#intense love triangle vibes
etrevil · 1 year
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I need a telenovela of these three with Fukuchi as the first "legal" spouse, Mori the homewrecker, and Fukuzawa who didn't even know he was married.
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caelesjjk · 6 months
anatomy of the moon - jjk&myg
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fic announcement
⟶title: anatomy of the moon
⟶pairing: werewolf!jungkook x werewolf fem reader, vampire!yoongi x werewolf fem reader
⟶au: supernatural, fantasy
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ genre: romance, smut, love triangle
⟶ wc:
⟶ warnings: I’ll list these when the fic drops
⟶ summary: you’re an experiment. nothing more than disposable if they don’t get what they want from you. the problem is…it worked.
you’re a werewolf who was tricked into mating with a vampire and now you’re carrying his child. a hybrid who could be a mindless monster when it’s born. no one truly knows.
your pack comes for you, breaking you out of the lab they trapped you in just before you have the baby.
now you’re on the run from the vampires with jungkook, your werewolf bodyguard who is supposed to keep you and your baby safe and most definitely not fall in love.
⟶ authors note: hello darklings. here’s another unhinged idea from me that will be posted in the coming months. I have a couple projects I’m finishing first. but kind of wanted to gauge how readers might feel about a fic like this. yes, I’m back on my love triangle shit but this one is…intense and dark. it’s sort of got some Underworld vibes to it. let me know how we feel about this!
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seraphinitegames · 10 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles - Update 8/Dec/2023
Wow, I can’t remember the last time things have been so intense and hectic, hehe!
Holiday Magic is really steaming ahead ready for the release date, which be revealed along with the amazing teaser trailer Nai has put together next week! I’m SO excited for it, I’m having to be really careful not to spoil anything, lol! :D
One thing I was really happy with though this week was figuring out how to manage and do the coding for which vampire ending you get in the love triangle route. I didn’t want to just pick for the reader and only pick one of the vampire’s endings no matter what, but I couldn’t think of how to make it work.
Then the most obvious answer came to me: Have it based on the reader’s choices! I mean, yeah, it’s obvious, especially as it’s a choice-based game, lol!
So, I have a stat that tracks which vampire the reader is choosing throughout the game during the love triangle choice moments: Adam/Ava or Nate/Nat, then the ending is based on their choices. Then if those points somehow manage to be balanced (which they shouldn’t be but just in case, lol) it will be a random one!
Phew! That was the last thing that was hanging over me, so it’s a major relief to get that in and finalized.
But playing through the whole thing, with the music and everything, is giving me the exact light, fluffy, and fun vibes I was so desperate for in this game! Romance and festive fun is definitely the outcome! Hopefully it will be the perfect short side story to help fill the gap between Book Three and Four!
It’s been a very different process of writing from the main series (and much more condensed than usual, lol!), yet I’ve enjoyed it SO much! But…I’m already itching to get back to the Book Four and throw the vampires and the MC into some intensity and melodrama once again, mwahahaha! ;D
Hope you all have the most magical weekend! We’ll be offline as usual., so I’ll update you all again next Friday! Can’t wait for the teaser trailer to come out, which will be happening on Tuesday! <3
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What I think each Yellowjackets character’s Letterboxd top 4 would be
*I’m including movies past the 90s even though some of these characters didn’t live long enough to see them*
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I think Nat is a huge horror movie fan (specifically 80s slasher and demonic possession) and loves edgy gothic vibes. I also think she would love some artsy indie movies about sex and challenging gender roles (and just some cool action movies with hot badass women).
Honorable mentions go to The Craft and Kill Bill
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We all know Misty is a theater kid. She loves musicals and I think girlie is definitely singing Sweeney Todd and Phantom of the Opera songs to herself 24/7. And I feel like I don’t even need to explain the Steel Magnolias inclusion, she had that monologue memorized like it was imprinted on her soul.
Honorable mentions go to Hairspray and Hamilton
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I know Jackie loves a good chick flick, particularly those with homoerotic subtexts. I think, if she had gotten to live long enough to start coming to terms with her sexuality, But I’m a Cheerleader would definitely be her gay awakening. And then Bottoms once she’s tip-toed out of the closet a little bit more (RIP Jackie Taylor you would have LOVED Bottoms). And of course, I had to add Beaches because of the “Are you quoting Beaches at me right now?” line, and also because I think Jackie would watch it and shed a secret tear because it makes her think of her and Shauna.
Honorable mentions go to Uptown Girls and Heathers
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Van would definitely refuse to watch anything past the 90s. She loves comedy classics and queer staples. I know Van quotes The Godfather in the full Italian accent constantly (especially around Nat to piss her off) and she’s watched The Princess Bride an ungodly amount of times and knows pretty much every line (Buttercup was her queer awakening).
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Like Jackie, Shauna love movies about intense (homoerotic) friendships. I know she relates to Needy in Jennifer’s Body living in Jennifer’s (Jackie’s) shadow and resenting her for it but also being so obsessed and intertwined with her; and she also just loves the visuals and its satire on female exploitation. Shauna maybe relates to and roots for Pearl a little too much, she loves a movie about a woman desperate for recognition and teetering on the edge of insanity while maintaining a sweet and innocent facade. Also I can see adult Shauna in particular just being charmed by Little Women (partly because of the love triangle but mostly because of the womanhood and female friendship themes).
Honorable mentions go to Juno and Scream
Also side note: I feel like Shauna would love Daria, but it’s a TV show so I didn’t include it.
Laura Lee
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Laura Lee loves uplifting and wholesome movies. I can see her shamelessly liking kid’s movies well into adulthood. She likes movies centered around helping people in need like The Rescuers or going through hardship and discovering faith like Soul Surfer. Girl is religious-religious so her favorites are definitely going to be centered around faith and Christianity. But she also just likes a simple feel-good film; the cheesiest, sappiest movies you can imagine.
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Okay Lottie was hard to pinpoint but I’m pretty sure she would like angsty, artsy shit. Like, in high school, she would pretend to love chick flicks like the rest of her classmates but when she gets home she’s putting on the darkest and most depressing weird girl movie you’ve ever seen. I think she likes Suspiria for the occult themes, the otherworldly feeling of it, and eccentricities of the main character who never knows what’s real and what’s not, which she relates to. I think she likes some mental illness movies like Donnie Darko because of her diagnosis and upbringing and The Virgin Suicides because she’s lonely and feels overly-controlled by her parents. And Amelie because she once again relates to the loneliness and likes that the main character discovers her gift for helping people. I think Lottie would prioritize good cinematography and visuals in movies, too.
I don’t think Lottie would really watch movies as an adult because she would be too busy running a cult and disconnecting from society, which is why these picks are centered around Teen Lottie.
I couldn’t think of what Tai would like! She is a mystery to me. I can see her maybe liking something like Whiplash because she is super driven and ambitious and kind of tortures herself for success? But idk. Please comment or repost with what you think her’s would be!
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #21
Best of Wish
This is way more intense of a Rock-Paper-Scissors competition than I expected. I love how the stakes in this show are kid-themed, but still flashy enough to be engaging.
For some reason, even though I know Dev's surname is Dimmadome, it's still funny to hear a kid be announced like that. For years, that's been an "old man name" burned into my mind.
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Are they allowed to do that?? Does apple beat worm?
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He's just a little guy! You wouldn't beat a little guy at Rock, Paper, Scissors, c'mon!!
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Time of his life.
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Dev: I cheated! And you're supposed to be SAD now! That's the whole point!!
Dev is having a very hard time dealing with his emotions. I am definitely enjoying him screaming about how he cheated to win and that means Hazel should be miserable now. You can just TELL the words he's throwing out reflect how he feels and he's super confused as to why she congratulated him on his win.
-> Gives me similar vibes to Foop in "Blue Angel" screaming about how it wasn't fair that Chloe kept forgiving him despite his best efforts to tear her apart, although I think the emotions are being played better in this set-up.
-> With Foop, even though he also has a messed-up past (37 years of solitary confinement from the day he was born according to my frozen timestream notes), he was born with murderous rage, and his culture definitely leans in the direction of encouraging that.
With Dev, you know he's lashing out with things that would hurt him specifically and that he's having a really rough go of things. I like that.
If I'm feeling like Dev reminds me of Foop, that kind of implies Dev and Peri are supposed to me a good match that balance each other out. I like that.
That checks out- Peri has doting parents and wants LESS attention, and Dev can't keep his dad's focus and wants MORE attention. Peri's the one who keeps trying to rein Dev in and Dev is always trying to get Peri to go further.
Agency knew what they were doing when they assigned this pair, huh?
/war flashbacks to Foop being distraught that his parents left him alone for spring break back in the day.
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Irep implying he didn't have a choice in his name change? I wonder what the reasoning was, since he even says it's "Harder to pronounce" than Foop? Curious...
As much as he hated his name when he was born (Season 7), he was very attached to it by "Love Triangle" (Season 8), correcting Goldie every time she got it wrong until he finally snapped and screamed at her about how "It's not that difficult!"
Goldie got Fairy names right, AND every character in the school play right, but never bothered to learn her one Anti-Fairy classmate's name despite all the time they spent rehearsing for the play and him making it very clear he wanted her to say it right. Big yikes.
He's very proud of his name in later episodes (announcing himself often) and has his business cards. I mean... Sure, he's allowed to change it- It just surprises me that he's heavily implying it was against his will since his attachment to his name was such a big part of his character in my memory.
He's developed an entirely new identity, lmao. Who are you?
Potentially setting up a plot about how he's mad he has to copy Peri, but I feel like there would've been easier ways to do that?
I assume the logic here is that it needs to be clear to Hazel and/or viewers that they're opposites (We got the info here, but he'll probably appear in future episodes where it needs to be clear to prevent confusion for people just tuning in), but if that's the goal...
W... why would he not just change his name to Anti-Peri?
Plot twist of the century: They bring back Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda, but their names are Osmoc and Adnaw now and we all suffer for it.
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/record scratch
Hey, um. Why did they give Irep body language that was pretty much exclusive to Foop's alternate personality??
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You're really gonna play me like this??
Straight out of the GATE!?
Okay, I just rewound to his first appearance of this episode and I do see the Foop-exclusive body language in Irep too, but... ???
Just really caught me off guard to see two poses I've burned into my memory as "alt personality things" back to back in like, 10 seconds, but okay. I don't care if this is a tangent; the actual episode can wait. It's important to me...
All right, the context:
So, OG Foop does fists when he's frustrated / scheming / cackling / nervous (usually above his head or down by his sides).
His alter does upturned fists when he's praising / cheerful. That's always been one of their switch cues, from the alter's debut in "Playdate of Doom" (Season 7) up through the last implied switch in "Return of the L.O.S.E.R.S." (Season 10).
Even the very first onscreen switch in Season 7 ("Playdate") depicts the alter holding his fists like that, before the double eye highlights were introduced in "Spellementary School"-
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-and he does the fists several times throughout his first episode.
Other body language habits include big, flat hands lifted towards the mouth, plus clasped hands. In other words, the alter is more "dainty" and "gushy" compared to Foop- I've always imagined him "doing everything over-the-top and unironically."
Don't confuse that with him being the nicest person, though. He's very funny; I like in the OG series when he's totally down to butt heads with Poof and coos "Does Mr. Popular want to fight~?"
Like. Logically, I know that is just a weird coincidence. There's no way the storyboard folks studied that, and there's no way they're planning to bring the alter back, because if they were, I'm sure he would've been blatant in this episode.
Foop's not using his high-pitched voice here and we can't use his eye highlights as a faithful signal since that's on-model for this show, but...
I mean... He's talking about Da Rules when he does the upturned fists. That does fit the "grumpy / scheming" energy which is correct for Foop (although he usually pumps his fists above his head or clenches them down by his sides instead of upturning them like this), but... ???
Wow, that is not a pose I'm used to seeing on Foop instead of his alter. I've written this little guy in 'fic a bunch of times; I know his body language pretty well and it was a switch cue for 3 seasons??
I'm okay. It's fine.
Also, here's a video showcasing their switches. Volume warning:
I just found out I missed one switch in "Terrible Twosome" when Poof gives him chocolate (even before his Terrific Twos kicked in), and I was always unclear on the full diner scene in "When L.O.S.E.R.S. Attack" (though I don't remember why; maybe because the voice is deep despite the highlights and I'm only rethinking it 6 years later), but... Them.
-> I do count "Terrible Twosome" as essentially the alter because the eye highlights, voice change, music change, and clenched fists all match the standard, but I'd accept arguments to the contrary since it's confirmed all Anti-Fairies have some version of Terrific Twos, and this is the only one we have for reference.
I was today years old watching this old compilation when I realized the music consistently zigzags between super cheery and dark when they switch, even outside "Terrible Twosome," which was where I remembered it. No... It's been there since "Playdate of Doom." Huh.
Okay, so... This is actually really interesting. When they switch, the music does too, but their music doesn't overlap. It's a very clear, jarring switch. There's often, though not always, a pause before this switch (such as their very rapid back-and-forth in "Playdate of Doom"). I've learned something new. Huh.
... Wait a sec.
They wouldn't...
Hey, uh ???
why does the tense music in "Best of Luck" cut off immediately before Irep temples his hands, drop to silence, and then switch the thumping part of the music to the cheery part underneath it and put the thumping part underneath the cheery bit instead?
I already used my one video for this post, but I can post the audio. It's subjective; I'm sure it's not supposed to indicate anything, so just bear with me...
- Okay, so we have this dark "BUM-bum, BUM-bum, BUM-bum" pattern. That goes for 12 seconds into this clip before fading out. - Note that you can hear, like... a scale underneath, like a swish, 4 or 5 seconds in. Right as 12 seconds turns to 13, there's a "sparkle noise". - And then we drop. And silence. So, that's the exact moment before Irep temples his hands.
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- NOW the cheery scale in the music is louder and the thumps are very faded in the background, but definitely still there. - So, the stings are no longer "always switching, but never overlapping" the way they were in the OG series, apparently.
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- Irep clasps his hands and says a couple more words, then drops his hands on "quitting." - RIGHT THEN, his music switches back to loud tension.
What the fliiiippp... what the fliiiiiippp?
?? I said I could see Foop-exclusive body language in him too earlier in this episode. Are they together again? Is that why they're sharing the music sting!?
SURELY that is not intentional. That HAS to be coincidence. I cannot imagine a world where that is on purpose. I'm losing my mind.
I... I don't really know where to go from here. I gotta lie down.
Bonus notes about the fists I moved down here due to length:
Okay, upon review, there are several ambiguous moments in the OG series where Foop himself makes potentially joyful fists instead of scheming fists, such as:
- When trying to fool Jorgen into thinking he's rehabilitated in "Playdate of Doom" (and Jorgen clocks him as lying) - When he's trying to sweet-talk Poof in "Two and a Half Babies" (and Poof also clocks him as lying) - Both times he's brownnosing up to Crocker in "School of Crock" (and Crocker clocks him for it) AND when he's sweet-talking the principal to trick him into activating his door trap. He also makes the fists when he's mimicking Poof in his first scene, so... he pretty much does it anytime he's "not being Foop," lol. -> In that case, it's funny he makes those fists when telling Poof in the closing scene that he's "sorry for trying to annihilate him." That said, he DOES switch a few seconds later while gushing over how Sammy Sweetsparkle is "kind of a bad boy." -> Clasped hands (also a thing his alter does a lot) is ALSO something Foop does when he's blatantly lying (The last of the Snow Wanda scene in "Fairly Odd Fairy Tales" is a good example, but I saw other episodes too). - Continuing with ambiguity talk, he does the joyful fists both times he enters the pet shop in "Man's Worst Friend," (a scene where he seems to switch multiple times, so it's clearly a place that affects him, but he doesn't have eye highlights when he first enters the building) - When the Anti-Fairy Council names him a scary godparent in "Fairy Godcouple" and he grins and says "Bring it on!" (though I can see that as scheming about what he can do with this power) - At the end of "Fairly Odd Fairy Tales" when he's trying to coax Timmy into eating his food and Wanda hands him a treat, interrupting his scheme (and he leaves his fists in the air while expressing interest in the treat) - The first time he meets Vicky during "When L.O.S.E.R.S. Attack" (when she joins the team's plan to get Timmy, so... arguably scheming, though the alt personality is known for crushes - and had eye highlights when asking Crocker if the mystery person he wanted to bring in was single - so I'd accept that as an answer).
Yes, I did drop everything to rewatch every Foop episode for this. hey man how's it going.
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softpeachydarling · 1 year
Non stereotypical Yuri recs:
Her Tale of Shim Chong - probably my favorite modern GL, a fairly dark take on a Korean folktale
Sadistic Beauty Side Story A - shockingly good spin off of a het femdom series. Romantic comedy between two college students with strong personalities. Great balance between smut and romance. Includes BDSM but nothing particularly intense
Renai Idenshi XX - set in a magic academy in an omega-verse like world where men are extinct. All the main characters wear suits iirc and it's arguably butchxbutch which is nice to see.
Your Scent is a Little Sweet - actual lesbian omegaverse, only 20-ish chapters translated so far but it looks promising
Run Away With Me Girl - a woman reconnects with her highschool girlfriend 10 years later and finds out she's engaged to a man, angsty but with a touching payoff at the end
My Princess Charming - very cliche fake dating to real romance story but with lesbians, pretty cute
Best Served Cold - a lonely housewife develops a crush on her hot new neighbor, but is unaware that every move the neighbor makes is part of a careful plan to ruin her and her husband's lives. Toxic, dramatic and soapy.
On a Leash - toxic relationship between two military officers that transform into animals.
Kill Me Now - a girl becomes attracted to the assassin that killed her parents that is also her foster mother
Yuki and the Authoress - cute romance in 1920s Japan, really pretty art
What Does the Fox Say - dramatic love triangle between three women, modern setting, smut with great art
Love Thy Neighbor - modern psychological drama. One of the leads is in her 20s and the other is a much older butch.
Goodbye My Rose garden - bittersweet historical romance between a lady and her maid, set in Victorian England
Black and White (Sal Jiang) - office comedy, enemies to enemies that have sex
I may add more to this list later, this is just whatever stood out to me based on what I've read in the last few years. I tried to pick stories with very different vibes and tropes from each other, and all of these are about adult women except for Renai Idenshi. Thanks to @magnetictapedatastorage for inspiring me to type this up!
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jae-bummer · 1 year
Irritably in Love
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Request: hiiiihiiiii!!!!! would you write a story with seungmin from stray kids using the prompt where a non bias member confessed to you when your bias [aka seungmin] in also in the room?? the only additional thing i ask is no love triangle or poly situation. thankies🫰🏽
18) A member (who is not your bias) confesses to you while your bias is in the room.
Pairing: Stray Kids Seungmin x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"Come on, scaredy cat," Seungmin grinned, poking you in the cheek. "It's just a movie."
"A movie that has no effect on you because your weird little mind has already been warped," you grumbled, settling deeper into the couch beside him.
"It's okay, Y/N," Hyunjin hummed, appearing with popcorn that smelled suspiciously burnt. "You can hide in my shoulder if things get too intense."
Seungmin rolled his eyes as he looked up at the older member. "Then what happens when you get scared?"
"I don't get scared," Hyunjin laughed as he sat on the opposite side of you.
"Bug!" Seungmin shouted, pointing to the cushion beside Hyunjin.
Letting out an impressively high-pitched screech, Hyunjin flung the bag of popcorn to the floor before scooting directly into your lap. "Kill it! Kill it with fire!"
You couldn't help but laugh at Hyunjin's dramatics. It was an undeniable fact that he was the king of being fooled, so you weren't surprised that he played right into Seungmin's hands.
"Stupid," Seungmin cackled, pushing at Hyunjin's back in what appeared to be an attempt to get the taller boy off of you.
Hyunjin's panicked expression fell into a sheepish smile. Covering his face in his hands, he wiggled from side to side. "Protect me, Y/N!"
"How the tables have turned!" you joked, wrapping your arms around the noodle of a boy.
Glancing to Seungmin, you noticed an annoyed expression had worked its way onto his features. Avoiding eye contact, he stood, and went to pick up the popcorn pieces that Hyunjin had dropped.
While Seungmin's default mode could often be set at generally annoyed, it was never directed at you. For the entirety of your friendship, he was pretty wonderful, albeit it merciless when it came to teasing. That was one of your favorite parts about him though. He had a certain way of telling you about yourself that made you feel like you were in on the joke. You never felt singled out or targeted by his words, but just a victim of his love language. He was almost always on the defensive, but it was cute in an abrasive way (which may have been the best way to describe him as a whole).
If you hadn't had the self-control you did, you would have fallen in love with him a long time ago. With his demanding schedule, and your general aversion to thinking people could possibly have a crush on you, it was relatively easy. While you loved nearly every part of that bony, bobblehead of a man, you could be realistic. He would never see you that way.
Chewing on your lip, you looked back to Hyunjin who had apparently settled in for a cuddle. He glanced at you carefully, his face much too close for your comfort.
Hyunjin had always been a bit of an enigma to you. It was as if he existed on a separate plane that you could never quite understand. He was easily charming and extremely open. The two of you could talk for hours about nothing at all. You couldn't quite pin down the otherworldly nature of him, but you weren't sure if you needed to.
"Hey, Y/N," he said quietly, looking directly into your eyes.
You could see Seungmin go still in your periphery as he caught the hint of Hyunjin's whisper.
"Hey, Hyunjinnie," you said carefully, trying to gauge when the vibe around you had shifted.
Hyunjin slid himself backwards off of your lap and into the spot where Seungmin was originally sitting. Gathering his long legs to his body, he wrapped his arms around his calves, and settled his attention back on you. "I've been thinking about this for awhile..."
"Maybe you should think about it a little longer," Seungmin muttered, moving to sit down next to you. "We have a movie to watch."
"Seungmin," Hyunjin groaned. "Just give me a second."
"A second has passed," Seungmin said in monotone, tapping at the remote for the television.
"Y/N," Hyunjin tried again.
This caused Seungmin to groan and slump his body against the back of the couch.
You shifted your eyes back over to Hyunjin, waiting.
"I've been thinking about this theory for a while," he nodded slowly. "You know, how all of us are made from the same material as stars...and... I've really decided that our two souls, you and I, were born from the same star."
"Oh," you croaked, unable to move your eyes from Hyunjin's hopeful expression. You weren't entirely sure what he was getting at, but you had an idea.
"We're all made of star stuff," Seungmin grumbled. "I could be part of the same star as you, Hyunjin."
"No," Hyunjin insisted, shaking his head. Reaching out, he set his hand lightly a top of yours. "There's this feeling I get when I'm around you, Y/N. This completeness. It's fate that we've found each other millions of years after our star died."
"I can't," Seungmin gasped, launching up from the couch. "Absolutely ridiculous."
You watched as he shuffled toward the balcony, cursing quietly along the way. Pulling the sliding door open with a bang, he glared over his shoulder at Hyunjin before stepping out into the chilly night air and slammed it shut again.
"Hyunin, what are you trying to say?" you said quietly, now only able to focus on his fingers covering yours.
"I'm not trying to say anything," he chuckled. "I'm saying it directly. This is my confession to you, Y/N. Do you accept me?"
The truth you were trying to avoid was now outlined so plainly. Never in all of the time you had known him had you guessed Hyunjin could have a crush on you. It was a shock in a way, but with how romantic he was, it seemed on brand. You weren't even entirely sure if he liked you, or just the idea of you. That was the issue with Hyunjin. He was easily wrapped up in his own poetic ideals so much so that you weren't sure that he recognized they didn't necessarily apply here.
"Hyunjin, I-" you began, but were immediately startled by the thud coming from the direction of the balcony. Looking up, you could see Seungmin had pressed his forehead against the glass and was now staring intently at the two of you.
Shaking your head in an attempt to get your thoughts together, you looked back toward Hyunjin. "Do you really like me?"
"What?" he asked, furrowing his brows. "I literally just launched into a speech-"
"Which was very nice," you continued. "But also, were you thinking up those words before you met me and just happened to find someone that they might apply to?"
"I, uh," Hyunjin stumbled, confusion painting his handsome face. "Well, I mean, I've had dreams about who I thought I'd be with."
"I very much appreciate what you said to me," you nodded. "But Hyunjin, we're just friends."
"Friends," he repeated dumbly. "Right."
"I'm sorry," you whispered. Glancing toward Seungmin again, you could hardly stand the moody look covering his face as well. "I just...if I'm being honest, I have feelings for someone else."
Hyunjin looked up with a cringe. Catching the direction your eyes were staring, he let out a hiss of understanding. "Seungmin."
"Seungmin," you nodded in agreement.
"Well," Hyunjin sighed. "I guess I can't be too torn up. I should have known better, really."
"Thank you for baring your heart to me," you smiled sadly. "But I think you still have some stardust to reunite with."
"Maybe," Hyunjin grumbled. You could tell he was trying to act unbothered. "Thanks for letting me down in a nice way. I think it helps the crushing weight of being alone."
You let out a laugh. "Did it?"
"Not really," Hyunjin smiled tentatively. Finally taking his hand from yours, he pulled you in for a one-armed hug instead. "Go talk to him."
"Thank you," you said quietly.
"Yeah, yeah," Hyunjin grumbled. "You'll make it up to me sometime."
You nodded before pulling yourself off the couch. Your heart was fluttering in your chest, and you weren't entirely sure if you could handle the other half of this conversation so soon.
Seeing your approach, Seungmin stepped back from the door, and yanked it open. Stepping gingerly out onto the balcony, you slid it behind you again.
"Are you two strolling happily into the sunset?" Seungmin chuckled bitterly. Spinning so he wouldn't have to look at you, he set his forearms on the balcony railing.
"Quite the opposite," you hummed, taking a spot beside him. "I'm pretty sure I yeeted all of his hopes directly into the sun instead."
Seungmin's head swiveled toward you and his brow furrowed. "You didn't return his feelings?"
"Nope," you sighed. "I have feelings for someone else."
"Great," Seungmin croaked, looking away again.
After a moment of silence, he straightened and faced you. "Look, I know you weren't really expecting to hear two guys make a fool of themselves tonight but let me get this out."
You tried not to appear amused as you gave him your full attention.
"Y/N," he said sternly. "I never thought I would care about someone like this. I get it. Love is this unpredictable, unexpected...thing that just forces itself upon you, but frankly, it's been miserable."
You lifted your brows in surprise but remained silent.
"This feeling," he continued, his eyes searching your face. "This feeling that I have...it's going to explode out of my chest. It's too big. These emotions...they aren't even mine anymore. There is so much of you rooted in me that I don't even belong to me anymore and it's really very irritating."
This time you couldn't hold the huffed laugh that escaped from your lips.
"If you could just...please," he finally said, defeated. "Please either give my heart back...or if I'm lucky, give me yours instead. I know I'm annoying, and I know I can be prickly, but-"
As soon as his confession turned into whatever flaws he assumed he had, you wouldn't let it go on any longer. Closing the space between you while he was still in mid-sentence, you leaned forward and placed the lightest kiss on his still moving lips.
Well, that shut him up.
Looking at you with wide eyes, he touched his fingertips gingerly to his mouth and remained very still.
"Here I am," you smiled slowly. "Giving myself to you, as requested."
"I'm sorry," Seungmin said, his voice much hoarser than it had been previously. "Is this real? I just need to confirm I am not hallucinating."
You laughed as you reached up and cradled his cheek. "You impossible boy."
"Not hallucinating," he confirmed, placing his fingers lightly atop of your hand holding his face. "Maybe you should kiss me again just so we can make sure."
You chuckled as he rested his forehead against yours. "If that will convince you."
"Great," Seungmin said quietly. "I'm going to need to be thoroughly convinced, just saying."
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peterparkersnose · 2 years
Christmas Vibes
pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: nostalgia, age gap, horrible attempt to capture joel’s accent (fuck), just christmas fluff :)
a/n this kicks off my joel stories in preperation for tlou show on hbo max starting jan 15! enjoy and have a happy holidays. please tell me you understand the vibe aspect (triangle, purple, thursday, the number 4, blueberry pie) bc if not i am just really undiagnosed. 
summary Joel tries to make Christmas special for Y/N once again
join the tag list
read time: 4 mins 59 seconds
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“It’s snowing,” you sighed, looking at your reflection in your window. The street lamp lights outside were plagued with the falling snow.
“Never liked winter,” Joel shuttered, taking off his jeans. You heard his belt clank as it hit the hamper. “Really? Not even Christmas?” you asked, playing with a strand of your hair with your gaze still locked outside.
“Sarah always loved it. I liked seeing her happy so I tolerated it.” Joel sighed. You could see the reflection of his flannel pajama pants in the window. You were touched that he mentioned Sarah. He rarely did. Even if you slept in the same room with that eerie photo of the two of them together staring at you, you never dared pushing the subject.
“What did she like?” you asked, testing the waters. “Hmm,” Joel thought. “When she was real young she loved Santa. Her grandpa would come around every year dressed up as ‘em. I’ll never forget her face every year when he would come.”
You nodded, not sure what to say. “I miss Christmas.” you sighed, sitting down next to Joel in the bed. “How many did you get? Before…”
“12.” you sighed. “My mom would always go out and cut us down a tree. I sometimes think about the smell of a real tree. It’s much different when the tree is in the woods versus your living room. I miss it. Every time it gets cold like this, my memories come back and it makes me hate this damned broken world even more.” you sighed, laying down on your back and staring at the ceiling.
“We always had fake trees,” Joel commented, flicking off the lamp. He was unsure on how to respond to you, so he tried to take your mind off the bitterness of the memories.
“You give fake tree vibes.” you told Joel, reaching for his hand in the sheets. “How can one give fake tree vibes?” “You just do.” “Explain?” he asked, grabbing your hand tightly “There’s no explanation. Just like how Maria gives off former yoga teacher vibes,”
He stopped and thought for a moment. “Well I’ll be damned, she really do.” “Told ya.” “Go to sleep,” he sighed. “She most definitely had a pixie cut when the world wasn’t shit,” you added.
“Where does your mind come up with these things?” Joel chuckled. “Ellie and I had a very intense conversation about it on patrol a few days ago. Just like how Tommy gives off cinnamon raisin bread vibes.”
“Stop that,” Joel insisted, shuffling in bed. “It’s too accurate. Freakin’ me out.”
“Maybe she has a dragonfly tattoo too. Somewhere special where only Tommy knows. Very yoga teacher-ish.”
“Go to bed Y/N.” Joel huffed, slamming his eyes shut.
Joel didn’t even know why he was doing this. He didn’t even like Christmas when the world was still normal.
But he liked you sure of a hell lot more than he hated Christmas.
His back ached as he dragged the tree through the gates of Jackson. He had picked out the greenest tree he could find and cut it down. The horse would have been useless with a close to 120 pound tree (he estimated).
“Need some help?” Tommy chuckled, arms crossed amused watching his brother lug in a tree. “S’pose I could,” he hissed at him, dragging the stem of the tree against the dirt ground. “All this for a woman?” Tommy asked, lifting the muddy end of the tree. “Your tellin’ me you wouldn’t do this for Maria?” “Maria wouldn’t want it,” “Well if she did?”
Tommy paused for a second to think. “Hell no,”
The tree barely fit in the door to your house. Joel cringed at all the needles he was going to have to pick up after this.
“Got her in?” Tommy asked, entering the house with the end of the tree still in his grips.
Tommy saw the makeshift tree holder and set the tree in the metal hole. Joel propped it up, holding the tree up for Tommy to bolt the tree to the metal plate.
The two of them now out of breathe took a step back to see the enormous tree.
“I think you may have underestimated the size of your house, big brother.” Tommy said, patting Joel on the back.
Joel’s eyes were glued to the top of the tree pressed against the ceiling and jutting outward.
His arms were crossed with one hand rubbing his brow. “She’s gonna hate it,” he muttered. “I think it’s rather cute. Quirky if you ask me. She likes that shit, don’t she?” Tommy re assured his brother.
“Should I cut it?” Joel asked. “Nah. You went out and did the dirty work. If she doesn’t appreciate it, she doesn’t deserve it. I always got a lighter if you need it.” he suggested.
Joel swept the needles up from the ground in preparation of your return. You had spent the day distracted by Ellie. The kids were having a winter festival down in the square and you two were volunteering.
Joel most definitely owed Ellie one after this.
He found the red and green blankets from storage and placed them on the couch. Holiday decorations were rare to find (minus halloween) and he was trying his best.
He was in the middle of fluffing the pillows when he heard the old door creek open.
A sudden gasp came from you as your hand clasped over your mouth. “What is this?” you asked, a smile widening on your face.
“I know it ain’t perfect, I didn’t measure right but it’s…”
“Joel, it’s perfect.” you insisted, wrapping your hands around the man who was cowering in embarrassment. “It’s too tall, the tree ain’t right.”
“Shh,” you shushed him, wrapping an arm around his rib cage. “I love it,” you muffled into his chest.
“Oh!” you said, suddenly realizing what you had done that day.
You and Ellie had made strings of snowflakes all day with the kids.
The white paper cut outs strung perfectly around the tree.
“Careful there,” Joel said, balancing you as you stood on your tippy toes to reach the top. “Ready?” he asked.
“Ready for-”
Joel hoisted you up by your waist erupting a squeal from you. “Joel!” you laughed, squirming in his reach.
“String…‘em,” he demanded with his raspy voice, struggling holding you in his grip. As you strung the paper around the branches, needles dropped down. Specifically on Joel.
“What are you doing?” you asked after hearing the noise of Joel spitting. “Them damn needles- in my face.” he grunted, finally letting you down.
A tiny laugh came from you as you faced him once again. “What’s so funny?” he asked. You carefully plucked the stray needles out of his bushy eyebrows, making sure they didn’t fall in his eyes. “All better now,” you smiled, kissing him on the cheek.
“I’m surprised your not covered in sap,” you commented, sitting down on your comfy couch in Joel’s arms. You handed him his cup of coffee. “Showered ‘for you got home,”
“What if I wanted you covered in sap?” you asked, staring up at the tree. “What?” Joel asked, confused. “So I could have washed it off of ya.”
Joel sucked his teeth. “It’s a damn shame,” he sighed, taking a sip of his coffee.
“And you brought this in all by yourself?” you asked, grabbing Joel’s bicep. “Mhm,” he lied, taking Tommy’s credit. “My strong man,” you said, folding closer into his body.
“Thank you, Joel.” you sighed, remembering the previous night. “It’s just like old times.” “Well, I’m glad you like it,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head.
“It gives off Christmas vibes,” Joel said, very proud of himself. “Yes Joel, sure. It gives Christmas vibes.” You chuckled, enamored at his attempt to understand your humor.
“Just like how Ellie gives off the vibe that she can only wear red socks on a Friday.”
“Stop that shit already,”
“And how when the world wasn’t like this, Tommy probably had shit credit.”
“He did,” Joel laughed. “Stop it now, your still freaking me out.”
“You brought it up!”
“Yeah, because it was funny when I did it.”
“Yes Joel. Hilarious.”
tag list: @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @samanthacookieone @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry
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licollisa · 1 year
I just wanna say i love the way you draw Asriel! Can you give me a how to draw, or tell me about a video where you learnt how to draw him if thats okay with you?
Awe thanks! I strive to make him look fluffy n cute but also include a vibe like he's still an actual young teen and would behave like so?
As for how to draw him,,, I kinda suck at explaining, but, I just nitpick details I liked from various Asriel fanarts I've seen and integrate that to my own Asriel (as in I intensely scrutinize & study at said fanarts). E.g like @/Xxtc-96xx 's Asriel.
So I didn't really have a video to recommend. But I can break down the specific features for you!
- His 'hair' model consists of the tuff of fur on both front & back
- Eyes are vertical, round & slated down (like his sprite)
- His fingers are shorter and stubbier. To stress this I make his fingers double jointed, instead of three like a human. I add a little triangle nubs on top as nails.
- ...For the snout, you can refer to plenty of 'how to draw furries' out there. Even I wing it all the time. Hands down the hardest part of drawing them goat monsters. Just add two lil fangs that looked like it fused with his mouth haha.
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That's about it :D
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nerdygaymormon · 3 months
Happy Pride
I want to wish a happy Pride to:
Ice Coffee
On the surface, it’s so commonplace, it’s just coffee, how can it be gay? Well, a lot of ordinary things have been coded queer over the years: thumb rings, which ear you have pierced, handkerchiefs, and carabiners. Signaling to other queers that you are also queer, while once essential, has now become a fun part of cultural communication.
Will and Grace was one of the first times popular media recognized iced coffee is associated with the gays when in a 2001 episode, Jack signals himself as gay to his barista by repeatedly ordering frappuccinos. Why frappuccinos? "Fancy" coffee was seen as feminine, so men ordering these drinks is a form of gender subversion, a way to signal to other gay men that you are gay.
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Bert & Ernie
Sesame Street debuted 1969 and from the beginning Bert and Ernie behaved in the same loving & discreet way that millions of queer people had to do at that time. For anyone with eyes to see, Bert and Ernie’s subtextual queerness has been there for everyone to see. They share a bedroom. Bert watches Ernie take baths. They’re together on the cover of a Sesame Street album titled "Love." They cook and eat together. They vacation together.
Mark Saltzman, one of the script and song writers on Sesame Street, stated in an interview with Queerty that he wrote Bert and Ernie as reflections of himself and his longtime partner, Arnold Glassman. However, Sesame Street won't acknowledge that Bert and Ernie are a gay couple because, even to this day, many people view heterosexuality as neutral and queerness of any kind as obscene and inappropriate for children.
In 2013, the US Supreme Court ordered the US government to recognize same-sex marriages performed by states, and in response to that sweeping victory, The New Yorker magazine ran this cover:
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Biangles and Double Crescent Moon
The biangles are the first symbol for bisexual visibility and were designed by Liz Nania in 1987. The design of the biangles began with the pink triangle, a Nazi concentration camp badge that later became a symbol of gay liberation representing homosexuality. The addition of a blue triangle contrasts the pink and represents heterosexuality. The two triangles overlap and form lavender, which represents the "queerness of bisexuality", referencing the Lavender Menace and 1980s and 1990s associations of lavender with queerness. The colors of the biangles were later used to create the Bi Pride flag.
Because the biangles incorporate the Nazi pink triangle symbol which was used to identify gay & bi men and trans women in concentration camps, some bisexual individuals objected to the biangles. In response to this, in 1998 Vivian Wagner created the bisexual double moon as an alternative. This double moon symbol is most popular with the bisexual community in Germany and surrounding countries, though bi people throughout the world use it as well.
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Question: What does a lesbian bring on a second date? Answer: A U-Haul.
This joke plays on the perception that lesbians quickly form intense emotional connections and move in together, referred to in gay slang as an "urge to merge".
Especially before the internet when it was much harder to find other queer people unless you lived in a big city with gay bars, there was no guarantee that you would find another person you could be compatible with, so everyone snatched everyone else up and just made it work, and thus the stereotype that lesbians quickly move in together.
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Nail Polish Emoji 💅
Since wearing nail polish has been for females, gay men (or queer people in general) wear it to express some sort of femininity or just to feel free to do things that are outside the norms. The nail polish emoji is a vibe for when you feel powerful/femme/boldly gay, and has become the emoji version of the limp wrist, in other words, shorthand for gay.
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A lot of LGBTQ+ oppression involves people telling us what we can and can't do with our own body. You can't hold hands or kiss the cheek of a same sex partner without risking others expressing their disapproval and disgust. You can’t get hormone therapy or gender affirmation surgery as a grown adult without having to go through years of psychological evaluations.
Getting piercings is a signal of rebellion against expected social and cultural norms. The queer association with piercings became widely known when a 1991 article from the New York Times claimed that gay men could be identified by their earrings, stating that they “often [wore] a single piece of jewelry in the right ear to indicate sexual preference.” The phenomenon isn't limited to gay men, many queer people get multiple piercings in their ears, nose, and other places, as a way to express freedom to be who they are and not fit the gender expectations of what is feminine or masculine.
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The labrys is a double headed axe featured in Greek & Roman mythology, frequently seen in depictions of women warriors, like Amazons. The labrys was adopted by the lesbian community in the 1970s to represents the strength and feminism of homosexual women. 
An early flag representing lesbians was violet in color with a black triangle containing a labrys. The color violet comes from the poet Sappho who associated the violet flowers with her female lovers. The upside down black triangle was used in concentration camps to identify women who did not conform to Nazi ideals (this included lesbians). The flag may not be popular anymore, but the labrys continues as a lesbian symbol.
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The first gay–straight alliance (GSA) was formed in November 1988 in Massachusetts, after a teacher came out as gay and a straight student approached him because she was upset by the treatment of gay students and others. The second GSA was established in 1989 and the concept spread. GSAs made headlines in 1999 when Salt Lake City School District banned a GSA from being started at East High School, but a court case determined this was a violation of the students' rights. Eventually the acronym GSA changed to mean Genders & Sexualities Alliance to be inclusive of gender minorities. GSAs are associated with positive social, academic, and health outcomes for LGBTQ students and improves school climates for all students, not just those who are LGBTQ.
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Doc Martens
Doc Martens gained popularity in the 70s as the ultimate protest footwear among activists. A significant number of protests were LGBTQ and so before long the shoes turned into an image of LGBTQ pride as they stomped all over the status quo. Also, butch women who were more likely to work nontraditional jobs in male-dominated fields wore Doc Martens with a flannel shirt and jeans as everyday workwear.
In the 1980's, lesbians carried on the shoes' reputation for rebellion by wearing them to gay marches and to hospitals where gay men lay in beds suffering from AIDS. Doc Martens grew in popularity throughout the 1990s when they became associated with the grunge movement, but as grunge faded, so did the popularity of these shoes among the general populace. In the 2020's they are still widely worn by butch lesbians and baby dykes. Docs were likewise well known among cross-dressers, who valued the boots' capacity to make their legs look longer and thinner.
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Eurovision Song Contest
Like so many other things that acquire “gay icon” status, the Eurovision Song Contest unintentionally became a queer favorite because of the glamour, kitsch and flamboyance of the performances, and songs with themes of overcoming struggle and standing stoically through the turmoils of life. Also helping were performers who are examples of trans excellence, drag queens, and who made pleas for marriage equality.
Some notable queer performances from over the years:
Paul Oscar became the contest's first openly gay artist when he represented Iceland at the 1997 contest.
The following year, Israel's Dana International became the contest's first trans performer and won the 1998 contest and is considered the symbolic coming out of Eurovision.
In 2007, Ukraine drag queen Verka Serduchka finished in 2nd place with the song "Dancing Lasha Tumbai", and has been brought back several times over the years for guest appearances.
Drag persona Conchita Wurst won the 2014 contest for Austria
Openly bisexual performer Duncan Laurence was the winner of the 2019 contest for the Netherlands.
Victoria De Angelis, a member of the 2021 Italian winning band Måneskin, is openly bisexual.
Loreen, won the 2012 contest for Sweden, came out as bisexual in 2017, then won the contest again in 2023.
2024 had 9 queer artists in the competition, with the winner being Nemo who identifies as non-binary and pansexual.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hi liv! I was wondering if you had any fics with really charged moments between harry and draco? Where they both want each other but are unwilling to make a move? They don't strictly have to be slow burn or ust fics because I feel like I've read some where there's a fast sexual burn but they still contain heavy moments. This ask was inspired by me just finishing little Compton street and rereading some bixgirl fics, and I know you love those authors so hopefully you know the vibe I'm trying to find! Thank youuu
Ohh I love this ask! And I’m really pleased to know that we share some favorite authors and works, LCS has my whole heart ❤️ I also think that Writ and Bix are great authors to binge read if you’re looking for that specific vibe of UST, their fics are sooo cinematic. Here are some recs, I’ll save this list as “intense UST” lol
Take These Lies by @pennygalleon (E, 20k)
There’s a portrait of his godfather in Draco Malfoy’s potions shop and Harry needs to know why. But that’s not why he keeps coming back.
The Venice Job by nishizono (E, 25k)
Harry Potter was one of the youngest Aurors in history. He was the Boy Who Lived, and the Boy Who Lived Again. He loved Guinness and Quidditch, and hated pineapple. He wrote letters to Hagrid every Thursday, and on Sundays, he visited Hermione and Ron. Harry Potter was also not gay.
I Bet That You Look Good on the Dancefloor by birdsofshore (E, 28k)
God, he wanted this – wanted it so much he could taste it, a metallic tang of heat and desire. He suspected nothing would ever be the same again – especially when he saw who else was in the room.
War Wounds by SilentAuror (E, 30k)
Some wounds take longer to recover from than others. HP/DM, with background HP/GW. Themes of alcoholism, love triangles, and dubious fidelity.
Us, in Lieu by Tepre (E, 30k)
Teddy needs help and Harry needs funding. Draco sits in the other room and plays the piano.
Expecto Patronum by @writcraft (E, 35k)
As Draco Malfoy negotiates his feelings for the wizarding world's brightest star, he becomes increasingly attached to Harry and unravels the secrets he keeps hidden from the rest of the world.
Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi (E, 57k)
Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
Criminal by @the-sinking-ship (E, 83k)
Things were going just fine for Draco Malfoy. He successfully conned and counted cards across Europe and America, amassing a small fortune, along with a lengthy rap sheet. That was until he made the grave mistake of returning to England for a high stakes card game and got himself caught – by Harry Potter no less.
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (E, 100k)
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life.
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
Can't Sit Still by wilteddaisy (E, 193k)
Five years after the war, Harry finds himself drawn to Draco Malfoy by memories that aren't his own. Or, in which Harry hates his Auror partner, Draco flips houses, Pansy sleeps around, Hermione is a magical creatures’ justice warrior, Blaise is getting married, and Ron is just along for the ride.
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siremasterlawrence · 3 months
May The 4th Be With Him
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It is the bizarre celebratory wild night of The Fourth of July at Luke’s Bar which is pulling the opposite vibes very low key with only a few paying customers there he was about to close early and go enjoy the nonsense that transpires on this night when his best friend Kyle walks in to the establishment. This our young man stood next to him unsure of all that is about to play out when Luke warm in his embrace welcomes them as they take a seat at the bar and prop on to two vacant bar stools as Luke is suddenly spreading his lips in to a smile he so overcome with a case of emotion.The two ignore him facing the windows as a firecracker explodes shooting in to the sky it immediately implodes upon impact the sky is lit with most beautiful and illuminating color schemes ever imagined before there eyes stunning both Luke and Kyle as there eyes are now glued to the display.The two shook it off a few minutes later in a bought of confusion before Luke hops up on his right leg yelling that they should play a game of pool and the two guys agree as they head to the table completely unaware of Gary’s plan he is about to hatch for a new life. Luke sets up the table placing race a ball one at a time in a heap leaving the triangle shaped curb over the balls keeping them in place before removing them and taking a shot the balls are hit head on rolling through the whole table and keep them throughly entertaining.The young man backs up sneaking off to the sides mysteriously and unbeknownst to them with a agenda he hops over the bar to the side digging through his pockets he found the item in question a oddly precise nuzzle for the beer tap swiftly securing it as he disappears.He suggests they all get some beer on him he shouts flipping the tap switch as he pouts for all three of them, he lands on the counter to which they happily accept slurping loudly in such ungodly and ungentlemanly manner causing a scenes as both men burp and fart unconscious filling the room up with a horrid smell as they faint. Gary laughs so hard watching the effects go take plan automatically on instinct so he is on fire. He switches the sign to close, makes sure the place looks neat, and awaits for our two friend to wake up eventually they both do two hours late he with intense headaches and drunk as hell fully under this young man wicked desires. He claps his hands extraordinarily loud as his sound booms bouncing throughout the house ricocheting left to right stirring an echo in its place. The two man experience a swift changes as the young man voice is booming through the walls of the bar they bellow deep in to his ears causing Luke and Kyle to drop to their kneesThe young man smirks standing in the main center bar he snaps his fingers as both of these men come to life taking the young guys in the air lifting him up in the air on to the bar itself. The stare mindlessly in utter obedience foolishly giving in to their new inner desires of submission, devotion and declaration of love.
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“The fireworks…”
“So beautiful “
“Both of face me”
“Yes who?”
“Master Gary”
“Kneel to the floor “
“Drop for me”
“I am your new God”
“Worship me”
“With pleasure my love “
“Strip off your clothes “
“Yes…My love”
“Yes…My God”
“Standing naked for me”
“Stay in the light “
“Your shaft on display for me”
“Take me to your private bedroom “
“Oh God! Yes Master”
“Lead the way Luke”
“Fuck off bastard! “
“Or what fucker?”
“I’ll break your neck”
“Just try it “
“Asshole! I dare you “
“Bend over! I’ll do it”
“Make one move “
“I’ll light your ass up”
“Give Master more access “
“Sir Yes Sir”
“The two of you”
“Yes Sire”
“Zip it”
“Go upstairs”
“Don’t say a word”
“Open the door “
“Kneel before me”
“Close the door “
“I love you “
“We love you too”
“Sir Yes Sir “
“Will you serve me?”
“With my life and body “
“Take us”
“Wrap your hands on my waist “
“I can’t wait to worship you”
“Enter me”
“Me too”
“I need you “
“Want me too”
“Oh God Master! Please! Fuck! yyyyeeessss”
The end
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br-uwu-cewayne · 2 years
"I just don't understand your version of the Martha x Thomas x Alfred love triangle"
Well first of all it's not a triangle situation it's a "yes we have this HUGE manor but strangely enough there's only one bed available for all three of us huh go figure" situation so jot that down and second of all so basically the vibes are like [@bruciemilf 's Shady Vigilante Power Couple Waynes post] + "ex-wetwork agent who's always been deeply devoted to (and is now official hired security of) his long-time friend and initially unsure and suspicious of the new girlfriend" Alfred, but SPECIFICALLY like
the Thomas + Alfred vibe is perfectly drift compatible 306k slowburn WIP Knight And Day (Cameron Diaz's character and Tom Cruise's Character respectively)
and the Martha + Thomas vibe is perfectly drift compatible 25k completed work Mr. And Mrs. Smith (respectively)
but the Alfred + Martha vibe is oops we crashed the jaeger but accidentally won the battle because of that anyway deeply antagonistic begruding-allies-to-besties instant bonding over Thomas being in danger and having to rescue him but hating how each other operates until finally realizing there's benefits to each other's style and learning from each other with newfound respect 10k speedrun Hitman's Bodyguard (Ryan Reynold's very professional but deeply sarcastic character and Samuel L Jackson's balls-to-the-wall shitstarter character respectively)
I have not seen the Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard yet, but given the intense Power OT3 vibes of the first movie i DO highly expect it to actually be the perfect interpretation of how all three of them interact.
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atoriv-art · 9 months
I’m deeply in love with your artstyle! What do you headcanon for the Naruto characters appearances and how did you come to that?
thank you!! assuming you mean facial features + body types and the like, it's honestly a very "vibes"-based approach AKSDMKM i wrote down a feeew of my thoughts in [ this post ] (which i doodled as i was still not done watching naruto LMAO) but it's mostly about like.. picking aspects of the character that jump out to me and thinking about how to incorporate that in my interpretation of them, a lot of the time it's their eyes (for example i Adore itachi's stupid prettyboy eyelashes so i knew i wanted to draw those) but it could be just about anything; some examples of my beloved Guys:
with itachi i wanted a 'ghostly' kind of look to him because he is very aloof and distant, i also like having him be Long and Bony for a lack of a better word for the same reason?
with sasuke i wanted a very sweet and earnest "trying to look tough but failing because he's a little guy" vibe, mostly because those are the thoughts that were going thru my brain in any given sasuke scene in our naruto watch
for kakashi i needed his prettyboy charms coupled with his depressed everything
etc! it's hard to convey how/why something comes off a certain way, and that's mostly because imo any given appearance can be used to convey any sort of idea depending on execution! it's not Just "round = friendly and triangle = angry" yk you gotta like. flavor it for the lack of a better word
i'll put the rest under a read more so it's not too long ^^
for more general examples here's my kabuto (yeah i'm a kabuto liker. woe.), konan and nagato
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kabuto (esp. in shippuden) has sharper features and i also wanted to go with a face type i'm not AS used to drawing for funsies, i also think the Angles contrast well with his (...stupid...) glasses.
kabuto is an adult but he's still very young esp when we first meet him so when drawing his younger self i'd like to put emphasis on that (especially because he presents himself as friendly), thus the slightly rounder features. by contrast in shippuden he's Going Through Some Things so the spikes in his hair are emphasized and he looks a bit more mature
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konan for me sticks out as like, "bold"? not aggressive but very intense if that makes any sense, she's a very serious person and you can tell from the moment you see her, nagato ofc has the rinnegan so his eyes have to be the main feature of his face, and similar to itachi he has a thinner body type... what i wanted with him was similarly a very serious person with a lot of edge to his gaze due to his special dojutsu. and finally on a more subjective level i wanted them to look like they match/belong together because i'm very normal about them ♥
i also enjoy conveying character through how hair is maintained, so for nagato he lets his hair grow kind of however it wants to, konan is more meticulous about hers (tho i forgot to draw her bun in that LOL), and kabuto (given when his design transitions to the shorter hair) i very much picture cutting his in a moment of crisis (pictured below. <3)
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there's also always like.. the Fullness of the hair if it makes sense, i enjoy drawing 'fluffier' stereotypical anime hairstyles a lot but i also really like having people like itachi with finer hair and such, i also think varying that between characters gives each a more unique charm :)
one should also note that a lot of the times the physical features are only half the impression, the other half is how they carry themselves and body language conscious And subconscious!
i think in general studying from life will never lead you wrong (even if your style isn't 'realistic', like, mine certainly has anime leanings), and being mindful of what kind of choice/feature you give someone and what you think that implies about them is always important :) the characters i draw are all characters i like so i try to let whatever makes me fond about them have an influence ^^
it's a constant learning process imo i personally find that even if i like how i draw faces Now i often find them wonky like, 6 months later? but i take that less to mean that i drew them Bad and more to mean i've improved lol
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan, Episode 13 - The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan, Part 3
The final chapter in the The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan arc of The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan, which inexplicably neither begins nor ends the series.
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I'm pretty sure she means this purely figuratively but also Haruhi powers means there's a non-zero chance that Yuki's identity crisis could cause a world-cramp.
T_T Factory Settings really getting to me in the short time she's been with us.
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Factory Settings taking everyone to a book fair and. Like. You can feel the Sword of Damocles hanging over her neck. In context, this is presented as Kyon wanting to do something nice for Yuki and Yuki getting to pick the activity.
But the vibe is very much "If you had one day left to live, how would you want to spend it?"
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They're just hanging out and having a good time but the melancholy music and Yuki's general attitude sells the existential terror lurking in her heart. The clock is counting down to when she effectively reboots into the identity that was created for this reality.
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Oh, and now we're literally doing "What would you do with your last day?" Okay. @_@
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T_T Factory Settings is saying out her goodbyes. She has existed for five minutes. There aren't many people for her to say goodbye to.
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The difference between all three of these things is ultimately philosophical. But it's meaningfully philosophical. It speaks to how Yuki is experiencing and interacting with her own sense of self.
At the end of the day, this arc is intensely personal.
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T_T She finished the book that she was so enraptured with at the library.
I wasn't even consciously rooting for that but now that it's been brought up I am so happy she was able to finish it. T_T
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Kyon furiously rolling Concentration checks in his head to see if, just once, just one time, he can actually follow the plot that's been put in front of him.
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So help me if they do a bereaved love triangle of Escapist Yuki -> Kyon -> Factory Settings (Deceased), I am going to be SO GODDAMN.
I will throw things. At people. They'll be passing under my balcony when suddenly the biggest book I own hits them in the head and I'm just up there shouting 'THAT'S FOR YUKI!!!"
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Hard drive reformat at 100%. System reboot complete. Please log in to Yuki.exe.
It feels so good to have her back and yet ALL OF THE FEELS for the temporary version of her that's now been fully re-subsumed into her persona.
And the truly ironic thing, the thing that is KILLING ME more than anything else? Is this guy.
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For once.
For once in multiple goddamn lives.
This man is the only person alive who actually understands the plot of what just happened.
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heliza24 · 5 months
Crying with laughter at the innocent TV insider interviewer asking Assad what it was like to get in the middle of the love triangle this season (to which I was like…which triangle??) and having Assad being like “it was great to fuck shit up, not just between the romance but also between Louis and Claudia and in Dubai” (this is a paraphrase) and THEN the interviewer asking Eric “why is Daniel so bothered by this guy?” Like does TV insider know? Do they have a clue?? Maybe not because there seems to be a pretty intense embargo around any kind of devils minion reveal, and that just makes it funnier 😂 And then Eric shamelessly flirting and being like, you know, he’s just vibing off this guy (gesturing at Assad) and Assad being like, “he’s VIBING in a way he doesn’t understand yet” and Jam looking each other and giggling like HELP THIS IS SO FUNNY. And then Assad being on Eric-minding duty and stopping him from giving stuff away (about the talamasca and… something else? I need someone who knows more of the books to tell me what the second ancient institution is).
Sam being tongue tied bc he doesn’t want to give anything away, he’s so sweet. And I’m really intrigued by what Jacob and Delainey said about Claudia and Louis too!
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