silverclaw23 · 2 years
i want to thank the amazing @fluffomatic for this amazing commission! 2 certain nerds needed to be punished for shenanigans and what better way then this!
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from left to right!
@xsunnysoftx @ashleedragon @thornoisdono @hopeless-leemantic @kittenwhiskers @silverclaw23 Twilight (from the server sunny runs)
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breadreads00 · 2 years
Hi!! This is my first fic, I hope you like it :)
It's half based on my dream
This is SFW fic! Feel free to give me instructions how can I make my fics better <3
Warnings: tickling, swearing
Also excuse my English :/
Lovejoy was chilling before playing their gig. Wilbur wanted to learn to skateboard so he bought one, four days before the gig, but he was too busy to find time to learn it.
The day of the concert has come. Everyone was stressed if everything would go well and if they would arrive on time, they were afraid that their car would break down like last time. Unfortunately, that's kinda what happened...
"What the fuck is happening?" Wilbur asked with fear in his eyes. Everyone tried to figure out why their car drove off the road, when the driver said: "someone hit our car and we are unable to drive right now, we need to wait" Joe was very disappointed "YOU TOLD US IT WON'T HAPPEN!!!" "Guys, calm down, it's not raining this time, it's not freezing outside, we'll just wait about half an hour for help and go on" Mark tried to reassure his friends.
Everyone got out of the car, and went to the woods. Wilbur had an idea of learning how to skateboard, so he went back to car, grabbed a board and started riding it on the side of the road. "Wilbur, what are you doing??" Said Ash with a big question mark in his voice "I'm learning Ash" "ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD?" "Umm yeah, I'm always too busy to do it but now it's a very good time for that!" Said Wilbur with happiness. "That's very dangerous, what if you fall on the road and car hit you?" "I'll be fine Ash, don't worry".
Wilbur started to skateboard, the whole crew followed to keep an eye on him. Everything was going well until Wil hit a small pebble and landed half on the road. "OH MY GOD" Mark yelled and everyone ran to Wilbur and carried him to the woods beside the road. "I'm fine guys, thank you" Wilbur said, his friends were really scared, because one car was close to hitting Wil. Joe was shaking "You're not doing this ever again Wilbur" "You scared a shit outta us" Ash added. "I'm so sorry..." It was obvious that Will was very sorry, he started to cry. When Joe calmed down a bit, he said "Hey, you're fine, don't cry", Wilbur tried to forgive himself about putting his friends in such a stressful situation. He repeatedly said "I'm sorry guys".
At that moment, Mark told Ash and Joe that he had a plan to make Wilbur feel better. "Hey, Wilbur... WATCH OUT!" Mark shouted when pinning Wilbur's arms to the ground. "What the fuck?!" Wilbur didn't know what was going on. Then Joe and Ash started to lightly scribble at his tummy. "Guhuys what are yohohou doing?" "We are trying to calm you down" Mark said, you can hear joy in his voice. Then Ash and Joe switched to tickling Wilbur's ribs: "HAHAHAH NOHOHOT THE RIHIBS!!!" "Oh, bad spot, good job guys" "SHUHUT UHUP MAHAHARK" his face were bright red.
Mark was proud "Don't stop guys, it seems you're doing it right". "You are tickling everyone whenever you're bored so we can call it payback!" Ash said, his hands slipped to Wilbur's sides: "NOHOHOHOOO AHAHAHSH!" "Aww does it tickle Wilby? Oh it looks like you're enjoying it so much!" "SHUHUT UP ASH ahhHaHAHAHA"
After 15 minutes they saw Wilbur is reaching his limit. They stopped and watched Wilbur trying to catch his breath. "You have a really cute laughter Wil" Driver Dave said with a giggle "Dave?!" "Yeah, we fixed our car, come on get in there" he helped Wilbur up and they all went to the car. For the rest of the way everyone was teasing Wilbur and tickling him just to get a funny reaction from him.
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beehivemind200 · 1 year
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Just some drawings I've done recently. I'm starting to draw myself more often. Not as Bee bit as me and im living for it. 2 of them are tickle based I've been in a mood shut your face. But yee im proud of these. I love all of them
We don't have enough tickle related things for a man's the adventurer. Aure it's relatively new so im not mad.
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
and ofc we gotta wreck the lil emo boi cuz he’s bein a stinker
drawing them all again is bringing back memories holy cow
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also im so honking happy with this lil squimshy face
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lookit himmm hehheee he looks so squishy im so happy
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yallmakemyassitch · 10 months
🐞 Cuddle Bug 🐞
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@tickletr-ash Hey this one's for you!!! A quick doodle for none other than the vagrant Ash!
Based off of this lol
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trashyswitch · 14 days
When Ash is Alone
After leaving his Pokémon to heal at the Pokémon center, Ash is left completely alone for the first time in years. Loneliness causes Ash to follow a Stuffel through the forest, where he finds a cave with...Team Rocket?!
This fanfic was suggested by @nico-ticklegoddess12 on Tumblr. I hope you enjoy!
It had just been a 10 minute trip to the Pokémon centre. The battle he lost, had wiped out his entire team…and as a result, Ash had given all of his Pokémon to Nurse Joy so they can heal and get better. With the others busy shopping, Ash decided to spend some time alone. Ash sat himself down against a palm tree, flipping through his pokédex. He knew his Pokémon were fine, but he felt somewhat lonely. 
This was the first time he had been completely alone in a while…And if he was honest, It felt unusually quiet. No Pokémon to spend time with, meant he was stuck in his own thoughts. The silence was deafening…the natural sounds that filled the Alola region, felt louder than ever. Isn’t silence supposed to make you feel tranquil or peaceful? If that’s the case, then why does he feel tense and uneasy? 
Ash looked around himself for a moment, and noticed a little creature running around in the middle of the town. “Huh?” Ash put his  pokédex away. “What is that?” Ash asked next. 
The creature jumped up and down, almost in a frantic plea for help. “What’s wrong?” Ash asked. The stuffel started whimpering and whining, almost frantic in its movements. Sensing something was up, Ash got up from the palm tree and started to walk up to the creature. “Are you lost?” Ash asked, getting closer so he could help it. 
Now, this creature looked oddle familiar to Ash…And now that he was closer, Ash could figure out why that is: this creature looked like an infant version of the bewear he had seen in the forest when he first arrived on Melemele island! Managing to get a few inches closer, Ash pulled out his pokédex. “Let’s see…” Ash opened the pokédex and let it scan the Pokémon. 
“Stuffel! Normal/fighting Pokémon. Despite its adorable appearance, when it gets angry and flails about, its arms and legs could knock a pro wrestler sprawling.” The pokédex said aloud to him. 
“Oh wow…” Ash widened his eyes. “A small creature like you, can do that?!” He asked. 
The stuffel whimpered and whined, before scraping its paw onto the ground. 
“You must be missing your mama.” Ash reacted. 
The stuffel let out another cry, putting its tail between its legs. “Poor thing…” Ash mumbled softly. “Do you need help finding your mama?” Ash asked. 
Suddenly, the stuffel squealed and jumped up onto its legs! It was like the stuffel understood Ash! 
“Alright! I’ll help!” Ash declared. 
Stuffel cheered before turning around and taking off running. 
“Hey! Where are you going?” Ash asked, taking off running after the Stuffel. “Come back!” 
The stuffel ran all throughout the town, making Ash twist and turn through crowds of people. “Sorry! Excuse me! Whoops! On your left! Sorry ma’am!” He kept saying. Ash had nearly fallen onto his face about 5 times so far…but Ash still managed to still catch up to the stuffel. For an infant, Stuffel sure had a lot of energy! 
Stuffel eventually ran into the forest. The stuffel jumped through the exotic grass while occasionally looking behind it to see Ash still chasing it. Ash was still yelling at it, doing anything he could to stop the stuffel with no success. “Slow down! I can’t catch up! You’re so fast! I can’t run forever!” Ash kept yelling. 
Almost as if to challenge him, Stuffel took a quick 90 degree turn, and started sprinting left. Ash widened his eyes. “What?!” Ash looked to the left. “Uh oh!” Ash quickly jumped and slid his feet across the grass for a few moments. “Hold on!” When his feet slowed down, Ash made a sharp left turn in order to stay on stuffel’s trail. “Wait up!” 
Moving through the grass and trees, Ash quickly noticed the giant pit of black protruding from the large cave several feet in front of him. And watching Stuffel, it looked like he was heading straight towards the cave! Ash tried to catch himself up slightly. If this Stuffel ends up in the pitch black cave, then Ash may never find him! And Stuffel will be lost from its mama forever! He can’t let that happen! 
Ash ran into the cave after the Stuffel, and slowed himself to a walk upon entry. It was pitch black in there. “Hey! Where’d you go?” Ash asked, reaching his arms out in front of him as he walked into the cave. “Hello?” Ash called. He quickly noticed how much his voice was echoing through the cave. “Anybody there?” He called next. Eventually, Ash’s hands made it to a cold and rough stone wall. Following it, Ash kept his hand on the wall as he moved left, hoping to find a hidden opening. As he followed it, he noticed how bumpy and coarse the wall felt against his hand. And the wall seemed to be…curving a little bit? “Huh?” Ash said aloud. Where’s the end of this wall? Is he getting closer? Gosh, if only he had a flashlight right now…
But wait…what’s that? Ash widened his eyes when he saw a slight bit of light beaming nearby. Letting go of the wall, Ash slowly followed the light. Turning to the right, Ash’s eyes fell on a large ray of light radiating from the top of the cave. Whoa…this wasn’t a pitch black cave at all! It had natural light! 
Ash’s eyes lowered the moment he heard a cry from the Stuffel he had been following. And…hey look! A Bewear! “We found your mama!” Ash reacted. 
“And we found you~” Someone said behind him. 
Ash turned around and frowned. “Team Rocket!” 
“Prepare for trouble!” Jessie declared. 
“And make it double!” James declared next. 
“To protect the world from devastation.” Jessie continued. 
“To unite all people within our nation.” James continued. 
“To denounce the evils of truth and love.” Jessie proceeded. 
“To extend our reach to the stars above.” James kept it going.
“Jessie.” She introduced herself. “James.” He introduced himself. 
“Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light!” Jessie declared. 
“Surrender now, or prepare to fight!” James kept going. 
“Meowth, that’s right!” Meowth finished the speech by jumping onto Ash’s shoulders.
“AAH!” Ash pushed Meowth off himself, causing Meowth to roll backwards a couple feet. 
“Hey! How could you?!” James reacted, bending down and picking up Meowth. “That was super uncalled for!” James mentioned. 
“What?!” Ash dropped his jaw. “But he jumped in my face!” Ash yelled back. “So you push him to the ground?! We’re in a cave!” James yelled. “You could’ve killed him!” 
“He surprised me.” Ash told him. 
“Don’t you care for the safety of our Pokémon?” Jessie asked. 
“If you did, then you would’ve apologized for what you’d done.” James added. 
“Apologize now, twerp!” Meowth yelled. 
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” Ash told him. 
“Good. Now hand over your Pikachu!” Meowth ordered. 
“Hand it over now, or we’ll steal it from you!” Jessie declared. 
Ash widened his eyes. “Uh…” He scratched the back of his head. “A-About that…” He looked down. “I don’t have him right now…” 
James widened his eyes. “Wait, what?!” He reacted. 
“Well that’s unusual…” Jessie mentioned. 
“Why not? Where is he?” James asked. 
“Pikachu is being healed at the Pokémon center right now.” Ash told them. 
“Uh huh…And we just happened to find you sneaking around in our lair?” Jessie asked. 
“I was trying to help the stuffel find its mother.” Ash told him. 
“Hmmm…I’m sensing a liar on our hands.” Meowth mentioned, his paw on his own chin. 
“I’m sensing that too…He’s toying with our plans!” Jessie added. 
“I don’t know guys…maybe this is a bad time for him.” James added. 
“Ash and Pikachu splitting up?! The chances are so slim!” Jessie reacted. 
“If you could please stop rhyming? That’d be great…” Ash asked, holding his forehead. 
“Got a sassy one on our hands…what do we do?” Jessie asked. 
“Leave him alone?” James asked. 
“Let’s see if he’s telling the truth.” Meowth declared, before tackling Ash to the ground. Ash yelped as his body hit the stone ground. Thankfully his head was saved from the impact, with his butt taking most of the fall. From the moment Ash hit the ground, Meowth started scurrying around his middle. “Peek-a-boo!” He said, peeking out from behind Ash. 
“Hey!” Ash yelled, before gasping with shock as the cat shoved itself back into his shirt. 
A couple seconds later, Meowth’s head popped out of Ash’s shirt collar. “Where are you hiding it?” Meowth asked, before popping back into his shirt and scurrying around like a buizel. 
“Get out!” Ash jumped and yelped. “C-Careful in thehere-!” Ash jumped and squeaked, covering his mouth as he rolled around. 
“You hid it so well! How is that fair?!” Meowth reacted, popping out from the bottom of Ash’s shirt this time. 
Jessie rolled his eyes and rubbed her nose. “Meowth…You’re not even searching him right.”
James snickered a little bit. “If anything, it looks like you’re tickling the boy.” He mentioned. 
“Tickling him?!” Meowth reacted. 
“Yeheheah…Plehease stahp!” Ash reacted, his smile cracking out the sides of his hand.  
“I forgot about that! That’s a great idea!” Meowth’s actions must’ve changed, because Ash had quickly sat himself up slightly and bursted out with laughter. 
“HAHAhahaha! STAHAHAP- Whahat did Ihihi just sahahahay?!” Ash yelled. 
“You told me to stop, but I don’t have to listen to you, twerp.” Meowth told him. 
“JAhahahames! Mahahake hihim staaaahp!” Ash yelled. 
“Actually…” James scratched the back of his head. “We can’t make him do anything…He kinda stops when he feels like it.” James admitted, chuckling awkwardly. 
“Hate to tell ya, but you’re mine for a while!” Meowth declared. 
By this point, Jessie had walked up to Ash’s backpack, and was gently rummaging around in his bag. “Hmmm…Clothes, water bottle, Rotom phone, Pokédex…” Jessie pulled out a pokéball. “Are these empty?” Jessie asked aloud. 
“Yehehes! Thehehehey ahare! Leheheheave that alohohohone!” Ash yelled. 
“Okay, okay.” Jessie put the pokéball back into the bag. “Huh…No Pokémon in here…” Jessie muttered aloud. 
“Seeheehee?” Ash yelled. 
Jessie rolled her eyes. “Just because your bags are empty, doesn’t mean your pockets aren’t.” Jessie told him. “James, check his pockets for me. I’m gonna hold him down.” Jessie told him. 
“Uh…Okay…” James muttered awkwardly. “Do I have to?” He asked. 
“Don’t you wanna find out if the Twerp is lying?” Jessie asked. 
“W-Well yeah…” James replied. 
“Then check his pockets!” Jessie yelled. 
“Alright, fine!” James yelled, putting up his hands in surrender before walking up to Ash. “Can’t get out of anything these days…” James told him. 
“Make sure you check every pocket.” Jessie told him as she positioned Ash’s hands above his head. 
“Alright.” James checked Ash’s right pocket. 
“BAAAHAHAHA!” Ash shrieked. “Oh no, that’s worse than I thought…” James muttered. “I’ll make this quick, I promise.” James reassured the boy as best he could. “First pocket has nothing in it.” James told her. 
“You sure?” Jessie asked. James pulled the fabric of his pocket inside out to show her. “Yup.” James replied. 
“Fine.” Jessie responded. 
“Next pocket.” James said to himself, going for the right pocket.
“HURRYHYHYHY!” Ash yelled. 
“I am, I am!” James grasped onto something and pulled them out. “More empty pokéballs?” He asked, looking at them.
“WHAHAT do you thihihink?!” Ash’s laughter calmed down somewhat. 
“Alright, so I was right.” James said. “He has no Pokémon on him.” James told him. 
“Ihihihi tohold yohohou, thehey’re at the pokémohohon cehehenter.” Ash told them. 
A grumble could be heard from Ash’s middle as an annoyed Meowth crawled out from Ash’s shirt. “Well that was pointless.” Meowth muttered aloud. 
“I don’t know…” James scratched Ash’s side. “This was actually kinda fun.” James admitted. 
Ash bursted out in a more bubbly, giggly kind of laughter this time. “Fohohor yohohou…” Ash muttered. 
“Come on, Ash…you’re not enjoying this even a little bit?” James asked. 
“Whahahat pahart?” Ash asked, kicking his feet as he curled into the fetal position. 
“The tickling.” James replied. “I imagine you wouldn’t enjoy us searching through your bag…” James joked. 
“Truhuhuhue…” Ash muttered. 
“Boop, boop boop!” James started poking his side a couple times. “Boop boop boop-” James poked his finger deeper into Ash’s side as he let out a long, high-pitched “Booooooop!” 
Ash squeaked and rolled over to cover up his side. “Stahahap…” He mumbled. 
“Alright. I’m done now.” James told him, showing Ash his slightly raised hand as he got up onto his feet. 
“Doho…” Ash wiped off his stuff and sat up. “Do you believe me now?” He asked. 
“Yeah…” Meowth muttered. 
“Unfortunately…” Jessie mumbled. 
“Don’t rope me into this! I believed you the whole time.” James told him. 
“Okay, good.” Ash said as he put his pokéballs back into his pocket and got up onto his feet. “Am I free to go now?” He asked. 
Jessie huffed and looked away, visibly disappointed. Meowth looked annoyed as well. 
The only one to speak up, was James. “Yup, you’re free to go.” James picked up a pokéball Ash had missed, and handed it to him. “Here.” He said. 
Ash took it. “Thanks.” Ash started to walk towards the darkness. “See you around.” Ash told them. 
James lifted his finger up, ready to say something. “Do you-” But James slowly lowered his hand when the boy disappeared in the darkness. “Okay…” James looked up at Jessie. “That,” James circled his hand to emphasize the whole scene. “-was all uncalled for.” He told her. 
“Oh please…that was nothing compared to what he does to us.” Jessie reminded him. 
“She has a point.” Meowth added. 
“It should’ve been clear from the moment he showed up without Pikachu, that he had no Pokémon on him.” James mentioned. 
“You’re just too soft on him.” Meowth yelled. 
“Hey guys?” Someone said from the shadows. 
James looked towards the darkness. “Yeah?” 
The familiar voice from the shadows quickly revealed himself in the light again. It was Ash, and he looked nervous. “I don’t know how to get out of here…” He admitted. “Can you show me the way out?” 
Jessie’s eyes softened slightly. As much as she hated the kid, she could also understand how scary it can be to walk in the darkness…especially alone. 
“Sure!” James walked up to Ash, turning to look at Jessie. “Can you come with us? We could really use your Woobat.” James asked her. 
Jessie looked at James for a few moments, before sighing and pulling out her Pokéball. “Sure.” Jessie threw the Pokéball, and watched as the Woobat launched out of it. “Show us the way, Woobat.” Jessie ordered. “Meowth, stay back.” Jessie told him. 
“Wait, what?!” Meowth yelled. “But I wanna-” He stopped when he felt a paw against his chest. It was Bewear…and it was trying to stop Meowth from following his friends. “Awww…” Meowth muttered. 
Woobat had gone in front of the group, and was using its usual ultrasonic waves to navigate the cave. With Jessie and James accompanying him and the Woobat navigating the cave, Ash no longer felt as scared. And his fear had completely dwindled when he saw the light peering in from outside. 
When the trio reached the exit, Ash smiled and held his backpack. “Alright.” Ash turned to the Team Rocket duo. “Thanks for the help!” Ash called. 
“No problem, Ash!” James replied, waving him off. 
Jessie had rolled her eyes, but smiled and shook her head as she crossed her arms. “You’re such a softy.” Jessie mumbled. 
“Yeah well, you’re no better.” James muttered back. 
A small laugh could be heard from Jessie from inside the cave. 
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xflippinfrogx · 1 year
Birthday Traditions
A/N~ This is a gift to my favourite idiot, @theatre-enthusiast HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASH<3 Hope you like it!!!! Love ya 💕💕 ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ FANDOM: Marauders
✨Just wanna say that this is based in an au where Sirius and Regulus escape to the potters together, just to make things easier for myself lol✨
LEE: Regulus
LER: Sirius ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
Regulus, covered his mouth in attempt to muffle his panting. Why did Sirius have to be such a pain??
Ok, so that was a lie. Regulus was just extremely nervous excited for what was about to happen to him. See back when they were kids they had this tradition, every year on little Reggie’s birthday Sirius would play his favourite game. What game you might ask?
Sirius liked to call it “Tickle Monster” and the rules were that he was allowed to tickle Regulus for as many minutes as whatever age it was he turned. As the two got older the game stopped. Their parents were never fond of the supposed ruckus it caused and after a while Regulus decided to agree with them, only seeking their approval. Though he truly loved their little game, he asked Sirius to stop. He was ten the first year their game was left unplayed and it was the worst birthday he ever had. He cried a lot that night but he never told Sirius. After all it was childish to want something like that.. right? That was sort of the reason he was hiding from it now, not because he didn’t enjoy it but because of his pride.
He was 14 this year so obviously he was much too grown up for his brothers foolishness.. He definitely wasn’t secretly hoping his brother would find him. Nope. No way..
He was hidden in one of the guest bedrooms behind the wardrobe. Luckily James and his parents were out shopping for dinner, he was rather glad of that because it meant they wouldn’t see this embarrassing situation he was excited to spend some time with Sirius and get W R E C K E D. He doubted that his hiding spot was all that great and it wouldn’t be long until he was found but that was all part of the fun. It always played out in a similar way. Regulus would run and hide and Sirius would ALWAYS have “trouble” finding him, building up the anticipation. After a few minutes the door creaked open and in stepped Sirius, who for once in his life was being quiet. He crept in and slowly began to search the room talking lowly to Regulus, though he couldn’t see him yet. “Reggg.. c’mon we both know what’s going to happen here.” A foot sticking slightly out from the corner caught his eye and he inched closer. “You run, I catch you and tickle you silly so why don’t we just skip the hard part eh?” Regulus had to hold his breath trying to stay as silent as he could manage with the threat of tickling mere steps away from him. “Huh.. guess you’re not in here then.” Sirius smirked as he sauntered out of the room shutting the door behind him.
Regulus exhaled deeply as he formed a plan. If Sirius had come from the stairs he was probably going to check his room next. If he was quick enough he could make it downstairs and find a better spot..
He slid out from behind the wardrobe and bolted for the door silently turning the knob. No sooner was the door open Sirius lunged forward, grabbed Regulus and threw him over his shoulder. Regulus pounded his fists on his back but Sirius had always been stronger so there was no getting out of this.. not that he actually wanted too-
Sirius set him down on the bed pinning his arms beneath his knees so he had both of his hands to work with. “Now Regulus Arcturus Black, you have turned what age this year?” Sirius asked in a playfully formal tone. “Fohourteen,” he couldn’t help but giggle at his brothers ridiculousness.
“I see, now you already know the rules but we haven’t played in a while so let’s go over them, shall we?” He questioned, unrolling a pretend scroll.
“Rule one, NO SLAPPING, BITING, KICKING, PUNCHING OR HARMING OF THE TICKLE MONSTER!! Feel like that one needs to be drilled into your head.” He accentuated his words by placing fingers on his brothers temples and massaging gently. “Alrihight alright I gehet it!” Regulus wasn’t even holding back anymore. The whole situation was just so silly. “Rule two, I get to tickle you for fourteen minutes bla bla bla you know the rest.” He threw the non existent scroll away and pretended to think for a moment. “I think we’ll start right here and work our way up, what do you think birthday boy?” He asked squeezing the tops of his thighs. Regulus wasn’t able to speak, even if he could he would have no words so he just nodded weakly. And so, Sirius started the timer with his wand and the game commenced. Regulus had forgotten how ticklish he was and hadn’t expected to lose it this early in the game. Sirius hadn’t even been going thirty seconds and he was in fits laughing. Sirius of course knew that he could do better than that and moved to his waist. Regulus spasmed and bucked his hips cackling as Sirius kneeled his thumbs into the soft fleshy parts of his hips. Suddenly Sirius decided to switch spots to mix things up a little. He skipped sides because he didn’t want giggles he wanted to hear some real belly laughter. So that’s exactly where he went. He poked his brothers stomach sporadically and Regulus s c r e a m e d. “AHHHAAHHAHA SIRIUHUHUS NAHAHAHAHA!!!” “Meherlin Reg the neighbours will think I’m killing you!!” He laughed alongside his now frantic little brother. Regulus thrashed and squealed as Sirius tortured his stomach, fingers slipping back to his hips every so often. He alternated between different spots for the next few minutes wanting to get every where before his time ran out. Soon enough he was down to 60 seconds. “You know what that means don’t you little brother?” Sirius smiled menacingly as he pulled his shirt up slightly. “Sihiriuhus wahahait you dohont have to do thihis!!” Regulus shook his head and tried to shimmy his t-shirt back down. “Oh believe me Reggie, I do have too, it’s tradition after all.” With that he took in an enormous breath and blew the sloppiest raspberry on his brother’s stomach. Regulus had been laughing before but this was his tipping point. His laughter bellowed through the house and didn’t even stop when Sirius pulled away to take in another breath. Sirius, though he could be a menace, stuck to his word. The timer went off and he stopped, helping Regulus up. He laughed at how his hair stuck up from his thrashing but soon helped him fix it. They heard the key turn in the door and the Potters made their way inside, with James yelling for the two to come and look what they had bought. “Happy birthday Regulus.” He smiled punching his brothers arm lightly. He turned for the door but before he could leave Regulus stepped forward and hugged him.
“Thank you sirius.. for all of this.” He smiled up at him. He was so glad things were back to how they used to be. “No problem Reggie, now cmon let’s go help before James loses the plot!”
The two brothers spent the rest of the night with their new family and Regulus couldn’t have asked for a more perfect birthday.
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rose-milkteaa · 5 months
Curing A Girl’s Boredom
Summary - Elijah and Yin are, of course, having their 5th hang out of the day. When getting home from the park, they’re bored out of their minds. Yin apparently came up with something so stupid but hilarious at the same time. Maybe that could cure their boredom!
A/N: This was in my drafts for over a year… I’m sorry if the ending seems rushed, I wanted to get it out of my drafts 😭
Lee/Ler/Switch - Lee!Elijah, Ler!Yin
“Eli..!!” Yin whined as she shook the dog back and forth. “I’m bored..! Entertain me!!” She pouted as she flopped back onto the couch next to her friend. The human looked up at the dog. “The hell do you want me to do?” Elijah asked as he looked down at the girl next to him.
“Entertain me.” Yin pouted as she looked up at the golden retriever who was staring down at her.
“By… What exactly?” Elijah asked, chuckling softly as he sat down next to his friend. “You need to be specific, Yasmin.”
The raven haired girl looked at everything other than the blonde next to her. “Uhm.. ..I don’t know..-”
Elijah chuckled, his tail flicking out of amusement. “Tell me when you have an idea on what to do, alright?” The golden retriever said as he leaned back onto the couch, looking away from Yin.
Yin pouted. She didn’t like it when she didn’t get her way. The human girl looked at Elijah, who apparently wasn’t paying attention to her at all. Yin stared at Elijah for a bit before an idea came into her head.
Yin smiled a bit mischievously as she sat up a bit, looking straight at Elijah. “Eli, I got an idea.”
The blonde turned to Yin, an eyebrow raised in confusion. “Huh? What’s the idea?”
Yin giggled mischievously, moving over to the golden retriever, grabbing onto his sides. Elijah jolted and squeaked, grabbing onto Yin’s hands that were on his sides.
“The game is simple!” Yin stated with a smile. She re-adjusted her hands so they were holding onto his sides, the blonde squealing in response.
“Don’t laugh.” Yin responded, tackling the poor dog down onto the couch cushions, immediately squeezing up and down his sides.
Elijah squealed, immediately covering his mouth as muffled giggles escaped from him. His tail wagged furiously behind him as he continued giggling hysterically, his hands blocking out the sound.
“Y-Yahahasmin! Stohohop!” Elijah squeaked, giggling uncontrollably as he grabbed at Yin’s hands.
“Goodness.. I’m barely doing anything, Elijah! Also, the games rules is not to laugh! You’re giggling!” Yin pouted as she began scratching at his stomach gently. “Tickle tickle, Eli~.”
“NOHOHOHOHO! YIHIHIN, NOHOT THEHERE!” Elijah shrieked as he began kicking his legs and laughing hysterically as he tried to push her hand away, unfortunately causing Yin to grab his arms and pin them above his head.
“Awww.. is the poor little pup too ticklish for his own good~?” The raven haired girl teased as she giggled a bit at her friend’s helplessness. “You’re honestly so adorable, I think I’ll die from it.”
The blonde squealed as he laughed uncontrollably loud as he tried desperately to move away from the girl, his tail wagging and his legs kicking furiously, though, he tried his hardest not to accidentally harm the girl from his kicking.
Yin giggled as she stopped the scratching at his stomach, her hand laying flat on the surface. “Look.. I’ll cut you a deal, okay?”
Elijah looked up at Yin, giggling softly. “W-Whahat?”
“I’ll give you 5 minutes. All you have to do is not laugh until then, and I’ll let you go.” Yin said as she tilted her head with a small smile.
Elijah groaned as he laid his head back on the armrest of the couch, pouting as he eventually looked back at Yin. “You know i cant last that long!”
Yin’s small smile soon turned into a smirk as she stared down at the golden retriever below her. “That’s true.. however, if you want me to stop, you’re gonna have to try! Surely you can’t be THAT sensitive.” Yin chuckled, looking down at the golden retriever. “Besides, we both know you like this.”
“I do not——!” Elijah started before getting interrupted.
“Anyway..” Yin interrupted, grabbing at Elijah’s sides, making the other squeal quietly. “Wahatch Ihit!” The golden retriever giggled hysterically, his tail wagging behind him.
“I barely did anything.” Yin giggled, her hands still placed on his sides. “Besides.. you’ll be really laughing in just a minute.” The girl smirked before grabbing his arms and pinning them above his head.
Elijah squeaked before quickly trying to pull his arms down. “D-dohon’t you dare.. Yasmin..” *He muttered before shrieking, bursting into hysterical laughter. “YAHAHASMIN!” The golden retriever squealed once Yin started scratching at his stomach, watching as his tail wagged furiously behind him. “STAHAHAHAP!!”
“Goodness, you really want this if you’re laughing already. It’s only been 10 seconds in of the 5 minutes I gave you.” Yin chuckled, continuing to scratch at his stomach.
“Oh well… more tickles for you!” The girl giggled, gently squeezing at his hips.
“IHIHI HAHATE YOHOU!” Elijah shrieked, kicking his legs furiously. “No you don’t, you’re much stronger than I am, you can easily get me off you.” Yin pointed out with a small smirk. “You and I both know you like this.”
“FUHUHUCK OHOHOFF! IHI DOHO NOHOT!” Elijah protested, his laughter getting much louder the more Yin put more pressure on his hips. “LEHEHET MEHE GOHO!”
The ravenette giggled as she looked down at her golden retriever friend. “I’ll let you go… eventually. It’s curing my boredom at least, and it’s giving me and you entertainment.”
“No you’re not. You’re breathing, aren’t you?”
“I know that! But if you’re breathing, you’re not dying. You’re just way more sensitive than I remembered.” Yin smiled a bit as she stared down at Elijah. “Besides, you like it. Look at how much your tail is wagging.”
“IHIHIT’S AHA TRAHAITOR!” Elijah let out a giggly whine, his tail wagging much faster.
Yin giggled softly as she let go of Elijah’s arms, gently drilling her thumbs into his hips, the golden retriever screaming before falling back into loud laughter.
There was a lot of laughter that day. Not that Yin and Elijah minded. At least they cured their boredom and had fun together! That’s all that matters.
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fluffy-lovely-clouds · 10 months
reee hiii uh throws this at you then runs away in embarrassment JAHDJFHFH
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I heart themmm <33 one of my friends gave me this idea actually,,
(also dunno if I have to clarify.but this is platonic ahaudhfh)
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
I've been thinking... lot of yall have to see Banana fish... its like the most traumatising and beautiful anime of all time
Plus, I feel so much for Ash... meanwhile, Eji is an adorable ball of sunshine. The two built a nice relationship, so smooth and wonderful. I fell in love.
So, warning spoilers alert unless you watched the whole anime series.
Enjoy 😉 I wanna write lee ash cuz he deserves it! That little cute bastard!
A Lynx's weakness unveiled?
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His fingers were typing on the keyboard very swiftly. It was like he was a natural piano player. Eji sat from the bed behind, looking at Ash's weary state. It's clear how he's gotten serious about banana fish, especially when Shorter just...
Closing his eyes, Eji shook such unfavourable thoughts from his mind. He turned to Ash now, deciding to change the topic, but Ash beat him to it. "Oni-chan, you've been staring at me for some time now"
Startled by this, Eji sputtered "I-I wasn't... your too stressed recently so I was concerned"
Ash turned with a smile, suddenly hiding the tension in his face "I'm alright, Oni-chan"
Huffing, Eji realised he shouldn't take the Lynx so lightly. "Gosh, I worry for you, and yet you don't open up to me"
Then Ash got up to stretch to the side. This made Eji curious... he moved to his back, latching to his waist. "You have a strong build, but your waist is so small"
Ash was suddenly shocked by this touch and jolted violently to the side looking at Eji with a surprised expression.
"Whoa...? Are you alright... I didn't hurt you or anything...?"
Ash blushed, looking to the side. "You startled me... so... yeah."
Eji suspiciously knitted his eyebrows, he noticed Ash was embarrassed about something and couldn't help poke him on the stomach.
"O-oi! What did I just...?"
"Ohhh, I see," Eji said brightly. "Your ticklish"
"I'm not... you just -"
"Don't lie, little Lynx" Eji wiggled his fingers bow chasing after Ash who was too unprepared for something like this. He was knocked over by Eji's figure above him now feeling fingers at his sides.
"G-gah! EJI!" Ash yelped and started to squirm under the touch, holding his breath, and Eji was mesmerised."The great Ash Lynx, most wanted man in town, is ridiculously ticklish?"
Eji laughed when Ash let out a stream of threatening giggles. "Yohohou ahahahasshohole! Gehehet ohohoff mehehe!"
"Oh did the kitten just giggle?"
"Noho! I'm nohot tihihicklish!"
"No...? Are you sure~?"
Ash stiffened when Eji stopped by his upper ribs, then felt them crawl up his armpits, which he glued his arms to his sides.
"Mind if I investigate this weakness?"
Ash protested, but they were only shrieks of giggles and laughter uncontrolled. His legs kicked in the air, but he didn't want to hurt Eji. He wanted to shove him and attack him back, but Ash was too weak to tickling. He felt himself too vulnerable to even open his weak spots.
Eji was surprised when Ash almost screamed when his neck was attacked. Eji smirked "This is for all those times you acted like brat!"
He wailed like a child from submission, and Ash was finally released from Eji's wrath.
"Remember Ash, don't mess with your Oni-chan" he winked now helping Ash to the bed who panted and huffed out exhausted moans, his giggles died down a little "Yohour evil big brother"
"Aren't I the best tickle monster..? My kid sister is like you, so cute..."
Ash blushed now, more from the tickling and that comment.
The door opened and Ash noticed Kong and Bones by the door, with a nervous smile "Boss the... um..."
Ash groaned. "Don't tell me they saw..."
Kong said, assuring "But b-boss had a cute laugh!"
Ash growled again like a leopard "Yeah but I won't be when I get my revenge on all of y-ah!"
Ash jumped when Eji poked his side. He blew his finger as if it were a gun. "My glock can defeat Ash Lynx so don't worry"
Ash rolled his eyes but amused "Whatever... let's go and discuss, I got things to tell you all"
Meetings began, and along with that, Ash planned his revenge on Eji and the rest.
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breadreads00 · 2 years
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beehivemind200 · 1 year
So I was in a lovely little ler mood a few moments ago and I came up with this while teasing a dear friend of mine
Context: they said they would run and hide
Well, I'll find you eventually I'll make sure to say lovely soft teases just to see what would happen. Would you squeak or giggle? Try to run so you can't hear. Or will you imagine it forgetting where you are? Forgetting that you are trying to get away and just let the phantom tickles have its fun? I get you'd try your hardest not to laugh but you will slowly give yourself away hun. And when you do we both know that I would have gotten the jackpot. That lovely symphony we call your laughter~
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
Day 30 - Flinch - @/august-anon
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spoopy day.
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wilbyscoot · 2 years
knocks on ur blog. hear me out, ler wilbur lee lovejoy. man's is simply in a ler mood, being silly and playing up a big scary tkl monster persona, chasing his friends around - 🦐
they'd be hanging out together peacefully and then wilbur walks in through the door with a wide mischievous grin and raises his hands into a claw
the rest of the band members freeze upon seeing him, they know what's about to happen and immediately get up and RUN
wilbur is an absolute menace of a tickle monster and i'm all in for it!
sometimes they would end up playing a game of chase or hide and seek, and every time wilbur would hide behind a wall or a door and wait for someone to go through, it gets them nervous and all giggly, hoping the tickle monster wasn't waiting for them on the other side
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trashyswitch · 10 months
The Long Trek Back Home
Ash Ketchum has finally become a pokémon master! On his way home, Ash meets up with his friends who have walked alongside him during his journey. Follow alongside Ash as he reunites with all his friends, old and new!
This fanfic was suggested by @nico-ticklegoddess12. I knew this fanfic would end up being super long, due to needing to include moments with every group Ash had over the last 27 years. But this fanfic came in at 13 pages. But boy, was it worth it. I had so much researching to do and clips to watch, and lastly: I made sure a pokémon fanatic read over the fanfic for inaccuracies before I was ready to upload! Oh! And one more thing...I tracked down the map of where Ash went on his journey originally, and I came up with a slightly different journey back to Pallet Town for Ash, that would logically and geographically, make more sense. Here's the maps I used.
So without furtherado, I hope you enjoy!
Ash had finally done it. He had finally become the very best like no one ever was: A pokémon master. He had started his trip back to Pallet town, and spent his time saying bye to all the friends he had made over the years. On his way back, many of his friends through the years had offered to accompany him as he reversed his tracks. First was Goh. 
They had traveled across Galar, visiting different towns and cities for a while, catching up on all they’ve seen and done together. 
“Remember when you caught a pokéball for the first time, and didn’t even realize it?” Ash asked. 
“Yup, I remember it vividly. It was my Scorbunny.” Goh replied. 
“Oh my gosh, your face when it was added to your pokédex!” Ash reacted, laughing. 
“And the time your chair leg broke and fell to the ground?” Goh added with a laugh. “Even YOU were laughing!” He added, poking his side. 
Ash laughed. “And the time you grabbed my pants when you fell? I was scared they were gonna fall down!” Ash added, poking his side back. 
“Hehey! Watch it, clumsy!” Goh reacted, poking him back. 
Ash laughed and poked him back. “Poke fight!” Ash declared before poking him double time. 
Goh laughed and poked him back, now going for the sides and ribs as well as the arms. “Tahahake thahat!” He said, poking Ash’s belly. 
Ash doubled over and hugged his sides, letting out a long burst of laughter. 
Goh laughed alongside him and patted his shoulder. “You’re so ticklish! It’s so funny!” Goh reacted. 
“Ihihi know.” Ash admitted. 
“Honestly, you two…” Chloe teased with a smile. 
Goh turned to Chloe and scratched the back of his head. “Sorry, Chloe.” 
Chloe smirked and picked up Goh. “Sorry doesn’t change how ticklish YOU are.” She exclaimed as she danced her fingers all over his ribs. “NaAAHAHAHA! CHLOE WAHAHAIT! NOHOHO FAHAIR!” Goh laughed. Ash just smiled as he watched the goofballs play with each other. 
When they got to Kalos, Ash, Goh and Chloe split up. There, Ash would come across Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie again. “Need a lift?” Clemont asked. 
Ash and the group walked through Kalos, visiting places they had been before, and reminiscing about their journey together. 
“Remember Clemont’s pokébot?!” Ash asked excitedly. 
Serena and Bonnie groaned in slight annoyance while Clemont smiled eagerly. 
“Don’t you mean my ‘Automatic Pikachu Retrieval Device’?” Clemont clarified. 
“Pokébot sounds better.” Bonnie admitted. 
Clemont yelped and shot a glare at her. “And why is that?!” Clemont asked. 
Bonnie smirked. “Because it’s shorter and makes more sense.” She replied proudly. 
Clemont narrowed his eyes at her. “Take that back.” He ordered. 
“Or what?” She teased back. 
“Or else…” He smirked and wiggled his fingers at her. “A certain childhood monster is gonna reappear.” He warned. 
Bonnie’s sly look quickly turned into nervousness. “H-Huh?!” She reacted, before taking off running. “W-Wait! Not that! Anything but that!” She begged. 
“You asked for it. Therefore, you’re getting it.” Clemont declared proudly, chasing after her. 
Bonnie sprinted just about everywhere she could think of. She even whizzed around Ash and Serena a few times! Ash and Serena looked at each other, clearly confused. “Monster?” Ash asked. 
“What monster?” Serena asked next, not knowing either. 
“Only the most well-known monster to ever exist.” Clemont replied, still not helping them figure it out. 
Bonnie accidentally tripped on her feet mid-run, and flopped herself onto the grass. Her eyes were spinning spirals as she froze on the ground. “Bonnie! Are you okay?!” Clemont asked, worried. 
“I think so…” Bonnie replied. 
“Okay, good.” Clemont ran up and picked up his little sister, before squeezing and digging into her belly. “Cause THIS monster just captured the best prey in Kalos!” He declared, lifting her up and pretending to nibble on her belly. 
“eeeEEHEHEHEHE! HAHAHA NOHOHOHO!” She wiggled around and kicked her feet, unable to stop her brother from tickling her. 
“Oh…” Ash looked down, a gray shadow covering his eyes as he felt a tear drop down his forehead. “The tickle monster.” 
Serena was giggling at the silliness for a few minutes. 
When they reached Unova, Ash turned to look at his friends. “I loved hanging out again. We should do it again sometime!” Ash declared. He gave Clemont and Bonnie a hug. “Bye Bonnie. Bye Clemont. Good luck with your inventions!” He said, patting his back before stopping in front of Serena. “And Serena…” Ash chuckled and looked down. “Do you…really like me that way?” He asked her awkwardly. Serena smirked and leaned in, giving Ash a kiss on the lips. Ash hummed with slight surprise at first, before leaning into it and wrapping his arms around her. Clemont had to cover up Bonnie’s innocent eyeballs to save her the pain of seeing such things. Serena opened her eyes and broke the kiss, before staring lovingly into Ash’s brown eyes with a giddy little smirk. “Does that answer your question?” She asked. Ash smiled as a blush formed on his face. 
“Is it over?” Clemont asked, clearly scarred for life. 
With that determined, Ash took his leave. And waiting for him nearby, was Iris and Cilan. 
“Ash smiled excitedly as he saw Cilan. “Hey! I didn’t know you’d be here!” Ash reacted, high-fiving him. 
“Iris invited me to stop by when I found out about the news.” He reacted. “Besides…I got to take the Subway again!” He declared excitedly. 
Ash sighed and looked at Iris. “You lured him here on purpose…didn’t you?” Ash asked. 
“Come on, Ash. It’ll be like old times! At least for a few hours.” Iris told him. 
Ash chuckled. “Fine.” He replied, amused. 
They took off walking through the city and outside of the area, visiting Decalore on their way to Alola. They had a map this time, which meant they knew some shortcuts to where they wanted to go this time around. The group felt more confident with this map. Why he didn’t have the map out the first time he traveled, was beyond him. “I’ve never been to Alola before. It sounds beautiful.” Cilan admitted. 
“I think you’ll love it!” Ash declared, throwing his fist into the air. “It’s warm and it’s split into 4 different islands.One of them has a volcano on it!” Ash told him. 
“Oh! Which one has the volcano on it?” Cilan asked. 
Ash pointed to it. “The middle one on the left. It’s giant.” Ash admitted. 
“Okay. Noted. Let’s NOT go to the middle island on the left.” Cilan declared. 
Ash turned to Cilan. “...Seriously?” Ash asked. 
Iris raised an eyebrow. “The volcano is likely dormant.” Iris told them. 
“But that’s the thing: They make you THINK they’re dormant…And then…” Cilan grabbed Iris’s shoulders. “They become active and destroy everything in its path!” Cilan reacted, throwing his arms around. “All that work…for nothing!” Cilan reacted, cupping his own cheeks in distress. 
Iris chuckled and poked his side. “You’re so dramatic.” She teased. 
Cilan jumped and moved away from Iris. 
Ash saw that, and smirked. “Yeah, come on Cilan.” Ash walked up and poked his side as well. “Relax.” He teased. 
Cilan pushed their hands away. “Don’t tickle me.” He ordered softly, quickening his pace. 
“Cilan you’re-” Ash scrunched up his face as he heard Cilan yelp and flop onto the dirt. 
Iris doubled over and pointed at him, laughing her head off. 
“Gonna fall over…” Ash muttered to himself with a sigh. 
Cilan groaned and attempted to get himself up. “Thanks Ash…” He muttered, dusting himself off. “Stupid rock.” Cilan muttered, looking at the big, wide rock that took up the road. 
When they made it to Alola, they ended up heading to the very island that Cilan didn’t want to go on. And though Cilan wasn’t pleased, he did have to admit: The island is gorgeous! And the flowers! The pokémon! It’s a wonderful place to explore! 
Ash wished Cilan and Iris farewell, before going to meet up with his friends from this region. 
Lana, Kiawe, Lillie, Sophocles and Mallow were all waiting for him to arrive in Hau’oli City. When he showed up, all his friends cheered and sprinted up to him. 
“Hi guys!” Ash reacted excitedly at first. Though all of his excitement quickly diminished when he realized how close they were getting to him. Ash went from chuckling eagerly, to shouting in horror in a matter of seconds. 
He felt as the group practically doggy-piled him to the ground, making a big puff of dust in the air. The group all got off of Ash, and surrounded him from above. 
“On 3!” Mallow declared. 
“1!” They all said at the same time. 
Ash tilted his head, confused. 
“2!” They all counted, kneeling down. 
Ash registered their hand signals, and grew tense. “W-WAIT!” 
“3!” They all started tickling Ash everywhere they could reach. The armpits, the sides, the belly, the feet, the neck, 10 hands on multiple different ticklish spots. 
“BAHAHAhahaha! Guhuhuhuys!” He yelled. 
“Welcome back tickle attack!” They all declared. 
“Nihihice to sehehehee yohohou toohohohoo!” Ash replied. 
They stopped tickling and Lillie offered him a hand. “Help up?” She asked. 
Ash smiled and took her hand. He got up onto his feet and got patted on the shoulders and hat while being nudged and poked. Meanwhile, someone else had walked up and offered him a fistbump. “You alright, Ash?” The person asked. 
Ash smiled and fistbumped him. “Yeah! I feel great!” He replied. 
“Glad to have you back home, Ash.” He bent down to pick up something. “And congratulations on your win!” Professor Kokui reacted, offering him his hat back. 
Ash lit up upon looking at it, and felt his own head. “W-Wha?!” He reacted for a moment, before chuckling awkwardly. “I-I guess it came off.” Ash admitted as he took the hat and put it on his head. “And thanks! It’s still hard to think after all that. So much has happened today.” Ash admitted. 
“I imagine it is.” Kukui replied. 
Lillie gasped and started clapping her hands. “Do you want to stay for a while?” She asked. Ash was taken aback. “R-Really?” Ash reacted. 
Mallow squealed. “Yeah, stay! At least until you get back on your feet?” She asked next. 
Professor Kukui smiled brightly. “I would be more than happy to provide you with food and a bed!” He replied. “I could even make you some taco rice!” Kukui offered. 
Ash gasped and grew starry-eyed. “That would be awesome!” He reacted. 
The group went to the training school and spent some time together. While Professor Kukui was making Ash some food, the kids were all chatting up a storm in the living room! Burnet got to chat with the kids for a bit before helping her husband cook, while Lillie got a chance to snuggle with Pikachu for a while! Kiawe got to listen to all of Ash’s fighting strategies while out in the arena, while Mallow talked Ash’s ear off while he was doing his laundry. It was nice to be back in Alola for the day. It gave Ash a chance to decompress and really come to terms with what it really meant to be the world champion. The team reassured him that despite the sudden status change, Ash will always be one of the students in the Alola Training School. 
When Ash finished eating, he packed up his clothes from the dryer and said a final farewell to his friends. Though, this farewell felt a bit harder than the rest. He didn’t really want to go yet. But…he knew that if he stayed for a bit longer, he would likely stay forever. So, he took his chance and struck out on his own again. 
He walked through Alola on his own, and walked himself back to the bridge connecting Alola to Hoenn. He took his time walking the bridge, wishing all 4 of the Alola islands good luck before walking the bridge to Hoenn. He followed the bridge into the little city, and gasped when he saw Max and May. 
“Ash!” May reacted, hugging him tightly. 
“Hi May!” Ash reacted, hugging her back. 
“Hi Ash!” Max yelled, hugging him too. 
Ash let go of May and hugged him back, before giving him a fistbump. “Hey Max!” Ash reacted. 
“Well look who it is…” Someone nearby said. 
Ash looked up, and smiled brightly when he saw him…Brock…one his most loyal travel buddies. “Hi Brock!” Ash reacted, fistbumping his fist. 
“Hey Ash. Not bad out there. Not bad at all!” Brock said, slapping the bill of Ash’s hat. Ash laughed and adjusted his hat, before poking Brock a few times in the sides and ribs. This made Brock laugh and back up. “Ihi was visiting Hoenn for a bit, and wanted to walk with you to Sinnoh when you’re ready.” Brock admitted. 
“Alright. But I wanna visit first! I’ve been traveling around to all the regions I’ve visited!” Ash declared, fistbumping the air in front of him. “I’ve seen so many friends all at once…It’s getting a little tiring.” Ash admitted. 
Brock laughed. “I can only imagine.”
“Find any cute girls while I was gone?” Ash asked. 
Brock laughed. “Yeah! Lots of cute girls!” Brock admitted. 
Ash laughed and grew teasy. “You gonna marry any of them yet?” Ash teased with a poke. 
Brock jumped and chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head as a tear of sweat fell down his forehead. “W-Well…” He muttered, unsure what to reply. “Come on, Brock. What about Nurse Joy?” Ash asked. 
Brock widened his eyes and looked at Ash as he dropped his jaw. “Wha- Seriously?!” Brock reacted. 
“Which one?” May asked with a giggle. 
“Y-Yeah! That too! There’s so many Nurse Joys’, I-I don’t know which one to pick!” Brock admitted. 
Ash laughed and nudged him a bit. 
Brock narrowed his already-narrow eyes at Ash, sending Ash a little warning look. 
“Uh oh…” Max reacted, whispering something to his sister as they walked. 
Ash looked over at Brock, and quickly noticed his look. “Oh…Uh…” Ash took off running down the road. “YOU’LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!” Ash shouted as he sprinted away. 
Brock took off running after him, starting up a chase scene around the town. Max giggled and looked up at May. “Can I run around too?” Max asked. 
May sighed in slight annoyance, but let him do what he wanted. “Sure. Go ahead.” She replied. 
Max took off running the moment he was given permission, and began moving between chasing Brock and chasing Ash. “WHAT SIDE ARE YOU ON?!” Ash asked. 
“IT’S EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!” Brock yelled before starting to chase Max. 
Max screeched and tried to run as fast as he could, screaming and yelling helplessly. 
Eventually though, Ash came to save the little boy by picking up Max and carrying him away while sprinting farther away from Brock. Ash made a few turns through the buildings while he figured out a safe area to land. When he felt they were far enough away, Ash put Max down behind a tree in the park, and fluffed his black hair a bit before taking off again. “There ya go.” Ash said. “Thanks Ash!” Max yelled, giggling and watching as Ash kept going forward through the buildings. But…Max’s confidence quickly dwindled the moment he heard a coin drop from the other side of the tree. He turned around and looked around. “Who’s there?!” Max yelled. 
But a dark shadow was moving closer from right behind him…
“Boo!” Brock picked up Max and playfully tickled his sides. “Kitchy kitchy kitchy koo!” 
Max squealed and wiggled around in his grasp, occasionally squeaking in between his newfound laughter. “eEEEK! NAHAhahaha! EEK! B-Brahahahack! EEHEE! HEHEHEEEK!” Max laughed. 
Brock laughed almost evilly as he walked Max back to May again. “Here. Free brother.” Brock said, handing Max over to May like he was a toddler. 
“Hey!” Max complained, crossing his arms, visibly annoyed. 
May laughed and took Max back, putting him down and letting him walk beside her. 
Brock eventually caught Ash and tickled him the entire time he walked back to the main path where May and Max were. May and Max giggled as Ash’s laughter told them roughly how much closer they were getting back to them. 
Eventually, Ash would hug Max and May and wish them well, before taking off with Brock to travel over to Sinnoh. Brock had been his traveling buddy back in Sinnoh as well. So it made sense that Brock wanted to visit Sinnoh again. 
It took a few days of catching up and overcoming the wilderness together, for them to finally make it to Sinnoh. Brock and Ash eventually found Dawn hanging out in Twinleaf Town at her house. 
“Brock! ASH!” Dawn reacted, pulling Ash into a hug. “I missed you so much!” She told him. 
Ash hugged her back. “I missed you too.” He admitted. “How’s Aipom doing?” Ash asked. 
“Well…O told me he’s doing really well.” Dawn admitted. “I miss him sometimes though…” She admitted. 
Ash nodded. “I do too.” Ash admitted. “But…Look who’s still here!” Ash brought out his pokéball and let out one of his pokémon. The Pokémon leaped around and let out an excited “Buizel!” as he jumped into Dawn’s arms. 
“BUIZEL!” She reacted, hugging Buizel as tightly as she could without hurting him. Buizel started shoving his nose into her neck. “Hehehehe! Ihihi mihissed you too, Buizel.” She admitted. “Noho need to worry! I’m okay.” Dawn replied. 
Ash and Brock looked at each other with slight nervousness. Whenever Dawn says ‘No need to worry’...That usually makes everyone around her worry even more for her. But…they know Dawn never means to make them worry. They know what she’s capable of doing on her own. She spent at least a year with them just proving this. So, they let her have this moment of happiness. 
Ash walked up and took Buizel back for a moment. “Hold on…” Ash put Buizel onto his shoulder before grabbing out treats for Buizel. “There. Here:” Ash gave her a few treats. “Hide these in your pockets.” Ash told her. 
“Uh…Okay. Why?” She asked, putting them into her pockets.
“Because there’s a trick I taught him that I want to show you.” Ash admitted. For a second, Ash had noticed she had put a treat into her vest pocket. “Are…you sure you want that there?” Ash asked. 
Dawn smiled. “I’m sure! No need to worry.” She replied. Ash just smiled, knowing what was going to happen. 
When Dawn was ready, Ash tied a blindfold onto Buizel’s eyes. “Okay. Go!” Ash told him. Buizel hopped off of Ash’s shoulder and started navigating the world blindly with just his nose. He followed the smell of the treats, and crawled up to Dawn right away. It was evident he had done this before…because Buizel didn’t even need to touch Dawn in order to know where to climb. He just climbed up like it was no issue! 
Dawn was ecstatic to see how Buizel was doing this. But things took a funny turn when Buizel stuffed his nose into her vest pocket. Dawn squealed and doubled over, almost dropping Buizel in the process. “eeeEEHEHEEE! Hahahaha!” She laughed. 
Ash scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “I tried to warn you.” Ash admitted.
“Buihihizehel! Ihihit’s ticklyhyhyhyhy!” Dawn reacted, covering her mouth. Buizel eventually managed to get the treat out of her left pocket, before moving to her right pocket. “Buizel!” Dawn yelled, before fully succumbing to laughter as Buizel dug into the right pocket above her right side. “Buihihizehehel plehehehease!” She laughed. 
Ash chuckled as he watched. “Cool trick, huh?” Ash teased. 
Brock looked at Ash with a suspicious face. “You’d better not be pulling that trick on me anytime soon.” Brock warned. 
“Why? Because you tickled me earlier and I might want revenge?” Ash joked. 
“Well…Yeah.” Brock replied. “Unlike you, I grew up with many siblings who did that stuff for fun.” He mentioned. 
Ash looked at Brock with slight surprise at first, before lowering his head with a smirk. Lowering his head caused his hat bill to top down, which made a shadow form around his eyes. “Maybe I will…maybe I won’t.” Ash said as he snuck a couple treats into his right pocket as he walked by. 
Brock looked over at Ash from the other side of his shoulder, not noticing this sneak attack. “Wha- What’s that supposed to mean!?” Brock asked, growing visibly angry. “Am I gonna have to check my pockets every 5 minutes?!” He asked. 
Ash shook his head. “Nope. My treats are right here.” Ash reminded him. 
Buizel would quickly smell treats on Brock, but didn’t really strike until he was allowed. Though the poor thing was quite tempted to. But, Buizel was a good boy and waited. 
“So…which path gets us to Johto?” Ash asked. 
“I…think this one.” Brock pointed to the left path. 
“Okay. Let’s go!” Ash declared, saying the word on accident as he sprinted away. But Ash paused mid-run when he heard Brock’s sudden laughter. “Wahait up! You didn’t happen to add treats to Brock’s pocket, did you?” Dawn asked as she pointed to Buizel, who was digging his nose into Brock’s right pocket. 
Ash shrugged his shoulders with a little smirk. “Maaaaybe…”  Ash teased. 
Brock was kicking his feet, laughing as he tried to push Buizel off. “Hahaha- Buihihizel gehehet ohoff! Hahahaha!” 
Ash and Dawn laughed for a bit before he called Buizel off him. When Buizel got off, Ash fished out the lost treat from Brock’s pocket and gave it to Buizel. When Buizel was done, Ash and the gang walked themselves to a few shops to collect food for the upcoming trip the boys were going to take. They loaded up their backpacks, washed up their clothes, and fed their pokémon before continuing on. 
When they made it to the end of town, they opened their map and identified the road that led towards Johto. And as the day began to set, Ash and Brock gave Dawn a big goodbye hug and wished each other well as they went their separate ways. 
Ash and Brock hung out for the duration of their trip to Johto. They had campfires together, shared food, looked after their pokémon together, and further caught up with each other. Brock told Ash about his time in Pewter City, and what he had been doing up until that point. It was interesting hearing about Brock’s journey to becoming a pokémon doctor and all the experience he’s had developed while working. Though he had heard a lot of it before, Ash still enjoyed listening to him talk about his experiences. 
Ash told him about the friends he had made, about Goh and his mentorship towards him, and about his trip to become the pokémon master. He told him about how much Brock inspired him, and how much he had learned from Brock over the years. Even after all this time, Ash made sure that Brock knew he would always be one of his closest buddies. 
When they arrived in Johto, Ash and Brock traveled around the familiar place, remembering some of the landmarks that Ash hadn’t seen in ages. And though the boys took time to further appreciate the Johto region, Brock had begun wondering where Tracey could be. 
Ash tilted his head. “You don’t remember?” Ash asked. “He’s in Pallet town, helping Professor Oak.” Ash told him. 
“Right, right…I guess that’s true.” he replied. “Wanna go over to Kanto?” Brock asked him. 
Ash smiled and nodded his head. “Sure! Can’t wait!” He replied happily. Brock and Ash walked themselves over to Kanto, and made their way through Mount Silver, down the trails and over to Pallet town: Ash’s hometown. Ash stopped in front of Pallet town, overwhelmed with contentment. It had felt like a long time since he felt familiar with his surroundings. And though this journey was filled with nostalgic memories and friendship reunions…nothing really beats the feeling of home. 
Ash took a pitstop to Professor Oak’s lab, and chatted with Professor Oak for a while. “Congratulations on becoming world champion!” Professor Oak greeted. 
“Thanks Professor Oak!” Ash replied. 
“Ash! Is that you?!” Someone called behind him. Ash turned around, and was immediately bombarded by a hug. “ASH!” the person reacted, hugging him tightly. 
“Misty! Hi!” Ash reacted, hugging her back. 
“How have you been?!” She asked. 
“I’m great! I won the pokémon championship!” Ash declared excitedly. 
“Really? I had no idea. It’s not like it was playing on every TV, or anything…” Misty muttered in a sassy tone. 
Ash rolled his eyes. “Still as sassy as ever…” Ash muttered. 
“And you’re still the same moron I remember.” She added. 
Someone else was also staring at Ash from nearby. “Ash? Ash Ketchum?” He clarifies. 
“Yes! That’s right.” Professor Oak replied. 
Tracey put a tray of stuff onto the table and walked up, offering him a fistbump. “Glad to see you back.” He told him. 
“Tracey!” He bumped his fist. “Glad to finally be back.” Ash replied. 
He adjusted his lab coat and picked up Oak’s tray of things. 
“Have you seen your mother yet?” Oak asked Ash. 
Ash shook his head. “Not yet.” He replied. 
“She’s been awaiting your arrival for some time now.” He told him. “Don’t keep her waiting.” He warned. 
Ash nodded his head and looked at the group. “I guess I should see my mom now.” Ash told them. “Want us to walk you over?” Brock asked. 
“We can catch up on the way!” Misty added. 
“Sure! Tracey, you coming?” Ash asked. 
Tracey shook his head. “Sorry, Ash. I still have work to do. Wanna catch up later?” Tracey offered. 
“Yeah! That’d be great!” Ash replied. 
“Great! I’ll see you then.” He said, before disappearing behind the bookshelf. 
Ash walked with Misty and Brock out of Professor Oak’s laboratory, and walked towards the place Ash had always called home. He stared at the door for a moment, and took in a deep breath. 
“Okay…Here we go.” Ash knocked on the door and waited patiently for his mom to answer the door…
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scorittanius · 2 years
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