#spooky month happy fella doll
kanistracotton · 7 months
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eunchancorner · 1 year
Hi! I have a suggestion when you have time/if you want to do it.
So you posted a few asks from crossover-enthusiast about Dexter (in doll form) getting wrecked to pieces by the spooky kids. Would you consider doing a fic about that?
Feel free to ignore this if it's not your thing.
Couldn’t resist, take it, Tumblr!
Lers Skid and Pump, Lee Dexter (Happy Fella doll)
Warning: cussing
Word count: 1093
If Dexter had to note one thing about the kids he was stuck with, it’d be that they seemed to be obsessed with tickles.
Nearly every day that he was stuck in the house with them, they’d tickle him half to death, every time making him scared he’d blow his cover. Somehow, the kids never seemed to realize that a doll that not only laughed when being tickled, but also protested, curled up or even tried to push them away, wasn’t a normal doll. But luckily, the kids seemed to be far too dense to realize that.
But, weirdly enough, being subjected to near-daily tickles seemed to make his needs less… intense. Like it was distracting his mind, or like his need for blood was being partially satiated by the playful activity. Which, in a way, made it nice.
And also way easier to say that was why he enjoyed it, and totally not because he enjoyed getting any form of affection.
Tonight, however, he hadn’t been subjected to tickles once. Normally he wouldn’t be worried, except for the fact that he’d overheard Skid and Lila mentioning that Pump would be staying over for the night. Which meant Skid must’ve just been waiting to team up with his best friend to tickle him.
“Pump!” He heard the hyper ravenette call to his friend as he sat on Skid’s bed, pretending to be just an ordinary doll like normal.
“Skid! Hiii!”
“Let’s go play with our happy fella!”
Oh no.
“Have fun, you two,” he heard Lila call to the two bois as they excitedly ran up the stairs, “Dinner will be ready soon, so don’t start a game that’ll last too long, ok?”
“Ok, Mom!” the little ravenette called as he and his friend reached his room.
“What game should we play with the happy fella?” the brunette asked as the two hopped onto the bed.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. We could color, or read him a story, or have a little party!”
“A party for what?”
“Uhm… I dunno, it was an idea.”
“Hmmm… Oh, I know what we can do!”
The fluffball leaned over to whisper in his friend’s ear, but it didn’t take hearing him for Dexter to know what he was suggesting, especially if the way Skid’s eyes lit up was any indication.
“Oooo, good idea!” the ravenette said happily as he grabbed the ‘doll’s’ arm, pulling him close.
“Yeah! Let’s tickle our favorite fella!” Pump practically chirped, confirming his fears.
Of course, Dexter had to drop the doll facade, not that it fazed the two boys, they seemed to accept this as normal.
“Hey hey, no kids, c’mon, you don’t wanna tickle me! Don’t you wanna play some other game?” he tried to reason with the two.
“Uh, but why would we do that?” Pump asked.
“Yeah, other games don’t make you laugh, and we like your laugh, right Pump?” Skid argued.
“Yeah, yeah we do!”
That threw Dexter for a loop.
They like my laugh? Like, my laugh, and not just tickling me? He’d never heard that before, and now he’d just been told so by a couple of random kids. Hell, he didn’t even like his own laugh.
“I… uhm… really?” he didn’t know what else to say. What do you say when two kids tell you they like to tickle you for your laugh? Thanks? He found it way too hard to believe.
“Yeah, of course! Your laugh makes you our happy fella!” Skid hugged Dex close to his chest.
“Plus it’s full of snorts!” Pump added, “It’s really cool!”
“Waitttt, are you trying to distract us?” the little ravenette suddenly accused the doll.
“Wait, no I- I just asked a question, you distracted yourselves!” he reminded them, but they seemed to be having none of it.
“I think he was trying to distract us!” Pump piped up.
“That’s it, no more Mister Nice Skid!”
Dexter let out the most embarrassing, high-pitched squeal followed by a snort when he attempted to protest, the result of Skid squeezing his sides, which a single hand could completely encompass thanks to the former’s now tiny size and lack of bones or internal anatomy. What made it ten times worse, however, was that instead of ever hurting when squeezed too hard, it just tickled more.
This was quickly worsened when Pump decided to attack his belly as well, Dex’s tiny legs attempting to curl up and stop him, but thanks to the doll’s design, it was just as fruitless as ever.
“Hey! Don’t call us mean names!” Skid scolded him.
“And don’t say curse words, you’ll get us in trouble!” Pump added.
“OHOHO FUHU- NOHO NOHO- snort -HOT THEHEHEHERE!!” he tried to defy them, his efforts quickly cut short by Skid digging into his underarms. He couldn’t even tell which spot was worse anymore, they all tickled like hell.
“Hey, Skid, do you think that dolls can feel raspberries?” the brunette suddenly asked his friend, catching the attention of said ‘doll’ between them.
“Hmmm, I dunno. Test it!”
“NOHOHO! WEHE snort CAHAHAN! DOHON’T TEHE- snort -HEST IHIHIHIT!!” Dexter tried to interject, but they didn’t seem to listen, Pump going ahead with his ‘test’.
That test, of course, being blowing the biggest raspberry he could manage on the tiniest’s belly, eliciting some near-silent laughter from him.
However, just after, the tickles stopped completely, and before he knew it he was cozily between two other plushies, giggling his stuffing-filled heart out. He was lucky he didn’t have lungs or tear ducts anymore, meaning no tears to have to wipe away or air to try to replace with deep breaths. He just snuggled up to his inanimate roommates and focused on trying to stop the embarrassing giggles and snorts flowing from his mouth.
“Full of snorts, just like I said!” Pump commented on his laughter with a little grin.
“Yeah! Good job, taking all those tickles, Happy fella!” Skid cheered.
“Shuhuhush… snort” Dexter complained, shoving his face into the side of a red bunny plush as though he was trying to hide his smile.
Skid opened his mouth to make another comment before they all heard Lila call for dinner.
“Yayy, dinner!” the kids chorused as they hopped off the little ravenette’s bed, giggling enthusiastically. Dex peeked over and watched them run out, his giggles finally calming down. He practically melted into the plushies and felt himself falling asleep, something he was only made aware he could do after a tickling like this.
Yep, just another day.
Hey y’all it’s National Tk Day so I’m gonna try to finish my second fic too :>
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schneeblyjuice · 2 years
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💫BOYS NIIIIIIIGHT💫 running a DTIYS contest on twitter from december 1st to january 1st, head over there to see more :-]
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dismissivedestroyer · 2 months
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I love him so much... He's just a lil guy...
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comidyye · 7 months
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not exxctly a scene redraw but almost at this point. loved added unnecessary details to him, the torn stuffing was a must.. lollipop reminded me of sam (trick r treat) on 1st watch so.. obvious bite mark too
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inkandpaintleopard · 6 months
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i-am-megalodonna · 10 months
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I don't have a witty caption
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redshere · 2 months
Is that dexter spooky month
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dexter-erotoph · 4 months
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dexter nation dont lose hope
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jacenotjason · 6 months
Robert's Fella doodles I made on my phone
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matty-hatter · 19 days
Cackling at this joke doodle I made for a convo on twitter.
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catsockpuppet · 4 days
queers get attacked by possessed doll gremlin ,!!!!!!! 🤯🤯🤯 hwat happens next wil mak you shi t your pants 20 times
can’t believe dex would do that :/
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and, only 20 times?
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Opinions on Lila?
"I don't like her.She wouldn't let me fulfill my needs and she is basically the reason why I couldn't move for who knows how long when I was trapped in that plastic prison."
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"And her attic is musty."
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"So yeah, I don't like her."
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mothxart · 1 year
He’s so fun to draw 🌟
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dismissivedestroyer · 1 month
Also I just. REALLY like the contrast of Dexter's hair looking more like his actual hairstyle as he spirals into insanity, meanwhile Regan GIVES Michelle her old hairstyle back
Regan wants to give Michelle some familiarity. Unfortunately for Michelle, familiarity turns out to be painful
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Very painful.
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comidyye · 7 months
newest to oldest - yoou Can see how ive got better : 3
i also have a bunch of sm ponytown skins id lovve to share + working on drawing bob to the processed ham vid meme
if u wana see a particular sm character .. ask and i MIGHT MAYBE do it No promises!
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