#leon lucitor
fuluv · 2 years
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I need the volume one louder than ten
Put the pedal to the metal, needle into the red
If the windows ain't shaking making my heart race
If I can't feel it in my chest, I'm in the wrong damn place
"I Like It Heavy" by Halestorm
[Leon in the last pic belongs to @fremynstein]
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chocogummiesx · 5 years
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HAPPY BELATED BDAY @fremynstein !! ;w; sorry i was late! I’d like to imagine if Jayce and Leon met… big bro teasing will ensue
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fluffiermonsters · 5 years
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Don’t worry! The brothers will be okay. Darby won’t hurt them.
Darby @ me Leon Lucitor @fremynstein Damian Lucitor @hana-bby Wyatt Lucitor @paintbrushe
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skellyscribs · 5 years
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Everyone go wish @fremynstein a happy birthday today bc she deserves it
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g-on-ef · 5 years
Happy Birthday Leon
Summary: Tom and Marco take a trip down memory lane as they reminisce of their son.
A/N: Happy birthday @fremynstein !!! This story is based around her oc character Leon who is one of my favorite Tomco kids I hope you like the first part of many more to come ^^
16 years, 16 long wonderful years of Tom’s life that if given the chance he would not hesitate to do it over again. Who would’ve thought that the great demon prince would marry a mortal? And not just any mortal, but the one he hated when the first met for he thought he was trying to steal Star Butterfly from him.
Little did he know that Marco Diaz would become a huge part of his life. From enemies, to friends, to lovers, to proud parents of a beautiful boy the two have had their ups and downs but it was worth especially when they were blessed with the beautiful boy that is their son.
Leon Diaz Lucitor was a gift from above, he had light violet skin similar to him, his hair was a reddish-brown color and he had the most adorable tail Tom has ever seen! Of course Leon would always get annoy whenever he or Marco would tell him that, but it couldn’t be help both Marco and Tom created the most perfect being in the entire world, the most perfect being in all the dimensions!
Some would say he’s exaggerating but hey, he was a proud father who loved his son more than anything.
Today was a bittersweet day for him though, Tom was sitting on his bed and currently going through his special box, a box that contained every important day of his life, inside the box were pictures, knickknacks that had special meaning to him, and other precious memories that Tom held near and dear his heart.
Looking inside his box he out some pictures of him and Marco. He couldn’t help but laugh at some of them, there were ones when he and Marco went to the Mackihand movie marathon and sang to Lovehandle, some where they went on their first date, their wedding, and of course of Leon as a baby.
Seeing his baby made Tom’s eyes water a little, he still can’t believe that his little boy is growing into a fine young man. He was growing up to be a fantastic warrior, a great friend, an amazing boyfriend and soon he will be a fantastic ruler when the time is right.
Still, it broke Tom’s heart how big his baby is getting, he sometimes wishes his baby would stay well a baby because he’s not sure if his heart can take so much more of his little boy growing up.
A knock disrupted his thoughts.
“Coming in,”
The door opened and in came Marco, his beloved husband. Marco has definitely grown over the years; he went from a scrawny adorable kid to a muscular handsome man that Tom will forever be thankful to have at his side.
“Hey Beautiful, been looking all over for you,”
“Hey to you too Handsome, and sorry for hiding, I was just looking through somethings,”
Marco saw Tom’s special box and the items that surrounded their bed.
“Taking a trip down memory lane?”
Tom chuckle a little before showing him the pictures of the two of them with Leon.
“You could say that,”
Marco went to sit on the bed, carefully he moved the items to the side before he took a seat next to his beloved husband.
Marco gently took the photo off of Tom’s hands and couldn’t help but smile a little, he will never forget the time he and Tom found out they were expecting.
Marco gently knocked on the door to their room, Tom left the dinner table quickly when Star mention children. For the past week Tom has been running away from anyone who would so much utter the c word around him.
Marco let it be for he knew his Prince would talk to him when he was ready but if he was honest, he was beginning to get worried. He could understand if he wanted to ignore random strangers asking him about children but Star. That was someone Marco thought he would gladly talk about children with since Jackie was pregnant with their first child.
It scared Marco that Tom was hiding something from him and he wanted to know what it was.
The door open and out came Tom looking scared and worried.
“What?” he asked trying to sound like the big and bad ruler of the underworld he was but instead he sounded scared of what Marco wasn’t sure but he was going to find out.
“Tom, what’s the matter, and don’t say nothing or I’m crazy or some other nonsense to deflect the situation, I know something is bothering you so please tell me what it is,”
Tom looked at Marco before looking away.
“If I tell you, promise you won’t get mad,”
“Of course, I wouldn’t,”
“I’m pregnant…”
Marco would forever deny it but when he found out he cheer for joy before hugging his husband…and then passing out. He would deny until the day he dies.
Still, finding out that his Demon was pregnant was the best day of his life, a day he could never forget and never wanted to.
That day Marco made sure that Tom was as healthy as could be, they had a few minor scares when their baby was resting in Tom’s stomach but they pulled through, the names for the baby was rough but in the end they chose Leon because it just felt right.
“Remember when you accidently opened the door to the room and hit his head?”
Tom’s eyes widen as he remembers that particular event,
After a long day with the council Tom decided it was time to have some R&R, especially since he wanted to have as much energy as he could have when Leon woke up from his nap and spend some quality time with his family.
“Hey Marco, are you and Leon up?”
He opened the door to his and Marco’s room and heard a thump sound, looking down he saw Leon standing there with the door covering his face.
Tom’s screams could be heard all throughout the Underworld.
“Would you relax, he’s fine,” Marco reassure him as he checked Leon for a bump or two.
“I hurt my baby, I hurt him in the worst possible way!”
One thing that made Marco always laugh is how dramatic his husband could be but hey, that’s one of the many qualities that Marco loved about him.
“Hey, look see he’s fine,”
Tom ran to their side to see Leon.
“Are you okay baby boy?”
Leon looked up and his father and smiled,
“I’m okay Daddy,” a small trickle of blood fell from his nose, Tom passed out from the sight of blood.
“Well congratulations Leon, you did the one thing no one has ever manage to do, you made the King of the Underworld pass out,”
“You’re horrible for remembering that,”
Marco just laugh as he picked up another photo one that made his smile fell, Tom looked at him before taking a peek at the photo and burst out laughing.
“It’s not funny,”
“Oh yes, it is, remember when Leon introduced us to him as his boyfriend?”
“How could I forget,”
Marco watched in amazement as his son fought the Pixie Emperor known as Sholan. His skin was a ligh blue color with soft light pink hair and warm violet eyes. He was a handsome young fellow and it always made Marco laugh whenever Leon was able to pin the Emperor.
Leon stared down at Shoan as he laid beneath him, he had to resist the urge to lean down and kiss him, the two have been dating for a while now and he really wanted to kiss him, the only reason why he didn’t was because his dad was there it’s not like the two kept their relationship a secret, hell everyone in the Underworld already knew about the two, his dads on the other hand either they knew and didn’t say anything or they were just refusing to accept their son was growing up.
“What are you thinking about?” Sholan asked.
Leon looked down at his boyfriend before laughing a little,
“Well, I really like kicking your ass,”
Sholan rolled his eyes,
“But I am really thinking about kissing you,”
“So why don’t you,”
“Umm…my dad is here and I am pretty sure he and my papa are the only ones who don’t know we are dating”
“I am pretty sure he knows; he just doesn’t want to except that his baby boy is growing up. Come on Leon, your dad is smart and so is your papa. I am pretty sure they know we are dating,”
Leon thought about it and couldn’t help but agree, his parents had to know they were together, they were the smartest people Leon has met so they obviously knew he was dating Leon.
“Yeah, your right,” he leaned down and kissed Sholan, Sholan was surprised because he didn’t think Leon would go through with this then again, he was not complaining.
Marco watched as his son kissed the Pixie Emperor.
“WHAT THE HELL?!” both boys pulled away and looked at Marco, who looked like he was seconds away from breathing fire. Would that even be possible?
Tom would forever laugh at the fact that Marco was the only one who didn’t know Leon and Sholan were dating.
“How could you not know they were dating? Sholan didn’t even hid the fact that he had a thing for Leon, and Leon made it very clear to anyone who flirted with Sholan that he was taken,”
“Because that would mean accepting the fact that our son has had his first kiss and is closer to having sex, in my eyes Leon is pure as snow and it’s staying that way,”
Tom rolled his eyes before setting the photos down.
“Thank you, Marco,”
“For what?”
“For giving me the best gift ever,”
“Shouldn’t it be me thanking you?”
Tom shrugged his shoulders and lean forward and kissed him.
They pulled back and smiled at one another.
The door of their room burst opened and in came their son.
“Hey Dad, hey Pops, Aunt Star, and Aunt Jackie are here and are waiting for you guys to start my party,” Leon looked at the pictures surrounding their bed.
“What are you guys doing?”
Marco and Tom looked at one another before gesturing their son to join them on the bed. Leon went over to them and sat between them.
“Would you like to see some pictures of me and your pops?” Marco asked.
“Hell yeah I would,” if there was anything that Leon loved is learning more about his parents and loved hearing stories about them.
“Well, here is the first thing you should know about me and your dad,”
Tom handed Leon a mask, a skull mask that looked like a day of the dead painting and had a mustache on it.
“What is supposed to mean?”
Tom and Marco laughed a little,
“Well son this mask is important to me and your dad because it was the whole reason why we started talking to one another,”
Leon looked at it before putting it on.
“How do I look,”
Both parents laughed before hugging their son.
“You look handsome mi amor,”
Leon smiled and wrapped his arms around his parents shoulders.
“Happy Birthday baby boy,” his parents said.
He smiled and kissed their cheeks. If there was one thing he was thankful for his birthday is being born to the most amazing parents ever.
A/N: Welp love it hate it please tell me what you think ^^
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sarcaphenia · 5 years
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The dimensions are merged, so Ruberiot and Justin met, they got to know each other and spent time together. Ruberiot and Foolduke broke up and get divorced because Justin and he have relation, Foolduke and Ruby have a friendly relationship with the Mime Girl. Justin makes his marriage proposal to Ruberiot, who accepts it. They end up getting married. Well, the marriage between Ruberiot and Justin happens after the events of the series.
Juberiot Wedding (Marriage) June 26
Please don't judge or criticize what I think or draw. No comment if you don't like this. Thanks.
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stassendesigns · 5 years
Before I forget
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@makanshoku I drew these babies during my lecture
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knivxsanddespair · 6 years
For a tray of cookies
Act 1: Newcomers!
"Of all the days to quit, Our baker had to quit now?!" The sign of frustration was clear, with the young man's head on the table. It was only a week that he had opened this shop and it's already falling apart in his very own eyes.
"Yeaaaah, Lilith burnt the last batch while saying something about having a wand war." Olivia stated, giving him a note with a picture the demon girl drew herself angrily with an 'I quit' at the side of it.
"Okay then..now how in Mewni are we gonna have cookies when there nobody to bake em?! They don't just magically appear out of thin air you know?!"
"I-" Olivia was trying to calm his boyfriend down while Miya was just coming in to the dilemma.
"And what about safety?! Why didn't we think about hiring a safe guy to check in if the bakers are not horsing around and stuff?"
"Llyr-" The girls' reply was answered with more panicking.
"This is the end guys, sniff, I love you girls but I think we have to close the Multiverse Cookie Hangout-"
"What? Can't you see we can't do anything right now?"
"Yes we can, you silly goof." Miya sighed. "There is a multiverse out there and we sure as hell can get someone else! I think I know a guy who can bake, we go waaay back so I practically know him!"
"And if you need someone who knows the rules of anything, I also got the guy for the job! You got the scissor ready babe?" Olivia asked smiling.
"You know it!"
"Then let's go! Be right back boss! We'll be back later!"
Act 2: The new guys.
Llyr now was inspecting the two guys the girls have brought, especially the blue haired one with his eyes covered. "Okay gentleman, state your names."
"Leon Diaz."
"Kyo Ordonia."
"Good to have you both on our small team. My name is Llyr, owner of the Multiverse Cookie Hangout. Here we strive to make out memorable moments while working and after serving customers."
The blonde then got them to walk with him and have a talk with each other. "So, there's no need to call me sir or boss or anything like that if you don't feel comfortable with it, because the last thing I want is a sense of distrust. Here, everybody is an equal. Got it?"
Both of them nodded with a smile.
"Good. Now as the shop's name states, it's a place where anyone can hang and have fun. It's a still a small business and we had orders from a few Stars and Jackies from different dimensions, but I believe with some spreading the word out, we can make it a hot spot! Bit enough of the me and the place, I want to know more about both of your skills."
Kyo was the one who started "My adopted mom Janna and Aunt Jackie did taught me a thing or two on baking brownies and cookies. I also can make some desserts and drinks!"
"That should be good. I've always believe in having some different everyday so this is already a good start! What about you, big boy?" Llyr now turned his attention to Leon.
"I'm no baker, but I can definitely can help in the safety and rules department! Here are all my certificates in all the safety courses that I went through!"
Llyr flipped page by page on the thick file of certs. "Wow, you really are passionate about this job! I'm impressed and no doubt would you be the best safety inspector! Okay, here is my number. Would the both of you be able to come again tommorow?"
Both boys nodded again.
"Excellent! We'll talk of the pays and schedules tommorow, get the paperwork done and you'll both be officially hired!"
As they both went back to their own dimensions, He turned his chair to see the girls both grinning away at him.
"I saw how you paid the extra attention to Kyo. You think he's cute, don't you~?"
That quickly got him red. "I-I did no such thing!!"
Miya chuckled at that sentence. "It's all over your face! Well..to be honest I do have a crush on him as well. Maybe we three can share him?"
"Sounds like an excellent idea!"
(Well, look how pulled an AU at 4 in the morning out of his ass just to cover up his mood swings? THIS GUY! 8D anyways, I reallly have to pick up my writing skills.
Lilith Butterfly Lucitor and Llyr belongs to @makanshoku / @kyotsune
Leon Diaz and Olivia Greason belongs to @demon-draws
Miya and Kyo belongs to me of course! Now if you will excuse me, I have to get back my nerve feeling on my right arm. )
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freak-loving-geeks · 3 years
Self Ship Database
Queer Platonic (tagged romantic, it is not)
Vylad Ro’meave [Mystreet, Minecraft Diaries] (distanced from the source material)
Edric Blight, Emira Blight, and Hunter [The Owl House] (polyamorous, Edric <3 Hunter, Emira <3 Hunter, Hunter <3 me, Edric <3 me, Emira <3 me)</i>
Koutaro Bokuto [Haikyuu!!]
Koushi Sugawara [Haikyuu!!]
Yuuji Terushima [Haikyuu!!]
Mallek Adalov [Hiveswap Friendsim] (distanced from the source material)
Rufioh Nitram [Homestuck] (distanced from the source material) [all posts tagged #homestuck tw]
Guzma [Pokemon Sun and Moon]
Piers [Pokémon Sword and Shield]
Luka Couffaine [Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir]
Flash Sentry [Equestria Girls] 
Nina the Killer [Creepypasta](modified interpretation)
Vax’ildan Vessar [Critical Role, The Legend of Vox Machina]
Clarice Starling and Hannibal Lecter [Silence of The Lambs, Hannibal]
Hideyoshi Nagachika [Tokyo ghoul]
Sebastian [Stardew Valley]
The Spine [Steam Powered Giraffe]
Eris [Sinbad: Legend of The Seven Seas]
Graham Calloway [Carmen Sandiego 2019]
Brahams Heelshire [The Boy]
Jonathan Byers [Stranger Things]
Tom Lucitor [Star Vs The Forces Of Evil]
Laurence and Cadenza Zvhal [Mystreet, Minecraft Diaries] (distanced from the source material, older siblings)
Raine Whispers [The Owl House] (parent)
Atsumu and Osamu Miya [Haikyuu!!] (older brothers)
Latula Pyrope [Homestuck] (distanced from the source material) [all posts tagged #homestuck tw] (older sister)
The Signless [Homestuck] (distanced from the source material) [all posts tagged #homestuck tw] (father)
Allister [Pokémon Sword and Shield] (younger brother)
Rainbow Dash [Equestria Girls]
Spencer Reid [Criminal Minds] (older brother)
Glamrock Freddy [Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach] (father figure)
Montgomery Gator [Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach] (father figure)
Gregory [Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach] (younger brother)
Tarant Hightopp [Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland] (father)
Jason The Toymaker [Creepypasta] (father)
Aziraphale and Crowley [Good Omens] (grandfathers)
Will Solace [Percy Jackson universe] (half-brother)
Player Brouchard [Carmen Sandiego 2019] (younger brother)
Grimsley [Pokémon black & white, black 2 & white 2, sun & moon, ultra sun & ultra moon] (father)
Blue [Pokemon. Like every game I’m not listing them all] (older brother)
Elio [Pokemon Sun & Moon, ultra sun & ultra moon] (younger brother)
Jake, Cubby, Izzy [Jake and The Neverland Pirates] (adoptive younger siblings)
Legolas [Lord of The Rings] (older brother)
Thranduil [Lord of The Rings] (father)
Evan and Maddie Buckley [911] (older siblings)
Dante, Travis, Katelyn [Mystreet, Minecraft Diaries] (distanced from the source material)
Luz, Amity, Hooty [The Owl House]
Tendou, Nishinoya, Suna, Aran [Haikyuu!!]
Plumeria, Team Skull Grunts, Gladion [Pokemon Sun and Moon]
Marnie, Nessa, Leon, Milo, Raihan, Bea, Sonia [Pokémon Sword and Shield]
Juleka, Mylene, Alya, Marc, Nathaniel, Rose, Alix, Ivan[Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir]
DJ Pon3, Wallflower Blush, Micro Chips, Trixie Lulamoon, Octavia Melody [Equestria Girls]
Penelope Garcia [Criminal Minds]
Sunrise, Moondrop [Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach]
Alice, Chesire, Mirana [Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland]
Ren [Pokemon Journeys]
N [Pokemon black & white, black 2 & white 2]
Star, Marco, Jackie, Janna, Eclypsa [Star Vs The Forces Of Evil]
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fluffiermonsters · 5 years
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When your weird sister brings her friends to comfort you post-breakup.
Leon Lucitor @fremynstein
Rena and Darby @ me
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skellyscribs · 6 years
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Bunch of doodles before I enter an exam!!
Atmos belongs to @harchibudytgorichi
Leon belongs to @fremynstein
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skellyscribs · 6 years
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Guess who just got name and a little brother!!!
Her name is Miriam
Leon belongs to my friendo @fremynstein
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stassendesigns · 6 years
I really like the idea of Leon Diaz x Lilith Lucitor Butterfly being a thing. They make a cute couple 🎈🔥✨💖😍❤💚
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Anon,,,, u rite @makanshoku
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g-on-ef · 5 years
You can Come to Me
A/N: For @fremynstein both Leon and Melanie belong to her if you want to see what they look like go check their blog they are insanly talented  ^^ anywhore hope you guys enjoy this ^^
Melanie held her best friend as tight as she could, rubbing his back and soothing out his hair, whispering a soft melody that her mother Jackie use to sing to her whenever she was upset.
And even when it hurts the most  Try to have a little hope  That someone's gonna be there when you don't when you don't
If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile  If you wanna fly, I will be your sky  Anything you need that's what I'll be  You can come to me…
The door to Leon’s room opened, the two looked up and saw Marco Diaz Lucitor standing on the doorway.
He heard what happened, heard what that asshole did to his little prince. Okay maybe he was being harsh but when it came to his son, he would think the worse of the person who brought his little boy to tears.
“Melanie, your mother is here to pick you up,”
The Princess of Mewmi’s emerald eyes flashed a dangerous dark green color, for a second Marco fear for his life as he felt like Star’s little Princess could actually kill him.
But he stood his ground and stared right back, he understood her anger. She did not want to leave Leon in his time of need, he understood that. Better than anyone but he also knew that right now Leon needed all the love and support he could get and right now he needed his papa.
“Melanie, I promise you, you can come back tomorrow and stay forever however long you want but right now both your mothers want you home,”
Her anger simmer down a little but only because of his promise of her being able to come tomorrow and stay for however long she wants.
“Fine, but I will be back,” it was not a request but an order.
The King of the Underworld nodded his head as he watched the Princess of Mewi lift his son’s head and kissed his forehead, she pulled apart and wrapped her pinky around his, knowing that right now he needed to know and understand that while everyone might leave him she is here to stay.
“Promise now, promise tomorrow forever by your side I’ll remain nothing will tear us apart, till the end of the line I’ll stay,”
Leon gave her a weak smile, since they were tiny toddlers they created a small oath that they made to stay with one another and never let anything come between them, over time their vow grew but it remain the same as it did when they were toddlers.
“Promise tomorrow, promise today I’ll stand with you, nothing will keep us away till the end of the line I’ll remain,”
The two smiled at one another before they hugged one another.
“I love you bestie,”
“I love you too bestie,”
They pulled apart and Melanie headed out not before looking at her Uncle,
“Please, make sure he’s okay,”
Marco stared at her, normally Melanie demanded things and never ask for them, to hear her plea for Leon’s happiness showed him how worried she was.
“I will,”
“Thank you,” she left and headed to her mothers knowing they were waiting on her.
Marco watched as she left before closing the door to Leon’s room, he took the scene before him, his little Prince’s room was a mess.
Posters that once hung on his wall were torn apart, pillows were ripped to shreds, he could see some pieces of glass lying on the ground along with shredded pieces of paper. Upon a closer look, Marco could see they torn pieces of photos, Marco didn’t even have to guess what or who they were of.
He walked over to his son and sat on his bed.
Father and son sat in silence before Marco wrapped his arms around his little Prince and pulled him closer.
Leon laid his head on his father’s lap, he curled into a ball as his father’s rough hand stroke his hair.
His father was one of the toughest warriors in the Underworld, hell he was the general of the Underworld’s army and ran them with an iron fist, the same hands that were used to destroy their enemies were now handling him with such gentle care.
Marco’s movements stilled; it’s been a while since his son called him dad in Spanish.
“Si mijo?”
“Que…que…what do you do when you feel like your trapped in a dark abyss and no matter how hard you try to get out, you just can’t seem to find an exit? When your heart is crying for something, but you can’t give it what it wants so it just cries and cries, and cries until it’s cries turns to pleas and small whimpers?”
Marco looked down at his son before asking him to stand, Leon sat up and stare at his father’s eyes.
“Mijo, it hurts right now. Your heart is hurting and is unsure how to handle such heartache. I know you thought Sholan was the one for you, the one who would love you and be your forever and always…but honey…sometimes…sometimes our first loves aren’t always our last. Sometimes the ones we thought wouldn’t hurt us turn out to be the ones to cause us the most pain,”
“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience,”
“Well…I wouldn’t say that,”
“Have you…ever had your heart broken papa?”
Marco looked at his little boy before thinking long and hard, has he ever had his heart broken? Did someone ever took his heart and crushed it into tiny pieces?
“No, sweetheart…I can’t say that no one has ever broke my heart. But I can say I broke someone’s heart,”
“Yeah, me. As you know Jackie and I use to date and I…hurt her,”
“By going to Mewi when I wasn’t wanted, I was so caught up with all the adventures and danger that I left behind everyone and everything just to live in Mewi. I was an asshole to Jackie, your abuelos, my friends, hell when I was such a jerk when your abuelos sent me an invitation to something important to your abuela I didn’t even bother to read what it was for!”
Leon chuckled a little, which made Marco smile at seeing his baby boy’s tiny grin.
“But that’s beside the point, the point is I hurt someone I care for and it was wrong of me to do, but you my sweet boy, you’re heart was broken and while I can’t comprehend what you’re going through doesn’t mean I won’t listen to you, like Melanie’s song said, if you want to cry I’ll be your shoulder, whatever you want to say or do I’ll listen,”
Leon looked at his papa before more tears fell from his eyes, he threw himself at his papa and wrapped his arms around him as he cried his heart out.
“I…I thought…and he…he…he lied! He promised me he would never hu-hurt me! Am I that unlovable papi? Do I…do I not deserve love?!”
Marco’s heart broke with each word his son spoke, but what really shattered him, what made him shed a few tears was his son asking if he was unlovable, if he deserved to be loved.
“You do baby boy; you deserve to be loved! More than anything! I know right now you’re hurting. That your heart is hurting but please never let a fool’s mistake make you think you don’t deserve to be loved. Because you do sweetie, you deserve that more than anything,”
Leon held onto his father as tight as he could.
“It hurts papa,”
“I know sweetie,”
“I hate that he made me fall in love with him,”
“Understandable baby,”
“I want to forget about him,”
Marco pulled away from him,
“Baby boy don’t say that,”
“Why not? If…if I forget then maybe it won’t hurt as much,”
“Sweetie, the reason why I say not to say that is because while yes the past can hurt it can be a great teacher,”
“Meaning?” Leon asked as some snot fell from his nose
Marco grabbed the end of his sleeve and asked his son to blow, for a brief second Marco was reminded of when Leon was five and he would always do this when he was sick.
“Yes, right now it hurts your heart is hurting but amor; you can’t ask to forget something that once made you happy. One day you will be able to look back on this and realize that this experience has made you a stronger person. Someone who’s past no longer controls him. I know that your hurting and I know you feel like it’s the end of the world and that’s okay baby boy but never forget the past, it’ll always be your greatest teacher. You’ll see one day you’ll find someone else and you’ll be able to handle things better because of your experiences from this,”
He kissed his son’s forehead,
“It’s okay to cry Little one, it’s okay to be weak. But don’t let this pain take over your life okay?”
Leon looked at his dad before nodding his head before holding onto him, he would cry. For today and possibly tomorrow he would cry and have his moments of weaknesses and then he will learn to heal the shatter pieces of his heart.
A/N: Welp love it hate it tell me what you guys think ^^
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stassendesigns · 6 years
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@makanshoku re-drew the original drawing of Leon and Lilith 
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knivxsanddespair · 5 years
Helping a bro out on a date.
"Okay, you got this. This isn't so hard..just don't try to screw this up and everything is gonna be fine!" Wiping off the sweat on his head, Leon made sure everything is safe and perfect for this day. Between the fact that it took him a while to confess to Lilith and how she kind of knew it already, nothing else can go wrong.
"Oh, that must be her!" Leon quickly fixed his suit and walked downstairs, opening the door. Before he knew it all he could do next is just stare at how beautiful she looked in a bright red dress. "H-hey there."
"Hey there yourself~" Lilith got close to him and fixed his tie. "Uniformed as usual I see, handsome~" She began to tease him. It was fun for her to see him red and gush, although he himself was not aware of that.
"I-I uhm. This is for you!" He carefully gave a bouquet of roses, hoping that would ease up on the awkwardness. Messing up today would be disastrous for him.
"A classic guy as well!" She gleefully puts one of the roses to her hair. "How do I look?"
"Are you trying to go for a Poison Ivy look?"
"You geek, I know I am way hotter! Now quit fooling around, we have a full day to do fun things together and I am not wasting this opportunity!" They could have started with that, until Lilith's stomach began to grumble.
"Looks like someone is hungry~" It was his turn to start the teasing.
"Sh-shut up!" To say she was flushed would be an understatement. "Here's the dimensional scissors, let's go eat somewhere already!"
Leon's lightbulb immediately flickered. He know just the guy, or brother to help him on this. "Alright, here we go!"
They set out to another dimension and saw the restaurant right in front of them. "Here we are! Interdimensional Nachos Stop!" As he opened the door, he hoped a certain blue haired boy was on his shift today, and by luck he was.
"Magandang Hapon!"
Kyo turned his head to see who had greeted him. He walked over with a smile, greeting him with a handshake. "Leon! Tagal na ah, my brother! What dreams are you having to be here anyways?" He took one look at Lilith at smiled at him. "Naiintindihan ko. Right this way."
Lilith looked at him in a curious manner. "I'm sorry, but who are you and how do you know Leon? Just asking."
"Well Miss, I'm just one of the many teens here like you and Leon. My name is Kyo Ordonia!"
"Kyo huh? My name is Lilith. How can you even see with all that hair?"
Oh no. Leon already knows how as patient as Kyo is, he has a tendency to give out funny or witty remarks whenever he feels like it.
"I have been trained by the way of ninjas so my eyesight is heightened by two hundred percent." Kyo was trying his best on holding on to his laughter.
"Oh ha ha, very cheeky mr waiter. Can you tell me who runs this place?"
"It was built by Aunt Meteora herself, and managing it would be Aunt Mariposa. Both had the idea of talking to kids and teens from different dimensions amd hearing their stories, so this place was built for that sole purpose!"
"Huh, Interesting."
"Anyways, Mama hasn't heard heard from you for a while Leon, she gives her regards."
"Thank her for me." Leon nodded. "And tell her I'm doing just fine, thank you."
"Understood." He went over to him and whispered. "She's a keeper!"
"Anyways, I'm not gonna make you all wait any longer." Kyo went and passed the menu to the both of them as they looked on.
"Mt Spice and Nacho chips, hmm..I'll have one and a tall glass of root beer float!" Lilith gave the menu back.
"I'll just have the regular nachos and a root beer float." Leon smiled.
"Coming right up." Kyo went back to the kitchen with the orders to the chef.
After that was done, Lilith turned her head and attention to her boyfriend. "So, I didn't know you met with a dimensional sibling!"
"We actually met by chance, while he was out dimensional hopping. He's the sweetest guy you'll ever have the pleasure of meeting."
"Hmm, we'll have to hang out with him someday."
In a matter minutes, the food arrived. "Here you go, folks. And Lilith, Leon ordered this miniature crane shaped chocolate just for you!"
Leon was going to mutter something, until it dawned on him that he was trying to help him. "Y-Yeah, I was afraid that set was going to be too spicy for you." While she looked at the chocolate, he quietly thanked Kyo for it.
"You're just too sweet Leon, but you should know I am the spicyness itself! No hot chip is gonna burn m-" As the first chip entered to her mouth, she lets out an unholy screech. "AAAAAAAAA!!! WATER, GIMME WATER!"
While Leon was running after her with her root beer and asking her to calm down, Kyo saw Mariposa looking at them with a small smirk.
"Mt Spice had another victim, as usual. You really need to tone it down, Aunt Mari."
"And miss out on all of this? I think not."
Eventually she had calmed down and ordered a regular, just like Leon. She thanked him for buying her the chocolate, as it really came in handy.
After the meal, Kyo listed some places for them to go to have fun. "Would you excuse us for a second, Lilith? I just wanna talk to Leon for a while."
"Oh? No problem! I'll just wait outside, but don't take too long though!"
"We won't!" As soon as she was out, Kyo just chuckled and patted his back. "You really love her, don't you?"
"Y-Yeah I do." He couldn't hide it, at the very least not from Kyo.
"Alright, hold on for a minute." Kyo reached for his wallet and passed on a stack of hundreds to him. "Whatever she wants, its on me. Just tell her you'll pay for it though. And don't say it's from me."
"K-Kyo, this is..I can't take this from you!"
Kyo just simply shook his head and gripped his hands. "Leon. Listen to me. We both know what it's like to not lose people in our lives. It was only luck that Janna wants to adopt me and I am forever grateful for that. And I don't want you to be alone this world and feel the things and have the suffering that I do. Now you have me, and you have her. If she's the one who you would want to spend time with for the rest of your life, you have your brother's support and blessing."
Leon couldn't help but shed a tear at his other brother's words. "Now now.." Kyo wiped it off his face. "You still have a date. Go on and have fun."
"Y-yeah. Thanks for everything, bro."
"No problem, now go."
The date went on as normal, with them wreaking havoc and dancing in the reopened Bounce Lounge, buying some matching t-shirts and baseball bats, taking a ride on a roller coaster, and then end it off with a horror movie.
As Leon went back to his home, Lilith went on and jumped at his face, giving him a kiss for the fun time she had with him before quickly cutting a portal back home.
Maybe this isn't as disastrous as he thought it would be.
(I'm seemingly on a roll with writing today! Two fics in two days at 3 in the morning! Again guys, I'm sorry if I made the characters out of character somehow or if I'm boring you @makanshoku @demon-draws
Leon Diaz belongs to @demon-draws
Lilith Buterfly Lucitor belongs to @makanshoku
And of course, Kyo Ordonia belongs to me! )
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