nyc-looks · 1 year
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“I’m wearing a pink vintage suit set jacket from Miss Karina thrifted from Humana Secondhand & Vintage in Berlin, an emerald dress from Leesle, floral socks from Bonne Maison, lemon yellow sneakers from Bensimon, an ultramarine sling from Fjällräven, a ring from Riice, glasses from Anne et Valentin, and an Apple Watch.”
Apr 22, 2023 ∙ East Village
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claer · 2 years
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eunwol phoenix waist belt
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alukaforyou · 10 months
alulu can we get some clothing brand recommendations oQo
omg wat kind of clothes thoo lol i have basic stuff / anime tees from uniqlo but the rest of my clothes are whacky fun that i dont wear often >_< asdjshcjisejd
these 3 are sorta similar: fillyboo forloveandlemons loveshackfancy
unlogical poem
sister jane
also kinda similar: unif clothing minga london
luv is true they are on musinsa too, and musinsa has a lot of other kfashion brands in general
nana jacqueline
lazy oaf
lace made
miss candyholic
modern hanbok stuff: leesle teterot salon daham hanbok joteta
not clothes but i have to show yall this company that makes rly fancy traditional kr accessories, like period film / drama costuming departments rent from them lol: naschenka they are on etsy too
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hanyuleum · 1 year
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Hanbok 오, 한복한 인생 - 리슬 leesle
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commajade · 1 year
i started loving modernized korean traditional aesthetics in high school and leesle was among the only fashion houses making casual hanbok and now it's been a huge aesthetic trend since around 2020 all across the board, high brow and low brow and high budget and low budget. and i have standards. and those standards r that if it's too obvious it's not good enough. if it's too subtle it's not good enough. and if my mom think it's low quality fabrics or embroidery or accessories it's not good enough. and if my dad laughs when he sees young people doing it then it's corny.
now, people have to be creative! they have to have new ideas and use diff kinds of patterns and shapes while referring to the original! the attention to detail and the embroidery techniques and the sense of color are crucial! i love being able to pick and choose and have taste now.
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deberghuthorizon · 1 year
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Onze eerste leesles in De Berghut!
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montgomery-cannon · 1 year
This place sells a wide selection of hobby weapons and related gear. The merchandise is of average to excellent quality and is extremely overpriced. Most customers report that the staff is somewhat unhelpful.
The fighting had ignited an itch under Monty's skin that he hadn't been able to shake. Not at the gym, not on his now daily long runs through the Capitol, not at the clubs where he danced the nights away, grinding against whatever bodies got close enough to him.
So here he was, at a shop aptly called "Wally's Weapons." It was mostly kitschy stuff, marketed towards Capitolites who liked to think they could last in the Hunger Games. Dulled, ornamental blades that were terribly balanced and fragile - all for an exorbitant Capitol price. The trained eye, however, could see that some of the items were the real deal. And Monty had that eye.
A jet black, obsidian dagger flashed as he whipped it to and fro. With sharpened senses, Monty easily rolled it in his hands, parrying, stabbing, slashing invisible enemies. The shopkeep, Leesle (Wally had long since died) took a few steps back. "Whoa," she said, clearly a bit intimidated. "Take it easy."
"Easy?" he countered, tossing the blade in the air and catching it just before it hit the ground. "With rebels in the Capitol?" He snorted. "I'll take it." He handed the blade to her, and she scurried off to wrap it up.
He turned to see a welcome - if unexpected - face. "Ms. Cache!" he greeted. "Wouldn't expect you in a shop like this."
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444namesplus · 9 months
american, french and german forenames encoded with aastralean
Aadreo Aanast Aarecd Aarelee Aareleen Aaron Aarore Ada Adam Adele Adelheed Ado Adolt Adrean Adreenne Alaen Alan Alece Alecea Alem Alemander Alemandra Alemandre Alemes Alena Alene Aleson Alhert Alherta Alherto Allan Allen Alleson Alma Almat Aloes Alossa Alrech Alrede Alren Altred Altredo Alwen Amalea Amanda Amandene Amel Amelea Amelee Amher Amo Ana Ando Andre Andrea Andreas Andree Andrew Aneta Ann Anna Annaleese Anne Annecd Annee Annel Annela Anneleca Annelecae Anneleda Anneleese Annelena Annelese Annemaree Annes Annette Ansnar Anthono Antoene Antoenette Anton Antonea Antoneo Arlene Arlette Armando Armen Arnaad Arndt Arnold Arsala Arthar Ashleo Asrel Astred Ate Atto Awe Caenten Calren Camelle Candace Candece Carl Carla Carlos Carmen Carol Carole Carolena Carolene Carolon Carree Cartes Caseo Cassandra Catherene Catho Cecel Cecele Cecelea Cedrec Celea Celene Cendo Chad Chantal Charlee Charlene Charles Charlotte Chelsea Cherol Chester Chloe Chres Chresta Chrestean Chresteane Chrestee Chrestel Chrestelle Chrestena Chrestene Chresto Chrestoshe Chrestosher Chrestot Claade Claadea Claadene Claere Claoton Clara Clarence Clemence Clement Clenton Cletton Clettord Clode Coartneo Codo Colette Colho Colleen Colton Connee Constance Conthea Cora Coralee Corel Corena Corenne Coreo Coro Craen Crestena Crostal Daane Daeso Dale Dameen Dan Dana Daneel Daneele Daneelle Danmar Danno Danohert Dao Daola Dara Dare Dared Daren Darene Darl Darla Darlene Darlheenw Darol Darrell
Darren Darrol Darsten Dart Dasten Date Datee Datherene Dathleen Datho Dathron Datla Datoa Datren Datrena Dawn Dean Deana Deane Deanna Deanne Dedeer Deedrech Deeter Deeterech Deeth Deetrech Dehhee Dehorah Dehra Delea Della Delle Dellee Delleo Dello Delores Delshene Dem Demee Demherlo Den Dendra Denes Denese Dennes Denneth Dent Derd Dered Deren Derrecd Derro Dersten Deseree Dlaas Dlaas-seter Doanlas Dolan Dole Dolores Domenecae Don Donald Donna Donrad Dora Doreen Dores Dorotho Dresta Dreste Drestee Dresten Drestena Drestene Dresto Drostal Dwaone Dwenht Eala Ean Eanece Eanene Earl Eda Edaardo Eddee Eddehard Edeth Edmand Edna Ednar Edward Edwen Eeleen Eelhard Ehono Elaene Elde Eleane Eleanor Elena Elesa Elesaheth Elese Elewaheth Ella Ellen Elmar Elmer Elodee Eloese Elona Elrera Elsa Elsee Eltreede Emel Emelda Emelee Emelo Emma Emmanael Emmanaelle Emmerech Enes Enew Enno Ennred Enrecae Enwo Era Eran Erec Ereca Ered Ereda Erelon Ereloneachem Eren Erene Ererett Eres Erhard Erma Ernest Ernestene Esa Esaac Esahel Esahella Esahelle Essee Estelle Esther Eteenne Ethel Ewald Hahert Hanaette Hanh Hannah Hanne Hannelore Hano Hans Hanter Harald Harhara Harold Harreet Harreo Harro Hastean Hasteste Hattee Hawel Healah Heanda Heat Heata Heather Heatrece Hecdo Hector Hedo Heede Heedemaree Heene Heener Heeno Heenrech Heenw Helda Helde Heldenard Helen
Helena Helenda Helene Hell Hellee Hellmath Hello Helma Helmat Helmath Helna Helne Hen Henededt Henlamen Henoet Henre Henreetta Henreette Henro Hererlo Herhert Herman Hermann Hermene Hernadette Hernard Hernd Hernece Herre Hertha Hertram Hertrand Herwen Hessee Heth Hethano Hetso Hetto Hlanca Hlanche Hodo Hoh Hohhee Hohho Hollo Holner Honnee Horon Horst Hose Howard Hrace Hrad Hradleo Hrande Hrando Hrandon Hrano Hrean Hrednet Hrenda Hrenette Hrent Hrett Hrettano Hroan Hroode Laan Laana Laaneta Laara Laare Laaree Laaren Laarence Laarent Lac Lacas Laccaelene Laccaelon Laccaes Lacd Lacdee Lacea Lacee Laceen Laceenne Lacelle Laco Lacoh Ladas Ladeslaas Ladeth Lado Ladorec Ladwen Laeme Laes Laetetea Lala Lalea Lalean Lalee Laleen Laleette Laleo Lamee Lames Lan Lana Lance Lane Lanece Lanee Lanene Lanes Lanet Lao Lared Lareer Larerne Larnen Larro Lars Lasmene Lason Lass Lasten Lastene Latold Latooa Latta Latw Law Lawrence Lea Leah Lean Leana Leanclaade Leanette Leanlac Leanloaes Leanmarc Leanmaree Leanmechel Leanne Leannee Leannene Leannette Leansaal Leanseerre Leantrancoes Lee Leenh Leesl Lela Leleane Lell Lellean Lellee Lem Lemmee Lemmo Lena Lenda Lendsao Lendseo Lenna Lennee Lenneter Lenno Leo Leon Leona Leonard Leonel Leremo Leren Lermaene Lerome Leroo Lerro Lesa Lesas Lesheth Leslee Lesse Lesseca Lessee Lester Letecea Lett Lettero Lettreo Lewes Llood Lo Loachem Loaella Loaes Loaese Loan Loann Loanna Loanne Locelone Lode Lodea Lodee Lodo Loe Loec Loel Loelle Loes Lohann Lohanna Lohannes Lohn Lohnnee Lohnno Lola Lon Lonas Lonathan Londa Lonette Lonn Lonne Lonnee Loo Looce Lora Lordan Lore Lorena Lorene Lorentw Loretta Lorn Lorne Lorraene Lose Losesh Loseshene Losetena Losette Loshaa Lost Lothar Maarece Maareen Madeleene Madelene Mae Mahel Mahle Malrena Malte Mam Mamee Mameme Mamemelean Mamene Manael Manale Mandalena Mando Mannee Manon Mao Marc Marcas Marcea Marcel Marcella Marcelle Mard Marea Marean Mareanne Mareas Maree Mareechrestene Mareeclaade Mareel Mareer Mareetherese Marelon Marena Marene Mareo Mareon Marlene Marloree Marnaerete Marnaret Marnareta Marnarete Marnee Maro Maroann Marren Marsha Marshall Marta Marten
Martene Martha Matheea Mathelde Mathew Mattee Mattheas Mattheea Matthew Mecdael Mechael Mechaela Mecheal Mechel Mechele Mechelene Mechelle Medard Mede Meenrad Melanee Meldred Melenda Melessa Melha Melo Melodo Melren Melton Menael Menan Mendo Menea Menhan Menna Mennee Meranda Mercedes Merco Merdo Meream Meredeth Mereelle Mesto Metchell Mohamed Mollo Mona Moneca Monecae Moneda Mora Moream Moretw Mornane Morres Mortle Naadalase Nadea Nadene Naedo Nael Naellaame Naelle Naetan Nahreel Nahreele Nanco Nanne Nanther Nao Naole Naome Naro Natalee Natasha Nathalee Nathan Nathaneel Necholas Nechole Necolaas Necolas Necole Nedola Neel Nehhard Nelhert Nellee Nelles Nelson Nena Nene Nenera Nenereere Nenette Nenner Neorn Neorne Neornea Neornes Neornette Nerald Neraldene Neraldo Nerard Nerd Nerhardt Nermaene Nermar Nernot Nert Nertrade Nesela Nesele Neselher Nettee Nheslaene Nlados Nlen Nlenda Nlenn Nlorea Noemee Nora Nordon Norma Norman Nottleeh Nottschald Notttreed Notw Nrace Nren Nrenoro Nreta Nretchen Nrete Nretel Nwen Nwendolon Oann Oannecd Oceane Odele Odette Olat Olere Olerea Olereer Ollee Olna Oolanda Ora Ores Orette Oronne Ortrad Osal Oscar Othmar Otto Ottomar Raal Racael Rachael Rachel Radolsh Raener Rahen Raho Ralenten Raleree Ralsh Ralter Ramon Ramona Randall Rando Ranessa Rao Raomond Raomonde Rashael Rassell Rat Ratael Rath Recardo Recd Recde Recdee Recdo Rechard Rechenwa Rector Rectorea Reenhard Reenhold Rehecca Relma Reme Remo Rencent Rene Renee Renena Renenald Renene Renes Reola Reolet Rera Rerean Rerna Rernel Rernenea Rernenee Rernon Reroneca Reronecae Reta Rhonda Roan Rochelle Rodneo Rohen Rohert Roherta Roherto Rohon Roland Rollrath Rolt Romaen Roman Romanne Ron Ronald Roner Ronnee Roo Rosa Rosalee Rose Rosee Rosemaree Rosemaro Rosena Ross Saal Saala Saalene Saalette Sadee Sae Sahene Sahrena Sallo Salrador Sam Samael Samantha Samela Sander Sando Sandra Sandrene Sara Sarah Sasan Sasanne Sascal Sascale Sasee Sat Satrecd Satrece Satrecea Satso Satte Satto Sawanne Scott Sean Searl Sedneo Sedro Seentreed Seerre Seerrette Sehastean Sehasteen Selma Selrea Semon Semone Senesmand Senmand Senno Sereren Sererene Serne Serneo Serro Seter Seth Shane Shannon Share Sharon Shawn Shawna Sheela Shelea Sheles Sheless Shelessa Shelesse Shelleo Shelles Shello Shere Sherleo
Sherol Sherre Sherro Sholles Solanne Solraen Solrea Solree Solrester Sonea Sonla Sonoa Soshea Soshee Sren Srenla Srescella Staceo Staco Stanleo Stella Stere Steren Steshane Steshanee Steshen Stetanea Taeth Taheen Taheenne Tahetha Tahrece Tamara Tame Tammo Tannee Tanno Tanoa Taoe Tara Tasha Ted Telecea Telem Tem Temo Temotho Tena Terdenand Tere Teresa Ternando Terrance Terre Terrence Terro Tettano Theerro Thelma Theo Theodore Theresa Therese Thomas Tlood Tlora Tlorean Tlorence Tlorent Todd Toheas Toler Tom Tommo Tone Tono Tonoa Torone Traade Trace Traceo Traco Trancd Trancene Trances Trancesco Trancoes Trancoese Trand Trandlen Tranw Trares Trecea Tred Treda Treddee Trederec Trederecd Tredred Treedemann Treedrech Tretw Troo Wacharoadreen Wade Wallace Walter Wanda Waone Warren Weehde Welhelm Welhelmena Wellard Welleam Wellee Welma Weltrad Wendo Wenetred Wentreed Wenwel Werner Wernher Wesleo Whetneo Wolt Woltnann
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puppetbomb · 6 years
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Checked out @leesle_official and wanted to draw the super cute clothes from their shop ;v; (someday I shall have them in my grasp) - - #leesle #hanbok https://www.instagram.com/p/BszZtSlhj06/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19utvprl34ifu
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leeslehanbok · 6 years
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ideelicious · 3 years
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Hey ya’ll, I had the great honors of being a guest on the inaugural episode of the “Asian American Dream podcast”. This experience has been nothing short of a blessing, as I got to share not only my story in the Asian American Dream but also celebrate my Korean immigrant parents, as their chasing of the American Dream shaped mine. Thank you @asamdreampod for giving me the time and space to share our stories. My new Asian American Dream will be to show the world my parents’ immigration stories, whether it comes in a book or a movie. Keep Dreaming 💫 P.S. If you swipe ➡️, you will see some of the things that I talk about in the episode from Korean snacks, BLACKPINK, to Korean Hanbok designer LEESLE! Please follow and give lots of love to the the Asian American Dream podcast @asamdreampod and listen to the podcast by clicking the link below: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5fOJXFD9DqQSXmKr4tQ9le?si=KjGZCLc9RFqOjJ0G6fZHPQ @blackpinkofficial @leesle_official #asianamericandream #aapi #southkorea #usa #stopasianhate #leesle #kfashion #blackpink #blink #spotify (at Spotify) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNDqTKCHWHW/?igshid=18o1rd0cvcme9
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claer · 2 years
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leesle - grassland hanbok
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kimdao · 7 years
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Today we wore a modern Hanbok 🇰🇷❤️ I love it so much! Thank you so much #leesle for gifting us one! ❤️❤️ #koreajoa2017 (at Jeonju)
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sweetandtastytv · 7 years
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I can't stop myself from wearing this hanbok! It's keeping me cool in this warm and humid Korean summer~ #seoul #southkorea #myeongdong #portrait #hanbok #leesle #lotte #2017KJ #2017KJOA #KOFICE #KoreaJoa #KoreaJoa2017 #travel #한복 #서울 (at LOTTE Hotel Seoul 롯데호텔서울)
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enchantinghanbok · 7 years
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Contemporary hanbok by Leesle.
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vexic929 · 7 years
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