#mandela catalogue tickles
gigglylover1 · 1 month
Welp if you like me yapping about something I REALLY wanna yap about then yeah- go ahead-
The thing why I don't even start yapping too much about mandela catalogue tickles because like- I feel like the tickle community on that fandom is dead- yeah there is recent posts about it- it is just that it is slow alr-
the least I can do about it is just add that in whenever something similar to tmc-
Or maybe make a mandelasona on it or atleast make fanart-
I can't even type correctly-
At this point the dot symbol is now replaced with the minus symbol cause I talk to much lol-
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cringemesstickles · 4 months
Cat? What cat?
Summary: Jonah and Adam left the house, but Adam is frustrated about not knowing what’s in the basement.
Pairing: none
Word Count: 1,241
A/N: Finally finished one of my tmc fics!!! There are two or three little jokes in this one because I’m hilarious. Anyway, Adam totally didn’t go into the basement and I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Also, I did write the ridiculous line I was talking about… so have fun looking for it lmao
Adam and Jonah stepped into their shared apartment after a long drive from the supposedly haunted house.
It took a lot of convincing to get Adam to come back to the car, but when he did come back, Jonah was more than relieved, even if Adam did pout for nearly the whole car ride.
The blonde flopped down on the couch with a huff, pout still glued to his expression.
Jonah, with hair more silver than silver, sat down next to him.
"I'm really happy you decided to come back with me, man." He said sincerely, patting Adam on the back. “I don't know what I would've done with myself if I had left you there."
The blonde nodded, avoiding eye contact.
“Yeah, I know… but I still wanna know what was in that damn basement… you should’ve heard it, dude, it’s like it was calling out to me!…" He groaned and buried his face in his hands, his frustration more prominent the longer he dwelled.
"I get it, man... but you can't mope about it forever."
Adam turned to glare at him.
"I can and I will, thank you very much.” He declared stubbornly with crossed arms. "Nothing can stop my pity party."
This gave Jonah an idea…
"Oh really? Are you sure? You know… I bet I can make you smile.” He said with a cheeky grin, one that typically spelled trouble.
The blue eyed boy furrowed his brows with confusion before scoffing, trying to appear unfazed.
“No fucking shot, Jonah. I’m gonna be pissed for as long as I want.”
This only made Jonah’s grin widen, a mischievous sparkle dancing in his eyes “That's a pretty bold claim for someone as ticklish as you." He smirked and watched Adam's eyes widen.
"D-Don't you fucking dare...” Adam warned, narrowing his icy blue eyes.
Jonah chuckled and swiftly leaped at the blonde, pinning him to the couch.
"Okay Adam… give me one good reason not to tickle you right now." He grinned and wiggled his fingers in the air, knowing that always got to Adam.
Adam's eyes widened and he crawled to the other end of the couch to get away from his mischievous friend.
“B-Because if you do, I’ll k-kill you!”
Jonah knew that was an empty threat, and he gave an amused snicker.
“Yeah, right! If you killed me, who would pull your dumbass out of stupid situations?!”
The blonde growled, though it wasn’t very threatening.
“S-Shut up! Get away!”
But it was no use.
Jonah knew what he wanted and he wasn’t gonna stop until he got it… and what he wanted was for Adam to forget all about that stupid basement!
And smile, of course.
With no further hesitation, Jonah struck, going straight for his friend’s ribs, wiggling his fingers sporadically across the tender spot.
This resulted in a girlish squeal that Adam would frankly like to forget ever happened.
“EEK- J-JONAH, YOU AHAHASS! STOP IHIHIHIT!” Yelled Adam, squirming helplessly under his friend’s playful assault.
The pleasant sounds only encouraged the sly attacker and he let out a snicker of his own.
“Nope! I’m gonna tickle you until you’re laughing so hard, you won’t even remember what a cat is!”
Adam tried to produce a threatening growl, but his vocal chords wouldn’t allow it, too busy producing the mirthful, boisterous laughter.
He moved like a worm on a hook, wiggling every which way; but no matter where he went, Jonah’s skilled fingers followed, merciless in their pursuit.
Said skilled fingers skittered up and down Adam’s sides, making him shriek and guffaw.
The silver haired boy ignored his friend’s pleas, giggling and adding a couple playful pinches.
“Why not? Does it tickleeee?~”
Adam’s cheeks carried a rosy red hue, Jonah’s teasing tone flustering him to his core.
Jonah gasped, pulling his hands away to place them dramatically on his chest.
“I suck?! I saved your ass, thank you very much!” He poked his friend in the stomach, causing him to squeak.
Both boys took this squeak very differently.
Adam, eyes as wide as dinner plates, slapped his hands over his mouth, his already flushed face taking on a whole new shade of red.
As for Jonah… his eyes were just as wide, his hand freezing in its place as he processed the girly noise his best friend had just made.
This bewildered expression was quickly replaced with a devilish smirk and he gave Adam’s stomach another poke, eliciting another childish squeak, much to Adam’s embarrassment…
“Adam… what was that?” Jonah asked, already knowing the answer.
Adam’s response was a hardly one at all.
“Uh- well- um…”
Jonah was heavily amused… he’d never seen Adam look so flustered.
“Adaaaam~” he sang, letting his hands hover just above the blonde’s stomach, watching for his reaction.
Adam’s squirming ramped up, flailing to try and avoid the attack.
“Jonah, d-don’t you fucking dare!”
“Oh, I think I will!”
With that, he snuck his hands under the fabric of Adam’s hoodie, digging into the soft flesh underneath.
Adam burst into shrill, boyish laughter, squealing and kicking his legs.
“NAHAHAH- JONAHAHAH!” He squawked, weakly shoving at the offending hands.
Jonah giggled with delight, finding the frantic reactions quite adorable.
“What’s wrong? Too ticklish? Hehe~”
Adam was, indeed, too ticklish.
He bucked his hips and shook his head, his messy blonde hair becoming even messier.
Jonah slowed his fingers, giving his friend some momentary reprieve.
“Hmm… I don’t know, Adam… answer this question and I might let you go.” He smirked. “what’s a cat?”
Adam, still catching his breath, blinked with bewilderment.
“You heard me! What’s a cat?”
Jonah slowly lifted Adam’s hoodie to reveal the pale skin, causing Adam to squirm more frantically.
“I-It’s an annoying animal with pointy ears that says meow!!!”
The silver haired boy gave a teasing smile.
“You still remember what a cat is?! I guess I have to tickle you even more!”
Before Adam could respond, Jonah bent over and blew a messy raspberry on his friend’s tummy, making him shriek and buck his hips.
After a few playful raspberries, Adam’s laughter was reduced to gasps and wheezes, his cheeks flushed and stained with mirthful tears.
Seeing his best friend couldn’t take anymore, Jonah relented, getting off of Adam and chuckling.
Adam wrapped his arms around his midriff, panting and giggling still, a big, goofy smile on his face.
For a few moments, the room was mostly silent, the only sounds being Adam’s breathy leftover giggles as he tried to catch his breath.
Finally, Jonah spoke up.
“So? How are you feeling?” He asked, an amused smile on his face.
The blonde initially wanted to glare and say something snarky, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
“Actually… much better.” He admitted, sheepishly looking away.
Jonah’s heart filled with pride, glad he was able to cure his friend of his grumpiness.
“I’m glad… now, why don’t we go do something that doesn’t have anything to do with stupid cat alternates?” He laughs, nudging Adam in the shoulder.
Adam laughed back, sitting up and swatting Jonah’s hand away.
“Sounds good to me.”
And so, the rest of their night was full of laughter, ridiculous conversations, and snacks.
And although Adam never figured out what was in that basement, he decided to get over it and move on, because Jonah was right…
He wasn’t invincible.
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
Hey! You are amazing (also your right Cesar totally to ticklish for his own good)
Yeah, church boy needs to be humbled immediately and I think I know just how :)
Laughter is always worth the risk
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Summary: Cesar hasn't been his usual self and Mark quickly picks this up. Learning that he purposely hid his troubles from him, Mark resorts to an unbearable yet fitting punishment for his friend.
Word count: 903
Characters: 5157
Tobi talks: Yes I did write a whole quick fic and sit on my ass for 7 hours because of those drawings. Yes I have no self control, thanks for asking (please help my thighs hurt so much)
“Mahahahahark nohohoho!” Cesar howled, his cheeks burning red, embarrassed as his best friend relentlessly teased him. He couldn’t get away, his wrists were firmly bound together by rope, preventing him from fighting back.
“Mark yes~” he teased, digging his fingertips deeper into the sides of his ribcage. The poor teen had been stuck here for a while now, making the huge mistake of hiding his feelings from Mark. His best friend was optimistic and bubbly, so seeing someone he cared about so deeply so upset saddened the teen.
So naturally, he asked him of his troubles and was met with a lie. A bold faced lie that even an idiot would see. Cesar insisted that there was no problem yet Mark continued to prod until he broke down. Mark had to hold himself together as his dear friend was held close in his arms as he cried, venting about how worried sick he was for his mother and their own safety.
Knowing him for so many years, he knew just what to say to soothe the church boy. It wasn’t long after that Cesar felt better and thanked his friend for the support. However, Mark wasn’t satisfied that he hid something so important away from him. So as a bit of revenge and to cheer up the last parts of his sorrowful self, he tickled him.
“Plehehease Mahahark, I’hihim hahahppy, seeheehee?!” He cried, rolling onto his side to escape the wiggling fingers.
“C’mon Cesar, you can take it.” Mark taunted, racking his nails into his now exposed side, whilst also keeping a hand on his ribs.
“NAHAHAHAHA!” He screamed, his body sending waves of ticklish shocks throughout his body. The church boy kicked his legs in mirth, unable to stand the relentless torment. Mark’s grin widened at his explosive reaction.
“What’s wrong, Torres? Too ticklish?” His hand on his ribs wiggled up to the crevice of his underarm, causing a screech to erupt from the teen below him. Cesar rolled onto his stomach in an attempt to protect his armpits, giggling uncontrollably with ruby red cheeks.
His friend snickered, “I knew you would do that~” and traced a finger down his back teasingly.
He didn’t however expect the teenager to arch his back so harshly, along with the flurry of giggles to spill his lips, “Nohohoho nahahat thehehere…” he whined, hiding his face somewhere in his arms.
Mark chuckled at this and traced a finger down his back again, getting the same adorable reaction with not as much resistance. “What, here?” Mark cooed, tracing all over his back.
Cesar giggled uncontrollably and didn’t try to hold back all the silly noises he was making. He didn’t know his back was so sensitive but he couldn’t deny Mark’s hands on his back felt amazing. The gentle tracing from all the way from his lower back to his shoulder blades, caused the black-haired teen to snort and curl up.
Mark noticed he was getting a little too relaxed and reminded himself this was a punishment.
While still tracing his lower spine, getting it to shutter at the soft touch is when the elder teen took a deep breath and blew a raspberry right at the arch of his back. Cesar squealed and was thrown back into a flurry of thrashing and high-pitched laughter as raspberries were planted all over his back. He was still donning his suit and could somehow feel a pair of lips make contact with his clothed skin and still get it to tickle like hell.
“PLeHehehEase naHaHat ThahAhAT!” His laughter was littered with snorts and squeaks. Mark moved back up with a laugh, amused at how ruthless he’d been and how much he ruined his friend. Cesar was letting out residual giggles, covering his mouth with his hands with how much he was giggling.
Yet even he knew he wasn’t done yet. Cesar was still on his stomach, so that gave Mark just enough time to burrow his hands into his armpits. He violently flinched but resigned to his fate when he realized he had just trapped the hands in his most sensitive spot.
“Plehehease Mahark, I’m sensitihihive…” he hopes instilling a little bit of pity into his friend would work. Mark just laughed, “Yeah I can tell, super ticklish too.” And began to relentlessly dig, wiggle and knead the inner flesh of his underarms. His reaction was immediate, belting out precious yet hysterical cackles, practically melting the teenager’s heart.
“PLEHEHEASE NOHOHOHOHOH!” He screamed, lightly banging his head on the ground to cope with the insane amount of tingling in his armpits. His face was covered by his jet black hair yet Mark could imagine the joy filled smile underneath the layers and kept at it. He instantly knew he was reaching his limit when Cesar began to wheeze.
Mark immediately let go of him, unbinding his wrists as his friend gasped for air. “S-shihit, that was tohohorture…” he sighed. Nonetheless, Cesar was smiling and his friend couldn’t be happier to see him happier.
“You had fun, don’t lie~” he poked his side playfully, getting him to flinch. Now free from his grasp, he just flopped onto the floor and stared into the ceiling, euphoric and relaxed. Mark joined him and together they just laid on the ground. Soon enough, the both of them fell asleep in each other’s arms, comfortable in one another’s presence.
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666anxiety666 · 2 months
Mandela catalogue tickle headcanons!
I thought I'd start with some headcanons.
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💙definitely more of a lee
💙 tries to act like he doesn't care about tickles. But the poor boy is a flustered mess when it comes to it.
💙 He gets into a lot of tickle fights with Ceser and Sarah. He always loses.
💙 His main spots are his ribs, sides, and neck.
💙 Will try to hold his laugh in for the longest time. But once he breaks, he has a very wheezy laugh.
💙 will be very embarrassed afterwards.
💙 gets very embarrassed when he is teased. His face will go bright red
💙 he is very feather sensitive. Soft tickles get him all giggly.
💙 rough tickles with kill him. His laughter will go all high-pitched and frantic.
💙 will take revenge if he feels like it or is pissed off.
💙 will tickle Sarah to get her to cheer up when she is moody.
💙 doesn't tease much but will playfully bully his victim.
💙 "Dang, you're this ticklish?" "Maybe if you weren't so depressed earlier, this wouldn't be happening."
💙 normally uses gentle tickles but will use rough tickles if needed.
💙 will sometimes get very embarrassed just by tickling someone else.
Ceser Torres
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💙 Loves tickles. He doesn't need to elaborate, everyone knows.
💙 far too ticklish for his own good.
💙 can't stand anticipation at all. He gets all fidgety and blushy.
💙 has a very squeaky laugh.
💙 his main spots are his tummy, sides, and knees.
💙 never tells anyone tickling him to stop. He doesn't really try to fight back either.
💙 however, he will run away from his tickler, which only adds to the anticipation.
💙 sometimes, he will just flat put ask for tickles. He doesn't really seem embarrassed about it either.
💙 more of a ler. An evil, evil ler. if this man is in a ler mood. Run
💙 somehow knows everyone's tickle spots.
💙 he targets Mark a lot. Will tickle the poor man for anything. Sad? Tickles. Angry? Tickles. Just minding his business? Tickles.
💙 a massive teaser. Will use baby talk and everything.
💙 "uh oh.... I think I found a spot!" "Theres that laugh!"
💙 will also play the tickle monster role, too. (Much to Marks dismay).
💙 will chase his victim to the ends of the earth in order to catch them.
💙 will tease his victim my poking them, then pretending he never did so.
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💙 never in a million years will he admit he's ticklish.
💙 gets ganged up on by Sarah, Evilin, and Jonah. Jonah tickles him the most, though.
💙 like Mark, he will try and hold in his laughter for as long as possible.
💙 when he does break, his laughter is very loud and embarrassingly squeaky!
💙 his main spots are his ribs, sides and hips.
💙 Jonah will tickle him if he's over working himself or he's just in another bad mood.
💙 pretends he hates tickles. but deep down, he doesn't mind.
💙 will squeal if you drill your thumbs into his hips or give him raspberries.
💙 is very set on getting revenge. Especially if it's Jonah.
💙 never uses gentle tickles. (Unless it's Evilin) but mostly rough tickles are used, especially for Jonah.
💙 Adam will tease in a very mocking way, and it kills Jonah.
💙 "aw, it tickles? Too bad.." "wow, this must really suck for you, huh?"
💙 will pin his victims down good, not letting them move at all.
💙 he types a lot, so he is very skilled with his fingers.
💙 has frequent tickle fights with Jonah.
💙 will tickle Jonah for the slightest inconvenience. Messed up on a mission? Tickles. Ate all the pizza? Tickles. Being annoying? Tickles.
💙 tries to hide his amusement when tickling his victims. He secretly enjoys it.
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💙 like Ceser, he is very ticklish.
💙 gets very flustered when threatened with tickles.
💙 he will provoke Adam just to get him to tickle him.
💙 his main spots are his back, knees, and his stomach.
💙 has a very loud and high-pitched laugh.
💙 no matter how hard he tries to get away, he cant.
💙 will never admit he likes it. He gets very flustered if you ask him.
💙 when it's his turn? Oh boy...
💙 literally won't stop unless his victim is red-faced and in tears. Or they beg him to stop.
💙 this little shit- is such a tease!
💙 "it tickles? Guess I'll have to keep going then~" "This must tickle soooo bad, right?"
💙 laughs along with his victims.
💙 will build up his tickling with soft tickles before going in for the rough tickles, going for the worst spots.
💙 always wins the tickle fights with Adam.
That wrapps things up guys! I hope you guys enjoyed these! I might do some more headcanons on TMC for Sarah, Evilin, and other characters, but idk. I hope these were okay! 🤭
All art belongs to wampyclown on Instagram!
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yarnprism · 2 years
The Six brain rot is getting worse what in fucks name am I supposed to do.
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@javanimations has such adorable character designs for the two Mandela Catalogue protags and I had AN INNATE NEED TO DESTROY YOUR CESAR HERE WITH ALISTER SOOOO SORRY (not sorry)
I don’t even watch it that often but I couldn’t resist because destruction runs in my very soul HOPE THATS OK
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iekeejkeek · 8 months
Tmc and twf tickle art :)
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kittenwhiskers · 1 year
wait I’m blind .w. I forgot you Already did!
oki!. So may I ask for TK hcs if Mandela catalouge.? Bc I barely see any ;-; and I was wondering if you could do. Lee&ler gabriel
And if this isn’t to much to ask .w. If you also could do inturder or toonbriel
Please and ty!, ^^
Ooo that's gonna be tough! But I'll do my best!
Ler Gabriel:
The kind of character to hold you against his chest and whispers sweet nothings in your ear while wrecking you, definitely always goes for light, gentle tickles!
Lee Gabriel:
The voice (and laugh) of a literal angel! He'll sit there and happily take tickles, squirming around and smiling at you all the while. His laugh is definitely soft and melodic, and it can be really addictive! Be prepared, though, he always gets even afterward~
Ler Intruder:
I couldn't think of any lee headcanons for this guy, but I have a pretty good idea for what kind of ler he'd be!
He's definitely a sneaky sneak ler hehehe. He'll wait until you're distracted or preoccupied with something to sneak up on you and pounce! He likes to make his lee's squeal with surprise before they laugh! He won't do it if he thinks you're in a sour mood or anything, he always wants you to have fun! He definitely sneaks when you're under the covers, he'll crawl up to the foot of your bed, then stick his hands under the covers and scribble your feet!
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As a Intruder AND Gabriel enjoyer, I can confirm these two have the most intense tickle fights ever-
And Gabriel always ends up winning :)
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crumblesblog · 2 years
Alr alr, its come clear to me.
..... I love lee!henry and lee!mark.
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cringemesstickles · 9 months
Can I please have Cesar tickle Mark? If yes, then thanks a lot. I fucking miss those two, especially Mark...
Books And Boredom
Summary: Cesar is bored. What better way to entertain yourself than to bother your friend?
Pairings: None
A/N: here you go my friend! I had lots of fun writing this and I hope you enjoy. :)
Word Count: 457
“Mark, I’m bored.. pay attention to meee!” Cesar groaned with theatrical boredom, thoroughly irritating his friend who was trying to read.
“Okay? What do you want me to do about it?” Mark asked in an exasperated tone.
“You’re not a toddler, you can entertain yourself.”
With that, he focused his attention back on the text filled pages.
Cesar let out an obnoxious sigh before an idea hit him, making him grin mischievously.
He quickly sat up and snatched the book from Marks hands.
“Cesar, what the-” but before he could finish his sentence, Cesar tossed the book aside and jumped on Mark, pinning him to the couch and promptly scribbling his fingers all over his friends sides.
“Hehey! Stop thahahahat!!" he laughed and pushed at Cesar's hands, only fueling the shorter boy’s enthusiasm.
“Ha! This is what you get for ignoring me!” Cesar moved his hands towards Mark’s stomach, earning a loud guffaw.
“DUHUHUDE, I WAS REHEHEADING!” He yelled through his laughter as though his defense was reasonable in Cesar’s mischievous eyes when in reality, it was far from it.
“Oh I see.” Cesar briefly stopped, feigning hurt. “So books are more important than our friendship? Is that what you’re saying, Mark?”
Mark rolled his eyes while he tried to catch his breath.
“Man, you’re so dramatic.”
Cesar gasped and placed a hand over his heart.
“Dramatic?! Well, excuse me for valuing our friendship more than stupid books!”
As if it was a punishment, he dug his fingers into Mark’s ribs, knowing it was a hot spot for tickles.
Mark shrieked and grabbed at the offending hands in a futile attempt at defending himself.
Cesar started laughing along by this point, enjoying the playful activity way more than sitting on the couch trapped in boredom.
“Why would I stop? I’m having too much fun!” He grinned, fingers picking up the pace.
Mark was too lost in laughter to come up with a response. The sensation wasn’t all bad, but it was hardly bearable and he needed to do something.
Seeing that Cesar was somewhat distracted in his own amused laughter, Mark shot a hand towards the shorter boy’s stomach, earning a surprised yelp.
Cesar toppled over and curled up, defensively wrapping his arms around his stomach and looking at Mark as if it was some grand betrayal.
“That’s so not fair! I wasn’t paying attention!”
Mark smirked at the childish complaint.
“Don’t dish out what you can’t handle, my friend.”
Having seemingly recovered from the tickle attack, Mark picked up his book again and sat back down.
Before he continued his reading, he looked down at his best friend and spoke.
“For the record, I am so getting you back for that.”
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
"Alternative" ways to torment
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This was something I finished a while ago (based on the date written lol) and there was supposed to be a second frame but I'm not satisfied with it. Just take this while I redraw it someday lol, we need more Mandela Catalogue tk content anyway
Oh and here's the second panel sketch
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See ya later cuz
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yarnprism · 9 months
So uhm. Gabriel Ultrakill am i right?
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iekeejkeek · 7 months
Tmc tickle art I made yesterday:)
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666anxiety666 · 12 days
A mandela catalogue tickle fic!
Lee: Jonah | Ler: Adam
TW: none
Art by @tired-jonah :]
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It had been a long, rainy, boring day. It had rained from the moment the sun came up. Adam hadn't moved much from the couch at all that day. He had been working since 9am that morning, it was now currently 4:30pm.
Jonah, on the other hand, stayed in his room playing video games all day. But you could only keep Jonah entertained for so long.
Jonah left his room looking bored and walked into the living room, sitting next to Adam.
"Dude, I'm so bored!"
Jonah complained with a sigh, crossing his arms as he looked at the blank TV in front of him.
"You almost done with those reports? You've been at them all day!"
Jonah complained again. Adam rolled his eyes.
"If you're so bored, just go play your dang video games again..!"
Adam said, looking at Jonah from the corner of his eye for a moment before looking back at his computer. Jonah huffed, rolling his eyes.
"I'm bored of them now..."
Jonah whined, Adam scoffed.
"Not my problem..."
Adam replied, his eyes never leaving the laptop screen as he typed away at the keyboard. Jonah groaned, resting his head against the couch for a moment. It was all quiet, peaceful even with the sound of rain outside.
But just as Adam was about to sigh to himself in peace. Jonah lay across his lap, almost knocking the laptop off it.
"What the fuck are you doing??"
Adam stammered, lifting his laptop away to prevent Jonah crushing it.
"What? I'm comfy!"
Jonah said with his signature shit eating grin on his face. Adam huffed in annoyance, shaking his head.
"Well, just be quiet down there..."
Adam grumbled, moving his laptop to the arm of the couch to continue his work. Again, the room fell into silence aside from Adams persistent typing on his laptop. Jonah sighed, his brain trying to wrack up ideas to cure his boredom. Then, he got an idea.
Jonah grinned, silently sneaking a hand up and poking Adams side. Adam squeaked, his body jumping. Adam looked down at Jonah with a glare.
Jonah asked, pretending as if he were innocent.
"You know what! Quit it!"
Adam grumbled before slowly going back to his work. Jonah grinned, still laying across Adams lap. Jonah left it a few moments before doing the same action, this time poking Adams ribs. This earned a louder squeak from Adam and his body reacted more.
Adam snapped again, glaring down at the boy in his lap. Jonah grinned.
"What? I'm not doing anything!"
Jonah chuckled, holding his hands up in defence.
"I swear to god, you better quit that! Im trying to work! One more time and i swear..!"
Adam grumbled, glaring at Jonah one last time before his eyes left Jonahs for the screen in front of him. Jonah grinned. He was eager to push Adam. So, for one last time, Jonah reached over and squeezed Adams hip.
Adam squealed his hands, coming down from his laptop to defend his sensitive hips. Jonah laughed, finally getting what he wanted from Adam.
"Ha! You should have seen your face! I didn't know you could make that... sound..."
Jonahs laughter slowed when he opened his eyes to see a very "angry" looking Adam glaring down at him in his lap. Jonah thought he may have taken things too far.
"S-sorry dude... i-i didn--"
Jonahs apology was cut sort by Adam quickly grabbing a hold of Jonah, instantly digging into Jonahs sides. Jonah squeaked, instantly trying to defend his sides as he giggled.
"H-Hey! Hehe Adahaham! Hahaha I'm sohohorry!"
Jonah giggled. Adam rolled his eyes.
"Are you?"
Adam said in a blunt tone. But it quickly became clear he wasn't actually mad at Jonah. Just giving him a taste of his own medicine. Adams tickling fingers soon moved to Jonahs tummy, going under the shirt.
It was now Jonahs turn to squeal, trying to roll out of Adams lap and push the assaulting fingers away, but to no avail.
Jonah pleaded. But Adam held Jonah firmly in his lap. Not letting the boy escape him. Jonah continues to squeal and giggle, his face slowly starting to turn red.
"What? You said you where board? Isn't this what you wanted?"
Adam asked, a small visible smug smile appearing on his face. Jonahs face, if it could, got even more red at Adams statement.
Jonah protested. Adam simply rolled his eyes.
"Really? Then why would you tickle me, huh? Unless you wanted something? Unless you wanted this?"
Adam taunted, trying to keep up the blank look but failing miserably. A grin etched onto his face. Jonahs face, however, was now bright red.
Jonah protested. Desperately trying to push Adams hands away as he kicked his legs.
"Not fair?"
Adam grinned.
"I'll show you not fair..."
Jonah didn't even have time to prepare himself as Adam lifted his shirt, took a breath, and started to blow raspberries on Jonahs poor tummy. Jonah squealed, he sqealed so loud the neighbours could probably hear him.
Jonah was in hysterics, tears of laughter forming in his eyes. His arms growing weak as he tried to push Adam away.
Jonah finally begged. After a few more short raspberries, Adam let up. Jonah panted heavily, his body weak as it lay across Adams lap.
"You okay?"
Adam asked with a small chuckle, ruffling Jonahs hair lightly. Jonah took a few more breaths.
"Y-Yeah... i-i thihink so"
Jonah replied, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. Jonah sat up, moving off of Adams lap and sitting beside him. He rested his head on Adams shoulder, his breathing slowly starting to calm.
Adam chuckled, patting Jonahs back and rubbing his shoulder.
"Now shut up, I'll hang with you in a bit..."
Adam said playfully, ruffling Jonahs hair once more before turning to his laptop again. Jonah sighed, his head still on Adams shoulder. Adam had tired him out for sure.
When Adam was finally done, he looked over at Jonah, whose head still rested on his shoulder. To Adams surprise, Jonah was asleep. Adam chuckled, wrapping an arm around Jonah gently as he sighed and closed his eyes as well.
Adam soon fell asleep as well, the two best friends were asleep together on the couch the rest of the evening.
And that's it! Took a bit for this one as I've had so many essays to write for collage :[ but I really like this one so I hope you guys enjoy! 💙
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Intruder headcanons (Remastered! :D)
• Bro, the man may be a kidnapper who is usually vibing with the other alternates, but still, give him some tickles-
• He'd actually be very confused about tickles, but he'll also be giggling a lot.
• Light tickles on his tummy make him flustered and he'll just be a giggling mess :)
• His neck, ribs and the back of his knees are his death spots- Like seriously, he'll be in complete hysterics if you tickle him in any of those places-
• His underarms and feet are pretty bad, too.
• His stomach isn't a really bad spot, but he is very ticklish there ^^
• Gabriel has found out about him being ticklish, and it did NOT end well for him..
• He'll only let Mark tickle him because he sees him as his son and he's actually very gentle with tickles.
• He'll get the hiccups if you tickle him long enough :)
• Very gentle ler. He makes sure he isn't making his lee is uncomfortable or if he's hurting them.
• He can't help but laugh along with his lee, since he finds their laugh adorable.
• He usually tickles Mark to bond with him more :)
• He hasn't ever dared to try and tickle Gabriel, because he already knows what's gonna happen after.
• He will cuddle with his lee after tickling them :)
• The only person he's merciless on is Cesar-
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