#leonardo. 001
khakilike · 1 year
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Birds of Prey #1, Kelly Thompson and Leonardo Romero
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jengapuzzles · 1 year
event starter for :: @oftatteredwings (any) !! location :: outside the bar !!
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"i don't know, it's been a long day," leonardo hesitates, looking into the place that seems to be flowing with good energy, drinks, dancing. temptation is real. "i should be getting some rest... gotta study..."
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remiroth · 2 months
meme prompt :: @famcamp sent 12C
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Remi was far from being bashful when it came to either his physical appearance or any level of sordid activities, so the two coming together in the form of a facial kink came very naturally. Of course, to get to that stage he had to put the work in first. And of course, Remi could never choose an easy size to work with. The twink had been on his knees with Leo's sizable piece for what felt like an age. His knees were red and aching, his jaw similar aching from the effort it had taken to take Leo's manhood in his mouth, and even his lungs were beginning to tire from the efforts of holding his breath while servicing the latino.
It wasn't until the tell tale signs of Leo beginning to near orgasm that Remi really upped the ante. Both hands wrapped around his cock, a twinkle appeared in his green hues, and the younger man really committed to earning that facial. Gluck gluck gluck echoed in the empty cabin with the gags and wetness from excess saliva accompanying the noises for the most carnal orchestral performance possible. Finally, just as all of his aching body parts were about to cause Remi to collapse, his reward came. Literally.
He pulled away with an audible 'pop' and an even louder moan as he braced himself for the load. With his eyes closed, Remi continued to stroke Leo as rope after rope of familiar hot, sticky liquid began to coat his face, never once ceasing his motions until he could feel the older man riding out his orgasm to completion. "Shit," Remi panted with a grin, risking finally releasing Leo's cock to wipe the spunk from his eyes so he could look up at him, "how do I look?" he asked earnestly with a bat of his eyes.
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colibrie · 2 months
Mosaic Moments
Prompt 1: Suprise quiz and Saved by the bell.(Donnie and Leo)
Based on art by @trilobitepunch
"Donatello. Donathon. Donnie-doodle. Dontron. DeeDee. D-youch! Whyyyyy?!"
Donatello rolled his eyes as he tucked his bo back into its spot on his shell. He turned away, pacing a few steps until he was strategically placed at the optimum angle to block the TV.
"Now that I have your undivided attention, dearest dumb-dumb and deralict leader, I can announce that it is time."
"Huh?" Leo blinked, scowling as he rubbed his head and tried to lean around Donnie to see the screen. "Time for you to be unbearably annoying? Hate to break it to you egghead, but I think that's just a constant state for you."
"It is time," he continued, ignoring his twin, "for an examination regarding your recall of the field call signs as designated by the Genius tech (tm) handbook."
"The wh... no...."
"That's right. It is time," he paused for dramatic effect, quietly savoring the growing wave of dread behind him, "for a suprise quiz!"
He whirled on his heel, arms crossing as the fingers of one hand rose to frame the cheshire smile splitting his face. He took a second to revel in the panic written into the fine print of his twins expression before commencing.
"What is B-52/001?"
"In what scenario should you employ a 009-DU10?"
"When should you provide your brilliant, suave, handsome brother Donatello with uranium?"
"Incorrect!" He yelled, subtly pushing a button on his wrist brace. He permitted himself exactly one internal giggle of delight when an expertly hidden water gun nailed his errant brother in the side of the head. He'd have to screenprint that one later.
"Bleh! Uggggh, Donnie what the shell?!"
"Oh there is more where that came from dearest brother. Next round. There is one last piece of perfectly delicious pizza left. Do you activate a R49, an M1K, or a D03?"
"What answer doesn't get me hit with water?"
"Ah bup bup! No cheating! You have 5 seconds."
"Wait, since when was this timed?!"
The screech of an alarm, one of his own, split the air.
"Oh no!" Leo gasped, flipping up and over the back of the couch, "a motion alarm providing a convenient excuse to be anywhere but here! Don't worry Donbon I am alllllllll over it! "
"Leonardo we are not-"
"Sorry, can't hear you!" Leo replied cheerily, flicking Donnie and jaunty two finger salute and grin as one katana flashed, tearing open a signature sky blue portal, "maybe ask Raph!"
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fatedstarfall · 3 months
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PROMPT 001 - Another Face in the Crowd
This was not like anything Leonardo has done before. As if anyone were able to do something like this. So, the smile that he sported on his lips may have been seen like he was not taking the whole situation seriously. But that could not be farther from the truth. The man understood the weight of this decision, and although the previous ones probably do not compare to the one he's going to make, Leo is more than experienced when it comes to doing whatever possible to follow greatness. To live his truth. And if drinking this ambrosia meant learning about this side unknown to him this whole time and transcend him to a world of potential, why wouldn't he take the leap of faith? Even if it meant fighting for a cause he barely knew anything about.
Maybe it was more ceremonious for the previous men that have arrived at the camp, considering how empty this temple felt as he was doing it alone, but all Leonardo needed was himself. However, the familiar sight of a fiery-headed man did make this strange experience a little easier. Definitely made the feeling of the statues of the gods and goddesses witnessing this first step to divinity feel normal.
Finally, the moment of truth came and Leonardo began to drink the strangely beautiful liquid. There was a slight cough as he took the first sip of the Ambrosia, as it had scratched the back of his throat, but everything else felt so... easy? Were they just trying to psyche him out to test if he was brave enough? Leo didn't get it. Was something more going to happen?
Just as he was going to ask a question, someone else seemed to have entered the temple as well. Leonardo couldn't make out the person's face as he was surrounded by so many people. Nevertheless, it wasn't like he was able to look for too long because suddenly, the few people around him started to make their way around this mystery person. Pushing and shoving him like he wasn't important, and now the once empty temple was filled to the brim, and he was packed in it like he was just another face in the crowd.
Leonardo was being suffocated by the sea of people, and the only thing he wanted to know was who this mystery person was. Not his survival. What was so damn special about this man that suddenly everyone was flocking around him? Leo included. So enthralled by this endeavor, he was slowly losing his fight against the crowd until he was being consumed, trampled under the herd.
Defeat. That's what happened when Leonardo decided to stop focusing on himself. It was sink or swim for so long that he didn't realize how tired he actually was. However, even know that he laid under the weight of someone's shadow, he had to fight. And fight he did. It was a struggle getting back on his feet, but when he did, he pushed with all his might against the torrential waves of spectators. Leo went against the current like he usually did. It may have been tough at first, but slowly he found his stride, and the strength to practically move through the crowd with ease.
This was a battle no longer.
This was his destiny.
To go his own path.
Eventually, at the end of the seemingly never ending waves, Leo found himself outside of the temple. It was dark and he was alone. However, he didn't feel lonely. Not with this newfound vigor. There was a part of him that still wanted to look back, to see who it was, but he knew better. The man had to go forward even if it was at a different direction from everyone else. And so he did, he faced forward with his head held high and that's when he saw that the stars were shinning above him keeping him company, with one shinning brighter than all of them, guiding him.
Leonardo couldn't stop admiring the beauty of it, until slowly, the star was slowly becoming so bright that it turned everything white. That's when he finally opened his eyes and was flashbanged by the morning light flooding through his window. "Fuck was 'at?" Leo groaned as he tried to sit up, but his head retaliated with a pang of a headache. Where he immediately surrendered and laid back down. "This shi is worse 'han any bloody 'angover i've 'ad."
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From Extreme Venomverse #001
“The Best Part of Him”, by Ryan North (W), Paulo Siqueira, JP Mayer & Federico Blee (A)
“All in the Family”, by Mirka Andolfo (W), Nico Leon and Erick Arciniega (A)
“Tip of the Blade”, by Leonardo Romero (W/A), Roberto Poggi and Ruth Redmond (A)
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ocombatente · 5 months
JI-PARANÁ: Juiz fixa multa diária de R$ 450 mil caso prefeito não nomeie assessores do vice
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O juiz Leonardo Leite Mattos e Souza fixou multa diária de R$ 450.000,00 (quatrocentos e cinquenta mil reais), caso o prefeito Isau Fonseca não nomeie os assessores do gabinete de seu vice, Joaquim Teixeira. A decisão do juiz foi proferida no dia 11 de março, após a defesa de Joaquim Teixeira entrar com um pedido de cumprimento provisório de sentença. De acordo com a defesa, “o Requerente (Joaquim Teixeira), em 03/01/2024, solicitou a nomeação dos servidores que compõe a estrutura do Gabinete do Vice-Prefeito, pedidos estes realizados já em outras oportunidades. Contudo, nenhuma providência foi tomada pelo Chefe do Poder Executivo e/ou pelo Município de Ji-Paraná”. A defesa alegou ainda que “a consequência prática desta atitude, vale dizer, é o desfalque do Gabinete do Requerente – que já está completando um mês. Portanto, outra saída não resta ao Requerente, senão buscar, novamente, o Poder Judiciário para ver efetivada a tutela jurisdicional a ele já deferida”. Em sua decisão, o juiz determinou que “o Município de Ji-Paraná e o chefe do Poder Executivo local (exmo. sr. Prefeito) procedam à nomeação dos funcionários públicos em cargos em comissão para lotação no Gabinete do Vice-Prefeito nos moldes pleiteados no Memorando n. 001/GAB-VICE/2024, tal como encartado aos autos, no prazo de 72h, sob pena de ambos incorrerem, cada qual, em multa cominatória (astreintes) no valor diário de R$ 450.000,00”. fronteira364   Read the full article
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californiadreamingx · 7 months
Act 001 "Trabajos ilegales"
Una diosa de cabello negro, una figura excepcional, unos ojos que tienen la mirada de Medusa y dejarían a cualquier hombre perplejo frente ella.
Así describían a la joven Agatha Conway, una modelo y empresaria de ascendencia rumana de unos 25 años, aparentemente. Muy pocos habían podido establecer una relación con ella, detestaba a los medios chismosos que sólo se enfocaban en crear rumores ridículos sobre las personas.
Su vida estaba rodeada de lujosos carros valorados en millones de euros, mansiones en distintas capitales importantes del mundo y vestidos de los diseñadores más renombrados de la industria.
Algunas de sus noches las pasaba jugando en casino, viendo como los pobres idiotas apostaban por querer llevársela a sus casas; otras velada soportaba a los tipos más inútiles de Hollywood queriendo coquetearle, lamentablemente Leonardo Dicaprio ya la había quitado de la lista en cuanto cumplió "el promedio de edad" que tenían sus amoríos fugaces.
Agatha llegaba a los hoteles con hombres ebrios, jamás pasaba de dejarlos tirados en la cama e irse a otra habitación y regresar al amanecer antes de que aquel de despertara, siempre era la misma pregunta de machito egocéntrico:
"¿Que tal? Todas las mujeres dicen que soy una bestia salvaje y terminan enamoradas de mí".
A veces intentaba no vomitarles encima, algunos ni siquiera eran agraciados de personalidad, ni de cara y el aliento les apestaba de tal manera que parecían sacados de Chernóbil.
Nunca nadie iba a imaginarse que una mujer así de bella tendría un secreto tan perverso.
ㅡ Toma tu té, mí tigre. Sí es que quieres que éste dulce angel vuelva a entregarte su cuerpo.ㅡ
Le susurraba en el oído de forma juguetona, hasta que comenzaba a alejarse y veía su cara de sufrimiento, mientras se apretaba la mano contra el pecho y se quejaba hasta que el infarto lo terminaba de matar.
Llamaba a los guardias del hotel para comunicar el suceso y salía escoltada por sus guardaespaldas.
"Prestigioso empresario de la industria automotor acaba de fallecer a causa de un infarto en el cuarto del hotel. Todo indica que se encontraba con una de sus amantes en la habitación, quien alertó a la seguridad del establecimiento y se marchó antes de que las autoridades arribaran en el lugar de los hechos."
Conway nunca dejaba rastros, sólo desaparecía y las causas quedaban cerradas como "muerte natural", luego de que la policía encontrara antecedentes de abusos a menores, relaciones narcos o estafas a grandes empresarios. Los familiares de los difuntos pagaban cifras millonarias para que todo el mundo de quedara callado y no ensuciaran el apellido o empresa.
Llegaba a su casa frustrada y exhausta, rápidamente se despojaba de aquella molesta peluca negra y los pupilentes verdes.
Ella no se definía como una sicaria, ese título se lo dejaba a las chicas que usaban armas blancas o utilizaban sus propias manos para acabar con la "víctima".
Terminaba su día en una tina de agua tibia llena de espuma, por un momento olvidaba de su alter ego y disfrutaba de su verdadera identidad: un joven cantante, hija de un reconocido actor y ex de unos de los hombres más codiciados de la televisión, y no, no era Henry Cavill como tantas veces se la había relacionado.
Palabras: 541
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plantfeed · 9 months
location :  trinity, during the discord mini event.
description :  some back n forth between junior n mimi while they weigh up the pros n cos of fucking each other.
featuring :  junior @oculiaperticlausi
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐫
Junior walks over to the bar, slipping right into the spot next to Mimi. He leans down, resting on his elbows as he turns his head to look over at her. His gaze drifts across her as he presses his lips together. "You look good tonight, Mimi."
𝐦𝐢𝐦𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐳.
"are you trying to compliment me?" mimi asks, without removing her eyes from her phone screen, acrylic nails tapping against the display. no wonder your bitch wife left you. you're disgusting, pig. as if i'd let you anywhere near me. as if any woman would. one of her findom clients ; the kind that get off on her being mean to them, and even send her money for the privilege. she doesn't need the money any more, but in some ways, she feels like she's doing an act of service. without women like her, who would poor gerald, 58, south carolina turn to? "you're not doing a very good job of it. obviously i look good. i always look good. oh look! it's time to be real!" her thumb swipes against the notification, holding out her phone on selfie mode as she plants a kiss against junior's jaw, captures the view of the club on the other side. "we look hot," she notes, showing him the picture, before closing her phone and turning her attention to him. "why do i get the weird feeling that you're like, on one?"
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐫
"Yeah. What I said is what a compliment is, isn't it?" Junior is all but hoping one person stays out of his way tonight and away from his fucking brothers. Wasn't it bad enough that she did him dirty back in New York to the point where he almost went to grovel for help from the devil himself. He raises a few fingers to the bartender in hopes to get their attention. His eyes move to the camera, a small smirk curving his features. Then he turns his head to look at her. "Then what the fuck is a compliment to you?" He asks. "And what do you mean by on one?"
𝐦𝐢𝐦𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐳.
"try harder," mimi says, fixing him with a smile. it's hard to tell if he's riled by her lack of gratitude, or just riled generally, but she's hardly going to bend over backwards to deepthroat his dick in thanks for something as lazy as 'you look good tonight'. it's obvious! next! "mimi, you're a vision! mimi, you look sensational tonight! mimi, if leonardo dicaprio were here, he would dump his girlfriend and abandon his twenty-five-and-under rule for you, only for you to say thanks leo, but you're pretty haggard these days, and i preferred your earlier work. it's not that difficult." lately, she's been having problems with her current 'casual fling's' inability to show affection, and it's seemingly putting a downer on every interaction with a man, a pervading sense of injustice that men can do the bare minimum and not only get away with it, but get awarded for it. "you know. on one. i don't know, there was like, this weird look in your eye when you came over. like something's about to happen. like you're looking for a fight, and if one doesn't find you, you'll start one, you know?" maybe she's been watching too much reality tv.
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐫
Junior laughs, tilting his head down to look at the surface of the bar. "Aren't all of those just a fancier way of saying you look good?" He muses, slipping closer to her as he moves his hand to her hair, brushing some of it off her shoulder. "If you need me to be fancier than this... all yoh had to do was ask, Mimi." He smirks as he nods a thanks for the bartender when they set down the drinks. He glances back to her and for a minute he wonders if he more obvious than he thinks because he did feel antsy, in need a fight or a fuck at this point. "The night is young, a lot of things can happen, Mimi."
𝐦𝐢𝐦𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐳.
"so what? i like to feel special. sue me!" when she was younger, mimi felt like she was born to be a trophy wife, titties out on the balcony of a home someone else had paid for, bloody mary in one hand and a fat joint in the other, but these days it's more fun to be ambitious. now, when she gets something, she knows that she earned it, whether it's a brand deal off the back of that fucking soul-destroying reality tv show that put her self-esteem through the ringer, or her architecture and urban planning degree that three years of only fans content and working in vegas clubs had funded. "fancy can be fun, but i don't need you to be anything other than yourself." honestly, she prefers people who are a little rough around the edges. her head swivels, eyes catching on his as junior moves closer, the hand in her hair stirring her in a way that feels dangerous. she'll get ideas if he's not careful. obviously, he's got shit going on with addison ; mimi doesn't want to be a pawn used to spurn jealousy ( she's been the other woman too many times to count ) but that doesn't mean she'll listen to her wiser judgement. "junior..." she warns as he slides her a drink, but the idea that he should be careful dies on her lips before she can even believe it. "what are we drinking? and more importantly, what are we drinking to?"
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐫
"I'll keep that in mind." Junior laughs. "You look fucking out of this word tonight, Mimi." He muses as he reaches for his drink. He brings it up to his lips, taking a long sip of it as his eyes take her in. He isn't the most classy man in the world so when she says she would much rather him be himself... Well, at least he didn't have to worry about disappointing her. His tongue brushes along his lower lip as his head tilts to the side at her words. "Junior..." He breathes her name the way she did, a small smirk curving his features as he twirls the strand of her dark hair around his index finger as his gaze doesn't leave hers. "Do you like it when someone plays with your hair, Martinez?" He asks in a low tone of voice as he shifts closer to her. "Because I've been told I'm very good with my hands." He turns his head to look over the bartender. "I've been drinking whiskey's and we could drink to how gorgeous you look tonight." He smirks.
𝐦𝐢𝐦𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐳.
the moment the compliment leaves his lips, her own immediately pull up into a smirk, dimpled cheeks sucked in by the sheer thrill of it. “see?” mimi purrs, something catlike in her tone that borders on manipulative, but in a teehee way, not a patrick bateman way. “that wasn't so hard, was it?” her fingertip trails over his upper lip, (perhaps only a slight graduation from a pinch of the cheek), legs uncrossing and recrossing on the bar stool, something basic instinct about it, as she turns her focus to him. the air between them has shifted. she was right — he is on one — but if mimi’s the one who gets to reap the benefits of his restless energy, you won’t catch her complaining. her head presses into the heel of his palm at the contact, a cat’s nuzzle, spine arching as his hand tangles through her hair. nose wrinkling, she shakes her head to disagree, but her penchant for honesty betrays her. “love it.” affection in any form is welcomed, her love language, her undoing, and her thumb slides over his lower lip as he shifts closer, her thigh moving to slip between both of his on the bar stool. “but i’d prefer it if you pulled it.” her eyes catch his with a flash of something challenging. now he’s got her thinking. still, the urge to play hard to get coils like a snake in her gut. “yeah? mm hmm, okay romeo. musicians are meant to be good with their hands, and i still haven’t found one who can get me off.” somebody call shania twain, because mimi’s just found something else that don’t impress her much. “what makes you think you're any different?”
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐫
junior breathes out a laugh, his gaze focusing on her instead of anything else around him. it was the perfect distraction from the urge to throw a punch or two. "i guess it wasn't," he murmurs. her fingertip trails over his upper lip and it has him shifting closer. he has to control the urge to tangle her hair between his finger as she leans into his hand. he still keeps his fingers there though, the tips of them digging against her scalp as he parts his lips slightly. "fuck," he mutters as he twirls the strands. "because musicians are drunks who don't know what their doin', mimi." he tilts his head down as he acts as if he's going to kiss her but instead avoids her lips and touches the spot under her earlobe. "you're never going to know if i'm different unless you take me for a ride."
𝐦𝐢𝐦𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐳.
oh, she’s got him alright. if it isn’t clear with the way he’s touching her, it’s clear with his breathy exhalation of fuck. it’s a sound that plucks at something inside of her, a sound that undresses her, so when his lips part she briefly slides her fingers inside his mouth, a teasing smile on her lips. “and i’m meant to believe you do know what you’re doing?” mimi asks, dragging her fingers back from his teeth. the game of it all is the most satisfying part — the push-pull of it, when she knows she wants it, and they want it, it’s just a matter of when and where. instinctively, her chin tilts when he lowers his mouth to hers, but her mouth meets only the air, his kiss instead pressed at the base of her jaw. “ugh. fuckin’ tease.” like mimi doesn’t love it. like she isn’t exactly the same. “why do i get the feeling that you’re like, super fuckin’ bad for me?” maybe because mimi's always been attracted to fickle, dangerous things, tends to choose the excitement of something rough and uninhibited over a safe, dependable love, despite her better instincts. her breath’s a little shallower, a lightness in her eyes that wasn’t there before when her fingers circle his wrist, drag his hand to her thigh, and slide it higher, let it disappear up beneath her skirt as her leg hooks itself around his. “not to be super fatboy slim, but are you suggesting right here, right now? because while yeah, fucking in public is super hot, i feel like you’ll get maximum two pumps before you’re cuffed on the spot for indecent exposure, which isn’t so hot.” holiday season has the main strip crawling with grouchy cops just waiting for some fuckup to make their day. “and unless you’re like, a two-pump prodigy, i feel like you’re gonna need longer than that to prove you’re not all talk.”
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chopnews · 1 year
Top 5 Places to Visit in Poland: Hey everyone welcome again. If you are on a budget saving tour then I must say Poland can be a great option. Poland is growing tourist destination now days. The beautiful Jewish heritage and the medieval architecture is a must watch thing. Poland is famous for its nightlife, shopping, food and many other things. So if you want to enjoy a good holiday in Poland then this article is surely going to help you. Read the below article on Top 5 places to visit in Poland. Top 5 Places to Visit in Poland 1. Main Square Krakow [caption id="attachment_103" align="alignnone" width="640"] Main Square Krakow[/caption] The Main Square of Krakow is situated in Lesser, Poland. It  made in the 13th century in a vast area of 4000 square meters. It is a perfect place to eat delicious food, some great wine, designer clothes, suitable accessories, handicrafts, and many more things one can enjoy in the main square of Krakow. Other than this, there are various restaurants, cafes, clubs, cathedrals, beer gardens, and shops. Invariably you will find some parades going on in the square. Enjoy a horse carriage ride if you are visiting on a snowy day. Address: - 30-062 Cracow, Poland 2. Bialowieza Forest [caption id="attachment_102" align="alignnone" width="640"] Bialowieza Forest[/caption] This is a remaining of the ancient forest in lowland Europe. It is spread over an area of 1500 square kilometers. This forest is home to various birds, mammals, animals, and insects. Not only for animals, but many species of trees add beauty to this forest. The forest offers various tour packages, and the bison safari should  tried by one. Some of the animals and birds you can spot here are the European Bison, black woodpecker, majestic red stag, a variety of fungi, and many others on the list. When you enter the forest, there is a restaurant where you can have food and drinks. So this forest is a paradise for people who love photography. 3. Wieliczka Salt Mine [caption id="attachment_106" align="alignnone" width="640"] Wieliczka Salt Mine[/caption] The Wieliczka Salt Mine is a historical place in southern Poland built in the 13th century. It was the largest mine that produced table salt. This beautiful salt mine has some statues and chapels made of rock salt. This mine is profound as you have to climb down some 800 stairs to explore the mine. Even there is an underground lake that you can see in the mine. The mine is made of blocks of rock salt and is preserved still. If you want to know the history of this mine in detail, then hire a tour that will guide you to explore the salt mine thoroughly. Address: - Danilowicza 10, 32-020 Wieliczka Poland. 4. Wawel Castle [caption id="attachment_105" align="alignnone" width="640"] Wawel Castle[/caption] The Wawel castle was built in the 14th century in Karakow. This castle is now a museum with historical collections shown beautifully. It is decorated with symbols and floral patterns. This is a masterpiece of great architecture. You can see these collections in five divisions: Crown Treasury & Armoury, State Rooms, Royal Private Apartments, Lost Wawel, and the Exhibition of Oriental Art. Also, you will see the world-famous painting of Leonardo da Vinci. You can hire an audio guide to help you explore the place more. Address: - Wawel 5, 31-001 Karakow Poland. 5. Malbork Castle [caption id="attachment_104" align="alignnone" width="762"] Malbork Castle[/caption] The Malbork castle built in the 13th century. This castle situated in northern Poland. This castle considered as world's largest castle. It has beautiful architecture made according to the Gothic brick castle. The castle divided into three divisions the High Castle, Middle Castle, and Outer Bailey. One must not miss seeing over here the original residence of the Grandmaster of the Teutonic order, the interiors that look like palm trees, a cannonball hole, St. Mary's Church, the Grand Masters' final resting place and the courtyard, and many others.
Also, one may see the weapons and armor collection in the castle's chambers. To explore the palace nicely, hire an audio tour to help you with this task. Address: - Starościńska 1, 82-200 Malbork, Poland Also read: Top 5 Places to Visit in Singapore So, guys I think this article will help you to explore Poland nicely. Thank you for reading and keep visiting for other such interesting articles. Read Also: Places to Visit in Singapore Places to Visit in Idaho Places To Visit In Colombia https://www.chopnews.com/top-5-places-to-visit-in-poland/?feed_id=227&_unique_id=642edf5e0feb7
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papaseong · 2 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ❲ səˈrenədē ❳ ❛ c.hapter uno •
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ┃KIRA YOSHIKAGE ; 001 🥀
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ — tumblr.com/papaseong
Would you like to start a day with your head filled with havoc? Of course not. Who would wish for a complicated mind? No one. People would ran themselves into such dreadful decisions, not knowing the consequences of the chosen option. Ending them up with blasphemous ideas from how sorrowful they've turned. Fortunately I am, lived a decent life up until that pompous of a bloodline came to break it.
A youngling I was, and supposedly childish, I bumped into an image that had caught my attention. It was definitely arousing, making me stare at it for how long it was. Devious imaginations kept gushing in, distracting me from the surrounding I am currently in. I was in the library at that time where a bunch of bookworms huddled up to gather knowledge and quench their thirst for entertainment. Realization made my eyes wide, a mischievous grin appearing from my once innocent face. "I should keep a lot of photos of hers, that way she could be mine."
I ran home and checked everything I can do to enlarge the cropped photo. Ah yes, the photo. I haven't told you the details about that. It was Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa. What I only desire to see was her hands, hence it was cropped on that part. By the time I managed to print it up in a larger scale, I hung it in my room. Every time I fixated my eyes over that masterpiece, the bundle of nerves in between my legs would erect gloriously, signifying that I was indeed turned on by this.
As times went by, it felt as if I wanted more. Was it the hormones? Did puberty cause this? I hungered for the real thing and there I saw my first victim. Her hands were oh so smooth, no bite marks nor birthmarks. Not even scars on it. Distractions were what I needed, to free me from this urge that longed within. Unbearable, it was unbearable. I can no longer hold back and that's when I plotted something gruesome that no normal human could dare to attempt.
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jengapuzzles · 1 year
event starter for :: @backpockct (any) !! location :: hammonds !!
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"oh no, i'm not one of the queens i don't think i..." leonardo looks up, his cheeks flushed for a shade of pink that's both from embarrassment and maybe a bit flatter. "why, you think i could be one? i don't know..."
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lewiscrobinson · 3 years
Cody não era ciumento. Sério! Por quinze anos confiou em Henrietta com a própria vida, e não tinha a menor das desconfianças quando ela saía com amigos e amigas, quando dizia que ficaria horas a mais trabalhando, ou quando tinha de viajar sozinha. Sobre isso, sua consciência estava tranquila. Nos últimos anos, teve de lidar com a falta de vontade para fazer qualquer coisa, sua cabeça e mundo girando em torno da ex-mulher. Agora, considerava-se curado, pronto para aproveitar a vida solteira! ... Até descobrir que havia se mudado para a mesma cidade de Henri, claro. Aí, tudo ficou mais difícil. Storybrooke não era tão grande a ponto de não se deparar com ela vez ou outra, principalmente com a escola primária e a universidade não sendo tão longe uma da outra assim. Era tão difícil dormir pensando que Henri agora estava mais feliz nos braços de algum daqueles professores que a flagrou rindo um dia...-- Não. Esqueça. Não se importava! Não se importava minimamente. Ao menos, era daquilo que tentava se convencer quando olhava feio para o outro professor que subia no ônibus. Leonardo Herrera, professor de geografia há quinze anos. Ok, talvez tivesse já decorado o perfil do moreno no LinkedIn em alguma de suas “pesquisas por trabalho”. E estava tranquilo, não estava? Seu currículo era muito melhor, mais extenso e cheio de congratulações. Henri provavelmente não devia se divertir com ele tanto quanto fazia consigo. ... Certo? ❛❛ —- De todos os lugares do ônibus... ❜❜ resmungou quando o percebeu se sentar bem ao seu lado. Todavia, lançando um rápido olhar para as outras cadeiras do transporte público, percebeu que aquele era, sim, o único lugar disponível. Droga. E agora já tinha dado a entender que iniciaria uma conversa. Uhhhhhhhh... ❛❛ —- ... Ah, professor Herrera. Perdão, eu te confundi com um aluno meu. Já imaginei que ia pedir para aumentar a nota de algum trabalho. ❜❜ 
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grannyred · 3 years
Sanem teve sua dose de romances depois da morte do marido, sim. Oras, nem só de diversão vive-se uma mulher! A seriedade de um compromisso era interessante, e a sensação gostosa de estar apaixonada foi bom... Enquanto durou, é claro. Não, aquela vida não era para ela. Descobriu gostar de doses periódicas de histórias românticas, sem aquela história de amor verdadeiro e (Deus a livrasse!) ficar ao lado de uma única pessoa para o resto de seus dias. Ainda era muito nova para aquilo, e tinha muito o que viver. Leonardo era o que poderia se considerar uma de suas doses periódicas de romance-- ou seja, era um dos seus ex. Naquela noite em que atendia o balcão, por ser obrigada pelo grande movimento, sentiu um grande soco do desconforto atingi-la ao ver o homem sentando-se a sua frente. Era por isso que não gostava de namorar. ❛❛ —- Hm, oi, Léo. ❜❜ o sorriso característico de Sanem não estava visível ali, ao ter de servir o ex-namorado, e ela deixava aquilo bem claro. ❛❛ —- Como posso te ajudar hoje? ❜❜ 
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graftisms · 2 years
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“ SO WHAT’S YOUR DEAL, MAN ? ”   josh asks unkindly, legs draped in front of him on the pool chair. so far he doesn’t know much about the new fella, other than using deduction skills to assume he’s only into girls—purely because leo hasn’t made any effort to try to pull josh for a chat. only now during some down time does he even get a chance to speak with him, though josh makes sure to seem way more interested in the drink in his hand.   “ where you from, what are you looking for, what’s your type ?   all that jazz. ”     @leoward​
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“You take what you can get and you make the most of it.” // splinter @ one of your turtles uwu || @stcries​
THE SOUND OF TWO KATANAS falling to the ground echoed in the silent sewer lair the Ninja Turtles called home. Had the fearless leader not been alone at the time, his brothers would’ve rushed inside the dojo screaming if he was okay or if they were under attack. And had that happened, they would’ve seen what made him drop his weapons in utter shock.
His father — their father — was standing right there. He was there when he shouldn’t. But the strangest thing, probably the most disturbing too, about it: he didn’t feel like his dad either.
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