diffxrentwxrlds · 2 years
@lentlilly asked:
❛ It’s really kind of sad. ❜ sonic for a muse of ur choice?
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{{ L }} "Every fiber of my being is screaming for me NOT to answer, but I'll bite. What is so sad?"
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vigilant-shadow · 2 years
//Closed starter for @lentlilly's Venti
Why wouldn't the damn voice just shut up already?!? And why was it so painfully hard to shut it out himself?
It hurt to listen to, burned in a way that sent actual, physical pain straight through the yaksha. And the realization that this wasn't just an illusion of some kind, that it was real, coming from the source directly, it was enough to have him in a complete panic.
He tried to just leaave the area, but he didn't get too far before he realized that walking really wasn't an option, not with the way his legs shook. Instead, he just sat down on the snowy ground of Dragonspine, a little bit away from the main path between Wolvendom and Stone gate, remaining frozen in place with a blank look, staring out at the foressts.
He couldn't move, couldn't speak or feel, even hearing was hard due to the buzzing in his ears. So he just curled up on himself in that frozen position, face completely blank, save for the tears rolling down his cheeks.
Why now did that damned thing have to resurface?!?
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@lentlilly​ has liked for a starter with Sonic (X)
Rolling around at the speed of sound, Sonic was venturing around the world, looking for some good places to explore and maybe chill for a bit. Hell, he probably has been to every zone by now. And even if there aren’t any he feels like he’s seeing the same thing over and over again!
Although seeing the same thing goes not to even zones as the next thing he noticed was that he bumped into someone. Although not just someone but...Himself? He appeared to be himself, but something about seeing what seemed to be another version of him sends a little bit of a chill down his spine, causing his quills to stand upright for a couple of second. It felt very...Surreal, like it feels very uncanny for him to see what appeared to be another version of him.
“...Is it me, or did me running fast causes me to see another me?“ He was somewhat joking to himself, trying to get himself not to think of what’s going on
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“Uhhh...You okay there...Me?“
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nekasu · 2 years
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He still finds that difficult to believe, especially how Amber gushes about her. There had to be some animus there, given how she said she wanted it to hurt, right?
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plumblossombouquet · 2 years
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@lentlilly​ asked:  ‘  that’s  morbid .  i  like  it .  ’ sao
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As per usual the funeral director was advertising Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and its services. Most people would dismiss her but this didn’t curve the girl’s enthusiasm in the slightest. It probably didn’t help that she would add a pun or joke in while promoting her business. To Hu Tao, though, death was something one should openly express and embrace rather than avoid it.
The funeral director makes a joke to another potential customer. A guy with blue hair. Of course she can’t help but giggle at the end. But when she hears their comment she perks up. They liked her joke? How peculiar...
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“Ai ya ya, what do we have here? Hmmm~?” She grasps her chin in thought, a habit from her favorite consultant, and observes the other. “You like my joke, huh? Hold on for one second!”
She reaches into her pocket and after some digging she pulls out something. Some buttons and pieces of ripped paper fall out but we don’t talk about that. “Here you go! Since you’re so kind here are some coupons. This one is 10% off your first coffin today and this one is 5% off a crematorium service!”
It is indeed rare to find others who like her jokes. So, of course, she had to give him coupons.
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terminateddesires · 2 years
@lentlilly​ ~ cont.
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Why not. An answer Venti couldn’t quite answer himself. No matter what he said anyway he looked really bad. What he did know though was that he wasn’t the one for her. He never will be since he was so indecisive with his feelings and very unsure of what he truly wanted. 
“Why not? Well...” Venti trails off. His face is crystal clear; he was troubled. The times they had together were so fun. He couldn’t deny such a fact. But he doesn’t love her at all like that.
Usually in these scenarios he’d have a witty remark or strum his lyre and sing a song. He wasn’t so good at confrontation and things that had to do with his feelings... Because he tended to brush them off and drink away.
“I... Just don’t love you. I don’t really know why... But I do know that I don’t love you.” He notices the tears at the corners of her eyes. Clearly she didn’t like what he said but he can’t help the way he feels at all.
“...I don’t know what else to tell you.”
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fouls · 2 years
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@lentlilly​​     ⁝     “   bov  is  here  to  give  Childe  a  birthday  present  in  the  form  of  cake  that  she  spent  an  embarrassing  amount  of  time  on.  she's  also  got  a  new  big  coat   in  a  little  bag.  she  is  mom   ”     ☆     birthday  asks  for  childe  day !!!!!    accepting !
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she  feels  a  lot  like  winter’s  first  thaw :    like  a  burst  of  flowers  that  peek  from  beneath  the  sunlit  sparkle  of  snow ,    budding    &    blooming  in  spite  of  the  cold  chill .     there  is  warmth  to  be  found  beneath  her  ice .    he  knows  this  as  a  matter  of  experience ,    likes  to  imagine  that  he  might  know  their  beloved  tsaritsa  best  of  all  the  harbingers .    so  there  is  an  absence  of  surprise  when  she  presents  it  with  a  cake  in  celebration  of  its  birthday ,    realizes  the  care    &    detail  suggests  the  cake  has  been  baked  herself .    tartaglia  imagines  the  hours  she  must  have  poured  into  perfecting  its  appearance ,    &    can’t  help  the  smile  that  presses  to  its  lips  at  the  thought .
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‘    awh ,    you  remembered !    ’    (    it  exclaims  this  every  year ,    as  though  patiently  waiting  for  the  day  she  might  forget  the  occasion ;    she  never  does .    )    ‘    the  cake  looks  delicious ,    your  highness .    i’m  certain  it  would  taste  even  better  if  it  were  shared  with  family  ...    you’ll  join  me  for  a  slice ,    won’t  you ?    ’
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resolutewarrior · 2 years
SCP Containment Breach Starters
@lentlilly​ sent: “ maybe i’m just hearing things. ”   Sonic!
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     “ Quiet. I heard it too. ” The were aboard the Space Colony ARK, clearing out the Artificial Chaos that still roamed free. Shadow would have come alone, but Sonic would insist on helping him.  And though he wouldn’t admit it, Shadow was grateful for the company. Being up here was painful for the darker hedgehog, but he was determined to heal. 
               “ It came from up ahead. ”
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lumitris · 2 years
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    ❝  Simply say the WORD && I’ll freeze over the entire land for you.  ❞                                                                         ℒ  .  @lentlilly​
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diffxrentwxrlds · 2 years
@lentlilly asked:
“   when  you  finally  come  knocking ,   there’ll  be  nobody  home .   ” sonic @ infinite !
{{ L }} "Hmph, poetic drivel is my thing not yours, you blue nuisance." Infinite huffed, clearly not fond of his current company not because he lost at the hands of the Blue Blur... buy because he was annoying, no matter how many zones Infinite traveled to every single Sonic annoyed him. To varying degrees of course
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"Why has driven you to stand before me today, blue rat? Come to gloat or run your mouth about friendship?"
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vigilant-shadow · 2 years
//Closed starter for @lentlilly's Tsaritsa!
It was odd. As he was running around, Xiao could feel an energy rather similar in nature to that of Rex Lapis, and yet it was one completely unknown to the yaksha.
Which meant, an archon he was yet to meet was wandering around Liyue. And as worried as that made him... They didn't seem to be causing trouble at least. Maybe it was a visitor?
Regardless, following the energy lead the yaksha to a very peculiar woman. And while he was curious about her, he didn't exactly want to overstep any boundaries or cause issues, staying a bit away from her. "Hello." He greeted, voice monotone. While he wasn't about to lower his guard around the stranger, he didn't want to be seen as disrespectful, so, he opted on careful neutrality. "Are you here to see Rex Lapis?"
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mmriesoftvat · 2 years
@lentlilly​ asked: ‘ i’m here. ’ tsaritsa for childe! 
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Childe doesn’t even feel that awful. Well, technically. He knows he’s sick, but it’s nothing he can’t fight off after a bowl of soup. Really, it’s nothing to fuss over. But the fact that the Tsaritsa herself is showing concern over his well being, it’s touching, and Childe feels nothing but grateful.
With a bow, Childe acknowledges her words. “Thank you, my Lady. Please don’t fret over my well being, I promise I will be back on duty within a day or so, I will not let you down.”
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confettisuite · 2 years
 @lentlilly​ sent: “This part of town isn’t a good place to be at this time of night.” stnk. For a Muse of your choice!! Liddell!
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“Why? ‘Cause there’s something awesome around here you think I shouldn’t have?” Liddell sneered over her shoulder, yelling so as to be heard over the rain splattering against her umbrella as she marched away from the main road. It was getting dark, and cold, and her stockings were soaked, but the fortune teller had her convinced there was something nasty and powerful around here. “If you’re not gonna tell me where I can get a cursed artifact or something, then just scram!”
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timelocker · 2 years
okay but you're not an evil man
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“ which makes me even MORE attractive, ‘cuz i’m GOOD ! ”
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terminateddesires · 2 years
“Strange place to fall asleep.” tsaritsa @ albedo
Nightmares & Sleeping Meme
Dragonspine. Because of Durin, it is covered with never melting snow. The alchemist had gotten used to the lower temperatures since he camped and visited it quite often. This isn't the first time he had fallen asleep in the midst of snow nor would it be the last of it.
The faint voice awoken him or perhaps it was the presence the other gave off. Instead of feeling frightened, Albedo was more curious than anything.
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"And how strange it is for anyone to visit such a dangerous place." He replies.
"Clearly you're not an adventurer from your attire. Tell me, why is it that you're here?"
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
@lentlilly - Cont. ~ X 
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“If something’s upsetting you, Sonic, then it’s not dumb, no matter what it is. You can talk to me! And I won’t make fun of you or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about. I mean, I - know what it’s like to not want to bring up something that’s bothering me, because I don’t want to think about what others will say, but I promise you don’t need to worry about that with me.”
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