cringemesstickles · 1 year
Can I please have Cesar tickle Mark? If yes, then thanks a lot. I fucking miss those two, especially Mark...
Books And Boredom
Summary: Cesar is bored. What better way to entertain yourself than to bother your friend?
Pairings: None
A/N: here you go my friend! I had lots of fun writing this and I hope you enjoy. :)
Word Count: 457
“Mark, I’m bored.. pay attention to meee!” Cesar groaned with theatrical boredom, thoroughly irritating his friend who was trying to read.
“Okay? What do you want me to do about it?” Mark asked in an exasperated tone.
“You’re not a toddler, you can entertain yourself.”
With that, he focused his attention back on the text filled pages.
Cesar let out an obnoxious sigh before an idea hit him, making him grin mischievously.
He quickly sat up and snatched the book from Marks hands.
“Cesar, what the-” but before he could finish his sentence, Cesar tossed the book aside and jumped on Mark, pinning him to the couch and promptly scribbling his fingers all over his friends sides.
“Hehey! Stop thahahahat!!" he laughed and pushed at Cesar's hands, only fueling the shorter boy’s enthusiasm.
“Ha! This is what you get for ignoring me!” Cesar moved his hands towards Mark’s stomach, earning a loud guffaw.
“DUHUHUDE, I WAS REHEHEADING!” He yelled through his laughter as though his defense was reasonable in Cesar’s mischievous eyes when in reality, it was far from it.
“Oh I see.” Cesar briefly stopped, feigning hurt. “So books are more important than our friendship? Is that what you’re saying, Mark?”
Mark rolled his eyes while he tried to catch his breath.
“Man, you’re so dramatic.”
Cesar gasped and placed a hand over his heart.
“Dramatic?! Well, excuse me for valuing our friendship more than stupid books!”
As if it was a punishment, he dug his fingers into Mark’s ribs, knowing it was a hot spot for tickles.
Mark shrieked and grabbed at the offending hands in a futile attempt at defending himself.
Cesar started laughing along by this point, enjoying the playful activity way more than sitting on the couch trapped in boredom.
“Why would I stop? I’m having too much fun!” He grinned, fingers picking up the pace.
Mark was too lost in laughter to come up with a response. The sensation wasn’t all bad, but it was hardly bearable and he needed to do something.
Seeing that Cesar was somewhat distracted in his own amused laughter, Mark shot a hand towards the shorter boy’s stomach, earning a surprised yelp.
Cesar toppled over and curled up, defensively wrapping his arms around his stomach and looking at Mark as if it was some grand betrayal.
“That’s so not fair! I wasn’t paying attention!”
Mark smirked at the childish complaint.
“Don’t dish out what you can’t handle, my friend.”
Having seemingly recovered from the tickle attack, Mark picked up his book again and sat back down.
Before he continued his reading, he looked down at his best friend and spoke.
“For the record, I am so getting you back for that.”
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
Hey! You are amazing (also your right Cesar totally to ticklish for his own good)
Yeah, church boy needs to be humbled immediately and I think I know just how :)
Laughter is always worth the risk
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Summary: Cesar hasn't been his usual self and Mark quickly picks this up. Learning that he purposely hid his troubles from him, Mark resorts to an unbearable yet fitting punishment for his friend.
Word count: 903
Characters: 5157
Tobi talks: Yes I did write a whole quick fic and sit on my ass for 7 hours because of those drawings. Yes I have no self control, thanks for asking (please help my thighs hurt so much)
“Mahahahahark nohohoho!” Cesar howled, his cheeks burning red, embarrassed as his best friend relentlessly teased him. He couldn’t get away, his wrists were firmly bound together by rope, preventing him from fighting back.
“Mark yes~” he teased, digging his fingertips deeper into the sides of his ribcage. The poor teen had been stuck here for a while now, making the huge mistake of hiding his feelings from Mark. His best friend was optimistic and bubbly, so seeing someone he cared about so deeply so upset saddened the teen.
So naturally, he asked him of his troubles and was met with a lie. A bold faced lie that even an idiot would see. Cesar insisted that there was no problem yet Mark continued to prod until he broke down. Mark had to hold himself together as his dear friend was held close in his arms as he cried, venting about how worried sick he was for his mother and their own safety.
Knowing him for so many years, he knew just what to say to soothe the church boy. It wasn’t long after that Cesar felt better and thanked his friend for the support. However, Mark wasn’t satisfied that he hid something so important away from him. So as a bit of revenge and to cheer up the last parts of his sorrowful self, he tickled him.
“Plehehease Mahahark, I’hihim hahahppy, seeheehee?!” He cried, rolling onto his side to escape the wiggling fingers.
“C’mon Cesar, you can take it.” Mark taunted, racking his nails into his now exposed side, whilst also keeping a hand on his ribs.
“NAHAHAHAHA!” He screamed, his body sending waves of ticklish shocks throughout his body. The church boy kicked his legs in mirth, unable to stand the relentless torment. Mark’s grin widened at his explosive reaction.
“What’s wrong, Torres? Too ticklish?” His hand on his ribs wiggled up to the crevice of his underarm, causing a screech to erupt from the teen below him. Cesar rolled onto his stomach in an attempt to protect his armpits, giggling uncontrollably with ruby red cheeks.
His friend snickered, “I knew you would do that~” and traced a finger down his back teasingly.
He didn’t however expect the teenager to arch his back so harshly, along with the flurry of giggles to spill his lips, “Nohohoho nahahat thehehere…” he whined, hiding his face somewhere in his arms.
Mark chuckled at this and traced a finger down his back again, getting the same adorable reaction with not as much resistance. “What, here?” Mark cooed, tracing all over his back.
Cesar giggled uncontrollably and didn’t try to hold back all the silly noises he was making. He didn’t know his back was so sensitive but he couldn’t deny Mark’s hands on his back felt amazing. The gentle tracing from all the way from his lower back to his shoulder blades, caused the black-haired teen to snort and curl up.
Mark noticed he was getting a little too relaxed and reminded himself this was a punishment.
While still tracing his lower spine, getting it to shutter at the soft touch is when the elder teen took a deep breath and blew a raspberry right at the arch of his back. Cesar squealed and was thrown back into a flurry of thrashing and high-pitched laughter as raspberries were planted all over his back. He was still donning his suit and could somehow feel a pair of lips make contact with his clothed skin and still get it to tickle like hell.
“PLeHehehEase naHaHat ThahAhAT!” His laughter was littered with snorts and squeaks. Mark moved back up with a laugh, amused at how ruthless he’d been and how much he ruined his friend. Cesar was letting out residual giggles, covering his mouth with his hands with how much he was giggling.
Yet even he knew he wasn’t done yet. Cesar was still on his stomach, so that gave Mark just enough time to burrow his hands into his armpits. He violently flinched but resigned to his fate when he realized he had just trapped the hands in his most sensitive spot.
“Plehehease Mahark, I’m sensitihihive…” he hopes instilling a little bit of pity into his friend would work. Mark just laughed, “Yeah I can tell, super ticklish too.” And began to relentlessly dig, wiggle and knead the inner flesh of his underarms. His reaction was immediate, belting out precious yet hysterical cackles, practically melting the teenager’s heart.
“PLEHEHEASE NOHOHOHOHOH!” He screamed, lightly banging his head on the ground to cope with the insane amount of tingling in his armpits. His face was covered by his jet black hair yet Mark could imagine the joy filled smile underneath the layers and kept at it. He instantly knew he was reaching his limit when Cesar began to wheeze.
Mark immediately let go of him, unbinding his wrists as his friend gasped for air. “S-shihit, that was tohohorture…” he sighed. Nonetheless, Cesar was smiling and his friend couldn’t be happier to see him happier.
“You had fun, don’t lie~” he poked his side playfully, getting him to flinch. Now free from his grasp, he just flopped onto the floor and stared into the ceiling, euphoric and relaxed. Mark joined him and together they just laid on the ground. Soon enough, the both of them fell asleep in each other’s arms, comfortable in one another’s presence.
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miserys-bitch · 4 months
i have the option to do something kinda funny with my namr is i ever change it legally
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makshu · 1 year
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imninahchan · 6 months
passa a lista dos livros br nina! e obrigada pelas recomendações musicais ♡
demorei a responder porque eu ia voltar ao gabinete em que ajudo na faculdade e separar algumas das obras que mais me marcaram de alguma forma e que eu recomendo pra você em vários sentidos, seja formar pensamento crítico ou simplesmente consumir entretenimento.
Sonetos, florbela esplanca
Olhos d'água, canção para ninar menino, conceição evaristo (a maior que temos hoje, minha amg fez um artigo sobre ela
O avesso da pele, jefferson tenório (recentemente estão tentando tombar e nós já sabemos pq, então leia
A teus pés, ana cristina cesar (minha mais recentemente e melhor descoberta
O cortiço, aluísio azevedo
Noite na taverna, álvares de azevedo (meu primeiro contato foi pq um dos personagens tinha meu sobrenome
Memórias póstumas de Brás cubas, machado de assis (ou pode ser dom casmurro, ou qualquer outra dele
Os escravos, castro alves
Capitães de areia, jorge amado
As meninas, Ciranda de pedra, lydgia fagundes telles
Quarto de despejo, carolina maria de jesus
Vidas Secas, graciliano ramos
Úrsula, maria firmina dos reis
Laços De Família, clarice lispector
A Obscena Senhora D, hilda hilst
Torto Arado, de itamar vieira junior
As Metamorfoses, murilo mendes (recomendando o kingo pq ele dá o nome ao centro acadêmico do meu curso e tem um museu pra ele na cidade onde eu moro não o conhecia sou da roça
Nihonjin, de oscar nakasato
Cidade de Deus, de paulo lins
Citando apenas nomes pra você ler qualquer coisa delas porque eu não soube escolher: adélia prado, cora coralina.
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didithefae · 8 months
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terminei de ler “como se fôssemos vilões”, minha primeira leitura finalizada desse ano, e que, na verdade, venho arrastando desde o ano passado. esse livro me foi altamente recomendado, tanto pelo booktok e bookstagram, quanto por amigas que já conhecem o meu gosto literário. ano passado aprendi a duras penas a não confiar em recomendações de livros só porque estão hypados, mas minhas amigas nunca me decepcionam.
então sim, eu adorei esse livro. toda a poesia, o drama shakespeariano e as pitadas de mistério dão beleza a essa história. os personagens são interessantes, tem múltiplas facetas e fazem a gente questionar o tempo todo suas reais intenções, enquanto deixam uma sensação agridoce pois, afinal, é fácil se apegar a cada um deles. a estética dark academia que me lembra “a sociedade dos poetas mortos” acaba dando um ar ainda mais gracioso ao livro. e eu, que tenho uma imaginação muito vivida e visual, consegui me inserir completamente em cada um dos cenários. conheço o lago, o palco, o castelo e talvez posso até sentir o cheiro de livros antigos da biblioteca.
o motivo de eu ter arrastado esse livro por um tempo foi o efeito “esquema de pirâmide” que ele causa. ao fim do primeiro ato, fui totalmente convencida a ler “júlio cesar” para entender melhor a história. eu li toda a peça antes de continuar minha leitura de “como se fôssemos vilões” e, antes de terminar o livro, eu já estava com romeu e julieta no carrinho, que entrou para a lista de livros que lerei em 2024. acho que devo a macbeth um pedido de desculpas, esse eu vou ficar devendo (por enquanto).
conhecer a cabeça do olivier vai além de tentar entender seus pensamentos confusos misturados a citações de shakespeare. conhecemos também seus medos, seu conformismo em uma posição de coadjuvante na vida de seus amigos e, principalmente, a sua paixão, ou obsessão, seja por shakespeare, pela poesia ou por outras pessoas. para entender o que ele fez, precisamos entender como ele é e como se sente. mas talvez só sejamos capazes de entendê-lo mesmo se sentirmos um pouco de cada um dos seus sentimentos conflituosos.
❝�� Você culpa Shakespeare por algumas das coisas que aconteceram?
— Eu o culpo por tudo.❞
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no-wings-no-angel · 10 months
Eu tardo, mas não falho! Finalmente postei meu oneshot dos Kaithur!
É queerplatônico. É 8k. É um leve hurt/comfort (mais comfort do que hurt). É muito pensamento matutando na cabecinha deles. O lugar mais quente, mais confortável e mais seguro do mundo, vindo ao AO3 mais próximo de você!
Cesar tá passando por uma crise nas últimas semanas e depois de dias de silêncio, finalmente o Arthur consegue intervir. Eles precisam ser sinceros sobre algumas coisas.
É bem doméstico, eles fazem uma faxina, eles conversam, fumam, o Cesar até lava o cabelo. Eu empaquei bastante em várias partes durante a escrita, não tô completamente satisfeita, mas se eu não postasse agora não postava nunca! Tá aí pra quem quiser ler!
Eu sei que esse é o tumblr e tá bem longe de ser o buraco que é o twitter, mas se não gostar do ship ou de fanfics em geral, não leia e não encha o saco. Bloqueie as tags e simplesmente não se engaje com conteúdo que não gosta mas não é nocivo pra ninguém. É bem fácil. Eu nem devia precisar falar desse tipo de coisa, mas só pra desencargo de consciência.
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star-mum · 6 months
eu só queria ler fanfic de Ordem Paranormal (especificamente do Cesar 🫣) mas eu não quero ser arrOMBADA POR SPOILERS
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amor-barato · 9 months
Tardes de sábado. Que gosto desgraçado de não acontecer. Noites de sábado. Ar de espera. Chove e Copacabana se ilumina. A Eneida por ler. Me enchem de azias estas noites cheias de Eneida por ler. Esqueci de tomar o remédio, li os cabos e os rabos do Pasquim, já pensou uma filha nossa chamada, se chamando Eneida? Meu deus do céu, eu já estou falando em filha nossa! Que nossa o quê? Esse Rio de Janeiro está tão completamente, que lugar sem mais nada, aqui a gente senta sábado de chuva de noite para ouvir Brahms e curtir Virgílio!
Ana Cristina Cesar
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cringemesstickles · 1 year
Hi, it's the anon that requested your recent Mandela Catalogue fic! I really liked it, so would it be okay if I requested lee mark and ler cesar? My idea was that he would get Mark back from the last time? Please and thank you 😊
This has been sitting in my inbox for way too long. Sorry for the long wait my friend… :’)
In The Name Of Revenge
“Cesar, come on! Is this really necessary?” Mark asked in a nervous tone, backing away from his shorter friend.
“You’re damn right it is! You tickled me, therefore, I have every right to tickle you back!” He said mischievously, wiggling his fingers tauntingly.
“I was just cheering you up! Besides, you like it!” Mark retorted, causing a light blush to spread across Cesar’s cheeks, the shorter’s confidence faltering briefly before pouncing on his friend and digging his fingers into his sides, prompting loud laughter.
“That’s not the point!” Cesar pouted, “The point is that I have a right to exact revenge!”
Cesar continued his attack, going straight for the worst spot, scribbling and scratching at Mark’s ribs.
Mark shrieked and bucked, trying to grab at his friend’s hands to no avail.
Cesar laughed with his best friend, having just as much fun as Mark.
“Alls fair in the name of revenge, my friend.”
The two filled the room with their laughter, forgetting their troubles and allowing themselves to get lost in their silly little rivalry.
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
"Alternative" ways to torment
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This was something I finished a while ago (based on the date written lol) and there was supposed to be a second frame but I'm not satisfied with it. Just take this while I redraw it someday lol, we need more Mandela Catalogue tk content anyway
Oh and here's the second panel sketch
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See ya later cuz
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preconceito entre os católicos e os evangélicos
Quando falamos do movimento pentecostal é preciso ter em mente que ele é plural e multifacetado, com contornos contextuais dos territórios que está presente. Um de seus elementos comuns, porém, é a experiência com o Espírito Santo.
Durante muito tempo os evangélicos foram um grupo minoritário no Brasil, país tradicionalmente de maioria católica. A hegemonia do catolicismo foi um dos elementos responsáveis por instigar a perseguição aos evangélicos. Projeções que provavelmente serão confirmadas pelo próximo censo indicam que os evangélicos se tornarão a maioria religiosa já na próxima década. O crescimento da religião evangélica, no entanto, não resultou na diminuição do preconceito contra os seus adeptos.
Vindo de toda a sociedade, mas principalmente por parte da esquerda, ainda proliferam visões extremamente estereotipadas das igrejas e dos evangélicos. De um modo geral, a esquerda costuma ler os evangélicos como um grupo absolutamente marginal para a construção da cultura e da intelectualidade. Além disso, nota-se uma dificuldade imensa em se perceber que hoje os evangélicos não se encontram apenas nas igrejas, mas se fazem presentes em muitos outros espaços, na política, nas grandes empresas, nas salas de aula, nas cadeiras universitárias, etc.
Por outro lado, essa espécie de preconceito tem se tornado um ingrediente importante para os discursos via púlpito de alguns pastores relativos à perseguição contra evangélicos, que chegam aos ouvidos dos fiéis, reforçando dessa forma uma ideia já enraizada em muitas denominações. O raciocínio que embasa tal empreitada é o de que certas pautas correntes no debate público, como a questão do aborto, dos direitos da população LGBTQIA+, da defesa do estado laico, dentre outras, teriam como finalidade perseguir os adeptos da religião evangélica. Esses pastores defendem que se as políticas públicas não atenderem exclusivamente aos interesses das igrejas, essas políticas estariam fazendo um desserviço ao mundo evangélico.
turma 2g integrantes: joao victor da silva, hellen, diego mota, clara, renan, guilherme e paulo cesar
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holofotedigital · 2 years
PM é condenado a 18 anos de prisão por matar estudante de Medicina em Barra do Garças
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imninahchan · 3 months
Nina minha diva 🌸 vi q vc postou uns rolês de poesia esses dias, e qria te perguntar se vc tem alguma dica p alguém q queira começar a ler poemas 🥺 passei minha adolescência odiando poesia pq tinha dificuldade p entender e acabava frustrada e me sentindo burra, mas agr q tô mais velha tô querendo dar uma chance e n sei por onde começar
pô eu odeio poesia kkkkkk quem gosta é minha amg, se pa rebloguei dela. Mas tipo, posso te indicar algumas autoras que ela lê muito: florbela espanca, ana cristina cesar, clarice lispector.
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carkaolrio · 2 years
Tag metas literárias 2023
1- Quantos livros pretender ler?
25 livros
 2- Uma continuação que você quer ler?
Coração sombrio, de Tillie Cole
The heart of betrayal – crônicas de amor e ódio, de Mary E. Pearson
 3- Um autor que você quer ler pela primeira vez. Qual livro?
Cesar Bravo – Ultra carnem
 4- Um autor que você gosta muito e pretende ler mais livros dele. Qual livro?
Jane Austen – Persuasão
 5- O que você vai se desafiar a fazer diferente de 2022?
Ler todo dia.
 6- Um calhamaço que você pretende ler.
O temor do sábio – a crônica do matador do rei: segundo dia, de Patrick Rothfuss
 7- Livros nacionais para ler.
O bem-amado, de Dias Gomes
Quatro minutos, de Vanessa Pérola
 8- Um livro que você pretende reler.
Macbeth, de William Shakespeare
 9- Um livro hypado que finalmente pretende ler.
Os sete maridos de Evelyn Hugo, de Taylor Jenkins Reid
 10- Um livro clássico que você quer ler.
O morro dos ventos uivantes, de Emily Brontë
 11- O lançamento que você está mais ansioso.
No momento, nenhum.
Tag retirada de Livraria em Casa.
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oraetc · 2 years
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