#legend of boxing
tuna-fishh · 1 year
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Has this been done yet
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la-sera · 19 days
For the single drawing request, what about Legend or Hyrule with triumph/pride? Thank you 💜
I chose "triumph" body language, because it looks more fun to draw.
Here you go!
Did they succeed in defeating the monsters with their tactics?
Did they win bets from other Links?
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limited-hero · 2 months
Did Time ever find his Navi 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Time belongs to @linked-maze And NO. He did not find Navi yet.
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Bringing this back...
Vincent Price and Christopher Lee playing chess on the set of The Oblong Box (1969)
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otterlyart · 1 year
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As Kevdak's body slumps... it shrinks back down to its average size, and you crumple to the ground, smiling.
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
babe hey babe wake up. babe. babe they got them. they got the barriers. babe listen to me they have the toothpick barriers. the fucking toothpick barriers.
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cheese-doorstop48 · 5 months
Doodles of fictional crushes...🧍‍♂️
I can't even explain some of these guys
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saltycatfish · 7 months
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Made this for a wallpaper!
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thecrystalkid · 1 year
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sometimes self care is drawing that one scene in skyward sword
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zoroshark · 10 months
In the drawing where Rauru and Sonia get in the pond or lake or w/e,
I have a quick question, how does Rauru dry off all that hair after??? Does Sonia just rewind time to before his hair was wet??? You have burdened me with questions and I must share them with the world
I have thought about ways Rauru can dry off of all that hair! The time suggestion is a good one, so here are doodles of Sonia helping out with her time powers!
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I have the other ideas drawn out, but I'll post them later. This will be part one of the ask!
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eliounora · 1 year
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in this light you’re mine
[Image ID: Fanart of Zelda and Midna from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Zelda and Midna are standing side by side against a dark background, Zelda with her back to the viewer and Midna facing the viewer. Their arms are linked and they are looking at each other intensely, their foreheads almost touching. Both of them look determined, Midna has a small smile on her face while Zelda looks serious. There are little light blue stars around their faces. /End ID.]
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otherkinnews · 3 months
One anti-furry bill died, the other two wait to be heard
(This blog post was originally posted on the Otherkin News blog on DreamWidth by Orion Scribner on March 24, 2024.)
Content warnings: Rated G. An urban legend that describes an unsanitary situation. Sexism against transgender people, including attempts to prevent them from going to school or using facilities, and outing children to their parents. A straw-man version of furries being used to try to discredit transgender people, in a way that could cause trouble for people who identify as nonhuman.
So far this year, Republicans have proposed three pieces of legislation that are opposed to furries or people who identify as nonhuman. That’s something they started doing last year, inspired by an urban legend about litter boxes in public schools, which they made up in parody of transgender students asking to use school restrooms. We’ve been ending up calling these “anti-furry bills” as we keep track of them in our Otherkin News blog. Furry isn’t the accurate word, but it is the word that Republicans use in the urban legend and usually in the bills too. Every once in a while, I’m checking on the status of the bills, and trying to see if there are any new ones. Here is the update for this week.
1. Oklahoma House Bill 3084 (OK HB 3084) “Schools; prohibiting certain students from participating in school curriculum or activities; effective date.”
Background: We wrote about this bill in detail in a previous Otherkin News post. The bill says that furry students should be taken out of school by animal control. Its only sponsor (writer) is Justin Humphrey (he/him). This seems linked with his opposition to LGBTQ people, as well as his efforts to legalize animal fighting. Later, Jim Olsen (he/him) took over as principal sponsor of the bill. He proposed changing it to have the same text as an unrelated bill of his, one requiring public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments.
Update: The bill’s current status hasn’t changed since our last update. It’s still at 25% progression toward becoming a law. Its text hasn’t changed from what it was originally, so it's still about furries.
2. Mississippi House Bill 176 (MS HB 176) “Gender dysphoria; require school personnel to notify parents of student who request to be referred to as different gender or nonhuman.”
Background: This was introduced at the same time as the first bill. As we previously wrote about it, the bill is mostly against transgender students in a way that could put them in real danger. It would require schools to out transgender students to parents, and to allow faculty to not accommodate any student who “identif[ies] at school as a gender or pronoun that does not align with the child's sex on their birth certificate, other official records, sex assigned at birth, or identifying as an animal species, extraterrestrial being or inanimate object.”
Update: This bill’s current status is dead! Hooray! It died in committee on March 3. When a bill dies, that means that it won’t progress toward becoming a law.
3. Missouri House Bill 2678 (MO HB 2678) “Prohibits students from engaging in ‘furry’ behavior while at school”
Background: We previously wrote about this bill. The bill says to pull students out of school for being furries or purporting to be animals. The bill’s only sponsor is Cheri Toalson Reisch (she/her). This appears to be connected with her opposition to transgender people as well as her efforts to undermine public schools in favor of charter schools.
Updates: This bill hasn’t changed or moved forward. It’s still the same as it was when it was introduced. A hearing hasn’t been scheduled for it, and it’s not on a House calendar.
About the writer: This blog post was written by Orion Scribner (they/them), who has been a community historian and archivist for more than ten years.
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la-sera · 2 months
SERAAAAAAA *tackles you with a hug*
how are you, my dear?????
Did you dare to tackle me?? I will wrestle with you and hug you until you beg for mercy! ha ha ha
..Just kidding, maybe I'll be the one asking for mercy LOL.
I'm fine, a bit of an art block but trying to escape my art block before I completely sink. How about you? Are you good? :D
I was doodling at work earlier and finally I drew Legend! When I saw your message, I immediately changed his hair to pink! Because you remind me of Legend, with his pink hair^^
So this is for you! *hug*
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limited-hero · 5 months
I was wondering, how big would the Light Dragon be in comparison to Link's full dragon form.
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he tiny
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Vincent Price and Christopher Lee playing chess behind the scenes of The Oblong Box (1969)
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goryhorroor · 1 year
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horror sub-genres • virus horror
virus horror is a sub-genre that defines itself differently than zombie horror. this sub-genre toys with people’s fear of sickness/parasites and the devestating outcome that it could have on society. 
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