#leo vadlez bad boy supreme
headcanonsforstuff · 5 years
Valgrace Headcanons because I love them
Leo loves to brag about Jason and if you say anything that isn’t 100% positive then I can guarantee that Leo will fight you and then turn around and complain about how Jason snores and can’t cook to save his life(he still thinks Jason is perfect though, he only pretends to be annoyed by those things)
Leo is the big spoon just because he refuses to be the little spoon although it is a bit awkward because Leo is so much smaller than Jason
Jason spoils Leo after long days in bunker 9 and often just stays in there while Leo works if he has nothing else to do
Leo loves it when Jason stays with him but for a while he had to lock Jason out so he could work on a wedding ring to propose to Jason with. It took him two months and at least twenty tries but he finally made it perfect. It was made from a perfect blend of Imperial Gold and Celestial Bronze with seven small pale blue diamonds set into the metal, surrounded by intricate carvings of flames.(Bonus: he also made one for himself that was just Celestial Bronze with rubies and carvings of lightning)
Leo proposed at campfire one night after Jason had gotten back from a long trip to camp Jupiter to work on alters for all of the gods and it hadn’t gone well so Leo decided that he would just propose then to cheer him up.
He had one of the Apollo campers(whoever you want) play can’t help falling in love on a ukulele at the end of the night and as soon as the song started he moved from his seat to kneel in front of Jason and offer him the ring
Leo couldn’t bring him to say more than a basic ‘I love you so much, will you marry me?’ But that was more than enough for Jason because he didn’t even let Leo finish before pulling him up and kissing him
It was the biggest event since Percy and Annabeth’s wedding, no one would shut up about it and everyone was involved in the planning in some way....well almost everyone, the Hypnos cabin didn’t do much but everyone else helped! The Aphrodite Cabin did decorations and their outfits and was lead by Piper, the rest of the Hephaestus cabin did the lighting and made sure it was fitting for the two of them, the Athena cabin organized the whole event, the Dionysus cabin got the drinks and let the Demeter and Ares cabin handle the food(The Demeter cabin only made vegan meals and the Ares cabin handled the meat), the Hermès cabin helped where it was needed most and the Apollo cabin got the music!(obviously there’s more cabins than that but those were the only ones I could think of examples for, sorry)
Thalia showed up with all of the Hunters and they stayed at camp for the entire week so she could have some personal time with her brother before he got married.
Piper helped Leo get ready on the big day and Thalia did the same for Jason
Leo didn’t wanna walk down the aisle so Jason did it instead and Thalia got to be the one to give him away
Leo started crying when he first saw Jason because it made him realize that he was finally doing this, especially since there was a point in his life where he thought he wouldn’t have made it to this point in life
Jason had to refrain from running ahead of Thalia to reach Leo when he noticed he was crying which was hard because the aisle was incredibly long because like...they had to fit the entirety of CHB into a specific space
Once Jason got up there he had to inspect Leo and make sure he was fine but as soon as he saw Leo was smiling through the tears he relaxed and just let his hands slip down to hold Leo’s for the ceremony
The after party was much crazier than the afterparty for Annabeth and Percy’s wedding and honestly Jason and Leo don’t remember too much of it but since Hazel is younger than most of them and Nico doesn’t drink they just watched and took photos and now they have a significant ammount of blackmail material on almost anyone at camp(bonus: Frank woke up the next morning in the form of a polar bear, cuddling with Leo and to this day neither of them know that it’s because they decided to watch Shrek and passed out halfway through from crying over it for seemingly no reason)
They adopted two-year old twins on their one year anniversary then a year later they adopted two more kids, an infant and a thirteen year old who actually turned out to be a demigod who was somehow totally unaware of the existence of the gods.
Jason didn’t really want kids but Leo has always talked about having a big family and then when the time came to talk about it he realized he couldn’t say no
Now because of their kids Leo and Jason didn’t actually go on their honeymoon until their five year anniversary
They went to Houston for a few days before flying to Vegas and staying there for a week(and in that week they learned that Leo is incredibly good at gambling somehow)
When they showed up to Camp Jupiter to pick up their kids from Hazel and Frank(they decided they were the most mature and trustworthy pair) they both almost started crying because they were just so happy to see their children
Eventually they moved to Syracuse NY where Leo opened a small garage down the road from their home and Jason does short “business” trips to CHB and Camp Jupiter to work on his promise to the minor gods.
They still spend their summers at CHB until they become so old that they can’t really fight anymore.
They then retired to New Rome
When they passed Thalia made sure they didn’t do a shroud burning for them like they did with most demigods, she made sure they were buried next to each other in a mortal cemetery. Thalia had grown incredibly close to Leo and Jason So every year on their birthdays and anniversary she snuck in late at night and for Jason she’d bring flowers and for Leo she’d bring him some dumb trinket she found like a music box or wind up toy that she thought he’d appreciate. On their wedding anniversary she would bring a single white rose, it had started because on their first anniversary after their deaths she had forgotten until the last minute so it was all she could find but afterwards she just continued, no one ever really knew where the little offerings came from or how they continued to come for centuries, all they knew was that every year on the same three dates a gift of some sort would appear on their tombstones late at night. Every single year, without fail.
Okay so I made myself sad at the end but uhh...yea, let me know what ship or character you wanna see next I guess...
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years
More Leo Headcanons because I have no self control
He has no sense of time. Like, he could’ve been working for ten hours with no breaks and would then be surprised to see the time
Because he’s a bit smaller his lung capacity is a bit low which caused him to end up with asthma when he was little but he somewhat got over it when he got away from the dust and heat of workshops so when he began working on stuff at CHB he was surprised to be having issues breathing again but it was easily taken care of, he just needed an inhaler that he kept in his tool belt
He rarely participates in capture the flag and other camp activities because it often results in a lot of yelling and fighting and unlike fighting monsters, he’s fighting with people he knows and it scares him due to ptsd from being abused for years. He talked to Chiron about it and got an actual doctors note (I’m looking at you, Nico. We all know that was fake to sit with Will)to prove that it triggered him so he was allowed to sit out whenever he feels like it.
(This is somewhat Caleo but it could also just be referring to a non-romantic relationship) whenever Claypso yells at Leo and gets in his personal space He tends to just totally break down and collapse because it reminds him of Teresa too much and then Calypso just feels bad because he looks so scared and she doesn’t know how to help
Leo is a cuddly person. For instance, he’s sitting with Jason at campfire? He’s just gonna curl up and cuddle into Jason’s chest. Having a sleepover with Piper? He’s gonna just full on cuddle with her when it’s time to sleep. Like no matter what the situation is or what his relationship with someone is he will always find some excuse to get cuddles
He mixes his Spanish and English together at random, like sometimes he’ll be in the middle of a conversation with someone and will out of no where say a few words in Spanish and then continue in English without really noticing what he did so it just becomes a mess because (out of the seven and Nico and Reyna and probablyWill) the only one who understands the whole conversation is Reyna and half the time Reyna thinks nothing of it so she just continues to talk while everyone just stares at them in confusion
Leo would totally teach his significant other how to speak in Morse code, starting with ‘I love you’
Harley tried to make Leo play Minecraft once and within a few minutes Leo was angry because you couldn’t build complex machines
Leo loves Buzzfeed unsolved, if you disagree then I’m sorry, you’re wrong. He definitely prefers the true crime one because it’s so much more interesting to him because he sees people as complex machines and it makes him wonder what could break and drive someone to murder and on top of that when he starts to question this it makes him realize how different people and machines really are and that often results in an existential crisis
Also regardless of whether or not he enjoys buzzfeed unsolved (he does though and you can pry that headcanon from my cold dead hands) he’s just generally into true crime and conspiracy theories(especially when combined)
He has little to no filter and comes up with ideas or theories randomly he often just shares it in the middle of a conversation and it confuses everyone, it’s especially funny when he randomly just shouts ‘WHAT IF ________ WAS THE KILLER!!!’ Out of no where during serious meetings on the Argo II/ at camp and everyone is just like ‘Leo we love you but What?’ Although Piper probably Watches stuff with him fairly often so she’s just like ‘omg you’re right’
Okay I’m gonna stop myself now but yea...sorry it’s somewhat random and messy but these were sorta rushed bc I just thought of them and had to share it so...yea, enjoy and remember that if you want any specific headcanons for a ship/friendship/character(s) etc. then you can send me an ask!
Edit: a lot of people have mentioned that some stuff is canon or is just adhd and y’all are right, I just get excited and get carried away at times because I actually have adhd and am terrible at managing it so...yea...sorry about that
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years
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Of course!(Sorry I had to use a photo, I forgot that you can’t save asks and come back later and now it’s messed up oops, hope you still get to see this)
Leo loves to make really bad puns(especially about emo bands, death, the underworld, etc.) And Nico pretends to hate it but he honestly finds it hilarious and has to always refrain from laughing.
Nico is super ticklish and Leo loves to tease him about it....subtly though, they’ll be out in public and argue about something dumb and then Leo will lean over and whisper something and Nico will just give in, usually people think it’s something inappropriate but in reality it’s just that Leo threatened to tickle him
Leo spends way too much time in bunker 9 and often ends up passing out there, when that happens and he’s not in the Hades cabin by about 1am Nico goes to get him(this typically happens about 5 times per week)
They go on frequent dates to McDonald’s. Typically they just order fries and milkshakes and then watch Vines together
They low key bicker constantly but it’s always about pointless things like who gets the shower first after training(even though they could go to their own cabins instead of fighting over one bathroom) or what flavor milkshake to share(they could just get both) and in the end it turns into arguing over how the other one should go first or get what they want
Leo’s warmth makes Nico feel safe and since Nico is typically fairly cold Leo doesn’t overheat or feel like he’s back in the fire his mom died in, because of this they typically cancel out the other’s nightmares
One time Nico took Leo to meet Hades and Persephone and after about two hours of Leo slowly turning them into Meme lords Nico decided they he should never let Leo interact with them again
Leo films Nico while they’re out doing things so when Nico leaves on trips for Hades he gets to listen to Nicos voice and laugh as he falls asleep(which sounds sorta creepy but eh)
Nico attempt to propose to Leo after about 3 years but Leo declines because he doesn’t think it makes sense, they both know they love each other even without a dumb piece of paper and Nico agrees, admitting that he only proposed because he though Leo wanted him to
They finally adopted a single kid four years after they decided not to get officially married. They adopted a son named Jake who was three at the time.
A year after the adopted Jake they moved back to Houston where Leo rebuilt the workshop that his mother worked at. Nico continued to do work for Hades but took on less jobs so he could stay home with Jake
Jake ended up becoming atheist which was sorta awkwardwhen Hades and Hephaestus came for family dinners on holidays but they all decided to just play along to keep him safe
Nico died fairly young, he was only 57 when he passed away, he died on a mission. Leo was devastated, he fell into a deep depression and without Jake he would’ve died not long after.
Leo died when he was 86, every year leading up to his death after Nico’s he spent every birthday and anniversary at the Hades cabin, hoping to see Nico’s ghost but it never showed
When they were finally reunited there was a lot of crying and kissing and cuddling. In the end they decided to not be reborn and just stayed together in the underworld.
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years
Leo Valdez Headcanons
Leo hates being called by his full name because it makes him think of his aunt and all of the horrible foster homes he was in
He never fully stops blaming himself for his mother’s death. Even after everything with Gaea and Hera and knowing they had some sorta plan with it he still thinks that to some extent, it was his fault.
He still flinches when someone tries to pat him on the back or when someone raises their hand in his direction, especially females(for those who don’t understand this, it’s mentioned very briefly that he had an abusive foster parent named Teresa in one of the HoO books)
He likes to go back to Houston to look around when he gets the chance. He likes to drive by his childhood home and through his old neighborhood and just appreciate the memories of his mom even though it hurts
He hates using Festus as a form of transportation for quests. He loves Festus of course but after he died once Leo always gets scared it’ll happen again
Leo talks a lot faster than everyone else because of the fact that he has very strong ADHD
One of his foster home made he be on ADHD meds and he hated it(I just thought this was an interesting concept there’s no real reason)
Leo is low key jealous of Piper and Percy. He’s jealous of Percy because he sorta took away his best friend(Jason) and he’s jealous of Piper because even after they found out their memories were fake she got a chance to rebuild those memories and start over with Jason but Leo never really got that
Everyone thinks that Leo just jokingly flirts with them because it his personality but the truth is that he’s attracted to all of them because let’s be honest, everyone on the Argo II was very attractive
He and Nico are great friends because they relate to feeling left out
Leo Doesn’t like labels, he’s not bi or pan or anything, he just likes everyone and when people try to label him he gets really mad
Another reason he likes to avoid emotions and just stick with machines is because he’s just very out of touch with his own emotions because he’s so used to pushing them down and covering it up with humor
He hates organized religion and just religion in general since it’s what caused the rest of his family to kick him out after his mother died. They were all religious and thought he was possessed by a demon or actually was a demon(additionally he’s sorta scared of things like crosses and holy water because he’s scared that one day he will react and prove their theories to be true even though they’re not)
Okay, I’m also gonna work on Headcanons for every Leo ship I have just because I love Leo and have a lot of ships with him and a lot of headcanons for those ships! If there’s any specific Leo ships y’all have then just let me know and if I ship it then I’ll try to do those headcanons first!
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headcanonsforstuff · 5 years
Well if you're asking..PLEASE GIMME MORE LEO BAD BOY SUPREME HEADCANONS I'M DEFINITELY NOT BEGGING FOR 'EM NOOOOOO...okey but for real I'll love anything xD What would his dream date be like? What kind of parent is he? What is his favourite shower-thought? Gimme anything Leo related pretty pleeease :3
Of course, anything about Leo!
His favorite shower thought is easily the whole ‘surgery is just stabbing someone to life’ thing, he thinks it’s the funniest thing
His dream date would probably be to go out and get Tex-Mex(Houston tex-mex to be more specific) and then get to go to the science museum and get to over analyze and over explain everything to his date(even if they already understand it)
He’s easily the type of parent that goes ‘what do you mean your mom/dad said no? Well whatever, go ahead, have fun’ and then he obviously gets in trouble with his partner but it’s worth it to see how happy his kid is
Leo reads a lot when he has free time and loves to curl up in bed and read with his partner.
He’s low key obsessed with vinyl and keeps record players all over the house
He’s the chef in his family, idc who you ship him with, he is hands down the best chef of the seven!
One time he tried to start a fire underwater while drunk and was extremely disappointed when it didn’t work, he was so disappointed he started sobbing and Jason had to take him back to his cabin to sleep
Leo always makes birthday gifts and stuff himself and it’s always cool things like a music box or some sort of fancy tool or weapon that’s similar to Riptide or the shield that Tyson made for Percy
Leo made a super difficult puzzle game that almost no one can solve, the only ones who ever figure it out are Leo and Harley and even the two of them took months to get it(Leo made it subconsciously so he was just confused when he realized what he made)
Leo and Harley have movie and game nights together, occasionally they invite some of their other siblings or friends but it’s typically just the two of them
Piper, Jason, Percy and Frank made him go camping once (Hazel didn’t go because she wanted to Stay with Nico and Annabeth stayed at camp since there would be a lot of spiders) and he hated it! He was constantly worried he’d accidentally start a forest fire and in the end they ultimately left two days early because Leo had a panic attack
Leo’s favorite movie is back to the future and makes Hazel and Nico watch the entire series about five times before he decides they’ve seen enough.
He also has a strange obsession with Supernatural and The Flash and though Nico will watch supernatural with him and they get to talk about how hot the cast is together no one will watch the flash with him except for Jason and Frank but since they’re not around he’d usually stuck watching it on his own
Other shows Leo will watch frequently is Lucifer, iZombie, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Queer Eye. Piper and Nico enjoy Lucifer and iZombie and Percy will watch Queer Eye And Annabeth Also has an unhealthy obsession with Buffy so usually he’ll watch one of those when Jason and/or Frank aren’t around for The Flash and he doesn’t feel up to Supernatural.
Okay, so I hope that that was enough, I’ll try to do some more just Leo headcanons in the future though!
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