#mate bond
queenquinzel715 · 2 years
Pt 2 18+
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Pt 2.
Werebear Toric 18+
Y/n P.O.V
      I finally have the mate bond everyone was telling me about. It's only been three days since the ball, and I've been completely different. Toric has taken over the political side of my kingdom, so I could worry about my people. I've even helped in the woman's home. I make sure they get everything they need to start for themselves.
       Tonight is a full moon, and since I have goddess blood I must shift on the first full moon. I walk into Toric's office with a basket of honey biscuits I made this morning. He's told me that he'll eat anything with honey. His head snaps up as I walk in, I giggle to myself when I see him sniffing the air.
"What's you got there, honey bee?" He looks at the basket as I slightly swing it.
"Honey biscuits." I put the basket in front of him. "I actually have something to tell you."
      He stops mid bite to beckon me to his side of the desk. Once I'm there he pulls me to his thick thigh, giving me his full attention.
"As you know I have goddess blood, so that means on every full moon I must shift. It's only the first night though." I fidget as I talk to him.
     He grips my hip in his one large hands to stop my movements. I rest my hand on his wrist while I look up at him.
"We'll go into the woods if you need to just stop moving like that." He growls in his chest.
"That's not all Toric." I look down timidly. "My heat also starts the next morning."
     His body completely shakes as he growls, holding in a tight grip. He sits me on the desk, so he quickly gets a hold of himself. He gives me a quick kiss as he stands.
"Okay we'll shift at sunset, and then when you shift back to this gorgeous form we will come back to our chambers. Now it's your decision if I lock you inside alone or with me, and we mate fully." He looks me in the eyes as he gives me his plan.
"I want my mate with me." I move my hands along his chest before I lean my body into him.
       I'm moved back to his lap as we enjoy the biscuits. Me feeding him a piece made us start kissing, getting completely lost, but not for long, he had a lot of work to do if he was to spend a week with me without any interruptions. I give him a kiss on the cheek before I leave for the kitchen.
As I'm putting the food platters on the table at the foot of our bed when I noticed the sun was setting. I quickly grabbed the bag I put together that had a blanket, a couple of Torics shirts, and I almost ran out the door. However I'm blocked by my mate with a very amused face as he practically catches me.
"I take it you're ready Honeybee." He laughs as he smooths his hands down my arms.
"I was making sure everything was prepared for this week, and I lost track of time." I grumble at him. "But I am ready." I hold up the bag with a proud smile on my face.
"What do you got there?" He eyes the bag as it moves in the air.
"A blanket and two of your shirts. I thought it would be easier for me than a whole gown. Is that okay if I use one?" I smile when he pulls me close to him.
"Oh Honeybee, you wearing my clothes is something else that makes me grateful for your heat." His deep voice makes me lean against him.
       We began our walk to the woods, and I could sense Toric getting nervous even though his face is still plain. We get to our spot on the far left side of the border. When everyone was told I shift over here they don't come over here out of respect. Toric places the blanket down once we stop, and he helps me sit down. He however stays standing, causing me to look at him in confusion.
"Why won't you sit Toric?" I raise my hand to him.
"Because I have to be honest with you Honeybee." He lightly holds my hand. "When we shift I will not be a wolf. My mother had me before she found her true mate, and then had my brother." He looks so vulnerable. "I'm going to shift first so you know I won't hurt you."
      I began to say his name, but he stopped me. He steps behind a tree, and it's not long before I hear him shift. I hear the leaves crunching as he walks around. I gasp as a grizzly bear walks toward me with clothes in his mouth. I gently take the clothes, and place them on my lap. I'm completely amazed that my mate is a big bear. I run my hand up his snout to the top of his head, but when I move over to one of his ears I giggle. When I start to scratch them he leans his heavy head into my chest. I keep scratching for just a moment before I start to feel cramping in my lower stomach and back.
"Toric." I whimper. "I have to shift."
      I quickly step behind the tree and quickly throw my dress down. I still wasn't quick enough because when I shift my dress rips from it getting stuck on my head. I hold the dress in my mouth as I growl in frustration. I walk out dropping my dress on the blanket swatting at it with my paw. Toric gives me a soft roar before nudging my neck with his nose. I just lean my head into his neck and rub my head into his scent glands. He lets me keep rubbing my body to him until I'm completely sitting in front of him.
      Toric holds his big arms around me as he lays us down with his body curled around mine. I'm brought out of my peace when the scent of a deer. I'm rising up to go hunt it when I'm pushed back down with a grunt. Toric licks my nose before leaving me to go hunt. I give him a quick yap of excitement just as he walks through the bushes. My mate is hunting for me. I roll on my back, kicking my legs, yapping for my mate to hurry. I'm so wrapped up in my own head I didn't realize my mate was watching me act like a complete pup. Him nuzzling his face into my stomach made me jump. His eyes held amusement as he turned his head to the dead deer on the ground.
      After eating we lay back down. I fall asleep from the warmth of his fur, and when I wake I'm human. His deep snores tell me he's still sleeping, so I slowly reach the bag. I'm putting his shirt on as I hear him shift back to human, and wrap his arm around my stomach.
"How was your shift Honeybee?" His breath hits my shoulder as he leans closer grabbing his clothes.
"Great. I had great meat, and didn't need the blanket." I giggle.
"Speaking of meat. Please tell me what had you rolling and kicking around." He chuckles when I turn away from him. "Oh come on now."
I move my face back to him with a sigh. "I was happy I have a mate that hunts for me. I was just going to do it, because I'm used to doing it myself." I laugh.
"(Y/n) you are my mate, and you are meant to be a Queen." He grabs the bag, pulling the blanket out. "Which means…." He wraps me up in the blanket before lifting up like a bride. "You don't do anything, but get taken care of while I get you whatever it is you want." He carries me back to the castle.
      We have just walked into the kitchen when I feel a wave of heat causing me to whimper and grip Toric's chest. He then quickly gets us to our chambers, lightly laying me on the bed, and locking the doors. I'm whimpering as he walks back to me. When I can finally look at him I realize he hasn't had a shirt on this whole time, and just the thought of me touching him makes me whimper at him.
"You ready Honeybee?" He moves a hand up my leg.
      I don't respond, just move to my knees and lift my ass into the air. I need him now, and hearing the growl he releases lets me know he feels just like me. He moves his hands over my ass to my hips as I lean further to the bed. My chest is against the blanket when I hear him tear something, and it takes me seconds to figure out it was his pants. I'm beginning to pant when I feel him rub at my opening.
"Toric, please." I whine desperately.
"I got you, little mate. Just take it slowly." His voice goes deep as he slides inside me.
        He gets stopped at the barrier, but he just wraps his big arms around me giving me a kiss to the shoulder as he breaks through. I gasp loudly, gripping his arm while he keeps going until his hips are connected to mine. He doesn't move his arm, he just moves my hair to hold in his other hand as he kisses along my shoulders. My head leans back to his shoulder feeling my body relax under his, and he took this as a sign to move.
"Honeybee, you feel so good." He groans as he begins to move.
      I move my hips back to meet his every thrust, but I know it won't last long. I feel his grip on my hair tighten when I move my hips up and down. I smirk to myself when he growls in my back as he stands up, and begins to pull my head back. I moan out from him grinding into me, and the pain from my hair getting pulled.
"Mine." He growls into the air.
      He gives my hip a forceful push down, and just rams into me roughly, holding for a second.
"Toric please." I whine out while I try to move with him.
"What little mate? Tell me what you need." He mocks me.
"I need you." I move my hand back to try to grab him somehow.
"You need me or do you need…." He does finish, he just begins to ram faster this time.
"Yes." I scream out as my nails dig into the blanket.
      I feel my body lock up, my legs shake against his thighs, and my eyes squeeze shut. He pulls me up to his chest, his hand moves to my jaw, moving my face toward his, so he can kiss me deeply. His other hand moves up to play with my breast as he keeps pounding away at me hitting the same spot over and over again. He growls when I start locking up again, but doesn't let up he even goes faster.
"Let go Honeybee." His hand falls down to go back around my stomach holding me tighter.
       My head lazily falls back with a body crushing moan as I scratch his arm. I move my hips in circles to chase my release only for it to make us fall to bed with him covering me, and releasing deep inside of me. I look up at him with half open eyes, and lean my forehead against his cheek. We take a second to catch our breaths before he slowly pulls out, making me gasp.
"Just lay here I'll be back." He gently lifts me to the pillows.
     I smile to myself as I try to gather my body. Toric comes back with a soft linen with warm water on it from the basin next to the fireplace. I give a smile of thanks as he helps clean me up, but my head is thrown back with a moan when he moves over my clit. He smirks at me before he moves his fingers in circles. I grip the blanket as I lean up to moan at him.
"Toric...I cant."
"Just one more little mate." He leans up to kiss me quickly.
He keeps moving his fingers in circles, but when I lift my hips he pushes one inside. He curls his finger upward. I fall to the bed with an arch. I can't find my body as I throw my head back with an actual scream of release. With his finger in his mouth he comes to lay next to me. He covers us with the blanket I threw across the bed.
"Get some sleep when you wake I'll be here for you, my queen." He growls into my neck.
"I love you my mate." I tell him my voice is full of sleep.
"I love you as well my Honeybee." I comfortably wiggle myself to be on his knee, basically like I would be if we were sitting.
     My heat lasted the whole week, and poor Toric was so tired once it was over. I laugh when he gives me looks now when I tell him a full moon is coming. I do tell him he can lock me in if he can't do it this month. He just growls at me and bends me over, usually it's his desk. He finally met my mother when she came to tell us I was with child. Toric immediately dropped to his knees to place his forehead to my stomach. Our son, Ambrose was born in the middle of winter. If it wasn't for Toric's warmth I don't think I would've made it.
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venusofvolterra · 2 years
I’m not sure if you answer this already, but in your head or in your mind, how does the” mate pull” works? I always see people writing “ as soon as they lock eyes, they knew they were the one that they were there mate “ always made no sense to me to me. You got a build that relationship. I see it as a little crush from both sides, but getting to know each other then falling in love, then boom mates I don’t see it as oh my God he looked at me. He’s my main type of thing it honestly my biggest pet peeve when people write that, because why would I wanna be forced to be someone’s mate because we locked eyes. I read a story on Wattpad of a Alec fanfiction that he became aggressive and wouldn’t let go of YN because they locked eyes and he felt protective over her and that he knew that she was his meat makes no sense to me
So tell me how with the “ mate pull “ work on your eyes 
Okay! Let’s tackle my HCs for how mates work!
In my HC, “bonds” developed out of a psychological need for vampires to have them. Not only do they rarely meet other vampires, it’s even more rare that they’re inclined to get along with other vampires.
However, on some level, vampires do desire community and love. Much like for humans, at its core, this desire is based in survival. That being said, for the reasons previously mentioned, these bonds can be incredibly hard to form on their own. Relationships are hard to build when you’re incredibly isolated and constantly worried about survival. Thus, bonds developed as a way to streamline this process.
In my HC, bonds can form for many different close relationships — namely romantic and familial.
When one encounters a potential bond, they will feel a “pull”. These are incredibly overwhelming when first encountered but require both parties to actually put in some kind of effort to build the relationship. That being said, people with particularly strong bonds may find it exceptionally difficult to stay away from one another even if they both want to.
I also think that bonds can form over time. Even if they hadn’t initially had a bond, if two vampires become incredibly close a bond may start to form between them.
And just a few more small things to know about bonds in my HC:
Evolutionarily, bonds are the basis of what vampires would go on to call “covens”.
Vampires can feel multiple bonds in their life times. These are a mix of familial and romantic bonds.
Vampires who’s place in a coven may be in jeopardy or can otherwise be disadvantaged by potential mates, are less likely to feel new pulls and tend not to feel as inclined to pursue bonds (this is how I justify vampires like Demetri & Felix not yet having mates). This is because bonds are ultimately about survival, they’re less likely to form if they’re a threat to a vampire’s survival.
PS. Yes, I hate weird possessive mate-bond shenanigans. There’s absolutely nothing romantic or attractive about it. I may have been more inclined to it when I was younger but as an adult, I cringe.
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nikethestatue · 1 year
If she pulls a second mate situation it’s only going to cheapen the importance of mate’s for long term readers who are used to the one mate trope in her series. But after what she wrote for ACOSF I think she’ll write just about anything at this point, the bar dropped immensely when it comes to her writing decisions with that one
I think it could be done well--especially if she differentiates the bonds, like she did in TOG.
We have a very limited view/knowledge of how they work in the ACOTAR universe, only via what Rhysand shared. But if she expands on the concept, I think it could actually be more interesting.
For example:
Bonds from the Mother could be the most desirable and the rarest ones--they are the bonds of love and power and everything else. So Feysand's super bond is that kind of bond.
Bonds from the Cauldron are baby-making bonds. The ones that Rhys described--they bring people together to create the strongest offspring. His parents is a good example.
Bonds from the Swirling Eddies could be bonds of power--complimentary powers, whether romantic or just friendship. Could explain Nessian, for example. Could also give more gravitas to the Valkyries, or Cassian and Az--again, as examples.
Some people could have all three. Others, only one.
Maybe Mor and Eris had the Cauldron bond, and Eris did not want to bring more children into his family, especially very powerful children, so they wouldn't be influenced by Beron---something like that opens up a variety of interesting possibilities for characters.
I think you can think outside the box and since mate bonds as we know them have been done TO DEATH now, i think it would behoove SJM to put an interesting spin on it.
In Zodiac Academy for example, you have different types of bonds--romantic (Elysian Mates), Nebula Allies (friendship). Astral Adversaries (when you just hate each other), you can power share with friends, you can power share with others who have the same type of power, you can have 2 mates in the same relationships, etc.
The concept of mates isnt even all that interesting to begin with, especially the way SJM has it--when the bond snaps and you dont even know the person and have no relationship with them, it's just a biological pull...That kind of bond should be differentiated from something that Feyre and Rhys have.
It would be fascinating if Lucien and Elain have a power bond, and then Elain and Azriel have a romantic bond. I don't see how it cheapens or confuses things--I think it makes them infinitely more interesting.
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miscellaneousjay · 1 year
Flashback to Wolves (2014)!🐺 Connor wouldn’t have been in the wrong if he decided to burn the town of Lupine Ridge to the ground! His girlfriend’s (Lucinda) parents found out she was dating the town bad wolf and they didn’t like it sooooooo they banished her to her aunt and uncle’s house…where she found out she was pregnant. She carried the child to term in a cellar, gave birth, was forced to give the baby (our leading man Cayden) up for adoption, then unalived herself out of depression/heartbreak. Connor finds out from Cayden himself almost 20 years later that not only did he and Lucinda survive, but that the whole town knew about it annnnnddd to make sure that they weren’t found out, somebody (most likely Lucinda’s family) spread the rumor that Connor raped her! Like, that was supremely f-ed up on ALL levels! THE TOWN BROKE THESE TWO WEREWOLF LOVERS UP, MADE SURE THEY WOULD BE SEPARATED FOREVER, THEN LIED ABOUT IT TO AVOID ACCOUNTABILITY! I get it: Connor had definitely solidified himself as a villain by the time the events of the film occurred. However, Lucinda just might’ve been his change of mind and heart had they not been broken up. Since they couldn’t mind their business, Connor has now gone wild/feral/deeply depressed and it comes out in acts of vicious cruelty and violence. He was willingly being evil at this point in time and I’m not excusing that; but I do stand ten toes on the fact that he wouldn’t have been so bad off had everyone left him and his wifey alone.🤷🏾‍♀️
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I already have an AU in my mind where this did not happen and he and Lucinda got their HEA.🥹 Matter of fact, in this AU, St. Lucinda would be the ONLY thing standing between him and lighting that whole town up!🔥
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angrygirlromero · 1 year
So for as kind as I can remember I’ve always loved werewolve stories, especially the Wattpad ones and I just find it ridiculous that main character has to suffer so much, like for what? What was the reason? Like I just read an old one that’s not even finish and the alpha the main character’s mate is literally a pussy, he can’t even fucking stand up for his mate, his fucking pack comer first? bro wtf
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 30 - Old Messages, pt. 8. Episode 2.
Congo: As they found a booth to sit down in at the bistro, he looked at George a bit wondering So why exactly are we meeting here George? I know this isn't just the 'congratulations train'… or breakfast burritos…
George: He smiled friendly and nodded Correct. I do come with quite a lot of topics, but let's order first, and then I can start filling you in. You'll need some energy to digest all of this. He smiled softly Don't worry, there is mostly good news.,… and here I mean the really good kind.
Congo: Smiled softly That all sounds really welcome, however, I do hear the word mostly, so I wont relax too much until I have heard it all. He picked up a menu and pushed the other menu in Georges direction, quickly running his eyes over the letters so when the waitress joined them, he had already put his menu down, smiling at her politely I'll take a round of the sausages, bacon and eggs with two pieces of bread on the side, 2 blueberry pancakes and a slice of apple pie…. oh, and a big mug of coffee.
George: Nodded at Congo, then turned to the waitress And for me an omelet and a slice of apple pie….. aaand make that 2 big mugs of coffee, please. As the waitress left he padded Congo's hand gently Now listen… this is all a bit on the freakshow side, so if you have questions, or I lose you somewhere, feel free to pause me or ask questions. Gabriella filled me in during the night, so it's all very new for me as well. First and foremost I have to let you know, Gabriella is at Sparkle's house, she is waiting there to greed Andy, and will fill him in on the same things I'll be filing you in on. So when we are done here, you and Andy will know the exact same things, except one matter, which I'll share with you last. Are we okay so far?
Congo: Nodded agreeing and smiled politely at the waitress as she brought their coffee, quickly sipping the coffee a few times to wash his mouth from Andy, more or less against his will, but just to be on the safer side
George: Smiled friendly at Congo and sipped his coffee I'm afraid there's no way to ease you in, so prepare yourself for another roller coaster ride. But hopefully a better one than the previous ones. He took a big breath, and smiled softly You know that old saying, 'he, or she, is my soulmate'?
Congo: He nodded softly and sipped is coffee
George: Well, it's not quite like that… That's more the romanticized, version of it, although it's not far off. I'm sure you know that in many animal species, one or both of the animals picks a mate and stays with that one mate for the rest of their life? It's like that with humans too , but since we are further evolved than many other species, our mating system is also further evolved. Our mating system works as such; Our mates are pre-destined for us, depending on a lot of factors, like genes, smell, taste, good compatibility in DNA and so on. A mate is picked for us when we reach the age of 18, and do we happen to find this person, we will be able to feel a strong connection with them, stronger than with any other person we will ever meet. We will be able to feel a love we never thought existed, and do things we never thought possible for this one person. We only get one mate, so do we miss out on this mate, we will not get assigned another mate. That doesn't mean we are destined to run around living an empty life, we are more than capable of loving other people beside our mate. But do we pick to be with our mate, it's a bond that will rarely ever break again. Picking to be with our mate, and sealing that bond, is done by a marriage ceremony, it does not matter what kind of marriage, in what culture or what religion it is performed in. When two mates are married, almost nothing will be able to break their bond. Mates are as such not made for each other, we are all individually born, and as we grow up, and our personality evolves we will be paired with our mates. These mate-pairs can be detected only by people who practice the old form of art named Witchitatu, an old Navaho art form of magic. He sipped his coffee and smiled softly at the waitress as she brought their food Thank you very much. As she nods and walks off, he continues Gabriella and her family practices this art… And through that, Gabriella can over time receive information about her own mate, or even mates of other people close to her. This info shows up in the form of visions. Two days ago, when you and Andy declared your love for each other, Gabriella had such strong vision, it woke her up from heavy sleep and gave her nosebleed. She contacted her sister, and together they were able to piece the fragments of the vision together. He smiled softly and sipped his coffee It turns out, sometimes even mother nature screws up. On your 18th birthday, your mate was picked out. But your mate was but a baby when this happened. However, this is not the screw up, since even then as he was an infant, you already shared the bond of mates, which means, your bond is even stronger than regular bonds between mates. However, where the screw up happened was, when your mate grew up, on his 18th birthday, he was assigned not only the mate he already had, but also a second mate. He sighed softly turns out, you are Andy's mate, and therefor he's also your mate… but Andy's second mate… is A.
Congo: He stared at George a bit, letting the fork drop out of his mouth, then he took his napkin, spat out the food he had in his mouth in it. He got up, walking out of the bistro, crossing the road and disappeared between a few trees in the forest across the street
George: Signaled the waiter I'll pay now honey, but please don't take our food, we will be back in 5 minutes… but if we aren't back in 10 you can clear it out, okay? As she nodded George hurried after Congo, finding him sobbing with his forehead against a tree Congo… He placed a soft hand on Congo's upper back, gently stroking him I know it seems hopeless, but you have to…
Congo: Interrupted George I can't compete with him, the creature of the night…. so it's over.
George: Shook his head softly Not necessarily. Hear me out please… this thing, double mating someone, happens rarely, very rarely. But when it does, there's always a stronger connection with one of the mates.
Congo: Sobbed and interrupted again Yes, and I have seen those two together, plus I'm just a mere human… A is all magical and shiny to Andy…. plus he has that whole vampire magnetism… Andy sucks it right up!
George: He raised his voice, but kept it warm And yet your connection with Andy is stronger.
Congo: He turned and looked at George with red, teary, confused eyes What?
George: Nodded softly and padded his shoulder
Congo: Sniffled his nose But how? Are you even sure?
George: Positive. We didn't know until this night. Gabriella and her sister performed a spell to guide them to find Andy's strongest connection, and it lead her to you. That whole process is very hush, so she can't tell us the spell itself, we will have to trust her. But she knows what she's doing, and the spell is flawless. There is no doubt, that you are in fact the strongest connected male. If you think about it… why would Andy risk everything he has been fighting for with A, including a marriage and the possibility of becoming immortal, which he so desperately wants, just for the simple reason that he just, two days ago, learned that you are in love with him? Andy's world collapsed when you told him those words, but in the ruins of that, a tiny, but very strong flower grew, and if we protect that flower, it will grow big and impossible to destroy.
Congo: He started sobbing softly again
George: Wrapped his arms around him Come here…
Congo: He spoke between the sobbing So he's really truly mine?
George: Nodded firmly Without a doubt. Andy is yours. But since he's also technically A's, we have to work together, to get him out of that whole situation, so he can be united with his strongest mate. And that's the tricky part, but we will not give up till we succeed. I have tried to make both Gaby and her sister look into the future, but everything is very very vague at the moment and constantly shifting, due to Andy being at a crossroad. The first step, is for him to finally choose which mate he wants to be with, and not only choose with his heart. His soul and brain has to be in it as well. When he makes that choice he will step out on one of the two roads, and he will be able to marry either you or A, sealing the mate bond forever. Of course we want him to choose you, for obvious reasons…
Congo: Sighed deeply George, I just want him to be happy… even if that means he will choose A…
George: Smiled softly I know, but Andy will be truly most happy with his strongest connected mate. It's destined Congo. It's meant to be. He sighed softly It wont come easy, and it will most likely be a long and at times dangerous process, and if Andy… when Andy's heart, soul and mind comes together and definitive picks you, we will have to do the marriage ceremony as quickly as possible, so your bond will be impossible to break. That doesn't mean you or any one of the people involved will be immune to whatever A or any other of his kind may want to do to you. So we have to fade Andy out of A's life. Making a clear break will cause too much suspicion, and it won't take him long to figure what is happening, and Gabriella's family, is not doubting he will raise hell. So we have to fade Andy out, make sure a break will look like it comes from A's side, and not Andy's, but still keeping Andy safe. It's tricky, its complicated, but it can be done. If you trust us, and if you stay patient.
Congo: Sighed deeply I can't George. I can't put his life in danger.
George: His life is already in danger! We will do our best to protect him, and to strategically plan everything step by step. I promise you, they are very capable people, and they believe in themselves. They have educated themselves on A's family, since they learned about Andy and A's engagement. They are not going into this blindfolded.
Congo: Shook his head and sighed deeply It's still too risky. I will risk anything for him, including my own life. But I wont risk his.
George: I can't guarantee, of course, since I can't predict the future, and the future is constantly changing anyway, depending on what happens in the now… but, I can honestly say, I don't believe it will ever come that far as long as Gabriella's clan and family is involved. If we get Andy through a marriage ceremony with you, Gabriella's family and clan will be willing to adopt you guys. It doesn't change you much, unless you want to. They do not make immortals though, but few minor powers can be passed on for protection, and they can later be taken back, if one would wish. However, in the adoption process, there will be put a code on both of you, Andy already received one when A adopted him. It's a line of numbers or letters on your skin. Us humans can't see them, but immortals can. However, this special form of code Gaby's clan will make on you guys are always kept invisible, unless one of the clan members calls on it to be shown. In a case like that, it will be shown for a minute or two, a small time period, but long enough for the viewer to read that you guys are off limit.
Congo: Frowned deep and groaned I don't like the idea of being owned… I'm not a calf… or horse…
George: Gaby's clan will of course sign a binding paper, that no one is to use you guys in any way. That you are your own persons, and that this adoption has no effect on you besides protection. But of course we understand if you need a few days to think about it, but decisions has to be made soon. Maybe it wouldn't be bad to ask Andy what he thinks? Unfortunately he can't just speak out, saying he picks you, the soul, heart and mind has to fall together in the decision, which can take a while, since he's already engaged to A and furthermore loves him deeply. Your love, and the love he has for you, has to triumph the love he shares with A. Again, it's far from impossible… and as the girls look into the future, they can sense a mortal marriage ceremony… but that's how things looked last night after your engagement, that future can already have changed due to your words here… We do understand if you need some time to catch up with everything… but in order to succeed, we need to start soon. You need to show Andy, how life with you would be, vs the chaotic life with A, he deep down inside knows its no good for him. He loves you Congo, an undeniable love even A is already detecting… if he figures out for sure, you can be sure none of us will ever see Andy again.
Congo: His eyes started flickering and his legs started shaking I know George! But don't put this on me! Don't make me put his life in danger! Don't make me risk his life, risking my own is enough! Being married to Andy, being his mate and him being mine, all of that, sounds like the most beautiful thing I could ever imagine… but the possible bad outcomes are too much to risk. I'm sorry, but I can't! He ran out from between the trees, and as he stood in the middle of the road, thinking about where to run, a big truck came roaring around a corner
George: Yelled at the top of his lungs CONGO! WATCH OUT!!
Congo: *As he turned, and in almost slow motion watches the truck roar towards him, his life flashed before his eyes, and all he saw was Andy smiling, a single tear runnng down his cheek, his eyes closing, and all sound drained from his ears, all he saw and heard was Andy smiling and laughing, telling Congo he loves him.
Andy: He padded Congo's cheek firmly Congo? Sniffled his nose Congo? Are you okay?… please open your eyes… please… I beg you…
Congo: Slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times as he saw Andy laying on top of him, with tears streaming down his cheeks. After blinking a few times, he can see Gabriella and George standing bent over him as well… and as he started gaining back full conscience he can hear a few people talking around them. He lifted his arms from the ground and wrapped them around Andy, pulling him tight against his chest, speaking in a hoarse voice I'm okay…sssh sssh… I'm okay..
Andy: He gasped and looked at Congo, then started sobbing silently, pressing his face against Congo's chest
Congo: Gently stroked his back and hushed him a few more times, then looked a bit confused at Gabriella and George What happened?
Gabriella: Sparkle insisted I as soon as Andy showed up at her house, would throw him in my car and drive him back up here, she feared you were gonna freak out and take off. So it was better for everyone to fill Andy in on the car ride up here. And luckily we had just parked my car as that truck came roaring, if it wasn't for your crazy fiance, you would have been nothing but a pancake! He flung himself in front of that truck and pushed both of you to safety, just in the last split second before you had both been dust.
Congo: He looked down at Andy with tears in his eyes You idiot… you could have gotten killed! He kissed Andy's hair gently
Andy: He coughed a bit from the sobbing So could you! I already told you, I don't wanna lose you! I cant live without you! So don't make me!
Congo: Hugged him even tighter I'm sorry…
Andy: Sobbed loudly I don't know what's worse? -That you almost got killed or almost left me?! He got up and slapped Congo hard, crawling few meters away, and curled up on the ground, sobbing loudly as his body started shaking
Congo: He sat up straight Andy… I… I don't want to risk your life… that does not mean I don't love you… I love you more than anyone else! He quickly got on his feet and walked to Andy, squatting down next to him, softly stroking his back
Andy: Wiggled his shoulders Don't touch me!
Congo: Sighed softly Andy, please listen to me… you heard the whole story, right?… can't you see it's insane? we will never win… we will only lose! And your life is too much to gamble on an already lost game.
Andy: You don't know how I feel about you! He got up fast you don't know shit! But it's so easy always doubting me! And what we might be able to get if we were together! I'll gladly sacrifice it all, including my life, even if I have never had more will to live than I have now!… cause a life without you… is just something I can't face! And I won't! I didn't even think before throwing myself in front of that truck, I saw you, I saw the truck, and then I flew through the air! I have never felt anything so strong before… EVER! Not even with A! NEVER!
Congo: But Andy… as soon as he tries to leave you, you almost die in the process…
Andy: He shouted between his tears That's because I knew nothing about our love!!! Now I know, and it literally grows stronger and stronger for each second! How can you stand here and deny me only hours after you proposed to me?! I know a lot of things has changed, I know we just got buried under possible the biggest pile of shit we will ever be buried under… but Congo… for fuck sake… George believes I'm strong enough for this… he believes my strength lies in you! Sure I won't stop loving A today, tomorrow and maybe not even a year from now, maybe I'll always love him because of the bond… but I know I love you more… I don't know how that's possible, or how I even know… but I know… I feel it running through my whole body! I feel it right here he pressed a hand against his chest and groaned loudly, as he fell to his knees
Congo: Gasped and grabbed his shoulders What's happening?
Gabriella: Looked confused and scared I don't know… I looked worried at George
George: Andy… he placed a firm hand on his back Try to breathe, I think you are having a panic attack… try to relax….
Andy: Groaned from pain and grabbed on to Congo's shirt, grinding his teeth as he spoke You… are breaking… my heart! He gasped for air you are breaking…. my heart!
Congo: Looked at Gabriella with despair in his eyes Please do something!
Gabriella: Shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks I have never seen anything like this… I can't help! Only you can help!
Congo: Started sobbing loudly Try to calm down Andy… I'm right here… I won't leave… tell me what to do! Please!
Andy: Sobbed loudly Just love me… just love me forever… just never leave me… I want you… and only you… I don't care at what cost!!!… you are my mate… my true mate… I love you with all of me… don't ever walk away!! Please! It kills me! It kills me inside! I wanna marry you and be yours only! He sobbed loudly why can't you believe in us?
Congo: He fell to his knees, sobbingly leaning his forehead against Andy's Tell me how to fix this! I beg you! I can't stand seeing you like this!
Andy: Sobbed uncontrollably and fell to the ground as he fainted
Congo: Leaned over him and picked up his head from the ground Nononononono don't leave me! Don't leave me! I love you so much, Andy! Come back to me! Please come back! He checked Andy's pulse with shaky hands Please, I can't stand going through this again! I'll do anything if you come back! I'll do this with you! I'll marry you! Just come back and choose me! Please choose me over him! Please! I beg you! I beg you with all my heart! I beg you with my life!
Andy: His skin sorta started glowing, and for a few seconds, he levitated a few cm's over ground, making George look around nervously, but to his relief all of the bystanders had long gone left the scene when nothing seemed to be exiting enough to look at. Andy's face gained a pink glow, and as he opened his eyes they too seem to almost glow. Then he fell back into Congo's arms and sighed deeply, speaking in a calm soothing almost singing voice Congo… I choose you.
Gabriella: Nodded at Congo as he looked up at her, squealing as she wraps her arms around George's throat
Congo: Looked back down at Andy Did all of you choose me?
Andy: Nodded softly Yes… all of me. I feel so calm inside. Like every worry and tension is gone, like I'm floating on air. Kiss me…
Congo: Sobbed happily as he pressed his lips against Andy's, drawing him closer to himself
George: Looked at Gabriella as tears starts running down his cheeks, smiling softly Did he really choose?
Gabriella: Smiled bright Yes, yes he did. I feel the energy all around us.
Congo: Sobbed softly as he chuckled happily Did you pick me? Am I really so lucky? I can't even wrap my head around all of this, but I'm so fucking happy! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Andy: Chuckled happily through his own tears Don't thank me… I'm so fucking happy you are my mate! It's perfect! It's beyond perfect! I wouldn't want it any other way!
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amb3rpanda · 2 years
Elucien here lately
I am in a serious Elucien mood lately.  All I keep reading, writing, and or thinking about is their story. What does SJM have planned? What is the next book going to be about? Who is it about? When do we get it? When does Lucien get the love that he deserves?
Currently, writing more Elucien fics (oneshots) for ao3. 
Find me on ao3 at 95WolfPanda
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ladyescapism · 1 year
realization about mates
tw: swearing, mention of canon violence and SA
hey everyone! this isn't my usual content but I had a realization about all (edit:) most mate pairs in the acotar universe (that we know how/when the mate bond "snaps") that is kinda messed up in my opinion. every mating bond we know of "snaps" when the female is at her lowest, or they meet when she is in danger. lets look:
rhys and Feyre - hours after she killed innocents, during which she considered suicide, and at the start of a deep depression, they meet when she is a human in Pyrthian during Amarantha's reign (not very safe) and war is brewing when the bonds snaps
Elaine and Lucien - when Elaine comes out of the cauldron, a very traumatizing experience, in Hybern (not safe). arguably not her lowest, but not a high point either
nesta and Cassian - nesta finally admits that she pushes away people, that she feels like she isn't good enough or lovable, (may not be her lowest, but an emotional low for Nesta to be sure), war is brewing, weird shit happening with the Dead Trove and the cauldron (not safe)
rhys' father and mother - the bond snaps when her wings are about to be cut, taking one things she loves the most from her. probably very terrifying, and clearly not safe
edit: adding vivienne and kallias- these two are the healthiest from what we have seen of mates. they have known each other a long time, trust one another, and have feelings before the mate bond snaps. they initially see each other, kallias proposes, and the bond snaps during the “you know what”. this is the healthiest example, but vivienne was most likely distressed/overwhelmed at seeing kallias and was keeping with winter court together for 50 years.**
**this is the only example i can thing of for healthy mating bond circumstances and they are background characters at best. still odd that all the min characters/influential characters have icky mating circumstances.
IF Gwen and azriel are mates - he came to her aid after being sexually assaulted (not safe), and the bond MAY snap when Gwen is in danger or wounded with the Valkerie or if she reaches an obstacle in her healing journey.
this is fucked up in my opinion. I don't known that SJM is repeating a damsel in distress type thing in all most the mate pairs, but it gave me an ick when I realized it. all most of the females are emotionally compromised when the bond snaps. granted, the accepted pairs are in a better place when they do accept, but it is still icky to me. it is almost like the female can't be in a healthy place in order for the mate bond to snap. considering the lore that we know about the mate bonds, this might happen to arouse the male's protective instincts, saving the female that would bear him the strongest offspring. (remember how rhys explains that this is one explanation about where the mate bond comes from, creating the strongest offspring.) It still feels very off to me.
what do y'all think of this? do you agree with me? do you think SJM does this on purpose? if so, why?
-- note the "if" and "may" when I reference Gwen and Azriel. I know that the only canon material I referenced was Azriel finding and helping her after her assault, but the rest is just a theory. no shipping wars, please.
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authorsheilaparrett · 2 months
Partly available to read for free on Wattpad and Inkett
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melaniem54 · 6 months
Review: Oracles Always Win (Willow Lake Supernaturals Book 3) by Lori Ames
Rating: 4.5🌈 Oracles Always Win is a fantastic book, a favorite read in a great series by Lori Ames about a small town of mixed paranormal species living among humans, all magically harmonious. That changed when a small pack of werewolves lead by a disgruntled were started a chain of serious crimes that eventually lead to the arrival of Gage, a demon, and his crew from the Supernatural…
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Fated Mate
In the heart of the sprawling forest, where moonlight filtered through the thick canopy, a lone wolf howled into the night. This wolf, named Lucas, was no ordinary creature of the wild. He was the alpha of his pack—a powerful and noble leader with eyes that gleamed like molten gold.
For years, Lucas had roamed the wilderness, his heart yearning for a connection he had yet to find. He had heard the legends of a destined mate—a soulmate who would complete him and ignite a fire within his very being. But time passed, and the fated encounter remained elusive, leaving Lucas with an ache that only his mate could heal.
One moonlit night, as Lucas led his pack through the forest, he caught a scent that sent shivers down his spine—a scent that stirred something deep within his primal instincts. It was the fragrance of the long-awaited mate he had dreamed of.
Driven by an unexplainable force, Lucas followed the scent, his heart pounding with anticipation. The trail led him to a small clearing where a young woman stood, bathed in the moon's ethereal glow. Her eyes sparkled like stars, and her laughter danced through the night.
As their eyes met, time seemed to stand still. A magnetic pull drew them closer, and Lucas felt his soul stir with a long-lost familiarity. He knew in that moment that he had finally found his mate—the one who was destined to be by his side.
With a mixture of awe and trepidation, the young woman, named Emma, sensed the presence of something otherworldly. The sight of the powerful alpha wolf both terrified and intrigued her, and yet, there was an unspoken connection that transcended the boundaries of human understanding.
Lucas approached Emma, his steps slow and deliberate. His gaze softened, conveying a tenderness she had never experienced before. With a gentle nudge, he brushed his muzzle against her hand, and in that simple gesture, their bond was sealed.
In the days that followed, Lucas and Emma discovered the depth of their connection. They explored the wilderness together, their spirits intertwined in perfect harmony. Lucas, the formidable alpha, reveled in the joy and tranquility that Emma brought to his life, while Emma marveled at the strength and protectiveness that radiated from him.
As their love grew, Lucas revealed his true nature to Emma, sharing the secret of the werewolf within him. To his relief, Emma embraced him for who he was, her unwavering love and acceptance washing away any doubts or fears that lingered in his heart.
Together, they faced the challenges that life presented, their bond serving as an unbreakable foundation. Through moonlit nights and star-filled skies, they navigated a world that sometimes misunderstood their connection, but their love remained steadfast.
In the realm of the supernatural, where legends came to life, Lucas and Emma proved that even the most powerful of creatures yearned for companionship and love. The alpha wolf had found his long-awaited mate, and together, they embarked on a journey of eternal devotion—a love story written in the stars and whispered through the ages.
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venusofvolterra · 1 year
Every time I discuss my headcanons about how bonds work, I get an anon or something that’s like “that’s not what smeyer said” and let me be clear, this page is all my HC. Much of my HC is based on canon but I reserve the right to write what I want.
Second, Smeyer says a lot of things about canon that can be easily proven false by the source material. She says only vegetarian covens can form close familial bonds and yet — her whole fourth book relies heavily on the introduction of many non vegetarian covens who have close bonds with one another.
Also smeyer is weird and so some stuff I just blatantly ignore bc it’s creepy/gross/racist/moron/bigoted/etc.
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azrielslittleslut · 3 months
The Frenzy (pt. 1)
Azriel x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Azriel and Reader accept the mating bond.
Warnings: smut, NSFW, 18+, p in v, oral (m and f receiving), praise, language, shadow play, usual mating bond shenanigans, this might get a little crazy idk yet
Word count: 1.8k
a/n: this fic will be multiple parts. All of them will be smutty, as Az and his new mate will be exploring their new bond.
The glass plate slid across the wooden table, the sound absurdly loud in the otherwise quiet dining room.
"Here," you murmured to the beautiful male sitting across from you. "Eat every last bit of it."
Azriel swallowed, and you found yourself staring at the way his Adam's apple bobbed with the movement. "Are you-" he stammered, blinking slowly. "Are you sure about this? You know what this means?"
You giggled as you leaned forward to pick up a piece of bread. You made sure to lean forward far enough so that your cleavage would be on full display for him. "I have never been more sure of anything in my life. And yes, you silly bat, I know what this means," you said as you raised the bread to his luscious lips.
You and Azriel had become friends nearly seventy years ago when you came to the Night Court to help Rhys with some court matters. The friendship had started off slow, usually with the two of you sitting in silence. He would read his spy reports and you would read your epic fantasy novels. He had always teased you for it, not understanding your love for those things when you lived in a world full of magic and mythical creatures.
That teasing had turned into an easy friendship, and it did not take long for romantic feelings to bloom. At the time, you had thought something would become of it. That was until Amarantha came and Rhys was taken away from them.
You were with Az while he screamed at the stars for his lost friend. You had held him during his nightmares and bandaged him up after fights and battles. You had kissed his beautiful, scarred hands when he despaired over them, over the pain and bloodshed they had caused.
The trials of life had overshadowed the feelings of love, but you had accepted that. Being Azriel's closest friend was better than not having him at all.
That was until six months ago when the bond snapped into place. When it happened, the two of you just stared at each other. Azriel had fled, of course, as he was not a male who faced his problems head-on. You had stared at him in silence as he flew away, trying to fight the tears that threatened to spill down your cheeks.
A few days later, Azriel approached you, apologizing for his behavior. "I got scared," he said. "I don't want to fuck this up. I don't want to hurt you. You mean too much to me."
You had taken his face into your hands, pulling it down so his lips were almost touching yours. "You're a horrible spymaster if you're that oblivious to the feelings I have for you."
That started months of Az courting you, bringing you flowers, taking you on dates. He did not have much experience with healthy relationships, and he had insisted on doing it right.
But tonight.. tonight was the night you were ready to accept the bond. To accept him. You had taken him to your private residence on the outskirts of Velaris. It was far away from everyone and everything else, especially your family and friends and their prying eyes and ears.
Now, you found yourself staring at the most beautiful male you had ever seen in your long life. Your mate.
"Are you going to eat, or am I going to have to force-feed you?" you asked him, raising a brow.
His eyes darkened, and he lowered his eyes, noting how close your fingers were to his lips. He said nothing as he opened his mouth to take a bite.
You watched in silence as he ate the whole thing from your hand. When he was done, you traced your index finger across his lips to wipe away any crumbs. "Good boy," you purred as you ran your hand down his face to trace his jaw.
Whatever control Azriel had been holding onto snapped. Faster than you could move, he winnowed into shadow and reappeared right next to you. In a swift movement, he lifted you up into his strong arms, holding you close. Your breasts were pressed against his chest, and your legs were wrapped tightly around his waist.
You let out a soft moan at the feeling of his hard cock pressed against your center. "Already hard for me, shadowsinger? We're just getting started," you teased as he carried you to the bedroom.
He let out a growl as he threw you onto the bed. He leaned down, tucking in his wings, and you felt the ghost of this breath against your lips. "I get hard every time I look at you." He laid a soft kiss on your lips before pulling away. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, and I thank the Mother every day for bringing you into my life."
His hazel eyes were so full of love and adoration that it took your breath away. You reached a hand up, tangling your fingers in his soft curls. "I love you, Azriel." Your voice was breathless as your need for him ran through your veins.
He kissed you then. Gone was the gentle and tender male from before. This kiss was full of passion and dominance, and it lit a fire in your bones that send a rush of heat to your throbbing pussy. "Please, Az," you beg. "No teasing right now."
Azriel wrapped his lips around your tongue and sucked, grazing his teeth along the tender flesh. "I know, love." He pulled away just enough to raise a finger to his siphon. "Teasing will come later."
He tapped the stone, and both of your clothes disappeared in a flash of cobalt. The feeling of his naked body against yours was dizzying in the best way. You ran your hands over him, trying desperately to memorize every bump and scar as if this was the last time you were going to touch him.
He kissed his way down your chest, cupping your breasts to raise a nipple to his lips. He flicked his tongue out, and you moaned a the feeling. He continued his torturous path down and down until he made it to your dripping pussy.
You raised up on your elbows, looking down at him. "I said no teasing." You tried to close your legs to stop him, but his shadows wrapped themselves around them, holding you open.
He kissed the inside of each thigh before hovering over your slit. Your breath caught at the sight of him between your legs. A dark part of you wanted to show it to Feyre so she could paint it for you.
"I have to get you ready for me, princess," he says, his voice low and sexy as hell. "Plus, I've wanted to taste this pretty cunt for years now."
He licked a stripe up your center, and your vision went white. He circled his tongue around your clit and the world around you fractured and fell together again. You buried your hands in his dark locks, grinding your hips against his face. "Yes, Az. Yes, yes, yes."
"You taste so fucking good," he groaned against your pussy. "Better than I ever imagined."
You were beyond words, unable to think as he took you apart with his tongue. You let out a sinful moan as he thrust in a finger. You started to feel the pressure of your orgasm starting to build in your lower belly. You weakly pulled him away, although you very much wanted him to stay between your thighs for much longer.
"I want to cum on your cock," you whispered, pulling his wet face up to yours. He kissed you savagely hard, and you moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips.
His shadows released their hold on you, and he nudged your legs farther apart as he settled between them. Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt him brush against your tender flesh. With one hand, he aligned himself with your entrance. With the other, he gripped your hand in his own, placing it above your head. "Eyes on me, love." You locked eyes with him, meeting his lust-blown gaze with your own. "I love you," he murmured and pushed himself in.
You screamed at the feeling of his cock filling you, stretching you. He worked his way in with slow thrusts, letting you adjust to his size.
I guess they weren't lying about wingspan, you thought to yourself smugly.
With a final thrust, he seated himself into the hilt, his hips flush with yours. "Move, Az," you plead as you scrape your nails across his broad shoulders.
With a groan of pleasure, he began to fuck you. It started out passionate, with slow and deep thrusts that had your head thrown back. You wrapped your legs around his waist, meeting his thrusts with your own.
He leaned to kiss your neck. "Say it," he murmured against your sweat-slick skin.
You knew what he meant. "You're mine."
He pulled out and slammed in hard. The movement caused your hand to slip and brush against the arch of his beautiful wing. He groaned, biting your shoulder.
"You're mine," you say again.
He placed his forehead against yours as he said, "And I am yours." His thrusts became harder and faster, and you could hear the headboard banging against the wall.
"Fuck, you feel so good. So tight around my cock."
His filthy words caused you to clench around him and he roared, his thrusts so wild and unchecked that you struggled to keep your legs wrapped around him.
Suddenly, you felt that pull in your chest, that wonderful bond that connected you to him. It was pulling at your heart, reaching out for his. It was golden, laced with shadows and starlight. It was beautiful and perfect, better than anything else in the world.
He was your friend through trials, your lover through the dangers of this world. He was yours and you were his.
You felt that pressure begin to build again, and you pull him in for a kiss. "Cum with me, mate," you say against his lips.
Azriel slammed into the hilt and let out a roar that rattled the windows in the bedroom. His shadows wrapped around the two of you, placing you in a shadowy cocoon, away from the world. Your back arched as your climax slammed into your body, and you screamed as you rode out your waves of pleasure. He kept fucking you, filling you up with his cum, claiming you.
For a few moments, the two of you stared at each other, soft smiles on your lips. He was still buried deep inside of you, and he made no move to pull out. That bond glowed between you, and he brought his face down to kiss you softly. "My mate," he murmured. "My perfect mate."
You giggled as you nipped at his lower lip, causing him to groan. Your breath hitched as you felt him harden again inside of you. His eyes filled with a primal desire that caused you to moan softly.
"Again," you commanded, already needing him.
The frenzy had begun.
if you want to be added to a tag list for this fic, let me know!:)
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thewitchoftherock · 2 years
Synth: Episode 320: Guide
Sex-ed is important for everyone, and it's important to get it before you hit sexual maturity and end up floundering about with intimacy, like SOME people we know….
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dargeereads · 2 years
Mate Bond by Jennifer Ashley
 5 stars
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Wow, that was a ‘rip-your-heart-out’ story, complete with ugly crying and sobbing. That’s because Kenzie and Bowman had such depth of emotions between them, you were immediately drawn in and felt everything they did. I wasn’t all that curious about these shifters and this town before, but now I can’t wait to see more of them. Plus, the bad guy was defeated, yes, but there are more questions and mysteries to be solved, and I’ll be right there for them!
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thelov3lybookworm · 6 months
As a slut for angst today “tolerate it” has been stuck on a loop and now I am imaging an angsty fic where Az just slowly begins to forget about reader and she threatens to leave but he doesn’t take her seriously and is so utterly destroyed when he comes back home and she’s gone…
Like I feel like it’s on brand with him and his duty to his job and whatnot. Plus the lyrics are so him coded “while you were out building worlds where was I” / “took this dagger in me and removed it” LIKE HELLO???
(But I also love a good happy ending so I feel like if azzy groveled hard enough… 👀)
Tolerate it.
Summary: She is fed up.
A/n: ehehehehehe angsttttt yummy yummyyyy
Y/n laughed at Feyre's pathetic attempts at skipping the large puddle on the ground accumulated due to the rains that had Velaris freezing overnight.
Feyre failed miserably, her boots and leggings getting wet from the splash that signalled her downfall against the watery enemy of hers. But Feyre was not fazed. She simply laughed alongside Y/n, her eyes crinkling as the two of them made their way back to the river house.
It was visible already now, Y/n could even make out the grains in the wood of the door as it opened, and her brother in laws, along with her mate, spilled out.
Y/n could see from the corner of her eyes as her sister lit up at seeing her mate, her husband and the father of her child. The moment his eyes met her, she took off, her arms spread as she ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck. Rhysand did not hold back either, clutching Feyre to her chest with as much enthusiasm as she held him.
It made Y/n smile.
Y/n then glanced behind the embracing couple to her mate, the overwhelming urge to hug him too and to claim him in front of anyone watching making her start walking towards him without even realising.
Which was reckless, as the moment he realised she was walking towards him to hug him? He took a step back.
Y/n knew that he hated being affectionate in front of others, but this was cruel.
So to not get embarrassed by his rejection, Y/n turned swiftly towards Cassian, her other brother in law, who stood not too far from where Azriel did, and hugged him instead.
Cassian, Mother bless his heart, did not even question it.
He wrapped his arms around Y/n and literally lifted her off the ground, cackling when Y/n's fist made contact with his shoulder over and over again as she demanded to be put down.
Y/n had to stop herself from thinking back to that day. She did not want to relive the pain she had felt, the sadness and anger.
Y/n watched his eyes fluttering, wondering if he was dreaming. Wondering who he was dreaming about.
It definitely was not her, that was for sure.
Y/n, feeing a little sadness taking root in her heart, returned to the portrait in her hands, questioning if it would even be worth it finishing it up when he sure as hell wouldn't even acknowledge it. Or her.
Y/n glanced at the paint supplies she had placed on the coffee table next to her, having wanted to capture a moment of him letting his guard down, of him being vulnerable using her best paints, knowing he would not care.
She guessed living for as long as he had, life and the small things didn't matter as much anymore. Maybe that was why he loved to go on the missions Rhysand, Y/n's brother in law, gave him.
It probably gave him the thrill nothing else did anymore.
With Y/n's sister just having given birth to the starlight of the court, Rhys had become more and more protective, sending his brothers and anyone and everyone at his disposal to check and report about every trivial thing that made his primal mate and father side get protective.
Slowly, Y/n reached for the brush that rested in the cup half filled with coloured water, deciding to finish the half done portrait. If he did not care... she did not now what she would do then, but she did know she was tired of being tolerated by him.
But what could she even do? It was not like she could just up and leave.
Y/n blinked.
Or... could she?
Y/n shook her head, as if to dislodge the though, and with a sigh, she let herself get lost in the soft skill of painting her sister had taught her long ago, when staying up and huddling under worn blankets was the only thing bringing any warmth.
Trying not to think about the fact that the last time she remembered him caring for her, genuinely caring for her, was only when the two had been in their early stages of relation ship and the mating bond was a very new experience to a newly made fae Y/n, she continued using the soft and strong, long and short strokes to finish up her latest masterpiece.
Of course, Y/n never would call herself a creator of masterpieces, but any and all art that included her perfect mate was destined to be a masterpiece.
Time lost its meaning, and all that mattered was capturing the perfect angle for his eyes, nose, lips, shoulder.
Nothing existed but Y/n, her art, and her muse.
Nothing existed but the soft rise and fall of his back as he lay sprawled on his stomach, the effortless way his wings draped across the whole bed, taking up space three wingless fae could have slept in.
Where Y/n would have slept in, on days when everything had been filled with stars and dreams, wrapped under his warm wing like it were a living blanket.
When he pretended he was nothing, absolutely nothing but her mate. Her husband. Not a spymaster, not a shadowsinger, not a brother. Just her mate, her lover.
Those days were far gone now.
Despite the fact that she knew he would most definitely not care, Y/n was excited.
And that was downplaying what she felt.
The wait was killing her, the amount of adrenaline in her bloodstream making her want to jump around to get rid of the energy that made her shiver, her limbs going cold and warm at the same time. She had to push her fists together and shove them between her thighs to keep them from shaking, which did not help at all.
So Y/n waited, her body clenched in anticipation as she stared at the doorway that led into the living room, a big grin on her face.
She glanced once at the sketchpad in front of her on the table, admiring her artwork for a moment.
She never liked whatever she made, always feeling like it lacked something. So for her to be excited to show off her art to her mate was a huge indication to how much she loved the portrait.
The familiar scuff of worn boots drew Y/n's attention, and she shot to her feet, pressing her fists to the back of her thighs.
It had become a habit of Azriel's, to purposefully make some noise before he stepped in view so as not to startle her with his appearance.
The action melted Y/n's heart every single time.
He stepped into view, as ethereal as the day Y/n had first seen him as a human, just as beautiful as he had looked that day as he tried to get comfortable on the small chair in the manor on the other side of the wall, just as loveable as that day when she had ended up losing her heart to the low born fae that should have intimated her.
He was fumbling with his armor, making sure it was all secured properly before he left for whatever mission Rhys assigned him for that day.
He glanced up just as he walked past Y/n to the kitchen counter, a small smile gracing his face before his attention was again diverted.
Y/n tried not to deflate at his lack of enthusiasm.
"Good morning love. Look-"
"Good morning Y/n." He cut her off, his voice void of emotions, as if he was tired of saying the same thing every morning and wanted to get it over with. He didn't even glance at Y/n as he said it, and Y/n pretended not to notice that he used her name instead of whatever endearing name he would have picked before.
"I will be on a scouting trip to Illyria, and after I have a meeting and dinner scheduled with Rhys and Cass, so I will be late coming home. Don't wait up."
Y/n's smile faded. "Don't wait up or stay out of my way?"
Azriel froze. "What?"
Y/n released a humourless laugh. "Nothing. Go have fun."
Azriel turned, giving her a hard look. "You know I would rather stay at home with you."
Y/n so badly wanted to say it to his face, but she did not want to fight with him so early in the morning, so she sighed, smiled and nodded.
He started walking towards the door, and despite her anger, Y/n walked forward to kiss his cheek.
She did not miss how he recoiled.
Y/n masked the hurt before he could see it, and he gave her an awkward smile before he maneuvered to walk around her, careful not to brush against her.
Y/n watched him walk away, staring hard at the door even long after he'd left.
She then glanced at the portrait she had abandoned on the table, and, her heart hardening, turned away.
She was tired of having her love be tolerated, and she would not have it be that way anymore.
Either he accept her love the way it was, loud and clear, or he go find someone else.
And so, she turned, walked up the stairs to the bedchambers she shared with Azriel, and began to turn it back into just his bedchambers.
She would no longer be tolerated only because some godly entity thought she and him would make great, powerful kids and tied them together with a string.
She deserved to be cherished.
Part 2
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @eve175
Azriel Taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings @azrielsmate3 @celestialend
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