#starkie child
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haez4rt · 2 years
reviewing SEVERAL old drawings that i have saved i found this one
yep i also (had) my fankids ocs of svtfoe (starco and starkie)
( i also create an tomstar one ,i'll look for that one later)
ahh i remember when it was fashionable the fanchilds in the fandom of svtfoe, i drew this around 2020 and their names are:
Starco- Cerise Butterfly Diaz Starkie- Zoe Butterfly thomas
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superconductivebean · 15 days
Hello there! I wanted to ask 5, 16 and 20 from the MC asks ☺️
hihi!!! I wanted to do the whole @rypnami's MC questions list ^ ^ But I think I'll do in the form of this ask, to have it answered.
I'm also putting it out in the tags, so here's how Julia looked in 1890:
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1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form?
Julia isn't an animagus.
If she would become an one, she's definitely a hare. They're fast, bloody smart, and their punch can break a rib or two.
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?
She'd preferred to turn a magpie, to play along the in-House joke about her personality and, well. Flying.
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite?
I think Julia would like earthy tones? I imagine the designs of both of her study and cottage to be accounting for a lot of light but the walls and furniture are of dark colours. I'd call it Sharp's influence, but Julia has always been surrounded by shadows, darkness, clouds; let alone she's from the North.
As I am also a northerner, sleeping through That Bloody Sunnight is impossible with lightly-coloured walls. That's why, probably.
4) in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one?
She'd totally have tumblr and a youtube channel + a reddit account, possibly. Julia has a bunch of obscure hobbies in the modern aus, so I'd also throw -exchange websites in here.
My trash child would be into fanfiction, too.
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc?
Back when I was messing around with the linking accounts and all that, I let the game to parse my wand details. It's of Rowan wood, 10", the core is the unicorn hair; Julia uses it, I never changed its details.
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? why?
Julia will eat everything if it isn't sweet, Firewhiskey, or boom berries. Her childhood was rather challenging food-wise, if not scarce on it; she doesn't mind other foods, but she also prefers to have a great variety on her table.
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
*ugly crying* it's too big i will not tell it here just know that there was a some kind of divine intervention, demiurgic comedy, ceridwen's brew of awen mention, and a parental wish for a child to be talented
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house?
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc?
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Meh this is old.
Сiri: Julia is gifted with a special magical talent that put a target on her back, too (Ashwinders would benefit from having her around either way but her ability would've become the WE'RE RICH moment). On her journey, she's brought to an old castle and met the future father figures here (Eleazar and Aesop <- -> Vеsemir and Gеralt). 8th book does not happen ihateitihat but Kaer Morchen siege's tragic end does; I couldn't forget about the Old Druid Technique, neither about the anniversary video where Сiri hugs Geralt at Corvo Bianco 🥺Сiri was the main inspiration for Julia & Aesop's mentorship plotline;
Lоhse: terrible but witty humour, Lоhse Invented Lesbianiasm, and I got a feeling HL was at least somewhere tinely inspired by DОS2? By default, Lоhse uses elemental magic, water-based spells; AM closely resembles water, if not to assume directly associated with it, but it's a sidenote because as I said, Terrible Jokes Came First;
Emily: I'm still uncertain if I should've chosen Cоrvo but either way, if HL had what Dishоnored had, it would've been an amazing game all throughout; so far, it only manages to look like it graphically, on the low settings. But I digress. Both Julia and Emily had to make tough, if not terrible, choices guided by forces they couldn't quite understand or fully comprehend;
Moist: my trash man believed in an angel once and lived a better life, so did my trash child Julia;
KATZENJАMMER: Julia's family theme songs;
Tilda Swintоn.
10) does your mc have any special abilities? (legilimens, parsletongue, metamorphagus, etc) how do they choose to use these powers? did you give them powers for fun, or does it relate to their backstory/plot?
No, Julia doesn't have any other things going on about her.
11) what is your mc’s blood status? how does it affect their time at hogwarts? how does it affect their home life?
Half-blood. Accepted at home back in the Netherlands and her Faroese/Danish side of the family doesn't really mind (they're happy she's alive and could bring closure to the wound caused by her father's death), but ohboi she caused fire to families like the Malfoys or the Gaunts. They're her biggest haters; they couldn't believe a witch of her talents could be of muggle decent.
At some point, she changed her official last name to her Faroese one just to spite some people.
12) did your mc open the repository? why or why not?
After Ranrok destroyed it, she didn't bother restoring it nor opening it. Julia is very wary of that particular thing Isidora did and didn't want to absorb powers she wouldn't be able to control.
13) if your mc opened the repository, how did absorbing all that power affect them, if it did at all?
Julia would had committed a suicide short after, unable to handle the flood of unlocked memories. Her rage would've been the end of her.
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
Percival: Thought he was an insight she needed, turned out a man who had an agenda that severely misaligned with the end goal of protecting the school.
Charles: The homely man. The kind who will hide critical intelligence in order to keep or to save their good standing. Can't be trusted. Good at transfiguration though.
Niahm: The gentle maternal figure—the one Julia would deliberately seek sometimes to have what little of guidance on AM she could get.
San: The stall, but the voice and act of reason.
15) how does your mc’s story continue after 5th year? how do they cope with everything that happened with ranrok, sebastian, etc?
To trash with Sebastian, she had her uncle to deal with and Ranrok to debate with in her dreams. And then, The Bureaucracy.
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
Julia doesn't approve of the simplicity these curses imply.
She only realised the meaning of her own words when she got older.
17) did your mc turn in sebastian? why or why not?
Julia's reasoning was quite different from the one from the in-game.
Certain the Ministry would only ruin everything for everyone after the officer Singer told her and Natty off of their investigation, she didn't want to give Sebastian's secrets away to them—and for them to establish she was up to something this questionable didn't sound all right. Even though she didn't do anything and was actively against Sebastian's schemes, she didn't know the laws very well to know whether or not her and Ominis' bystanding would get them into trouble as well.
The Ministry ended up learning about The Event, but as Julia had predicted, it didn't care and it didn't do anything about it, busy with the full-fledged international scandal the Rookwood gang caused.
18) what is your mc’s family like? do they have siblings? do they still have parents?
Her dad is a lovely man. Her mum is a wicked but funny bitch. Her uncle is a huggable guy but he will scorch everyone disagreeing with him. The rest are rather vast crowd of people but of regular people, some are cool, others aren't; her auntie married a dragon caretaker and caused Family Drama over sheep but that's a whole another story.
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
Imelda and Poppy. I had a post about them somewhere…
Here. It's still a WIP but 80% of it is settled.
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
She likes elemental magic. It looks magic. ^ ^
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
I've gotten plethora of opinions/perspectives on how to redo, remake, what to add and all that; it's scattered across my blog in 2 languages.
It all will be very tedious to dig up so I found a reblog chain that covers the basics. Here.
22) does your mc have any pets? if so, why do they have the pets they have? and for fun, what are their pets’ names?
A little story.
My very first catch after a stray hippogriff (I thought you need to catch an one to ride an one lmao) was a kneazle rescue from a poacher camp. He was a sable black large kitty, I named him Samuel, and Realised only months later while talking to @thriftstorebabayaga. Sammy stayed as Julia's pet kneazle and he became the plot reason for Julia to wear the scar.
She rescued Sammy from poachers on her first week of school and got injured in the process.
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
No, Julia's design came together last February, first try. The only detail that changed was the amount of freckles. I keep adding more.
24) where is your mc from? where is their family from?
Technically, Julia is from the Netherlands. But she grew up 1) on the ship, the trading vessel belonging to her father, 2) on Faroe islands, 3) and visited her grannies in Holland sometimes.
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
She enjoys winter albeit she's hurt by the cold. No particular reason for liking it, except for it's the no gnat season.
26) how about your mc’s favourite holiday? what makes it special to them?
Christmas: days off, no gnat, food!
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
Hatstall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. She's reckless enough to be considered Gryffindor but her sense for bird fountain community would push her to the Hufflepuffs. She'd enjoy either option.
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
That stuffed kneazle that she keeps away because it reminds her of the happier life.
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
ATEMLOS DURCH DIE NACHT— German pop, Italian pop, and she stole Sharp's collection of Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and The Doors.
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc!
the main tragedy of her life is bureaucracy and that fact amuses me greatly. that she defeated it is The Fantasy of her fantasy genre story
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leolgc · 1 year
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word count: 337
name: cheng lingshan
name meaning to become a mountain or an unbreakable spirit. ling shan keeps his name's meaning in mind seriously. he never lets anything break him down. this may not mean that he doesn't break down others. he may not mean to be rude out of hatred, but he just doesn't actually care if he hurts anyone's feelings.
ling shan's personality is rough around the edges. he has a snarky attitude. but he uses it as a shell. he's sarcastic, has no filter, is a bit gossipy, and is a bit disliked. his personality is much like kim wonhae's characters in strong woman do bong soon. his character enjoys ruffling feathers of everyone in the office.
cheng lingshan lived in china all of his life with his very wealthy family. he came to korea for a challenge, but ended up owing someone and the only way to pay it back was to work with the company. he doesn't like that he owes someone. people in the company don't believe that he is as rich as he actually is. he's an only child, and extremely spoiled when it comes to his mother.
rolls eyes often.
gives starky responces.
very sarcastic
easily annoyed
attitude problem
he likes movies, fashion, and things that are expensive. the only sport he enjoys is soccer. he used to play it for the private school that he went to. he also has started dabbling in graphic arts and designing packing designs.
how do they react under stress/pressure:
lingshen usually keeps his cool under pressure. granted he's even more pissy/bitchy when he's stressed. but usually it doesn't seem like much of a difference than his usually personality.
education background:
because of his family background, he does have a degree in business. that's why his family is confused by why exactly he's staying at a job he "hates", and everyone at the company thinks he's a compulsive liar because what person with a master's degree in business administration.
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chocorry-ding · 3 years
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I have created a starkie child before.
Do you remember Grace? XD
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Mrs & Mrs Thomas-Butterfly’s Daughter: Star Lynn “Aster” Thomas-Butterfly Jr.
Credit for Star Vs The Forces of Evil goes to Daron Nefcy
I don’t think I posted this on here yet, at least I think....?
I guess I could look for it to see if I had posted it on tumblr before.
but I had to do some editing on this, like placing my new tumblr username (but making sure to keep my former one on this, so there be no misunderstandings.)
I also had to edit in “April 11, 2021″
because of the whole Day/Month/Year, I still rather put the Month first, then the Day and then the Year.
but because of reasons, I had to add in the name of the months, and not just the number.
Star Lynn Jr. aka “Aster” (though it was originally Princess Star “Aster” Lynn Thomas-Butterfly Jr., but I edited it. so now it is Princess Star Lynn “Aster” Thomas-Butterfly Jr.)
 and like it shows on Star Lynn’s Moms cheeks,
Star and Jackie share Star’s Magic, Star having give half of her magic to her wife, maybe when they had got married.
her giving half her magic to Jackie could be like a “wedding ring”
so the Magic Cheek Marks are their “wedding rings” along with their other wedding rings they wear on their fingers.
Aster has two different color eyes,
her right eye is light green and her left eye is light blue.
how she was conceived would be through Magical Technology,
I think Jackie would have her egg be carried by her wife Star,
 and 9 months later their daughter:
Princess Star Lynn Thomas Butterfly Jr. was born.
it might be weird to have this thought,
but I can’t help but think of Star and Jackie,
being a little like Sunset and Sci-Twi.
also since it appears that Jackie isn’t wearing a ring in this,
I guess I can just use the idea that the shared cheek marks (that both use to fully belong to Star until she gives one of them to Jackie)
acts as the “wedding magic marks”
I think the timeline Star Lynn aka “Aster” comes from,
it might make sense that Magic Wasn’t Destroyed,
but the Mewmans who were turned into Solarian Warriors
and their victims, were turned back to normal and saved.
Mina being the a Solarian the longest was still a Solarian,
but she ends up being imprisoned by the Reformed Rhombulus,
who told Star how to fix everything, how it will stop the Solarian Warriors and save the victims.
  and the secret being that Star would have to kill Moon Butterfly.
I can talk more about the whole “Moon needing to be killed in order to save everyone and magic, in the next post after this.”
I’m still not sure if I had already posted this up on tumblr,
but like I said before, I could try to look and see if I did.
anyway hope some of you like this Starkie Daughter.
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chocogummiesx · 4 years
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family bonding~
I forgot how much I liked smooth lines TvT
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juice-squid · 5 years
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Art trade w @chocogummiesx !! I literally love all your ocs but vera and lux are my absolute fave!!!
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curple-arts · 5 years
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2019 and 2018(??)
Elli belongs to @juice-squid (I miss you sm hshsh)
Ahhh it's been so long since I posted here on tumblr, but more importantly it's been so long since I drew anything related to svtfoe. I haven't given up my au, I really just don't know what story to tell about it. But I will be trying to bring my old au back to life with my old characters soon since I'm still redesigning them...
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indigo-lite · 5 years
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AU content 
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neko-svtfoe · 5 years
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starkie babi !!!
Daphne Butterfly Lynn Thomas 
She can’t speak because of the curse from her mark , where is on her tongue. Her personality is like Star and Jackie , she’s not a fan of rules and she like the surf and dolphins. She’s from Ruby’s AU :) ,they are very good friends ^^ , Daphne is like a little sister for her .
my style is getting really weird this days ... idk what to du.
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stassendesigns · 5 years
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Redraw with the Starckie twins
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knaiftu · 5 years
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Ophelia Butterfly 🌱✨
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skellyscribs · 5 years
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Everyone go wish @fremynstein a happy birthday today bc she deserves it
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scooterpengie · 5 years
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For @fremynstein, here’s mer-Melanie! I really like her and I’ve wanted to draw her for a while and I probably will again.
I hope you like it!
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chocorry-ding · 5 years
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Hi,I am bored so I created a starkie child!
Her name is Grace, I hope everyone likes her.
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