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Lee!Bob RAAAAH‼️‼️
Shh.. no one told him to never cover your line of sight around two mischievous lil kids
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lumerix · 6 months
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I luv these guys 🎃💀
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eunchancorner · 2 years
I can imagine skid and pump noticing Kevin’s stressed and down in the dumps, so being the wholesome little goobers they are, they give him some cheer up tickles. You can take this as a request if you want, I just wanted to share this idea
Please this is so cute, Kevin being stressed and the kids noticing he’s more frowny and upset than usual or just straight up deciding he needs to smile more (there was ONE episode where he smiled in front of them, ONE)
Lers Skid and Pump, Lee Kevin
Warning: Nuffin lol
Word count: 1214
Kevin hated everything. This stupid job, those stupid kids, the stupid ache in his back from sleeping just a little weirdly, the stupid Karens, his stupid boss, this whole stupid town and it’s stupid Halloween traditions that forced him to work overtime JUST to catch up on ordering and stocking stupid candy and still complete every single stupid order. Hell, his job almost made him hate candy!
So forgive him for being a little on-edge when those two notorious trauma-inducers walked through the doors of Candy Club. His whole body tensed up, definitely not helping his back any as they approached the counter, already reaching for their candy bars so they would get out of his sight as soon as possible. He didn’t care that it was December and Halloween was another 10 months away, he just wanted them to leave him alone for once.
“Hi Kevin!” Skid greeted him cheerfully, bundled up tight in his coat and earmuffs, Pump beside him waving and holding his beanie out of his eyes (without his costume, his beanie was always too big).
“Yeah, yeah, I know, you want your candy cans, I know it’s December but just take them,” the ravenette rushed out his words, shoving the two candy bars into the kid’s hands. But just before he could turn to get more from the box behind the counter, Pump’s voice stopped him.
“But we don’t want candy cans! We wanna talk to you!”
Kevin seriously thought he was dreaming. There was no way he was being serious, right? All these two ever wanted was candy (or their stupid doll that one time, Kevin still had the scar). There was no way these two actually wanted to talk to him, much less outside of October.
“I’m busy right now, kids, now go back home to your families,” he told them, rolling his eyes.
“But our families are the ones that let us out to talk to you, Kevin!” Skid whined, hopping halfway onto the counter before promptly getting gently pushed back off.
“Listen, kids, I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone right now, much less you two. Now go home,” he ground out the last two words, quickly growing more and more irritated at the two, turning away to replace the candies he had given them.
Skid and Pump glanced at each other worriedly. They knew Kevin was upset a lot, but today he seemed extra upset. They didn’t know why, all they knew was that their friend was upset, but they wanted him to be happy. It was rare for them to see Kevin smile, so naturally they’d want that. Thankfully, one of the perks of knowing your best friend better than anyone was you didn’t even have to talk to communicate with them. Which was exactly why Kevin didn’t hear what they had planned. What he did hear, however, was Pump calling his name.
“Kevin! Kevin, come look what I can do!” he cheered, the man sighing and looking back over the counter at the kid, who was now balancing the candy bars on his fingers, which, considering the surface area of the candy, was admittedly a bit impressive. It took him a second to realize something was wrong, however.
“Where’s Skid?” he asked, unaware of the very boy sneaking around the counter and behind him.
“Oh, uhm, I-I dunno, uhm…” Pump let his hat fall over his eyes and dropped the candy bars. “O-oh, no, Kevin, I can’t see, help!” he called out in the most fake panicked voice, and Kevin rolled his eyes but reached down to help anyway.
However, just after he helped the little brunette with his hat, Pump grabbed his hand tightly, keeping his arm stretched over the counter. He tried to tug it away but the kid was surprisingly strong, and with Skid ‘gone’ he was suddenly really nervous about what he might try.
“Pump? P-Pump, let go!” he panicked, tugging harder at his arm… until he felt something slam into his back, making him panic even more. What makes it worse is he couldn’t see what, or who, it was.
“Pump! L-let go of my ha-HAHAND!” He suddenly burst into laughter as he felt little hands digging into his ribs, Skid’s sudden disappearance making a lot of sense now, as it just so happened to be him who’d jumped onto him.
He nearly fell over with how hard he was suddenly laughing, and Pump slowly let go of his hand and let him sink to the ground before racing around the counter to help his friend.
The brunette helped his friend, poking at Kevin’s tum, making him squeak and curl up, kicking a bit, a boy on either side of him, each only having one goal; tickle Kevin until he feels better.
“K-KIHIHIDS! AHAHAHA NAHAHOHO! IHIT TIHIHIHICKLES!” the ravenette squealed, trying to roll away from Skid, only opening himself up more to Pump’s attack and rolling right back onto his back.
“We know!” the two chorused cheerfully at him, not once even slowing their assault. Skid clawing at his ribs was driving him up the wall, and the belly pokes Pump was delivering wasn’t helping his situation at all.
Although, if he had to admit, it did help quite a bit. It was taking his mind off of everything, making him feel light and bubbly, like he could float. Of course, limits were limits, and after a while, the two had to stop.
He sat up, a bit, still giggling quietly as the door to the shop opened, Skid racing around to see who had walked in.
“Oh, hi officers!” he greeted Jack and John as they walked through the door.
“Oh, hey little guy,” Jack answered, kneeling down to Skid’s level as John kept going to the counter, peering over in slight concern at the still giggly cashier.
“Why are you at the candy store?” the curious boy asked, shortly before being joined by Pump.
“Oh, John needed to stop by to pick up some candy, so he had me come along to try to get me and the candy kid over there on good terms…” he seemed a bit upset about that last part, rolling his eyes a bit at the notion.
“Oh, you mean Kevin?” Pump asked him.
“You know his name?”
“Yeah, he’s our friend! We were tickling him!” “Hey!” “Shush, Kevin, you didn’t say stop!”
“Anyway,” Skid continued after Kevin had so rudely interrupted his friend, “we hope you can be friends! Kevin is really really cool!”
“Yeah! He gives us free candy cans during Spooky Month, and he saved us from the big fat red guy!” Pump butted in.
“He did?” Jack asked, a bit surprised. He only knew Kevin to be… strange, erratic even, he didn’t seem like the type to protect a couple of kids.
“Yeah! And the big red guy had a knife! He also found our Happy Fella for us, even though he got hurt, too.”
“Aww, poor guy… well, you kids head home, I got stuff to do, ok?” Jack told them as he stood up.
“Ok, thank you, Mr. Police Officer man!” the two chorused as they walked out.
Kevin, however, was about to make two friends he never thought he could.
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toonlovr19 · 9 months
The Giggling Pumpkin
(Takes place a day after the events of Spooky Month 4)
Susie was a firm believer that little brothers are the weirdest beings on the planet, not to mention annoying. She had just left her room to get a glass of water but when she came back her pack of crayons were gone. There was one person who could’ve took them, her younger brother, Pump.
He did the exact same thing yesterday with the help of his friend Skid, and while she was streaming too! She would’ve hoped that he’d stop after she scolded him, but she was wrong. She would have to think of a more effective way to get him to stop, but first she had to confront the little thief.
Susie went up to Pump’s room, from the outside she could hear sounds of scribbling and some contented humming. She opened the door to see Pump drawing on a piece of paper with her crayon box. “Why do you keep taking my stuff?” Pump turned his head to his big sister, when he saw her angry face he seemed to shrink a little. “I just wanted to draw.”
Susie’s face soften a little. Pump looked a little sad and his voice almost sounded pitiful, it was almost like a whining puppy. Now that she thought about it, she did notice how Pump seemed to be interested in Susie’s drawings, he would often sneaked to her room and ask “what are you drawing?” Although she did find it a bit annoying, she couldn’t help but think how sweet it was that he wanted to follow his beg sister’s footsteps.
“Well, that doesn’t mean you can take my stuff without asking.” Susie said, firmly. Pump sighed and handed Susie back her crayons. “I’m sorry.” He sulked, “I just wanted to be an artist like you.”
Suddenly, Susie got an idea on how to make Pump feel better. She kneeled down to Pump’s level and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Come on, bro. Please don’t be too sad, or else...” “Hmm?” Pump hummed, confused by his sister’s phrasing. “Or else what?” There was a moment of silence.
“Oooorrrr else I’ll tiiiiickle yoooouuu!” Susie whispered, putting her hands on Pump’s sides and slowly wiggled her fingers. Giggles immediately bubbled up from Pump’s mouth. “Susie!” He squealed through his laughter,”Susie, please!” Susie smirked, “Please what, Pump? You know you can tell me what you need.” Her teasing made only made things tickle more. Pump hugged himself as he cried out, “It tickles!”
“Well, duh!” Susie replied snarkly, “Of course it tickles. That’s the point.” She moved her hand up to where Pumps ribs met his armpits, his laughter escalated into loud chuckles. “Ahuh Ahuh Ahuh!” Susie snickered, “Don’t laugh like that, you’re gonna make me laugh!” “I can’t help it!” Pump squealed.
Susie stopped tickling Pump and let him catch his breath. “You ok?” She asked. “Yeah” Pump answered almost breathlessly. Susie couldn’t help but smile a bright smile at her little brother, it’s been such a long time since they had fun together. So many memories were brought back when they were younger, Pump was just a little baby and Susie was excited to be a big sister. She would rock him to sleep, play Peek A Boo and sang nursery rhymes to him, including one that gave her an idea.
“Hey Pump, do you remember that song I sang to you every time I tickled you?” Pump, lying on the ground, squeaked at the question. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Susie joked as she began to gently spider her fingers up Pump’s side.
“The Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the water spout.”
Pump giggled childishly, both at the tickling and at the song. He covered his eyes with his hands out of embarrassment, it had been such a long time since he and Susie played what they like to call “The Tickle Spider” game. She insisted that the both of them were too old to be playing baby games anymore, so when she started tickling his sides and singing that classic song, it kind of threw him for a loop.
“Down came the rain and washed the spider out.”
Susie spidered down his sides very quickly, causing Pump to laugh louder.
“Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.”
Susie rubbed Pump’s tummy with both hands, imitating the sunlight washing away the puddles. Pump hummed contentedly, still giggling. This was his favorite part, it did tickle a little but at the same time it was relaxing too.
“Sooooo.... The Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the spout again!”
Right when Pump was distracted for a bit, Susie went back to his sides and spidered her fingers like crazy as Pump squealed and squirmed.
Susie finally stopped and gave his brother a hug, Pump hugged back. “You know, Pump. I know I don’t always show it, but I love you.” Pump looked up at her and said, “I love you too, Susie. Sorry again for stealing your colors.” Susie stood up, “It’s ok, bro. You wanna come to my room so you can practice drawing?” Pump’s eyes went as wide as saucers and glistened at that question, which was prompted by a loud, enthusiastic “YES” and racing to Susie’s room. Yeah, little brothers were weird but they are wonderful to have.
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yourlittlettoy · 4 months
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Just for the sake of using this blog like an actual blogging space 💁🏻‍♀️✨ let me tell you about how my first NEST went!!
For those of you that aren’t familiar, NEST is one of the biggest fetish gatherings in North America for us t-word enthusiasts! I’ve known about it since forever ago, and this may it was my first time actually attending. It was: everything I’d hoped it would be (˘▽˘ʃƪ)・゚✧♡ here are some highlights!
This gathering was probably one of the biggest I’ve ever been to in terms of the amount of friends I saw alone! There were pals from our Tumblr community, friends from Japan, everyone from my gathering friend groups, and lots of friends from my local community as well. It was really heaven to just be with all of my favourite people all at once and in one place (˘▽˘ʃƪ)・゚✧♡
The events were REALLY COOL! Definitely a gathering with one of the most comprehensive schedules I’ve ever experienced! I participated in as much as I could, but notably the squid games, auctions, and t-word-theatre (which is a big public t-word show where someone get’s got in front of an audience in a very theatrical way!) was super cool! Having said that…
I GOT KIDNAPPED!! Well, “napped” 😅 don’t worry, no real felonies here hahaha. When I applied to be ‘napped like back in the beginning of the year, I didn’t hear anything back at all about the process of how that was going. Knowing not every applicant ends up getting chosen, I didn’t let myself keep my hopes up. Long story short.. after I excitedly went to the t-word theatre event all pumped to watch someone get got… to my great surprise, that person was gonna be me lmao ‼️😱 I was kinda *taken* from my seat and tied to a chair in front of everyone, then a game show-dating show scenario played out with 3 bachelors behind a curtain answering questions (really funny and witty answers, might I add) that the show host threw their way 😆. Of course, then the host eventually asks the question “our bachelorette loves to laugh, how would you make her laugh?” … and basically I watched as all of them came through the curtain to come get me 😱 one by one…. And then !!! OF COURSE ALL THREE HAD TO COME AT ONCE 😱💀😵!!! And I couldn’t take it right so I was yelling “help meeee” hahaha ya know cause pooOOooOoOor meeeee 🤪😇. And the host was like… “sure I’ll help them” AND JOINED IN ON THE LERS SIDE 💀💀💀! ANYWAYYYY despite how extremely evil that was 😜🥺, it was 10/10 one of the coolest experiences of my life, I got an “I got napped” certificate AND it made me really happy when people approached me later saying they liked my scene (˘▽˘ʃƪ)・゚✧♡ THANK U NEST FOR CHOOSING MEEEE! 🩷
This was the first gathering I been to with a partner and he was beyond lovely and supportive and we didn’t struggle with feeling any kind of restrictions due to each other .. and this means a lot because I intend on going to gatherings for as long as I can and the fact that that won’t interfere with my love life is truly a dream come true for me :)
Oh, and I experienced getting t-worded by one of my most sadistic gal pals in a fully nylon body suit and 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 I think my soul left my body that day lmaoooo RIP ME
Those are the highlights!!! This post really is a summary but happy to share more details if there are any questions 😁 thank you for reading and for following along this lil journey with me <3 I adore and appreciate all of you here with me right now! We’ve come a long way 🥰 maybe see some of you next year!!! 👀😙 that would be amazing!
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angelatmidnight1 · 11 months
I just started Baldur's Gate 3 and would love some ler! tword hesdcanons for Astarion if you're feeling inspired? I saw some of his lines on YouTube Shorts and he's literally the reason I'm now playing, Lord help me. 😭🤣 I'm super early game(like, just met him, Shadowheart and Gale) but I do know what species he is, and know a certain something he tries at camp at some point- 👀
I will definitely write a tword fic for him at some point because the need for him to wreck me is strong, but some headcanons to encourage me to keep going to see the story, as I adjust to the gameplay and how it works would be so appreciated! ❤️ Again, only if you feel inspired for it though, no pressure and I hope you're staying hydrated lovely! 😊
A/N: Sure! Astarion's the reason I bought the game too. I saw a few clips of him on TikTok and added the game to cart 😅 I have a reader/Astarion fic somewhere in my drafts, but please tag me whenever you create yours. I'd love to see :D
Anyways, here's ler!Astarion. I hope I captured his personality okay. I'll add a tiny warning that this may come off a tad spicy, cause it's Astarion haha, but it isn't NSFW.
Ler!Astarion Tickle Headcanons
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“Darling, you’re ticklish? Aha, how adorable.”
Astarion’s had a couple centuries to practice the art of gentle, and sometimes ticklish, touches. Of course he takes up the opportunity to work his craft. 
He’ll say the sweetest things to beckon his lee closer, with fleeting touches along sides and hips. “Come here, my dear. I promise I’ll be as gentle as a babe. Just a bit closer, hm?”
More words, sweet as honey, until he has his lee pinned under him. No matter the position, he wants physical contact the whole time. “Mm, I always did enjoy how you looked beneath me.”
He loves it when his lees become shy and flustered. It encourages his flirtatious antics even more. But, if they don’t? That’s okay. He loves a good challenge. 
Astarion’s touch is deliberate, but light and teasy. He takes his time to find the spots that make his lee squeal, and claws over it with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “My, you are a sensitive little thing, aren’t you?”
Eye contact is huge with Astarion; he drinks in his lees’ every reaction to his tickles. Every little giggle, gasp, squeak. His lee has never looked more beautiful, and he’s sure to tell them just that.
Speaking of drinking, it’s too tempting not to think about all of the blood pumping through his lee’s veins while he tickles them. He won’t drink without permission, but that doesn’t mean he can’t indulge in other ways.
“I could eat you right up, darling. And you know what? I think I will..” 
Astarion knows how to use his fangs with just enough pressure to tickle, and if he’s especially close with his lee, nowhere is safe from his nibbles. 
His favorite place to nibble are necks, but he’s also fond of ribs, hips, and thighs. He’ll love if his lee is especially sensitive to his light biting. “Gods, you are delectable. And those precious little giggles of yours just make you all the more sweeter.~” 
He could tease and tickle his lee all night, but if they truly need a break, he’ll ease off…just expect him to be a lil’ pouty. 
“Stop? Already? But, I was having so much fun. And I can tell that you were, too. Must we end our playtime so soon? …Oh, fine. Just promise I won’t have to wait too long before I can have you again.”
Of course, Astarion doesn’t always have to have an easy time with his lees. He loves it when they’re stern or, if anything, when they don’t want to admit how ticklish they are.
“Pft, if you’re not ticklish, then I’m not a vampire. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I find it rather cute. You can look a beast dead in its eye, so long as it doesn’t wiggle its claws at you, hah.”
He, like most, if not all vampires, loves a good hunt. He can and will pursue obstinate lees for fun. Having stealth on his side is a huge advantage. 
His fancy, airier voice turns growly when he’s on the hunt. And, those honeyed words become devilish taunts. 
“You might want to run faster, darling. I’m right behind you.~ Perhaps if you surrender, I’ll be merciful.” 
Astarion gets a huge ego boost if he manages to get a stubborn lee laughing. "My name sounds wonderful on your lips. But, I would love to hear a 'please'."
If he has to hunt his lee down, it'll be awhile before he lets them go. "You're all mine, tav. Laugh for me~."
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faghubby · 5 months
Vicky, my wife of ten years and mother of my two children. opened the door to see me bent over the dining room table as a large black man drove his long thick cock in my ass.
"What is going on here!" She yelled. I tried to get up. But Marcus just pushed me back down into the table and pounded away on my little faggot ass.
"Be done with the cunt in a minute" he told Vicky. Vicky was stunned just stood there watching.
"Vic" I said only to be smacked hand across the ass
"Shut the fuck up bitch" Marcus told me. I didn't dare say another word. Marcus stiffened and grunted as he shoved the full length of his cock in my ass. Pumping his load deep. He pulled out and pulled up his pants.
"All yours" he told Vicky as he let himself out. I stood up my legs tied to the table legs. I was wearing a red bra and stockings. Along with three inch heels. I tried to bend to untie my legs but fell on the floor.
"What the fuck?!" Vicky screamed. "You fucking gay bitch" she looked around evennmore confused by the scene. There was a paddle and two leather belts, along with a bottle of lube and bandage gear. That with me naked on the floor, trying to untie my legs as I babbled about it being a one time thing.
"Shut up" she said disgusted half laughing. She kicked my hand lightly. "Stop that and get up" she ordered me. I tried to stand finally pulling myself up.
"You let men fuck you? spank you?" She held a belt. "Not even sure" she started holding a big 2 inch diameter butt plug. It was still covered in lube. She pushed me down back over the table. She pushed the toy against my ass that was now leaking Marcus cum. My ass sucked it right in.
"Wow" she commented. As I ler out a little wimper. She then walked around the table.
"Don't you dare move" she warned me.
"Vicky I can" I started
"Shut up" she screamed she grabbed a set of leather cuffs and hooked my wrist to one of the legs. Then used another set to hook the other. I could lift myself some but not much. She found the matching panties to the bra I was wearing.
"Open up" she told me and shoved them in my mouth. I don't even think she realized how much she was turning me on. She turned off the light and left. I heard the door close and the car leave. Was she leaving me here for good. Hoping someone else found me. I struggled to get free. But it was a very sturdy table. I was stuck. I cried myself to sleep. What had I done.
It was hours before I head the garage door opening. It woke me up in the silence. Vicky came in obviously had been drinking. I had spit the panties out of my mouth hours ago.
"Still waiting for me cunt" she laughed. I so needed to pee.
"Please Vicky I need to pee" I pleaded. She laughed and looked down at my cock.
"What is this?" She asked grabbing the metal cage and yanking. I screamed.
"Marcus doesn't like to see me get an erection" I wimpered. "So this stops you from getting hard!" She laughed. She let it smack into the table making me groan again. I was about to burst.
"Where the key?" She asked.
"On my dresser" she unhooked one hand then left. I quickly undid my other hand but Marcus nots on the robe on my legs was tight. I struggled getting only one unlocked before I actually peed on the floor.
"You are disgusting" Vicky told me as she returned. "I want this all cleaned up now" she screamed then returned to the bedroom. It was late but I did as she had said and cleaned everything. Scrubbing the floor with disinfectant. I took a shower and removed the plug my ass gapped open after wearing the plug for hours. Only then did I try and go into the bedroom it was locked. I didn't even knock just went and crashed in the guest room. I slept naked not having any clothes but the bra and panties.
I was up before Vicky, actually she didn't emerge from our bedroom till noon. She loomed horribly hung over. I had done some laundry so at least was able to get dressed.
"Can I get you something" I asked. She glared at me then said. There is a mess in the bedroom" I got up and found she had thrown up in the trash can. Looks like most missed. She had also got it on the bed. I cleaned up the floor, took the trash can outside. Then stripped the bed. I had scrubbed the floor and remade the bed by the time. Vicky came back in, only a towel wrapped around her. She had a bruise on her shoulder.
"Are you okay did you fall?" I asked. She glanced at her shoulder. Then smiled.
"No he just liked to bite" she told me getting into bed naked. I noticed another mark on her thigh.
"Bite?" I asked
"Yes, big guy was kinda forceful. A biter, I guess everyone has a kink don't they?" She said glaring at me. I just let her go back to sleep. When I went to check on her a few hours later the door was locked again. I desperately wanted to ask her for the key to my chastity cage but didn't think it was the time.
I let her be, she had cheated on me I guess I deserved that. But what did this mean for us. She emerged from the room again about dinner time. I had made pasta. She devoured a bowl. And then went back to bed with two bottles of water. I heard her lock the door. She didn't emerge until the next morning and then rushed out the door for work with barely a word. No option I wore the chastity cage to work.
When I got home Vicky was home, she normally was home before me so this was normal. I found a garage bag by the door and without thought I threw it away. I found Vicky in the bathroom folding laundry.
"Vicky can I have the key to the chastity cage" I asked just wanting it off I had never worn it this long.
"Why? You don't need it anymore" Vicky said confused.
"What?" I stuttered
"Well your lover obviously doesn't use it for anything, and I certainly an not going to be using it again. So why?" Vicky asked again looking at me. "I may have use of that tounge from time to time but that's it" Vicky added.
"Vick!" I wimpered.
"What you can't expect me to see you as a man after the other night can you?" She asked. "Come here" she patted the bed.
I sat next to her.
"I got rid of all your boy undies too, I mean you like wearing girlie things right?" She said her hand cupping my face.
"I slept with Greg" she confessed. Greg was my best friend he would never.
"Greg wouldn't" I started.
"When I showed him the pics of you getting fucked by your boyfriend he understood why I needed a man. I didn't know he liked to bite though" Vicky explained. "Here put these away" she handed me a pile of bras and panties. I headed towards her dresser.
"Silly those are yours" Vicky told me. I looked down and realized she was serious and placed them in my empty underwear drawer.
"I would like to meet your lover, what is his name?" Vicky continued
"Marcus" I said softly
"He has a big cock, is he gay. I mean does he fuck woman as well?' Vicky asked.
"I don't think so" I told her. In kind of a trance. Was this all happening?
she took my phone and called Marcus.
"Hello whore" he answered the phone with.
"This is the whore's wife Vicky "she told him.
"You want me to stop fucking the slut?" He asked with a chuckle.
"No, not at all. He seemed to enjoy it "she told him. "I think he like it if you fucked him even more" I listened as the two of them started to make decisions and a schedule of my life. I tried twice to interrupt but was silenced before I could speak.
Vicky gave up any marital rights, giving them over to Marcus. She promised to make me more femine for him as well. I found myself meeting Marcus two to three times a week. Vicky had hired a contractor to build a bedroom and bathroom in the basement. It even had its own entrance. As soon as it was done I moved into it. She had designed the room with hidden anchor points, the room was also done in pink and light blue colors. And the closet full of woman's clothes in my size. Marcus could come and go privately. Vicky didn't hide that I was a sissy fag. And openly slept with other men.
Marcus even started taking me put as his little sissy bitch in public. Even making me service some of his friends. We have been married for 15 more years. Where I don't think I have seen Vicky naked in all that time. We have both gone thru several lovers.
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sallage · 8 months
The Unexpected Fight Series
Part 3
Warning: This is a tickle fic! - Crossed boundaries and ignored safe word.
Summary: With a renewed sense of determination, Bakugo prepares for his first round of training with Kirishima. Set up like an interrogation, Bakugo must try to withstand the pressure and make it through the full 20 minutes without giving in or giving up.
Pairing: Lee Bakugo, Ler Kirishima 
Words: 4,372
Reading Time: 17 Minutes 
A/N: So I lied and posted this earlier then I said I would which technically is still super late. I’ll admit I did not proof read this so it might be sloppy but I finished it and wanted it out there haha.
I'm going to sound like a broken record but I'm probably never going to be fully okay with the stories I post. I'll always be wishing I could either pump more into it, be more descriptive, stay true to characters, or add more dialogue. There will always be something I wish I can do or change, but then I wouild never post anything.
Anyways I hope you all enjoy! LOL
Read more ∘₊✧ Here ✧₊∘
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Bakugo scowled at the clock as the minutes ticked by with relentless consistency. His gaze was unwavering in its focus as his eyes fixed on the hands, watching as they spun around the clock face in a slow revolution.
With each passing minute, the dread of meeting up with Kirishima for training weighed heavier and heavier upon his shoulders, and though he tried to resist, he could feel the pressure mounting for him to leave, sooner rather than later.
With the encounter in the forest still fresh in his mind, Bakugo felt a surge of renewed energy running through his body. There was a new fire burning within him, an intense and searing flame that would not be easily extinguished.
A knock at the door pulled Bakugo out of his introspective thoughts and set him on a trajectory for confrontation. He threw open the door, his aggressive eyes immediately finding Deku in the doorway, hand still stuck in the knocking position. Their gazes locked in a tense moment before Deku slowly lowered his hand.
“Hey,” Deku took a moment, choosing his words carefully. “I’m just reminding you about training. You should have left already.”
“Do you think I’m stupid?” Bakugo narrowed his eyes. “I know what time it is.”
He closed the door behind him and walked out.
Midoriya followed close behind. 
“We’re working on endurance today. We’re going to give you a code and you have to hold onto it for 20 minutes.” 
Bakugo’s scowl was his only response.
They walked in silence for a few minutes, the two rivals a healthy distance between one another before Midoriya worked up the nerve to speak again.
“I know this is… not what you’re used to,” Midoriya sighed, looking for words that wouldn’t get him pummeled. “Anyway, we’re all here for you.”
“Just… shut up.” Bakugo cringed. The lack of angst in his voice wasn't lost on Midoriya. His friend was nervous and didn't want to be catered to.
 After walking in silence for a bit longer, one sideways glance at the blonde told him all he needed to know about what his friend was silently wondering. 
“It’s at Ground Beta in one of the buildings towards the end of the campus. We got permission to use it and it’s far enough away that no one will hear you.” 
Bakugo scoffed but Midoriya swore he saw a bit of tension leave the blonde’s shoulders.
They walked the rest of the way in silence.
Once inside the building, they walked down a flight of stairs and entered the basement where Kirishima and Kaminari were lounging on a couple of bean bags playing Nintendo switches.
The boys paused their game and greeted them with energetic hellos. Bakugo looked past them and saw a random table next to a thick metal chair positioned right in the middle of the room with wrist and ankle cuffs attached to the arms and legs.
He resisted the urge to react as a bolt of nervous energy speared through him.
“Where’s Sero and Todoroki?” Midoriya wondered.
An irritated sigh sounded next to him.
“We figured Bakugo didn’t want people watching him get absolutely wrecked.” Kaminari teased with a smug smile, earning a growl from Bakugo. “Kiri lugged the chair up and I brought the bean bags and Switches. I guessed you were going to be late.”
“Besides,” Kirishima started before Bakugo could retort. “Todoroki’s got the next one, they’re going to be sparring.”
Bakugo’s lips quirked at that. He could already picture himself blasting that half and half bastard into oblivion.
“Bakugo!” Kaminari waved to get his attention. “You got your murder eyes on!” 
Bakugo looked at Kaminari and then back to Kirishima. “You idiots don’t expect me to sit in that.” He jerked his chin towards the center of the room.
Kirishima’s face tightened. “Yeah, sorry man. All that matters is that it can hold you without breaking or moving. It’s pretty heavy duty.” 
Bakugo clicked his tongue. “Whatever.” 
Midoriya clapped his hands. “I’m going to head back. I’ll see you guys after!” He waved as he exited the room. 
“Hey, wait up!” Kaminari put a hand on Bakugo’s shoulder, leaned in and whispered something into Bakugo’s ear. With another encouraging slap that earned a sneer, Kaminari disappeared up the stairs after Midoriya.
Once the sound of their footfalls faded, Kirishima turned to Bakugo.
“Alright!” He exclaimed, clapping his hands together and gesturing towards the chair. “Let’s get started!”
Bakugo stood firm in his place, defiantly staring down at the chair and refusing to budge. He couldn't explain it, but he just could not bring himself to sit down. His body refused to obey the mental command. It was as if his pride and stubbornness had taken over and would not allow him to surrender to that damn chair.
“Bakugo,” Kirishima tilted his head. “You need to-” 
“I don’t need you to tell me what to do.” Bakugo snapped.
“Okay, then what’s stopping you?”
Bakugo's pride and stubbornness continued to war within him, keeping him on the brink of either giving in or resisting even further.
On one hand, a part of him could not bring himself to compromise his pride and dignity by losing control and being reduced to a blubbering mess in front of one of the only people he respected. And on the other hand, standing his ground and continuing to resist meant giving up completely and admitting defeat.
He was finding himself stuck in this weird state of limbo where he knew what he needed to do but physically could not make himself do it.
Kirishima was quick to notice the internal struggle that Bakugo was grappling with.
“We don’t have to do this.”
No responce.
Kirishima recognized that Bakugo's desire to not participate wasn’t a complete one. The blonde still stood there within the presence of the chair, which meant there was still some potential in convincing him to follow through. Kiri knew that all Bakugo needed was a slight push in the right direction.
Kirishima adopted a more challenging tone and delivered a playful smirk, knowing Bakugo's pride was the key. “I get why you might not want to do it. It might be too intense for you.”
Bakugo met kirishima’s stare, uncharacteristically quiet.
“I saw how you were in the forest,” Kirishima continued, shrugging. “If I were you, I probably couldn't handle it either. Lets go back.” He began walking towards the exit, but a quick glance over his shoulder confirmed that the other didn't follow.
Kirishima paused at the bottom of the stairs and crossed his arms over his chest.
Bakugo mumbled a few curses before walking up and plopping into the cold chair. Kirishima with a smile full of pride for his friend, rushed over to his side.
One look at the red head’s face and Bakugo was looking away with an eye roll. “This is just to prove your dumbass wrong.”
Kirishima shrugged and went to work, efficiently securing Bakugo's wrists and ankles to the four points of the chair. He took a few steps back to survey his work. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't resist letting out a slight chuckle at the scowl on Bakugo's face.
“Okay, try to get out.”
Bakugo grumbled and attempted to tug at the cuffs but the sturdy restraints didn’t give an inch. Bakugo's brows drew together as he wrenched at them harder. The cuffs were much sturdier than he anticipated, and he realized that the wiggle room he would typically get with thinner restraints was not an option due to the thick cuffs covering most of his wrists.
As he wrenched at them one more time, he was met with the same result and he realized that without the use of his quirk, he was truly stuck.
Bakugo felt a tug of uneasiness deep within him. It was an unfamiliar feeling, one that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Was it doubt? Nervousness? Anxiety? Or was it something else altogether? He couldn't quite place it, but he knew it was something that he didn't particularly like.
Kirishima nodded encouragingly. “Ready?”
Bakugo attempted to maintain a bored and unbothered demeanor. “I’m not doing this role play garbage with you.”
Kirishima took out his phone and started the timer. 
Twenty Minutes.
He placed it on the table so they both could see it.
“We’re not roleplaying. Kaminari gave you a code and you’re not supposed to tell me.”
Bakugo scowled and tested the restraints again.
“I’ll ask nicely first,” 
Bakugo's face warped into a mix of a cringe and a scowl as Kirishima moved to stand directly in front of him.
“What did Kaminari tell you?”
Bakugo rolled his eyes. “This is stupid.” 
Kirishima just smiled and patted his shoulder as he walked around the blonde’s chair. Bakugo found himself feeling a small twinge of relief as he no longer had to look at Kirishima, but this small comfort was soon replaced with a sensation of unease as Kirishima pushed two strong hands through the little gaps between the blonde’s sides and arms, leaving them poised to strike.
His body tensed.
But his expression remained unchanging as Kirishima pinched his sides repeatedly.
Even though Kirishima believed the blonde was just saving face, he was still surprised by the lack of reaction. He thought back to the forest, trying to remember what it was that initially set him off.
Then, it hit him.
He stopped the harsh poking and pinching and changed his approach, softly tracing his fingers over the fabric of Bakugo's shirt.
Bakugo's body stiffened and twitched as his muscles convulsed under the touch of Kirishima's tracing fingertips, which the red head took as a small victory.
There it was.
He continued the gentle approach, moving his tracing and scratching motions inward towards the the inner edges of Bakugo's sides where they turned into his stomach.
Bakugo's jaw was tight, then he bit down on the inside of his cheek. The gentle touch and light scribbles were making him flinch as his muscles began to twitch in response. Every time Kirishima's fingers moved across his skin, Bakugo's body reacted, causing him to bite his cheek harder to suppress them.
Kirishima's fingers shifted lower to Bakugo's waist and began teasing the space above his hips, right above the waistline of his pants, prompting the explosive blonde to let out a small twitch and perform some subtle micro-movements which Kirishima was quick to notice. Kirishima then moved his hands down to Bakugo's hips and hovered over them, motionless.
Bakugo clenched his teeth. “Stop messing with m-” 
Kirishima pressed his thumbs deep into Bakugo's hips, moving them in slow, deliberate circles. The intense and invasive prodding caused Bakugo to let out a soft groan before jerking his wrists and tugging at the cuffs in a moment of weakness.
Kirishima smiled triumphantly.
“I’m barely touching you, man.”
Kirishima found himself almost giddy with amusement, knowing he had the perfect thing to push Bakugo's buttons. Of course, he was well aware of Bakugo's fiery personality and explosive nature, but nothing had ever come close to shaking his composure or forcing him to let loose.
This newfound knowledge was proving to be quite valuable, and Kirishima couldn't help but wonder just how effective it would prove to be in keeping the unpredictable blonde in check in the future. It gave him a huge rush of accomplishment and satisfaction to realize how much he had thrown Bakugo's composure out the window with just the slight twitch of his fingers.
“Shut up.” Bakugo growled. 
Kirishima increased the pressure on his thumbs and sped up the movement, digging harder into Bakugo's hips. Bakugo's legs strained in effort and he let out a quick gasp, his breath starting to come in shorter and sharper inhales.
Kirishima didn’t even try to suppress the smirk on his face. “You just gotta tell me what Kaminari told you.” 
Bakugo could hear the amusement in Kirishima’s tone.
“What the hell are you smiling about?”
Kirishima snickered behind him and the blonde’s face grew red.
“Wipe that smirk off your damn face!”
Kirishima tutted. “You’re not really in a position to be making threats, you know.”
“You think I give a shit? I’ll wipe that stupid smirk off yo- GAH!”
Kirishima teased his way up towards the bottom of Bakugo's ribs, pushing past his attempt to speak. Bakugo tensed up and gripped the chair, awaiting the attack that-
Didn't come. 
Kirishima shifted, bringing his fingers back to Bakugo's hips and starting again with the slow, subtle, and teasing touches. Each time Kirishima seemed like he was beginning to attack Bakugo's ribs, he would quickly and smoothly transition back to the hips.
The constant shifting between the two points was causing Bakugo to flinch and spasm each time Kirishima faked out an attack.
The repetitive tickling motion was beginning to have a cumulative effect on Bakugo. The constant upward jerking of his body each time Kirishima's fingers danced closer to his ribs caused Bakugo's temper to flair.
Bakugo shouted out an expletive when Kirishima baited him yet again. Losing a toehold on his temper.
"Stop fucking with me," he shouted, his rage boiling over, "You're pissing me off!"
Bakugo was already on edge from the teasing and prodding, so when Kirishima shrugged and suddenly launched into an outright offensive attack on his lower rib cage, he let out a loud shout of surprise.
“FUHUCK!” Bakugo bit down on his lip and gritted his teeth as he struggled to hold in his laughter while Kirishima continued to relentlessly strike the soft and sensitive points on his lower rib cage.
Bakugo tried to cover the area by turning in his elbows, but he was tightly confined in place. Bakugo let out frustrated gasps and grunts in lieu of giggles as Kirishima continued to hit those sweet spots.
Kirishima was playing for keeps now, his expression serious and focused as he relentlessly pursued Bakugo's lower ribcage.
With his eyes starting to water from suppressing his laughter and the relentless attack from Kirishima's fingers, he glanced frantically around the room, searching for some type of distraction that could take his mind off the tickling. He set his eyes on Kirishima’s phone. 
Fifteen minutes left.
He knew that he was running out of time to keep any sort of composure and preserve any scrap of dignity he had left.
Unfortunately, Kirishima couldn't let that happen.
Kirishima adjusted his grip and spread out his fingers to provide himself with more of a surface area to work with. He quickly began to viciously burrow his fingers into Bakugo's ribcage, aggressively rubbing and vibrating them in a large circular motion with speed and intensity.
Bakugo arched his back and let out a loud burst of laughter, his restraint nearly completely broken as he was unable to hold back his reaction, caught off guard by Kirishima actually following through with the attack this time. 
Kirishima finally succeeded in pushing Bakugo close to the edge, and the explosive blonde’s embarrassment was evident in the way he wrenched at his bonds.
The red head was determined to see this through to the end, inching further and further up towards the spot he knew would make Bakugo spill all the marbles. The laughter became louder and more desperate as Kirishima moved closer to the sensitive area, causing Bakugo to struggle against the cuffs even harder.
Instead, Kirishima suddenly dropped his fingers back down to Bakugo's hips and started applying as much ticklish pressure as possible, pressing hard into the sensitive areas on the inside of the explosive blonde’s hips. Kirishima felt like he was getting close as Bakugo bucked and tried and failed to contain his laughter, spluttering and trying pull away from the excruciatingly ticklish sensations.
“You know what you gotta tell me to make it stop!”
Bakugo continued to buck and pull on his arms and legs, desperate to get away from the maddening sensations. Kirishima continued his relentless attack on Bakugo's hips, keeping the pressure steady.
Bakugo could only manage a few inches of movement and Kirishima kept pace, not letting his friend have even a moment of respite.
“Tell me!” Kirishima had to yell over Bakugo’s laughter so he could hear him. “Give it up and I’ll stop!”
Bakugo shook his head and slammed it against the headrest, his movements getting more desperate and wild as he tried to find some type of relief. Kirishima shifted himself forward and pushed his arms further through the gaps in the chair before moving down to the spaces below Bakugo's hips at the top of his thighs.
He used four fingers on each side to really dig into the ticklish blonde’s pelvis. Bakugo groaned as if he was experiencing some type of pain and tried to fold in on himself, lifting his shoulders only a few inches off of the backrest.
“The code-”
His laughter spiked when Kirishima squeezed his thighs, his voice getting hoarse.
Kirishima stopped. Bakugo slumped, he felt sweat pool around his head and slide down his back. His eyes closed and his breathing was fast.
Time must have been up.
Kirishima shoved his hands into the blonde’s armpits, causing his body to seize as if he had been struck by lightning. The intense and relentless rubbing and undulating of Kirishima's fingers caused a sensation that Bakugo did not expect, forcing him to let loose and release an unusually high-pitched scream as his body was overrun with intense, indescribable tickles.
The suddenness of Kirishima's move straight up overwhelmed Bakugo, and he struggled to clamp his arms down and move his body away, but the restraints simply would not budge. 
Kirishima watched Bakugo lose all composure. His laughter shifted to a grueling and desperate note, and Kirishima could see his resolve completely crumble when his eyebrows lifted and it looked like he was completely lost in the sensations. But Kirishima didn't relent, determined to tickle the information he needed out of his friend.
Kirishima shook his head. Bakugo had the code and could easily end it at any instant, but he didn’t, instead using his safe word as a cop out.
Kirishima decided that he would have to give the code and only the code, admitting full defeat in the challenge, or Kirishima would continue until he truly gave up or until the twenty minutes were up.
He refused to give the blonde any kind of bragging rights, especially if he didn't deserve it. 
“Come on, man! You know you need to give up the code!”
Bakugo shook his head and repeatedly slammed his shoulders against the backrest. “STAHAHAHAHAP!”
Kirishima looked at the timer. 
Ten minutes left.
There was still time.
Kirishima moved his fingers downward slowly, and Bakugo's eyes shot open and his struggling intensified dramatically. The pitch of Bakugo's laughter began to rise in intensity and echo loudly through the basement, the sound magnified by the close walls and low ceilings.
Though he was moving his hands slowly towards the spot he knew Bakugo just could not stand, Kirishima was determined to reach the ultimate goal and cause his friend to completely give up.
When Kirishima finally hit it, the spot on his upper ribs right underneath his arms, there was a moment of silence as the blonde jerked violently in his restraints.
Then Bakugo screamed.
He banged his head against the headrest and violently pulled on his arms, the skin peaking through underneath the cuffs red and scratched. He bucked his hips and tried to twist his body. He clenched and unclenched his fists, baby explosions shooting out of them. But Kirishima kept going, knowing Bakugo was approaching his limit if not already there. He dug in harder and wiggled his fingers faster. 
“KIRIHIHIHHIHI———————— AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! REHEHE ——————————! STAHAHAHA——————————!  I CAHAH——————————!” 
As Bakugo's body was transported into the realm of silent laughter, tears flowed freely down his burning face. As if it were possible, the blonde struggled even harder against the restraints, his struggles becoming increasingly violent and frenetic as his body jerked and slammed around, slightly scooting the heavy chair. Bakugo's explosions grew in size, slowly expanding and beginning to sting Kirishima's skin.
For a moment, Kirishima regarded Bakugo’s dramatic reactions with confusion, wondering why he didn't just give up if it was that unbearable. Kirishima lightened his touch at the thought considering calling off the entire thing and giving his friend a break.
Then Bakugo took a rare breath and screamed.
Kirishima quickly backed off and dropped his hands. Bakugo dropped into the chair in a deep slump and breathed hard, his body exhausted and yet somehow continued to buzz with adrenaline. He kept his eyes shut and let out a loud and deep groan, attempting to collect himself as his aching body continued to respond with twitches and jolts to strong phantom tickles. His face and neck were flushed, and the small beads of sweat dripped off his hair, betraying the exertion he had just endured.
After a few minutes, Kirishima chewed his lip and spoke quietly. “You okay, man?”
Kirishima didn't receive any verbal response. 
He stood up and circled the chair, leaning over take a look at Bakugo from the side. The blonde looked horrible. His face and neck were all sweaty and he completely collapsed into that chair as if he were boneless.
Kirishima had a gut wrenching, agonizing feeling that he had inadvertently pushed his friend too far. It didn't feel like it even mattered at this point whether Bakugo was being honest or using the safe word merely as a cop-out in order to avoid a full concession of defeat. One look at his friend, and Kirishima knew he should have stopped. 
But why didn't he just give up the damn code?
“Why did you use the safe word instead of giving up the code?”
Again, no verbal response.
“Bakugo, answer me.”
“Don't give me orders.” Bakugo mumbled.
“I forgot the fucking code.” Bakugo admitted coldly, spitting the words out like acid. 
Kirishima blanched.
There was too much going on, his mind must have been in shambles.
Bakugo regarded his look of sympathy with a disgusted scoff. “I ended up remembering it so it doesn't fucking matter.”
Kirishima was speechless. Bakugo had reached his limit long before he stopped, and he kept going. Guilt pounded into his chest like a jackhammer. Of course he would use the safe word if he forgot. 
It was a fucking safe word.
If Bakugo had any trust in him, Kirishima felt it dissolve like cotton candy dipped in water.
“I- I’m so-”
“Shut up. I don't want to hear it.”
“I said to shut it, damn it!”
Sighing and turning his head, Kirishima understood that if he tried to push, it would only make things worse. Instead, he looked at his phone.
two minutes remained on the clock.
“You lasted a long time.”
Bakugo coughed, still looking exhausted. “No I didn’t, you idiot.”
Kirishima let silence hang in the air as he started undoing the cuffs.
Once freed, Bakugo stood out of the chair and stretched. 
Then they exited the basement together in silence.
 The air between Kirishima and Bakugo was thick as the two of them walked back to the main sidewalk in complete silence. Bakugo looked down toward the ground, keeping his hands in his pockets, appearing to be deep in thought. Kirishima kept side eyeing him, the expression on the blonde’s face unreadable.
Kirishima remained silent for the remainder of walk and allowed the tension to build and linger in the air, letting Bakugo stew in his own thoughts and emotions.
Once they reached the dorms, Kirishima whirled on Bakugo before he could reach for the handle on the front door.
“Look man, I know you don’t wanna hear it, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn't stop. I should’ve put two and two together and stopped the minute you said the safe word. It was dumb and a violation and-” Kirishima looked into his eyes, willing Bakugo to see his regret. “I’m sorry.”
Kirishima maintained his gaze, not breaking off for a second while waiting for Bakugo to make his decision. Bakugo's stare was filled with disdain and anger, as the flush on the blonde’s cheeks almost faded and his fists were clenched tightly in his pockets. They remained poised for a moment, before Bakugo gave a curt nod.
Kirishima sighed, the guilt he had been feeling still there, but less suffocating. He knew Bakugo was going to need time, but at least the blonde didn't completely hate him.
Kirishima turned and opened the door entering the building and holding it open for his friend.
The dorms were bustling with life and activity, as students settled in for the evening and gathered to partake in fun activities such as watching a movie and eating snacks. Kirishima sighed as Bakugo brushed past everyone and headed towards his room without a word, ignoring everyone who greeted him and offered an invite to stay. 
Midoriya turned to Kirishima a questioning look, but Kirishima could only shake his head in response.
Bakugo wasn't just mad at Kirishima.
He was mad because once again,
He’d lost.
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Lee!father Gregor except it’s skid and pump tryna get him to loosen up
*sniffle* i love you..🥹
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115 notes · View notes
gaybananabread · 11 months
Helloo Casey!! For augtickletober number 27, would you mind writing lee bakugou & ler shoji? hehe, Thank you!!
TickleTober Day 27 - Hysterical
I’m trying my best to get these pumped out, sorry for the repeated lateness! Shoji has amazing ler potential! It was really fun writing for him, and I always love wrecking Bakubabe. Have a great rest of your day, and Enjoy!
Lee: Bakugou
Ler: Shouji
Summary: Bakugou is talking big game to his peers, as usual. Only this time, Shouji gets sick of it. He decides to put the explosion-quirked user in his place.
Warnings: rougher tickling! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!
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“I could destroy any of you extras, no sweat!” 
Bakugou was showboating once again, talking down to his peers. They were all more than used to his mouth, though a few teeth were ground as he continued. 
“None of you could tough it out to Number One!” Then, because he’s Bakugou, he took things a bit too far by individually telling them how bad they were. “I mean, do you see dunce face ever getting to even Number twenty? Or pink cheeks going anywhere near pro level? She’d probably puke on the evaluators! And don’t even get me started on big lips or rock face!”
That ticked off the others. All of 1A knew that he had a temper and a mouth, but that was just too far. One student in particular got pretty miffed at him for insulting some of the nicest teens in their class. Shouji stepped forward, all his arms crossed. “How about we put that to the test?”
The fiery blonde stared down the taller student, as if the extra inches and muscle mass were nothing. He was never one to back down from a challenge. “Oh yeah? You think you could take me, arms-a-plenty? You’re fuckin’ on!” 
They set a time and place; the main training gym after class, that day. Bakugou was ready to fight like hell. Shouji, however, had other plans. Something to really put the blonde in his place without hurting him. All he had to do was wait.
None of the other students went to the gym, knowing it would probably be an aggressive match. The possibility of crossfire from an angry Bakugou wasn’t something anyone wanted to be stuck in; those two had the entire gym to themselves.
Bakugou was wearing a tight tank, showing off his muscular arms. Shouji didn’t mind; just made his job all the easier. He was wearing something similar, though his was a turtleneck. Both seemed primed to fight, though only one intended to do so. That boy, of course, had plenty of trash talk. 
“You ready to get your ass kicked, octopus arms?” He sighed, rolling his shoulders. “So creative, Bakugou.” The simplistic nicknames didn’t bother him, but when it was toward his friends, he got angry. That jerk was gonna learn his lesson…
He growled, priming his palms with little sparks and pops and getting into a fighting stance. Shouji copied him, going over his plan in his head. Dodge, pin and destroy. Easy enough, if he could do the first part without getting blown off the Earth. 
With a nod from each side, the spar began. Bakugou went in hard and fast, wanting to do as much early damage as possible. The multi-armed student blocked and dodged what he could, taking a few minor hits. He did not, however, fight back. All part of his plan.
Bakugou, rather predictably, took offense to that. “Why’re you goin’ easy on me, huh?! You think I’m weak?! I’ll show you weak, you bastard!” He then, also predictably, charged Shouji, getting a bit sloppy in his attack due to overconfidence and an inflated temper. 
Shouji sidestepped the assault, wrapping his strong, webbed arms around the blonde. He took a few explosive shots, but after taking him down and pinning him, the blonde was subdued. Thrashing and cussing his head off, yes, but subdued. “THE HELL?! GET OFFA’ ME, YOU BASTARD!” 
The masked student chuckled, forcing Baku’s arms above his head. “There really are other things you should be worried about, Bakugou. Like being nicer to our classmates. Actions, especially words, have consequences.” One poke to the side was all Bakugou needed to realize what he meant. “YOU WOULDN’T FUCKING DARE!”
“Oh, but I would.” With that, four hands descended on the explosive blonde. One on his ribs, one on his belly, and one on each of his sides. A pair kept his hands firmly pinned above his head. That damn quirk… It made everything so much more unbearable. He had tried to hold in his reactions, but the moment one hand reached the top of his ribs, he was done for.
“GEHEHET OHOFF, YOU AHAHAHASS!” Shouji was going in strong, not wanting to give the other teen a chance to escape. He was strong, but not strong enough to keep a wily, enraged Bakugou pinned for long. “I don’t think I will. You need to be nicer to your classmates, or no one will want to be around you.”
He sounded so painfully nonchalant about it. Like the bigger student wasn’t trying to tickle him to pieces; he wouldn’t ever admit it, but he was also succeeding. “FUHUCK OHOHOFF!” 
Bakugou couldn’t believe it. He had never considered the multi-armed teen a threat before. Sure, he was built and had skill, but not enough to put him on the “Destroy” list. Now, though? Shouji was in slot four. That ass was going down when he recovered. 
“You like to cuss, don’t you? It’s not very becoming of a hero.” He didn’t really care about the boy’s language, but it was something else to tease him over. It was nice to see him laughing so much; Shouji was just getting started. 
Bakugou would have cursed at him some more, but was cut off by a rather goofy sound. The sound of someone blowing a raspberry on his stomach. “GYAAAAH! YOUHUHU- YOUHU’RE DEHEHEAD!” 
Works every time. Shouji had the mouth blow more smaller raspberries along his stomach, driving Bakugou up the wall. He bucked and squirmed to no avail; Shouji had him pinned, and the tickling wasn’t helping his thought process. “You’re not as threatening when you’re laughing like this. It’s a good look on you.”
One of the hands on his side moved to his thigh, squeezing and poking along the outer edge. A snort broke up his laughter, quickly followed by more as the squeezes continued. “SCREHE- *snrk* SCREHEHEW YOUHUHU!”
“Still insulting me, huh? Midoriya was right; you really never learn.” Shouji was thoroughly amused. It was fun to put the boy in his place, as well as hear his laughter. It was loud and boisterous, just like him. To a few other students in their class, Shouji was a rather feared tickle monster. He added Bakugou to that small list of “victims.” Whether he enjoyed it like the others was a mystery of its own. 
He was just about to yell out a rebuttal when he felt a torturous, dumb, killer sensation on his death spot. Shouji had changed the damn hand there to a mouth, having it blow raspberries right at the top of his ribs. Oh, that absolute *dickhead*. “KGUAHAHAHA! YOHOHUHUHU- *snrk* AHAHAHAHA!” 
That hysterical reaction was exactly what Shouji was looking for. He wouldn’t kill his classmate, of course, but he needed to learn. With Bakugou, lessons always needed to be learned the hard way. It was the best way he could think of without hurting him. It was the most fun for Shouji anyways.
Bakugou tried to get loose, tried to tell him off, tried to do anything other than laugh his ass off: but he couldn’t. The raspberries, merciless tickling, and childish nature of it all was just too much for even him to handle. Tears of mirth sprung in the corners of his eyes, his cheeks and even neck becoming a deep, vibrant red. 
Okay, that was far enough. Shouji stopped, pulling all his appendages away from the blonde. He giggled like a maniac even after the tickles stopped, cruel phantom sensations keeping him in stitches. The white-haired mutant let go of Bakugou, climbing off him. He playfully nudged his side with his boot, the smugness in his voice almost suffocating. “You alive, Bakugou? I didn’t go too far, did I?”
The explosive teen shot him the bird, making him snort. “Okay, you’re good.” Growling, Bakugou started to pull himself together. The giggling got quieter as he sat up, wobbly smile giving way to a determined glare. Shouji took that as his sign to get out of dodge. “I’ll leave you to it. And don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
The bigger teen briskly made his way to the exit as Bakugou managed to get to his feet. He found it cute that Shouji was trying to run after that. His stamina was something to be feared, especially when revenge was on the table. Baku staggered over to the gym exit, slowly but steadily regaining his energy.
Oh, that multi-limbed menace was going down.
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eunchancorner · 2 years
Hi! I have a suggestion when you have time/if you want to do it.
So you posted a few asks from crossover-enthusiast about Dexter (in doll form) getting wrecked to pieces by the spooky kids. Would you consider doing a fic about that?
Feel free to ignore this if it's not your thing.
Couldn’t resist, take it, Tumblr!
Lers Skid and Pump, Lee Dexter (Happy Fella doll)
Warning: cussing
Word count: 1093
If Dexter had to note one thing about the kids he was stuck with, it’d be that they seemed to be obsessed with tickles.
Nearly every day that he was stuck in the house with them, they’d tickle him half to death, every time making him scared he’d blow his cover. Somehow, the kids never seemed to realize that a doll that not only laughed when being tickled, but also protested, curled up or even tried to push them away, wasn’t a normal doll. But luckily, the kids seemed to be far too dense to realize that.
But, weirdly enough, being subjected to near-daily tickles seemed to make his needs less… intense. Like it was distracting his mind, or like his need for blood was being partially satiated by the playful activity. Which, in a way, made it nice.
And also way easier to say that was why he enjoyed it, and totally not because he enjoyed getting any form of affection.
Tonight, however, he hadn’t been subjected to tickles once. Normally he wouldn’t be worried, except for the fact that he’d overheard Skid and Lila mentioning that Pump would be staying over for the night. Which meant Skid must’ve just been waiting to team up with his best friend to tickle him.
“Pump!” He heard the hyper ravenette call to his friend as he sat on Skid’s bed, pretending to be just an ordinary doll like normal.
“Skid! Hiii!”
“Let’s go play with our happy fella!”
Oh no.
“Have fun, you two,” he heard Lila call to the two bois as they excitedly ran up the stairs, “Dinner will be ready soon, so don’t start a game that’ll last too long, ok?”
“Ok, Mom!” the little ravenette called as he and his friend reached his room.
“What game should we play with the happy fella?” the brunette asked as the two hopped onto the bed.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. We could color, or read him a story, or have a little party!”
“A party for what?”
“Uhm… I dunno, it was an idea.”
“Hmmm… Oh, I know what we can do!”
The fluffball leaned over to whisper in his friend’s ear, but it didn’t take hearing him for Dexter to know what he was suggesting, especially if the way Skid’s eyes lit up was any indication.
“Oooo, good idea!” the ravenette said happily as he grabbed the ‘doll’s’ arm, pulling him close.
“Yeah! Let’s tickle our favorite fella!” Pump practically chirped, confirming his fears.
Of course, Dexter had to drop the doll facade, not that it fazed the two boys, they seemed to accept this as normal.
“Hey hey, no kids, c’mon, you don’t wanna tickle me! Don’t you wanna play some other game?” he tried to reason with the two.
“Uh, but why would we do that?” Pump asked.
“Yeah, other games don’t make you laugh, and we like your laugh, right Pump?” Skid argued.
“Yeah, yeah we do!”
That threw Dexter for a loop.
They like my laugh? Like, my laugh, and not just tickling me? He’d never heard that before, and now he’d just been told so by a couple of random kids. Hell, he didn’t even like his own laugh.
“I… uhm… really?” he didn’t know what else to say. What do you say when two kids tell you they like to tickle you for your laugh? Thanks? He found it way too hard to believe.
“Yeah, of course! Your laugh makes you our happy fella!” Skid hugged Dex close to his chest.
“Plus it’s full of snorts!” Pump added, “It’s really cool!”
“Waitttt, are you trying to distract us?” the little ravenette suddenly accused the doll.
“Wait, no I- I just asked a question, you distracted yourselves!” he reminded them, but they seemed to be having none of it.
“I think he was trying to distract us!” Pump piped up.
“That’s it, no more Mister Nice Skid!”
Dexter let out the most embarrassing, high-pitched squeal followed by a snort when he attempted to protest, the result of Skid squeezing his sides, which a single hand could completely encompass thanks to the former’s now tiny size and lack of bones or internal anatomy. What made it ten times worse, however, was that instead of ever hurting when squeezed too hard, it just tickled more.
This was quickly worsened when Pump decided to attack his belly as well, Dex’s tiny legs attempting to curl up and stop him, but thanks to the doll’s design, it was just as fruitless as ever.
“Hey! Don’t call us mean names!” Skid scolded him.
“And don’t say curse words, you’ll get us in trouble!” Pump added.
“OHOHO FUHU- NOHO NOHO- snort -HOT THEHEHEHERE!!” he tried to defy them, his efforts quickly cut short by Skid digging into his underarms. He couldn’t even tell which spot was worse anymore, they all tickled like hell.
“Hey, Skid, do you think that dolls can feel raspberries?” the brunette suddenly asked his friend, catching the attention of said ‘doll’ between them.
“Hmmm, I dunno. Test it!”
“NOHOHO! WEHE snort CAHAHAN! DOHON’T TEHE- snort -HEST IHIHIHIT!!” Dexter tried to interject, but they didn’t seem to listen, Pump going ahead with his ‘test’.
That test, of course, being blowing the biggest raspberry he could manage on the tiniest’s belly, eliciting some near-silent laughter from him.
However, just after, the tickles stopped completely, and before he knew it he was cozily between two other plushies, giggling his stuffing-filled heart out. He was lucky he didn’t have lungs or tear ducts anymore, meaning no tears to have to wipe away or air to try to replace with deep breaths. He just snuggled up to his inanimate roommates and focused on trying to stop the embarrassing giggles and snorts flowing from his mouth.
“Full of snorts, just like I said!” Pump commented on his laughter with a little grin.
“Yeah! Good job, taking all those tickles, Happy fella!” Skid cheered.
“Shuhuhush… snort” Dexter complained, shoving his face into the side of a red bunny plush as though he was trying to hide his smile.
Skid opened his mouth to make another comment before they all heard Lila call for dinner.
“Yayy, dinner!” the kids chorused as they hopped off the little ravenette’s bed, giggling enthusiastically. Dex peeked over and watched them run out, his giggles finally calming down. He practically melted into the plushies and felt himself falling asleep, something he was only made aware he could do after a tickling like this.
Yep, just another day.
Hey y’all it’s National Tk Day so I’m gonna try to finish my second fic too :>
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dannystheone · 2 months
Welcome home!!! So exciting to hear from you again!
Can I ask what your South Park fic is going to be? Who’s the lee/ler?
Thank you so much! I still can't believe it lmao
Sure! I decided to just put the fic here lol
I had this idea over deployment and I kicked myself cause why didn't I think of it before lol
Here is the mash-up song that is referenced in the fic! I know super last year LMAO stop I haven't been here
also sorry if my formatting is weird and my writing is rusty it's obviously been a while but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless :)
WARNINGS: Cursing, references to SH (self harm) and drinking
Which Song? (Lee/Ler Jersey Shore Kyle/ Lee/Ler Goth Stan) (aged up)
Jersey Shore!Kyle and Goth!Stan are having a sleepover and decided to pull out the karaoke for this one! But which song can they agree on despite their differing tastes?
"Hey, Stan. Stan- Stan. Watch me." Stan looked up begrudgingly to Kyle with one pierced eyebrow raised expectantly. Well, it was a stud glued on to his skin, but he would never admit it. Stan watched as Kyle flipped his black cap backward on his head and donned stylish black shades.
Kyle adopted a stance that showed off his lean yet toned torso and picked up his phone to start taking selfies. Wearing a tight white tank top and Elmo pajama bottoms that hung off his hips, Stan was his complete opposite dressed in all baggy blacks and grays.
"What? I'm watching you make thirst traps? You're gross." Stan rolled his eyes and looked back down at his phone. Alt TikTok was his current addiction. Anyone who danced on Tik-Tok like mindless zombies were posers.
Kyle snorted at his best friend and crossed the room to throw his arm over Stan's shoulders and snapped a photo. It came out blurry as Stan struggled in his grip.
"Ah come on Stan, you're no fun anymore. Come on, you can sing with me." Stan shoved Kyle off as Kyle was already moving to the karaoke machine. Kyle pressed a button on the machine that booted up a song immediately. Kyle tipped his shades down to look at Stan with green-tinted eyes as he pointed at Stan with one hand and held a microphone with his other as the first notes of his song began to play. Stan rolled his eyes once more as he scratched near his eyelid, shedding black eyeshadow in the process.
"Hey, baby girl, what you doin' tonight? I wanna see what you got in stooore~ Giving it your all when you're dancing on me-" Kyle rocked his hips in tune with the music which Stan stifled both a groan and a blush at the same time at that; very confusing.
-"I wanna see if you can gimme some more~ You can be my girl and I can be your man, and we can pump this jam however you waaant~ Pump it from the side pump it upside down-" Kyle lifted one leg onto the couch and started humping the air in tune to the song, to which Stan stood up abruptly and crashed into him to get him to stop.
"Alright alright alright! Quit it!" Stan clicked a button on the machine that paused the song, silence filling its place. Kyle tsked, disappointed as he threw his arms up.
"Dude it was getting good, what the fuck?! Turn it back on." Kyle pressed the button to turn the song back on, but the machine didn't respond. Kyle pressed it a few more times, to no avail, and kicked it out of frustration. "This shit's gahbage. Need to get a new one, it's been acting up lately."
"Or the machine just doesn't want to play your shitty-ass song. Here, I'll show you what real music is. Not this disgusting Disney pop trash." Stan programmed the machine to play a new song, and snagged the microphone from Kyle, but not without a flirtatious wink from Kyle first. Stan's cheeks burned an uncharacteristic red as the first few notes of the song began to play. He began to sing.
"Hey scene slut, I'm still cutting tonight. That's why my wrists are so sooore~" Kyle gave Stan a bewildered look as Stan kept going.
"I know you got a boyfriend, but you're a whore. Everybody drinking, shot glasses on the floor. We be clubbing all night, gimme some more-" Now it was Kyle's turn to shut off the machine. Stan petered out the last few words without the song's help and whirled around to face Kyle.
"Hey, what the hell? It was getting to the good part!" Stan asked angrily. Kyle put his hands on his hips and motioned to Stan.
"You call that music? They're talking about cutting themselves and whores for Christ's sake!" Kyle rose his voice while adjusting his shades, which riled Stan up as well.
"What about your song with you humping the damn air? That's not inappropriate?! Turn it back on, I said." Stan reached to turn the music back on the machine, but Kyle gripped his wrist before he could make it. Stan attempted to wrench his hand back but Kyle kept a firm hold on him.
"Hell no. We either listen to my music or not. I'm not catching your depression from your emo My Chemical Romance crap." That was Stan's final straw. With a growl, Stan launched himself at Kyle and took him to the floor. Kyle's shades and cap were knocked off his head as Stan straddled his hips. Stan knew he'd have to take the advantage as soon as possible because he did NOT have a physical advantage over Kyle. It was a part of the Jersey aesthetic for men to be ripped, and Kyle was indeed that while Stan was...not.
So Stan tore down Kyle's defenses the only way he knew how. Stan started scribbling his fingers in between the spaces of Kyle's lower ribs and sides; Kyle already bubbling up in laughter as he wriggled on the carpet.
"My music is not Emo you wanna-be Jersey Shore copycat. It's better than anything you've ever played!" Stan yelled, his black lipstick staining the corners of his mouth. It's been a while since he touched up his makeup, but that would have to wait. He would have to teach this lesson to Kyle quick before he tried any retaliation.
Kyle's red hair splayed on the carpet as he laughed and tried to grab Stan's wrists. "Pffmt- Stahahan! Stohohop thahat!" Funnily enough, in his laughing fit, his Jersey accent mysteriously disappeared. Kyle's eyes squinted as his smile took up his face; Stan's hand spidering his hard stomach. How could he have this many abs and still be so sensitive, Stan thought distantly.
"No, this is the only way you'll listen. You're not only calling my music Emo, but you also called it crap." Stan's next point was drowned out by Kyle's outpour of laughter as Stan kneaded an exceptionally mean thumb in Kyle's bare hip divet. Wearing his pajama pants so low had its consequences. Kyle's eyes were screwed shut as he was temporarily too weak to fight back."STAhahahan! Gehehehet ohohohoff!" Kyle yelled out and wriggled like a worm on a hook.
"Hmph, your fault for wearing your pants so low. I mean, who does that? It's like you're asking for this to happen. This is why your music and fashion tastes are questionable at best. See, if you would pay attention to any of the Goth Tiktoks I send you, we'd agree a lot more often." Stan grew way too comfortable with the situation in his position. He attempted to hold both of Kyle's wrists in one of his hands, which Kyle easily broke out of.
Kyle's hand shot out to start squeezing the closest part of Stan to him. It was Stan's knee that was exposed through his baggy jeans. Stan yelped and folded to the side, crumbling easily. Kyle popped up and dove in, causing Stan to shriek. Kyle's face was flushed and his curls bounced around his forehead while his fingers squished and kneaded into his best friend.
"W-Wahahait wahait waihait! No nohoho no I'm SAH-! I'm sohohohrry!" Stan fought to bring his knees up to his belly to protect himself, but Kyle found weak spots all over him. He squished Stan's sides, which made Stan cover his sides, and when his hands were out of the way he kneaded into his hips, causing him to squeal.
"Oh, talk about my accent leaving? You raised 3 octaves in your voice! I've never heard you so loud. You know maybe if you spoke up more often, I'd actually care about your opinion on my tastes." Kyle swung a leg around Stan's thighs to force one of them down and attacked his belly with one hand. Stan's tummy was definitely softer than Kyle's, with some chub around his belly button. Which just so happens to be ridiculously ticklish. Stan yelped as Kyle repeatedly squished the patch of chub over and over again.
"KYhyhyhyhle! Stohohohop stohohop stop! Nohohot thehehere!" Kyle was unfazed at his best friend's reaction. He knew when Stan really needed it to stop, and he wasn't nearly there yet.
"Huh, I wonder what would happen if I recorded this and sent it to your uppity black-clothed douchebag friends. You think they would kick you out of their dick-sucking club- GAH!" Stan didn't know how he did it, but he managed to wrench his grip out of Kyle's hold and shoved his hand up Kyle's armpit and started to scribble.
"Youhohohou ahahahasshole! Gehehehet ohohout of thehehere!" Kyle winced as Stan rose higher and shook his hand in the sensitive spot.
"Yeah? Well what if I recorded this and sent it to your orange spray-tanned "5-seconds-of-fame" seeking asshole friends and show them what a poser you are? I'm sure anyone THIS incredibly ticklish couldn't fit in-" Kyle reached forward and gripped Stan's hip and started to knead. Stan fell backward on the carpet of the living room like a felled tree. Kyle smirked at how easy it was to disarm his friend.
"You're one to talk aren't you, huh Cabbage? Well, you won't be talking in a second." Kyle's chain escaped his tank top as he thrust forward and started squishing into Stan's belly. Stan shrieked a manly sound as he started to curl up into his defensive ball.
"Shuhu-ahahaha! Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!" Stan yelled out. Kyle snorted at Stan's attempt at being intimidating. Stan reached out and did what he could. Kyle's chain glinted in his eye as he grabbed the cross and yanked it off Kyle's neck. Stan kept it in a tight grip in his fist and raised it above his head.
Now it was Kyle's turn to roll his eyes as he simply started scratching his fingers in Stan's armpit. Stan instinctively shot his elbow down to save himself as Kyle attempted to pry his fingers open.
"Give that back asshole! It's my only Ed Hardy chain!" As Kyle was distracted trying to get his chain back, Stan reached forward and scribbled his fingers in Kyle's ribs. Kyle winced as he tried his hardest to ignore it, but he couldn't ignore his side getting squished. Kyle let go of Stan's hand and angrily squished Stan's kneecap to get back at him, to which Stan yelped and kicked his leg out reflexively. His Converse-covered foot kicked the glitchy karaoke machine.
Both Stan and Kyle stopped respectively at the loud clank; their hearts beating wildly in their chests. The machine made some whirring sounds, like recording and re-recording and wires getting crossed. Suddenly, a song started to play. The last two songs that were recently played on the machine glitched into one melody.
"Hey baby girl what you doin' tonight?"
"Hey scene slut, I'm still cutting tonight."
"I wanna see what you got in stooore~"
"That's why my wrists are so sooore~"
Kyle looked to Stan; his makeup smeared and his hair tousled. He lost his beanie somewhere in the fight. Stan looked to Kyle, his tank top half drug up and his hair a mess. Stan silently handed Kyle over his chain and shrugged his shoulders.
"This song actually..." Stan started.
"...sounds pretty fucking good." Kyle finished. They both smirked at each other, everything wordlessly forgiven as it always was since they were kids, and picked up the microphone, where they proceeded to sing their hearts out for the rest of the night.
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starlightrosa · 5 months
LEE POMNI PLSS lers jax or ragatha or both maybe they had a sleepover in the circus or pillow fight turned tickle fight <33
Oh anon, that's such a wonderful prompt! I hope you enjoy, my dear :)
Giggly Jester
Summary: A simple pillow fight ends in a very ticklish way for a certain jester.
Word Count: 2.0k
Warning: slight intrusive thoughts for Pomni (in bold, there's only one though)
Enjoy! (First time writing TADC ever, hope u like it my dear :D)
Life in the Digital Circus was… interesting, to say the least. And very… unique characters too. A ringleader with a pair of teeth for a head, a doll who was probably the nicest of the lot, a sarcastic purple bunny, a chess piece who was slowly going insane, a sentient ribbon who cried when her mask was broken, whatever the hell “Zooble” was supposed to be… yes, that was what Pomni was given to work with when she had put on that fateful headset, and was transported to The Amazing Digital Circus.
The ringleader, a guy called Caine, had set up adventures with the whole crew on Pomni’s first day, which consisted of gathering up some creatures called “Gloinks.” Unsurprisingly, Caine’s latest “adventure” wasn’t very well received by any of the Digital Circus members, least of all Pomni. A new girl to the circus and its whimsy wonder, it was very easy for the poor dear to get a bit overwhelmed, and Pomni was trying her best to process in her very colourful room.
That was when Caine popped into existence in her room, scaring the poor jester so much that her jester hat fell off and hit the floor with a comical splat, her little musical bells jangling as they made contact with the ground of her room.
“Wake up, Pomni!”
“AAAH! Oh my God! Caine, don’t do that!” Pomni implored, the jester clutching at her digital chest, feeling her heart pumping beneath the pale skin. Caine tutted and waggled his gloved finger as Pomni picked her hat back up and jammed it back on her head.
“Now, now, Pomni. Don’t be such a jumpy Josie! I just wanted to make sure you’d hear me. Jax and Ragatha would like to meet you at the main stage. They have an idea to help you get acquainted with your new life here in the Digital Circus. And we all know that I, as the ringleader, fully endorse any idea to make you comfortable here.”
“Ragatha and Jax? Oh no…” Pomni muttered. Ragatha was nice, sure… but Jax? That sarcastic lilac rabbit only ever liked to see funny things happen to people, regardless of intentions. Pomni was sure nothing good could come from being with Jax.
“Come along, Pomni! Let us not dilly dally, or dally dilly for that matter!” Caine urged, grabbing Pomni by the waist. With a snap of his gloved fingers, Pomni was transported to the main stage. She felt really dizzy after the fact, her colourful irises whirling about in her head briefly before her vision managed to correct.
She turned around to scold Caine for doing that, but the AI had vanished. Pomni sighed and looked around.
“Ragatha? J-Jax?” Pomni called, walking forward in the dark. Why were the lights off?
“Heads up!” came the only warning call before Pomni’s face met something soft, startling her. BIFF!
The lights clicked on and Pomni looked down to see… a pillow? Just a regular pillow that had been thrown at her. She looked back up to see Ragatha making her way towards her.
“Jax, you didn’t need to do that! You could have hurt her!” the doll scolded.
“Calm your stitches, Ragdoll. It’s only a pillow. Couldn’t hurt the new sucker with one of these if I tried.” Jax muttered, the rabbit’s ear twitching a bit in slight annoyance. He couldn’t do anything fun here, geez.
“You aren’t hurt, are you Pomni?” Ragatha asked, gently searching her face for injury. Pomni shook her head, her nerves hitting her again.
“Why are we here? Why do you have pillows?” Pomni asked, noting that Ragatha was holding one too.
“Hey, Kinger wasn’t using ‘em for once. He’s enjoying his little bug buddies, so me and Ragdoll decided to come up with a plan to make ya relax more.” Jax responded.
“Are you familiar with the concept of a pillow fight, Pomni?” Ragatha gently asked, smiling softly at the jumpy joker with her pinwheel eyes.
Pomni racked her brains. She used to have pillow fights with friends back when she was little. But trying to remember her life in the real, human world was becoming more difficult by the day. Pomni didn’t want to forget, but it seemed like that was an eventuality. She couldn’t even remember her human name.
I don’t wanna forget. But I can’t remember.
“Hey, shortstack. You still in there?” Jax asked, getting bored at Pomni’s long silence. “Don’t tell me we gotta teach her what a pillow fight is.”
“Shut up, Jax. Pomni? You in there?” Ragatha asked, keeping her voice calm. “Pomni, come on out of there. Don’t fall down the rabbit hole again.”
“S-Sorry…” Pomni stammered, coming back to reality again. She already had blushing makeup on her avatar, but Pomni still felt a slight red rush claim her pale face.
“Don’t apologise, Pom. You’re gonna be okay. Promise.” Ragatha smiled, and Pomni felt her shoulders gently untense the tiniest bit. Ragatha was very comforting in this strange world of whimsical wonder.
“This is all so adorable, but can we get this goin’ already?” Jax asked, holding a pillow in his arms.
“Oh yeah. So Pomni, basically this is just a way of goofing off, having fun, y’know? We’re gonna have a pillow fight. Pick up that pillow over there and when I say go, we begin. Okay?”
“Alright, sure…” Pomni said, going to where Ragatha instructed and scooping her feathery weapon off the ground. The pillow felt weirdly comforting in her arms. Maybe she could keep it.
“Alright. And… go!” Ragatha called, the three of them immediately whirling their pillows around. Pomni got a good few shots on Jax because of her smaller height, only for Ragatha to even the score. Feathers were comically flying everywhere, showering the trio in a fluffy rain. Ragatha was giggling, Jax was snickering, and Pomni slowly joined this melody of laughter as they whacked each other with pillows. This was actually… fun!
But feathers tend to stick, my friends. Specifically, tend to stick on clothes. And the first one to feel this was Pomni. She began to feel something lightly brushing at her collarbones and neck. She stopped and put her pillow down to try and pull these feathers from her clothes. Which meant she was no longer on guard.
And Jax hit her with a pillow. But he had sneakily opened his pillowcase and upended the feathers inside Pomni’s clothes. Pomni squeaked and started to wriggle immediately, the feathers brushing and reaching to more places the longer she wriggled.
“Ha! You look like a moulting chicken, shortstack!” Jax teased. Pomni’s laughter grew louder as she could no longer remain standing, the jumpy jester now lying on the floor and giggling to herself as these feathers were stuck deep in her clothes.
Jax chuckled at Pomni’s little predicament. “Welp. Guess that’s feathers one, Pomni zero.”
“Jahahahax! It’s tickling! The f-feheheheathers! They’re tickling mehehe!” Pomni answered back. Ragatha chuckled and put her pillow down, approaching Pomni with Jax in tow.
“C’mere, Pomni. Try to hold still, and we’ll see if we can get these feathers out of your clothes.”
“Ah, c’mon. Can’t we just leave her like this, Ragdoll? It’s much funnier seeing her laugh, you know~” Jax protested, a particularly shrill squeal from Pomni cutting off the next thing he was going to say.
Ragatha wasn’t listening. She gently sat on the left side of Pomni, as Jax took the right side. The two flashed a cheeky smile down at Pomni, as Ragatha saw the amount of feathers stuck in Pomni’s clothes. In her collar, her shirt, her sleeves too. And all the while, Pomni was lost in a world of tickle-induced giggles.
“Hehehelp mehehe!” Pomni begged, causing Ragatha to chuckle as she held Pomni in her arms, while Jax reached for the feathers. He snuck his gloved hands up her shirt and grabbed some of the feathers. He began to slowly drag them down her stomach as he worked to pull them out, taking his sweet time just so he could hear more of Pomni’s laughter.
“Nohohoho, Jahahax! D-Don’t dohohoho thahahat!” Pomni squealed, trying her best to squirm, but Ragatha held her still. Pomni’s legs kicked in an effort to release some of that ticklish energy. Jax just laughed.
“We’re tryin’ to help ya, kid. And you just keep laughin’! What’s so funny, Pomni? Are these feathers t-t-tickling? Are they, Pomni?”
Pomni felt herself blush even more at Jax’s words.
“No teheheheasing!” Pomni squeaked, trying to cover her face. But then Ragatha simply held Pomni’s hands in hers, preventing her from shielding any tickle spots.
“Your smile is adorable, Pom-Pom. Tickle, tickle, giggly jester~” Ragatha cooed, smirking mischievously as Pomni’s laughter increased on hearing the nickname.
Pomni could barely fight back. These feathers tickled like anything, and Jax removing them so slowly was not helping. Pomni was lost in a world of tickly feathers, and she just couldn’t do anything but laugh and half-heartedly squirm in Ragatha’s arms.
Yet somewhere in the back of Pomni’s mind, she supposed this wasn’t the worst thing to happen to her in the circus. Not by a long shot. Compared to everything else that had happened, this was actually… nice.
“Enjoying yourself, Pomni?” Ragatha asked, gently smiling down at her. Pomni nodded, and relaxed in Ragatha’s arms as Jax removed the feathers, pulling the softest, most honey-sweet giggles out of Pomni’s mouth.
“Y-Yeaheheh. It tickles…” Pomni murmured, giggling up a storm. Ragatha smiled.
“I know, Pom-Pom. I know.”
“Got to admit, kid. This is kinda adorable.” Jax continued. “Alright. Flip her over for me, Ragdoll.”
“Not my name, but whatever.” Ragatha muttered, flipping Pomni so the jester now laid on her stomach. The movement made the feathers on Pomni’s back move. Pomni was pretty ticklish on her back, so the jester’s laughter spiked. “AH! They’re ohohon my bahahahack! Ah, gehehet them ohohohout, Jahahax! Please!”
“Goin’ as fast as I can, kid. Just don’t move~” Jax challenged, even as he grabbed one of them, lodged at the top of Pomni’s spine. He gripped the feather and slid it slowly down her spine, enjoying Pomni’s reaction. The jester was absolutely shaking with laughter!
“Ha! Are you kidding, I’m not stopping for anything, kid! You’re so ticklish, it’s hilarious!” Jax fired back, but he still removed the feather. Once that one was out of the way, there was only a few left. But they’d formed a clump. A very ticklish clump, if Pomni’s choked back laughter was anything to go by.
“Ooh, Pomni. Hold on to Ragdoll, this clump is right on your ticklish little back. I’m gonna have to get them all at once. Ready~?” Jax teased, making a show of cracking his knuckles dramatically as he leaned over Pomni’s back, his fingers wiggling in preparation.
Ragatha held Pomni’s sides as Jax dived in, grabbing the ball of feathers and slowly sliding them down Pomni’s back in an effort to pull them out. Pomni pounded her fists on the ground, tears in her eyes from how much it tickled. She squealed and laughed like never before.
Eventually Jax pulled out the clump of feathers, finally giving Pomni some relief from those maddeningly soft tickles. She relaxed and sighed as Ragatha softly ran her hands over Pomni’s back, getting rid of the ghost tickles as she helped the giggly jester up.
“You sure are ticklish, Pomni.” Ragatha chuckled. Jax nodded.
“All that yelling, though. Think I’m deaf.” Jax joked. Pomni rolled her eyes.
Yes, life in the Digital Circus was strange, random, and confusing. But honestly, it felt good for Pomni to laugh and forget her problems for a little, even if that meant being at the mercy of a bunch of feathers in the aftermath of a ferocious pillow fight.
“We gotta do this again. What do you say, shortstack?” Jax asked, smirking. Pomni chuckled and made a non-committal noise as she walked back to her room. When she reached it, she opened her door and laid on her bed, staring back up at the ceiling with a soft smile on her face.
Maybe they could do this again, indeed.
The End! Hope you enjoyed!
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hearted-anon · 5 months
First kid privileges...or not.
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Words: 1217 Note: For @channieissocute125 T/w: None, they're babies Lee: Jisung Ler: Channie
"Come out come out wherever you are Hannie~ I just want to cuddle! Do you not want to cuddle with your precious leader?" A voice of a song rang throughout the hallway, one that was pure of intention, loving, sweet and caring, wanting to hold his dear child in his embraces with warm smiles.
That was what absolute fools would think.
Han knew that tone from the back of his hand, hiding and quaking in a nearby cupboard, praying to the gods above he wouldn't be found. It was another day where Chan simply felt like tickling the living lights out of the younger with the excuse that it was a 'privilege' to receive all the attention, what a blatant lie.
"Y'know it'll be worse if you don't come out..." It was clear that Chan wasn't trying much harder anymore to disguise his sinister intentions, sarcastically loudly humming a tune as he trekked the halls, trying to scare his child more. Jisung hid in giddy anticipation, his cheeks flushing an obvious red even without the light from the cupboard, curling up himself into a ball.
He could hear slightly frustrated groans from the other side of the cupboard, along with soft warbles of annoyance when the leader wasn't fruitful in his search. Han wanted to pump his fist in the air when he felt footsteps retreating his dreaded hiding spot, he felt so victorious!
"Found ya~" Chan hummed with a smile on his face as his swung open the cupboard door, making Jisung shriek with the flush scared out of him. A shiver of anxiety sent down his spine when he saw how ravenous the leader looked, ready to tear him into shreds with an innocent smile to paint over his evil wants.
"Wahahahait! This is unfahahahair! Go awahahhaHAY!" Jisung screeched when he was pulled out of the cupboard in an instant, slumped over the older's shoulder like he weighed nothing more than a feather, pounding his fists on his back as a plead for release. He shook his head when Chan simply giggled in response, walking terrifyingly slow to the leader's room to prolong his upcoming doom.
Tossing him carefully but quickly onto his bed, Chan was faster than lightning to wrap his arms around the younger's waist before he even had the chance to think of where he was, smiling happily down at him. Jisung shrieked and squirmed, eventually slumping when he realised he wasn't going anywhere.
"Did you think I wouldn't catch you, Sungie?" Chan cooes from behind the quokka, nimble fingers digging gently into his sides. Han squeals into giggles, the poor guy trying to squirm to no avail away from the leader's deadly cuddles.
"Yehehehes! Leheheave me alohohone!" Came the reply of an internally happy quokka, actually basking into the attention he was receiving while acting like he hated it, what a hypocrite. Chan knew that all too well however, giggling along with him at the faux response that he got back.
"What lovely giggles for the tickle monster to hear! Are you sure you didn't prepare in advance?" The older teased happily, kneading into Jisung's sides without mercy. He wasn't seeking to take him out, not yet. Chan loved toying with his children more than anything, and it was his specialty when it came to playing tickle monster with his victims.
"Nohoho! Stahahap it!" Came from the younger were squeals and laughter, trying to pry away the claws of a monster that was out to get him, a very cuddly monster perhaps. The leader pouted at the denial, pretending to be actually upset with this response. Feeling guilty, Han felt his heartstrings being tugged at, sighing through his giggles. Sometimes it really did feel like he was the adult in the situation.
"Yehehes, I prehehepared this in advahahahnce..." Jisung shook his head at the ridiculous situation, cracking a genuine smile when Chan's eyes lit up once more, still squeezing at his sides. He felt himself sinking deeper into the older's hold, admiring the Aussie grin that grazed Channie as he took his time in tearing apart the quokka.
"Really? Let me test that, laugh more!" Chan squealed happily, as if a high school girl. At first, Jisung didn't wrap his head around what the leader meant by testing it out, until he felt fingers worming into his armpits, massaging the soft flesh gently. An embarrassingly loud shriek sounded throughout the room, before the younger fell into hysterics.
"ARGHAHAHAH! NOHO NO WAHAHAIT!" The quokka begged, his signature puffy, round cheeks starting to protrude through his wide smile, painted in a red flush. Chan didn't respond, too much focused on his research to really listen in to the younger's pleads for mercy. Both of them were lost in their own world of pure ecstasy, even if that meant screaming his lungs out.
"Why wait? You said you prepared it in advance? Or was my baby lying to me? Y'know what liars get..?" Chan teased lowly, letting his breath brush against Jisung's neck, which elicited quite the squeal from him. Oh poor Han, he wasn't about to know what he was about to experience. He babbled and pleaded for mercy with apologies, arms glued to his side as if they would tear apart if they were moved away from Chan's mischievous fingers wormed right up into his armpits.
"WHAHAHAT?! WHAHAHT DO THEHEHY GEHEHET-! NOHOHO HYUNG!" An ear piercing screech came from the ace as lips attached to his neck, blowing a raspberry that sounded throughout the older's room, sending an electric shock through Jisung's poor body. He stamped his feet into the soft sheets of the bed that creaked in agony, arched his back, scrunched his shoulders but nothing worked to get away from the Aussie that was having a ball.
"They get raspberries, all the raspberries in the world!" Chan exclaimed enthusiastically, cooing over the red tinted cheeks and gummy smile on the quokka's face, split into two with his grin that melted the leader's heart into goo. He latched onto Han's neck as if there was glue, blowing raspberry after raspberry that made Jisung wonder if Chan's cheeks were blue.
There wasn't really much time to think though, as the next moment Han quite literally felt his breath taken away, plunging into silent, hoarse laughter. His squirming got less and less intense with the sensations that sent his body into overdrive, his throat begging for a break as his eyes lidded with tears.
"Alright alright, we're done, you okay Ji?" Chan releases his hold on the younger, laying him down comfortably on the bed. The ace felt warm hands caressing and wiping his tears, the older's hands working in tandem to ensure that aftercare was delivered to his 'child'. From head pats to water to cuddles, everything was checked off the list, now a cuddly wolf engulfing the quokka in tight, safe cuddles.
"Mhm..." A soft hum came from Han, who's eyes once brimmed with tears shut now relaxed into a state of slumber, being cuddled in the big and strong arms of his leader, who was there during his darkest times, and will forever be there during his time of need.
Maybe he didn't mind being the first kid so much after all, if this was the package that came with.
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ticklishly-needy · 11 months
I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t want a female ler to make me ride her strap on while she tickled me. My arms would be tied above my head, my upper body would be free for her to tickle and tease while she made me ride her. It wouldn’t be too hard not to move when I’d be left to squirm and laugh while they toyed around with my body.
It would be so embarrassing to have to face my ler while she praised me for liking it. She’d pump into me faster as my moans and laughter mixed into one another. Once I climax she’d tickle my sensitive nipples as she taunts me for being such a tickle slut who loves to be played with.
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lumerix · 6 months
randomly just posted this
100% Lee
70% Ler
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I mean just look at em
He’s a bad hider and lier when someone tries to tickle him or ask him if he is ticklish and he’ll reply with “n-no! W-what!? I-I uh-“
Let’s his bf Streber tickle him since he is usually the most gentle tickler
Skid and Pump obviously tickle him (occasionally on his bad days)
Not very fond of being tickled
Hearing the word makes him flinch or sit up
He’s very cautious of when or where the tickling will begin
Sometimes will ask Streber to tickle him
Radford tickles the shit outta him ALL. THE. TIME
Has a very squeaky and bubbly laugh.
1 word. Skilled
don’t believe me ask Streber (he’s the one who taught him this) lmao
a teaser
“Aw!! Did I find your tickle spot~? Hehe~“ or “Maybe THIS ONE? Or this one!?”
he’ll go slow and be VERY careful so he doesn’t hurt you.
tickles Streber sometimes when he’s home or when he feels like wreaking his boyfriend
don’t really have anything else to say soooo TIME FOR STREBER
90% LEE
100% LER
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Gets wreaked VERY EASILY
Has very ticklish sides but doesn’t want anyone except Kevin to know
covers himself with his cape
his laugh is also bubbly but more adorable and high pitched
flails or kicks his legs whenever someone touches his weak spot
runs away from Kevin whenever he has a tickling motion on his hands
likes to be teased
Pleads for the ler to stop but secretly wants more
Ethan is usually the one who tickles the life outta him
does that stupid little childish coo sound just to make his lee smile more and beg
gives mercy (sometimes)…
likes to tickle certain spots that he KNOWS can be very sensitive
Uses his teeth to nibble on Kevins
LOVES the sound of his lees squeals
Wiggles his fingers a lot as a warning whats about to happen
Rolls you up in his cape or bear hugs you
Laughs along with you.
can sense how ticklish you are
attacks Kevin mercilessly
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