#leonhart x Sariphi
romancemedia · 9 months
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The Most Romantic Anime Scenes of 2023
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rintinningvt · 1 year
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This is their dynamic and you can't tell me otherwise
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aishiteru-kenshin · 1 year
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Niehime to Kemono no Ou | 贄姫と獣の王 | Leonhart & Sariphi
“I've been looking for you, Sariphi... I made a promise to come back for you.” “Then... I can stay with you, sire? Leo?” “Fool. Don't ask the obvious. You are my queen.”
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sarixleo · 1 year
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Best moments of Leonhart and Sariphi from Episode 5 of Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts  
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leoxsari · 1 year
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Blu-ray Volume 1 of Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
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zealousfartcowboy · 1 year
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suzubelle-chan · 11 months
Breaking Chains Chapter 4
In Which the Doctor Secures her Position and Gets her Friends Jobs
Thank y'all for your patience, and thank Ipham2525 for beta reading this fic!
Content Warnings: Fire (brief), War (mentioned, past)
Now onto the fic!
“We live together…” 
The words sent Sariphi’s heart right into her ears. The beating drowned out whatever Leona said next. She saw the woman offer her hand. She grabbed onto it like a lifeline, questions spilling out of her mouth. “Where is it? Does everybody get along? What kinds of foods do you share? Are there any—” Coughs now  interrupted any more questions. 
“Whoa there, queenie,” Leona stated, pouring a light green liquid out of one of the pots into a cup and offering it to the patient. “I did tell you to save your voice after all. Here, it’s the tea you asked for earlier.” 
Sariphi nodded and took the cup. She blew on the steam rising and took in a sip, sighing at the taste and the relief it brought to her throat. 
“What is that?” the king asked.
Leona blinked. “You haven’t seen tea before, Your Majesty? I thought Amit often serves it with her snacks.”
“It certainly smells like tea…Does tea come in more than one color in Yoana?”
The humans blinked before they let out a soft “oh”. Sariphi went back to sipping her drink. 
“I was quite surprised when I came across this kind of tea,” Juno admitted, pouring herself a cup. “Turns out humans process the leaves that become tea in different ways, creating several colors and flavors. However, nations closest to Ozmargo tend to prefer black tea so that’s probably where we get most of the tea we do have from.”
Sariphi nodded, taking a few more sips. She honestly preferred the taste of black tea; she grew up on it. But when someone was sick, Pop-pop often switched teas depending on the illness. Yet one thing always stayed the same with each cup he offered. She stared down at the cup.  The only thing that would make this tea better would be some…
Just then Leona scooped something glittery and golden out of one of the jars, putting it in her coffee. Sariphi’s focus was on the spoon, but her mind wandered back to her childhood. Seeing her mother carefully place jars filled with honey into their cabinet, grumbling about how much of it they had. The way it oozed and shimmered over morning pancakes. Even on dark, rainy days, seeing the little jar of sunshine, spooning some into her tea while reading a book. Maria sketched on a pad, their bare toes touching each other as they shared the window seat.
The rest of the room just saw Sariphi staring at the golden syrup, her eyes following it as Leona shifted the spoon from side to side. Even as her doctor started moving it in circles, Sariphi’s followed it with little jerks of the head. 
“Does she often get like this?” Will murmured to the king.
“We’ve never seen her like this,” the king admitted, head tilted. He reached a paw out, patting her shoulder. “Sariphi?” 
Whatever spell Sariphi was under broke at the contact as she jumped. She quickly shook her head, reaching around for her tablet and chalk. “Ah sorry, my mind wandered off there,” Sariphi quickly wrote. 
Leona blinked and then snapped her fingers. “Oh-Grewth’s Scythe. You’re from Noel! I should have realized it when you told me your last name…” She bent her head down, rubbing the back of it. “Sorry kiddo. Didn’t mean to bring up your hometown like that.”
Sariphi quickly scribbled, “Don’t be! I didn’t think I’d ever have honey again after coming here. I’ve forgotten the taste of it in my tea…I just realized how much I’ve missed it.”
The king’s brow furrowed. “What’s so special about this honey? What does this have to do with Sariphi’s hometown?”
Will leaned in. “Time for a human lesson. You see, humans can’t trace their ancestry by appearances alone like we beasts often can. So thus, humans came up with the concept of a last or family name which traces who’s related to who. Common folk are often named after professions or the town they live in. Take Carrin for example—Leona’s name is often associated with doctors and healers.”
“Got it from my Ma!”
 Will nodded, stroking his chin. “If I recall correctly, Noel is famous for its flowers and honey.”
“Yeah, people flock from all over to look over those gorgeous fields and sample the various honey they make.” Leona pressed her knuckles to her mouth, eyes closed in concentration. “I’ve done my share of traveling, but I can’t say I’ve been there. Shame, if I’d known there was a child in need of rescuing, I’d be there in a heartbeat.”
“I think that technically counts as kidnapping, Leona,” Will commented. 
Leona and Sariphi looked at each other, blinking. Then the older woman shrugged and took another sip of her coffee. “Worth it.”
Sariphi giggled a bit. “Thanks, but it wasn’t all bad. I was happy there, I promise.”
A moment of silence fell as everyone focused on the girl enjoying her tea. Each eye shone with questions, but each person kept their mouth shut. 
“What is honey?” the king asked, breaking the silence.
“It’s a kind of syrup made by bees in the human realm,” Juno offered,  “They make it out of nectar as well as any fruit juices they can find.”
“Bees in the…” Sariphi repeated and then feverishly wrote and presented, “Does that mean Ozmargo has bees as well?”
“Well they are about the size of a grown human’s fist, bite–not sting–to ward off attacks so they don’t die after one attack, make mounds of dirt their home, but, yes, Beasts do have ‘bees’,” Leona nodded. “Hard to say if they make honey given how rare flowers are and we’ve always avoided them when we spot them or their hive.”  
“Beast Bees…” Sariphi noted, hands on face, her eyes sparkling.
Leonhart found himself laughing out a small wheeze, twisting his head away. Once he regained his composure, he returned to see Sariphi holding up a spoon to him, her other hand cupping below. “Ah!” Sariphi squeaked.
“This again?” Leonhart pondered. He stared down at the spoon. He then glanced at the other adults in the room but discovered them gone from their seats. 
“You know, people-watching in the Beast realm, so fascinating,” Leona commented. 
The royal couple saw the trio at a window, peering out of it. “I mean just look at all the interesting people down there,” Leona stated, hand out. “Some of these folks you’d never see on the tapestries and war pictures back in Yoana.”
“Indeed, the capital hosts quite a diverse population from all over Ozmargo and even beyond its borders,” Will confirmed. “Is that a Roc-folk Juno? Never thought I’d see one this far east…”
Juno peered over her friend’s shoulder. “I think so.They certainly are massive, even for bird folk.  Ooh…look at that shawl that the bear lady is wearing. I wonder if I could find it in town.”
“That is pretty,” Leona commented, “Can you snag me one too if you find one?”
“One for my wife and Maya, too, please?” Will asked.
“Maya’s just a toddler, it’ll be too big for her.”
He shrugged. “She can still wrap herself in it. She’s always so cute when she does that.” 
The king muttered, “They are so obvious…” He looked at his bride, still holding the spoon, eyes wide. He sighed and opened his mouth. The moment the goop hit his tongue, the oozing thick texture sent his tail bristling.  He twisted his head away as he swallowed, then gasped, flicking his tongue out. “Ugh!” 
The trio almost exploded with laughter: Juno holding her stomach, Will hitting the wall, and Leona sliding down, tears dewing up in her eyes. In her hand, a hand mirror shone, reflecting the unamused King of Beasts and curious Acting Queen Consort of Beasts. “It’s like a baby’s reaction to a lemon!” 
The declaration sent the doctor’s companions laughing even louder, Leona gasping for air in between her wheezes.
Sariphi frowned and quickly wrote on her board. “I am sorry, Your Majesty.”
“It’s fine. Of course, there would be things we don’t like,” the king admitted, snatching and lapping his coffee. 
“And to be fair, most folks don’t eat honey straight out the jar,” Leona commented, finally catching her breath and wiping the tears from her eyes. “Honey is typically put into drinks or spread on things like cakes and toast.”
“Toast?” His Majesty asked.
“It’s essentially cooked bread,” Will stated. 
The king blinked. “Cooked bread.” 
Will shrugged. “It’s a human thing. You’ll get used to it. Eventually.” 
“Enough, enough,” the king huffed, a paw on his face. “Tell us more about your town. We’ve never heard of such a thing.”
The trio returned to their seats, their backs straighter. Juno had her hands clasped tightly in her middle. Leona rubbed the back of her neck. “Wanna take this one, Will?”
Will nodded. “That’s because we’ve done our best to keep a low profile and keep our village hidden,” The dog looked down into his cup. “We technically live in an area that is in Yoana, but in one of the mountain border areas so we aren’t near the Gate, since the mountains act as a natural border. Not only is it tricky for people to traverse the mountains, it often gets miasma clouds for days or even weeks at a time. Naturally no human would want to live there.” Will gave his human companion a glance. “Well, most humans that is.”
“So don’t worry, your royalness,” Leona quipped, finger in the air, “we don’t owe you any taxes. And we make quite a few donations to the various temples around us so the royal humans don’t notice.” 
A moment passed. The king asked, “Why? Why do you live in such a place?”
Will smiled. “I can answer that, because I’m actually one of its founding members.”
“Really?” Sariphi asked. 
“Yes, it didn’t really start out as a village for humans and beasts to live together. I was trying to find a place where I could live with my wife freely, without anyone trying to harm us.”
“Why?” Sariphi wrote.
“Well for one thing…” Will glanced at the two pots on the tray. He cupped each one, and in the blink of an eye, bright red flames burst in each paw.
Sariphi gasped and then clapped her hands. The king blinked. “You can do magic.”
Will smiled and the flames vanished. The only proof was the steam flowing from the spouts. “Thank you. Thank you. Yes I can.” He set them down, shaking his paws, now a bright red. He then poured himself more coffee. “I’m sure it comes as a shock, Lady Sariphi, given the war stories, history books, paintings and tapestries, but magic isn’t common among Beasts. Most magic users hail from certain clans, either royal or noble families. But now and then, occasionally a commoner is able to use magic like myself. I have no clan to speak of; I never even knew my blood parents. With my magic, society eagerly took me in despite my background, and I found myself a mage.” 
Sariphi tilted her head. “Mage?”
“Soldiers that fight using magic rather than weapons,” Leona explained. As she helped herself to the now warm coffee, she added, “Some do it by some kind of magic blasts; others do it by enchanting weapons for certain effects. Those fire arrows that you see all in the battle paintings? Those are real.”
Will cleared his throat, steering the conversation back to himself. “Life was different around the turn of the century, especially with the war going on. There were far more laws about who could be even seen with whom, let alone who could marry and have children with whom. And the fact that I wield magic made my position in society complicated…I made mistakes early on in my marriage in order to keep us safe, until I finally found the courage to leave the kingdom so I can live freely with the woman I love.”
“We’ve repealed laws about such things,” the king declared. 
“We’re deeply grateful for that, Your Majesty.” Will nodded solemnly. He now stared at his paws, slowly fading to black.  “In the years after we left, we found some more like us—some beasts, some humans. We relied on one another for survival at times, companionship for others. As the years passed, we became a family. By the time you did such things, we already had humans as well as Beasts who couldn’t go back to their birthlands for one reason or another. We can’t just break up this family, not then and not now.”
Juno nodded. “Honestly, it would break my heart to move back here completely. The Town is where I got married, started my baking business, and it’s the only home my girls know, surrounded by all of their aunties and uncles. It’d take God himself to take us away from our home.”
“Here, here,” Leona cheered with her mug, knocking her knuckle on the wooden cabinet. 
“You have daughters?” Sariphi wrote.
“Yes, two.” Juno walked over to a bed, pulling out a white bag. She fiddled around and pulled out a few sheets of paper. After flipping through several, she placed some back in the bag and then headed over to Sariphi’s bed. She offered them to the couple. Sariphi quickly took them, leaning close to His Majesty so he could get a look. She held up a black-and-white image of one young black calf girl, leaning on a cane. The calf sat next to a young reptile girl, an almost mini-Juno with her spots.
“Your husband is a bull?” Sariphi asked.
“Ah no. He’s actually a panther. Vulka, the calf, she’s adopted. Found her one day and just couldn’t let her go.”
“What are these?” The king stared at the sheet. Sariphi offered the first one, waving it around a little to hear the flap-flap sound the sheet made. He took it gingerly in between his claws.
“Ah right. Humans have this device called a camera. It’s a kind of box through which a combination of light and ink can essentially make a small portrait, or rather a picture, of something or someone.” 
Sariphi flipped through the pictures, pausing at one where most of it was taken up by a large black blur. She turned it towards Juno. “Your husband?” she asked.
Juno sighed, hand on cheek. “Yeah, he’s rather bad at being still long enough for the image to set. I swear he’s like an overgrown child, and even my girls can sit still long enough for a photo.”
Sariphi then saw another photo of Juno’s girls in some sand. In between them was a Black human man with a beard and his hair trimmed close to his head, buried in the sand with a big grin on his face. She flipped it over and tapped on his face.
Juno startled and let out another sigh. “That’s Mwindo. The village blacksmith, known charmer and sweet tooth. He’s always trying to butter me up to give him more sweets and other goods I make. And if he wasn’t so good with the girls, I would have thrown him into the local lake decades ago.”  
The royal couple stared at the pictures. Most were children. A human toddler,  a girl judging by her dress on the ground in a blanket, the next showing her wrapped up in it. Three dog men—“my boys” Will stated—chasing a pair of donkey children that His Majesty looked over. Humans and beasts taking turns on a rope swing. Leona and what looked like a white bear woman tossing a slightly darker bear cub in the air with the help of a sheet they shared. The couple flicked through some more domestic scenes. At a snow-covered scene, Sariphi quickly twisted it around and asked, “Are these your children?”
In the snow was a young boy around nine or so, with a round face and a flat cap on his head. He patted a snowman with his mittened hands. A woman, a younger, less scarred Leona, was dressed in a fine fur-trimmed coat with a large hood that almost swallowed her head as she added a stick to what looked like a snowbeast, effectively giving it antlers. 
Leona beamed. “Ah yes. My Leonora and Leo.”
The royal couple blinked.
The dog chuckled. “If you are wondering–yes.”
“Yes what?” His Majesty asked. 
“Leona’s children’s names are as follows:” Will began to count on his fingers. “Leone–not pictured, Leonora–pictured, Galileo–not pictured, and Leo–pictured. Care to explain, Leona?” 
The human woman shrugged, picking up her cup. “The ‘Leo’ in my name means ‘bold, courageous, brave’. Depends on whatever musty Old Language book you consult. My husband loves me for my bravery so thus my daughters got Leo names. Galileo was adopted and came with the name. Leo was a surprise and might as well match the rest of his siblings.” Just as she raised the cup to her lips, she paused. “Come to think of it, all my sons were surprises.”
“And you’re weak to your husband’s please face,” Juno commented before drinking her tea. 
“And I’m weak to my husband’s please face,” Leona confirmed with a nod, taking a sip of her drink.
“Please face?” the King of Beasts repeated.
The trio glanced between the two. Juno covered her mouth, trying to hold back her snickering. Leona, however, had no reservations and wheezed openly.
Will gave the king a small pat on the arm. “One day you shall know your majesty.” He gave a small smirk to the maiden, “I suspect you will know all too well.”
Sariphi opened her mouth, but glanced between the two men, eyes focused on the king’s furrowed brow and ears at odd angles. So she decided to keep her mouth shut and focus on the images, flipping through some more. One caught her attention:  a swan fellow dipping a young human woman with rather large ears and freckles. He smirked as she laughed. Sariphi giggled at the sight. The king leaned in and huffed at the image.
“Beasts and Humans really are getting along in your village,” he commented.
Leona tilted her head to see what the couple was looking at. She beamed at the sight. “Well, I’d hope they’d get along; those two are married.”
The royal couple blinked. “Pardon?” they both asked. 
“Yep, they’re like you two. Got married and settled in our village about three years ago.”
Juno sighed dreamily, “They are such a wonderful couple together.”
Will grumbled, “If you mean sickly sweet and act like they just married two hours ago for the last few years, then yes wonderful.”
Juno waved her hand. “That’s how a couple with passion in their veins should be. Adonis was always a flirt for a while, but now spends all his time devoted to his wife Millie.” She grinned, leaning in closer to the royals. “If you want, you two can get into the baby pool.”
Will chuckled, shaking his head. “Juno, they aren’t even expecting yet!”
Leona shook her head. “Nah, I’ve got a good feeling about this year. We’ll be hearing about an upcoming cygnet soon. Just you wait. I’m placing my money on a boy.”
“Knowing Adonis, he might just end up fainting at the news. He strikes me as a fainter,” Juno murmured. 
Sariphi looked down at the scene and then back at the woman. Her hand patted around her side. The king quickly grabbed it and gave her a small squeeze. She took a deep breath. “Do you think they can…have a child?”
Leona shrugged, leaning back. “Well, I’ve found that with cross-species couples it does take a bit of time.”
Sariphi tilted her head.
“Ah right, in these kinds of situations, however the mom was born is the way the kid will be. Reptiles can lay eggs and have their kids be furry like their papas, and mammals can bear live kids as scaly or feathery as their dads. Beast families are funny that way.” Leona’s eyes gleamed as she faced the royal couple. “By the way, do you prefer the term Faunus or Ferin?”
Will held a digit up, mug set down on a table. “Your Majesties, I must insist on the term Ferin.”
“Come on, Faunus sounds cooler,” Leona countered, waving her hands. “Back me up here Queenie!”
Juno raised a digit but then thought of something. She quickly picked up her cup of tea, staring at the drink as if it offended her. 
His Majesty glanced between the two, confusion and a bit of worry on his face. “What are you two going on about?”
Leona clapped her hands, then pointed them to the king, looking remarkably serious. “We’ve been debating what to call folks that’ve one human parent and one beast parent. Calling someone half something, half-beast half-human, just doesn’t sit quite right with us. We figure a new term is in order. Yet some folks don’t understand the genius of my term.”
Will scoffed, “Please you probably just opened up an old book and found the word in there.”
“No, it’s a play on an old word. There’s a difference.”
Sariphi stared down at her lap, her free hand twisting the sheets. She gave the king a glance before answering, “I’m not sure…I’ll have to think on it.”  
Leona watched for a moment before nodding with a warm smile. “Eh, I guess we’ll figure it out some other time.” She then propped a hand on her cheek. “Say, why don’t you two come over and visit our town some time?”
The young couple blinked. 
“Really?” Sariphi asked in awe. 
Leona leaned in, eyes sparkling. “I mean, you’re interested in seeing what it’d be like—Beasts and Humans living alongside each other, right? Stay with us a spell—”
“That’s enough Leona,” Will cut in, almost growling.
The humans and King of Beasts turned to the other two beasts, now scowling. Juno clutched her hands together, a worried look in her eyes. Will however looked ready to bite or burn someone, his paws clenched. 
“But Will…” Leona held her hands out.
Will held a paw up, stopping her words. “I know, I know. But we’ve never really invited someone to our village, especially...” The dog glanced at the royal beast. “A king of all things. Can we really expect our secret to stay a secret?”
“We got here just fine,” Leona pleaded. 
“Yeah, but no one was looking for a Dog man, a Caiman woman, and a Crow woman. People would be curious about the King of Beasts traveling, and let’s be honest he’s not the most inconspicuous guy.”
Juno sighed, “Leona, Will does have a point. We’ve got a lot to lose if someone finds the village but doesn't see it like we do. A Beast might think that the Beasts there are in danger with all the humans around. Might take matters in their own paws or even sound an alarm and call upon other Beasts to try to stop the human ‘threat’.” Juno placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “We can’t risk it.”
The King of Beasts straightened in his chair. “We swear that no harm shall come to your village. You hold and care for our countrymen. For that we shall extend any assistance or protection.”  
Will ground his muzzle into his paws, sighing, “And that’s wonderful, absolutely nice. Quite a boon…however…” The dog looked up at the king. “I’m not sure how much we can rely on your word.”
The king bristled. “What makes you say that?”
“Well, I got to talking the other day with the Magics and they…”
“Magics?” Sariphi asked.
“Cy and Clops, your little assistants. That’s what their general clan is called, like how Her Highness Amit is Reptilian.” The golden dog shook his head, his blue earring tapping on the side.  "Anyway, I was talking to them about Sariphi’s life here, and they mentioned that apparently, one day, some thieves managed to sneak into the castle and then tried to shoot Sariphi on sight. And not even, what, five hours later, they killed themselves? The whole situation feels off to me.”
Sariphi, brow furrowed, quickly wrote, “They didn’t shoot at me, they shot at Bennu.”
The king raised his brows. “Really?”
“What?” Juno jumped up. “Did you not ask Sariphi what happened that day?”
“It’s not just the fact Sariphi or Bennu got shot at. It’s more the fact the criminals died before any real investigating could begin—like how they got in here in the first place. And if they shot at Bennu first, that means they had to know about him, and this was before he flew and showed himself to the public right? So it had to be someone in the castle who knew that there was a new holy beast in the kingdom.”
Juno gave the king a sad look. “We trust that you won’t hurt our village, but who’s to say that other beasts won’t?”
Sariphi gripped the sheets, staring down. Leona placed a hand on top of hers. “Change is never easy, even when it comes with benefits. There are some scum that like the world the way it is, because they already benefit from how it is and fear they’ll lose that. But I bet you if there’s anyone who can change this world, to help folks see a peaceful world, it’s you two. You’re already off to a good start.” 
“Really? How?” Sariphi asked.
“You’re trying, you’re doing things, keeping the peace for so many.That’s more than a lot of rulers have done before. Sounds like a good start to me.” 
Sariphi smiled and looked up at the king. He looked pensive, staring at his lap. Sariphi slid her fingers in between his digits, giving his paw a light squeeze. The king looked up at Sariphi. She smiled warmly with a small nod. He returned her smile and squeeze. 
The King of Beasts faced Will, determined. “We realize that there are still gaps where our authority and power may not hold strong. We still have many faults in our reign. However, we shall strive to ensure that this will be a land where no one feels threatened for being themselves. You have our word. If we visit your village, we could put up wards to keep it safe until that day comes.”
Will watched the king, and then cracked a small smile. “I suppose a king’s protection is stronger than any we could do on our own. I’ll take you on that word. I suppose the easiest thing to do is to keep His Majesty in the back of a wagon for two weeks and make sure no one sees him…or give us a little time and we’ll come up with a different solution.” 
“Eh, I’d say the wagon is the best bet.” Leona shrugged. “I’ve got plenty of traveling songs to pass the time.”
“And I’m hoping we’ll come up with something to avoid that,” Will muttered.
“Indeed,” Juno agreed.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Leona asked, hands on hips. 
“Just would like not to hear ‘999 bottles of beer on the wall’ or any number of bottles of beer on the wall for a while.” Juno shrugged. 
“That’s a classic!” The human waved her hands. 
Will sighed, “And even classics get old, Leona. If you humans lived a few more decades, you’d understand that.”
The royal couple watched as the trio squabble for a bit. With a sigh, the king held up a paw, halting their conversation. “We’ll figure out travel arrangements later. First we would like to thank Doctor Leona for her services.” The king looked at the doctor. “With Sariphi better, it’s time for you to claim your reward from us. Speak of it and it shall be yours.”
Leona blinked, “Really? She’s still coughing, though, not to mention she’ll need to rest to get her strength back up.”  
The king nodded, “You’ve already done so much for her, for both of us. Please let us know what you desire, and it shall be yours once Sariphi fully recovers.”
“Then…” Leona turned towards Sariphi, “Would you like to for me to stay, as your personal doctor?”
“Really for me?” the acting royal consort wondered.
Leona’s eyes twinkled as she playfully frowned, “You think I was just going to leave you here after you got better? You need a doctor who knows humans, and I’m already here. Plus, if you’re going to get married soon, little royal cubs will follow. And I know for a fact that beast babies are just like human babies in that they don’t know a thing about time. You might ask me to come in a month early and then they decide to show up three days later.”
Sariphi blushed. 
The king also blushed, harder to see on his face, and muttered, “Vulgar woman.”
“Hey it’s the truth.” She shrugged. “I’ve been a midwife for decades and only a handful are born when they are expected.”
“Are you sure you would like to stay?” Sariphi asked. “You’ll be away from your family for a while.”
Leona flopped in a chair, hand dramatically on her forehead as she said deadpan, “Oh no spending my days taking care of one obedient patient. It’ll be the most difficult case of my career, but I’m sure I shall endure…” She rose, smiling. “It’s fine. I’m often away for a while on my travels to care for others. My family is used to it, so don’t you worry your pretty little head over them.”  She then looked back to the king. “And if it’s alright, would you mind giving Juno and Will jobs here as well?”
“You two wish to stay as well?” the king asked, eyes wide. 
“If you’d be so kind,” Juno stated. 
Will nodded. “We did promise to watch our friend for her family’s sake. It’d be nice if we could do that and support our families at the same time.”
Sariphi asked, “Won’t it be hard for your family for you to be away? You’ll be away for a while.”
Will waved her concern away with his paw. “We take care of each other in our village. Our spouses can easily ask for help if they need it. My wife can take over my classes for the children.” He then uttered, “Plus, what’s the point of having three grown sons if they can’t watch their little sister for their mother?” 
“I left my recipes so if anyone in the village needs something I make, they’ll be able to create it themselves. My girls are lively, but they’re old enough that you don’t have to watch over them all the time. Plus they’ll probably love to spend more time with their father, given how he indulges them when he can. Especially when my back is turned.”
“Plus, from what I’ve heard, Sariphi is in need of some teachers,” Will commented.
“Teachers?” Sariphi repeated.
Juno set down her drink. “We’ve heard from Cy and Clops that Sariphi mainly self-studies in the library.”
Sariphi lowered her head, blushing a bit.
Juno waved her hand. “Please my lady, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. From what I’ve heard, you’ve learned a lot in your time here. However, I do have concerns that you don’t get much practice in managing the castle affairs or in the etiquette expected of the lady of the house. Many years ago…” She glanced away. “Long before I met my husband, I was responsible for the lavish celebratory affairs of the day-to-day menus.” She looked back at the future queen.  “Every lady of quality, from a lady with a small estate to the Queens of Ozmargo, holds similar duties. If I may, I can introduce you to such matters and help you practice so one day you can run the castle with ease.”
Sariphi beamed and nodded.
“Excellent!” Juno clapped her hands. “Once you’re well, we can start your lessons.” 
“Indeed.” Will held out a finger. “If I may, I have spent most of my outside years as a researcher, learning about the histories and cultures found throughout both realms. I’ve also enjoyed teaching others such things. And I bet you could also use some writing practice too.”
Sariphi clapped her hands together, nodding even harder now.  
“So Your Majesty, may we stay as well?” Juno asked. 
“Very well.” The king nodded.
“Great!” Leona held out her hands. “Looking forward to seeing more of you two.” 
Sariphi and Leonhart each took a hand and shook it. 
A few days later, everyone gathered in the throne room. Sariphi sat upon the king’s knee, in a light blue flowing gown. All eyes were on the three bowing in front of the royal couple. Leona, with her hair in a braid, scars still covered, wore a long black dress, Will in an embroidered red suit, and Juno in a green gown.
“We would like to thank you for saving our consort’s life,” the king started.
“It was a great honor, Your Majesty,” Leona said, not looking up.
“Now we promised you a boon. Speak it now.”
“Well, Your Majesty.” Leona rose, smiling confidently. “I would like a permanent position at the castle for myself and my colleagues. I shall take care of her as her doctor, my friends to be her tutors. That is what I ask for.”
Of course, the council roared in outrage.
“Your Majesty, one human in the castle is already an insult! Imagine what would happen if the populace found out that there were two. They would riot in the streets,” the green, large-nosed council member said.
The king glanced at this man. “We did offer this woman what she desired in curing Sariphi. Do you want us to go back on our word?”
“Well…she is just a….” The green man faltered under the king’s gaze. He then bowed to his king. “Very well sir.” 
The king faced the noirette before him, gaze softer now. “We accept your proposal. However,” he said, turning to the maiden sitting on his knee. “Sariphi, do you accept these people as your tutors and doctor?”
“Gladly, Your Majesty.” The queen-to-be bowed her head. “It would be an honor to learn and be taken care of by those who have come so far for my sake.”
The King of Beasts nodded, “Very well then. It is done.”
With that, the three in the middle of the room cheered as well as Sariphi’s companions on the side of the throne room. Anubis growled, but bowed his head, raising his sleeved arms in front of it. Soldiers sighed in relief. Yet the council tried one final move.
The old, four-eyed cat roared, “Your Majesty you can’t just let these outsiders stay! You can’t trust them! Who knows what they may be plotting!”
The king inhaled, setting almost everyone on edge, waiting for his roar. But a loud clap captured everyone’s attention and turned it towards Sariphi, her hands up in the air. 
“Mr. Advisor, did or didn’t this doctor save our life?” Sariphi asked, sliding off the king’s knee. 
Everyone paused. 
Sariphi approached the man, holding her hands in front of her. “We shall ask again, did Ms. Leona save our life or not?”
“She…she did,” the cat replied, inching away from the maiden.
She responded by stepping towards him, looking him straight on, expression not wavering. “And her friends kept her safe on her travels to the castle, deep in the heart of the Beast realm, did they not?”
Sariphi clapped her hands, quieter this time, smiling. “It is clear to us that the doctor trusts these Beasts a great deal. And we have trusted this woman with our life and will continue to do so. So thus we shall trust the Beasts by her side as well. Will you continue to question the king’s decision to keep our trusted doctor and her companions? Or will you accept this decision? It would save all of us much time if you did.”
“I…no…Your Highness.” He bowed down to her in slow, jerky movements. 
“Good.” Sariphi nodded. She walked over to the trio and offered an arm. “We shall help you find accommodations; do you have any requests for us?”
“It’s an honor, Your Highness.” Leona curtseyed and took Sariphi by the arm. “I hope you know of a room with plenty of light. I’ve got plants to grow. Juno’ll take one by the kitchens and for Will, eh, just clear off a bookshelf in a library and he’ll be fine.”
“I’d like a pillow and blanket, but otherwise that sounds fair.” Will nodded.
“We’ll see what we can arrange,” Sariphi said. 
“Good.” Juno tugged the consort away from her doctor. “And we’ll arrange it so you aren’t too corrupted by Leona here.”
“Come on, you stub your toe, swear in front of a kid, and you’re branded for life.”
Sariphi, Leona, Will and Juno left, seemingly oblivious to the stunned quiet they left behind. Jaws open, eyes wide. Some soldiers scratched their heads. No one noticed the king’s ears pricking, tail wagging slightly. 
Just as the group left the room, Sariphi all but collapsed by the wall, sighing. 
“Sariphi are you okay?” Leona quickly placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder.
“Yes, I’m fine.” Sariphi continued to gasp for breath. “I don’t often talk like that to the council so I’m nervous.”
“I guess you’d have to get used to using that ‘we’ thing. I thought that you sounded really regal back there.”
“Really? Did I?” The maiden asked, eyes shining with hope. 
“Yes.” Leona said with a nod. 
Sariphi faced them. “I’m sure it’s clear to you that the court isn’t fond of me. The few times I’ve met with them, they’ve continued to argue about me like I wasn’t there. I know it tires His Majesty so. Maybe they’ll always dislike me for being human, but I’ll work hard so they’ll at least see me as their queen.”  She looked down at her hands, shaking them. “Phew. That hurt.”
Leona’s apparent eye shone with awe, her mouth an “o” before becoming a beam. “Well, I get the feeling that’ll be like pulling teeth out of a sober person…but if anyone can do it, I bet it’ll be you.” She offered her right side. “Like to lean on me?
“Thank you.” The maiden leaned into the embrace. 
The group made their way down some halls, Juno and Will talking about future subjects of lessons, with Sariphi bright-eyed and eager. Leona just walked along, supporting Sariphi, smiling.
The group turned to see the king right behind them, panting a bit.
“Your Majesty.” Sariphi slipped out of the grasp of her doctor, stepping towards the king. 
They both stared at each other, their eyes wide. The two eager to say so many things, but both mouths remained closed.
Juno glanced at the two and then clapped her hands. “Well, our rooms can wait. Think we’ll take the day to get our bearings around the castle.” The reptile grabbed her friends by the arms and dragged them off.
While following, Leona whined, “Aw come on, this is a perfect smooching moment!” But Juno continued pulling her away. Will followed with no complaint, humming along. 
With flushed faces, the couple watched the group go around a corner. Finally, Sariphi took a deep breath. “Was I too bold earlier?”
“In the history books, some of the queens are quoted using the royal ‘we’. I know I’m not queen yet, but I wanted to fight the council myself at least once. To show that, as the queen you chose, I could be like you.” She looked down, rubbing the back of her head. “I guess it doesn’t suit me yet.”
However, a claw brought her chin and attention up to the king, eyes warm and tender. “Sariphi, at that moment, putting that old fool in his place, I found you glorious. I was filled with pride knowing one day you would be my queen.”
“Oh good, thank you.” Sariphi blushed, glancing away a bit. “I’ll try to be bolder in the future…for both our sakes.”
“Take your time.”
Just as he twisted away, the king felt a tug on his sleeve. He returned to find Sariphi on the tips of her toes. Her head barely reached his chest. She let out a soft humm. In a soft voice she asked,  “Could you lean down please?”
The king obeyed, lowering himself until his muzzle hovered above her lips. She stretched her foot a bit more, bringing their mouths together, closing her eyes.
Though his tail bristled at first, as he closed his eyes, it waggled slowly. When they parted the king said, glancing away, back of his paw on his mouth, “It seems your old boldness has returned. You haven’t done anything like that in some time.”
Sariphi blushed, hands waving. “You see…back then I thought I was just a companion so I didn’t mind showing affection. The more I wanted to be queen, the more I thought that it would be improper…and maybe a bit silly.”
The king lowered his paw, face still flushed, and looked directly into her eyes. “I…don’t find such acts silly at all. I’ll ask for discretion of course, but I’d like to have more moments like this with you.”
Sariphi smiled warmly, now looking right at him. “Of course.”
As the two basked in a world of their own, Juno and Will watched eagerly from around the corner. “Ah, remember those days?” Juno sighed.
Will leaned into his friend. “Yeah, so many feelings, but not sure what to do with yourself?”
“Yeah those awkward yet sweet moments,” Juno sighed, “Oh to be young and learning again, right Leona?” She turned to her human friend. “Leona?”
Leona’s gaze was daggers, wanting to shred whatever stood before her. Juno followed her gaze to its target, letting out a small “oh” in understanding. Yet Leona didn’t hear her. All she could hear was her heart pounding in her ears as she continued to glare at the portrait of the old king, scowling down from his frame. 
Will placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder, causing a flinch, snapping her out of the battle. “Are you okay?” he asked.
Leona sighed, “I’m alright. Just keep reminding me the old bastard is gone and I can clean up the mess he made with the kids.”
“Good attitude, but don’t let it consume you.” Will smiled. “Or else you’ll miss out on the good stuff. Like seeing them kiss.”
Leona startled, glancing around. “Kiss? What kiss? What kind?”
Will shrugged. “Oh, just that kind you give when you’re starting out, still not sure what to do with your hands or claws.”
“Aw, I remember those.” She then turned around, accusing finger pointed at the portrait. “Just got to be a bastard even from beyond the grave. I hope Crossa is using you as a foot warmer, and she’s got bunions, craggy nails, smelly feet, the works for you!”
“From your mouth to any god’s willing ears,” Juno commented.
“Amen,” Will agreed. 
They nodded together when they noticed the young consort, still blushing, making her way towards them. She commented, “Sorry to have kept you waiting.”
“Aw, no worries queenie…” Leona waved her hand. “Just taking in some family history.”
“I do believe I know a room that’s perfect for you, Mrs. Leona.”
“Alright then. But feel free to call me Leona if you like.”
The four walked away from the portraits, but Leona couldn’t stop herself from peering over her shoulder to give the old king one last glare. In her low burning rage, she did not notice Sariphi looking at her, eyes shining with curiosity. 
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illyasfeel · 1 year
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Niehime to Kemono no Ou OP1
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la-hannya · 1 year
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Gurl, that's a very dangerous sentence to use while in that position.
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savanaclaw1996 · 1 year
The Birth of Richard
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Just a little story about life after Sariphi's coronation as queen, the stages of her pregnancy with Richard and Richard's birth. To be honest, I've got quite a fetish for fpreg and birthing stories, and it's kinda embarrassing to even mention it, hahaha...😅 Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2,916 words.
Warnings: pregnancy, morning sickness, swollen breasts, lactation, childbirth, episode 12 spoilers.
Shortly after Sariphi was crowned the official Queen of the Beasts, life in Ozmargo had never been the same. Some of the beasts were still skeptical of having a human woman like Sariphi be their queen, but her kindness and sweet disposition quickly won them over.
Leonhart was happy that Sariphi had proved worthy enough to rule by his side. Then again, he had always known that she was worthy to be Queen of the Beasts.
After their marriage, everyone carried on with their lives as usual. But then, one year later, some changes had slowly begun to materialize. It all started one morning when Sariphi suddenly felt sick and threw up in a basin provided by the maids.
Sariphi tried to focus on her queenly duties, but she would often get dizzy and nauseous in between them. Cy, Clops, Amit, and Lanteveldt would often worry about how pale her face looked, and how she would sometimes pause her duties to throw up.
Eventually, Leonhart took notice of her getting sick and expressed his concerns. "My queen, are you ill?" he asked. Sariphi's shoulders shook as she panted, leaning over the vomit in the basin.
"So-Sorry, Leo," she sighed as she wiped her mouth with a handkerchief. "I just got a bit nauseous." Leonhart frowned. If Sariphi is sick with something, then she'll need to rest. "Sariphi, I'll have the Head Priest look after you tomorrow." he said.
"I'm sure it's nothing serious." Sariphi said with an assuring smile. "It's probably just the flu or something." Despite seeing her smile, Leonhart couldn't help but worry about Sariphi's condition. "Don't take things like this so lightly, Sariphi." he said firmly.
"I do not intend to lose my new queen any time soon. If you truly are ill with something, then it's best that you get some rest and take better care of yourself." Sariphi nodded. "Okay, Leo." she said.
And so, Sariphi was examined by the Head Priest. After a thorough medical examination, the Head Priest nodded. "It seems that your body is undergoing some changes, my queen." he said. Sariphi tilted her head in confusion. "What does that mean?" she asked.
The Head Priest smiled. "It means, my queen, that you are..."
"P-PR-PREGNANT?!?!" Amit's screech echoed through the air. Amit has been worried that Sariphi might be suffering some sort of illness since she was constantly nauseous, but to hear Sariphi announce that she was actually pregnant... she was not prepared for that at all!
Neither were Cy and Clops, for Cy's eye was wide and Clops' mouth hung open. Even Lanteveldt was flabbergasted.
Sariphi nodded. "Yep. I was worried that it might be the flu or something, but the Head Priest said that I was actually suffering morning sickness." she replied. "And my body is preparing itself for my baby to develop."
Amit, Lanteveldt, Cy and Clops said nothing as they all stared at Sariphi with wide eyes. Sariphi looked at her friends with concern. "Guys, what's wrong?" she asked.
Then Amit burst into tears as she wrapped her arms around Sariphi's torso. "SARIPHI...!!!" she wailed joyfully. "Congratulations!!! You're going to be a mother!!!" Cy and Clops were equally as excited as they hopped up and down.
"Congratulations, Sariphi! We're so happy for you!!!" Clops cried. "Happy!" Cy squealed, tears streaming from his eye. Lanteveldt just scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Congrats, I guess?" he said.
Sariphi beamed. "Thank you!" she said. If she was being honest, she was excited to be a mother, but at the same time, she also felt pretty anxious. To actually be pregnant for the first time ever... that feeling felt very weird to her.
"I wonder how Leonhart will react to the news...? Would he be happy or... shocked?" she wondered. Most likely the latter. No doubt that Leonhart would be speechless once he finds out he's going to be a father.
She remembered their talk back at the waterfalls during their visit at Sarbul. Leonhart told her how since he was king, he was duty bound to produce an heir to the throne.
He also told her how his dying father, or rather, uncle expressed his deep loathing towards him because of his half-human blood and how he was terrified of passing on the same burden of his cursed blood towards his future offspring.
He even expressed how he was not confident that he could love a child born from his blood. Leonhart once loathed that weak and inferior human side of him. How it was a troublesome curse he didn't wish to pass on to his future offspring if he were to take a queen.
But Sariphi also remembered the next words he told her that night: "No matter what predicament my blood places my heirs in, if they are the children of our union, then I swear on my name, Leonhart, to defend them with all my body and soul."
She had prayed that that curse of his would one day be a blessing. And seems that day finally came true. Even after his whole kingdom discovered his human form, he fought hard to reclaim his kingdom and won back his people's trust.
Now he no longer held any fear of burdening his offspring with his human blood. Sariphi smiled. "I can't wait to tell Leonhart the wonderful news." she thought.
"Oh, Lady Sariphi, does His Majesty know about the wonderous news?" Amit asked. "No," Sariphi replied, "but I'll tell him tonight."
Later that night, Leonhart returned to his bedchambers, exhausted from a day of work. Sariphi was sitting on the bed, smiling. "Good evening, Leo." she greeted him.
Leonhart noticed that Sariphi was smiling from ear to ear, which was rather strange. What did the Head Priest say to her to make her smile like that? "Sariphi, you look rather joyful tonight. What happened?" Leonhart asked.
Sariphi giggled. "Well, sire. The Head Priest told me that I'm going to be a mother." she said. Leonhart stiffened as his ruby-red eyes widened. Did he just hear her correctly? Did she say what he thought he heard her say? "Sariphi, repeat that one more time." he said.
"I visited the Head Priest, and he told me that I was actually suffering morning sickness, which is normal during the first stages of pregnancy." Sariphi replied joyfully. "That means I'm pregnant! Isn't it exciting? You're going to be a father, Leo!"
Leonhart said nothing as he stood still in his spot. His fur bristled as thoughts rushed through his mind. Sariphi looked at her husband with concern.
"Leo, are you okay?" she asked. "Are you...shocked?" She started to worry. "Oh, no! Was it too soon? I should've been more subtle on letting him know about my pregnancy. Maybe I should..."
Sariphi's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as Leonhart suddenly approached her. Sariphi looked up at her large husband, seeing the unreadable expression on his face. "Leonhart...?" she asked. Leonhart said nothing as he tenderly embraced his wife's small frame.
"Sariphi..." he whispered as he rubbed his furry cheek against hers tenderly. "Leo...?" Sariphi asked as she looked at her husband's eyes. It was sometimes difficult to understand his facial expressions, but the look in his eyes told her that he was smiling with elation.
"Sariphi, I cannot tell you how deeply happy I am to be a father." Leonhart said. "I look forward to meeting our child when it is born." Sariphi smiled as she wrapped her arms around Leonhart's neck.
"I have no doubt that you'll be a wonderful father, Leo." Sariphi said. Leonhart nodded.
Ever since Sariphi's pregnancy was announced, Sariphi had gone through many changes. Besides her morning sickness, she sometimes went through certain mood swings like crying over the littlest things and craving certain foods.
With each passing week, Sariphi's once-flat belly started to noticeably round out. As her belly grew, so did her breasts. They would get big, swollen and tender as they were filled with milk for her baby.
Poor Sariphi would moan in pain as she massaged her sore breasts. And since she started to lactate, she has to hold a large bowl under her breasts as the milk dripped down into it.
Ever her faithful friends and attendants, Cy and Clops stood by her side and tended to her. They even held up the bowl for Sariphi whenever she was lactating. Little by little, the bump on her belly started to grow bigger and bigger until she looked big and gravid.
She couldn't even count the times the unborn baby kicked and moved in her belly. Sariphi smiled. If the little baby can kick her, that proves that the baby will be born healthy.
Sariphi sometimes had trouble walking around the palace grounds. With her gravid stomach, she would only waddle short distances and get tired quickly. Carrying around a growing baby in your belly was certainly no easy task!
Fortunately for her, she wasn't alone. Cy, Clops, Amit, Lanteveldt, Anubis and even Leonhart himself kept constant watch over her and her unborn baby.
One day, Sariphi was in the gardens with Cy, Clops, Amit and Lantevelt having a little picnic. Little Tetra was there with them, enjoying her day together with her companions. Sariphi rubbed her round belly, smiling contently as everyone ate and talked.
Tetra looked at her round belly curiously. "Can I touch it?" she asked. Sariphi nodded. "Of course. Go ahead." she said. Tetra gently placed her little paws on Sariphi's gravid stomach.
When her mother Calra was pregnant was Calcara, she never had the chance to rub her stomach or listen to her unborn brother inside the womb. Now that she was able to listen to Sariphi's unborn baby inside her womb, it felt weird yet also exciting.
"Sariphi, how does it feel to be pregnant?" Tetra asked curiously. Sariphi let out a sigh. "Well, it's pretty difficult to explain. It feels really strange carrying a new life inside you." she said.
"But it's also exhilarating because I get to meet my child after it's born." Tetra tilted her head. "Really?" she asked. "I wonder how I would feel once I'm married and pregnant." she thought. Then suddenly, Sariphi let out a pained gasp.
Everyone stopped chatting and saw Sariphi clutching her gravid belly and groaning in pain. "Sariphi? What's wrong? Are you alright?!" Amit asked worriedly. "Sari!" Cy and Clops yelled, also feeling concerned.
"Lady Sariphi?" Lantevelt asked with wide eyes. Sariphi didn't respond. She started to pant laboriously before she turned to face her friends. "Sorry, guys." she apologized, trying to manage a smile, even though she was obviously in pain. "My stomach hurts..."
Amit then gasped. If Sariphi was in pain, that could mean only one thing... "Don't tell me...! Are you...?" she asked. As Sariphi tried to respond, there was a sudden loud pop!, and water spilled between Sariphi's legs. Amit gasped. "Sariphi, you're...!!!"
Sariphi groaned before she gasped as a painful contraction coursed through her. Amit immediately stood up. This was it! This was the time! "Sariphi's going into labor! That baby is coming!" she announced.
As soon as she said those words, Cy and Clops immediately started to panic. "WHAT DO WE DO?! WHAT DO WE DO?!" they cried as they ran in circles. Lanteveldt, however, remained calm.
"Calm down, you cannonballs." he said. "We'll get her to her bedchamber." Amit and Lanteveldt quickly but carefully helped Sariphi stand up and guided her towards her bedchamber. The trek was difficult, but they've managed to place Sariphi on her bed.
Amit then quickly summoned the priests and the midwife who was hired to aid Sariphi. Once everyone got into position, the labor process began.
Leonhart was sitting on his throne when one of the palace vassals, a cat, quickly approached him. "Your Majesty! I bring urgent news! Lady Sariphi has gone into labor! She's giving birth to her baby right now!" he yelled.
Leonhart's eyes widened and he immediately stood up from his throne as soon as Clops' words reached his ears. He wasted no time as he rushed towards the bedchamber.
"Sariphi...!" he whispered anxiously, silently praying to the gods that she'll be alright.
Meanwhile, Sariphi panted and gasped in pain as she lay on her bed. Her forehead was wet, and her hair was sticky with perspiration as she struggled to push the baby out from her womb. The midwife was tending to her, wiping her forehead with a cold washcloth.
Another contraction shot though Sariphi's body, making her squeal with pain. She had never known that childbirth could be this painful. She had heard some stories about pregnant women going through painful labor, but never thought much about it since she was to be sacrificed.
Now that she was Queen of the Beasts, she's going through that exact moment of labor. And it was more painful than she had ever imagined it would be!
"Ohhhh, it hurts!" Sariphi cried out in pain. "Please hang in there, Sariphi! I'll be over soon!" Amit said, gripping her hand tightly. "You're crowning, Lady Sariphi! I can see the head! Push!" the midwife said. Gathering up reserves of her strength, Sariphi pushed.
Meanwhile, outside the bedchamber door, Lanteveldt leaned against the wall while Cy and Clops paced by the door nervously, listening to Sariphi's cries of pain.
"Oh, I hope she'll be okay! I wish we could help her in some way!" Clops said anxiously. "Help Sari." Cy added worriedly. "Chill out, you guys. Sariphi may not look it, but she's a tough woman." Lanteveldt said. "I'm sure that she'll tough it-"
A loud, shrill, agonized scream coming from the bedchamber quickly cut him off. Cy and Clops grew even more anxious. "SARI!!!" they wailed, fearing the worst.
Then they noticed Leonhart marching down the hallway towards the bedchamber door followed by Anubis. "Your Highness!" Lanteveldt exclaimed before he quickly bowed before Leonhart. "How is Sariphi?" he asked.
Cy and Clops approached him. "Your Majesty! Sariphi is still in labor!" Clops said. Leonhart didn't want to waste another second longer as he headed towards the double doors.
"Sire, wait! You mustn't! Men are forbidden to enter the birthing room!" Anubis said. Behind the bedchamber doors, they could hear Sariphi gasping in pain. "I must tend to Sariphi! I cannot stand idly by while she's in pain!" Leonhart said as he pushed the bedchamber doors open.
As he entered the room, the sound of an infant's wails reached his ears as he stared at the sight before him.
The midwife was carrying a crying white bundle in her arms. Sariphi was lying in bed, her pale face dotted with drops of sweat and panting heavily. "Sariphi!" Leonhart exclaimed as he quickly rushed to her side. "Sari!" Cy and Clops cried as they followed suit.
Sariphi didn't respond to their cries as she was too exhausted to lift her head. Leonhart knelt beside his queen and gently held her hand. "Sariphi?" he asked.
Sariphi wearily opened her eyes. "Leonhart?" she asked. She tried to get up, but she felt too tired to move. Leonhart gently helped her sit up. All the while, the little infant continued to wail. The midwife turned her attention towards Sariphi as she walked over towards the bed.
"Congratulations, Your Highness." the midwife said with a smile as she placed the swaddled infant into Sariphi's outstretched arms. "It's a boy. You have a healthy son."
Sariphi gently removed the blanket, revealing the baby's face. The little baby beast had soft fur as white as clouds, the same color as her hair, a tiny wet pink nose, soft tiny fluffy ears and two tiny little bumps on top of its head. The newborn beast waved its little paws as it wailed.
Sariphi smiled as joyful tears rolled down her cheeks. Her baby son was simply the cutest little thing she had ever seen. A symbol of her and Leonhart's love, a perfect mixture of both her and him.
Sariphi held her newborn son close to her chest. Hearing his mother's heartbeat, the baby beast's wails softened into whimpers. He then reached his tiny paws out to her. Sariphi gently pressed her thumb against her son's little pink paw pads.
Soft and squishy, just like Leonhart's, she thought. Leonhart gazed down at his newborn son with a mixture of curiosity, pride and joy. He could hardly believe it. He was now a father. A father.
Leonhart knelt beside Sariphi and his newborn son. "Isn't he beautiful, Leo?" Sariphi whispered. "Indeed he is. I'm so proud of you, Sariphi." Leonhart replied. He then gently pressed his snout against his son's furry cheek.
Sariphi wanted to squeal at such an adorable sight, but she didn't want to wake her son. As Leonhart looked at his son, the words of the vow he made years ago rang in his mind:
"No matter what predicament my blood places my heirs in, if they are the children of our union, then I swear on my name, Leonhart, to defend them with all my body and soul." And he will see to it that his vow will be fulfilled.
"What should we name him?" Leonhart asked. Sariphi smiled. "I've already thought of it. From now on, our son's name will be Richard." she replied.
"Richard?" Leonhart asked. Sariphi nodded. "Since you've taken Leonhart as your name, we should name our son Richard." she said. "Richard. I think that name suits him." Leonhart said. "Welcome, Richard, our son."
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tantive404 · 1 year
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
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In which a young human girl is set to be sacrificed to the King of Beasts— however, he becomes amused by her fearless and carefree attitude and decides to take her as his queen instead.
The heroine, Sariphi, is an absolute delight— plucky, charming and resilient. The outfits she gets to wear are super cute as well, with her sacrificial garb resembling that of a wedding dress. I also adore the aesthetic of the chains in which she found herself trapped for the entirety of the first episode.
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Leonhart, the King of Beasts— given that name by Sariphi herself— is everything a shoujo male lead should be. Possessive, fearsome, and mysteriously tragic… with a secret good hearted side that quickly becomes quite protective of his human bride.
The romance is shaping up to be something both dark and deliciously sweet, a classic twist on the innocent damsel sacrificed to the gruesome monster… wherein they fall for one another instead and everything changes because of it.
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In short I’m super hyped for this series. <33
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romancemedia · 9 months
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Anime 2023 Couples + Watching Over their Sleeping Beauties
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renxmaiden · 1 year
So there’s this manga/anime called Niehime to Kemono no Ou and I’ve been having the ABSOLUTE time of my life watching it just today as well as discovering it for the first time and not only this was a very good shoujo that I’ve watched (And looking forward to more episodes, also reading the manga too) but the main couple. The main couple. They look like adult Ren and Jeanne from Shaman King and everytime I see them I can’t help but get reminded of Adult RenMei. 
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And everytime I see these two I fall inlove even more because of the resemblances xDD  
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lauraagrace · 11 months
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With the anime having ended, I'm so bummed the Sacrificial Princess manga really isn't more popular because this is such a fantastic shoujo!
Even though its been months since I've read it, I still think about the themes in this series and how impactful of a read it was!
YouTube Video Review: https://youtu.be/L8B8uu0bayY
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sarixleo · 1 year
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Best moments of Leonhart and Sariphi from Episode 4 of Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
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otomiyaa · 11 months
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Hi all! 31 fics are finished for this year's Tickletober: Miya & Mia's Tickletober, prompt list together with @ticklygiggles! An overview of my finished fics can be found below. Thank you to everyone who participated and used our list. I hope you didn't struggle too much, or curse our names like a certain @lovelynim did 🤭
Special SPECIAL thanks to precious @wertzunge 💕 for helping me retrieve my fics after I lost my account. I didn't back them up, and thanks to his help I could get them back and post them on AO3.
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Note: not all fics are uploaded on tha tumblrz.
Day 1: Trap | Rengoku x Tengen (Demon Slayer) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 2: Claws | Josh x Lucy (The Hating Game)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 3: Villain | TodoBaku (BNHA)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 4: Mask | Itto x Heizou (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 5: Disguise | Rei x Kazuki (Buddy Daddies)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 6: Movie | Sawako x Kazehaya (Kimi ni Todoke) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 7: Playtime | Miyo x Kiyoka (My Happy Marriage)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 8: Haunted | Dani x Jamie (The Haunting of Bly Manor)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 9: Mirrors | Hobie & Miles (Across the Spiderverse)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 10: Cloak | Peter 1 & Peter 2 & Peter 3 (MCU)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 11: Pumpkin | Beidou x Ningguang (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 12: Wolf | Garu x Eiden (NU: Carnival)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 13: Prank Call | Enola x Tewkesbury (Enola Holmes)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 14: Roleplay | Lyney x Wriothesley (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 15: Babysitter | Sengoku & Miyamura (Horimiya)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 16: Sweets | Ariel x Eric (The Little Mermaid 2023) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 17: Closet | NSFW - Yiyoung x Daehyung (Work Love Balance)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 18: Spiderweb | Jean x Marco (AOT)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 19: Dark | Tokoyami x Shoji (BNHA)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 20: Cursed | Suzume x Souta (Suzume no Tojimari) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 21: Horns/Fangs | Sariphi x Leonhart, King of Beasts (Niehime to Kemono no Ou)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 22: Tail/Wings | Tighnari x Albedo (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 23: Party | Momose x Shirosaki (Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 24: Spell | Maleficent & Aurora (Maleficent)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 25: Boo | Reader x Solomon, Barbatos, Simeon (Obey Me) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 26: Thunder | Scara x Childe (Genshin) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 27: Monster | Link x Zelda (TOTK) AO3 | Tumblr - Collab with @dokidoki-muffin
Day 28: Silence | Wade x Ember (Elemental) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 29: Zombie | Hinata & Miya Twins (Haikyuu)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 30: Fantasy | Simeon x Solomon (Obey Me) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 31: Halloween | Neuvillette x Wriothesley (Genshin) AO3 | Tumblr - Collab with @ticklygiggles
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