#leonhardt house
thegreatdaydreamer · 2 years
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Leonhardt House | Philip Johnson
Lloyd‘s Neck, Long Island, NY State | United States | 1956
A magical setting and a sublime architectural response makes Leonhardt House one of the most photogenic of Johnson‘s mid-century residences. The Leonhardt family secured a hillside site within a woodland clearing at Lloyd‘s Neck, on the northern shore of Long Island overlooking Long Island Sound. Johnson capitalized on the topography to create an elevated belvedere pushing out from the main body of the house towards the sound, while ‚floating‘ among the trees to either side. Approached from the rear, the house initially gives little away. It comprises two steel-framed pavilions, with walls of brick and glass, placed parallel but staggered so that one is grounded further back on the site and the other trusts forward; a terrace between them doubles as an entry court. The more enclosed, recessive pavilion holds the family bedrooms, arranged over two storeys, and a low-level link to the other pavilion. This begins with kitchen and service spaces landward, and then opens up in dramatic fashion to the elevated living and dining area with glass walls on three sides framing the views. The two pavilions - one open and the other more enclosed - can be compared to the pairing of the Glass House at Johnson‘s own New Canaan Estate in Connecticut (1949).
Images: © hicarquitectura. All rights reserved.
Words: © thegreatdaydreamer
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midnightraine131 · 11 months
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quiveringdeer · 2 years
One time Porco was over at Annie's and this was not that long after Pasha the cat had gotten neutered. Apparently Pasha wanted to relieve his itch by waiting until Porco was seated and distracted to teabag his head. Pock's hair was put into disarray by the vacant spot where Pasha's little kitty sack used to be.
okay the fact this is potentially not 🐉nonnie with this WILD AS FUCK idea is sending me!!! Yall really be wildin in my asks and I LIIIIIIIIVE FOR IT!!!!
Porco is MORTIFIED!!!! He ends up plucking Pasha from his head and --thankfully has enough common since to be relatively gentle-- plopping him down on the couch where he'd previously been sitting as he shoots up to his feet.
Annie's still ready to throttle him to a pulp for that though.
Annie: Pinning him with one of her death glares that actually involves her eyesbrows knitting and lips pursing a bit, which means you REEEEALLY fucked up.
Pock: "Now wait a minute! Your fuckin cat just tried to impregnate my hair!" (I was gonna say copulate and realized Pock wouldn't even know that word probably lmao)
Annie: Still silent as she gets up to pick up Pasha who's yowling at Porco in distress.
Pock: "He's not even hurt!" He exclaims while backing up slowly.
Annie: "You hurt his pride." Her tone is monotone as ever.
Pock: Dumbfounded by that response. "HIS PRIDE!? ME!! You're the one that got his nuts chopped off!"
Pieck: Had been snoozing on the other side of the couch and woke up to Porco jumping up and is now doing her best to catch up on what's going on.
Annie: "You're lucky he didn't tear any stitches or you'd be getting yours cut off next."
Pock: "You're insane!!"
Annie: Ignoring his insults as she massages the nape of Pasha's neck and whispers reassurances to him in Russian.
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moonspirit · 4 months
This is a question I have been dying to ask you,
In the post-rumbling world, what kinda home do you see Armin and Annie living in.
There position as ambassadors would likely bring the considerable reputation and fame so I am wondering if that will come with the money to live in a small mansion or would it be like a middle class town house.
Would they have staff like cooks or housekeepers, would they host parties and all that.
I am curious as to what you think about this
Aw, the type of house xD gotta admit, I was thiiiiiiiiiiiis close to just rambling about their house in VBEOW lmao.
The post-rumbling economy and fiscal state of the remaining countries aside, I do see the Ambassadors being compensated more than enough for their heroic act of stopping the Rumbling and for their Post-Rumbling efforts. So yes, I agree that Aruani would have quite some money, enough to afford themselves a house that clearly differentiates their status. And perhaps yes, they will live there, they will be provided with some people to assist, like a cook, and they may have to receive important people at this house. As influential political figures, I see all this as a very high possibility.
But there's also another question, imo. That question is: what kind of house would they really like to live in?
My personal answer to that is somewhere small, quiet and secluded.
Because I cannot imagine living under all that publicity is easy. As if nearly two decades spent in the military wasn't bad enough, now they're under an even bigger spotlight as Ambassadors. He's an important man, she's an important woman, there's a lot of expectations, their movements watched, their words dissected. And they're just young twenty-somethings. They'd be tired of it in no time, I bet.
So the place they really want, is somewhere quiet. No people, maybe someone who comes by to help now and then, but nobody else. It's a place they won't be disturbed in, a place nobody will watch. Just the two of them, and sometimes the others, and their surroundings. The house is small and cosy, there's a warm bed, a warmer kitchen, a fireplace, a garden. Perhaps the sea in front, or maybe the mountains. The people in the vicinity don't care much for their titles; as far as they're concerned, it's just a young man and a woman living there. Sometimes Aruani are given jars of homemade preserves made by the friendly old neighbours nearby. Its peaceful. Its quiet.
A house where they're not Ambassadors, Mr. Arlert, Ms. Leonhardt, Heroes of Peace, the Man who killed Eren Jaeger, The former Female Titan, the former Collosal Titan, the Warrior or a Scout.
A house where he's just Armin, and she's just Annie.
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marleysfinest · 6 months
PUZZLE PIECE | reiner x jean college au
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college au reijean
fluff, c/w implied weed smoking, alcohol, two dummies in love (they just don't know it yet)
wc 4.8k
this was originally intended to be part of @reijeanweek which was lovingly curated by my wife @fromriches-tosin but alas I am terrible at deadlines and stuff got in the way HOWEVER! I always resolved to finish it and I HAVE!! it is both below the cut and on ao3 if u prefer on there but anyway HERE! reijean fluff!!!
   The University of Paradis takes on new life once spring calls round. The campus suffers months of naked trees, dull and damp limestone walls, and blanket upon blanket of grey clouds every year, winter often feeling as if it lasts longer than three months. But when the sky begins to brighten and the birds begin to sing, the campus sings with it. The sports fields and quod gardens breathe to life as the grass is once again vibrant, the trees start to regain their leaves, and the crocus begin to flower. The students continue to socialise after the holiday break, but it’s not until the weather warms that they really come back to life. Parties that had been spent huddled inside a single dorm or frat house can finally spill outside to make the most of the warmer evening air. 
   For roommates Reiner Braun and Marco Bodt, the warmer weather means finally breaking free of bitterly cold morning runs and drizzle-filled football practice, ushering in the season of shorts and vest tops and cooling down in the shade or campus swimming pool. The two are unlikely friends; allocated as roommates at the start of their studies eight months before owing to them both majoring in sports science and, while they’d gotten off to a stilted and awkward start, they found that they enjoyed one another’s company. At the very least, they were both tidy and respected each other’s space. Reiner, in particular, had been anxious about sharing his space with someone else having grown up an only child, but was pleasantly surprised. Marco had three brothers, a fact that made Reiner’s stomach tense when he’d heard it, but being the youngest meant that Marco valued his space and belongings perhaps more than Reiner did. It had been a happy accident that the two had been paired together. Looking at them, one wouldn’t have thought they’d make good friends. Marco’s tall and slender frame, with pale skin and jet black hair was a stark contrast to Reiner’s muscular build, blonde hair, and warmer tone. Aesthetic differences aside, they grew close and soon counted each other as friends. As is often the case at college, lives become condensed and what happens on campus is shielded from the consequences of the outside world. Students have their own ecosystems, their own set of rules and regulations that would never fly in the real world. Everything is amplified, although that wasn’t always a bad thing. 
   While their fellow classmates were diving headfirst into all that college had to offer over the course of their first year - including, but not limited to, experimenting physically - Reiner and Marco had a habit of keeping to themselves. They went to parties together and separately, each had their turns tying a sock around the doorknob warning their roommate not to enter, but in truth, they didn’t see the fuss about it all. They had shocked even themselves at how academic they both were - Reiner, seeing through every physical test with flying colours and Marco, scoring straight A’s on every assignment - and so their efforts were simply better served elsewhere. A couple of their friends had even joked that they’d become something of an “old married couple”, with their fondness for staying in on Saturdays and distinctly lack of one night stands. They did still thrive socially, just not in the way most people would “expect”. Outside of his roommate, Reiner had befriended Bertholdt Hoover and Annie Leonhardt at a rowing society social in the autumn, and the three of them had stayed close. Bertholdt and Annie were a welcome relief from the hardcore party-goers, instead more than content to camp out in Reiner’s dorm with a crate of beers while Annie smoked out of the window. The three would talk for hours, and occasionally Marco would join. He always seemed happy enough to tag along when it suited him, and Reiner was always happy to let him do so. Marco was the type to get along with anyone; easygoing, lighthearted, a little introverted, and he tended to attract like minded people - it was perhaps why he got along with Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt. 
   Towards the end of the winter semester as the nights grow lighter, Reiner and Marco spend less and less time bundled in their dorm room, their only real time spent together now consisting of the late hours before bed, and the small hours of the morning. Marco mutters something about a new group of artsy-types he’s met at a social, but Reiner doesn’t catch the gist of his point, although nor is he particularly bothered. He held no ownership over Marco, there was no reason for him to know how his room mate spent every minute of his spare time. 
   The evening is crisp but pleasant as Reiner half-stumbles back to his room after drinks with Annie and Bertholdt. It’s not late, only just approaching 9AM, but Reiner has never been one to hold his liquor and letting Annie twist his arm into shots and beer pong after their last lecture of the day had only proven it. As he nears his room, he pauses at the sound of muffled conversation coming from the other side of the door. He hesitates, glancing down at the door handle to make sure he hasn’t missed a key detail, but sees nothing there. Has Marco just forgotten? Should he go in? The ground begins to shift beneath his feet, and Reiner knows he needs to collapse onto his bed. Urgently. With a deep breath and apology cocked at the ready, he hastily twists the doorknob and bursts into the room. 
   The dormitory is suddenly silent, as Reiner’s frame fills the doorway in its ever-intimidating manner. Time seems to slow down as he meets Marco’s (understandably) alarmed gaze from across the room, and breathes a sigh of relief that he hasn’t interrupted his room mate’s private time. But then, where were the voices coming from?
   “Uh… you OK, man?”
   An unfamiliar voice pierces the quiet, and Reiner whips his head around to see someone sitting in Marco’s desk chair, absentmindedly twirling himself left and right with a gentle push of his toes. Reiner doesn’t recognise him - although his mind is so clouded that he could have met this person before, he just isn’t in a position to recall. Although, even in a drunken stupor, he realises that surely he’d remember this stranger…
   “Reiner?” says Marco, drawing Reiner’s attention, “what’s up? You look weird.” 
   “Uh…” Reiner’s mouth is suddenly dry as he realises just how intensely he’s put the spotlight on himself. In an attempt to shift the focus of the room, he turns once again to the stranger. 
   “You… you do not live in this room.” 
   His words are a little slurred and his stance wavers slightly as he limply raises a finger to point at the figure in the chair. The stranger’s eyebrows crease together, and from the corner of his eye, Reiner sees Marco put his head in his hands. 
   “No…” answers the stranger, “I’m hangin’ out with Marco. I’m Jean.”
   Despite having just been offered a very plausible explanation, Reiner struggles to understand what this Jean is saying, and decides to further his interrogation after closing the door. He glances at Marco, who is sitting on his bed, hugging his knees, and has decided against intervening for the moment, the curiosity of just how the encounter will unfold getting the better of him. 
   “Just… just hangin’ out?” asks Reiner, folding his arms across his chest. Jean scoffs as he stops pushing the chair left and right, bringing a foot up to rest on his seat. 
   “Yeah, that alright with you?” 
   Reiner glares at Jean, not taking kindly to his cocky attitude. Jean is, after all, a guest in his room. In the background Reiner’s bed screams out, but it would have to wait. He had to know why this stranger was in his room. 
   “Well, that depends,” he slurs, “what are your intentions?”
   Marco’s face is suddenly in his hands as Jean barks out a laugh.
   “What are my intentions?! Oh my god, what are you, his dad?”
   Reiner feels the heat of a blush flare in his cheeks, but struggles to determine whether it's through embarrassment or the liquor. Realising that he’s flattened any chance of an interrogation, he resigns himself to silence and heads for his bed, not once relaxing his scowl at Jean. So many comments gather in his throat - be nice to him, he’s my roommate. What was your name again? Are you his boyfriend? No, no, you don’t look like you have boyfriends. Hey, enough with the snide comments in my room - but none are verbalised as he crashes on top of the mattress. He hears quiet whispering as he loses the battle against his heavy eyelids, and soon falls into a deep sleep. 
   Saturday morning rolls around all too quickly, and Reiner wakes with a heavy head. The pillow feels as if it’s made of concrete as he rolls onto his back and is assaulted by the sunlight flooding through the curtains. 
   “Mornin’,” says Marco. Reiner slowly opened his eyes to see his friend sitting upright in bed, nursing a steaming cup of coffee as he scrolled the morning news on his tablet. 
   “Feeling rosy today?” 
   Reiner buried himself back into his pillow.
   “Shut up,” he says, voice muffled and croaky. “Not another word.”
   Marco huffs a laugh and takes a sip of his coffee, not sparing a glance at his hungover friend. He knew Reiner would be feeling all the worse for drinking - it wasn’t something he did often, in excess - and decided against pushing the matter any further than necessary. 
   “Whatever you say.”
   The morning moves slowly in a haze for Reiner as he drifts slowly in and out of sleep, before finally clinging on to consciousness just before midday. Marco had long since gotten up and ready for the day, and had left to squeeze in some studying soon after finishing his coffee, leaving Reiner to wake up alone. 
   After washing up and returning to bed, Reiner picks up his phone for the first time that morning, realising that his memory of the night before is patchy. There isn’t much of a breadcrumb trail - some photos of Bertholdt and Annie playing beer pong, a selfie of them all walking down the street, presumably back to campus - and Reiner’s more than pleased to see that nobody had posted anything stupid on social media. With a heavy sigh and creeping hunger, Reiner sets his phone down on his nightstand and begins contemplating what his delicate stomach will keep down, when a knock on the door jolts him. A ripple of pain shoots through his head at the sudden noise and he lets out an exhausted groan; perhaps leaving the room wouldn’t be such a good idea. If this was what a knock at the door felt like, he didn’t fancy his chances if he came across an ambulance siren. It feels as if all his joints are screaming as he stands up. He swings the door open and is suddenly face to face with a stranger - is he a stranger? He’s tall, with unruly tawny hair cut into a haphazard mullet and faint stubble peppering his chin. 
   “Hey…” He greets Reiner with a coy smile, his voice trailing off and leaving the two in silence for a moment. Reiner can’t ignore that there’s something about the way the stranger is staring at him, something captivating and familiar. 
   “...Is Marco here?” 
   Reiner is snapped from his daydream and clears his throat loudly, leaning on the doorframe as he does so. 
   “Marco?” he asks. 
   “Yeah, name ring a bell?”
   Why is this guy talking to me like he knows me? Thinks Reiner, still trying to decipher whether he’s put off by the person in front of him or… something else. 
   “Uh, no, no he’s… he’s out, sorry,” he replies, the vibrations of his own voice rippling through his head uncomfortably, prompting him to massage his temple while steadying himself on the doorframe. 
   “Ah…” remarks the stranger, before plunging them both into an awkward silence. Why isn’t he leaving? Thinks Reiner, although… he isn’t too bothered. 
   “How’s the head this morning?” asks the stranger, holding back a grin. It takes Reiner a moment to reply, as he tries his best to remember anything about the night before, thinking that he must have met this person recently. 
   “Not…great?” he replies, immediately feeling bashful that he was drawing a blank. The stranger huffs and takes a step back, signalling his imminent departure. 
   “Yeah, I’m not surprised,” he remarks, “you were kind of out of it last night. I’m Jean, by the way, in case you don’t remember. Marco’s friend.”
   There’s a twang of familiarity in the back of Reiner’s mind at the name, but more than anything he’s pleased at no longer being in the dark about the stranger who interrupted his morning.
   “Jean…” he repeats, “I’m Reiner.”
   “Yeah, I know,” says Jean. There’s a beat of silence before Jean readjusts his rucksack and offers a half-hearted wave, turning on his heel. “Tell Marco I’ll catch him later.” 
   Reiner watches as Jean disappears down the hall, weaving between the students emerging from their own dorms or gossiping in doorways, until he disappears and Reiner is alone once more. His mind is flooded, suddenly, as an interest is piqued that hasn’t reared its head in a while. After a few seconds of seemingly staring into space, he’s snapped back into consciousness, and retreats inside once again. 
   “Yeah, and I told you I’m not drinking like that again!” 
   Reiner’s phone is propped up on the bathroom counter, only just keeping him in the frame as he talks to Bertholdt on FaceTime while shaving.
   “You don’t have to drink!” argues Bertholdt, “just a couple of games of beer pong. No shots.” 
   “I didn’t agree to that!” Annie protests in the background. Reiner laughs as he watches Bertholdt push her away as she attempts to elbow her way into focus. 
   “Whatever,” concedes Reiner as he swishes his razor in the sink, “I’ll be there but no shots. Got it?”
   Annie offers a grunt of approval as Bertholdt offers his reassurance before hanging up the phone. Reiner pulls the plug to drain the sink, and as he reaches for a soft towel to dry his face, he catches a glimpse of Marco rummaging around the room. 
   “What’re you looking for?” he calls. 
   “My shoe! How does someone lose one shoe?!”
   Marco’s voice disappears into a muffled ramble as he squeezes beneath his bed in search of his lost sneaker. Reiner laughs at his friend’s misfortune as he goes to get dressed, offering a cursory glance around the room as he pulls on a t-shirt and jeans. Suddenly there’s a gentle thump from Marco’s side of the room, followed by a pained groan. Marco shuffles out from beneath the bed massaging the back of his head with one hand, and semi-triumphantly holding his missing shoe high in the air with the other. 
   “Hey, you found it!” 
   “But at what cost?!” 
   Marco laces up his shoes and stuffs his phone into his pocket before running out of the dorm with a hurried “see ya!”, leaving Reiner in the quiet. Since the weather had improved and the year progressed, Marco had been socialising more and more, his hermit-like habits apparently only reserved for the winter months, but Reiner didn’t mind. He liked the peace and quiet of being alone in the dorm, although he also had to admit that he was meeting with Bertholdt and Annie more often than usual. Despite being a homebody at his core, he had to admit that it was nice to have found a solid group of friends. 
  Reiner’s about to start the search for his own shoes when there’s a knock at the door. He instinctively freezes  - Marco’s already left, and he was supposed to be meeting Bertholdt and Annie at the bar, they weren’t supposed to be meeting Reiner, but perhaps they’d changed their mind. Or had Marco forgotten his keys? Another, louder knock at the door shakes Reiner out of his daydream, and he goes to answer. 
   In an almost exact repeat of the week before, Jean is standing in front of Reiner expectantly, wearing an expression that gives absolutely nothing away. A flurry appears in Reiner’s stomach at the sight of Jean, as he realises he is as handsome as he remembered.
   “Hey!” says Jean before Reiner can even form a thought, “Marco around?”
   “Uh…no, no, you just missed him.”
   Jean squints at Reiner, apparently unbothered by his friend’s absence.
   “You’re not hungover again, are you? Am I being filmed? Is this a prank?”
   Reiner is confused by the influx of questions and furrows his brow.
   “This has to be a Groundhog Day style thing. No way are you repeating yourself word for word.” 
   Not knowing how to respond, Reiner feels himself panic and flounder for the right words to say. Why does he feel so nervous all of a sudden? Reiner’s no bully, but he’s no stranger when it comes to telling someone to back off if they’re bothering him, so why can’t he do that now? What’s stopping him from telling Jean to maybe text Marco instead of just turning up and hoping for the best? The more he thinks about it, he knows exactly why, but he’s neither the type of person nor is this the place to make a move on someone he barely knows.
   “I’m not…I’m not hungover! Jheeze, don’t you have Marco’s number? Call him next time.” 
   He goes to close the door on Jean when he’s met suddenly with a protest.
   “Alright! Alright, alright, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I was just trying to be fun, guess that didn’t come across. Truce?”
   Jean holds out a hand towards Reiner, who looks down at it feeling confused. Truce over what? Being an asshole? A cute asshole…
   “I think Marco might like it if we’re friends, so, whaddya say?”
   Reiner shakes Jean’s hand and tries to ignore the hairs on the back of his neck as they stand on end. Jean’s hands are calloused but soft, and after just a quick glance Reiner notices the numerous multicoloured stains across his skin. 
   “It’s paint, not dirt,” says Jean, releasing his grip and reading Reiner’s mind, “I’m studying Art History but that doesn’t stop me trying to turn myself into Rembrant, you know?”
   There’s a sudden sincerity and almost nervousness to Jean’s voice as he explains the dulled splodges across his palms and blue tinge beneath his fingernails. Reiner doesn’t know how to reply - needless to say the arts were never his strong suit - and he tries to ignore the impulsive thoughts that are yelling for Jean to just keep talking. 
   “Uh-huh…” His voice trails off as the two are once again lingering in silence, but the awkwardness has subsided ever so slightly as the curtain of being strangers is slowly pulled back. Jean clearly knew more about Reiner than Reiner knew about him - all thanks to Marco’s penchant for oversharing, most likely - but despite his tendency towards privacy, Reiner doesn’t feel affronted. In fact, he acknowledges that he wouldn’t mind all that much knowing a little more about Jean. 
   “Anyway,” says Jean, piercing the silence once again, “I gotta go. Sorry to bother you…again.”
   “No, don’t worry about it,” assures Reiner, trying to shake off his daydream and frantically searching for reasons to suggest that Jean stays. Of course, he doesn’t think of any in his panic. 
   “I’ll call Marco next time. See ya ‘round.” 
   For the second time in as many weeks, Reiner watches Jean hop down the hallway until he’s out of sight.
   The ground shakes as the bass thumps rhythmically from the speakers, whipping up the partygoers’ taste for dancing and shots. The party has long since spilled out onto the front lawn and throughout the back garden, with people jumping in the pool drink in hand and coupling up in the dimming light. Inside the sorority house, the party rages with games of beer pong, groups socialising in the halls, and keg stands in the lounge. By the time Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie arrive, the party is already well established, and they walk into something resembling chaos. The trio enter and gently elbow their way past gossiping students until they reach the kitchen, where a tipsy Historia squeals in delight at their arrival. Historia, head cheerleader for Paradis University, has a soft spot for Reiner and despite knowing that partying isn’t his scene, never fails to invite him to every party she throws. 
   “You came!” she bleated, leaping up to throw her arms around Reiner’s neck. He catches her small frame in his arms before gently placing her feet firmly back on the ground. She sways slightly but keeps a firm grip on the bottle in her hand. 
   “Beer?!” quizzes Reiner, “you are drinking beer?!” 
   Historia looks momentarily offended.
   “Why wouldn’t I be?!” she asks, “I can drink beer!”
   “C’mon, you, quit bothering everyone that walks through the door, you klutz.” 
   Historia is whisked away by Ymir, fellow classmate of Reiner’s, with a knowing nod and wink. Reiner would’ve been lying if he ever said he didn’t have a soft spot for Historia, too, and so knowing that she was in the capable, albeit firm arms of Ymir gave him some relief. 
   “Alright, I’m gonna find the punch and then head for a smoke,” announces Annie, realising she’d seen more sights sober than she’d wanted, leaving Reiner and Bertholdt to their own devices. Not always wise, seeing as they were both as timid as each other oftentimes. They each scoop a beer from a large cooler packed with ice in the kitchen and do their best to begin mingling.
   By ten o’clock the party is in full force. Annie and Bertholdt are both deep in conversation with a group of Philosophy majors by the swimming pool, sharing long drags of Annie’s secret stash between muted arguments on the apparently tumultuous ethics of being a coxswain. Reiner had been with them on the sidelines but had long since lost interest in both the conversation and the smell - he didn’t mind either of them smoking, but it wasn’t for him, and soon the smoke was overpowering. He got up and disappeared inside as Annie began to roll another. 
   After scooping one of the last remaining beers, Reiner returns to the vaguely quieter porch outside and stops to observe the garden. Behind him is thumping music and rambunctious shouting and singing, but the party is a little tamer outside. People are playing in the pool - splashing each other and playing chicken - but the groups gathered in front of Reiner are generally more subdued and engaged in conversation. He huffs a sigh, and for a moment considers heading home when there’s a sudden presence beside him. To his right, he finds himself shoulder to shoulder with Jean. He’s taken aback momentarily, for some reason surprised to see him. 
   “Hey,” he says immediately, for once beating Jean to the punch. 
   “Hey! You’re not stuttering this time,” teases Jean. Reiner can’t help but laugh. 
   “Nope, not today,” he says, before glancing at his beer, “not yet, anyway.” 
   Jean returns a smile and the two resume gazing out at the party in front of them. 
   “What’re you doing here?” asks Reiner. He feels Jean shrug, and the hairs on the back of his neck prickle once again. 
   “Eh, was talked into it by Marco,” explains Jean, “he’s run off somewhere. I think he’s gettin’ lucky upstairs, truth be told, but I’m not about to try and find out.”
   Reiner whips his head round in utter disbelief. 
   “I know!” 
   The pair share a moment in surprise at their friend’s good fortune - not because it was Marco, but because it wasn’t typical Marco behaviour - and Reiner raises his bottle.
   “To Marco.”
   They toast to their friend, and take a healthy swig. 
   After stealing some more beers and smuggling them out, Reiner and Jean find a quiet spot on the grass at the very back of the garden where the party turns into nothing more than a distant, muffled echo. They sit on the grass with their backs against the splintered wooden fence and begin to get to know one another, mostly via the avenue of Marco. Jean and Marco had met by chance at a job fair and, despite having polar opposite areas of study, bonded over their mutual love of Star Wars and The Ramones. For all his cockiness and confidence, Jean had found himself thin on close friends after the majority went to different universities, and so clung to Marco somewhat when the two had made a bond. Reiner was surprised to hear that Jean wasn’t swimming with friends - his impression had certainly been the opposite - and somewhat selfishly, it made him feel better. He didn’t want a city’s worth of people to call friends, and he was happy with the little handful he had, but there was something reassuring and almost validating to know that even the more seemingly popular on campus had struggled to adjust, just as he had done.
   “Y’know, even though you looked like a bruised grizzly bear that morning, I was glad to see you weren’t a total asshole,” said Jean, prompting Reiner to turn to him. 
   “Y’know, the morning I came to see Marco? And he wasn’t there? And you were hungover?” 
   “Yes,” interrupts Reiner, “I know when you mean. What do you mean I wasn’t a ‘total asshole’?”
   “Well…” Jean’s voice trails off for a moment, “you’d given me the third degree the night before and, I don’t know, I was glad to see you were just drunk, I guess.” 
   Reiner’s memory fails as he tries once again to remember what had happened the night he’d returned home and apparently met Jean for the first time. A flush of heat hits his cheeks, and he finds himself glad for the dim light to hide his blushing. 
   “Ah…Well, I’m sorry for whatever I said. Or did.” 
   Jean scoffs suddenly. 
   “C’mon! You didn’t do anything. I guess you were just looking out for Marco. I was worried you were like… dating or something.” 
   Instinctively, Reiner tenses at Jean’s words, suddenly feeling panicked that he’d befriended the wrong person. If Jean was the type of person who disagreed with same sex relationships then Reiner knew he was going to have to make his excuses fast. A ball forms in the pit of his stomach, churning the beer in all the wrong ways. 
   “Uh, no, no, it’s not… it’s not like that with Marco, he’s my roommate…” 
   “No!” interrupts Jean, propelled forward by the volume, “no, I didn’t mean it like that! I don’t… I mean I do… fuck, that’s not what I meant. What I meant was… I thought you were Marco’s boyfriend. Which is fine! If you are. Or if you’re not. It’s really fine if you’re not. I’m not either, I don’t have a… OK, this is not going how I planned.” 
   Reiner is stunned into silence at Jean’s cool-guy facade crumbling before his very eyes. So far, every interaction with Jean had involved Reiner being the bumbling, stuttering idiot and Jean being the cool, calm, and collected one able to disarm Reiner with just a glance. He’d never imagined that he’d be sitting idly by while Jean fell over his own words, apparently trying to tell Reiner something important. Jean takes a glug of beer and a deep breath before angling himself more towards Reiner. 
   “What I meant was… I thought you were dating Marco, which you’re not, and I’m happy about that, not because I disagree with it or anything that fuckin’ stupid, but… I dunno, Marco told me so much about you, and you walked in all drunk and… big, and…”    A force that Reiner would never understand takes over as he watches Jean continue to stumble over his words. In a split second’s decision, he discards his beer bottle and leans forward to bring himself level with Jean, planting a firm kiss on his mouth. The millisecond of bravery quickly subsides and Reiner is acutely aware that he might’ve done the wrong thing, until he feels Jean kiss him back, and within seconds the two fall into each other like the last two pieces of a puzzle. Something clicks in their minds as they sit and explore one another, beneath a clear night sky and away from prying eyes, and realise that they feel no apprehension. No nerves. No worries. A revelation that being with this person is as easy as breathing, and that, just maybe, things will be alright.
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blackhardtt · 9 days
V. [The Lion of the west.][ Age 34 ]
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The story is set in the late 1800s, a time of expanding frontiers, lawlessness, and conflict between rugged individualism and the need for law and order. The town of Redemption, nestled at the edge of a sprawling desert, represents a bastion of hope amidst the chaos. It's a growing town with saloons, a bustling marketplace, and railroads bringing in more settlers and businesses. Yet, it also attracts bandits, drifters, and outlaws.
Cyrus Leonhardt, known in these parts as "The Lion of the West," becomes the sheriff of Redemption after a turbulent past filled with hard choices and even harder battles.
Cyrus's Backstory
The Former Gunslinger: Cyrus wasn’t always a man of the law. He was once a feared gunslinger and bounty hunter, taking down notorious criminals across the frontier. His reputation grew as someone nearly unbeatable in a duel, and his greatsword was replaced by two Colt .45 revolvers, his preferred weapons in this universe. However, after witnessing too much bloodshed and seeing how his actions perpetuated the cycle of violence, he hung up his guns.
Seeking Redemption: He arrives in the town of Redemption after narrowly escaping a past rivalry with an old gang he was once affiliated with. Wounded and seeking a new purpose, he was taken in by the townsfolk and eventually chosen to be the sheriff. Cyrus accepted the role, vowing to uphold justice and protect the innocent, hoping to atone for his past.
Cyrus’s towering 8’8” frame commands attention wherever he goes. His rugged appearance, scarred and hardened by a lifetime of battles on the frontier, makes him an imposing figure in Redemption. The four distinct scars that run diagonally across his face—earned in a brutal duel with a mountain lion—are the first thing people notice. These scars, weathered with time but still prominent, give him an air of danger and mystery.
His long, brown hair falls just past his shoulders, often tied loosely back to keep it from his face during work or when he’s on duty as sheriff. Strands of hair escape, framing his sharp, weather-beaten features, adding to his rough, untamed look. The hair, streaked with the sun’s light and dust from the desert, matches the rugged life he leads.
Hat: Cyrus wears a wide-brimmed, dusty brown Stetson, slightly weathered from years under the relentless sun. The hat provides protection during long days out in the desert but casts a shadow over his piercing eyes, making his gaze even more intense. The leather band around the crown is simple, but the feather tucked into the side hints at a connection to his frontier heritage.
Coat: His duster coat, a deep brown, is well-worn and coated in layers of dust and dirt from countless days on the road. Made of sturdy canvas, the coat reaches down past his knees, and its weight complements his tall, muscular frame. It billows slightly when he walks, giving him an almost mythic presence. The coat’s many pockets are practical, housing everything from bullets to a small knife he keeps for emergencies.
Shirt: Underneath the coat, Cyrus wears a simple, faded blue work shirt made from thick cotton. The sleeves are often rolled up to his elbows, revealing his heavily scarred and muscular forearms. The shirt is usually open at the collar, showing glimpses of his tanned chest and a few more battle scars beneath. The fabric is worn thin in places from years of use, patched up in spots where it has torn from fights or long rides.
Vest: Over the shirt, Cyrus sports a dark brown leather vest, scuffed and tough, providing an extra layer of protection and style. The vest bears the marks of his rough lifestyle—knife nicks, bullet grazes, and old stains from the road—but its durable leather holds strong. His sheriff’s badge, slightly tarnished, is pinned proudly to the vest’s front.
Trousers: Cyrus’s pants are sturdy denim or canvas, built to withstand the rigors of the frontier. The fabric is rough and thick, faded in places, and dirt-stained from years of wear. They’re fitted with a few small repairs—leather patches reinforcing the knees from years of hard riding and brawling. The pants sit low on his hips, held in place by a wide, worn leather belt with a heavy iron buckle engraved with a simple lion motif.
Boots: On his feet, Cyrus wears heavy, weathered leather boots that rise to mid-calf. The boots have seen their fair share of miles, coated in the dust of the desert and the mud from rain-soaked roads. Steel-tipped toes and thick soles give them a brutal edge in a fight, while spurs clink faintly as he walks. They carry the marks of countless battles, scuffed and worn but unyielding, much like their wearer.
Gunbelt: Strapped low across his hips is a well-worn gunbelt, holding twin revolvers, customized with his own engraving. The leather of the holster is rough, and the belt is notched with age, but it fits perfectly against his waist. Spare bullets are stored in the loops around the belt, always ready for a quick reload.
Bandana: Tied loosely around his neck is a faded red bandana, often used to cover his face from the dust or to hide his identity when riding out on dangerous missions. It’s been with him for years, stained and weathered by the elements, but it remains a symbol of his connection to the rough life of the West.
Gloves: Sometimes, Cyrus wears fingerless leather gloves, giving him a better grip when working at the gunsmith or riding long distances. The gloves are worn, patched in a few places, and smeared with gun oil and dirt.
Redemption – The Town
Population: Around 500 citizens, a mix of miners, ranchers, traders, and homesteaders.
Key Locations:
Sheriff’s Office: Cyrus’s base of operations. The jailhouse behind it is built strong, reflecting the resolve of the town to deal with trouble.
The Broken Spur Saloon: A central hub where townsfolk gather for entertainment, food, and drink. This is also where Cyrus often keeps an ear out for rumors and potential trouble.
Leonhardt’s Workshop is a gunsmith and repair shop that Cyrus inherited from the late Old Man Tanner, a skilled gunsmith who saw potential in him. Cyrus repairs firearms, crafts custom revolvers, and maintains the town's tools and weapons in his spare time. The workshop is a place of reflection for Cyrus, where he balances his past as a gunslinger with his current role as sheriff. While he expertly repairs weapons to help protect Redemption, he only arms those he deems worthy, seeing the workshop as a symbol of responsibility and redemption.
The Dusty Rail Station: A new railroad outpost that brings opportunity and danger, connecting Redemption to the larger cities. Criminals often come through here, but so do investors and traders, making it a mixed blessing.
The Sacred Canyon: An isolated, spiritual place beyond the town, revered by the local Native American tribes. Cyrus occasionally visits to reflect on his past and find inner peace.
Cyrus’s Character in this:
The Reluctant Hero: Though the town sees Cyrus as an unshakeable pillar of justice, he carries immense guilt from his gunslinger days. He’s haunted by memories of the lives he took and the decisions that weighed on his conscience.
Strong but Compassionate: Despite his towering, intimidating presence, Cyrus is kind-hearted and respects everyone, regardless of status. He’s often seen helping local ranchers or lending a hand to struggling families. His reputation for being fair is well-known, and while he's firm, he prefers diplomacy to violence.
Master Marksman and Brawler: His gunslinging skills are unmatched, and he only draws his pistols when absolutely necessary. Most situations are diffused by his sheer presence and unbreakable will, but when forced, he fights with the precision of a master gunfighter. His physical strength also allows him to handle enemies in hand-to-hand combat or with improvised weapons, channeling the power he had in other universes.
Frontier Instinct: Cyrus's abilities manifest more as exceptional physical and mental traits rather than supernatural powers. His sharpshooting skills are unmatched, and his reflexes are so quick it’s as if he can anticipate an opponent's next move. Cyrus has an innate sense of danger, honed through years of survival on the frontier, allowing him to react instantly in critical situations. Cyrus also possesses extraordinary endurance—the result of years spent in harsh environments, fending off outlaws and navigating treacherous terrain. His ability to push through exhaustion and pain has earned him the nickname “The Lion,” symbolizing his unyielding strength and his protective nature toward the town. People often say that once Cyrus sets his mind to something, nothing and no one can stop him. His reputation for outlasting and outthinking his enemies makes him a force to be reckoned with, even without the aid of any mystical abilities.
Plot and Conflicts
The Rival Gang: A notorious outlaw gang, led by Griffin 'The Beast' Morrow, once rode with Cyrus in his darker days. They’ve caught wind that the man who used to lead them has turned lawman. They begin terrorizing Redemption, hoping to draw Cyrus out for one last showdown. The gang is composed of skilled gunslingers, and Griffin wields a reputation almost as terrifying as Cyrus's own.
The Railroad Conflict: With the construction of the railway station, corporate interests and land disputes begin to arise. Redemption faces pressure from a ruthless railroad magnate, Ezra Kilborn, who is willing to bribe, threaten, or even kill to gain control of the town. Kilborn hires bounty hunters and mercenaries to stir up trouble, forcing Cyrus to navigate political pressure, his own moral compass, and the rising tide of violence.
The Gold Rush Threat: Rumors of a hidden gold mine in the nearby mountains cause a surge of fortune seekers and bandits. This influx leads to rising tensions in the town, as everyone from prospectors to outlaws tries to claim a stake. Cyrus must maintain law and order amidst the chaos, protecting the townspeople while uncovering the truth behind the gold rumors.
A Mysterious Stranger: A mysterious stranger with ties to Cyrus's past rolls into town. She is a former lover or ally who shares some of his past burdens, possibly knowing about his shifter abilities. Her presence brings back memories of his old life and raises questions about his true purpose in Redemption.
The Town’s Dark Secret: Redemption has a hidden past—its founding was built on betrayal and violence, something that a group of vengeful descendants now want to expose. This group threatens to tear the town apart as they seek justice for the sins of the town’s forefathers, and Cyrus must navigate the line between law and morality as he uncovers the town's dark history.
Redemption and Atonement: The central theme of this AU is Cyrus’s journey to make peace with his violent past and protect the town as its sheriff. He grapples with the idea of justice versus vengeance, trying to ensure that no one else follows the path he once walked.
Frontier Justice: The law in the wild west is fragile and often blurred. Cyrus has to balance enforcing the law with making moral decisions, often relying on his sense of right and wrong rather than a strict interpretation of justice.
Isolation vs. Community: While Redemption is physically isolated in the desert, it also becomes a place of solace and connection for Cyrus. He has to decide if he’ll open himself up to the people around him, particularly as he begins to form new relationships and heal old wounds.
Unstoppable Force vs. Immovable Object: Both Griffin Morrow (the outlaw) and Ezra Kilborn (the businessman) represent two sides of the same coin—forces trying to reshape Redemption for their own gain. Cyrus becomes the immovable object standing in their way, but the question remains: how long can one man hold back the tide of corruption and violence?
Supporting Characters
Deputy Caleb Reyes: A young, eager deputy who looks up to Cyrus, though his impulsiveness often lands him in trouble. Caleb is skilled with a rifle and eager to prove himself.
Doc Evangeline “Eva” Thornton: The town doctor and Cyrus’s close confidant. Eva knows about his past and helps tend to his wounds, both physical and emotional. There’s an underlying tension between them, as she helps him deal with his traumas and the burdens of leadership.
Griffin 'The Beast' Morrow: The former outlaw gang leader and Cyrus’s main antagonist. A brutal, cunning man who seeks revenge on Cyrus for abandoning their brotherhood.
Mariah Blackwell: The mysterious woman from Cyrus’s past. She once rode with him during his bounty-hunting days and now seeks closure for herself, as well as a possible rekindling of their bond.
In-Depth backstory:
Early Life:
Cyrus Leonhardt was born to a modest, hardworking family in a small, forgotten town at the edge of the frontier. His father was a blacksmith, known for his skill in forging strong, reliable tools and weapons, and his mother was a kind but resilient woman who held the family together. They weren’t wealthy, but they lived a life of dignity, relying on the land and the work of their hands.
From a young age, Cyrus learned the value of hard work, honor, and standing up for what was right. His father often said, “A man’s worth is in his word, not his gun.” These words would later echo in Cyrus’s mind as he grappled with the violence of the frontier.
However, life on the frontier was not without its hardships. Raiders and outlaws frequently terrorized the small towns and homesteads, and one night, Cyrus’s life was forever changed. A group of ruthless bandits, seeking to control the territory for their illegal trade routes, attacked his town. His father, armed with nothing but a blacksmith’s hammer, tried to defend their home but was brutally killed in front of Cyrus.
The bandits left the town in ruins, and Cyrus, barely a man at the time, was left with nothing but the burning desire for vengeance.
The Path of Vengeance:
After the death of his father, Cyrus set out on his own, seeking revenge against the outlaws who destroyed his home. This journey led him into the dark, lawless underworld of the frontier, where might was often the only law. He quickly realized that the only way to survive and achieve his goal was to become as ruthless as the men he hunted.
He trained relentlessly, honing his skills with guns, knives, and hand-to-hand combat. His towering physique and natural strength made him a formidable presence, but it was his determination that truly set him apart. Cyrus became known as a deadly gunslinger, taking jobs as a bounty hunter and mercenary, hunting down criminals for money and information. His reputation grew as a man who could always get the job done, no matter how dangerous.
During this time, Cyrus fell in with a gang of outlaws led by Griffin 'The Beast' Morrow, a charismatic but brutal leader. The gang took Cyrus in, recognizing his skill and hunger for revenge. For a time, Cyrus ran with them, participating in heists, robberies, and violent raids across the frontier. He became known as “The Lion of the West” for his strength and ferocity in battle. However, this life came at a cost—every act of violence, every crime weighed heavily on his conscience, pulling him further away from the man his father had raised him to be.
The Breaking Point:
The turning point in Cyrus’s life came during a particularly bloody raid on a small town. The gang had been hired by a corrupt railroad baron to clear out a settlement that stood in the way of a new rail line. Griffin Morrow and the gang were ruthless, burning homes, killing innocents, and leaving the town in ruins.
Cyrus, however, hesitated. He saw the faces of the townspeople—the same desperation and fear he had seen in his own family’s eyes when the bandits had attacked his home. In that moment, something inside him broke. He turned on the gang, fighting them off and saving as many of the townsfolk as he could. It was a brutal battle, and Cyrus barely escaped with his life.
Though he managed to protect some of the town, the damage was already done. The guilt of his actions, combined with the horror of what he had become, drove him to leave the gang and abandon his life as a gunslinger. He wandered the frontier as a drifter, searching for a way to atone for his past.
Arrival in Redemption:
After years on the road, haunted by his past, Cyrus eventually stumbled upon the town of Redemption. The town had earned its name for being a place where people could start over—whether they were running from the law, escaping a troubled past, or simply looking for a new life.
Cyrus was taken in by the town’s blacksmith, Old Man Tanner, who recognized the pain in Cyrus’s eyes. Tanner had seen his share of violence and knew when a man was looking for redemption. He gave Cyrus work at the forge, teaching him the craft that had once defined his father. Working with his hands again brought Cyrus a sense of peace, and for the first time in years, he began to believe he could be something other than a killer.
However, Redemption was not a town without its troubles. Bandits, corrupt businessmen, and lawless drifters constantly threatened the peace. The town had gone through several sheriffs, all of whom either left or were killed by the dangers of the frontier.
When the town’s last sheriff was killed during a botched robbery, the townsfolk asked Cyrus to take up the badge. At first, he refused, not believing himself worthy of such a role. But the people of Redemption saw something in him—a strength and sense of justice that they needed. After much soul-searching, Cyrus agreed to become the sheriff, swearing to protect the town and uphold the law with integrity, even if it meant confronting his own demons.
Becoming the Sheriff of Redemption:
As sheriff, Cyrus quickly earned the respect and loyalty of the townspeople. His reputation as a former gunslinger made most criminals think twice before challenging him, and those who did soon found themselves on the wrong end of his Colt .45s. However, unlike in his gunslinging days, Cyrus now sought to avoid violence whenever possible. He preferred to resolve conflicts through diplomacy and reason, only drawing his guns as a last resort.
Cyrus’s time as sheriff wasn’t without challenges. His former gang, led by Griffin Morrow, soon learned of his new life and began targeting Redemption in an attempt to draw him out for a final reckoning. Cyrus also had to deal with powerful forces like Ezra Kilborn, a railroad tycoon who saw Redemption as a prize to be conquered and would stop at nothing to gain control of the town’s land and resources.
Despite these threats, Cyrus remained steadfast. He viewed his role as sheriff not just as a way to protect Redemption, but as a path to personal redemption as well. Each day, he worked to make the town a place where people could live in peace, free from the violence and corruption that had once defined his life.
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Round 1 and 2 Matchups under cut!
Round 1:
Nick Hoult/Lynn Angel (All Saints Street) vs Princess Daisy/Luigi (Super Mario)
Robin/Chrom (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs Miyako Shiminori/Yuuki Izumi (Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie)
Kida/Milo Thatch (Atlantis: The Lost City) vs Haru/Legoshi (Beastars)
Robin Buckly/Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) vs Bryce Tankthrust/Bobby Worst (Brandon Rogers)
Emma Perkins/Paul Matthews (Hatchetfield) vs Kyoko Kirigiri/Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
Barbie/Ken (Barbie) vs Jo/Brick (Total Drama: Revenge of the Island)
Round 2:
Marcille Donation/Laois Touden (Dungeon Meshi) vs Winner of 1:1
The Princess/The Long Quiet (Slay the Princess) vs Mandy/Billy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
Izumi Curtis/Sig Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Zelda/Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Percival 'Percy' King/Ramsey Murdock (Epithet Erased) vs Nico Robin/Franky (One Piece)
Fuuko Izumo/Andy (Undead Unlock) vs Malfina/Connecticut Clark (Flork of Cows/Tumblr)
Marinette Dupain Cheng/Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Beatrice/Battler Ushiryoma (Umineko: When They Cry)
Gloria/Melman (Madagascar) vs Melissa Podebrat/Nine Fortan (Beware of the Villainess)
Vex'halia/Percy (Critical Role) vs Meryl Stryfe/Vash the Stampede (Tribune)
Millie/Moxie (Helluva Boss) vs Winner of 2
c! Pearlescentmoon/c! BigB (Limited Life SMP) vs Wildstyle/Emmet Brickowski (The Lego Movie)
Tiana/Naveen (Princess and the Frog) vs Yor Forger/Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
Candace Flynn/Jeremy Johnson (Phineas and Ferb) vs Granmamare/Fujimoto (Ponyo)
Mitsuru Kirijo/Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3) vs Winner of 3
Lilith Morningstar/Lucifer Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel) vs c! Zombiecleo/c! Ethoslab (Limited Life SMP)
Sgt Calhoun/Fix-It Felix (Wreck-It Ralph) vs Odalia Blight/Alador Blight (The Owl House)
Shego/Dr Drakken (Kim Possible) vs Starfire/Nightwing (DC Comics)
Nami/Sanji (One Piece) vs Winner of 4
Aerith Gainsborough/Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII) vs Yuki Tsukumo/Choso (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Sharpay Evans/Ryan Evans (High School Musical) vs Mona/Plague Knight (Shovel Knight)
Aqua/Terra (Kingdom Hearts) vs Annie Leonhardt/Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan)
Hatsune Miku/Kaito (Vocaloid) vs Sandra Lynn Faeth/Jawbone O'Shawnessy (Dimension 20)
c! Geminitay/c! Scott Smajor (Empires SMP) vs Girlfriend/Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin)
Connie Maheswaren/Steven Universe (Steven Universe) vs Miku/Tatsu (Way of the Househusband)
Asuka Langly Soryu/Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs Noelle Holiday/Berdly (Deltarune)
Ochako Ururaka/Izuku Midorya (My Hero Academia) vs Winner of 5
Baiken/Anji Mito (Guilty Gear) vs Emily Wokerson/Tomothy Bichboy (Cameron Geller)
Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible) vs Jude Duarte/Cardan Greenbriar (The Folk in The Air)
Morticia Addams/Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) vs Rouge the Bat/Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Nene Kusanagi/ Touya Aoyagi (Project Sekai) vs Winner of 6
Jessie/James (Pokemon) vs Erina/Toshiro Kasukabe (Persona 5 Tactica)
Suki/Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs Desiree Delite/Ron Delite (Ace Attorney)
Himiko Toga/Bubaigawara Jin (Twice) (My Hero Academia) vs Feixao/Jiauqui (Honkai: Star Rail)
All matches were decided via a wheel, please list all complaints to that!
Matches will probably start Sunday
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aiitheoutsinfree · 1 year
I Love The Night
Annie Leonhardt x Reader
Word Count: 1582
Warnings: Break ups, mention of Mikasa’s parents, mention of juvie, abandonment issues
Summary: Mikasa ends things between you and her, but in doing so, starts something better between you and Annie.
AUs: Modern!AU
Notes: I based this fic on this cover!
That night her kiss told me it was over
This trip feels off in a concerning way.
You’re at Sasha’s, enjoying what was supposed to be a very sunny Spring Break at her family’s lakeside house. When all of you arrived it started raining, but you can’t hear it anymore, the sound fading into the music.
The welcome party started off fun, but it very quickly became uncomfortable. Everyone keeps looking at you, steering clear of you, and you don’t like it.
“Mika, can we please go to bed? I don’t like how everyone keeps staring and avoiding me. Sasha looks uncomfortable, and I know that if she didn’t want me here, she’d have told me.”
Mikasa sighs, pulling me to Sasha’s room. When she closes the door, she backs you against it, kissing you. You can’t decipher why she seems so eager, can’t tell why she’s so insistent, but it doesn’t bother you at the moment. You pull back from the kiss and see Mikasa crying. You try to bring a hand to her cheek to wipe away the tears, but she pulls away and looks to the side.
“I was hoping they could let me wait to do this, but I guess not.”
“Do what?”
“Jean and I are going to start dating again. I was hoping to tell you after the trip was over, so we could have more good memories together. I told the others to leave you alone, but I think they took it too literally.”
“Y-you’re what? Mika, he ditched you.”
“Y/N, tread carefully. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
“You told me you loved me, Mikasa! You said I was your first love, that he abandoned you!”
At that, her eyes glass over, you can’t even tell what she’s feeling. When she speaks, it’s with a cold voice, wobbling slightly.
“Y/N, you were a distraction. I tried telling you that you were only ever going to last until he came back. Now, let’s get back to the party.”
You scoff, “Fine, you wanna shut me out? I’m gonna get some air. I can’t stand being here with you.”
Her eyes widen before you turn away, and it seems for a second like she’s going to try and stop you. You hope she does.
I went out late into the dark, the misty gloom seemed to soak up my sorrows
You leave the room, head back down to everyone else, grab a drink from a very terrified Connie, and go outside. The rain must have stopped a while ago, because the landscape has a thick layer of fog coating it. You see the pier that Sasha’s family set up and go sit on the edge of it, taking a drink every now and then as you try and calm yourself down.
The further I went on, I felt a spreading calm
As you sit, you reflect on what you and Mikasa had been through together. The sleepless nights when Eren went to juvie for beating up Jean in your sophomore year, when she’d get jealous because she thought Hitch, Pieck, or Annie were getting too close to you for her liking. She’d helped you through your trust issues after Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt moved when all of you graduated, gone without a word. As an ingrained part of their small group, you’d felt so betrayed, but now you just hope they’re okay.
You think back to the inciting incident that led to your relationship, her getting left by Jean. She was so hurt, and while you’d had a crush on her for a while before then, you didn’t expect anything from her. She’d said that’s what drew her to you, that you didn’t feel entitled to her attention or love. It could be that you’re still raw, but the sentiment leaves you bitter.
You thought of how you’d held her after the death of her parents, having to move in with Levi. God, what was this gonna do to your relationship with him? He was like a big brother to you. The same with Eren and Armin, they followed her like puppies, and you feared she’d tell them to leave you alone.
You hear footsteps behind you, and turn quickly to see who’s approaching. If it’s her you might decide to take a late night swim to avoid her.
Then suddenly my eyes were bathed in light, and the lovely lady in white stood by my side
A light flashes at you, and you quickly cover your eyes. You hear a muttered sorry, and when the light turns off it takes you a second for your eyes to readjust. When they do, your eyes widen at the sight of Annie Leonhardt not even two or three feet away. She raises one of her brows at you.
“I see you’d like to be alone.” As she turns to leave, you reach out, tugging the sleeve of her white hoodie lightly.
“Could you please stay?”
She huffs, and sits down next to you.
She said, “Like me I see you’re waking alone, won’t you please stay?”
“I had come here to say sorry we left, though I’ve heard that’s the least of the problems on your mind tonight.”
You give her a warning look, “Annie.”
She shrugs, “I’m just saying, you dodged a bullet. If she’s willing to get back with horseface after what he pulled with Eren, then she doesn’t deserve you.” You scoff.
“And what, you do?”
“Frankly, no. I don’t think any of us would, besides Historia or Sasha…if they weren’t taken.”
You look at her side profile, how she looks in the moonlight. She looks ethereal, and you almost laugh when you remember how many times she’d called herself ugly because of her nose. Almost, because you can’t find it in yourself to distract her from whatever she’s looking at in the stars. Almost, because for the thousandth time since you’d met her, you’d seen how gorgeous she is.
I couldn’t look away
“I love the night.”
She doesn’t turn to you, “The day’s okay, but the night’s so much calmer, like a held breath’s been let out. It’s beautiful, to me at least.”
Though corny, you can’t make yourself look away from her, “Yeah, it is.”
When she turns slightly to look at you, you see the blush on her face.
“Listen, I know tonight has been horrible, and that you won’t be okay for a long time.”
There’s so much I can show and give to you, if you will welcome me tonight
“I want to help you through it, but you have to know this first.”
You tilt your head, looking at her curiously. She takes in a deep breath, sighing it out.
“I’ve wanted to be with you for a very long time, and sometimes I’ve thought you did too. I want you to know this so that you’re fully aware of where I’m coming from. I want you to know…so you don’t feel pressured to reciprocate my feelings.”
Your eyes widen, and you feel your pulse quicken.
She continues, “If that’s alright with you, I’d like to kiss you. If we do kiss, though, I don’t want to be a rebound. I don’t want to be your distraction, or your way to get back at her.”
When you continue staring, she leans close to you.
“If at any point you want me to stop, then tell me to stop, okay?”
When you nod, she presses her lips to yours, and it’s like the whole world pauses around you. It feels urgent and eager like the last kiss you’d shared with Mikasa, but it feels more caring. In comparison it feels less like she’s pulling from you, like Mikasa had been, and more like she’s giving to you. As though she’s breathing new life into your heart after it’d been broken.
You pull back for air, and your eyes and heart soften when Annie looks panicking for a second. You cup her cheek before she can start apologizing. You look at her sadly.
“Annie, I’d love to give you a chance, but I don’t know if we can survive the distance, you going to Marley and all.” At that she laughs, and the sound makes your heart swell. When she starts speaking again, it’s with a deep blush that goes down her neck.
“Y/N, this is gonna sound really desperate, but I tried my hardest to graduate early so I could spend more time here, with you.”
“Oh Annie, that’s so romantic.”
She hides her face in her hoodie, “Shut up.”
You move your hand to grasp hers, doing the same with your other hand.
“Annie, if you’d be willing to let me sulk for a few weeks, I’d be more than happy to go on a date with you.” She looks at you, a smile on her face and tears in her eyes.
“I’m not gonna waste this, Y/N. I promise.”
You think of Mikasa, and what she meant to you. You wonder what you meant to her, because she was always hard to read, her eyes betraying nothing but in rare instances.
You look at the usually stoic Annie Leonhardt. Tears pouring, with a smile bright enough to rival the sun itself even in the cold, dark night. You can see how she looks at you.
You see the love in her eyes, and it makes you smile back.
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erectrohammered · 1 year
⇢ ˗ˏˋ erectrohammered: index ࿐ྂ
― made for easy mobile access. will be updating as i post
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🌑 fandoms: film and television ; sex education, alice in borderland, wednesday, stranger things, barbie, she's the man, teen wolf, riverdale, house of the dragon
🌘 fandoms: books ; divergent, the mortal instruments, harry potter, percy jackson, game of thrones, the vampire diaries
🌗 fandoms: comics books ; dc comics, marvel
🌖 fandoms: anime/manga ; naruto, one piece, attack on titan, rwby, panty and stocking with garterbelt, haikyuu!!, my hero academia, jujutsu kaisen
🌕 fandoms: animated films/series ; avatar: the last airbender, avatar: the legend of korra, adventure time, studio ghibli, voltron: legendary defenders, she-ra and the princesses of power, the owl house, arcane
🌔 fandoms: games ; pokemon, danganronpa, persona, dungeons & dragons, final fantasy, baldur's gate, fire emblem, league of legends, the legend of zelda, stardew valley
🌓 fandoms: webseries ; rwby, critical role, sword af
🌒 fandoms: youtubers ; smosh, smosh game
🌑 fandoms: musicians ; vocaloid, hatsune miku
🪐characters ; misa amane, annie leonhardt, jean kirschstein, pieck finger, porco galliard, kara zor-el, stephanie brown, cassandra cain, jason todd, kyoko kirigiri, peko pekoyama, miu iruma, pyrrha nikos, mitsuru kirijo
🛰️ groups ; batfamily, the titan trio, the warrior unit
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
A former Army financial counselor was sentenced this week to more than 12 years in prison for using his position to defraud Gold Star families out of millions, the Justice Department announced this week.
Caz Craffy, also known as “Carz Craffey,” 42, pleaded guilty in April after officials charged him with multiple charges, including six counts of wire fraud.
As a result of the scheme, the Gold Star families — relatives of service members who gave the ultimate sacrifice — lost more than $3.7 million, while Craffy earned more than $1.4 million in commissions.
In addition to the prison term, a federal judge sentenced Craffy to three years of supervised release and ordered forfeiture of $1.4 million, according to a department release, which added that restitution will be determined at a later date.
“Craffy made a conscious decision to defraud Gold Star families suffering from losing their loved one who paid the ultimate sacrifice serving this country,” FBI Special Agent in Charge James Dennehy said in the announcement.
“They believed Craffy was acting in their best interest, but instead, he was using their money as a method to make his own,” he said. “Heartless and despicable don’t even begin to sum up his crimes.”
House moves to strengthen vetting for military financial counselors
From November 2017 to January 2023, Craffy was a civilian Army employee, working as a financial counselor with the Casualty Assistance Office, responsible for providing advice to the surviving beneficiaries of deceased troops who can be eligible for hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation.
From May 2018 to November 2022, he obtained more than $9.9 million from Gold Star families to invest in accounts he managed on his own and outside the system, repeatedly executing trades often without the families’ authorization, earning himself high commissions in the process, the release states.
He let the vast majority of them mistakenly believe his management of their money was done on behalf of and with the Army’s authorization.
Authorities pursued Craffy — who is also a major in the U.S. Army Reserve, where he has served since 2003 — following an investigation by The Washington Post.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has a pending civil complaint against Craffy based on the same and additional conduct, according to the feds, and Craffy has been permanently prohibited from association with any member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc.
The Army Reserve acknowledged Craffy received his federal sentence, but declined to say whether he is expected to face additional punishment by the military.
“The U.S. Army Reserve remains committed to holding personnel accountable for conduct that does not align with DoD and Army policies,” Army Reserve spokesperson Lt. Col. Addie Leonhardt told Military Times in a statement. “However, the Army Reserve generally cannot comment on pending military personnel matters.”
Craffy’s attorney declined a request for comment. _____________
Let the UCMJ take care of him
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findroleplay · 11 months
⭐️ howdy! 23 f here looking for 21+ partners interested in a fandom cxc roleplay! my style of writing is lit-novella, third person and past tense. NSFW is wanted but not necessary! taboo ships and themes always welcome 🕊️ discussion will take place here, roleplay will take place on discord. i love to talk OOC and make friends. below are some of the pairings i’m interested in. give this post a like and i’ll reach out. thanks!
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview with the Vampire TV Series)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
f!Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Stephen Strange/Wanda Maximoff
Attack on Titan
Eren Jaeger/Levi Ackerman
Armin Arlert/Annie Leonhardt
Armin Arlert/Mikasa Ackerman
Annie Leonhardt/Mikasa Ackerman
House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones
Alicent Hightower/Rhaenyra Targaryen
Alicent Hightower/Aemond Targaryen
Helaena Targaryen/Aemond Targaryen
Alicent Hightower/Daemon Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen/Jorah Mormont
Daenerys Targaryen/Sansa Stark
Sansa Stark/Jon Snow
Sansa Stark/Cersei Lannister
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darkdoverpseeker · 11 months
⭐️ howdy! 23 f here looking for 21+ partners interested in a fandom cxc roleplay! my style of writing is lit-novella, third person and past tense. NSFW is wanted but not necessary! taboo ships and themes always welcome 🕊️ discussion will take place here, roleplay will take place on discord. i love to talk OOC and make friends. below are some of the pairings i’m interested in. give this post a like and i’ll reach out. thanks!
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview with the Vampire TV Series)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
f!Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Stephen Strange/Wanda Maximoff
Attack on Titan
Eren Jaeger/Levi Ackerman
Armin Arlert/Annie Leonhardt
Armin Arlert/Mikasa Ackerman
Annie Leonhardt/Mikasa Ackerman
House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones
Alicent Hightower/Rhaenyra Targaryen
Alicent Hightower/Aemond Targaryen
Helaena Targaryen/Aemond Targaryen
Alicent Hightower/Daemon Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen/Jorah Mormont
Daenerys Targaryen/Sansa Stark
Sansa Stark/Jon Snow
Sansa Stark/Cersei Lannister
interact if interested!
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pandemic-info · 1 year
Welcome to the “You Do You” Pandemic | The Nation
In his 1992 book The Culture of Contentment, a series of essays that ring very true today, the late economist John Kenneth Galbraith wrote that “individuals and communities that are favored in their economic, social and political condition attribute social virtue and political durability to that which they themselves enjoy. That attribution, in turn, is made to apply even in the face of commanding evidence to the contrary.” This is the exact problem we face now: a favored class that sees its own comfort as a sign that everything’s fine. As a result, the members of the Church of the Contented Establishment—from the White House to Jha and his Brown colleague Emily Oster, to David Leonhardt at The New York Times and Leana Wen at The Washington Post, to even infectious-disease doctors like Monica Gandhi at the University of California San Francisco—are pushing a narrative about Covid and our public health that, thanks to its influence within elite circles, is more subtly corrupting and poisonous than anything that outright Covid denialists like Ron DeSantis have come up with.
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moonspirit · 2 months
Do u think Mr Leonhart will ever do something to Annie again? And if he did how would people react.
Idk why but I can see Annie post cannon trusting her farther again completely, possibly to the point of living with him straight away,and getting hurt. Going to the shared house one day late at night, visibly hurt badly bruised eye. They take her in ask her what happened and she doesn’t say anything.
How would they react if her farther starts shouting at her in front of them? Or even raises his hand at her? Who will be the one to step in front of her, who will she go to when scared?
(Please go into detail I love your writing)
Hello anon! Sorry I've taken a little while to answer :3
I think the question of whether Mr. Leonhardt will "physically" hurt Annie again is one that depends on the facts and circumstances of their relationship post-rumbling. If we assume, as in common interpretation, that Mr. Leonhardt is a changed man after losing Annie for so many years, then it would certainly be blood-curdling if he reverts to using violence on her again. However, not entirely shocking, given his past.
So let's entertain this idea. You know, it may not be that Annie "trusts" her father completely now that they're united, but more that she's so happy to have him alive and return to him at all, considering that was her only (and initial) goal. (Whether what she gets out of this father-daughter relationship actually makes her happy is a whole other matter). This could see her not expecting to be at the receiving end of his anger and physical rage anymore - so when it happens, she takes the full blow, caught unaware and too shocked to block him out of fear that she'll hurt him again like she hurt his knee.
Because he's her father and they're both alive - she can't possibly do anything to hurt him anymore.
Although, abusive parental relationships are quite hard to get out of; they tend to keep a vice grip on you because of that very aspect of it - it's a parental relationship. A parent. Your very own parent. Not just anybody, your parent.
Although, when shit hits the fan and it happens that the others witness Annie either being physically hurt, or returning home carrying the signs of it, or being yelled at with shaking fists - it's not going to be pleasant.
See, post-canon Annie lives with a family of five, not including her father. These are Armin, Pieck, Reiner, Jean and Connie, the latter four of whom grow to see Annie as a sister-figure, however much she scowls at them. I like to think the Alliance six are fiercely protective of one another.
For them to see someone like Annie, who they knew in the past for being fearsome, strong and unyielding, actively letting herself get hurt and beaten and injured... by the hands of somebody she only wanted to seek some love from...
Guaranteed, there's not a person that won't see red.
As for who will step to shield her from incoming attacks, I think Reiner or Jean (or both). They have good reflexes, both capable of overpowering any man, even if that man is just crippled, like Mr. Leonhardt now. Not to say Armin can't overpower him. Just that I don't see him being the one to push back; he's more likely to rush to Annie's aid along with Pieck & Connie.
Pieck is the one to take Annie in and help her out of her clothes and into clean pyjamas or big, loose shirts. She'll help her wash her face and hold ice to her swollen cheek.
And lastly, Armin will be the one to put his gentle hands over a decade's worth of trauma and pain, being Annie's rock henceforth, going to work in pulling out the needles stuck all over her body and replacing them with soft, red, threads soaked with his love.
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blackhardtt · 4 months
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---- INDEPENDENT ORIGNIAL CHARACTER || Adored and created by Boba [she/her || 26 || PST].This is a HIGHLY SELECTIVE & PRIVATE Role-playing account for RODERICK BLACKTHORN & CYRUS LEONHARDT. Heavily inspired by Black Sails, One piece & fantasy--!! Multiverse & Multiship. Please be aware there will be triggering content on his blog: Adult themes / Drugs / Violence / death / gore / etc.
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! Activity: Med / Low, I work 80+ a week.
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RODERICK BLACKTHORN: [original character || Pirate.]
v. [the shadow serpent.] || v. [calling of the seven seas.] || v. [a keen talon.] || v. [House blackthorn.] || v. [the curious panther.] || [main verse; background.] ||
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CYRUS LEONHARDT [original character || king/knight.]
CARRD || PINTEREST || TAGS || moved from Kingscyrus
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Thank you everyone for submitting!
Seriously, it was super difficult to pick teams to compete.
Of the 70 Duo's that are going to compete, 40 of them had multiple submissions. 40!
Thank you all, and make sure to cheer them on!
(Any submission with a + sign next to it only had 1 submission)
(As always, while / tends to indicate romantic, it is exclusively being used for convinience and not all duo's are romantic in nature. Please do not piss on the poor in the notes, okay? <3)
Desiree Delite/Ron Delite from Ace Attorney
Kida/Milo Thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Annie Leonhardt/Armin Arlert from Attack on Titan
Suki and Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender
Barbie/Ken from Barbie
Haru/Legoshi from Beastars
Kyoko Kirigiri/Makoto Naegi from Danganronpa
Marcille Donato/Laois Touden from Dungeon Meshi
Izumi Curtis/Sig Curtis from Fullmetal Alchemist
Baiken/Anji Mito from Guilty Gear
Lillith/Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel
Millie/Moxie from Helluva Boss
Feixao/Jiauqui from Honkai: Star Rail
Yuki Tsukumo/Choso from Jujutsu Kaisen
Aqua/Terra from Kingdom Hearts
Gloria/Melman from Madagascar
Marinette Dupain Cheng/Adrien Agreste from Miraculous Ladybug
Ochaco Ururaka/Izuku Midorya from My Hero Academia
Asuka Langly Soryuu/Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangeleon
Nami/Sanji from One Piece
Nico Robin/Franky from One Piece
Mitsuru Kirijo/Akihiko Sanada from Persona 3
Candace Flynn/Jeremy Johnson from Phineas and Ferb
Jessie/James from Pokemon
Granmamoto/Fujimoto from Ponyo
Miyako Shikimori/Yuuki Izumi from Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie
Yor Forger/Loid Forger from Spy x Family
Connie Maheswaren/Steven Universe from Steven Universe
Robin Buckly/Steve Harrington from Stranger Things
Princess Daisy/Luigi from Super Mario
Kori'ander (Starfire)/Dick Grayson (Nightwing) from Titans/DC Comics
Morticia Addams/Gomex Addams from The Addams Family
June Duarte/Carden Greenbriar from The Folk in The Air
Zelda/Link from The Legend of Zelda
Malfina/Connecticut Clark from Tumblr
Miku/Tatsu from Way of the Househusband
Meryl Streep/Vash the Stampede froom Trugun
Beatrice/Battler Ushiryoma from Umineko: When they Cry
Fuuko Izumo/Andy from Undead Unlock
Sergeant Calhoun/Fix It Felix from Wreck It Ralph
Nick Hoult/Lynn Angel from All Saints Street* +
Melissa Podebrat/Nine Forton from Beware of the Villainess +
Emily Wokerson/Timothy Bichboy from Cameron Geller +
Noelle Holiday/Berdly from Deltarune +
Sandra Lynn Faeth/Jawbone O’Shawnessy from Dimension 20 +
Vexhalia/Percy from Critical Role +
c!Geminitay/c!Scott Smajor from Empires SMP +
Percival King/Ramsey Murdock from Epithet Erased +
Aerith Gainsborough/Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII +
Robin/Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening +
Girlfriend/Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin +
Emma Perkins/Paul Matthews from Hatchetfield +
Sharpay Evans/Ryan Evans from High School Musical +
Shego/Dr Drakken from Kim Possible +
Wildstyle/Emmet Brickowski from The Lego Movie +
Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable from Kim Possible
Pearlescentmoon/BigB from Limited Life SMP +
ZombieCleo/Ethoslab from Limited Life SMP +
Bryce Tankthrust/Bobby Worst from Brandon Rogers +
Toga Himiko/Bubaigawara Jin (Twice) from My Hero Academia +
Erina/Toshiro Kasukabe from Persona 5 Tactica +
Nene Kusanagi/Touya Aoyagi from Project Sekai
Mona/Plague Knight from Shovel Knight +
The Princess/The Long Quiet from Slay the Princess +
Rouge the Bat/Shadow the Hedgehog from Sonic +
Mandy/Billy from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy +
Tiana/Naveen from The Princess and The Frog +
Odalia Blight/Alador Blight from The Owl House +
Jo/Brick from Total Drama: Revenge of the Island +
Hatsune Miku/Kaito from Vocaloid +
*Nick Hoult is technically a Masc Presenting shape shifter. However, He is being allowed on the condition of having a Fem presenting form
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