a clatter from the kitchen, Steve's voice, deep and sleep rough, says, "Hey, Munson."
He pushes the guitar and notebook aside. "Did I wake you? I was trying to be quiet, I'll--"
Steve shakes his head, pads into the living room. He's wearing the yellow sweater, a pair of Eddie's sweatpants, bedhead rampant. He curls up next to Eddie, pulling the couch afghan over his feet. "What're you working on?"
Eddie's ears get hot. "Nothing much. New song I've been noodling on."
"Cool." Steve's smile is little and fond. "Play it for me?"
"Ahh," Eddie says. His hand twitches around the neck of the guitar. "Not sure if it's quite ready for that."
"Oh, yeah." Steve nods. His face does something weird and squiggly that Eddie's never seen. "Just never heard you play before. Thought now might be...you know."
Eddie swallows, hard. "Well, maybe we'll get a show up at the Hideout soon."
"Of course. It's just--this is just you."
He blinks at Steve for a few long seconds, can't believe he's about to do this, but--It's not like Steve will know it's about him, anyway. "It's not a full song yet, alright? Just a verse and half of a chorus, so like. Don't judge it too hard."
"I would never." He can sense Steve's smile but can't look directly at it, knows it would kill him.
He situates the guitar, spins the notebook to read the lyrics like they aren't already burned into his brain, starts to play. His fingers are deft and sure, his voice a little rough, a little raspy with nerves.
The song ends and he's afraid to look at Steve, to see the thoughts written plane on his face. The silence extends, though, and he asks. "So, what did you think?"
"It's--that wasn't what I expected." Steve's voice is weird. Wobbly. Eddie chances half a glance at him, but can't make anything definitive out from his expression. "I didn't think--that's not the kind of music I thought you made."
He licks his lips, swallows. Puts his guitar down. "It's not usually."
"It was a love song." Steve says. His eyes burn into Eddie's.
He can't say anything for seconds that seem to span minutes. "Yeah, Steve," he says in a voice cut with gravel. "It's a love song."
"Eddie," Steve whispers. He reaches out then, thumb tracing along Eddie's jaw, the scars that linger there from the bats. "Is this okay?" He can only nod as Steve's hand twines through his curls.
He's shaking, just a little bit, not because he's inexperienced but because this is Steve, because it's happening, because their lips are meeting and a trembling noise falls from his mouth at the sweet way Steve kisses him.
It's gentle and quick, but they don't part when the kiss ends, stay sharing air as their foreheads rest together. Eddie can't stop smiling.
"Please tell me I'm not dreaming, Stevie" he whispers.
"You dream about me?" Steve asks, eyes blazing.
"I wrote a song about you, and you think dreams are a reach?"
Steve laughs, brushes a kiss against the tip of Eddie's nose. "I loved the song."
"Can't wait to hear the whole thing."
"Well, stick around for a while."
Steve leans in, kisses him again, longer this time. "Just try to get rid of me, Munson."
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naivegh0ul · 9 months
ok but imagine how ghost would react to u stealing his hoodie.
It'd be way too big on you, of course. Simon Riley is a mammoth of a man: 6'4" and over 250lbs, so his hoodie looks massive on you. The sleeves flop around when you move, the hood falling over your eyes when you pull it up.
And Ghost would wonder where one of his hoodies went, searching the apartment for it, but then he'd see you, curled up on the couch with your knees tucked close to your chest and the hoodie hooked over your legs, covering you completely.
He'd think you look so cute, just an adorable ball of love wearing his hoodie. He'd sneak up behind you and lean over the back of the couch, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"Stealin' my jumpers from me?" He'd say playfully, shoving his hands in the pocket at the front, his large hands engulfing yours. "Looks nice."
And then you'd feel him remove his hands and hook them under your arms, hoisting you off the sofa in one smooth motion. He'd spin you around and set you on the back of the couch, lifting the hood of his hoodie away from your face and he'd press his lips to yours, kissing you softly.
"What'd I do to deserve you?" He'd whisper against your lips, wrapping his strong arms around your waist. Then he'd pull away and nuzzle his face into your neck, inhaling the perfect mix of your scent mixed with his. "Keep the hoodie. You look better in it."
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evie-sturns · 23 days
tummy ache - Chris Sturniolo
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summary: your boyfriend chris is typically clingy as it is, but when he comes down with a stomach ache and a fever he can't keep himself off of you.
contains: nsfw, oral (male receiving), flufff, sub!chris, swearing, clingy!chris
chris and i have been dating for over a year, he's always by my side when we're at home, and like today when we go out.
the blaring music echos through the mall, chris sits down on one of the couches as i sort through various bags i've picked up today, chris hasn't let me pay for any of them.
"um-" chris clears his throat, i look over at him with a small smile,
"i think we need to go home." he whispers with a small crack in his voice, my eyebrows twist,
"oh- no thats fine yeah." i nod, "you okay?" i follow up.
"my stomach hurts." chris mumbles, i stand up with the several bags in my hands and heave him up off the couch.
"aw chris, i'm sorry." i say, grabbing his cold hand and guiding him through the countless people near the exit to the mall.
he goes silent, something that rarely happens meaning something off.
i squeeze his hand lightly and look up at him with a small 'are you okay' look on my face, he shakes his head with a light sigh.
"we'll get you home chris, car is parked just over there!" i smile, stepping out into the parking lot.
i almost drag him over to the car, i swing open the door for him and help him into the passenger seat before walking round the front of the car and jumping in myself, i set the bags down by my feet before looking over at chris.
he just shrugs with a small pout,
"you think your stomach hurts 'cause you had too much soda?" i joke softly, earning a weak laugh from his soft lips.
i press a kiss to his cheek before starting up the car, "you want some music?" i ask before pulling out of our parking spot.
"oh- yeah thank you." chris says quietly before connecting his bluetooth to the car.
we pull into the driveway after a short drive, i turn off the car and chris hops out.
i jump out with him and reconnect our hands and walk with him up to the front door, he rubs his eyes as i rummage through my purse for the keys.
i click open the door and step inside,
"you wanna go grab some water and i'll set up the couch for you?" i ask, chris nods eagerly
"yes please, thank you." chris smiles before walking over to the fridge,
"chris-" i call out, "no- no pepsi thats not gonna make you feel better."
"mmgh it always makes me feel better though." he whines, i shake my head,
"water bottles are bottom right" i smile before jogging into the living room, the cool breeze from the air conditioning hits my skin.
i tug a blanket out of the small basket in the corner of the living room before throwing it onto the couch, i walk back into the kitchen and grab a small clear bowl,
"are you feeling throw up sick, or just sore stomach?" i ask,
"i- i dont really know." he wipes his forehead,
"better safe then sorry!" i shrug before trotting back into the living room and flopping down on the plush of the couch.
chris walks into the living room, wearing baggy jeans and a black shirt, his cheeks red and small droplets of sweat on his forehead.
he undoes his belt, leaving him in his loose boxers before he flops down on the couch.
his heavy body is halfway on me as he buries his face into my chest.
i press the back of my hand to his forehead,
"oh sweetheart, you're 'fuckin burning alive." i laugh with a sad smile,
he groans in response,
"c'mon, have a sip of water for me." i whisper, he holds the plastic bottle up to his raw lips and downs a good quarter of it.
chris flops back down onto me, i play with his hair while his head presses on my torso.
suddenly he lets out a crunchy cough, "jesus-" he mutters,
"god- you really are getting sick," i laugh, chris nods as he relaxes into my body.
"i think i'm dying" chris says dramatically, "i think you are okay chris"
"can i do anything else to make you feel better?" i ask, running my hands through his long floppy hair, he hesitates for a moment before opening his mouth,
"just some mind blowing head maybe.." he grumbles, i shake my head with a small scoff
"i mean something serious christopher." i reply,
"i am serious!" he protests.
he looks up at me from his position on my chest with his blue doe eyes, "please?"
i sit up, chris follows and sits up off me as well
i get up off the couch with a small giggle, chris manspreads with a stupid smirk.
i drop to my knees between his legs and rest my fingers on his thighs,
"please..?" he whispers slightly, i reach my hands up to the waistband of his boxers and tug them down teasingly, just enough to reveal his base.
"tell me what you need." i say calmly, chris lets out a needy whine, his leg bobbing up and down on the spot, "please." chris breathes out again.
i tug his boxers down to his mid thighs, his throbbing erection springs out.
i lean foward, wrapping my lips around chris's tip, a soft moan exits his mouth as he gently tangles his fingers into my hair.
i swirl my tongue around his red tip before taking more of him further down my throat, earning a small gag from me.
"close-" chris warns, bucking his hips up, forcing him further down my throat as his hands grip my hair tighter. i pull off his cock for a second to catch a needed breath,
"oh god-" chris protests as his cheeks flush, small droplets of sweat gathering on his forehead, he runs his hand though my hair. i wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, "i know baby." i say, quickly wrapping my mouth around him again as i scratch his thighs with my nails.
i bob my head up and down quicker, chris's whimpers filling the room.
i look up at him with squinted eyes, he squeezes his eyes shut, thrusting his cock deeper into my mouth.
i can see his breathing intensifying before he releases in my mouth, i pull off of him.
"you don't have to swallow that-" he says, placing a hand under my mouth.
i spit it out into his large hand, "you might need to drink more water" i laugh, chris lets out a small giggle,
"i knowww..." he groans, wiping his eyes.
chris wipes his hand on one of the tissues next to the couch before tugging his boxers back up.
i stand up and flop down on chris's lap, straddling him slightly.
chris coughs into his elbow,
"if you get me sick i'll-" i start, but i'm cut off by a crispy cough in my mouth from chris,
"oh my god chris! you're disgusting for that!" i say turning my head away from him with a grin,
"you just sucked my dick its not that gross..."
@ilovemymannnnnnnn @chr1sgirl4life @luanetaluenta @sturnsssbow @mattfangirl @luvr4miya @luvtay111 @lolasturniolo @freshloveforthefit @ruedowney @lovingchrissposts @333michelle @h3arts4harry @sonicmacks @jamiesturniolo @chrisstopherfilmed @itzdarling @sturniolo-simp4life @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @ev3rgreenxtrees @lovergirl4387 @certifiednatelover @solarsturniolo @mattsenthusiast @yomamaslays4lyfe @peachmels @alinaa131 @pepsiluvr0209 @creamoncreamoncream2 @szobofc @mattscoquette @blahbell668 @sturniolo04 @ecilphttlunar @bitchydragonparadise @thematthewlover r r @sturni0l0 @ratatioulle @sturnsfav @chrisgetsmewetterxo @mattsonly @justalittle47 @mattsturnioloisbae@sunsetsturniolos @sturniolo04 @similartokayyz @pkfferoo @sturnsintrouble @ilovemattsturn @raysmayhem-72 @75sturn @sturniol0s @secret-sturniolo @hfkeclnendmwodne @sturniolosass @gxldenlush @stonermattsgf @101sara @beccaluvschris @oliviasturniolo21 @imwetforyourmom m @tylerstacobell @sunsetsturniolos @aliceloveschris @jayz4dayz4 @sassysturniolo2008 @nyktoxs-lover @nathandoesgf @starsturns234 @chrissturnsss s @joemamaaa42069 @sturnthepot @zayyluvz @realuvrrr @livialifesblog @sturnioloblogs @riowritesitall
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saetoru · 11 months
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。2:09 AM — GOJO SATORU. (rich boy! au)
contents. college au!, rich boy! gojo, established relationships, alcohol consumption (gojo), mentions of his rude dad tryna break y’all up >:(
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it’s test night. meaning you have a very important test that will heavily weigh on your grade coming up at 8:30 am sharp. gojo should know not to bother you—you’ve told him at least one million times (maybe one billion) that you absolutely will not be coming over.
but judging by the insistent knocking on your door, he’s failed to listen to your warnings and decided to come to you instead. so you decide you’re going to kill him as soon as you open that door—you’re going to walk up, open the door, cup his cheeks and take one last good look at that beautiful face, and then you’re going to kill him and bury him somewhere where no one will find him.
except when you open the door, ready to scold your painfully irritating boyfriend, you’re greeted by his best friend instead. geto has gojo slung over his shoulder with a tired enough look on his face that you almost feel bad for him even after he’s ruined your sleep. almost.
“it’s two am,” you say, unimpressed. gojo perks up as he hears your voice, slurring your name as he tries to take a step towards you—if not for geto’s arm around his waist, you’re pretty sure your boyfriend would face plant onto the floor.
“yes, and i’ve dealt with him until this long. it’s your turn,” geto grumbles.
“just take him home, i don’t want him,” you wrinkle your nose. gojo whines in disbelief, still too drunk to stand on his own two feet or form proper words. you raise a brow and then promptly decide to ignore him.
“well, i don’t want him either,” geto huffs, “and he doesn’t want to go home. he went at it with his father again.”
“then make him sleep in his car.”
“he’s your boyfriend,” geto insists.
“he’s your best friend. you’ve known him longer.”
“you know him just as well,” he argues, “plus, you fuck him. that’s way more than what i do.”
“suguru!” you sputter, earning a sly grin from the dark-haired jerk standing before you—maybe you should kill both of them and hide their bodies in your freezer.
but then again, your tiny freezer in your run-down apartment that you can hardly afford as a tired, overworked college student couldn’t possibly fit two oversized men with abnormally large limbs. so instead, you offer geto a not-so-appropriate hand gesture (that he graciously returns) and grab gojo from his arms.
and instantly, gojo brightens.
“baby!” he slurs, kissing your cheeks with sloppy, scattered pecks. you crinkle your nose at the smell of alcohol surrounding you as soon as he enters your personal space.
“he’s your problem now,” geto mutters, rolling his eyes at the headache he’s had to supervise for the entirety of the night. you suppose you can feel a little bad for him—but only a tiny bit.
“wanna crash on the couch?” you ask sympathetically. it earns a soft smile from geto before he shakes his head.
“nah, i’ll go home. thanks.” with an affectionate flick to your forehead, he turns and walks back to his car, leaving you with the lanky, drunken mess leaning half his body weight on you.
you really should kill gojo satoru—and you should do it before 8:30 am.
“didn’t i tell you i have a test?” you grumble, dragging him to your bedroom.
he flops unceremoniously onto your mattress, snuggling with the stuffed bear by your pillows. and you should stay strong, but before you can help it, you smile softly at the sight.
“i won this for you,” he grins, his sunglasses crooked and falling to the tip of his nose. you grab them from his face and set them on your nightstand.
“yes, i know,” you roll your eyes, “i was there.”
“you kept it,” he giggles, words still slurred and messy.
“yes, satoru,” you snort, “i kept the stuffed bear my boyfriend won me. it’s not a surprise.”
“‘s right,” he nods, “‘m your boyfriend. best one you ever had, huh?”
“sure,” you sigh, pulling him by the arm to sit up. he puckers his lips as soon as his face is close enough to yours, looking at your expectantly.
“gimme a kiss. i need a kiss,” he demands.
“satoru, you’re drunk,” you sigh, trying to work the sweaty button-up off his body, “and you smell like beer.”
gojo is well built—he doesn’t seem like it because he’s a bit lanky and has an awful sense of fashion that doesn’t do his figure any justice, but he’s well built. you try your best not to stare at the sculpted abs and the curves of his pecs—especially not the slight sweatiness of the skin that makes it almost glisten.
nope. you keep your eyes trained on him, not his shirtless torso.
except gojo satoru is nothing if not observant even in his drunken stupor—he grins that shit-eating grin of his that you hate so much but fall in love with every time, noticing the way your eyes wander back to his chest every few seconds for a fleeting glance.
“you don’t have’ta sneak a look, baby,” he slurs smoothly, chuckling, “‘m all yours. wanna feel?” and because he’s an asshole, he grabs your hand and lays it flat on his chest. “i’ve been working out with suguru. can you tell?” he winks.
“no,” you say flatly, pushing him back onto the mattress once you’ve worked his shirt off, “now sleep.”
“can’t sleep unless i’m in boxers,” he pouts, “can you take my pants off for me?”
and he even dares to bat his long, unfairly pretty eyelashes at you, putting on his best innocent face. you see past him, though—you see the smirk he tries to hide and the amusement in his clouded eyes.
you’re definitely going to hide his body in your freezer.
“you’ll live,” you huff.
“please,” he pouts deeper, “can’t sleep in these. too uncomfortable.”
“fine,” you hiss, and for a brief moment, you mourn the sleep you should be getting right before the most crucial midterm of your life.
you glare at his cheeky grin as you work his belt off, unbuttoning his pants and sliding them down his legs, grumbling curses under your breath. this time, you make careful work not to stare at his lower half—you refuse to give him the satisfaction.
“are you ready for sleep now, your highness?” you ask with a raised brow. he giggles and nods, holding an arm out for you.
and….well, you can’t exactly complain once you’re nestled comfortably in his arms, cheek pressed against the bare skin of his chest. his arm wraps around your body tightly, pulling you close as he plants a wet kiss on your forehead.
“you’re a handful,” you sigh, “did you bother suguru too much?”
“nope,” he shakes his head, “i was on my best behavior.”
“you’re never on your best behavior,” you grin, rolling your eyes. and because you love him, even when he calls you as you study and crashes your apartment as you try to sleep, you lean up and kiss his jaw sweetly, making him hum happily. “goodnight, satoru.”
“you forgot to say i love you.”
“i hate you.”
“so mean,” he whines, making you giggle.
“i love you,” you murmur, “i’ll love you a whole lot more if you let me sleep for my test.”
“kay,” he yawns, wrapping his arms tighter around you, “i love you too.”
it’s silent for a bit, just the steady breaths from gojo and the loud air conditioning ringing in the distance. you’re sure he’s asleep from the way his chest seems to rise and fall under your cheek slowly—until he speaks up quietly, almost as if he doesn’t want you to hear.
“‘m never breaking up with you,” he whispers, “promise. no matter what that old man says.”
you hold your breath as his warm lips press against your forehead—you’re certain he thinks you’re asleep, and you’re also certain that you were never meant to hear those words in the first place. so you swallow, trying not to give away that you’re still very much awake and very much aware of his words.
and then it hits you—suddenly, you remember the way gojo refused to go home, the way geto mentioned he’d gotten into an argument with his father. it clicks all at once that the subject of this argument must’ve been you—gojo’s father has never been subtle about his disapproval, and it’s no secret he’d greatly prefer that the heir of his company stopped dating someone entirely out of his realm—someone like you.
“you’re it for me,” he mumbles softly. you think he sounds a bit more sober as he speaks the words against your forehead—and for a moment, you think that gojo is it for you too. 
maybe you’re not so mad about your sleep anymore. maybe, as he kisses your forehead one last time, as his breath slowly evens out and his grip loosens slightly around your body, you fall in love with gojo satoru a little harder. 
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stab dadjo and stan suguru ‼️
ps here’s a little part 2
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rowarn · 2 months
cw: dubcon if u squint, mean!simon, cum play?, teasing and punishment <3
sorry i haven't been posting proper works lately, i just haven't had any motivation in sitting down long term to write ): i hope u can understand <3 but here's something i cooked up a bit!!!
You, who just had to get on his nerves. You just had to mouth off at him every chance you got. His patience was a thin thread and you were snipping at it around every turn.
He’d been gone for so long, he was exhausted and worn to the bone. He just wanted some peace and quiet, some time to himself to wind down. 
But you were so damn needy for him, pawing at him the second you could get your greedy little hands on him. He was so tired that he simply couldn’t even fathom the idea of getting hard. 
But in the face of your whimpering, the feeling of your soft tits pressed against him as you gripped his cock through his sweats, he could feel himself chubbing up despite it all.
You knew how tired he was. You knew he just wanted to rest and decompress. Yet there you were, tugging his cock from his sweats, stroking him languidly like he was your own personal little toy. 
And for some reason that just set him off. 
Before you knew it, you were pinned face down on the couch, your panties stretched around your thighs. 
“Please, Simon,” you pant, voice pitchy and broken from how utterly needy you were. 
He thought you were so cute, begging him like you hadn’t gotten on his one good nerve the second he walked through the door.
Just to tease you, to be mean because you deserved it for being such a damned brat, he pressed the tip of his leaking cock against your pretty little hole. He felt you clench, eager to suck all of him in. You wanted to be filled so badly, precious cunt drooling slick down to the couch in sticky strings at the mere idea of getting stuffed nice and full by your boyfriend’s perfect cock. 
He tapped the head against your clit, the little bud stiff and neglected. The stimulation made you tremble, a sweet moan escaping your lips from how good the fleeting pleasure felt. 
With you distracted by the teasing, Simon quickly began to jerk himself off, using the sweet, wet heat of your cunt to edge him to a quick release. It had been weeks since he’d gotten off, so it was easy for him to find that euphoria with your pretty little ass perked up just for him, ready and willing to be used - something you weren't even going to get.
That thought alone had him cumming with a soft gasp, making sure to aim it right at the crotch of your panties, spilling his load in the pretty, purple cotton stretched around your thighs. 
“S-Simon?” you asked, already sounding on the verge to tears as you listened to cum without you. 
“There you go, love,” he grunts, lazily tugging your messy panties up. 
You whined when his cum smeared all over your cunt, mixing with your creamy juices. The cotton soaked up the liquids and plastered itself to your folds, giving him the perfect view. 
Meanly, he patted your cunt before tucking his cock away and climbing off of the couch with a grunt. You flopped onto your side, tearily watching as he made a show of stretching and yawning.
“Really needed that, sweetheart,” he grinned, “I want you to keep my cum nice and warm in your panties while I go have a nap. Think I’ve earned one. And maybe when I’m back, you’ll stop bein’ such a damned brat and I’ll give you what you want, yeah?”
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nariism · 9 months
Could you write Neuvillette blushes so bad when reader called him an otter.
a/n: hi anon! this is cute... yeah guys this is the obligatory neuvillette otter fic on my blog now, enjoy it ●ᴥ●
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He shouldn't be feeling jealous. He knows how ridiculous it is to be envious of such a tiny critter, especially one that's been seeking equal amounts of attention from both you and him.
But he can't help it.
"Look!" You hold the otter up into the air, dangling it around in front of his face. The otter trills, curling up into a ball and giving Neuvillette what he can only imagine is the equivalent of puppy-dog eyes.
"Are you sure it is safe to pick it up like that?" Neuvillette murmurs, watching as you peer around the creature with a wide smile.
You're completely ignoring his concerns about scooping up a wild animal, unable to contain your excitement from finally having a chance to grab one of them. "It looks just like you. How cute!"
And he also knows that such a passing comment meant to tease him shouldn't make heat crawl up his neck, but it does anyways.
"How in the world does it look like me?"
Your fingers scratch at the top of the otter's head and it's horrible that all he can imagine is your hands doing the same to him.
You turn the critter around in the air like you're showing off your child, to which the man can only stare in confusion. "White fur, cute face. Even has blue streaks, like your horns!"
"I don't see it." (Correction, he refuses to see it.)
The otter makes another noise and licks his nose, clearly content with being the center of attention. He only scowls, cheeks flushing when he realizes how much you adore the damned thing.
"So adorable," you grin, cradling it in your arms. "Just- just...! So cute!"
He's pretty sure you're malfunctioning with the overload of cuteness. He fares no better, brain melting with every hard-struck realization that you might be calling him cute by extension since you're so insistent about the similarities.
"It..." he clears his throat, losing composure with the second-hand praises. "I suppose."
"You suppose?" You laugh, finally turning your eyes back to him. He almost melts into a puddle right then and there. "You're not jealous, are you?"
"Don't be ridiculous," he immediately refutes, rosy all the way to the tips of his ears.
"Jealous," you insist with a smile, setting the otter back down into the water. It leaves a shell as a parting gift and disappears into the sea.
"I am not jealous." Neuvillette bends down to pick up the shell, unceremoniously shoving it into your hands. You know you've got him then, with his sudden lack of manners.
The Iudex can't be jealous. Especially not over something so silly. But his face is a mortifying shade of pink, both at your passive comments about his similarities to such an adorable creature and your accusations of envy.
Your free hand suddenly lurches forward and grabs him by the face, effectively holding him in place while he falls apart. There's a pretty softness in your expression as you look at him.
"Cute," you tease, and he's melting all over again.
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(Neuvillette flops down on the couch that night, face down in your lap. You raise a brow, setting your book down to peer at him curiously.
He's unmoving for a pause, completely still to the point where you wonder if he just instantly fell asleep. But then he shuffles, turning onto his back to look up at you.
Ah, there it is. Something akin to puppy-dog eyes underneath his stone cold expression.
Your fingers scratch gently at his scalp as you continue to read, combing through his long hair. "Knew it," you muse with a smug expression.
He grumbles with red cheeks.)
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 1 month
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words: 1.4k
warnings: 18+ ony, smut, bratty!reader, established relationship, public sex, caught, unprotected sex, p in v sex, bully!reader we love a girlboss
“big party tomorrow.” rafe says, watching you braid your hair effortlessly just as you do every night.
“yup.” you say, only half listening as you tie the pink scrunchie around the end of your braid, matching with your pink silky pajamas.
“are you gonna have an attitude tomorrow?” rafe questions as you get into bed next to him.
“of course.” you roll your eyes before looking at him. “but you like my attitude, right?”
“mhm.” rafe places a hand on your hip, pulling your body closer to his. “i like it when you get all spicy, even if that means i gotta drain my bank account to get you happy again.”
“if you just listened to me in the first place you wouldn't have to pay me off to like you again.” 
“are you gonna let me fuck you tonight?” rafe asks, hand moving from your hip to your bum, giving it a squeeze.
“nooo.” you groan, flopping onto your back. “you should have told me you wanted to fuck before i showered!”
“i always want you baby.” rafe pouts his bottom lip out.
“well…” you sigh dramatically. “after the party tomorrow you can then. or maybe at the party if you actually listen to me.”
rafe did everything right. he wore exactly the clothes you chose for him, got you your favorite drinks to pregame with, even put on your favorite songs in his truck on the way to the party.
“you've been such a good boyfriend today, rafey.” you coo, words slurring together slightly from how tipsy you are.
“yeah?” rafe smirks. “i get to smash then?”
“mhm.” you nod, pressing a sloppy kiss to his lips, smearing your lip gloss over his mouth. “want you right here.”
rafe glances around the crowded patio. “how about the kitchen?”
“fine.” you concede, allowing rafe to stand first before he helps you up from the couch, swaying slightly in your heels.
rafe keeps your hand locked tight in his fist as he leads you into the house. 
“get out.” he growls at the couple already making out in the kitchen. you snicker as they quickly leave.
“my big bad boyfriend everyone is afraid of.” you laugh as rafe lifts you to set you on the countertop, quickly stepping in between your legs.
“you're not afraid of me.” rafe points out.
“nope, but you should be of me because if you don't fuck me right here right now, im breaking up with you.”
rafe knows it's not a serious threat, but he wouldn't risk it anyways as he leans in, capturing your mouth in a kiss.
his hand drops between your legs, diving underneath your skirt as you spread your thighs. rafes fingers delve underneath your panties, feeling your wetness that is already building.
“fuck.” you curse, head tipping back.
“gotta be quiet baby.” rafe warns before you can even moan. “don't wanna get interrupted, do we?”
“mmm.” you hum, trying to keep yourself quiet. “fuck me, come on. if i wanted you to finger me i would have told you to do that.”
“okay, okay.” rafe shakes his head, a smile on his face. he's truly met his match with you.
rafe moves your body along the counter until your back is facing the entryway. he carefully undoes his pants and pulls his cock out, keeping them up on his hips in case anyone comes in.
rafe pushes your skirt up, smirking as he pushes your underwear to the side and lines up with your entrance.
“kiss me.” you say, tugging on his shirt. “im gonna moan, you gotta kiss me.”
rafe covers your lips, swallowing your sounds with his mouth as he sinks inside of you.
rafe keeps kissing you, getting lost in your lips as his hips swing back and forth, steadily fucking in to you. your arms wrap around his shoulders and to anyone just walking past the kitchen they'd likely just think you were making out.
“harder.” you moan against his lips. 
rafe wishes he could push you back against the counter, to undress you and splay you out like he really wants to, but you are at a party after all, and then rafe would have to punch everyone who saw you in the compromising position.
“i got you baby.” rafes hands dig into your hips, pulling you even closer to the edge of the counter as he pushes into you harder, feeling the way your cunt squeezes around his cock.
“oh, that's it.” you moan, tucking your head into the crevice between his shoulder and neck.
rafe wraps one arm around your waist, holding you up as you start to wither, focus moving just to your pleasure instead of keeping you both somewhat covered.
“so tight and warm for me baby.” rafe says, large hand spreading over your back, feeling the soft material of your dress.
“you feel so good.” you whine.
“i know baby, i got you-” rafe loves the way you come undone when hes inside of you, the way your attitude disappears. he's about to praise you more when someone he doesn't recognize steps into the kitchen, probably some touron.
“get out.” he growls.
“just grabbing more beers.” the guys words slur together, obviously drunk.
“get out!” rafe shouts this time, not stopping the motion of his hips.
the guys hand halts halfway reaching to the fridge, eyes struggling to focus before widening in realization. “you two are fucking!”
he runs out of the kitchen, beers long forgotten.
“sorry about that princess.” rafe chuckles.
“just don't stop.” you bring your hands to grip onto his shirt, hands fisted in the material as he thrusts into your cunt.
“never gonna stop baby, your pussy feels too good.” rafe presses his head into your neck, pressing kisses against your delicate skin.
“leave a mark, please.” you whine. you usually don't allow rafe to leave visible hickeys, but you need it, need everyone to see that you're claimed as his, even if you do end up covering it most of the time with concealer until it fades.
rafe keeps his hips pushing in as his lips attach to your neck, sucking harshly before pulling back, watching the purple bloom right before his eyes.
“see, i told you someone was having sex in your kitchen!” 
rafe looks up to see the beer seeking guy dragging kelce through the archway.
“get out!” you squeal, turning to see kelces eyes widen.
“dude, that's rafe!” kelce pulls the guy away, leaving as quick as they entered.
“fuck.” you groan, tipping your head back.
“hey, it's okay.” rafe grunts. “kelce will keep everyone out. want you to cum for me.”
you pout at rafe, willing to ignore the first interruption but the second pissed you off.
“hey.” rafe says softly, hips slowing as he grips your chin in is hand. “can you do that for me?”
you take a moment before nodding, giving up your attitude as rafe begins to move again, thrusting harder, hands gripping your hips.
“oh, fuck!” you moan out.
“squeeze around me baby, that's it.” rafe encourages you, panting as he smashes into you.
“im-im close.” you barely have time to say it before your orgasm pushes through your body, back arching as you cum hard, shaking on the counter as rafe pushes into you, shoving his cock as deep as he can to release.
“fuck!” rafe groans.
“shit, that was good.” you pant, chest heaving up and down as you recover from your high.
“you needed that huh, baby?” rafe chuckles, carefully pulling out and tucking himself back into his pants before slotting your underwear back over your cunt, now wet with your juices and his cum dripping out of you.
“mhm.” you giggle, in a much better mood now.
“you wanna keep partying?” rafe questions. “or head home?”
“head home and cuddle.” you laugh softly. “but i gotta do something first.”
you slide off the counter, rafe following closely behind you as you stomp through the party until you set eyes on your target.
you grab a cup out of a girls hand, not caring that she protests as you walk over to the turon, turning the cup and dumping the alcohol over his head.
the guy sputters and turns around, now soaking wet. you just smile at him before strutting away.
“i really love you.” rafe says, wrapping his arm around your waist, leaving the game as the power couple you truly are.
“i know.” you smirk.
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chrissfawn · 2 months
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pairing ;; matt sturniolo x fem!reader
warnings ;; oral (fem receiving), fingering, praise, use of y/n, fluffy beginning and ending, softdom!matt, pet names (sweetheart n princess, etc), no actual p in v, lowercase intended !!
word count ;; 1.1k
a/n ;; this was based off a request!! had lots of fun writing this:) also sorry if this is bad im ovulating and im a little bit high
yk the basics .. pink is u , blue is matt !!
. . .
your pov
i stepped into my boyfriend’s house after a long shift at work. “hey chris.” i sigh, putting my bag down on the island. “hey y/n, matt wanted me to tell you that he was gonna be streaming when you got back.” the brunette boy spoke from the couch, sipping on a can of pepsi.
i nodded before making my way down the hall to matt’s room. i knocked softly on the door and a small “come in” was heard from inside. i slowly walk into the room with a light smile on my face. “alright guys ima go on mute real quick.” matt spoke into his mic, muting it then getting out of his seat.
“hey baby, how was work?” he asked me, bringing me into a hug. i let out a small mumble in reply as my arms wrapped around his neck. "could be better, my legs hurt so bad from running around all day. but i got a $100 tip from this guy since he said my ass was fat" i laugh, letting go of matt so i could take off my hooters uniform. matt was literally forgetting that he had been streaming the entire time.
“could you get me a shirt baby?” i ask matt, struggling to take off the tight white long sleeve uniform top. he nodded, tossing me one of his shirts that i missed terribly. we laughed about it quietly as i took off the extremely revealing shorts. i put on the pink hershey bear shirt, then body flopping down on his silk sheets. “im gonna lay down, my legs hurt so bad.” i pointed out as my body laid comfortably in his bed.
matt hummed, looking at his pc. he quickly walked over and sat down in his gaming chair. “hey guys, sorry ima have to end the stream a bit earlier. thanks for watching love you guys.” matt spoke into his mic after he unmuted. he clicked the red ‘end’ button before he stood up. “matt you didn’t have to end it” i smile, opening my arms for him. “eh its whatever, i was already streaming for a few hours so its okay.” he reassured as he laid down next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
he kissed my temple softly, rubbing my lower back gently. “tell me about your day y/n/n.” he whispered into my skin. i let out a small sigh. “well, it was a bit stressful. a lot of guys asked for my number, got a lot of tips since i had good tits and ass…” i trail off, playing with matt’s hair. “i also fell, so that’s probably why my legs hurt.” i pout. he hummed quietly, figuring something that could help me. “i can give you a massage if you’d like.” the brunette boy suggested.
my eyes twinkle a little bit, “hm i’d like that a lot.” i giggle. matt rolled over to his nightstand and grabbed a small bottle of lavender scented lotion from his drawer. i sat up slightly, throwing the blanket to the side.
matt sat crisscrossed while squirting a bit of lotion into his hands. “is this the lavender one i bought you?” i ask with a small smile. he nodded, spreading the lotion evenly on my thighs and calfs. his thumbs kneeded into my skin, making sure every inch of my skin got touched.
his palms massaged every part of my leg. i let out a quiet shaky moan as matt soon neared his fingers close to my inner thighs. he looked up at me with slight doe eyes. “is this okay sweetheart?” he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. i nod slowly, allowing matt to give soft kisses on my thighs.
matt’s hands ran up and down the sides of my thighs with a bit of pressure, leaving goosebumps. “does this feel good princess?” matt whispered as his eyes shot through mine. i whine in agreement, the spot in between my legs starting to ache. his fingers continued to get closer to where i needed them to be. “matt, baby.” i whine. matt hummed quietly, looking back up at me. “hm? what is it sweetheart?” he whispered, spreading my legs apart. i blinked at him slowly, “mh, i need you.” i breath softly.
“awh my poor baby.” he teased, his thumb rubbing small circles on my clothed clit. my back arched off the bed just a bit. his fingers hooked around the waistband of my panties and he slowly pulled them down.
matt looked up at me, his hand sliding under my lower back. his fingers traced my entrance teasingly, making me let out soft moans. “i barely touched you sweetheart, and your already wet.” he laughed softly, allowing his fingers inside of me. “mgh, baby.” i whine to the slight burning sensation of matt stretching me out. his fingers slid in and out of me easily, sending me over the moon. “taking my fingers so well huh?” matt purred, his tongue soon flicking over my clit. his tongue started to work wonders on my cunt, it swirling around my bundle of nerves.
i whimper out quietly, my legs wrapping around his head slightly. my hands reached down to his hair, tugging on it gently. a string of curses left my mouth that was falling agape. “fuck fuck please keep going.” i moan out. “such a needy girl.” matt whispered softly with a cocky smile on his face. my breath quickened so fast as his fingers continued to thrust in and out of me, hitting my g-spot repeatedly.
matt was determined to continue eye contact with me as his mouth worked on me perfectly. “mmmm. matt please dont stop it feels so good.” i whimper out as the familiar knot started to form in my stomach. “oh yeah?” he teased, letting his fingers out of my pussy and replaced them with his tongue. my back completely arched off of the bed, moaning out to the sensation of his tongue starting to fuck me.
i continued to let out small whimpers while matt continued to fuck me faster with his tongue. my eyes roll to the back of my head as my hips jolt upwards into his face. “m-matt im gonna cum.” i whimper, my hands pushing his head closer to my cunt. ”cum for me angel.” matt whispered, making the knot in my stomach unknot. he lapped up anything that he could and his mouth detached from my pussy.
his slender fingers curled up into me a few more times before he kissed my clit softly one last time. matt let soft wet open mouthed kisses on my inner thighs. “lets finish giving you that massage, yeah?” he laughed, as if he didn’t just practically make out with my pussy. “yes, please.” i pant out with a lazy smile on my face. we both giggled about it for the next few minuetes of matt kneeding his fingers into my skin.
taglist ;; @cheetahmadi @sturniol0s @luverboychris @mattsluttywaist
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papercorgiworld · 5 months
Pansy’s interrogation
Theodore Nott and Mattheo Riddle
Weird behaviour and rumours have Pansy asking questions and figuring out who the guys are crushing on.
Warning: Mattheo says a foul thing.
I feel like I’m spamming tumblr with unasked for fic’s, like I’m anxious that I’m bothering everyone, but at the same time: here’s another unasked for fic. Also, English is not my first language and this is not proofread, so feedback is very welcome.
For more interrogations: click here
For more Theodore: click here
For more Mattheo: click here
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Theodore Nott
“Rumor has it you are tutoring first years?” Pansy sits down next to Theodore with a cup of tea in her hand, carefully stirring. Theo growls, he knew this was coming, he knew Hogwarts was notoriously fast when it came down to gossip, but it hadn’t even been a day. Pansy raises her eyebrows, her way of saying ‘spill it, I want to know’.
“So?” Theo simply shrugs trying to downplay it and thereby hoping to avoid spilling his hidden agenda.
“Not really your thing, is it Notty-boy?” Pansy playfully ruffles through Theo’s hair. He immediately gets her hand out of his hair and tries to comb it back to its regular mess with his fingers. “It earns Slytherin points.” Theo finally explains when his hair is remodeled.
“Earning Slytherin points?” The girl huffed, clearly not falling for his excuse. “If you really cared about our house points you would start attending class, stop doing drugs and getting caught, and you would keep Riddle out of fights instead of getting him into more fights.”
Theodore frowned and forced his lips into a line. “Keep Riddle out of fights, who do you think I am, the pope?!” Pansy shakes her head. “Don’t try to change the subject.”
Theo looks away and feels saved when he sees Draco approaching them with his usual dramatic walk. He should be enough distraction for Pansy. “Theo, I heard you’re tutoring first years?” Right. How could I forget, he’s Hogwarts' second biggest gossip.
Enzo joins the group now that the entire common room knows Theo is a tutor thanks to Draco. “Really?” Enzo quips and Theodore simply nods. “(Y/n) must be so pleased that you’re helping out with her tutoring project. She had trouble finding capable and willing volunteers.”
Draco huffs at Enzo’s oblivious reaction. “Theo is so whipped for (y/n).” Pansy mouths an OMG at Theo who immediately realizes he will never hear the end of this.
Suddenly Blaise and Mattheo arrive. “Mate, you tutoring first years?” Mattheo asks, ignoring everyone else and with a very confused expression. Theo sighs and lets himself sink in the sofa, wishing it would swallow him. “If you’re tutoring? Why don’t you help me?” Blaise adds a little offended.
“Apparently, Theo is only doing this to earn points… with (y/n).” Pansy explains with an unmistakable grin on her face. Theodore rolls his eyes and stares at the ceiling for a moment. I need a smoke. And new friends.
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Mattheo Riddle
Pansy flops down next to Mattheo who up until then was enjoying his quiet time lounging on his favorite couch in the Slytherin common room. Mattheo doesn’t recognise Pansy’s presence and simply continues reading his book.
Pansy’s smirk grows wide, she’as already enjoying herself and she hasn’t even started interrogating her victim yet. She turns herself to face Mattheo’s side and dominantly places her arm on the back of the couch behind him. Now he’s closed in the game begins.
“I hear it’s been a while since you’ve had a shag?” Annoyance fills Mattheo’s eyes as he stops reading just to stare in front of him.
“I’m assuming everything *pansy gestures to everything between his legs* is still working fine. So… No luck on the market ?” Mattheo’s eyes roll to the corner of his eyes to stare at Pansy.
“Pans, don’t.” Mattheo returns his gaze back to his book.
“You must get frustrated? Getting no release.” A heavy breath leaves Mattheo’s chest. He really didn’t like it when Pansy played her games.
“Oh, but he has plenty of Willing Witches magazines. He gets by.” Blaise jumps to take a seat on the couch opposite of Mattheo and Pansy, spreading his arms to take up the whole couch. Mattheo’s jaw clenches clearly not amused by his friend's humor. When Pansy giggles, Mattheo can’t help but feel exposed and blush a little.
“Why do you care?” Mattheo finally breaks, giving Pansy his full attention.
“I want to know why you’ve been playing boring at every single party for the last few months. Girls talk, you know.” Mattheo rolls his eyes. “Girls talk? Wow, that’s news.” His sarcasm had a poisonous undertone.
“If the guy wants to be on his best behavior, let him, Pans.” Blaise cuts in, attempting to get Pansy off Mattheo’s case.
“Why? Why are you suddenly done with manwhoring about?” As every part of Mattheo’s body tensed, Pansy threw a quick glance over to Blaise to affirm her suspicion: she was onto something.
Acting quick and avoiding a witty or snappy comeback from Mattheo, Pansy moved a little closer to Mattheo. She let her head fall to the side and put up an innocent face. “Are you trying to impress someone?” Mattheo’s dark eyes shot at hers. “Ah, that also explains why you’ve been attending classes more often.” She added enjoying how the puzzle pieces were falling together. “And, it’s been a while since you’ve had detention for fighting. Oh please, don’t tell me, are you trying to convince (y/n) that you’re a good boy?!”
As soon as Mattheo heard your name his face went from cold and annoyed to shocked and horrified. It lasted only for a second, his dead eyes were even more furious than before. “Pansy. If it ain’t for sucking dick then I advise you keep your mouth shut. Now, go bother someone else.”
Pansy was used to harsh language, but Mattheo’s denigrating tone made her tense. “I wonder what (y/n) will think about your foul mouth.” Pansy got up, pleased now that she knew what made Mattheo tick. Mattheo on the hand was frustrated that he led himself get played by Pansy’s games like this.
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moonstruckme · 10 months
summary: when Sirius won't stop tormenting you with pet names, you think to take revenge, but he doesn't react as you expected
Sirius Black x shy!reader ♡ 546 words
You jolt a little when a hand lands on your shoulder, a second before Sirius plops down beside you in the common room. 
“Sorry, dollface,” he says, sliding his hand from your shoulder to your neck in what you suppose is meant to be a soothing motion. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
You smile, though your heart only beats faster now that you know it’s him. “You didn’t scare me.” 
“No?” He asks, and there’s that unrelenting teasing tone in his voice. “Does my beauty just shock you every time you see me, then?”
You flush, looking to where your fingers play with the hem of your skirt. Sirius knows he can turn you into a stammering, blushing mess with only a pet name or a tilt of his lips, and he never lets you forget it. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been dating or how much time you spend with him, you never get used to his audacity. 
“Doing alright, sweet thing?” he croons, taking your face in both hands so you have no choice but to meet his eyes. They’re alight with mirth. 
“You sure?”
“You’re blushing.” 
“I’m not.” 
“You are.” He makes an indent in your overwarm cheek with his thumb, looking entirely too entertained at your misery. And it feels unfair. Why should he be able to fluster you whenever he likes, and you can’t even bring yourself to look him in the eyes? “I know I’m a lot to take in, but really, sweetheart.” 
You force yourself to do it, before the boldness has a chance to leave you. “Sorry, baby,” you say, forcing yourself to look deep into Sirius’ cool gray eyes, “I can’t help but be nervous when you’re looking at me so prettily.” 
You relish for a moment in victory as Sirius’ eyes go wide, but then his mouth drops open and he melts. 
“What did you just call me?” he breathes.
Your confidence has exceeded its time limit. You cringe in on yourself, but Sirius catches your hands before you can use them to cover your face. 
“C’mon,” he says, in that soft voice that he almost never uses in public, the one that makes you want to curl up in his lap and tell him all your secrets, “please?”
You glance around, but no one is paying attention to the two of you. “Pretty.” It’s a whisper, but Sirius beams all the same. 
You slouch shamefully, sinking into the couch cushions. “Baby?” 
Sirius throws himself back like you’ve shoved him, grinning like a lunatic. He comes back to you quickly, and there’s pure, unadulterated adoration in his eyes when he says, “You’re killing me, dollface. Say it again.” 
You sigh, but indulge him. “Baby.” 
He clasps your hand between his, pulling it to his chest theatrically. “Yeah, sweetness? Whatever you want, you can have it.”
You’re trying to be exasperated with him, but you’re laughing. “Siri, stop, please.” 
He pouts. “If that’s what you want. But if you ever decide you really want something from me, just say the word, angel, and I’ll do it.” 
“Sure thing, pretty boy,” you say quietly, emboldened by his behavior, and this time, when Sirius flops back dramatically on the couch, he takes you with him.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 3 months
this is loosely based off of @emmyrosee 's messing with sukuna post bc i just love the idea of messing with your whiny baby dramatic boyfriend and i immediately thought about katsuki ! if you want this taken down lmk !
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katsuki is hilarious to mess with.
you've only been staring at him for about 5 seconds when he turns to you.
"whaddya want ?" he asks with a raised brow. you're still all smiles, resting your head into your palm
"nothing." you hum, he grumbles a bit but doesn't pay it any mind. until you keep staring. he's trying to focus on his phone but you can tell he's about to snap when he starts squinting at the device.
"what ?" he grumbles, red eyes narrow at your smile widening.
"nothing !"
"yn. don't fuck with me."
"i'm not !" you giggle " i'm just looking at you, am i not allowed to ?"
you know exactly what to say to fluster him without fail every time, it's something you're most proud of when you see the tips of his ears turn a light shade of pink.
you snort "no ?"
"shaddup." he says through gritted teeth "so what, you're just lookin' at me ?"
"yeah." you shrug "i like lookin' at my pretty boyfriend." you prop your head against the couch and sigh dreamingly to sell the lovesick act. katsuki inhales through his nose, chest puffing like he's upset and he tsks, ears and cheeks beet red.
"weirdo." he scoffs, then grabs the back of your head to pull you in and press his lips to yours roughly.
you're both breathing heavy when you pull away. he looks at you, mouth slightly agape as he heaves lightly, eyeing you from your eyes to your lips. and then he huffs through his nose like a bull and roughly pulls you into in chest, causing you to release an 'oomph !' at the force when he flops down onto the couch, pulling you with him.
"m'not pretty." he mocks your voice and you huff a laugh into his collarbone. you wiggle around and your boyfriend loosens his hold a bit so you can look up at him.
"you so are !" you argue, he won't look at you but narrows his eyes at the tv he'd turned to to distract himself from your gaze.
"nah, that's you, babe." he switches through the channels "thought you said i was handsome last week."
"you can be pretty and handsome at the same time, the proof is right in front of me." you flirt, he looks at your from the corner of his eye and his mouth curls up like he smelled something nasty when you wink at him.
"you're blushing~" you sing, closing your eyes and laying your head onto his chest, you sigh happily when he starts rubbing up and down your back instinctively.
"go to sleep. m'tired of listening to you." he pushes your head down into his chest jokingly and you giggle. you can't see the smirk growing on his face from where your being shoved into.
you wrestle out of his hold to look at him to see he's already staring at you, half smirk on his face and he scoffs at your expression, you huff through your nose and your smile widens.
"you love me." you whisper knowingly, katsuki takes the hand off of your back to pinch at your side and he snorts when you squeal.
you yelp when he wets his lips and he captures yours in a sloppy wet kiss.
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