#ler!laughing lack
infrequent-creator · 1 year
DAY 2: Claws
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DAY 2: Claws
((An old favorite from my Creepypasta days 😅 don’t judge me look awayyy))
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switchypanic · 8 months
'Hazbin Hotel' Tickle Headcanons
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Charlie Morningstar
→ Our charming demon belle is a total switch. She loves the playfulness of tickles and regularly attempts to initiate tickle fights with the others (at the moment, she has a shockingly high success rate). → Vaggie is her favorite target, of course! There have been many mornings where she has awoken her girlfriend with a barrage of soft, tickly kisses, and Vaggie can never bring herself to mind them. → She leans heavily on baby talk, so expect a few "coochie coochie coos" between gushes about how cute you look while laughing. → One of the only ones brave enough to try tickling Alastor. This earned her some huge bragging points with Angel Dust Even Husk had to admit she "had guts" when he found out about her attempts to reduce the feared Radio Demon to a giggling fit. → Her tickles tend to be quick and gentle, her fingers spidering from spot to spot before you even have the chance to grab at her hands, and if she ever decides to bring her tail into the mix, that's just one more thing you'll have to watch out for. → Speaking of her tail, it's one of her worst spots, so it's a good thing she usually keeps it hidden. Other sweet spots include her cheeks, sides and hooves. → While teasing can fluster her to some degree, she isn't embarrased about liking tickling, and will even outright ask for them if her lee mood is bad enough. → If you manage to get her laughing hard enough, she lets out these loud snorts, a trait that she inherited from her father. → Responds best to fast, light pressure. Sure, digging into her spots will get her laughing, but those reactions are nothing compared to the frantic squeals you'll get by spidering your fingers across the spade of her tail. → She is predominantly tickled by Vaggie, though as the other hotel patrons start to warm up to her, they start sneaking in a few tickles here and there as well.
→ Far from the most touchy feely member of the group, Vaggie is only okay with tickling Charlie at first. However, as she starts to warm up to and bond with the others, she slowly starts to become more playful with them as well. → The most skilled ler in terms of precision and technique. However, she still has some learning to do when it comes to teasing (she's kinda bad at it, though not for lack of trying). → Prior to meeting Charlie, Vaggie hadn't really encountered tickles before, as she didn't exactly have the best home life. However, her girlfriend is more than happy to help her make up for lost time and always makes an effort to include Vaggie in the group tickle wars. → When her wings grow back, she loves using them as tickle tools, though this is a technique she reserves for Charlie alone. Showing off one's wings can be a huge show of trust for an angel, and she just doesn't have that level of comfort with the others yet. → Angel Dust is her most prevalent lee after Charlie. The actor just goes out of his way to push her buttons, knowing good and well she's going to retaliate for it, and Vaggie is happy to oblige. → While not as ticklish as some of the other members of the hotel staff, she has a few sweet spots that are guaranteed to get her laughing, those being her armpits, wings, and feet. ONLY Charlie is allowed to touch her wings, though! → Whenever she's being too much of a stick in the mud, Angel will make sure she gets a few good tickles, usually aided by Charlie. While she might act annoyed by it, Vaggie doesn't really mind their affectionate concern. → The only one she actively tries to fight off as Alastor. No matter how much time they spend together, the angel cannot bring herself to trust him (not that I can blame her), and Alastor's teasing tends to be just a little too mean spirited for her to find comfort in. → Angel has made SO MANY JOKES about how "they should just tickle the other Exorcists into submission if they're half as sensitive as Vaggie" and it flusters her to no end. → She is more of a giggle than a cackler, having a higher pitched, sweet sounding laugh that Charlie likes to compare to the sound of a bell ringing.
Angel Dust
→ On the outside, Angel is shameless about his enjoyment of tickling, be it being on the giving or receiving end. However, once you start to break down his bravado, he's shockingly easy to fluster (when Husk found out just how SHY Angel gets about his lee moods, he had a field day with it). → THE KING OF TEASING, I SWEAR. It is one of the many talents he's developed over his time in the "film" industry and he loves to boast about it. → "Aaaw, what's the mattter? Does the wittle kitty have tickwish wittle wings? Can he not handle havin' his wittle feathers ruffled?" → Very big on consent for obvious reasons. If his lee really doesn't want it, he will stop tickling them immediately and profusely apologize. → All of his arms give him a major advantage in tickle fights, allowing him to hold his lee down with ease while the remaining limbs target multiple sweet spots at once. → Speaking of his extra arms, they are actually both a blessing and a curse, as his armpits are his absolute worst spot. As if having one set wasn't bad enough, the poor guy has MULTIPLE to worry about protecting during a tickle fight, a feat he rarely manages to accomplish. → He doesn't like having his feet touched. While they're pretty ticklish, they are a huge source of insecurity for him, so the others make sure to stay clear of them. → Prefers soft, gentle tickles to rougher ones. Sure, getting absolutely destroyed can be fun and all, but sometimes he just needs something sweet and playful to brighten his mood after a particularly hard day of filming. → Cherri Bomb was the one to reveal his sensitivity to the others, leading to the poor spider getting lovingly ganged up on and tickled to pieces (not that he minded, of course). → His laughter is wild and bouncy, ranging from frantic giggles to loud cackling depending on the spot, technique, and ler (responds the best to Cherri and Husk, though Alastor is a close third).
→ Husk prefers being the ler most of the time; it takes a lot for him to let go and allow somebody else to take control (thanks a lot, Alastor). However, as the bartender comes to trust the other hotel patrons more, he starts opening up to the idea of being on the recieving end more often. → Usually only pokes or prods at you in passing; very rarely full-on attacks. If you want to get totally wrecked, you're either gonna have to ask for it or annoy him enough to get him to snap (Angel Dust has become the master of this because there's NO WAY IN HELL he's gonna be able to ask for it). → Husk is a fan of more toned down teasing; he finds baby talk too silly and will actually end up flustering HIMSELF if he attempts it. Instead, he leans more towards little comments, deep chuckles and knowing smirks to get his lee all squirmy. → "Hm, this a good spot? No? Well, I guess you won't mind if I stay here then, will ya?" Cue panicked screeching for Angel. → THIS MAN IS CONFIRMED TO BE CANONICALLY TICKLISH! WE'VE GOT A LIVE ONE, YOU GUYS! → Alastor was the first to find out Husk's ticklish but (shockingly enough) kept it to himself. As such, it was a total shock to Angel when one misplaced scratch behind the ear nearly sent the cat demon into a fit of giggles. Needless to say, the actor had a field day and Husk was MORTIFIED. → Teasing gets to him so bad, you guys! Like, he isn't a fan of teasing that makes him feel weak or small, but if you start complimenting his laugh or cooing about how his tail is wagging, he might actually combust. → HE TOTALLY PURRS WHEN HE LAUGHS! SORRY, I DON'T MAKE THE RULES, PEOPLE!" → His kill spots are his ears, wings and paws (especially the little heart beans, he'll offer you anything you want to get you leave those alone). Under the chin is also a major giggle spot for him.
→ Most people automatically assume Alastor isn't ticklish. I mean, come on, he's the RADIO DEMON! Plus, with how evil of a ler he is, the risks of trying just doesn't seem to outweigh the benefits. However, if you know the right spots and techniques, it is possible to take him down with you. → Behind Charlie, he starts most of the hotel's tickle fights, using his shadow to cause chaos and turn the other patrons against each other (he once had Husk CONVINCED that Angel was squeezing his sides whenever his back was turned). → He is shockingly gentle with Charlie and Nifty, using lighter touches and kinder teases with them than any of the other patrons. Angel claims this is "bullshit and totally unfair," though it's not like Alastor particularly cares about being fair. → If you provoke him enough, he might decide that a regular wrecking isn't enough and bring his powers into the mix, using his tentacles to hold you still as he slowly tickles you to pieces. → "There's that smile! You know, my dear, this look REALLY suits you! Perhaps I'll just have to tickle you more often! Would you enjoy that? Oh, no need to answer, I'm certain you would!" → If you want to get Alastor back, you're gonna have to catch him off guard and go for a kill spot right away to weaken him. The ears, ribs, or tail should do the trick! → Surprisingly enough, he won't usually fight back, so long as you're someone he has a level of trust with. If Charlie, Nifty, or Rosie go after him, for example, he will just collapse into a fit of barely muffled snickers and half-hearted protests. On the flip side, if Vaggie, Angel, Husk, or Pentious were to try it, he'd put up much more of a fight. → While I adore the headcanon that his radio effects and static get stronger the harder he laughs, I would like to propose the OPPOSITE. The more you get him laughing, the more the effects fade away, letting his true voice and laugh start to slip through. → His tail wags when he's tickled, which absolutely mortifies him, as it is a clear show of just how much he is actually enjoying himself. → Just a heads up, he isn't the biggest fan of being teased. Sure, nicer ones and compliments can get him flustered, but anything too mean spirited can sour his good mood in an instant.
→ Canonically not ticklish; sorry fellas! This, mixed with her usual chaotic nature, makes her a force to be reconned with during tickle fights. → Even Alastor will stay clear of her, knowing he won't have the slightest hope in Hell of fighting back against the unhinged tickle monster. → Her tickles are fast and brutal, jumping from place to place at lightning speed, her fingers drilling into any sweet spots she finds mercilessly. The first time she found out about Angel's armpits, the poor guy was left WHEEZING before Vaggie and Charlie could pull her off of him. → She has absolutely attempted to use her feather duster to tickle people before, to varying degrees of success (it worked best on Charlie and Pentious because they're SUPER feather ticklish). → "Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie! Oh my, you're AWFULLY ticklish! How do you get anything done when you're this sensitive?" → Tickle bites are this girl's signature move, though sometimes she can be a little bit rough (they had to bandage up poor Husk once when she bit down a little too hard). → Not much else to say about her, unfortunately! She's just a feral little goblin and I love her so much.
Sir Pentious
→ This man is such a lee, I swear. Like, he tries so hard to be a ler, but he ALWAYS ends up flustering himself in the end. You tried your best, Sir Pentious, but some folks just aren't meant to be tickle monsters. → He has tried to tickle the others on a few occasions, namely Charlie, though he worked up the nerve to try taking Alastor down once. However, his attempts always seem to end with him being reduced to a hissy, giggling puddle on the floor. → He does tickle his minions from time to time, when a ler mood strikes him. In a hotel filled with tickle monsters, it's just the safest option for him, and it's not like the eggs mind the affection. → This dork cannot tease to save his own life. He either messes up the delivery or ends up accidentally sending HIMSELF into a lee mood (sometimes both happen at the same time). → His tail is perfect for holding his lee still, though he has to be careful. If he does not make sure their arms are properly pinned down, it makes it VERY easy for his target to go after one of HIS sweet spots. → The tail is a death spot. Like, he absolutely loses it if you go after it, falling into waves of pleas and shrill cackles. His little hood is also really bad, flaring open and closed in an attempt to cope with ticklish scribbles or kisses. → "NOHOHO, SSSSTAHAHAHAHAP! NOHOHOHO TEHEHEHEHEHEASSSING!" Cue more panicked screeches. → Pentious hisses when he laughs, a fact that everyone finds extremely cute and loves to comment on, much to the inventor's dismay. → Once, he accidentally sassed Alastor while being wrecked. The instant he saw the other's smile tighten and antlers grow ever so slightly, he knew that he was royally screwed. → As stated in Charlie's section, he is super feather ticklish. Heaven help him (pun totally intended) if Lucifer ever finds out; he might just be tempted to give Charlie's first real guest a "proper angelic welcoming," as he likes to call it (it's really just a horrific wrecking with all six of his wings).
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guppygiggles · 2 months
Hooooboy, okay. /////// I had a really bad day yesterday, so I wrote this as stress relief.
This is, um. Very vulnerable and emotionally intimate. @////////@ A-heh. It also contains some of my favorite descriptive imagery that I've ever written, so I'm going to to share it anyway, but,,,,, I'm,,,,,,, yeah, don't look at me. ////////// Contains: ~1.2k words, Ler!Avery, very underarm-focused tickling, teasing I can't even believe I managed to write out, lots of vulnerability, and GAY. Seriously, this is so sappy and gay, if you do not like sappy gayness do not read this okthanksbyeI'mgonnahideforevernow ////////////
“Alright, Casper. Lay down, and lift ‘em up.”
I flushed hotly, squirming in place as we stood in my bedroom. It was evening, and we had already changed into our pajamas. Avery looked wonderful in a tank top; tall and powerful, his bare arms pale and smooth as marble. Lacking two nights worth of sleep, I looked like a frazzled raccoon by comparison, my own oversized tank and gym shorts only adding to my gremlinized appearance.
Ravaged by an unrelenting bout of insomnia, I was exhausted, and I looked like it. But, as I seemed to learn again and again, with Avery... I was never too tired to be sheepish.
“Ah-! Avery, please, I…”
He chuckled knowingly, nudging me toward the bed. 
“I know, I know. It flusters you terribly, but you always sleep so well afterwards. The last thing you need is a third sleepless night, my dear; I won't allow that to happen, if I can help it. I know it's tough, but it will help you relax, I promise. Go ahead and get comfortable, now… Let me take care of you.”
I offered an embarrassed glance before turning toward the bed, my knees wobbling as I laid down on the quilt. He dimmed the lights, then floated over beside me and made himself comfortable, the brawny elemental's feet nearly hanging off the bed. For someone so big, he always moved with effortless grace.
“Alright, now… Arms… Uuuuuuup up up~” He ordered playfully, taking my wrists in his big, chilly hands and gently guiding them over my head. I tried to relax, the cool air wafting over my now open, vulnerable armpits. My hands balled into fists. 
“You know what I'm going to do next~ I know how much this makes you laugh, but just try to stay still for me, okay?”
I swallowed hard. Easy for him to say! I took a deep breath, but caved to more whining on the exhale. 
“Avery… Please, not the pits…” I was already glowing, my lips warbling into a twitchy smile before he had even laid a finger on me. A surge of giddiness welled in my chest, threatening to burst from my lips at any moment. 
Simpering deviously, he pushed right into my anticipation. 
“Hehe, ohhh, why not~? Does somebody have tickly pits, Casper~?”
And there went my resolve.
“Ah-! D-dammit… You already k-know-EEEEEHEHEHE?!” 
Without another word, he leaned down and pressed a soft, cool kiss into the middle of my right armpit.
I gasped.
He'd tickled plenty, but Avery had never kissed me before… Not there. I’d never known the elemental to be squeamish (not as if I weren’t hygienically meticulous...), but I would’ve never foreseen such a gesture – apparently, I didn’t know what he was going to do! My shocked body struggled to react, emitting a combination giggle-squeal as my back arched and ears burned with exploited sensitivity. His lips were a hunter’s arrow clad in cold silk, penetrating right to my core. My arms trembled as I struggled to keep them raised; even his breath tickled. 
Though my face was a billboard of fluster, Avery wasn’t content with my suffering. He continued to tease, smirking down at me as he thumbed through the pages of my expression; panicked delight, terrified desire, excited dread. Like most who had ever willingly submitted to a tickling, I was the embodiment of a war between philia and instinct, waged on a battleground of trust. Just by looking at him, I knew that he saw everything behind my eyes… and loved it.
“Keep ‘em up… The left one needs kisses, too~” 
“Mhmmm~ Right here…”
Holding my left arm up, he planted three swift kisses right into the hollow. I screeched and twisted as he giggled, his lips vibrating against my skin as he held onto my elbow, easily preventing me from lowering my arm. 
I was still laughing and squirming as he stopped to speak again. 
“Ohhhh, somebody really likes this, don’t they~? Tickle, tickle, tickle, Casper likes tickly kisses in his pits~ Hehehe~ Keep those arms up, or I'm gonna getchagetchagetcha~”
“AHaHahaAvery p-plehehehease~!” 
What had I done to deserve such savagery?! He was positively merciless!
“Are you going to be a good boy and sleep through the night, for once?” He leaned down again, brushing his satin lips back and forth across my left underarm, before planting another deep kiss into the center. I bubbled up with gleefully hysterical giggles, making him chuckle again. 
“YEHEHEHEhehes! PLEEHEhehease, no mohohore k-kihihisses~!” My heart palpitated fiercely. I was certain I couldn’t blush any deeper, but my face still managed to betray a wisp of regret as he relented. Like a center-fielder with an unbroken streak, Avery caught this, too.
“Alright, alright. I won't give you any more kisses… But that doesn't mean you're safe!” With that, he scribbled his plush fingertips into my pits, making me clamp my arms down as I shrieked and howled, curling into a ball as I did. 
“Aaa-gitchygitchygitchy~! Who's my ticklish, handsome boy?” 
“EEEEEEEEHEHE-AAAHAHA~!” My eyes welled with tears as he continued to wiggle his trapped fingertips under my arms, the limited range of motion doing nothing to lessen the sensation. How did it tickle so badly? I could hardly think…! My heart raced as the sensation ran all over me, making me tremble as my vibrant blush spread down my neck and chest. Enduring a tickle from Avery wasn’t a rarity by any means, but I couldn’t remember the last time he’d made me laugh so hard; he really did intend to exhaust me!
“We're going sleep alllll the way until morning, right? Or does the tickle monster need to wear you out a bit more~?” 
“I’LL SLEEEEHEHEHEHEEP!” “Wonderful! Now, I don’t think I received an answer to my first question. Let me ask it again…” “NOOOOHOHOOOO!” “Who is it, Casper~? Who’s my pretty, sensitive, ticklish boy~?”
His gentle fingers were so fiendishly persistent as they wriggled into my pits, I could scarcely get the word out. “M-MEEEEHEHEHEHEE!” “There we go! Good boy~!” 
I couldn’t believe it; even after such an admission, he continued to tickle me!
As my laughter began to border on screaming, he finally gave my armpits a break, switching instead to my ribs, belly, hips, feet; anywhere he could reach. My laugh was too big for me to keep my eyes open, but I could feel that he’d conjured extra hands to assist him… The sheer cruelty of it all! I quickly slipped into silent hysteria, which afforded me an opportunity to listen to Avery’s melodic, affectionate chuckle as he tickled me. Oh, how wonderful… how terrible, how unbearably tender. Enough love to fill every ocean radiated from that laugh, and I wanted to swim in it until the end of time.
Once he was satisfied that he’d soundly melted me into a flushed, ticklish puddle, Avery finally stopped. He leaned down to give me one last kiss, this time on my forehead, as he tucked my hair out of my face.
“I love you, dewdrop. I'll be right here, okay? If you wake up scared, just wake me up, and I'll help you get back to sleep. With tickles, or without.” He softly caressed my cheek, then winked, causing the light in the room to flick out. Pulling me into his arms, he nuzzled into my neck as a deep, exhausted sigh rolled from my chest, my body buzzing with the characteristic tingle of a thorough tickling. His plan was working… I could already feel the tug of sleep on my consciousness, pulling my thoughts into a wooly haze. My eyes slipped closed as I snuggled my back against his pillowy, cool body.
Just as he anticipated, I slept straight through until dawn. 
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
I hc Chrollo having REALLY ticklish palms. Like he’s mildly ticklish everywhere else, but his palms have that man on the floor giggling
Ler can be anyone, y/n or a canon character, I’m not picky :)
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
AHHH! *explodes* LEE!CHROLLO WHOOOOOOOOO!!! I love this man so much y'all don't even know aejarkaejrerejk I've gotcha covered, anon! :D
You held out your hand expectantly, waiting for Chrollo to comply. Such a bold gesture would be frowned upon in the Phantom Troupe- but as his partner, you had special privileges.
Chrollo looked at it, then at you. He offered you his book, but you didn’t take it. He offered you a nearby pebble, but again- it laid in your still hand. “I hadn’t realized this was a guessing game.”
You struggled to keep your poker face, flatting your lips so you wouldn’t smile watching him try and figure out what you were asking for. Finally, he took the pebble from you and laid his hand in yours, smiling when you squeezed it. “There it is.”
“Took you long enough.” You teased, bringing it closer to observe. The skin was scarred yet smooth- both soft and calloused in your grip. What confused you was the sudden lack of tattoos- you swore you saw them before. “Where’d they go?” You asked, dragging a finger along the back of his hand.
“Oh tha-eh!” The leader of your troupe seemed to stammer, straightening up as you carried on dragging your finger against his skin. “They only appear when I activate my power.”
“Really?” You mused, flipping his hand to look at his palm. “Do they appear here too?” You curled your nails against the skin, daring a peek.
“So-Soohohmetimes?” He gasped out, a few reluctant giggles following. “Aehhe-ehhahahhaha! (Y/N)! Pleahhahahhase! It tihihihihickles!”
“Really?” You couldn’t keep your poker face any longer, grinning outright as you scratched gently at his palms, making him double over in wheezy mirth. “Who knew the esteemed leader of the Phantom Troupe was so ticklish? Better be careful the others don’t find out- they’ll start a mutiny and tickle you until you give in.”
“Thehehehy alheahahhardy knoohohow! I’m nohohohoht wohoohohried about it!” He gasped out through his giggles, gently catching your wrist to stop the tickling. “I truuhuhst them with that lihihttle tihihidbit…and I truuhust you not to take ahahadvantage.”
“Hm.” You brought his hand up to your lips, kissing it gently and making him twitch with a small laugh. “No promises.”
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mah-t-wordblog · 6 months
Tanjiro’s foot is sore from a bad sprain and Giyu decides to sit him down and give him a deep massage to loosen up the stiffness. It's a painful ordeal for Tanjiro who struggles to stay still and then a new problem arises when Giyu discovers the boy is very ticklish. He sneaks tickles in while massaging to distract Tanjiro from the pain and then afterward unexpectedly pins Tanjiro down and searches out his other bad spots. Tummy, belly button, and sides r bad, but armpits r the worst and Giyu shows little mercy and makes him laugh and squirm wildly. He finally stops when he thinks the boy has caught up on two years of little laughter. In other words Giyu's lack of mercy is because he wants the boy to have a good long laugh after all the sadness and hardship he has been put through. It's like, no matter how cold or tough on Tanjiro he was in the beginning, he really does care for the boy and feels sad for him. After he stops Tanjiro feels so relaxed and exhausted that he ends up falling asleep and Giyu takes him back to the Butterfly Mansion.
Giyu remains his stoic self while massaging and tickling Tanjiro, but inwardly he is smiling. 
Tanjiro's laugh starts out kind of like in little huffs and snickers, and then dissolves into shrieks and belly laughter.
Hiiii, ofc ✨💛
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Lee: Tanjiro Kamado
Ler: Gyuu Tomioka
Ships: NONE
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Tanjiro wanted to bury himself in the sheets, the pain in his right foot was too intense.
Gyuu watched him lying on the bed in the Butterfly Mansion.
"What happened?" He asked Shinobu, who was right next to him
“A serious sprain, nothing that a little treatment won’t cure” she prepared some medicine “but Tanjiro can only suffer at this moment”
"It is a shame"
Tanjiro looked at Gyuu and tried to smile
“It’s okay, sir, it’s not that horrible, ah-!” The boy screamed when Gyuu touched his foot
“It looks pretty bad”
“Medicines will help” Shinobu said walking away “maybe also some massage”
Gyuu thought it wasn't a bad idea, he sat on the bed next to the boy
“It’s good that they put me in this isolated room” Tanjiro smiled, trying to suppress the pain “it’s much more cozy, isn’t it?”
Gyuu looked at him, Tanjiro groaned in pain
“Why are you pretending it doesn’t hurt?” Gyuu asked
The boy sighed “to lighten the mood”
The man laughed in thought, he is so sweet
Then he grabbed, without warning, Tanjiro's foot and began to warn him
"Hey! Sir-?" Tanjiro writhed in pain
“It’s a massage, it will get better”
The boy couldn't help but let out groans of pain, but he held them back to make it seem like everything was okay.
The massage was good, and it was really getting better
"Everything is fine?"
“Yes, I just-HA” Tanjiro let out a little scream, this little scream was different from the screams of pain, this aroused Gyuu’s curiosity
"What was this?" Gyuu pressed the same place on the boy's feet
“No-HA-thing” he snorted
“It feels like something, does it hurt?”
“N-no, It just tickles a little bit”
Gyuu's eyes widened, tickles? It wasn't a bad idea, really...
"Oh yes? I understood"
Tanjiro tried to stay still again, trying to calm himself down.
But Gyuu wasn't willing to help him stay still, he ran his fingers along the sole of the boy's foot.
“Ehe-HE Tohomiokaha!” The boy screamed
“Stay still, Tanjiro, I need to give you this massage”
Gyuu was serious, but inside he was melting at the cuteness he saw
“Ihihi cahahan’t”
“Stay still, argh” Gyuu pretended to be irritated “I’ll show you a great massage for the whole body”
“But my body is not hurt-HAHAHA NOHOHOHO”
The man had squeezed the boy's stomach
“Relax and enjoy”
Tanjiro squirmed, really cute, Gyuu remembered how he tickled Sabito, they were very similar
“I once tried a deep massage on someone who was sensitive like you” the man pretended to ignore the fact that the boy was dying in front of him “that’s how I did it”
He lifted the other's shirt and placed a finger on his belly button.
The same reaction, how interesting” he continued seriously, but in his head he was melting “does your whole body have the same reactions to this massage?”
Gyuu climbed on top of the boy, placing his knees on top of his arms and not allowing him to move.
“S-sir, IhI- noho- please” the boy laughed anxiously, the tickling had stopped for a moment
“You'll be fine, little guy~” the man slowly brought his hands closer to Tanjiro's vulnerable sides, making him snort and laugh “unless if you're very ticklish~”
Tanjiro can't take it
“Ah~ what a shame then”
The tickles came before Tanjiro could even reason.
The boy burst out laughing, Gyuu was imagining it as if he was tickling Sabito once again, so he didn't have an ounce of mercy
“I think there’s another place around here where you’re in even more pain, right?”
“I think so~”
The provocations made Tanjiro even more vulnerable and sensitive
“How about here?” He dug his hands into the boy’s armpits “does it hurt a lot here?”
Gyuu remembered that he wasn't tickling Sabito, that was Tanjiro, and if he didn't stop, the boy would definitely die.
But just a little more
“Are you feeling better Tanjiro?”
“And you’re going to be really bad again?”
“That's good…” he quickly lifted the boy's shirt for the grand finale “because otherwise the tickle monster will have a little chat with you” and blew a raspberry
Tanjiro arched his back and burst into silent and tired laughter.
Gyuu stopped immediately, waiting for the boy to calm down so they could talk.
Tanjiro took a breath, then spoke first
“Thank you sir” he said with his typical warm smile “you always make me feel so much better”
In fact, it wasn't the first time that Gyuu helped the boy with his problems.
The hashira looked down and tried to hide a satisfied smile that wanted to appear on his lips.
Tanjiro has seen Gyuu smile several times, but I think the man thinks that no one sees him smiling
“Do you want any more medicine?” Gyuu asked
“No, actually I’m really tired” Tanjiro said, closing his eyes “I think I…”
And the boy slept
The man came close and stroked her hair in an affectionate way.
"What's happening-" Shinobu entered the room, but when she saw the boy she covered her mouth and started whispering
“Shhhh” Gyuu made her “let him sleep”
“Are you going to stay here?”
Gyuu looked at the unoccupied bed next to Tanjiro's.
Shinobu smiled (truly) “you know you’re like a brother to him, don’t you?”
In fact, Gyuu thought of Tanjiro as his little brother, he would take care of him, and wouldn't let him suffer, like his older sister did with him.
He nodded to the woman and waited for her to leave the room to lie down next to Tanjiro. After a few minutes they were both asleep.
He really cared about him
Thanks for reading 💛💛
Whoever asked me to write a fanfic, I'm going to write it, ok? But I had to write in order of who asked first, don't worry 😊
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tea-twords · 24 days
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your hcs for them. hand them over
Ugh cant BELIEVE you ask for the one thing I say not to ask🙄🙄🙄 Guess I’m forced to share them🙄🙄🙄 Against my will🙄🙄🙄
She’s like 51% Ler 49% Lee
It’s almost 50/50 but she’s verrrry tiny bit more ler
She’s probably like…an 8.5/10 on the ticklish scale
Worst spots are her tummy (obviously), her underarms, hips, and ngl I feel like her shoulders
Whenever she’s tkld, she almost never holds back her laugh
So it always comes out a loud bright cheery laugh (and it’s so pretty)
As a ler she’s only sometimes mean, it depends on her lee
She’s never a mean ler with Kachina, she’s sometimes a mean ler with Kinich
Definitely loves using “the claw”
HUGE fan of giving cheer up tks
Usually to Kachina cause she gets down on herself a lot
Now I would say Mualani also enjoys getting cheer up tks, but hear me out
Instead of receiving them, I feel like if she’s down and Kinich or Kachina are in her presence, she will drag them down and wreck their shit till she felt better
She often receives wake up tks from Kinich whenever they’re traveling together
I say this bc that scene in the archon quest where Mualani was like if only we had someone who gets up early to wake us up tomorrow and Kinich was like fine
She LOOOVES doing surprise tases to her friends (usually Kinich)
She’s also quite often the victim of revenge tks
80% Lee 20% Ler
About an 8/10 on how ticklish she is
I honestly feel like she’s just averagely the same level of ticklish everywhere
Esp her sides a little more tho
Always on the receiving end of cheer up tks from Mualani or Kinich
She will never take initiative to be a ler like ever
The only time she ever lers is when it’s her and Mualani ganging up on Kinich or her and Kinich ganging up on Mualani
It will pretty much never be one on one
Maybe there’s a scenario where it’s possible but right now in my head she would not do it alone
Very very gentle ler
Small hands = small quick tks
Kachina doesn’t know she could literally murder Kinich with the gentle tks if she wanted to
She doesn’t want to tho because she’s way too nice of a ler
As a lee she definitely squirms a lot
Usually it’s Mualani who gets her and it usually doesn’t last very long
Kinich and Mualani never gang up on her in a 2 on 1 bc that’s unfair
They are caring older bro and sis
Her laugh is pretty much just giggles
She doesn’t cackle or snort and is never usually loud
She’s adorable tho and I love her
40% Lee and 60% Ler
He’s about a 6.5-7 on the scale (I can’t decide which bc it really depends on if you surprise him or not)
Despite his being more of a ler, he’s never usually the first one to initiate the tks
He almost always tickles as an act of revenge (cough mualani)
Kinich for a while thought he wasn’t all that ticklish because last time someone asked the dreaded question and tickled his sides, he didn’t feel a need to react
He’s just really good at not being ticklish when he knows it’s coming (me fr)
Mualani asked this question and got the same lack of response to sides
But unlike previous curious people, Mualani doesn’t give up
It didn’t take long for her to find pretty much all of Kinich’s spots after that wrecking
His spots are usually normal but sometimes a little oddly placed
He’s ticklish on his underarms, back, ribs (but only the bottom two), knees, his neck but only in front, and collarbone
He’s really not that ticklish on his sides and therefore assumed he wasn’t at all because before Mualani that was the only place people ever
As a ler depending on who you are and what you did to warrant his wrath he can either be super nice or straight merciless
Which translates to super nice with kachina and merciless with Mualani
Because 90% of the time she does something
Whether it be a surprise taser on those two ribs that are too sensitive for his own good (he screams) or something as simple as a prank
He will give her the wrecking she deserves
And sure he’s merciless with her but not exactly mean
He will remind her that she brought it upon herself
As a lee tho…
I can’t tell if I like Lee or Ler Kinich more
Because Ler Kinich is perfection but Lee Kinich is adorable
He’s honestly so good at holding in his laugh but surprise attacks are his weakness (Mualani’s specialty)
Even if it’s not a surprise attack, anything on his back will get him to crack in seconds
Even when he’s laughing though he’s really good at controlling it
Good at controlling his movements too
He won’t flail like mualani and instead just kinda curl up
Protect whatever he can
Even with all his composure though it’s still possible to get him cackling
That only ever happens when it’s both Mualani and Kachina ganging up on him
The conflict between Mualani’s firmness and Kachina’s gentle scritches just makes him lose it
Sometimes Ajaw (the bastard) tells Kachina to be rougher with Kinich bc he thinks that it’s the rough tks that drive Kinich crazy
But it’s actually the soft tks that he can’t stand
I’m sorry but I just have a feeling he’s weak to gentles
Of course after times like this he will literally wreck both of them at the same time. Bc he’s still a ler at heart and he can do that
Last one and I’m pretty sure we all know this but
Ajaw will definitely sell Kinich’s worst spots to his ler with no hesitation and no remorse
He wants to see him suffer
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alixlives · 10 months
surprise enjoyment..?
ler!quackity, lee!wilbur
summary; wilbur is being a little bitch.. quackity tickles him for it. to wilbur’s surprise, however, he seemed to enjoy it.
WARNINGS: mentions of drinking / alcohol, mention of being drunk
reblogs appreciated,, ;-;
“Why is everyone saying- Someone said say your goodbyes, what does that mean?” Quackity looked confused as he, now nervously, tried to open the bottle of wine he held.
“You’re going to die from this,” Wilbur said, the corner of his lips twitching up in a smirk.
“No, you fucking asshole!” Nervous giggles spill from Quackity’s lips.
“I know you’re lying, I know it's a bit but like..”
“WOOAH!” Wilbur cut Quackity off, pretending to grab Quackity to scare him. Quackity flinched, and almost immediately hid his face behind his hand.
“Statistically, someone will die in this room, from your actions right now. It’s gonna make a really scary, loud noise..”
“Dude! Fucking stop, no, you fucking do it, I can’t.” Quackity handed the bottle to Wilbur, and Wilbur opened it with ease.
“See, that’s why you hire experts, like me.. Because I won’t die.”
And then, just as Quackity’s nerves had eased, Wilbur pretended he was going to grab Quackity’s torso. Again. Quackity defensively put his arms in front of him, giggling nervously.
“Fuck off! Fuck off, that’s not funny!” He stood up, smacking the table before walking away as Wilbur smirked mischievously. Scaring Quackity was probably one of his favorite things to do.
Quackity murmured a few things to himself, about Wilbur being an asshole.. cocky..
And then he got an idea.
He made his way back over to where Wilbur sat, sipping from his glass of wine as if he’d done nothing. The bastard.
“I’m going to kill you,” Quackity threatened, but Wilbur only laughed, tauntingly.
“Aw, are you upset ‘cause I scared you? Is Big Q a little angry that he got scared~? Hmm?” Wilbur teased, speaking as if he were talking to a baby. Quackity rolled his eyes.
“Hey, I warned you, man.” Just then, Quackity reached down to squeeze and poke Wilbur’s sides, eliciting a shriek from the man. He was laughing again, but this time not tauntingly. Panicked, adorable, and very, very loud giggles.
Wilbur slid down his chair until he was on the floor, desperate for an escape from what he knew was to come.
“No, don’t you dare try escaping this! You deserve it, for scaring me!” Quackity kneeled down by Wilbur. They were both, mostly, out of frame from the stream, but they could be heard loud and clear.
Quackity held Wilbur down, and was pretty damn quick to drill his thumbs on the space above Wilbur’s hip bones, the bastard.
“QuaHAHACKITY! FUCK!” Wilbur threw his head back with a loud shriek of laughter, his hands latching onto Quackity’s wrist defensively— as if that will do anything?
“It’s about time I get some payback, huh? Don’t you agree, Wilbur?” Quackity smirked, keeping one hand at Wilbur’s hips, while the other scribbled on the taller’s underarms; Causing yet another shriek.
To Wilbur, this was a mix of heaven and hell.
It felt like little electric shock waves were shooting through him, yet they didn’t exactly feel bad. He felt a sense of comfort from it, in a way.
Maybe it was the fact he’d been stressed as of lately, and this, to him, felt like a good stress reliever.
Or maybe he was just drunk.
Either way, he was enjoying it— the only thing making him want it to stop, was knowing that chat could hear exactly what was happening.
“I’m gonna take your lack of a response as, you do agree.” Quackity snickered, his fingers spidering across Wilbur’s stomach.
He then stopped, to spare the slightest amount of embarrassment for Wilbur.. He knew that clip would probably circle everywhere.
“Q?” Wilbur broke what had been their long silence— they ended the stream around half an hour ago, both of them now more sober.
“Yeah?” Quackity picked his head up to look at Wilbur.
“You know, um, earlier on stream, when you.. Um,” Wilbur placed a hand on his chin, as if trying to think of how to word this.
“When I what?” Quackity thought for a moment, trying to figure out what Wilbur meant…
“Oh, what, when I tickled you? For being a little jackass?” Quackity snickered as Wilbur rolled his eyes.
“Yes, that,” Wilbur responded flatly, before his nervous tone seemed to return. He began to mumble, “Um, you know, it was uh.. kinda fun? And-”
“You want me to do it again, don’t you?”
Does this man read minds?
“Come here.”
Wilbur scooted closer to where Quackity sat on the couch, hugging himself and staring at the ground. Did he seriously just ask for this?
Pulling Wilbur from his thoughts, Quackity was quick to hold him in a hug from behind. He chuckled as the taller man squeaked— Not something he’d expected to hear. And then, Quackity dug his fingers into Wilbur’s ribs, his fingers vibrating on the spaces between the bones, skittering up and down the sensitive spot, relishing in the way he screamed and spat meaningless protests through his laughter.
And Wilbur could not have been happier.
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sallage · 9 months
Hii, just wanted to say that I recently stumbled upon your page and I love how well written your fics are; there's just something different about the way you write that draws me into the story :D I saw that you opened requests for short stories so could I request for lee Kirishima and ler Bakugou? Maybe Kiri pranked Bakugou, but Bakugou isn't big on pranks so he decides to tickle Kiri to get him back for the prank instead. Tickle spot could be the ribs, but I don't mind if you wanna change it :> Thankss
A/N: Ahhh thank you so much for your kind words! I was really excited to write this so thank you for requesting it! Hope you enjoy!
Shut Up and Laugh!
Primary AU
Words: 1,086
Reading Time: 4 Minutes
Pairing: Lee Kirishima, Ler Bakugo
Read more ∘₊✧ Here ✧₊∘
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˚ · • . ° . ˚ · • . ° .
Kirishima’s arms and legs pumped hard as he vaulted over the table and spun around, meeting eyes with a soaking wet Bakugo who was so angry, Kirishima thought he could he see steam rising out of his ears. 
“Come on, man! I said I was sorry!”
“I’m going to make you regret the day you were born, you bastard! Get over here!” 
Bakugo ran to the left of the table, and Kirishima matched him, running to the right.
“Stop running!” Bakugo growled, gripping the edge of the table with white knuckles.
Kirishima had been feeling mischievous that day and wanted to pull a prank on the angry blonde. So he set a bucket of water on top of the apartment door and left it slightly ajar, so that whoever opened it would get splashed. After setting everything up, he invited Bakugo over, who foolishly opened the door and got rewarded with water spilling all over him and soaking into his shirt and pants. His stunned expression and lack of physical reaction; Just stating there with his mouth open in shock, caused Kirishima to explode into a laughing fit, breaking Bakugo out of his stunned trance at the mention of posting a video from a hidden camera somewhere in the apartment to the group chat they shared with their friends.
“Okay, maybe if you took a second to calm- AH!”
Bakugo slammed his hand on the table and started to jump it, comically slipping back off and crashing onto the floor. Kirishima bursted into laughter at the stunned blonde’s expression. He bent over and held his waist, laughing harder when Bakugo tried to get up and fell back down again. 
Bakugo growled and used a small explosion to slide his way over and like a bowling ball, crashed into Kirishima. The red head yelped, tripping and landing hard on his back, caught off guard by the use of the explosive quirk indoors.
Bakugo easily straddled Kirishima who was weakened by his continuous laughing fit and shoved the red head’s wrists underneath his knees, locking them in place. 
“You’re geheheting me all wehehet!” Kirishima broke into another bout of laughter at Bakugo’s frustrated expression.
“You trying to make a fool outta me?!” He yelled, an irritated vein popping visibly from his temple.
“Ihihit was just a prahahank! It was funny! And then you goho and fall ahahaohof the tahahahable? Ahhhahahahahaha!”
“You wanna keep laughing? I’ll give you something to laugh about!”
Before Kirishima could register what was happening, he was laughing for a whole other reason. He bucked as the blonde on top of him dug ruthlessly into his sides. Caught off guard at the randomness of the ticklish attack, Kirishima couldn’t stop himself from falling into surprised laughter, kicking his legs and pressing his knees against the blondes back, trying to push him off.
“Laugh at this, you dumbass!” Bakugo growled, still somehow seeming menacing and pissy despite the fact that he was now tickling his friend to tears.
“Bahahahahakugo whahahat ahahare you dohoing? AHH!” 
Bakugo’s fingers dug into his sides, moving down slightly to press into his hips. Kirishima broke into bucking laughter, thrashing a little harder and trying to wrench his hands free.
The wet blonde smiled. “Tch, Figures. You would be this ticklish. You look like an idiot!” 
Kirishima yelped and arched his back when Bakugo teased up his sides again. 
“Where the hell is your bad spot, huh?” Bakugo wondered out loud, pinching along his sides, spidering along his stomach and inching himself down to dig into his hips. 
“STAHAHAP! I’m sohohory!” Kirishima shook his head back and forth, trying to wrench his hands from underneath the blondes knees, but Bakugo held fast, not letting Kirishima escape.
“Shut up! You’re gonna be sorry after I’m done with you!” With a growl, Bakugo poked at Kirishima’s ribs and the red head jolted, bucked his hips, and let out a startled yelp all at the same time. An evil smile spread across Bakugo’s face making Kirishima genuinely regret his actions for the first time that night.
“Bakugo! Hey, Im sorry! I shouldn’t have done it, I-“
“Nah, it’s too late for that!” The blonde cracked his knuckles for shameless emphasis. “This will show you what happens when you mess with me! NOW DIEE!”
Bakugo ruthlessly dug his thumbs into Kirishima’s ribs, digging into, around, and between the bones with scary pin point accuracy. It was mercilessly devastating and Kirishima bucked so hard Bakugo almost lost his balance. For a few moments, there was only thrashing, then there was loud, hard laughter that surprised even Kirishima himself.
“Shut up and laugh!”
“That’s it!”
Kirishima doubled over when Bakugo vibrated all of his fingers into his bottom ribs. Kirishima mindlessly kicked and bucked, slamming his back onto the ground and hitting his head hard against the floor. His hilarity gave way to silent laughter. Bakugo smiled deviously, taking his silent laughter as one hundred percent victory.
Kirishima wanted so badly to use his quirk, but he was unable to concentrate fully enough to do so, the sparkling electric current that was spamming his ribs reached his brain in unmeasurable speeds, causing him to buck and writhe and gasp as Bakugo absolutely let him have it. Bakugo kept going despite the Kirishima’s begging, his victim’s face and neck turning the same color as his hair.
Once Kirishima started wheezing, Bakugo finally let up. He jumped off of the red head who stayed stuck where he was on the floor, huffing and puffing, trying to catch his breath.
“I… wasn’t… expecting that.” Kirishima huffed in between breaths.
“I wont go so easy next time, asshole.” Bakugo cursed, pulling at his still wet shirt uncomfortably. “Hope it was worth it shitty hair. Is that stupid prank the reason you had me come to this shit hole?”
Kirishima shook his head, regaining his breath and sitting up. Bless his amazing stamina. “No, I got new monitors and I wanted to show you. I got a shirt for you too, man! No hard feelings.”
Bakugo rolled his eyes, but they shone with interest. “Whatever.”
“Hey, Bakugo?”
“Are you ticklish?” 
Bakugo scoffed. “Of course not. I’m not some childish weirdo like you. Now show me the damn monitors.”
Kirishima raised his eyebrows, but he didn’t say anything more. Maybe one day he would find out the truth, but not today.
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minnielvrr · 3 months
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Wake up!
Lee: Han Ler: Hyunjin Word Count: 802
A/N: The moodboard doesn't exactly match that well but the flowers were soo pretty so~
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"Han. Hannie~ Han-ah! HAN JISUNG!!" It seemed as though not even the devil could rouse the sleeping quokka, who was still snoring away peacefully. Hyunjin sighed in frustration. Minho had tasked him with waking Jisung, and he knew better than to disobey.
Annoyed, he flopped down next to the younger, crawling over until his body was draped fully over the sleeping boy. He blew in Hannie's ear, watching with a growing smirk when that got him a reaction. Han shivered, squirming around a bit before settling.
Deciding to have some fun with his task, he used his index fingers to wiggle in the ace’s neck, Han stirring a little now, scrunching his shoulders up to protect his ticklish neck. “Mmhmhm.”
Hyunjin moved his hands to the quokka's sides, tenderly massaging his fingers over the thick fabric. Sadly, that didn't have the energetic response he’d expected. He tried again, this time his hands slipped under the grey hoodie.
Jisung jolted when cold fingers touched his warm skin, soft giggles leaving his lips as he whined and writhed under the ferret’s weight. “Nohohoho, lehehemmehe sleheheep~”
“What’s the matter Hannie? I’m not doing anything,” the artist teased, using his manicured nails to scribble at Hannie’s sides. Han lazily cracked open an eye, a slow smile curling his lips. He whined, wriggling under the ferret’s body that had him pinned.
“Are you gonna wake up now or do I have to make you?”
"Don’t wannaaaa. 5 more minutes.....pleaseeee." Han mumbled sleepily, pouting cutely up at Jinnie and honestly Hyunjin would have caved if not for the looming threat of Minho's air fryer over his head. He firmly shook his head. He shifted the two, flipping Han over and taking a seat on his legs.
Gently, he pulled the hem of the sweater until it sat bunched up around Hannie’s chest. The younger was fully awake now, but still too lazy to get out of bed. Hannie was a ‘little’ eager to see what Hyunjin was gonna do. So he stayed perfectly still, wide eyes looking curiously at the ferret. At the lack of any resistance, a slow smile spread over Jinnie’s lips with a delighted look in his eyes.
“Not going to fight back? You like this huh?” Hyunjin moved to loom over him before continuing.
“Are you going to take everything I give you, like my good little tickle toy? Hm, will you Hannie?” Hyunjin himself didn’t know where this sudden confidence was coming from, but the way Jisung turned so red, the widest of smiles stretching his pink lips, seemed to fuel the bubbling urge to see just how much teasing their dear ace could take.
“Come on~ admit it, don’t be shy. You know you love this~” He purred when Hannie hid his face in his hands, slowly scratching at the flat surface of the quokka’s tummy. All he got in reply were sweet giggles as Hannie squirmed but didn’t fight it.
“Hehehehehe Hyuhuhunehe~” He laughed freely, hands tightly clenching the sheets on either side of him as the older continued the pleasant torment on Hannie’s poor belly. Then Hyune leaned down, feathering the softest kisses Han had ever gotten all over his tummy and sides. Han shrieked, erupting into hysterical cackles, feet kicking and bouncing on the bed at the sensation. It tickled so much!
The way Hyune’s lips would attack one spot while his hands poked and kneaded lightly at another had him going crazy. “HAHAHAHAHA HYUNJIN! HYUHUHUNJIN SHIHIHIHIT!”
Hyunjin giggled at the mess Hannie was. “God you’re so ticklish here aren’t you, ticklish baby~” He taunted, only making it tickle more when his lips vibrated on Hannie’s sensitive skin. “Fine Fahahahaine! I’m awahake I’m AWAHAHAHAKE, STAHAHAHAP…”
Hyunjin let up with a huff. “You can’t even handle this much~ I don’t know how you survive Minho hyung’s moods.“ Hannie blushed, smacking Hyunjin’s shoulder, suddenly feeling shy. Then he extended his arms out, quietly asking for the older to pick him up, still panting from the sweet torture.
“C’mere you little baby,” Hyunjin gathered the flustered puddle that was the ace into his arms and stood on wobbly legs. Han wrapped his arms and legs around the ferret, nuzzling his face in his neck with a smile. He really thought Hyunjin was done…
Fingers skittered up his sides, making him squawk. He stopped with a teasy smirk that quickly dissolved into a gummy smile when Han pressed his fingers into Hyunjin’s upper ribs, the ferret almost dropping the ace in his struggle to escape.
Eventually they did make it to breakfast and a furious Minho who wrecked Hyunjin as punishment.
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snowypolaroid · 4 months
in stitches
summary: pomni helps ragatha stich herself up after an accident. surely this ends completely normally !!!
characters: ler!pomni, lee!ragatha [ mentioned: caine, jax ]
w/c: 2,042
a/n: eerrrmmm theres not much to say except i had fun writing this heeehehe ... if this is like ooc or anything no it isnt Ignore It <3 also the title is really funny guys get it because in stitches is a way to say laughing and shes doll who needs to be stitched up and
warnings: needles, but other than that, none!
this is a tickle fic! if you dont like that, run along! <3
[ sfw interaction ONLY !! ]
“does it.. hurt?” 
ragatha looked down as the jester asked the question, who was pointing at the open ‘wound’ in where ragatha’s abdomen would be. but instead of blood or guts pouring out, soft white stuffing poked out of the tear and trailed along the floor behind the two as they made their way down the hallway.
“well.. yes and no. it’s happened so many times that i sort of.. got used to it? i mean, the shock and initial pain never really stops, but..” ragatha trails off. she sighs. “b-but it’s fine. once i get myself all sewn up i can forget that it happened. it’s more of a ‘oh god not this again’ situation, i guess.”
pomni looks down as they continue to walk side by side. despite the gaping hole in ragatha’s middle, she still continued to saunter as elegantly as ever, pomni noticed, and it saddened her how often ragatha claims she gets injured this way. but then again, she’s glad it’s easy to fix her up. not everyone can just stick a needle and thread in them to patch up their wounds. well, not without proper medical care, anyway.
but i digress. the duo reached ragatha’s room, and as pomni looked behind her to see the uncomfortably long trail of stuffing down the halway, she cringed. “yikes.. uh, why don’t you go get yourself seated and i’ll gather up that.. stuff?”
ragatha shook her head. “don’t worry about it, i have extra in my room. we’ll just ask caine to clear it up later..”
“does he usually?” pomni questioned as she closed the door behind her. ragatha hummed in response. “yeah, he does it with pretty much any mess. or, well, bubble sometimes cleans it up. and seeing what’s essentially your insides get licked up by a floating bubble is..”
pomni cringed again. “right..”
“but that aside..” ragatha settled herself down on her bed, slouching a little from cotton loss. “the sewing kit is in that drawer over there. i think the stuffing is too? i don’t remember the last time i needed to fix myself up this badly..”
pomni hummed in acknowledgement and headed over, rummaging through said drawer. she was surprised at how much you could fit in there, but then again, this was a circus run by a crazy ai, so she probably shouldn’t be too perplexed. 
“is it this?” pomni held up a little light blue sewing box adorned with colourful stickers. ragatha nodded to her question. “yes, that’s the one!”
she brought the box over to ragatha, setting it down on the bed before going back to look for stuffing. while she did that, ragatha took out a needle and poked a piece of blue thread through the hole, taking her a few tries to get right. a lack of fingers can be a pretty big disadvantage sometimes.
“uhh.. how much of this stuff do you need?” pomni turned around. ragatha perked up, humming. “oh, uh.. i don’t really know. bring as much as you can carry? we can just put the rest back.”
“good idea..” pomni plunged her hands into the drawer full of cotton wool and scooped out a load of it in her arms. she waddled over to the bed and dropped it on the mattress, then held her hand out to be given the needle. “i’m not even sure if i know how to sew, but..”
“it’s alright. i appreciate the sentiment.” ragatha smiled sweetly, which made pomni avert her gaze in slight embarrassment. “y-yeah, ‘course..”
pomni looked down at the hole in ragatha’s middle, wincing a little, which made ragatha glance away. “sorry, it’s not a pretty sight, is it?”
pomni quickly shook her head, waving her hands around in a slight panic. “n-no! no, i-it’s fine.. i’ve just.. never really seen anything like this before. i mean, life sized and sentient, anyway.”
“ahah.. i get it.” ragatha responded, watching as pomni placed the needle on the mattress to gather up some of the fluffy white stuffing and holding it up to where the doll’s abdomen would be. “so.. do i just..?”
“oh! you might want to sew my back up first. yknow, so none of it falls out the other side.” ragatha shifted her position on the bed so that she faced away from the jester. her movement was slightly floppy, but she managed. “yeah.. good idea.” she agreed, using one of her hands to adjust the dolls position before picking up the sewing needle and poking it through the fabric to carefully begin sewing the gap shut.
“sorry, it probably feels really weird..” pomni muttered, sticking her tongue out as she worked. ragatha stifled a chuckle so as to not mess her up. “it’s alright, i just don’t usually get sewn up back there. besides the time i got impaled in the candy canyon kingdom, i don’t really need to fix myself up in that spot.”
“huh.” was all pomni said in response, cutting the thread once she was done. she stared at her work, uncertain. “does it feel alright?” she asked, tracing over the stitches with her fingertips. ragatha shuddered slightly at the contact. “y-yeah, it feels fine..!” she quickly addressed, turning around. pomni raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more as she gathered up some cotton in her hand. “alright, well, i should probably..”
“oh, right.” ragatha responds, narrowing her eye at the stuffing. “just.. put as much in as you can, i guess?” 
pomni hummed, unsure, but obeyed regardless. she gently let her fingers trace the rim of the tear, and carefully slipped some cotton in. with how cautious she was as to not hurt the doll, she never took into account that it might feel completely different.
realistically, neither did ragatha.
pomni took very little notice of the way ragatha’s expression shifted to one of nerves, smiling uncontrollably as she tried desperately not to laugh. the jester was so gentle, her touch light as a feather, but god, she’d be lying if she said it didn’t tickle like hell.
as she lifted a hand to cover her mouth, pomni looked up in slight worry. “a-am i hurting you..?” she asked, retracting her hands from the doll’s middle. ragatha shook her head. “no!- no, i-it’s fine, just.. continue.” she responded, avoiding eye contact. pomni didn’t seem to believe her, her eyebrows knitted together with uncertainty. “are you sure? am i not being gentle enough? you can tell me if i-”
“i said it’s fine, j-just keep going.” ragatha insisted. pomni looked back at the tear, then eyed the dolls nervous expression. the way her lips twitched and her face reddened.. that’s when it clicked.
she wasn’t sure if it would be too forward to ask, so she decided to experiment instead. she picked up a handful of the snow-white fluff and let it fall into the tear, but not without moving it around as a way to ‘position’ it. instead this time she carefully watched ragathas reaction, who in turn looked away as her shoulders shook, and pomnis eyes sparkled.
“ragatha?” she began, and she practically saw the colour drain from the doll’s face as she turned her attention to her. “y-yes, pomni?”
“sorry if this is intrusive but..” she rubbed the rim of the open ‘wound’ in ragatha’s middle, resulting in her breath hitching despite not actually needing to breathe. “are you ticklish?”
“uh-” ragatha couldn’t hold back the nervous grin. “well, i-i mean.. isn’t everyone..?”
the response made pomni raise an eyebrow, and ragatha let out a quiet chuckle. “s-so..”
pomni poked a finger into the opening, making ragatha squeak. the ragdoll immediately covered her mouth with her hands, and pomni couldn’t help but smile slightly.
“alright, alright.. i’ll get back to work. just.. try not to laugh too much, it’ll mess me up.” pomni spoke, picking up the soft white cotton again. ragatha nodded quickly as the jester then began carefully inserting the fluff back into where it belonged. and now that ragatha knew she didn’t need to hold it in that much, she let herself giggle at the unusual, tingly sensation in her middle, and pomni would be lying if she said the sound didn’t make her blush a little. 
the jester couldn’t help but play around a little, messily - but still cautious enough not to cause harm - stuffing the cotton into the opening as ragatha let out all kinds of squeaks and giggles. “p-pomnihihii! you’re dohoing that on puhuhurpose!!”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” pomni said with a little grin, messing around with the fluff a little more and drawing out a squeal from the other. “pohOMNI-!”
pomni giggled. “you know.. it’s kind of endearing.” she commented, retracting her hand. “yknow, that it tickles? i was worried it would be an uncomfortable experience, but.. it seems quite the opposite.” 
it was then ragatha realised she hadn’t protested in the slightest. “ahahah.. i guess so..” she looked away. “you don’t.. find it weird?”
“w.. why would i?” pomni looked up at ragatha. “i think it’s cute..”
“...oh.” ragatha blushed. “i-.. it is..?”
pomni stopped responding for a moment. “y-yeah, um.. i- i don’t know, i guess it’s the way it makes you smile and laugh that i really like, and, um..”
ragatha found herself chuckling. “aw, pomni.. that’s so sweet..!”
the jester was quiet for a moment. “you’re sweet.” she retaliated, and without warning, began ruffling around the white cotton fluff again and eliciting a yelp from ragatha, who nearly fell off the bed at how hard she jumped. “noHO WAIT-! POHOHOMNI!”
“whoops,” she smirked, using her other hand to keep her in place. “hold still! i need to readjust the stuffing!”
“no you doHOHON’T-!” ragatha squealed, kicking her legs against the side of the bed. “yes i do!” pomni retorted, continuing to mess with the cotton filling. for ragatha, when it came to tickling - or any contact like this for that matter - it never lasted any longer than a few seconds. this was a new experience for her, and it wasn’t unpleasant.
“while i am sure you’re both having fun—” the sudden voice made both girls jump, pomni pulling her hand away (with a bit of stuffing following along) and ragatha covering her mouth with her hands. “—i do have to ask you two to be quick! the adventure can’t wait!”
“ever heard of KNOCKING?” pomni hissed, completely disregarding caine’s sentence. but caine had already vanished away in a puff of smoke. the jester grumbled something under her breath, the obnoxious censor popping up over her mouth in the middle of it. ragatha giggled. “it’s okay, he’s sort of right.. we should probably get this done.”
“yeah yeah.. teethy f#$!er.” pomni muttered, earning another laugh from ragatha. “okay, hold still..” she said, before she continued to fill the opening with the fluffy white cotton as ragatha struggled not to squirm. pomni couldn’t help but smile. “sorry, sorry.” and ragatha could only shake her head, for if she spoke then the dam would break and the giggles wouldn’t stop flowing.
but finally, the job was done, and the two were finally able to attend the adventure. as pomni opened the door, ragatha spoke up, her voice almost a whisper. “um- yknow.. a-after the adventure..” she coughed, “we could.. um.. d-do this.. normally..? i-i mean, if you don’t want to that’s fine, i- just- um-”
pomni gazed at her with amusement, having figured out what the ragdoll meant. “yeah, i think that would be fun.” and ragatha nearly passed out at that answer. “r-right..! let’s- let’s go now.” 
“jeez, what took you guys so long?” was the anticipated question once the women had joined the rest. jax had his hand on his hip, his smile as smug as ever. “were you two—” but he was cut off as caine began to loudly explain the rules of todays adventure. 
pomni glared at the rabbit, but said nothing as ragatha lightly nudged her arm, and the jester sighed as she met her gaze with a typical tired smile. 
well, even if the adventure sounded just as ridiculous as every other event caine hosted, at least the two had a way to wind down after another wild day, huh?
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gaybananabread · 1 year
On the off chance you've still got spots left, I want to offer some SpiderVerse numbers. >w<
Definitely 29 (Wake Up!) with Hobie getting tickled awake one too many times by Gwen, Pavitr, and/or Miles. I admit I wouldn't be able to pick just one.
I think it'd just be cute to see 7 (Flustered) with Miles and Gwen. Probably with her teasing and riling him up playfully, only for him to turn the tables when he finds out she's ticklish.
17 (Interrogation) with Pavitr trying and probably failing to keep a secret--probably the candy stash--from at least one of the others. I think it'd most likely be Hobie.
I'm tempted to say 10 (Ghost) with Lee Gwen, but I admit I don't have anything more specific than Ghost-Spider jokes. >w<
I hope you like them! I admit I'm tempted to write a couple of them myself if you can't use them. Have fun!
~Panda/Black Feathers
TickleTober Day 7 - Flustered
YOU'RE AMAZING ACK! I have been DYING to write some Spiderverse fics, and these are such fun ideas!  I've had a helluva time coming up with ideas. I'm gonna post links for the event on my masterpost when I'm done, so if you want I can tag on each one, but they'll all be on there at the end of the month. Once again, thank you, and Enjoy!
Lee: Gwen
Ler: Miles
Summary: Miles and Gwen step away for a peaceful moment to themselves. At least, that's what he thought before Gwen pokes fun and teases him. Lucky for him, he finds the perfect way to retaliate. 
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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Things across the Spiderverse had been…well, interesting. Since they’d sorted out the canon event fiascos, Miles had been brought into the new Society. They had obviously worked out some serious issues, and Miguel was forced into Anger Management with Dr. Spidey. Two broken fainting couches later, progress was pretty much on the rise. Overall, things were getting better. Better, and pretty chaotic.
Miles was going on at least two missions a day, both in and out of his dimension. The dimension he visited most, of course, was Gwen’s. He was in her dimension almost every day, either helping out with a villain or just grabbing some pizza or coffee. She had helped him get his grades up, even though his Spanish was kinda lacking. These visits were squeezed in between missions, homework, lectures, chores, and just general life stuff. Needless to say, he was relieved to have a day both off from Society work, school and home chores. 
Miles swung through the water-color streets of Earth-65, heading for Gwen’s place. Things had gotten easier with seeing her as well. Now that her dad knows, he can show up in his suit without issue. Finding her window open, he used his webs to sling-shot himself through the opening. Luckily, he went right through, skillfully landing on her bed. Good thing, too; she was right there, that would’ve been embarrassing. The blonde sat nearby in front of her drumset, rolling her eyes at nis entrance.
“Okay then, showoff. Gimme a sec to grab my bag; coffee as usual?” She set her sticks down, adjusting her beanie as she rooted through one of her doom-boxes for a specific bracelet. She found it, snapping the sunflower cord bracelet on and pulling off her hoodie, revealing her spider suit. Gwen had been dressed and pretty much ready to go before he even got there. Slinging her cross-body backpack on, she pulled her mask over her face and was good to go.
“Yeah, that’s cool. Was thinking of going somewhere quiet afterwards, if you wanna.” She hummed at the thought, nodding. “Sounds good to me. City’s actually been peaceful today, it’s kinda unsettling.” Miles just chuckled and gripped the window sill. He was glad her day had been as calm as his; they would have no problems getting some alone time together.
Miles leaned back, letting himself fall a few feet out her window before shooting out a web to catch himself. Gwen copied the action, adding a bit of flair with a twist and flip. He laughed, feeling the wind whip through the breathable fabric of his suit as he swung. 
They eventually reached the cafe, the kind barista more than used to seeing the two heroes suited-up and craving a caffeine fix. He knew their orders by heart, always whipping up their favorite pick-me-ups whenever he saw them enter. The man grabbed their drinks, bidding them goodbye as they swung away from the shop.
Finally, the pair made it to their quiet spot, resting atop a tower overlooking one of Gwen’s favorite parks. Just out of the way enough for them to safely unmask. They both pulled off their masks, taking long sips of their coffees. Miles hummed happily, feeling the heat warm him and the caffeine wake him up. “Mmm, I love that cafe. The guy’s so nice, ya know?” 
Gwen just chuckled, loving the smile that graced his lips. The drummer scooted closer, just about touching shoulders with her “friend”. “Yeah, think we’re his favorites. I’ll have to bring a nicer tip next time, he deserves it.” She sipped her own, loving the sweeter taste of her iced coffee. She watched as his cheeks warmed a bit, both from the heat of the coffee and her proximity. “You’re cute, you know that?”
That only made his blush darken, the reddish-pink now visible on his dark cheeks. “Shut it, you’ve got no room to talk.” He had meant for it to sound confident, though his voice was a bit higher than he would’ve liked. Stupid feelings…
No way was she stopping there. It was way too fun to tease the boy, getting the blushy reactions and shaky huffs from her words. “But it’s true, flower. Look, you’re blushing right now!” Her tone was playful and sweet, just the right mix of the two so she didn’t sound too flirty. Gwen brought her hand close to his face, playfully poking his cheeks.
He almost choked on his sip of coffee, swatting at her hand and trying to keep his thoughts in check. Flower? He hadn’t heard that one yet, though he definitely didn’t mind it. Still, he had an image to protect, however tattered and damaged it may have been. “Ugh, stop it!”
The growing blush on his face was possibly the cutest thing she’d seen all day. It was so easy to get to him, she had to abuse that fact every chance she got. “Neh, that’s just a you problem. Get less cute and I won’t have to call you out on it.”
Okay, now she’s trying to get me to blush… Miles shoved at her face, his palm pressing into her nose as he tried to put a little space between his blushing face and hers. Gwen just snickered, loving the reactions she was getting. “Wow, I finally have you tongue-tied, huh? Never thought the day would come, I’m kinda scared.”
He laughed a bit at that, finding her teases just a little funny. She yelped as he shoved her face away, lightly biting his hand just to be a gremlin. He definitely didn’t yelp, and he had absolutely no increase of any red coloring on his cheeks. His tone was a sad attempt at a tease, sounding more whiny than anything. “S-seriously, Gwanda?”
Gwen snorted at the silly name, once again reminded that Miles’s calling was definitely visual arts, not writing. “You’re so good at drawing, yet so bad at coming up with decent excuse stuff. How does that even work, blossom?” Her hand moved up, flicking his thick hair.
“Hey, watch the ‘do!” He grabbed her wrist, poking her now-exposed side. He had expected a grunt or groan, but not the strangled yelp the action received. His memories wandered to a few days prior, where Pavitr had been goofing around with Gwen. And, Pav being Pav, had decided to start something he couldn’t finish. The two had gotten into a tickle fight, which Miles definitely didn’t stick around to watch. Nevertheless, he had a perfect idea on how to retaliate to her teasing. 
Smirking, Miles tugged her arm up further, cupping the back of her head with his hand as he pinned her to the concrete rooftop. Once he was sure she wouldn’t hurt herself, he gathered both her wrists above her head, webbing them in place. Gwen wasn’t going anywhere.
“Mihiles- Miles wait!” The blonde squirmed and wriggled, trying to break the webs. Her efforts were fruitless, the silky material seemingly rooted in place. Gwen would apologize, but she wasn’t really sorry for anything. He was cute, it was her job to call him on it.
Miles smirked down at her, his cheeks still bearing a small amount of the rosy hue. “Yeah, don’t think so. Time for a taste of your own medicine!"
His fingers dug into her stomach, poking and pinching the tiny bit of pudge below her belly button. She squealed, not expecting the immediate attack on such a ticklish spot. “GYAA- MIHIHILES! NOHOHO!” 
Her laughter was honestly adorable, wild and happy as she squirmed around. Miles couldn’t help the way his cheeks heated back up, the red color once again burning his rich complexion. Gwen was too lost in laughter to notice, her eyes scrunched tight in mirth. “COHOME OHOHON! IHI- I DIHIDN’T DOHO THIHIHIS!”
That was true, though she did tease him. Her words snapped him out of his little trance, a smirk gracing his lips. “Hmm. Sounds like a you problem, Gwen.” She groaned through her laughter, hearing him quote her earlier sass. “DOHON’T USE MY WOHOHORDS AGAINST MEHEHEEE!” The end was a bit whinier than she would’ve liked, but it got the point across. 
“You deserve it. But fiiiine, I’ll move.” Miles moved up to her ribs, scratching between each bone. Her form-fitting spider suit offered little to no protection, and she had a good hour before the webs naturally dissolved. Miles would obviously stop way before then. Still, she knew that the only way out of this was through him. 
The ribs were, thankfully, not as bad as her stomach. Gwen’s loud laughter dwindled down to bubbly giggles, her arms straining as she tugged at the webs. “M-Mihihiles! Thihis is soho nohohot fahahahair!” 
Damn, why did her laugh have to be so cute? It didn’t matter if it was loud or squeaky, her happy sounds always put a smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks. Gwen would’ve teased him, but she was a bit busy giggling her head off at the moment. Maybe he could use his flustered dilemma to his advantage. “And you said I was cute. Look’it you, you’re giggling as much as Mayday.”
Gwen felt her own cheeks getting pink, the silly teases, tickles, and Miles’s smile was flustering her a bit more than she’d like to admit. She completely deserved it, but still. The tickling wasn’t inherently unbearable, though it definitely got to her. Mainly, it was Miles. His warm yet mischievous smile, dumb teases, nimble fingers and rosy cheeks were melting her brain to a giddy soup. “Shuhut ihihit!”
The park was quiet, Gwen’s silly sounds filling the otherwise peaceful air. From the rooftop, nobody could really hear them, save for a few loud squeals or squeaks. It was just the birds, Miles, Gwen and her lively giggling.
Soon enough, Gwen’s cheeks grew sore, her eyes slightly watering at the edges. Her bright red face was telling enough, a clear signal that it was time to stop. Miles stilled his fingers, only a bit dissapointed he didn’t get to try many spots. He’d have plenty of time later. “You alive down there?”
She grumbled some choice words, burying her blushing face in her shoulder. Miles was a bit better off, his own blush now a faint glow. “That’s a solid maybe.” He chuckled, tearing the webbing and freeing his fellow spider person’s hands. Gwen immediately hugged herself, rubbing at her tingling ribs. “You’re free, giggles~”
That earned him a foot to the hip. His spider sense had warned him in advance, though he let her get the small hit in. Miles raised his hands in defeat, struggling not to laugh. “Ohokay, okay! I’m done, promise.”
“Youhu suck, Morales!” Gwen finally sat back up, fully recovered from his attack. A small blush still tinted her cheeks, though neither of them dared mention it. He did, however, want to joke around a bit. “Only when you need it.”
Another foot to the hip, though he dodged it that time. The other hero got to her feet, wobbling slightly before she found her footing. Experimentally shooting out a web, she swung a few feet, giving herself permission to swing around the city again. Her next web shot was aimed at Miles, nailing him in the chest and pulling him closer. “You’re lucky you didn’t kill me! Could’ve left the whole city in shambles.”
He just laughed, feeling the butterflies swarm in his stomach at the sudden closeness. Another joke was attempted, though it sounded more bashful than anything. “At least you’re pretty when you giggle. Hell’uva way to go out, all adorable blushes and cute smilin’.” 
Gwen bit her lip, his words echoing through his head. Adorable, cute, pretty... Her eyes darted to his full lips, imagining a common scenario that played through her head more times than she was willing to admit around the boy. It was then when she noticed just how close she’d tugged Miles in. Awkwardly chuckling, she looked away, releasing the web tethered to his chest and pulling her mussed up hair back. “Whatever, smiles. You’re worse than I am, a stoplight could get jealous of your blushes.”
He rolled his eyes, tugging the black fabirc of his mask snugly over his face. It did little to hide his emotions though, the expressive bug-eyes conveying his feelings just fine. They had brushed off the small moment, as they had hundreds of times before. Mutual pining would only take them so far, but neither was feeling bold enough to take any action right then. “Zip it. You should’a seen your face a few minutes ago, those cheeks were red as Peter’s suit.”
An empty coffee cup was chucked at his head, though he easily dodged and sent it soaring for the nearby park’s recycling bin. The playful banter continued, even as they left the park and started their patrol. Neither one of the spiderlings could get the happy, warm smiles off their faces as they spoke. Best slow day ever…
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kusuguricafe · 2 years
Happy Year of the Rabbit 🐰
A/N: wrote this on a whim after seeing the new hori sketch. there was so much potential I couldn't not write a quick drabble
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this. just this.
Characters: switches Midoriya and Bakugou, ler!Kirishima
“Damn Deku, what’re you doi—PFFFT!”
“Kacchan!! We’re doing a photoshoot for New Year’s!”
“And you’re wearing that?”
“Of course! Me and the others, and Mirko! So, how do I look?”
“Not even a little cute?”
“Aw, Kacchan, don’t be like that!”
“How did you even, fit, in that?”
“With difficulty, heh…”
Bakugou gave him the once-over. Were his thighs always so, so… Well, for lack of a better phrase, fucking hot?
“You sure you can handle taking a picture in that?”
“Yeah, I’ve gotten used to it.”
“But, your thighs are so…”
Deku cocked his head. “So…?”
“So damn exposed! What would you do if someone were to just come up to you and—” without thinking, Bakugou reached out and gently squeezed Deku’s thigh, eliciting a squeak from the smaller boy.
Completely flustered, Bakugou decided to turn the tables as fast as possible the best way he knew how.
“Eh!? whACCHAN! Matte, MATTE!!”
Bakugou pounced. Deku fell to the floor.
“Damn nerd, you’re practically asking for it.”
Bakugou was expertly kneading Deku’s bare thighs, digging his thumbs into all the spots he knew drove the boy wild.
“Oh? And what’s this? Looks like your hips are exposed too. You really didn’t think this though, did you?”
Deku flushed bright pink. “NOT THERE, NOT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!!!”
“Tickle tickle tickle, damn nerd.”
“Oi! Be nice, Bakugou!”
Bakugou froze. No way. No way this was real.
Kirishima smirked. “What do you think of my outfit?” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
Bakugou was still frozen with Deku panting beneath him. Then, the feeling of Deku grabbing his wrist snapped him out of it, and, not knowing how to handle this situation at all, he continued his ruthless attack on Deku’s poor defenseless thighs and hips.
Kirishima smiled. “Coming!” He leapt into action, running up from behind Bakugou and digging his fingers into his underarms.
“WHAAAHAHA KIRISHIMAAAAA!!” Bakugou fell back into Kirishima’s lap and burst into laughter, now in between the two bunny boys’ legs.
“Th-thahanks, Kirishima,” Deku sighed in relief.
“Now’s your turn to help me out!” Kiri encouraged.
Bakugou was doing his best to twist around in Kirishima’s grip, but he was unrelenting.
Deku sat up so that his previous position was reversed. Now straddling Bakugou, he gently wiggled his fingers into his ribs.
It was a good thing Bakugou had his eyes closed right now, because he’s pretty sure he'd die if he had to watch while these two bunny boys tickle him to pieces.
This went on for a few more minutes until Bakugou tapped out. He lasted an unusually short amount of time, most likely due to his already incredibly pre-flustered state. When he finally opened his eyes, he quickly realized he was laying between two pairs of beautifully toned bare thighs, and immediately covered his blushing face in embarrassment.
“You guys are the wooorst,” Bakugou whined.
Kirishima and Midoriya laughed.
“You started it!” Midoriya said.
“I didn’t start shit,” Bakugou mumbled from behind his hands. “Now would you two get offa me!??”
“Oops, sorry, man.”
“Sorry, Kacchan.”
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cookiegirlsstuff · 6 months
The Hobi cheer up pt. 3
AN: This is part 3 of a series that will consist of 7 parts. I hope you like it!
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It took so long to find this gif 😭✌🤣😶👍
Lee: Taehyung
Ler: J-hope
It was a normal day in Seoul. At least for most people.
It was a lonely day for Taehyung. Recently, he often felt lonely, although there was no particular reason why.
Despite being surrounded by fans and his members, the K-pop star felt isolated. He misses his family, old friends, and the simple joys of his old everyday life.
BTS would be starting their new tour in about 2 months and would also be coming to Daegu, but he probably had to hold out that long.
Sighing, he rolled back and forth on his bed.
What he didn't realised yet, was that the other members had long since seen through his cheerful facade and were desperate to do something for him.
That's why they had planned an early trip to Taehyung's hometown for the coming weekend.
And today they wanted to tell the second youngest about it.
J-hope was more than desperate to carry out this task and was on his way to Taehyung's room.
But what he saw there was even worse than what he had expected.
Taehyung lay curled up on his bed with his face buried deep in his pillow.
He looked exhausted and lacking in energy.
But so far the younger boy didn't seem to have noticed him, and that was just right, because Hoseok had a plan to cheer him up.
"Boo!" he shouted before jumping onto Taehyung and pinning his hands over his head.
"Hobi hyung? What are you doing?" asked V as he tried to free his hands from his friend's tight grip.
"Oh me? I just want to hear your beautiful laugh again," J-hope smiled.
"What do you mean?" asked Taehyung, a little confused.
But just in the very next moment, Hoseok's fingers touched Tae's ribs and he let out a little shriek before starting to laugh.
"Hobi hahaha please nahhaha", he squeled.
"Cute", J-hope smiled.
He kept going and Taehyung's sweet laugher grew louder and louder with every second. But one thing being said: Tae was a very squirmy lee. He tried to free himself almost the whole time but Hobi's grip was tight.
But somehow, Taehyung managed to free himself after a few seconds of helpless squirming.
When they both realised what had just happened, they looked at each other, slightly perplexed.
"Are you all right? Did I make you feel uncomfortable?" J-hope asked worriedly, hugging the younger one tightly.
But Taehyung was fine. He liked the tickling sensation he had felt until a few seconds ago. It had just been a reflex that he wanted to break free. But how could he explain that to his hyung?
In the end, it might have been smarter to just explain the situation, but since Taehyung was too embarrassed to explain, he just did it.
He freed himself from Hoseok's hold, stretched out on his back and navigated J-hope's hands in the right position to pin him down again.
"What…?" Hoseok asked, confused, but then he understood what his dongsaeng wanted.
"Can you maybe keep going?" asked Taehyung as his cheeks grew redder and redder, causing him to turn his face to the side in embarrassment.
"Oh….so you liked that?" Hoseok teased. Taehyung didn't respond. But no answer was an answer and so J-hope started to make crawl shapes with his fingers. But he didn't touched Taehyung.
"I'll stop immediately if you move that much again," he said playfully as he ran a finger down Tae's side.
"I promise I won't", Taehyung gulped before closing his eyes.
And shortly afterwards he felt his hyung's fingers dancing across his skin again, this time at his hips.
"Nohoho", Taehyung laughed and pulled away as much as he could but this time Hoseok held him with a bit more strength and he couldn't escape. Of course he didn't wanted but it was just a reflex.
“Stop? But you’re enjoying yourself so much, why would I stop?” Hoseok teased.
And it was so true. Taehyung loved this. He felt so happy and cared for even though he was "just being tickled". But for him it was so relaxing and enjoyable and he was thankful that his hyung wanted to cheer him up.
Of course J-hope wasn't done and at the moment he was kneading both of Taehyung's sides with his thumbs.
"Hahahah! PLEASE!” Tae wheezed. His cute, high pitched belly laugh echoed through the dorm andd everyone knew that Hobi was giving one of his special "cheer ups" again.
"But you asked for this.” Hoseok reminded his victim. Then he started wiggling both of his hand as claws on Tae's overly sensitive ribs. His laughter blossomed into louder and higher shrieks and crackles.
"Hm let me think for a second" he said looking up, tapping his chin as if he was thinking "Nahhh I'm having so much fun I don't think I wanna stop"
So he finished by tickling Taehyung's armpits, his absolute weak spot.
"NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO" He let out a cackly laugh as he began wiggling once again wanting to escape.
He deeply scribbled his armpits and then softly stroke them. Taehyung’s nerves were alight with ticklish sensations, his body was twisting under the evil fingers. The poor boy kept on laughing and giggling in hysterics, but with a real and happy smile over his whole face.
Soon enough Hobi knew to stop. He kissed the top of Tae’s head and rubbed his tummy to help the poor boy get rid of all the ghost tickles.
"That was fun", Taehyung smiled and hugged his hyung tightly.
"I'm glad I could help you a little bit with cheering you up", J-hope replied.
"By the way, we have this weekend off and wanted to go to Daegu!" Hoseok finally told him the plan and gently tousled Taehyung's hair. He smiled even wider and hugged his hyung again after mumbling a small "thank you" into his ear.
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So as you guys voted the Taehyung fic first!
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
Heyooo friend! Are you well? I hope so! So, my request might be slightly unusual, so please feel free to decline😅. Can I please request a fic with Lee! Douma x Ler! Reader (gender up to you, but preferably male) who loves flustering Douma by tickling him but who is not ticklish in the slightest?❄🌈. I'm usually not one for reader-inserts, but after your fantastic Koku x reader for tickletober, I gor hooked🤣
Hey friend! As of writing this, I'm doing pretty good! I hope you're doing alright :3 Oh my, this is so CUTE! I love some good ol' Lee!Douma to start the return from my hiatus, so I've gotcha covered!
As is all my Reader inserts- the reader is gender neutral for inclusivity!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @wolfyeatstacos @gladdygirl18 @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @backy-san @t-wordiiish @sarahmaystock5578 @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @giggly-toybox
“Why hello there, (Y/N).” Douma looked over his shoulder at you, smiling as you draped yourself across his back. “Missed me already?”
“Hmm.” You hummed against his shoulder, closing your eyes. You’ve been going non-stop for what seemed like years, tearing up every corner of Japan in search of the Blue Spider Lily. The results have been…lacking.
The fact you were able to walk away from Lord Muzan with your head still on your shoulders was a miracle. All you wanted to do was melt into your boyfriend and drown in the sound of his laughter.
One wasn’t physically possible, but the other…
“Hm? Did you fall asleep back there?” Douma asked when you didn’t make a sound, leaning more into him. “Funny (Y/N), you know we don’t need sle-ehehe!”
“Shhh, I’m resting my eyes.” You mumbled, unable to fight off a smile as you began to curl your fingers against his sides. “Don’t move so much.”
“Aheahha-aheahhahaha! (Y-(Y/N)! Gehahahhaa, wahhahait, wahhahit hohohohld ohoohohn! Gehahahhahaahaha!” Douma twitched as he leaned forward, already giggling. “Noohohoho fahahir- yoohohohu can’t juuuhhust go and dohohoho thhahahaht!”
“Hush- didn’t I already tell you I’m resting?” You wrapped your arms further around him, tapping your fingers against hard muscles as Douma folded in half, laughing the entire way. “You’re so noisy, Dou. Really, really noisy!”
“Yohoohohou’re the ohoohohne tihihiihckling me- ehehehahahahahhaha!” Squeaking, Douma completely collapsed against the tatami mats lining his space, unable to fight off the peals of mirth building up in his chest. “(Y/N), nohohohohoht thehehehehhehere!”
“Not where?” You mumbled with a giggle of your own, nuzzling the spot between his shoulder blades. It was terribly ticklish- the spot that never failed to get your boyfriend on the edge. “You’re gonna have to be more specific. I don’t know what “where” is.” Your hands moved to the lowest parts of his waist, squeezing rapidly and making him thrash. “Stay still- I’m getting comfortable.”
“Yohohohou and I bohohohoth knohohow thahahaht’s impohohohossible! Agheahhahhahaha!” In a moment of revenge, Douma shot his hand back and grabbed your knee, squeezing. The result…
“Nohohohoho fahhhahahahair!” He cried when you didn’t react- choosing to intensify your tickling instead. “Yhoohohoohu’re nohohohoht tihihiihihcklish at ahahahhahall!”
“What? Of course I am. I’m very ticklish!” You leaned up so your chin rested on his shoulder, speaking into his neck. “I’m super ticklish right here…especially when you do this~”
“(Y/N)!” Douma all but howled when you began nibbling on his neck and ears, making him scrunch up the best he could. It meant nothing- you had him right where you wanted him. “AHEHAHAHHA COOHOHOHME OHOHOHOHON! THIHIHIHS IS UUHUHUHUHNJUUHUHUST! UHUUHUHNFAHHAHAIR! UUHUHUHNCAHHAHALLED FOHOHOHOR!”
“Yes yes, how terrible it must be for Lord Douma- tickled to near death by a lower ranked demon.” You cooed at him, shooting your hands up and digging into his pits- making him fall silent in mirth. “You know- maybe I’ll challenge you for the spot; all I need to do is tickle you to win- I could be Upper Rank 2!” Then you cringed, suddenly disgruntled. “Ew- nevermind; that’s way too much work.”
“YOHOHOHU’D BEEHEHEH GOOHOHOHOD AT IHIHIHI!” Douma cried when he got his voice back, reaching out and catching your hands. “Oohohokay, hoohohkay, that’s enohohohugh.” His voice slowly grew more soft as the remaining giggles passed, leaving him curled up on his side. It was times like this you imagined what he’d look like human- cheeks flushed and chest heaving as he struggled to take in air.
You reached out, pushing his bangs free from his face and running a thumb beneath the misty tears forming on his cheeks. “Did I go too far?” You asked.
Douma only laughed, pulling you into his arms and twisting so he was on top. Adjusting his weight so not to crush you, he cushioned his head against your shoulder with a soft hum. “Never. I’d gladly let you tickle me to the end of time if it means I get to see you so happy.”
Demons didn’t blush, but you felt the phantom feeling of heat on your cheeks at his remark. Smiling, you ran a hand through his long hair, playing with the ends as he got comfy. “You’re right about earlier. I did miss you while I was gone. I missed you alot.”
“Aww, you’re so sweet.” Douma giggled- squeezing you close to him. “I missed you too. I’ll try to ask Lord Muzan for more time with you.”
“That’s gonna go well.”
“I’m his favorite- he’ll listen to me.” Douma stuck his tongue out, grinning when you mock bit at it. “But you’re my favorite snow angel. You always will be.”
“Promise?” You asked, holding out your pinky. Douma didn’t hesitate, wrapping his icy one around yours.
Thanks for reading!
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mah-t-wordblog · 5 months
hello! I am such a fan of your work, its all so cute and fluffy! 🫧 I have a bit of a big request for you, if thats okay 🙈 Can I ask for a ler!hashira and lee!Muichiro please? It could be before a hashira meeting, and the hashira are all present except Muichiro... Once Muichiro does arrive, they all decide to attack him because he's looking like such a sad and indifferent little puppy. They say that he was late, so thats why he's getting tickled but they really just want to make him laugh because he's the youngest and he's in need of some laughter! You dont have to include all the hashira, some can just be spectators if you'd like or maybe they can take turns? please decline if you want, there's no pressure to accept ☺️ take care!
Thanks 💛💛 someone have already asked me this fic and I was writing this when you requested 😂, there it is
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The day Muichiro died
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Lee: Muichiro Tokito
Ler: Gyomei (verbal), Sanemi, Obanai, Mitsuri, Kyojuro, Shinobu, Tengen and Gyuu
Ships: NONE
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
The master asked the hashiras to wait a little longer
“We are almost all here, my children”
“Who is missing, my master?” Gyomei who asked
“Don’t you miss anyone?” The master continued “look around”
The hashiras observed who was next to them
In fact, from left to right they were:
Gyomei Himejima, the rock hashira
Sanemi Shinazugawa, the wind hashira
Obanai Igoru, the serpent hashira
Mitsuri Kanroji, the love hashira
Kyojuro Rengoku, the flame hashira
Shinobu Kocho, the insect hashira
Tengen Uzui, the sound hashira
And finally, Gyuu Tomioka, the water hashira
But that all added up to just 8 hashiras
“Muichiro…” Gyuu spoke softly
“Where is Tokito?” Tengen turned to the master “do you want us to look for him sir?”
The master nodded
“Come on” Shinobu stood up and asked the other hashiras to do the same
Everyone walked to the entrance of the master's mansion, coincidentally, the missing hashira was there
“Good morning” the boy said indifferently
“We were worried, young man, where were you?” Kyojuro asked, always cheerful
“Because you’re late for the master’s meeting” Sanemi rolled his eyes “what a lack of commitment”
Muichiro sighed and continued walking, simply ignoring everyone else.
"Boy! Don’t be rude!” Obanai screamed, but Mitsuri held his arm.
“Don’t be rude to him, Obi, we’ll work it out” she smiled “can we work it out?”
Mitsuri looked at Tengen and Kyojuro, these three were always the ones who started everything
“Let’s settle this now” Uzui said, snapping his fingers “where’s the boy?!”
“Young Tokito!!!” Kyojuro ran towards the child
When Muichiro turned around, he fell to the ground, with Kyojuro on top of him.
He got scared
Mitsuri and Tengen quickly arrived as well.
"What are you doing?!"
“From the tone of voice, it seems like Tokito is scared” Sanemi said laughing and patting Tomioka on the shoulder “haha!”
“What exactly is going on?” Obanai asked.
“They will make Muichiro smile, of course” Shinobu smiled
Kyojuro started squeezing the boy's body, more specifically his sides
"What? Whyhyhyhyhy?”
“Because you were late!” It was Mitsuri's turn to squeeze under the boy's arms.
Tengen did his part by tickling Muichiro's feet, even though the little boy kicked a lot.
Muichiro was very strong, even though he didn't look like it, so someone needed to hold that little boy down
"Hey!!! He's kicking too much! Someone stop this boy!” Tengen exclaimed.
“Now that’s it, he got me off the hook, hold on to that boy and I’ll finish him off!”
Said and done, Mitsuri abandoned her position and held Muichiro's arms, Kyojuro also abandoned his position and held Muichiro's legs
Uzui went straight for the little boy's ribs
“Friends, I also want to try!” Shinobu came close and took over the position Uzui was in before, attacking the boy's feet again.
“Obanai! Come here!" Mitsuri called out “help me!”
The girl's beloved approached, somewhat resentfully attacking right under the little boy's vulnerable arms.
Tomioka, Sanemi and Gyomei were the only ones left just looking
"You there! Come! All that’s missing is you!” Kyojuro called the remaining three
Gyomei politely declined, he sure loved just hearing his tsuguko's laugh
“Okay” Sanemi approached, the boy’s knees and stomach remained, he went to his legs
Gyuu approached, he asked Tengen to move a little away from the region on top of Muichiro
“Do you think you can tickle better than me?” The sound hashira said offended
"Yes, definitely"
Uzui walked away very angry
“Why is Tokito so afraid of Tomioka?” Shinobu asked, stopping her part of the tickling.
“Hmm? I don't know” Mitsuri replied
Gyuu filled his lungs and checkmated the poor little boy, with a raspberry in what was known to be his weakest spot, on his belly.
Gyuu smiled
“Guys, he’s already crying” Gyomei warned the others
In fact Muichiro had tears in his eyes
Gyomei, the only one who hadn't tortured the little boy with tickles, came close to him and held him in his lap.
"Are you ok?" He asked
“Yep” Muichiro said softly “I- I- liked it”
“You are very cute Mui!” Mitsuri said, patting his head a few times.
All the hashiras smiled at the boy
Upon arriving close to the master again, Muichiro was very tired.
“What did you do to him?” Kagaya said laughing
“Tickling, of course” Tengen smiled
“He is very sensitive” Sanemi laughed
“Thank you for taking care of him, my children”
“You’re welcome sir” Shinobu, who was known for always being able to speak to the master first than the others, thanked him first
Everyone bowed
“But… how are we going to hold the meeting with Muichiro like this?”
The master pointed to the child who was sleeping on Gyomei's lap.
The Hashiras laughed
Muichiro needed this
Thanks for reading 💛💛 I loved writing his fic 🥹
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liclky · 4 days
Kinich's T-Headcanons!!
🍥:Well hello, in the lack of T content about Natlan's characters (especially a certain dendro boy) I am doing this.
I even came back to Genshin after not playing in years just because of Kinich and it's crazy, I got him!, now he is part of my children muahaha.
**Warnings: kinda spoilers about his lore, itty bitty Kinilani (platonic if you want) and a little angst.
*My English is not very good either!
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° Even though he looks pretty tough and a bit cold, he's such a sweetheart, so you're more likely to see him being a lee than a ler (cough cough* Mualani's fault).
° I think he's not very ticklish, you could get him any spot and he'd be able to not laugh, however there are certain spots where the slightest touch makes him squeal.
° Under his chin, his torso, ears and his shoulders! tickle him there and the boy will immensely begin to combust along with the softest and most adorable giggles you have ever heard.
° I doubt he's actually laughing out loud, he seems like the type of guy who speak quietly and low too. The least you'll get is a snort, the most is giggles along with hiccups and squeals.
° I also don't think he talks much or says things like "stop", he just laughs there. Only if the ler tease him he will starts protesting.
° As he says in one of his voice lines, he's not a friend you seek out for comfort but, he have a soft spot for Kachina. Which means he tickles her to cheer her up.
° He is very gentle and soft when he's tickling someone, nothing too fast or too rough, probably just tracing circles and gently moving his fingers on the lee's spots.
° Listen to me carefully, he smiles as he tickles his lee, Kinich. He. Smiles.
° Soft ler and shy lee, That's all.
° He will only let himself be tickled if it is someone close to him, he will also only tickle people close to him like Mualani, Kachina and the traveler.
° Mualani is always looking for the perfect situation to catch Kinich off guard, she loves to see him all shy and blushing (ah yes, he is blushy lee).
° Her favorite way to tickle him is surprise attacks, she might be sneaking up behind him and grabbing his sides to tease, then comes the tickling. They could also be talking and Mualani starts poking him to build anticipation.
° Growing up in an abusive home and being left without a family at 7 y/o meant that he didn't really know there was any other kind of physical contact besides beatings, It was until he met Mualani.
° So he prefers (and is probably more effective with him) gentle tickling, tickles soft as feathers and he will be dead.
° His biggest lers are probably the traveler and Mualani, "I'll do anything for you" said Kinich before deeply regretting when the traveler suggested tickling him.
° He doesn't see tickling and laughter as something bad or unpleasant, he just doesn't like his laughter very much. That's why it's not usually easy convinced him to actually join on some tickle fights or games.
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That's all for now, I have scenarios in mind for him but honestly, I'm tired.
Either way, I hope you enjoyed it and if you pull for Kinich I wish you the best of luck!!
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