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Lee!Bob RAAAAH‼️‼️
Shh.. no one told him to never cover your line of sight around two mischievous lil kids
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mayisgoingnuts · 3 months
Gotta let the gang know that I fw ler Skid DEEPLY. /silly
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He just a little guy who wanna make people happy😞💞💞
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eunchancorner · 2 years
I can imagine skid and pump noticing Kevin’s stressed and down in the dumps, so being the wholesome little goobers they are, they give him some cheer up tickles. You can take this as a request if you want, I just wanted to share this idea
Please this is so cute, Kevin being stressed and the kids noticing he’s more frowny and upset than usual or just straight up deciding he needs to smile more (there was ONE episode where he smiled in front of them, ONE)
Lers Skid and Pump, Lee Kevin
Warning: Nuffin lol
Word count: 1214
Kevin hated everything. This stupid job, those stupid kids, the stupid ache in his back from sleeping just a little weirdly, the stupid Karens, his stupid boss, this whole stupid town and it’s stupid Halloween traditions that forced him to work overtime JUST to catch up on ordering and stocking stupid candy and still complete every single stupid order. Hell, his job almost made him hate candy!
So forgive him for being a little on-edge when those two notorious trauma-inducers walked through the doors of Candy Club. His whole body tensed up, definitely not helping his back any as they approached the counter, already reaching for their candy bars so they would get out of his sight as soon as possible. He didn’t care that it was December and Halloween was another 10 months away, he just wanted them to leave him alone for once.
“Hi Kevin!” Skid greeted him cheerfully, bundled up tight in his coat and earmuffs, Pump beside him waving and holding his beanie out of his eyes (without his costume, his beanie was always too big).
“Yeah, yeah, I know, you want your candy cans, I know it’s December but just take them,” the ravenette rushed out his words, shoving the two candy bars into the kid’s hands. But just before he could turn to get more from the box behind the counter, Pump’s voice stopped him.
“But we don’t want candy cans! We wanna talk to you!”
Kevin seriously thought he was dreaming. There was no way he was being serious, right? All these two ever wanted was candy (or their stupid doll that one time, Kevin still had the scar). There was no way these two actually wanted to talk to him, much less outside of October.
“I’m busy right now, kids, now go back home to your families,” he told them, rolling his eyes.
“But our families are the ones that let us out to talk to you, Kevin!” Skid whined, hopping halfway onto the counter before promptly getting gently pushed back off.
“Listen, kids, I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone right now, much less you two. Now go home,” he ground out the last two words, quickly growing more and more irritated at the two, turning away to replace the candies he had given them.
Skid and Pump glanced at each other worriedly. They knew Kevin was upset a lot, but today he seemed extra upset. They didn’t know why, all they knew was that their friend was upset, but they wanted him to be happy. It was rare for them to see Kevin smile, so naturally they’d want that. Thankfully, one of the perks of knowing your best friend better than anyone was you didn’t even have to talk to communicate with them. Which was exactly why Kevin didn’t hear what they had planned. What he did hear, however, was Pump calling his name.
“Kevin! Kevin, come look what I can do!” he cheered, the man sighing and looking back over the counter at the kid, who was now balancing the candy bars on his fingers, which, considering the surface area of the candy, was admittedly a bit impressive. It took him a second to realize something was wrong, however.
“Where’s Skid?” he asked, unaware of the very boy sneaking around the counter and behind him.
“Oh, uhm, I-I dunno, uhm…” Pump let his hat fall over his eyes and dropped the candy bars. “O-oh, no, Kevin, I can’t see, help!” he called out in the most fake panicked voice, and Kevin rolled his eyes but reached down to help anyway.
However, just after he helped the little brunette with his hat, Pump grabbed his hand tightly, keeping his arm stretched over the counter. He tried to tug it away but the kid was surprisingly strong, and with Skid ‘gone’ he was suddenly really nervous about what he might try.
“Pump? P-Pump, let go!” he panicked, tugging harder at his arm… until he felt something slam into his back, making him panic even more. What makes it worse is he couldn’t see what, or who, it was.
“Pump! L-let go of my ha-HAHAND!” He suddenly burst into laughter as he felt little hands digging into his ribs, Skid’s sudden disappearance making a lot of sense now, as it just so happened to be him who’d jumped onto him.
He nearly fell over with how hard he was suddenly laughing, and Pump slowly let go of his hand and let him sink to the ground before racing around the counter to help his friend.
The brunette helped his friend, poking at Kevin’s tum, making him squeak and curl up, kicking a bit, a boy on either side of him, each only having one goal; tickle Kevin until he feels better.
“K-KIHIHIDS! AHAHAHA NAHAHOHO! IHIT TIHIHIHICKLES!” the ravenette squealed, trying to roll away from Skid, only opening himself up more to Pump’s attack and rolling right back onto his back.
“We know!” the two chorused cheerfully at him, not once even slowing their assault. Skid clawing at his ribs was driving him up the wall, and the belly pokes Pump was delivering wasn’t helping his situation at all.
Although, if he had to admit, it did help quite a bit. It was taking his mind off of everything, making him feel light and bubbly, like he could float. Of course, limits were limits, and after a while, the two had to stop.
He sat up, a bit, still giggling quietly as the door to the shop opened, Skid racing around to see who had walked in.
“Oh, hi officers!” he greeted Jack and John as they walked through the door.
“Oh, hey little guy,” Jack answered, kneeling down to Skid’s level as John kept going to the counter, peering over in slight concern at the still giggly cashier.
“Why are you at the candy store?” the curious boy asked, shortly before being joined by Pump.
“Oh, John needed to stop by to pick up some candy, so he had me come along to try to get me and the candy kid over there on good terms…” he seemed a bit upset about that last part, rolling his eyes a bit at the notion.
“Oh, you mean Kevin?” Pump asked him.
“You know his name?”
“Yeah, he’s our friend! We were tickling him!” “Hey!” “Shush, Kevin, you didn’t say stop!”
“Anyway,” Skid continued after Kevin had so rudely interrupted his friend, “we hope you can be friends! Kevin is really really cool!”
“Yeah! He gives us free candy cans during Spooky Month, and he saved us from the big fat red guy!” Pump butted in.
“He did?” Jack asked, a bit surprised. He only knew Kevin to be… strange, erratic even, he didn’t seem like the type to protect a couple of kids.
“Yeah! And the big red guy had a knife! He also found our Happy Fella for us, even though he got hurt, too.”
“Aww, poor guy… well, you kids head home, I got stuff to do, ok?” Jack told them as he stood up.
“Ok, thank you, Mr. Police Officer man!” the two chorused as they walked out.
Kevin, however, was about to make two friends he never thought he could.
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lumerix · 6 months
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I luv these guys 🎃💀
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noritaro · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to the friends ever!! @kissingonclouds @butterscorner ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
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toonlovr19 · 9 months
My Silly Skeleton Son
(This story takes place in between Spooky Month 1 and 2)
It was the weekend, which meant no work for Lila. She got to be lazy for two full days with absolutely no responsibilities. Well, there was one responsibility she had to do everyday, which was in the form of a young boy in skeleton costume. That same boy who just so happen to be her son.
The skeleton kid, named Skid, was running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off. The sound of high pitched giggles and the tapping of little feet could be heard all through out. Usually Skid would be outside playing with his best friend Pump, a kid who dresses up like a pumpkin, but he and his family were visiting his grandpa for the weekend.
Lila looked over her shoulder and sighed. It’s not that Lila found Skid’s antics to be annoying, in fact, she thought it was kind of cute. It was just that she’s worried about him all the time, with all that energy he has it was hard for him to stop and think about his surroundings, which could lead him to getting hurt. She also felt kind of bad for him, with his best friend gone he has absolutely nothing to do (except hanging out with that rat in the attic).
Lila thought that there must be a better way of keeping Skid entertained without him running around in circles. Before she could begin to come up with an idea, the skeleton boy poked his head over the couch. “Hey Mum!” He greeted. Lila gasped, but calmed down once she saw it was just his son. “Oh, hey sweetie.” She said affeconatly.
“What are you doing?” Skid asked, sitting down next to his mom. “Just watching TV. Wanna join me?” Lila pulled Skid into her lap. “You want me to put on a cartoon for you.” Skid wiggled his way out of her grasp. “No thank you! I wanna play!” He jumped off the couch and went right back to running.
This is more serious then I thought, Lila thought to herself. She had to think of a safe and fun way Skid could work off all that energy, and she had to think fast before he tried to do anything dangerous. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head, a very silly idea.
“Oh Skiiiiiid!” Lila called out in a sing songy voice like a Disney Princess. Skid scurried back over to the couch at the very mention of his name, if there was anyone in the world that Skid would listen to it was his dear mother. “What is it, mum?”
“Well, I saw that you were more energetic than normal so I’d thought we’d play a game to get all the squirmies out of you.” Skid bounced in his seat in excitement. “What game are we playing? Huh? Huh? Huh?” Lila giggled at her son’s enthusiasm, it was almost contagious. “Calm down, Skid. You’ll find out once we start. Now, I’m gonna need you to turn a round and close your eyes.” “OK!” Skid faced his back to his mom and covered his eyes with his gloved hands.
Lila tried to hold back her laughter, this idea was sure to work. She put her hands on Skid’s sides and wiggled her fingers. “H-Hey! Eeeheeheeheehee! Moooooom!” Skid squealed, his arms flying down at his side in an attempt to block out the tickles. “That tickles!” Lila grinned. “That’s the point, Skid. It’s all part of the game we’re playing!”
Skid managed to to escape the side tickles and flopped down on his belly. But before he could crawl away, Lila scribbled her fingers on the soles of his feet. “My feeheeheeheeheet!” Lila decided to have a little fun of her own. “Aww! Dose that tickle, my little spooky skeleton?” The baby talk caused Skid to laugh even harder, it felt way more tickly.
Lila then flipped Skid over onto his back and proceeded to playfully tickle his little tummy. “Ahahahaha! Mom! Please! Hahahahaha!” Skid try to form a coherent sentence, but his brain was so overflown by the tickles that all he can do was laugh helplessly. “Please what, sweetie? You mean, please eat your tummy because your so adorable? OK!” Lila began to “eat” Skid’s defenseless stomach, that made him screech.
Lila immediately stopped to let Skid catch his breath, she didn’t want to overwhelm him. He leaned his head against a couch cushion, panting and giggling, while his mom firmly rubbed his stomach to get rid of any leftover tickles. “Sorry Skid, was that too much?” Once Skid caught his breath, he answered, “No, I’m ok. This is fun!” Lila put back on a playful smirk. “Good, cause we’re not exactly done yet. I’m going to sing a song, but I’m gonna need you to stay put, ok?” Skid furrow his brow, what song would be fitting for this tickle game. Lila giggled at her son’s confusion and gently grabbed his big toe.
“The toe bone’s connected to the foot bone!” She lightly scratched the sole of the same foot making Skid giggle. “The foot bone’s connected to your leg bone, the leg bone’s connected to the knee bone!” He squeaked when his mom squeezed the back of his knee. As she went on singing, she either pointed to or tickled the bone in question, trying to find a spot that made Skid laugh the most. It wasn’t until she tap on his ribs did she hit the jackpot.
“AHAHAHAHA! My ribs!” Skid roared with laughter. “Oh, so it’s your ribs that are the most ticklish?” Lila asked in a trademark baby talk voice, she waited for Skid to answer. “Y-yes...” He said in a tiny voice. “Well then, that’s too bad for you because your costume makes it easier to tickle them.” As if to emphasize her point, she scribbled her fingers on the white lines of Skids sides.
“Hehehehehey! Noooo! Not the ribs!” Skid flailed his arms around, throwing his head back in laughter. After a few good minutes of ticklish fun, Lila decided that Skid had finally had enough. As soon as she stopped, the boy went limp on the couch still giggling as if he was having a giggle fever. “Are you ok, Skid?” “Yes... I’m just tired.” Skid crawled into his mom’s lap and hugged her, which prompted her to hug back.
“Can we watch TV together?” He asked, looking up at her with relaxed voice and tired eyes. Lila smiled warmly. “I would like that very much.” Yep, worked like a charm.
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minnielvrr · 3 months
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Prettiest Flower
Lee: Changbin Lers: Hyunjin, Felix Word Count: 1k
A/N: Sorry if this is crap, I wrote this purely to blow off some stress😭😖 *NOT PROOFREAD*
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“Hyung you’ve gotten SO strong now,” Felix gushed, massaging Binnie’s thick arms. It was becoming a habit for the younger now, a natural part of his daily routine. “Jinnie, doesn’t hyung look gorgeous?” He turned to the artist who was lounging on the opposite bed.
“Hyung always looks beautiful…” Hyunjin agreed, a lazy smirk appearing on his plush lips, making Binnie blush shyly under their attention.
“But Lix, do you know when our dear dwaekki looks best?”
Hyunjin was now standing in front of the two. He suddenly reached out a hand and clawed at Bin’s tummy. “Yahaha! Nohoho, nohot thihihis.” The cute dwaekki flinched back, his tummy too sensitive to handle the sudden tickling.
“Oh you are so right Jinnie!” Cue another pair of hands joining in at his sides making Changbin squeal, melting back onto the mattress in a puddle of bubbly, musical giggles.
“Hyungie, you’ll keep your hands here for us, right?” Hyunjin coaxed sweetly, moving Bin’s arms to lay over his head and the older blushed furiously. The two had gone from flirting to complimenting to tickling him in the snap of a finger and it was way too flustering.
He averted his eyes but still nodded, moving his hands to cover his face when the duo cooed at his cuteness. Binnie’s heart raced in his chest when they made themselves comfortable on either side of him.
“You're like a flower hyung,” Felix remarked, staring at him. “Hm how so?”
“You practically bloom when you get a compliment and it's the cutest thing ever.“ “Nohoho Ihihi doHOhon’t!!” Binnie howled, flailing around when hands made their way to the sides of his chest and clawed at the sensitive skin. His hands almost snapped back down at that, only barely managing to tangle them in his hair. He wanted to do as Hyunjin had asked him.
“Are you lying to us now hyungie?” Felix fake cried. “Fine then, I guess we’ll just have to prove it to him, right Lix?” Felix smiled wide at that, nodding happily as he scattered pokes all over Binnie’s torso, scribbling at random spots that had the rapper jolting with a little squeak each time.
“Gosh, you're so ticklish hyung!” Lix exclaimed, curiously digging into Binnie’s waist, finding that the lower he went, the louder Binnie’s giggles got. Smirking to himself, he did just that, moving his hands to squeeze at his hips.
“NO! Nohohoho Fehehelihix, Felix please plehease, anywhehehere but thehere!!” But the chick had his mind set on the spot. Binnie’s feet skidded on the mattress as his whole body lurched to the side. The ticklish rapper’s hands that he had so obediently kept up until now, whipped down to protect himself as the two evil kids tickled him to pieces.
He just could never handle upper rib tickles, let alone that combined with hip tickles. They were too damn ticklish. But Hyunjin and Felix kept up their attack, following Binnie wherever he went, relentless in their pursuit.
“Awww, you're so ticklish here. I found a good spot, didn't I?” “Yehehes! Yehes ahahahahah…” Changbin nodded his head fervently, rosy cheeks and a wide smile adorning his face.
Felix giggled at the sight, grabbing onto the older’s waist, throwing his tank top up and blowing a loud raspberry right in the center of Binnie’s tummy. “Nononohohoho Yohohohongbok-ahahahahaha. Please! Nohohot that, not thaHAHAAHAAHA-”
His body arched up, only to come crashing down when Lix blew another raspberry, this time over his belly button as the chick’s fingers started kneading at his sides. The two laughed along with him, his cackles sounding so joyful as the cute dwaekki laughed and laughed and laughed.
“STAHAHAP, IHIHIT TIHICKLES SOHOHO MUHAHAHAHAHACH!” He shrieked out, hands pushing lightly at Lixie’s head and Jinnie’s hands to no avail. “Admit you’re the prettiest flower Binnie hyung. Maybe we’ll consider sparing you.” Hyunjin taunted, moving his hands up to Bin’s armpits to give him some chance at coherence.
“Buhut Ihihihim NOHOT!” That earned him rougher tickles from the two fairies, who were determined to makes sure Binnie knew how adorable he was. Jinnie’s hands went back to his upper ribs and drilled in. Lixie followed, slipping his pinky in Bin’s navel and wiggling around while he pressed his lips to the poor lee’s waist and nibbled. Changbin screamed. The sudden intensity made his made him feel like he was going crazy.
“There’s only one way to stop this hyungie~~ You know what you need to do.” The rapper shook his head wildly, hysterical cackles seemed to be the only sound the dwaekki could make as he twisted around, trying to roll away unsuccessfully.
Finally, mustering up every bit of willpower he had, he gave in. “FAHAHAINE! OHOHOKAHAY IHIM THE PREHEHETTIEST FLOWER! NOW STOHOP PLEASE!!” His breathless plea was accepted.
Felix gently cleaned Binnie’s pink tummy, while Hyunjin carded a hand through the rapper’s hair, brushing away the disheveled mess that it had become. Binnie was heaving, little gasps and giggles still flowing from his lips like music.
Once he’s caught his breath, he sneakily exchanged smirks with Felix and the two pounced on an unsuspecting Hyunjin. The artist squealed when he was wrestled onto the bed, shaking his head nervously, giggles already free flowing from smiling lips.
"You didn't think there wouldn't be any consequences did you? You're next Lix." Binnie added when the chick smiled smugly at the ferret.
He was quickly reduced to cackles, pleading and thrashing as hands roamed all over his torso, tickling his back, sides, ribs and underarms. As soon as they were done with the ferret, Lix got the same treatment, his loud screechy laughter bringing a concerned Chan running.
The trio cuddled all day like that, basking in the warmth and comfort of each other.
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Somewhere, In An Alternate Spooky Month Universe . . . Something more fluffy happened within the household of Lila and skid upon Bob's escape from police custody and enevitable revenge. . .
"Bringing A Feather To a Knife Fight" (Part 1)
Lee!(?)Bob Velseb
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ghostlee · 4 months
That is adorable omg
My brain is going to be filled with this among us idea now send help dusjdiajxjsk
Here’s another idea to fill your head rent free.
Tickle Monster
Hermitcraft x Amongus Adaptation
Words: 1,335
Etho made his way down the hall towards O2 as fast as his legs could carry him, his boots making a quick *tak tak tak tak* sound on the metal flooring of the spaceship as he ran.
There was a blaring alarm sounding out over the whole intercom system of the ship and he had a sensor on his arm that was vibrating every few seconds and lighting up with a brilliant flashing red hue.
He was mere feet from the O2 Panel as he came skidding to a stop and started to push in the code to fix the O2 system, damn someone was really trying to kill them.
The second Etho typed in the last number and hit enter he heard a small hissing noise as the O2 started to flow back out of piping.
The white haired man was soon greeted with the comforting ambiance of the ships engines as the alarms stopped.
He reached up to push the release on his helmet and folded it back so he could breathe fresh air.
Sighing and looking out the door to his right he saw the corridor he had just run in from. Suddenly another sound invaded his ears as he heard a creaking noise with a metal slam shortly after it.
Tilting his head in confusion he took a step forward out into the hallway again. There was a faint blueish green glow that illuminated Etho from behind as he took in silence waiting for more noise to make itself heard.
Soon slow footsteps could be heard creeping their way down the hall around the corner.
Etho suddenly felt butterflies in his stomach triggering a fight or flight response as he felt something was off about the footsteps.
Not wanting to make his presence known he quietly took a step back into the O2 room and pressed his back against the wall facing away from the hallway.
The footsteps approached agonizingly as Etho covered his mouth with his hand to quiet down his quickening breathing.
And then the footsteps stopped, came to an abrupt halt as everything stood in a standstill for what felt like an eternity.
All at once Etho was plunged into darkness as the LEDs over his head went out with a soft click. Only the dim greenish blue panels of the radar disks lighting up the ceiling casting just enough light over the room to make ethos heart start beating faster due to the eerie vibe of the now dark room.
Another few seconds went by when Etho heard another few taks of footsteps on the flooring as they got closer.
Suddenly Etho felt a clawed hand grab onto the sleeve of his space suit and pull him towards its chest as he let out an undignified yelp and his body kicked into immediate flight mode as he started trying to squirm and get away from whatever grabbed onto him.
The monster although scary, gently managed to get Etho on the ground as the boy flailed unable to see much as he kicked and thrashed. “P-Please!! Don’t do this!” Etho started to plea as he felt his heart start beating.
What Etho didn’t expect however was to feel a scritching sensation around his torso. Etho felt giggles start bubbling up as he covered his mouth, his mind now in this weird crossroad, unsure if he was in danger or not.
As Etho felt more and more prodding and poking into his sides he started to relax more and let his eyes trail down to the clawed hand that seemed to be testing the waters on Etho. “W-What are you doing?” Etho asked as the monster used its claw to start squeezing his sides quickly but gently as Ethos back arched and he let out a small strangled bark of a laugh and reached his hand out to grab onto the clawed hand.
The monster stopped for a second before pulling the hand back away from Ethos torso and reaching up to push the release on his helmet too.
“Impulse?!” Etho could barely make out the boys face as he let out a sigh, “dude you scared me half to death!! What were you thinking!!?” Etho cried out happy that it was someone he recognized.
Thats when it clicked in Ethos head as he looked back down at the clawed hand and then back up to Impulses face who smiled gently before showing his monster like teeth to Etho.
“YOU-YOU’RE AN IMPOSTER!!” Etho yelled as he started trying to worm his way out again.
“Shhhhh!! Shhh! I’m not gonna kill you!” Impulse said as he laughed and placed his large clawed hand down next to Ethos shoulder effectively trapping the boy on his back below him.
“I just want the other crewmates to know what could happen-“ Impulse said with a hint of devious charm in his voice.
“What could hap-“ Etho questioned but was suddenly cut off when impulse sat down on Ethos waist and started to scribble his claws all over Ethos stomach.
“WhahahhAHAHAIT!! N-Nohohohohoh!” Etho started giggling as he squirmed around under impulse.
Etho reflexively reached his hands out to grab onto impulses hands as he tried to pull the claws away from his tummy.
Impulse seized the opportunity and grabbed hold of ethos wrists and used his impostor abilities to expose a second pair of arms.
Reaching up he pinned Ethos hands above his head and used the other new set of clawed hands to squeeze quickly at Ethos sides feeling the boy arch his back repeatedly into his hands again and again.
“IMPUHAHAHAHLASE NOHAHAHAHAAT THEHEHEHERE!” Etho screeched when he felt the claws wiggle over his ribs. Even while the spacesuit could protect his body, it seemingly did nothing to dull the tickling on his torso.
Impulse dragged his fingers down to ethos hip bones to dig his thumbs gently into the little spaces as Etho threw his head back and his laughter became a bit more hysterical.
“NAHAHAHAHAH IMPULSEHEHEHEH!!” Etho screamed as he pulled desperately at his arms.
“I wonder if you can feel raspberries through the space suit?” Impulse nonchalantly asked as if the boy he was destroying with tickles wasn’t right below him at his mercy.
“N-NOHAHAHAH DONOHONT!” Etho yelped as he felt impulses hands latch onto his sides and pull his stomach up towards him by a few inches making Ethos back arch.
Impulse took in a big breath of air as he blew a long raspberry right on Ethos tummy, and even though the space suit Etho could feel the vibration as he screeched and kicked his feet uselessly feeling his boots tak against the flooring again.
Impulse grinned and released Ethos arms as they quickly shot down to protect his stomach.
Taking a second to stand back up, impulse backed up for a second before crouching back down and giving Etho a moment to catch his breath as he watched the boys legs come up to his chest and the giggles died down.
“T-Thahahat was evil!!” Etho yelled with a smile on his face.
“Yeah sorta, impostor duties.” Impulse said as he stood back up and held out his hand letting Etho grab it so he could pull the boy back to his feet.
“Don’t tell a soul, otherwise Mr.TickleMonster will be back, Capeesh?” Impulse grinned as he flashed Etho a smile and clicked his helmet on before holding up a hand a waving goodbye as he walked out of the O2 room and rounded the corner leaving Etho completely flabbergasted.
Etho rubbed a hand over his stomach to get the rest of the phantom tickles away as he fought to keep the stupid grin off his face, thank god he wore a mask otherwise he’d have to go around lookin like a kid in a candy store after that onslaught for awhile.
“Well I know who to stay away from.” Etho laughed as he started his trek back down the hall in the opposite direction that impulse went in.
I literally just wrote this all as soon as I saw this ask come in so sorry if it’s badly written.
But I hope you enjoyed your little dose of Lee!Etho
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angelatmidnight1 · 29 days
Falling Flat
A/N: I'm not sure if you're still here anon, and I can't find the ask anymore, but this is the tickle fic for lee!Seer, ler!Octane story that was requested a while ago. Sorry it took so long. I'm really rusty in this fandom but I hope you like it!
Fandom: Apex Legends
Pairing: Octane and Seer- platonic.
Word Count: 2,335.
Octane was popping off in a match alongside Seer, only to trip over a death box and fall. And, Seer refuses to let him live it down. He makes one playful comment too many before Octane prods at a ticklish spot. He doesn’t get much of a reaction out of him, seemingly not ticklish, but he’s determined. Octane’s determination pays off; Seer is indeed ticklish. He’s just annoyingly good at hiding it. 
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“Silva, wait.” 
Seer hurried after his teammate in a duos match, falling further and further behind. Octane scoffed and jabbed himself with another stim. 
“No way, Obi! I want in on this action,” He threw the empty stim over his shoulder, stuck himself with another one, and literally left him in the dust. He whipped out his shotgun, grinning as he loomed in on Containment, where multiple teams were fighting. “I won’t take all of the loot…maybe!”
Seer halted, putting both of his hands on his knees. He wasn’t a stranger to a long run, but keeping up with Octane was impossible. He used his Heart Seeker to scan the area ahead. Sure enough, he detected multiple heart beats. He sighed. 
“The show begins,” He unholstered his R301 and threw down his Exhibit to highlight the enemies’ positions. “With luck, we will be the last squad remaining on stage.”
Octane didn’t need any luck. He entered the fray in a green blur, downing enemies left and right. It was either that the enemies didn’t see him until it was too late, or they were too slow to react if they did. By the time Obi got his shots in, Octavio was the kill leader, and death boxes littered the ground like confetti. 
“HAHA! What’d I say?” Octane, still riding the high of adrenaline, whirled around and grinned at his teammate. “Told you I’d kick their asses. Didn’t even need any of your fancy tech.” 
Seer rolled his eyes, chuckling. “You may not have needed it, but I trust that my exhibit made it easier to locate our opponents. Still, your performance was spectacular. They were not prepared for you.”
As if Octane’s ego needed to get any bigger, he cheered. “¡Gracias, amigo! Now, enough talk,” He stepped over one of the death boxes. “Let’s go find another—”
His foot got caught under the box he intended to step over. Instead, he tripped and hit the ground with an ungraceful splat. Any loot that he picked up spilled out of his inventory, and his shotgun ended up skidding away from him. “Maldita caja (damn box), my foot—”
Seer inadvertently snorted. He turned his head, face hidden by his hat, and chuckled. While Octavio worked on prying his foot free, he gave his teammate a bewildered look. 
“Why’re you standing there? Help me move this box,” Octane demanded. The box was heavier than it looked, and the speedster’s foot was really caught. Seer’s shoulders shook with restrained laughter before he got himself together. 
“My apologies,” Seer coughed and wiped one of his eyes. He approached him and leaned over to lift the box up. “Here, allow me.”
Octavio would’ve thanked him if Seer’s eyes weren’t glossy with tears. He narrowed his eyes behind his goggles. “Were you just laughing?”
“I was not laughing at you.” Seer answered, smiling. “I hope you are not injured, truly. I just— the manner in which you fell was comical.”
“No, it wasn’t!” Octane bristled. “My foot got stuck under the stupid box!”
“I noticed.” Seer did his best to suppress another chuckle, but he still wore the remnants of a grin. After he helped Octane move the box off his foot, he helped him stand. “Come, I believe I hear more enemies to our west. But allow me to go ahead of you, so I can pinpoint any tripping hazards.”
Octane rolled his eyes, chuckling. For someone as artsy-fartsy as Obi, he had jokes. “Shut up, let’s just go..” He playfully nudged the artist’s side. Seer fidgeted and went ahead. Octavio wasn’t truly upset;  it was refreshing that his friend had a funny bone. Rest assured, though, he’d get him back for those little jokes.
The jokes persisted even after the games. As the Legends returned to the drop ship, Seer lounged across a sofa in the common room, watching a replay of the match on his tablet. He sometimes looked at his past matches for a source of inspiration for his art.The cameras caught Octane’s fall and he put a hand over his mouth to stifle his chuckling. This caught Octavio’s attention, who normally didn’t like sitting around, but definitely needed a breather. He had an energy drink in hand as he approached the sofa. He peeked over the artist’s shoulders and chided him.
“You’re still laughing at that? It wasn’t funny!” Octane climbed over the couch and elbowed the man’s side again. “Turn it off.”
Seer chuckled some more. “I am only rewatching the match to inspire my drawings. The arena is dangerous territory and I wish to immortalize memorable battles. Your acrobatics were definitely something to remember.” 
Octane narrowed his eyes, feeling a mix of amusement and mild annoyance, before his lips turned into a dangerous grin. “Yeah? You think so?” 
Seer’s chuckles died down, giving way to a questioning look. Then, without warning, Octane put his drink down and lunged towards him, fingers prodding into his exposed side. Obi gasped and almost dropped the tablet. Encouraged, Octane dove in again, giving the same side a squeeze. “Go on, laugh it up, fancy pants.”
The artist stiffened and chased after the speedster’s hand with his own, barely managing to catch it. “Octavio, what—”
Octane’s grin widened. He easily pulled his hand out of the man’s grip and wormed his fingers across his stomach. “Ticklish, amigo?” 
Obi’s breath hitched, and after failed attempts to re-grab Octavio’s hand, he settled for scooting out of his reach, arm around his torso. “No, I am not. And I apologize, I will refrain from teasing you further.” 
“Oh no, we’re way past that,” Octane followed Seer and snickered as he held him back. “Why’d you flinch if you’re not ticklish?”
“It was a reflex,” Seer wrestled with his arms and managed to keep the determined speedster at bay. “Octavio, biko, this isn’t necessary.”
“Like hell it isn’t! You’ve been cracking jokes about me all day. If you’re not ticklish, then this shouldn’t bother you.” The pushing and grappling of arms continued until Octane gained a window of opportunity. With his lightning fast reflexes, he managed to reach around Obi’s arms and use both hands to prod and scribble into his stomach. 
Again, Seer jolted. He wasn’t as ticklish as some of the more sensitive Legends, at least not without a softer touch, but Octane was persistent. He was able to refrain from laughing, save for sharp intakes of air, and battled with the speedster’s hands. 
“You sure are squirming a lot for someone who isn’t ticklish,” Octane smirked. He stayed two steps ahead of the artist by jumping to a different spot on his torso whenever he tried to grab him. “Makes me think you’re lying.”
“I am n-nohot-” Seer chuckled ever so slightly when squeezed just below his ribs. Both men froze, a knowing glint behind Octavio’s goggles, but the moment was short lived. 
Seer rose, intending to create space between himself and Octavio. Octane was quick to follow. He may have had speed on his side, but Obi was incredibly nimble, making it difficult to bring him down. Literally.
“You laughed!” Octavio lunged towards him again, trying to drag him back down to the sofa, but Obi was able to wriggle out of the attempts. “Just admit it and maybe I’ll go easy on you.”
Even while avoiding Octane wriggling fingers, Seer moved with grace. He almost danced out of his grasp and held the speedster back by the shoulders. There was an almost imperceptible smile tugging at his lips. 
“You are mistaken, I assure you. Now, let us discuss this calmly without resorting to such antics.”
“Boring!” Octane cut in and twisted in the man’s hold. With a couple of quick, erratic movements, he was free again. “Nope, you asked for this.”
“Then you leave me no choice—” Seer grunted as the speedster tackled him but, this time, he was ready. Before Octane could pin him, his hands shot up and buried under his arms, his finger claws scritching into the soft center of his underarms. Octavio screeched before dissolving into loud laughter. 
“HEHEY! N-Nohoho you dohon’t!” Despite his words, and despite sitting on Obi’s waist, Octane swiveled his body to and fro, abandoning his own attack to defend himself. Seer smirked. 
“I was hoping to have a conversation, but it seems that this is all you will respond to.” He spoke calmly over his wild cackles and sat up, swiping his fingers in circular motions over the sensitive skin. “That is fine. I am nothing if not adaptable.”
Octane’s laughter only grew louder as Seer’s fingers continued fluttering over his armpits. He doubled over and squeezed over the man’s knees on his way down; not necessarily to tickle, but it earned him a startled yelp. It was distracting enough to get the artist to pause, and Octavio took the opportunity to flip their positions. Octane pinned Seer down on his stomach and went for the same spot: the underarms. 
Octane didn’t know to what extent Seer was ticklish; hell, he didn’t expect him to be ticklish at all! Tickling him was a shot in the dark that he didn’t think would go very far. The artist squeezed his arms against his sides as Octane worked his thumbs into the hollows. He squirmed and tried to crawl forward, but Octavio sitting on his back made it impossible. 
“O-Octahavio-” Seer pursed his lips to keep from laughing, but a few chuckles still escaped him. He didn’t make it easy for Octane; he writhed and bucked when those quick scritches worked down his ribs, then to his sides. “Wait!”
“Nope. I already told you, waiting’s boring.” The speedster chuckled and reached underneath him to resume tickling his stomach. No matter how much he squirmed, he was able to stay on his back and run his short nails up and down his abdomen. Then, unconsciously, he lightly poked back up his sides, and those restrained chuckles became a lot more prominent. 
Octane grinned broadly. “Yeah, totally not ticklish,” Having made the connection, he spidered back up the man’s sides, earning louder chuckles. “Could’ve fooled me, Obi.”
Seer’s shoulders shook as he tried, and failed, to stop chuckling. He squirmed more vigorously as the notion of squirming away became less likely. “I dihihd nohot mehehan- please, wahahait!”
Octane prodded just below the man’s rib cage, relishing in his usual stoic friend’s frantic snickering. “Didn’t mean what?” He repeated, suddenly jumping back to his armpits and scribbling. Seer bucked and laughed deeply. “Didn’t mean to laugh at me, or didn’t mean to call me a klutz?”
“I dihihd nOHOHOt cahahall youhuhu a klutz!” Seer insisted in between bouts of laughter. He desperately squeezed his arms against his sides even more, but it didn’t deter Octane’s tickling. Octane was still able to scrabble around the man’s armpits, alternating between digging into the centers and lightly circling around the area. The latter got a slightly stronger reaction. “Bihihkohoho! I will not tehehease you again, I promise!”
 “Yeah, and I’ll start walking everywhere,” Octane laughed. He moved his hands back to his ribs and pinched along the back of them, eliciting even harder laughter. “You were laughing before, right? So go ahead: laugh!”
 Seer rocked side to side, his laughter taking on a desperate note as the speedster continued to pinch and knead over his ribs. “I’m SOHOHORRY!” He tried to roll onto his back and trap Octavio’s hands, but he made sure he stayed put. “OcthHAHAvio!”
“Damn, had I known you were this ticklish before, maybe I wouldn’t have thought you were so boring.” Octane snickered and let him turn over. He continued to tickle his ribs, worming in between the bones before raking his nails back and forth, which left the artist in stitches. All of his squirming and laughing made his hat come off, and the tickling continued. 
The energy drink that Octavio had earlier had kicked in and, despite having a blast tickling Seer, he needed to stretch his legs. That didn’t mean he had to stop the fun so soon, though. He slowed his tickle attack to a halt, climbing off the man’s waist to stretch his legs. Seer heavily let his head fall back on the ground as he caught his breath.
“You are incorrigible,”  Seer breathed. He sat up and gathered his hat off of the ground, brushing off any dust specks. While he spoke, Octane downed the rest of his energy drink. Then, he smirked. 
“Don’t get too comfortable yet, Obi. We’re not done,” Octane’s smirk widened as he threw the can over his shoulder. “Just wanted to stretch my legs. But I’ll give you ten seconds to run.”
“I- what more do you want besides an apology?”
“Forget that!” Octane scoffed.  “I’m not really mad. You laughed at me, so it’s only fair that I get to make you laugh too. Ten.” 
Seer backed away when the man leaned towards him. He grinned an apprehensive grin. “Surely we can resolve this in another way? Perhaps by sparring in the training grounds?”
“Nope! Nine.”
The speedster did a fake-out lunge towards him, laughing when he flinched. “You’re still talking? Eight sevensixfive-”
Seer’s eyes widened and, without another word, he sprinted out of the common room and down the hall. It wasn’t even another three seconds before he heard the metallic whir of Octane’s legs behind him. In his haste to get away, he stumbled over the carpet, and Octane was quick to seize the opportunity. Octavio burst out laughing as he wrestled the man back down. 
“Nohoho! Octahahavio! OCTAHAHAVIO!”
While Octane worked on getting his legs down, he squeezed at Obi’s knees, and the man wheezed. He kept his hands there, laughing harder as Obi squirmed like a fish out of water.
“Dude, really? After all that talk, you take a spill like that?” Octane eventually managed to get Obi’s legs pinned underneath him and continued tickling. It’d be a while before he’d let Seer dash off again.
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Lee!father Gregor except it’s skid and pump tryna get him to loosen up
*sniffle* i love you..🥹
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mayisgoingnuts · 25 days
Only the real ones remember the ler spooky kids saga
And inspired on that
I tickle monsterfied your Skid☝️
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He looks like an average demon and that's the intention hehe
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eunchancorner · 2 years
Hi! I have a suggestion when you have time/if you want to do it.
So you posted a few asks from crossover-enthusiast about Dexter (in doll form) getting wrecked to pieces by the spooky kids. Would you consider doing a fic about that?
Feel free to ignore this if it's not your thing.
Couldn’t resist, take it, Tumblr!
Lers Skid and Pump, Lee Dexter (Happy Fella doll)
Warning: cussing
Word count: 1093
If Dexter had to note one thing about the kids he was stuck with, it’d be that they seemed to be obsessed with tickles.
Nearly every day that he was stuck in the house with them, they’d tickle him half to death, every time making him scared he’d blow his cover. Somehow, the kids never seemed to realize that a doll that not only laughed when being tickled, but also protested, curled up or even tried to push them away, wasn’t a normal doll. But luckily, the kids seemed to be far too dense to realize that.
But, weirdly enough, being subjected to near-daily tickles seemed to make his needs less… intense. Like it was distracting his mind, or like his need for blood was being partially satiated by the playful activity. Which, in a way, made it nice.
And also way easier to say that was why he enjoyed it, and totally not because he enjoyed getting any form of affection.
Tonight, however, he hadn’t been subjected to tickles once. Normally he wouldn’t be worried, except for the fact that he’d overheard Skid and Lila mentioning that Pump would be staying over for the night. Which meant Skid must’ve just been waiting to team up with his best friend to tickle him.
“Pump!” He heard the hyper ravenette call to his friend as he sat on Skid’s bed, pretending to be just an ordinary doll like normal.
“Skid! Hiii!”
“Let’s go play with our happy fella!”
Oh no.
“Have fun, you two,��� he heard Lila call to the two bois as they excitedly ran up the stairs, “Dinner will be ready soon, so don’t start a game that’ll last too long, ok?”
“Ok, Mom!” the little ravenette called as he and his friend reached his room.
“What game should we play with the happy fella?” the brunette asked as the two hopped onto the bed.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. We could color, or read him a story, or have a little party!”
“A party for what?”
“Uhm… I dunno, it was an idea.”
“Hmmm… Oh, I know what we can do!”
The fluffball leaned over to whisper in his friend’s ear, but it didn’t take hearing him for Dexter to know what he was suggesting, especially if the way Skid’s eyes lit up was any indication.
“Oooo, good idea!” the ravenette said happily as he grabbed the ‘doll’s’ arm, pulling him close.
“Yeah! Let’s tickle our favorite fella!” Pump practically chirped, confirming his fears.
Of course, Dexter had to drop the doll facade, not that it fazed the two boys, they seemed to accept this as normal.
“Hey hey, no kids, c’mon, you don’t wanna tickle me! Don’t you wanna play some other game?” he tried to reason with the two.
“Uh, but why would we do that?” Pump asked.
“Yeah, other games don’t make you laugh, and we like your laugh, right Pump?” Skid argued.
“Yeah, yeah we do!”
That threw Dexter for a loop.
They like my laugh? Like, my laugh, and not just tickling me? He’d never heard that before, and now he’d just been told so by a couple of random kids. Hell, he didn’t even like his own laugh.
“I… uhm… really?” he didn’t know what else to say. What do you say when two kids tell you they like to tickle you for your laugh? Thanks? He found it way too hard to believe.
“Yeah, of course! Your laugh makes you our happy fella!” Skid hugged Dex close to his chest.
“Plus it’s full of snorts!” Pump added, “It’s really cool!”
“Waitttt, are you trying to distract us?” the little ravenette suddenly accused the doll.
“Wait, no I- I just asked a question, you distracted yourselves!” he reminded them, but they seemed to be having none of it.
“I think he was trying to distract us!” Pump piped up.
“That’s it, no more Mister Nice Skid!”
Dexter let out the most embarrassing, high-pitched squeal followed by a snort when he attempted to protest, the result of Skid squeezing his sides, which a single hand could completely encompass thanks to the former’s now tiny size and lack of bones or internal anatomy. What made it ten times worse, however, was that instead of ever hurting when squeezed too hard, it just tickled more.
This was quickly worsened when Pump decided to attack his belly as well, Dex’s tiny legs attempting to curl up and stop him, but thanks to the doll’s design, it was just as fruitless as ever.
“Hey! Don’t call us mean names!” Skid scolded him.
“And don’t say curse words, you’ll get us in trouble!” Pump added.
“OHOHO FUHU- NOHO NOHO- snort -HOT THEHEHEHERE!!” he tried to defy them, his efforts quickly cut short by Skid digging into his underarms. He couldn’t even tell which spot was worse anymore, they all tickled like hell.
“Hey, Skid, do you think that dolls can feel raspberries?” the brunette suddenly asked his friend, catching the attention of said ‘doll’ between them.
“Hmmm, I dunno. Test it!”
“NOHOHO! WEHE snort CAHAHAN! DOHON’T TEHE- snort -HEST IHIHIHIT!!” Dexter tried to interject, but they didn’t seem to listen, Pump going ahead with his ‘test’.
That test, of course, being blowing the biggest raspberry he could manage on the tiniest’s belly, eliciting some near-silent laughter from him.
However, just after, the tickles stopped completely, and before he knew it he was cozily between two other plushies, giggling his stuffing-filled heart out. He was lucky he didn’t have lungs or tear ducts anymore, meaning no tears to have to wipe away or air to try to replace with deep breaths. He just snuggled up to his inanimate roommates and focused on trying to stop the embarrassing giggles and snorts flowing from his mouth.
“Full of snorts, just like I said!” Pump commented on his laughter with a little grin.
“Yeah! Good job, taking all those tickles, Happy fella!” Skid cheered.
“Shuhuhush… snort” Dexter complained, shoving his face into the side of a red bunny plush as though he was trying to hide his smile.
Skid opened his mouth to make another comment before they all heard Lila call for dinner.
“Yayy, dinner!” the kids chorused as they hopped off the little ravenette’s bed, giggling enthusiastically. Dex peeked over and watched them run out, his giggles finally calming down. He practically melted into the plushies and felt himself falling asleep, something he was only made aware he could do after a tickling like this.
Yep, just another day.
Hey y’all it’s National Tk Day so I’m gonna try to finish my second fic too :>
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rocknbolan · 3 months
Rock Recap 6-30
Les Claypool from Primus doesn't like spiders and would like to not touch them. But, is not afraid to leave said spider on Ler's bas guitar.
The votes are in, Axl (of GnR) and Baz (Skid Row)'s daughter Sadie is theeeee cutest.
Michael from Hanoi Rocks has discovered a rock solid way of telling the time when it's late at night.
Jon Bon Jovi has returned to us!
Junior over there breaking drumsticks in the Megadeth house.
Jason from Metallica has a poll up asking what to name a cat. Cannibalism is in first place, with Burnt Soup in second place. (6 days left to vote!)
Lars from Metallica is... I mean.. he's... just go look at his blog. It's hard to describe the glorious insanity that goes on over there. But apparently he's going into the soup.
Eric from Cinderella got a new bass! Not... not a fish. A bass. Yanno what. Nevermind.
Michael from Hanoi Rocks is finding wedding planning difficult. Valid!
Les Claypool @lessssclaaaayyyypool has joined the chat!
Ler Lalonde @lerrlalondee has joined the chat!
Jerry Cantrell @rottenedapples has joined the chat!
And now, the weather.
A freak storm began abruptly in The Beatles headquarters, sparked by a tattoo in a certain area. Strikethroughs as abundant as rain.
It's a sunny day in Axl (GnR) land, where the grass is green and the girls are irrelevant.
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lumerix · 6 months
randomly just posted this
100% Lee
70% Ler
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I mean just look at em
He’s a bad hider and lier when someone tries to tickle him or ask him if he is ticklish and he’ll reply with “n-no! W-what!? I-I uh-“
Let’s his bf Streber tickle him since he is usually the most gentle tickler
Skid and Pump obviously tickle him (occasionally on his bad days)
Not very fond of being tickled
Hearing the word makes him flinch or sit up
He’s very cautious of when or where the tickling will begin
Sometimes will ask Streber to tickle him
Radford tickles the shit outta him ALL. THE. TIME
Has a very squeaky and bubbly laugh.
1 word. Skilled
don’t believe me ask Streber (he’s the one who taught him this) lmao
a teaser
“Aw!! Did I find your tickle spot~? Hehe~“ or “Maybe THIS ONE? Or this one!?”
he’ll go slow and be VERY careful so he doesn’t hurt you.
tickles Streber sometimes when he’s home or when he feels like wreaking his boyfriend
don’t really have anything else to say soooo TIME FOR STREBER
90% LEE
100% LER
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Gets wreaked VERY EASILY
Has very ticklish sides but doesn’t want anyone except Kevin to know
covers himself with his cape
his laugh is also bubbly but more adorable and high pitched
flails or kicks his legs whenever someone touches his weak spot
runs away from Kevin whenever he has a tickling motion on his hands
likes to be teased
Pleads for the ler to stop but secretly wants more
Ethan is usually the one who tickles the life outta him
does that stupid little childish coo sound just to make his lee smile more and beg
gives mercy (sometimes)…
likes to tickle certain spots that he KNOWS can be very sensitive
Uses his teeth to nibble on Kevins
LOVES the sound of his lees squeals
Wiggles his fingers a lot as a warning whats about to happen
Rolls you up in his cape or bear hugs you
Laughs along with you.
can sense how ticklish you are
attacks Kevin mercilessly
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minnielvrr · 1 month
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Lee: Hyunjin Ler: Changbin Word Count: 865
A/N: Ahh I really hope this is okay😣Hope you guys enjoy this~🤗💖
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“Ready?” Changbin inquired, his hands poised delicately over Hyunjin’s waist. The younger boy squirmed in place, little giggles of anticipation already bubbling up in his throat. “Y-yeah!”
Given the number of times they’d done this, Hyunjin thought he’d be immune by now—or at least have developed some degree of resistance.
But he remained just as ticklish as the day their little ‘pre-performance routine’ had begun. They hadn't missed a single day!
At his affirmation, Binnie’s fingers began wandering over his torso. Gentle strokes and light nips at familiar areas had Hyunjin falling back against Binnie's buff chest, arms pressed tightly to his sides.
His body shook with laughter, his hands grabbing feebly onto Changbin’s wrists—though only to hold them. “Tihihickles! It tihickles, Binniehehehe~” he whined through his giggles.
“Aww, does it? Poor baby~ Does it tickle a lot? Hm?” Binnie teased, playing along.
His fingers skittered over the crisp outfit Jinnie wore, digging into his lower ribs with just enough pressure to drive Hyunjin out of his mind, but still light enough not to ruffle his clothes.
“NohoHOho teahEHEHesing!! You proMIHIHIsed!” Hyunjin’s protests were met with an adoring, “We both know you love it this way~” Changbin made kissy noises, making the artist snort at his antics.
He squirmed, feet stomping on the ground as he tried to rein in his sounds so as not to draw too much attention to them. He was lucky they were on the couch, cause he was pretty sure his legs would’ve given out otherwise.
Today, the artist seemed a little ruffled, covering his face and holding back the happy noises that usually told Changbin just how much he was enjoying this too.
“Ahahahahaha ihihit’s sOHOHo bahAHAD theheHEHere!!” Hyunjin's body arched, his laughter growing bubblier the higher Binnie's fingers reached.
But Binnie wasn't satisfied with only hearing 70% of his Hyunjin's laughter. He wanted it all, he wanted to hear the artist’s loud cackles and deep laughs that only came out when Binnie got him bad.
“Feeling shy now, Jinnie? We’ve done this so many times and you’re still this flustered? So cute~,” He cooed, leaning forward to blow in Jinnie’s ear.
His fingers crawled higher, now alternating between scribbling and vibrating into the artist’s upper ribs.
Hyunjin went ballistic. It was way too close to one of his death spots and Binnie only rarely went that far during their routines.
“AHH NO! HYUHUNG NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Hyunjin threw his head back, feet skidding on the floor as he struggled.
"You always try to squirm away when I go here... but it won’t help this time!" And just as he predicted, Hyunjin found himself twisting his torso away, flailing wildly, his head thrown back with the chaotic laughter that Binnie seemed intent on hearing.
"There’s that beautiful laugh! Did you know, Jinnie, that every time you laugh like this, it makes me want to tickle you even more?”
“HEHEHEHE nohoHOHo theyhehe’ll HEaher mE!! AHHahahHAHAahaha!” Binnie had unlocked his belly laughs. The dam had broken and now all Hyunjin could do was squeal and squirm.
Then Changbin was wrapping an arm around his middle and his free hand was stuffed up Hyunjin’s armpit with a mused, "remember last time when you couldn't handle it here? I wonder if it’s still just as bad...”
It was just as bad. In fact, Hyunjin was convinced it felt WORSE. But Binnie wasn’t in the mood for mercy or any form of leniency. “C’mon, arms up Jinnie! You know the drill~,” he teased.
With a practiced ease, Jinnie’s hands went up albeit shakily, and slid behind Binnie’s back. Changbin pressed his shoulders to the back of the couch, effectively trapping the artists arms in place.
And then all hell broke lose. They had about 15 minutes left before they were supposed to be on stage so Binnie decided to go in for the kill.
His hands were everywhere. Digging and raking and wiggling at every spot he could reach.
Poor Hyunjin was thrown into hysterics. He tugged desperately at his arms, flailing wildly, shrieks mixed in with his loud boisterous laughter. It was hilarious.
“ OHO MYhyHYHY GAHAHADS!! I CAHAHAN’T TAHAKE IT! IT’S SOHOHO BAHAD!! BINNIE PLEHEHEASE!!” Hyunjin begged through uncontrollable laughter.
Changbin cackled along, amused by his reactions. He loved hearing Hyunjin’s voice like this—he sounded so heartwarmingly adorable. This was the boost Binnie needed to perform the way he did on stage.
And (not so)secretly, a vital part of Jinnie’s routine as well. The laughter dispelled all worries plaguing his mind and allowed his to fly across their stages and give it his best.
“ENAHAHAOUGH!! CAHAHAHA— CAHAN’T TAHAKE ANYMOHOHORE AHAHAHAHA!!” Binnie stopped just before he knew the tears would come.
He let the artist slump against him as he gently massaged the spots he’d tickled. Hyunjin melted under his soft ministrations, letting out a hum of satisfaction.
And then the rest of the kids spilled into the waiting room. They knew all too well about the two lovebirds’ little ritual and always gave them some privacy.
And then they were striding to the stage. Everyone knew they were gonna eat this one up too. That was a Skz trademark after all~
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my first scheduled fic hehehe~😋
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