#legal in quotation marks cause is it legal if the other half of the marriage is unaware 😭
etrevil · 1 year
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I need a telenovela of these three with Fukuchi as the first "legal" spouse, Mori the homewrecker, and Fukuzawa who didn't even know he was married.
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feathery-dreamer · 7 years
Papersnews miscellaneous
- from July 24: Quran schools and religious student residences will be entitled to using public domains gratis for 49 years, with the option to open up parts of their domain to commerce. That's half a century of teaching nothing but Islamism to young people (mainly from the poorest backgrounds) for free whilst making profit off of it.
This also applies to other faculties and associations exempt from tax, but the Ministry of Religion has to give their okay. I should add that no domain of (mis)education, aside from religion, gets a special mention like this. Another item on the long list of ways in which the current government actively discourages knowledge and reason.
- from July 28: Status update on the Syrian "refugees", you'll soon see why I put quote marks. There's now 3M migrants since 2011, under 243k of them in 24 camps and the others in homes they bought or rented. Number of babies born in Turkey, whose needs were financed by the Turkish people of course, is right below 225k. The education of 509k kids (81k in camps) from kinderkarten to high school, courses to help 225k Syrians find work; the country spent well over 25 billion dollars on the immigrants.
> Now the reason for the quotation marks... government officials recently reminded us these people were just passing by. But in fact, they've bought homes; who fucking buys property when they're in an unstable situation? This isn't taking refuge, this is taking root - these immigrants are here to stay, with all the comforts they were given (comforts unknown to Turkish people in their own country).
- On an unrelated note, this country really likes good talkers and comedians much more than it likes competent experts. Fatih Terim is a name almost every Turk knows, he used to be the national soccer team's technical director. He hasn't helped that team win significant matches, hasn't done anything besides talk and make faces (and get into fights with people), yet was constantly a subject of discussion. He earned 1M liras each month without getting shit done; any other country would've spent that on someone who worked their balls off 24/7 and got results of historical importance. He was such a burden and troublemaker, he eventually had to either quit or be fired; now it's said he's entitled to 3.5M euros of compensation.
A few days ago, he took his goon squad to a fight with a kebab restaurant owner (his groom's sister had eaten there and didn't like the price? something like that), but they all got their bitch asses handed to them by the owner.
- from July 29: Ilbiz Höyüğü, an archaeological site in Konya, was turned into a park; with stone paths, a playground, even fitness area. The same municipality (of Karatay) had transformed another settlement from the Bronze Age, Aşkar Höyüğü, into a park.
Meanwhile in Sinop, 850 trees were marked for cutting in order to turn part of a forest into an open-air stone mining area. Villagers of Çaybaşı and a city chairman are against the project that'll cause severe harm to the local nature and pose a health threat.
And let's not forget the new bill about letting imams and priests legally preside marriages again, an outrage for anyone supporting women's rights. Since the republic's creation and the cultural and legal revolutions brought by Atatürk, marriage ceremonies can only be done by officials appointed by the local mayor. This bill will take us back to the Ottoman period, when Islamic priests could do marriages without even seeing the brides' faces and women had no right to divorce.
> Just a reminder of how much the AKP administration despises its own country's people, nature, culture and history.
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