icefrye19 · 8 months
Chapter One : Chaos Arrives
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Story Masterlist : https://www.tumblr.com/icefrye19/729573412120510464/divinity
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A certain demigod was standing in front of his father's coffin holding a key to freeing him, he started to have doubts on freeing his father knowing once he was awake, his father would create nothing but death and chaos around him.
He pushed his thoughts away sliding the key into the sarcophagus and opened the coffin, a bright light soon shone on him.
His father came out of the coffin looking all mighty and strong, " Son" he greeted confused, stepped out.
" Why, have you woken me. " Has Malivoire been defeated? " Ken asked.
"Yes, father but unfortunately Jen has betrayed you and the rest of our family. " She trapped you all in the sarcophagus for centuries never attending to release you, there was never a spell to wake you " Ben exclaimed.
Soon a look of anger, shock and slight hurt washed over the god's face, " where is your sister now " he demanded.
" I'm not sure at the moment, father '' Ben replied.
" She will pay for betraying me " Ken hissed, as he was about to walk awa, Ben stopped him.
" Wait, you said you would offer a boon to anyone who freed you and I did so " Ben said.
" What do you want? " Ken questioned.
" I want my curse revoked, " Ben answered.
" Done, after I retrieve your sister and my lady I shall remove the curse " Ken nodded.
" Lady, if you are talking about Giselle's she's not in any of those sarcophagus " Ben responded.
" Not her, my mate, '' Ken replied.
" Mate " Ben questioned, staring at his father confused.
" Yes, before I was placed in a deep sleep by your sister. " The seers have informed me of a great prophecy involving myself and this woman who is my soulmate that shares the same mark as me, " Ken answered.
" Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to " Ken said,  teleporting into the sky leaving Ben standing there alone.
As Evangelie was driving on the road her eyes focusing on the road ahead until she heard a familiar voice pop up in her head, " My love "
She pay no mind to the voice assuming it was just another one of her crazy imagination her broken mind swarming up.
" You're not crazy my love, I know you think this must be a part of your imagination but it isn't " the voice said.
" Go away, " Evangeline said, groaning.
" You are not real, just a voice that will not leave me alone." She said.
" My love, I am real, and I will never leave you alone." The voice said
" I don't care." Evangeline hissed.
"  Alrighty then my love... I will find you one day wherever you are and when I do you'll be mine forever " The voice states.
" Whatever you say darling " Evangeline chuckled.
" Your laugh is very adorable, my love." The voice replied.
After that Evenagline when back to focusing on her drive out of Mystic Falls and on her way to New York city where she was going to start her life over to get away from  all of the danger and drama that has come into her life.
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At the Salvatore school, A certain Tribrid made her way outside carrying a sword ready to slay a god or what she thought would go down in her mind.
Hope stepped outside and saw the Almighty god himself standing there, Ken looked up at her confused wondering why she was standing in front of him.
" You're not my daughter or my love" Ken grumbled.
" No, I'm Klaus Mikealson's daughter, '' Hope responded.
" Is that name supposed to mean something to me child " He scoffed, eyeing the little girl up and down.
" Not yet, but it will. My father stood for family above everything.... This school is my family, so if you want to hurt them, you're gonna have to go through me " Hope exclaimed showing her Tribrid's eyes to him.
Ken stared at the child amused and soon glowed his eyes trying to express how much power he had.
" They sent a little girl to challenge a god? I'm almost insulted " Ken said, chuckling.
" Maybe you'll feel better once you see what I can do " Hope said cocky before throwing a huge wave of fire towards him.
The flames went out soon and the god stood there unharmed and unburnt, " Magic doesn't work on a god " he said unamused
"  No, but it can be very distracting " Hope remarked.
Lizzie soon vamp speed behind him placing her hand on his head trying to siphon his magic from him but began to cry out, he had too much magic for her to handle and was slowly beginning to take a hold from her.
Ken soon throw his hands out knocking Hope and Lizzie back harhsly, he began to walked towards Lizzie.
"   Be careful what you wish for, child.... It took me a lifetime to control all of my power " he remarked.
He soon grabbed Lizzie by her neck, eyeing her curiously, impaling her on the school's spikes.
" Lizzie " Hope yelled out as she watched helplessly as her friend was being harmed.
Ken turned his attention back on the young Tribrid and slowly made his way towards her, delivering a kick to her stomach pushing her back again, hitting the ground once more and kicked her again.
Hope let out a groan but still started to sit up, he stared down at the little girl confused on why she was still not done.
" Why are you still alive? " Ken asked.
" It's kind of my thing , " Hope grumbled.
He delivered a harsh punch across her face and then another kick to her face as well. Hope lay there on the ground and tried to reach over for her sword.
Ken noticed this and grabbed the sword pointing it to her neck, " Nothing is unkillable even you  will prove a disappointing adversary" 
As he was about to slice through her, a familiar voice ranged out through the air , " Stop!"
Ken turned around lowering the sword down and saw his daughter standing there in front of him.
"  If you're looking for someone to be disappointed in, I'm right here " Jen said, staring at her father.
" Leave them alone, I'll go with you " she added.
Ken smiled at that knowing he had won though he didn't win everything he had hoped in one day, what he really wanted was his mate but he would soon find her.
He threw the sword to the ground and walked towards his daughter, " My darling. I've missed you "
He soon placed his hands on his daughter's shoulders before looking up and teleported them into the sky.
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After the tough battle, Hope regain consciousness and saw Dr. Saltzman standing above her in concern.
" Did we win? " Hope asked.
" Not even close, " Alaric repiled.
Hope signed and soon sat up closing her eyes, she had underestimated Ken and knew it wouldn't be easy to defeat him, she would need help.
She soon began to think back to her little sister Evangeline, since her humanity was off she hadn't checked on her sister seeing how she was.
In truth, she hadn't been a good sister to Evangeline for their whole lives and regret that.... She now had a clearer view and wanted nothing more to try to repair her relationship with her sister.
Family was always and forever and Evangeline was her family the only person that never abandoned her and cared for her always.
" Where's Evangeline, is she safe? I haven't seen her these past few days " Hope said.
Alaric signed and stared at the young Tribrid unsure on how to tell her what had happened.
" Evangeline is gone " Alaricreplied.
" What do you mean gone? Did Ken get to her '' Hope asked her eyes widened in panic at the thought of the idea of Ken killing her or torture her.
" No, it seems she has run away, " Alaric  responded.
" What, no she won't just take off like that without saying anything someone  must've kidnapped her " Hope exclaimed.
" I thought so at first but then we searched her dorm room and found it was cleared out to the brim as well as this " Dr. Saltzman said before taking a necklace out of his  pocket and handing it to Hope.
" Her necklace, " Hope whispered, holding the Mikaelson crest  necklace in her hands.
" She also took all the money out her bank account a few days prior before taking off " Alaric added.
" I'm sorry I know you don't want to hear this but Evangeline is gone and doesn't want to seem to come back. I've sent some buddies of mine to track her down but it's a loose end ."
" No, Eva wouldn't run away and say nothing to us or me " Hope defended.
" Evangeline has been hurting these last few weeks and has been distant, " Alaric  answered.
" If she was hurting then it was probably you or someone here that hurt her " Hope hissed.
" It may have to do with you, it seems, " Alaric said.
" I know I've been a terribly neglected sister but I've always loved and cared for Evangeline even though I never showed it " Hope signed.
" We will find her, " Alaric said, reassuring her.
Hope nodded and prayed whenever her sister that she was safe.
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Evangeline was currently driving through the streets of Manhattan looking around in awe before pulling up in front of an apartment building.
The first thing she needed was a safe, comfortable place to live, luckily she had an old friend that lived in the city and was more than welcomed to take her in for the time being until she found her own place .
She parked her car on the street before placing some coins in the parking pass machine to secure her parking spot on the street.
She made her way into the fancy building and to the front desk, where a woman was sitting down currently.
" Can, I help you miss " the woman asked.
" Yes, my name is Evangeline and I'm here to see my friend Brandal Queen, " Evangeline said.
" One moment " the woman said and grabbed the phone and dialed.
After a few moments, the woman placed the phone down and smiled at her.... " You can go up now Mr. Queen has been very anxious to see you "
She made her way on the elevator and headed inside, she clicked on the top floor and  the doors closed.
After a few moments, the elevator stopped and stepped out. Evangeline stopped at the only apartment on the floor and knocked on the door.
Her friend was quite wealthy, The Queen family  were the founder of New York , a family of royal werewolves not that the public knew.
Soon, the door opened revealing a handsome young man.... " Eva " Brandal greeted happily , pulling her in for a tight hug.
" Hey, Bra, " Evangeline greeted back, hugging her friend tightly.
The two soon pulled away from one another, " wow you sure have grown sexier since I last saw you " Brandal teased, staring at his friend's body.
" Oh, please there is nothing sex about me " Evangeline chuckled.
" You are honestly delusional, " Brandal snorted.
" Come in " Brandal said, dragging her inside and closing the door.
" Nice place you got here " Evangeline commented as she looked around in awe.
" Yeah, I  finally was able to get my inheritance released to me that my father left me though my bitch of a mother was being a drag about it but in the end she lost " Brandal exclaimed.
" How's Diamond " Evangeline asked
" She's good actually shemoved in me couldn't bear the thought of staying with our mother for another year not that blame her " Brandal mumbled.
" Hey, Diamond... Eva's here " Brandal yelled.
A young beautiful dark skinned girl with curly haired made her way into the living room smoking a cigarette.
"  I can hear you, no need to scream " Diamond rolled her eyes.
" Eva, this is Diamond.... Diamond this is Evia " Brandal said, introducing the two to each other.
" What's up? " Diamond said, looking at the girl with a small smile.
" Nothing much, it's nice to meet you " Evangeline smiled.
" Likewise, Brandal I didn't know you're friend was this hot " Diamond whistled, eyeing the  young Mikaelson girl up and down.
" She's straight Dee "Brandal said.
" How does anyone really know what their sexuality is if they haven't experimented before " Diamond answered.
" Experimented " Evangelin asked, glancing over at the young werewolf confused not sure what she meant.
" Oh, you poor thing you've probably been locked up for your whole life haven't you by your strict parents I bet " Diamond said.
" Actually my parents are dead also I was sent to a boarding school for my whole life, " Evangeline responded.
" I'm sorry, " Diamond mumbled .
" Anyway, Eva here is a very innocent girl Dia so be careful what you say around her " Brandal smirked.
" I am far from innocent, " Evangeline scoffed.
" Alrighty then miss sexy, how about we all go clubbing tonight with some friends of mine ? '' Brandal suggested.
" I'm down, " Evangeline said, smirking.
" Great, I have a few errands to run so just stay here and chill " Brandal smiled pat her on the shoulder.
" Hey, thanks for letting me stay here again. I appreciate it " Evangeline said.
" Girl, you can stay here as long as you need and besides it's about time you've start living your life instead of Hope's on a daily basis " Brandal said and with that he walked out of the room.
So, I am guessing your sister must be a bitch to you huh " Diamond exclaimed.
" Yeah, she can sometimes be but on other occasions she can be kind and loving.... it's complicated " Evangeline signed thinking back on her older sister.
She loved Hope very much through felt somewhat guilty about leaving her behind to deal with everything herself but then again her sister had clearly said she didn't need her or want her help.
Through, that was her no  humanity side talking but still Hope never actually seemed to need her or for anything expect if it came to anything invoking Landon.
The young Mikaelson girl pushed her thoughts away, " Need a drink " Diamond asked, noticing the girl was feeling upset.
" Yeah, give me the strongest shit you have please " Evangeline signed.
" I have something in mind " Diamond smirked before leading her into the kitchen.
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Diamond | Brandal
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icefrye19 · 8 months
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In which Evangeline Mikealson youngest daughter of Klaus Mikealson half sister of Hope Mikealson finds herself mated to the King of Gods.
Tired of being mistressed by her sister and friends, Evangeline leaves Mystic Falls determined to move on alone with her new life but obstacles will stand in the way of that.
𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐒4AU
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
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icefrye19 · 10 months
Chapter Five : Familarize
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Co writer @bellarkeselection
                A few days later
At the Salvatore school, the super squad along with Caroline and Alaric were discussing what they should do to try and get Lizzie back. But they hadn't come up with anything yet. The blonde headmistress sighed heavily. "Ric, calm down. We started this school to protect these kids. From where I see it that's what Lizzie is doing."
"Yeah but Caroline, she's our daughter. She shouldn't have to do that guys bidding." He slumped his shoulders with his hair tousled around.
Caroline gazed at him deeply. " I know, we will get her back."
Hope glanced around at her friends sadly. " This is all my fault, I should've never let her go with him."
"It's not your fault, Hope you did the best you could." Cleo said, placing a comforting hand on her back. "I should've been there with you guys."
Ben gazed around the room at his friends in pity knowing how they felt. " It still wouldn't have made a difference, you guys still would  have no chance against my father and siblings."
"I don't believe that I still have a chance to save my sister." Josie added on into the conversation.
The demigod shook his head. " Lizzie gave herself willingly to my father, he will never let her go.  She's his prisoner from this day to the last."
The young siphoner's eyes widened at his words. " Would your father hurt her?"
" Yes." Ben replied. "Though in other cases he would take her as his lover for the time being."
" WHAT! " Alaric yelled, his eyes flashed in anger.
MG who was silent for the whole time cleared his throat and spoke. "Lizzie would never let him touch her. "
Ben glanced over at the vampire. " My father doesn't need her permission. Even if she refuses he'll still sleep with her against her will."
" Are you saying your father would rape her." Caroline asked, her eyes widened in horror.
The demigod lowered his gaze to the floor." Possibly, I don't know." I mean my father never had to rape a women to get what he wants from them. Women are more than willing to jump into bed with him."
" Lizzie isn't like those women." Jed said. " She must be terrified."
The super squad  stood around the table determined to get Lizzie back. But, how would they get her back without bloodshed.
That was a question that they had to figure out quickly.
Lizzie couldn't stop herself from pacing after she finally was given time away from Ken to let her mind wander. She wrapped her arms around herself feeling her mind plotting so many different scenarios and she didn't know how to control it. "I can't do this...He's married to another woman who he probably still loves. Not to mention she had a boyfriend who she loved dearly. "She thought.
This was just an act at the end of day she was putting on, but in order to keep her act going she would have to sleep with The God  again.
The young Saltzman shook her head knowing she wouldn't be able to push through seeing as he has a wife. She was sleeping with another woman's husband that made her a whore.
The doors to the chambers flung opened where she stumbled backwards against the bed seeing Ken stomping into the room in anger for some reason he grabbed her by the waist pressing his lips down upon hers roughly kissing her.  She  pushed her hands against his chest. "Ken no. I'm not doing that again."
"I've had a bad day, witch. I don't care what you want." He growled pushing her down on the bed about to kiss her again.
Lizzie quickly gripped his forearm when he was hovering over her siphoning from him before she launched him onto the floor holding herself up on her elbows. "That doesn't give you the right to use me as some whore."
"We had a deal, Elizabeth!" He growled, flashing his golden eyes when he forced himself to his feet right in front of her.
"We did, before I found out you were married." Lizzie hissed. "I can't do this with you anymore, you have a wife who you love, maybe you should try to work things out with her."
He shook his head. "That's not gonna happen."
Lizzie gazed at him deeply. " Why not?  You still love her don't you.
"Because she's gone, siphoner!" He growled in her direction.
" Well, I'm  sorry for your loss." Lizzie mumbled.  But, I can't sleep with you again. I have a boyfriend who I love dearly."
Ken scoffed at her words. " If you really loved him, then you wouldn't have slept with me.
The heretic glared at him. " You didn't give me much of a choice. Besides, you're awful in bed, you suck at pleasing women."
"Hah. Now I know you're joking. You have barely anyone to compare me to." Ken laughed dryly at her words knowing  she was lying.
" My boyfriend is ten times better than you!." Lizzie exclaimed. "He knows how to keep me satisfied more than you ever could."
Ken stepped closer to the heretic where she could feel his breath on her face when he spoke to her. "He can't see inside your mind like I can, Elizabeth. And you're sending me mixed signals here. One minute you say you don't want me and then you're the one talking about that I can't please you. You're giving me a challenge in my opinion."
Lizzie laughed sarcastically. " I hate you so much I can't stand you." I don't know what I was thinking of giving myself to you.  You just... just... a.. a-"
"What, Elizabeth? You can't even finish the sentence telling me that you're hiding something from me." He met her eyes.
"You are so annoying, King of the Gods!" Lizzie growled under her breath before she vamped forward colliding with his muscular body where she grabbed his shoulders, crashing hers lips upon  his not being able to stand talking with him anymore now.
Ken grinned at her actions leaning back into the kiss wrapping her arms around her waist tugging her closer to him.
In a matter of seconds clothes went flying around the room and the two found themselves in bed consumed in their own pleasure.
The next thing Lizzie knew she was moaning in the crock of his neck, closing her eyes as he thrust inside of her hard and fast.She felt like a slut carving more and more, what the hell was wrong with her. Ken pecked her lips softly after he released himself inside of her.The heretic was still annoyed by him and his actions, but hated to admit there was nothing better than angry sex.
The god flopped down beside her on the bed let out an amused chuckle. “You are so confusing you know that…but you certainly are rather good at pleasing me.”
“I'm not talking to you.” She grumbled laying beside him looking at the ceiling.
Ken rolled over onto his side with a huff, twirling some of her messy blonde hair in his fingers. “So you sleep with me but won’t talk to me. Hmmm I think you need to learn your lesson, Elizabeth.” He moved his other hand to her hip feeling her jump when his fingers moved across there so he just started ticking the crap out of her.
“Ken….Ken no stop it.” She squealed uncontrollably when he hoped above her, giving him across to get both her hips where she couldn’t remain silent in his current actions.
He smirked proudly when she squirmed underneath him until he put his nose against hers knowing she wouldn’t last. “Do you cave now?”
“No…ahh…fine I give in.” She attempted to fight him but he tickled her once more where she could barely get her words out.
He stopped his movements, smiling at her brightly. “ I told you I always win.”
Lizzie gazed over at him deeply, laying a hand on his check gently. “ Yes, you do.”
The two leaned in towards one another gazed at each other deeply, their eyes meeting one another. Just as their lips were on the verge of meeting, until the door opened up with a bang and Marcus walked in. L"Father, uncle wishes to speak with the witch now."
"Marcus, get the hell out of here." Ken snapped at his son.
Lizzie scuffled to pull the covers up over her naked body blushing deeply. "Oh don't worry dear. Be lucky I wasn't Trevon."
“ You bedding this whore, father.” Marcus snickered, glancing at his father. She must be really good in bed for you to be treating her like some prize."
He rolled his eyes. "Why does my brother wish to speak with her? Tell me so I can send you out of this room before you ruin the moment anymore."
Marcus shrugged his shoulders. "Apparently he wishes to get to know her more and what she can do with her powers."
Ken gazed over at the heretic, noticing her nervous reaction. “ She’s my prisoner, she stays with me.”
“ Why are you protecting her, father?” Marcus asked, crossing his arms over her chest. "She’s our prisoner. You should share her with the rest of us."
“ Watch your tongue, son.” He said, sternly glaring at his son coldly. "She belongs to me and only me."
The young god nodded. “ Of course, father.” My apologies for overstepping.
Marcus walked out of the room closing the door behind him leave his father and the heretic alone.
“ Why is your brother interested in me?” Lizzie asked.
Ken shook his head putting his hands behind his head. “ I don’t know.”
The young Saltzman gazed at him. “ We still have a deal right? If I satisfy your needs you’ll leave my friends and family alone."
"Yes we do. Now where we're we, Elizabeth?" He sent her a seductive look tugging on the sheet she was holding tightly to her chest. He leans forward, capturing forward, capturing his lips with hers deeply.
She let the sheet drop, putting her hands on her shoulders and returning the kiss for a little while. He moved his fingers through her hair until she broke it. "We should see what he wants.."
"I'd rather stay here." He said in a raspy tone rolling her onto her back with him above her.
“ Your son knows about us now.” Lizzie mumbled. "He’ll tell the others."
Ken drew her in for another kiss. "You're a queen."
She pulled away from him shaking her head. “ You don’t understand the gravity of this situation. We agreed to keep this a secret from everyone, now your son knows and he’ll tell others."
“ MG can’t find out about us.” She added.
Ken sent her a slight glare. "You shouldn't care what other people think of you and I. We have the power here, Elizabeth."
“ I care about MG, my boyfriend, the boy I’m in love with.” Lizzie exclaimed. "I’ve hurt him in thehim in the past before. I can't keep hurting him. If he finds out about us, he’ll be devastated and hurt."
He shook his head burying his face in the crock of her neck covering it with kisses to distract her. "Then break up with him. Because he will have to understand that.. you… are mine now.”
The young Saltzman scoffed at his words. “ I am not breaking up with MG. I love him too much to just walk away from everything we’ve been through."
"I think it's time we go see my brother now." Ken grumbled tossing the covers aside walking across the room pulling his clothes on and off the floor.
“Don’t you want to finish what we started?” Lizzie teased him lightly.
He tossed her discarded clothing at her where it hit her almost in the face. "Not anyone, witch. Get dressed!"
Lizzie glared at the god. “ What’s your problem now?
"My problem is that you won't shut up about MG. What is the point of me even trying rather than just sleeping with you if you keep talking about him!"
“I'm your whore, remember.” Lizzie reminded him. We’re not in a relationship and never will be. You”ll soon get bored of me you’ll move on to the new women
Ken dropped his hands frustrated. "My daughter is terrible at giving advice. That boy she's sharing her bed with will pay!"
The young Saltzman shook her head. “ What is wrong with you? Must you be so cruel and evil all the time, you wonder why I won’t give you a chance look at how you're acting now."
“ You're full of it.” She huffed, turning around beginning to put her clothes on. "Ben was right about your ass, you’re jerk-"
Ken snapped back. "I'm just what hmm?" There was a deep growl in the tone of his voice.
“ A jerk.” She hissed, shrugging her dress back over her head. “ No wonder why you don’t have friends because of how you act. You remind me a lot of my friend's dad, Klaus Mikaelson." At least, he changed his ways for Hope and became a better person.”
The God shook his head at her amused. “ And that’s why he died.” He was the most feared person in the world, but he became weak and vulnerable, letting his guard down. Love is weakness, little witch.
Lizzie turned around staring at him deeply. “ It’s not, it's actually strength.” Love always conquers against evil.”
"This isn’t a fairytale in one of your ridiculous books." He rolled his eyes at her words. Love doesn’t exist, girl.
“ It does.” She said, "You love your children whether you like to admit it or not. If you didn’t, you would’ve just asked Jen to build one coffin for you to hide from Malivoire."
Ken turned his back to the heretic heading to leave the room. "We're done with this conversation!"
“ You're a coward you know that “ Lizzie hissed.
Ken moved forward with fast speed putting her in a chokehold against the bedpost. "Call me a coward again and you'll be back in that cell of yours instead of luxury with me!"
Lizzie glanced up at him, deeply remaining untasted. “ I don’t give a damn what you do with me. I would rather be back in that cell than have to spend another waking moment with you."
"That can be arranged then." He tightened his grip on her neck.
She began to let out a wince feeling her airway begin to get cut off. “ At least, I’ll be at peace afterwards.” She thought as she waited for him to kill her and be done with it already.
Yet he released his grip, tossing her small body to the stone floor. "You will speak with my brother and then you will be back in that cell until you remember how to act around a God!"
“As you say, your grace.” She got up from the floor wiping the blood from her face. “May, I freshen up first before we go?”
"Fine but make it quick." He responded sternly.
She walked past him making her way towards the bathroom once she was in the bathroom, Silent tears streamed down her face as she desperately pressed her hand against her mouth, trying to stifle her sobs.
The heretic looked at her reflection in the mirror seeing her face was bloody and neck filled with bruises. She gripped the countertop unaware that the God could hear her in the other room.
Ken leaned against the doorway feeling his patience being tested by the minute. He walked towards the bathroom leaning his ear against the doorway hearing slight cries on the other side. Ken slumped his shoulders feeling guilty that he was the cause of Lizzie's pain at that moment.
Lizzie walked out of the bathroom not even looking at him. “I'm ready now." She mumbled finding him back by the doorway like he wasn’t listening.
"Good ladies first, Elizabeth." He opened the door letting her leave knowing he would have to lead the rest of the way there.
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icefrye19 · 10 months
Chapter Four: The Next Morning
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Co-writer @bellarkeselection
The Next Morning
Lizzie woke up to the sounds of loud birds chirping outside, stretching her arms. She pushed the covers off her and was about to get out of bed when a soft hand grabbed her from behind.
Thinking it was MG, she smiled and turned around to see who it truly was before her, Ken. Then she recalled what happened last night.
The young Saltzman turned around, starting to feel guilty about what happened last night. She had cheated on MG, a boy who she loved dearly.
“ Going somewhere, darling,” Ken said, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against him.
“ I wish to take a shower and clean off these stains on my thighs,” Lizzie said. With your permission, my king, may I take a shower, please?
Ken smirked at her. "Want me to join you?"
"I think it's better if we take a break after last night." She suggested. " I'm still kind of sore."
Ken put his hands behind his head eyeing her. "Fine, fine. That just means I was better than that vampire boy."
She scoffed at his words. “ No offense, your grace… My boyfriend knows my body more than you."
"Hmm, are you so sure about that?" He teased her tugging her against his bare chest and immediately kissing her sweet spot, getting a moan from her.
“ Yes.” Lizzie whimpered, closing her eyes.
Ken pressed on further running his hands over her until he felt her lean into him. "You are a terrible liar, Elizabeth. I've had years of practice to remember."
She turned around to face him. “ Why don't you ever just want to settle down, like take a wife? I mean I'm sure you could find someone to satisfy and make you happy."
"I did once…and then I cheated on her. I've never been able to live it down." He replied. "She got crazy and turned into someone that I didn't know anymore ... .NevermindNevermind that. Would you want me to assist you?"
“ No, I don't need any help..” She said pulling away from his touch, getting up from the bed. She wrapped the sheets around her. "Where's the bathroom?" She asked, glancing back at him.
Ken waved his hand laying back down on the pillows. "Down the hall to the right." He watched the blonde witch leave the room with one of the blankets wrapped around her. He paused briefly until he couldn't help but follow after her.
Lizzie made her way into the bathroom more like bathing chambers, looking around she saw a huge tub filled with water. Bending down, she touched the water to see if it was the right temperature, it was warm.
She threw the blanket on the counter and stepped into the tub, leaning her back against the wall and closing her eyes. She began to get lost in her thoughts until she felt a large arm around her waist. "What the hell. I told you no!"
"For future reference just know I don't listen. I'm the most powerful being on the planet. I can do whatever I wish." He explained to the witch.
Lizzie glared. "Just because you are doesn't mean you should have a say in people’s life."
"Well, I'm a King, Elizabeth." He tilted his head, changing his smirk to a half smile. "I'm not going to hurt you if that’s what you think. I am just here offering my help."
Lizzie rolls her eyes. "So you have a soft side?"
Ken nodded. "Yes."
She avoided his gaze. " I hardly believe that.”
She grabbed one of the sponges at the end of the tub and began filling it with soap from the side table. She started rubbing it all over her body, savoring the smell.
“ May I help wash you?” The god whispered.
The heretic shook her head. “ I should be serving you, not the other way already, your grace.
She took another sponge nearby and poured some soap on it before turning around and carefully rubbing the sponge over God's body, dropping her sight to the water so she wouldn't meet his eyes.
A few moments of silence went by until God cleared his throat and spoke. “ You’re disgusted by me, aren't you?” He asked. I can imagine you think me to be a monster, as everyone does.
"I don't know you at all, so I can't make a judgment, your grace." She said,
Ken glanced deeply at the witch. “ Why did you sacrifice yourself for your friends? Don’t you know how stupid that was of you, giving your freedom up to me?"
Lizzie shook her head. “ They’re my friends. I love them. I would do anything to keep them safe, even if it means being your whore."
"You're not a whore. You're my queen behind closed doors as you requested." He rolled his eyes at the witch.
She lifted her gaze slightly pausing her other actions. "But to everyone else, I'm just like all the others. And besides I'm in love with MG. No matter how many times you sleep with me."
Ken grabbed her wrist tightly. “ Do you think he’ll love you still when he finds out about us?”
The heretic glared at him. “ He will understand that I’m only doing this to protect him and the rest of our friends and not for pleasure.
"I see." He responded dryly, staring down at her eyes.
Lizzie turned around. “ Could you please get out of the tub, so I can bathe in peace?”
He tilted his head to the side. "You know I can read your mind and I can show you into mine."
"And what of it?" She asked him snarky.
Ken leans forward whispering in her ear. "I can show you what you looked like in my mind last night. To show you that you're not as broken as you think you are."
Lizzie scoffed. “ If you think I was born yesterday, then you’re wrong. I am not like Aurora who you can easily manipulate to your will.
“ I don’t know how she fell for a guy like you.” She added.
“ Easy, I used my charms to seduce her off her feet to get what I want from her.” He replied. She was more than willing to help me kill your friend and almost did until changing her mind.
“ She betrayed me, got in my way.” He added. She was weak.
The young Saltzman turned around and looked him in the eyes. "No, she wasn't." She was just someone trying to find their way in the world, someone who had suffered too much grief. In the end, I guess my word affected her; she let go of the past and altered her ways.
He scoffed at her words. “ She was weak and foolish to betray me.” She could’ve been by my side still, I would’ve made her my queen and maybe one day marries her. But, Aurora showed her true colors that day on the field.
“ Oh please, you would’ve cast her aside once you got what you wanted for her.” Lizzie hissed. Like you have done to many women in the past.”
Ken grabbed her hands in his making her drop the sponge into the water forcing her to finally look him in the eye. “You said earlier that we don’t know each other. So you don’t know me and yet you judge my actions without even giving me a chance.”
“I’m stunned that you are offended by this.” She crossed her arms over her naked chest grabbing another sponge where she started washing her body. Her back was turned to him and he let silence fill the room to her surprise.
Ken watched her closely before he got out of the tub grabbed some clothes and went to find someone to help him with the frustrating witch he had in his home. If anything, maybe his daughter could aid him with some advice.
╧╤╧╤╧╤╧╤ - ╧╤╧╤╧╤╧╤
Speaking of Jen, she was in her warehouse preparing breakfast for her beau Levon. A few weeks had passed since her father and siblings had left. She couldn’t be happier to finally have them out of her life for good and move on.
She wanted to build a life with Levon, explore the world, and become an artist.
Jen was flipping pancakes on a skit enjoying the moment until someone spoke behind her. "Hello, daughter."
“ Dude, What are you doing here? I thought you went home." She gasped, spinning around on her feet.
Jen glanced at her father deeply. “ What do you want, I did everything you asked of me.
“ I came here for some advice,” Ken said.
The She-God crossed her arms over her chest. “ Can’t you ask your other children for yourself? Last time, I checked you said you didn’t want to see my disgraceful face anymore.
The god glared at his daughter. “ You betrayed me, daughter.
“If you came to threaten me then I am not in the mood to hear.” Jen hissed. "And, besides you’re the one who betrayed me first by exiling me all because you couldn’t accept I was."
Ken shook his head. “ You refuse to stand by our family, you choose to be weak. I don’t tolerate weakness."
Jen glared at her father having enough of his cruel words. “Get out. You will not come into my home and insult me."
"I'm not here to insult you. I am here seeking your advice. You once spent time with Elizabeth, did you not?” The god asked his daughter.
She shrugs her shoulders. “I guess so before I figured out she was really after Ben instead of wanting to be my friend. Why do you care about that?”
“Because I want Elizabeth to see the truth,” Ken responded, sighing heavily.
Jen glanced at her father confused. “ What are you talking about?” She suddenly began to put the pieces together and glanced at her father in disbelief. “ You’re sleeping with her aren’t you?”
He scoffed, raising his voice at her. “That isn’t important, daughter.”
“So you kidnapped her and now you magically want me to believe that you care about her.” She raised a brow.
He glared at her. “I didn’t kidnap her. She gave herself up to me so she could save her friends.”
“You’re unbelievable if you think that I believe that.” She shook her head about to walk away from him.
Ken was about to say something when he heard footsteps coming from upstairs. He tilted his head up and saw a naked man strolling downstairs walking towards his daughter.
The man pulled his daughter in for a kiss passionately grabbing her by the waist.
Jen pulled away from her boyfriend blushing. “ Levon put some clothes on, please. Levon nodded, rushing back upstairs. Jen followed her father to another room, once they were in the room The god exploded on his daughter.
“What in the gods are you thinking, Jen,” Ken yelled. “Letting a man have his hands all over you like that.”
“First off, he’s not some man I don’t know,” Jen answered. “He’s my boyfriend. I've been dating him for 2 years and living together with him for a few weeks.”
Ken shook his head wanting to laugh at his daughter’s foolishness. “He’s going to break your heart, you know. And when he does, you will know I was right years ago to keep you away from men.”
The She-God scoffed at her father’s words. “ You don’t know anything about our relationship. He’s a good guy who I love very much. Anyway, on to Lizzie if you’re trying to win her trust over, you should try to get to know her and not be too hard on her. Show her that you can change your ways. Most importantly don’t cheat on her with another woman, like you did with your mother. Overall, just try to be there for her and worship her like some princess.”
“Fine but if you’re wrong you know the boy's fate, daughter.” Ken finished the argument.
“ You’re not going to do a damn thing to him.” Jen hissed. "I won’t let you take him away from me, as you did mother."
He shook his head. “Your mother betrayed our family. Put you and your siblings in danger. I protect you all, you remember that.
With that, Ken walked out of the room leaving the warehouse and leaving his daughter to her thoughts.
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icefrye19 · 10 months
Chapter Two : Prisoner
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[ Co writer @bellarkeselection ]
They flash out of the portal. Lizzie almost hit the ground if it wasn't for Ken holding her tightly, the young heretic began to look around her surroundings. Her eyes widened in awe as she saw the big castle in front of her.
" At last," Aelius said, walking towards the castle.
The other gods followed after their older brother leaving their father and Lizzie standing there.
" Where are we?" Lizzie inquired.
Ken briefly glanced at her. " Vallhara, home of the gods."
"So you have your castle too. I would be impressed if I didn't know what an ass you are." She snapped at him forcing herself to her feet in front of Ken.
Ken tilted his head towards her. "If you think about running remember you're pathetic magic doesn't work on us."
"Why is that exactly? I mean wasn't it god magic that created witches in the first place." She inquired to him.
He didn't answer, instead dragging her by the arm and pulling her inside leading her to the dungeons.
He opened the door and all but threw her inside of it. Lizzie fell hard to the ground. He locked the cell with her growling at him. "You're an ass, Ken!"
The God smirked at her. " Yes, I am." You best remember that, child. Tomorrow, the real fun begins."
The heretic rolled her eyes at him. " What do you want from me?
He shook his head at her. " You are clueless, aren't you." He walked towards the cell bars closer, gazing at her deeply.
Lizzie glared at him. " Again, what do you want from me?"
"You were stupid enough to give yourself up, girl. So I can do whatever I want. And I'll be pleased with you trying to figure that out." He shut the door with a loud bang leaving her alone with her thoughts.
Lizzie quickly got to her feet placing her hands on the door trying to siphon it away but like she was afraid of still didn't work. Meaning that she was stuck with no way out. She ran her fingers through her hair mumbling to herself. "What am I going to do now?"
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Ken barged into the throne room in a rage and sat down on his throne gripping the chair.
" Brother, you mustn't let your anger cloud over you," a voice said behind him.
Ken turned his head and saw his brother Cronus a few meters away from him.
" Brother, " Ken greeted.
The God of Time smiled at his brother briefly." I see the battle was a success."
" It was." He mumbled.
" I heard you brought back a prisoner that's unusual for you," Cronus said, gazing at his brother.
The king of gods nodded. " Well, I need a new woman in bed for the time being. The witch will have to do it for now.
The God of Time shook his head at his brother. " She's a child, brother. Surely, you can find another woman around here that is much more capable of the job. You should let her go.
" She offered herself up to me as a hostage to save The Tribrid and her friends," Ken replied. I have granted her a boon, now she must return the favor.
Cronus glanced at his brother deeply. " Brother, please she's just a child. Let her go, I'm sure The Tribrid and the rest of her friends learned their lesson.
The king of gods let out a scoff at his brother's words. " You've grown weak brother. I see the mortals have softened your heart.
" Brother, I'm not trying to question your judgment. Just trying to get you to see some sense." Cronus said.
Ken returned his brother's gaze. " That girl could be a possible threat to all of us. She can siphon our magic out of us and take it as her own.
The God of Time's eyes widened in shock at hearing that. " How is that possible?
" When Ben stole magic from us he gave it to the humans who learned how to use it. " Ken replied. Therefore, creating other supernatural species such as werewolves, vampires, and witches.
" Supernatural creatures who may one be equal to us in power." He added.
" So, the girl tried to take your magic."
The God nodded. " Yes, but couldn't handle consuming it all inside of her.
" Then, perhaps it was for the best to keep her as a hostage here," Cronus said, understanding his brother's motives now.
" Through, I hope you don't plan to torture or violate her." He inquired.
Ken chuckled. " She'll fall into my bed on her own." I don't have to violate her to get what I want, my charms will do alone.
The God of Time stared at his brother in disbelief. " What makes you think she would ever let you touch her? The girl is in love with another man."
"That doesn't matter. No one in their world could ever match me and I always get what I want." He glared at his brother leaving the room without another word to the other god.
Back at the Salvatore School, the super squad felt lost and defeated at the events that just occurred.
MG especially who was trying to hold back tears and remain strong. " We need to get Lizzie back." He spoke up.
" How are we going to do that." Ethan inquired, he too was feeling the lost.
" I don't know, but we have to do something. " The vampire said.
Kaleb walked over to his friend placing a comforting hand on his shoulders. " It's going to be okay, buddy."
MG shook off his hand. " No, it's not." He yelled.
Suddenly everyone turned their heads hearing the door open and closed revealing a bounce of blonde hair coming towards them was none other than Caroline Forbes. "Well sitting here crying about the past won't get anything done. So I say we show everything we know about these gods and then we see what we can do to track where my daughter is. Who wants to start?"
"They're definitely stronger than any vampire." MG began the discussion first.
Hope moved her hands over her chest. "Witch magic doesn't work on them either. The only thing that seems to weaken them is a siphon."
"But without Lizzie we've lost that advantage." Kelo added on.
Someone else entered the room for everyone to see the other siphon twin. "Not so true about that."
"Jo, I thought you were in Europe." Ethan nodded toward the dark-haired girl.
She put her bag on the ground standing by her vampire mother. "I was until my dad called us and told us what happened to Lizzie. And, I'm going to help get her back."
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icefrye19 · 10 months
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[ Co writer @bellarkeselection| @countrymusiclover ]
In order to save her friends Lizzie goes with Ken as his hostage. She hates the God with every fiber in her body and prays his downfall comes one day. But, the young heretic soon sees another side to him, and begins to fall for him.
Now, as she tries to fight her feelings away for the God, she started to fall in dark pit that she cant get out of.
𝙇𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙎4 𝘼𝙐
𝙀𝙣𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙚𝙨| 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨
𝙇𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙞𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙡𝙩𝙯𝙢𝙖𝙣 | 𝙆𝙚𝙣
Chapter One: Libation
Chapter Two :Prisoner
Chapter Three : Agreements
Chapter Four : The Next Morning
Chapter Five: Familiarize
Chapter Six : The God Of Time
Chapter Seven : Family Meeting
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icefrye19 · 10 months
Chapter Six : The God Of Time
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Co writer @bellarkeselection
Ken led the young Saltzman in the throne room gripping her arm tightly. Lizzie lowered her gaze to the floor not wanting to meet his eyes.
A figure stood at the far end of the room. He was tall and majestic, with silver hair cascading down his shoulders and a lovely yet serious face. The seconds and millennia reflected in his eyes gleamed with the constant ticking of time. His aura was timeless, wonderful, and alarming all at the same time. Cronus the God of Time.
“ Brother.” Cronus greeted, glancing at his older brother.
“ Brother, the heretic as you requested,” Ken said, pushing Lizzie forward. Make it quick
Cronus stepped toward the young witch glancing at her curiously. “ Lizzie Saltzman.”
Lizzie glanced up at him confidently. “ Yes, who else would I be?”
An amused smile formed on his face. “ She is quite the firecracker isn't she, brother.”
Ken nodded. “ Yes, she is.”
"I understand you are a witch, Lizzie," Cronus continued, his eyes piercing hers with an odd intensity. " Kindly tell me about your magic. "Which kind of witch are you?"
Lizzie raised her chin, ignoring the uneasy flutter in her tummy. She wasn't just any witch; she was a Gemini witch, a natural siphoner.
"I am a siphoner," she said calmly. "I am a member of the Gemini Coven." I don't have any magic of my own, but I can absorb it from other beings and sources."
Cronus' eyes glowed with curiosity. "Interesting, a siphoner. Even among witches, your type is uncommon. And this capacity - to absorb another's magic - bestows upon you a unique power that could be viewed as a blessing or a curse."
Lizzie nodded, her fingers at her sides twitching. She was all too aware of the impacts of her power. "Yes, it can be both," she conceded, "but it's what I am, and I've learned to live with it."
Cronus leaned back, his gaze fixed on her. "Fascinating, you have a special ability within you. You have the potential to be a strong opponent or ally."
She locked her attention on him. "That depends on who's asking, Cronus," she said, a glint of defiance in her eyes.
His chuckle was as timeless as the ticking of the clock. "Yes, Lizzie. Indeed." His expression stiffened somewhat. "Remember, time sees everything, and even the smallest decisions can have massive consequences."
Cronus gazed at the girl deeply impressed by how she remained confident. Most of the time when mortals or other beings spoke with him they would be shaking in their boots, but the girl was unamused by his presence.
He continued to stare at her until noticing a bruise on her neck. A frown formed on his face at that, glancing at his brother he shook his in disappointment. “ Did you put your hands on her, brother?”
The King of Gods glared at his brother. “ That is none of your concern, brother.”
“ Brother, you need to work on your anger.” The God of Time said. You can't just be taking it out on this poor child.
Cronus turned his gaze on the witch. “ Are you alright?”
Lizzie nodded. “ I'm fine, my lord.”
As Ken was about to tug her towards him, she jumped back in fear at his touch stepping towards the God of time not wanting to be near him.
“ You look frightened, child,” Cronus said, glancing at the girl in concern. “ What did you do to her, brother?”
He eyed his brother coldly. “ I merely taught her a lesson about respecting gods.” She thinks she can run her mouth off as she pleases and there won't be repercussions for it.
The God of Time scoffed at his brother’s words.” What is wrong with you? She's just a child you can't be treating her like dirt.
“ I will treat her however I see fit, brother.” Ken hissed. And no one, not even you, will tell me what to do.
Lizzie glanced at the two brothers noticing the tension between them was beginning to rise up. She cleared her throat and spoke. “ Can you please take me back to my cell now, I wish to rest your grace if that's okay with you.”
He nodded. “ Excuse us, brother.” We have some business to attend to.
With that, Ken walked out of the throne room dragging her by the arm and leading her to the dungeon. He opened the cell door and pushed her inside. He locked the cell door with a key.
Lizzie turned around and took a seat, facing the wall. She closed her eyes and began to meditate.
“ You know it didn't have to be like this,” The God said, interrupting him. We could've had a good day together, have dinner or stay in bed if you prefer. But, instead of giving me a chance you decided to disrespect me.
“ Honestly, I don't know what I saw in you. My brother was right, you're just a child.” I should cast you away and find a real woman to attend to my needs perhaps I will. “ He added. Would you like that, little witch watching me bedding another woman and casting you away like dirt?
Lizzie opened her eyes, clearing her throat she said “ You should do whatever makes you happy.” Hopefully, you’ll be able to find some happiness with her.
Ken scoffed at her words. “ Is that what you really want?”
“Yes, I do.” She mumbled. "You should be with someone that fits your needs, I'm not that someone."
Ken shut the door leaving her alone where she just stared at the wall for hours until she was sure she must be going crazy with no interaction. Especially when she could have sworn she was seeing Josie standing in front of her. But she had left Mystic Falls so it shouldn't be possible. "Josie…is it really you or is my mind playing tricks on me?"
"Lizzie, you’re not crazy. I came home after Hope told me and mom what happened." She explains standing in front of her twin sister.
Lizzie so badly wanted to hug her and just be out of this horrible cell. But Astral protection would have to do for now. "I have missed you so much…and I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was going to kill Hope. I didn't think that she would actually kill me."
"I'm not upset about that. I'm just worried about you. I mean what does he do keeping you locked up like this?" Josie looks around the dirty cell.
Lizzie slumped her shoulders. "I wasn't here a few days ago. But things have changed."
"Changed how. What exactly happened between you and Ken. Did he hurt you?" The Saltzman twin asked nervously in her tone.
Lizzie glanced at her twin unsure how to tell her this. “ Um, well I made a deal with him in order to get out of this cell.”
“ What kind of deal?” Josie asked.
The heretic signed. “ I agree to be his lover.” I slept with him, Jo twice.
Josie’s eyes widened at her sister’s words. “ What in the hell were you thinking of jumping into bed with him?” You have a boyfriend, how could you do this to MG.”
"I was trying to protect our friends, Jo. He would have killed everyone including Hope. For all I knew he would wipe out the whole world!" She snapped showing her fangs.
Her twin sighed in defeat. "Mom is worrying about you. Dad is too. What should I tell them exactly?"
“ Tell them that I'm okay and to not worry about me .” She said.
Josie nodded. “ Please tell me you use protection with Ken.”
The young Saltzman eyes widened in horror at your sister’s words realizing that God never pulled out of her. “ No, we didn't.” But, Ken said he was powerful enough to stop that from happening.
“ And you believe him?.” The siphoner said, with a scoff.. “ Godsare very fertile and can reproduce very much quickly. What if you become pregnant?
Lizzie throws her hands up starting to panic. "I don't know, Jo. At this point I pray that I'm not carrying any children for him. He is a terrible father from what I have been told!"
Josie gazed at her sister in pity. “ Let’s pray that you're not.” And, if you are then it'll be okay I'll be right here by your side.
“ I don't want a baby, Jo.” The heretic cried out. “ I'm not ready for that type of commitment."
Josie remained silent for a brief moment until it came to her where she snapped her fingers. "In the history books I have been reading about God's I think it mentions something about tea that keeps women from getting pregnant."
"What's it called?" Lizzie perked up.
Her sister said back. "Moon tea I believe. But how are you going to find it while stuck in here and without Ken finding out?"
"His daughter Jen sort of likes me. Maybe I can convince him to let her come visit me." She hoped that she could
manage something like that.
Josie signed. “ How are you going to convince Ken that when he's mad at you?” You’re going to have to win his trust back and do whatever he asks you to do.
The heretic shook her head. “ I don't think I can.” I really made him upset today and he wants nothing to do with me anymore.
“ He says he wants to replace me with another woman claiming I'm some child.” She added. I told him he should see that I can't satisfy him or make him happy."
Josie dropped her gaze. "Well I could ask his son to see if he has any ideas that might help. But until then just don't get yourself in more trouble than you already have."
Lizzie nodded. “ Maybe, I could apologize to him and beg him to let me back into his bed.” Be his good mistress that he wants me to be.
"Elizabeth Saltzman!" Josie gasped, never calling her by her full name.
“ I can't take being here another second. “ She said. I would rather be in his bed than in this cell anymore at least it's warm and comforting."
Her twin nodded before she disappeared hearing footsteps coming towards the cell. "Be safe and just know I love you."
The door creaked open where she glanced over her shoulders seeing Ken had come back to her cell. "What do you want now, my king?" She asked him with a stern voice trying to sound like she hadn't been crying.
"Come with me. I'm going to show you something." He responded without another word turning away from her leaving the cell door opened and she didn’t waste a second for him to close it back.
She glanced at him confused. “ May, I ask where we are going, your grace.”
The God didn't answer instead grabbed her arm leading her outside of the dungeon and towards the east wing of the castle.
He stopped outside a locked room, gazing over at the witch deeply.” This is what I wanted to show you.” Ken opened the door leading her inside a luxurious room filled with endless piles of gold, jewels, and dresses.
She looked around in awe at the room. “ What is this place?”
“ The Queen’s chambers.” He replied. "My wife’s old chambers."
“ It's beautiful, your grace .” She said, "But, why are you showing me this?"
Ken put his hands together behind his sending the siphon witch the best genuine smile he could. "I was thinking this room could be yours. It's a bit dusty but much better than that cell. So it could be yours…if you'll be by my side that is."
"Why do you think I deserve it after what I said earlier?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
The king of gods gave her slight puppy dog eyes. "I don't quite understand it. But I am enjoying you being here, Elizabeth."
"I wish I could say the feeling is mutual." She mumbled.
He said back. "I can try and fix what is bothering you."
Lizzie gazed at him deeply. “ I'm scared that if I open myself up to you, you'll hurt me again.”
Ken returned her gaze. “ I didn't mean to hurt you,Elizabeth.” I just don't know how to control my rage sometimes and I let it cloud over me.
“ But, I'll work on it.” He added. Please just give me a chance to show you the real me.
The young Saltzman shook her head. “ I don't know.”
He walked towards her grabbing her hand with his, linking their fingers with one another. “ Please.”
She glanced up at him staring deeply into his beautiful green eyes, beginning to get memorized by them, unable to turn away from the sight. “ Okay, I guess we could give it a try.”
Ken stared at her in relief. “Thank you, Elizabeth."
“ If we're going to do this, will you promise not to put me back in that cell again?” She said,
He nodded, squeezing her hands in his. "I will…there's just one more thing I want you to do to know you're serious."
"What's that?" She asked, already knowing the answer.
He simply responded with nothing more then. "Break up with MG."
Lizzie nodded. “ Alright, I'll do it.” But, I have to do it in person.”
Ken pondered for a second before reluctantly nodding. "I suppose I can make that happen. But keep in mind, Elizabeth, I won't put up with you trying to flee or misusing my trust.
Lizzie swallowed hard and replied, "Understood. Her stomach turned at the thought of hurting MG's feelings, but she knew that it was important. She had to follow Ken's rules if she wanted to keep her friends safe.
He lifted her into his arms walking outside of the room onto the balcony before launching them in the sky. Lizzie wrapped her arms around his neck gently holding on to him.
Within minutes, Ken landed outside the front entrance of the school. He placed her down onto the ground gently and suddenly snapped his fingers changing the young herteic’s clothes into a beautiful gold dress.
Lizzie rolled her eyes at his action. “ As much as I appreciate the gesture, what I was wearing was fine.”
The God smirked at her. “ You’re my queen now you have to dress the part.” What kind of King would I be if I let you walk around in old rags?
“ Thank you.” She said, glancing up at him.
He nodded. “ I'll be right outside waiting for you.” Don't take took long.
Lizzie took a deep breath as she headed inside the school, she closed the door behind her gently. She quietly made her way towards MG’s room, her heart pounding in her chest with every step she took.
She soon stood outside his room staring at the door unsure what to say to him. The young Saltzman remembered why she was doing this to keep her friends and family safe from Ken and the rest of his family.
“ Better I break his heart than him being dead.” She thought.
She took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping inside the room she saw MG laying down on the bed lost in his own thoughts.
She closed the door behind her alerting his attention,MG rose from the bed his face liting up at the sight of her, making the words she had to say even harder.
“ Lizzie, is that really you?” MG asked,standing up from the bed walking towards her his voice cracking with emotion.
Lizzie nodded. “ Yes, I'm here.”
MG pulled her into his arms hugging her tightly.
Lizzie felt a sting in her heart as she wrapped her arms around him, knowing she was about to break his heart. She inhaled his familiar aroma, which reminded her of the security and safety she felt in his presence. She pushed
herself away, peering up into his eyes.
"MG, we need to talk," she began, her voice firm despite her heart trembling.
MG's smile faded significantly, replaced by a worried expression. "What's wrong, Lizzie?"
Lizzie inhaled deeply, summoning her courage. "I... I have something to tell you. It's about Ken.
When the god was spoken, MG's expression clouded and his grip on her hands tightened. He growled, "What did he do?"
Lizzie hurriedly shook her head. "No, MG. He didn't do anything. I ma.. made a deal with him to be his prisoner in order to keep you and everyone here safe.
MG stared at her, shock and disbelief clear in his eyes. "What? Are you crazy, Lizzie? Why would you do such a stupid thing?
“ I'm doing what I must to keep you all safe.” Lizzie said.
"But Lizzie, you don't have to sacrifice yourself for us," MG insisted. "There must be another way." We'll figure out how to beat Ken and the other gods.
Lizzie shook her head, tears in her eyes welling up. "There isn't." And I need you to understand… please forgive me.
MG locked his gaze on her for a long minute, his gaze scanning hers. Finally, he let out a big sigh and released her hands. "I... I can't. stop you, can I?"
"No, MG," Lizzie said, her voice brimming with emotion. "You can't."
The Vampire stared at her blankly unsure what to say, tears began to well in his eyes.
The Heretic gazed back at him tearfully. “ I love you, MG I will never forget that.” Let me go, move on, be happy, just forget about me.
MG shook his head. “ No, I won't.” This can't end like this not after all we’ve been through.
Lizzie didn't respond, she turned and left the room, leaving a distraught MG behind. She made her way back outside where she found Ken waiting for her. He gazed at her questiongly, and she nodded at him giving him confirmation she'd done what he asked.
"Let's go," she murmured, her voice firm.
They vanished into the night, leaving the school and MG behind.
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